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eer Peres itera siti) AMO SPE OW eee — Toor SNL TT Sacra y Olt Obed Ler TOOLS PaO ee Ce ret PREFACE Whenever makes are stgrant ot weak, when serena ack insite bya when enc the eng “Weal eke heed” fs, there sane stray that aly experiences an ne tha Noh in csc the courage ak hea The aa relivey simple. While the majority ae cheat al Jin enh abide bythe sf the game, ew eee ‘he ery onrone They toe dhe syne ite laws. They saree ever by non the ave nthe tents and fea all ther ciety owing sate of swing pith "Ru src be nin all mets an wt se ad ‘heyday the wacky wo ape exing strane and coset puter as And hy sce cof fc the ks ser esagc counter to the carne pt ling what we ave and aga “an al e's roe make any mbes” ann fr etn, And they na a tht the pros "The exe this te serious Bt all he fete or” qe re Gary Kapa: Seen fam this vewp, eng the kn souldeome rma in the ire — reales of whether hui, aces, ts anand cule a in thesia phere Garment ‘cerfefre, mene the cour to ek sta ancestor 0 atively shape caren ana ey. wie economic and ines condor lea company ces arti indents The view over the Bde 1 Rewemacastuinosieun, we mat poray acoso ec fom yrs ects of iit Vis st es fom ewe the diferent sects shoul ive pins the eprrtnty dew upon de experience of the het ‘There ate Hache rscces and eapeencs of othe oe eke. nthe sina warty of scl dt. Let at lps ove the Mec” an gt to kr the March, Jy 2008 Witold Prof De Nokert Wicker — = RITTAL International al Be ? « “wee C ONQUERING THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET BY BREAKING THE RULES Lads an gener, ay toni fren ma odo someting hat ke: tobe pre (0, to daa with the past ae 0 Sscaver where ve have broken rls and even established new ones, and 0 conser which inionce these major rectors diane na dap iodny boss, Lnrdy evr thnk aout wht we have previous succeeded in dong Instead, lam vn or more by me rouge that “Tosa who do ot tink sbout Te bo done to successtuly shape our future. Because, aera Inthe ight of many thusends of aida! docsters me hing Fitts 47 year stay four base changes of Srocton hanve become seem, changes that I wrod Iie fo Oe ‘att practee, and as a renuncaten of economia gi “Erelesue fer loci contos and power destin an rot be stndadeed. Thay must all be made to reasise, Iced on crowing Empty end tlk encour cannot be oxpated ostant countries, Exe aight charg and the ok of worsport ‘harape ae vacons agit 5. Braking with he raf do wha ou can dy nl? ‘Concontte fly en what can be acnologealy mastered nd'n toms of ranting eel 4 Breaking wih there The fue is sbi we pode he bes indica Before explain in deta how rues have been boken, | wou fst Ike to prow some basi infomation on Rial Tete Fiecin Lot Ges, Caron, the introns operating Fed Loh Group [CFL compos. 18 campanas,‘enployng well ove 12000 prepa. ita, the gest company in the ou, is 8 worsleading evan chameon for enconue ord ie mus be faster a beter than cur camped Wie mist prove ths acu customers day ter dy. Homevar, nowadays wo ood to grove more auch bo- cause ho others ate also gating bate. hs. te tr by cnt ot Soya Mehael Sezurrachen contuoisinowson ncevlop- ing. eressrg serves, evpaing new matet notes ard feng» coprat cate, one tht mpesses by is wing race todo tho very best for he customer Only by foee ‘sans have wat ital ben ata to become # wo a sents eagle peso ‘This fest breaking ofthe res was not based on any sta. toe paring insted. t was simply crven by ge Felker dacs the beach of econome lope: Simo th de that empty a bulky encosures could not bo exgored to distant counties. This would at due tothe freight charges volved and beens of he ik of poesia ¢hrrage dung vans. Fig om the start, was ler 1 us tht the demas of {he Garman make lone ed ot be nought acount forthe quanttes necossary for atte than a gly automated production procodire. Fer is reason, st one ‘or after the company vas founded, we srt on ou. tensheoxpot endonous ut os ey ashe ate 1970, had wocame cent us that Your marketplace the word! Tho hoy questions wos: ' How could roth charges be kept compte? Ho oud ek of age dg ang 1 How coud we convince customers of our answers tothese questions? We wore ale to answer thace qustons with eects, salveaded packaging systems and sophisti asic ‘nce. Iehad abvays boon clas ous that woud no pay deve ‘nda encosures on demand o nda counties. So ‘rah rom the sort wo s000% ou oll partner eam 0s wo wore propre to oak alle the stooge ot ut ‘rac, Hever, ts ase 9a enough open ub the ‘ara astematiely and staan, Thats wy we sta (2 devo moarant pet matats on ou ovm ad at an ‘ory stage In 1971, tho fst Fit ssisary was founded in Sweden. Over the net tee yes, futher swosdvies wee slated fe fow her Ewopean courses. The fs overseas com any. the USA, wos establsnedin 198). Todo thre ae tea of 63 foreign subsides tun operating over one funded delivery contre From the fat hat we plan open thee Toes subst ths ye, ou an See that we oe tod me: “This investment ale proves tit you oe taking Your business how sey. You we hee fo Say” Internationa novation tons ar now ess that we an develop world products This ils saying he ‘won requirements of indus markets, an rprtant ‘quran Tor ou lerae, witch manly operates tore. ‘ora Ofcourse, we ao oer au comprehensive package of ene ‘ces al over ine word. These service recorded fom ‘ive iferentnerratonal sense hubs. With several ed. "ed sence partners, we gv ou customers the aur That we ate present wherever thoy doves can se the resus today We have established costop: limzed modes of delvery, a wall a seate tarapet ackogng concep and pid lites Sonos wich hve esltedn vs dog 70% of au tunes atid Germany 8 shae thai steady rowing. To give you some pres Son mis scale: Last year we prosucod an shigped worivide ene millon ‘ais of our mosblr eelosre system ~ based one patented TS secto, in vats apleatons “he thd vation fhe rales Departure om the pincpe of "D0 what you eon do bes” ‘meaning: concentrating so} on whit we ae iehnolog yin conta of in manufac terms, oo, Una the ea 1980s, we ad concentated exclusively on {he sue of encosues By means of caninvus vena we wer abl to moat such bse requerents es loti safety ah potential equation, protection ages dust ond water, a good sface protection ~ ays ta tothe ital Conary Sogn ot “Sunt to peraeton For the Sotement of intent means: evening everthing ul we have astaed iS, a tho start ofthe 1980 we succeed din deveoping areal rosie oyster based S116 ‘secon. Called “PS 4000, the modu systom was post. wth 9 great dal of enthuses by ou stoners ane ry Soon became a top ser were at ra ate the encour busines was dng very wal, Both rational cd iarnatnaly, even nhowe dye Contemporary suebeses have prevented ite 8 ew pose owg for Detue of fate. the tne, we ater. Wy anya thechangn tat was staring te cecrin he fod ‘conto rogue and measurement” techologes luminous mechanical stcgoat has row been opleced by tectonic componens wth minima space requromonte, Tis has redoced te nee fer enclosure ystems an aed ‘numberof questons: Which new gener condone was stecvoncs creating for enclosure systems ae whi ad {onl tasks needed to bo sted? fd or which ther teh reloges cou ou encour and Mesing Saige be ued? ar a5 lector was conamed, we soon nated that ‘ersly populting with electron components led 1 rmenae hoot robles i encase syst du tothe gh ‘Sssipaton iced. A the sare time, te Systeme were GRowING OR WITHERING AWAY sczting to Riad O'Aven*, the dyna of competion 1 Ghtotsaton Deveson, and ‘The esalshment a tha tert andthe simultaneous a ‘etn of word ade have vtn nr als forte ane ompotton fom a over tha word ae suddenly became ‘bavcost counties in Eastern Europ and to China. The oe {Dishing wos the vaaton oe wget. mary ‘Stop that fas rarely stengthened comearies’ own positions Gremio or thon avy, {rections of ting and at some siago geting wor OU Manages the pesantor tapi te tre tor sed that rs must do everyting ove were that The more tense the eompettn, ‘That's why wo at Rita ve caine th tar “Total Boneh Of Usrsnp TU} What we mean by ti the quan rise, customized logistics and a warkdwe opium eons ors customers a oem ven atecks by posts canbe deo with Thase are 2 Wrage counties, vod the costa of rsearch and desop- ret. Bur we know hat. Ths who fe ating 1 offer ‘heopeeneup products walase ov othe competion the Toco’ of est though ot at he expanse ofa ahr feo. {Gen ou Tatton, noe To make ful use of he "an taco", which has proven to be ona of Germany’ get Suengis. Ne wl have much rater prospects for sucooss Sive range of solutons for the customer's entre Feld of times, Thi f progess trom customer cretion to cus ‘anging rom moduler hig vtomated andar prod ised aceorang to custome emarerents This wy, ove the last fevr year, tal has made ta change fm matg We tok it 5 2 ig compliment tht many knowledgeable Sida in wanting epeaton, by remaring at. "We woul ever have ought you could of” Sc amaeent en Even in or oter main mare, the industri lta up iy business, we Nove developed raw concep lpr MANAGING THE PRESENT OR SHAPING THE FUTURE 1 us, We can benet rm th fact that our comany’s ‘ner, Fade Lon, cmurod Elan Sowa & Sore Salutons. The appeston, when usedin embination th the processing of ital nosis generates demensta be predic effets, Tat s what we presented as 2 that recaved a figh ve ofatenton~eepecy because fy, we need have no fear of ndvigial products beng PROACTIVE OR REACTIVE ‘tr hese fur tear of he se prasnt ees tha peaton of on sre company to st ext fusaray nthe ates? fas nese ny so cov oe tet going by 9 capo cae te cartons vicrmest inven orewae ewes Polessor Hans Hiterhuber* was sgh wen he dined responstietades by the fact that they case nerf ign and exe and pir employs, so enabling them to-eore a snplement new aparuntes, Te nm, ta ‘detonented coopeatin baci fa of the compar ‘sees 35 ow company’s fat copotte pina ste, So what characterises our copoate culture the ral co ‘ahi or campy? Ie our employees, wh expeence ‘he atvacion of von and concns bea potive ss. “ho fasaton of the target rimares new ones tings poopie in motion. So Isso aires the desires of many poeple for raw expoance, poses ed now obec Ines. These desis can empower poole, andthe depart ISalsoahaye an cece rm the vous ute, he pow thm. New ios ae orn rm the dase for change, or ‘he yang fr term, sd rm the ong fo eed and progress. ne end tase doses semana fom ver boas yarn o prove the bie, and teat en thar ves m2 Way such ha persona ststoeton ar apo ross oat othe efor made andl he werk one. ‘A cecand sang stacton aes fom ovisty. Mary rest inventors were people wih + boning ews. cana aout now tings, cutesy to exparment, anda cart 2 ‘ek down esting baer ang to scovr what ipo “tie nth lat analysis People who ste cuious rake overs and tn out moe than hers de sinatons i le: The fest i resignation, “One suenders 0 ore'sfate’,stagating wore st Ingusing, Ard he “Socord form of behavou manests Keo = aggression. ‘hi whan Kf postivaly coral. tresks tho buns of past porfomanee lis, and ean schewe grat things. “To eat economist oneph Schumpeter speaks hae of teers of destacton ‘deal, these atmactons eventual lod oa great dese forthngs now. Andere the dese for things new atacis ee 3 mognet upheavals ae rsked and he courage to berment isos bocause people ~ and especily thar thoughts begin tomore By the way, passion combines al tese hee base py ‘chogeni apoatons. Passion usualy combined wth on _t wiktown, leading oa song focus on rst, OF ‘couse. Tere ae no psn eae ot nova ‘dts so ear that he dose oF meray he readiness: ' tink row tings § Torsk now tings, ant ' Tooccomplih naw tings tases company cure tat provdes the maaton to oso. ame a ned deg force, | have obser, is sss, ital company tht ges As ersioyes the freedom to becrmby fs aracton, scompany that menses pro. ess counting to goals at scores and bong spared on Company PrinciPes ® 1. The determin cooperation of al ar stat rresants 2. We rcopise ne value of eteracion of qusiizaton fencourage and sponsor ou stn tng end ute ee avon, andar stat share nthe overall sues. 3. we egae our customs cass of our eager, press who decide he odors for thoy ae tha movers ond quant of RITTAL (© Our proces rust ote clear adkertages end barf 10 ou cue vata. 4. We must to fstr and battor han ou competes. We mut rove his tour customers everyday. ove and ove aga we must rake» contruous efor to ge new mpes andideas, and vanebte these into logical ond professions 6. Paroc mast of ou day business secues ou exe tenco and onabes Us to meat he changes ofthe faze! 7. Ou am to bud vo 3 ona iStoanpetee mtd ods oat Speedin esto ony rte! 8. Wo conconrato all ou energies towards perect ans fecenomi rditon to marke professional and to sigpy reli! 19 wo ao aware of th respensbity we ber ona the erionment ans ‘te word nwich welve We want ake pat nsheping and erg 10. Swit 10 portctin ur matt and commitment oll FRIEDHELM LOH GROUP. a Bred crc) LRUTTAL

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