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Orions Run Game Design Document

Version 1.3
Overview.................................................................................................................... 1
Gameplay................................................................................................................... 1
Story........................................................................................................................... 1
Art Style & Reference................................................................................................. 2
Environment............................................................................................................ 3
Audio Design.............................................................................................................. 3
Modes......................................................................................................................... 3
Story Mode.............................................................................................................. 3
Levels......................................................................................................................... 4
Procedurally Generated........................................................................................... 4
Procedural Rules for Generating Levels......................................................................4
Level Pieces............................................................................................................. 4
Boss Fights.............................................................................................................. 5
Boss 1.................................................................................................................. 5
Boss 2.................................................................................................................. 6
Boss 3.................................................................................................................. 6
Cut Scene................................................................................................................ 7
Enemies...................................................................................................................... 7
Enemies............................................................................................................... 7
Obstacles............................................................................................................. 7
Chase Enemies..................................................................................................... 8
Scoring.................................................................................................................... 8
Coins....................................................................................................................... 8
Endless Run Mode................................................................................................... 8
Shop........................................................................................................................ 8
Example GDD Always Player 2.

Skins.................................................................................................................... 8
Temporary Boosts................................................................................................. 8
Game Center Integration............................................................................................ 8
Achievements............................................................................................................. 9
Leaderboards.............................................................................................................. 9
Additional Documents................................................................................................ 9

Ver #







Change details
Wrote the first iteration of GDD
+ added new gun mechanic
- Deleted jumping mechanic
+ added more reference art

Orions Run is a platform runner with a color changing mechanic twist. Using
swapping colors players must platform and evade traps and puzzles. In addition
while Orion Run is an endless runner, it does have a story with a feeling of
progression and boss battles. Random levels keep replay level high.
Reference Games: Jetpack Joyride, Canabalt, Zombie Parkour Runner, Flood
Runner 3, Robot Unicorn Attack

Players will control Orion. Orion always runs to the right at a constant speed.
Players tap on the left side of the screen to jump. Tapping jump again in the air will
do a double jump. The double jump height is 1/3 the height of the original jump.
Holding down jump will make Orion jump his maximum jump height. Tapping jump
will make Orion jump lower.

The world is a future world similar to Earth. Technology has advanced yet morality
has decayed, with that to keep the peace, the Order, the name of the unified
government of the world, has been formed and given totalitarian rule over the
world. All machines are powered by the 2 great energies: Fire & Electricity. People
Example GDD Always Player 2.

live with advanced electric and fire powered robots, but are also under the
oppressive rule. Nature exists outside in the countryside, where there is less
technology but much more freedom. People in the industrialized city have sought
ways to advance people and animals, but to do this they need subjects to
experiment on. Orion and his wife were living in the countryside as musicians when
the Order arrived to capture them. Orion was able to escape but his wife was taken.
Able to harness the two great energies, Orion begins his run to save his wife.

Art Style & Reference

The art style of Orions Run is a steam punk meets modern Greece world that is
separated into fire and electricity. Everything has a highly stylized but a blue and
red theme. All enemies need to be separated into blue (electricity) or red (fire).
The platforms need to be neutral, blue, or red. The feelings of the art should
convey sad, melancholy, and oppression, as you try to run to freedom and a better

The background of the world is steam punk, dark and white theme. It should swap
from city to country as X runs to escape. There would be 3 background
envinroments, city, suburb, country. As the game progresses, X moves through
these environments. Once past the country section, the levels repeat to make an
endless runner.

Example GDD Always Player 2.

Story Mode
Story mode is a non-stop running mode, where players will play until the die. This
mode tests how long a person can run. They will be measured in distance traveled
and score. Even though it is endless, it will be broken into 3 sections based on
distance. As a player progresses past a certain distance, the background will
change and the environment will change. At these distance points there will be a
boss that X will fight. When defeated the game will pause and play a tiny
cutscene. The game will then continue on. After the 3 rd level, and watching the 3rd
cutscene, the game will just continue on and repeat. The levels will be procedurally
generated and random.

Procedurally Generated
Levels will be procedurally generated up to the boss encounters, giving players a
random level every time they play. These levels will be made up by different pieces
that will be pieced together to make the level. The boss fight at the end of each
section will always be the same.

Procedural Rules for Generating Levels

Platforms will always have a total of 7 levels from high to low. Level 1 is the bottom
level and 7 is the highest.
Game will always start on Level 4. The middle level.
Game will always start on a long platform of a neutral color
The next platforms height can not be 2 above, from low to high, because the player
can only jump 1 level. It can be from high to low as many as possible.

Level Pieces
Levels will be procedurally generated mode. The floors of each level can be three
colors: sepia (neutral), black, or white.

Example GDD Always Player 2.

Example GDD Always Player 2.

Additional Documents
Level Up Table
Economy / Store Table
Dialogue Script

Example GDD Always Player 2.

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