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ABE International Business College

RCS Bldg., Alab-Zap. Rd., Las Pias City

Case #: 26
I Am Just a Part timer
Case Type:

Issue Case

Main Subjects:

Coaching, Motivation, Rewards, Work System

Whos Who: Betty Chu, Human Resources Manager

Leslie Rudick, Candidate

Betty, from Human Resources called Leslie this morning. I am
delighted to inform you that we can offer you now a part-time position at
the front desk.
Great, answered Leslie, Ive finished my midterms, I cant wait to
this weekend job.
Alright, the next step for you is to attend our two-day orientation on
Monday and Tuesday next week, explained Betty.

Total Quality Management

Case Analysis 101

ABE International Business College

RCS Bldg., Alab-Zap. Rd., Las Pias City
Oops, answered Leslie, I have classes on both these days and I
cannot miss more classes.
You know Leslie, without completing the orientation you may not be
employed in this hotel. Would you like to call me back? Betty said.
For Leslie, this front desk position was only a stopover in her pursuit
of a career elsewhere. But she considered herself a hard-working and
productive individual. Leslie, had various short-time positions in the past, and
Bettys call provoked the usual feeling of being a temporary worker who is
easily replaceable.

Root Cause Analysis:

Leslie have a conflict schedule about her classes in school and orientation for her
Leslie has lock of time management for herself.
Leslie know first what is really her priorities in life.
Leslie, had various short-time positions in the past.
Betty, from Human Resources does not being strictly hired to those temporary
worker who easily turnover.


She must choose her priorities and have a time management for herself , because
of that she can find ways to attend the Orientations at the same time she can also
attend her classes.
There is a possibility that when she dont have a time management for herself,
when its come to her classes in school she cant attend every meetings so that she
can have a low grades or a failure to her subject, when its come to her work there
is a possibility that she cant handle the situation that may cause of having a low
productivity in work. So that she must think it first if she really can handle it and
choose what is really her priority in life, to studying or to work.
Once she will hired in the Royal Hotel as a part timer, there is a possibility that
Leslie cant handle the job that they assign to her so that she will just easily
turnover. So before doing anything know your priorities first.

Total Quality Management

Case Analysis 101

ABE International Business College

RCS Bldg., Alab-Zap. Rd., Las Pias City

Corrective Action:

The hotel must give recommendation for the part timer.

Leslie should choose her priorities to avoid conflicts such as school and work
Leslie must have a time management for herself.
The hotel must strictly provide guidelines for the part timers such as time
availability and setting priorities..

Conclusion/ Realization:

After analyzing the case analysis Ill be more responsible about the things that I
should do. Especially when its come to decision making I should think it first if I
can really handle the situation and know what is really my priority. And have a
time management before doing anything so that I can manage my time and effort.

Name of Student: Danilo M. Salamante III Student Number: 1500149200

Yr and Course: A3 BSHRM

Permit No.:MT0116170319

Date Presented: July 22, 2016

Signature of Students: _________________________
Grading Criteria:

Raw Score

Quality of work






Ability to defend



Final Grade: _____

Evaluated by: Ronel A. Villacruz

Signature of Evaluator: _________________________________

Total Quality Management

Case Analysis 101

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