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Value Sets

Defining Value Sets

1. Navigate to the Value Sets window
System Administrator  Application  Validation  Sets.

2. Enter a unique name for this value set

3. Specify the List Type for your value set.
Choose List of Values if your value set should not provide the LongList feature in Oracle Forms
applications. A user will not see a poplist in Oracle Self-Service applications.
Choose Long List of Values if your value set should provide the LongList feature in Oracle Forms
Applications. The LongList feature requires a user to enter a partial segment value before the list of
values retrieves all available values. You may not enable LongList for a value set that has a validation
type of None. A user will not see a poplist in Oracle Self-Service applications.
Choose Poplist if your value set should not provide the LongList feature in Oracle Forms applications,
but should provide a poplist in Oracle Self-Service applications.
Here are guidelines for the List Type field:

Poplist - fewer than 10 values expected

List of Values - between 10 and 200 values expected

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Value Sets

Long List of Values - more than 200 values expected

4. Specify the Security Type you plan to use with any segments that use this value set. Security does
not apply to value sets of validation type None, Special, or Pair.

Note: Flexfield value security is not available for Translatable Independent and Translatable
Dependent value sets.
The possible security types are:

No Security - All security is disabled for this value set.

Hierarchical Security - Hierarchical security is enabled. With hierarchical security, the features
of value security and value hierarchies are combined. With this feature any security rule that
applies to a parent value also applies to its child values.

Warning: Within a hierarchical tree of values, a value is subject to a security rule if any parent above
it is subject to that security rule.

Non-Hierarchical Security - Security is enabled, but the rules of hierarchical security do not
apply. That is, a security rule that applies to a parent value does not "cascade down" to its child

5. Enter the type of format you want to use for your segment values. Valid choices include: Char,
Date, DateTime, Number, Standard Date, Standard DateTime, and Time.
Note: Translatable Independent and Translatable Dependent value sets must have the Char format.
6. Enter formatting information appropriate to your format type, including information such as
whether your values should include numbers only and whether they must fall within a certain range.
Note: The maximum size for Translatable Independent and Translatable Dependent value set values is
150. You cannot use the Numbers Only feature or the Right-Justify and Zero-fill feature with
translatable value sets.
7. Select your validation type: Independent, Dependent, Table, None (non-validated), Special, Pair,
Translatable Independent, or Translatable Dependent
8. If you are creating a Dependent, Translatable Dependent, Table, Special or Pair value set, choose
the Edit Information button to open the appropriate window. Enter any further information required for
your validation type.
9. Save your changes.
To define validation table information:

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Value Sets

1. Enter the name of the application with which your validation table is registered. Application name
and table name uniquely identify your table.
If you plan to display columns from more than one table in your list of values, you should leave this
field blank, since it is effectively ignored in this case.
2. Enter the name of an application table, view or synonym you want to use as a validation table. If
your table is not registered with Oracle Applications, you should type in the entire name of the table
you wish to use.
You can define your value set to display several columns, and these columns may be in different
tables. If your columns exist in different tables, you must specify more than one table name, separated
by commas, in this field. You may use table aliases if desired. For example, you might enter the
following information in this field (using two tables):
fnd_form f, fnd_application a

Then, in the Value Column, Description Column, Hidden ID Column, WHERE / ORDER BY, and
Additional Columns fields, you would use the corresponding table aliases (for a WHERE clause):
where f.application_id = a.application_id

3. Enter the name of the column in your validation table that contains values you want to use to
validate a value a user enters for a flexfield segment or a report parameter.
Your selection of available columns depends on the Format Type you specify, and doesn't necessarily
match your Format Type. For example, if you specify a Format Type of Standard Date, you select
from those columns that have been registered as Date or Char type columns. Similarly, if you specify a
Format Type of Number, you select from only those columns that have been registered as Number or

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Value Sets
Char type columns. If you specify a format type of Character, however, you see only columns of type
Char. The format type you specify in the Format Type field is the format for the segment or parameter
You may use a SQL expression in place of a column name, but you may not use any special bind
Note: If possible, avoid using a SQL expression in place of a column name because support for SQL
expressions will be obsolete in a future release.
4. Enter the name of the column in your validation table that contains descriptions for the values in the
Value Column. If you leave this field blank, your value set automatically uses the value column as the
description column (but does not display it twice).
Your flexfield or report parameter window displays a meaning from this column when you enter the
corresponding value for a flexfield segment or report parameter.
5. Enter the name of the column in your validation table that contains values you want to use to
validate a value a user enters for a flexfield segment or a report parameter, but that you do not want to
display for the user.
If you specify a hidden ID column in addition to your value column, the flexfield saves your hidden ID
value, instead of the value from the value column, in the segment column (in your ATTRIBUTEnn
column or SEGMENTnn column) of the underlying flexfield table.
Attention: Do not specify a hidden ID column for value sets you use with your Accounting Flexfield
or most other key flexfields.
If you specify a hidden ID column in addition to your value column, the report parameter window
passes your hidden ID value, instead of the value from the value column, to your report.
6. Enter a SQL WHERE clause or an ORDER BY clause, or both.
7. Enter any additional columns you want to display for a segment that uses this value set. These are
columns other than the columns you specify for Value Column, Description Column, or Hidden ID
8. Indicate whether to allow parent values to be stored in the Oracle Application Object Library
FND_FLEX_VALUES table and displayed in the list for a segment that uses this value set.

Column Type Fields

The three Type fields automatically display the types of the columns you select. You should never
change the displayed column types.
If you specify a SQL expression (or a column in a non-registered table) in a Column field instead of a
registered single column name, you must specify the type of value (character, number, or date) you
expect your expression to return. You must specify the type because this window cannot retrieve this
information for a "column name" that is not a registered single column.

Column Size Fields

The three Size fields automatically display the sizes of the columns you select.

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Value Sets
If you do not specify a hidden ID column, Oracle Applications uses the value set maximum size to
determine if a value can fit in the underlying flexfield segment column. The maximum size for your
value set changes automatically to the column size you specify in the Size field for the Value column.
If the value cannot fit, you cannot use your value set when you define a flexfield segment.
If you use a hidden ID column, the size you specify for the hidden ID column becomes the "effective"
maximum size for this value set for a flexfield, since Oracle Applications uses the size of the hidden
ID column to determine if a value can fit in the underlying flexfield segment column. If the value
cannot fit, you cannot use your value set when you define a flexfield segment.
Generally, you should avoid changing the displayed column size. However, in some cases you may
want to change it if you want to use this value set for a flexfield whose underlying column size is less
than the actual size of your value (or hidden ID) column in the validation table. For example, if you
are using a lookup code column of a lookup table (List of Values), and you know that all of your
lookup codes are two characters long or less, you may want to specify 2, even though the column in
the lookups table can actually contain 30 characters. You can then use this value set for a flexfield
whose underlying segment column size is between 2 and 30.
You may only change the displayed size for a column if you know that the maximum size of the
values in that column will always be equal to or shorter than the length you specify in this field. You
should not attempt to "trick" Oracle Applications by specifying a size that is smaller than your actual
potential value size, since you may cause data truncation errors, "value not defined" errors, or other
If you specify a SQL expression (or a column in a non-registered table) in a Column field instead of
specifying a registered single column name, you must specify the length of the value (size) you expect
your expression to return. You must specify the size because this window cannot retrieve this
information automatically for a "column name" that is not a registered single column.


Use a SQL WHERE clause to limit the set of valid values to a subset of the values in the table. For
example, if you have a table that contains values and meanings for all of your employees but you only
want to validate against entries for employees located in California, you can enter a SQL WHERE
clause that limits valid values to those rows WHERE LOCATION = 'CALIFORNIA'. You may want
to choose your value set name to reflect the limitation, such as "California Employees" for this
Use an ORDER BY clause to ensure that your values appear in a non-standard order in your list of
values on a segment that uses your value set. The "standard" order depends on the format type for your
value set. For example, if you have a table containing the days of the week, you might want the list of
values to display them in the chronological order "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ..." instead of in the
alphabetical order "Friday, Monday, Saturday, ..." that would be used for a Character format type
value set. To display them in chronological order, you might have a second column in your table
(which you might also use as the hidden value column) that identifies each day by a number. So, if you

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Value Sets
call that column of numbers DAY_CODE, your ORDER BY clause would be ORDER BY
Warning: You should not use a WHERE clause and/or ORDER BY clause at all for a value set you
intend to use with the Accounting Flexfield. In general, you may use a WHERE clause and/or an
ORDER BY clause for validation tables you intend to use with key flexfields other than the
Accounting Flexfield.
If you use a WHERE clause you must have the word "WHERE" as the first word of the clause. If you
use ORDER BY, you must have the words "ORDER BY" in the clause.
You may not use HAVING or GROUP BY in your clause. You may not use UNION, INTERSECT,
MINUS, PLUS, or other set operators in your clause, unless they are within a subquery.
You should always include the table names or aliases in your clause when you refer to a column, even
if you are using only one validation table and have not used an alias for that table in the Table Name
field. For example, you might enter:
where f.application_id = a.application_id

where form_table_name.application_id =

You can use special variables in your WHERE clause that allow you to base your values on other
values. The special variables you can use include

:$PROFILES$.profile_option_ name

Warning: The :block.field mechanism is present for backward compatibility only. Value sets that use
this mechanism will not be compatible with a future release of Oracle Applications.

Additional Columns Field

What you specify here should be of the general syntax:

"Column Title Alias"(width)

where either the column title alias or the width is optional. If you specify only the SQL fragment but
no alias or width, your column does not show up. You can specify several such expressions, separated
by commas, as follows:
column_name_1 "Column 1 Title"(width), column_name_2 "Column 2 Title"(width), ...

Oracle Application Developer Track

Value Sets
You can also use message names as alias names, this functionality allows for ease of translation of
column titles. The syntax for using a message name as an alias name is:
sql_expression_such_as_message name "APPL=<Application Short Name>;NAME=<Message

You should specify the column widths you want to display. You can use (*) to specify a column
whose display width depends on the values it contains. You should always use an alias for any SQL
expression that is not a simple column name. For value sets that use multiple tables, you should always
include the table aliases in your column names. For example:
f.user_form_name "Form Title"(30), a.application_name "Application Name"(*)

If the segment or parameter is displayed, the Value Column appears with the parameter or segment
prompt as the column title.
You can include more complex SQL fragments, such as concatenated column names and constants.
For example:
f.user_form_name "Form Title"(30),
'Uses table: ' || t.user_table_name "Table Used"(30)

Allow Parent Values Field

If you allow parent values, you can create them for the values in your validation table using the
Segment Values window.
Suggestion: We recommend that you allow parent values for segments in your Accounting Flexfield.
Parent values are used to create summary accounts and to increase the productivity of Oracle
Applications. However, we recommend that you do not allow parent values for other value sets.
Allowing them for other value sets may have an adverse performance impact because the flexfield
must validate against the union of the values in your table and the related values in the
FND_FLEX_VALUES table and use an extra query for normal validation. For example, if a user uses
the list of values on the segment, the list must retrieve the values from both tables.
If you specify additional columns in the Additional Columns field, or you specify a hidden ID column
in the Hidden ID Column field, or you have a SUMMARY_FLAG column in your validation table,
you must specify No in this field.

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