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FACILITIES LAYOUT & MATERIAL HANDLING II Assignment 3 891 352 Group Project Practical 07 October 2016 GROUP 4 MEMBERS Refilwe Likhoeli # 53851994 Tamsen Raath # 53764739 Eksteen Roux # 53959981 Ronald Mukosera 1455251 Andre De Beer #54489148 Gary Wittstock #54412527 STUDENT NAME: ‘Student Number: Index 1. Minutes of Meeting a. 26 June 2016 b. 14 August 2016 ©. 25 September 2016 2. Product Design a. Initial Design Assessment b. Final Design Assessment i. Drawings 3. Parts List a, Monthly and 6-month forecast i. Optimal Stock Levels and reorder points 4, Assembly Process a. Precedence Diagram i. Body Shop (Main Frame) Assembly Chassis Assembly Paint Shop iv. Final Assembly (Trim Assembly) . Machine Specifications 5. Plant Layout a. Plant Layout b. Stores Layout 6. Manufacturing Decision Process 7. Financial Details a. Capital Budget Breakdown b. Financial Running Costs 8. References

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