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TO: Interested Parties

FROM: Kevin Artl, Campaign Manager - Kirk for Senate

RE: Illinois Statewide Polling
DATE: 10.6.16

GS Strategy Group surveyed 600 likely voters, statewide, in Illinois. The survey was conducted
October 4-5, 2016. The margin of error for the survey was +/- 4.0% at the 95% confidence

United States Senate Ballot

Our findings indicate a much tighter battle in the race for United States Senate than the most
recently released numbers from our opponent. As has been the case for over a year, the race
remains a statistical tie and inside the margin of error. While Congresswoman Duckworth
maintains a lead over Senator Kirk, he is well within striking distance of her. Duckworths
inability to capitalize on the Democratic strength in the Presidential ballot underscores voter
apprehension toward her candidacy and provides a path to victory for Senator Kirk.
Key Highlights

Race remains a statistical tie consistent with nearly every other public poll.
Kirk is outperforming Trump by a net of 13 points.
Duckworth continues to significantly underperform the top of the ticket.

Bottom Line: As Duckworths failed record on veterans care continues to play out in both the
earned and paid media, her impression continues to suffer and she continues to lose ground
among independent voters. In contrast, Kirk continues to be viewed by voters as an
independent, effective Senator. At the end of the day, Illinois voters will choose the candidate
they know is independent and works hard for them every day in Washington. That candidate is
Mark Kirk.

Kirk for Senate | PO Box 2594 | Chicago, IL 60690

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