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Iver Village Infant School Newsletter

Friday 7th October 2016

Caring, growing, learning in the heart of our community

Thank you for your big-hearted donations for

our Harvest Festival. We had a wonderful
time at church and Slough Homeless Our
Concern is extremely grateful for our generous offering to support the work it carries out.

Are you taking 10 minutes every day to read to your child?

By working together, we can prepare children to be successful readers and enjoy reading for a
lifetime. Thank you to all those family members who regularly read for 10 minutes with their
child at home. It really makes all the difference to your childs confidence and progress.
With this in mind, we are very excited to be launching our reading racoon competition where
children are rewarded for reading and every book counts!
Every time your child reads at home and their reading record is signed they will be awarded a sticker or stamp on their
Once your child has read 25 books they will be awarded the Bronze reading racoon, 50 books
will earn the Silver award, 100 books for the Gold award and finally at 150 books they will be
awarded the Platinum award. Look out for your childs book mark in their reading book.

As the days are turning

colder please make sure
your child comes to school
with a named coat.

Gates open at 8.45am and

children need to be in their class,
ready to learn, by 8.55. Dont
forget we have our breakfast
club and crocodile walk to help
get your child to school on time.

FISA AGM FISA will be holding

their AGM on Monday 10th October
at the Iver Village Junior School.
The evening will start at 7.15pm and
all parents are welcome to attend.
Parent Governor Wanted
If you are a parent of a pupil at the school
would you like to know more about the
role? School governors are people who want
to make a positive contribution to childrens
The Governing Body has a key role in the development and
oversight of the school. It is Governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools, and who work with the
Headteacher to make the tough decisions about balancing
The Governing Body does not get involved with the day to day
running of the school which is the responsibility of the
We have six meetings a year and some governors also attend
committee meetings, for example, Curriculum and
Finance. Training is available, both introductory and for more
specialised topics.
We have one vacancy.
For more information please speak to our current parent
Governors - Mrs Honeyman or Mrs Lester, speak to the School
Office or contact Ms Woodcock for a chat about the role. We
look forward to hearing from you!
Joyce Young
Chair of Governing Body

It is essential that the correct P.E. kit is in

school at all times so that your child is ready
for sports.
P.E. kit can either be school maroon shorts
and a white T-shirt or a coloured T-shirt
and shorts. Plimsolls or trainers may be worn.
No football kit please.

Book Bags Thank you for

your support with the
small and perfectly formed
book bag. However there
are still some larger bags
in evidence which will not fit into the
drawers. New book bags will be available
this week.

We all know that water is important for

us to function effectively. Therefore,
can you please ensure that your child
has a water bottle in school that contains only water. No juice or fizzy
drinks please. If your child does not
have a water bottle in school they can
use the drinking fountain.

Dates for your diary

24.10.1628.10.16Half term
8.11.16 : 9.10 - Oak class assembly
8.11.16 and 10. 11.16 Parents evening
15.11.16 : 9.10 Maple class assembly
22.11.16 : 9.10 - Willow class assembly
29.11.16: 9.10 - Reception class assembly
15.12.16: 9.30 - Reception nativity
16.12.16 : 2.00 - Christmas song performance.
19.12.16 : 9.15 - Christmas song performance.

Iver Village Infant School, Grange way , Iver, SL0 9NT.

Tel: 01753655104 Email :
Headteacher: Ms Sam Woodcock Chair of Governors: Mrs Joyce Young

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