College of Criminal Justice Education: Refuses To Apologize To Hongkong Government"

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Buyagan, Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet

: LEA7
: Police Operational Planning
: 11:30 12:30
: Carame, Reagan C.
: Sir Jaylo Lacaden
(Hostage taking by Rolando Mendoza)

Me, as a criminology student, really dont understand why this hostage taking situation that
should had have been handled successfully became what a part of action-drama film seasoned
with a little comedy.
Watching the video clips of the crisis in youtube, I cant stop myself from grinding my teeth out
of distress especially when Mendoza started shooting his hostages after witnessing his brother
being arrested by the Police. Luckily, I was able to stop myself from going into outburst, else,
people around me in the computer shop will think I am going crazy.
I guess for me, in my on view, I do not blame the Police and SWATs involved in the operation
because they were just doing what they are told to do. I blame their boss - the one giving them
the orders. I also blame the chief negotiators, the Ombudsman, the Mayor of the place during
that time who also had a role and especially the media who broadcast everything without first
thinking the might-be-consequences
The Chief-Of-Command in the operation, whomever he is.. (Hello ex-president) Shame on him.
What most annoyed me is during the aftermath of the crisis, when I saw the grinning and smiling
face of president Aquino in the television and saw the text below that reads : President Aquino
refuses to apologize to hongkong government
Hmm, if that is true.. what the hell? What is the cost of not giving apology to them after one of
his people savagely killed their people. Well whatever the presidents reason at that time, I dont
About on the side of the perpetuator, I dont consent Mendozas acts. But I pity him because he
was a victim of our evil Government. You put a good man down out of your crab mentality,
remove him from the service, cancel his lifetime benefits, lifetime pension etc.. and thats what
going to happen. Thuglife Yes, thats the term I want to call it. Thats the reason why I also
consider Mendoza a victim. Victim in the sake that he did that gruesome act to show the world
whats it like to be out of service unfairly. I also give symphaty to his family because they loss a
family member, given criticism and a bad name. Also, I symphatized Mendozas hostages who
became the casualties of the tragedy. And mostly, I symphatized our government, especially our
past administration who doesnt know how to handle situations like this. Lord, forgive them for
they do not know what they are doing.

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