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Robert R. Desmarais Jr., PE

313 W Liberty St, Ste 101, Lancaster, PA 17603
Ph: 717.617.2725 Email:

October 5, 2016
Mr. Howard Henry
Howard Tire and Auto
205 South Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA 17104
Structural Stability
Project No: 03080
Mr. Henry
Thank you for engaging me to provide structural engineering consulting. You are
seeking advice regarding the structural repair recommendations outlined in your insurance
carrier's report. I've visited your property on September 27, 2016.
A retaining wall failure east of your building has resulted in damage and loss of use to a
portion of your property. The events and findings have been provided to me in three reports
listed at the end of this letter. The purpose of my review of these reports is not to determine,
confirm, or posit the causes of the retaining wall failure.
I have reviewed the reports to assess the feasibility of the repair recommendations made
in your insurance carrier's report. The recommended action is to repair and/or replace portions of
the common structural retaining/bearing wall that forms the east line of your building and the
west line of the adjacent Hoa Le building. I find the recommendation to be reasonable and will
present my opinion on the feasibility in a subsequent letter.
I need to bring to your attention the findings of the report prepared by Mr. Bruce Ensor,
PE of BE Structural, PC. This report was prepared for Primavera Properties, owner or agent of
the McFarland Building. The McFarland Building is west of your and the Hoa Le building. Mr.
Ensor noted some structural conditions of the McFarland Building. He also noted an apparent
structural connection between the Hoa Le building and the McFarland Building. I did not
observe the conditions within the McFarland Building that are cited in Mr. Ensor's report. I did
observe the conditions of the Hoa Le building and the apparent structural connection between the
McFarland Building and the Hoa Le building.
I have contacted Mr. Ensor to discuss my observations and to clarify his
recommendations for structural repairs of the McFarland Building. I concur with Mr. Ensor's
concerns regarding the stability of the McFarland building west facade, and the possible
foundation support deterioration due to water infiltration from the Primavera Properties buildings
and the exposed grades at the collapsed retaining wall. I inquired of Mr. Ensor if he was aware if
Primavera Properties has taken action on any of his structural repair recommendations. He
stated he was not aware that any of his recommendations have been addressed.

Mr. Howard Henry

Project No. 03080

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I have considered my discussion with Mr. Ensor, my observations made at the time of my
site visit, and the structural connection of the Hoa Le building with both the McFarland Building
and your building.
I am concerned that the potential for failure of the McFarland Building facade is an
imminent danger to the Hoa Le building and your building unless immediate action is taken to
address the water infiltration, and the structural concerns and recommended repairs cited in Mr.
Ensor's report. I am concerned that there is potential loss of life from the potential for failure of
the McFarland Building facade.
I am recommending you discontinue the occupancy of your building until the conditions
noted by Mr. Ensor and myself are addressed in a suitable manner.


Robert R. Desmarais Jr., PE

Reference Documents:
Electronic copy of report prepared by BE Structural, PC dated May 10, 2016 on behalf of Primavera Properties
"Final Structural Letter 1139 Mulberry St Harrisburg PA 17104 bce.pdf"
"Photo Report 1139 Mulberry St Harrisburg PA 17104 Camera A.pdf"
"Photo Report 1139 Mulberry St Harrisburg PA 17104 Camera B.pdf"
Hard copy of report prepared by Kenneth B. Robinson, PE of Kenneth B Robinson & Associates dated July 1, 2016
on behalf of Mr. Howard Henry
"Re:16055 - Howard Tire & Auto Roof Damage Evaluation"
Hard copy of report prepared by David R. Daniels, PE of Paul Zamrowski Associates, Inc. dated June 26, 2016 on
behalf of Erie Insurance
"Engineering Report/Howard Henry/Landslide/Date of Loss: June 26, 2016"

cc: Mr. Mark G. Wendaur IV, Wendaur Law, LLC (via email)
Mr. Bruce Ensor, PE, BE Structural, PC (via email)
City of Harrisburg Codes Bureau (via post)

This review has been performed applying a reasonable standard of care typical for structural engineers practicing in
this field in this jurisdiction.

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