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Herbert, David T. aNd Harries D. Keith: Area Based
Policies for Crime Prevention in Applied Geography,
vol. .No., oct. . pp. .
- Emile Durkheim, The Division of Labor in Society.
The Free Press, New York, , pp. .

() (


Davidson, R.N., Crime and Development, :
Croom Helm, LTD., st., John's Road, London
Sw II, .

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Generation of Corruption

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" " Huntington





) Huntington, S. P. Modernization and Corruption, in
Heidenheimer, A,j., Political Corruption, Reading in
CompaRative ANalysis, Holt, Rinehart, N. Y., , p.
Mcmullan, M., A Theory of Corruption, American
Sociological Review, N.G: , p. .

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Joseph Nye


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Nathaniel Leff

Carl Friedrich




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Huntington "

- R. wrlth E.

Simpikins "


R. Telman "

.. ").(

) Huntingon, S.P., Modernization and Corruption, op.

cit., P
) Wraith, R., and Simpkins, E., Corruption in
dereloping Countries, New York, Noton,

) Telman R., Emergene of Black Market Buseaucracy,

admioistration development of Corruption in New
States, Public Administration Review, Sep. .



Joseph Nye "


- Nathaniel Leff







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( . :



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) Braibanti, Ralph, Reflection in Bureaucratic

Corruption, Public Administration, Vol. , Winter,




.. .




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) ( "

) (

)Telman R., Emeregence of Black Market

Bureaucracy, op. cit., P. .

) Braibanty, Ralph, Reflection in Bureaucratic

corruption, op. cit.




Economic development

" Economic
) Progress(

) H.W. Arndt, "Economic Development: Asemantic

History" Economic Devlopment and Culural change,
Vol, , No. .


development " "

" "



Economic growth " "

" " .

) W.A. Lewis, "An Economic Plan for Jamaica",

Agenda, No. (November ), p. .


. )(

) Robert A. Flammang, "Economic Growth and

?Economic Devlopment: Counterparts or Competitors
Economic Devlopment and cultural change, Vol, ,
No. ( October ) pp. .

) .(


) R.A. Flammang, Ibid., p. .



) E. E. Hagen, "On the theory of social chang": How

Economic Growth Begins (Home wood, III, Dorsey,




) Jan Tinbergen, the Design of Development,

Baltimore: the Plannig, N.Y. Me Graw Hill, ,
p.p -.




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) (

) Barown, Phelps, "Introduction" in Fawzi, S.? the

Labour Movement in the sudan, (London: Oxforf
University Press, ).
( .




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) (



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Structural Change





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) Relph Miliband, the State in Capitalist Society:

Analysis of the Western System of Power, New York,
Basic Book Inc, , pp. .




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- Braibanti,
Administration, Vol. , Winter, .
- Brown, Phelps: "Introduction" in Fawzi,
S.? the Labour Movement in the Sudan,
London. Oxford University Press, .
- Davidson,
Development, Croom Helm. Ltd.,

St. John's Road, London SWII, .

Emile, Durkheim: the Divison of Labor
in Society. The Free Press, New York,
E. E. Hagen: on the Theory of Social
Change, How Economic Growth Begins.
Home Wood, III, Dorsey, .
Herbert, David T. and Harries D. Keith:
Area Based Policies for Crime
Prevention in Applied Geography. Vol.
, No. , Oct. .
Huntington, S. P.: Modernization and
Corruption in Heidenheimer, A. J.,
Polittical Corruption, Reading in

Comparative Analysis, Holt, Rinehart,

N. Y., .
- H. W. Arndt: Economic Development,
Development and Cultural Change. Vol.
, No. , April, .
- Jan Tinbergen: the Design of
Development, Baltimore, the Planning,
N. Y., McGraw Hill, .
- McMullan, M.: A Theory of Corruption,
American Sociological Review, N. G.,
- Ralph Millibad: the State in Capitalist
Society. Analysis of the Western System
of Power, New York, Basic Book, .
- Robert A. Flammang, Economic
Growth and Economic Development,
Counterparts or Competitors? Economic
Development and Cultural Change. Vol.
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-Telman, R.: Emergence of Black Market
Bureaucracy, Administration Review,

- W. A. Lewis: An Economic Plant for

Jamaica. Agenda No. , November
- Wraith, R. and Simpkins, E: Corruption
in Developing Countries, New York,
Norton, .

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