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Marcus Cannon Haley Orr Nick Schooley Michael Trotter

Professional Advisor: Simon Wachieni
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Brian Thompson
Fruit of Our Labor

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Executive Summary:
Every year in Kenya thousands of mangoes go to waste during the harvest
season. Mango harvest season typically runs from mid-January to March, during this
time period there is an abundance of mangoes. Due to this abundance of mangoes, the
local people tend to gorge themselves until they can no longer consume any more or
become sick. In the end they are able to consume nearly half of the mangoes while the
other half goes to waste. The purpose of this project is to create a method of postharvest preservation of the wasted mangoes so they can be consumed throughout the
year after the harvest season is over. Mangoes are full of nutrients including; vitamins
A, B6, and C, potassium, copper, amino acids and dietary fiber. All of these nutrients are
important to people in countries where malnutrition is widespread.
This project will help address this issue, allowing for access to essential nutrients
throughout the entire year, rather than for two months. A list of design parameters was
assembled and each parameter was ranked on a scale from 0 to 5; 0 being the least
important and 5 being of utmost importance. The parameters which were considered to
be the most important for the drying of mangoes are: function/performance, safety,
quality, reliability, size, human factors and environmental conditions. The reasoning for
these choices is that the device must be functional and must perform well to allow as
many mangoes to be preserved as possible. The device must be safe for users of any
age, from children to the elderly, it must be built to high standards of quality and
reliability, and it will receive heavy use for many years. Size is also an important factor;
it must be large enough to hold mass quantities of mangoes. The device will collect
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energy naturally via solar radiation and dry the fruit via natural convection. There are
three main types of solar food dryers. These consist of Direct, Indirect, and Mixed
method. Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages. For each type
of method there are subset types. Again, each of these has its own advantages and
disadvantages. A prototype will be selected for trial usage at 1-7 local schools in Thika
with support from the Macheo Children Centre. A decision matrix was used for
evaluating the feasibility of each design concept by considering designated criteria.
Calculations involving essential parameters will be performed for validation and the
ambient conditions in Kenya will be simulated. The conceptual design methodology
pursued for design generation was an aggregation of variant and adaptive design. After
careful evaluation, an indirect dryer cabinet was determined to be the most suitable
solution to be implemented at the site.
Testing and analysis was conducted against two main types of indirect solar
dryers. Based on final results it was observed that the large scale dryer, despite having
a larger capacity to hold mangoes, would result in a slower drying time. The final
design was proven and chosen to be a compact indirect solar dryer that utilized a solar
collector placed on top of the drying rack. With the solar collector directly above the
drying rack, the 2.5 thermal layer assisted in the quick drying time of the mango slices.

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Table of Contents
Gantt Chart8
Identification, Evaluation, and Weighting of Design Parameters.9
Conceptual Design Overview...13
Conceptual Design Evaluation..14
Direct Method14
Indirect Method18
Mixed Method21
Preliminary Calculations..26
Decision Matrix.28
Mathematical Model..33
Brochure for Diffusion

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The Macheo Childrens Center (MCC) is a
beacon of hope for some Kenyans who would
otherwise be exposed to unfavorable situations.
It is estimated that there are about 2 million
orphans in Kenya due to AIDS- related diseases
and parents unable to support their children (Macheo). Some of the common lifethreatening problems Kenyans, especially young children, are exposed to are:
insufficient living conditions, poverty, malnutrition, lack of health and sanitation, and
little to no educational opportunities. The Macheo Childrens Centre is a nongovernment organization in Thika, Kenya that provides refuge for young children who
live in an impoverished community. The Macheo Childrens Centre was founded by two
social workers: Dutch immigrant, Marnix Huis int Veldt, and Maureen Kromowirjo, who
is indigenous to Kenya. Initially, they worked as volunteers, but quickly established their
own organization. MCC provides numerous educational opportunities: daily meals,
school uniforms, and psychosocial support. They also participate in improving the
quality of health by providing mother-child care, assistance to disable children,
deworming, and better sanitation methods. Macheo also boasts family empowerment by
improving parental skills and the economic situation of the family as a whole. The
Macheo Children Centre is self-supporting by participating in income generating projects
such as greenhouses and cow farms. Currently, Macheo is supporting 56 children and

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intends for them to each develop individually and improve the quality of life for as many
children as possible.
The Macheo Childrens Centre is looking for a device that will quickly dry
mangoes using the thermal energy of the sun. The goal is to design a drying station
that each family can purchase materials for and build with the guidance of MCC. Each
family produces approximately 2500 mangoes during the harvesting months and is left
with an excess of 1250 mangoes, our current goal is to preserve 30% of the lost
mangoes through drying. Mangoes are a good source of nutrients including: vitamins A,
B6, and C, potassium, copper, amino acids and dietary fiber. All of these nutrients are
important to people in countries where malnutrition is widespread. This project will help
address this issue, allowing for access to essential nutrients throughout the entire year,
rather than for two months. By providing the community members with year round
nutrients, we hope to reduce the percentage of citizens suffering from malnutrition and
increase the quality of life.
A method of testing the dryness of the mangoes is to be devised. The fruit
should be removed from the dryer, allowed to cool then a slice should be grabbed and
squeezed in your hand, if the fruit springs apart and there is no moisture left on your
hand, the fruit is dry. Alternatively, the slice can be cut open and the inside checked for
moisture. Ideally, the mango should be dried to a water activity level of 0.6 to eliminate
the possibility of mold growth. The time for the slices to dry will vary depending on the
intensity of the sun; however, some rough tests have been performed and using a
crude solar dryer, it was found to take 18 hours. The solar dyer must be monitored
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throughout the day to make sure the temperature does not get too high, causing the
mangoes to be cooked rather than be dehydrated. In order to control this problem,
doors should be installed which regulate the amount of air flow through the dryer.
During the drying process the fruit may become discolored, it is important that we keep
the fruit as close to original color as possible so it appeals to someone wishing to
consume it. The final and most difficult issue will be food storage. The most ideal food
storage would be refrigeration, which will not be available. Alternative methods such as
vacuum sealing are being explored to see which will be the most realistic method for

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Gantt Chart:

Project Preference
Received Project
Research on Mangoes
Research on Drying Methods
Research Climate and Ecosystem
Email Simon
Email and Meet with Different Contacts
3 Design Concepts


Create More Design Concepts


Make Initial Prototype

Make Second Prototype
Testing of Prototypes
Testing for Nutrients
Design Specification Report
Conceptual Design Report
Final Report
Final Oral Presentation
Modeling Simulation

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Identification, Evaluation, and Weighting of Design Parameters:

The following table lists and ranks all of the design specifications which will need
to be taken into account in this project. The parameters are ranked on a scale of 0 to 5,
with 0 being the least important and 5 being of utmost importance.

Design Specification Rank


Product cost

Delivery date


Environmental issues


The main goal of our project is to create a device to dry mangoes using the
natural power of the sun. A hybrid design must also be considered in order to
accommodate for inclement weather. For optimum shelf life and mold
resistance, the mangoes should reach a water activity level of 0.6. The
window for drying mangoes is only two months long, therefore the device
must be functional without failure to ensure the wellbeing of the Kenyan
citizens. The device must perform on a daily basis.
The cost to produce one prototype must be as inexpensive as possible, while
still being able to stand up to constant use during the harvest season. The
current goal is to create each of devices for under $10 apiece.
In order to ensure high quality we do not plan to rush our design and testing
in order to finish before this drying season. Our current goal is to complete
and test a prototype before Design Day. Once we travel to Kenya after the
semester we will build devices there using local materials.
Simon has suggested that we design one device for each of the schools in the
MCC district. A prototype will be built and tested here, once that is done the
plan is to build one or two in Kenya when we go there in May and have a
build day to teach the local people to build them and go to their respective
communities and build them where they wish.
The process of drying fruit that would normally rot because of over
production will benefit the people and should not adversely affect the
environment. A use for the discarded skins and seeds will need to be devised,
currently, we are thinking of using them as a fuel source. Our device will be
using the natural process of sun drying, there will be no harmful emissions
created in the process.
The device must be safe for all users. Each drying station will be used by up
to 150 different families. Users will range in age from school children all the
way through elderly adults. Our device must be safe for all users. Where
possible we plan to eliminate sharp corners, pinch points, etc.
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Energy consumption


The device must be designed to be used on a daily basis without failure. All
parts must require minimal maintenance.


Mechanical loading

The drying station must require little or no maintenance. If repairs need to be

made they should be as simple as possible. Normal maintenance will include
cleaning of mango residue between drying sessions. The simplest method
possible should be devised for cleaning of the dryer such as rinsing with clean
The drying station needs to dry as many mangoes as possible as quickly as
possible so the dryer must be able to withstand 10-20 pounds of mangoes at
a time.


We have two primary paths at this time. One will be large scale models
hosted at each of the seven schools. One will be a smaller scale model for use
at the homes of the families.


The device should be under 25 pounds so that it is easy to move when

needed due to weather conditions such as rain.

Spatial Constraints

The spatial constraints on the dryer will be determined by the environment in

which it will be used, whether it is a large device or a smaller one.


Transportation and

The device does not necessarily need to be aesthetically pleasing; it just

needs to be able to dry the mangoes in a timely manner. However, the dryer
must not be off-putting or offensive in any manner so that it will be well
accepted within the community.
We will build the device once in Kenya with local materials.

The device must be designed and manufactured for use on a daily basis. All
materials used should be strong enough to withstand constant use. The
drying stations must be built to be used for a minimum of the next 5 years.
They must be durable enough to survive outside year-round.
The device will be powered by the sun and natural evaporation. A hybrid
device will also be considered to take into account days when the amount of
solar power available is insufficient for drying.

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There will not be a specific person needed to operate the device. Anyone
who needs to dry mangoes will be able to use it.

Service life

The drying station must perform on a daily basis, 8 hours a day for 7 days a
week. The device must be designed to last a minimum of 5 years, however
should last for much longer.

Noise Radiation

The device will not be using any sort of external power therefore, it will not
cause any noise.

Operating instructions

Human factors

Health Issues


Any instructions necessary for the operation of the drying station will be
written with visual images as well as demonstrated. Some instructions might
include maintenance, sanitation, preparation of mangoes, duration of drying,
quality control (testing to know if they are done) and daily operation.
Cleanliness must be stress in the instructions.
The drying cart is being design for impoverished residents of Kenya. The
residents should be able to use the drying station with minimal costs to them
with minimal amount of work to allow for a decrease in mango waste. The
device should be appealing to the users, it should invite them to use and
accept it.
It will be important that the drying stations stay clean of mango residue and
diseases. They must be sanitized after each drying session. Dysentery and
cholera are common diseases that need to be prevented from spreading
throughout the community.
The government will not have regulation over the drying stations. It will be a
community or household device that will be governed by the people.

Shelf-Life Storage

During the offseason of the mango harvest the device will most likely be left
outside. It must be able to stand up to the elements including heavy rains
and intense sunlight.

Operating costs


The operating cost of the drying station will be free! The drying station
operates by solar power and other environmental factors such as humidity
and temperature. The main costs will be accrued during the sanitation of the
device, a simple, inexpensive method of cleaning must be devised.
The device will be operated outside in the Kenyan environment from midJanuary to mid-March. The average temperature of Kenya at this time is
around 80 degrees with a relatively low humidity level (weather permitting).
The environmental conditions are a strong contributing factor to the drying
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station because the mangoes will not be able to dry if the temperature is not
maintained at around 80 and if it is extremely humid. In order to control the
temperature of the dryer adjustable doors should be considered to keep the
device at an optimum drying temperature.
The device must be designed in a way that it can be manufactured with tools
and materials available in Kenya.

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Conceptual Design Overview

Once the design specification phase has been completed, the next step in the
design process is to create many conceptual designs. There are three types of
classifications of conceptual design: original, variant, adaptive design. Original design is
a process in which a completely new artifact is created. The variant course involves
changing the products size or rearranging the product but not changing its original
function. The third and final conceptual design classification is the adaptive method.
The mango drying project for the Macheo Childrens Centre will be a combination of
variant and adaptive design. There are many different types of solar dryers already in
use around the world, the specific mango drying device which is to be conceived for
Kenya will need to be adapted from current designs. Once the concepts have been
created it is necessary to evaluate each idea by comparing them to a set of criteria. In
general, there are four methods for evaluating design concepts: prototyping,
authoritarian customer, dictatorial designer, and decision matrices. In the prototype
method, models of each concept are created and subsequently tested. This method is
costly and inefficient, as it could take years for an actual design to reach market.
Authoritarian customer is a practice in which the customer takes responsibility for
determining which proposal is best. In a dictatorial designer method, an alpha male or
female will chose the approach of the entire team. Lastly, the decision matrix method
involves listing each design parameter and ranking individual designs based on a set
scale. Parameters are then weighted on importance to the specific project and the
scores of each device are added, revealing concepts strengths and weaknesses. From

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this data, the design which best meets all design criteria can be selected. Also, a hybrid
design can be composed by taking the strengths of other designs to bolster the
weaknesses of a chosen concept. The mango drying project for the Macheo Childrens
Centre will utilize a decision matrix to determine the most suitable design. Once the
most suitable design is determined, prototyping will be utilized to test the parameters of
the dryer.
Conceptual Design Evaluation
Each of the conceptual designs will be presented in a visual form that utilizes
either a picture of a CAD sketch. These sketches/pictures will include written remarks
that identify key elements of the proposed device.

Each design will have an

accompanying narrative that will explain how the device will operate. In addition, it will
also display appropriate remarks on the advantages and disadvantages of each design,
relative to the important design parameters in the design specification.
Direct Method
Directly heated solar cabinet dryers allow the sun to directly heat and dry the food
inside an enclosed one-piece cabinet. Direct heating tends to be very efficient and
produces fast drying. Proper air flow is essential to achieve maximum performance. One
downfall of the direct drying method is that the fruit exposure to the sun causes a
major loss in the essential nutrients.

Direct Tent - Direct dryer with straight frame members.

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Figure 1. Direct Tent Solar Dryer

This design uses the basic principles of a greenhouse. The tent shape allows for
ease of construction at a minimal material cost and complexity. The tent is constructed
using a wood frame and clear plastic sheeting stretched across the frame. Cool fresh air
enters from the bottom and hot humid air leaves through the top vents. The tent is
simply lifted off the racks when the produce is added or removed. The drier uses the
direct power of the sun to heat and dry the fruit.
Some advantages of this design are that the dryer is very simplistic. All of the
materials will be able to be found in country, it will not take very long to build, it will be
simple to build, and it is generally light weight making the fruit rotation very easy.
However, some disadvantages of this design are that the dryer is light weight which
can cause the tent to tip over during strong winds, the design will not work if there is
cloud coverage, and the constant exposure to sunlight will cause discoloration of the
fruit and reduce many of the vital nutrients.
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Direct Cabinet- Drying chamber is glazed and no separate solar collector is used.

Figure 2. Direct Cabinet Solar Dryer

This design is relatively small, however it could be scaled up to suite our needs. The
design is very simple and comprises of a wood frame with wood sides and bottom. The
top created with an angled piece of glass. The bottom has holes to allow fresh cool air
to enter and the top back side has holes for the hot humid air to exit. The fruit sits on
window screen racks in the cabinet. The top is removed for access to the fruit.
Some advantages of this design are its simplicity. The dryer will not take a lot of
labor to construct or maintain and the lid to rotate the fruit should be rather light
However, some disadvantages of this design would be that the glass can be very
hard to find in country at a reasonable price, it will not work if there is any form of

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cloud coverage, and the constant exposure to sun will cause the fruit to become
discolored and reduce the amounts vital nutrients.

Direct Low Tunnel- Direct drier built close to the ground and usually able to hold
only one layer of produce.

Figure 3. Direct Low Tunnel Solar Dryer

This design is similar to the tent design; however it is a low tunnel that has less
volume enclosed. This allows for the air enclosed to heat up faster but only allows for
one layer of fruit. The fruit sits on mesh racks that sit on a slatted base. Air can enter
from below the base and passes up through the racks where it is heated by the direct
Some advantages to this method are found in its simplicity. All of the materials will
be able to be found in country, it will not take very long to build, it will be simple to
build, and it is generally light weight making the fruit rotation very easy.
Some of the disadvantages of this method are that the volume of the dryer is very
restricting, limiting the amounts of fruit that can be dried, it will not work if there is any

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form of cloud coverage, and the constant sun exposure will cause the fruit to become
discolored and reduce the amounts vital nutrients.
Indirect Method
Designs are the most frequently seen in cabinet form. Hot air flows upward through
a solar heat collection slide and enters the bottom of a cabinet underneath the food.
The dry air rises through the trays and around the food, exiting through a vent at the
top or near the top of the shadowed side. The theoretical basis for this design is that
hot air rises and therefore when heated, the air flows naturally upward through the
trays of food.

Indirect cabinet #1- Solar collector separate from the drying chamber is used.
The cabinet has no transparent sides.

Figure 4. Indirect Cabinet #1 Solar Dryer

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This design uses a solar collector slide that includes a dual layer clear plastic
sheeting top. The dual layer design creates thermal insulation. The sides and bottom of
the slide are made out of wood. The bottom two inches of the solar collector is filled
with sand and a piece of corrugated metal sheeting is laid in top of the sand and
painted black. The cabinet is made up of a wood frame with black plastic sheeting on
both the inside and the outside to create thermal insulation. The top is slanted with a
gap to allow hot humid air to escape. The back can be removed to load and unload the
mesh trays. Cool air enters the bottom of the solar collector, by natural convection the
air travels up into the cabinet and dehydrates the fruit. Then the hot humid air exits the
top of the cabinet.
Some advantages to this design include the fact that it uses a heat collection slide
and the main cabinet has no transparent sides which prevents the suns rays from
piercing the fruit and reducing the nutrients in the fruit significantly, it has easy access
into the cabinet to allow for fruit rotation, and it uses sand to trap the suns energy so
that when the sun goes behind the clouds it can still have full drying effects.
Some of the disadvantages to this design would be that it is a little more complex
than the direct methods. The dryer will be more complex to build, will utilize more
parts, and it might take longer to dry than the direct methods because it does not have
the direct sun exposure hitting the fruit.

Indirect cabinet #2- Solar collector separate from the drying chamber is used.
The cabinet has no transparent sides.

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Figure 5. Indirect Cabinet #2 Solar Dryer

This design is very similar to the previous design. It uses a solar collector slide.
The top is made with glass or clear plastic sheeting. The sides and bottom of the slide
are made out of wood. The bottom two inches of the solar collector is filled with sand
and a piece of corrugated metal sheeting is laid in top of the sand and painted black.
The cabinet is made up of a wood frame with doors and sides made of plywood. The
top is arched and fitted with a galvanized chimney. Cool air enters the bottom of the
solar collector, by natural convection the air travels up into the cabinet and dehydrates
the fruit. Then the hot humid air exits out of the chimney.
Some advantages to this design include the fact that it uses a heat collection slide
and the main cabinet has no transparent sides which prevents the suns rays from
piercing the fruit and reducing the nutrients in the fruit significantly, it has easy access

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into the cabinet to allow for fruit rotation, and it uses sand to trap the suns energy so
that when the sun goes behind the clouds it can still have full drying effects.
Some of the disadvantages to this design would be that it is a little more complex
than the direct methods. The dryer will be more complex to build, will utilize more
parts, the chimney might be susceptible to falling over in strong winds, and it might
take longer to dry than the direct methods because it does not have the direct sun
exposure hitting the fruit.
Mixed Method
Mixed Method or Hybrid dryers often combine the solar collector from the indirect
method and direct sunlight from the direct method. Hot air flows through a solar heat
collection and then either over or through the produce. A translucent body allows the
sun to directly heat and dry the food inside an enclosed cabinet.

Mixed or hybrid cabinet #1- Solar collector separate from the drying chamber is
used. The cabinet is partially or fully transparent.

Figure 6. Mixed Cabinet #1 Solar Dryer

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Similar to the indirect cabinets, this design uses a solar collector as well as direct
sunlight on the produce. This design uses a thermic absorber and insulation below. The
solar collector is made with a transparent top and a black painted metal thermic
absorber. The cabinet is made of wood but had a transparent top. Cool air enters the
bottom of the solar collector, by natural convection the air travels up into the cabinet
and dehydrates the fruit. Then the hot humid air exits out of gap in the top the cabinet.
Some of the advantages of the dryer would be that it has the solar collector slide in
addition to the constant sun exposer cause the drying time to be much faster, it uses
an insulator which will help maintain the energy from the sun even when there is cloud
coverage, and it should be rather simple to construct.
Some of the disadvantages would be the direct sun exposure to the fruit causing
discoloration and nutrient loss and the small size restricting the amounts of product

Mixed or hybrid cabinet #2- Solar collector separate from the drying chamber is
used. The cabinet is partially or fully transparent.

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Figure 7. Mixed Cabinet #2 Solar Dryer

This design uses a solar collector slide that includes a dual layer clear plastic
sheeting top. The dual layer design creates thermal insulation. The sides and bottom of
the slide are made out of wood. The bottom two inches of the solar collector is filled
with sand and a piece of corrugated metal sheeting is laid in top of the sand and
painted black. The cabinet is made up of a wood frame with clear plastic sheeting on
both the inside and the outside to create thermal insulation. The top is clear and
slanted with a gap to allow hot humid air to escape. The back can be removed to load
and unload the mesh trays. Cool air enters the bottom of the solar collector, by natural
convection the air travels up into the cabinet and dehydrates the fruit. Then the hot
humid air exits the top of the cabinet.
Some of the advantages of the dryer would be that it has the solar collector slide in
addition to the constant sun exposer cause the drying time to be much faster, it uses
an insulator which will help maintain the energy from the sun even when there is cloud
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coverage, there is easy access into the cabinet to allow for easy fruit rotation, and it
should be rather simple to construct.
Some of the disadvantages to this method would be the constant sun exposure to
the fruit causing it to be discolored and loose many of the nutrients and this drying will
be more complicated to build then the direct dryers.

Mixed or Hybrid Cabinet #3- Solar collector separate from the drying chamber is
used. The cabinet is partially or fully transparent.

Figure 8. Mixed Cabinet #3 Solar Dryer

This design uses a solar collector slide that includes a dual layer clear plastic
sheeting top. The sides and bottom of the slide are made out of wood. Both ends of
the wood box have holes drilled in them to allow air to enter and leave. The bottom is
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painted black. The cabinet is made up of a wood frame with plywood sides and bottom.
The top is insect mesh to allow hot humid air to escape. The top can be removed to
load and unload the screen trays. Cool air enters the bottom of the solar collector, by
natural convection the air travels up into the cabinet and dehydrates the fruit. Then the
hot humid air exits the top of the cabinet.
Some advantages to this method would be credited to the constant sun exposure in
addition to the collector slide causing drying times to be much faster and there is easy
access into the cabinet.
Some disadvantages to this method would be the constant sun exposure causing
fruit discoloration and nutrient loss, there is no form of insulation which would help
when there is cloud coverage, and the design is rather small.

Hybrid Low Tunnel- Forced convection is created using a solar powered fan. The
air travels across a solar collector and then over the drying produce. This type
usually only holds one layer of produce.

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Figure 9. Mixed Low Tunnel Solar Dryer

This design is similar to the tent design; however it is a low tunnel that has less
volume enclosed. This allows for the air enclosed to heat up faster but only allows for
one layer of fruit. This design uses forced convection that is created using a solar
powered fan. The air travels across a solar collector and then over the drying produce.
The fruit sits on mesh racks. The tent is constructed out of as metal frame with clear
plastic sheeting stretched across it.
Some advantages to this design would be the implementation of the fan causing
the drying time to be reduced significantly, it is a very simplistic design to build and
maintain, and its cover is light weight.
Some disadvantages to this design is that Thika is a developing country and does
not have constant electricity at their disposal making the use of a fan next to
impossible, the constant exposure to sunlight will discolor and decrease the nutrients of
the fruit, and the size restricts the amount of product.
Preliminary Calculations
Engineering topics related to this project include; thermodynamics, heat transfer,
and mass transfer principles. The overall objective is to remove the liquid content
(water) from the fruit and diffuse it outside of the mango. Numerous parameters are
necessary to quantify and account for the displacement of heat, mass, and fluids. These
variables will be measured to justify the viability of the aforementioned design
concepts. Each parameter will be carefully considered for each concept; the design that
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accommodates the most applicable values will be pursued. Please note that these
calculations have not been computed prior to the submission of this report.
Some initial significant parameters will be measured and basic calculations will be
performed as justification to determine the best prototype. An important parameter that
will be measured is the moisture content. The moisture content prior to drying and post
drying moisture content will be compared. The design that minimizes the moisture
content of the fruit will be prevalent. The chamber humidity and chamber temperature
also will be accounted for in the calculations of the prototypes. The plenum humidity
must be low enough to prevent mold from growing on the mangoes. The plenum
temperature must be continuously maintained autonomously using only solar radiation
and physical external components on the device. So, this temperature will be
determined for each design concept. It is also important to determine how much the
entering ambient air temperature should be raised for drying to occur. A maximum
temperature for drying the mangoes that must not be exceeded should be established
to prevent the cooking of the fruit. The device selected must satisfy these initial
parameters and numerous others that will be mentioned in full detail in a later report.
A psychometric chart will be used to determine what temperature is necessary
for the mango to be dried with respect to the moisture content and relative humidity.
Figure 10 is a sample psychometric chart that will be used for this evaluation.

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Figure 10. Psychometric Chart

Decision Matrix:
The evaluation criteria that was used in determining the most suitable design for
creating a solar dryer included: aesthetics, drying time, energy consumption,












availability, material cost, mechanical loading, nutrient retention, operating cost,

operating instructions (simplicity), quality (durability), reliability, safety, service life,
size, and weight.
The items that carried the most amount of importance in determining a design
were drying time, function/performance, health issues, material cost, operating
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instructions (simplicity), quality (durability), reliability, and safety. All of these items
were given a 5 on the value scale demonstrating significant importance. Drying time is
important because if the product is not dried fast enough, the product will be
susceptible to molds and bacteria making the product unsafe to eat. The functionality of
the dryer is very significant because if the dryer is not working, the users will be
deprived of the product which is bringing in nutrients to create a more sustainable life.
Health issues are central because if the product is not safe to eat (due to molds or
bacteria), it can cause more health problems for the user. Material cost is very essential
because the dryer is being design for users in underdeveloped countries and the goal is
to make the dryer cheap as possible so that it can be available to the whole community.
Simplicity is also a key aspect because the dryer is meant for people in underdeveloped
nations that do not have access to constant electricity and other amenities that we take
for granted; they survive through the simplicity of the environment. The simplicity of
the dryer is also imperative so that users of all ages can participate in the drying
activities. The quality of the dryer is very vital because the dryer will be located outside
year-round and provides a surface for food to sit on so it must be safe, clean, and able
to withstand environmental effects. Safety is also of utmost significance - the dryer
needs to be safe for users of all ages to use and not cause any threat to the physical
The items that carried a level of moderate worth in determining the design were







maintenance, manufacturability, material availability, mechanical loading, operating

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costs, service life, size, and weight. All of these items were ranked 3, 4, or 5 on the
value scale demonstrating that they are either marginally important, indifferent, or
important. Energy consumption was determined to be key because if the dryer is not
consuming the energy from the sun, it will not operate appropriately; also, if the solar
energy is not available because it is placed in an area where the sun does not hit, it will
not operate. Environmental conditions are also considerable because if the sun is not
out due to cloud cover or rains then the dryer will not work. Finished product aesthetics
is paramount because if the dried fruit is not of a desirable color, texture, or look, then
the users may not want to eat the product. Maintenance is of substance because the
dryer should be made so that it requires minimal amounts of maintenance to aid in the
use of the dryer. The dryers maintenance would ideally only have to be the cleaning
between drying sets. Material availability is influential so that the users can build the
dryers locally with their own materials and do not have to find materials out of the
community. Mechanical loading is important because that will determine the amount of
product that will be able to be dried on the racks of the dryer. Operating costs was not
that crucial because the sun is free of charge but one would need to utilize knives and
storage containers. Service life is critical because the dryer should be designed to last a
minimum of 5 years before any parts should need to be replaced. Size is important
because the dryer should be designed where it can be utilized by the entire community
but the racks should be small enough for single family use. Weight is considerable
because the dryer needs to be heavy enough where it can withstand being blown over
by strong winds and storms. The dryer should also have components that are light

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enough so that building is not a burden and that the removable racks and doors are
light to lift especially for children.
The items that carried the least amount of importance in determining a design
were aesthetics, and environmental impact. All of these items were given a 1 on the
value scale demonstrating no importance. Environmental impact was of little importance
because all of the designs are solar operators meaning that they will not give off any
sort of emissions that would harm the environment. Aesthetics was of little importance
because the look of the unit was not necessarily a driving factor for creation; it was
more about what would get the job done at an appropriate level.
The following Decision Matrix was formed to give direct values to each of the
evaluation criteria. The solar dryer design that racked up the most points would be
deemed the most suitable design. As shown below, the Indirect Solar Cabinet 1 Dryer is
the most suitable for design purposes.

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Table 1. Decision Matrix

Solar Dryer Designs

Evaluative Criteria
Drying Time
Energy Consumption
Environmental Impact
Finished Product
Function / Performance
Health Issues
Material Availability
Material Cost
Mechanical Loading
Nutrient Retention
Operating Cost
Operating Instructions
Quality (Durability)
Service Life
Most Suitable Design:

Direct Dryers
Indirect Dryers
Mixed Dryers
Low Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Low
Tunnel Ideal
Value Tent Cabinet Tunnel


























Indirect dryer cabinet 1





Table 2. Scoring Scale

Very Suitable
Marginally Suitable
Not Suitable


Table 3. Value Scale

Significant Importance
Marginal Importance
Not Important

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Mathematical Model:
We developed a mathematical model to help us determine the approximate
drying time for the mango slices. The purpose of creating this mathematical model was
to ensure that no fungi, mildews, or molds would develop and grow on the mango
slices during the drying process. Initially, we modeled the system as a resistor heat
transfer problem, by utilizing known temperatures and material properties. We took our
findings to Dr. Genik and were informed that our method was on the right track,
however, it was incorrect. She advised us that we model our system through heat and
mass transfer instead. In doing so, we used the following equation to model the
" + ( ) =

We determined the appropriate properties of the mango to use and from there
determined the amount of time that would be required for each slice to dry. The
definitions and chosen values used through this model are defined below.

heat flux due to solar radiation
area of the solar collector
convection coefficient of the mango
temperature of the mango slice
ambient temperature of the surroundings
mass transfer rate
evaporation enthalpy

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q" Solar
435.833 w/m^2
A Solar Collector
0.3096768 m^2
h mango
5 w/m^2k
A mango
0.00290322 m^2
T mango
310.778 k
37.77 C
T surr
299.67 k
26.67 C
m water
0.0033 kg
hfg Water
2257000 J/Kg
m Mango+water
0.011 kg
Cp Mango
14.11 J/kgk
Theoretical Time 47043.5734 seconds 13.06766 Hours
57600 seconds
16 Hours

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After the mathematical model was created, the prototype build was initiated. The
steps that were followed for building the more compact drying station are outlined on
the next page.
The materials that were chosen for our prototype build were found easily at the
local hardware store and similar materials can also be found locally in Thika, Kenya. It
was important to utilize materials and tools that would replicate that of which could be
found in Kenya so we can mimic assembly conventions.

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Brochure for Diffusion:

One main aspect of this project was to implement our designs into the
community in which our project was based. We were asked to create a solar dryer to
implement at each of the 7 rural schools throughout Thika, Kenya in hopes that the
students will learn how to use it and take the idea back to their families to generate a
sense of livelihood. However, diffusion of new ideas into other cultures can be a
delicate scenario. To diffuse our idea throughout Thika, Kenya, we will utilize our
contact at the Macheo Childrens Centre to implement it into the rural schools. Outside
of this help, we have created a brochure that shows the advantages of implementing a
dryer into their society and also shows them how to build and use these dryers for at
home use. Pictures of this brochure are depicted on the next three pages.

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To sum up, an innovative dehydration process for the post-harvest preservation
of mangoes in Thika, Kenya is to be generated. It was found that solar powered dryers
are the best way to dry the mangoes. To begin, the creative design process was
initiated with the compilation of the evaluative design criteria. Three different types of
dryers were compared during the evaluation process, they include: direct, indirect, and
mixed method dryers. Each has advantages and disadvantages which are discussed in
this report. In total, 9 different designs were attained and subsequently each design is
ranked against a set of strict evaluative criteria. There were two set scales utilized to
determine the scores that each dryer would obtain. Through meticulous evaluation, an
indirect cabinet dryer was selected as the preeminent option. In the coming weeks, a
working prototype of this indirect cabinet dryer will be built and tested.

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"| Practical Action." Welcome to Practical Action. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
"Bitterjugs Blog." Blog Archive Sun Dried. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
Postharvest Handling Practices. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
"Ecobites." DIY Solar Food Dryer. Web. 26 Feb. 2012. <>.
"How to Dehydrate Foods." Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
"How to Dry or Dehydrate Fruit from Your Garden." How to Garden Tips and Advice.
Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
Kivi, Rose. "How to Make a Toothpaste Out of Mango Seed." EHow. Demand Media, 01
Feb. 2011. Web. 26 Feb. 2012. <>.
"Making Magic with Mangos." Mango Magic. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
"Mango and Mango Leaves,Mangifera Indica L.,Health Benefits and Interesting
Facts.Mango Leaves Extract." Uses of Mango Leaves,Seeds and Bark.Mango
ELINCS No 290-045-4 CAS 090063-86-8 Mangiferin CAS 4773-96-0 Mangifera
Indica ExtractMDidea-Extracts Professional.S049. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
"Mango." Herbs To Herbs. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
"Mango Seeds May Protect Against Deadly Food Bacteria." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily,
13 Aug. 2009. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
"Nutrition Facts." And Analysis for Mangos, Raw. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.
"Solar Drying | Practical Action." Welcome to Practical Action. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.

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Thompson, Brian S. Creative Engineering Design. Okemos, MI: Okemos, 1997. Print.
The World's Healthiest Foods. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.

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