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Seven Profound Doctrines

(Those made Majority of people in the world to accept Christianity willingly)

1) Free Will - Christianity gives to every person to choose and decide ones own spiritual destination. Spiritual freedom is every individuals personal

wright. Even though preaching truth in Christianity to all people is told in Bible, Jesus never approves forceful acceptance of Christianity by any one.

2) Spiritual Judgements and Punishments - is the wright of God the creator and not some peoples wright, since all human beings are creations only
and every person is sinner by birth. So how one creation can judge another creation? And how one sinner can judge another sinner, spiritually?
Therefore, Bible correctly teaches not to judge others. Instead, Bible teaches to Judge ourselves (spiritually and from worlds point of view too!).

3) Constitutions - Bible approves Judgments and punishments to criminals as per the national constitutions and laws.

4) Administrations - For Christians in churches, some justified and reasonable laws and penalties are in the Bible as well.

5) Not To Kill Humans - By Bible God created man in his own image. Hence God commands Dont murder any person. The creator decides when

and where a persons life should start or end on earth. Only creator has the wright to increase or decrease ones life on earth. No one else has it.

6) Even Not To Take Revenge - God promises sufferers that God himself will take revenge of all unjust things and all evil people. Human revenge or

judgements may commit huge errors. Gods judgements are errorless, without partiality and trust worthy. Only God can give appropriate punishments.

7) Forgiveness - Bible tells whole mankind is sinner by birth (heredity). So after our physical deaths, our own righteousness and our all good deeds on
earth just cannot save us from our eternal deaths (to be casted down into the hell). So nobody can enter heaven in order to enjoy an eternal life

there. Therefore, if we should forgive others, then God will forgive our wrongs. If we repent for our own sins by heart then Jesus can forgive our all
sins. Only Jesus who paid the penalty by self-sacrificing death on the cross for our forgiveness, so that we can bypass our eternal deaths (that is
going into hell). That is why, if we accept Jesus as our personal saviour and obey his commands till our physical death, then Jesus can save us

from hell (eternal death) and instead give us eternal life in heaven, through his (Jesus) personal resurrection from the sacrificial death on the cross.
Except Jesus Christ, no God in any religion gave his own life to save sinners (mankind). Gods in all religions came to save only righteous

people (as per their evaluations of righteousness or good deeds). All Gods came to kill or punish all sinners (not to forgive and save any sinner).

Since, whole mankind is sinner by birth (heredity) therefore, only Jesus came to forgive their sins and give chances of saving to repenting sinners.

Only Jesus was resurrected by conquering his own death. Not a single God ever died a sacrificial death for the forgiveness of repentant and again
resurrected back to life, to give them his own resurrected life, to enter heaven for sharing Jesus life eternal (That is after the day of judgement).

That is why, only Jesus can raise people from physical death to save them from eternal death and so only Jesus can give them eternal life.


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