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Answering Identification Questions

The identification question is a frequently used testing device in many

collegiate history and social science courses. Students are asked to
identify major terms, concepts, persons, places or events in two, three,
or four powerfully written sentences. Often, students will be asked to
complete several, perhaps five to eight, such identifications in a limited
period of time.
What exactly does it mean to identify something?
Identification answers have three main components:
1. The term is explained in a general way; the reader is oriented to
the term.
2. Some specific details about the term are provided.
3. The significance of the term is explained; that is, the reader
makes it clear why this particular term is important in the
content of the course being studied.
An example: Jackie Robinson
Jackie Robinson was the first black man to play major league baseball.
He first appeared in the major leagues in 1947 with Branch Rickeys
Brooklyn Dodgers. Robinsons entry into the major leagues was a very
visible early episode in the black struggle for civil rights in the decades
following World War II.
Note that the first sentence tells us what Jackie Robinson is noted for
as an historical figure. The second sentence provides more detail
about his entry into the major leagues. The last sentence places this
person into the larger context of the civil rights movementa major
trend in post-WWII history.
Identification answers are relatively brief. The task is to use powerful
language to express much information in few words.
How does one go about answering an identification question?
The first step is to make a list of facts about the subject.
Clearly, not all of this information can be included in a brief answer.
The second step is to decide which information is most
important to include in your answer and to line out what wont
be used.

The third step requires the student to condense this

information into a few, well-written, informative sentences.
Make certain that the answer is error free.

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