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Tips and tricks to prepare for Analytical writing section in GRE Exam

The Analytical Writing section in GRE exam is going to test your

critical thinking and analytical writing skills. It is not going to assess
any specific content knowledge rather its going to assess your
ability to articulate and support complex ideas.
What do we have in Analytical Writing section?
A 30-minute Analyze an Issue task
The issue task presents an opinion on an issue of broad interest
followed by specific instructions on how to respond to that issue. You
are required to evaluate the issue, considering its complexities, and
then develop an argument with reasons and examples to support
your views.
A 30-minute Analyze an Argument task
The Argument task presents a different challenge from that of the
Issue task. It requires you to evaluate a given argument according
to specific instructions. You will need to consider the logical
soundness of the argument rather than to agree or disagree with
the position it presents.
The tasks in the Analytical writing section relate to broad range of
subjects i.e. from the fine arts and humanities o the social and
physical sciences but remember no task requires specific content
knowledge. In fact, each task possesses the characteristics such as: The tasks elicited the kinds of complex thinking and
persuasive writing that university faculty consider important
for success in graduate school.
The responses were varied in content and in the way the
writers developed their ideas.
Tips to make strategy for Analytical Writing section
1. Its most important to budget your time. Within the 30-minute
time limit for the issue task, you will need to allow sufficient
time to consider the issue and specific instructions plan a
response and, compose your essay.
2. Save a few minutes at the end of each task to check for
obvious errors. Although an occasional spelling of grammatical
error will not affect your score, severe and persistent errors
will detract from the overall effectiveness of your writing and
thus lower your score.
3. Although GRE readers understand the time constraints under
which you write and will consider your response a first draft,
they still want it to be the best possible example of your
writing that you can produce under the testing conditions.

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