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C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k

Annual Benefit Evening

C e l e br a t i ng 2 5 Y e a r s Of C omm u n i t y

Ho no r i ng
Ken and Carol Laffer
Founders of the Year

Andrew Glick
Man of the Year

Mark and Robbin Teitelbaum

Visionaries of the Year

Thursday, Ju ne 3rd, 2010

Sivan 21, 5770

Jericho Jewish Center

Jericho, New York
Rabbi Menachem M. Schneersohn
of Righteous Memory

The Rebbe

This evening is dedicated to the Rebbe.

The Rebbe devoted his life to bringing Jews closer to Judaism,
sending Shluchim, emissaries throughout the globe.
The Lubavitch-Chabad movement comprises more than 2,500 centers
throughout the world and emphasizes Ahavas Yisrael, love for one’s
fellow, and the importance of living a Jewish life.
The Rebbe’s passionate and uncompromising love for humanity
is legendary. His insistence that all Jews are equal, regardless of
background, affiliation or level of observance; his love and devotion
to the Land of Israel and his love for G-d and Torah –
are the beacons of truth and love that continue to guide and
inspire us here in Suffolk County and throughout the world.

2 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Dear Friends,

Mazel Tov!

Ever since my parents, Rabbi Tuvia and Chaya Teldon opened Chabad in
Commack 25 years ago, it has been a place for Jews to come and connect
with all aspects of Judaism. In the past 6 years since Brocha and I moved
here, we have strived to build on their hard work and bring the beauties of
our tradition to all those who we encounter.

The teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of blessed memory, have continued to

inspire us that there is no Jew too small and no issue too big when it comes
to our fellow.  

Thank you for coming tonight and celebrating not only our growth but even
more so, the commitments and friendships of all those involved.

I congratulate Ken, Carol, Andrew, Mark and Robbin for their well deserved
honors and thank them for their commitment until today. I look forward to
celebrating many more beautiful occasions together.

Friends, words alone cannot adequately express the feelings of gratitude I feel
towards each and every one of you whom I have had the privilege of getting
to know over the past 6 years. Thank you for your friendship and support.
Thank you for joining forces with us in our efforts to create a warm,
welcoming and vibrantly growing community. Thank you for all that you do
to help Chabad grow and reach out to yet another fellow Jew.

As we celebrate tonight, put your hand on your shoulder and pat yourself on
the back. For YOU are Chabad and the success is yours!

Thank you,

Rabbi Mendel and Brocha Teldon

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 3
About Chabad
inspirational. warm.
educational. spiritual. warm.
non-judgmental. economical. warm.
community. chabad of mid-suffolk. warm.

C habad of Mid-Suffolk has become a popular center for Jews of all backgrounds who want to learn more about
their Jewish roots. Located in the heart of Commack, NY, Chabad offers a wide variety of educational and spiritual
opportunities, including Torah classes and lectures, Shabbat dinners, and an array of family and social activities.
Traditional Jewish values are brought to life in a joyous, non-judgmental atmosphere.

Chabad serves all segments of the Jewish community. Everyone is welcome regardless of their personal level of
religious observance. The philosophy is in keeping with the Chabad-Lubavitch approach of joy, scholarship and
unconditional acceptance and love for every Jew.

Chabad is under the spiritual guidance of Rabbi Mendel Teldon, a warm, caring and energetic individual,
who grew up in Commack and since taking the position as Rabbi, has brought a new level of energy and color to
the local community. The rabbi’s approach is that Torah must be presented and experienced in a modern, relevant
context and made available to each individual on their own level.

Programing, under the directorship of Mrs. Brocha Teldon, always have that extra touch to make all people of all
backgrounds at home and inspired. Her ability to make the age old customs so relevant and contemporary has
everyone returning again and again.

The Hebrew School Program, under the talented leadership of Gilllie Schanowitz, translates the Chabad warmth
and spirit to the youngsters. The children actually look forward to attending Hebrew School, where they are taught,
in addition to Hebrew reading and writing, the meaning of our rich Heritage and the joys if being Jewish.
Outings, contests and celebrations add an exciting dimension to the program.

The services are traditional, and are conducted in a joyous, casual atmosphere. Children are included and most
welcome. Many of those who attend cannot read Hebrew, yet everyone feels at home. The prayer book is bi-lingual
and various English readings are included in the service. Song and commentary add meaning and participation to
the prayers.

Please allow yourself the opportunity to visit and participate in our vibrant congregation. By becoming a member
at Chabad of Mid-Suffolk you will acquire lifelong friendships, an opportunity for spiritual growth, and most
importantly a chance to be a part of your Jewish community. Please feel free to visit us for services or any other
program, or just stop in to say hello.

4 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k

Founders of the Year

Ken & Carol Laffer
Ken Laffer is the CEO of Motivators, Inc, a full service Promotional Products Company.
He is married to his wife Carol for 32 years, and they have a daughter Kimberly.
Ken grew up living with his family and maternal grandmother,
who was an Orthodox Jew from Eastern Europe. His grandmother only spoke Yiddish,
so he is and will always feel comfortable being Jewish.

After Ken married, he moved to Woodbury, NY and soon realized

that the community had no synagogue. Along with a core group of committed
individuals, he founded the Woodbury Jewish Center where he served as the first
treasurer and served on the executive board for over 12 years.

Kens involvement with volunteer organizations is quite vast.

He served as the Vice Chairman of the Promotional Products Association International
for eight years, as well as the industry’s regional association, The Specialty Advertising
Association of Greater New York.

When the family moved to Commack, he discovered a very friendly

Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, with whom he helped launch the Hebrew Day School. When
Rabbi Mendel and Brocha Teldon took over, the transition was warm, open and inviting.
The Laffer family has been and will continue to be a supporter of Mid- Suffolk Chabad.

While the family now resides in both Commack and Boca Raton Florida, they have
a warm spot in their heart and are always ready to help Chabad grow and prosper.
The family believes that every child, regardless of financial ability, needs to have the
opportunity to be Bar Mitzvah and discover what is to be Jewish, and have yiddishkeit.

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 5

Man of the Year

Andrew Glick
Andrew Glick has been a financial security planner with Northwestern Mutual for 16 years.
He and his wife, Wendy, have lived in East Northport for 10 years.
They are celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. Andrew’s twin children, Arielle and
Jason, are 16 years old and graduates of the Chabad of Mid-Suffolk Hebrew School.

After moving to their new home, Andrew met Rabbi Tuvia Teldon at a Jewish fair at the JCC
in Commack. Andrew asked the Rabbi if he would help put up mezuzahs at his new home.
Rabbi Teldon said “Would you like to do it the right way?” Andrew responded, absolutely!
Sixteen mezuzahs later, Andrew knew he had finally made a Jewish home for his family.

A few years later, Andrew met Rabbi Tuvia Teldon’s eldest son,
Rabbi Mendel Teldon and his new wife, Brocha. They were deciding whether to move to
Commack, New York to take over the Chabad of Mid-Suffolk or to Sydney Australia.
After a few meetings with Andrew and Wendy as well as others in the community,
they thankfully made the choice to come to Commack.

Shortly after Rabbi Mendy and Brocha took over the Chabad of Mid-Suffolk,
the Glick’s moved their children to the Chabad Hebrew School. At that time there were
12 students in the Hebrew school. Through hard work and great programming,
Chabad of Mid-Suffolk now has over 100 students.

Andrews’s involvement with volunteer organizations goes beyond Chabad.

He was involved in the creation of the Jewish Academy of Suffolk County as well as
The Friendship Circle of Suffolk County. He continues to be involved in the ongoing growth
of these two great organizations. Andrew is a proud club level member of The American
Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and is currently a voluntary supervisor of the
Samson Chapter of Bnai Brith Youth Organization in Commack, with one of the largest boys
chapters in the worldwide BBYO organization.

6 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k

Visionaries of the Year

Mark & Robbin Teitelbaum
Mark and Robbin Teitelbaum have been married for 24 years
and have called Commack/East Northport home for all that time.
Their son Brandon is 20 years old and now entering his junior year
at Hofstra University. Mark is a Principal and Chief Operating Officer
of Argent Ventures, a national real estate investment and development
company located in Manhattan. Robbin is currently a 4th grade elementary
school teacher in the Three Village school district. Prior to teaching,
Robbin spent 16 years as a Vice President of Finance for Citibank.

Robbin and Mark have been active supporters of Chabad for the past
10 years. Two years ago they helped establish the Chabad of Mendoza,
Argentina for Rabbi Uri Lapidus who they have known for the past 10 years.
More recently Robbin and Mark created the “I Love Shabbat” program in
the Commack and Three Village area. This program has helped/encouraged
more than 1000 families to enjoy the holiday of Shabbat.

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Diamond Page

In honor of
Mark & Robbin
Argent Ventures, LLC

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 13
Diamond Page

To our dear honorees and friends


Ken and Carol Laffer

Andrew Glick
Mark and Robbin Teitelbaum

It is not often that a generation is blessed with

people that are so selfless, generous and
have such warm Jewish hearts as you.
Mazel Tov and thank you

Rabbi Mendel and Brocha Teldon

14 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Platinum Page

Thanking the
Teldon Family
for 25 years of enriching the
lives of Jewish families across
Long Island.
Robbin and Mark

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 15
Gold Page

To the guests of honor

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laffer
We admire and respect
your dedication to ensuring
the success of Chabad.
May your family, friends and the entire community
follow in your footsteps to help perpetuate
the great work of Chabad
in your community.
We wish you continued
success in all of your endeavors
and may we continue to learn
by your example.
Mazal Tov!

The Motivators Family

16 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Silver Page

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 17
Silver Page

Hillel says
Be among the disciples of Aaron, loving peace,
pursuing peace, loving people and
bringing them closer to the Torah.
Pirkei Avos 1:12

Thank you
to the
Rabbis and Rebbitzens Teldon
for their
Friendship, Hospitality
Dedication and Teaching

Kol ha Koved to our Honorees

Susan and Richard Reiss

18 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Silver Page

Mazel Tov and

Best Wishes to
Rabbi Mendy & Brocha Teldon
and their entire family
on this very special occasion.

Thank you for everything you have done

for our family as well as your community.

Congratulations to all of the honorees.

Mr. Seymour Zwickler

Mrs. Sandra Lewin
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Zwickler

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 19
Silver Page

For 25 Years Of Service To Our Community.

May Our Congregation Continue To Grow In Numbers

And Inspire Our Jewish Heritage.

Programs Like The Friendship Circle And The Chabad Hebrew School

Enrich Our Lives And Give Us A Sense Of Jewish Identity

To Pass On To The Next Generation.

Robert, Elyssa, Aaron and Evan Roth

2075 Smithtown Ave. • Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
6584 Hermosa Beach Lane • Delray, FL 33446
FAA 145 Repair Station#G8IR037X

20 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Silver Page

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 21
Silver Page

Congratulations to Chabad
for 25 years.

May you continue to enrich the lives

of the Jewish community.
Adam Katz
Talon Air Jets
Republic Airport
Farmingdale, NY

22 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Silver Page

wishes a Mazel Tov to

all the Guests of Honor
on this well deserved honor

and thank you to Chabad for all

they do for the community

Ronald R. Roth, M.D. and the dedicated staff of

Smithtown Primary Medical Care

Barbara Anne Johnson, C-anp

Valerie Gray, C-anp
Barbara Mazzola, C-anp
Kristin Elaine Feiss, Fnp

100 Maple Avenue

Smithtown, NY 11787
(631) 265-7671

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 23
Silver Page

Are proud to sponsor the

Chabad of Mid-Suffolk
Congratulations to
Mark & Robbin Teitelbaum
and their fellow honorees

We salute your efforts and achievements.

Evan Portnoy Steve Jaeger

Stan Morris Howard Blatt


LAKE SUCCESS, NY 11042-5494
T 516-538-7000 I F 516-390-3555

24 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Silver Page

Every day is a day
to honor
our children.

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Laffer

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 25
26 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
To our dear friends
Ken and Carol Laffer
Congratulations on being chosen
as this year’s honorees!

We Salute You!
May Hashem continue to grant you the
strength to persevere, the ability to achieve
and the will to share your success with the
Mazal Tov!
Pincus Friedman and Sruly Horowitz

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 27
Mark and Robbin!
We are delighted
To honor you for all your support.

May you continue to be a

source of illumination to your communities in
New York and Florida.

Mazel Tov & Best Wishes!

David Hendrix, General Manager

and all the employees of the
Hilton Miami Downtown

28 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Congratulations and
Best Wishes to
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Teldon
For your tireless efforts and
boundless Chessed

on behalf of Klal Yisroel

With much admiration,
Sheil Laboratories

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 29
30 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
We would like to congratulate
Ken & Carol Laffer
on their commitment to their community
and their achievements

Manufacturing Corp.

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 31
Congratulations to
Ken and C arol
Founders of the Year

 350 Wireless Blvd
Hauppauge, NY 11788

32 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
To Our Dear Friends

Andrew Glick
Man of the Year

Ken and Carol Laffer

Founders of the Year


Mark and Robbin Teitelbaum

Visionaries of the Year

May you continue to be a source of light

to our Community
Mazel Tov!

Judith and Hy Brownstein

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 33
The Berg and Klein Families
Congratulate Our Great Friends

34 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 35
To a Wonderful
Husband and Father

Andrew Glick
We are so proud of you!!!
Love, Wendy, Arielle and Jason
Mazel Tov
to the Laffers and the

Thank you to the entire

Teldon Family
for all you do!!!
36 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Congratulations to
Mark and Robbin Teitelbaum.
Keep up your great work.
Murray Kushner

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 37
Mark and Robbin!

Jeffrey Cooper
and all your friends at
Reis Cooper LLP

38 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
On Behalf of Our Cousins

Bonnie & Paul Liebman

We are Proud to Support the
Chabad of Mid-Suffolk

The Hamburger Family

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 39
Risa ,
All we can say is one big


Rabbi Mendy and Brocha

We got this past the editorial board.

40 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Mazal Tov
to all of the Honorees.
We are so proud of
Rabbi Mendy and

and thank all of you

for your friendship and support
and over the past 25 years.
Rabbi Tuvia & Chaya Teldon

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 41
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Mendy and Brocha
May you continue to see
much success in your Shlichus.

From your siblings,

Yossi & Nechama Dina – Brooklyn, NY
Levi & Chani – Sydney, Australia
Mendel & Rochi - San Juan, PR
Avremi & Leah - Novi, MI
Yossi & Sori - Charleston, SC
Ben Zion & Chaya - Lauderdale By The Sea, FL
Nochem & Rivkie – Hewlett, NY
Moshie, Sholom & Mindee

42 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Congratulations to

Ken & Carol Laffer

from your friends at

ASI 78100

1200 W. Chestnut St. P.O. Box 317 Brockton, MA 02303

Tel. (508) 583-9046 Fax (508) 580-0829

Mark and Robbin Teitelbaum

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 43
S UITE 318
N EW Y ORK , N EW Y ORK 10010
PHONE: (212) 213-5577
FAX: (212) 532-5805

Congratulations to
Mark Teitelbaum,
a man of dignity,
distinction and vision.
Alfred Litman and Betty Jane Jacobs

44 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
To Mark and Robbin,
Congratulations on your special
and well deserved honor.
Alan Silverman

Ken & Carol Laffer!
- Your friends at Perfect Line

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 45
Congratulations to
Ken and Carol Laffer
on this great honor.
From all your friends at
Prime Resources Corporation

Drs. Eliot Birnbaum, Robbin Bliss & Jodi Turano

Are proud to support and honor
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Teldon
& Chabad of Mid-Suffolk for 25 years of
tireless efforts and boundless Chessed
for all our community
Congratulations & Best wishes

46 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Mazel Tov
On being recognized by Chabad
for all your dedication and heartfelt contributions.
You have always been our Man of the Year!
With Love,
The Slakter Family
The Silverman Family

In Honor of Our Dear Friends

Carol and Ken Laffer
Congratulations and
Mazel Tov!

Joan amd Marty Turman

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 47
Kol Hakavod to
Ken and Carol Laffer
on being bestowed with this beautiful honor.
 May you continue your commitment to your
Jewish community and Jewish education and
may you pass it on from generation to generation.
“L’dor Vador”
Our Best Wishes, Molly and Fabio Nick
48 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Congratulations to the Honorees
and our friend
Andrew Glick
Phase Connection Inc.
The Answer To All Your Wiring
Licensed Electrical Contractor

Office 631-543-2640 Eli Shmaryahu

Cell 347-510-5246

Mazel Tov and Best Wishes 

Andrew Glick
on the honor of being named
Man of the Year.
Jill and Michael Todd

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 49
50 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Ken and Carol
Mazel Tov
on this well deserved honor.

Sari and Stuart Braunstein
Tempo/Jay Industries Inc.

Congratulations to
Andrew Glick
Man of the Year

From The Braverman Family Charitable Foundation

Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon P. Braverman

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Braverman
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Braverman
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Blumenthal

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 51
Chabad at Stony Brook
Mark & Robbin Teitelbaum 
true visionaries of Jewish continuity.

May G-d bless your efforts with success. 

Rabbi Chaim & Rivkie Grossbaum

Congratulations to

Andrew Glick
and our best wishes to
Chabad of Mid Suffolk

Marty and Linda Brownstein

52 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Our very best wishes and warm
Mazel   Tov
to Ken and Carol Laffer, Andrew Glick,  
Mark and Robbin Teitelbaum 
and Rabbi & Rebbetzin
for your kindness, generosity and dedication to Chabad
 and our entire community.
Ron and Jodi Haas and Family

Mazel Tov and Congratulations to

all the Honorees and to
Chabad of Mid Suffolk
Joanne Lynn
New York Therapy Placement Services, Inc.
150 West 56th Street, #5903, New York, NY 10019
718-264-1640 – Phone • 718-484-0530 – Fax

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 53
We are delighted to honor
Rabbi Tuvia and Chaya Teldon
Rabbi Mendel and Brocha Teldon 
Doctor Amira Simha-Alpern Zvi Alpern MD
Clinical Psychologist L.I. Gastroenterology and Liver Disease
21 Redwood Lane 48 Route 25A Suite 307
Smithtown, NY 11787 Smithtown, NY  11787
Tel.  631-863-0408 Tel.  631-265-0062

Congratulations and Best Wishes

to all the Honorees     
North Shore
Orthopedic Surgery
and Sports Medicine, PC
48 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787
(631) 863-1007  • Fax (631) 862-3668

Sanford C. Scheman, MD Gerald S. Wertlieb, MD Charles J. Bleifeld, MD

Kevin G. Vesey, MD Richard A. Weiss, MD Nathaniel L. Tindel, MD
Sandra J. Iannotti , MD Mark J. Sterling, MD Bill Dalosis, DPM

54 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Congratulations to all of the Honorees and
Chabad of Mid Suffolk

Alon Ben David

Ben David Project Management
For all of your Construction and
Home Improvement Needs

38 Wiltshire Drive
Commack, NY, 11725
Fax 631-462-2680

Dearest Brocha, Mendy, Levi, Chana,

Moshe and Yisroel,
May you continue to be a source of Nachas to our family,
the community and the entire Jewish people.

It is so nice to see the Rebbe’s vision of reaching every Jew

with love and devotion realized through you.

Much love,
Mommy and Tatty Katz

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 55
In Honor of
Mark and Robbin Teitelbaum
Congratulations & Best Wishes on this Wonderful Honor.
We are so sorry we could not be there to share
in the celebration with you tonight.
May you continue to be an inspiration
to the entire community.

Alan Nickman
Nickman / O’Neal & Associates
of Bellmarc Realty
424 Columbus Avenue, New York, NY 10024

To our dear friends

Mark and Robbin Teitelbaum
Congratulations on being chosen as this year’s honorees!
We Salute You!
May Hashem continue to grant you the strength to
persevere, the ability to achieve and the will to
share your success with the community!
Mazal Tov!
Rabbi Mendy Heber
Chabad of Brookville
56 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Best Wishes
To all the Honorees 
Certified Public Accountatnts
1776 East Jericho Turnpike, Suite 2
Huntington, New York  11743-5713
T: (631) 499-4440 • F: (631) 462-6529

Congratulations and Best Wishes to

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Teldon     

For your tireless efforts and boundless Chessed
on behalf of Klal Yisroel

With much admiration

Sincerely, Erica, Craig, Benjamin & Dakota Tortora

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 57
Mazel Tov to The Man of the Year
Andrew Glick
And to his beautiful family
Wendy, Arielle and Jason
We all share a very special bond and friendship which has
as the Chabad of Mid Suffolk has grown
We are very blessed to have you in our lives

The Levines
. and
The Liebmans

58 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Our very best wishes to
 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Laffer
The joys, values, and traditions of our
heritage come to life under your guidance.
We thank you for all you do for our children and friends.
Mazel Tov!
Dr. Paul Bohensky & Adelle Bohensky

In Honor of
Ken and Carol Laffer
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
Ari and Erin Ruden

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 59
Mazel Tov
to all the honorees!

For all your Judaica needs

Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov!

Rabbi & Mrs. Tuvia and Chaya
Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel & Brocha
To another 25 years!
Zalmy, Chana, Levi, Rochel, Moshe and Chanie

60 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
In Honor of

Rabbi Mendy and Bracha Teldon,

Dear Friends and Examplary Shluchim of The Rebbe!

May you be blessed abundantly and continue

inspiring and impacting
those fortunate enough to come in contact with you.

Mazal Tov to the honorees!

Mendy and Chanala Kornfeld


Robbin and Mark

Aunt Susan and Uncle Shelly

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 61
Mazel Tov

62 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Congratulations Congratulations to

Ken and Carol Andrew

Laffer Chabad Man of the Year.
Founders of the Year
We are so happy for you!

Mazol Tov
Mark Lebo General
Diaries Corporation
Scott and Shari Perlman

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 63
To Our Dear Friends
Robbin & Mark
Visionaries of the Year
Mazel Tov!!

Susan & Dan Knopp

  Congratulations &
TO MY FRIEND Best Wishes
  Sheila and Herbert

64 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Ken and Carol Congratulations
May your family,
friends and the entire
community on this most
follow in your footsteps deserving honor!
to help perpetuate
the great work of 
Chabad in our community
Love and
very best wishes,
Joan and Rob
Joel & Lisa Blitzer

In honor of
Ken & Carol Laffer
Andrew Glick
Congratulations &
Best Wishes
Attorneys at Law
C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 65
In Honor of Congratulations to
Ken and Carol Laffer Andrew Glick
Wishing you all the best on this
momentous occasion. Man of the Year

May you be a source of pride Your tireless efforts and

to your family, friends and involvement in the community
to the Jewish nation and are appreciated by the children
mankind. and their parents.

Your Friends, We wish you the best always.

Ira, Steve, Jay, Al and Ari Lois and Adam Feinstein

to our Friend

Andrew Glick

Dr. & Mrs.

Christopher First

66 C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k
Larry Cohen
Trader Congratulations
(631) 982-2112 Andrew
F ORE X Glick
The Currency Exchange Man of the Year

“Learn From a Trader

Who Trades for a Living” Garry and Abbi Sklut

Kenny & Carol

Over 30 years
of Friendship

Yasher Koach!

Fran & Howie Levine

C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k 67
Kenny and Carol, Keep up the Great Work. Mazal Tov.
From, Albert & Eugenia Mitrani
Congratulations Ken and Carol Laffer. From, Bonnie Ott
Mazel Tov Andrew Glick! From,Your NSR BBYO Family
Ken, Mazel Tov on your Dedication. Best Wishes, Elkie & Lee
In Honor of Robbin and Mark Teitelbaum, Congratulation and Best Wishes.
From, Dave & Terri Weiner
In Honor of Mr. Laffer. From, Superior Promotional Bags
Mazel Tov Robbin and Mark. From, Dorothy Teitelbaum
Congratulations to Ken and Carol Laffer. From, Your Friends at Dard Products.
In Honor of Ken and Carol Laffer - To Life, Love, Health & Happiness. Mazel Tov!
Kim Laffer & Jason Nick
Mazel Tov to Chabad. From, Caryn Liebman
Best Wishes Ken and Carol Laffer. From, Jan and Sandra Aranoff
In Honor of Ken and Carol Laffer. From, David and Dorothy Schachne
Congratulations and Best Wishes Andrew! From, The Mermelstein Family
In Honor of Mark and Robbin Teitelbaum. From, Steven Schochet
In Honor of Ken and Carol Laffer. From, Barry and Janice Feldman
In Honor of Ken and Carol Laffer. From, Paul Sprunk & Associates
Mazel Tov Andrew! From, Rhonda and Brian Cohen
To Carol and Ken. From, Your Proud Mother, Elsie Laffer
In Honor of Mark and Robbin. From, Alexander and Rose Teitelbaum
In Honor of Chabad of Mid-Suffolk’s 25th Anniversary. From, Steven & Elyse Wolk
In Loving Memory of Jacob Eckstein. From, Shelia Eckstein
Congratulations! From, Steve and Margo Labiner
In Honor of Richard Reiss & Rabbi Mendel Teldon.
From, Arye Kraus & Harry Kraus

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for the printer?

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This event would not have been possible without the support
of the entire Chabad of Mid Suffolk community. We have deep appreciation
and gratitude to all of our friends, supporters, guests and volunteers.
Your hard work and commitment to the Jewish community in Suffolk County
is remarkable. May G-d bless each and every one of you and your loved ones
with health, joy and prosperity. Amen!

“All who occupy themselves with the affairs of the community, their
righteousness endures forever” (Ethics of our Fathers 2:2).

In addition...
Thank you to
Alan Schoenfeld and David Cooper Bonnie and Paul Liebman
– Lou G. Siegel Judith and Hy Brownstein
David Levitan Robert Roth
Sholom Laine Dr. Ronald Roth
Ella Vorovitch Tammy Feldman
DJs Unlimited Productions Risa Sidrane
Levi Teldon Rabbi Mendel and Brocha Teldon
Limor and Eli Shmaryahu Lee Richstone
Roberta Pogrob Mike Croce – Micro Industries
Parker Levine Rachel Levin – Motivators, Inc.
Caren and Michael Levine

Chabad of Mid Suffolk appreciates your support.

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C h a b a d of M i d - S u f f ol k

318 Veterans Highway I Commack , NY 11725

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