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9th October 2016

Fleet Meadow Flyer

The newspaper for Fleet Meadow Baptist Church
We meet most Sundays in Fleet Meadow Community Hall at 10am. Our pastor is Revd. Ann Fradgley. Please visit our website or
find us on Facebook for details and dates of other events.

Welcome to our church this Sunday

morning. If you are visiting us for the
first time, we do hope you will feel
welcome here, and that you will want to
come again.
This Sunday our service is led by Amy, Denise and
Mike on the subject of The Son of God: The
Incarnation, and will include Communion. There will
be Sunday Club for the young people and
refreshments will be available after the service.

New Preaching series

The Essentials of our faith
Today we start a short (3 session) series of
sermons, after the series on parables, which
included many sessions on the allotment, and
before the Advent season.
We will remind ourselves of the basics of our faith
and look at: 9 October: The Son of God: The Incarnation
23 October: The Lamb of God: Death
13 November Remembrance Sunday: The Risen
One: The Resurrection

Pastor Ann can be contacted all day on

Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday this
week. She can be contacted on or 01235 815728 on
these days. If you need help or prayer on other
days, please contact another member of the
leadership team or use the prayer circle
contact details at the foot of page 2.

Join us for our Autumn church walk.
Today, Sunday October 9th, 2016
A walk of about two hours duration. Clear open
pathways through woodland, along farmland, and
common land. The walk also takes us along part
of The Chiltern Way and The Shakespeare Way
ending with a gentle and gradual descent in which
you can take in the beautiful views of Stonor Park
and the picturesque valley it is located in. There is
a steadily steep start of about 400 yards long on a
wide path through open, beech woodland. If you
prefer you can drive, with Maggie, to join us at the
top of the hill, from where it is level walking to the
gradual descent. Dogs need to be on leads most
of the way round but can have a good run once
we get to our end refreshment point, The Barn
Cafe at Turville Heath, which is a short drive away.
The proprietors have kindly offered to stay open
for us, after their Winter opening hours, and will
lay on jam and cream scones, besides their usual
snacks. The cafe is a charming old barn where
dogs are welcome inside too.

MEETING 2.00 p.m

A 25 minute drive to Upper Assendon Farm Barns.
RG9 6HE.
Go through Nettlebed towards Henley.
Past Bix, at the bottom of the hill, take B480 which
goes off to the left.
You will see a brown sign for Stonor Park.
Once at Upper Assendon, we park in a lay by on
the left, opposite some barns.

Please send any notices for the weekly Flyer to David this week (Email: They need to be with
me by Wednesday.

Bible Readings

15"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you

say I am?"

The Son of God: The Incarnation

16Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the

Son of the living God."

Luke 1:30-35
30 the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid,
Mary, you have found favour with God. 31You will
be with child and give birth to a son, and you are
to give him the name Jesus. 32He will be great
and will be called the Son of the Most High. The
Lord God will give him the throne of his father
David, 33and he will reign over the house of Jacob
forever; his kingdom will never end."
34"How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since
I am a virgin?"
35The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come
upon you, and the power of the Most High will
overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will
be called the Son of God

John 1:29,32-25
29The next day John saw Jesus coming toward
him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes
away the sin of the world!

32Then John gave this testimony: "I saw the Spirit

come down from heaven as a dove and remain on
him. 33I would not have known him, except that
the one who sent me to baptize with water told
me, `The man on whom you see the Spirit come
down and remain is he who will baptize with the
Holy Spirit.' 34I have seen and I testify that this is
the Son of God."
35The next day John was there again with two of
his disciples. 36When he saw Jesus passing by, he
said, "Look, the Lamb of God!"

Matthew chapter 16: 13-16.

13When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea
Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people
say the Son of Man is?"

17Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of

Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man,
but by my Father in heaven. 18And I tell you that
you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my
church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome
it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of
heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound
in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will
be loosed in heaven." 20Then he warned his
disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Christ

Prayer spaces at
Ladygrove Park School
31st Oct - 4th Nov
It is exciting that the churches have been invited
to run Prayer Spaces again at Ladygrove Park
Four helpers per session are needed is for to sit
with up to four children at a time and support
them as they engage with the different prayer
activities. It is not difficult and can be very
rewarding. Often it simply involves making sure
that they know what they're doing. Other times
they may want to chat with you or ask you a
question. If you want to know more about how
these sessions work, do chat to Malcolm, Mike,
Denise or Tracy, who have all helped before.
The sessions run from 9am to 12.15pm and 1pm
to 3pm each day (the Monday morning session
will include setting up). Help in taking down after
3pm on Friday would also be welcomed.
If you would like to help with this, please contact
Hugh Boorman, tel: 01235 819036 or e-mail:

14They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others

say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the
If you would like prayer or help during this week please contact a member of the leadership team on 07951 045093 or e-mail

Harvest offering
As part of our Harvest thanksgiving on Sunday
October 16, we encourage you to bring things
along that the Didcot Foodbank is particularly in
need of at the moment. You can see the list
We have one or two dedicated people who bring
things for the foodbank each week - thank you to
those who do. We provide a bag which is hung
near the refreshment table each week which you
can put things into. There is a continuing and
sadly increasing need for food and other items to
be given. However, there are some things you
regularly bring those.
I know that many of us who shop at Sainsburys
that the foodbank has plenty of, and that list is
also below - please consider something off the
other list if
use a foodbank Nectar card, which accumulates
points on a master card which the foodbank is
able to use to buy things that are out of stock on
a particular week. If you would like a Nectar card,
please ask Malcolm and he'll get you one.
The Didcot foodbank is supported by and stocked
up by all the churches in Didcot and district, with
the occasional gift from other sources - this time
of year especially Harvest thanksgivings in schools
give a huge boost to the stock, but a lot of this is
then sent out at Christmas in the form of hampers.
Please consider being a regular foodbank donor,
but bring something along at harvest too!
The following is really needed: weetabix

Tinned veg

Tinned meat

Packet potato



Long grain rice


Packet soup

Hot chocolate drink...( hot water)

What is not needed at present:

Baked beans
Tinned soup
Tinned fish
Tinned tomatoes

Bible Study Groups

We have a couple of small groups which meet in
homes during the week for fellowship and to
study the Bible together. If you would like to know
more about joining one of these groups, or for
information on dates and venues, please talk to:
For Tuesday mornings contact Denise on 01235
819012 or e-mail
For Tuesday evenings contact Malcolm on 01235
210971 or e-mail

Prayer Pointers
Please pray...

For the leadership team meeting on

For the Baptist Union Council meeting
this week to seek Gods guidance for
our denomination.
For the people of Haiti and other
countries affected by Hurricane
Matthew last week.

If you would like prayer or help during this week please contact a member of the leadership team on 07951 045093 or e-mail

Dates for your diaries

Sun 9th Oct

10.00 Morning service with

Mike, Denise and Amy.
Communion & Sunday
14.00 Autumn walk around
Stonor Park with Maggie
and Tim

Tues 11th Oct

10.00 Morning home group at


Sat 15th Oct

09.00 Mens Breakfast at Salinas

Sun 16th Oct

10.00 Harvest Thanksgiving on

the allotment with Pastor

Mon 17th Oct

19.15 Listen to God at the


Sun 23rd Oct

10.00 Morning service with

Revd Malcolm Cook

Tues 25th Oct

10.00 Morning home group at


Abingdon Marathon
Emily will be doing the Abingdon Marathon on
23rd October. If anyone would like to sponsor
her she has a page on Just Giving:
All money raised will go to the Sobell House

20.00 Evening Home group

Sun 30th Oct

10.00 Morning service with Amy

Next Sunday Pastor Ann will lead us in our Harvest
Festival celebration on the allotment, weather
permitting. All are invited to bring contributions for
the Food Bank as our Harvest Offering.

If you would like prayer or help during this week please contact a member of the leadership team on 07951 045093 or e-mail

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