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T r e atis e on

T he P e tition to the Cour t

Due Le gal P r oce s s /
or iginating due pr oce s s
( Br itis h Law )

Part II
Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine


FILE NO . PO-00001
OTTAWA Registry





ü ................... day the

BEFORE THE SUPREME COURT ý ................... day of
þ .................., 20 .... .

ON THE APPLICATION of M r. E. J. Krass, Son of Heaven - title bestowed by Canadian governments ,

without a hearing (and, if applicable, by consent)


RE-DRESS via Petitions to the Court and the Corollary of Laws

that Extend from The Charter of Rights and Freedoms where

the rule of all laws is The Principles of Fundamental Justice

and The Supremacy of God

1. On January 9, 2009, the (defacto) Petition to the Court was filed with the Supreme Court
of British Columbia Kelowna. The file number for the proceeding was 81581. This litigation
proved unequivocally that, due to the current running of the WCB across Canada as an employers’
or stakeholders’ of the economy insurance company with complete and utter disregard for everyone’s
right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice as well as everyone’s right to self
determination from all the objective medical evidence, the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation
Act and its functioning as a national labour standards generator based on objective evidence, i.e. the
“neutral” agency with exclusive jurisdiction over all matters arising from the enabling legislation


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

that makes work compatible with the mature, healthy and kinetic human body, must be signed off
of by the courts while the current Workers’ Compensation Acts will obviously also have to be
peremptorily struck down and the aforementioned 6 wrongfully denied WCB claims across Canada
must simply be peremptorily re-instated.

2. The January 9, 2009 Petition to the Court was based on the realities that the WCB’s
Fundamental Justice Dictate is NOT being used anywhere across Canada and injuring all workers
has become a continuous daily event with no cessation planned for as demanded by The Principles
of Fundamental Justice and everyone’s INALIENABLE right to security of person as affirmed by
Fundamental Justice, plus the governments have shown in the enacted legislation since 1982 that
no Charter of Rights and Freedoms grounds can be used in arriving at governmental decisions nor
any review decision afterwards except at the Supreme Court of Canada. This “due process” violates
everyone’s INALIENABLE right to security of person as affirmed by The Principles of Fundamental
Justice because judicial review was undertaken and maintained through a dual branch of the
judiciary across Canada where The Principles of Fundamental Justice and enforcing the
Fundamental Justice outcomes in all matters don’t apply. The resulting “due process” made the
Supreme/Superior Courts in Canada and the appellant courts in to agents of the provincial
governments and their letter of the laws rather than wholly independent and impartial tribunals using
The Principles of Fundamental Justice as outline in s. 11(d) and s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms. Ergo, there is no Fundamental Justice anywhere across Canada because this justice
actually is instilled in the minds of everyone which means that there should never be any laws,
passed since 1982, that did on comply with the Legal Rights section of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and the only proof that the law is truly part of the corollary of laws that extend from The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms would be that every law and scheme would have a Fundamental
Justice Dictate attached just as with the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act.

3. The original 1913 WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate determines that the courts must
sign off on the Petition to the Court completely filed on March 4, 2009. While, Exhibits “G”
through “L”, made the Petition to the Court unopposable or peremptory as the governments cannot
contradict or attempt to contradict the words of their enacted legislation because that would be
perjury plus the judiciary cannot provide an opinion because the evidence provided by God through
better diagnostic imagery and proper reconciliation of the objective evidence prohibits any opinion
other than signing off on the provided Order - Welcome to Administrative Law and The Principles
of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God!

4. But, the January 9, 2009 unopposable Order was just the beginning because it only
addressed one of the primary laws of the corollary of laws that extend from The Charter of Rights


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

and Freedoms. This second Order will finalize the process or, basically, provide the majority of
the corollary of the laws that extend from The Charter of Rights and Freedoms with only those laws
demonstrably justifying that they uphold The Charter of Rights and Freedoms’ Legal Rights Section
with a provided and legitimate Fundamental Justice Dictate showing that the resulting scheme and
law alone uphold everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights and NOT indirectly through an ideology
or illegitimate demand placed on people.

5. Already, the peremptory replacement of the provincial Workers’ Compensation Act with
the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act will result in massive reformation as this action will
re-establish the WCB as a national program which is absolutely necessary due to the deceptive
practices of the current WCB which are unlawfully forcing the job injured to focus on fighting for
their Legal Rights - Tort/Retort conflict - and which are prohibiting everyone from realizing that the
WCB is truly fully responsible to cure all job injuries that is an universal right which extends from
everyone’s right to security of person and self determination - right to liberty.

6. The original 1913 WCB policy for Evidence and responsibility for attaining the objective
medical evidence reads as follows (as provided in the WCB (BC) Review Division decision # 22986
& 28121):

Policy item #97.00, Evidence, states, in part, that the correct approach in
adjudication is to examine the evidence to see whether it is “wholly” complete
(based on similar job injuries) and reliable to arrive at the conclusion that the
job injuries are ongoing or have been “resolved entirely.” If not, the Adjudicator
should consider what other evidence might be obtained and must take the
initiative in seeking further evidence. After that has been done and the objective
evidence affirms that the job injuries have not been “resolved entirely,” ALL
WCB benefits are to be immediately re-instated retroactively!

So, the decisions by the WCB administration is based on objective evidence and solely
based around whether the job injuries have been “resolved entirely” and nothing else. At the end,
the Truth will support the reality of the ergonomic labour standards and provide greater medical
understanding of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body than currently exists but is not
represented in medicine’s human anatomy theories.

7. It is important to state that no governmental or academic decision is final until the

objective evidence supporting it is produced regardless of the governments’ contrary
contention to this Truth. Plus, in a system built around Fundamental Justice based on reality, aka


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the WCB built around the Principles of Fairness and Natural (Order) Justice, no amount of trickery
used nor the depth of corruption can withstand the arrival of Truth - you only forestall its arrival in
violation of another aspect of Fundamental Justice! The Truth will also expose all fraudulent cases.

8. To demonstrate the reality of no decision being final and conclusive without objective
evidence supporting it, let’s look as the Supreme Court and the criminal law system. Until the
1990’s, there was no such thing as a DNA test of the human evidence. So, basically, the system
relied on probabilities rather than certainties.

Following DNA evidence, the probabilities based system has been exposed as being highly
inaccurate and, in fact, some previously “factually” accepted evidence has now been repudiated:
hair fiber analysis has been proven to be non-factual from DNA testing which exposes that our
interpretation of hair fibers for decades has had no legal standing. This Truthful reality proves that
there are far more cases of wrongfully convicted as the hair fiber analysis was, until recently,
provided to everyone as being solid and legitimate when, in fact, that assessment has been repudiated
by DNA research.

9. Fundamental Justice affirming Right and not right/wrong and, hence, innocence or guilt,
has taken on monumental proportions in the whole criminal system because our ongoing criminal
system was wrongly presented as being quite infallible. So, in the industrialized world, the Supreme
Courts’ decisions had a false air of certainty and correctness. DNA evidence now fully repudiates
our long held beliefs in the crime and punishment agenda but the public is still being told that they
need more police officers and jails, etc. rather than pursuing, with the process of elimination, the
legitimately supported FREE society instead of governments and the establishment forcing everyone
to live in classes and the surreal lives that come with distinctions.

10. In spite of the Supreme Courts being forced to exonerate summarily the wrongfully
convicted of serious crimes that the new evidence now shows they did not commit as is correct and
just given Fundamental Justice, this same policy, however, NO LONGER applies within the
arbitrary due review process of the WCB and all “quasi-judicial” decision making bodies where the
Rules of Evidence have been thrown out in favour of weighing the opinions of degree holders against
those of other degree holders, as if this is actual evidence, and then declaring this “weighing of
opinions” as being final and conclusive/binding when reality and The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms are dictating that this whole decision making and arbitrary due review process never
had any validity and is and always has been unconstitutional! Don’t forget, it wasn’t until 1982
that the due review appeal process was imposed upon the Natural (Order) Justice WCB system
thereby eliminating the job injured’s right to have their job injuries cured.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

11. When DNA Fundamental Justice was finally attained in older cases where new DNA
evidence became known, the Supreme Courts have been forced to impose the appropriate and just
outcome and exonerate those clearly having been wrongfully convicted and summarily, i.e. there is
no retrial possible because the evidence not only shows that the person is innocent but also that the
due process was corrupt.

12. Yet, when the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate is attained by the job injured and
their attending clinicians, relative to WCB claims which conclusively show that the long term
job injuries are clearly unhealed and unresolved and the legitimate historical WCB benefits
wrongfully denied, the long term job injured are then told by the agents of the provincial
government or even the Ministers Responsible for the WCB - take your complaint to court for
redress as Fundamental Justice outcomes are no longer binding on the jurisdictional WCB.

13. This advice is unacceptable given s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as everyone
has the right to security of person and self determination which Fundamental Justice affirms.
Truthfully, the mature, healthy and kinetic human body around the world affirms the universal and
patently obvious conclusion that not only is there one Right lifestyle but also that the pluralism
being pushed by the political parties and governments worldwide has no legitimacy and never
did because all that was achieved with pluralism is corruption and establishing what man has
created as being superior to what exists naturally so as to keep the Truth beyond mankind’s

14. However, what is really being told to the job injured by the establishment and the
provincial governments when they tell the job injured to take their complaint to court is, “fulfil s. 24
of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and have the universality of being of s. 7 of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms replace the falsely accepted current definition of equality: equality of access
to man’s civilization based around money.”

As Iris Evans, former Alberta Minister of Labour and member of the Alberta Treasury
Board, that was created through the passing of the Alberta Financial Administration Act in 2000, has
made it clear that, because the WCB has not been run according to its original 1913 directives since
1918, it is going to take someone of great moral character and understanding to throw out
governance in favour of the process of elimination and corrective objectivity in all governmental
agencies thereby unleashing the captive singular lifestyle supported by the mature, healthy and
kinetic human body, that has been withheld from the general public, along with the intrinsic Mandate
of Heaven which means that everything going forward must revolve around this newly
discovered human body type!


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

15. Failure to uphold one’s responsibility to provide everyone with the corollary - singular set
- of laws that only exists by respecting everyone’s Legal Rights and The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms which automatically establishes THE FREE society supported by reality - the Supremacy
of God - over the desire of the establishment to have 2 basic classes in the current civilization - ruled
and ignorant followers of the controlled supply of money and then the establishment - has resulted
in a civilization that continuously repeats itself with all its negative traits towards everyone’s
universal right to life. This approach to governance and the people simply is not acceptable
especially since 1 person with reality at his back can throw off governance and the establishment by
exposing to everyone - in Petitions to the Courts/Peremptory Mandamus Orders - the surreal nature
of civilization that has been quietly and unlawfully imposed on everyone with all THE FREE
Society’s safe guarding agencies not willing to fulfil their protective roles, i.e. the free press/mass
media and opposition political parties in the legislatures.

16. Not only did I, Mr. E. J. Krass, experience the reversal of fortune that comes with
substantive and relevant evidence like in DNA within the WCB system in March 1991 but I also
have encountered the corruption of the entire system especially where it pertains to newly
discovered advances in medicine that make all historical cases of traumas to outstretched
arms, overuse syndromes and repetitive stress scenarios of the arms/elbow in to serious and
significant physiological injuries at the lateral epicondyle’s load bearing lateral complex as the
initial medical human anatomy theories have been shown to be invalid.

17. Until 1998, I never had a Gadolinium enhanced MRI performed on my right elbow but the
medical community still knew that I had suffered overuse and sustained an insufficiency of my right
elbow’s lateral complex. However, the Canadian specialists were unwilling to acknowledge this
truth to me or to the WCB and courts which is unethical and an utter contravention of everyone’s
INALIENABLE right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice.

18. In spite of my having attained the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate in October 1998,
the Alberta government - on account of Section 11 of the Workers’ Compensation Act of Alberta -
refused to allow my WCB (Alberta) Claim to be re-instated and the WCB (Alberta) and its Accident
Fund to be fully responsible for the cost of acknowledging that my June 1989 job injuries were
ongoing and my job injuries’ cure had been attained in Los Angeles. The Alberta Government has
simply and steadfastly abstained from allowing truth and justice to prevail in my WCB claim and
brought the administration of justice on my WCB in to disrepute. But, why?

19. The reason for the massive betrayal of trust and the cover-up of the truth was because the
Alberta Government knew full well that its current running of the WCB was a gross violation of The


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its responsibility to protect everyone’s Legal Rights. Plus,
since October 3, 2003, the world was indirectly informed that the reason for the denial of truth in
my WCB Claim, just as in Ruth A. Laseur’s WCB (Nova Scotia) claim and Donald Martin’s WCB
(Nova Scotia) claim, was simply because all similar long term WCB claims would also have to be
re-instated and medicine within Canada finally brought back in to touch with reality!

20. The reason everyone in Canada doesn’t receive a Gadolinium enhanced MRI on joints
within 12 hours of the injury, in the acute setting, is because the system already knows that its
running of medicine - to the detriment of the reality of the objective evidence and its implications
for “recorded” human anatomy - defies Truth and has, for decades, forced everyone to live under
the subjective opinions of specialists and not the proper findings of the objective evidence
performed within the acute setting.

21. This Truth demanded that the January 9 and March 4, 2009 Supreme Court of British
Columbia litigation be filed with the Kelowna registry (file no. 81581) and demanded through The
Principles of Fundamental Justice that all provincial governments be striped of their control of the
Workers’ Compensation Board and the current jurisdictional Workers’ Compensation Act be
REPLACED WITH the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act with its national and “neutral”
administration and the use of the process of elimination from objective evidence on a national level
and the Board is once again to have exclusive jurisdiction over all matters arising out of the enabling

22. All Canadians live with the known reality that the world is round and gravity holds us upon
its outer surface. This reality determines that much of what we know historically from mankind has
little bearing on us because the way the elites ruled the earth, centuries ago, was based on the
presumption that mankind had the right to create unsupported laws and civilizations which resulted
in this planet and its land masses being distributed by the kings and queens just as the governments
of today still allow land titles to be purchased when we now know that our governments never had
a hand in the creation of this planet and its land surface making the land title a joke especially
if the land washes or falls away.

23. Along these lines, why do we allow ourselves to be classified as British Columbians,
Quebecers, Newfoundlanders, Manitobans, Ontarians, etc. These titles impose classifications and
distinctions that have no meaning because, first and foremost, we are human beings whose bodies
have been damaged and the old adage “... All the Kings Men and all the Kings Women...” really can’t
put them back together again once they have been damaged applies and is wholly valid!


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

24. However, in Nova Scotia and PEI, to my knowledge, when a person suffers a job injury
and they attain the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate, the WCB has the obligation to re-instate
the WCB claim immediately - see the outcome of the SCC’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v.
The WCB (Nova Scotia) s. 122.

25. In BC, Alberta and Ontario, this benefit does not exist because Fundamental Justice has
been blatantly circumvented by the provincial governments with their continued refusal to bring back
the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate in their respective WCB and provincial medical systems:
S. 44 and 45 of the BC provincial Administrative Tribunals Act, s. 245.1 of the current Workers’
Compensation Act (BC) and Exhibit “J” before the Supreme Court of British Columbia where the
Court Acts are shown to be UNLAWFULLY biased in favour of the current letter of the laws and
governmental decisions based upon the laws affirming the uniform prohibition of access to Charter
Rights and protections for the job injured across Canada. Furthermore, all provincial quasi-judicial
tribunals across Canada are prohibited from using everyone’s Legal Rights to provide the
Fundamental Justice outcome in all cases in violation of s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and

26. This unnatural conflict over Truth process then kicks in s.24(1) of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms but, everyone has wrongly been informed that, in judicial review, the courts must
review the entire file rather than the outcome relative to s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
and the missing Fundamental Justice Dictate. Consequently, the judges unlawfully provide another
Tort/Retort opinion that once again talks around accepting the objective findings’ Fundamental
Justice Dictate.

If The Principles of Fundamental Justice were used appropriately, the disenfranchised

would simply file a Petition or defacto Petition to the Court (Superior Court in their communities)
to have the courts sign off on the appropriate and just remedy in the circumstances which also
means striking down laws and replacing them if they are salvageable.

27. But, The Principles of Fundamental Justice are not being applied as is shown in the
attachments to the Writ of Summons of January 9, 2009. So, everything is now a lost cause through
the initial governmental decision-making and review processes including the courts except at the
Supreme Court in Ottawa just as the Truth was for Senator Smith in Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
where every means to insure justice was either blocked or not put out Truthfully by those devoted
to financial gain and unconstrained economic/business growth just as has happened to all long term
job injured across Canada with the re-appearance of the new unlawful “benefit of the doubt policy”
that first was employed in the 1920’s where the opinions of the academics were UNLAWFULLY


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

made in to “evidence” rather than the objective evidence itself being the evidence: Canadian history
has repeated itself in every aspect of this era since 1980 just as Galileo’s Disease is apparent once
again because the elites now rule over reality! (If the hyperlink for The Principles of Fundamental
Justice ’s cannot be accessed, the internet cloud address is

28. According to the ongoing corruption of the administration of Canada, everyone of the non-
establishment class across Canada have been made in to non-human beings - denied our Legal Rights
as affirmed by Fundamental Justice - because the medical community abused its granted privileges
and ethics especially when dealing with WCB patients and the college of physicians and surgeons’
members at this agency’s highest level have constantly acted in UTTER BAD FAITH towards all
sufferers of tennis elbow/overuse syndrome/repetitive stress/chronic fatigue syndrome/yuppie
disease/carpal tunnel syndrome/etc. - a serious and significant physiological injury at the
radiocapitellar joint’s natural load bearing lateral complex that, unbeknownst to most, can be cured
but, with proper labour standards, these job injuries still can be WHOLLY PREVENTED!

29. This negligent operation of the medical community - disregard for everyone’s Legal Rights
- is even more pronounced with all members of the specializations along with the universities where
most work is done and where most of these people get paid tonnes of money to research illnesses
rather than advance human anatomy and the interpretations of x-rays from bone placement.

The current direction of medicine has not nor will it ever succeed as quadrillions of dollars
in research funds have proven this over the recent century because, if the modified pulley system™
in our extremities is not restored to its kinetic functionality, there is no means for the human body
to fight off most diseases in its future or ever!

30. As has been proven, the WCB medical advisors dealing with ALL job injured after the fact
are completely dishonest and disreputable as the very medical database of injuries is being openly
questioned by them on order from the governments who run medicine in Canada rather than the
cause-and-effect relationship being accepted and unchallenged as the medical database of injuries
dictate. So, obviously there is now an utter conflict not just between the job injured but all patients
and the consulting specialists and, surprisingly, the medical database of injuries. This conflict has
resulted in all patients being wrongfully denied their legitimate right to have the best diagnostics of
today applied in the acute setting which is utterly unconscionable as it contravenes everyone’s
INALIENABLE Right to security of person and just so that a subjective opinion can be presented!


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

31. Consequently, as the college of physicians and surgeons, on the directive of the provincial
governments, have failed us and our informed expectation of the role of doctors, this organization
standing must be abolished and this organization dismantled over 5-7 years which was
demanded in the March 4, 2009 defacto Petition to the Court filed with the Superior Court of British
Columbia (Kelowna) in file no. 81581.

32. Not only does the lack of medical ethics determine that the College of Physicians must be

summarily abolished and replaced with an open database where all person’s have the right to

advance our understanding of human anatomy from these diagnostics and/or the truthful

interpretation of the x-ray films so that everyone gets the chance to learn of and living the singular

lifestyle of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body which for millennia has been the Holy Grail

of existence because, without this objectively affirmed knowledge and merely supposition that the

mature, healthy and kinetic human body existed, adult onset diseases were supposed to have been

abolished by now through the process of elimination of activities that ran contrary to our mature,

healthy and kinetic body’s DICTATES, i.e. eliminate pain immediately upon it happening in those

leading a very uncomplicated lifestyle and not let the activity repeated for others - security of person.

Constitution Reality:

1. Does the running of the college of physicians and surgeons as agents of the governments

and budget constraints infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person

as affirmed by Fundamental Justice?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law - the current running of
the college of physicians and surgeons across Canada - cannot be saved, are of no effect and are
invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions MUST UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL
RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms is labeled “Legal Rights” because all laws must uphold this section of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms for everyone to access their universal right of being which is a singularity


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

not “indeterminate”.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the laws
and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of Canada’s
October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission) decision and
which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) file
no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms document (whose
i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009 unopposable
Summary Order demand, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and the Supremacy
of God, that the Unified College of Medicine be instituted immediately and the 3 primary guiding
principles that can never be overridden are: to uphold everyone’s security of person as affirmed by
Fundamental Justice; to advance mankind’s knowledge of human anatomy when the human body
is mature, healthy and kinetic (our mid-20’s or slightly later); with the final Principle of the College
of Unified Medicine being to seek out the lifestyle that this kinetic human body can sustain in
perpetuity by using the process of elimination and accepting that pain is the body’s means of telling
us that we did something wrong with the mature, healthy and kinetic human body or something has
not been reversed to bring the body back in to alignment with its kinetic functionality and sole
5. The nature order dictate then is that all laws across Canada and ultimately will have to be
amended to the reality that the maturation process of the human body is not completed at 12 or 16
years of age but really our mid-20’s. This reality is beyond reproach and the demands are
incontestible meaning that the Supremacy of God is imposing this reality on civilizations where the
rule of law (based on The Supremacy of God or The Mandate of Heaven) is accepted societal values.
6. Also, the March 4, 2009 unopposable Summary Order, as established by The Principles
of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God/The Mandate of Heaven, presented that the
current college of physicians and surgeons is to be abolished in 5-7 years and, when ever there is
conflict over the proper functioning of human anatomy, the benefit is to be given to the Unified
College of Medicine as none of its members will ever be allowed to make statements that are not
supported by the objective evidence or reconciliation of the differing interpretations of the objective


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

33. Quite oddly, the Hippocratic Oath has in it an incorrect presumption - “diet” is the root of
all our illnesses and premature death - which has been made redundant with our current level of food
production and storage which makes food preparation, when done right today, no longer the danger
that it was just a century ago and even further back. When the food is tainted from lack of
refrigeration and freezers, obviously people have the potential to die from eating the food or live a
very painful life after some diseases enter our system from such food.

However, these original factors for disease have, for the most part, been contained from
today’s technology and knowledge base for food preparation. So, the “diet” alone agenda of the
old Hippocratic Oath needs to be replaced with advancing our understanding of human
anatomy to the point where every feature of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body is
known and maintained.

This process is best done through the process of elimination that was the cornerstone
of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Board and everyone, with their x-rays and higher
levels of diagnostics, can play a part in this monumental expansion of human knowledge in to
what lies behind the closed doors.

34. Until November 1999, I mistakenly asked “nicely” for the system to do right by me and it
abstained thereby ordering me to take my complaint of the handling of my WCB (Alberta) claim,
my attending clinician’s June 1989 physical findings and his concise August 27, 2004 presentation
of the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate to court to have the abuse of me and everyone’s Legal
Rights by the governments and its agents resolved in accordance with everyone’s Fundamental
Human Rights but also having the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate for all universally re-
established across Canada. (The means for doing as demanded by the governments are Petitions
or defacto Petitions to the Court where the Order is presented to the court for the judge to sign
off of because The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God/Mandate of
Heaven establish that the disenfranchised has discovered the appropriate and just remedy to the
denial of everyone’s s. 7 Legal Rights. The unopposable or peremptory aspect for Petitions and
defacto Petitions to the Courts arises when the governments, under transparency, admit in their
passed legislation that the laws and the decisions based on these laws do not take in to consideration
everyone’s Legal Rights or when a Fundamental Justice Dictate is not provided for the law and/or

35. The abstinence on the parts of the Alberta Government and the Treasury Board for Alberta
towards doing the Right thing on my WCB claim plus the Judges of the Supreme Court being denied,
in the Supreme Court Act, the right to complete its October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. WCB


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

(Nova Scotia) decision based on s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms rather than the
discrimination grounds presented by Ruth Laseur and Donald Martin’s lawyers, especially due to
the BC provincial government affirming in 2004 the loss of everyone’s Legal Rights, after the
aforementioned SCC decision, and that the current running of the WCB across Canada is an utter
affront to the demands of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, instilled upon Mr. E. J. Krass, the
right to demand all that is in his Peremptory and Summary Orders since January 9, 2009 and
then some.

36. On March 17, 2008, I was introduced to the term “moral hazard.” I had never heard of this
term because I have always tried to live my life according to the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as
you would have done unto yourself” and being honest.

For those just as ignorant as I, “moral hazard” means creating, even if unintentionally, an
incentive for someone to commit a crime, or, at the very least an anti-social act.

37. For the medical advisors and specialists that consult on WCB cases, they get paid
regardless of whether they cure the known job injuries, identify them using the best
diagnostics of today, don’t cure them, define the job injuries as “permanent” even though the
injuries are known to be curable by the medical database of injuries, or if the patient’s right
to security of person and self determination are upheld or not.

38. Therefore, the current running of the WCB system by the provincial governments clearly
indicates moral hazard on the entire establishment’s part just as I unknowing indicated where I
stipulated that risk assessment means putting everything on the line as the establishment will
not changed unless overthrown. However, the admission in s. 44 and 45 of the provincial
Administrative Tribunals Act of BC that none of the initial decision-making and decision review
bodies are permitted to make a decision that takes in to account everyone’s right to security of
person and self determination thoroughly proves foreknowledge of illegal actions being undertaken
against everyone since the “neutral administration of the WCB” was quietly dismantled bit by bit
and ultimately reversed to be biased against the job injured, once again, through the unlawful
amending of the current jurisdictional Workers’ Compensation Acts!

39. Thus, the fulfilling of moral hazard has been exposed on the part of our governments and
all political parties along with the medical specialist communities affirming that the reforms
discussed thus far are correct and will eliminate the role of the “arm’s length” WCB medical
department as medical advisors providing “adverse” to Truth opinions is a flagrant violation of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Principles of Fundamental Justice and the administration of
justice and the elected officials across Canada know this to be true.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

The current running of the WCB across Canada, as an employers’ insurance company
whose administration is obliged either to challenge the Fundamental Justice Dictated outcome of
all WCB Claims or talk around the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate in all claims as that is how
the governments and the establishment has chosen unlawfully to reduce the costs to the WCB’s
Accident Fund currently rather than eliminate all job injuries through proactive enforcement of
objectively supported labour standards, fulfils moral hazard.

40. In 1913, the employers agreed with The Sir William Meredith Covenant: hence, the
designation Covenant - an agreement agreed to by all parties with the intention of making work
compatible with the mature, healthy and kinetic human body. This 1913 Covenant was struck to
keep commerce going rather than be sued out of business due to employees, the job injured,
consistently being able to prove that their work was killing, maiming and injuring all the work force
whether that occurred hours or years after the fact. The results of Sir William Meredith judicial
review clearly showed that the job injuries were related to the fact that work had been undertaken
without the true understanding of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body and was causing
the negative effects on the aforementioned bodies that were now being presented to do the work
rather than society sacrificing their children to workplace death and injury: pain legitimately was
historically seen as an injury to the person in some form rather than something that everyone has to
work around until they die prematurely - life expectancy was far less back then and most lives were
quite painful.

41. In return for stopping all lawsuits for work related injuries, the imposition of universal
immunity and the employers agreeing to non-negotiable premiums on their payrolls to establish the
WCB’s Accident Fund was initiated while the employees were granted the right to have their job
injuries “resolved entirely” (their Legal Right to security of person acknowledged) and all costs,
including wage-loss benefits and living allowance, for this curing of the job injuries to happen was
to be paid out of the newly created WCB’s Accident Fund in advance of the results - The
Presumption Section of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act.

42. The unified objectives of The Sir William Meredith Covenant was to discover the proper
mature, healthy and kinetic functionality of the human body from the imposition of ergonomic labour
standards whose objectives were to maintain the pain-free mature, healthy and kinetic human bodies
being used in the commission of commerce.

43. So, the means, in this Covenant - the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act, to reduce
the costs to its corresponding Accident Fund was to eliminate job injuries through the production
of ergonomic labour standards that would reflect the amount of correlated job injuries, across all


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

industries Canada wide, whose numbers were to force the medical community to advance its
diagnostics on a physical level and ADVANCE its understanding of human anatomy so that the
remaining work would not cause injury or death or pain in the mature, healthy and kinetic work

44. From this Truth and reality, the employers or all commercial enterprise, aka the economy,
agreed in 1913 to pay in to the WCB’ Accident Fund premiums on its payroll in order to learn how
to make work fully compatible with the new mature, healthy and kinetic work force with, work that
could not be made compatible, eliminated and objectively supported labour standards pro-actively
enforced at every job site.

45. This reality meant that the growth in commercial enterprise or now growth in the economy
was not to have materialized until business was only supplying what the mature, healthy and kinetic
human body might need beyond God’s blessings or what our biosphere provided originally, aka THE
FREE Society and the sole lifestyle of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body.

Why the Taxation Act must be now be abolished

46. Wait a minute, the outcome of the WCB means that this whole economic and commercial

enterprise standard that we live in today was never supposed to have materialized or, basically, our

governance has taken us down the wrong path and without asking us or informing us of this

violation of everyone’s Legal Rights. In short, the governments used BAD FAITH in their dealings

with the citizenry of Canada sin 1914 rather than Fundamental Justice!

47. In 1918, our governments shattered Canada as a whole FREE Society as the job

injuries became provincial problems rather than a problem of the business community across

Canada equally. Hence, one person that is injured on the job in Alberta or BC is not guaranteed

the same right to be cured that might apply in Ontario, Minnesota - home of the Mayo Clinic,

California - home of the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic, etc.

48. Further to this point, as the legitimate cure may not be provided in any specific jurisdiction

universally or Canada, then the labour standards must equally be based upon provincial biases and

the differing degree of zealousness for pursuing wealth over abiding by everyone’s Legal Right to

security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice, even though, the job injuries are occurring


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

equally across Canada only some of them are now being registered, province by province, while

others are not and with the sole reason for this selectiveness is to refute the need for the same

labour standards in all business Canada wide.

49. According to this uncovered hidden Truth, differing degrees of cruel and unusual treatment

due to the loss of everyone’s INALIENABLE right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental

Justice is taking place right across Canada with the provincial/territorial governments being the

sole impediment to the rise of Truth across Canada. But, the re-instatement of the original 1913

Workers’ Compensation Act which is 100 % consistent with everyone’s right to security of person

and self determination as demanded in the March 4, 2009 unopposable Summary Order will

eliminate this governments imposed abolishment of everyone’s Legal Rights as the WCB was

originally set up as a wholly independent federal agency - not a governments program which means

that all T5007 tax forms since 1991 are invalid and must be struck from the record.

50. However, as a complement to the re-instatement of the original 1913 Workers’

Compensation Act as demanded in the March 4, 2009 unopposable Summary Order, the Taxation

Act of Canada and all provincial Taxation Acts must be peremptorily struck down and can


Constitution Reality:

1. Does the Income Tax Act and their reliance on the pursuit of wealth for everyone rather

than pursuing THE FREE Society infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to security

of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice, s. 1 and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and



2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law - the Income Tax Act -
cannot be saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

MUST UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms! S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is labeled “Legal Rights” because all laws
must uphold this section of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms for everyone to access their
universal right of being which is a singularity not “indeterminate”.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the laws
and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of Canada’s
October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission) decision and
which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) file
no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms document (whose
i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009 unopposable
Summary Order demand, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and the Supremacy
of God, that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is
beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the standards of The FREE Society
or by true democratic standards.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice and
everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If none
exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme directly
upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice must be
provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be
maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is provided.

History of Income Taxes in Canada

51. In 1917, Canada imposed an insignificant income tax to fund and pay off its WWI
costs/debts. However, this minimal taxation was supplemented mainly with user fees and direct
consumption taxes. Following WWII, income tax became the means of paying off Canada’s
significant war debts.

52. By the mid-1950’s though, income taxes were being used to build the TransCanada
Highway system and the TransCanada pipeline system - most of the expansion of commerce and
trade avenues was overseen by C. D. Howe, Liberal MP. By the late 1970’s, commercial enterprise


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

and the economy had started to become part of the general populace’s thoughts even though such
growth collapsed by 1980 and people were walking away from their homes due to the mortgage on
their home’s having been inflated meaning that the debt exceeded the values of the homes.

53. In 1984, Brian Mulroney was elected Prime Minister and his sole objective was to make
devotees of all Canadians to the new false god of money and greed.

54. Surprisingly, even though making money a directive of all people had been undertaken
throughout the 20th Century, in 1982, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was repatriated and the
right of everyone to security of person and self determination - liberty - and the pursuit of THE
FREE Society away from democracy was formalized in accordance with The Principles of The
Supremacy of God, i.e. there being more to existence than the civilization enforced with the letter
of the laws being the rule of law. The consequences of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms’
demands was the establishment of Petitions and defacto Petitions to the Court being filed by any and
all disenfranchised where the Orders provided could only be signed off of by the courts and this
branch of litigation was to be used in case the governments actually did the unthinkable and, behind
the scenes, made the letter of their legislation in to the rule of law rather than The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms and its standards being the Rule of Law.

55. Petitions and defacto Petitions impose MANDAMUS Orders which are demanded for
correction of governments overstepping their authority, i.e. where moral hazard can be proven as
the law(s)/legislation refused to allow Fundamental Justice its ability to affirm the Supremacy of
God, aka The Mandate of Heaven - objective reality repudiating man’s perceptions, thereby exposing
that everyone’s Legal Rights are being circumvented by any or all legislation notwithstanding The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms demanding that informed consent was required before any
agenda/ideology, that eliminated everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights, was to be undertaken or
maintained - grand-fathered in and unlawfully inhered with the imposed falseness of being consistent
with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Consequently, in such discovered scenarios, we, the
people, have right (s. 24 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms) to correct the resulting lie with
Petitions and defacto Petitions to the Courts, i.e. MANDAMUS.

56. Since April 17, 1982, any Rule of Law became susceptible to being struck down and
replaced (I. e. the current laws is incorrect but the scheme is salvageable because there is a legitimate
direct Fundamental Justice Dictate that relates to s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms) or
struck down and exposed as being unreplaceable (not saved, of no effect and invalid) by everyone
whose rights have been violated by that particular Law - s. 24 of The Charter of Rights and


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

57. The Income Tax Acts of Canada fulfil moral hazard and must be peremptorily struck down
and NEVER EVER REPLACED because they create an inherent conflict between wealth generation
and everyone’s right to security of person and self determination - liberty.

58. The absolute grounds for peremptorily striking down the Income Tax Acts of Canada is
because work and the mature, healthy and kinetic human body are incompatible meaning that
everyone’s right to security of person and self determination - liberty - had to have been dismissed
which, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice, outright abolished not only s. 7 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms but The Charter itself and unlawfully programed everyone in to
chasing money and accepting as their god, the love of money and pursuit of wealth over all other

59. The Principles of Fundamental Justice determine that doing one thing automatically
repudiates its converse or opposite.

Hence, the governments used deceit and deception to take everyone down the path of
making the love money our new false god because s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
established that all laws must be demonstrably justified to be consistent with the realities of THE
FREE Society or democratic standards - all this is dealt with thoroughly in Exhibit “AA” before the
Superior Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) in file no. 81581 whose internet cloud address is

60. Basically, the governments of Canada really could not abide by The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and decided to circumvent everyone’s INALIENABLE right to provide “informed
consent” as defined by everyone’s right to life and liberty in s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms. To hide this deceit and duplicity, the governments conned everyone in to thinking
according to discrimination to access to mankind’s civilization even though, all the while, the
governments knew that what they were doing was really obliterating THE free and democratic
society through the use of BAD FAITH and imposing the corruption it creates!

61. In the Income Tax Acts, businesses are granted “equivalent to legal person” standing which
dates all the way back to the end of the American Civil War in the US. Thus, a business’ desire to
make profits or be greedy about it which is recognized in the Income Tax Acts has been legitimized
with this unlawful “equivalent to legal person” standing that the governments really had no right
to put in place.

This legitimization of greed over all other considerations has finally come full circle


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

because now everyone has to chase after greater wealth in the cities in order to maintain the
establishment’s unnaturally imposed standard of living but now everyone’s Legal Rights that are
based on reality, Fundamental Justice and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms are in absolute
conflict with the governmental agenda and almost everyone’s personal mind set created from the
propaganda of the past century or so.

Constitution Reality:

1. Does the Income Tax Acts’ granting of “equivalent to legal person” to businesses for the

purposes of taxation infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as

affirmed by Fundamental Justice and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law - the Income Tax Act and
its fictitious use of “equivalent to legal person” - cannot be saved, are of no effect and are invalid
as all laws and schemes and their decisions MUST UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per
s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is
labeled “Legal Rights” because all laws must uphold this section of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms for everyone (people only) to access their universal right of being which is a
singularity not “indeterminate”.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the laws
and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of Canada’s
October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission) decision and
which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) file
no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms document (whose
i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009 unopposable
Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The Charter of Rights


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and the Supremacy of God, is
beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the standards of The FREE Society
or by true democratic standards for a short period of time.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice and
everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If none
exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme directly
upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice must be
provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be
maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is provided.

62. Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau knew of the conflict between BAD FAITH and the
use of discrimination by governments to occlude the real converse of BAD FAITH which is
Fundamental Justice but could do nothing to resolve this dilemma (abuse of authority by
governments now forcing everyone to chase their tails based on conflict of opinions which destroys
Right because Right and wrong are diametrically opposed entities meaning that the “and” is really
an “or”). So, the correction of Canada from a civilization with unjust laws and order back to THE
FREE Society was left to a person whose experience from work and the subsequent job injuries, i.e.
being injured from the job duties and then have the WCB falsely being run by the establishment and
their agents (governments) as an employers’ insurance company and resorting to the use of
Tort/Retort conflict to circumvent the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate, would allow him to
stumble in to the inherent conflicts between everyone’s Legal Rights and the establishment that has
unlawfully usurped “divine right” and which are creating false laws and schemes whose
“conceptually elegance” is difficult to go through but, once having gone through the personal trials
and attaining Fundamental Justice Truth, the oppressed long term job injured, having discovered
everything, can come out the other side and be the liberator of all - the prophet of Truth, Justice
and Right.

63. I, Mr. E. J. Krass, am that man because the appeals commission for the WCB (Alberta)’s
January 2000 Memo exposes that not only has this agency’s historical decisions been based on abuse
of me and elimination of everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right of security of person as affirmed
by Fundamental Justice but also circumvention of the Rules of Evidence while the Alberta
Government is still refusing to bring its decision in to alignment with the Truth provided by the
WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate and this Truth being endorsed by the attending clinician on my
WCB Claim in his subsequent reporting: “still adverse” - shows that governance in Canada has been
caught resorting to BAD FAITH in its dealings with the long term job injured and abstained from


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

doing that which Right demands which has brought the administration of justice in Canada in to
disrepute meaning that my words are filled with absolute self evident/simpliciter Truth and the
defacto Petition to the Court (file no. 81581) completed on March 4, 2004 must be signed off of by
the Superior Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) as quickly as possible in order to restore The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and the withheld Fundamental Justice outcomes.

64. In short, the evidence including my interpretation of the x-ray evidence is beyond
reproach and its Truth - Fundamental Justice - makes my words INCONTROVERTIBLE and

65. With the Income Tax Acts, now established to be unconstitutional, forcing your
governments and political parties in to the hands of the establishment and their desire to rule
illegitimately through UNCONSTRAINED commercial enterprise or growth in the economic
numbers, it has therefore been proven that everyone’s Legal Rights and the Covenant of The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms have been quietly and systematically overruled and eliminated - through
judicial review - in violation of everyone’s right to self determination and right to provide “informed

66. The only thing that all political parties really put to everyone now is, “How do we keep the
economy and commerce going while fulfilling our agendas within this economy based civilization?”

67. This leading question determines that everything that the government does now is not to
expose nor allow to be exposed objectively the greatness of reality beyond the economy and
governments have instead made everyone chattel of the economy - either be made unhealthy from
work, which is the majority, or rule over everyone by insuring that greed remains the standard of
governance, and, as the latter has all the unnatural money, they are or become the ruling elite. This
standard arose in Canada in 1918 when the governments realized that, following WWI, Canada was
essentially without a government as WWI ended empires and colonialism meaning that the hierarchy
in Canada needed to be replaced or the 3 Primary Laws that upheld everyone’s INALIENABLE Right
to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and the right to self determination and the
Right to provide informed consent re-instated. Sadly, the elected bodies instated themselves as the
bearers of the governance and its lost hierarchy rather than abide by the 3 Primary Laws of 1912-
1913 - the 1912 Juvenile Act, its complement - the Education Act, and, finally, the 1913 Workers’
Compensation Act.

68. In the current and continued mind set of governance since 1918, the only thing on ALL our


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

elected officials minds is how to keep the economy growing regardless of the harm to everyone’s
person necessary to do this and the fact that the economy is unnatural, of no effect, invalid and
not saved in THE FREE Society. This current false agenda for the unnatural establishment means
keeping the economy out of stagnation and recession at all cost while also keeping the taxation
dollars from the workers coming in as well as the found money of resource development and
royalties from the sale of resources globally. As is apparent, there is no consideration for the
legitimate administration of the WCB nor making work compatible with the mature, healthy and
kinetic human body that the medical community in select parts of the world discovered since 1960
nor everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights.

Hence, the inherent contradictory conflict between the Income Tax Acts and the
protections of our Legal Rights and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is now fully exposed
demanding the peremptory striking down of the Income Tax Acts with no replacement

Constitution Reality:

1. Do the Income Tax Acts inherently infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right

to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms by instilling in everyone the false ideal that pursuing wealth is consistent with pursuing

THE FREE Society as stipulated in s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the “and”

between THE FREE Society and democratic standards really is an “or” due to the joined entities

being diametrically opposed?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law - the Income Tax Act -
cannot be saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions
MUST UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms! S. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms demands that all laws must demonstrably
justify that the laws are upholding the standards of THE FREE Society or democracy. In reality,
Canada must pursue THE FREE Society because its evidence is objective and trumps any and all
subjective opinions to the contrary where the objective evidence had to have excluded from the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

opinions. Therefore, it is found that the pursuit of wealth contravenes the pursuit of THE FREE
Society and the manipulation of democracy, or Canada’s corrupt version of it, which demonstrably
justifies that the pursuit of wealth is of no effect, invalid and not saved nor salvageable according
to s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In short, the use of income tax by governments
constitutes BAD FAITH as it legitimizes the illegitimate ideal of pursuing wealth that opposes
the pursuit of THE FREE Society making it completely unconstitutional.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the laws
and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of Canada’s
October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission) decision and
which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) file
no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms document (whose
i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009 unopposable
Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and the Supremacy of God, is
beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the standards of The FREE Society
or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the standards of THE FREE Society
weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice
Dictate of the law. If none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how
the law and scheme directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by
Fundamental Justice and the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120
days if the democratic standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental
Justice Dictate is provided.

69. The only means that governments now have at their disposal to raise revenue are sales
taxes and user fees which by their nature will reduce our unconstrained consumption due to
historical subsidized economic growth where unlawful income tax dollars are being used to
circumvent everyone’s right to provide “informed consent” - liberty - as people have come to accept
this running of our lives through government intervention and commercial growth even though the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Income Tax Acts really were only implemented to pay off our war debts and not have them switched
to maintaining governance through a culture of “needing what the establishment wants us to think
we need” when this ongoing surreal world is fiction and unnatural.

Striking Down TILMA and the 2000 Alberta Financial Administration Act

70. It has been proven that the Alberta government and its agents within its schemes were
asked properly and accordingly to do that which was just based upon the objective evidence and
original directives of the agencies while it was proven thoroughly that Mr. E. J. Krass’ June 1989
job injuries are ongoing. The Alberta Government out of desperation rebuffed Mr. E. J. Krass
and continually refused to produce the Fundamental Justice outcome because they wanted this
matter to be taken to court with an unopposable summary Order so that the appropriate and
just remedy, that will insure everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by
Fundamental Justice - the universal right of being, will forevermore be upheld in all laws,
schemes and decision henceforth through the demand that all laws demonstrably justify that
they are upholding Everyone’s Legal Rights or s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
through a Fundamental Justice Dictate which was demanded with s. 52(1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms way back in 1982.

71. Thus, MANDAMUS - unopposable summary Order through Petitions to the Court and
defacto Petitions to the Court - had been put in play, unbeknownst to everyone especially Mr. E. J.
Krass, because the Alberta Government, just like all governments in Canada since 1918, knew that
what it has done and is stilling doing through all their governmental agencies is just wrong - BAD
FAITH - and has circumvented permitting the WHOLE Truth of Mr. E. J. Krass’ WCB claim to
abolish summarily and without opposition the unlawful and unconstitutional schemes through
which the economic agenda has been made overlord to all other objective Truth that repudiates the
agenda’s continuation as its implementation was unjust to begin with way back in 1918.

72. In short, the provincial governments since 1985 have re-created the conflict between
opinion and Reality that existed before everyone’s acceptance of the WCB system and passing of
the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act. This conflict of opinion over reality is utterly
fictitious because, in the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act, the right to practice the healing
arts was recognized where the initial diagnosis, based on the best physical examination of the most
pertinent body parts at the time of the job injuries, was supposed to be used by the WCB
administration to establish the WCB’s responsibilities, i.e. define the job injuries that will ultimately
need to be “resolved entirely.” Furthermore, if a contradictory diagnosis was presented or none


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

provided, the medically accepted diagnosis from the medical database of injuries applied and was
beyond reproach especially if this or the newer understanding of the injury could be diagnosed with
the emerging diagnostics like MRI’s and CT scans and the x-ray interpretations reconciled to this

A physical examination of a person’s foot when they have a hit on the head has little
relevance but might in the future. For example, say a person is backed over by a Caterpillar dozer
while your back is towards the heavy equipment. First, the person has to have been hit by the dozer
and, then, his foot run over. That is a reasonable statement of the facts. Yet, when the foot is given
sole attention by the attending clinician, is it not still the responsibility of the WCB to accept the
back or other body part injuries that arose from the dozer knocking the job injured to the ground
prior to the dozer running over the foot?

The answer is yes but, when the physical examination is incomplete, the WCB currently
and falsely claims that the back injury or arm injuries or whatever, that become known after the foot
treatment is completed, were not part of the job injuries even though the person on the ground had
to have gotten there somehow as the person was standing before the dozer ran over the foot as he/she
suddenly found themselves on the ground.

73. In Mr. E. J. Krass’ personal WCB claim, the unlawful and fictitious conflict between the
Alberta Government and the reality of the right elbow injuries, noted in the WCB file, was simply
undertaken because the Alberta Government does not want to be fully responsible for curing overuse
syndrome in all job injured back to the 1960’s because this condition is endemic - consistent - with
manual labour professionals which is and always has been the majority of all work in the province
of Alberta.

Viewed in this perspective, the fictitious conflict over my WCB claim has serious
ramifications for the WCB’s Accident Fund and the economic agenda in Alberta. However, the job
injured across Canada have the right to have their job injuries “resolved entirely” regardless
of when the Truth comes out in any claim of these similar types of injuries which the Supreme
Court specifically addressed in its October 3, 2003 decision.

At the start of s. 6 of the October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. WCB (Nova Scotia) SCC
decision (pages 9-10), it is written:

“Finally, I am of the view that this violation CANNOT BE JUSTIFIED under s. 1

of the Charter. On the one hand, budgetary considerations IN AND OF


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

they “may be” relevant in determining the appropriate degree of deference to

governmental choices based on A NON-FINANCIAL objective...”

74. But, the WCB in 1913 was established as a wholly independent national agency whose
responsibility was to insure that everyone’s right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental
Justice was never again made a function of Tort/Retort Law and cost considerations which is exactly
how the WCB is being run today. So, the Supreme Court made an error because it refused to
acknowledge that the WCB is founded on The Principles of Fundamental Justice and everyone’s
Legal Rights which were not put fully in place until the repatriation of The Charter of Rights and

75. Ordering the job injured to take the matter to court by oppressing them is not acceptable
because everyone’s INALIENABLE right to security of person as affirmed by the objective evidence
of better diagnostics is just that INALIENABLE or else why is s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms labeled Everyone’s LEGAL Rights meaning that all laws must uphold these rights
regardless of the wishes of governments and the elites. However, failing to tell the job injured
about MANDAMUS - unopposable summary Orders - which givens them the right to have the whole
current administration of the WCB thrown out while, at the same time, advising everyone that, due
to the governments having refused to or abstained from doing the Right thing based strictly on a
financial objective - protecting the WCB’s Accident Fund from its real liabilities (shown to have
been struck down already), the governments, their invalid laws and schemes, used to violate every
job injured’s right to security of person according to the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate, must
be struck down and replaced summarily and peremptorily, if possible, AT THE REQUEST OF
THOSE WHOSE RIGHTS HAVE BEEN VIOLATED - the oppressed in this civilization. The basis
for this massive reversal is the fact that the resulting decisions based on unconstitutional laws run
completely contrary to the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate which has left the job injured across
Canada and everyone in limbo for decades until 1 of them, known to be coming at some point to
abolish the confidence/BAD FAITH scheme, learns of MANDAMUS - unopposable summary Orders
- obtained with a defacto Petition to the Court or a Petition to the Courts!

76. As s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms makes it clear that this Covenant is the
Supreme Law of Canada and its features are to unify all provinces and jurisdictions around the
singular set of laws that naturally extend from everyone having INALIENABLE Legal Rights that
nothing can violate - laws, schemes, agendas, political parties and the establishment alike, therefore
the attempt by BC and Alberta to create a contradictory unifying economic agenda agreement - the
Trade, Investment and Labour Management Agreement, TILMA, whose sole existence repudiates


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the authority of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - must be summarily stopped and struck down
peremptorily as there can only be one Supreme Law of Canada not 2 conflicting and competing ones
that actually are diametrically and fundamentally opposed.

77. TILMA, which is a provincial “governmental” agreement between Alberta and British
Columbia and now Saskatchewan, sees people and the real world as resources to be moved about
like pawns or used up without any consideration of whether such abuse is Right which it is
NOT. Whereas, The Supreme Law of Canada - The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - makes it clear
that everyone has the right to security of person and self determination - liberty - plus everyone must
provide “informed consent” directly to the issue especially if the establishment sees everyone’s
INALIENABLE Legal Rights simply as an “unenforceable” impediment to the economic agenda
rather than being demanded as being upheld in all laws: an election is not direct “informed consent”
nor democracy even though that is what the governments are falsely contending!

78. The mature, healthy and kinetic human body and its need for a healthy environment, that
was provided by God, Ala, That Which Is, etc. and was polluted by the unconstrained economic
agenda and governments quietly renouncing Fundamental Justice, had been the historical foundation
for the forming of wholly independent governmental regulatory agencies which used cause-and-
effect relationships and the process of elimination in order to attempt to stop the infringement of
everyone’s right to security of person that occurs when the air, water and soil is polluted and/or
everyone’s body is injured at work but the WCB is not permitted, by order of the provincial
government through the passed legislation, to accept these job injuries as the WCB’s across Canada
have continually denied the cause-and-effect relationship in all incidents thereby repudiating the
original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act’s Presumption Section based on the findings of Sir
William Meredith’s judicial study of 1912-1913.

79. Fundamental Justice affirms that no person has the right to ask others to give up any
right to security of person or live a life filled with pain nor die prematurely because a job injury
occurred just as this occurrence was historically predicted through other WCB claim histories:
when the objective evidence shows a different reality than what the governmental scheme’s decision
claims or alleges, then, reality determines not only what must be done individually but what must
also be done universally at the same time.

80. Time and our intellect affords us the obligation to study the past, in the present, so
as to learn what is unjust and forces us to produce laws that prevent the future injustice from
re-occurring as well as producing the corollary - singular set - of laws that naturally extend from
the Covenant of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which was supposed to produce THE


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

FREE Society from pole to pole.

81. TILMA flies in the face of this Truth because labour management and trade of goods
created with no just universal labour standards based on everyone’s security of person as affirmed
by Fundamental Justice means that the desire of the provincial governments to treat everyone as
chattel to the economic agenda rather than individuals with the right not to participate in this
government’s illegitimately IMPOSED civilization because the agenda clearly violates everyone’s
right to security of person, self determination and the right to provide informed consent is therefore
unenforceable, of no effect and not saved and similar laws to this effect are equally unenforceable!

Furthermore, not only do people have the right to live in accordance with THE FREE
Society but also to cast off the false god of money with its classes now that its inherent injustices are
known and the reality that the economy can only exist with the use of BAD FAITH by all

82. The general populace today really doesn’t know that the WCB was supposed to unify
Canada around everyone’s INALIENABLE right to security of person and doing no harm to another
nor allowing harm to be done to others extends from this demand.

But, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms, is the Supreme Law of Canada and all laws are to be wholly consistent with The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms or the whole scheme is invalid and of no effect and not saved.

The Supreme Court on page 3 of its October 3, 2003 decision actually made the following
definitive assessment of s. 52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which must be used by
everyone in their thoughts so it must be provided as it has dominated my thoughts for years now:

“The Constitution is the supreme law of Canada and, by virtue of s. 52(1) of the

Constitution Act, 1982, the question of constitutional validity inheres in every

legislative enactment. From this principle of constitutional supremacy flows, as a

practical corollary, the idea that Canadians should be entitled to assert the rights

and freedoms that the Constitution guarantees them in the most accessible forum

available, without the need for parallel (dual) proceedings before the courts. To

allow an administrative tribunal to decide Charter issues does not undermine the

role of the courts as final arbiters of constitutionality in Canada. Administrative

tribunal decisions based on the Charter are subject to judicial review on a


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

correctness standard. In addition, the constitutional remedies available to

administrative tribunals are limited and do not include general declarations of

invalidity. A determination by a tribunal that a provision of its enabling statute is

invalid pursuant to the Charter is not binding on future decision-makers, within or

outside the tribunal's administrative scheme. Only by obtaining a formal

declaration of invalidity by a court can a litigant establish the general invalidity

of a legislative provision for all future cases.”

83. However, the current retort from the provincial and territorial is Exhibit “I” (s. 44 and s.
45 of the BC administrative tribunals act) on file no. 81581 at the Supreme Court of BC (Kelowna)
which firmly contradicts The Charter of Rights and Freedoms by directing all governmental officials
that they have no authority to uphold Fundamental Justice outcomes based on Everyone’s LEGAL

For everyone, s. 44 and s. 45 of the BC administrative tribunals act which applies equally
to all other jurisdictions in Canada due to the dual judicial review branch of the courts existing
everywhere read in part as follows:

Tribunal without jurisdiction over constitutional questions

44 (1) The tribunal does not have jurisdiction over constitutional questions.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to all applications made before, on or after the date that
the subsection applies to a tribunal.

Tribunal without jurisdiction over Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms


45 (1) The tribunal does not have jurisdiction over constitutional questions relating
to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

(1.1) Subsection (1) applies to all applications made before, on or after the date
that the subsection applies to a tribunal.

84. But, the Order for BC Supreme Court file no. 81581 (Kelowna) provided by the oppressed,
Mr. E. J. Krass, on March 4, 2009 in accordance with s. 24 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
addressed this issue and insures henceforth, that all laws must have a Fundamental Justice Dictate


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

showing directly how the scheme upholds s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Everyone’s
Legal Rights or the law is struck down, never to be replaced. (In the interim, the governments have
60 days to produce a Fundamental Justice Dictate for every law and scheme or, where democracy
has legitimately been used to establish the law, i.e. 50% plus 1, the government has 120 days to
provide a Fundamental Justice Dictate. If one cannot be provided which directly demonstrably
justifies the laws continuation, the law and subsequent scheme is struck down never to be re-instated
in any variation as the scheme is/was invalid, of no effect, not saved and found to be inconsistent
with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, i.e. not part of the corollary of laws that extend from The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms.)

85. The WCB’s proper functionality was to insure that the mature, healthy and kinetic human
body was to be the definer of all work and labour standards that are arbitrary and put in place by
“opinion” or consensus rather than the objective evidence and advances in medicine and other
sciences eradicating the incompatible of work and the mature, health and kinetic human body. The
true and Fundamental Justice objective of the original 1913 WCB intended to make work WHOLLY
compatible with the real anatomic functionality of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body
through simple objective studies can now be completed pertaining to overuse syndromes, repetitive
stress injuries, degenerative back injuries from work, etc. even though ergonomic standards were
supposed to have been fully entrenched by now making the desire to know the greater
physiological nature of the cause of the job injuries everyone’s imperative.

86. The reason for this interest in knowing the real nature of the cause-and-effect relationship
would be solely public knowledge of the current hidden reality’s existence rather than those with
degrees UNLAWFULLY AND UNETHICALLY getting paid to refute Fundamental Justice in
violation of the Supremacy of God - The Mandate of Heaven and the protections of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms.

If everyone does not accept the cause-and-effect relationship with simple process of
elimination logic, then, those with degrees and specialities have been unlawful granted the means
to refute reality - “... the Supremacy of God...” - as Fundamental Justice and The Mandate of Heaven
cannot be established: welcome to the world of clinical studies which were supposed to have been
killed off in 1927 rather than resurface as “valid” in the 1970’s once again.

87. (Is it any wonder that there have been so many recalls of drugs in the past few years?

Question the validity of the approval process which has changed significantly since the
1970’s and not for the better!)


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

88. The medical community will have to have their false studying diseases outright eliminated
in most cases thereby allowing all the emphasis of medicine to be once again focused on discovering
OBJECTIVELY the mature, healthy and kinetic functionality of THE HUMAN BODY so that
everyone can see what everyone’s right to security of person really means.

89. In Alberta, the greatest obstacle to the demanded changes based on Mr. E. J. Krass’ WCB
claim and the returning to Fundamental Justice as shown objectively in his WCB claim has been the
unified disrespect of the direct relationship between Mr. E. J. Krass’ ongoing right elbow/arm
injuries and the corresponding similar injuries in all other overuse syndromes/repetitive stress
injuries which were undertaken so as to force the oppressed to take the injustice to the Courts and
have the appropriate and just remedy (the reversal of the current Workers’ Compensation Acts
across Canada to the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act) signed off of by the courts through
a Petition to the Court or defacto Petition to the Courts as BAD FAITH and oppression were the sole
reason for the refutation of the objectively proven reality concerning tennis elbow/overuse
syndromes/repetitive stress injuries and their complications like carpal tunnel and strain/sprain of
the wrist/lower forearm and rotator cuff injuries at the elbow.

In 1999, the long term wrongfully denied WCB claimants really began demanding changes
to the corrupted administration of the WCB system and the Alberta Government provided a
judicial/legislative inquiry that only heard from a select few of the Alberta WCB claimants where
the unlawful but still imposed Tort/Retort due process had been the sole impediment to getting the
reality of the ongoing job injuries recognized and full benefits re-instated/maintained for everyone.

As MANDAMUS Evidence package documents nos. 0206-0208 shows, the Alberta

Progressive Conservative Party “promised” to make good on these long-term contentious WCB
claims. However, at the same time of the Alberta judicial/legislative inquiry in to the
administration of the WCB (Alberta) and the promise having been made, the Alberta Government
passed its 2000 Financial Administration Act making both redundant and lies/a misleading act/BAD

Now, absolutely nothing gets done Right in Alberta and across Canada because Right has
been replaced with financial cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment being applied by the newly
formed Alberta Treasury Board and the arbitrary (Tort/Retort) due “quasi-judicial” decision making
process across Canada.

Striking Down The Financial Administration Act (Alberta)


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

(This fact was partially presented in the January 9 and March 4, 2009 court documents
but must remain in this document which will become apparent by the end of this portion of the

Proof of the BAD FAITH and corruption of Canada is the following:

Financial Administration Act (Alberta)

156(1) Except for sections 1, 6, 77 and 80 of the Financial

Administration Act, the Financial Administration Act does not
apply to the Board or the Accident Fund.

(Say what? Either there are no connections or the Accident Fund does fall
under the powers of the Treasury Board and the Financial Administration Act!)

(2) The Lieutenant Governor in Council, on the advice of the

Treasury Board, may make regulations and issue directives that the
Lieutenant Governor in Council considers necessary in connection
with the exercise or performance of the Treasury Board’s powers
and duties under the Financial Administration Act or any other Act
with respect to the Board, the Appeals Commission and the
Accident Fund.
RSA 2000 cW-15 s156;2002 c27 s47

Minister responsible for Commission

11 The Minister is responsible for the Appeals Commission.

2002 c27 s7

12(1) Any officers and employees that are necessary for the purposes of
carrying out the business and affairs of the Appeals Commission may be
appointed in accordance with the Public Service Act.
(2) The chief appeals commissioner may designate employees of the
Appeals Commission as officers of the Appeals Commission and may, in
writing, delegate administrative powers, duties and responsibilities of the
Appeals Commission to such officers.
(3) The costs of carrying on the operations of the Appeals Commission,
as approved by the Minister, and the remuneration payable to the appeals
commissioners shall be paid by the Minister and be reimbursed quarterly
to the Crown by the Board from the Accident Fund.
2002 c27 s7

These items from the Financial Administration Act (Alberta) and the current
Workers’ Compensation Act of Alberta clearly show to everyone that the Accident Fund and all


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

WCB rules and regulations have been taken over by the Alberta Government and everyone’s right
to security of person and Fundamental Justice have been circumvented because the bean counters -
those concerned solely with cost benefit and risk analysis, the Treasury Board of Alberta, now tell
the Lt.-Governor in Council, a highly paid select group of government lawyers, the expected
outcome of their laws and the Lt.-Governor in Council provides these newly revised laws,
unconstrained by everyone’s Legal Rights, to the PC Party. Then, these unconstitutional laws pass
through the legislature where they are rubber stamped regardless of the constitutional validity of
any of the Acts as the PC Party of Alberta has had a majority in the Alberta legislature for 37 years

90. It is therefore, patently obvious, that the 2000 Financial Administration Act
(Alberta) is blatantly unconstitutional relative to The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s. 52(1), s.
1 and s. 7 - meaning that the Financial Administration Act (Alberta) is invalid, of no effect,
unenforceable and not saved.

91. As a consequence, Alberta is proven to be ruled through BAD FAITH in all its laws

as all just outcomes supported by Fundamental Justice are prohibited outright by The Financial
Administration Act (Alberta) solely because doing Right will abolish the unlawful protections being
given to the WCB’s Accident Fund and like government Funds from their legitimate responsibilities
especially since the illegal logic of protecting Funds was demanded never to have been put in place
due to the existence of Everyone’s Legal Rights, Fundamental Justice and The Mandate of Heaven!

92. No province can be administered by cost benefit/risk analysis nor should any court
have accepted/accept arguments for this unconstitutional administrative mind set because this agenda
outright violates and challenges everyone to take this violation of everyone’s Legal Rights and The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms to court (s. 24 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms) in order to
obtain the appropriate and just remedy to insure Everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights be
enshrined in all laws with a provided Fundamental Justice Dictate for everyone to reference.

93. Oppressing everyone is an illegal means of ordering everyone to invoke s. 7 and s.

1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms in a Petition to the Court/defacto Petition to the Court
while forcing everyone whose is oppressed due to the corruption of the laws to learn of the concepts
of BAD FAITH and Fundamental Justice (the foundation of THE FREE Society) as well as Petitions
to the Court and defacto Petitions to the Court proceedings. This cruel and unusual treatment
violates s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the signatures of the governments on
the document: BC’s and Alberta’s then Premiers signed the document in “good faith” with the
expectation that the subsequent governments would live up to the obligations placed on the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

establishment towards all persons which was to respect everyone’s Legal Rights without hesitation
along with the environment in which everyone lives plus place the universal right to security of
person and Fundamental Justice affirming it beyond any challenges or considerations, like the
current financial ones. Doing Right means doing Right always and for everyone - no questions
asked and before the law is even drafted!

94. As presented much earlier in this unopposable Summary Order, formerly Peremptory
Mandamus Order, risk analysis indicates that the governments know that using the economic agenda
is wrong/BAD FAITH but the governments and the establishment are going to the full extent of their
lie knowing full well that, once a person gets to the Truth, he or she has the authority under
MANDAMUS (unopposable Summary Orders) to bring down the surreal reality that was built around
the governments’ and establishment’s lies as well as abolish peremptorily (summarily) and wholly
the economic civilization that was created from this economic lie.

In 1913, the WCB was created to insure that the desire to increase the size of
economic and commercial would no longer be done against everyone’s right to security of person
as affirmed by Fundamental Justice. So, we should not be where we are today except for BAD
FAITH on the parts of governments since 1982 in Canada and deregulation in the US since 1980
where the objective was to impose the economy based civilization in the minds of Americans and
where the majority of wealth would come from greed rather than manual labour as existed in
generations past.

95. Thus, it has now been fully exposed why TILMA and the 2000 Financial
Administration Act of Alberta must summarily be struck down and these schemes never ever invoked
again anywhere across Canada. Furthermore, the Treasury Board of Alberta and the Lt.-Governor
in Councils are to be abolished forthwith as these agencies’ existence was wholly contingent upon
fundamentally flawed logic contained in TILMA and the Income Tax Acts which have also now been
stuck down due to the laws being shown to be completely invalid, of no effect, unenforceable and
not saved which means these laws are wholly inconsistent with the protections of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms especially Everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights section.

96. With Fundamental Justice affirming “self determination”, the right to provide
informed consent and moral hazard now known, no government nor scheme that does not
employ Fundamental Justice has the right to exist or right to create initiatives where
Fundamental Justice repudiates the necessity of the program or the way the scheme is being
run - end of discussion.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

97. S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms makes it clear that no agency or
governmental agenda, that functions “contrary” to Truth, Fundamental Justice and Everyone’s Legal
Rights just because the honest outcome does not “suit” the government or the establishment, cannot
remain or even be created. When such violations of Truth occur, the whole system ultimately must
be brought down and replaced with an administrative system that acknowledges Fundamental Justice
and The Mandate of Heaven because BAD FAITH is all that exists in the absence of Fundamental
Justice and natural order affirming the just outcomes in all matters!

98. Making an “adverse” to the objective Truth decision initially, as admitted by the
appeals commission on Mr. E. J. Krass’ WCB claim in Exhibit “K” on file with the Supreme Court
of BC in Kelowna in file no. 81581 (MANDAMUS Evidence package doc. no. 0327, online), and
using all unethical and dishonest means from then on to maintain the outcome as “adverse” - “still
adverse”, exposes that this conclusion to the March 4, 2009 unopposable Summary Order and its
initial documentation to date must be accepted and signed off of by the courts or The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms and the promise of the pursuit of THE FREE Society is dead.

99. It must be fully understood that I, Mr. E. J. Krass, am just an agent of Truth,
objectivity and Fundamental Justice that affirms everyone’s Legal Rights which demands the
abolition of governance that was exported to Canada through the British North America Act. This
Act’s unconstitutional and illegitimate taxation policies make funding the initiatives and ideals
surrounding “the culture of needing what the establishment provides” seem acceptable
notwithstanding “The Mandate of Heaven as affirmed by Fundamental Justice”, its pursuit of THE
FREE Society that repudiate the unlawful ongoing culture/civilization, and holding of authority over
Truth that demands the removal of the ruling classes and their agendas due to the establishment
simply and unlawfully abstaining from using objective reality in all its decisions thereby
subsequently forcing everyone to invoke Petitions to the Court and unopposable summary Orders
(formerly MANDAMUS) in order to stand up (obtain the appropriate and just remedy in the
circumstances) not just for the Fundamentally Just outcome in their particular case of oppression
but also everyone else’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights especially everyone’s right of self
determination and to provide “informed consent” along with the corollary of laws that establish THE
FREE Society.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Constitution Realities of this Order - Part I

Running of The College of Physicians and Surgeons

1. Does the running of the college of physicians and surgeons as

agents of the governments and budget constraints infringe upon everyone’s

INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental



2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law -
the current running of the college of physicians and surgeons across Canada -
cannot be saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and
their decisions MUST UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
is labeled “Legal Rights” because all laws must uphold this section of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms for everyone to access their universal right of
being which is a singularity not “indeterminate”.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and the
Supremacy of God, that the Unified College of Medicine be instituted immediately and the 3 primary
guiding principles, that can never be overridden, are: to uphold everyone’s security of person as


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

affirmed by Fundamental Justice; to advance mankind’s knowledge of human anatomy when the
human body is mature, healthy and kinetic (our mid-20’s or slightly later); with the final Principle
of the College of Unified Medicine being to seek out the lifestyle that this kinetic human body can
sustain in perpetuity by using the process of elimination and accepting that pain is the body’s means
of telling us that we did something wrong with the mature, healthy and kinetic human body or
something has not been reversed to bring the body back in to alignment with its kinetic functionality
and sole lifestyle.
5. The nature order dictate then is that all laws across Canada and ultimately will have
to be amended to the reality that the maturation process of the human body is not completed at 12
or 16 years of age but really our mid-20’s. This reality is beyond reproach and the demands are
incontestible meaning that the Supremacy of God is imposing this reality on civilizations where the
rule of law (based on The Supremacy of God or The Mandate of Heaven) is accepted societal values.
6. Also, the March 4, 2009 unopposable Summary Order, as established by The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God/The Mandate of Heaven, presented
that the current college of physicians and surgeons is to be abolished in 5-7 years and, when ever
there is conflict over the proper functioning of human anatomy, the benefit is to be given to the
Unified College of Medicine as none of its members will ever be allowed to make statements that
are not supported by the objective evidence or reconciliation of the differing interpretations of the
objective diagnostics.

Applying Doublespeak to the running of The College of Physicians and Surgeons

7. Currently, medicine is in a quandary. On the one hand, The Hippocratic Oath

stipulates do no harm which means not only do nothing that will harm the patients but also advance
human anatomy so that the pain never occurs in others - injury prevention.

8. For decades now, the Mayo Clinic has encountered this contradiction over just
treating the injuries presented rather than using Truth to educate everyone in order to prevent the
injury through termination of the injury causing activity. Historically, pain was seen as indicating
that an offensive activity had been undertaken relative to the proper functionality of the mature,
healthy and kinetic human body or that the proper treatment was not applied to the person rather than
chronic pain being a legitimate fact of life as imposed by governments and fund administrators.

9. As should be patently obvious, there is an inherent contradiction between just

treating the illness and ill health and not educating everyone that, if everyone persists in doing harm
to your body, it is highly probably that you will encounter an injury or group of injuries that will


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

expose failings in the current approach to medicine: treating a preventable injury or treating it
improperly as, what is known of the injury must be wrong, leaves the greater injury of dyskinesis,
i.e. maintained improper functioning of the injured body, in play. For example, many of the cancers
today are preventable through complete reformation of the civilization and there will be no cures
because cancer is a symptom of prolonged functioning with dyskinesis or exposure to harmful
manmade compounds.

10. (When does it dawn on everyone that most cancers are directly attributed to abuse
demanded by the system for body usage and imposing upon everyone that they have to put their
bodies in harm’s way in order to have a house and life defined by the civilization?

Over the past half century or more, quadrillions of dollars have been raised and
spent on the study of a particular illness with no cure for the vast majority of them which should
indicate to everyone that this approach is wrong and that the illness may not truly be an illness but
rather a longer term complication of what is now called dyskinesis.)

11. Mankind has failed themselves because few, if any, truly are critical thinkers who
study the problems more globally in the present with the intention of correcting past mistakes which
would have allowed them to find the link between the rise in the amounts of adult onset illnesses
today with the loss of healthy and KINETIC functionality of the arm in our youth or shortly after
maturity when exposed to manual labouring professions. You can’t get to this reality though without
admitting that human anatomy and our interpretation of x-ray images is corrupt rather than
illegitimately placing all this beyond reproach even though the evidence repudiates the current
corrupt stance of “divinity” and the experts’ opinions not being refutable by objective Truth.

12. For decades, Gray’s Anatomy has been corrupt because the discovery of centripetal
mechanics changed everything that mankind knows about all ginglymus joints not just on the human
body or other current bodies on planet earth but also across time through the dinosaur era, etc.

13. Between 1970 and 1991, the Mayo Clinic applied the laws of centripetal mechanics
towards the radiocapitellar joint of the elbow and, in a tensile tendon strength test of the elbow,
affirmed the conclusion that the lateral (side) ligaments of all ginglymus joints are load bearing
which means that they can be made insufficient from stretching and tearing as has been witnessed
by the Mayo Clinic and others like the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic, Nirschl Clinic, etc.

Consequently, the Mayo Clinic in March 1991 was able to diagnose Type I-III
dislocations of the radiocapitellar joint, primary joint, of the elbow from the bone placements
presented in x-rays since their discovery. By March 1999, Mr. E. J. Krass made this same discovery


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

after pondering the results of his September 2, 1998 Gadolinium enhanced MRI performed on his
injured right arm’s radiocapitellar joint.

13.1 Objective reality (Truth) concerning the mature, healthy and kinetic interpretation
of the radiographic evidence was exposed twice and countless other times due to the following:

In October 1991, the Mayo Clinic’s tensile strength test discovered that
“The anterior medial collateral ligament (AMCL) and radial collateral ligament
(RCL) were taut [load bearing in engineering terms] throughout most of the entire
arc of flexion. The posterior medial collateral ligament (PMCL) was taut only
when the elbow was in a flexed position. (To end the flexion motion.)”
For anyone with a physics and engineering background, observing “taut”
means discovering that the side ligaments are load bearing just like the string with
a button attached at the end that is being swung in its naturally contained circle
from the hand determining that the flexion/extension plane of the lower bone
relative to the upper is contained and maintained by the lateral load bearing
soft tissue complexes of every ginglymus joint where the centripetal force is
normally applied to the lateral (side) load bearing ligaments of said joints!
Ergo, in mature bodies, when there is gap at the backside of the
radiocapitellar joint in a lateral x-ray film of a bent elbow is it clear that the
lateral load bearing soft tissue complex has been made insufficient.
For overuse syndrome/repetitive stress injuries, this understanding is easily
affirmed because the tendon attachments of the mislabeled pronator teres on the
medial epicondyle and lateral side of the radius clearly show that, when the pronator
teres muscle is contracted abnormally, i.e to produce hand pronation solely in the
hand/forearm, the bicipital tuberosity of the radius has to be abnormally pulled in
to the ulno-radial joint at the elbow. To complete this abnormal hand pronation
motion and separate the ulno-radial joints, the lateral load bearing soft tissue
complex of the radiocapitellar joint must be subjected to abnormal (unnatural) stress
that either stretches or tears this soft tissue complex. Naturally, this abnormal force
is generated when the bicipital tuberosity acts is forced to function like a fulcrum
when hand pronation is done solely in the forearm rather than across the entire
arm in its natural dance patterns up and down the arm for hand pronation and
However, dyskinesis is exposed because not only is the brain discharging


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

to contract the muscles incorrectly when the lateral load bearing soft tissue complex
of the radiocapitellar joint is insufficient but also because the mislabeled pronator
teres muscle had to have been abnormally contracted through mental concentration
imposed by insuring the end work objective: i.e. removing soil quickly from one
location to another with constant abnormal hand pronation shoveling motion or
typing with our non-ergonomic keyboards - ergonomic means that the keyboard is
designed from the sagittal (vertical) plane outwards 20-30 degrees from the top or
thumb down to the base of the hand (40-60degrees all totaled between the 2 hands)
and another horizontal 60 degree angle with its tip being at the fingertips and its
opening at the wrists. (If you wish to see the proper location of the hands relative
to the shoulders, please, go to the following internet cloud address

13.2 So, when the objective evidence is not assessed for correctness, the
radiocapitellar joint’s lateral load bearing complex becomes unknowingly exposed
to abnormal force generated by both the abnormal contraction of the mislabeled
pronator teres muscle of the forearm as well as the abnormal discharge of the brain
that produces the contraction.
Therefore, the brain does double duty unbeknownst to most. The first
is known where the brain functions as a vastly superior computer determining the
force necessary to move an arm with weight to insure differing outcomes, i.e.
slamming the arm in to a wall with an egg will break it but gently placing the egg
on a table so that it isn’t broke arises from the computational power of the brain.
The second unbeknownst duty of the brain is discharging the right amplitude of
electrical discharge to have the arm perform the outcome correctly. While the 3rd
duty of the brain is coordinating the incoming electrical sensations with the
electrical discharge to insure the arm or body motion is exactly that which is
needed. This is a vastly superior understanding of brain functionality and will
take humanity down a different path especially concerning the use of electrical
shock through tasers on the human body or any body.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

13.3 Returning to the discovery that medicine’s understanding of

flexion/extension forces in ginglymus joint and up and down all extremities, the
Mayo Clinic was able to reconcile the results of contradicting MRI results and x-ray
just as Mr. E. J. Krass did and the conclusion was the same because it is
incontrovertible based on natural order: the radiocapitellar joint is the ginglymus
joint of the elbow/arm and its lateral load bearing soft tissue complex can be made
insufficient by both stretching and tearing and the level of insufficiency can be
assessed in the x-rays according to Type I-III dislocation designation. The results
of Gadolinium enhanced MRI’s and reconciling the interpretations have
affirmed the proper x-ray interpretations since 1994.

14. Humanity has a problem though as the medical community knows the proper
interpretations of the elbow x-rays and are misleading the patients because, since 1918, the medical
officers have accepted payments to produce the now repudiated interpretation and have continued
to provide these wrong interpretations even though they have been repudiated with better scientific
technics and knowledge. These actions constitute BAD FAITH or Galileo’s Disease which are the
same thing in light of the discovery that everyone universally has the right to live, liberty and
security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice or else everyone is living a lie under BAD

15. Obviously, the discovery that the brain can be consciously manipulated to override
its inherent natural functionality, where it pertains to hand pronation, also directly relates to
civilizations where the will or agenda of mankind is often used with democracy to override The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal
Rights: no member of humanity has the right to ask, let alone expect, another to suffer a known
harmful physical effect from doing work, yet, that this the standard that is still ongoing in spite of
Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The US Constitution, The International Bill of Human
Rights and The Workers’ Compensation Board, circa 1913 Canada.

16. But, the manipulation of The Hippocratic Oath has caused medicine to accept
abiding by the reality of accepting money to forego the primary part of doing no harm which is to
educate and force people to live within the limits of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body so
as to prevent the majority of mankind’s ailments: you can’t cure a symptom of dyskinesis because
the root cause is not being cured whereas, by abiding by the dictates of the mature, healthy and
kinetic body, the potential for everyone is limitless.

17. By eliminating security of person at maturity for everyone universally and ordering


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the medical community to provide illegitimate treatments for complications of dyskinesis, the system
has created a real mess of THE FREE Society where universal healthcare budgets in Canada are
through the roof since 1982 and correlate perfectly to the rise in the underfunded liabilities in the
WCB’s Accident Funds across Canada: in short, the rise in healthcare budgets arose from the
governments shifting the responsibility for the long term job injured to its universal healthcare from
the WCB while the pursuit of the sole lifestyle of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body
through the application of the process of elimination has quietly been abolished with only the
oppressed knowing the Truth but learning how to effect the appropriate and just remedy in the
circumstance has been made ALMOST impossible except for someone capable of seeing past the
lies and learning of the BAD FAITH/Fundamental Justice reality and Petitions/defacto Petitions to
the Court.

18. In Reality, decades and centuries past, humanity knew that there was a mature,
healthy and kinetic human body with all else being tied to dyskinesis and unknown standards of
medicine and science, i.e. that which is beyond what we currently know. The direction for medicine
historically, therefore, was to find out how the mature, healthy and kinetic human body really
worked and find the death blow that occurred decades earlier when it wasn’t recognized but
occurred as this was the source of dyskinesis and all of our adult onset illnesses/injuries and a good
portion of the newer broken DNA. (This reality preceded the introduction of manmade sources for
broken DNA like chemicals, toxins and drugs - do you remember the 1960's and thalidomide?)

19. The potential for the mature, healthy and kinetic human body is beyond compare
and beyond most’s comprehension. But, this True Body is and always will be even though medicine
is no longer conducting itself according to Everyone’s Legal Rights/Habeas Corpus and doing no
harm while prohibiting the harm for arising in others due to your experiences of harm not being
shared - injury prevention.

As outlined in the March 4, 2009 Summary Motion and unopposable Summary

Order filed with the Supreme Court of British Columbia - Kelowna file no. 81581, the Unified
College of Medicine will never cease to pursue the mature, healthy and kinetic human body
and will publish this information freely and open to all.

Mr. E. J. Krass is but the first of many to follow because the oppressed, having
found Fundamental Justice, will, now, know how to eliminate the injustice along with the
civilization, i.e. through the filing of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court at the superior court
level throughout Canada so that the everyone ends up living in THE FREE Society with the universal
right to being.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Abolishing The Income Tax Act(s) as they are wholly unconstitutional

1. Does the Income Tax Act and their reliance on the pursuit of wealth for

everyone rather than pursuing THE FREE Society infringe upon everyone’s

INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental

Justice, s. 1 and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law - the
Income Tax Act - cannot be saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and
schemes and their decisions MUST UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as
per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! S. 7 of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms is labeled “Legal Rights” because all laws must uphold this section
of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms for everyone to access their universal
right of being which is a singularity not “indeterminate”.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the standards of The
FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short while until the standards of THE FREE
Society weigh in on the matter
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice must
be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be
maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is provided.

1. Do the Income Tax Acts inherently infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE

Legal Right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and s. 52(1)

of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms by instilling in everyone the false ideal

that pursuing wealth is consistent with pursuing THE FREE Society as stipulated

in s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the “and” between THE FREE

Society and democratic standards really is an “or” due to the joined entities being

diametrically opposed?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law - the
Income Tax Act - cannot be saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and
schemes and their decisions MUST UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as
per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! S. 1 of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms demands that all laws must demonstrably justify that the laws are
upholding the standards of THE FREE Society or democracy. In reality, Canada
must pursue THE FREE Society because its evidence is objective and trumps any
and all subjective opinions to the contrary where the objective evidence had to have
been excluded/missing from the opinions. Therefore, it is found to be undeniable
that the pursuit of wealth contravenes the pursuit of THE FREE Society and the
manipulation of democracy, or Canada’s corrupt version of it, which demonstrably
justifies that the pursuit of wealth is of no effect, invalid and not saved nor
salvageable according to s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In short,
the use of income tax by governments constitutes BAD FAITH as it legitimizes
the illegitimate ideal of pursuing wealth that opposes the pursuit of THE FREE
Society making it completely unconstitutional.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time and until
the standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

1. Does the Income Tax Acts’ granting of “equivalent to legal person” to

businesses for the purposes of taxation infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE

Legal Right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and s. 52(1)

of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law - the
Income Tax Act and its fictitious use of “equivalent to legal person” - cannot be
saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions
MUST UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Rights and Freedoms! S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is labeled

“Legal Rights” because all laws must uphold this section of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms for everyone (people only) to access their universal right
of being which is a singularity not “indeterminate”.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice must
be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be
maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is provided.

Abolishing the Business Corporations Acts and equivalents as they are unconstitutional

1. Do the Business Corporations Acts and like across Canada completely

infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as

affirmed by Fundamental Justice and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms by establishing a companies’ illegitimate pursuit of wealth as an


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

equivalent to Everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as well as contravene the

pursuit of THE FREE Society as stipulated in s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms as the “and” between THE FREE Society and democratic standards

really is an “or” due to the joined entities being diametrically opposed?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law - the
Business Corporations Acts and like across Canada - cannot be saved, are of no
effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions MUST
UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms! S. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms demands that all laws
must demonstrably justify that the laws are upholding the standards of THE FREE
Society or democracy. In reality, Canada must pursue THE FREE Society because
its evidence is objective and trumps any and all subjective opinions to the contrary
where the objective evidence had to have been excluded/missing from the opinions.
Therefore, it is found that the pursuit of wealth contravenes the pursuit of THE
FREE Society and the manipulation of democracy, or Canada’s corrupt version of
it, which demonstrably justifies that the pursuit of wealth is of no effect, invalid
and not saved nor salvageable according to s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms. In short, the creation and continued use of the Business
Corporations Act and like across Canada by governments constitutes BAD
FAITH as they legitimize the illegitimate ideal of pursuing wealth that opposes
the pursuit of THE FREE Society making it completely unconstitutional.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the standards
of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the standards
of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

Abolishing the 2000 Alberta Financial Administration Act

1. Does the 2000 Alberta Financial Administration Act and its imposed

running of The Province of Alberta based solely upon financial considerations

contravene entirely everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as

affirmed by Fundamental Justice and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms as the Progressive Conservative Party is contending that pursuing wealth

for the province is consistent with pursuing THE FREE Society as stipulated in s.

1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the “and” between THE FREE Society

and democratic standards really is an “or” due to the joined entities being

diametrically opposed?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law - the 2000
Alberta Financial Act and like across Canada - cannot be saved, are of no effect
and are invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions MUST UPHOLD


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms! S. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms demands that all laws must
demonstrably justify that the laws are upholding the standards of THE FREE Society
or democracy. In reality, Canada must pursue THE FREE Society because its
evidence is objective and trumps any and all subjective opinions to the contrary
where the objective evidence had to have been excluded/missing from the opinions.
Therefore, it is found that the pursuit of wealth contravenes the pursuit of THE
FREE Society and the manipulation of democracy, or Canada’s corrupt version of
it, which demonstrably justifies that the running of all provinces and Canada as a
whole based upon the pursuit of wealth is of no effect, invalid and not saved nor
salvageable according to s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In short,
the running of Alberta by its governments based upon the pursuit of wealth for
everyone constitutes BAD FAITH as it legitimizes the illegitimate ideal of
pursuing wealth that opposes the pursuit of THE FREE Society making it
completely unconstitutional.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

Abolishing the Trade, Investment and Labour Management Agreement (TILMA)

as it and its standards are unconstitutional

1. Does the Trade, Investment and Labour Management Agreement between

the governments of British Columbia and Alberta inherently contravene everyone’s

INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental

Justice and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which establishes that

Canada is bound by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of

God and not the pursuit of wealth which has already been established as

contravening the standards stipulated in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law - TILMA -
cannot be saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and
their decisions MUST UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! S. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
demands that all laws must demonstrably justify that the laws are upholding the
standards of THE FREE Society or democracy. In reality, Canada must pursue THE
FREE Society because its evidence is objective and trumps any and all subjective
opinions to the contrary where the objective evidence had to have been
excluded/missing from the opinions. Therefore, it is found that the pursuit of
wealth contravenes the pursuit of THE FREE Society and the manipulation of
democracy, or Canada’s corrupt version of it, which demonstrably justifies that the
pursuit of wealth is of no effect, invalid and not saved nor salvageable according
to s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In short, the implementation of
TILMA between the governments of Alberta and British Columbia constitutes
far more than BAD FAITH but contempt of the political processes for the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

existence of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms (s. 52(1) of The Charter) as
these governments have knowingly legitimized the illegitimate ideal of
pursuing wealth in contravention of standards of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and TILMA’s standards oppose the pursuit of THE FREE Society
thereby making the creation of TILMA completely unconstitutional.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

1. Does the Trade, Investment and Labour Management Agreement between

the governments of British Columbia and Alberta inherently contravene The

Charter of Rights and Freedoms entirely through governments severing their

attachment to everyone and Truth thereby insuring that every law must have as its


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

foundation Everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as affirmed

by Fundamental Justice and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which

establishes that Canada is bound by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The

Supremacy of God and not the pursuit of wealth which has already been established

as contravening the standards stipulated in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law - TILMA -
cannot be saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and
their decisions MUST UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! S. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
demands that all laws must demonstrably justify that the laws are upholding the
standards of THE FREE Society or democracy. In reality, Canada must pursue THE
FREE Society because its evidence is objective and trumps any and all subjective
opinions to the contrary where the objective evidence had to have been
excluded/missing from the opinions. Therefore, it is found that the pursuit of
wealth contravenes the pursuit of THE FREE Society and the manipulation of
democracy, or Canada’s corrupt version of it, which demonstrably justifies that the
pursuit of wealth is of no effect, invalid and not saved nor salvageable according
to s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In short, the implementation of
TILMA between the governments of Alberta and British Columbia constitutes
far more than BAD FAITH but contempt of the political processes for the
existence of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms (s. 52(1) of The Charter) as
these governments have knowingly legitimized the illegitimate ideal of
pursuing wealth in contravention of standards of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms that opposes the pursuit of THE FREE Society making the creation
of TILMA completely unconstitutional and its continuation and possible
recreation in the future UNACCEPTABLE.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

(If the hyperlink to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God cannot be
accessed directly, please, use the following internet cloud address by pasting it in your browser’s
U n i v e r s a l R e s o u r c e L o c a t o r b a r :
stice.pdf. This web page will bring up a page icon upon which you can click and, if your computer
has Adobe Acrobat Reader, the document will load and can then be printed, saved or simply read
as you see fit.)

100. Upon awaking on May 10, 2009, Mr. E. J. Krass was slapped in to full
consciousness by the following Truth:


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

taxation and “monetary policy” are utter BAD FAITH because they produce a

civilization where governments/elected bodies have usurping the role of god in

everyone’s lives and their provided letters of the laws are being presented to

everyone as “divine” and being “supported” by objective reality even though the

objective evidence repudiates everything that is ongoing and has gone before now

under this system and its unnatural order: few, if any, today get to see the objective

evidence or are educated sufficiently to see the God’s Honest Truth and use it to

repudiate the concept that governance and hierarchies are legitimate.

Basically, every hierarchy since recorded history began, where the letter of the law

is “deemed to be” legitimate even though natural order repudiates it but this higher

order remains beyond our knowledge, results in a civilization that will ultimately

fail just as is happening with the economy based and democratic civilizations (2008

through 2009 and onward).

Consequently, everything that we have become where there is no fear of something

beyond our knowledge bases that can destroy everything - The Supremacy of God -

has resulted in a civilization that is unnatural and will have to be replaced

regardless of the will of the people no longer accepting certainty in daily living,

i.e. where the “truth” lies some where between two points which is a falsehood

made real because the world is round and no amount of “opinions” nor decree from

a democratically elected government or court can every reverse the Truth just as no

governmental obfuscation of the Truth (BAD FAITH) or denial of the world where

everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights is to be the rule of all laws will make the

resulting unnatural civilization legitimate and perpetual.

Attempting to maintain dishonestly what is known to be wrong just makes the

correction more complete and wholesale and Petitions to the Court are the means

for allowing the oppressed to insure that Fundamental Justice is reinstated in the



Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

No government agent can every declare their actions to be “adverse” - a cover-up

that is still ongoing in Mr. E. J. Krass’ WCB claim - because it determines that the

system has engaged in BAD FAITH in all its letters of the laws because BAD FAITH

determines that, when one law and scheme is not supported/repudiated by The

Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God, then this standard

automatically applies to all laws as BAD FAITH is a mind set and applying it once

means that it has been applied completely throughout all letters of the laws.

101. Across time, money and taxation of it from the imposition of pursuing it or taxing
the production of food off the land have always created a civilization with a hierarchy and will
always produce rulership of the have-nots - this is Truth across all time.

102. In its Guide Book to Judicial Review, the province of BC published the following:

“The government ‘has given’ tribunals the authority to make decisions about

certain issues. The courts, on order from the legislature/governments, recognize

that tribunals have specialized knowledge and experience in their particular subject

areas and, because of that, the courts will not easily interfere with a tribunal’s


The Fix is In across all letters of the laws!

(This quote is taken from page 2 of the document at the following internet address -

These published words indicate not only that the tribunals since 1982 in Canada have not been

independent and impartial and are indeed upholding the letter of the law as being

incontrovertible/divine until the Supreme Court of Canada overrules this unlawful presumption.

This discovery of the corruption of the heretofore and continuing due process also determines that


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Canada never once had a proper judiciary because the letter of the law has always been used

as the rule of law rather than The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The Principles of

Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God being the rule of all laws.

103. So, when anyone knows that their inherent Legal Rights have been violated as
the Fundamental Justice Dictated outcome is not the governments’ decision, then, by natural
order, The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God are known to have
been circumvented and, according to the Fundamental Justice/BAD FAITH paradigm,
universal injustice results and few of the elites learn of this hidden Truth because it not taught
in any school, i.e. it is being withheld from everyone so that The Son of Heaven can assume the
role set out in Administrative Law and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s. 52(1), s. 7, s. 1
and s. 24(1)!

After going through the illegitimate governmental “due process” and Fundamental
Justice is not done, Petitions to the Court (the Supreme/Superior Court) are the means to eliminate
all the injustice that Canadians have unlawfully been forced to accept since before Canada existed
and the current unnatural world order has imposed on everyone while doing Right and it being the
start point for all actions, thoughts and deeds has remained outside the system including the courts
who have already been exposed as being arm’s length agents of the current letters of the laws and
not independent and impartial as ordered by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms (s. 11(d)).

There is no way that the courts and even the administration of justice in Canada or
around the world is legitimate or reputable because the rule of law and its order is supported or
repudiated by objective Truth. Ergo, in Petitions to the Court, the government will be able to support
that its laws and the decisions derived from it comply with natural order and cannot be described
as “adverse” and “still adverse” by the governments’ agents following the arrival in a particular case
of the same new objective evidence where others incidents of the injury have shown the proper
medical course of action and acceptance of the reality that basic medical theories about illnesses
are wrong just as is medicine’s understanding of human anatomy - the mature, healthy and kinetic
human body and its converse, dyskinesis, do exist but are not the basis for all laws or, for that
matter, any laws any more!

104. For 2 years, Mr. E. J. Krass has petitioned the Supreme Court of Canada to be
rebuffed and legitimately so. The Supreme Court of Canada is not a decision making body but the
court of last appeal. In Truth, all Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court (of decision making) must
be done locally or at the Supreme/Superior Court of the jurisdiction because they are the 1st level of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the Supreme/Federal Court system whose decisions apply across Canada because there is only 1
reality that applies to all laws across all jurisdictions.

Evidence proving that the court of competent jurisdiction is the Supreme/Superior

Court across Canada is the following:

“On May 12, 2000, Prime Minister Jean Chretien announced the appointment of
The Honorable Donald Brenner as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British
Columbia.” (Volume 12, issue no. 3, Canadian Bar Association - BC Branch)

Interestingly, the Federal Government of Canada appointed the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of British Columbia and not the provincial government. Hence, all Supreme Courts
are the Superior Courts of Canada and not supposed to be held up as a level of the
provincial/territorial government!

So, all Petitions to the Courts for correction of the laws must be done locally so that
everyone can participate in the pursuit of THE FREE Society.

Waking Everyone UP concerning the Truth

105. The current economy based civilization in the industrial and capitalist world is
underpinned by 2 massive lies. The first lie is that democratic elections with political parties are
all that there will ever be henceforth, i.e. democracy is divine and beyond reproach. The second lie
is that the rule of law is the letter of the law provided by the corrupt democratic process rather than
not only The Charter of Rights and Freedoms but also the belief that everyone is the master of their
body or person - habeas corpus and Everyone’s Legal Rights - and that there is only 1 lifestyle that
comes with the human body when it is allowed to mature and attain its singular natural health
and kinetic functionality.

Can a ruling or decree from a government, judge, political party or group

of individuals make the planet flat?

Can a ruling or decree from a government, judge, political party or group

of individuals make real that which is a lie even though the Truth is known only

to the governments, judges, political parties or elites and the resulting civilization

lie is repudiated by this withheld or unknown Truth?


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Can a ruling or decree from a government, judge, political party or group

of individuals like radiologists and doctors keep tennis elbow/lateral

epicondylitis/overuse syndrome and its weaker correlate, repetitive stress injuries,

as “pain” incidences/problems rather than the serious physiological injury to the

radiocapitellar joint’s load bearing lateral complex that must henceforth be


Can a ruling or decree from a government, judge, political party or group

of individuals like medical professionals keep the reality that there is a mature,

healthy and kinetic human body and a singular lifestyle that goes with it from the

general populace forever?

Can a ruling or decree from a government, judge, political party or group

of individuals legitimately uphold the order of the land when it completely refutes

the existence of Truth, The Mandate of Heaven and objective natural order?

Can a ruling or decree from a government, judge, political party or group

of individuals legitimately keep the improper functioning of the Workers’

Compensation Board against the demand that the original 1913 Workers’

Compensation Act, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The

Supremacy of God, be instated nationally with the WCB fully in charge of injury

prevention (labour standards) in the workplace based on the process of elimination

based around pain which means that the work is injuring all mature, healthy and

kinetic human bodies?

Can a ruling or decree from a government, judge, political party or group

of individuals legitimately impose the unnatural order of the economy based

civilization knowing full well that the growth in economic valuations are due

mainly to the harm done to the workers’ person especially since doing so

contravenes Everyone’s Legal Rights?

Can a ruling or decree from a government, judge, political party or group

of individuals produce laws whose basis is not the rules of all laws being The


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Everyone’s LEGAL Rights even though “legal”

means that all laws must demonstrably justify directly that it and its order is

upholding everyone’s universal right to being?

Can a ruling or decree from a government, judge, political party or group

of individuals maintain democracy, based on opinions (subjective evidence) and

manipulation of everyone’s opinions based on the pursuit of wealth, over THE

FREE Society which is wholly based upon Truth and the sole interpretation of the

objective evidence that establishes The Mandate of Heaven?

Can a ruling or decree from a government, judge, political party or group

of individuals maintain that democracy and elections are equal to or better than

natural order and The Mandate of Heaven and pursuing THE FREE Society for


Can a ruling or decree from a government, judge, political party or group

of individuals prevent everyone from using Petitions to the Court at the local level

to insure that Doing Right is all that everyone does based upon The Principles of

Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God?

When everyone learns how to do Right according to the process of

elimination, there will be very few laws indeed because everyone will learn how

to conduct themselves according to The Mandate of Heaven and there will be

no further doing wrong!

106. Mr. E. J. Krass and countless job injured have had their lives made in to hell on
earth because the governments have unlawfully usurped the authority of God in everyone’s lives and
are now playing “devil’s” advocate through all decision making and judicial review which
contravenes The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Fundamental Justice outcomes, The Principles
of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God thereby shattering universality of being and
forcing one to figure everything out and then putting to right all the injustice and corruption of “due
process” in a singular action!

107. Mr. E. J. Krass is the man that the governments knew was coming and the March


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

4, 2009 Order as well as this one will insure that Fundamental Justice and The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God will be taught to all future generations across the
globe and unify that which has been unlawfully shattered by governments making rulership through
democracy and the resulting unnatural order false gods for everyone even though neither ever had
the right to be used or portrayed as “divine” or beyond reproach!

108. When one law falls because it does not have a Fundamental Justice Dictate or
is wholly reversed to the original Act because none of the current incarnations of the law
across Canada upholds the lost Fundamental Justice Dictate, then, governance falls because
this same standard must be applied to all laws henceforth leaving only those whose basis is The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms - the corollary of laws that extend from The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms (as presented by the Supreme Court of Canada in its October 3. 2003 Laseur and
Martin v. Nova Scotia decision which has been made available online at

The world doesn’t need more politicians, ideologies and the continuation of the
civilization “game”; the world needs the Truth so that the game ends here and now!

The Truth shall set you free from all the oppression, injustice and untruth being
passed off as “truth,” “fairness” and “justice” when all that is being undertaken is propaganda and
BAD FAITH in contravention of the demands of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God.

109. In this world, you have BAD FAITH or those being forced to stand up for
Fundamental Justice for everyone. Mr. E. J. Krass discovered this reality and has taken up the torch
for Fundamental Justice, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and pursing THE FREE Society as
well as put forth the proper procedures for everyone to participate in this reformation of a
civilization in to THE FREE Society as an example for all the world across time!

110. How can anyone be master of their own body when the government is prohibiting
this standard in the running of the WCB and the governments agents, including the arm’s length
ones, where the governments have unlawfully given them the right to produce/generate “adverse”
to fact decisions/rulings and maintain these “adverse rulings” against The Principles of Fundamental
Justice and The Supremacy of God because everyone has the unknown right to produce Petitions
to the Court and defacto Petitions to the Courts to strike down the laws that have removed habeas
corpus/Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights?


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

111. With this hidden reality exposed, everyone, with oppression before them and
withheld Fundamental Justice at their backs, is invited to abolish rulership by their fellow man in
all its many forms.

Duplicity II and Doublespeak relative to The Workers’ Compensation Act in Ontario

112. According to reality, governments are of no legitimate value especially since

they lost their fear of there being more to reality than what the governments are telling
everyone and their laws truly have no validity as the ultimate order/outcome is unnatural and
does harm to everyone as 2 classes have continued to grow more distinct: there presently is
elite class who rule while all others are the have-nots class that are ruled by their unnatural
acceptance of the laws in existence/on the books having legitimacy and being something that
needs to be revered by the lower citizens of the hierarchy.

Jesus Christ himself, to my knowledge, in Luke 16:17 best encapsulated the

absurdity of what is going on in democracies across the face of the globe when he stated:

“But, it is easier for Heaven and earth to pass away

than for one stroke of the letter of the law to fail.”

113. It was by being loyal to the ideals and laws on the books without any
legitimate standards like The US Constitution and everyone’s right to security of person as
affirmed by Fundamental Justice that allowed the Nazi Party to rule over Germany and then
Europe before this blight was eradicated.

114. Shockingly, though, right after WWII in 1946, the American Government then
turned around and made its sole responsibility to be provide jobs to the returning soldiers so
that economic progress would never be legitimately challenged and exposed as illegitimate
and an utter contravention of the most sacred document in the US - The Constitution. That
illegal policy of 1946 - being responsible for work, relative to The US Constitution, the 14th
Amendment and The International Bill of Human Rights of 1948, replicated perfectly the
mantra of the Nazis which was, “Arbeit Macht Frei!” (Work will set you free - from what
though is the scary part as the only thing that work did was oppress the have-nots who must
work to live in the cities and the countryside must be transformed in to farms to produce the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

food for the city dwellers no longer producing food for themselves and the governments had
to replace the regents who did this same thing prior to WWI while the American
governments imposed money as the new carrot for existence of the have-nots. So, what
mankind was liberated “from” was THE FREE Society and living at one with the land where
one lives and not having far away farms produce and then ship the food to you at a price
when everything you need in the natural order was already provided for nothing (free) with
the exception of a little personal work. (Do you see the contradiction in “liberating everyone
from freedom” which really means enslavement?)

115. For governments to be legitimate and not acting as “the devil’s” advocate and
imposing reverse onus upon everyone which is BAD FAITH, there can be no clear example
of manipulation of the wording in any law. But, the fact that no law, scheme or decision
upholds Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights as presented in the British Columbian
administrative tribunals act and all other acts across Canada concerning governmental
decisions before this stage - Exhibit “I” in the January/March 2009 defacto Petition to the
Court (BC Supreme Court Kelowna file no. 81581) or s. 44 and s. 45 of the BC
administrative tribunals act in the attachments to the Writ of Summons online
0its%20attachments/Attached%20WoS%20package.PDF), the proof is therefore absolute to
state that governance is beyond illegitimate and constitutes but BAD FAITH as no law
is doings as directed by sections 7, 52(1) and 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

116. However, the corruption doesn’t stop in BC as Ontario’s original Workmen’s

Compensation Act mandated that the WCB was to be wholly responsible for all matters
arising from the enabling legislation which includes labour standards as work related injuries
combined expose what work must be abolished and what can be modified once the mature,
healthy and kinetic human body’s true anatomy is known. Basically, the premise of the
Workers’ Compensation Act, run according to its original wording, complied with The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms because all work related injures had to be resolved entirely
by the WCB for a claim to be closed: work caused the injuries and illness, therefore, the
WCB’s Accident Fund is wholly responsible for all the costs associated with enacting
the cure as well as insuring that this harm does not befall any others across all injuries


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

and Canada as a whole. So, no man nor business has the right to inflict harm on others
which is not how the WCB is being run anymore and especially since 1982.

117. To understand how this corruption of the Workers’ Compensation Act has
remained unquestioned, the current Workers’ Compensation Act of Ontario must be

Insured injuries

13. (1) A worker who sustains a personal injury by accident arising out of
and in the course of his or her employment is entitled to benefits under the
“insurance” plan.


(2) If the accident arises out of the worker’s employment, it is presumed to

have occurred in the course of the employment unless the contrary is shown.
If it occurs in the course of the worker’s employment, it is presumed to have
arisen out of the employment unless the contrary is shown.

To the general public, the term “accident” means a trauma injury or something
similar. But, this understanding is purposely presented so as to mislead everyone concerning
cases arising from a lack of medical understanding of the mature, healthy and kinetic human
body determining that overuse syndrome and repetitive stress injuries are legitimate but, now
once again, need to be fought over to get the proper coverage.

118. However, the following passage repudiates the general public’s understanding
of the term “accident”:


2. (1) In this Act,

“accident” includes,


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

(a) a wilful and intentional act, not being the act of the worker,

(b) a chance event occasioned by a physical or natural cause, and

© disablement arising out of and in the course of employment; (“accident”)

“Appeals Tribunal” means the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals

Tribunal; (“Tribunal d’appel”)

119. These quotes present the prefect example of governments abusing their
control over the wording placed in the passed legislation - Acts - with the intent to mislead
everyone (BAD FAITH) due to the general definition of “accidents” but not the proper
wording of the original 1914 Workmen’s Compensation Act (when it was passed in to law
but the wording was drafted in 1913).

120. The problem with the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act for the elites
and business community is that it enforced the pursuit of THE FREE Society where business
could not conduct themselves with total disregard for human life and its environment and
then pay out money after the fact, i.e. prevention of harm was the greatest priority to the 1914
Workmen’s Compensation Act originally.

This Truth of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act and the current
non-compliance is affirmed by the following excerpt from the current Ontario Workers’
Compensation Act:


1. The purpose of this Act is to accomplish the following (in a financially

responsible and accountable manner):

1. To promote health and safety in workplaces and to prevent and reduce the
occurrence of workplace injuries and occupational diseases.

121. As should be plain to see, the added words “in a financially responsible and
accountable manner” were added not to stand up for the objective findings of MRI’s and CT
scans and reconciling the inaccurate x-ray interpretations based on false medical theories due


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

to a lack of knowledge of the applied sciences as we known them today: i.e. centripetal
mechanics and electrical discharges from the brain causing muscle contractions in the
circumstances - kinetically and dyskinetically.

What the words “financially responsible and accountable manner” indicate

is that the Ontario WCB was wrongly brought in to alignment with the insurance standard
functioning of the other WCB’s across Canada where every job injury must be fought tooth
and nail by the injured workers for its acceptance and the WCB acceptance of the cure
elsewhere from more advanced medical research.


122. The original Workers’ Compensation Act was drafted and passed to create a wholly
independent national agency whose administration was to be wholly responsible for all matters
arising out of the enabling legislation and it was to abolish the conflict of opinion that currently
pervades the entire decision making functioning of the WCB across Canada. So, the WCB
exists but the conflict of opinion that it abolished now is the primary mode of decision making
even though work is still shown to be injuring, maiming and prematurely killing all workers.

By Ontario bringing the functioning of its WCB in to alignment with the corruption
of the other jurisdictions, the entire Workers’ Compensation system was essentially abolished and
nobody caught it because nobody expected the system to break down as badly as it has.

123. Not only was the reformation of the Ontario WCB in to the unlawful “employers’
insurance company” like other jurisdictions reprehensible but more importantly nobody within the
“haves” stood up for The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which affirms 100% the BAD FAITH of
the action because s. 52(1) and s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms demands that no law
that contravenes The Charter would every be drafted let alone passed by the legislatures.

Sadly, the resulting reforms to the Ontario Workers’ Compensation Act enforced
the lowest common denominator based on money. Consequently, everyone has the right to profit
off of the known harm work will inflict on the have-nots and the economy is now liberated
from its failure to produce jobs that not only will do no harm to the workers but also will
foster the mature, healthy and kinetic human body’s singular lifestyle.

124. The Ontario Workers’ Compensation Board is now entitles the Workplace Safety


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

and Insurance Board. Just a moment! According to doublespeak whenever two diametrically
opposed entities are joined with “and”, the word really means “or”, so, the WSIB is really a
contradiction of itself historically because the original WCB actually abolished the insurance aspect
between 1914 to 1997 when the current unlawful Ontario Workers’ Compensation Act was

125. The rule of all laws and schemes is The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. So, the
amendments to the current Workers’ Compensation Acts unlawfully granting the employers the right
to fight the Truth and abolished the right of every job injured to have their job injuries “resolved
entirely” which completely violates s. 52(1) and s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms while
also completely violating s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms because the governments have
wrongly legitimized the pursuit of wealth which contradicts the pursuit of THE FREE Society based
on the true interpretation of the objective evidence.

126. From this contemptible approach to life, all laws across Canada must now be seen
as being corrupt which is supported by the fact that, besides not one law currently upholds
conclusively everyone’s right to life, liberty and security of person as affirmed by The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and Fundamental Justice outcomes, all laws and
your perception of due process are actually preventing what is demanded by The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms and the sole Charter due process of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court of
competent jurisdiction.

Understanding Section 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

127. From the election results in British Columbia 2009, it is clear people don’t
understand that THE FREE Society and democracy are diametrically opposed to each other. So,
either Canada is pursuing THE FREE Society away from democracy or what you have is BAD

128. In British Columbia, the general populace know what is ongoing in the legislature
is corrupt and have expressed their disdain by choosing not to vote nor involve themselves in the
democracy which is illegitimate and having the government ultimately run their lives - governments
make decisions for us on many issues rather than the start point being the majority rules BUT only
so long as Fundamental Justice doesn’t weigh in with certainty.

129. To understand this, all governmental decisions historically were never defined as
“final, conclusive and/or binding.” So, there were to be no etched in stone decisions by any


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

governmental agent. For example, tax decisions are never binding and all that exists is perpetual
conflict between the government and the potential tax payer. Concerning the Workers’
Compensation Board, no decision by an adjudicator was to be “final” as new evidence like MRI and
CT scans or newer diagnostics were supposed to be able to reverse wholly the decision.

The best example of THE FREE Society and its objective evidence is DNA
evidence and the judicial system. In this system, the Supreme Court of Canada’s decisions were
shown not to be final, binding and conclusive. So, how can an adjudicator’s or a tribunal
decision be final, binding and conclusive?

130. The Truth is not one decision is final, binding and conclusive ever especially when
the objective Truth has not been produced which may repudiate the decision entirely: this fact was
delved in to quite extensively in Exhibit “AA” on file no. 81581 at the Kelowna Supreme Court
which is online at the following cloud address

131. No government agent when Fundamental Justice exists in decision making will
ever define its decisions as “adverse” and “still adverse” in the face of THE FREE Society’s
objective evidence repudiating not just the decision but the law that created the false standard
by the elected bodies - BAD FAITH.

To correct such injustice and the BAD FAITH, we, the people, have Petitions to the
Court and defacto Petitions to the Court where s. 52(1), s. 7, s. 1 and 24(1) of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms are invoked as grounds for the Writ of Summons where the government must
demonstrably justify that THE FREE Society’s standards and Fundamental Justice was done not just
in that case but all other cases in the scheme or else the Order presented to the decision making court
must be signed off on immediately!

Everyone by now must know that THE FREE Society and democracy are not the
same thing and are in constant conflict upon which natural order rules with certainty as to whether
Fundamental Justice or BAD FAITH is ongoing in all the laws.

132. When people don’t vote, it is a condemnation of democracy being maintained

through centralized governments making everything an extension of the elected bodies, i.e. the
legislatures and parliament just like with the kings and queens of old whose royal courts presided
over the letter of the laws in their days. So, people by natural order are not obligated to vote


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

especially when the democracy and elected bodies have usurped the role of king and queen of old
and have created a civilization while what everyone knows to be wrong is being overruled by the
elected houses as they falsely claiming that the laws are valid when governments know of Petitions
to the Courts where the oppressed have the right to establish the laws that uphold Fundamental
Justice with all others being struck down.

133. Nobody every discusses Fundamental Justice because BAD FAITH means that the
government and its agents including judges are acting as “devil’s advocates,” in favour of the letter
of the law whose grounds is not The Charter of Rights and Freedoms meaning that BAD FAITH is
inhered in all governmental processes and the oppression will only be rectified at the end of the “due
process” if and only if the Supreme Court of Canada upholds that the rule of all laws is The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God
which will produce a certain and ultimate outcome that is indisputable.

134. To eliminate BAD FAITH, Petitions to the Court and defacto Petitions to the Court
exist as doing Right means that the laws should never have been produced or conceived of because
they don’t uphold Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights, i.e. the right to life, liberty and
security of person as affirmed by The Principles of Fundamental Justice which will produce the
Fundamental Justice outcome for the oppressed universally.

But, with Fundamental Justice, democracy will suddenly fall because it is unnatural
just as is the resulting civilization and its order.

135. All that Canadians and Americans and others know is democracy and it being
presented as wholly legitimate and little or nothing about THE FREE Society because scientific
research in to the unknown (God and The Mandate of Heaven) now is a function of money, the
carrot or stick of democracy.

Jesus Christ stated in Luke 16:13:

“No servant can have 2 masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other,
or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and

So, obviously, there must not be anything beyond democracy in most people’s minds
even though you sense this contention to be wrong and in utter violation of the Truth where there
is far more to existence than democracy and laws passed by elected bodies which enforce the order
conceived of in the elected officials minds and elites rather than THE FREE Society!


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

More Redress of the Laws of the Minds of the Elected Houses

136. Thus far, it has been proven that the economic and pursuit of wealth agendas could
only have been implemented if everyone’s Legal Rights had been circumvented and/or talked around
in every law and review except those that are finally dealt with at the Supreme Court of Canada: in
short, through the application of BAD FAITH rather than the demanded Fundamental Justice not one
Fundamental Justice Dictate has been provided for any law and scheme so as to permit the abolition
of arbitrary/BAD FAITH decisions. The reason for this demanded Dictate is because s. 7 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms is entitled “Everyone’s Legal Rights” so as to inform everyone that
every law must uphold these rights as affirmed by The Principles of Fundamental Justice thereby
insuring all Fundamental Justice outcomes based on everyone’s security of person will be applied
in all cases.

137. On March 4, 2009, the first part of the whole defacto Petition to the Court was
submitted to the Supreme Court of BC (file no. 81581) in follow-up to the January 9, 2009Writ of
Summons declaring the entire January 9, 2009 court process to be a defacto Petition to the Courts
as s. 1 of the Writ of Summons invoked s. 7 and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
This Order and its supporting documentation completes the initial March 4, 2009 unopposable
Summary Order court proceedings as it has provided the 3 Primary Laws that extend from The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms - the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act, the 1912 Juvenile
Act and its complement, the Education Act.

But, the redress thus far exceeds the re-instatement of the laws set in place to
prohibit the pursuit of wealth which has replaced the process of elimination and logic for everyone.

Because the BC government has FINALLY admitted that Charter Rights are
not grounds for decisions in favour of all complainants at the appeals tribunal level and before
that at the governmental level as well as at the lower court levels, every law across Canada has
to be reviewed for “being consistent with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” and we, the
people, have the right now either just to strike down any of the laws that are “invalid due to
the law being inconsistent with the Supreme Law of Canada - The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms” or strike down and decide the replacement law if the revised law and its objectives
can be found “to be consistent with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.”

138. Beyond the re-instatement of the 3 fundamental laws that extend from The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms, the redress that I have been able to establish based on the violation of my


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

universal rights and those of all job injured are:

- 138.01 - abolition of the college of physicians and surgeons in 5 to 7 years for having
abused its stature and its upper echelon members’ stature - peer-reviewed
opinions - whose sole purpose was to hinder the application of Fundamental
Justice through the WCB`s Fundamental Justice Dictate in all WCB claims,
Canada wide, and has resulted in the extermination of everyone’s right to security
of person as affirmed by the objective evidence when properly interpreted
along with everyone’s right to self determination and “informed consent”.
- the lunacy in the current civilization is that you allow “experts” to define reality
in defiance of the demands of self determination and the right to provide
“informed consent”
- basically, everyone has allowed academics to usurp the right of divinity and
allowed the elites to slice up the whole and provided educated guesses as to the
Truth and passing these guesses off as being legitimate except when repudiated
by multiple cohorts with the same credentials
- the consequences are that the whole is being overruled by a slice or part (so, the
axiom that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts no longer is applied) and
nobody’s Truth really alters the outcome even though it is supposed to support or
repudiate the whole microcosm review:
e.g. currently in British Columbia the police are conducting themselves as the
Gestapo in Germany and have been given the licence to kill all persons because
they review all police incidents internally which is wrong because there has to be
a wholly independent and national civilian oversight review process that will
always review the objective evidence to determine whether the outcome was
consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice which means that the
thoughts of the officers and training of them will always be affirmed by the
evidence or repudiated - no human being nor law can give others the right to do
harm to another
- to understand this, think back to your mathematic tests where if you got the
answer right that was only 50% of the mark whereas the proof to get to the
answer was the other 50% of the mark - the proof shows you where the
mistakes were made and shows why the outcome was wrong
- this was everyone’s exposure to certainty and standards that have been removed


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

from the civilization that has grown in Canada and the United States in spite of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms whose standards are The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God
- in short, everyone is turning a blind eye to being responsible for yourselves and
others equally (universality of being) and insuring that Truth, doing Right always
and Fundamental Justice is all that exists in everyone’s daily lives because it is
easier to have “experts” rule over the Truth while everyone has lost THE FREE
Society as the rule of law is now the letter of the law (divinity) passed by the
elected bodies which is why we cast off the kings and queens decades ago
- through a lack of vigilance on everyone’s part and willingness to live the affluent
lifestyle, democracy has usurped the exact role of the kings and queens and
nobody cared to notice because it is easier to do harm to your fellow man if it
arises indirectly through the economic machine

Evidence: higher level diagnostics cannot be exposing massive amounts of torn load
bearing lateral soft tissue complexes of the radiocapitellar joint while the bone
placement in x-rays repudiate the long held and FALSE medical standard that
the ulno-humeral joint is the primary joint of the elbow that employs “hinge”
technology like that in your doors, i.e. a gap at back of the ulno-humeral joint
with a natural fulcrum at the front of this joint
- neither of the aforementioned hinge characteristics will ever be shown in the
lateral x-ray films of either a kinetically or dyskinetically functioning
elbow/arm because the primary joint of the elbow is the radiocapitellar joint
of the elbow and it, just like all other ginglymus joints, employs centripetal
mechanics - a physics and engineering Truth that was only fully exposed in
the 1950's
- also, the radiocapitellar joint employs the exact same characteristics as the
other ginglymus joints - a convex upper portion of the joint and a concave
lower bone face that glides properly over the convex head of the upper joint
and is connected with the upper bone with load bearing (centripetal force
containing) lateral or side ligaments that maintain the singular
flexion/extension plane in all extremities


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

- for diagnostic purposes, in kinetic arms/elbows, the bicipital tuberosity is

never found to be pulled in to the ulno-radial joint as that is only facilitated
by the radiocapitellar’s lateral load bearing soft tissue complex having been
made insufficient
- thus, the root of all dyskinesis was presented in the x-ray evidence of elbows
but is being misinterpreted by the radiology and medical community because
neither it nor the establishment want to admit that medicine’s understanding
of human anatomy is so wrong as to be misleading people as to the wholesale
failings and inaccuracies of Gray’s Anatomy
- currently, medicine is unethical and is being run in a manner not
acceptable in the world of science
- in science, nature rules meaning that there is only ultimate singular truth
whereas, in medicine, there is no true understanding of human anatomy and
kinetic body functionality meaning that the college of physicians and
surgeons which has permitted this fallacy must be replaced with the Unified
College of Medicine whose primary objective will be to study the mature,
healthy and kinetic human body to define exactly how this incredible
machine works
- the main failing of medicine today is that everyone is studying the ailment or
disease or complication of another illness and forgetting that understanding
can only come from knowing exactly how the miraculous and marvelous
mature, healthy and kinetic human body works, e.g. the brain works both as
a battery and computer electrically as well as it is a hormone generator
which means that mental disease is most likely linked to dyskinesis and this
fact has gone on undiscovered in humanity for millennia which pre-exists
any mental disease designations
- to understand this probability, medicine must further study this linkage just
as heart and stroke disease are also a probable complication of living with a
dyskinetic body although a 2002 German study affirmed that blood flow
congestion in the pulmonary system was quite detectible when studying the
normal flow rate out of the heart between kinetic and dyskinetic human
- again, understanding can only come with acceptance of the probabilities and
researching them equally, i.e. putting the dyskinetic human bodies and kinetic


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

bodies through an objective test - not study groups - to define what could
possibly be happening in nature, i.e. in the mature, healthy and kinetic human
body versus what is happening in the dyskinetic human body to learn how the
lack of a mature, healthy and kinetic human body produces physical ailments
and long term illness in the dyskinetic human body
- with the current and unlawful administration of Canada, the government
unilaterally has circumvented everyone’s right of “informed consent” because
the “quasi-judicial” administrative agencies “rule” or define what
probabilities will be accepted (divinity imposed) even though the original
1913 Workers’ Compensation Act made it clear with the definition of
“medical aid” that the attending clinician had the obligation to examine
physically all PERTINENT body parts and diagnose the injuries according
to the independent medical database of injuries that had been accepted
globally until 1985 in Canada and which is the basis for the striking down of
the current provincial Workers’ Compensation Acts
- with the re-instatement of the national WCB “process of elimination”
decision making body, the medical advisors’ office will immediately be
abolished and all advice abandoned

138.02 Abolition of all Income Tax Acts across Canada and returning to user fees

and consumption taxes only

Evidence: The Income Tax Acts and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms are diametrically
opposed to each other.
The Supreme Law of Canada - The Charter - instills inalienable rights on
everyone creating the universality of being.
The Income Tax Acts refute this acceptable standard and make business and the
pure pursuit of profits an equal to breathing, drinking water, eating, etc. through
the equivalent to person status for all businesses.
Thus, the Income Tax Acts legitimize the business model over The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms while the former is unnatural and its sole objective
eliminates basic respect for human life, respect for the biosphere that supports
us as well as places everyone in to servitude of the false god, money, regardless


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

of the violation of security of person for the purposes of profit.

Nobody has the right to inflict personal injury or death upon anybody else
but that is exactly what the capitalist system does directly and indirectly!
Hence, none of the Income Tax Acts can ever be re-instated once this
Peremptory Mandamus Order is signed off on by the Supreme Court of British
Columbia in accordance with The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God!

138.03 Abolition of the 2000 Financial Administration Act of Alberta

- the reasoning should be obvious

- from this Act, the ruling body of Alberta above that of the
Alberta Legislation - the Treasury Board of Alberta, was created
and will be abolished never to see the light of day again
- furthermore, the Act made no bones about making financial considerations
the only consideration for all governmental decisions in violation of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms which demands that the effects on the
Legal Rights of everyone be the ONLY consideration when administering
all parts of Canada

138.04 Striking down of the current Alberta Ombudsman’s Act as the current
implementation violates utterly The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its sole
due process, Petitions to the Court for the oppressed. All provincial and internal
Ombudsman’s Offices, like the Ombudsman’s Office for Veterans’ Affairs or the
Banks, etc. are to be struck down as they have been found to be invalid, of no
effect and not saved given s. 24(1), s. 7, s. 1 and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms making any potential return of these agencies non-existent as the
laws creating them are inconsistent with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
- currently, the Alberta Ombudsman’s Office enforces the “new” golden rule,
“He who has the gold or money RULES!”
- in 2004, the alternative “conflict” resolution scheme was created by the
Alberta Government and imposed on the people in keeping with the 2000
Financial Administration Act of Alberta
- firstly, the current Alberta Ombudsman’s Act automatically falsely


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

legitimizes that Everyone’s Legal Rights and any infringement upon them
by another or the system must be viewed as a financial interests conflict,
hence, the mediation of all complaints are then based solely upon financial
- thus, this conflict is viewed to have been “resolved” by wrongly
acknowledging that the individual whose Legal (Human) Rights have been
violated SIMPLY deserve some nominal financial compensation whose
value is at the discretion of the Ombudsman’s Office
- doling out minimal financial compensation from the mediation process
rather than acknowledging the structural error where infringing on
Everyone’s Legal Rights has wrongly become acceptable and merely
deserving of some financial compensation at the lowest extent possible in
each individual infringement COMPLETELY VIOLATES the protections
of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which demands that all laws and
their schemes are to be consistent with The Charter - s. 52(1) - and The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and Mandate of Heaven standards
- in Truth, “repetitive” infringement of everyone’s Legal Rights means that
the scheme or program either must be altered or abolished so as to never
see the light of day ever again - s. 52(1), s. 7 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms
- this outline of the Alberta Alternative Conflict Resolution scheme makes
it perfectly clear that this scheme is invalid, of no effect and not saved and
has no further reason to exist and, truly, never had any reason to exist plus
all decisions must now be vacated and summarily struck down so that the
wronged can get their proper compensation in a Petition to the Court along
with the Fundamental Justice from learning that the system that wronged
them should at the very least have been altered but more rationally
eliminated before the individual case occurred and, far worse, this
personal infringement is being revisited upon others as the laws were
never changed according to The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and
their unjust outcomes perpetuated
- clearly, Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court and eliminating all laws,
schemes and unnatural order with the courts signing off on the Order
provided according to The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the sole due


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

process and not appealing to an illegitimate agency like the Ombudsman’s

Office or even judges to provide another illegitimate opinion where the
outcome was certain but not enacted by the governments due to BAD
- no government simply has the right to produce a rule of law unilaterally and
independent of Natural Order especially if its outcome is actually
repudiated by nature which itself defines whether the laws and schemes
comply with Fundamental Justice and The Mandate of Heaven
- Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court are the only means for everyone to
attain Fundamental Justice universally and acknowledgment of injustice in
the particular case that exposed the universal injustice for everyone as well
as striking down of the laws as well as replacing them with the proper law
with a Fundamental Justice Dictate if one can be produced or found and
this will reinstate the fear of the unknown within mankind as well as
reintroduce everyone to The Mandate of Heaven plus reintroduce
Fundamental Justice to the Rule of Law as well as pursuing THE FREE
Society away from democracy

138.05 - The Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not enforce and actually
repudiates the current judicial review process for reversal of laws and
schemes that are not consistent with The Charter as exists in all
jurisdictions as s. 24(1) of The Charter specifically states that the striking
down or striking down and replacement of the law shall be taken to a court
of competent jurisdiction
- The Supreme (Superior) Court of all provinces are the only court
which must sign off on the Order provided forthwith when the
evidence from the provincial governments shows that the
governments have refused to produce Fundamental Justice Dictates
for all laws and schemes, i.e. have acknowledged their BAD FAITH,
because the local Supreme Court of the provinces is the first stage or
decision accepting level of the judiciary whereas the appeals court
and the Supreme Court are courts of review and not truly decision
making bodies - only the Supreme Court of Canada currently upholds
the words of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms in contravention


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

of s. 24(1) and Petitions and defacto Petitions to the Court

- as has been established, currently all judicial processes beneath the
Supreme Court are merely an extension of the authority of the
provinces and territories and they merely uphold the letter of the
laws of that jurisdiction determining that the protections of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms for all of Canada currently lies
solely at The Supreme Court of Canada which the July 25, 2005
Thomas Shuchuk v. Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, the 2003 SCC’s
Laseur and Martin v. WCB (Nova Scotia) and the 2007 HEU v. BC
decisions clearly affirm
- but, when the objective evidence exposes the corruption of decision
making, Petitions to the (Superior) Court are the sole means of redress
from the BAD FAITH and a return of Fundamental Justice universally
as there can be no contrary or adverse opinion or decision from the
governments and the courts, i.e. the system

138.06 Abolition of the implementation of generally accepted accounting principles

as the standard for unlawfully ruling BC

- clearly this violates The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the words of
the SCC’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. WCB (Nova Scotia)
decision because everyone’s Legal Human Rights are, once again, being
subjugated to the economic desires of the establishment creating the
grounds for a ruling elite and everyone else who must plug themselves in
to the economy as a pawn simply to be injured, maimed and killed at the
whim of the elite through work that has not been reformed with ergonomic
labour standards

138.07 Abolition of the entire “quasi-judicial” system Canada wide and all other
complementary portions within other provincial Acts that prohibit the use
of Charter Rights and Freedoms for individuals to receive their just benefits,
e.g. the job duties caused the job injuries determining that the WCB and its
Accident Fund MUST pay all benefits until the cure is known just as the
original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act made clear!


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

- in BC the offending “quasi-judicial” Act is entitled the Administrative

Tribunals Act which has correspondent Acts across Canada as these
unlawful schemes violate thoroughly everyone’s Legal Rights and The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the original 1913 WCB’s Fundamental
Justice Dictate is being circumvented through the application of BAD
- in short, the actions of the establishment made the mess, therefore, it
MUST allow us, the oppressed touched by Fundamental Justice, to resolve
their unlawfully created problems, e.g. the biosphere was clean until
industrialization and, now, the establishment through its new agents, the
governments, are fighting reality and the demand that its footprint be nil as
this planet’s environment is all that we have in this solar system and the
universe for the foreseeable future
- the economy and its creation of consumerism in North America was
unacceptable when most were distracted with the communism v. capitalism
conflict but this conflict is gone and now the only conflict is between
objective reality - Fundamental Justice - and doing right versus the
legitimacy of the economic agenda and the letters of laws used to install it
and which was put in place against objective reality just to defeat
communism and the fear of the unknown has not been re-instated in
governments, the elites and the laws thereby re-instating Galileo’s Disease
and the role of prophet

139. In the Affidavits for this document and all documents filed with Supreme Court of
British Columbia file no. 81581, it has been established that not only were there 6 specific cases
correlated to the original 1913 WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate but also that the refusal to
accept and abide by the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate by all Workers’ Compensation Boards
in Canada has resulted in everyone losing their inalienable Legal Rights as enshrined in s. 7 and s.
52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which were to be binding on all successive
governments since The Charter’s repatriation in 1982.

140. An interesting consequence of denying everyone their universal and God given
rights and the resulting singular lifestyle is that the data generated for the general public becomes
wholly corrupted from the WCB and its appeals commission because, to attain the Fundamental
Justice Dictate for everyone across time, the matter of reversing the unconstitutional amendments


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

to the laws must be taken to court under a Petition to the Court or defacto Petition to the Court for
the courts to sign off on the matter forthwith. Meanwhile, the corrupt data generated by the appeals
commission and the Ombudsman’s Office will be incorrectly skewed towards indicating that the
vast majority of the appeals are without foundation or potential fraud cases when, in fact, by denying
the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Mandate of 1913, countless cases of BAD FAITH are and have
occurred where the governments and their agents are really acting as “devil’s advocate” and forcing
everyone to pursue the Holy Grail of reformation against the advice being present and hidden by the
lies - Petitions to the Court!

141. There is no opinion anywhere that can uphold the untruth in our governments’
contentions. Therefore, the unopposable Summary Orders presented to the Court on Kelowna
Registry file no. 81581 needs to disclose as fully as possible so as to insure that the reforms
demanded by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God will never be
legitimately challenged and also so as to foster THE FREE Society based upon everyone ultimately
doing Right as facilitated by universal and free education which will result in everyone ceasing to
be unknowingly mean spirited to all fellow human beings, i.e. treat everyone as if they are “bad”
from the core out rather than generally “good”, respective of all and mutually kind, warm and loving

142. Consequently, everyone has the right to use Petitions and defacto Petitions to the
Court in order to throw out the unconstitutional laws that enforce equality of “access to man’s
world” rather than establishing “universal equality of being” as the current wrongheaded definition
of “equality” is merely a play on words but the result is not THE FREE Society that the Fathers of
Confederation (Canada) nor the creators of the United States envisioned when they produced Legal
Rights for everyone making non-partisan and non-agenda based governments the guardian of
everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights regardless of the mind set that it ultimately MUST face
down which is encapsulated in the definition of BAD FAITH.

143. As the current BC government has indicated transparently - Exhibits “I” and “J” that
it and all other provincial governments, equally, failed to maintain their obligations pertaining to our
everyone’s Legal Human Rights and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Summary Order of
March 4, 2009 has legitimately been made unopposable which means that this conclusion to the
March 4, 2009 unopposable Summary Order must be as thorough as I can make it based on my
knowledge which is incomplete as to the extent of the perversion of justice that is taking place in
Canada. Let’s go on, though!


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

(June 1, 2009)

144. Habeas corpus/Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights arose from the discovery
that the mature, healthy and kinetic human body’s lifestyle brings with it great potential on many
different levels. But, nobody educated everyone to the fact that doing no harm means also not
allowing a civilization to arise where doing harm is institutionalized, i.e. work is known to injure,
maim and prematurely kill everyone exposed to it, yet, most people today subscribe to the falsehood
that everyone must earn a livelihood even though life is free as is living upon this planet with its
bounty that is very rare in this universe making life upon earth a gift from God.

145. Also, nobody educates everyone to the reality that governments and everyone are
supposed to fear God where the latter is the unknown which has the potential to repudiate the
ongoing civilization with its haves and have-nots and impose THE FREE Society whose standards
are dictated by the mature, healthy and kinetic human body and its singular lifestyle.

144. If you know that your civilization and its laws are unnatural, then, you must live in
fear of the unknown Truth that will inevitably be discovered because every life in the pluralist
civilization and its duplicity will be summarily struck down and replaced with THE FREE Society’s
singular lifestyle based on everyone doing Right.

145. BAD FAITH though allows governments to maintain the unnatural pluralist
civilization where there is no Right just everyone doing wrong but living affluent and unsustainable
lifestyles. Consequently, everyone accepts the guidance from the elites rather than doing as Socrates
recommended millennia ago when he wrote, “The unexamined life is a life not worth living...”

By refusing to abide by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy

of God, the governments have created corrupt standards that are illegitimate by virtue of the
objective evidence and scientific Truth and, by using them, cruel and unusual treatment for the
oppressed is standard because the objective evidence repudiates not only the ongoing mind set but
also the advice of specialists whose subjective opinions are now being used as “evidence” in
violation of the Rules of Evidence.

146. Let’s review what is ongoing. Currently and historically, work was known to injure,
maim and prematurely kill the mature, healthy and kinetic person. The WCB was created due to this
reality and its mandate was to make work not injure, maim and prematurely kill all workers in
Canada since 1914, the first passage of the Workmen’s Compensation Act in to law in Ontario, and
the WCB was to have exclusive jurisdiction over all matters arising from the enabling legislation,
i.e. it was to be wholly independent and its policies were to be mandated by the job injuries and the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Truth derived from resolving them entirely and, using this knowledge, make all work not injure
future workers - injury prevention through ergonomic labour standards.

So, the WCB system has existed in Canada since 1914 as passed legislation and
1913 when the original Workers’ Compensation Act was drafted. But, since 1982 and even earlier
due to the general populace being kept ignorant as to the role of the WCB and security of person,
the WCB has been bastardized as every provincial government has made their local WCB in to an
employers’ insurance company establishing that companies and business have the right to injure,
maim and prematurely kill its workers daily in the name of profits with short term benefits being the
means of keeping the injured hordes from rising up and forcing the WCB to be re-instated back to
its proper functioning which was wholly consistent with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
especially s. 52(1) and s. 7.

147. To everyone, you and your children will be injured, maimed and prematurely killed
now because that standard has been put in place by democracy as the governments of the day have
backed the employers who feel that you and your children are born to die so that they can have
opulent surroundings and then use this opulence, made off of the lack of security of person for
everyone, as a carrot for everyone in spite of the vast majority of the world’s population remaining
incredibly poor relative to those at the top of the current hierarchy.

So, your children will suffer the same person injuries as those generations ago
because work does no longer has to be made wholly consistent with everyone’s right to life, liberty
and security of person as affirmed by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and Fundamental
Justice outcomes.

148. When your children become injured, they will see a doctor and he will not disclose
the proper diagnosis because the diagnosis is an utter inconvenient Truth in a system with no fear
of the unknown and refusal to acknowledge the potential of the mature, healthy and kinetic human
body because the denial of accepting Truth means that the agenda of democracy has to have been
put in place at the expense of THE FREE Society. (E. g, the white man and its pursuit of wealth
arrived in the New World in 1492. The land in the Americas was pure, the water pure and in
abundance just as the nature was pure and in abundance because the natives had fostered THE FREE
Society and living with The Supremacy of God which, in that moment, meant not doing anything
except that which was supported by nature. But, the white man took over and made reserves for the
natives and parks where natural order was to exist solely. This meant that everything else was open
for exploitation by the civilization and industrialization including the generations that followed as
the capitalist/industrialist model deems all people as human resources and not persons.)


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Furthermore, the job injured children will suddenly be told that their personal job
injuries are permanent and cannot be cured which is grounds for the termination of all WCB benefits
because the WCB’s current mandate is only to get everyone back to work injured and not its original
mandate. So, your children will get sicker than the previous generation or die off suddenly and
earlier than the other generations just before it because the business community (stakeholders of the
economy) have no further obligation to resolve entirely the personal injuries that arose from work
which has made the economy in to a false god.

Now though, companies get illegitimately sued by the WCB solely for causing the
death of workers from negligence that would never have occurred if the WCB had inspectors on all
the job sites enforcing the legitimate labour standards as existed prior to 1982. The current approach
to the WCB is a violation of the universal immunity principle that determines that pro-active injury
prevention by the WCB was all that the WCB had and the business community agreed to this
original standard so as to insure that work would never injure, maim or prematurely kill any workers
in future generations.

149. With the establishment of The US Constitution, The International Bill of Human
Rights and then Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the historical model of the ongoing
civilization was made redundant because now everyone became a person and, under Petitions to the
Court, we, the people, have the right to stand up not only for our personal right but also those of our
fellow persons in the struggle over production of the laws that insure everyone the universal right
to life, liberty and security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice.

150. Without universal personal health, there is nothing else but, without a
nurturing environment, there will also be no health just as the space program has proven
because space and zero gravity environments produce ill-health in everyone exposed to it.

151. After you are injured on the job with a known job injury that is unacceptable for the
system, you quickly find out that the WCB and the medical community, including psychologists, is
not there to cure you but force you back to some form of work and pursuing money so as to ease the
burden of living with your now ongoing job injuries and dyskinesis.

Thus, Canadians have become less healthy since the 1970's and the last great push
to industrialize Canada which is reflected in the healthcare system now taking 50% or more of the
provincial budgets as the responsibility of the WCB’s Accident Fund for all long term job injured
has been placed in to the healthcare system.

But, few know of this corruption because few are trained to be critical thinkers like


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Galileo, Sir Thomas More, Thomas Gold, Ohm, Einstein, Mr. E. J. Krass, etc.

152. However, the objective evidence from countless MRI’s, reporting torn load bearing
lateral complexes of the radiocapitellar joint, and the interpretation of x-rays contradicting the other
higher level objective findings determines that the interpretation of the x-ray images is wrong and
needs to be reconciled with the findings of the magnetic resonance imagery just as the Mayo Clinic’s
specialists have done since the 1970's as did Mr. E. J. Krass from his own personal images that are
online and which were posted with the other documentation on file no. 81581 and whose links will
be posted again at the end of this Order/Affidavits.

The Truth is the medical theories pertaining to arm and upper body usage as well
as total body usage are completely wrong and misleading which The Unified College of Medicine
will endeavor to correct quickly over the next 5-7 years and all the evidence for the proper
understanding will be posted online and ultimately in book form for everyone around the world.

153. Everything that Mr. E. J. Krass has been working on since early in 2007, with the
discovery of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court, has become unimpregnable and impervious to
the BAD FAITH of the Canadian governments and, far worse, this unopposable evidence is the
rock solid foundation for massive reformation of the mind set imposed on everyone for
centuries especially since the current due process is wrong!

154. A grade 5 student is able to amply see that the rule of all laws across Canada and
the world is Everyone’s Legal Rights, i.e. everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of
person as affirmed by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and the
legitimate Fundamental Justice outcome in their particular case, which extend from the mature,
healthy and kinetic human body because laws create the legal world and universality demands that
all laws are to have a Fundamental Justice Dictate which shows to everyone directly how the scheme
and its decisions uphold the universal right of being!

155.00 Follow this proof.

The current due process was established long before coming to Canada or Canada
was made in to a territory, dominion and finally a wholly independent country. At this time, there
was no such thing as habeas corpus and Everyone’s LEGAL Rights witness the execution of Sir
Thomas More in 1535.
In 1948, The International Bill of Human Rights was accepted by all nations of the
United Nations. To bow to this standard for all laws, Canada established a non-binding connection
with this Bill and it was entitled the Constitution in 1960. Yet, the historical due process of litigating


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

within the letter of the law still went on because the Constitution was non-binding.
In 1982, Canada did make the connection to The International Bill of Human Rights
binding and this document is referred to today as Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms while
s. 52(1) and s. 7 of The Charter established that all laws must be a reflection of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms making it and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of
God the rule of all laws across Canada while s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
established the new Petition to the Court due process where injustice must be shown not to exist or
be imposed by the letter of the laws once and for all with the governments having to demonstrably
justify before the courts in Petitions to the Court proceeding that the laws are wholly consistent with
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the pursuit of THE FREE Society away from democracy.
If this evidence cannot be presented to the court, the superior/supreme courts of the
provinces are obliged to sign off on the Orders provided which are intended to re-instate The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms, The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and
produce the single set of laws that will instill in everyone the mind set of doing right among
155.01 Everybody is supposed to be doing Right by now for everyone rather than living
with doing wrong which can only exist when doing Right and doing wrong exist together for any
length of time, let alone millennia for mankind, which leaves only doing wrong as an acceptable
mind set and the establishment enforcing it with countless empires and dynasties attesting to this.
155.02 What chance does anyone have of living the life of the mature, healthy and
kinetic human body when the governments are withholding evidence, misleading everyone to
accept that the passed letter of the law is beyond reproach - divine, and refusing to bring the official
due process in to alignment with that stipulated in section 24(1) of The Charter where the letter of
the law and its order can be thrown out according to s. 7, s. 52(1) and s. 1 of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms.
155.03 In s. 122 of the Supreme Court of Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v.
Nova Scotia (its WCB and the appeal commission for this WCB) decision, the previously passed
legislation was struck down and summarily replaced to eliminate the injustice as best as possible but
through a bogus due review process because the changes should have been implemented by the
initial court signing off on the recommended changes to the laws because, as the SCC outlined, it
was “patently obvious” that Donald Martin and countless others qualified for WCB benefits so they
were illegitimately being denied Everyone’s Legal Rights and not discriminated against by the law.
So, the laws are not divine nor beyond reproach and the courts and legal


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

profession are keeping this undeniable Truth from everyone just as the proper due process for
reforming the laws so that they uphold Everyone’s Legal Rights - Petitions and defacto Petitions to
the Courts where the court must sign off on the Order when the government through the decisions,
actions and their own words prove that there is no justice relative to habeas corpus/Everyone’s
155.04 The Supreme Court of British Columbia has chosen to interfere with the application
of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its sole due process standard by refusing to sign off on
the March 4, 2004 Order arising defacto Petition to the Court which has forced this conclusion Order
to the defacto Petition to the Court and a demand letter being sent to Chief Justice of the British
Columbia Supreme Court, Donald Brenner, so that The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms are upheld forthwith or The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms will be forever shattered and publically known: The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms is the rule of all laws or else you have BAD FAITH!
155.05 For the record, the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia and appellant court decisions in
the Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia matter were knowingly false - strategic/reverse onus decisions
- whose sole purpose was to force the matter on to the Supreme Court for Fundamental Justice
dispensation as it was “patently obvious” that the decision was incongruous with the simple facts
of the case relative to the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate. This fact is quite troubling because
the court lied which brings the administration of justice in to disrepute!
155.06 The Supreme Court of Canada on page 3 of its October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin

v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its jurisdictional appeals commission) decision wrote the following:

“The Constitution is the supreme law of Canada and, by virtue of s. 52(1) of the

Constitution Act, 1982, the question of constitutional validity inheres in every

legislative enactment. From this principle of constitutional supremacy flows, as a

practical corollary, the idea that Canadians should be entitled to assert the rights

and freedoms that the Constitution guarantees them in the most accessible forum

available, without the need for parallel proceedings before the courts. To allow an

administrative tribunal to decide Charter issues does not undermine the role of the

courts as final arbiters of constitutionality in Canada. Administrative tribunal

decisions based on the Charter are subject to judicial review on a correctness


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

standard. In addition, the constitutional remedies available to administrative

tribunals are limited and do not include general declarations of invalidity. A

determination by a tribunal that a provision of its enabling statute is invalid

pursuant to the Charter is not binding on future decision-makers, within or outside

the tribunal's administrative scheme. Only by obtaining a formal declaration of

invalidity by a court can a litigant establish the general invalidity of a legislative

provision for all future cases.”

The government of British Columbia’s response to the October 3, 2003 loss at the
Supreme Court of Canada is Exhibit “I” in the Kelowna Supreme Court Registry - s. 44 and 45 of
the provincial administrative tribunals act:

BC Administrative Tribunals Act

This act is similar to those across Canada that impose quasi-judicial review
of governmental decisions where the decision by the government is inhered
with divinity until the Supreme Court is forced to impose the Fundamental Justice
decision as the judicial review is shown to be based on bias in favour of the law/
government agents and NOT Fundamental Justice

Tribunal without jurisdiction over constitutional questions

44 (1) The tribunal does not have jurisdiction over constitutional questions.

Tribunal without jurisdiction over Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms issues

45 (1) The tribunal does not have jurisdiction over constitutional questions relating to the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

155.07 Currently, Canadians and the world are living in perpetual conflict of wrong
opinions. In a civilization where everyone has a right to an opinion, Truthful or uninformed, those
whose opinion is based on ignorant is just as valuable as those whose opinion is based on the Truth
and investigative thinking. In this scenario though, it should be obvious that those with objectively
supported conclusions has no value, so, that which is Right has a hard time getting traction because


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the opinion of the less educated and less critical thinkers is far more than just as valuable as the next
because the wrong opinion overrules the logical and objectively supported reality.

155.08 In Truth, everyone has the right to be well informed and abide by the Truth and
doing Right by it which means learning the Truth from the objective evidence, applying the process
of elimination and then arriving at the sole Right/Fundamental Justice outcome which determines
that all discoveries are inevitable and that there are no inventions but advancement to the
singular Truth.

155.09 There is a singular world beyond that instilled by the elites through corrupt laws and
perpetuation of the corrupt due process and repudiated by s. 52(1), s. 7 and s. 24(1) of The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms. But, those being right like Socrates, Lao-Tzu, Mohammed, Galileo,
Michelangelo, Sir Thomas More, Sir Isaac Newton, Ohm, Doppler, Einstein, Thomas Gold, Drs.
Crick, Franklin and Martin, E. J. Krass, etc. and their inevitable discoveries, everyone and the
civilization is being advanced reformatively to the Truth - a singularity - and THE FREE Society.

156.00 Patent Laws internationally and more specifically in Canada are an utter violation
of the expansion of human knowledge in to The Mandate of Heaven beyond man’s
wrongfully imposed limitations that are mostly established with false standards that
impose disrespect for everyone’s Legal Human Rights and objective reality which
transcends man’s concept of time - the earth has always been round and will remain
so far beyond mankind’s transcendence or death yet mankind can actually pinpoint
the arrival of Truth which proved to mankind the untruth of its historical stance and
illogical reasoning that resulted in the longstanding falsehood that the earth is flat
(what we previously knew and held up as being “beyond reproach”) which was
wrong and had to be completely thrown out (the point in time was the first images
of earth from the moon).
Thus, Canada’s Patent Laws must be abolished wholly and peremptorily
(summarily) and never replaced as the expansion of knowledge beyond our
current level with objective evidence as a totality is not a function of money
nor is it the sole propriety of “peer reviewed” works or time because reality
transcends man’s concepts of time.
156.01 Furthermore, with the discovery that Truth is a singularity, it is found that there are
no such things as inventions just inevitable discovery from applications of newly
discovered science, e.g. the telephone was and still is based around the principles


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

of waves that are reflected in meandering creeks and rivers whose correlation was
discovered by Sir Alexander Graham Bell and which led to the discovery of the
telephone which is something that was inevitable and, therefore, should never have
been patented just like all other patents today!
156.02 With the fact that there are no inventions but rather inevitable discoveries, it is
found that all patents and Patent Law is invalid, of no effect, not saved and not
salvageable going forward!
- the benefit of the doubt policy through the provincial WCB’s and in general
policy, where subjective academic opinions are UNLAWFULLY weighed as
“an equivalent” to Objective Truth, in violation to the Rules of Evidence, and
these subjective opinions are being used to forestall the inevitable advances
in sciences applicable to the human body that expose the benefits of
maintaining the mature, healthy and kinetic human body, simply has to go
and must never see the light of day again and all decisions based on it struck
down peremptorily.
- the replacement for these incorrect benefit of the doubt policy decisions will
be the objective evidence that may or may not exist in the file due to the
academics refusing to offer the Gadolinium enhanced MRI or proper x-ray
interpretation while the reality that the job injuries have yet to be “resolved
entirely”, as demanded by the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act and
the original WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate, will be recognized and all
WCB benefits paid out from the date when benefits were unlawfully and
administratively terminated - this fact was also stipulated in the documents
to date in file no. 81581 with the Supreme Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) and to a far greater extent

157.00 Either all inevitable discoveries must be patentable or none can be patented!
- currently, anything, like the fact that the radiocapitellar joint is the ginglymus
joint and all ginglymus joints employ and have always employed centripetal
mechanics which are tied to the load bearing lateral ligaments of said joints
although beyond reproach and exceedingly reformative for everyone’s
security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice cannot be patented
because nobody can own life nor can anyone grant a patent for such a finding.
- in Truth, all patents are without merit because no patents can be given to the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

lost discovery of there being a mature, healthy and kinetic human body
standard and its contrary, a dyskinetic standard, that has allowed subsequent
generations to become sicker and with less longevity due to the new broken
DNA strands ultimately eliminating the mature, healthy and kinetic human
body standard

157.01 The new discovery that our understanding of life is wrong and how it applies higher
levels of engineering that did not exist 50+ years ago also immediately nullifies
countless patents because nobody has the right to grant ownership over parts of the
human body and its mature, healthy and kinetic standards which includes DNA
chains, hormones, chromosomes especially since these discoveries were or would
be inevitable
- the worst case scenario has arisen from the existence of patents because
governments have allowed life to be made in to a function of money when
money never created life and contradicts the fact that everyone is born “free”:
mankind’s elites created money and trade not THE FREE Society and nature

157.02 Therefore, nothing can be patented and Patent Law is an illegitimate

infringement upon everyone’s right to life, liberty and security of person as
affirmed by Fundamental Justice!

The Modified Pulley System™

157.03 This great discovery arises from the natural order reality that all intermediary joints
employ centripetal mechanics whose lateral ligaments and supporting tendons not
only create the circular motion of the lower bone relative to the upper bone along
a singular plane relative to the upper bone but also act like universal joints keeping
the extremity working as a whole unit with subunits at times during extremity
rotation, e.g. hand pronation and supination have significant shoulder components
hitherto unknown to the general public as attested to by the medical community’s
understanding of hand pronation/supination remaining uncorrected.
157.04 By applying centripetal mechanics to the ginglymus joints and Sir Isaac Newton’s
3rd Law of Motion as well as now seeing the mature, healthy and kinetic extremity
as whole circles, dyskinesis and kinesis is now exposed for the world as bones are
now determined to have a natural dynamic tension within this circle and, if either


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

or both lateral load bearing ligaments of the ginglymus joints are made insufficient -
torn or stretched, the natural dynamic tension of the bones is altered and its effects
are tremendous going forward as the loss in the natural dynamic tension may not
result in osteoporosis initially in the first generation but it will arise in subsequent
157.05 By now, it should be apparent that the unbeknownst insufficiency of the lateral
load bearing soft tissue complex of the radiocapitellar joint (the lateral complex
is made up of the radial ligament and the common extensor tendon) is obviously the
death blow that everyone is living with today in spite of the human body’s DNA
and functioning being healthy many generations back.

157.06 Because the mature, healthy and kinetic human body pertains to life, its
existence can never be owned by anyone nor does anyone or any governmental
agency have the authority to issue this ownership, hence, it and its components
cannot be patented as money did not create life.

157.07 So, all patents are inconsistent with advancing our understanding of the mature,
healthy and kinetic human body because anything that complies with advancing this
body of knowledge and its standards throughout the mechanical world cannot be
patented although they are tied wholly to everyone’s right to life, liberty and
security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice.
Consequently, all ergonomic labour standards and any machine whose primary
objective is to eliminate the production of pain from work and insures that the
machine maintains and enhances the standards of the mature, healthy and
kinetic human body cannot be patented because they are an extension of life:
enhancing the mature, healthy and kinetic human body means using its muscles and
extremities in a manner that strengthens solely the healthy dynamic tension of the
human body as well as producing the proper discharge of the brain so as to ward off
illness like Alzheimers, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, etc. makes the resulting
labour standards and the resulting machinery not capable of being patented as they
do no harm to human life when it is mature, healthy and kinetic.
157.08 Examples of enhancing the human body is the wholly singular and kinetic keyboard
which is easily produced from this online image
%20hands%20for%20new%20keyboards.JPG) while another example is Qi Gong


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

whose motions can be advanced with the proper functionality of the ginglymus
joints and extremities and the directive of maintaining the modified pulley system™
in all motion.
Again, because the ergonomic keyboard is known to exist from the inevitable
discovery of the existence of a mature, healthy and kinetic human body and relates
to life which nobody has the authority to patent, this keyboard and all ergonomic
machines built around the mature, healthy and kinetic human body standard cannot
be patented.
157.09 From this evidence, it must be deduced that the mature, healthy and kinetic human
body has a singular lifestyle built around it, habeas corpus/Everyone’s
INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights, which cannot be patented or placed under the
jurisdiction of economics and which is also superior to economics and commerce
making them redundant.

158. With the breaking of DNA from dyskinetic human body usage that few known of
today unlike decades and centuries past, it is clear that humanity is losing its
connection to the mature, healthy and kinetic human body because a weakened
DNA strand, that goes from one generation to the next whose daily living is the
same as that of the parents, will ultimately break and then be passed to the next
generation(s). From this reality, it is clear that, down the road, the majority of the
society will then be of ill-health earlier than the ancestors which is the exact reality
of everyone today and the civilization. This Truth is about to affect the average age
of women because most born 90 to 100 years ago rarely worked and not at manual
professions like welding, labouring, plumbing, firefighting, etc. as they do today -
the ills of the blue collar male worker are only now starting to be visited upon the
younger women.

159. Ergonomic labour standards, which are fully legitimate, exist in every jurisdiction
of the industrialized world and across Canada because this logic was presented with
the initial Workers’ Compensation Acts and ergonomic labour standards were to be
the sole domain of the WCB but they do not get enforced with patents because
ergonomic labour standards promote healthy living over work, the economy and
commerce. So, the WCB must and were supposed to pro-actively enforce the
inevitably discovered ergonomic labour standards and make them general public
knowledge which places the WCB and Patent Law at odds (diametrically opposed)


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

with each other.

- the standards for ruling in this matter - ergonomic labour standards versus
Patent Law and the pursuit of wealth - are the application of Everyone’s
Legal Rights, s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God.

160 Thus, it is established that Patent Law is shown to be at odds with Everyone’s
Legal Rights and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which shows that Patent
Law is invalid, of no effect and not saved in THE FREE Society and can
nevermore be imposed in any law!

161. Currently, most ergonomic labour standards are not open to the general public
because they contradict Patent Law and post-secondary education where the whole
is striped out of existence and only parts of the whole or some fictitious and
unnatural order are examined like in the human body where people see the heart as
being separate from the brain and its electrical discharges when, in Reality, the
heart is intrinsically linked to discharges of the brain for rhythmic contraction both
at rest and during strenuous physical exertion.

162. Due to ergonomic labour standards being derived from doing no harm to the
mature, healthy and kinetic human body, none of the labour standards and changes
to the work equipment in to the future can ever be patented because nobody has
the authority to grant patents for maintaining human life and a pure environment.

163. With the discovery about Patent Law being invalid, of no effect and not saved, it
must be recorded that part of dyskinesis, following having lived years with the
condition, is that not only do these persons lose the functionality of a specific arm
but also the mature, healthy and kinetic functionality of the entire arm
superstructure that crosses over the back through the shoulders and to the opposite
side of the body. The reason for losing proper functionality of the opposite arm
after many years is because, in the mature, healthy and kinetic human body, the
muscle connections actually function more like an elastic band that stretches from
finger tips to finger tips where the sagittal plain is the organizer of the force. So,
when one portion of the elastic band fails due to dyskinesis not being diagnosed and
treated, the tension of the entire unit from finger tip to finger tip on the other side
becomes lost over several years.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

164. Shockingly, higher level medical facilities have started to notice the connection that
follows in the undiagnosed dyskinetic person as well as its connection to the neck
and head region and its elder onset illness like hearing lose, pain in th teeth,
migraine headaches, etc. Theses same medical facilities have also noted the
connection between dyskinesis and Type II diabetes from the inevitable discovery
that the pancreas becomes exposed to forces that it normally does not encounter in
the mature, healthy and kinetic human body. Mr. E. J. Krass was shocked to find
out that some facilities are now beginning to see that, when the human body
(person) is exposed to long term untreated dyskinesis, this person often develops
Type II diabetes. Although still a contentious issue, it nonetheless is a fact that will
bear out in due time because of the refusal to acknowledge even the existence,
within the past 40+ years, of a mature, healthy and kinetic human body unlike
generations past where the mature, healthy and kinetic standard was generally
accepted in the medical professions as well as the pursuit of the mysterious standard
for the person.

165. Again, the medical community’s current refusal to acknowledge the existence of
both dyskinesis and kinesis based upon higher level engineering standards that were
discovered since the 1950's has led to the BAD FAITH running of medicine where
everyone is allowed to do things that the medical community knows will cause
irreparable harm to the person and, when confronted with the injures, the medical
community, instead of providing the new and proper diagnosis and probable cure,
maintains the historical and incorrect standards like tennis elbow is a pain condition
rather than a real physiological injury that can be detected with bone placement in
the x-ray films and especially in Gadolinium enhanced MRI’s performed in the
acute setting - not months or years after the fact.

166. Many of the current patents exist to extinguish both Everyone’s INALIENABLE
LEGAL Rights/habeas corpus and the planet’s biosphere that sustains the mature,
healthy and kinetic human body
- as academics checked their ethical standards years ago in favour of gaining
funding for their research, all post secondary degrees are to be viewed with
extreme scepticism but more importantly...
- medical degrees attached to membership in the college of physicians
and surgeons are to be invalidated within 7 years especially since this


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

college has been proven to have too many faults for it to remain at all
- as for other degrees, that need to be invalidated due to their principles
violating everyone’s Legal Human Rights, all Commerce Degrees,
Masters in Business Administration and Economics Degrees and
Political Sciences Degrees are to be invalidated forthwith as none
of them acknowledge Everyone’s Legal Human Rights and the equality
of being over equality of access to what the system of mankind
- as there are so many degrees now without legitimate status as their
underpinnings violate everyone’s right to security of person based on
the correct interpretation of objective evidence, our right to think
objectively and everyone’s right to self determination as affirmed by
Fundamental Justice, the entire university and post secondary degree
granting system can no longer be respected especially since the current
and wrong definition of the benefit of the doubt policy obliterated
Fundamental Justice - brought the administration of justice in to
disrepute - and unlawfully made subjective opinions in to “evidence”
overruling The Mandate of Heaven
- the whole current university and post secondary “mystique” has
been exposed as a lie with the establishment pulling the wool over
the general populace’s eyes on this issue

(June 4, 2009)

176. The reason Petitions to the Court exist, where BAD FAITH is affirmed from the
words of the governments and their agents which includes all post-secondary degree holders, is so
that those touched by Fundamental Justice and BAD FAITH from the denial of Truth pertaining to
Everyone’s LEGAL Rights have the ABSOLUTE authority to correct the order and its laws so that
the injustice never befalls another - do no harm to another, and let no this harm befall another.

177. So, when those with post-secondary degrees and status deny the inconvenient Truth
in your case which must be happening in others, we, the oppressed, have the mandate from God -
That Which Is Unknown or being illegitimately denied - to eliminate all that caused the injustice
and not let the system remain intact with the oppressed merely filling the boots of the deposed
false gods.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Constitutional Reality

1. Does the reliance upon subjective post-secondary degree holders subjective

opinions/interpretation of the evidence infringe upon Everyone’s Legal Rights and s. 52(1) of The

Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme - unilateral declaration of post-
secondary degree subjective evidence as equivalent/equal to objective evidence - cannot be saved,
is of no effect and invalid as all laws and schemes MUST UPHOLD EVERYONE’S LEGAL
RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! S. 1 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms demands that all laws must demonstrably justify that the laws are upholding the standards
of THE FREE Society or democracy. In reality, Canada must pursue THE FREE Society because
its evidence is objective and trumps any and all subjective opinions to the contrary where the
objective evidence had to have been excluded/missing from the opinions. Therefore, it is found that
the unilateral declaration of educated opinions as being as good if not better than the objective
evidence or the interpretations of the objective evidence as being beyond reproach abolished the
pursuit of THE FREE Society and the sole due process of s. 24 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms - the universal use of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court to end tyranny and
oppression where the rule of law is wrongly being passed off as the letter of the law rather than the
standards of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In short, the implementation of post-secondary
and judicial opinions as being beyond reproach - divine - across Canada constitutes far more
than BAD FAITH but contempt of the standards and existence of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms (s. 52(1), s. 7, s. 1 and s. 24 of The Charter) as governments have knowingly
legitimized the illegitimate so as to mislead everyone as to their personal authority with
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court over all laws/decisions, order and everyone doing Right
only making implementation of post-secondary degree opinions/interpretations of the objective
facts completely unconstitutional and its continuation and possible recreation in the future


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order and this document’s demand that all laws be brought in to alignment
with s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental
Justice and The Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified”
by the standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time
until the standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is
6. To demonstrate just how corrupt the order of Canada has become, just review the
mess that arose when pathologists’ interpretations of the evidence are deemed to be infallible or
beyond reproach by the actual objective evidence. Does anybody remember the consequences of
Charles Smith in Ontario or the pathology debacles concerning cancer results in Newfoundland and
Labrador, New Brunswick and now Quebec or there were no inspection of Vegreville’s hospital
proceedings concerning sterilization of needles and reuse or the lack of inspection of the order forms
in some clinics in Phoenix, Arizona.

But, the real mess, that occurred in these jurisdictions, exists across Canada where,
in British Columbia, the newer diagnostics for Limes Disease has proven the older diagnostics to be
inaccurate and unreliable to the point that the government is finally starting to realize that its denial
of this Truth is causing significant harm to those having contracted the disease but not receiving the
recognition and treatment for the disease which is costly both to present it to the real/anecdotal


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

sufferers of this condition and to tourism: naturally, the government sided with economics rather
than that imposed by s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and doing no harm nor allowing
this harm to befall others.

7. According to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God,

there is ultimately only 1 Truth and not pluralism but this 1 Truth is undeniable by all and is
supposed to unify all around it because the Truth is beyond reproach and NOT the letter of the

According to this reality, degrees and their educated opinions and interpretation of
the objective evidence are unnecessary and truly are redundant because, in the end, there is only
Truth and abiding by it, aka Doing Right.

178. The best proof of Canada having lost this perspective as imposed by The Principles
of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and, consequently, Canada is being run wholly
according to BAD FAITH for everyone is the fact that, through the perpetual use of educated
opinions conflicting with each other, the mature, healthy and kinetic human body standards and do
no harm have been eliminated. This indisputable fact is the term or designation “elective surgeries”
where, because the injury is not immediately life threatening, the surgery can be postponed and
delayed for years and decades, hence, MRI’s are not done in the acute setting anywhere in Canada
to my knowledge where it relates to insufficient ligaments and tendons and the surgery is even years
further down the road if ever: the case of Mr. E. J. Krass and the known corrective surgery and cast
plus rehabilitation of his arm and person has been denied by the Alberta medical community at its
highest levels at the behest of the Alberta government (the current workers’ compensation act
(Alberta) s. 13.1 and s. 13.4(1)) defiance of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the reporting from the attending
physician and the principle of new evidence and its demand to summarily reverse all historical
governmental decisions and impose a new outcome for everyone.

179. The governments then contend from their actions, “Well, you survived this long so
you lost the right to the “elective surgery” and having the dyskinetic human body functionality

180. This contention is an utter contravention of everyone’s right to life, liberty and
security of person as affirmed by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and Fundamental Justice.
Everyone has the right to have their job or sports injuries not only resolved entirely, i.e. the right
to be cured that is derived from everyone’s right to security of person, and the activity, that caused


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the harm to the person, either modified or abolished because there is a mature, healthy and kinetic
human body standard and lifestyle to which everyone is entitled whether the inevitable discovery
take place slowly or suddenly as imposed through a Petition/defacto Petition to the Court is
irrelevant! This was the mandate of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act.
(End June 4, 2009 insertion)

(June 6, 2009 insertion)

181. Everyone has missed that democracy is a scheme or game that is played every 4
years with the pendulum swinging from everyone having to choose between the following evils: the
right to earn a livelihood even though work injures, maims and prematurely kills those doing it or
everyone skips working for a living and becomes a huckster where getting the gold is all that matters.

It should be patently obvious that all that is being decided in the democratic
elections is how everyone will pursue wealth and the elected governments follow the hoodwinked
voters. (Yes, those that don’t vote due to conscience objection to the choices are correct for doing
so because both are a direct repudiation of THE FREE Society of equals based upon Truth and the
process of elimination - there is only 1 Truth and, therefore, there is only 1 FREE Society.)

182. What is not known to everyone is that, with the rule of law being the letter of the
law provided by the elected bodies regardless of the demands of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms, the human rights commission and tribunals only apply the provided letters of the human
right acts and not s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

183. So, democracy really is a perpetual conflict of opinions - allegations of

discrimination on access to the civilization - with judges providing another unnecessary opinion or
ruling on whether or not that class of person is being discriminated against by the provided letter
of the law.

Stupid as the previous paragraph may read, it is how Canada, as a nation with no
connection to Everyone’s Legal Rights, is being run because the undeclared and unpublished
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court ARE THE ONLY MEANS FOR ATTAINING THE SOLE
FUNDAMENTAL JUSTICE OUTCOME where universality of being exists based upon Truth.

184. The inevitable discovery of both the mature, healthy and kinetic human body
standard and its counterpart, dyskinesis, and, more troubling, the obscuring of science and its
principles by governments and elites so as to keep this inevitable discovery’s existence from the
people along with everyone’s right to live the resulting singular lifestyle exposes not only the total
corruption of daily life in Canada, that has been maintained with BAD FAITH, but also the fact that


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

everything, that most have come to know and have known since the 1800's when companies were
unconstitutionally and irrationally given “equality to human being status” thereby imposing upon
everyone the unlawful pursuit of wealth standard, is illegitimate, unnatural, invalid, of no effect
and cannot be saved.

185. Clearly, the current civilization is beyond and without merit and is an utter affront
to the Truth as all objective Truth (inevitable discoveries) over the centuries that repudiates your
civilization thoroughly is now classified as “inconvenient Truth”/anecdotal, but real, evidence that
the resources of mankind are mobilized to fight not allowing everyone to lead the lifestyle of the
mature, healthy and kinetic human body with its objective - learning to be with The Mandate of
Heaven and transcend to the ethereal plane.

186. Currently, the mature, healthy and kinetic human body lifestyle no longer exists in
the mind set of governments nor most, today, because, from it and doing no harm to it, all laws
would extend and ergonomic (Truth based) labour standards would not be a separate entity from the
WCB whose original and legitimate mandate was: to make work not injure, maim and prematurely
kill all workers. Ergonomic (Truth based) labour standards around the globe have unlawfully been
made the jurisdiction of mankind as the Truth is now subject to “approval by mankind” and not
imposed by natural order explaining why ergonomic labour standards exist but not as part of the rule
of law.

To get to this point in corruption, though, the system unilaterally usurped the
authority of God where all decisions by its agents must be taken to court with the evidence of
“divinity” and corruption of the due process as well as the oppressed have to learn of the hidden
concept of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court where the evidence of corruption and
overreaching of jurisdiction is to be reviewed by the court and used as grounds for signing off on the
reformation of the laws and order of the civilization back to THE FREE Society of equals built
around the mature, healthy and kinetic lifestyle.

187. No decision by any government where there are The Principles of Fundamental
Justice and The Supremacy of God can ever be declared in law to be “final, binding or conclusive”
and where this exists, in law, as is written in the current Workers’ Compensation Acts across Canada
and administrative tribunals act (BC) and its equivalents across Canada, BAD FAITH is
automatically attached determining that the whole order of the civilization is a contravention of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The International Bill of Human Rights and more specifically
everyone’s right to life, liberty and security of person as affirmed by The Principles of Fundamental
Justice and Fundamental Justice outcomes.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

188. So, everyone should be afraid of God/the unknown and also be vigilant and not
allow the governments to usurp the role of God in your daily life and merely plugging yourself in
to civilization that the governments and elites created over the decades and across time because That
Which Is and is being kept from you - the unknown to you and most others - has the potential to
destroy everything you know/have come to accept just as in Galileo’s era and the reality that work
will continue to injure, maim and prematurely kill all workers in spite of the WCB’s existence due
to the laws pertaining to its running having been corrupted: when everyone is living a lie, the
correction is total!

189. Please, avail yourselves of MANDAMUS Evidence Package document no. 0631
where it is clearly presented that the current and since 1988 Workers’ Compensation Act (Alberta)
imposed that all decisions made by the WCB and its appeals commission is “final and conclusive”
in utter contempt of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and The Supremacy of God.

Thus, the universal violation of s. 24 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is fully
exposed as s. 21 of MANDAMUS Evidence package doc. no. 0631 stipulates that:

“‘The Board and any person having a direct interest in a decision of the appeals
commission made pursuant to s. 13.2 may appeal the decision to the Court on a
question of law and jurisdiction!’”

To understand this section of the evidence, “a question of law and jurisdiction”

means striking down the law because the decisions derived from it are inconsistent with The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms and Fundamental Justice and the proper outcome was not delivered because
the governments have imposed “divinity” upon the corrupt due process that exists across Canada
because every jurisdiction uses the same judicial review process and nobody was informed that,
when the outcome is repudiated by the objective evidence, then, the law is invalid due to BAD
FAITH and everyone has the right under Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court to present the
evidence of corruption and, then, the court must sign off immediately with this corrective Order
because the administration of justice is shown to be in disrepute!

190. The consequence of everyone now knowing of Petitions to the Court existence is


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

that all Human Rights Commission and Tribunal decisions based upon the laws provided by the
elected bodies are truly an infringement of THE FREE Society because it imposes conflict of
opinions over the process of elimination based upon the objective evidence.

191. Democracy is an infringement on THE FREE Society because it facilitates agendas

that arise from mostly inconsequential conflict of opinions.

192. The allegation that the Truth lies somewhere between two argumentative points
presented by 2 people infringes upon THE FREE Society where the objectively supported Truth
defines That Which Is Right with all else being wrong: work injures, maims and prematurely kills
everyone but, in order to impose the pursuit of wealth - the Republicans/Conservative in Canada and
Liberals in British Columbia - and everyone else having to earn a livelihood - the Democrats/New
Democrats in Canada and Liberals federally, reality and its Fundamental Justice has to have been
suspended - pluralism - explaining the loss of the process of elimination based upon objectively
supported Truth that facilitates the arrival of The Way, aka the lifestyle supported by the mature,
healthy and kinetic human body!

193. Senator Smith got it almost Right in the final scenes of the film, Mr. Smith Goes To
Washington, because the character stated the reality of Truth incorrectly. What James Stewart stated
was, “Either he was dead right or he’s completely wrong and insane.” The proper presentation of
the Right versus Wrong conundrum is, “Either the government, democracy and its order and the laws
imposing it are dead right or completely wrong and insane! Therefore, every law must have a
Fundamental Justice Dictate that directly demonstrably justifies how it upholds Everyone’s Legal
Rights as well as THE FREE Society based upon Truth which is a singularity making THE FREE
Society also a global singularity!”

195. In Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court, either the government can demonstrably
justify that its laws do no harm to the person of anyone at all, or else all governance is BAD FAITH
as it has placed itself beyond reproach and correction (made itself divine just as the kings and queens
which preceded it) meaning that it has placed itself, its bureaucratic decisions and the resulting
civilization between everyone and our Creator and the Creator of this planet, solar system, galaxy
and universe.

Money in no way, shape or form, makes the world go round and around the sun!

Money doesn’t grow on trees, get pulled up out of the ground, walks this earth, so,
why have you given it and its resulting civilization false god status?

When you know the Truth derived from the objective evidence and are capable of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

determining the sole Truth, the question that must then be asked is, “Do you merely want to replace
the bankrupt leaders who oppressed you and the Truth, i.e. THE FREE Society with its universal
right to being, while keeping the unjust and unnatural order or do you want to do Right and replace
democracy with THE FREE Society?”

To that end, all laws for which no Fundamental Justice Dictate can be produced
must now be abolished forthwith as they are inconsistent with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
(s. 52(1), s. 7 and s. 1) making them invalid, of no effect and not saved forevermore!
(End of June 6, 2009 insertion)

196. All Environmental Protection Acts across Canada and their equivalents are to be
struck down and replaced, within 6 months, with ones where OBJECTIVE
Fundamental Justice Dictates are readily accepted and logical redress to the
situation will be imposed as the problem of global warming is no longer deniable
as the INCONTROVERTIBLE empirical evidence has been affirming the reality
of our planet’s warming for decades now.
- we can only change our ways and do better when accepting the OBJECTIVE
- if we do nothing, we will be as the Vikings in Newfoundland and Labrador
and Greenland around a 1000 years ago, we will die off but so will this
- we are intelligent beings with the ability to adapt as a society of equals yet
this “preservation instinct” has been circumvented by money interests and
those with degrees (pedigrees) receiving money to provide “contrary to
Truth” opinions “making believe” that mankind has played little to no role in
the warming of the atmosphere, that is simply a lie
- change was demanded decades ago and yet nothing has been really
accomplished and eradication of this planet’s biosphere and all life is now a
viable probability with those who can do the most good actually refusing to
allow reform to take place
- “But, it is easier for Heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a
letter of the law to fail.” (Luke 16:17 just before Jesus Christ went in to
Jerusalem and was tried for heresy for these words and his belief in
knowledge beyond what the establishment allows you to know and was
subsequently executed for speaking against man’s “civilization” which is


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

what everyone is living in today just as then)

- I live in a region just like Norway and Russia where sour gas is being burned
off - flared off - to provided sweet natural gas to Chicago and California
- this process of flaring is unacceptable and has had known negative
effects on the wildlife and local inhabitants for decades
- therefore, flaring will have to stopped and replaced with superior
environmental standards in the producing regions of oil and natural
gas forthwith and this must be directly reflected in the new
Environmental Protection Laws that must be national in scope
abolishing the distinctions that provincial jurisdictions create

197. The Human Resources Ministry is to be summarily abolished and remain deleted
from all governments in Canada
- the grounds should be readily apparent as this scheme exposes that the
governments view the lives of everyone as expendable in the pursuit of
profits and taxes which is a contemptible attitude especially since it is the
complete opposite of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- nobody has the right to see the lives of others and their security of person
as belonging to them or as something to be possessed by the civilization
machine and there for the taking without the “informed consent of
- so, why are governments allowed to see its citizens as fodder for economic
expansion just as they view the land and its purities in water, air and land
needed for continued healthy human body existence?

198. City governments do not remain unscathed in the reformations pertaining to The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and
The Supremacy of God as the laws that prohibit sleeping in parks anywhere across
Canada are unconstitutional - see the MANDAMUS Evidence package document no.
- the foundation for these numerous and unconstitutional laws is the reliance
on “equality of access” illegitimately being used to mean “equality of being”
which is a lie as well as the cities complying with The Community Charter


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

or its like across Canada

- a wealth person has just as much right to rest in any and all parks for free just
as a poor person who resides there because they didn’t have the opportunities
that the wealthy or middle-class person did to that date
- beside, there but for the grace of God, go the middle class if he loses his job
or is injured at work because, without some money from the elite, the poor,
oppressed and lost to the civilization are not assured their right of security of
person a contravention of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- at - 10 degrees, a poor person with no warm place to call home is assured to
die prematurely whereas an affluent individual will survive because his
wealth and historical breaks from the establishment permitted him a roof over
his head and a place that was heated and furnished with a means to produce
hot food to nourish their mature, healthy and kinetic human body
- there is no argument that the laws banning sleeping in all parks are
unconstitutional which the lawyers for the City of Victoria proved when they
attempted to walk away from the Charter Challenge of the lawyers for the
homeless in Victoria
- the mistake on the part of the lawyers for the homeless was not seizing the
opportunity and immediately striking down the City of Victoria Bylaw and
all similar civic bylaws across Canada as they violate the right of the
disenfranchised and homeless to make a home for themselves that secures
somewhat their right to security of person
- the legal advice presented to the homeless fighting to put down some form of
roots so as to secure their person was inconsistent with s. 24(1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms because lawyers work within the provided
letter of the law and not The Charter of Rights and Freedoms being the
standard for all laws since 1982
- the proper legal procedure should have been to file a Form 3, Petition to the
Court where the governments must prove that the laws and its order are
consistent with s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which they cannot
and the Victoria Bylaw and all equivalents across Canada would have been
struck down without an appeal available
- in January 2009, the Supreme Court of BC judge’s opinion accepted that the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

law prohibiting living in city parks was “unconstitutional and not saved”
- the City of Victoria has appealed the judgment and is now attempting to
defend an indefensible standard in violation of The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God
- by hearing the matter, the administration of justice is proven to be in
disrepute because s. 7 and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
are INALIENABLE Rights and obligations on governments while making false
and contradictory evidence to these standards constitutes a criminal act and
a breach of Fundamental Justice because no lawyer is permitted to make
representation before a judge when the objective evidence repudiates the
arguments and no judicial body is permitted to hear knowingly false

The process of elimination is one that everyone can participate in equally so that the
singular sustainable lifestyle of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body can be
discovered from beyond the limited human knowledge base of today and for
everyone on this planet regardless of where we are.

Constitution Realities of this Order - Part II

Running of provinces based upon Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

1. Does implementing “Generally Accepted” Accounting Principles

as the overruling standard for all laws in British Columbia or anywhere across

Canada infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person

as affirmed by Fundamental Justice as well as s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and




Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law -
establishing “Generally Accepted” Accounting Principles as the overriding rule of
all other laws - cannot be saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and
schemes and their decisions MUST UPHOLD The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
as the rule of all laws as well as EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! The little known s. 52(1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms established the rule of all laws across Canada is to be THE
FREE Society of equals and pursuit of it just as The Supremacy of God Principle
established that no law or scheme without a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be
unilaterally imbued with “divinity” or be deemed beyond reproach because
elected bodies, their laws and order (and government agents) are not agents of God -
rule by divine right - meaning that the letter of the law and the law’s objective must
never simply be “accepted” as being beyond reproach where objective evidence
repudiating the outcome of the governmental due process then becomes
inconvenient Truth that is unjustly labeled “anecdotal” evidence even though it
contradicts the imposed laws and their corrupt standards: all laws must be shown
to uphold sections 7, 1, 52(1) and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
for everyone to access their universal right of being which is a singularity, not
“indeterminate,” and Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court are exposed to
all as the sole and correct due process replacing the current due processes that
have always been corrupt unbeknownst to everyone.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

(If the hyperlink to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God cannot be
accessed directly, please, use the following internet cloud address pasted in your browser’s URL:
stice.pdf. This web page will bring up a page icon upon which you can click and, if your computer
has Adobe Acrobat Reader, the document will load and can then be printed, saved or simply read
as you see fit.)

Abolishing The Ombudsman’s Act in Alberta and across Canada

1. Does The Ombudsman’s Act and the use of Ombudsman’s Offices

within schemes across Canada infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right

to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice as well as s. 52(1) of The

Charter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms along with its resulting due process of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the

Court not only to receive the appropriate and Fundamentally Just outcome in the

circumstances for the individual but also to strike down the law as its order is

unnatural and is imposing injustice while also abolishing THE FREE Society?



Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law -
The Ombudsman’s Acts across Canada and especially in Alberta - cannot be saved,
are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions MUST
UPHOLD The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the rule of all laws as well as
EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms! The little known s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
established the rule of all laws across Canada is to be THE FREE Society of equals
and pursuit of it just as The Supremacy of God Principle established that no law or
scheme without a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be unilaterally imbued with
“divinity” or be deemed beyond reproach because elected bodies, their laws and
order (and government agents) are not agents of God - rule by divine right -
meaning that the letter of the law and the law’s objective must never simply be
“accepted” as being beyond reproach where objective evidence repudiating the
outcome of the governmental due process then becomes inconvenient Truth that is
unjustly labeled “anecdotal” evidence even though it contradicts the imposed laws
and their corrupt standards: all laws must be shown to uphold sections 7, 1, 52(1)
and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms for everyone to access their
universal right of being which is a singularity, not “indeterminate,” and
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court are exposed to all as the sole and
correct due process replacing the current due processes that have always been
corrupt unbeknownst to everyone.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

Abolishing the longstanding and corrupt judicial processes across Canada

1. Do the current and longstanding judicial processes infringe upon

everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as affirmed by

Fundamental Justice as well as s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and

s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms along with its resulting due process

of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court not only to receive the appropriate and

Fundamentally Just outcome in the circumstances for the individual but also to

strike down the law as its order is unnatural and is imposing injustice while also

abolishing THE FREE Society?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law -
The Court Acts across Canada and the resulting outdated due processes - cannot be
saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions
MUST UPHOLD The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the rule of all laws as
well as EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms! The little known s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
established the rule of all laws across Canada is to be THE FREE Society of equals
and pursuit of it just as The Supremacy of God Principle established that no law or


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

scheme without a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be unilaterally imbued with

“divinity” or be deemed beyond reproach because elected bodies, their laws and
order (and government agents) are not agents of God - rule by divine right -
meaning that the letter of the law and the law’s objective must never simply be
“accepted” as being beyond reproach where objective evidence repudiating the
outcome of the governmental due process then becomes inconvenient Truth that is
unjustly labeled “anecdotal” evidence even though it contradicts the imposed laws
and their corrupt standards: all laws must be shown to uphold sections 7, 1, 52(1)
and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms for everyone to access their
universal right of being which is a singularity, not “indeterminate,” and
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court are exposed to all as the sole and
correct due process replacing the current due processes that have always been
corrupt unbeknownst to everyone.

3. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
4. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine


1. Does the weighing of subjective opinions by the institutions rather

than abide by the simple objective or pure facts infringe upon everyone’s

INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental

Justice as well as s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 24(1) of

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms along with its resulting due process of

Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court not only to receive the appropriate and

Fundamentally Just outcome in the circumstances for the individual but also to

strike down the law as its order is unnatural and is imposing injustice while also

abolishing THE FREE Society?

Without a doubt, Yes!

2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law -
unilaterally declaring academic opinion as the equivalent to objective fact and
weighing the subjective evidence according to the lost cause principle - cannot be
saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions
MUST UPHOLD The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the rule of all laws as
well as EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms! The little known s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
established the rule of all laws across Canada is to be THE FREE Society of equals
and pursuit of it just as The Supremacy of God Principle established that no law or
scheme without a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be unilaterally imbued with
“divinity” or be deemed beyond reproach because elected bodies, their laws and
order (and government agents) are not agents of God - rule by divine right -
meaning that the letter of the law and the law’s objective must never simply be
“accepted” as being beyond reproach where objective evidence repudiating the
outcome of the governmental due process then becomes inconvenient Truth that is
unjustly labeled “anecdotal” evidence even though it contradicts the imposed laws
and their corrupt standards: all laws must be shown to uphold sections 7, 1, 52(1)


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms for everyone to access their
universal right of being which is a singularity, not “indeterminate,” and
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court are exposed to all as the sole and
correct due process replacing the current due processes that have always been
corrupt unbeknownst to everyone.

3. Currently there are 2 sides to all issues and they relate solely to
money: the objective and pure fact reality versus the weighing of academic
opinions. However, all academic opinions are merely arguments against doing
Right whose basis is money and was produced to challenge Truth, hence, the
designations “inconvenient Truth” and “anecdotal evidence” which repudiate
outright the contention of the academics. So, the entire discussion around money,
the ulterior motive of today is often kept from everyone, is truly made moot when
the objective evidence is used without looking at economic outcomes because the
Truthful standard, that is encapsulated in s. 52(1), s. 7 and s. 7 of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms, aka Do No Harm, has quietly been removed from everyone’s
thought by the false contention that money makes the world go round.
The false latter axiom is rooted firmly in BAD FAITH not
Fundamental Justice meaning that it had to have been imposed by the institutions
and academics talking around The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God whose unmitigated standard is do no harm and the process of
elimination which dictates that known harm is to be eliminated with the rule of law
so that all that remains after proper education is doing Right. (“Informed consent”
demands that the objective evidence only and its proof is shown to everyone thereby
establishing the pedigree of doing Right.)
4. Currently, a company has the right to produce defective products
or products that do harm and, then, it is extremely difficult to remove the harm that
is being done because the fictitious “market” has been created and, heaven forbid,
everyone’s right to life, liberty and security of person as affirmed by The Principles
of Fundamental Justice being upheld by the simple principle of do no harm and not
let the known harm befall others by not changing the laws (blasphemy intended
because this is the BAD FAITH doublespeak corruption that everyone has come to
except since following WWI - the “corrupt” usurp godliness in their arguments -
and it was why the poor hated the academics prior to WWII as the same lost cause


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

scenario was first implemented during the roaring 1920's where the “market” and
trade had no legitimate limits meaning that they were being portrayed as divine even
though mankind created them and none of the resulting civilization was part of nor
supported by natural order)!
5. The consequence of this is that everyone lost the right to freedom
and freedom of expression because now the academic opinion is given standing as
legitimate fact just as in Mr. Smith Goes To Washington where the 2 to 1 lost cause
falsehood of academic opinions was first exposed to the world and nobody since
WWII caught the depth of this film’s review of administration in the 1920's and
1930's that’s why we are living with this disaster a second time - since 1980 with
Ronald Regan as President. Except, nobody nor any institution has the right to
impose an agenda on THE FREE Society where the imposition of money as a
consideration for doing something contradicts the words of the Jesus Christ, the
leader of Christianity (making the organized religion of today corrupt) just as the
words of Mohammed no longer are the guiding light for the Islamic States or for all
its follows because, with Truth, there is no difference between Islam, Christianity
and Judaism as none of the words of the religions permits states existing
between God and his creations!
With Truth being a singularity, science becomes an extension of
religions because scientific logic stipulates that nature rules and its order is
ultimately going to be Truth with nothing else just as with religion.
The lost process of elimination was the great unifier even though
the process of elimination as a general public standard only started to gain traction
when more and more people started to become well educated beyond the previous
generations: when an agenda is being imposed, the process of elimination and
getting to the Truth through the process of elimination is talked around or abused.
The objective evidence is natural order’s correction. Either
your statements are demonstrably justified by natural order and The Principles
of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God to be correct or it
repudiates everything you have done.
In short, in due course, if you have Fundamental Justice on your
side, those fighting it and Everyone’s Legal Rights in the process, you will win in
the end and the means to enforce the appropriate and just REMEDY in the
circumstances is the Petition/defacto Petition to the Court where, if you are


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

fortunate enough to have absolute evidence of the BAD FAITH corruption of the
laws that imposed the injustice or even more fortunate and acquire a document
exposing that the government’s imposed decision making agents knowingly made
a corrupt decision and is maintaining this BAD FAITH (“still adverse” in Exhibit
“K” on file no 81581 at the Supreme Court of British Columbia - Kelowna) from
the laws provided by democracy (elected houses), then, the Petition to the Court is
immediately invoked for the route of resolution and you have the God granted
authority to reform the entire system to reflect the proper functioning of THE FREE
Society of equals with universality, i.e. return the civilization back to THE FREE
The Supreme Court of Canada on page 3 of its October 3, 2003
Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its jurisdictional appeals commission)
decision wrote the following:

“The Constitution is the supreme law of Canada and, by virtue of s. 52(1) of the
Constitution Act, 1982, the question of constitutional validity inheres in every
legislative enactment. From this principle of constitutional supremacy flows, as a
practical corollary, the idea that Canadians should be entitled to assert the rights
and freedoms that the Constitution guarantees them in the most accessible forum
available, without the need for parallel proceedings before the courts. To allow an
administrative tribunal to decide Charter issues does not undermine the role of the
courts as final arbiters of constitutionality in Canada. Administrative tribunal
decisions based on the Charter are subject to judicial review on a correctness
standard. In addition, the constitutional remedies available to administrative
tribunals are limited and do not include general declarations of invalidity. A
determination by a tribunal that a provision of its enabling statute is invalid
pursuant to the Charter is not binding on future decision-makers, within or outside
the tribunal's administrative scheme. Only by obtaining a formal declaration of
invalidity by a court can a litigant establish the general invalidity of a legislative
provision for all future cases.”

So, the only due process for the oppressed in Canada is the
Petition/defacto Petition to the Court where the evidence of corrupt by the system
and its institutions is all that the Court can read and it, the superior court across


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Canada, MUST SIGN OFF ON THE PROVIDED ORDER regardless of reading the
entire words of the order or any portion of the reformation because the
administration of justice is currently ongoing and has been for all time in Canada
and around the world.
The admission of corruption in Exhibit “K” before the Supreme
Court of BC file no. 81581 is the same as Senator Paine’s confession of corruption
in Mr. Smith Goes To Washington but nobody saw the failing to the film until now
because nobody knew of Petitions to the Court or else why do we have corrupt
judicial review decisions upholding the letter of the law and the decision provided
all the way to the Supreme Court as is presented with Laseur and Martin having to
get the letter of the law changed in Nova Scotia after years of struggling through the
denial of Truth by the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia and then the appeals court.
This corruption of due process was also replicated in British Columbia where the
Supreme Court of Canada had to show that BAD FAITH was all that drove the
provincial governments to tear up its healthcare union contracts in violation of
decency. In both instances, just as in countless other instances, the established but
illegitimate due judicial process is used to uphold the corrupt “strategic” initial
decision where the sole reason for producing the decision or follow up decisions
was to force oppression upon the individual and force them to work through the lies
and corruption to learn of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court and how they are
the sole judicial process permitted in THE FREE Society when denial is all that is
being applied by the governments and all institutions.
So, although Senator Smith won the battle for his good name in Mr.
Smith Goes To Washington, the same corruption awaited all those who followed
until now with the exposing of the Petition/defacto Petition to the Court due process
that, although legitimately exists, is never used because the system itself will
summarily be wiped out of existence and be replaced by the oppressed people,
touched by Fundamental Justice and BAD FAITH, learning that no law that imposes
unnatural order and produces oppression individually is legitimate and can remain
even when passed by elected bodies because nature - The Mandate of Heaven -

6. The initial simple question/answer scenario in s. 1 and s. 2 for determining

constitutional validity of the laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the Supreme Court of Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its
appeals commission) decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court
of British Columbia (Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms document (whose internet cloud address is
7. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
8. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

Abolishing all Privative Clauses across Canada

1. Does the current and longstanding use of Privative Clauses infringe

upon everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as affirmed by

Fundamental Justice, the production of THE FREE Society of equals as well as s.

52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights

and Freedoms along with its resulting due process of Petitions/defacto Petitions to

the Court not only to receive the (singular) appropriate and Fundamentally Just

outcome in the circumstances for the individual but also to strike down the law as

its order is unnatural and is imposing injustice for everyone else while also

abolishing THE FREE Society?


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law -
using Privative Clauses across Canada (to hide how the corrupt decision was arrived
at and what “extraneous” facts were used) - cannot be saved, are of no effect and
are invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions MUST UPHOLD The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the rule of all laws as well as EVERYONE’S
LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! The little
known s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms established the rule of all
laws across Canada is to be THE FREE Society of equals and pursuit of it just as
The Supremacy of God Principle established that no law or scheme without a
Fundamental Justice Dictate can be unilaterally imbued with “divinity” or be
deemed beyond reproach because elected bodies, their laws and order (and
government agents) are not agents of God - rule by divine right - meaning that the
letter of the law and the law’s objective must never simply be “accepted” as being
beyond reproach where objective evidence repudiating the outcome of the
governmental due process then becomes inconvenient Truth that is unjustly labeled
“anecdotal” evidence even though it contradicts the imposed laws and their corrupt
standards: all laws must be shown to uphold sections 7, 1, 52(1) and s. 24(1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms for everyone to access their universal right
of being which is a singularity, not “indeterminate,” and Petitions/defacto
Petitions to the Court are exposed to all as the sole and correct due process
replacing the current due processes that have always been corrupt
unbeknownst to everyone.

3. Either everyone is making decisions based upon pure facts and their
Truth or else everyone is not making a final and conclusive - divine - decision at
all but weighing opinions and producing a new opinion forcing the oppressed to
take the BAD FAITH all the way to the Supreme Court!
If all governmental decisions and everyone’s decisions were based
upon pure objective facts, current or to be inevitably discovered, then, overuse
syndrome and subluxations of the radiocapitellar joint and this joint’s standing as
the primary joint of the elbow/arm would be general public knowledge by now and


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

not part of the global medical database of injuries (MANDAMUS Evidence package
doc. no. 0499-0500 - whose internet address is
age%20pgs%20489-509.PDF) and refuted perpetually in every instance by the
college of physicians and surgeons across Canada and the government agents.
4. In the now repudiated October 6, 2006 WCAT refusal to pay for
Mr. Chupa’s Gadolinium enhanced MRI, the government agent made is clear that
the reality between performing the MRI was based solely upon the conflict between
people with Objective Truth versus the entire corrupt system where degrees and the
opinions of the degree holders supercede reality and no amount of objectively
supported evidence from outside the jurisdiction or in unapplied higher diagnostics
impacts upon or holds sway over the outcome of the decision.
5. The results of the December 2006 new evidence MRI -
MANDAMUS Evidence package doc. nos. 0406-0407 whose internet address is
age%20pgs%20402-431.PDF - clearly show that the entire system was once again
proven to be corrupt where it comes to using pure fact and application of the
WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate just as happened with countless others with
the best example being between the law and Ruth Laseur and Donald Martin
relative to the amended Workers’ Compensation Act (Nova Scotia) which resulted
in the law being reversed as it was inconsistent with The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms - s. 52(1).
6. With pure facts and their ability to relegate all current knowledge
and civilization to the trash bins, administrators and elected bodies do not have the
right to establish unilaterally the “convalescence period” for anyone (jurisdiction)
and declaring that WCB benefits are to be paid out solely for 4 to 10 weeks (law),
at which point, all job injuries are now illegitimately being declared “unresolvable”
and the worker class must return to work but, to impose this false authority, the
governments and their agents are contending that eligibility for any further WCB
benefits must be taken to court just to have the laws thrown out based upon
everyone’s right to be cured of the known injuries regardless of the length of
convalescence - 20, 30, 40+ years. The means for this oppression and twisting of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

rights is based upon the provincial governments’ running of the WCB, through its
Act, and suddenly making the Board in to an employers’ insurance company where
the ongoing reality for work related injuries in the load bearing soft tissues of the
human body is the burden of the job injured to affirm just as is the full extent of the
job injuries’ against the medical community that will not provide the Gadolinium
enhanced MRI’s in the acute settings and the government will only allow, at the
request of a specialist, months if not years after the fact and beyond the time to have
done easy reconstruction of the joint’s load bearing ligaments.
7. The basis for the BAD FAITH - reverse onus in the WCB and elites
of Canada is the REPUDIATED standard that work does NOT injury, maim or
prematurely kill (do harm to any person performing the work). The burden for
disproving this illegitimate contention in every job injury is placed upon every job
injured or family of the deceased workers in spite of the Presumption Sections of
every Workers’ Compensation Act since 1913 and the ongoing job injured, those
denied their legitimate WCB benefits, most often are without the ability even to
pay for a Gadolinium enhanced MRI UNLESS a specialist can be convinced to
requisition it even in private clinics - an illegitimate legal restriction.
Basically, few if any know about Gadolinium enhance MRI’s and
their finding and their consequences upon x-ray film interpretations, that have been
proven to be wrong and since x-rays were made legitimate in 1918. It should be
patently obvious that there is an ongoing cover-up within medicine and general
society at its highest levels as information about your injuries is being withheld
from you, the patients, in contravention of scientific logic and the demands of
everyone’s right to self determination and the right to provide “informed consent”
by all future workers who will never be told of overuse syndrome in Canada until
it is too late if ever.
8. With the use of pure objective facts, all contradictory decisions
(BAD FAITH decisions by order of the laws) in countless Workers’ Compensation
Act decisions and their appeals commission/WCAT denial decisions across Canada
would not exist - The Principles of Fundamental Justice. But, with privative
clauses, these BAD FAITH decisions remain ongoing and the older unjustly decided
claims cannot be affirmed to be incorrect due to privative clauses not allowing the
general public to see what pertinent facts were omitted - like the initial diagnosis
and physical examinations that may or may not have been complete or were sub-


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

optimal. Consequently, the corruption of the decisions where pure facts, that
repudiate the decision and the law that illegitimately permitted the use of
“extraneous” and subjective facts which constitutes BAD FAITH, become difficult
to prove determining that privative clauses are the greatest impediment to
Fundamental Justice, s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its use of The
Principles of Fundamental Justice, s. 52(1), s. 1 and most importantly s. 24(1) of
The Charter.
9. With The Principles of Fundamental Justice and pure facts, there
really is only one appropriate and just outcome in the matter (in the circumstances)
and, when that outcome is not arrived at by the decision makers, both the decision
is corrupt and the law obviously has to be knowingly defective (BAD FAITH)
because this singular outcome in all similar circumstances will also be
illegitimately denied by order of the law meaning that, in order to produce THE
FREE Society based upon Fundamental Justice for everyone equally (universality),
the law must be struck down and, if possible, reversed to an earlier stage where the
scheme’s Fundamental Justice Dictate held sway. If no Fundamental Justice
Dictate can be found in earlier laws, then, the law and its agenda is found to be of
no effect, invalid and not saved forevermore and this reformative process needs
only to be done once!
So, the appeals court in BC has and had no right to hear the appeal
of the struck down law in Victoria pertaining to the right to sleep and set up tents
in parks as it infringed upon Everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights.
According to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, no person can defend the indefensible in any court nor can any
court conduct a hearing where the evidence has to be misleading and contradictory
to the standards of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Hence, the appeals court
for British Columbia is now shown to be wholly corrupt and acting in a manner
that has brought the administration of justice in to repute and negated s. 24(1)
and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which make the standards of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms the sole rule of all laws and Petitions/defacto
Petitions to the Court the sole due process even though the vast majority of
Canadians don’t know of it - yet!
10. All that the use of privative clauses has done is keep the Truth
hidden for a lack of co-ordination of the results of overuse syndrome across Canada


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

as well as hide the corruption used by the decision makers who have consistently
produced contrary decisions so as to uphold the Petition to the Court due process
that has remained hidden especially since the Laseur and Martin versus Nova
Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission) SCC’s decision and its outcome was
never publically discussed as it exposed that “the letter of the law being divine”
concept was exploded by the amended law in question being reversed based on the
corrupt and incorrect outcome which was patently obvious when reviewing solely
the pure facts and the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act’s Fundamental
Justice Dictate.
In short, Canadians have been divided and conquered by the use
and presentation of the privative clauses as protecting everyone which has been
proven to be a lie because overuse syndrome is the same in all cases across Canada!
All WCB cases can be made general public knowledge without
stating names which, then, results in ergonomic or Truth based labour standards
based on doing no harm rather than at the discretion of the elected body’s opinions.
But, when labour standards are based on pure objective facts, most doctors will
suddenly be exposed as frauds because overuse syndrome is not accepted by the
governments in Canada even though it is a reality, so, this Truth based diagnosis
will be shown “conveniently” not have been provided recently or given another
name if a diagnosis is provided at all.
11. As is clear, the objective facts and the outcomes are so at odds due
to denial for decades that the resulting civilization can only be described as corrupt
due to BAD FAITH abuse of the letter of laws to instill an unnatural agenda over
reality and Truth.

12. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the
laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
13. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
14. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

Abolishing Patent Law in Canada

1. Does Patent Law infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal

Right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice as well as s. 52(1)

of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms along with its resulting due process of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the

Court not only to receive the appropriate and Fundamentally Just outcome in the

circumstances for the individual but also to strike down the law as its order is

unnatural and is imposing injustice while also abolishing THE FREE Society?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law -
Patent Law - cannot be saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and
schemes and their decisions MUST UPHOLD The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
as the rule of all laws as well as EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! The little known s. 52(1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms established the rule of all laws across Canada is to be THE


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

FREE Society of equals and pursuit of it just as The Supremacy of God Principle
established that no law or scheme without a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be
unilaterally imbued with “divinity” or be deemed beyond reproach because
elected bodies, their laws and order (and government agents) are not agents of God -
rule by divine right - meaning that the letter of the law and the law’s objective must
never simply be “accepted” as being beyond reproach where objective evidence
repudiating the outcome of the governmental due process then becomes
inconvenient Truth that is unjustly labeled “anecdotal” evidence even though it
contradicts the imposed laws and their corrupt standards: all laws must be shown
to uphold sections 7, 1, 52(1) and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
for everyone to access their universal right of being which is a singularity, not
“indeterminate,” and Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court are exposed to
all as the sole and correct due process replacing the current due processes that
have always been corrupt unbeknownst to everyone.
3. In this world, there are just the legal sphere and the natural order
sphere, i.e. Right with all else being wrong and corrupt. Currently, everyone is
living in the legal sphere in the industrial world because laws create the legal reality
whether it be legitimate or repudiated by natural order (the BAD
FAITH/Fundamental Justice conundrum from MANDAMUS- Administrative Law
that pre-dated The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and which is imbued in s. 1 of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - THE FREE Society based on Truth and The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God versus democracy
based on every wrong opinion being just as valid as the right ones - supported by
nature rules - and discrimination based upon equality of access to the civilization
created by the ruling elites).
To contradict civilization and unjust laws, there is reality based on
nature rules, doing no harm and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its
standards being the rule of the all laws through a Fundamental Justice Dictate -
imbuing the resulting FREE Society based upon universality of being.
Thus, the inherent conflict between the two divergent spheres of
existence is now exposed to everyone where THE FREE Society based upon The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God (there being more to
existence than encapsulated in the law) and democracy where the elected bodies’
majority rule for 4-5 years and the hierarchy gets reset every election just as this


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

conflict existed between THE FREE Society and the civilization built around kings,
queens and regents which was illegitimate, more clear cut and more difficult to
abolish. Sadly, governments created money and the pursuit of it so as to fill the
vacated shoes of the regents. Hence, there is nothing beyond what the laws allow
and The Supremacy of God and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms have been
abolished in everyone’s minds.
But, s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms acknowledged the
conflict between The Free Society and democratic standards which is equally
represented in s. 15 - discrimination and equality of access to the civilization - and
s. 7 - Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights. But, the latter LEGAL rights must
be imbued in every law with a Fundamental Justice Dictate and discrimination and
equality of access to the resulting civilization is duplicitous as it makes everyone
believe that what is being presented to everyone by governments and institutions is
legitimate even if means producing laws and order where there can be no
Fundamental Justice Dictate making the laws illegitimate and a contravention of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms’ demand of pursuing THE FREE Society based
upon objective Truth away from democracy which has no such connection to
objective Truth.
4. Patent Law is another aspect of the duplicity of existence extending
from the lack of connection to Truth. Patent Law cannot recognize anything that
pertains to human life as all nations and their institutions do not have jurisdiction
over everyone’s life.
Everyone is born free and has the right to self determination and
the right to provide “informed consent” for any and all requests from the
institutions. Patent Law does not recognize these rights, though, nor Everyone’s
Legal Rights because anything that pertains to human life cannot be patented -
granting ownership over everyone to a person or institution.
So, the mature, healthy and kinetic human body standards and
ergonomic (Truth based) labour standards cannot be patented nor refuted
because they are based upon the Truth that pain is the body’s mechanism for telling
everyone that something was done to contradict the mature, healthy and kinetic
human body standard making it dyskinetic.
Thus, there is an inherent contradiction within Patent Law because
anything that acknowledges and maintains the mature, healthy and kinetic human


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

body directly cannot be patented but anything that does or may do harm to it can be
patented like drugs, chemicals, etc.: when exposed to these “inventions”, the DNA
and human body often fails or worse passes these mutated DNA onto the unborn of
the individuals living with the broken or weakened DNA. This is unacceptable in
THE FREE Society where Truth demands that no harm is permitted to be
5. Furthermore, all “inventions” are not inventions but inevitable
discoveries as the Truth based FREE Society, which is an utter contradiction to
everything that most people are taught, is a singularity that is supposed to be the
objective goal but which can only exist where ignorance exists because the system
is not THE FREE Society.
6. With it now exposed that there are 2 spheres of existence, the legal
sphere and the Truth based objectively supported sphere, the legal sphere was
supposed to be directed towards THE FREE Society where governments
acknowledge that their laws are fallible as is the resulting order and away from
democracy and not maintaining the ongoing rat race order through laws that defy
Truth: that’s why everything is corrupt today and replicates perfectly the corruption
of the days of kings and queens ruling with the illegitimate divine right policy - the
elites had no right to declare themselves as being agents of God just because they
said so.
7. In Patent Law and democracy without The Supremacy of God,
inevitable discoveries of nature are sometimes unjustly declared “inventions” and
open to the authority of jurisdictional governments to licence these illegitimately
declared inventions where the licence makes the discoverer of the inevitable owners
of something that would inevitably have be discovered by anyone in the pursuit of
THE FREE Society based on Truth.
This is lunacy because Patent Law illegitimately makes
advancement in to THE FREE Society through inevitable discoveries a function of
the pursuit of wealth. Hold on here!
8. No government or institution created by mankind has the authority
to make inevitable discoveries of the Truth and The Mandate of Heaven - basically
everything God created and their inter-connective interactions - in to a function of
money through Patent Law when there is a jurisdiction beyond the legal world and
the usage of pursuing wealth by democratically elected dictators: anything


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

pertaining to life and maintaining it through doing no harm to the mature, healthy
and kinetic human body standard cannot be patented just as inevitable discoveries
cannot be patented as Patent Law has no jurisdiction in these matters!
9. With there being two realities to and in existence and objective
Truth taking authority beyond and over the legal world, Patent Law cannot
ultimately be viewed as permissible according to The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms because its results will be and has always been to keep the Truth based
FREE Society down and out of everyone’s general thoughts: ergonomic labour
standards exist but all provinces have illegally usurped the authority to produce
what they permit as acceptable labour standards while refusing to implement the do
no harm labour standards that impose the mature, healthy and kinetic human body
No government or institution or law has the right to override
natural order labour standards which has been ongoing not just since 1982 in
Canada in contravention of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms but also prior
to then in contravention of Administrative Law.
Thus, Patent Law is shown to be utterly unreasonable because
either the law and government have the authority to licence/patent everything or
else the law is invalid, of no effect and not saved because it splits the world based
upon a legal agenda of imposing the pursuit of wealth in everyone’s mind while
leaving the Truth based reality and THE FREE Society of equals beyond the laws
and the legal sphere which is unacceptable especially since reality and Truth is what
is being left out of the laws!

10. This simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the
laws and schemes is derived from the questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission)
decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA” before the Superior Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d o c u m e n t ( w h o s e i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s i s
11. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
12. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

Abolishing the Environmental Protection Act and current policies across Canada

1. Do the current Environmental Acts and policies across Canada with

their lack of imposing the do no harm principle and The Principles of Fundamental

Justice and The Supremacy of God infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal

Right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice as well as s. 52(1)

of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the current scheme and

its law - The Environmental Protection Act and policies across Canada - are of no
effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions MUST
UPHOLD The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the rule of all laws as well as
EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms! However, environmental protection based upon doing no harm is one
of the 4 primary laws that are the foundation of THE FREE Society - so
environmental protection to a much higher level goes towards everyone’s right to
security of person because, without pure water, land and air, there is NO security
of person!


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

3. The main problem with the current environmental protection

standards is that they are far too lax, do not use Fundamental Justice to protect and
maintain the pure environment which is a tenement of human life because nothing
beyond this planet is capable of sustaining human life (security of person) plus
environmental protection is wrongly enforced through the imposition, after the dirty
deed has taken place, with financial penalties that in no way insures that the
injustice to human life through pollution of the air, land, water, etc. will not re-
occur by the same or another institution. This approach to enforcing environmental
protection, in Truth, constitutes BAD FAITH whereas, in THE FREE Society based
on Truth, no institution or individual has the right to pollute the air, water and land
where the knowledge of the harm is known but not being stopped from occurring
as a principle in decision-making.
For example, a person throwing away a thermometer with its drop
of mercury seems insignificant but, when all the drops of mercury are combined,
there are lakes of mercury around the planet which are waiting to poison everyone
without them even knowing of it. The fact that we know that discarding unused or
defective thermometers will create the sea or lake of mercury means that nobody in
their right mind will every be able to discard a thermometer and proper recycling
of these mercury filled creations must be provided freely and a better thermometer
must be inevitably discovered for future thermometers.
4. Furthermore, carbon dioxide footprints for a car are not isolated to
the daily car usage once bought. In Truth, the carbon footprint for the car is a
portion of the carbon dioxide produced in the mining of the car’s materials like iron,
zinc, wood, etc., processing of these materials, transporting these materials to the
fabrication sites, fabricating of the parts, transporting the fabricated parts to the
assembly line (also the footprint of the trucks and roadways, trains and their rail
lines and roads must be apportioned to the cars), the running of the assembly line
and the carbon dioxide produced for the workers getting to the assembly line, then,
transporting the vehicle to its final place of purchase. As is seen, the daily usage
of a car accounts for very little of the auto industry’s carbon footprint and trades’
carbon footprint which gets worse when cars are produced thousands of miles from
the point of sale.
5. Another example of poor environmental stewardship is the
production of sweet natural gas that the city dwellers use which comes from the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Peace River-Liard country of BC and Alberta, Norway, Russia, Australia, Ecuador

or the Gulf Basin, etc. In all instances of sweet gas production, sour gas - H2S - is
flared off regularly in vast quantities at night in most cases to the point where
human life and all life in these regions are being negatively affected as well as
producing gargantuan amounts of carbon dioxide and the governments know of
these facts but are refusing to force massive change, based on doing no harm to the
people and their environment including the wildlife that many consume or even
farm raised animals, upon the oil and natural gas production industries worldwide.
6. But, as already indicated, environmental protection law is one law
that is consistent with Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights and s. 52(1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and so it will be included among the corollary of
laws that extend from The Charter of Rights and Freedoms but it will be given a
Fundamental Justice Dictate that everyone can use to enforce their right to life,
liberty and security of person and not letting the government and institutions do
harm to anyone ever again.

7. The simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes - from sections 1 and 2 of this section of the document - is derived from the
questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin
v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission) decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA”
before the Superior Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to
Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms document (whose internet cloud address is
8. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
5. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

Abolishing the use of Human Resources Ministries across Canada

1. Does the current use of Human Resources Ministries infringe upon

everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as affirmed by

Fundamental Justice while also abolishing THE FREE Society?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law -
Human Resources Ministries and Human Resources Acts across Canada - cannot
be saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and their
decisions MUST UPHOLD The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the rule of all
laws as well as EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms! The little known s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms established the rule of all laws across Canada is to be THE FREE
Society of equals and pursuit of it fore everyone and the institutions just as The
Supremacy of God Principle established that no law or scheme without a
Fundamental Justice Dictate can be unilaterally imbued with “divinity” or be
deemed beyond reproach because elected bodies, their laws and order (and
government agents) are not agents of God - rule by divine right - meaning that the
letter of the law and the law’s objective must never simply be “accepted” as being
beyond reproach where objective evidence repudiating the outcome of the
governmental due process then becomes inconvenient Truth that is unjustly labeled
“anecdotal” evidence even though it contradicts the imposed laws and their corrupt
standards: all laws must be shown to uphold sections 7, 1, 52(1) and s. 24(1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms for everyone to access their universal right
of being which is a singularity, not “indeterminate,” and Petitions/defacto
Petitions to the Court are exposed to all as the sole and correct due process


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

replacing the current due processes that have always been corrupt
unbeknownst to everyone.
3. With everyone having equal LEGAL Rights, it should be patently
obvious that defining people as a whole as an inanimate resource to be mined just
like a vein of copper, gold, iron, pool of oil, field of natural gas, etc. is an utter
affront to s. 7 and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and this Ministry
and all of its laws (across Canada) are invalid, of no effect and cannot be saved
forevermore, i.e. they are to be permanently eliminated and can never be replicated
in any fashion henceforth!
4. By making everyone in to an inanimate resource, companies and
the pursuit of wealth were made masters over everyone and their right to life,
liberty and lack of security of person as governments have imbued the current
Workers’ Compensation decision making process with the unspoken and
unconstitutional reality that, when it comes to making a profit, all businesses have
the right to injury, maim and prematurely kill all workers because the burden is
once again upon the workers or the families of the deceased workers to prove before
the governments and their agents that work injured, maimed or killed the workers
involved in violation of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Principles
of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and the original 1913 Workers’
Compensation Act’s Presumption Section as well as the original 1913 Workers’
Compensation Act’s Fundamental Justice Dictate where the burden is upon the
medical community and the WCB Administration to prove that the job injuries
initially discovered with a proper physical examination and diagnostic of today’s
real standards are “resolved entirely” or else full WCB benefits remain in place
until the new objective evidence supports the reversal of the injuries and the
resulting dyskinesis in the longer term job injured.

5. The simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes - from sections 1 and 2 of this section of the document - is derived from the
questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin
v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission) decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA”
before the Superior Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to
Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms document (whose internet cloud address is


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

6. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
7. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

Abolishing all laws prohibiting making parks homes by the homeless across Canada

1. Do the longstanding and current judicial processes infringe upon

everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to security of person as affirmed by

Fundamental Justice as well as s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and

s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms along with its resulting due process

of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court not only to receive the appropriate and

Fundamentally Just outcome in the circumstances for the individual but also to

strike down the law - the appropriate and just remedy - as its order is unnatural and

is imposing injustice while also abolishing THE FREE Society?


2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law -
The Court Acts across Canada and the resulting outdated due processes - cannot be
saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and schemes and their decisions
MUST UPHOLD The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the rule of all laws as


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

well as EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms! The little known s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
established the rule of all laws across Canada is to be THE FREE Society of equals
and pursuit of it just as The Supremacy of God Principle established that no law or
scheme without a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be unilaterally imbued with
“divinity” or be deemed beyond reproach because elected bodies, their laws and
order (and government agents) are not agents of God - rule by divine right -
meaning that the letter of the law and the law’s objective must never simply be
“accepted” as being beyond reproach where objective evidence repudiating the
outcome of the governmental due process then becomes inconvenient Truth that is
unjustly labeled “anecdotal” evidence even though it contradicts the imposed laws
and their corrupt standards: all laws must be shown to uphold sections 7, 1, 52(1)
and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms for everyone to access their
universal right of being which is a singularity, not “indeterminate,” and
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court are exposed to all as the sole and
correct due process replacing the current due processes that have always been
corrupt unbeknownst to everyone.
3. All person’s have the right to self determination and pursue THE
FREE Society. The restrictive laws prohibiting sleeping and setting up a tent so as
to secure our person from the elements just like those living in houses is a God
given right and the laws prohibiting that right were struck down for all of Canada
on October 14, 2008 in the Supreme Court of British Columbia as per the
instructions of The Supreme Court of Canada in its October 3, 2003 Decision (page
3 and quoted within this Order several times).
4. The Supreme Court/Superior Court of British Columbia on October
14, 2008 struck down any and all laws across Canada that prohibit free camping in
parks by the poor and homeless because the law and its order were found to be in
violation of Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights that are universal from coast
to coast to coast as The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the rule of all laws
across Canada - no exceptions!
5. Sadly, very few know how to deal with this new found reality that
laws and their order, when found to be in violation of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms, are of no effect, invalid and may or may not be salvageable if a
Fundamental Justice Dictate cannot be provided within 60 days.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

6. This standard arises from s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms and the fact that all laws produce a legal precedence while s. 7 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms is entitled, Everyone’s Legal Rights, hence, all
laws must have a Fundamental Justice Dictate showing how its order upholds
Everyone’s Legal Right to self determination or the law is not saved forevermore
and cannot be reproduced with any amendments because Fundamental Justice will
not be produced from this new law and attempting to do so and circumvent
Fundamental Justice constitutes contempt of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms,
7. So, Judge Brian MacKenzie and the Provincial Court of BC had no
jurisdiction to hear the matter of tickets for tenting in Victoria Parks following the
October 14, 2008 finding of unconstitutionality because the law and its order was
struck down and found not to be saved by the Superior/Federal Court system -
the decision making body of the court system and upon review of The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms.
8. More recently, in June 2009, the appeals court of British Columbia
heard an unlawful appeal to the October 14, 2009 decision when, with the law
being found to be of no effect, invalid and not saved, the matter was to be at an
end as...

(The Supreme Court on page 3 of its October 3, 2003 decision actually made the
following definitive assessment of s. 52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms)

“The Constitution is the supreme law of Canada and, by virtue of s. 52(1) of the

Constitution Act, 1982, the question of constitutional validity inheres in every

legislative enactment. From this principle of constitutional supremacy flows, as a

practical corollary, the idea that Canadians should be entitled to assert the rights

and freedoms that the Constitution guarantees them in the most accessible forum

available, without the need for parallel proceedings before the courts. To allow an

administrative tribunal to decide Charter issues does not undermine the role of the

courts as final arbiters of constitutionality in Canada. Administrative tribunal

decisions based on the Charter are subject to judicial review on a correctness


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

standard. In addition, the constitutional remedies available to administrative

tribunals are limited and do not include general declarations of invalidity. A

determination by a tribunal that a provision of its enabling statute is invalid

pursuant to the Charter is not binding on future decision-makers, within or outside

the tribunal's administrative scheme. Only by obtaining a formal declaration of

invalidity by a court can a litigant establish the general invalidity of a legislative

provision for all future cases.”

Clearly, the hearing of the appeal of the January 2009 British Columbia Provincial
Court decision finding that the amended law was invalid based upon the October
14, 2008 Supreme/Superior Court of British Columbia decision relative to s. 7 of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which made the City of Victoria and all like
laws and their order invalid and not saved brings the administration of justice into
disrepute - s. 24(2) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - making judicial
process as it is currently known in to a farce and of no effect, invalid and not
saved as well!

9. The simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes - from sections 1 and 2 of this section of the document - is derived from the
questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin
v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission) decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA”
before the Superior Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to
Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms document (whose internet cloud address is
10. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
11. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

Abolishing The Community Charter in British Columbia and its equivalents across Canada

1. Does The Community Charter of British Columbia and its

equivalents across Canada infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Right to

security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice as well as s. 52(1) of The

Charter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms along with its resulting due process of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the

Court not only to receive the appropriate and Fundamentally Just outcome in the

circumstances for the individual but also to strike down the law as its order is

unnatural and is imposing injustice for everyone while also abolishing THE FREE



2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then, the scheme and its law -
The Community Charter of British Columbia and its equivalents in all jurisdictions
across Canada - cannot be saved, are of no effect and are invalid as all laws and
schemes and their decisions MUST UPHOLD The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
as the rule of all laws as well as EVERYONE’S LEGAL RIGHTS as per s. 52(1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! The little known s. 52(1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms established the rule of all laws across Canada is to be THE
FREE Society of equals and pursuit of it just as The Supremacy of God Principle
established that no law or scheme without a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be
unilaterally imbued with “divinity” or be deemed beyond reproach because
elected bodies, their laws and order (and government agents) are not agents of God -


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

rule by divine right - meaning that the letter of the law and the law’s objective must
never simply be “accepted” as being beyond reproach where objective evidence
repudiating the outcome of the governmental due process then becomes
inconvenient Truth that is unjustly labeled “anecdotal” evidence even though it
contradicts the imposed laws and their corrupt standards: all laws must be shown
to uphold sections 7, 1, 52(1) and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
for everyone to access their universal right of being which is a singularity, not
“indeterminate,” and Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court are exposed to
all as the sole and correct due process replacing the current due processes that
have always been corrupt unbeknownst to everyone.
3. On page 3 of its October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia

Decision, The Supreme Court made the following definitive assessment of s. 52 (1)

of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

“The Constitution is the supreme law of Canada and, by virtue of s. 52(1) of the

Constitution Act, 1982, the question of constitutional validity inheres in every

legislative enactment. From this principle of constitutional supremacy flows, as a

practical corollary, the idea that Canadians should be entitled to assert the rights

and freedoms that the Constitution guarantees them in the most accessible forum

available, without the need for parallel proceedings before the courts. To allow an

administrative tribunal to decide Charter issues does not undermine the role of the

courts as final arbiters of constitutionality in Canada. Administrative tribunal

decisions based on the Charter are subject to judicial review on a correctness

standard. In addition, the constitutional remedies available to administrative

tribunals are limited and do not include general declarations of invalidity. A

determination by a tribunal that a provision of its enabling statute is invalid

pursuant to the Charter is not binding on future decision-makers, within or outside

the tribunal's administrative scheme. Only by obtaining a formal declaration of

invalidity by a court can a litigant establish the general invalidity of a legislative


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

provision for all future cases.”

4. It is patently obvious that the Community Charter of British

Columbia and its equivalents across Canada contravene s. 52(1) of The Charter of

Rights and Freedoms by establishing an illegitimate equivalent to The Charter of

Rights and Freedoms from province to province and, by doing so, undermined and

still undermines the unifying principles of s. 52(1) of The Charter because everyone

is an equal in THE FREE Society not a creation of the elected bodies. So, either

every jurisdiction is abiding and has abided by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

to date, in which case every law will have as its foundation s. 7 and s. 1 of The

Charter, or else the governments have acted in BAD FAITH since 1982 while

concocting a conflicting standard - the Community Charter and its equivalents

across Canada - to have people uphold and contradict the demands of s. 52(1) of The

Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The existence of the Community Charter in

British Columbia and its equivalents across Canada make it clear that not 1

government enacted The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as was intended because

of s. 24(1) of The Charter which left that demand up to a special oppressed

individual whose defacto Petition to the Court would inevitably cast off the lies,

deceit and duplicity of governance across all time based upon s. 7 of The Charter

of Rights and Freedoms - Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights.

5. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, with its words and The

Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God, provides a unifying

order where no government has the right to usurp the authority of God through the

letter of the laws - rule by force of the letter of the laws from elected bodies being

beyond reproach - and all laws that are to remain are to use Truth to insure uniform

Fundamental Justice as well as establish THE FREE Society of equals able to

access the universal right of being.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

6. To circumvent The Charter of Rights and Freedoms’ order since

1982 and grand-father in the corrupt pre-Charter era order, every province enacted

provincial Charters or an equivalent document that kept the standards of The

Charter of Rights and Freedoms from fully impacting the entire historical order

of Canada and England from whence Canada, as a nation, arose.

7. All government processes disrespect The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms being the rule of all laws - Exhibit “I” on file no. 81581 with the

Supreme Court of British Columbia (s. 44 and s. 45 of the BC administrative

tribunals act) - and Truth with its overpowering authority: everything, we are living

with today is then proven to be a lie - deception by governments which is proven by

the use of “adverse/still adverse” words describing the due process relating to WCB

decisions across Canada by the appeals commission for the WCB (Alberta) in

Exhibit “K” before the Supreme Court of British Columbia file no. 81581.

For everyone, Exhibit “K” is the equivalent of Senator Paine, in Mr.

Smith Goes To Washington, admitting on the floor of the Senate that the words of

Senator Smith were all correct and that the system was wholly corrupt explaining

why the people in Senator Smith’s state were never told the Truth as the system

held authority over what the people were reading and the “description” of the real

events in the House of the Senate.

8. The March 4, 2009 Summary Motion and its Court Order along

with this Court Order and Summary Motion for this Order (both initiated with the

defacto Petition to the Court of January 9, 2009), though, produces the end game

for the lies, dishonesty and duplicity that has existed from England in Canada

because there are only 4 basic and primary laws that extend from The Charter of

Rights and Freedoms and which have Fundamental Justice Dictates - these laws

will be presented shortly.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

9. The simple question/answer scenario for determining constitutional validity of the

laws and schemes - from sections 1 and 2 of this section of the document - is derived from the
questions presented in s. 122 of the Supreme Court of Canada’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin
v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission) decision and which was updated in Exhibit “AA”
before the Superior Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) file no. 81581/Mr. E. J. Krass’ How to
Apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms document (whose internet cloud address is
10. The consequence from this Constitutional Reality is that the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order demand that all laws be brought in to alignment with s. 1 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God, is beyond reproach as all laws must be “demonstrably justified” by the
standards of The FREE Society or by true democratic standards for a short period of time until the
standards of THE FREE Society weigh in on the matter.
11. The proof of the law being consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights will be the Fundamental Justice Dictate of the law. If
none exists currently, a Fundamental Justice Dictate that demonstrates how the law and scheme
directly upholds everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and
the pursuit of THE FREE Society must be provided within 60 days or 120 days if the democratic
standard of 50 plus 1 allows the law to be maintained until the Fundamental Justice Dictate is

How Canada became CORRUPT

199. Quite simply put - ignorance and BAD FAITH on the part of the institutions.
Nobody within any institution ever informed us of the simple but profound relationship between
BAD FAITH/Fundamental Justice while the endings of both El Conte De Monte Cristo and Mr.
Smith Goes To Washington demonstrates that nobody understood what happens when the entire
system is exposed to be completely corrupt, either by the written words showing the corruption or
an OUTRIGHT admission of corruption by the government’s agents, because El Conte usurped the
role of the corrupt at the end of his book while Mr. Smith Goes to Washington ended with an
admission of corruption by Senator Paine and the rest was up to us to figure out what was to
happen next, so all that was known was that Senator Smith had won out by force of conviction in
defense of Truth with there being no substantive change to the institutions and order meaning that
the same fight was going to have to be fought over and over again in defiance of Truth and its


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

implementation which demands that the unnatural order be forevermore abolished and replaced at
the same time!

200. What was missed by everyone including Sir Thomas More centuries ago, who was
executed in 1535 for his steadfast refusal to sanction the creation of The Church of England by
parliamentary decree thereby facilitating the wedding of Henry VIII that resulted in England being
excommunicated from the Catholic Church, was the due process entitled Petitions/defacto Petitions
to the Court where everyone owns their own body (Habeas Corpus - Everyone’s Legal Rights now
in Canada) and none other has the right to do harm to another even by duplicity which includes all
governments, their agents and the laws.

Without this knowledge of Petitions to the Court, everyone remains loyal to the
letter of the law provided either by the kings, queens, their royal courts, elected houses, city councils,
etc. rather than knowing that, if any outcome clearly is inconsistent with the pure facts, then, the
laws imposing unjust outcomes can and must be struck down with a Petition/defacto Petition
to the Court where the superior/supreme court of every province or territory must sign off on
the provided Order and only laws, where a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be established, can
be saved. In short, all other laws are to be struck down permanently!

201. The Supreme Court of Canada in s. 35 (page 17) of its October 3, 2003 Laseur and
Martin v. Nova Scotia decision, wrote the following:

“... The question is not whether Parliament or the legislature intended the tribunal
to apply the Charter. As has often been pointed out, such an attribution of intent
would be artificial, given that many of the relevant enabling provisions pre-date the
Charter: see, e.g., A. J. Roman, "Case Comment: Cooper v. Canada (Human Rights
Commission)" (1997), 43 Admin. L.R. (2d) 243, at p. 244...”

The Supreme Court of Canada also wrote, in s. 34 of this decision:

“If a tribunal does have the power to consider questions of law, then it follows by
the operation of s. 52(l) that it must be able to address constitutional issues,
including the constitutional validity of its enabling statute (the law and its order).

While the general principles outlined above have been consistently reaffirmed by
this Court and remain sound, their application has been fraught with difficulties,


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

as evidenced by the disagreements that arose in Cooper, supra. I am of the view

that it is now time to reappraise the case law and to provide a single set of rules
concerning the jurisdiction of administrative tribunals to consider Charter
challenges to a legislative provision.”

So, it is clear, from not only these 2 quotes but also the previously quoted portion
from page 3 of this Supreme Court of Canada decision in this Order, that The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms acknowledged that everyone has the right to strike down laws based upon Truth and
Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and BAD
FAITH and the inherent oppression that follows from the breach of The Principles of
Fundamental Justice.

202. The Truth though is that everyone ALWAYS HAD the right to strike down all the
laws when it is acknowledged that no king, queen nor regent had the right to rule over everyone
through the force of the letter of the laws: Administrative Law and MANDAMUS Orders based upon
mala fides, the old label for BAD FAITH in current English, and/or habeas corpus (Everyone’s Legal

This point is highly relevant to everyone because the fault for everyone not knowing
of this authority and Petition/defacto Petitions to the Court due process lies completely upon the
judiciary and the legal profession who both work within the provided letter of the laws and not
reforming the unjust laws and their unnatural order and bring the laws in to alignment with natural
order and The Principle of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God.

No judge nor lawyer have ever or will ever advise anyone as to the existence of
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court based upon s. 24(1), s. 7, s. 1 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms because this hidden reality negates completely not only the current judicial and
legal process but also their existence across all time.

The Petitioner/author of this Order has trouble with mankind’s concept of time
because, in reality, there are Heaven and earth that do not comply with your concepts of time. To
understand the Petitioner’s problems, understand that the earth has always been round while
mankind’s laws and legal precedence dictated a false understanding of this reality due to lack of
investigation to affirm whether the statements “on high” were valid or repudiated. (Do you think
that Jesus knew that the earth was round, gravity existed, knew of E=mc3 and that the passage of
time is relative and that time, as man has created over the past few centuries, is not correct, etc.) So,
in reality, there are 2 standards across all time: the real world that is based upon experimentation


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

confirming and repudiating human thoughts/theories based upon objective natural order which is
a constant but our comprehension of it is always expanding and changing in ways that sometimes
wipes out whole sections or all of our accepted standards and the contentions of the elites that have
been proven to be unreliable and often contrary to Truth!

Thus, it stands that, in reality, there is just doing Right with all else being

203. The perfect example of this is governance: it is wrong as it produced/produces

ruling over everyone through the force of the letter of the laws, i.e. creating fictitious order, whether
the entity abusing this principle is a king, queen, regent, etc. or elected bodies like senates,
parliaments, legislators, councils, etc. In all these incidences of rulership through the force of the
letter of the law, the system and institutions act like an advocate for the devil constantly
challenging the Truth and those being oppressed by the letter of the law to prove that the system
did wrong, i.e. acted in BAD FAITH in the circumstances and for everyone rather than acknowledge
and abide by the appropriate and just outcome in the circumstances for everyone - The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God!

The disheartening part of rulers/governments playing devil’s advocate (ruling

through reverse onus (s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms) and imposing the never
discussed Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court is that there are no Legal Rights in a world whose
order is imposed through the force of the letter of the laws rather than pure facts (the contradiction
should be patently obvious) and THE FREE Society, with its basis being Fundamental Justice
outcomes for everyone universally where laws not doing this not having the right to exist, becomes
redundant and lost. But, in Truth, the legal world is always supposed to be subservient to THE
FREE Society, pure facts and the patently obvious.

204. To prove repetition in conflict over human history, in 1982, Canada came to the
same fork in the road that Sir Thomas Moore and all other persons with a strong moral conscience
will: remain loyal to a falsehood, i.e. have false idols and ideology like democracy and false gods
like kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, political parties who STAUNCHLY remain,
illegitimately, between everyone and That Which Is, Was and Forever Will Be (The Mandate of
Heaven) through the letters of the laws, or abide by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God and produce the 4 simple laws whose rule of law is The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms, The International Bill of Human Rights or roughly The US Constitution without any
amendments other than the 14th Amendment where everyone’s right to life, liberty and security of
person was addressed specifically beyond everyone’s right to life, liberty and the (singular) pursuit


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

of happiness.

This fork in the road is represented in s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
with the false term “a free and democratic society.” Applying doublespeak, where “and” placed
between 2 diametrically opposed entities really is being used to hide the word “or”, the long
withheld secret of Administrative Law from England was finally exposed because THE FREE
Society is based upon Truth whereas democracy is based upon continually wrong opinions: when
everyone has a right to be wrong for any length of time, doing Right based upon pure fact Truth
becomes redundant as all that will remain are opinions based upon ignorance where Truth is now
defined as being inconvenient or anecdotal as it repudiates all other opinions even those opposed
on an issue that is defined by Truth to be illegitimate and fictitious.

For example, the democrats in the US believe in a person’s right to earn a livelihood
whereas the republicans believe that the wealthy have the right to become even wealthier because
they “rule” by force of wealth.

Jesus Christ stated the following in Luke 16:13:

“No servant can have 2 masters; for either he will hate the one and love the
other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve
God and wealth.”

Therefore, both arguments for the continuation of the pursuit of wealth - the democrats and the
republicans - were made redundant before the pursuit of wealth in the United States became the
dominant mind set. So, the only way that this corrupt manner of thinking, which dominates today,
could come in to existence if everyone became loyal to a false god and threw out objective Truth -
The Mandate of Heaven.

Jesus Christ also knew what was coming and, in Luke 16:17, He best encapsulated
the absurdity of what is going on in democracies across the face of the globe when he stated:

“But, it is easier for Heaven and earth to pass away

than for one stroke of the letter of the law to fail.”

205. There will be many who don’t like the fact that the words of Jesus Christ predicted
what we are currently living with today. But, it is equally shocking that, when an incorrect
decision/denial of Truth established by pure fact is registered initiating oppression by the elected


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

bodies, the government and its agents then turn to acting in what is best described as “an advocate
for the devil” where the term is used to denote the unwillingness to abide by the pure fact supported
Truth and change in the circumstances, i.e. create permanence to the system, where ignorance and
rulership is all that is offered forevermore.

Thus, the usage of the words of Jesus Christ to expose the corrupt and
unconstitutional stance towards change, demanded by objective Truth, is legitimate today just as
they were historically because no government or institution across time ever had the right to
contravene knowingly the just outcome without defining themselves as advocates for the devil which
automatically places upon the oppressed the need to learn of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court
so as to insure that everyone denied their rights and oppressed, as a consequence of the denial of
pure fact Truth, will receive equally the same just outcome because the appropriate and just remedy
for the injustice, imposed by the governments’ agents having been given authorities that are beyond
their jurisdiction, demands striking down the law and dictating the 4 primary laws that extend from
Truth and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God.

206. Before producing the 4 primary laws though, it must be exposed to everyone that
the government of Alberta, through the current workers’ compensation act, defined the appeals
commission for the WCB Alberta and the Alberta legislature as “agents of God”: S. 20 and s. 21
on page 4 of the July 25, 2007 Thomas Shuchuk v. Alberta Alberta Court of Queens Bench decision
affirms the reality presented in Exhibit “K” where the appeals commission for the WCB Alberta
knew fully well that it was continuing to act in BAD FAITH just as it had until January 2000 in Mr.
E. J Krass’ WCB matters and through today because the appeals commission for the WCB (Alberta)
itself applied the term “still adverse” to describe the ongoing proceedings and the proceedings to
January 2000 by the Alberta government.

In the aforementioned Alberta Court of Queens Bench decision, the workers’

compensation act, between November 1, 1988 through 2002, defined the appeals commission’s
decision as “final and conclusive” without any appeal to a court for reversal or universal remedy in
contravention of s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Since 2002, those oppressed by the decisions of the Alberta government’s agent, the
appeals commission for the WCB (Alberta), were “granted” the right to appeal the matter to court”
but only so much as to have the appeals commission reconsider its “final and conclusive” decision
rather than attain the appropriate and just remedy in the circumstances which still contravenes s.
24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

S. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms specifically established, “Anyone


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply
to a court of competent jurisdiction (superior court) to obtain such remedy as the court considers
appropriate and just in the circumstances.”

207. The existence of s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms countenances
(councils) everyone as to the BAD FAITH of governments relative to THE FREE Society and their
INHERENT use of reverse onus in all decisions and laws so as to occlude the existence of THE
FREE Society for everyone as well as, s. 24(1) of The Charter making it clear that, in order to obtain
the (singular) appropriate and just REMEDY to the BAD FAITH, the law must be struck down and
reversed if a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be found through Petitions/defacto Petitions to the
Court, otherwise, the law and all decisions attached to it must be vacated forthwith and forevermore.

When injustice arises for everyone in their daily lives, we can and must use this
injustice relative to pure facts to throw out the laws even though the vast majority of persons in
Canada were not made aware that they can even strike down the injustice for everyone through
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court where the evidence of the government which contradicts The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of
God forces the courts to sign off on the provided Order by the oppressed as the question of who has
been dishonest is clear - the government and their agents - and the mala fides relates to perpetuating
governance at the expense of THE FREE Society of equals where The Mandate of Heaven from the
pure facts is supreme and the just outcomes incontestible except by those illegitimately playing
devil’s advocate on behalf of tyranny and injustice.

The incontestible evidence from s. 201 of this Order makes it clear that laws and
their unnatural order provide the grounds for striking down not just the laws but also the
agenda/order that created the laws: it is patently obvious that nobody was educated to this lawful
reality because, everyone would have used Petitions/defacto Petitions to the superior courts by now
across Canada to reform not only the laws but also the order so as to institute THE FREE Society
illegitimately shunted to the side by the false elected rulers.

208. THE FREE Society of equals and universality which are concepts derived from the
Truth being a unifying singularity that was recognized and taught to the youth growing up through
the 1960's and 1970's when universality of being became public knowledge through the universal
and free education system established in 1912 - part of the Progressive Conservative era (1910 to
1914 in Canada) when commerce, economics and trade were not accepted as being a God created
reality that it never was as these items are being presented to the youth through education since the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

By the mid-1970's, universality of being based upon there being a mature, healthy
and kinetic human body standard and ill-health producing dyskinetic human body standard and doing
no harm to the former human body standard was quickly destroyed by the institutions because, with
universality of being, there is a singular Truth for everyone and it was established as the goal
for everyone and all institutions. The reality of there being a mature, healthy and kinetic standard
to be inevitably discovered was reflected in the policy of no governmental agents and court decisions
being “final and conclusive” because new evidence, it was taught, has the most profound and
peculiar effect of actually having the potential of making the whole system and its order redundant
as natural order supercedes, in jurisdiction, all mankind’s created order.

But, since 1982, the governments of Canada broke their Covenant with everyone
and, consequently, nobody stood up for Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights in Canada which
then demands MANDAMUS (Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court) by the people who are being
forced by governments to end their and everyone’s oppression by striking down the laws and
replacing them with the laws that are consistent with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms while also
indicating that a law and its scheme can never be replaced again as it and its agenda are shown to
be invalid, of no effect and not saved because there is no Fundamental Justice Dictate attached to
the law indicating that the law violates Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Human Rights which
exist from pole to pole.

The Truth is that, on October 3, 2003, the Supreme Court of Canada in its
groundbreaking Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission) decision, in
s. 122, made it clear to all who read it that any and all government provided laws can be struck
down and replaced accordingly. However, the lawyers for Ruth Laseur and Donald Martin did not
make proper representation on behalf of all workers because the proper law to uphold universality
of being and doing no harm and not letting the known harm befall others going forward in time was
drafted in 1913 - the original 1913 Workmen’s Compensation Act which is also referred to as the
original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act today. Truthfully, the lawyers did not make proper
representation to the Supreme Court because the countless WCB claimants across Canada denied
their legitimate benefits, i.e. until the job injuries are proven objectively to have been “resolved
entirely,” are NOT being discriminated against but rather are having their Legal Rights denied -
s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - as pure fact outcomes are being illegitimately
denied so as to perpetuate the unnatural order surrounding the pursuit of wealth which the political
parties unconstitutionally endorse over the pursuit of THE FREE Society - s. 1 of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Exhibit “J” on file no. 81581 with the Supreme Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) - The British Columbia Guidebook on Judicial Review - states:

“The government(s) have given tribunals the authority to make decisions about
certain issues. The courts, by order of the Court Acts, recognize that tribunals have
specialized knowledge and experience in their particular subject areas and,
because of that, the courts will not easily interfere with tribunal decision.”

Section 20 of the Alberta Court of Queens Bench Shuchuk v. Alberta (Workers’

Compensation Board, Appeals Commission), 2005 ABQB 526 decision which quotes the Alberta
workers’ compensation act (1988-2002), section 13.1, reads as follows:

“[20] Section 13.1 of the Act provides that the Commission has exclusive
jurisdiction to examine, inquire into, hear and determine all matters and questions
arising under the Act and regulations (not relative to The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and whether the law is constitutional and legitimate), and that the
decision of the Commission is “final and conclusive” and not open to review or
question in any court. Subsection (9) provides that no proceedings by or before
the Commission shall be restrained by injunction, prohibition or other process or
proceedings in any court or are removable by certiorari or otherwise into any

Section 21 of the Alberta Court of Queens Bench Shuchuk v. Alberta (Workers’

Compensation Board, Appeals Commission), 2005 ABQB 526 decision which quotes the current
Alberta workers’ compensation act, section 13.4, reads as follows:

“[21] Section 13.4(1) of the Act, which was added in 2002, provides that: ‘The
Board and any person who has a direct interest in a decision of the Appeals
Commission made pursuant to section 13.2 may appeal the decision to the Court
of Queen's Bench on a question of law or jurisdiction.’ At the same time as the s.
13.4 appeal provision was added, the right of the WCB to request a rehearing was
removed. The appeal provision does not allow the Court to substitute its own
decision, but only to confirm or set aside the Commission’s decision (s. 13.4


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

So, The British Columbia Guidebook on Judicial Review is dishonest because all
tribunals decisions are unlawfully declared through the acts to be final, binding and conclusive
which is established by virtue of the fact that judicial review and use of tribunals is used across all
Canadian jurisdictions. But, MANDAMUS Evidence package doc. no. 0425 (internet cloud address
specifically states the following:

“1. Introduction

WCAT decisions are 'final and conclusive'...”

209. Obviously, the governments, themselves, have proven to everyone that they have
done an end run around The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and The Supremacy of God and Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights. Worse still, the quote
from The British Columbia Guidebook to Judicial Review proves thoroughly that the superior and
the appellant courts are not applying The Charter of Rights and Freedoms when an application
determining constitutional validity is presented - that responsibility currently and unconstitutionally
falls to the Supreme Court in Canada in contravention of s. 24(1) and s. 52(1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms and the established Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court due process.

Furthermore, all institutions across Canada have been found to be corrupt, invalid,
of no effect and mostly not saved as The Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not apply anywhere
in the system of laws except The Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa.

Exhibit “I” on file no. 81581 with the Supreme Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) - s. 44 and s. 45 of the BC administrative tribunals act - makes is quite clear that not only
does institutionalized decision making NOT take in to account the pure OBJECTIVE facts, The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights but also constitutes
reverse onus that is consistent with s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court for obtaining the singular appropriate and just remedy in
the circumstances, i.e. obtaining the just outcomes based on pure objective fact and insuring that
others, equally denied this similar outcome due to the letter of the law, receive the same outcome
making it universal across time - Galileo’s Disease all over again!

210. The horrific consequences of imposing reverse onus is that the democratically
elected governments and bodies like mayors and city councils established, by contravening


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Everyone’s Legal Rights, the role of the Son of Heaven where those touched by the tyranny and
oppression and knowing the appropriate and just outcome in their matter must learn of
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Courts and the authority imbued upon the oppressed through s.
24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms to reform the entire system to insure that the
oppression is abolished and the tyrannical processes striped away forever.

Litmus test: Are you getting what you are paying for when the system refuses to abide by pure

objective facts and the objectives of the historical programs?


All that anyone is paying for currently with reverse onus based upon “democracy”
is a due process that has no validity, is of no effect and could never be saved at any point in time
ever and whose sole purpose is to convince people that justice is being done by the institutions when
that is an out and out lie because, when the pure facts are reviewed, mass injustice is exposed.

211. That begs the question, where are the masses of job injured whose job injuries
remain unresolved?

MANDAMUS Evidence package docs. no. 0206, 0207 and 0208 make it clear that
there is a mass of unrepaired job injured fighting to get cured just in Alberta and British Columbia
alone that is growing and most are tied up in a peripheral or side branch of the judiciary that deals
solely with WCB patently unreasonable decisions where strategic decisions were made solely to
force the job injured to have a judge review the file in violation of the mandate of the Workers’
Compensation Board which established the administration (of the WCB) as having exclusive
jurisdiction over all matters arising from the enabling legislation which originally included Truth
based ergonomic labour standards.

With labour standards now being created at the whim of the legislatures rather than
based on pure objective fact with the intent of producing and pro-actively enforcing ergonomic
labour standards, governments, institutions and “the stakeholders of the economy” have usurped the
authority of God and masters of order in contravention of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

This corruption is affirmed by Exhibit “I” on file no. 81581 with the Supreme Court
of British Columbia (Kelowna) - s. 44 and s. 45 of the BC administrative tribunals act - which


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Tribunal without jurisdiction over constitutional questions

44 (1) The tribunal does not have jurisdiction over constitutional questions.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to all applications made before, on or after the date that
the subsection applies to a tribunal.

Tribunal without jurisdiction over Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms


45 (1) The tribunal does not have jurisdiction over constitutional questions relating
to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

(1.1) Subsection (1) applies to all applications made before, on or after the date
that the subsection applies to a tribunal.

212. A massively distressing failure of the free press in Canada arises from the fact that
the highly reformative outcome of the Laseur and Martin Supreme Court of Canada
proceedings were never presented to the general public as the groundbreaking decision was never
covered by the mass media as the SCC’s decision’s contents obviously would have collapsed
everything that Canadians have wrongly come to accept: correction of the misinformation is part
of the objectives of this Order as well as presenting the 4 primary laws that extend from The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms and The International Bill of Rights.

Furthermore, the mass media is actually another agent of the corruption because
everyone is constantly being kept in the dark as to the amount of WCB cases which are defined as
longstanding and contentious because the Fundamental Justice outcomes are not being upheld but
rather challenged with reverse onus by the governments and their agents because of s. 24(1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its undisclosed Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court due
process established to obtain the appropriate and just remedy in the circumstances where
universality of being has been abolished.

So, the entire current system, from the due processes followed and the grounds
presented for the litigation, that resulted in the October 3, 2003 SCC decision, as well as the
refusal to cover the effects of this decision’s outcome by the mass media, is exposed from the
pure facts to be wholly and collectively corrupt especially relative to the undisclosed
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court due process based upon pure facts and obtaining the
sole appropriate and just remedy for the corruption.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

213. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the best representation of The
International Bill of Human Rights, globally, just as Canada is a microcosm of the problems
afflicting the globe: all nations agreed to uphold The International Bill of Human Rights, yet, none
of the member states, when confronted with the conflict between the universal struggle to attain
universality of being versus trade, commercial and economic considerations, refuse to abide by The
International Bill of Human Rights just like the provinces and territories of Canada which, when
confronted with the conflict between commerce, trade and economic consideration versus upholding
Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights, the provinces and territories actually put in place
Community Charters (and equivalents), Business Corporation Acts (and equivalents), TILMA and
falsely hold them up as being equal or superior to The Charter of Rights and Freedoms even though,
all the while, s. 52(1) and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms along with their
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court remain on the books but go unused due to lack of knowledge
of them by the general populace.

Exhibit “I” on file no. 81581 with the Supreme Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) - s. 44 and s. 45 of the BC administrative tribunals act - stipulates the following:

Tribunal without jurisdiction over constitutional questions

44 (1) The tribunal does not have jurisdiction over constitutional questions.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to all applications made before, on or after the date that
the subsection applies to a tribunal.

Tribunal without jurisdiction over Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms


45 (1) The tribunal does not have jurisdiction over constitutional questions relating
to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

(1.1) Subsection (1) applies to all applications made before, on or after the date
that the subsection applies to a tribunal.

On pages 0016 of the it’s Laseur and Martin v. WCB (Nova Scotia) decision, the
Supreme Court of Canada stipulated the following:

“The Charter is not some Holy Grail which only judicial initiates of the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

superior courts may touch. The Charter belongs to the people. All law

and law-makers that touch the people MUST conform to it.

Tribunals and commissions - the “quasi-judicial” bodies of this document -
charged with deciding legal issues are no exception. MANY MORE
CITIZENS have their rights determined by these tribunals than by the
courts. If the Charter is to be meaningful to ordinary people and their
lives, then it must find its expression in the decisions of these tribunals.”

S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL

Rights - determines that every law must have a Fundamental Justice Dictate to declare how the
scheme and law is upholding Everyone’s Legal Rights including our right to access INEVITABLE
new objective pure fact discoveries (The Supremacy of God) at any time to eliminate the unjust
decision and laws that permitted the injustice.

Everyone, including the Supreme Court of Canada, missed or is refusing to

acknowledge that Everyone’s Legal Rights of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms determines
that all laws and schemes must have a Fundamental Justice Dictate and legitimate objective
for being because laws create the legal sphere so all remaining legitimate laws will have a
direct Fundamental Justice Dictate or one can be found in the initial Act or else the law, its
order and its scheme is shown to be invalid, of no effect and not saved across all time!

Consequently, the quasi-judicial tribunals and institutionalized thinking, where

administrations and courts apply the provided letter of laws without considering the constitutional
validity of the outcome or the law, always were and will be unconstitutional and an affront to The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God
as well as historical Administrative Law because pure facts and the Mandate of Heaven quaintly
remain outside the scope of all institutional decisions and thoughts and ultimately conflict with “the
royal court” of quasi-judicial tribunals and courts that don’t base their decisions on the pure facts
but the false order imposed illegitimately by elected bodies - see Exhibit “J” on file no. 81581 at the
Supreme Court of British Columbia (Kelowna).

Truthfully, Legal Human Rights and their re-establishment across Canada and across
the globe from pole to pole is exposed to be fulfilled only according to s. 24(1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms which reads as follows:


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

“Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been

infringed or denied (oppression inferred) may apply to a court of competent

jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in

the circumstances.”

214. In short, MANDAMUS/Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court have been invoked

by the provincial governments all together as a unified front and all elected bodies - democracy -
(although not transparently indicted) so that legitimate invocation of s. 7, s. 1, s. 52(1)and 24(1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms in a Writ of Summons - making the court proceeding
immediately in to a Petition to the Court - will ultimately return all power to “we, the people” and
pure objective facts as the governments’ use of duplicity - claiming to uphold 2 diametrically
opposed entities, democratic civilization where the elected bodies rule through the force of the letter
of the law or THE FREE Society and The Mandate of Heaven, at the same time as though they are
one and the same, “a free and democratic society,” while using BAD FAITH with reverse onus solely
to force everyone to read and discover the differences between THE FREE Society and democracy
(duplicity) as well as discover doublespeak - will finally be exposed and the institutions’
unconstitutional administration of Canada or any nation therefore must be struck down once and for
all and forevermore!

The very existence of s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and
Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court exposes that governments know full well that their letter of
the laws and ruling through them is duplicitous as it places the entire institutional way of thinking,
that has existed for millennia, in utter conflict with pure facts and The Mandate of Heaven along
with the proper and sole means for imposing Fundamental Justice universally: Petitions/defacto
Petitions to the Court where the courts must sign off on the Order by force of the evidence provided
by and against the institutions - convicted by their own words which prove pure fact justice is being
denied in all institutional decisions where the letter of the law is placed beyond reproach or the
jurisdiction of the decision makers thereby creating institutional injustice!

Obviously, invocation of s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

through a Petition/defacto Petition to the Court also means that, when one person stands up
for his rights, that individual is standing up for the rights of all across Canada, The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms, The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and
complete abolishment of governance which must be replaced with OBJECTIVE Fundamental
Justice and objective based schemes consistent with Everyone’s Legal Rights!


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

215. To use an analogy from the poor, the governments bet the farm by going with the
economic agenda run by the establishment over THE FREE Society and enforcing everyone’s Legal
Human Rights. The economic agenda was corrupt right from the start which is proven by the
multiplier being a fraction and nobody can truly increase something through division - the
doublespeak in first year macroeconomics is exposed forevermore!

216. On October 3, 2003, the Supreme Court accepted the argument that the only reason
Ruth Laseur and Donald Martin were being denied their proper WCB benefits was because the
whole decision making scheme REFUSED to apply the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate which
demands that the WCB and the unlawful review process accept that the initially diagnosed job
injuries are clearly shown to be ongoing or remain “unresolved” or “ not healed” rather than using
the procured self serving and subjective opinions of specialists as evidence TO IGNORE and talk
around the pure fact/Truthful Reality which is that the WCB is and always has been responsible
“to resolve entirely” the job injuries diagnosed at the time or exposed in the highly relevant physical
examination: e.g. if you have suffered a wrist injury, medical knowledge now demands that you
check the soft tissue structures of the elbow and shoulder as arms function as a drive train on a car
and anything less than the demanded new physical examination is irrelevant and immaterial.

217. In other words, governments lost the argument put before the Supreme Court on
December 9, 2002, meaning that the administration of Canada was/is wrong and, as governing
through the force of the letter of the law is inconsistent with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
But, governing through the force of the letter of the law was merely partially struck down or has
remained unaltered demanding this unopposable Summary Order, formerly Peremptory Mandamus
Order, be prepared and filed, initiating MANDAMUS for all laws - i.e. reformation of all laws
based upon Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court, where the entire decision making schemes,
imposed by the government, are now demanded to be struck down to the court by those
wronged (oppressed) by the letter of the law as the evidence shows that the system is aware of
the illegitimacy of its administration of Canada - the attachments to the January 9, 2009 Writ of
Summons/defacto Petition to the Court especially Exhibit “L” on file no. 81581 with the Supreme
Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) aka WCB (Alberta) Policy 04-05 and it indicating that
everyone’s right to security of person as affirmed by The Principles of Fundamental Justice was
FORMALLY extinguished not just in Alberta on November 1, 1988, but were also acknowledged
to pre-exist across Canada when the Alberta government brought its decision making in to alignment
with that in several other jurisdictions like Nova Scotia (imposing reverse onus/BAD FAITH where
the corrupted institution had a legitimate right to exist at the expense of s. 7 and s. 52(1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms).


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

218. This reality of the administration of Canada game means that the governments are
very aware that ALL LAWS since 1982 and across all time were/are inconsistent with The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms and we, the people, have the pleasure of insuring that the new Rule of
Laws, henceforth, will be made consistent with The Charter. MANDAMUS - unopposable
Summary Orders - means that all laws can be struck down and replaced at the request of the person
being wronged (oppressed) who Petition to the Supreme/Superior Court of their jurisdiction
(formerly, Peremptory Mandamus Order to the Supreme Court of their jurisdiction) thereby striking
down the current law and stipulating the replacement law and, if the scheme cannot be made
consistent with Everyone’s Legal Rights, striking down the scheme forevermore!

So, ladies and gentlemen, everyone has the right to construct the corollary of laws
that naturally extend from The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as your governments have abstained
from doing so since April 17, 1982 when it was demanded that all laws in existence henceforth be
consistent with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and really across all time as Administrative Law
acknowledged that the kings and queens of England as well as elected bodies never had complete
authority over the letter of the law - there was always grounds for elimination of the laws when the
outcome was repudiated by pure fact/Fundamental Justice.

This reality means that we, the people, through Petitions/defacto Petitions to the
Courts have the right and duty to apply OBJECTIVE standards to assess whether the laws apply
Everyone’s universal right to “equality of being” and uphold this standard without question or
hesitation on the Court’s part or anyone’s else while the false standard of “equality of access to what
the establishment has created and illegitimately defined as ‘everyone needs’” must be eliminated as
this contention was merely a play on words which, in most cases, created divergent interests on
matters - pluralism - or an unnatural conflict which, when The Charter of Rights and Freedoms’
light is shone upon the conflict, the invalidity of the law and its decision making agencies quickly
becomes exposed as really bringing the administration of justice in to disrepute as The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms and its demands - the source of justice being Everyone’s Legal Rights and
Fundamental Justice affirming objective reality/The Mandate of Heaven - prove 100% that Canada
is being administered in a manner that disavows the authority of pure facts and illegitimately
gives authority to agendas and the current letter of laws.

219. The reason, the demanded wholesale change did not follow the SCC’s October 3,
2003 decision is because the governments couldn’t admit that their “quasi-judicial” decision making
and initial strategic decision making was put in place to circumvent The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and the arrival of The Mandate of Heaven based upon pure facts. This denial of pure facts


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

- BAD FAITH - has forced people to stand up for their INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights years after they
had been violated and others received the same corrupt treatment. In short, the monetary system was
given the chance to rape the world a little longer with the governments hoping that the prophet of
Truth, Fundamental Justice and The Mandate of Heaven - Son of Heaven - would not come along
for decades if ever.

Well, this unopposable Summary Order/Peremptory Mandamus Order/defacto

Petition to the Superior Court (file no. 81581 with the Supreme Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna) initiated January 9, 2009) proves otherwise.

220. Consequently, (just as stipulated in the March 2009 unopposable Summary Order
and supporting documents) all political parties Canada wide are to be abolished and, within 12
months, there are to be wholly new provincial, federal and city elections where there are no
further political parties and the sole objective of the elected politicians will be to uphold
everyone’s right to life, liberty and security of person as affirmed by OBJECTIVE Fundamental
Justice and pursuit of The Mandate of Heaven.

Failure to uphold the Supreme Law of Canada and have it reflected in all laws
means that not one political party has or really had any right to exist especially since not one party
spoke out against either the 2000 Financial Administration Act of Alberta or the “quasi-judicial”
bodies/institutionalized thinking which are illegitimately prohibited from using Charter Arguments
to correct the inherent injustice in the initial decision of the government as well as the unjust law
regardless of the demands of the SCC as based on The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s. 52(1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

221. Therefore, the responsibility to create the laws that administer Fundamental
Justice in all aspects of our lives and establishes THE FREE Society lies with the people as the
governments with political parties have shown that they cannot be trusted to stand up for
Everyone’s Legal Rights over all other considerations.

Question: Name the royal commission whose responsibility it was to make all historical Acts and

federal, provincial and municipal government agencies “consistent with the Legal Rights

of everyone UNIVERSALLY and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms”?

Oh, that’s right, this undertaking never occurred which the Supreme Court of

Canada affirmed in s. 35 of its October 3, 2003 decision, therefore, it is a trick



Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

222. In the economic civilization imposed by governments of today (2008-9), you cannot
love your fellow man because all things have been made in to a function of cost benefit analysis and
the risk assessment of how much intolerance and indifference from their governments can the people
sustain and have maintained in their daily lives before they turn on the governments and the
establishment demanding the returning to the “lost” FREE Society.

223. From 1917-1990, the capitalist mind set had a natural distraction to their lack of
respect for mankind within North America. That “evil” was “communism” and, with conflict in
play, you either were for capitalism - the American way - or for its evil counterpart even though this
assessment had/has no legitimacy but it was and, in some instances, still is in play.

When the alleged “evil” passed away, it meant that what everyone ended up living
in was the apparent lesser of the 2 historic evils and not a world built around Right as right never
has conflict with It other than those who will not abide by Truth. (Living with the reality of
Right and Truth means that there is only 1 standard and any and all other standards simply are not
acceptable because, as they are not part of the objective singular Right standard, they, by definition,
have to be wrong!)

224. With the distraction of conflict with “capitalism” being gone since 1989, the lack
of Charter protections for Everyone’s Legal Human Rights in the laws, as exposed by the provinces,
makes the sole choices for everyone’s mind sets crystal clear: you either accept and are devoted to
the mind set maintained by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms along with everyone’s universality
of being Legal Rights and The Mandate of Heaven or else you are devoted to an untruth that has no
right to exist as it runs contrary to the mind set of the Supreme Law of Canada - The Charter.

S. 44 and s. 45 of the BC Provincial Administrative Tribunals’ Act (Exhibit “I”)

makes it clear that not one of our governments accepts and is devoted to The Charter as every
provincial government is still using “quasi-judicial” bodies and the imposed institutionalized
thinking to circumvent everyone’s Legal Human Rights thereby facilitating the ruling of
Canadians according to financial considerations even though this agenda was struck down by the
SCC in its October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. WCB (Nova Scotia) decision and it contravenes
the pursuit of THE FREE Society!

225. The fact that the appeals commission for the WCB (Alberta) and the Alberta
Ombudsman’s Office abstained from doing Right on Mr. E. J. Krass’ complaint, supported by
pure facts and Fundamental Justice - the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate - which meant
re-instating his WCB claim as the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate had been met meaning that
Mr. E. J. Krass’ job injuries were objectively proven to be ongoing, demonstrates that the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

administration of Canada is now based upon governments having declared their letters of the law
to be beyond reproach unless the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa does not accept the
governments arguments before it even though the whole institutionalized thinking process and due
court process, where the letter of the law is to be upheld by both the Superior and Appellant courts
in all jurisdictions, violates s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its acceptance of reality -
Fundamental Justice - for the foundation of all laws as well as s. 52(1) and s. 24(1) of The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms along with their Petitions/defacto Petition to the Courts due process where
the courts must sign off on the Order because the words of the governments affirm that The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms is knowingly not being upheld by the letter of the laws.

226. However, the current WCB (Alberta) Policy 04-05 (Exhibit “L” on file no. 81581
with the Supreme Court of British Columbia) makes it crystal clear that not only is the WCB
(Alberta) and WCB across Canada being run contrary to its true original objectives, i.e. accept
readily and cure the job injuries when possible whenever that may be, and make work not injure,
maim and prematurely kill all workers but also the Alberta government, through its current laws,
have unconstitutionally and without the proper authority prohibited Everyone’s Legal Rights
from being invoked and legitimately accepted as being the defining standard for decision making
throughout the current governmental decision and review processes, including the lower courts
decisions, making this whole administrative/judicial/reverse onus/BAD FAITH process completely
UNCONSTITUTIONAL which also invalidates the current administration of not just Alberta but
also of all other provinces and territories as this same unlawful administration model and its inherent
and unconstitutional reverse onus “strategic” decision making is presently employed across Canada!

This is unacceptable because the failure of this system of administration is that it

demands either The Charter must be abolished or all laws, consistent with The Charter’s demands,
must now be forcefully imposed by those whose rights have been denied and is being oppressed so
that the mind set maintained by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms finally is released in to the
general populace even though it was generally envisioned decades ago, that the laws would be
amended through governmental processes rather than have everyone enter in to conflict with our
elected bodies over the wording of the laws and the objectives of the agencies created - the game!

227. Corruption, i.e. refusing to do Right as supported by pure facts/Fundamental

Justice from the governmental agencies, is not grounds for further harm being done to any
person and unlawful denial of the illegitimacy of the entire governance of Canada at this point!

Even though the objective evidence, in Mr. E. J. Krass’ file and the 5 others
mentioned directly affirms that the WCB’s Fundamental Justice Dictate has been met in the 6 WCB


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

cases presented in this unopposable Summary Order and its affidavits/Peremptory Mandamus Order
and the MANDAMUS Evidence Package from across Canada, it is the governments and their agents
through violation of Truth and Fundamental Justice that have implied - not directly alleged - that
ALL the legitimate longstanding job injured historically are fundamentally liars, thieves and cheats
with the application of reverse onus, though: basically, the state is living off the false principle
that it cannot be wrong in this you v. us scenario unless you prove everything beyond reproach
and in a Petition/defacto Petition to the Court which nobody knows about because this legal
process is not discussed.

228. Sadly, it is the biggest liars, thieves and cheats ever created - the current political
party government system and their agencies which exercise discretion over objectivity - that have
broken every Rule of Evidence and cherry picked the repudiated “subjective evidence” from every
case simply to support an incorrect and self serving decision that abstained from providing Truth and
Fundamental Justice in all long term job injured cases even though the cure for several of the
correlated cases is NOW known but is still being withheld as the system has been contrary and
corrupt for so long, doing Right no longer is as an option due to the fear of the consequences -
reformation that will eliminate cost benefit analysis and risk assessment and rulers forever!

229. Mr. E. J. Krass, the petitioner on file no. 81581 at the Supreme Court of British
Columbia in Kelowna, is not asking anyone to believe him just believe the Truth while The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God demand that everyone look at the
evidence as well as believe what your eyes are seeing in the objective evidence and the engineering
principles - upon review of the attached centripetal mechanics image, the hinge image and the
mature, healthy and kinetic elbow x-ray imagery, the self evident Truth will emerge that the
radiocapitellar joint is UNDENIABLY the primary joint of the elbow and that, when mature,
healthy and kinetic, the lateral ligaments of the radiocapitellar joint are load bearing as dictated
by the centripetal mechanics wheel and affirmed by the tensile strength test performed at the Mayo
Clinic in October 1991 (excerpted from the March 4, 2009 Summary Motion Affidavit s. 147) - plus
the description of illegitimacy put on paper by the appeals commission for the WCB (Alberta) on
January 31, 2000 (Exhibit “K” on file no. 81581 at the Supreme Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna)) along with WCB (Alberta) Policy 04-05 (Exhibit “L” on file no. 81581 at the Supreme
Court of British Columbia (Kelowna)) as well as s. 44 and s. 45 of the British Columbia
administrative tribunals act (Exhibit “I” on file no. 81581 at the Supreme Court of British Columbia
(Kelowna)): the attachments to the Writ of Summons/defacto Petition to the Court at the Supreme
Court of British Columbia file no. 81581 are best accessed online at the following:


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine


230. Beyond the massive and legitimately researched reforms presented in the January
4, 2009 Writ of Summons/defacto Petitions to the Court, the March 4, 2009 unopposable Summary
Order and this Unopposable Summary Order/Petition to the Court (formerly Peremptory Mandamus
Order), it must be re-iterated that all persons whose WCB Claims across Canada were referenced,
Roy Chupa, Ruth Laseur, Donald Martin, Scott McCluskey, Jane Doe Alberta and E. J. Krass,
must have our WCB claims re-instated summarily as the pure facts establish, according to the
original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act that the known job injuries from these individuals are
obviously ongoing and the governments have been vigorously and dishonestly refusing to allo
acknowledgment of the pure fact as well as confine its decisions for WCB responsibility to this
simple Truth on each individual claim just as in millions more WCB claim cases across time.

231. It is a matter of public record that most don’t know of the mean spirited running of
their provinces because nobody from the opposition political parties and the mass media ever
informed the general public of the oppression having to be imposed and resulting from the pursuit
of wealth corrupt decision making process imposed by the governments in their Act(s) nor of the
October 3, 2003 SCC decision and its ramifications - elected bodies do not have the right to produce
laws that oppress everyone which is affirmed by the simple self evident Truth/simpliciter and s.
52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

232. Mr. E. J. Krass, defacto Petitioner, also knows that the ground swell of support once
this gets out will be tremendous because nobody has been told that their relatively affluent lifestyles
were generated off of the long term pain and suffering of the job injured being forced “to exist”
without their right to be cured of their job injuries (a function of Everyone’s Legal Rights and
specifically everyone’s right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice) which the
WCB knows is occurring and has been ongoing for decades but the WCB has been ordered to talk
around this objective Truth so as to protect the WCB’s Accident Fund from its legitimately
mandated responsibilities of 1913 as well as deny rather than pro-actively maintain objectively
formulated labour standards based on Fundamental Justice.

233. Everyone has yet to experience the Canada which is administered according to The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Workers’ Compensation Board run with the process of
elimination where the job injuries and correlation of them are the only means of defining the
outcome of the WCB claim decision and which are objectively and simply shown to have been
“resolved entirely” or ongoing rather than have subjective opinions from academics applied using


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

probabilities rather than Truth and certainty to end the claims and establish the validity of the pro-
actively enforced ergonomic labour codes based on cause-and-effect and the process of elimination.

The sole objective of the process of elimination, that was attached to the Workers’

Compensation Board in Canada in 1913, was, unknowingly to the general public,

to discover the singular lifestyle that the mature, healthy and kinetic human body

is capable of living with, in perpetuity and without pain, while also protecting the

purity of the water, air, land and food chain because, without these ingredients, the

human body will never survive thereby establishing objectively the link between

environmental protection and everyone’s right to security of person.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Completion of the January 9, 2009 and March 4, 2009 defacto Petition to the Court

1. What is to follow are the 4 primary laws that extend from The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms, The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God
where the rule of the laws is THE FREE Society based upon self evident Truth/pure
objective facts/simpliciter/Fundamental Justice/natural order thereby abolishing democracy
and the intended duplicity of s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms once and for all!
Without the governments of the day using doublespeak to occlude the fact that THE FREE
Society and democracy are diametrically opposed so only THE FREE Society based upon
pure facts which are indisputable is the sole and ultimate standard for Canada and the world
which will be all that is to remain once s. 7, s. 24(1) and s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms are applied in unison with the Charter’s Preamble where it was announced
that Canada is founded upon the principles that recognize The Supremacy of God and the
rule of law - not elected bodies ruling through the letter of their laws just as the kings and
queens did preceding democracy but where the rule of law is based upon simpliciter/pure
facts - The Mandate of Heaven.

2. All laws that infringe upon the pursuit of THE FREE Society even those
established by democracy are invalid, of no effect and not saved forevermore.


3. The following are hidden Truth that make the democratic civilization

redundant forevermore!

- the mature, healthy and kinetic body standards do not become reality in

everyone’s person until our mid-20's!

- in Truth, there are only 2 human body standards: the mature, healthy and

kinetic standards versus those imposed by mankind where dyskinesis is

the vast majority of existence that is perpetuated through ignorance and

legacy usage of the human body to produce products for the civilization

- Pain is the human body’s mechanism for informing everyone that its


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

threshold for kinetic and healthy body functionality has been breached

and has not been restored unbeknownst to the consulting medical

specialists: pain is not as the administrations and institutions have

unlawfully imposed which is that pain is something to be “controlled” in

daily living rather than its root condition discovered and removed

appropriately so that the person, afflicted with chronic pain, is relieved

of this condition and dyskinesis

- our understanding of gravity and mechanical engineering and reverse

engineering has grown exponentially since the 1950's making much of

what the masses know and was grand-fathered in to be redundant and


- inventions or innovations are truly inevitable discovery of the Truth

based FREE Society that exists beyond mankind’s current knowledge


- inevitable discovery has the ability to quash all other unnatural concepts

created by the elites of mankind for generations and replacing it with the

Truth based FREE Society where doing no harm is also an institutional

matter addressed with striking down current unconstitutional laws and

replacing only those laws and schemes that are consistent with

simpliciter/self evident Truth derived from pure objective facts/The

Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God where

God is accepted as being fact beyond the current knowledge bases that

makes these knowledge bases and current due process redundant!

- s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms establishes that those

oppressed through denial of pure facts and their simpliciter/Fundamental

Justice outcomes through the illegitimate abuse of the force of law by the

authors of the laws have the absolute right with Petitions/defacto

Petitions to the Court to rewrite the law and scheme based upon universal


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

objectives like making work not injury, maim or prematurely kill all


- s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms demands that no laws are

to exist which infringe upon s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms -

Everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights as laws create the legal world

and all laws therefore must uphold s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms for the law and scheme to be consistent with The Charter

- the Progressive Conservative movement of 1910-1914 in Canada

established proper objective based laws that must be re-instated today

over the corrupted current laws where the elected bodies and the political

parties have abolished the objectives of the original laws and schemes

with laws upholding agendas while the “experts”/academics work within

the letter of these laws to circumvent Fundamental Justice while

receiving wonderful cash incentives for having argued an illegitimate

point or presented papers to that effect

4. Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the most reflective of the

authority of THE FREE Society over democracy across the globe because s. 7 of The

Charter of Rights and Freedoms reads as follows:

“7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right

not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of Fundamental


Therefore, Everyone has the right to life and liberty establishes the

right to self-determination for everyone.

Everyone has the right to security of person establishes the right

to provide thoroughly informed consent whereby no individual nor institution has


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the right to force or mislead the other party to do anything for some form of

compensation when the original individual or institution knows full well that doing

as demanded will eventually do harm to the person performing the activity.

Everyone has the right not to be deprived of the right to life, liberty

and security of person except in accordance with The Principles of Fundamental

Justice, which can also be read as everyone has the right to life, liberty and security

of person as affirmed by The Principles of Fundamental Justice, determines that all

pure fact outcomes/simpliciter/Fundamental Justice outcomes cannot be withheld

from anyone even by force of the letter of the laws provided by the elected bodies

plus, in instances where this oppression/suppression of Truth/reverse onus/BAD

FAITH is established, everyone has the right to petition the Courts to have not only

the Fundamental Justice outcome in that instance signed off on by the superior

court but also the oppression based on reverse onus and breaching The Principles

of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God (BAD FAITH) is grounds for

dismissal of the law and scheme when a Fundamental Justice Dictate imposing

universality of being cannot be established and The Principles of Fundamental

Justice and The Supremacy of God demand that the superior/supreme court (first

level of the federal judiciary) must sign off on the demand as presented by a

Petitioner of the oppressed due to s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

because that is the sole just and appropriate remedy in the circumstances!


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

The 4 Primary Laws that extend from The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Re-instatement of the 1912 Juvenile Act

1. The objective of the original Juvenile Act was to prevent personal harm occurring
to the children from work.

2. Furthermore, the original Juvenile Act’s other objective was to insure that all
children universally would be allowed to live and attain full maturity of their bodies. The pure facts
of the past 60 years have established that the human body does not mature to its proper kinetic state
until its mid-20's - the joints take much longer to mature than originally thought which is proven both
by x-ray films as well as forensic examination of bones - forensic osteology.

3. Thus, simple re-instatement of the original 1912 Juvenile Act is not possible and the
age limit for juveniles within the human body spectrum of youth and adult must be amended
according to the pure facts.

Constitutional Reality

1. Will re-instatement of the original Canadian Juvenile Act with amendment of the

ages of maturity to everyone’s mid-20's in Canada infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL

Rights, The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and the pursuit of THE

FREE Society along with s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


2. Therefore, it found that there can be no opposition to the demand that the original
Juvenile Act be re-instated with the age of maturity amended to everyone’s mid-20's.

Re-instatement of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act

1. The original Workers’ Compensation Act’s objective was to make work not injure,
maim and prematurely kill the remaining workers.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

2. The Workers’ Compensation Board was to be administered by a “neutral” agency

having exclusive jurisdiction over matters arising out of the enabling legislation including labour
standards and pro-active enforcement of them!

3. To repeat a fact, pain is the mature, healthy and kinetic body’s mechanism for telling
everyone that its threshold for proper functionality has been breached and pain does not need to
remain but be known to have occurred suddenly and sharply to denote dyskinesis has been initiated.

4. In the lead up to the drafting of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act, Sir
William Meredith discovered that it was patently obvious that work was injuring, maiming and
prematurely killing all workers. Consequently, the original Workers’ Compensation Act contained
a legitimate Presumption Clause to which all businesses agreed and this Presumption Section read
as follows:

Workers’ Compensation Act (Saskatchewan)

Presumed out of and in course of employment

29 Where an injury to a worker arises out of his employment, it is presumed

that it occurred in the course of his employment and, where the injury

occurred in the course of his employment, it is presumed that it arose out of

his employment.

1979, c.W-17.1, s.29.

5. Everyone’s right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice demands

that the WCB’s Accident Fund pay all WCB benefits until the job injuries are proven objectively
to have been “resolved entirely,” i.e. the injuries were caused by work due to it not having been
brought in to alignment with Truth based ergonomic labour standards, therefore, there is no grounds
for crying poverty - work caused the injuries, therefore, the WCB’s Accident Fund must pay to
insure the cure is provided whenever it becomes known!

6. This point was reflected in the 3rd paragraph on page 42 of the Supreme Court of
Canada’s October 3, 2003 decision where the evidence provided by the WCB (Nova Scotia)
stipulated the following:


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

“...pain supported by significant, objective, physical findings at the site of

the injury which indicate that the injury has not healed.”

7. In short, either a job injury is established to be cured or it is not and this finding
must be correlated to all other similar job injuries across Canada - no exceptions!

Constitutional Reality

1. Does re-instating the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act verbatim as a

wholly national agency infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights, The Principles of

Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and the pursuit of THE FREE Society along with

s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


2. Therefore, it found that there can be no opposition to the demand that the original
1913 Workers’ Compensation Act be re-instated as a wholly federal agency that is completely
independent with the right to pro-actively enforce Truth based ergonomic labour standards and with
the primary objective of the new national WCB being to make work not injure, maim nor
prematurely kill any and all workers in short shrift because most of the compilation work for the job
injuries has been done but not made general public knowledge!

Re-instatement of the national Education Act that complemented the original Juvenile Act

1. S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Everyone’s Legal Rights - declares that
everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person as affirmed by The Principles of
Fundamental Justice. This section of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms instills in everyone the
right to self determination and the right to provide informed consent.

2. When a person does not have the means to comprehend fully, on an individual basis,
what is presented in the laws or the pure facts and whether or not the laws conflict with the pure
objective facts, then, reverse onus can be and has been implemented very effectively in violation of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

3. Such was the case when the economy, commerce and taxation were imposed
following World War I. This corruption of thought due to the ignorance of the general population
has remained in place and has been strengthened since then in defiance of Everyone’s Legal Rights
and the obligation of governments to be completely honest in its application of the Rules of Evidence
- The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God.

4. In the 1960's and 1970's, universal and free education nearly toppled states globally
because it provided everyone in the developed world with the right to comprehend Truth and
establish that, with Truth, comes THE FREE Society of equals which isn’t an ideal but the sole
reality to which everything will migrate as established by natural order!

5. With pure facts that repudiate the subjective opinions and the legal outcome, the
system and its institutions are exposed to be corrupt as The Principles of Fundamental Justice
demand that pure facts are all that are or will be needed to force change not only in the outcome but
in the laws which facilitated the oppression of everyone and the suppression of the Truth - the
appropriate and just REMEDY in the circumstances.

6. So, if the youth - Juveniles - are not provided with universal and free education
through their mid-20's, then, how are they going to provide legitimate “informed consent” as well
as stand up for their rights with reverse onus now being exposed to be ongoing today and across all
time where governance exists - the existence of s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms does
that quite well!

Constitutional Reality

1. Does re-instating the original Education Act/Schools Acts with national standards

and amending it to insure that the universal and free education is maintained through everyone’s

mid-20's infringe upon everyone’s INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights, The Principles of Fundamental

Justice and The Supremacy of God and the pursuit of THE FREE Society along with s. 52(1) of The

Charter of Rights and Freedoms?



Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

2. Therefore, it found that there can be no opposition to the demand that the original
1912 Education/Schools Act be re-instated as a wholly federal agency that is completely independent
and whose sole objective is to provide the youth with the ability to provide “informed consent” in
their adult years as well as understand and comply with the process of elimination based upon doing
no harm nor letting the known harm be continued through the letter of the laws passed by the elected
The Truth and its singular reality shall set everyone free from civilization and
rulership, through force of the provided letter of the laws, as well as create THE FREE Society
built around everyone not just doing Right but thinking only of doing Right always!

The Proper Environmental Protection Act

1. Canada is a very unique jurisdiction as it has a very weak Environmental Protection

Act and very limited protection for bio-diversity. The new Environmental Protection Law will
replace these laws and make it much tougher for companies to fowl the earth, air and water while
killing off species globally and tainting the food chain.

2. The basis for further continuation or introduction of “inventions” will be the

standard of the system having to prove (“demonstrably justify”) that there is no harm being done
either directly to any person or indirectly from the pollution being taken in to any person through
the tainted food chain.

Had this do no harm standard been maintained, global trade would not have grown
without legitimacy as precipitously as it has over the past 50 years with its detrimental effects
growing yearly and remaining off the books and beyond the calculations of trade, commerce and
economics. For example: the Great Lakes and its natural species are now threatened by invasive
species that resulted from global trade; the Mediterranean Sea’s floor is being consumed by an
invasive underwater weed/grass that threatens the whole region’s bio-diversity which arose again
from global trade and companies flaunting the laws of environmental protection; the fowl population
is regularly devastated off the east coast of North America from ships unrepentantly dumping their
bilge tanks just off shore rather than in port in order to save money; the Galapagos Archipelago is
under extreme threat from the effects of global trade as supplies for maintained human existence on
the islands, which did not exist there before, is now being brought to the islands along with invasive
species; global trade is devastating all fish stocks; while, off the coast of British Columbia, fish
“farms” are negatively affecting the native fish stocks in their most vulnerable stages; and the list
goes on and on because forcing all industry to show that it is doing no harm to the environment and


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

everyone through the food chain or breathing or consuming the toxins has been removed from
environmental protection in order to facilitate illegitimately economic progress with absolutely no
respect being imposed for Everyone’s Legal Rights.

3. The mature, healthy and kinetic human body demands to have clean air, water and
land and food from the sea, land and air. Failure to maintain the natural environment as it was is an
utter contravention of everyone’s right to security of person as affirmed by The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and not letting the known harm continue in order to keep the false economic
agenda going through applying reverse onus/BAD FAITH, i.e. everyone must prove that the harm
has been done (after the fact) in a court before the state will acknowledge the Truth that they know
about but are unwilling to stop because doing as demanded by The Principles of Fundamental
Justice means exposing that the economic order exists in utter contravention of natural order.

4. The greatest defect in the push of the global economy and global trade is the
imposition of it while eliminating the do no harm standard and where products banned here (Canada)
or in the developed world are still produced and used elsewhere: e.g. the chemical DDT, although
banned in the developed world, is still used throughout the developing world and this chemical is
still being found in the egg shells of the birds of the Far North and the Antarctic.

5. But, the developed nations are horrific examples of the do no harm and let not the
known harm befall others standard because 1st , 2nd and 3rd hand smoking is known to be doing harm
to everyone just as is the production of tobacco which even the companies have admitted, yet,
cigarettes are still being manufactured and sold in the developed world. The example here is do as
I say but not as I do for the developing world which explains the proliferation of smoking in the
developing world to the detriment of the doing no harm and let not the known harm befall others

6. An example of corruption of public knowledge is the electrical grid. According to

the numbers and equations, it is far better to make every country home independent with geothermal,
small wind and solar power and the grid lines to these homes being eliminated completely because
it only takes a few kilowatts to run a house with its fridge, stove, washer, dryer, computers, etc. and
it takes more chemicals, repairs to the grid and production of electricity at a major source like a dam
or nuclear plant that needs to be built than it is truly worth! But, the government won’t tell anyone
of the reality that everyone can have an independent electrically supplied homes without the need
of the grid because then the Site C dam on the Peace River or the planned nuclear power generator
by Peace River and Fort McMurray will be seen as unnecessary as the power from the released
country homes will more than make up for these billion dollar projects whose financing is built upon


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

massive profits for the bankers.

7. Flaring of toxic byproducts of the oil and gas industries are a subsidy for the big
economies of the world that have a massive negative effect on the people and environment where
the gas and oil originates. This is a known fact as Germany’s reduction in coal burning in the 1990's
which was replaced with natural gas resulted in Norway’s pollution and greenhouse gas emission
to spike just as much as the reduction in Germany’s emissions. Equally, Chicago and Illinois’ switch
to natural gas over the past decade from coal burning power generation has resulted in the air in the
Peace River country becoming tainted especially at night with detrimental effects on the wildlife and
all persons living in the area.

But, because the flaring is historical, little has been done to correct and eliminate
the pollution even though flaring in the oil and gas sectors is known to do harm directly as well as
indirectly to the people living in the areas of oil and gas production and the environment there.

This is not Right and the flaring must be stopped and replaced with capture of the
toxins which probably is known by now and can be put in place immediately or over 6 to 8 months
given that each well has to be retrofitted and there are tens of thousands of wells waiting to be finally
brought in to compliance with doing no harm to the security of person as well as the environment
which directly impacts upon everyone’s security of person as people eat the farmed goods exposed
to the pollution which taints all local food products for no legitimate reason in this day and age.

Constitutional Reality

1. Does implementing a new Environmental Protection Act with national standards

based upon business having to prove that their products and production of them do no harm to

anyone’s person and the environment in which everyone lives infringe upon everyone’s

INALIENABLE LEGAL Rights, The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God

and the pursuit of THE FREE Society along with s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


2. Therefore, it found that there can be no opposition to the demand that a new national
Environmental Protection be drawn up which will produce a federal agency that is completely


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

independent and which will have exclusive jurisdiction over all matters arising from the enabling
legislation and whose objective will be to insure that any and all products and their production does
no harm to any person or the environment at large. The burden for all business is to demonstrably
justify that their products and their production in no way does harm to any person directly and
indirectly through the environment because security of person as affirmed by The Principles of
Fundamental Justice demands that the human body have clean water, air, land and food so as to
foster the mature, healthy and kinetic human body’s standards: the environment is intrinsically
linked to health and no government has the right to set production standards that allow goods to be
“slightly tainted” because a single instance of exposure at a certain level may not kill anyone but
repetitive exposure will cause long term damage to everyone’s person or cause death which has been
shown but kept out of general public knowledge.
3. When objective facts are kept from everyone, there can be no informed
consent. So, all governments must provide full disclosure of the objective facts and not subjective
opinions or weighing of opinions - court proceedings.
4. The Truth and its singular reality shall set everyone free from civilization and
rulership, through force of the provided letter of the laws, as well as create THE FREE Society
built around everyone not just doing Right but thinking only of doing Right always!

5. THE FREE Society based on Truth and the mature, healthy and kinetic human body
are not fables or legends: these things are realities that everyone and every institution was/is
supposed to be pursuing over all other agendas that contradict their existence especially the pursuit
of wealth.

6. By imposing the pursuit of wealth agenda through reverse onus and BAD FAITH -
the complete contravention of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God
and Fundamental Justice outcomes for everyone universally based on pure objective facts,
governments eliminated reality from everyone’s decision making and mind set as well as Truth in
institutionalized decision making while unilaterally creating the position of The Son of Heaven
where those knowing the Truth that lies beyond the world, created by the letter of the laws being
illegitimately deemed beyond reproach, have to discover Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Courts
due process and enforce the Truth based laws of THE FREE Society through the invocation of The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms because elected bodies and elections are a contradiction of THE FREE Society and God
where there is more to existence than that presented in the letter of the laws and decisions derived
from them.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

7. Christians are supposed to be guided by the words attributed to Jesus Christ where
He stated:

“Do unto others as you would have done unto others.”

Muslims are supposed to be guided by the words of Mohammed where He stated:

“To kill one man is to kill everyone; to do harm to one man is to do harm to every man.”

The words of Lao-Tzu stipulate:

Because the sage follows Tao, his emotions do no harm;

It is not that they lose their power

But that they do not hurt others;

Because they do not hurt others

He does not hurt others:

Because his emotions do no harm,

All his relations with people are loving.

In other words, when everyone believes and accepts doing Right all else, which is
wrong, becomes irrelevant and immaterial and, then, it follows that THE FREE Society will emerge
because everyone will benefit from doing Right to others as doing no harm will be all that remains.

The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God, The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms, s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms/Habeas Corpus and The
International Bill of Human Rights demand that no harm is to be done to the person of another while
letting the known harm befall others is unconscionable, reverse onus/BAD FAITH and completely

8. According to Truth, something is consistent with something else - s. 52(1) of The

Charter of Rights and Freedoms - while the negative to this reality is, when something is


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

inconsistent with something else, it truly contradicts the original something which is far worse than
being “inconsistent.”

According to Truth, there is always something in place and either that is Truth
based/pure fact supported outcomes/simpliciter or what is in place is a contradiction of the Truth
based/pure fact/Fundamental Justice outcomes which makes what is in place a lie that has been
dishonestly imposed by rulers in contravention of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God.

Exhibits “G” through “L” (Attachments to the January 9, 2009 defacto Petition to
the Court - Writ of Summons) from the governments make it quite clear that the January 9, 2009
Writ of Summons, March 4, 2009 unopposable Summary Order and this unopposable Summary
Order must be signed off by the Supreme Court of British Columbia forthwith and without hesitation
because this evidence establishes that the governments and political parties are fully aware that the
current civilization is based upon corruption/reverse onus/BAD FAITH where the pure and objective
facts based reality remains beyond the institutionalized decision making and the laws just because
the system wants it that way so that Heaven can send an agent to overthrow the corrupt and replace
the corruption: i.e. produce the 4 primary laws of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms that upholds
doing no harm and not letting the known harm befall others because the laws have not been
corrected - either struck down and not replaced or struck down and replaced with the properly
constructed law for the schemes that are consistent with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
specifically s. 7 of The Charter - Everyone’s Legal Rights.

9. S. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms specifically stipulates that any

infringement of Everyone’s Legal Rights and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God must be demonstrably justified ultimately by objective evidence supporting the
scheme, laws and decisions to date - no law nor scheme historically is “beyond reproach” going
forward and those decisions. that fly in the face of reality, Truth and THE FREE Society, establish
that the laws and application of them are repudiated by Fundamental Justice making them wholly
inconsistent with s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, invalid, of no effect and
potentially not saved if a Fundamental Justice Dictate upholding objectively supported Truth and
Everyone’s Legal Rights - universality of being - cannot be found in the historical laws that have
been amended thereby making the scheme unconstitutional and illegitimate.

Consequently, the 4 Primary laws, published in this Order: the original Workers’
Compensation Act; the Juvenile Act - amended to uphold the fact that the human body does attain


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

its mature, healthy and kinetic standards until our mid-20's, the Education Act/Schools Act - amended
to make education through to everyone’s mid-20's standard and at paces that everyone can learn the
process of elimination; plus the new Environmental Protection Act - established to insure that the
air, water, soil and food chain are not to be contaminated so that existing on this planet does no harm
to the mature, healthy and kinetic human body standard, are to be enacted forthwith and to be
maintained as originally written and intended so that THE LOST FREE Society can be released from
the duplicity of the Charter term “a free and democratic society” which can never exist because THE
FREE Society and the democratic civilization are diametrically opposed to each other meaning that
the functioning of Canada since its inception and across all time has been corrupt - more so by the
invaders of 1492 than the Native North Americans who lived with and according to nature unlike
the economy based civilization that gradually took over and abolished local land supporting those
living there forevermore.

10. As these 4 Primary Laws of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The
International Bill of Human Rights uphold fully the universal right of being, there can be no other
laws nor political agendas that override them in any way, shape or form - forevermore - end of

11. You know that a person is Right and the government is lying to you and everyone

when s. 7, s. 52(1), s.1 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms indicate that there is

another due process that is not being talked about and, upon reviewing of the forms for the Supreme

Court of all jurisdictions (the superior court or first level of Federal Court), you discover sc_form

3 - Petition to the Court and, because the Writ of Summons’ first section indicates that the basis for

an individual’s the legal proceedings is s. 7, s. 52(1), s. 1 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms, those proceedings immediately became a defacto Petition to the Court which is more

powerful that a Petition to the Court because the petitioner has to have discovered the hidden court

proceedings that are based upon pure fact/simpliciter and the letters of The Charter of Right and

Freedoms and Administrative Law that demonstrably justify how The Charter must be applied in

Petitions to the Court based upon s. 7, s. 52(1) and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.-

the courts read the state’s evidence as presented in their passed Acts and the words of the decisions

relative to the Fundamental Justice Dictate and, when the evidence is as overwhelming as Mr. E.

J. Krass has compiled for all of Canada, the superior court/first and decision making level of the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

federal courts accepts the findings based upon Everyone’s Legal Rights and signs off on the Order

without comment, hearing or judgement while the signing off on the Order indicates complete

acceptance that the Order is the appropriate and just REMEDY in the circumstances.

Furthermore, the Preamble for The Charter of Rights and Freedoms can also now

be shown to be ripe with doublespeak because Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the

Supremacy of God and the rule of law. There is that pesky “and” between possibly 2 diametrically

opposed entities where the governments see it as an “or” giving them the authority to rule, like kings

and queens of old, through the force of the letter of the law just like in the olden days and s. 24(1)

of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the means for those oppressed/denied their Legal Rights

to expose and cast off the duplicity of governance forevermore - end of discussion.

13. The world, unbeknownst to everyone and with the filing of the January 9, 2009
defacto Petition to the Court along with its March 4, 2009 and this Order, is at its most seminal
moment: the court of competent jurisdiction has no authority to deny The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms, The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God's and the appropriate
and just remedy in the circumstances that the government put upon everyone to discover inevitably
through the illegitimate application of reverse onus (BAD FAITH) that contravenes The Principles
of Fundamental Justice which demand that all processes uphold the Truth and its establishment of
the global FREE Society. Reverse Onus and the BAD FAITH from which it arose has resulted in the
complete corruption of the system and mind set where governments with their laws can and most
often do differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction due solely to the lack of application of habeas corpus
- Everyone's Legal Rights - being universal as demanded by s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and the reality that laws create the legal realm determining that every law must have a
Fundamental Justice Dictate to be valid everywhere or nowhere!

14. Currently, the global is dominated by nations with their own interpretation for what
the laws must uphold and so the world only knows of nations being the new false gods with the
pursuit of wealth being the standards for governance - see the stock exchange for Iraq or what is
happening in Afghanistan.

15. In the developed world, the differing sides to the pursuit of wealth is the
conservatives who support wholly the establishment of the economy and trade where the rich get
richer and all others get poorer as trickle down economics, having been exposed as being unjust,


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

simply means that what the wealthy and rulers want to give up is all that the have-nots receive
forevermore: for all its wealth, why are there soup kitchens, homelessness, the job injured living
with their parents or on the land in tents and makeshift shelters? While on the other side of the
pursuit of wealth standards stand the democrats who contend wrongly that everyone has the right to
pursue wealth by earning a living: the problems with this scheme are that work injures, maims and
prematurely kills everyone and that fact has been known for a full century plus everyone is born free,
has the right to live free (the right to self determination) and the right provide “informed consent”
where the governments tell the whole Truth and not half truths which are really lies and everyone
is universally educated to understand all information and apply the process of elimination to arrive
at the Truth just like everyone else.

(Before Petitions to the Courts were established in Canada, the WCB fully accepted
that no decision by it or any other scheme’s agent was final, binding or conclusive because new
evidence policies made the application of these standards impossible especially if the new evidence
forced the WCB or the scheme’s agent to bring forth illegitimately discarded pure facts like a known
diagnosis. The result creates a reversal of denial of the Truth forevermore and results in an
administrative report acknowledging the correction and immediate re-instatement of the WCB claim
while this evidence is supposed to apply universally because pure facts are the same for everyone
not on a piecemeal basis where one person gets accepted for overuse syndrome while the next person
and all others must once again fight to gain acceptance of the Truth. Unfortunately, that is exactly
what is ongoing across Canada in defiance of The Principles of Fundamental Justice which prohibit
the lack of universality of being in all institutions, their decision making and the laws of the scheme!)

Both of the differing sides to the pursuit of wealth coin - the republican and
democrat - sound “good” to the ignorant but are an out and out affront to everyone's right to life,
liberty and security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and The Principles of
Fundamental Justice because the system must be honest and Truthful when upholding the old
systems in light of new objective evidence.

So, the conservatives are wrong because the old system is built around an hierarchy
which is impossible to dislodge with Truth: just look at Galileo, Sir Thomas More, Sir Isaac
Newton, Einstein, Ohm, etc. where the objective Truth (pure facts) supported not just the inevitable
discoveries but also the reality that came with the discoveries - The Mandate of Heaven. Also, the
democrats are wrong because, work should never have been imposed since 1946 over every other
consideration that repudiates this standard’s continued existence especially the reality that work
injures, maims and prematurely kills all the workers explaining the mass amount of sickness today


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

in the industrial world and these illnesses following to the workers of the developing nations.

As is patently obvious, in a “good versus evil” conflict, the real Truth, when
inevitably discovered, destroys the whole conflict because Truth was never part of either argument
and its discovery ultimately discredits both “good” and “evil” alike. This is the power of inevitable
discovery and Truth because there is an ultimate singularity to which everyone and anything
created by mankind must gravitate or be pulled towards - anything less is wrong and

16. The Supreme Court of British Columbia must sign off on the provided defacto
Petition to the Court Orders - this one and the one filed March 4, 2009 - because nothing written by
the Petitioner, Mr. E. J. Krass, is or can be portrayed as a lie especially since it has been established
to be true in the Exhibits on file no. 81581 at the Supreme Court of British Columbia (Kelowna) and
the historical x-ray films from ginglymus joints which prove that the system is well aware that it is
corrupt and relying on an outdated concept for rule of law whereby the system/civilization and all
its tools like the economy, trade, commerce and elections, etc. have the right to rule over everyone
through the force of the letter of the laws.

But, wait, Canada was founded upon the Principles of The Supremacy of God and
the rule of law where the people expected and still expect that the rule of law would uphold
Fundamental Justice outcomes universally along with The Principles of Fundamental Justice - s. 7
of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms that enforce this presumption.

Unfortunately, the elites of the Whiteman's world, “speak with forked tongue” as
the rule of law is seen by the rulers/governments as their right to produce and use to maintain their
perspective of order without any consideration for reality correcting the unjust decisions put in place
by the laws, i.e. tyranny and injustice.

Thus, the Supreme Court in every provincial and territorial jurisdiction across
Canada has been put in the position that it must reform the functioning of Canada because the Holy
Grail - The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - must now be used by all courts across Canada to
negate all letters of laws which are inconsistent with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms across all
time and going forward as the general population was led to believe was going to happen since 1982.

17. The words of the governments, the laws, and their agents make it clear that there is
nor was there ever any Fundamental Justice in the current rulership system and, by refusing to allow
anyone to discuss habeas corpus - Everyone's Legal Rights - and its Petitions to the Courts to strike
down the letters of the law that “repudiate the imposition of Fundamental Justice,” the system has


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

duped everyone even though the job injured (and all others) not receiving their objectively supported
cures on order of the law, where a short “convalescence” period of 4 weeks - Alberta - to 10 weeks -
BC - has been imposed replacing the right to be cured (security of person as affirmed by The
Principles of Fundamental Justice) regardless of time, have been made prisoners of a dyskinetic
human body rather than having the right to be liberated from it in accordance with the original 1913
Worker's Compensation Act which established that the WCB's Accident Fund was fully responsible
for the costs of curing all job injuries going forward so as to insure, from this knowledge, exactly
why ergonomic labour standards were legitimate.

18. It’s “patently obvious” that the governments for generations knew that ruling like
kings and queens through the force of the letter of the laws was wrong and utterly contemptuous of
The Principles of Fundamental Justice and Everyone’s Legal Rights as well as The Preamble of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and, of course, s. 52(1) of The Charter.

But, for everyone to understand the March 4, 2009 and this Order and the guidance
provided to the Petitioner - Mr. E. J. Krass, everyone must now fully acknowledge that there is a
singular Truth and realm that emanates from the Truth and it is entitled THE FREE Society, which
s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms backhandedly acknowledges exists - doublespeak, and
also acknowledges as being all that will exist (Everyone’s right to life, liberty and security of person
as affirmed by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God) - end of

Governments, political parties, rulers/elites are aware of this Truth about Truth and
it being a singular and unimpeachable entity to which everything must gravitate (in the end, there
can be only one) even though the aforementioned are aware of the duplicity of ruling through the
force of the letter of the law, just like kings, queens and regents of old, but they are unwilling to do
Right and allow THE FREE Society to supplant them and their illegitimate schemes and unnatural

Consequently, the January 9, 2009/March 4, 2009 and this Order (defacto Petition
to the Court) was forced to be inevitably discovered through reverse onus, BAD FAITH and
corruption of thought which is fully exposed in the Exhibits attached to the January 9, 2009 Writ of
Summons (defacto Petition to the Court) on file no. 81581 with the Supreme Court of British
Columbia (Kelowna).

19. Through the exposure of injustice being the mainstay of the governments and their
agents including the 2 lower courts currently and historically across Canada from the governments’


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

own words, the Supreme Court of British Columbia has no choice but to sign off on both the March
4, 2009 and this Order and, finally, impose the reformations demanded by The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms thereby expunging the dishonesty of the current due processes whereby the Supreme
Court of Canada is wrongly held up as the sole enforcer of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms after
years of abuse for those denied their Legal Rights for no other reason but to enforce the false,
corrupt and mean-spirited current due process that was and always will be invalid, of no real effect
and not saved given the inevitable discovery of Petitions/defacto Petitions to the Court and the
authority of the oppressed, by the letter of the law, to strike down all laws and schemes that
unconstitutionally infringe/infringed upon their and Everyone’s Legal Rights - the sole appropriate
and just REMEDY in the circumstances.

20. To summarize, governments across Canada and since 1982 have refused to
harmonize the laws to the singular set of laws whose corollary is The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms, pure objective fact and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of
God which dictate that no laws except those laws and schemes that accept and abide by inevitable
discovery of new evidence which exposes not only the sole appropriate and just outcome in given
instances but also the appropriate and just REMEDY that insure that the Truth based path trodden
down by the particular case is applied henceforth to all other similar instances - universality that also
establishes do no harm and not letting the known harm be perpetuated through
institutionalized/agenda based thinking and through the force of the letter of the law.

“But, it is easier for Heaven and earth to pass away

than for one stroke of the letter of the law to fail.”

Jesus Christ, Luke 16:13

The world and mankind’s desires and abuse have not changed for millennia!

21. In THE FREE Society, unlike in the economy based civilization or any historical
civilization, there are no winners and losers just equals living with natural order, doing no harm to
everyone and the environment plus doing Right and making doing Right in everyone’s minds the
norm unlike in any civilization where pluralism dominates so that there are haves but mostly have-
nots and everyone being taught to want to be the higher ups amongst the haves.

These are the fundamental differences between a civilization and THE FREE Society
just as expressed in the Preamble to The Charter of Rights and Freedoms: there is THE FREE
Society based upon The Supremacy of God/pure facts/simpliciter/Fundamental Justice or a


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

civilization imposed through BAD FAITH and reverse onus where the elites and institutions are
defying reality and ruling through the force of the letters of the laws so that the agent from THE
FREE Society will come forward and correct everything if he lives that long.

Consented to:

Consent granted by all governments because governmental decision making and “judicial review”
contravene Fundamental Justice, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Habeas Corpus
(Everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights) as well as s. 11(d) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
that demands that all tribunals (courts included) are to be wholly independent and impartial! Ergo,
to protect the job injured and workers from the harm inflicted by the judicial order where the current
laws are upheld as being divine currently, this unopposable court order and the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order had to be produced by Mr. E. J. Krass, Petitioner on behalf of The
Truth based FREE Society and the SUPPRESSED Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, who
spotted the corruption of the order/rule of the laws thereby making Mr. E. J. Krass, a Judge as in the
Book of Judges! The government put this role and title in play by violating habeas
corpus/Everyone’s Legal Rights by abolishing the right to security of person as affirmed by
Fundamental Justice as the following record shows:

The BAD FAITH (corruption) demanded collusion enforced upon everyone’s thoughts originating in the
passed legislation that is how Canada became wholly Machiavellian where all that Canada has is, “The
End Justifies The Means” and anything beyond the end, although substantive and relevant, is deemed
irrelevant and of no consideration and this irrational designation of the Truth is imposed upon everyone
so that the self evident Truth remains off the record - awaiting a person with the means to use its power
to reform all the laws and structures of the civilization so as to impose Fundamental Justice throughout
the new system!

Basically, all Canadians know is what the system tells them and, if you provide self evident objective
evidence that repudiates the system and shows that it is corrupt, you must take it to court - litigate for your
rights, universality and the appropriate and just REMEDY in the circumstances - and write the
unopposable summary and peremptory order while petitioning the Court to sign off on this appropriate
and just outcome as the courts have been proven to be corrupt since 1982 just as have been the laws
generated by the legislatures and parliament and nobody will accept this harsh reality or research the
words on the papers because that is too much of a burden for most today!

S. 44 and 45 of the second stage of Judicial Review in BC, which is the administrative tribunals act and


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

which is consistent with Judicial Review across Canada, reads as follows:

BC Administrative Tribunals Act

This act is similar to those across Canada that impose quasi-judicial review
of governmental decisions where the decision by the government is inhered
with divinity until the Supreme Court is forced to impose the Fundamental Justice
decision as the judicial review is shown to be based on bias in favour of the law/
government agents and NOT Fundamental Justice

Tribunal without jurisdiction over constitutional questions

44 (1) The tribunal does not have jurisdiction over constitutional questions.

Tribunal without jurisdiction over Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms issues

45 (1) The tribunal does not have jurisdiction over constitutional questions relating to the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Combine this with the Court Acts across Canada biasing all but the Supreme Court of Canada in favour
of the governments, their letters of the laws and the unnatural order and not the Legal Rights of everyone,
the legitimate Neutral Citations of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Fundamental Justice, The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and natural order, which is clearly
exposed from the following BC government quote in its Guide Book on Judicial Review:

“The government ‘has given’ tribunals the authority to make decisions about certain
issues. The courts, on order from the legislature, recognize that tribunals have specialized
knowledge and experience in their particular subject areas and, because of that, the courts
will not easily interfere with a tribunal’s decision.”

The Fix is in!

(This quote is taken from Exhibit “J” attached to file no. 81581)

and, suddenly, it becomes crystal clear that the order imposed by all 10 provinces and the 3 territories is
unnatural - fails to uphold natural order and Fundamental Justice for everyone universally along with
the pursuit of THE FREE Society. Therefore, all laws are now open to reformation and striking down
never to be replaced by the people through The Petition to Court Due Legal Process (aka
unopposable Summary and Peremptory Orders) and the stipulation that all subsequent laws and
schemes must have a Fundamental Justice Dictate just as the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Act did but which was walked away from by the governments and the business community in 1982 which
has spread like cancer across Canada throughout every law since then and perverted Canada and its
administration of justice from the initial government decision through to Supreme Court of Canada
especially since the lower courts have now been acknowledged as agents of the government of the
jurisdictions rather than dispensing Fundamental Justice and upholding The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms along with the Truth based FREE Society!

All that needs to be stated going forward in the Consent Granted Section of a Summary
(Peremptory) Order is BAD FAITH which should be patently obvious as the outcome of the
government decision did not take in to consideration all the objective facts and their sole dictate in
the matter.

BAD FAITH is the most powerful tool for establishing THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm
because, when the government lies, it not only is breaking Everyone’s Legal Right but also has always
done so especially the last Right which DEMANDS honesty in all government decisions for the
governments and governance to be maintained at all going forward. Any lies, deceit and dishonesty in
the laws is grounds for the declaration that the administration is corrupt and disreputable across all time
just as with the court system and jurisprudence where known lies are allowed to be defended in defiance
of The Principles of Fundamental Justice as the courts are suborning perjury where the state and its laws
and order are given the illegitimate benefit of the doubt.

Discovery of this corruption by any administrators automatically dictates that the decisions of the people
since the corruption started have also been corrupted because everyone is living within the order of the
laws rather than the laws being changed to include all “anecdotal” but highly real evidence thereby
abolishing the unnatural order.

Constitutional Reality

1. Does the current organization of the courts across Canada currently infringe upon

Everyone’s Legal Rights especially The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The

Supremacy of God?

This point is patently obvious so the answer is Yes!

2. With the answer to question # 1 being a definitive yes, does such an infringement
constitute a reasonable limit that is supported by The Pursuit of THE FREE Society
established by Everyone’s Legal Rights?


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine


3. Therefore, the organization of all courts - the scheme and their

laws - across Canada are found to be corrupt, disreputable, invalid, not saved, and
of no REAL effect relative to The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and its
4. However, a 2 tier judicial system - the Superior Court of Canada and
the Supreme Court of Canada - where Fundamental Justice is all that will be dispensed
through The Petition to the Courts Due Legal Process and both judicial houses salvages
the judicial system. The reason for this salvaging of the judiciary is the fact that The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God unify and make
indivisible all people as a nation.
5. Herein lies the demise of democracy. Currently, the provinces have
created a 2 tier lower court system where the letter of the law provided by the
legislatures makes the court system agencies of the provincial legislatures rather than
wholly independent and impartial as demanded in s. 11 (d) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms as well as by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of
Initially, Canada only had a 2 tier judiciary because there were no
provinces. Both tiers of the judiciary were supposedly guided by The Supremacy of God
and insuring natural justice was dispensed. When provinces were accepted and
created over the years, though, the provinces demanded the right to rule through
the letter of laws just as the federal government did before provinces and have the
judiciary uphold the laws provided by the legislatures. Thus, the 2 tier provincial
judiciary beyond the Supreme Court of Canada and Federal Court was established
without any legitimacy other than to support the legislatures and their agendas contained
with the letters of the laws.
6. Sadly, as a consequence of this usurping of the role of god in
everyone’s lives, the provinces, since 1982, created the terms social justice, community
justice, judicial review, the patently unreasonable branch of the judiciary, etc. to replace
Fundamental Justice in defiance of s. 52 (1) and s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and
7. Therefore, in jurisprudence/interlocutory proceedings where the judges
the people with Truth on their side automatically lose in “reverse onus” fashion so that
the governments retain their illegitimately obtained authority to rule through the letters


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

of the laws which can only be reversed EITHER in a Petition to the Court to obtain the
appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances or enduring many years of lies
by the provincial judiciaries while awaiting the Truth imposed by the Supreme Court of
Canada if the wronged can withstand the gauntlet.

Extrapolation of this agenda:

8. When the provincial governments took over and split the Superior Courts, the unifying
principle of Fundamental Justice for all was abolished. So, what would happen if, say, the regional
districts and municipalities were given standing as a democratic entities?

9. Well, as has been established, the Supreme Courts or the provincial courts would have
to be split to allow hearings on the laws from the regional districts and an appeal court before the matter
can proceed to the superior courts. Then, the lower of the new courts would have to be split again to
allow municipal law matters to be heard and have an appeal available but without Fundamental Justice
being dispensed as the provided letters of the laws need to be upheld or the whole system is shown to
be abuse of those accepting rulership through the letters of the laws.

10. In this scenario, there would now be 3 more court systems beyond the current system and
none of them dispensing Fundamental Justice and upholding Truth and its pursuit of THE FREE Society
of Equals as demanded by s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

11. By now, it should be crystal clear why governance across the face of the globe has no
credibility as the courts are neither independent and impartial nor are they bound to uphold the
Fundamental Justice outcome over the outcome imposed through the letter of the laws. This is the exact
same problem that arose in the trial of Jesus Christ by Pontus Pilate as the laws were incapable of being
used against Jesus Christ. So, Pontus Pilate “washed his hands of this matter” and let the people in the
square decide the fate of Jesus Christ - democracy at work. Hence, a person only talking of a better way
was condemned to death for trying to bring Truth to the world and its sole outcomes over all other lies.

According to Fundamental Justice reality and it exposing that the laws and actions of governments
are not to be held up as “divine”, the Supreme Court of Canada’s (BC) Health Employees’ Union
decision of June 2007 should never have gone to the Supreme Court in Ottawa but the new and corrupt
law, based on BAD FAITH/reverse onus by the provincial government just as exists in other jurisdictions,
should have been struck down here in the superior court (British Columbia) and BAD FAITH recognized
at the Supreme Court in BC or New Brunswick or Ontario, etc. because just as Fundamental Justice
exists everywhere so does its converse - BAD FAITH - as certainty dictates that either Fundamental


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Justice is being dispensed or the Court Act has been corrupted to make the lower courts not uphold
Fundamental Justice as the previous quote from page 2 of the Guide Book on Judicial Review - Exhibit
“J” - proves, i.e. exposing that the administration of justice in Canada is disreputable!

So, those with Fundamental Justice behind them and THEIR WORDS, exposed through a Fundamental
Justice Dictate - Neutral Citation - like that of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act and s. 7 of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, are upholding The Charter of Rights and Freedoms by litigating
their matter through the SUPPRESSED Petition to the Court Due Legal Process and rewriting the laws
and processes in Canada by writing and providing their own Summary and Peremptory Orders based on
the Fundamental Justice Dictate while insuring that the injustice, brought on by the governments
knowingly doing wrong - BAD FAITH, will not be visited upon any other.

The governments knew that sooner or later someone would read the laws and The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and see not just the injustice and BAD FAITH but also determine the appropriate and just
remedy for all the injustice that comes from governments declaring democracy, their laws and the
unnatural order as being “divine” and all that is allowed to exist to the exclusion of Truth that exposes a
wholly different reality (realm) - that of THE FREE Society of Equals.

The “gift” for discovering Fundamental Justice and BAD FAITH in the entire system from personally
experiencing tyranny and oppression from Doing Right as based upon the Truth is the right to write your
own Summary and Peremptory Orders and bring natural order and THE FREE Society based solely upon
The Mandate of Heaven, once again, to the world.

Furthermore, the title that is bestowed upon the oppressed learning how to correct the now inherent
injustice that arose from the system illegitimately making itself beyond reproach is Sons and Daughters
of Heaven or Judges as in the Book of Judges in The Bible because the system made us in to Prophets of
Fundamental Justice and The Mandate of Heaven.

The oppressed with Fundamental Justice and the Truth based FREE Society did not ask for this label, it
was thrust upon us, as we thought that we lived in THE FREE Society where universal equality of being
existed rather than the corrupt way of viewing things, that currently exists, where equality of access to
mankind’s governance and systems - machinations of mankind - supercedes the pursuit of THE FREE
Society under The Mandate of Heaven.

To understand the current legal game, look at the concept of the rule of law. Today, this phrase is
misinterpreted to mean “the letters of the laws” rather than the spirit, mandate or Fundamental Justice
Dictate - Neutral Citation - that is supposed to be entrenched as the objective of the law and the decisions
made from the laws reflecting this objective. In Canada, the rule of the laws is The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms which s. 44 and 45 of the BC administrative tribunals act repudiate outright as no government


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

agent nor the current laws in all jurisdictions uphold habeas corpus/s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms/Neutral Citation Principles. In Truth, the rule of all laws is Fundamental Justice - end of

Without Fundamental Justice, all that is left is BAD FAITH on the part of governments and nothing else
as, in the world, there is Doing Right with all else being wrong! As a consequence of the Truthful Rule
of the laws, all decisions (conclusions) must ultimately be supported by the objective natural evidence
rather than the subjective interpretations and the process of reconciliation/elimination being employed to
define which interpretation of the objective films are valid while the other is relegated to the trash bin!

If the court proceedings, initiated with the Supreme Court of BC on January 9, 2009 and given file no.
81581 at the superior court (British Columbia - Kelowna), is not accepted, The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms will be officially terminated even though it was unofficially terminated with the implementation
of judicial review across Canada: suddenly, Canada will officially be without a Constitution even though
that is how Canada has been run since 1982 when BAD FAITH and having everyone chase after their tails
- everyone’s Legal Rights as established by Fundamental Justice - was initiated and made complete when
BC put in place the same vexatious judicial review like the other provinces and maintained jurisprudence
over The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process exposed with Form 3 of the Supreme Court in British
Columbia - soon to be changed to Form 66.

The reason that The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process is now coming forward is due to DNA
evidence and it having proven that jurisprudence is extremely fallible because the whole judicial process
that Canada, England and the commonwealth knew and accepted as being unflappable was proven to be
disreputable as countless cases that went to the Supreme Court were proven to have administered injustice
rather than justice. Ergo, The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process had to be brought forward NOW
which is consistent with the due process attached to Everyone’s Legal Rights/Habeas Corpus!

In The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, the judges are not eligible to provide an opinion nor are
they being asked to do so by the Petitioner. The evidence provided affirms that the Petitioner has been
exposed to tyranny and oppression all the way through his matter rather than have Fundamental Justice

So, anyone and everyone with this experience and evidence of it can petition the court so long as the
evidence makes it patently obvious that injustice was visited upon all persons as universality of being and
existing in a singular legal medium, that ultimately will become fully known, is no longer the objective
of governance which has resulted in civilization once again being wrongly passed off as THE FREE
Society of Equals.

Mr. E. J. Krass has met all these conditions and his understanding of how to pursue the Truth based FREE


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Society is simple: have programs with hard and fast natural order objectives where the objective evidence
will dictate the outcome making all bureaucrats in to nothing more than clerks and the cumulative
evidence from the unaltered evidence in all cases determines whether the objective of the scheme has been
met in all cases. So, all laws and schemes will have to have a Fundamental Justice Dictate - Neutral
Citation - which is objective and everyone can access it to insure that their Legal Rights are not eliminated
just like everyone else.

The two grounds for The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process are: disregarding everyone’s right to
life, liberty and security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice by the decision makers; and
disregarding honesty, truthfulness and forthrightness by the decision makers which includes the judiciary
and lawyers which indicates that The Principles of Fundamental Justice have been broken and that BAD
FAITH and reverse onus are being unlawfully used in the resulting civilization.

Sadly, if both conditions are met, then, the individual has encountered tyranny and oppression of the
highest magnitude exposing that the entire order of the nation is corrupt and that everyone is living in a
civilization where the administration of justice is disreputable.

In the era when there was limited objective evidence garnered unlike today, jurisprudence was
permissible. However, those days are long since past and DNA evidence and its consequences on the
outcomes of jurisprudence has exposed both the failings of jurisprudence as well as the reality that there
is a superior due legal process now available to the world - the Petition to the Court due legal process.

Will the decree of the monarch make the world flat as it has objectively been proven to be round?

Will everyone’s trust in medicine and its lie that ginglymus joints employ hinge mechanics lead to the
discovery of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body even though, across time, ginglymus joints have
always employed centripetal mechanics and the resulting extremities employ modified pulley systems™
which is a complex engineering marvel that only exists properly in everyone’s mid-20's?

Will the results of jurisprudence - settling arguments without objective evidence that has been made
available over the past 50 years - result in the sole appropriate and just outcome for everyone universally?

Will maintaining jurisprudence whose outcome is repudiated by the newly discovered evidence and
science insure that the administration of justice reputable?

The day of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process is now fully upon everyone where objective
evidence and reports from governments and the words from the passed legislation can be used in
summary court proceeding by those, knowing of the tyranny and oppression heaped upon everyone


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

in contravention of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God, to rewrite the
impugned current and ongoing laws.

Consent is granted by all governments and institutions because Form 3, Petition to the Court, exists
but few know of its existence and what it indicates especially relative to s. 7, s. 52(1) and s. 24(1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms except those encountering tyranny and oppression who know that this
due legal process has to exist when governments and institutions produce contrary to Fundamental Justice
decisions where the objective evidence repudiates the words on the paper, i.e. implement BAD
FAITH/reverse onus.

Basically, Form 3, Petitions to the Court, and the Petition to the Court due legal process is/was an
inevitable discovery and the judiciary is fully aware that, someday, a person of consequence is predicted
to be coming who will point out not just the flaws of jurisprudence and the current civilization but also
have the evidence to expose The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process to the rest of the world even
though The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process has remained SUPPRESSED by the current legal
and judicial systems.

The days of ignorance are past and the time for correction is now!

For The Record:

In years past, there was no standard like Everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal Rights as the court acts
wrongly established inhered jurisdiction along with vexatious proceedings where the court merely heard
the matter and, rather than decide against the government, its laws and the resulting unnatural order, the
court sealed the hearings under the term “vexatious proceedings” because there was no Charter of Rights
and Freedoms and s. 7, s. 52(1), s. 1, s. 24(1), s. 11(d) and the Preamble of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms which created a SINGULAR and unifying standard for all judicial decisions - Fundamental

With “inhered jurisdiction” and “vexatious proceedings”, which are still unlawfully part of the court acts
of the commonwealth, the state and its agendas, which are 2 sides to the pursuit of wealth coin which
never had any foundation in reality, were allowed to persist like a cancer in the reality realm destroying
everything and leaving just conflict of opinions rather than natural order and the objective evidence
weighing in and deciding the matter in favour of either the petitioner to the court or the state with

The Petition to the Court redresses the corruption in the administration of justice that has existed across


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

time where The Mandate of Heaven was never used to stop tyranny and injustice whose pretext is that
the laws provided are divine and beyond reproach even when reality repudiates their continued existence.

Jesus Christ knew of this failing in the administration of Justice but could do nothing because there were
no Legal Rights generations ago and Jesus Christ was executed for speaking out against the state and the
running of it 2000 years ago and in favour of the Truth based FREE Society.

Sir Thomas More discovered this same problem with King Henry VIII and the collusion between him,
parliament and the judicial process where reverse onus was in place and any words provided would be
misconstrued to show guilt. In the end though, the state, where Henry VIII was ruler, prevailed and Sir
Thomas More was summarily executed without justification just as happened with Sir Thomas More’s
true leader, Jesus Christ and God.

The Son of God and his followers of The Way have been shown to be executed with total disregard for
everyone’s right to life, liberty and security of person and up until quite recently. But, in truth, all
followers of the Truth whether it be directed from Islam, Taoism, Christianity, etc. are still being killed
today in violation of The Truth that demands others reflect upon their order to see if it is truly legitimate
as proven by The Mandate of Heaven.

Just as Pontus Pilate did in his era, the courts have continually done so since in what are labeled vexatious
but wholly illegitimate proceedings where the Truth is aired but not used by the court to strike down the
laws and civilization and, then, the evidence is sealed not to be opened again unless by court order.

So, it should be patently obvious to everyone that the reason this mess of a civilization arose over
millennia is because Truth and its pursuit of its realm of existence - THE FREE Society - never were part
of the administration of justice and, unbeknownst to everyone, the benefit of the doubt before the courts
has is always been against the Truth and those speaking on behalf of It and wrongly in favour of the
continuation of those in the rulership positions.

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms destroyed this disreputable administration of justice because a
standard for judicial outcomes was put in place determining that The Mandate of Heaven was to create
the milieu or medium in to which everyone is born and will exist rather than having countless states,
provinces and nation states with differing laws that place little or no value on Fundamental Justice while
others must confine themselves to Truth, forthrightness and honesty and their end result - Doing Right
with all else falling aside because, by definition, it is wrong.

The Supreme Court of Canada made it clear that no law, without foundation in The Mandate of Heaven,
is valid and can remain on the books. Furthermore, in this same quote taken from page 3 of the SCC’s
October 3, 2003 decision, the Justices unanimously stated that the corrective process in such instances
is not “a parallel proceeding before the courts” or rehashing of the facts where the initial result was


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

corrupt but rather The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process where the evidence of the governments,
showing that it provided an illegitimate and “adverse” decision throughout the entire decision making
process and which the objective evidence makes quite apparent, burdens the court with no other
alternative but to accept the petition to the court without hesitation and without delay.

“The Constitution is the supreme law of Canada and, by virtue of s. 52(1) of the
Constitution Act, 1982, the question of constitutional validity inheres in every
legislative enactment. From this principle of constitutional supremacy flows, as
a practical corollary, the idea that Canadians should be entitled to assert the
rights and freedoms that the Constitution guarantees them in the most accessible
forum available, without the need for parallel proceedings before the courts. To
allow an administrative tribunal to decide Charter issues does not undermine
the role of the courts as final arbiters of constitutionality in Canada.
Administrative tribunal decisions based on the Charter are subject to judicial
review on a correctness standard. In addition, the constitutional remedies
available to administrative tribunals are limited and do not include general
declarations of invalidity. A determination by a tribunal that a provision of its
enabling statute is invalid pursuant to the Charter is not binding on future
decision-makers, within or outside the tribunal's administrative scheme. Only
by obtaining a formal declaration of invalidity by a court can a litigant
establish the general invalidity of a legislative provision for all future cases.”

When The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was established, all laws that impose injustice were summarily
struck down under Everyone’s Legal Rights. Obviously, the elites and illegitimate rulers in Canada, i.e.
governments, can’t get that through their heads which is why Canada is nearing a civil war over The
Principles of Fundamental Justice, the existence of THE FREE Society Realm and what establishes this
omnipotent pursuit for all mankind as opposed to the illegitimate declaration of democracy as an act of
God in s. 3 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

If something walks like a duck, looks like a duck and talks like a duck, do you need a court or government
agent to tell you that you are looking at a duck?



Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

So, why is the system insisting that you do need a court or government agent or academic consensus all
over again just in the era of monarchs and in defiance of Everyone’s Legal Rights and The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God?

Self Evident Truth does not have to be upheld by a court to be known as Truth and the fight by the system
against The Truth - due process currently - is dishonesty made legitimate.

But, Exhibits “G” through “V” filed with the Supreme Court of Canada and the superior court
(british columbia - kelowna) that are available online affirm the dishonesty in all governance,
jurisprudence, the lost cause where academic opinions are used wrongly and given equality to objective
evidence status plus the objective evidence of Exhibits “S” through “V” determine that the world
has a long way to go to get to The Pursuit of THE FREE Society Realm because nobody needs to be told
that there is no hinge to be found in mature, healthy and kinetic ginglymus joints on any animal nor do
we need to be told that these joints employ centripetal mechanics - the x-ray evidence does all this!

This is why the long suppressed Petition to the Court Due Legal Process exists and has always existed
unbeknownst to everyone as it and we, the people, have always owned to right to wipe away all the
dishonesty, duplicity and misleading of the general population and resurrect The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals and its Realm FOREVERMORE.

This document can also be accessed online at the following pages:

OR and look for the document True Copy

of the August 2009 Primary Petition to the Court Order.

By the Court ________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Copy of the Exhibits and the Affidavits attached to the August 2009 Order follows


FILE NO. PO-00001
OTTAWA Registry





E. J. Krass, SoH
Spokesperson for The Truth based FREE Society
Founder of the Unified College of Medicine
PO Box 1041 STN MAIN




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