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Reality TV in Viet Nam

2013-2014 is seen as the years that marked the rise of reality TV in Viet
Nam. Reality TV has been popular all over the world for a long time; however, it
just first appeared in Vietnam in 2007 (Social Heats, 2014). Up to 2013, however
there were 16 reality shows on two channels VTV3 and HTV7 (Anh, 2014).
According to Social Heats (2014), surprisingly fast in 2014 there was a total of
over 30 reality shows aired. These shows the development of the reality TV. In
theory, Reality TV (Reality Television or Reality show) is a kind television show
that it does not have script. The situations in shows occur naturally and do not
follow the script. Reality shows are often contests with great prizes (2015). When
the reality TV was first introduced in Viet Nam, it became new dishes and
attractive to everyone. Now, reality shows become hot and interesting topics in
the conversation among friends or family members. It is also one of the topics
that was discussed and mentioned much on social networks. Reality TV leaves
deep impression and has reaffirmed its position in the hearts of audiences. It
becomes the spiritual food can not lack for everybody.

The first thing makes up success of a Reality TV is interesting

content. The format and the interaction are the most important
elements to create a show with fascinating content. Almost formats of
Vietnams Reality TV shows, which we see today, are imported from
abroad. These formats have been very successful in many countries.
Nothing surprising about the shows with these formats attracted a lot
of attention when appeared to Vietnam. Form Tung Nguyen Vinhs
survey, two hottest and most attractive shows in Viet Nam also have
original from foreign are The Voice form Holland and Vietnam Idol
from America (2012). The programs based on original format produced
by foreign have higher percentage of viewers. The Reality shows have

Reality TV in Viet Nam

format from abroad have higher percentage of viewers than traditional
shows. In Viet Nam, the genres
comedy shows are loved specially. Comedy shows and talent search
shows are the most popular genre in Viet Nam. Reality TV has a
connection with the audience very well. Today, Reality TV has more
diversity content. This creates many choices, so that audiences can
choose what they want to see. Unlikely seeing traditional shows,
audience can take part in Reality shows. They can send comments
through the online website of the shows and the producer care about
this to make the show better. Audience can express their power in
decisions about winners and losers by the vote messages (2014).
Reality TV becomes the interesting topics in talking and on social
network. Online news websites regular update information about the
Reality shows. 24 million is the number of search results for the
keyword "The Voice Vietnam" on Google in 2013 (Anh, 2014).
Secondly, Reality TV attracts many contestants and players not
only by the material rewards but also by the intangible benefits. . The
prices for the winner in reality shows are very high. According to May
(2015), it is about from some hundred million dong to more one billion
dong. Ex: 100 million contract awarded to winners each episode (Your
Face Sounds Familiar); 500 million for the winner (The voice Vietnam
2012); or over 1 billion (Over Time) Reality TV has diversity content
and relates to many fields: Singing ( The Voice, Viet Nam Idol), dancing
( So you think you can dance), jobs ( Over time), sports ( Sasuke)
Therefore it also attracts many players who have different hobbies and
different works. The contestants is indispensable part in the reality
shows. Reality show will success when it has many proficient and

Reality TV in Viet Nam

special participants. They are often ordinary people with talent and
passions and need a chance to help them shine. Reality TV appears to
bring more opportunity for them. The contestants have the opportunity
to express their talents on television in front millions of viewers. A lot
of players were known and became famous after participating in reality
shows. Many people consider joining the reality show as the good way
to start for their development in future. Because of the intangible
benefits that it brings to them though they will win or not. The
unlimited enrollments of some reality shows like Vietnam Idol and so
you think you can dance help it to be welcomed more by participants.
The organizers of Vietnam Idol said 23,000 candidates in 2010 entrant
(Tam, 2014). So You Think You Can Dance 2013 also attracted over
3000 participants (BBT, 2013). The great numbers show that Reality TV
has gained the attention and love from people, especially from the
support of youth.
Jury is a factor significant contribution to the success of the
reality TV show. Many well-known and well-loved personalities are the
best choice for jury position. Inviting celebrity do jury for a show that is
a smart job of manufacturers. Bin, a journalist of Dat Viet observes that
the jury must be knowledgeable expertise, language activities and
enough "hot" to ensure attractive audience (2015). This attracts many
peoples attention, especially their fans. The fates of the participants
are affected by the decisions of the jury. The jury gives expertise
opinions and useful advices for the contestants. It can help participants
progress and advance further in the show or makes them be
disqualified. Through the comment, the juries show their personality
and their expert. Examiners know how to come the fore with beautiful
costumes, and fashion style of them is also an attraction with

Reality TV in Viet Nam

audiences. Now the most popular juries in Vietnam are Hoai Linh, My
Tam, Ho Ngoc Ha, Dam Vinh Hung... (Bin, 2015). In addition, the role of
MC is also important. MC draws the attention of the audience to lead
them towards interaction and integration in the show (2015). Reality
TV brings many unexpected factors, so mc as host must intelligent and
agile to control the show. The successful MCs in this genre show are
Tran Thanh, Nguyen Khang, Phan Anh...
Lastly, to consider the popular of reality TV we can't but talking
about on air gold time and scandals. Golden time plays a very
important role that makes the reality TV to become more popular. That
helps the audience can see easier and achieve higher rating. Reality
Shows are often aired at 20-21 pm on Fridays and weekends, so it is a
good choice for entertainment and relax. There's always competition
between manufacturers to achieve best show times. Reality TV shows
are often aired live. Audience can see what is happening at the same
time. 624 hours is the number of hours broadcast for the Reality shows
on two channels VTV3 and HTV7 in 2013. Reality TV often brings
participants into difficult situations or surprise challenges, so that
makes the show more interesting. It is the competition among
participants when one person is eliminated per episode (2015). It
makes audience feel nosey what will happen next or who will be the
winner. There are always contradictions and controversy among the
contestants in the shows. They even openly defame each other on the
internet. Scandals not only candidates but also in the jury and the
show makers or even costumes issues. For example: Scandal of jury of
The Voice, which occurs among Thu Phuong and her team in 2015. This
is the hottest scandal in this year. This attracted the attention of many

Reality TV in Viet Nam

people for a long time. A fact cannot be controversy is scandal make
reality shows become more attractive and get a lot of attention.
These are the main points that make up the success of reality TV in VN:
Content, format, interaction, judges and contestants, golden time and scandals.
Although reality TV was introduced in Vietnam latter than other countries, it
attracted great number of viewers. Reality TV gradually dominates most golden
time on TV in Viet Nam. It has become familiar to the audience and become one
of the best entertainment choices. Besides increasing the number of programs,
the producers should focus on improving program quality more. In order to
ensure that audience can watch the interesting and quality shows. Reality TV is
extremely succeeding in Vietnam and its popularity does not have signs to
decrease. It will continue to develop for a long time.

Anh, D. V. (2014, January 1). Truyen hinh thuc te: Nhung con so noi nhieu. The
thao & Van hoa Cuoi tuan. Retrieved October 5, 2015
BBT. (2013, August 16). Retrieved October 21, 2015
Bin. (2015, July 14). Nhung giam khao dam bao suc hut cho game show. Dat
Viet. Retrieved October 5, 2015

Reality TV in Viet Nam

Master of ceremonies (2015, October 12). Retrieved October 20, 2015
May, L. (2015, June 4), Te ngua nhung mon tien khung cua game show.
Retrieved October 5, 2015
Reality television (2015, October 1). Retrieved October 5, 2015
Tam, G. (2014, November 27). Retrieved October 21, 2015
Social Heats (2014). Retrieved October 5, 2015
Viet, H. Q. (2013, August 16). Ngoi sao. Retrieved October 20, 2015
Vinh, T. N. (2012, October 31). Secret for explosion of reality shows in Viet Nam.
Retrieved October 20, 2015
Vi sao truyen hinh thuc te lai hap dan khan gia? (2014, May 26). Retrieved
October 25, 2015

Reality TV in Viet Nam

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