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Mr. E. J.

Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Form 55 (Rule 44 (3) )

File No. PO-00001 (formerly No. 81581)
OTTAWA (initially KELOWNA) Registry
Notice of Motion
To: (All attorney generals’ notified in January 2010 - see Exhibit “X”)

The Federal Government of Canada through its current Prime Minister, Stephen Harper
House of Commons, Ottawa, ONTARIO K1A 0A6
Email: Fax: (403) 253-8203
Attorney-General of Canada/Minister of Justice - Rob Nicholson
House of Commons, Ottawa, ONTARIO K1A 0A6
Email: Fax: (613) 992-7910
The Leader of the Liberal Party, Michael Ignatieff
House of Commons, Ottawa, ONTARIO K1A 0A6
Email: Fax: (416) 251-2845
The Leader of the Federal NDP, Jack Layton
House of Commons, Ottawa, ONTARIO K1A 0A6
Email: Fax: (416) 405-8918
The Leader of the Bloc Quebecois, Gilles Duceppe
House of Commons Ottawa, ONTARIO K1A 0A6
Email: Fax: (514) 522-9899
The Province of BC through its Premier, Gordon Campbell
Room 156, Parliament Buildings, VICTORIA BC V8V 1X4
Email: Fax: 250 387-0087
The Attorney General of british columbia, Mike De Jong
Room 232, Parliament Buildings, VICTORIA BC V8V 1X4
Email: Fax: 250 387-6411

The Province of Alberta through its Premier, Ed Stelmach

#307 Legislature Building, 10800 97 Avenue, EDMONTON AB T5K 2B6
Fax: (780) 427-1349


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

The Attorney General of Alberta, Alison Redford

#403 Legislature Annex, 9718 107 Street, EDMONTON AB T5K 1E4
Fax: (780) 422-6621
The Province of Saskatchewan through its Premier, Brad Wall
Room 226, the Legislative Building, REGINA SK S4S 0B3
Fax: (306) 787-0885
The Attorney General of Saskatchewan, Don Morgan
Room 355, the Legislative Building, REGINA SK S4S 0B3
Fax: (306) 787-1232
The Province of Manitoba through its Premier, Greg Selinger
205 Legislative Building, 450 Broadway, WINNIPEG MB R3C 0V8
Email: (204) 949-1484
The Attorney General of Manitoba, Andrew Swan
104 Legislative Building, 450 Broadway, WINNIPEG MB R3C 0V8
Email: (204) 945-2517
The Province of Ontario through its Premier, Dalton McGuinty
Rm 281, Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park, TORONTO ON M7A 1A4
Fax: 416-325-3745

The Attorney General of Ontario, Christopher Bentley

McMurtry-Scott Building, 720 Bay Street 11th Floor, TORONTO ON M5H 2K1
Fax: 416-326-4007

The Province of Québec through its Premier, Jean Charest

Édifice Honoré-Mercier, 3e étage, 835, boulevard René-Lévesque Est, QUEBEC QC G1A 1B4
Fax: 418 643-3924


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Minister of Justice for Québec, Kathleen Weil

Édifice Louis-Philippe-Pigeon, 1200, route de l'Église, 9e étage, QUEBEC QC
Fax: 418 646-0027
The Province of New Brunswick through its Premier, Shawn Graham
Centennial Building, 670 King Street, FREDERICTON NB E3B 1G1
Email: Premier@gnb.caFax: (506) 453-7407
The Minister of Justice of New Brunswick, Bernard LeBlanc
Centennial Building, P. O. Box 6000, FREDERICTON NB E3B 5H1
Email: bernard.leblanc@gnb.caFax: (506) 453-3651
The Province of Prince Edward Island through its Premier, Robert W. J. Ghiz
Fifth Floor South, Shaw Building, 95 Rochford Street, P.O. Box 2000,
Email: (902) 368-4416
Minister of the Attorney General and Public Safety PEI, Doug W. Currie,
Email: (902) 368-4699
The Province of Nova Scotia through its Premier, Darrell Dexter
7th Floor, One Government Place, 1700 Granville Street, P.O. Box 726
Email: premier@gov.ns.caFax: 902-424-7648
The Minister of Justice of Nova Scotia, Ross Landry
4th Floor Terminal Building, 5151 Terminal Road, P.O. Box 7
Email: justmin@gov.ns..caFax: (902) 424-0510
The Minister for Department of Labour and Workforce Development, Marilyn More
6th Floor Terminal Road, 5151 Terminal Road, P.O. Box 697
Email: min_lwd@gov.ns.caFax: (902) 424-0575

The Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Danny Williams

Confederation Building, East Block, P.O. Box 8700, ST JOHN'S NL A1B 4J6
Email: (709) 729-5875


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

The Attorney General of Newfoundland and Labrador, Felix Collins

Confederation Building, P.O. Box 8700, ST JOHN'S NL A1B 4J6
Email: (709) 729-0469
The Territory of Yukon through the Yukon Party's Leader, Dennis Fentie
Yukon Government Administration Building, 2071 Second Avenue, P.O. Box 2703
Email: dennis.fentie@gov.yk.caFax: 867 393-6252
The Minister of Justice of Yukon, Marian Horne
Yukon Legislative Assembly, Box 2703, WHITEHORSE YK Y1A 2C6
Email: marian.horne@gov.yk.caFax: 867 393-6499
The Territory of The Northwest Territories through its Premier, Hon. Floyd Roland
Email: floyd_roland@gov.nt.caFax: (867) 873-0385
The Minister of Justice of Northwest Territories, Jackson Lafferty
Email: jackson_lafferty@gov.nt.caFax: (867) 873-0274
The Territory of Nunavut through its Territorial Leader, Hon. Eva Aariak
P.O. Box 1150, IQALUIT NU X0A 0H0
Email: (867) 975-5051
The Minister of Justice of Nunavut, Keith Peterson
Email: c/o Doug Garson, Deputy Minister of Justice,
Fax: 867-983-3778

TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made by Mr. E. J. Krass to the Chief Justice
of The Superior Court (british columbia) at the courthouse at 1355 Water Street
KELOWNA BC V1Y 9R3 at a date and time to be set for an order that:

due to the governments who wrote The Charter of Rights and Freedoms UNILATERALLY and
ILLEGITIMATELY having made themselves and ruling through THEIR letter of the law a self
evident Truth/act of The Mandate of Heaven, NO current law can be respected as valid nor any
use of the english language.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

By including democracy and specifically s. 3 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as part of the
self evident Truth of all time - Neutral Citations, which democracy is not, governments took over
the role of God in everyone’s lives in Canada where Doing Right according to the Truth has been
eliminated until NOW as nothing that predated April 17, 1982 was legitimate so all that existed as
an extension of this today is an illusion made real where everyone does not have the INALIENABLE
right to life, liberty and security of person and honesty in decision making but rather everyone has
to earn a livelihood!
God, through new evidence and inevitable discovery, made s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms self evident and allowed everyone the right to invoke s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms - neutral citations - to strike down all laws and replace them with a law that has a
Fundamental Justice Dictate if one can be found: if not, the laws and schemes are to be struck down
As the court system currently is NOT dispensing Fundamental Justice due to jurisprudence and the
system’s created and illegitimate due process, the only possible solution for producing the single set
of laws with Fundamental Justice Dictates is the long suppressed Petition to the Court Due Legal
Process, without fees, where the disenfranchised, due to a BAD FAITH/“reverse onus” decision,
which can only be produced by governments and institutions, have the right to use simple
incorrectness to obtain not only the Fundamental Justice outcome in their matter but also obtain the
appropriate and JUST REMEDY so that the injustice that occurred to them does no occur to others
going forward and those also dealt unjustly in the past have their denial of Legal Rights corrected:
hence, the term “the fear of God”.
To that end, the following 2 examples of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process have been
included with The Initiation of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process or Treatise on The
Petition to the Court Due Legal Process.

Striking down all Polygamy Laws FOREVERMORE

1. On October 22, 2009, the provincial government violated Canada’s Charter of Rights
and Freedoms and without foundation sought court approval of a standing law that illegitimately
violates Everyone’s Right to Freedom of Religion.

2. Were the superior court of british columbia to comply and hear this matter and provide
any opinion so as to legitimize the entire process would be outright contempt of The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God where there is a reality based upon objective
evidence that repudiates and disproves all laws, institutions and order derived therefrom.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

3. The Principles of Fundamental Justice DEMAND that the sole appropriate and just
outcome and REMEDY in the circumstances is to be summarily imposed without any other
consideration or deceptive process being used to hinder this DEMAND.

4. S. 1 and s. 52(1) along with The Preamble to Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms
dictate that the only way for any legal infringement of Everyone’s Legal Rights and Freedom of
Religion to be saved is through objectively supported Truth that establishes the infringement,
by the law on personal liberties, to be valid as it is upheld by The Pursuit of THE FREE Society
of Equals Realm.

5. The most pertinent sections of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms for this Petition of
the Court reads as follows:

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and
freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as
can be “demonstrably justified” in a “free” and “democratic” society.
(Doublespeak takes precedence here.)

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(a)freedom of conscience and (or) religion;

7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not
to be deprived thereof except in accordance with The Principles of Fundamental

12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment
or punishment.

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been
infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such
remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.

6. In the british columbia government’s illegal October 22, 2009 constitutional challenge


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

to uphold its own historical law, the provincial government cannot demonstrably justify that limiting
the right to freedom of religion is upheld by The Pursuit of THE FREE Society and any attempt to
force “inhered jurisdiction” on the courts in this matter, because an elected body at the time passed
the law (claiming democracy) somehow making it saved according to The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms, is rubbish and deceitful in light of the objective term in this clause - pursuing THE FREE
Society - as well as “new evidence” which is the embodiment of The Supremacy of God.

7. First and foremost, The Pursuit of THE FREE Society supercedes democratic processes
because the superior is based upon objective Truth whereas democracy is subjective where the
opinion of people is used to influence the thoughts of those less educated which the governments are
now refusing to educate. Therefore, there really is only 1 ultimate consideration and outcome
that is beyond repute and that is obtained from the objective evidence or quotes of the standards of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which are binding on all governments going forward from April
17, 1982 especially since the governments unilaterally declared themselves an act of God whose
laws, schemes and order are to be revered as “divine”.

8. As for the “new evidence” reality pertaining to all polygamy laws across Canada, these
laws are shown to have been put in place before Canada repatriated its Constitution and established
inalienable Rights for all laws, also referred to as the Legal Realm (laws create an order or legal
realm, therefore, all laws and schemes must have a Fundamental Justice Dictate for it to be saved).

9. In The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, for the first time, it was established that
everyone has inalienable rights, that are based upon The Pursuit of THE FREE Society, must be
entrenched in everyone’s mind as well as are entrenched within The Principles of Fundamental
Justice and The Supremacy of God. These Rights were not legitimized as a “legal” standard prior
to 1982 which, then, permitted everyone the Right to file a Petition to the Court when their
INALIENABLE Rights universally are denied or disregarded by an historical law.

Therefore, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its stipulation of acceptance of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Everyone’s Right to Freedom of Religion and Everyone’s Legal Rights constitute “new evidence”
relative to the historical polygamy laws.

So, as there was no Right to Freedom of Religion for everyone prior to 1982, all
polygamy laws across Canada are shown to have been an illegitimate violation of Everyone’s Right
to Freedom of Religion and Everyone’s Legal Rights which established The Principles of
Fundamental Justice. Based upon this “new evidence”, all polygamy laws are found now to be
without foundation, invalid, of no real effect and not saved in The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals.

10. In its October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals
commission), the Supreme Court established 2 simple questions that must now be applied to all laws
and institutions for their continuation. The questions from page 41 of this SCC decision and the
appropriate answers, when applied to the polygamy law, go as follows:

Constitutional Reality:

1. Does the Polygamy Law referenced in the superior court’s file no. S-

097767 Superior Court (british columbia - vancouver) infringe upon everyone’s

guaranteed freedom of religion and Everyone’s Legal Rights?

Yes which is patently obvious from the letters in the law and s. 2 (a)
of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

2. Can this infringement upon Everyone’s Freedom of Religion by the

polygamy law be saved by The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals whose


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

standards are omnipotent as objective evidence rules demand that the governments
prove all persons in such religious relationships have had their right to self
determination and informed consent removed?


3. With the pursuit of THE FREE Society where self determination and
informed consent are the sole basis for allowing such relationships, the polygamy
laws across Canada are found to be inconsistent with THE FREE Society and
pursuit of Its Realm as well as The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and, therefore,
are found to be of no real effect, invalid and not saved forevermore.

4. Furthermore, creating criminals out of all persons entering in to a

polygamist relationship also violates s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms on
2 counts: Everyone’s Right to life, liberty and security of person as well as the
obligation of the elected bodies’ to provide and maintain laws that do not deprive
those following religious convictions of their equal right to life, liberty and security
of person of all persons, and enforcing that these individuals suffer cruel and
unusual treatment/punishment for their religious convictions.

5. To criminalize a person for following the personal conviction of

religious freedoms and their right to belief of having several spouses and these
spouses are fully informed of the other relationships would constitute cruel and
unusual treatment or punishment because it would result in the loss of right to life,
liberty and security of all persons from facing possible conviction due to the
unconstitutional polygamy laws and that can never be demonstrably justified to be
consistent with the pursuit of THE FREE Society realm and ultimately the arrival


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

of THE FREE Society Realm.

11. As for elected bodies seeking court approval of an historical or possible law, that is the
greatest deceptive and unconstitutional act by all governments as such a process violates s. 24(1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The reason for this condemnation of such actions by elected
bodies and their courts is because no government is a separate entity from the people. Therefore,
no elected body nor any of its created institutions have the right under s. 24(1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms to initiate unilaterally a Charter Challenge as the proper form of redress for
unconstitutional laws is The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, according to The Principles
of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God, because persons are persons encompassed by
the term “anyone” or “Everyone” and virtual persons, i.e. those created by the laws and are reflective
of the illegitimate “equivalent to persons” status, have no standing in The Pursuit of THE FREE

12. Furthermore, how can an entity created by laws, i.e. the courts, have any relevance in
determining the validity of another law when they are by their creation agents of the provided laws?

13. In jurisprudence and in accordance with the rule of law, the superior courts across
Canada are now being asked to hear arguments for and against the existence of a law - the great
debate factory - as well as attempt to uphold the principle of rulership through the force of the letters
of laws at the same time. This understanding instills an inherent conflict of interest - bias - as judges
in all courts lower than the Supreme Court are charged with upholding the rule of law provided by
the provincial governments and, as the provincial governments are the authors of the laws, the
provincial government is knowingly violating The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God as well as s. 52(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. But, because the
governments wrote The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the governments gave themselves
“divinity” status thereby forcing everyone to believe that the provided laws and agendas are as good


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

as gold even though no government and its machinations can ever be supported as self evident, i.e.
being beyond the need for support (neutral citation principle): the brainwashing effect that was used
just as effectively under Qin as today especially since countless newer discoveries of THE FREE
Society of Equals Realm have been repudiating the continuation of democracy or rulership.

14. In reality and Truth, any and all laws and institutions are either legitimate or
illegitimate while the sole consideration in the process for determining the legitimacy of all
laws and their institutions is whether or not the laws, current or historical, can be shown
(demonstrably justified) to be saved by The Pursuit of THE FREE Society and Its Realm away
from legalism - ruling through the force of the letter of the law or inhering legitimacy without
objective proof of the soundness of the law as determined by personal liberty.

15. Any and all laws, which can and more than likely have been repudiated by Fundamental
Justice outcomes not being applied, naturally, results in the sole appropriate and just REMEDY in
the circumstances, i.e. striking down the law and possibly replacing it with one that has a
Fundamental Justice Dictate, while those feeling, living with and knowing of the oppression and the
tyranny of the oppressed, who are being illegitimately ordered by the due process of governments
to reverse the institutional corruption and the corruption of the administration of Canada, must
present this appropriate and just REMEDY to the courts in The Petition to the Court Due Process
that was outlined quite well in both the initial unopposable March 4, 2009 Summary Order which
was completed in the follow-up August 20, 2009 unopposable Summary Order.

16. It is important to note that there is no leader when pursuing THE FREE Society Realm
as objective evidence will ultimately create the Truth and the mosaic of this realm in everyone’s
mind’s eye which ultimately produces the reality that there is a God as the order of the universe
establishes the fact that the universe was created, the galaxies are created, the solar systems and their
planets are all created and don’t “evolve” but follow strict and orderly standardized processes that
no man has the ability to pervert or change or deny. (For example, the earth has a solid matter


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

surface created by the natural cooling of space or heat combats the natural cold state of the universe
or gravity originates at all planets’ and the suns’ cores which means that the energy surface or the
solid matter surface is constantly being pulled inwards towards this fusion based core explaining
both volcanoes for planets and solar flares for suns.)

THE FREE Society realm is created by inevitable discoveries of this unified objective
realm where there is no further interpretation, i.e. Einstein’s experiments concerning light affirm that
it is the fastest speed in this universe or E=mc3 determines that the universe and time exist both as
interactive gravity wells and the vibration of the universe at the speed of light with the latter being
the greater force as discovered in 1998 by 2 independent teams crunching the data generated since
the space race started.

Consequently, there are no leaders or elites in The Pursuit of THE FREE Realm but
rather judges (biblical reference)/prophets or spokespersons sent from THE FREE Society Realm to
help bring in to focus this realm through inevitable discovery. But, those following true religious
convictions are already there as they live with nature and are supposed to live without the pursuit
of wealth or work as we know it today, i.e. having to earn a livelihood.

17. Therefore, all persons across the globe have the right to strike down all laws and
provide the salvaged laws just as was done in the August 20, 2009 completion of The Defacto
Petition to the Court and its described Due Legal Process that was always superior to and meant to
replace jurisprudence.

Constitutional Reality:

1. Does the wording of s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

infringe upon The Principles of Fundamental Justice and its unifying authority, The
Pursuit of THE FREE Society based upon objective Truth and mislead everyone as


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

to what determines the appropriate and just REMEDY in the circumstances?

Without a doubt, Yes.

2. Can the wording be salvaged so as to reestablish The Pursuit of the

Truth based FREE Society and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God?


3. On pages 69-71, the proper wording to express the Truth was provided,
however, a constitutional amendment is not necessary to correct this deceit and
deception by the elected bodies in their repatriation of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms in 1982. The fact that The Pursuit of THE FREE Society is based
completely on the objective evidence and its mosaic that is being created and is
being brought in to focus determines that the 4 Primary Laws of the August 20,
2009 completion of The Defacto Petition to the Court Due Legal Process and the
replacement of the corrupt jurisprudence is beyond reproach!

18. Sadly, Canadians have been wrongly conditioned by the elites including the press to the
standard that court proceedings produce proper and incontrovertible outcomes - Fundamental Justice
and are therefore the proper course of action for redress if possible. The Chief Justice of The
Supreme Court of Canada, Beverley McLachlin, in her speech of October 2007 - these comments
were well published in the mass media - has made it clear that Fundamental Justice is NOT part of
the fabric of the administration of justice in Canada nor within the administration of Canada.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

19. To better demonstrably justify the need to abolish the press’ contention and everyone’s
mind set, which define court rulings as “evidence of correctness”, is the application of the newly
discovered objective evidence of DNA relative to prosecutions both current, historical and going
forward. The Supreme Court of Canada has acknowledged and used DNA evidence as the “new
evidence” that embodies The Supremacy of God to exonerate previously declared convicted persons
that went through the entire system of jurisprudence and were illegitimately convicted of a heinous
crime even though the outcome was later repudiated with this “new” DNA evidence.

Currently, those wrongfully convicted and having paid for the DNA tests have been
exonerated within 30 days by the Supreme Court because the objective Truth is that, that person did
not commit the crime and they have endured cruel and unusual treatment or punishment. According
to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God, the only process to be wholly
upheld as completely valid by the Supreme Court of Canada is the Petition to the Court Due Legal
Process based upon “new evidence” which nobody has been told embodies The Supremacy of God,
i.e. there being Truth and justice beyond that being provided by the current administration of
Canada and its judiciary!

20. Therefore, it is patently obvious that the current wording of s. 24(1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms is incorrect and invalid but the words do not need to be corrected by
governments because everyone, that has been denied their entrenched Rights for the Legal Realm,
has the right to petition the court not just to have their own personal matter corrected with the
application of the Truthful Fundamental Justice outcome but also designate whether the current
institution can be salvaged relative to The Pursuit of THE FREE Society Realm or the institution is
struck down relative to The Pursuit of the Truth based FREE Society realm and Everyone’s Legal

21. The current wording of s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms plus the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

tyrannical approach to government and the instatement of legalism, i.e. ruling through the letter of
the laws, is sufficient evidence to support that governments are thankful for my coming forward and
publishing The Defacto Petition to the Court Due Legal Process or The Treatise on The Petition to
the Court Due Legal Process—the first part is found in the March 4, 2009 unopposable Summary
Order while the completion of exposing The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process is found in the
August 20, 2009 unopposable Summary Order—because it takes all the burden off of the
governments, finally, for reforming the laws and makes it known that we, the people, through the
Petition to the Court Due Legal Process are the superior means of finding all the oppressive
laws and striking them down forevermore.

22. The pursuit of THE FREE Society Realm will be established by laws that are saved by
the finding of Fundamental Justice Dictates in the historical writing of the laws and the
reinstatement of these laws through The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process or struck down
forevermore. It is important to note that the vast majority of laws will not be saved because, prior
to 1982, no Legal Rights existed determining that Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms is “new
evidence” relative to all laws going forward from April 17, 1982 and the irrational reality where
governments and/or courts are the definers of laws that insure Fundamental Justice for all

23. The Supreme Court and the superior court of british columbia (all divisions) have
already been informed that all court acts are summarily struck down and must be replaced with a
2 stage court proceeding where The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God
are upheld at all stages of institutional thinking and where “new evidence” and administrative
reviews of the previous decisions and their application of the “evidence” in determining that the
appropriate and just outcome was not delivered through the historical decision making process and
this discovery must be used to reform the entire institution and perhaps even eliminate it as the
mandate for the institution has been disproven - discredited.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

24. The following sections of this document was included in the August 26, 2009 Affidavits
filed with the superior court (british columbia - registrar) and the Supreme Court of Canada relating
to file no. 81581 with the superior court (british columbia - kelowna). As it corrects the
administration of justice to The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, it must be included in this
Petition to the Court Order now being presented for the abolition of all polygamy laws across
Canada and the globe where The Pursuit of THE FREE Society is given its solemn and omnipotent

(August 21, 2009)

RE: BAD FAITH on the part of the superior court (british columbia)’s part and its consequences
for The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God

Dear Sirs:


Legal Rights


7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person - Part 1 -
and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the
Principles of Fundamental Justice - Part 2.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

11(d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair

and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;

1. Part 1 of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms establishes universality of being

where nobody nor any institution can do harm or allow a known harm to befall the person of another.

2. Part 2 of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms imposes Doing Right for everyone
and not lying ever by any institution or its members which includes judges, elected officials,
government agents while The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God also
demand that, when BAD FAITH is established, there can be no defence of the institution’s position,
as that would constitute allowing the administration of justice to be exposed as wholly disreputable
and furthering the corruption of due process because, doing so, indicates that the courts are
knowingly allowing perjury to be presented in the course of the administration of justice - suborning
perjury - making the courts utterly contemptible concerning the administration of Fundamental
Justice - justice approved by pure facts/simpliciter. Therefore, the superior courts must sign off on
the provided unopposable Order forthwith, without hesitation and without any other
considerations following the review of the institution’s words. (Once completing the originating
application process is made known - lie of omission/BAD FAITH, otherwise, as happened to the
court proceedings on file no. 81581 with the superior court (british columbia - kelowna).)

3. The proper and sole reality for passing judgment in the ongoing circumstances goes as
follows: judge not the person but judge first the legitimacy of the institutions! This reality now
demands that privative clauses be dismissed forthwith and without hesitation so that the institutions’
lack of morality and ethics in its decisions can be readily exposed and summarily reversed as highly
prejudicial objective evidence, that has remained excluded, has allowed the institutions to impose
tyranny and injustice in all cases against the people and this correction of this injustice based on the
simple correctness evidence must now be imposed as EXTREMELY relevant, in accordance with


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

The Principles of Fundamental Justice, as this “new evidence” affirms the ongoing violation of Part
1 of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and also denial/suspension of Part 2 of s. 7 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

4. The decision making and its outcomes have failed to remain mutable given the objective
and self evident Truth/simpliciter of the evidence. This document and all documents submitted by
the Petitioner on file no. 81581 with the superior court (british columbia - kelowna) redresses this

Instead of judging the decisions, the institutions, the schemes and the laws, we fell back
onto the old standard of disbelieving those being oppressed by corrupt laws, schemes and
corrupt decisions and consequently and wrongly started judging the people and the starting
point was the false belief that “the people were wrong” regardless of the potentially omitted
self evident objective Truth repudiating the actions of the institutions and we have started to
accept the false belief that everyone is generally bad when it comes to our dealings with institutions
rather than the Truth which is that the institution for the most part may not be legitimate to start with
and, consequently, its decisions will never reflect the Truth!

Constitutional Reality:

1. Does the current organization of the courts with the stipulation of

“vexatious proceedings” and its existence facilitating jurisprudence along with
“inhered jurisdiction” across Canada infringe upon Everyone’s Legal Rights and,
more importantly, have the courts been established by Exhibit “J” on file no. 81581
with the superior court (british columbia - kelowna) not to be in compliance with
s. 11(d) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, i.e. is it proven that the courts


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

below the Supreme Court of Canada do not dispense Fundamental Justice due to
the courts and tribunals not being independent and impartial - bound to pure
objective facts and its self evident Truth/simpliciter?


Ergo, all court acts and the organization of the historical court
system are unconstitutional and found to be of no effect, invalid and not saved!

2. Can the court system be salvaged with the proper Petition to the
Court Due Legal process?


3. Therefore, courts can remain but the proper procedure for due
legal process is a 2 stage judicial review system where the superior courts
across Canada are to remain as the first stage of decision making and
accepting agents of all Petitions to the Court forthwith, without hesitation and
without any other considerations.

4. Also, all provincial and territorial courts across Canada are

summarily abolished as are their decisions have been proven to be of no real
effect and invalid. Plus, everyone is to be informed that, if the system refuses to
uphold the sole Fundamental Justice outcome in the particular cases, the oppressed


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

from the denial/suspension of Truth have the right to rewrite the laws insuring that
the harm from the institution’s lie - BAD FAITH, reverse onus and oppression -
never befalls anyone else while the designation for this corrective legal process is
the long suppressed Petition to the Court Due Legal Process.

5. There is no appeal available to the state or institutions in The

Petition to the Court Due Legal Process because the words of the institutions and
those of the government in their Acts (passed legislation) establish that attempting
to defend the indefensible is not permissible (suborning perjury) because that would
require that the courts administer justice disreputably and allow a known lie to be
registered as part of the administration of justice just so that the courts can render
a fictitious and BAD FAITH/dishonest judgment which the pure facts/simpliciter
make patently obvious - self evident Truth.

Therefore, the court system will henceforth consist of just an

initial superior court proceeding and a supreme court of Canada proceeding
with the stipulation that Fundamental Justice has not weighed in on the final
outcome and which allows the superior court to accept readily the “new
evidence” and its Fundamental Justice outcome in a follow-up Petition to the
Court just as readily as the Supreme Court of Canada. This reality is reflective
of the reality of DNA evidence repudiating entirely the administration of justice
with jurisprudence in previous wrongful convictions plus the reality that the Truth
based FREE Society is a Realm to which everyone and everything must ultimately

6. Fundamental Justice and its Truth based FREE Society is a Realm

of existence that has yet to be imposed through the standard of everyone Doing
Right equally even though mankind has made great scientific discoveries affirming


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the existence of these entities which expose that all civilization is nothing more than
an unnatural bubble created by mankind to keep not just the destruction of The
Mandate of Heaven and earth in play, but also to obscure the greatest love of all:
there may be billions of planets in a respective circle of life around many suns of
this universe but what fraction of the total number of stars which is beyond a google
does a billion represent. Ergo, what we have is the representation of the greatest
love in the universe on this planet with its true natural order being part of this

7. By limiting ourselves to laws and the agendas of mankind, we lost

the greatest love of all - God’s Love and His Way and the ultimate objective of
joining Him at the energy level plane of existence (c3 ). Let’s finally change this
permanently today and let objective facts be given their authority not only to wipe
away this corrupt civilization but also unify everyone under the realm of Doing
Right dominating everyone’s minds and thoughts without laws creating crime and
punishment and allowing unnatural agendas to be imposed without justification.

8. By Doing Right, “inhered jurisdiction” within the court system

is hereby abolished in all decisions because all decisions by any institution must
REALLY be upheld by Fundamental Justice for the decision to be accepted by
everyone, i.e. you cannot have any court or specialist tell you something that the
pure facts clearly are repudiating which means that tennis elbow is a serious and
significant physiological injury to the lateral complex of the radiocapitellar
joint as the pure facts of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body standard have
established thoroughly as well as the application of the laws of physics and
engineering while continuing to use this dyskinetic arm leads to a wholly dyskinetic
human body standard that nobody wants to acknowledge because it abolishes
seeking cures for ailments whose origin is known and must now be prevented just


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

as it was 40 years ago.

(end of August 21, 2009 portion)

For the record and all time:

25. Laws produce an order but all laws must be shown to be supported by the objective
Truth for the resulting order, institutions and history of mankind to be valid. When the objective
evidence comes forward, everyone must confine their thoughts to reality of existence even when this
objective Truth repudiates the continuation and establishment of all institutions and processes.

Now, everyone can understand s. 1 of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms

because, for any law, institutional process and institutional decision to be valid, the objective
evidence - not the interpretation or conflict of educated opinions - must support the mandate and
functioning of the organization so that everyone and all that exists is solely set up to insure The
Pursuit of THE FREE Society for all that exists.

26. Jurisprudence violates everything that we, the people, expect for the administration of
justice as the courts under “vexatious proceedings” were automatically ordered not to allow The
Petition to the Court Due Legal Process to be known - “originating” due legal process, that is based
upon undeniable self evident Truth repudiating the deliberation on a matter by third parties, because
then the Objective Truth will be known to establish the Fundamental Justice in a given circumstance
as well as the sole appropriate and just REMEDY in the circumstances while “inhered jurisdiction”
clearly and illegitimately imbued BAD FAITH/“reverse onus” on the oppressed and disenfranchised
when the Fundamental Justice outcome is being refused its standing by the institutional decision
makers - suspension of Truth in the circumstance. The sole reason for denial/suspension of the self
evident Truth was just so that the system could determine whether or not the oppressed, in question,
was to be The One who would learn of his power to strike down not just the laws but the whole


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

administration of nation states across the face of the earth once and for all.

27. It should be patently obvious that Mr. E. J. Krass not only met the challenge but
learned of the omnipotent authority of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process. With the
filing of the March 4, 2009 unopposable Summary Motion/Order and the completion
document for The Defacto Petition to the Court - the August 20, 2009 unopposable Summary
Motion/Order - that exposes the long SUPPRESSED Petition to the Court Due Legal Process,
E. J. Krass in his Petition to the Court legal proceedings has brought the corruption of the
administration of justice and nation states to the fore as well as everyone’s means to reinstate
The Pursuit of THE FREE Society, forevermore.

The Simple Principles of Resurrecting The Pursuit of THE FREE Society:

28. The primary objective for correcting the laws is to liberate The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society Realm that is being brought in to focus with all the inevitable objective discoveries like the
earth is round, gravity holds everyone on the face of the earth, the surface of the earth is being pulled
towards its core, the speed of light is constant throughout the universe, there is a Grand Unified
equation and order to the universe, the clinical interpretation of x-rays is fundamentally flawed just
as human anatomy is flawed, etc.

29. Currently, everyone is being indoctrinated by the system to believe falsely that there
is no order at all to this universe just chaos which is an out and out lie. Due to misleading education,
there can be no new evidence because mankind basically knows everything now and can create
whole galaxies, solar systems and planets. If this were true, why is it no scientist will even attempt
to make this statement but still leave it to be implied rather than repudiate it as is demanded by The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God.

30. In Truth, the system is contending that there is no “new evidence” because it embodies


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

The Supremacy of God and often repudiates everything that scientists know or their theories present.
There is far more to this universe than what the academics have discovered thus far but only the
Unified Forces reality is legitimate because it unified the discoveries that indicate electricity,
magnetism, the weak and strong nuclear forces and gravity and the expansionary force of light are
unified and, without this unification, the universe, galaxies, solar systems and Periodic Table, which
is incomplete, etc. would not exist.

31. As there is more to what is known and inevitable discoveries of the objective nature are
being made, there is an objectively supported FREE Society Realm which has been removed from
being pursued by all persons and institutions across the face of the globe from pole to pole by
governments and elected bodies.

32. As a consequence of the real FREE Society Realm’s existence and based upon
objectively support Truth, only laws that have a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be allowed to exist
in the Legal Realm. To insure the production of the single set of laws that uphold pursuing THE
FREE Society Realm, The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process now replaces summarily
jurisprudence while the new court acts and 2 stage decision making process will clearly have
to entrench this standard of cleansing of the laws by the people for the people and with
objective Truth given its legitimate and omnipotent standing that was never put in place until now
by our governments, the resulting institutions and the elites which are now eliminated due to this
fact: we, the people, have the authority to reform our civilization in to THE FREE Society Realm
once and forevermore. So, let’s get going, Canada!

33. If The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process is not implemented soon by the courts,
the only thing left will be civil war because the governments of canada have instilled and been
maintained through legalism just as in the era of Qin, Social Darwinism, rulership by the
monarchies, Nazism, Stalinism, commerce, etc. Basically, the tyranny and oppression that has
knowingly been implemented since 1982 by the elected bodies across Canada and legitimized by the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

courts - their agents - will be eliminated and the sole means of revolutionizing the Legal Realm is
The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process without bloodshed and violating Everyone’s Legal
Rights - Part 1.

34. From all of this, it must now be patently obvious to any and all readers of this and the
Exhibits, that not only is the administration of justice disreputable, of no real effect, invalid, not
saved for the exception of Petitions to the Courts because the experience of the disenfranchised and
oppressed are beyond the experience of the judges but also the administration of Canada, as a whole
since the arrival of the European colonists right through to today, is also without foundation,
invalid, of no real effect and not saved.

35. Thus, the corrupt approach of having illegitimate laws “examined” and “commented
on” for legitimacy (proof of legitimacy) by the courts, who are fully agents of the provincial and
federal governments rather than “wholly independent and impartial” - as portrayed in Canada’s
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, confirms the duplicity of the current tyrants - governments - and
their followers of them - those believing the agenda put forward by political parties and its game,
politics and elections - towards The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of equals and the use of objective
evidence that supports the proper, fundamental, appropriate and just outcome in all circumstances
which often means that the actions of governments especially ruling through the force of the letter
of the law (rule of law) NEVER HAD NOR NEVER WILL HAVE validity determining that the
current civilization is not saved and truly is an illusion made real with deceit and duplicity:
education currently is really indoctrination in to the unnatural order devised and maintained through
the loyalty of the followers even though the objective evidence repudiates the perpetuation of the
current way of existing.

36. All laws that insure The Pursuit of THE FREE Society will have a Fundamental Justice
Dictate because this will expose to the world and everyone that they do have the right to life, liberty
and security of person as well as all institutions will NEVER deal dishonestly with anyone ever


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine


37. Exhibit “K” on file with the courts establishes that E. J. Krass has and is still
experiencing the denial of his right to life, liberty and security (is being oppressed) due to the laws
and unnatural order - the ongoing tyrant created from collusion and hiding the objectively supported
Truth and its Realm from everyone.

38. No judge anywhere can pretend to have any experience as that of E. J. Krass as the
current judicial oaths stipulate and which the new court acts will also stipulate as a limiter to
authority as it is a pillar of The Petition to the Courts Due Legal Process. Consequently, there is
nobody within the institutions remotely qualified to redress the corruption of the administration of
Canada and its justice. Hence, The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process is the proper standard
for the administration of Fundamental Justice and insuring The Pursuit of THE FREE Society.

39. Mr. E. J. Krass, as the Exhibits affirm, found the cure for his job injuries and affirmed
it both with objective evidence - the results of the September 2, 1998 Gadolinium enhanced MRI of
his job injured right elbow - plus had the requisitioning surgeon in Los Angeles review the results
and provide a report that the alberta’s agents defined as “new evidence” but, since that time, the
entire system built a wall to defy the Fundamental Justice outcome for E. J. Krass which
automatically put E. J. Krass on the path to correct all the lies, deceit and deception used by
governments to pervert the administration of Fundamental Justice. Consequently, E. J. Krass
learned of the long SUPPRESSED Petition to the Court Due Legal Process - originating due legal
process currently - and has filed the proper documentation to the courts of competent jurisdiction
on March 4, 2009 and August 20, 2009 and then August 26, 2009 to the superior court (appeals
division) - the latter was returned - and the Supreme Court of Canada.

However, all courts continued the application of BAD FAITH/“reverse onus” because
NOBODY responded and informed E. J. Krass that he needed to fill out a Form 126 - Notice of
Hearing, to actually get the chief jurist for the superior court (british columbia) to sign off on the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

originating Petitions to the Court: having to ask the right questions to get a buried fact known is BAD

40. The experience that E. J. Krass has endured and continues to endure is such that NO
JUDGE will ever encounter especially as every government agent and agent of the laws have
colluded and maintained the BAD FAITH after the objective Truth became known concerning E. J.
Krass’ job injuries and their ongoing and unhealed nature was acknowledged by the system but
nothing was done right since then so as to challenge E. J. Krass to cast off s. 3 of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms as democracy is not a self evident Truth - neutral citation - and is actually
repudiated by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God. In response to the
Truth, the system outright refused To Do Right just because, in this world, there is Doing Right with
all else being wrong which means that the functioning of the entire administration of Canada is
disreputable, invalid, of no real effect and not saved while pursuing THE FREE Society Realm
has been removed from everyone’s thoughts.

Striking down National Security as it is illegitimate and FOREVERMORE

1. On December 11, 2009, the Canadian government formally announced that it will only
release “all legally available information” relating to the handing over of Afghanistan prisoners of
war to torture documentation. For those who don’t know, it has become known that, 3 years ago,
the government was appraised of the significant potential for captured Afghanistan prisoners being
tortured once turned over to the Afghanistan government.

2. If this were true, then, Canadians and its allies in Afghanistan would be in a position
of acting in a manner consistent with war crimes. The Geneva Convention, which is completely
binding on Canada vis-a-vis s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Canada’s signature that
bound all future governments to this Act/Treaty, and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Supremacy of God demanded that the government of Canada was honour bound to investigate this
potential breach of proper treatment of the captured prisoners of war.

3. The Principles of Fundamental Justice bound us - Canada - to investigate and enact the
sole appropriate and just outcome and REMEDY in the circumstances and at that time.

4. If this investigation did not take place, then, Canada is found to be in violation of its
own Charter of Rights and Freedoms meaning that governance by democracy which is being
imposed illegitimately in Afghanistan is found to be without merit, invalid, of no real effect and
not saved.

5. The government is well aware of this standard and its ramifications. I am of the
opinion, based on the December 11, 2009 statement from the government in the House of
Parliament, that an investigation based on the findings represented by its agent in Afghanistan was
undertaken and this first inference of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of
God was met meaning that governance had passed its first test or else governance by democracy
would be found to be without merit, invalid, of no real effect and not saved - FOREVERMORE.

6. Governments themselves have instituted FULL DISCLOSE which is consistent with

The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God. However, the current regime
is inferring that “national security” and “public safety” are grounds for dismissing a proper
investigation/review of the matter to determine whether the proper steps were undertaken to insure
that the obligations of The Geneva Convention and s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms were
adhered to by the current government.

Constitutional Reality:

1. Does national security and public safety infringe upon Everyone’s


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Legal Rights and the demand that the government Do Right according to The

Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God?


2. As the answer is yes to question 1, can the concept of national security

and public safety be saved by being found to uphold The Pursuit of THE FREE

Society of Equals Realm?


3. Therefore, national security and public safety are found to be without

merit, invalid, of no real effect and not saved forevermore as these contentions
actually infringe upon everyone’s right to formulate the singular proper course of
action in our daily lives. Consequently, the Ministry of Public Safety is officially
abolished and can never to brought forth in any manner again even as a subordinate
part of any ministry going forward.

4. No nation state is legitimate as The Pursuit of THE FREE Society

of Equals Realm prohibits the creation and maintenance of nation states
separate from the people which is ongoing in Canada under the rouse of
democracy and politics - neither of which have any legitimacy and never did.

5. When every part of the globe recognizes Everyone’s Legal Rights - The
International Bill of Human Rights, then, all nation states have no further reason to
exist because there is a corollary - single set - of laws that exist that extend from
Everyone’s Legal Rights and these laws MUST be put in place through The Petition
to the Court Due Legal Process where only laws that have an universal
Fundamental Justice Dictate will be found to be acceptable as they promote The


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Pursuit of THE FREE Society, aka The Pursuit of Happiness for Americans.

6. In the real world, there is Doing Right with all else being wrong.
Therefore, if all persons Do Right as established by objective proof or await the
arrival of this, there will nothing but The Way that was lost in China but which
resulted in the vast amounts of peasants and this lifestyle across the countryside
which also is representative of the peasants across all continents.

7. The pursuit of wealth is not universal and actually displaces the universal standard for
continued existence plus pursuing wealth is highly limited with an end point unlike Doing Right and
learning how to ascend to the Heaven/Energy Realm of this universe.

8. Due to the nation state’s loss of the protections of invoking national security and public
safety, it is now demanded that the federal government produce FULL DISCLOSURE where none
of the documents produced will be censored plus all documents pertinent to the investigation, filed
appropriately or not, will be submitted to all persons without question so that it can be determined
whether The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and The Geneva
Convention were adhered to in this matter and whether the government is misleading everyone so
as to legitimize or “justify” the continuation of the war in Afghanistan.

9. I am of the opinion, based upon The Principles of Fundamental Justice, that an

investigation did in fact take place following the filing of reports of the potential for abuse of
prisoners of war.

10. I am also of the opinion that this investigation did affirm the abuse of prisoners of war
by the Afghanistan government’s agents just as in other non-governmental-organizations’
investigations. The vehement response by the government to the contentions alone is significant
evidence for any reasonable person to conclude that, firstly, there was a follow-up investigation, and,
secondly, the results were positive for abuse of the prisoners of war and were then covered-up under
the umbrella of “national security” and this evidence is more than likely misfiled in other


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

departments so that it will come to light potentially decades from now.

Therefore, the actions of the current government especially the proroguing of parliament
in December 2009 so that the inquiry by the senate will be eliminated leave no other conclusion,
according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice, than the government is covering up a most
fundamental Truth that is grounds for the dismissal of governance and democracy as these are the
grounds for the war in Afghanistan.

11. With “national security” and “public safety” being found to be of no real effect and
illegitimate grounds for denial of government approval or inaction on some matters - BAD
FAITH, it is apparent that Mikhail Lennikov’s family matters can now be address properly
according to The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and
The Supremacy of God in the initial Petition to the Court Due Legal Proceeding in Canada.

12. According to Petition to the Court Due Legal Process and the Supreme Court of Canada
(Exhibit “N” on file no. 81581 with the superior court (british columbia - kelowna)), the Mikhail
Lennikov and family immigration matter was to be reviewed solely on a simple correctness standard
relative to s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and in accordance with s. 24 of The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms without any review of the file or history of the applicants.

Basically, the Mikhail Lennikov and family immigration court proceedings were simply
to determine whether or not the family were to be allowed permanent residency in Canada based
upon Everyone’s INALIENABLE AND UNIVERSAL Right to Life, Liberty and Security of Person
and whether on not the family or any member was being “denied” their right to complete the
immigration process initiated over a decade ago.

13. Since arriving in Canada, the Lennikov family has been upstanding people and the fact
that the community is rallying around the family makes it quite clear that the Lennikov’s have shown
themselves to be model citizens.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

14. In its decision against the Lennikov family, the government rejected the advice of the
community - community standards - as well as refused to acknowledge both the conduct of the
Lennikov’s in Canada as well as the threat of returning a “defector” back to their country of origin
where they face the prospect of death as Everyone’s Legal Rights are not accepted yet in Russia.

15. The Canadian government cited as the main grounds for the “denial” of permanent
residency for the Lennikov family was “national security.” In fact, it is the Minister of Public
Safety, Peter Van Loan, and not the Minister of Immigration that is denying Mikhail Lennikov
permanent residency in Canada.

16. The courts in 2009 did not comply with the correctness standard for determining if
Mikhail Lennikov and his family were being denied their Legal Rights through the suspension of
Truth as established by Everyone’s Right to security of person - neutral citation. In fact, in its
decision, the court ONLY applied the letter of the law provided by parliament rather than review the
matter to determine whether the rights of the entire Lennikov family were being violated by the
splitting up of the family and, then, putting in place the just decision based upon s. 7 and s. 24 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms: no man nor machination of mankind has the right to tear
apart the family unit which also includes “national security.”

17. As this is an addendum to the initial Petition to the Court initiated January 9, 2009, that
shatters the illusion that “democracy is valid” and infallible when The Pursuit of THE FREE Society
repudiates this as the objective evidence - neutral citation - establishes not only the sole appropriate
and just REMEDY to the denial of Fundamental Justice but summarily dismisses all other
contentions that have to be wrong, it is hereby ORDERED that the entire Lennikov family -
Mikhail, Irina and Dimitri Lennikov - are to be granted complete and full Canadian citizenship
papers without delay and the deportation order terminated forevermore. (What good this will
do is yet to be seen as nation states will be replaced with one people united under God from pole to
pole. However, as a special note, the Lennikov’s will learn first hand of the legal means of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

revolution that was created with the acceptance of Everyone’s Legal Rights in the Canadian Charter
of Rights and Freedoms.)

Besides, everyone in Vancouver or the local community is now fully aware of the
background of Mikhail Lennikov and I am certain that if any untoward activity were undertaken by
Mikhail Lennikov, the people would know that and make it known. So, Mikhail Lennikov will
always be under public scrutiny and to a much higher standard than everyone else and, for that, I am
sorry but that is reality - harsh as it is.

18. Canadians must review their laws objectively and place the SOLE priority on personal
security as defined by the holder of the body (Habeas Corpus), aka safety within The Declaration
of Independence. This means that the schemes, going forward, must insure personal security from
known injuries are to be prevented rather than everyone living with the lie that it is the role of
medicine to treat injuries rather than “demonstrably justify” objectively to everyone why they must
not play tennis or work as a manual labourer: the mislabeled pronator teres muscle of the forearm
ONLY is supposed to contract to reverse the rotation of the radius that is done from contraction of
the biceps which results in either the forearm moving towards the humerus or mild rotation of the
radius that plays a small role in hand supination (not pronation) when the elbow is bent or even
rotation of the humerus clockwise.

19. To put it another way, personal security is the supreme consideration for all
decision making and it is not the responsibility of the disenfranchised or their agent to make
this fact known!

Furthermore, when “reverse onus” is being enforced, all that exists is a lie - the
illusion made real. So, all actions after the initiation of reverse onus by the elites are not the
responsibility of the people as your choices are predetermined and exclude Doing Right.
Basically, all that anyone is doing is playing the game devised by the establishment rather than


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

living according to God and the mature, healthy and kinetic human body.

Constitutional Reality:

1. Does the current immigration policies infringe upon Everyone’s Legal

Rights - neutral citation s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


2. As the answer is yes, can the current immigration policies be saved by

The Pursuit of THE FREE Society?


3. Therefore, the immigration policies are struck down wholly and a new
one must be presented where a Fundamental Justice Dictate is established and the
standards of Everyone’s Legal Rights are imposed as is demanded by s. 52(1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

4. Currently, the immigration policy is increasingly restrictive to those

who have established that they accept Canadian values. When a person is “denied”
their right to Canadian citizenship or permanent residency, only the ones who
should stay, leave because they are honest and accepting of the decisions of the
system. Whereas, those that are dishonest and are violent and, therefore, pose a
threat to the immigration workers are left alone by the government even though a
deportation order was legitimately put in place.

When a violent criminal comes to Canada and gets in, which is a

definite threat to everyone’s personal safety in the cities, the safety of the
immigration department’s workers takes precedence and that person is left to wreak
havoc across Canada until the police emergency response team is brought in and


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

possibly after a person or two has their lives and/or health removed from them.

So, the paradox of Canada’s corrupt immigration policy is exposed:

those that are honest and should remain, go when the immigration department of
government deportation order is issued; but, those who refuse to accept the
deportation order and who pose a significant risk to everyone’s personal safety,
especially those living in the larger cities across Canada, are left alone and not even
tracked by the police or have the matter of deportation turned over to them as the
police have far too much on their plates today.

Basically, the government is seeking to look like it is standing up for

everyone’s security of person through the use of a publicity stunt while the real
facts repudiate this and only those who really should stay are forced to go.

5. As the current immigration policies are shown to be invalid, of no real

effect and not saved in the global Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals, new Act
must be provided and it must come from the past where getting in to Canada wasn’t
so duplicitous and arduous.

6. Over the years, the Canadian government increased the harshness of

the letters of the laws and forgot the most basic and primary objective for all laws,
The Universal Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals. Consequently, those that
should be readily welcomed especially after having proved the content of their
character after living years in Canada peacefully are now being deported whereas,
decades ago, these people would have been welcomed.

20. But, everyone must be aware that, in the years to come, there will be no immigration
policy as humanity gravitates towards one people, united and indivisible, under God going from pole
to pole. Only nation states have immigration policies and it has already been established that these
nation states are an affront to The Universal Pursuit of THE FREE Society and its corollary of laws


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

that will exist everywhere and replace the corrupt concept of the united nations (states).

The Simple Principles of Resurrecting The Pursuit of THE FREE Society:

21. The primary objective for correcting the laws is to liberate The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society Realm that is being brought in to focus with all the inevitable objective discoveries like the
earth is round, gravity holds everyone on the face of the earth, the surface of the earth is being pulled
towards its core, the speed of light is constant throughout the universe, there is a Grand Unified
equation and order to the universe, the clinical interpretation of x-rays is fundamentally flawed just
as human anatomy is flawed, etc.

22. Currently, everyone is being indoctrinated by the system to believe falsely that there
is no order at all to this universe just chaos which is an out and out lie. Due to misleading education,
there can be no new evidence because mankind basically knows everything now and can create
whole galaxies, solar systems and planets. If this were true, why is it no scientist will even attempt
to make this statement but still leave it to be implied rather than repudiate it as is demanded by The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God.

23. In Truth, the system is contending that there is no “new evidence” especially since it
embodies The Supremacy of God and often repudiates everything that scientists know or their
theories present. There is far more to this universe than what the academics have discovered thus
far but only the Unified Forces contention is legitimate because it unified the discoveries of
electricity, magnetism, the weak and strong nuclear forces and gravity and the expansionary force
of light and the observation that these most basic universal forces have to unified because, without
this unification, the universe, galaxies, solar systems and Periodic Table, which is incomplete, would
not exist.

24. As there is more to what is known and inevitable discoveries of an objective nature are


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

being made, there is an objectively supported FREE Society Realm which has been removed from
being pursued by all persons and institutions across the face of the globe from pole to pole by all
governments and elected bodies.

25. As a consequence of the real FREE Society Realm’s existence and based upon
objectively support Truth, only laws that have a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be allowed to exist
in the Legal Realm. To insure the production of the single set of laws that uphold pursuing THE
FREE Society Realm, The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process now replaces summarily
jurisprudence while the new court acts and 2 stage decision making process will clearly have
to entrench this standard of cleansing of the laws by the people for the people and with
objective Truth given its legitimate and omnipotent standing that was never put in place until now
by our governments, the resulting institutions and the elites which are now eliminated due to this
fact: we, the people, have the authority to reform our civilization in to THE FREE Society Realm
once and forevermore. So, let’s get going, Canada!

26. If The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process is not implemented soon by the courts,
the only thing left will be civil war because the governments of canada have instilled and been
maintained through legalism just as in the era of Qin, Social Darwinism, rulership by the
monarchies, Nazism, Stalinism, commerce, etc. Basically, the tyranny and oppression that has
knowingly been implemented since 1982 by the elected bodies across Canada and legitimized by the
courts - their agents - will be eliminated and the sole means of revolutionizing the Legal Realm is
The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process without bloodshed and violating Everyone’s Legal
Rights - Part 1.

27. From all of this, it must now be patently obvious to any and all readers of this and the
Exhibits, that not only is the administration of justice disreputable, of no real effect, invalid, not
saved for the exception of Petitions to the Courts because the experience of the disenfranchised and
oppressed are beyond the experience of the judges but also the administration of Canada, as a whole


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

since the arrival of the European colonists right through to today, is also without foundation,
invalid, of no real effect and not saved.

28. Thus, the corrupt approach of having illegitimate laws “examined” and “commented
on” for legitimacy (proof of legitimacy) by the courts, who are fully agents of the provincial and
federal governments rather than “wholly independent and impartial” - as portrayed in Canada’s
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, confirms the duplicity of the current tyrants - governments - and
their followers of them - those believing the agenda put forward by political parties and its game,
politics and elections - towards The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of equals and the use of objective
evidence that supports the proper, fundamental, appropriate and just outcome in all circumstances
which often means that the actions of governments especially ruling through the force of the letter
of the law (rule of law) NEVER HAD NOR NEVER WILL HAVE validity determining that the
current civilization is not saved and truly is an illusion made real with deceit and duplicity:
education currently is really indoctrination in to the unnatural order devised and maintained through
the loyalty of the followers even though the objective evidence repudiates the perpetuation of the
current way of existing.

29. All laws that insure The Pursuit of THE FREE Society will have a Fundamental Justice
Dictate because this will expose to the world and everyone that they do have the right to life, liberty
and security of person as well as all institutions will NEVER deal dishonestly with anyone ever

30. Exhibit “K” on file with the courts establishes that E. J. Krass has and is still
experiencing the denial of his right to life, liberty and security (is being oppressed) due to the laws
and unnatural order - the ongoing tyrant created from collusion and hiding the objectively supported
Truth and its Realm from everyone.

31. No judge anywhere can pretend to have any experience as that of E. J. Krass as the
current judicial oaths stipulate and which the new court acts will also stipulate as a limiter to


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

authority as it is a pillar of The Petition to the Courts Due Legal Process. Consequently, there is
nobody within the institutions remotely qualified to redress the corruption of the administration of
Canada and its justice. Hence, The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process is the proper standard
for the administration of Fundamental Justice and insuring The Pursuit of THE FREE Society.

32. Mr. E. J. Krass, as the Exhibits affirm, found the cure for his job injuries and affirmed
it both with objective evidence - the results of the September 2, 1998 Gadolinium enhanced MRI of
his job injured right elbow - plus had the requisitioning surgeon in Los Angeles review the results
and provide a report that the alberta’s agents defined as “new evidence” but, since that time, the
entire system built a wall to defy the Fundamental Justice outcome for E. J. Krass which
automatically put E. J. Krass on the path to correct all the lies, deceit and deception used by
governments to pervert the administration of Fundamental Justice. Consequently, E. J. Krass
learned of the long SUPPRESSED Petition to the Court Due Legal Process - originating due legal
process currently - and has filed the proper documentation to the courts of competent jurisdiction
on March 4, 2009 and August 20, 2009 and then August 26, 2009 to the superior court (appeals
division) - the latter was returned - and the Supreme Court of Canada.

However, all courts continued the application of BAD FAITH/“reverse onus” because
NOBODY responded and informed E. J. Krass that he needed to fill out a Form 126 - Notice of
Hearing, to actually get the chief jurist for the superior court (british columbia) to sign off on the
originating Petitions to the Court: having to ask the right questions to get a buried fact known is BAD

33. The experience that E. J. Krass has endured and continues to endure is such that NO
JUDGE will ever encounter especially as every government agent and agent of the laws have
colluded and maintained the BAD FAITH after the objective Truth became known concerning E. J.
Krass’ job injuries and their ongoing and unhealed nature was acknowledged by the system but
nothing was done right since then so as to challenge E. J. Krass to cast off s. 3 of The Charter of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Rights and Freedoms as democracy is not a self evident Truth - neutral citation - and is actually
repudiated by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God. In response to the
Truth, the system outright refused To Do Right just because, in this world, there is Doing Right with
all else being wrong which means that the functioning of the entire administration of Canada is
disreputable, invalid, of no real effect and not saved while pursuing THE FREE Society Realm
has been removed from everyone’s thoughts. 25. If The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process
is not implemented soon by the courts, the only thing left will be civil war because the governments
of canada have instilled legalism just as in the era of Qin, Social Darwinism, rulership by the
monarchies, Nazism, Stalinism, commerce, etc. Basically, the tyranny and oppression that has
knowingly been implemented since 1982 by the elected bodies across Canada and legitimized by the
courts will be eliminated and the sole means of revolutionizing the Legal Realm is The Petition to
the Court Due Legal Process without bloodshed and violating Everyone’s Legal Rights - Part 1.

The applicant will rely on Habeas Corpus/s. 52(1), s. 24(1), s. 7 and s. 1 of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms as well as The Charter’s Preamble and BAD FAITH/imposing
“reverse onus” over the invocation of the legitimate neutral citations of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms.

At the hearing of the application, the applicant will rely on the attached Exhibits, affidavit(s)
and other documents that establish completely the illegitimate use of BAD FAITH and
“reverse onus” by the establishment and the consequences for the ongoing civilization along
with duplicity of the authors of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as democracy is
subjective and not self evident to be infallible and an act of some unknown force of nature.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

The applicant estimates that the application will take enough time to affix the court’s seal and
sign the Summary and Peremptory Orders and read The Proclamation.

If you wish to receive notice of the time and date of the hearing or to respond to the application, you
must, within the proper time for response,

(a) deliver to the applicant

(i) 2 copies of a response in Form 124, and

(ii) 2 copies of each of the affidavits and other documents, not already in the court file,
on which you intend to rely at the hearing, and

(b) deliver to every other party of record

(i) one copy of a response in Form 124, and

(ii) one copy of each affidavit and other document, not already in the court file, on
which you intend to rely at the hearing.


If the application is for a final judgment under Rule 18A, the response must be delivered on or
before the 11th day after the delivery to you of the notice of motion - February 27, 2009 and again
no later than March 12, 2010.

In all other cases, the response must be delivered on or before the 8th day after the later of

(a) the last date fixed for entry of appearance by you, and

(b) the date on which the notice of motion was delivered to you.

All respondents named herein were re-informed of the ongoing proceedings in February and
March 2010 and none have filed anything because attempting to defend a known lie - BAD
FAITH for governments - would cause the courts to suborn perjury.

Dated: April 22, 2010 _________(signed copy on file with the courts)_________
Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH, Petitioner


FILE NO. PO-00001
OTTAWA Registry




S UMMARY M OTION April 22, 2010

E. J. Krass, SoH
Spokesperson for The Truth based FREE Society
Founder of the Unified College of Medicine
PO Box 1041 STN MAIN




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