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Introduction of LabVIEW:

LabVIEW Environment : Definition & Explanation

Necessity of LabVIEW
Definitions of VI
LabVIEW benefits
Programming and Execution methods
Introductions of 3rd party interfaces and toolkits
Designing the Software:
How to start up the Vis
Front panel designing and working environment
Definitions of Control and Indicators
Types of Control and Indicators
Explanations of Controls Palette
Explanations Block Diagram and its working
Functional Platte
Status Bar or Window tool bar
Basic Programming:
How to use Numerical functions
Designing of Boolean operations
Comparator applications
Exercises in basic programming
Designing of Sub Programs:
Need of SubVI
What is SubVI
How to use the Connector Pane with terminals
Various types in SubVI plots
Programming Loops:
About For loops
How to use Shift registers
While loop designing
Flat Sequences
Applications based on Loops
Case Structure : Definition and designing method
Event Structure : Definition and designing method
Working models in structures
Data Handling:
Introduction of String, Arrays and Clusters
Working with string functions
About arrays and designing

How to do clustering in Vis

Differentiation between Waveform charts and Waveform Graphs
Acquire and use the system files based on File I/O functions
Report Generations in various files such as MS excel, TDMS, LVM files
External Interfaces:
MAX and VISA explanations
GPIB communications
Serial communications and interfacing methods
LabVIEW instrumentation drivers
Data Acquisitions Process and Instrument Control based on Embedded Controllers:
Acquiring the real time digital data to the LabVIEW User interface
Controlling the LED operations
Acquiring of real time analog sensor val ues
Controlling the Motors
Create most interaction Vis
Process of temperature control
Process of Lightning system control

Benefits of LabVIEW Technology:

1. Interfacing to Devices:
LabVIEW includes extensive support for interfacing to devices, instruments, cameras, and other
Applications & devices. Users interface to hardware by either writing direct bus commands (USB,
GPIB, Serial) or using high-level, device-specific, drivers that provide native LabVIEW function
nodes for controlling the device.
LabVIEW includes built-in support for NI hardware platforms such as CompactDAQ and
CompactRIO, with a large number of device-specific blocks for such hardware, the Measurement
and Automation eXplorer (MAX) and Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) toolsets.
2. Code compilation:
In terms of performance, LabVIEW includes a compiler that produces native code for the CPU
platform. The graphical code is translated into executable machine code by interpreting the syntax
and by compilation. The LabVIEW syntax is strictly enforced during the editing process and compiled
into the executable machine code when requested to run or upon saving. In the latter case, the
executable and the source code are merged into a single file. The executable runs with the help of
the LabVIEW run-time engine, which contains some precompiled code to perform common tasks
that are defined by the G language. The run-time engine reduces compilation time and also provides
a consistent interface to various operating systems, graphic systems, hardware components, etc.
The run-time environment makes the code portable across platforms. Generally, LabVIEW code can
be slower than equivalent compiled C code, although the differences often lie more with program
optimization than inherent execution speed.

3. Large libraries:
4. Ecosystem:

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