Conservation of Resources

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Energy Conservation


Environmental Science
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3358.2484

Conservation of resources

Conservation of Resources
Energy is one of the most significant demands of our life. Without energy human hardly can perform
his works and tasks. The different resources of energy give a human chance to improve his lifestyle.
Despite some non-renewables resources are depleting, new renewable energy technologies are
available now to give choices to the human to balance his demand. Without proper and efficient
monitoring and conservation programs, controlling resource can be challenging.
Different Demands of Resources:
Human use energy in many sectors, for example, home occupation, transportation, and industry
section. In the human occupation, energy is used for space heating/cooling, operating appliances,
cooking and other demands. Natural gas and electricity are the most widely used in commercial and
residential buildings. In industry section, electricity, natural gas, and fossil fuels are most resources
utilized in this section. They are employed in different industrials; for instance, power plants,
Wastewater treatment plants, and food industries. Fossil fuels, natural gas, and biofuels are used in
the transportation section. Recently, electricity is considered a fuel for some new hybrid cars. The
climate is the primary factor, in my opinion, that can determine the uses of resources. In both hot and
cold areas, air-conditioning is used for space cooling/heating. Electricity and fossil fuels are used in
this section.
Energy Resources:
They can be categorized into two categories: Non-renewable and renewable.
They are mainly called fossil fuels such as Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas. Coal is an abundant solid
resource - about 10 trillion metric tons (P. Cunnigham & A. Cunnigham, 2010), formed by burial of
plant fossils in sediments with high temperature and pressure. There are three main types of coal:
bituminous, anthracite and lignite. Oil is formed from the remains of incident organisms in
sedimentary where high pressure and temperature applied. It is the most widely used in many
sections. A two-third of crude oil is found in the Middle East (McKinney, Schoch, and Yonavjak, 2014).
Natural Gas can be found in the same places of oil. It is the third largest commercial fossil fuel more
abundant in the Middle East and the former Soviet Union. It is 24% of global energy consumption.
Nuclear Power is 5-6% of global commercial energy use as there are more than 430 reactors in all

Conservation of resources

over the world. The primary element is Uranium. Uranium is abundant in Earths crust, so it is
available for extraction. Fission and fusion reactions can produce this energy.

Cunningham, W.P., and Cunningham, M.A., 2010, Environmental Science- A Global Concern, New York, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and their production techniques:

There are several RES used nowadays in a wide range. Solar Energy, the sun is the source of this
energy which is available in all over the Earths surface. Energy produced by converting sunlight into
energy by using solar cells. Geothermal Energy; heat generates from inside the Earths surface by
volcanos or hot springs. It is an abundant renewable resource. The one-third of this energy use found
in the U.S (McKinny, Schoch & Yonavjak, 2014). Wind Power; Wind is the primary source of this
energy. The Wind is available in many places, such as open areas and mountains. The Wind can be
used to produce energy by using wind turbines. They convert winds kinetic energy into mechanical
energy which is converted into electrical energy. The mechanism is when the wind blows; two forces
apply, lift perpendicular to airflow, and drag in the direction of airflow. Those two forces run the
rotor blades and shaft; then the generator produces electricity. Examples of wind farms: Milton

Conservation of resources

Keynes in the UK and Gansu Wind Farm in China. In Hydroelectric Power, electricity can be
generated by the movement of water in rivers, dams, and falls. High Dam in Egypt and Niagara Falls
are famous examples. River and falls are available all over Earths surface. By the movement of water,
electrical power is generated by running the turbines. In dams, water flows through a tunnel called
penstock and runs the turbines. Turbines are connected to an electrical generator. Biofuel is driven
from biomass. The primary uses of this fuel are for the transportation sector. It is produced from
chemical materials that plant produces by photosynthesis and bio-wastes such as wood and animal
wastes. Wood and organism wastes are available on all over the Earth.

Prezi, Amazing, extraordinary, stunning, unfailing, endless, powerful wind energy, [Online],,[Accessed 15/04/2015]

Heatboard, Hydropower Basics,[image online],, [Accessed 15/05/2015]

There are many methods to produce biofuel; by converting vegetable oil that is extracted from
soybean to produce bio-diesel, from sugar: by converting the starch in sugar containing plants into
ethanol fuel, and from Bagasse: by burning it to make steam. It can be used to operate turbines. Wave
Power is produced by the movement of ocean water. This action is used in wave turbines to generate
electricity. We can obtain it from all over the ocean area in the Earth. There are many ways to convert

Conservation of resources

wave kinetic energy into electrical energy. For example Oscillation Water Column, Tapchans,
Attenuators, Pendular, Rubber hose and Salter Duck. Oscillation Water Column is an onshore system.
Electricity can be produced by the air compression that produced from moving the water up and
down in the column. The Rubber hose or Giant Rubber Snake technology uses water in the tube.
When the tube moves by waves, the water inside the hose will move, which impact the turbine at the
end of the hose. Marine Current Technology is one of the best technologies in renewable electricity
production as it uses the marine current movement. It is also called Tidal Energy. It looks like windmiles. A rotor exists in the deep marine. Once the current exists, the rotor moves. The rotor is
connected to a generator which generates electricity.

Jahson, N., Olson, E., Oscillating Water

Column (OWC)[online],
,[Accessed 16/04/2015]

TAPCHAN. Photo courtesy of Boyle, 1996

New Scientist, 2010, Wave Power,[Video Online],
,[Accessed 18/04/2015].

Michaelides, E.E.S, 2012, Alternative Energy Sources, Germany, SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Future of Learning Group, Wave, and Tidal Energy,[image


Different examples of wave power technologies.

Future of Learning Group, Wave and Tidal Energy,[image online],,
[Accessed 16/04/2015].

Conservation of resources

There are many advantages and disadvantages of renewable production. They are clean and cheap
sources. Almost all have no GHS emissions. Some are continuous resources such as Wave power and
Marine current technologies. They help to reduce the fossil fuel consumption, especially in the
transportation sector by using biofuels. Ethanol fuel provides fuel with high-octane. They can be used
in remote places such as small solar cells and small wind turbines. They can also be used in many
small houses. The water stored in hydropower stations can be used for irritation. However, the
impact on the ecosystem can exist; for example, wind turbine blades can kill birds and rare golden
eagle, tidal turbines can kill marine organisms, and spill and leaks from hydraulic parts in
hydropower stations. Dam failure is one of hydropower stations risks; it can cause a flood. In the dam
reservoirs, the concentration of salts and minerals is high. Another environmental impact in biofuel
production is cutting down trees and burn forests. Burning plants can cause air pollution and reduce
the soils fertility. In my opinion, although there are some drawbacks for renewable energy, we can
avoid some of these drawbacks, for example, we can install ultrasonic repellent to prevent the killing
of birds by wind turbines. The environmental impact of renewable energy compared to the GHS
emission impact is very minimal and can be avoided easily.
Strategies related to renewable energy in regional, national and global level:
By 2020, the UK plans to deliver 15% of the UKs energy consumption from renewables. Eight
technologies can supply more than 90% of the renewable energy by 2020 (The UK renewable energy
Roadmap, 2011). Some examples:
Onshore Wind: Installed more than 4 GW and expected to reach 13 GW by 2020.
Offshore Wind: The UK plans to deliver 18 GW by 2020 and 40 GW by 2030.
Marine Energy: It plans to produce 300 MW by 2020.
Biomass Electricity: in 2010, UK produced 2.5 GW and it can be raised to 6 GW by 2020.
Biomass Heat: 12.4 TWh has been generated in 2010 and expected to reach up to 50 TWh by 2020.
In transportation, the UK met 14.1 TWh.
Regionally, EU plans to meet 100% renewable supply by 2050 (erec, 2012). The Directive
2009/28/EC initiated the target of 20% of the overall share of energy from renewable energy and a
10% target for transportation. In electricity; EU plans to achieve 21% of its electricity from
renewables by 2010. EU decided to increase renewable power capacity up to 520 GW by 2020. By
2050, renewable electricity will supply 100% of the EUs energy demand. In transportation, EU has a
plan to meet 9% of the fuel from biofuels (RE-Thinking 2050, 2010). Globally, I would like to discuss
Chinas strategy as I think it is the one of developing countries; it has an excellent plan. China has the
plan to produce more than 30% of its energy from renewables by 2050. It has a strategy to develop
120.000 MW by 2020 (Inc. IBP, 2015). In 2013, China produced 378 GW from hydropower and wind

Conservation of resources

power, Solar PV power & smart grid technologies (Wikipedia, 2015). In wind-power, the plan target
decided by the government was 10 GW by 2010, but China achieved 25.1 GW by the end of 2009.
Biomass & Biofuel; the Kaiyou Green Energy Biomass Power project is set to produce 144 GW/year.
Resources Monitoring
Organizations and governments monitor resources in order to initiate and improve their plans and
strategies. The UK Department of Energy & Climate Change, (DECC), issue an annual review of nonrenewable energy consumption and changes in efficiency. This annual review called Energy
Consumption in the United Kingdom (ECUK). The report is divided into five chapters: Overall
energy consumption in the UK, Transport sector energy consumption, Domestic sector energy
consumption, Industrial sector energy consumption & Services sector energy consumption. This is
an excellent method, I believe, to monitor consumption of fossil fuels and demand. For renewables,
the DECC issues UK Renewable Energy Roadmap. It is a very useful for policy makers as it mentions
the progress of renewable technologies and projects. In my opinion, it is insufficient to monitor
renewables, but on the other hand, it can be a concrete base for monitoring the UK target in
renewable technologies. Globally, World Energy Resource report is an excellent report to control
both renewable and non-renewable resources. It is produced by the World Energy Council (WEC) as
it produces a survey of the energy resources report since 1933. It is one of the most efficient reports
in monitoring energy resources.
Resources Depletion
Resources, especially fossil fuels, are in danger of depletion due to many factors such as
overpopulation, overconsumption and the changing lifestyle of a human. Overpopulation is the main
factor that can impact the resources. The depletion of resources can cause changes in human lifestyle
which will affect the world GDP. I would maintain that the highest country economy, the largest
resources use. Another impact of depletion is increasing in prices of the resources, which may lead
to increase in its transportation costs and methods. Not even the cost of resources transportation
will be the issue; the food also will be a big problem. For example, depletion of oil may lead to raise
oil prices. Hence, the cost of food transportation will increase as well, and the cost of food will also
increase. The extraction costs of resources will increase that will reflect on transportation costs as
well. When the energy resources produced, it has to be delivered to consumers, so the transportation
of resources can be considered a part of power generation.
There are different means of transportation:
Railroads, Trucks, a conveyor, a barge, and pipelines are regarded as a way of delivering the nonrenewable resources. For coal, the best way for delivery is railroads. I think it is better for the
environment as it is cheaper and faster while leaks or spills can occur by a barge in the oceans. The
coal slurry pipeline is better for transporting significant amounts of coal over-long distance. It is more
cost-effective and with minimum environmental impact. However, for oil and natural gas, the
pipeline is the most used methods. Some people say that it is not safe as any crack or break in the
pipeline, the leak may exist to soil. I believe with some precautions; it can be more efficient, costsaving and time-saving method. The second active means are compressed cylinders and LNG tanks

Conservation of resources

for natural gases and tankers for petroleum to be transported overseas. Both methods are easy to
transport to consumers. The last mean of transportation is highway truck movement. It can be said
a flexible method. However, it has many disadvantages such as; high energy consumption, high costs,
and has a potential to damage highway roads. Personally, I do not prefer this method. For renewable
resources, the more effective way is transmitters, high-voltage cables and smart grid as the main
energy production from renewables is electricity. I think transmitters are a more efficient method as
they cover hundreds of kilometers. Transmission and distribution networks account for 54% of the
global capital assets of electric power (IEA, 2004d). Hydrogen and biofuels can be delivered through
pipelines or in compressed cylinders which can be transported easily by trucks.
Energy Conservation
There are many strategies in national and global level. Green Deal in the UK is started in 2013. It is
a plan to improve the energy-saving strategy and to control energy consumption at home. For
example, insulation, heating, windows and products that generate energy, double glazing, and
renewable energy generations. Energy Star is a voluntary program initiated by the US EPA Environmental Protection Agency, to protect our environment and climate. It is a program to reduce
energy consumption in all sectors by using efficient products, practices and services as it provides
consumers with many ways to invest in energy efficient solutions. It is succeeded to reduce GHG
emissions. In my home, I purchased many Energy Star appliances.

EPA, About Energy Star,[online],, [Accessed 10/06/2015].

Future Energy Issues

Energy resources may face some issues in the future such as economic, global shortage, energy supply
and demand. The economic issue and overpopulation and demand are related. I believe that the
highest population, the lowest economy growth, the lowest energy efficiency. The countries with low
GDP will not be able to provide energy or even to provide energy efficiency plans. The global shortage
of resources will make prices high, especially fossil fuel which cannot cover the demand in all
countries. The low economic countries will not be able to shift to RE due to the high cost of its
production. As per EIA, the future world demand by the countries outside Organization for Economic
Cooperation & Development (non-OECD) is greater than that of OECD countries.


Conservation of resources

eia, Future World Energy Demand Driven by Trend in Developing Countries,[online],,[Accessed 14/06/2015].

From the previous graph, the primary energy consumption of OECD countries is almost stable from
2010 to 2040, while the non-OECD a significant raise of the consumption from 2015 to 2040. Energy
use in non-OECD countries is growing by 2.2% per year, and their share will rise from 54% of total
world energy consumption in 2010 to 65% (EIA, 2013). In my opinion, this slower energy
consumption every year is due to the corresponding slow growth of their economies.

Eia, World Liquid Consumption by Region,[online], F. ABDELGHANY 8

IEO2014&table=5-IEO2014&region=0-0&cases=Reference-2014_03_21, [Accessed 13/06/2015].

Conservation of resources

World population is expected to reach 8 million in 2020, and the global economic growth is projected
at 3.1% per annum while the world energy use rises by 2% per annum and energy intensity decrease
by 1.1% (OECD, 1999). I think these data show that there is a real risk of future energy supply. It may
affect the future oil supply as well as the other fossil fuels. The shortage of resources, as mentioned
before, can lead to raise resources price. It may result in increase the costs of extraction or to use a
low-grade fuel. As energy prices get a rise, the transportation and supply will increase. For example,
in the USA, the average cost of railroad coal shipping increases by 50% from 2001 to 2010, as a result,
the transportation costs accounted for 40% of the overall cost of coal supplied to power plants in
2010 (EIA, 2013). This example is an excellent example of the relevance resources price and
transportation costs.
Managing Future Demands
As we have seen in the previous section, there are many future issues, so we have to control and
manage future demand. At this moment some controls are addressed.
Renewable Resources Use:
Countries have to set policies and strategies to move toward renewable energy and improve their
renewable production techniques. It will help to reduce the pressure of demand on non-renewable
Efficiency Improvement:
It is the most preferable and cost-saving strategy. It is a great solution for countries who cannot afford
the renewable production. For example, provide more fuel efficient vehicles can conserve fuel.
Another example is using energy efficient appliances and lighting applications.
Consumers Behavior:
It can be achieved by changing consumer behavior and practices at homes, offices and transportation.
All government should establish energy campaigns on how to use less energy by switching off unused
lights, or share a care while going to work if the workers live in the same area and work in the same
Reuse and recycling:
It can be achieved by reusing old clothes or material like oil barrels and drums after a proper cleaning
and treatment, and recycling some materials. Recycling saves energy as it reduces the needs to
extract and reproduce the materials. It is more energy efficient than others as the energy use for
recycling is less than that to reproduce the material. Also, it helps to reduce environmental pollution.
Without energy conservation strategies and control, we cannot limit the energy depletion. Move
toward RE and energy efficiency policies can balance energy use. Some organizations have plans to



Conservation of resources

monitor energy consumption to help policy-makers to find out the suitable strategy for balance
energy consumption.




Conservation of resources

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Conservation of resources

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