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Sen Barrett claims "every other country

in Europe has water charges"

Sep 29, 2016

Fine Gael TD for Dn Laoghaire, Sen Barrett, appears on RTE

Radio One's The Late Debate on Tuesday 27 September 2016.
During the conversation, he claims: "Every other country in
Europe has water charges".
Is that true?
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To hold the position of Ceann Comhairle is normally
entrusted to a man or woman whose deportment and
behaviour both inside and outside of Dil Eireann is
exemplary but is more often than not given as a reward by
the incumbent Taoiseach to a loyal party member for "his
or her services to the party".
In this case the incumbent Ceann Comhairle, (San
Barrett), it seems that Enda Kenny has chosen a man that
appears to not have a moral responsibility to the people
he was elected to represent and this shows in how he
closes the doors to the democratic process on a regular
basis, in order to save his party leader and government
from having to answer awkward questions from the
Today,Sean Barrett is well aware as is Enda Kenny and in
fact most if not all government ministers, that Sean
Barrett TD has more than allegedly lied about his income
and has in fact gone to great lengths to hide how he has
made his personal fortune. Today is going to be a day
where Sean Barrett should be taking stock of his position
in the Dail as more information has come to light about
Sean's finances. These sources are close to Sean Barrett
and have come forward because they also see his position
as untenable. Sean Barrett is also a man who is appears
slippery with the truth when it comes to what he declares
as income and what he owns.
First and foremost Sean Barrett declared in his statement
of financial affairs to the register of TD's interests that he
is a non executive director of a list of companies that I
outlined in my previous post but some deeper
investigation has managed to unseat his declaration. A
complaint is currently being made by under section 4(1)(b)
of the Standards in Public Office Act 2001 that a named
member of Dail Eireann (Mr. Sean Barrett ) has
contravened section 5 of the Ethics in Public Office Act
1995 by not disclosing his full, true and correct means of
income on his annual statement of interests form. This will
force Mr Barrett to layout in detail what he has failed to
declare in the Register of TD's Interests and lays the

groundwork for an investigation by the Criminal Assets

Bureau into his affairs.
Sean Barrett needs to answer questions about how he is
still a working director of four companies and how he
declares that he earns no income from any of them. One
company called Sean Barrett Bloodstock Ltd has multi
millionaire racehorse and stud owner (John Magnier)
onboard but yet Sean Barrett will tell you that he doesn't
own any racehorses or even declare an interest in owning
any, however a lowly paid labourer friend of Mr Barrett just
happens to "own" very valuable racehorses. Is this a
coincidence or is the lowly paid labourer a front to hide the
true beneficial ownership of of the horses for his personal
friend Sean Barrett?
1 - Sean Barrett Bloodstock Ltd also has over 600,000 in
cash in the bank but Sean Barrett says he has taken
nothing out of the company that he is a director in.
2 - So did Mr Barrett declare his interest as a fulltime
director in this company? According to the register, he
3 - Has Mr Barrett moved any funds from Sean Barrett
Bloodstock Ltd to a management holding company that
according to the CRO and other trusted financial resources
that says he is clearly the beneficial owner of the latter?
Sean Barrett also didn't tell the Dil Register interests that
he is also a fulltime director of a company that rents out
property using a company called Cabinteely Property
Holdings Ltd. This company is listed in the CRO under their
articles of association as a Property investment company.
1 - Where is Mr Barretts declaration of interest in property
worth 850,000?
2 - Mr Barrett did declare his shareholding to the register
of TDs interests but what about any undeclared income
from the rental properties and the 158,000 currently
sitting in the company bank account? Has Mr Barrett
received any dividends from his shareholding in the
company and if not is it being held in trust for him when
he leaves the Dail? Has Mr Barrett declared that this is the
case as income made during his term of office is still
income regardless of whether he receives it presently or at

anytime in the future?

Again although Mr Barrett did declare his interest in his
shares in this company, perhaps Sean Barrett would like to
explain who JAB HOLDINGS DUBLIN LIMITED is, what they
do and who the beneficial owners of this company are, as
it appears that Sean and his son John Barrett are the
directors and shareholders of the company?
4 - Why is JAB HOLDINGS DUBLIN LIMITED listed as a
"Management Activities of Holding Companies" and why is
there 70,000 sitting in the bank according to the last
company annual return in May 2014? Where did this
income come from and was it remuneration for services
performed or was it income taken from other companies
Mr Barrett owns and being used as a personal slush fund,
was it a gift given by another source or was it "won on
the horses"?
However, Sean Barrett TD also has other questions to
answer over his personal life and trust me he isn't he isn't
going to have a good 2015. His boss Enda Kenny and his
colleagues will either go to every length possible to
protect Sean Barrett as they cannot afford to lose his
biased stewardship or either that or they will cut him loose
like they did Shatter and Callinan when the sea got too
stormy for them. But the reality is that Kenny and his
government should be watching their own backs because
they started the war of attrition against their own people
and now we are fighting back. We have nothing to lose by
exposing their corruption and we mean... NOTHING!
More politicians are on the exposure list and they and their
corrupt acts will be exposed for the world to see. They will
need to keep looking over their shoulders from now on
because no one has any idea who is next to be exposed
and when that will happen!
No one expects the Denis O'Brien and RTE led media to
expose anything as it is like shooting themselves in the
foot so therefore it is incumbent on each of us to expose
any corruption that we know or hear about and spread the
news in any way possible.The more corruption we expose,
the sooner we as a people can reclaim our country from
the grip of these parish pump politicians and Gombeen
men and get the people we need into the Dail to serve the

people not themselves, the banks, the corporations or



It's a rare day that you will get me to write about politics
in general as it is such a divisive subject and almost as
bad as religion. However today I am going to make an

exception and also going to do something that I consider

should have been done weeks ago concerning Sean
Barrett TD and members of Dail Eireann.
Every single Minister and TD knows about Sean Barrett's
antics and every single party leader in Dail Eireann was
informed in writing about Deputy Barretts attempt to
defraud the system but yet not one person in the Dail has
the balls to stand up and out the man for what he is. There
is not one party leader who has the gumption to challenge
Sean Barrett because they are weak and afraid of him!
Why do we elect weaklings into places of power only for
them to represent themselves and their friends in
business? Why should we let them continue to ignore and
flout the law and ultimately ignore the wishes of the
people? Are these TD's the sort of people that you would
even elect a boy scout committee? I think not! I also know
that not one of these people who we spend millions of
precious Euro on every year will have the strength of
character to stand up and be counted.
Therefore I am calling on every member of Dail Eireann to
man up and stop being the weak men and women that we
perceive you to be and do what you are paid to do and
challenge Sean Barrett face on. No investigation by the
Standards in Public Services will be concluded by the time
the next election comes around and I am not foolish
enough to believe that it will either.
What this clearly shows is that every party in Dail Eireann
is exactly the same with deals are being done on the sly
and if some of those deals are being done to save skins
then shame on each and every one of you who call
yourselves representatives of the people for you are
nothing of the sort. Money (our money) is your God but
you won't do your job to honestly earn it. Protectionism is
the order of the day in Dail Eireann and always has been.
You protect your own because you never know when you
will want your own arses covered.
Demand that Sean Barrett and those who are covering for
him in the leadership of both Fine Gael and Labour be
brought to book and show us why you deserve your
salaries. Fianna Fail and Sinn Fein also need to stand up
and demand resignations if you are to gain any respect
from the electorate because your inaction not only on this

matter but many other matters such as water meters, the

socialised debt, the repossessions,homelessness,etc is
absolutely deplorable and not one of you deserve to be
elected ever again but in fact shunned until you begin
realise who actually you represent and work for.
Do your jobs and do them well because our patience is
wearing very thin with each and every one of you...



CATHERINE Murphy, for an in-depth on Transparency International's

Corruption Perceptions Index on perceived public sector corruption.
That there is a considered necessity for the likes of Transparency
International speak volumes in itself.


I read a post on here earlier that asked "when are we going to see
TD's, Ministers and Bankers hauled out of their homes and charged
with corruption and fraud?"
This naturally is a very valid question because of the damage they
have done to the economy and ultimately the citizens but up to now
we have only seen token charges by the state against the likes of
Sean Fitzpatrick and Willie McAteer of Anglo fame, who walked away
smelling of roses instead of floor polish that they use on prison lino.
Today is a day that might just begin the process of changing the
same old guard that protected the like of Fitzpatrick and McAteer,
because today a formal complaint (with evidence) has been lodged
and acknowledged by The Public in Standards Commission regarding
Fine Gael's Sean Barrett (Ceann Comhairle) and concerning his
alleged withholding of very relevant information from the Register of
Members Interests in Dail Eireann
What is so important in the timing of this letter of complaint is that
Mr Barrett cannot now retire in a hurry on some spurious grounds
and walk away from an investigation by the Commission because
the complaint has now been made while he is a sitting TD. Sean
Barrett now has to face the music head on. No doubt the
government will throw a veil of secrecy and seek to protect him at
all costs but now that the matter is in the public domain that will be
an impossibility.
Should the government try to bury this matter then it will trigger a
Garda complaint and a subsequent investigation as it is then taken
out of the hands of the commission at that point so either way there
is now way out of it for both Sean Barrett and the government.
Let the best man win!


I was given sight of a document that puts the lives of antiwater protesters at risk of serious injury or death and no
one in the department that is responsible for the lives and
safety of the public where the workplace is concerned. I
won't show the document or where it devolved from but
safe to say the source is extremely credible as are all of
my sources.
We all know that Irish Water are operating in what is
termed a workplace when installing meters but no one is
going to punish them when you or your child gets scalded
in the shower by them turning up unannounced at 6am
and switching off the water supply as an example.
In what is considered to be serious breaches of the Safety,
Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and subordinate
regulations by Irish Water and their contractors, The body

charged with the responsibility as an enforcement agency

has said and I quote this directly from their Information
Officer " that safety issues and breaches of the 2005 Act
by Irish Water were NOT the concern of the Health &
Safety Authority"!!
**Yes, you read that right, The Health & Safety Authority
Water and their contractors do!**
Under Chapter 2 of the 2005 Act The Health & Safety
Authority are named as the enforcement agency, so why
are they not carrying out their legal obligation where Irish
Water is concerned?
Is it any wonder that when Irish Water contractors turn up
on a street and when asked to produce the documents
that are legally required in order for them to start work,
that they ignore the requests and do so with confidence
and a smug smile, safe in the knowledge that the HSA will
back them up and not the public that they are meant to
protect from illegal and dangerous work practices and
I will always ask who in authority has the power to compel
a state agency to ignore the law and put people's lives at
risk? Perhaps the death of an innocent individual will be
the only way to answer that question but in the interim
perhaps the minister in charge, Richard Bruton TD would
like to answer the accusation?

When a company whose sole aim is to make money off

the backs of those less fortunate and gloat in the
afterglow of their less than human exploits, they can
expect a reactions which expose their questionable
activities along with their paymasters questionable
activities and objectives.
This same warning was given to several other
companies and notable individuals that should they
continue along the lines that they leave themselves
open to inquiries into practices, financial details, their
links to the media, the banks and ultimately the
Well today is a day that reveals K-TECH Security,
working for Arthur Cox, Deloitte and PWC amongst
others, have somehow obtained an injunction against
the National Land League. For those of you who
dont know who National Land League are, then I think
you will find they work alongside The Anti-Eviction
Task force and The National Citizens Movement,
all three are dedicated groups of people who are
committed to stopping K-TECH security, their
paymasters and the Sheriffs, dead in their tracks in
order to save peoples homes from repossession.
And so to K-TECH Security:
The beneficial owners of K-TECH Security Ltd are Kevin
and Patricia McGarry and K-TECH Security are also the
beneficial owners of another Irish registered company
called K-TECH Security Investments Ltd, who in turn
are the owners of three companies registered in the
Isle of Man.

These companies are as follows:

Kevin McGarry
Kevin McGarry
These companies were registered at PO BOX 227
Clinches House, Lord Street, Douglas. This is also the
registered address of The Trident Trust Company (IOM)
Ltd. This Trident Trust Company also happens to have
their head office in the Caribbean. K-TECH Security
Investments Ltd also have an offshore company called
Birchstead Ltd, which is registered to Trident
Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, PO BOX 146, British
Virgin Islands.
It appears K-TECH Security Investments Ltd which is
registered to an Irish address belonging to K-TECH
Security in 7A Bridgecourt Office Park, Walkinstown,
Dublin 12 transferred shares from K-TECH Security
Investments Ltd to the offshore company on the 6th of
November 2013
Just to avoid doubt of what Trident Trust are, they are
effectively an offshore facilitator to take money out of
the reach of the Revenue Commissioners or any tax
authority using a series of trusts designed to
complicate and confuse the average journalist or
investigator. They have facilities in every other known
country which assists in the moving of funds from one
jurisdiction to another without the normal
complications. Let me give you an example of what
their activities include:
English trusts established by non-resident and nondomiciled Settlers with non-UK assets will be treated
as non- resident trusts and exempt from UK
inheritance and capital gains taxes. This exemption
applies to trusts administered in the UK by a
professional UK Trustee. The appointment of a nonresident Trustee also will ensure that the trust is
exempt from UK income taxes TAX AVOIDANCE !

A Few Opening Questions for Kevin and Patricia

1. Which large and well known firm facilitated you in
setting up the companies in the Isle of Man and
advised you on how to set up an offshore company in
the British Virgin Islands or did you do all of this
complex work all by yourselves, which is highly
unlikely as it requires a substantial knowledge of tax
2. Where do you get your information or data
concerning any repossession attempts and are you
licensed to receive such information as you are not
listed on The Data Protection Commissioners register
as K Tech Security are not authorised to receive any
third party data that contains sensitive and personal
3. Have you declared your interest in the offshore
company (Birchstead Ltd) to the Irish Tax authorities?
4. How much funds have you transferred to Birchstead
Ltd in the British Virgin Islands through your Isle of
Man companies and have you informed the Irish Tax
5.Why is Patricia McGarry listed as the sole director of
one of the Isle of Man companies K-TECH DESIGNS
when you (Kevin McGarry) are also a beneficial owner?
6. How has a small Irish security firm managed to
accrue millions of Euro as shown in your 2013/14
accounts as lodged to the CRO?
7. Can you account for why your Irish accountants and
auditors signed off on accounts in the knowledge that
you may have been transferring company shares and
funds to overseas companies which are beneficially
owned by Kevin and Patricia McGarry or did you even
inform them in order for them to meet their own legal
obligations with regard to informing the Revenue
Commissioners that any such transactions over a
certain value were taking place?
8. As The Revenue Commissioners are focused on
persons and companies who have undeclared tax

liabilities in respect of transfers and settlements of

property, assets and funds to / on trusts and offshore
structures, such as, foundations, establishments, trust
enterprises and offshore companies or have tax issues
in relation to profits or gains arising within, or
disbursements out of, such trusts or structures,have
you, youre auditors, youre accountants or youre
legal advisers made any third party return declaration
or have you instructed any of said parties to return
9. Did your business bank (under lawful obligation)
inform the Revenue Commissioners as set out in
Section 24 of the Criminal Justice Act of 2013 of any or
all occasional transactions from your Irish accounts to
the Isle of Man and onto the British Virgin Islands
10. Are all of your staff including management
authorised by the Private Security Authority to hold
current individual and contractor licences?
*If K-TECH Security Ltd, its directors and beneficial
owners have nothing to hide then I am quite sure that
they wont mind answers the facts as laid out


Michelle Mulherin Fine Gael TD for Mayo has now called for
a Skype type system to be set up in Dail Eireann. Ms
Mulherin says it would be a great idea so as to avoid
future controversies over expensive telephone bills
clocked up by politicians.

Has Ms Mulherin not learned anything from her roasting or

is she playing thick in order to garner more sympathy?
Does Ms Mulherin not already claim expenses for her
mobile phone and her constituency office phones so why
then is she asking for another way of contacting her loved
ones and friends at our expense?
Politicians in this country are amongst the best paid
people so what is it with them when they keep digging
into our pockets time after time? It is like being on the end
of long line of muggers, each holding a gun to our heads
and just taking whatever they want from our ever
diminishing wallets. Ms Mulherin must think we are
complete fools if we can't recognise her game.
What is also a cause for concern is that Ms Mulherin has
asked Sean Barrett the Ceann Comhairle to "investigate"
into the matter of her phone calls. My heart sinks when I
read things like that as you just know that like the
tribunals that has cost us millions, this will go nowhere
and eventually be put to bed by Kenny and the Fine Gael
What other country allows the sheriff to investigate the
deputies, the Gardai (police) to investigate the Gardai
(police) and the law society to investigate the solicitors?
No other civilised and democratic country will allow that to
happen but our system does. I am well aware that it has
always been the way but that will never allow for it to be
right and just.
Even though Ms Mulherin has allegedly paid the sum back,
Sean Barrett should refer her case to An Garda Siochana
for a very simple reason. If you or I helped ourselves to
something worth 2,000 from our employer, the social
welfare system or the Revenue, then you would find
yourself in a whole pile of trouble one way or the other
because if it isn't theft then it's intent to defraud. Because
Ms Mulherin was caught red handed doesn't mean she
should walk without penalty as she knew what she was
doing from the outset... She is a solicitor after all!
What are you waiting For Mr Barrett?

We know that the furore surrounding the Ceann Comhairle
Sean Barrett and his financial dealing outside of Dail
Eireann have been swept under the carpet by the
government but it was always likely to bubble under and
not really go away,because the truth is always lurking in
the shadows waiting to haunt those who hide the it and
this certainly includes Sean Barrett who has lots to hide
and lots more to lose than ever before.
While out of office, Sean Barrett formed a company called
Sean Barrett Bloodstock Investments Limited (CRO No:
120580) on the 4th of March 1987. On the board of
directors and shareholders were Mr Barretts long time
associates and friends, John Magnier, Colm Maloney, Tim
Hyde and David Nagle amongst other notable individuals.
Sean Barrett Bloodstock Investments Limited was owned
by JAB Holdings (Dublin) (which is still active) until it was
voluntarily liquidated by the members on April 2nd 2009
with a disbursement of 1.5 million made between the

shareholders. In 2009 and according to the register of TDs

interests, Sean Barrett declared once again, that he had
no income from any of his investments and that included
his alleged large sum of cash from the liquidation of Sean
Barrett Bloodstock Investments Ltd.
However the timing of the liquidation of Sean Barrett
Bloodstock Investments Limited isn't coincidental either as
the reader will see...
Bearing in mind that Sean Barrett was a private citizen
and had retired from politics until he made a comeback in
the 2007 election but going on his record for hiding
material truth, Sean Barrett naturally didnt declare his
personal property dealings in Florida to the newly formed
register of TDs interests in 2007 or to anyone else for that
matter. Barrett, according to court documents allegedly
purchased a property in Florida sometime between the
year 2000 and 2002 using Sean Barrett Bloodstock
Investments Limited as a front company. The address of
the property was 2252 Mallory Circle, Caribbean Cove,
Haines City, Polk County, Florida. The value of the
property according to the State property Appraiser was in
the region of $132,000 at the time.
It is alleged that the property was purchased by Mr Barrett
and his company from a Ms Barbara Maloney of
Castleknock, County Dublin and who is alleged to be a
relation of Barretts long time business partner and fellow
Insurance Broker Colm Maloney. However it also appears
that the final sale was not concluded until the 29th
January 2002 when Ms Maloney signed what is known as a
quit claim deed which was notarised here and returned to
the US lawyer acting for the seller which in this case is
alleged to be Ms Maloney.
None of that mattered until 2006 when the Register of
TDs interests kicked in thereby requiring all TDs and
Senators to declare all of their interests but it did matter
with Barretts subsequent re-election in 2007 while
allegedly being the beneficial owner or one of the
beneficial owners of the Florida property.
According to Polk County court filings, Sean Barrett and his
company were the beneficial owners of the property until
at least 2010 however it appears that in 2008, that Barrett

and Sean Barrett Bloodstock Investments Limited along

with Wachovia Bank, Florida, Florida National Bank,
Appleton Capital LLC, Southern Dunes Master Community
Association INC and finally Style Estates ltd INC were all
sued as joint defendants by a Florida based company
called CCTW INVESTMENTS LLC for what appears to be the
ownership of the property under case number 53-2008.
This resulted in Barrett having a judgement registered
against him and Sean Barrett Bloodstock Investments
Limited and then subsequently being released under lien
for $10 (and other good and valuable consideration)
according to the court documents) on the 23rd February
2009 All this while he was a serving member of Dail
It is also very clear from the court records and especially
the lien filing that Sean Barrett was one of, if not the sole
beneficial owner the property at 2252 Mallory Circle,
Caribbean Cove and that he once again did not declare his
ownership of the property to the Dail Register from his reelection date in 2007 until the date of the final vacate
order in June 2010 made by the US courts.
To try and defend the indefensible one time is admirable
but to defend the indefensible twice is foolish... Dont let
there be a third time!
Note to Media: Any intended copyright infringement or
information used from the above article will be the subject
of court proceedings unless permission is sought in writing
from the author.
While I do not condone the alleged petrol bomb attack on
Michelle Mulherin's constituency office in Ballina under
any circumstances, I really don't have any sympathy for
her personally as she brought this upon herself by putting
her personal needs / love life before the very people she is
meant to represent. Had Ms Mulherin not been caught
spending public money she would have no doubt have
continued to cost the taxpayer thousands of Euro without
a 2nd thought.
What sticks in my gut is that Ms Mulherin earns enough
salary to pay for her own phone calls without our
subvention. She clearly was either so deeply in love and
didn't care for the consequences, assumed that she would

never be caught or clearly thought that "sure what the

hell,it's only taxpayer money and they won't ever know."
Well we did find out Ms Mulherin and we are not happy
with your behaviour and then you have the audacity to cry
out that you are under attack from all corners including
the media?. Can you not see the frustration in the person
that allegedly threw a petrol bomb outside your front
door? That person could have been someone who had lost
their home, family or job due to the economic policies that
you have willingly supported, so are you surprised that
someone sought retribution upon you and yet you still
seek sympathy from the very people you tried it on with?
When a TD, Senator or County Councillor has acted in a
manner that not only discredits the office they serve and
the people that they represent, then it is time to hang
your head in shame, pack your bags and go!
Which also brings me to Regina Doherty but I'll be very
brief about her as she is also in the papers this morning
crying her eyes out about some obscure threatening
phone call that she received a few years ago regarding a
petrol bomb threat.
Let me quote her reaction after the event:
Decision are being made in the best interest of the
people. People can disagree with them, but do it in respect
- come to our offices and talk to us. I go to work and I do
my job, do whatever you want to do outside my office and
my place of work. Leave our families out of it. I certainly
wouldn't dream of bringing my displeasure to someone
elses family, I take my displeasure up with the individual.
I put it to you Ms Doherty that the decisions made by your
party have caused many innocent men and women to take
their own lives because of pressure from banks, families to
be made homeless, people to die without dignity on
hospital trolleys, force our children to emigrate, destroy
our economy at the behest of banks and bondholders and
now you also seek our sympathy?
You can go home, close your door and not worry where
your next meal will come from or wonder how you will pay
your ESB bill to keep the heating or lights on because that
doesn't cross your mind for one moment. When you have
learned how humiliating it is have to go cap in hand to

family, friends and more than likely the social services,

only then would you understand society's real problems
that you have helped create.
Until that moment arrives Ms Doherty,stay quiet about
how hard life in the public eye is, because we really don't
care for your trials and tribulations... We have enough of
our own to contend with!

More lies, firebomb! What firebomb, garda say a small fire was
started, big difference, someone threatened someone 3 yrs ago, any
proof, get a grip people more auld media spin. It's getting old at this
stage, more important is mulhern going to face any punishment for
2000 euro worth of private phonecalls, laughable she's caught and
then she pays the bill, not before mind. Special laws for the high and
mighty, doesn't apply to ordinary
/react-text Unfortunately it's not an inside job. I know the lad who
did it. It wasn't a "bomb" either. He broke the window, threw some
petrol in and a match. The fire barely took hold and there was only
really smoke damage. The lad who did it went to the guards himself.
He isn't very well right now and reacted to what we all see as a

huge injustice. The forensic team were there and sealed the whole
street off. You would think there was a bomb the way they acted.
What the lad did was wrong and no doubt he'll be held to account. I
wonder will Michelle Mulherin be held to account for her crimes?


While every other government service is suffering from
horrendous cutbacks, one set of special friends to every
government since 2001 isn't suffering one tiniest little bit

all because the government has handed 68 million Euro

to some of the wealthiest industries in the country.
That quango and friend to the rich and famous, Horse
Racing Ireland, (which incidentally is loaded to the gills
with the friends of the government) is to receive 54
million Euro even though it has an overall turnover of over
1.1 billion with tax free exports of over 200 million Euro
for the sale of horses, it is still being subsidised by the
taxpayers. Why does the sport of kings still need
taxpayers hard earned cash when it seems to be doing so
While the greyhound industry isn't as well known as it is
seen more as a working class man's sport and therefore
not as attractive when it comes to government subsidies
but never the less is getting a handy 15 million Euro of
our money. According to Bord na gCon, they estimate that
the greyhound industry employs over 10,300 people and
contributes an estimated 500 million in economic output
to local economies which may be true but then why does
it still need a subvention of 15 million Euro?
I know lots of people love both sports and yes they do
create employment mainly through betting shops and
online but equally the need for any further taxpayers
money to be given to these quangos is unethical, immoral
and unjust because we have in our midst, people sleeping
and dying in doorways, families and children sleeping in
cars because their homes were repossessed and the
families evicted onto the streets.
We also have people literally dying on hospital trollies in
public corridors with not one shred of dignity for them in
their final moments on this earth. What have we become
when we see millions of Euro going to the very wealthy
while we see such misery inflicted upon our own people?
What have we become when we continue to allow these
same governments ignore the pleas of people who need
their help the most and yet we as individuals are put down
for speaking up for those without a voice? At what point do
we stand up and finally say no more? No more to poverty,
no more to evictions, no more to people dying a cruel and
inhumane death in full public view, no more people
struggling to survive in our doorways?
I feel for these people as they are someone's son or

daughter, brother or sister, mother or father, but they

belong most of all to us! They are our people who are
suffering and we cannot fail them as our governments
have always done and will continue to do as these poor
souls are often seen as sub human and dirt on the end of a
politicians expensive leather soles.
We as a nation are rising by the day but never forget how
close anyone of us are to sleeping in that doorway or
sleeping in the car!
When you see men like Frank Flannery (FORMER Fine Gael
strategist) being weaseled back into the fold of his
beloved Fine Gael then you know that something is up.
Frank Flannery was one of two strategist's that have
helped Fine Gael lie to the voters in regards to its election
manifesto that saw them sweep to power in the last
The other strategist that also saw them grace the dail was
Phil Hogan, who has been granted his wish by Enda the
Fairy Godmother because of his traitorous acts of bringing
in the hated property tax and of course Irish Water. Since
both men were sent packing so to speak, Fine Gael have
floundered like a fish out of water and not one of the so
called clever men in the party know where to turn to next
hence the announcement of the return of the prodigal son
that is Frank Flannery.
What is particularly ironic in his return is his forgiveness at
the hands of The Committee on Procedure and Privileges.
"However, a ruling by the Oireachtas Committee on
Procedure and Privileges (CPP) meant he did not have to
appear before Public Accounts Committee. Flannery
pleaded that he should be spared the knife because of his
previous position within Fine Gael.
What Frank conveniently leaves out is that The Committee
on Procedure and Privileges is filled with his old friends
with esteemed names such as:
Sen Barrett Fine Gael (Ceann Comhairle - Need I say
Joe Carey Fine Gael
Martin Heydon Fine Gael

Paul Kehoe Fine Gael

John Lyons Labour
So, what the committee did was to exonerate Flannery in
the knowledge that he would be needed to steer the party
away from the disaster that is facing Fine Gael because
Hogan had allegedly refused to leave his beloved throne in
Brussels to come back and help.
For a man like Flannery to slate the party and the dear
leader with words like "dictatorship or North Korea"only a
few months ago and yet is "invited to come back" is
smacking of cronyism at its highest. However this
shouldn't be a surprise as both Fine Gael and Labour are
so deep in bed together that one won't go down on the
other in case they suffocate from the smell of corruption
and cronyism that pervades the corridors of Dail Eireann.
When Frank was throwing the toys out of the pram after
being caught out in the Rehab affair, he went for the
jugular and told the truth but now that he is looking
through the glass and pleading innocent, he recanted
everything he said about his old cheque writers.
Don't forget that we the public have been paying for Frank
and his ilk for thirty years by allowing the Fine Gael party
an allowance of several million a year and out of that slush
fund, Frank gets handsomely rewarded to the tune of
many thousands of Euro a year. Also don't forget how
Frank Flannery had received payments of more than
410,000 from Rehab for his consultancy work, all which
added up to a lifetimes wage for the majority of people.
Flannery being the narcissist that he is, stated that "Kenny
will lose 40 seats without me". Well we have news for you
Frank... Kenny is going to lose everything with or without
This is going to be the best election... EVER!


Denis, the government's favourite businessman, has

quietly confirmed that he is to go into banking. Yep, I jest
you not one bit...Denis let it quietly slip while in Davos,
back in December that he was planning on entering and in
fact going into competition with existing banks. This
apparently isn't just a project for Ireland as he has begun
to focus his gaze on several South American countries
with less than optimal banking facilities.
He also highlighted that Central Bank's don't like his
business model because he is going to use technology to
usurp existing banks by initially becoming a payments
processor and taking deposits and then moving into
lending. What he didn't say as to whether he was going to
be an online bank like Rabo Direct or buy an existing bank
which requires a far larger investment in every sense of
the word.
However, it is ironic that Denis's friend and Finance
Minister Michael Noonan is looking to offload AIB as soon
as possible this year and has already engaged the usual
friends (with their hands out) of government to "consult on
the sale".
Not sure whether to congratulate him or not for taking on
the Central Bank in the first place but one things for sure...
AIB will be sold very cheaply if Denis wants it!


In December 2014 Denis O'Briens Isle of Man investment
firm (Kendrick Investments) confirmed that it is poised to
take over rival Esso Ireland in a deal that will see it take
around 30 per cent of the motor fuels market. It was
known to be looking at the Esso business, which owns 38
service stations and has the right to supply 60 more
independent filling stations.
But what is it with this ongoing love affair between Denis
O'Brien and Michael Lowry? What would likely be holding
them together like a pair of old lovebirds after all this time
and especially after everything they have been through
with the Moriarty tribunal and being both shown to be
A trusted and very well placed individual has done the
gentlemanly thing and told me that not only is Denis going
to refurbish every filling station under the Topaz brand but
he has also decided to use his old fellow corrupti Michael
Lowry, to fit all of the refrigeration systems into all of the
38 stations using his refrigeration company Garuda Ltd
which was at the centre of the Ben Dunne debacle when
Dunne built an extension to Lowry's home in Tipperary and
Lowry invoiced him using Garuda Ltd. Lowry was found
guilty of tax evasion and his company Garuda had to pay
up 1.2 million after a Revenue audit.
What concerns me is, is this more payback for Michael
considering his part in making Denis a billionaire or is this
just part of a continuing debt of gratitude that Denis has
because Michael needs the business? We may never know
but it certainly speaks volumes about the nature of the
relationship between these two men and how nothing
changed one tiny bit!
I know some people have seen the pages showing the Irish
Water /Uisce Eireann setup in the UK but I want to show
the distinct possibility that there is much more to the
setup that anyone first thought...
To add fuel to the fire that the ultimate ownership of Irish
Water / Uisce Eireann might end up in the hands of Denis
O'Brien, I have to ask why Irish Water and Denis O'Brien's
Siteserv Investments Ltd (Pembroke) have managed to
end up in the same town in the wilds of Wales when there

are literally thousands of towns in the UK to choose from?

I would also question why Siteserv Investments and Uisce
Eireann Ltd both set up on the 23rd of October 2013 and
followed by Irish Water Ltd on the 16th of November 2013
and all three with addresses just a few streets apart? The
three companies were registered to the family homes of
the individuals involved and as it now alleged these same
individuals were personal friends. Is this synchronicity or a
stroke of luck that these individuals just happen to have a
common link in Denis O'Brien and Irish Water and all in a
small Welsh town called Port Talbot?
A father, mother and son team named Nigel, Marianne and
Luke England were listed as directors of Siteserv
Investments while the sole director (unusual in a Ltd
company) of Irish Water Ltd and Uisce Eireann Ltd is a
William O'Grady who is Irish but is most likely a front for
the real beneficial owners which may or may not be
Siteserv BV (Netherlands), which is Denis O'Brien's version
of U2's offshoring of accounts and tax avoidance.
I would ask if the purpose of these companies (Irish Water
UK Ltd and Uisce Eireann Ltd) is to facilitate the opening of
bank accounts or allow for the borrowing of substantial
funding from the UK based banks on behalf of Irish Water
(Irl) because Irish banks can't be seen to lend money to a
company that potentially and more than likely has a very
short shelf life otherwise? That would be political suicide
for any government to attempt but especially this one, as
they have backed Irish Water instead of the people which
makes their scramble for cash to support them all the
more logical to do abroad.
There is never smoke without fire... Even in Wales!


Deputy Sean Barrett as we now know, is a major
shareholder in a Jersey based investment vehicle called
Grove Ltd which in turn runs a major care homes based in
the UK and now as it turns out controls the Barchester
Healthcare empire of more than 200 care homes. Grove
Ltd as it happens is also a major shareholder in Cygnet,
one of the largest private providers of psychiatric care
services to the NHS.
Deputy Barrett is key shareholder along with four of
Ireland's billionaire financiers, JP McManus, Dermot
Desmond, Denis Brosnan and John Magnier, all known for
their love of horses and hence the link with Deputy Barrett
through his plethora of bloodstock companies. No only was
Deputy Barrett exposed through this medium as a secret
millionaire who hadn't disclosed his true income to the
Dail Register but it can be revealed that one of the
companies Casterbridge is owned by his financier
colleagues and was culpable in the death of two-year-old
Rhiya Malin at its Eton Manor nursery in Chigwell, Essex in
Castlebeck Ltd which uses the trading name Casterbridge
Care is owned by fellow Irishman Denis Brosnan and his
son Paul Brosnan who in turn own Jersey-based Lydian
Capital, which is backed by fellow Irish tycoons JP
McManus, John Magnier and Dermot Desmond. What
makes the situation more appalling was that it emerged
that Casterbridge had re-registered the nursery under a
different company name presumably to avoid prosecution
or litigation.
Castlebeck Ltd was also the company behind

Winterbourne View, the care home at the centre of the a

BBC Panorama abuse expos concerning the serious
abuse of clients in the home in 2011 and caused the
resignation of key management including Chairman Paul
Brosnan the son of billionaire financier Denis Brosnan.
The primary point of this post is two things, one is to
expose Deputy Barrett's further involvement and his non
disclosure to the register in both Barchester and Cygnet
through his shares in Grove Ltd and then his involvement
with four of Ireland's billionaires which is at odds with his
position as Ceann Comhairle because of his business
Deputy Barrett should now take serious stock of his
position as Ceann Comhairle and fully consider tendering
his resignation without further adieu!
A very happy 2015 everybody!! :)


Having seen the "new and soft side" of the Ceann
Comhairle in an interview with the Irish Times today, I
thought I'd seen a new Deputy Sean Barrett emerge from
his cocoon, embrace democracy and herald a fresh new

political start to 2015 but alas I was wrong!

The reality is that Mr Barrett has only developed a social
conscience since he was called out on here and in fact has
been seen flitting amongst his friends and colleagues
asking "who is telling on him and handing him on a plate
to the media. His PR team are working overtime to redeem
his image but they might have to work much harder after
Well the bad news,Deputy Barrett is that we are the new
media and even worse news is that you, Mr Barrett have
many more enemies than you know and these enemies
are the ones who are passing on the information to the
new media. Ironically your enemies are within spitting
distance of you every day so looking over your shoulder
isn't going to make a difference when you should be
looking straight ahead!
Deputy Barrett has some pertinent questions to answer so
lets start here because a lot of people are confused as to
the real purpose of the trip and this is an ideal opportunity
for him to clear it all up!
1. Why did you, Deputy Barrett go to China and promote
one of Denis O'Brien's companies called China HR to the
Chinese leadership and do it at taxpayers expense and
especially when this is clearly not your role nor within your
remit as Ceann Comhairle? How many other Irish owned
companies did you promote and visit on that trip?
2. Who asked you to use your influence in bringing the
Dublin-based Saongroup, owners of China HR, to the
specific attention of the Chinese authorities and what did
you receive in return for facilitating the request?
3. Why would a man whose only job is to chair and shield
this government from flack be asked to go to China and
promote a specific company for a well known Fine Gael
benefactor? It was said that the Chinese Ambassador to
Ireland approached you to undertake the trip and bring a
delegation with you and if that is correct then you will
have no issue with answering the following questions:
4. Why didn't the Ambassador approach the Minister for
Jobs,Enterprise and Innovation ministerial office first,
which is the correct protocol route for requesting trade
delegations? If he did, then who actually requested you

(as Ceann Comhairle) to lead the delegation and can you

furnish a copy of the Itinerary as set out by the Chinese
authorities showing that they had allotted a time for your
visit to China HR or did you undertake that quest on your
own volition?
Perhaps Deputy Barrett would be prepared to make a
press statement with his own explanation of the above?
This is where things get very very interesting for Deputy
Barrett. There were two stops made in Dubai, one on the
outward leg to China and one on the way back from China.
Dubai is a normal pit stop for long haul flights and it
wouldn't be irregular to use it as a few days in the sun
with some sightseeing and shopping for any ordinary
tourist but then again Deputy Barrett wasn't any ordinary
1. Would Deputy Barrett also care to name the individuals
the both he and his private secretary Mr Brendan Conroy
met with in Dubai according to his statement to the media
on the 7th of July 2013 so that the stopover can be
justified as per your claim for expenses to the Clerk of the
Dail, Kieran Coughlan?
2. Would Deputy Barrett furnish the receipts for the hotel
that both he and his private secretary stayed in during
their stopover in Dubai on both legs of the trip?
3. Did Deputy Barrett and Mr Conroy both claim expenses
for their stay in Dubai when they were not authorised to
do so by the then Clerk of the Dail, Kieran Coughlan?
4. Would Deputy Barrett kindly tell the taxpaying public
what else he visited while in Dubai and can he confirm or
deny his alleged co-ownership of a luxurious property that
was supposedly purchased several years ago as part of a
consortium of Irish investors and that he may have
conveniently forgotten to add to the Dail register of TD's
Perhaps Deputy Barrett would also care to release a
statement to the media that contradicts any of the above?


Below is a list of aircraft movements into and out of Dublin
airport for the entire of 2014 for Denis O'Brien's private
jet. Now my understanding is that Denis is a tax exile and
fulltime resident in Malta but is allowed to "visit or conduct
a portion of his business" over a certain time period within
a calendar year as per the Revenue Commissioners rules
on residency for tax exiles such as Denis.
However is anyone completely certain as to what time
Denis is actually spending in the country and whether he
boards the aircraft every time it takes off? Concerned
individuals have been watching Denis's aircraft
movements out of Dublin for a while now but will be also
watching Cork, Shannon, and other airports shortly,so that
they can ascertain the true amount of time he is spending

in the country and will be watching his every movement in

and out of the country. They will also be monitoring all of
the flight tracking systems especially for his aircraft
It will also be interesting to see if Denis asks his friends in
government to create a blackout on the movements of his
aircraft as well as no doubt he won't like being tracked
down... Watch this space!
It seems that no one is safe from prying eyes these days...
Even Denis!
1 - 26th Dec 2013 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 07: 29 Dept: 08:20
1 - 29th Jan 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 14:20 Arr: 23:55
2 - 28th Jan 2014 -M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien Arr:
3 - 26th Jan 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 13:20
4 - 24th Jan 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien Arr:
5 - 19th Jan 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 11:12
6 - 18th Jan 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien Arr:
7 - 15th Jan 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 09:35
8 - 12th Jan 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien Arr:
9 - 12th Jan 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
------------ Dept: 10:28
10 - 11th Jan 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
AOG --------------FEBRUARY 2014
1 - 28th Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 00:05
2 - 27th Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 07:14 Dept: 19:40
3 - 23rd Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 10:05 Dept: 11:01
4- 22nd Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien

Arr: 12:00 Dept: 12:30

5 - 21st Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 15:05 Dept: 15:48
6 - 15th Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 00: 20 Dept: 12:48
7 - 14th Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 21: 40 Dept: 22:27
7 - 14th Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 17:30
8 - 13th Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 23:55
9 - 9TH Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 11: 16
10 - 6th Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 00:10
11 - 2nd Feb 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650- D. O'Brien
Dept: 17:48
MARCH 2014
1- 30th Mar 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 16:05
2- 27th Mar 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien Arr:
3 - 24th Mar 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 08:24
4 - 23rd Mar - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien Dept:
16:35 Arr: 19:05
5 - 21st Mar 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 15:38 Arr: 19:38
6 - 17th Mar 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 14:48
7 16th Mar 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 10:08
8 - 14th Mar 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 17:03 Dept: 17:50
9 9th Mar 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien Arr:
11:36 Dept: 13:20
10 7th Mar 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 00:10 Dept: 15:07
11 4th Mar 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 21:40
12 2nd Mar 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 10:10

APRIL 2014
1 26th April 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 16:40 Dept: 18:10
2 11th April 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 15:20
3 10th April 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 00:05
4 9th April 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 14:15 Dept: 15:05
5 6th April 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 19:38
6 2nd April 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 22:05
MAY 2014
1 30th May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 17:49
2 29th May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 00:45
3 25th May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 17:29
4 22nd May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650- D. O'Brien
Arr: 00:45
5 18th May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 09:45 Dept: 10:50
6 16th May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 13:35 Dept: 15:05
7 15th May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 16:15 Dept: 17:55
(7) 15th May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 09:45 Dept: 10:30
8 11th May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 17: 02
9 8th May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien Arr:
10 6th May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 15:10
11 5th May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 11:55 Arr: 18:30
12 1st May 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 01:40
JUNE 2014
1 - 29th June 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien

Arr: 19:40 Dept: 23:37

2 27th June 2014 M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 18:45
(2) 27th June 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 09:42 Arr: 12:30
3 26th June 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 00:10
4 24th June 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
------------ Dept: 20:20
5 20th June 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
AOG ---------------6 19th June 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 00:15
7 15th June 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Dept: 10:05
8 14th June 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 21:00
9 7th June 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 08:17 Dept: 14:05
10 6th June 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 15: 10 Dept: 16:10
JULY 2014
1- 1st July 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien Arr:
09:33 Dept: 15:40
1 24th August 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 00:05 Dept: 23:25
1 29TH September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 09:37
2 28th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 21:55
(2) 28th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 16:39 Dept: 17:14
3 27th September 2014 M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 12:15 Dept: 22:30
(3) 27th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 09:35 Dept: 1020

4 25th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.

O'Brien Arr: 07:55 Dept 23:01
5 20th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 14:34 Dept: 17:30
6 19th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 12:55 Dept: 14:07
7 11th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 17:45
8 10th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien ...
9 9th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 18:40
10 7th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien ------------- Dept: 17:07
11 6th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien AOG -------------12 5th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 17:40
13 4th September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 10:22
14 2nd September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 15:35
15- 1st September 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 02:00 Dept: 1358
1 30th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 21:15
(1) 30th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 14:38 Arr: 20:00
2 29th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 23:45
3 25th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 11:20
4 24th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 17:05 Arr: 22:25
5 22 October 2014 M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
Arr: 22:10
(5) 22 October 2014 M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 16:54 Dept: 17:29
(5) 22 October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 08:35 Dept: 09:25
6 19th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.

O'Brien Dept: 12:39

7 15th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 10:02 Arr: 14:05
8 14th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 20:30
9 12th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 13:40
10 10th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 03:10
11 8th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 10:33 Dept: 18:15
12 7th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 08:25
13 6th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 20:15
14 5th October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 17:10
15 2nd October 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 18:09
1 28th November 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 06:35
2- 26th November 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 13:47
3 25th November 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 20:10
4 23rd November 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 17:32
5 20th November 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 05:00
6 16th November 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 10:40
7 14th November 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 14:10 Arr: 23:30
8 12th November 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 09:50
9 9th November 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 13:28
10 7th November 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 14:33
1 27th December 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.

O'Brien ------------ Dept: 07:58

1 23rd December 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 17:23 --------------2 22nd December 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 13:00 Dept: 14:15
3 16th December 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 03:15 Dept: 19:44
4 15th December 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 14:00
5 14th December - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D. O'Brien
AOG -------------6 10th December 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 12:38 Arr: 23:27
7- 7th December 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Dept: 09:23 Arr: 16:06
8 5th December 2014 - M-GSIX Gulfstream 650 - D.
O'Brien Arr: 01:55

When an Irish, life assurance company and a leading

offshore wealth management company link up to sell
investment in water then you know something is afoot.
New Ireland Assurance and Kleinwort Benson are planning

to sell investment in water companies worldwide but how

ironic is it that an Irish company is leading the charge to
gather investors and how timely it is for the water bills to
start to drop through letterboxes in 7 weeks time.
Below is an extract from their glossy brochure:
"The Water Fund aims to select approximately 40-60
internationally diversified companies active in Europe and
across the globe. These companies provide a range of
activities so they can produce fresh water to the end user
(human,industrial, agricultural). The Water Fund gives
investors the opportunity to invest in companies that
generate a significant portion of their revenues from
exciting areas across the water cycle".
What that actually means is that privatisation is well and
truly on the cards if Irish Water ever manage to stay
afloat, because there is no other way of investors making
their money back except through households being
charged for usage and that applies to Ireland no less than
anywhere else that this fund or a similar money making
fund is in operation.
This is why we need to cut the head off the Irish Water
dragon otherwise we will be lining the pockets of the
already wealthy investors and the bondholders.
We also read that 300 million of our car tax money is
being used to fund Irish Water so not only has the
government taken away the share of the 1.3 Billion of our
taxes that was already being used to fund the councils to
provide water for public consumption, they have upped
the ante and splashed (sic) a further 300 million more of
our cash into a black hole.
Income generated by the County Councils in respect of the
tax is being directly channelled into the Department of the
Environment and being channelled straight back out to
Irish Water Ltd. What is supposed to be the main source of
income for the Councils has left them struggling for
income and is not being replaced by the government
therefore the roads will suffer neglect that we haven't
seen here since the early 80s.
As a huge proportion of county by county generated car
tax was used to pay Council staff rather than being used

to repair roads, so therefore can we expect to see Council

staff being laid off as car tax income decreases? I doubt
it... Obviously County Managers won't want to get rid of
staff so they will just cut back on other services and inflict
more pain on everyone else instead.
But it is going to get much more interesting as farmers
and their farming representatives are none too happy with
their group water schemes being brought into the Irish
Water fold... Watch this space as there will be trouble

Look at the social housing shortage. No houses have been built in

years. The council take a few houses here and there in private
estates and raz take houses for rent on a four year contract. The
household charge is for street lighting upkeep of parks etc but yet

they have drawbridge working for little or nothing doing that job. As
for IW I don't get it that those in government are prepared to put
their careers on the line sell their souls to the devil to get this
company up and running ignoring the calls from the people on this
issue. Is this company already privatised and sold. There seems to
be a lot more fingers in the pie and I hope everyone of them gets

The Environmental Protection Agency ... Ireland should step

up its national environmental ... data indicate that the state of
Irish water quality is generally ..

EUROPEAN COMMISSION ... Sector classification of Irish Water

... ante advice on the appropriate sector classification of Irish
Water in national accounts under


With the whole Apple tax scam appeal unsurprisingly being ratified
by the government, we were forgetting all about the other little old
problem that hasn't gone away, namely Irish Water. Sources have
indicated that the charges will be re-introduced albeit in a slightly
different form. The government has instructed that the metering
programme should continue unabated as they expect the
commission (set up by them) to say that water charges are
recommended and are required by EU legislation.
So why do they need to do this and does it amount to hiding the real
facts behind the situation?
Facts that suggest that Irish Water have been in receipt of state aid
and that Europe is ignoring it on the basis that the hoped for
turnover and profits will make Irish Water look attractive to the
investors and ultimately pave the way for privatisation.
By polluting the end of year accounts using the overall group figures
that include Irish Water's parent company (Ervia) accounts and it's
other subsidiaries such as Irish Water in one grouping for end of
year accounts purposes, the government have attempted to hide
Irish Water's dismal accounts behind Evira's success.
There was ample information contained in Evira's main accounts
and those pertaining to their other subsidiaries, but absolutely no
drilling down into the Irish water accounts and no proper breakdown
into payments made to contractors or services, etc. Instead, what
we got was creative accounting, a deliberate attempt to disguise the
reality of the situation and to deliberately confuse the average
According to the incredibly basic and understated detail published in
the annual accounts statement for Irish Water, it is alleged that Irish
Water is in fact in receipt of state aid by the backdoor. Let me start
with some published facts and figures that Irish Water and the
government are hoping that the public are either to busy to notice

or thick to understand.
1. The total debt owed by Irish Water is 1.44 billion.
2. Irish Water claim "operating costs" are 779 million.
3. Irish Water claiming capital expenditure of 544 million (with the
majority of the expenditure going to pay water meter installation
4. 235 million is what Irish Water spend on operating costs for their
495 staff, administration, other contractors and consultants,
including a 50 million contract given to Abtran in Cork to operate a
call center on their behalf. Further to this, Abtran are alleged to use
non resident companies and to operate offshore accounts which pay
no tax on profits made on this and other government contracts
5. Irish Water claims to have generated revenue/income of 851
million which is exactly the same figure as they show for borrowings
from banks and the exchequer. This suggests that state aid is in
operation as Irish Water is a private limited liability company with
guarantees and borrowings backed by the state and in effect has
allowed a private company to benefit from the financial guarantees
by the state that other private or state run companies are unable to
benefit from.
6. Irish Water have begun refinancing the existing 300 million of
funding from the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (National
Pension Reserve Fund) along with the raising of an additional 246
million agreement with the Minister of Finance. (Motor tax and
property tax.).
7. Irish Water are in receipt of 42% of the total current borrowings
directly from central government funds (the National pension
reserve, property and motor tax). The 58% reminder coming from
bank borrowings.*
* This also suggests that state aid is in operation as Irish Water are
receiving investment from the central government funds, which
according to the EU Commission would also equate to state aid but
ignored by them at the behest of the Minister for Finance and the
government. (See funding mix graph.)
8. Irish Water claim to have made an overall profit of 72 million in
net earnings, before the write off of infrastructure and assets
Assets already owned and wholly paid for by the Irish people since
the inception of the state.
9. Irish Water claims to have made a 17 million profit after taxes
however no tax is alleged to have been paid to the Revenue
Commissioners and no tax deferral was noted in the accounts
statement. It isn't clear as to how they arrived at a profit considering
that the Irish Water has lost millions of Euro since inception up to
and including the 3rd quarter of 2016.
10. Irish Water are accused of using borrowings/debt to make the
income statements and balance sheets to look like positive balances
rather than showing the true state of Irish Water's finances and
leading to further allegations that state aid is being provided by the
government in breach of EU regulations.

11. Interesting to note that on foundations of borrowings /debt

exceeding 1.44 billion and yet Irish Water will need to further
borrow 300 million from the Government to make up for the loss of
income from the temporary cessation of the water charges and
added to that, Irish Water is expected to have a 123 million cash
shortfall for 2016 due to the lack of income form the charges.
12. Irish Water was expecting to make 152 million in income from
water charges for 2016, but that target is now a pipe dream due to
the temporary cessation of billing for water.
13. As of the 31 December 2015, Irish Water had available funding
facilities of 1,356 million. Of this, 946 million was drawn down,
leaving a further 410 million not drawn down. This will change with
the expected drawing down of 423 million to make up the shortfalls
in income stream from lack of charges.
14. As of 31 December 2015, Irish Water had a statutory borrowing
limit of 2 billion, which sets the upper limit for drawn facilities
leaving them with little room for further borrowing from commercial
banks but not affecting the borrowing from the public purse which
has no such repayment plan or restrictions for borrowing limits in
15. Irish Water had hoped to invest 5.5 billion into what they term
as critical infrastructure, between 2016 and 2021, but not explaining
how they hoped to beat the statutory borrowing cap of 2 billion.
The only way to combat the limit is by unrestricted borrowing from
the public purse OR private capital input PRIVATISATION!
16. Irish Water state that their long-term goal is to achieve an
investment grade credit rating PRIVATISATION!
17. What is most interesting is that Irish Water in publication of their
own accounts, state that they have short term borrowings of 845
million, which is repayable by the end of 2016. (see debt maturity
profile graph). They make no provision for the payment of this debt
and from the state of the accounts, it is not possible to achieve.
18. In their provisions for cost of the upkeep of premises, it appears
that Irish Water are paying a total of 89.5 million for regional
offices including their Headquarters which is based at the Denis
O'Brien owned Colville House in Talbot Street, Dublin. A recent
renewal of a ten year lease for Colville House is estimated to be
worth 16 million to O'Brien.
With the planned anti-water charges protest in Dublin on the 17th
September looking like the biggest one yet, people have a right to
be aggrieved at how public money is spent. Added to the Apple tax
scam facilitated by government's past and present, it is clear that
the government are not interested in working for Irish people and
have done their utmost to ensure that big business takes priority
over your health and wealth.
Billions have been spent by the last two governments in an attempt
to appease bondholders and banks and to further ensure that our
water and water infrastructure is earmarked for privatisation with
the proceeds of the sale of Irish Water going directly to the

bondholders and banks. The same people who we now call vulture
The last few days has shown this government's unbridled
commitment to large corporations rather than its own citizens and
to further ensure that Ireland ranks equally with the Isle of Man,
Jersey, The British Virgin Islands and Bermuda as tax havens for
wealthy tax dodgers. The same people eyeing up our water!

Let's admit it, we all like to be screwed but not screwed over and most certainly
not in the way that the Irish government and big business are attempting to do it.
there is only so much pain a country and its people can take!

The Water Security Agency




October 5, 2016

Alan Kelly, Labour Party TD is unrepentant about the position

he took regarding the Water Framework Directive 2000 and in
particular Article 9.4 while Minister for the Environment in the
former Fine Gael/Labour Government. As Minister he was
head of the Department responsible for the introduction and
implementation of the controversial 'Water Charges.

Alan Kelly, Labour Party, former Minister responsible for 'Water Charges'

In his personal web page on June 29, 2016 he wrote " Personally, I

believe there is a strong possibility that this Bill is contrary to EU law, which
has constitutional primacy over acts of the Oireachtas. I have repeated
numerous times the fact that we no longer have an EU derogation from Water
Charges and this has been confirmed by Commissioner Vella this week.
There is no legal basis whatsoever for scrapping water charges. So given how
clear this fact now is how can Minister Coveney bring forward legislation
knowing full well that we dont have a derogation on having water charges and
therefore we cant stop charging for them? I was always advised that legally
we had no choice but to have water charges as our derogation was gone
since 2010 so how could this advice have changed?"
Alan Kelly a few short years ago was told different
Only a few short years ago, Alan Kelly, while an MEP at the time
and member of the Labour Party which opposed water charges
(, Mar,2015), received a different explanation on Article

9.4 from the European Commission.

In a written question to the Commission E3366/10, May 12,
2010, Alan Kelly asked
"The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC(1), Article 9.4,
indicates that a Member State will not be in breach of the directive
for non-implementation of the provision of 9.1, second sentence,
on water-pricing policies where this does not compromise the
purposes and the achievement of this directive. Can the
Commission provide some further clarification on the meaning of
this point? Can the Commission confirm whether Article 9.4
effectively means that water-pricing policies could be avoided if the
principles of the directive can be achieved through other resources
and the principle of the polluter pays is adhered to?
Article 9.1 outlines that in relation to the recovery of the costs of
water services, Member States may have regard to the social,
environmental and economic effects of the recovery. In the
Commission's opinion, does the application of a flat rate charge for
water services sufficiently take into account the social and
economic effects of the recovery on households with varying
income levels?"
Answer given by Mr Potonik on behalf of the Commission,
June 21, 2010
"Article 9(1) of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC(1),
requires Member States to ensure, by 2010, that a water pricing
policy is established based on the principles of cost recovery and
polluter pays. The water pricing policy shall also provide adequate
incentives for users to use water resources efficiently and therefore
contribute to achieving the objectives of the directive. The purpose
of the Water Framework Directive specified in Article 1 includes the
promotion of the sustainable water use based on the long-term
protection of available water resources. The environmental
objectives are set out in Article 4 and include the prevention of

deterioration of water bodies and the achievement of good status

by 2015. The provision in Article 9(4) relating to the need to ensure
that the purposes and the achievement of the objectives of the
directive is not compromised relates to those objectives in Articles
1 and 4.
Article 9(4) provides the possibility for Member States not to
apply the provisions of Article 9(1) to a given water-use
activity, where this is an established practice at the time of
adoption of the directive and where this does not compromise
the purposes and the achievement of the objectives of the
directive. The use of Article 9(4) is therefore subject to strict
The economic and social effects of a particular form of water
pricing on households will depend on the type of water pricing and
the socioeconomic profile of the households. It is for the Member
States to decide whether they have regard to these aspects on the
basis of an assessment of the effects of the water pricing policy on
water users. However, as regards Article 9(1), Member States who
wished to implement a flat rate would need to justify that it fulfills
the requirements in Article 9(1), in particular with respect to
whether it provides an adequate incentive for users to use water

Is Government acting
unconstitutionally with
water services Bill?
Issued : Wednesday 29 June, 2016

Alan Kelly TD, questions strongly whether the Government are acting
constitutionally when it comes to the current Water Services Bill before the
Dail.Deputy Kelly said: Personally, I believe there is a strong possibility that this
Bill is contrary to EU law, which has constitutional primacy over acts of the
Oireachtas. I believe that Minister Coveney needs to confirm to the House that he
is unconditionally certain that he is acting legally.I have repeated numerous
times the fact that we no longer have an EU derogation from Water Charges and
this has been confirmed by Commissioner Vella this week. There is no legal basis
whatsoever for scrapping water charges.So given how clear this fact now is how
can Minister Coveney bring forward legislation knowing full well that we dont

have a derogation on having water charges and therefore we cant stop charging
for them?Has he received the advice of the Attorney General that he can proceed
this way? I was always advised that legally we had no choice but to have water
charges as our derogation was gone since 2010 so how could this advice have
changed?Maybe the Minister thinks that just suspending water charges will
somehow camouflage the idea that they are getting rid of water charges? Has
Minister Coveney asked the Attorney General if this is legally sound and that the
EU Commission are happy with this? On the latter issue, I note yesterday in one
interview, Minister Coveney said, he hoped so, not very encouraging.Once this
highly bogus legislation is passed I absolutely believe that the EU Commission will
write to the Government questioning what the Government are doing and then
post the standard 10 weeks, commence legal proceedings against Ireland.One
thing is guaranteed after all this. Given the definitive legal confirmation we have
from the EU Commission and the terms of reference of this new expert Water
Commission, there is already only one defined outcome available to the group
and that is that water charges and the polluter pays principle are here to
stay.Given all that, I wish the Chair of the Group Joe OToole well in his task.

October 4, 2016

Who else is better placed to answer all questions regarding
Ireland's Water Policy and the Water Framework Directive than
Fianna Fil and the Green Party, parties who were in key
government from it's inauguration including negotiations of
Ireland's 9.4 exemption, through to the collapse of the Irish
economy, 2008 and capitulation to Troika's pressure and
finally the adoption in 2010 of the first River Basin
Management Plan 2009-2015.

John Gormley, former leader of the Green Party.

The following is an extract from Dil Questions and Answers,

March 2009. Here we see Joanna Tuffy, Labour, Dublin Mid
West pressing the Dept of Environment, Heritage and Local
Government, John Gormley, Green Party, on Article 9.4 of the
Water Framework Directive 2000 and asking him to apply the
'opt out' clause.
John Gormley was Minister for the Environment, Heritage and
Local Government in the Fianna Fil led Government, 20072011.
Joanna Tuffy was a Labour Party TD from 2007 to 2016 and a
former Senator. The Labour Party went on to flip-flop on their
position on the Water Charges' issue.
Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Water Charges,
Written answers
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Joanna Tuffy (Dublin Mid West, Labour)

Question 170: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage

and Local Government the steps he has taken to opt out of Article
9(1) of the Water Framework Directive that requires the recovery of
water charges by Member States starting from 2010, that this will
include Ireland having to charge domestic charges, unless Ireland
makes a case in writing for opting out of charging for domestic
water charges to the European Commission by December 2009; if
he will ensure that Ireland formally requests that it opt out in time
by December 2009, particularly in view of the fact that he sought a
clause providing that Member States could opt out from charging
for domestic water when the Water Framework Directive was being
negotiated by Member States; if he will explain what is meant by
the statement by the Government to the Commission that he is
merely reflecting on the implementation of Article 9; if this
statement means he intends that Ireland will introduce water
charges from 2010; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
John Gormley (Minister, Department of Environment, Heritage
and Local Government; Dublin South East, Green Party)
The Water Framework Directive was adopted on 23 October 2000.
Article 9(1) of the Directive requires Member States to take
account of the principle of the recovery of the cost of water
services, including environmental and resource costs. However,
Article 9(4) of the same Directive stipulates that a Member State
will not be in breach of the Directive if it decides, in accordance
with established practices, not to apply these provisions where it
does not compromise the purposes and the achievement of the

Directive's objectives.
The Local Government (Financial Provisions Act) 1997 removed
the authority of water services authorities to levy charges for water
services on domestic users. The Water Pricing Policy,
subsequently agreed by the Government in November 1998,
requires local authorities to recover the full cost of providing water
services from the users of these services, with the exception of
households using the services for domestic purposes. There is no
requirement, therefore, for the Government to take steps to opt out
of Article 9(1) given that the established practice at the time of the
adoption of the Directive was not to levy charges on domestic
Under the Directive, the island of Ireland is divided into eight River
Basin Management Districts. Management Plans for these districts
must be published no later than 22 December 2009 and submitted
to the European Commission within three months of publication.
The Management Plans must include details of cost recovery, in
accordance with Article 9. Draft River Basin Management Plans for
the eight River Basin Districts in Ireland were published in
December 2008 by the respective management authorities.
Article 9.4 Water Framework Directive 2000
Member States shall not be in breach of this Directive if they
decide in accordance with established practices not to apply the
provisions of paragraph 1, secondsentence, and forthat purpose
the relevant provisions of paragraph2, for a given water-use
activity, where this doesnot compromise the purposes and the
achievement of the objectives of this Directive. Member States
shall report the reasons for not fully applying paragraph1, second
sentence, in the riverbasin management plans.

The Fianna Fil-led coalition expected

domestic water charges to cost each
household 500 per year, according to

confidential Cabinet papers that have been

released to RT's The Week in Politics.
By Conor McMorrow of RT's Political Staf
The papers dating from 2010 - the last year
of Brian Cowen's government - give an
insight into the Fianna Fil/Greens coalition's
plans to introduce domestic water metering.

The coalition agreed at Cabinet on 15

September 2010 to establish a new water
agency and draft new legislation allowing for
domestic water meters - some two months
before Ireland entered the Troika bailout.
The last government estimated that it would
cost 500m to install water meters (an
average cost of 500 per household) over
five years. But it anticipated the metering
programme had the potential to create
between 1,200 and 1,800 jobs between 2011
and 2013.
It was estimated by the Department of the
Environment (in a water meters memo dated

15 September, 2010) that each household

would receive an estimated household bill of
330 per annum - this excludes the
additional cost of the meters and their
Later email correspondence (dated 28
September 2010) from Robert Watt, the
Assistant Secretary of the Department of
Finance (who is currently Secretary General
of the Department of Public Expenditure and
Reform), to a finance department colleague
states "it is likely that a charge of 500 a
year would be imposed. This would meet
operational costs and capital costs over
National water agency
The 2007-2011 government also proposed
the establishment of a new water agency to
manage and deliver the metering
programme, and manage the procurement
process for the installation, billing and
collection services.
Proof that the decision lies with Govt.
Written Answers. - Water Charges.Thursday, 19 November 1998Dil
ireann DebateVol. 497 No. 1
77. Mr. Sargent Information on Trevor Sargent Zoom on Trevor
Sargent asked the Minister for the Environment and Local
Government Information on Noel Dempsey Zoom on Noel Dempsey
if he will report on his meeting with Mr. Verstrynge, Environment
Deputy Director General of the EU; his views on whether the
Government is under renewed pressure to reintroduce domestic
water charges from the European Commission; if the new proposed
water framework directive will require full application of the polluter
pays approach; if the polluter pays principle was enshrined in the

Amsterdam Treaty which Ireland ratified [20826/98]

Minister for the Environment and Local Government (Mr. Dempsey):
Information on Noel Dempsey Zoom on Noel Dempsey At a recent
conference on environmental benefits of Cohesion Fund investment
in Ireland, I had an informal meeting with Mr. Verstrynge, Deputy
Director General of DG XI of the European Commission, at which we
discussed a range of matters, including the application of the
polluter pays principle in Ireland. I outlined the Government's
position in this regard and stated our continued opposition to the
reintroduction of domestic water charges.
The current draft of the EU Water Framework Directive, on which
common understanding was reached at the Environment Council in
June, proposes that member states shall take account of the
principle of recovery of the costs of water services in accordance
with the polluter pays principle. It would allow member states to
have regard, inter alia, to the social, environmental and economic
effects of the recovery. The current draft of Article 12 of the directive
takes account of the view that it should be a matter for member
states to determine charging policy in accordance with the principle
of subsidiarity. I stated my intention at the June Council to continue
to exempt domestic water services from water charges.
The polluter pays principle is enshrined in Article 34 of the
Amsterdam Treaty which amends the terms of Article 130r of the
Maastricht Treaty.
Now is the time for the TD's, POLITICAL Parties,to stand up to the
Fund and Commit to Challenge the LAW by Funding a
Constitutionally Challenge to allow us to Protest inculding Civil
Disobedience LETS see the colour of YOUR (TD's and Parties) money
and Commitment. We the Communities have did our part, now its up
to YE. Do we have to put Our hands in our pockets Again.Or will ye
sit on yer hands again ?.TD's get big Salaries and Parties get
''Parties Allowances'' lets get some of this money (which ye get from
us) to fight on OUR behalf.Ye GOT ELECTED on the votes of the
Water Warriors, who were arrested, charge, fined and Jailed and the
Jobstown people who now face very serious Charges, and time in
Jail.Rattling Collecting boxes is Just not good enough.!!AMNESTY FOR
Commissioners acknowledge the Dublin Says No submission. Fs
Nua shared their event.

Sep 6 at 9:30 PM

Thank you for your submission on the future funding of domestic

water services and improvement on water quality.
Your submission will be reviewed and considered by members of the
The Commission is to report to a special Committee of the
Oireachtas in November 2016.
SUBMISSION. The protest movement spearheaded by Dublin Says
No was not against water charges. it was against Domestic water
charges which as we know is a breach of our 9.4 exemption of the
Water Framework Directive and recorded in the 2008-2015 RBMP.
Commercial water charges were introduced in 2010 and the majority
of business were content to pay water charger and with water
metering. Dublin Says No and the other Says No groups which are
all community groups are opposed to Domestic Water Charges and
the metering of water for domestic use.
Whether we like it or not Ireland now must comply with International
laws like the Aarhus Convention. As we all know the Water
Framework Directive, The Pollution Pays Principle, the Precautionary
Principle and of course our 9.4 exemption are all part of the Aarhus
Convention and since it was ruled on by 5 Supreme Court judges is
now Irish Law. A crucial part of the WFD is that Ireland must have a
sustainable management plan for our water and this must include a
proper Public Consultation Process where all stakeholders can raise
their concerns and these concerns must be addressed by the group
negotiating the management plans.
Irish Water should be abolished immediately and a public enquiry
into what all the money they got was spent on. The responsibility for
our water management should lie on a county by county basis on
the County Councils. Water quality then would be a major election
issue in the Local Elections. All issues relating to both ground water
and surface water should be the responsibility of the County
Councils and a Local Agenda 21 type solution found for all issues as
they arise. All Group water schemes should remain under the control
and management of the Local Communities.
WATER QUALITY We can find no record of any person or group ever
been convicted of polluting aquifers and all reports sent to Europe
by our government states that we are in compliance with the Water
Framework Directive regarding our closed aquifers. All reports of
pollution in open aquifers and surface water should be properly
investigated and those found guilty of polluting water sources fined
heavily (in compliance with the Polluter Pays Principle) and the fine
money to be paid directly to the councils. All water should come
from a closed aquifer and piped directly to the houses with no
chemicals added.
Water charges are necessary for us to comply with the Water
Framework Directive/Polluters Pays Principle. All groups and bodies
that does not fall under the 9.4 exemption should pay for their
water. The charge they should pay should be decided on a County

by County basis and determined by the County Councilors.

Businesses' that use multiple chemicals should be charged
according to the amount of chemicals they use. From example.
Fracking Companies who use 5 or 6 different chemicals should be
charged 5 or 6 times more than farmers that only use 1 chemical.
Our 9.4 exemption should apply to all domestic water and if agreed
by the councilors our 9.4 exemption should also apply to Organic
Farmers. All major infrastructure repairs etc for example the removal
of all the lead pipes should be paid for through Local Agenda 21
funding and all the remaining lead pipes should be removed asap.
None of our taxes should be used to fund our water supply and all
the VAT on food should be removed immediately.
We are now on our second public consultation for our submission to
the Second River Basin Management Plan
Photo of Joanna TuffyJoanna Tuffy (Dublin Mid West, Labour)
Link to this: Individually | In contextQuestion 170: To ask the Minister
for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the steps he
has taken to opt out of Article 9(1) of the Water Framework Directive
that requires the recovery of water charges by Member States
starting from 2010, that this will include Ireland having to charge
domestic charges, unless Ireland makes a case in writing for opting
out of charging for domestic water charges to the European
Commission by December 2009; if he will ensure that Ireland
formally requests that it opt out in time by December 2009,
particularly in view of the fact that he sought a clause providing that
Member States could opt out from charging for domestic water
when the Water Framework Directive was being negotiated by
Member States; if he will explain what is meant by the statement by
the Government to the Commission that he is merely reflecting on
the implementation of Article 9; if this statement means he intends
that Ireland will introduce water charges from 2010; and if he will
make a statement on the matter. [12685/09]Photo of John
GormleyJohn Gormley (Minister, Department of Environment,
Heritage and Local Government; Dublin South East, Green Party)Link
to this: Individually | In contextThe Water Framework Directive was
adopted on 23 October 2000. Article 9(1) of the Directive requires
Member States to take account of the principle of the recovery of
the cost of water services, including environmental and resource
costs. However, Article 9(4) of the same Directive stipulates that a
Member State will not be in breach of the Directive if it decides, in
accordance with established practices, not to apply these provisions
where it does not compromise the purposes and the achievement of
the Directives objectives.The Local Government (Financial
Provisions Act) 1997 removed the authority of water services
authorities to levy charges for water services on domestic users.
The Water Pricing Policy, subsequently agreed by the Government in
November 1998, requires local authorities to recover the full cost of

providing water services from the users of these services, with the
exception of households using the services for domestic purposes.
There is no requirement, therefore, for the Government to take
steps to opt out of Article 9(1) given that the established practice at
the time of the adoption of the Directive was not to levy charges on
domestic users.Under the Directive, the island of Ireland is divided
into eight River Basin Management Districts. Management Plans for
these districts must be published no later than 22 December 2009
and submitted to the European Commission within three months of
publication. The Management Plans must include details of cost
recovery, in accordance with Article 9. Draft River Basin
Management Plans for the eight River Basin Districts in Ireland were
published in December 2008 by the respective

Minister Coveney What about dialogue with the People /

Your Department,Irish Water Limited did NOT Consult with
the Communities Before Putting in Water/Smart Meters.
Why did your Department and Irish Water Limited not
Consult with the Communities before putting in Water
Meter ?.Why did your Department NOT Consult the
Communities re The ''Expect Water Commission''. ? Why
no Open public Forum. Town Hall type Meetings.?

Submission only through e-mails. We need face to face

meeting, re OUR Water Infrastructure. NOT faceless people
/Bodies / Expects telling us what is ''Good for us''

Proposed new legislation to help creditors, including

Irish Water, to recover debts of up to 4,000 through
the District Court, will allow them to sue employers
who fail to implement an order for repayments.

The Civil Debt (Procedures) Bill 2015 also allows

creditors to sue employers who fail to inform them that
an employee who is the subject of an attachment of
earnings order is no longer working for them.
The Bill, published by Minister for Justice Frances
Fitzgerald on Tuesday, will allow creditors to seek an
attachment of earnings order, for a deduction from a
debtors wages, from the District Court.

Welfare deductions
It will apply to debts of between 500 and 4,000.
Social welfare recipients may also have deductions
made from their payments.
The law will also abolish the imprisonment of debtors,
except for parents who fail to pay maintenance.
Under current legislation, creditors can seek
repayment of a debt through a court order for the
seizure and sale of goods, through instalment orders or
through a judgment mortgage, which puts a charge
against a persons property.
The new Bill obliges an employer to apply an
attachment order to an employees wages within 10
days of being notified.
Under section 24 of the Bill, a creditor may sue for the
sum as a simple contract debt if the employer fails to
comply with the obligations without reasonable excuse.

Threat of imprisonment
Ms Fitzgerald said the proposed law would abolish the
threat of imprisonment and benefit small businesses
and the self-employed in chasing those who will not
Anti-Austerity Alliance TD Ruth Coppinger said it
would take two years for an unpaid water bill to reach
It is not going to deal with the mass boycott of the
charge, which is inevitable, she said.

The 7 People Nominated to the ''Expect Commission''

Submission to this Commission will close on Friday 9th Sept 2016 at
5.30 pm
3 Department Knowledge, Dr Xavier, Gritta Nottelman, Dr Andrew
Kelly.2 Self Nominated, Bill Emery, Peter Peacock.1. Nominated by
Fianna Fail, Sarah Hendry.1. Nominated by National Federation of
Group Water Scheme, Brendan O'Mahony.
Holland has 20 Municipalities, PUBLIC Water Authorities.Local
Managed and Controled
The 7 People Nominated to the ''Expect Commission''
Submission to this Commission will close on Friday 9th Sept 2016 at
5.30 pm
3 Department Knowledge, Dr Xavier, Gritta Nottelman, Dr Andrew
Kelly.2 Self Nominated, Bill Emery, Peter Peacock.1. Nominated by

Fianna Fail, Sarah Hendry.1. Nominated by National Federation of

Group Water Scheme, Brendan O'Mahony.
Holland has 20 Municipalities, PUBLIC Water Authorities.Local
Managed and Controled

Minister Coveney's address

at the Local Authority Water
Services National Training
Group's Annual Water
Conference, Wednesday 07
September 2016
Published on Wednesday, 07 Sep 2016

Im delighted to be here in Kilkenny for my first Water

Services National Training Group conference as Minister
for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government.
Im very pleased to be able to address this conference
knowing it is a conference discussing critical performance
issues for the water industry.
Irish Water: All of you working in the sector have been
involved in a major programme of reform over the past
number of years, which I appreciate has required
tremendous commitment and dedication. It requires
enormous personal and organisational resilience to
continue to focus on providing service delivery on a dayto-day basis and to pursue continuous improvement in
that service when there is intense political and public
debate on every aspect of the reform programme. Such
debate can lead to some uncertainty regarding future
policy directions.
In that context, I am proud to be able to say here today
that Irish Water will be part of the Irelands future. The
Confidence and Supply Arrangement entered into to
facilitate the formation of this Government ensures the
retention of Irish Water as a single national utility in public
There is growing understanding on the need for
investment in this sector and the impact of historical
under-investment. The case for a single utility, planning
and delivering water infrastructure and services with a
national approach remains compelling. Throughout the


length and breadth of the country, Irish Water, in

partnership with local authority staff, is improving and
modernising our public water and wastewater systems:
whether it is through the 48.5 million litres of water being
saved each day through the First Fix Free scheme and
related repairs
or works that ensured the removal of long-term boil water
notices from almost 22,000 people last year (though
clearly, as the events of the last few days in Mayo have
shown, more needs to be done in terms of preventing boil
water notices), or
measures you have delivered to reduce the number of
people on Remedial Action List supplies from 940,000 to
some 850,000 in less than two years.
So, I want to acknowledge the real progress made. Irish
Water and the local authorities, regulated by the CER and
the EPA, are improving water services every day. These
improvements are enhancing ordinary lives, for the people
of this country. And that is what these reforms are all
about. I hope that these works will play a major role in
demonstrating what improvements can be made when
funding is matched with focus and planning.
The Government will also play its part in enhancing public
confidence in Irish Water. We intend establishing an
external advisory body, to advise on measures to improve
the transparency and accountability of Irish Water. The
new body will publish its advice to Government and give
quarterly reports to an Oireachtas Committee on Irish
Waters performance in relation to its business plan.
As well as improving accountability, this new process
could play an important role in the communication of
improvements to drinking water standards, leakage levels,
water supplies, wastewater treatment and meeting
customer expectations.
Funding: Despite progress, in many respects Irish Water
is a work in progress. Operational costs remain high.
Though core capital investment reached 408 million in

2015, increases are needed to achieve the 5.5 billion in

investment outlined in the Irish Water Business Plan out to
2021. It is critically important that we achieve the
efficiencies envisaged in that plan to ensure economies of
scale, value-for-money and optimum outcomes for the
expenditure made.
We all want high quality public water services. We all
accept that water infrastructure needs increased and
sustained investment. The major question is how we fund
As you will be aware, domestic water charges are
suspended for nine months until the end of March next
year. An expert commission is currently working to
produce recommendations on a sustainable, long-term
funding model for the delivery of domestic water and
wastewater services. This work, due to be completed by
the end of November, will be followed a three month
period of debate and deliberation by a special Oireachtas
committee on the subject. The Oireachtas will then vote on
the issue.
This nine month period is an important opportunity to have
a calm, rational and fact-based debate on the funding of
water services.
Environmental and public health issues: The
challenges are not confined to cost and funding. As
todays conference agenda illustrates, ongoing
environmental and public health challenges remain. The
European Commission has deemed that over 70
agglomerations throughout the country have insufficient
wastewater collection, treatment or discharge. 45 urban
areas see raw wastewater discharged into water bodies.
Trihalomethanes have been detected in 74 Irish Water
supplies, which require remedial works. The European
Commission has emphasised the need for direct
communication with users of these supplies regarding the
Another legacy issue on which you will hear more this

morning is that of lead in households (and State-owned

buildings) drinking water supplies. Irish Water, local
authorities, others including my department, will have to
address this issue through a number of actions over many
years - just as other countries already are.
The next cycle of river basin management plans, which
will commence with finalised plans by the end of next year,
will present challenges for the sector and other sectors, to
improve water quality despite the pressures on water
bodies from a modern, growing economy. Successful river
basin management will require coordination between
sectoral players and others if we are to improve water
quality for the protection of drinking water sources, public
health and the environment.
Meeting these challenges requires a strong partnership
between Irish Water and local authorities. This partnership
needs to combine the existing strengths of expertise,
commitment and resourcefulness on both sides with
organisational change, standardised procedures, policies
and technology, and a focus on reducing costs.
Transition issues: It is widely recognised that, driven by
Troika commitments, the timescale for the establishment
of a major new utility was necessarily truncated. This has
meant that that there are some issues arising from the
transition of service from local government to Irish Water
that are still a work in progress - strategic planning, asset
transfer, taking-in-charge and take-over of schemes, to
take a few examples.
My department has been working closely with local
authorities and Irish Water to ensure we develop a
prioritisation methodology for investing in network
extensions of water services to support housing in key
strategic sites. I want to acknowledge the role of local
authorities in this work given the strong synergy this work
will have with the Action Plan on Housing and
Homelessness Rebuilding Ireland. The prioritisation

methodology will support plans by Irish Water to institute a

programme of works appropriately coordinated with
proposals funded under the new Local Infrastructure
Housing Activation Fund, subject to necessary consents
and regulatory approval from the Commission for Energy
Local authorities have also worked closely with my
department and Irish Water to identify a number of group
water schemes to be used as pilot projects for developing
a standardised process for each step of any Irish Water
take-over of group schemes, where requested by
members. This invaluable work and insight has fed into an
overall governance framework that Irish Water and local
authorities will utilise on all future schemes to be taken-incharge.
My Department is committed to resolving other
outstanding issues as soon as possible, in collaboration
with the parties involved, as well as supporting the
transformation of the water services operating model, as
envisaged in the Irish Water Business plan.
Conclusion: As we continue on this journey of reform,
there is a need for an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders
on the value of water as a resource and the need for more
resilient water infrastructure for our future. I want to
acknowledge today the important contribution being made
to this discussion by the Public Water Forum and its chair
Dr Tom Collins.
With a sustained dialogue, there can be greater public
understanding of how central the public water system is to
public health, social and economic growth and
environmental protection. I see it across my portfolio,
about how pivotal water infrastructure is to providing the
housing we need, how central it will be to planning future
economic development, particularly for water-intensive
sectors such as ICT, pharma-chem and agri-food, which
sustain well over 200,000 jobs in our economy.
I ask all involved in the sector to engage in this dialogue.

Whether it is consultations on revenue controls or

investment plans; stakeholder engagement on major
projects; or direct communications with the public, I urge
you to help create the national awareness needed on the
importance of water in the 21st century.
Delegates, many challenges remain for the water sector.
These cross the desks of different agencies in the sector.
Partnerships will be required. But you have shown what
can be achieved and how much progress can be made in
a short amount of time. I hope todays conference
generates meaningful discussion as to how we can meet
the real challenges facing water infrastructure and
services in Ireland.
The Governments vision is for water and wastewater
services that are reliable, secure and sustainably funded,
with the citizen receiving services provided by a
collaborative and forward looking sector. Let us achieve
that vision together. Let us build a public water system that
is a source of national pride and prosperity for the future. I
wish everyone involved here today a very successful
Thank you

"Local Authorities would continue to be

responsible for the direct provision of water

and waste water treatment services," stated

a Department of the Environment memo.
It was anticipated that the new "national
water agency" would keep directly employed
staff to a minimum and outsource more
labour intensive functions. It would directly
employ around 25 personnel with estimated
annual costs of 4m per annum.
Background 'Ministerial
Mercs' and budget cuts
There was a furore in July 2010 that the
government had lost touch with the public
over images of "ministerial Mercs" driving
ministers to a special cabinet meeting in
Farmleigh House to discuss budget cuts.
Cabinet papers, released under the Freedom
of Information Act 2014, show that "water
metering for domestic connections" was
scheduled for debate at Farmleigh on 26
July 2010 but it was deferred until September.
The issue was discussed by government at
the Cabinet meetings on 8 September and 15
September 2010.
A series of previously confidential
government memos show that Fianna Fil
ministers Brian Lenihan (Finance), Mary
Hanafin (Tourism, Culture & Sport), Brendan
Smith (Agriculture, Fisheries and Food), Noel
Dempsey (Transport) and Batt O'Keefe
(Enterprise, Trade & Innovation) along with
Green Party ministers Eamon Ryan
(Communications, Energy & Natural
Resources) and John Gormley (Environment)

were in favour of introducing a domestic

water metering programme.

The Cowen government's Renewed

Programme for Government in 2009 included
a commitment to introduce domestic water
charges, where households were allocated a
free basic allowance and charged for water
used in excess of that allowance.
The documents, released to RT this week,
detail the discussion papers around proposals
from the Minister for the Environment for a
programme of domestic water metering.
They refer to the period two months before
government formally requested financial aid
from the EU/IMF on 10 November 2010.
Cabinet papers from the Farmleigh meeting
offer an insight into government at a time
when the cost of borrowing was skyrocketing
out of control.
A memo labelled "Secret" and titled
"Government Expenditure Savings Options

2011-2014" states: "The public finances

remain extremely vulnerable and are coming
under increasingly close international
scrutiny, particularly from the IMF, EU
Commission and international credit
A water referendum
The documents relating to the domestic
water metering proposals show that then
minister for the environment, John Gormley,
initially sought a referendum so that the
Constitution could be changed to further
protect against the privitisation of water in
the future.
But this proposal was "deleted" from a later
Cabinet memorandum after observations
were received, "particularly those of the
Department of Communications, Energy and
Natural Resources".
Minister Eamon Ryan's department
highlighted "the complexities involved" and
suggested that any amendment to the
Constitution "could prove contentious and
It was decided that this issue be separately
pursued with the Attorney General.
The government's decision
According to the official 'Cruinniu Rialtais'
document, released to RT's The Week in
Politics this week and dated 15
September 2010, the government approved
the minister's proposals for a free allowance
of 40 litres of water per person per day with

the cost of the allowance to be met by the

The free allowance would commence at the
same time as domestic water charges.
The Fianna Fil/Green coalition also agreed to
draft legislation to establish the new water
agency and remove the legal prohibition on
charging for domestic water services.
An "assessment of the implementation
issues" would be carried out in parallel by the
seven relevant government departments.
Ministers' views on water charges
The newly-released Cabinet papers indicate
the observations of government departments
and their line ministers on domestic water

Minister for the Environment John

Minister Gormley's department was
spearheading the drive towards domestic
water metering as a means towards

conservation and the documents have been

released by his old department.
Mr Gormley was opposed to a flat rate charge
as "it offers no incentive for consumers to
conserve water".
His proposal for a free water allowance of 40
litres per day per person was modelled on
the water charging structure used by the
regional government in Flanders, Belgium.
He did not consider it appropriate to seek full
capital cost recovery from the domestic
But he did "consider it necessary for
households to make a contribution towards
capital upgrading and replacement (including
the costs of installing, maintaining and
replacing the water meters). The minister is
proposing that the water charge for each
household should include a contribution
towards capital costs and to provide for the
repayment of the borrowings by the Agency."
The Department of the Environment noted
that the installation of meters will increase
the detection of customer leaks and
"typically the most expensive leaks to repair
are in the supply pipe which runs from the
connection at the boundary of the property,
under the property to the kitchen sink. It is
estimated that the cost of replacing this pipe
is in the region of 1,500-2,000."
Minister Gormley advocated the introduction
of some assistance for householders faced

with such leaks, for example, a grant scheme

towards the cost of the works.
Given the perilous state of the public
finances in 2010, the government realised
that the water metering programme could
not be funded through sources such as
Exchequer funding or EU structural funds.
The only two viable funding options were
local government borrowing or setting up the
new water agency.
Mr Gormley was "concerned that
establishment of a new national agency is
not interpreted as opening up the possibility
of privatising water services in Ireland".
He said he would consult the Attorney
General on the format of a constitutional
referendum if it was deemed necessary.
Later documents show that Minister Eamon
Ryan's Department of Communications,
Energy and Natural Resources was among
those opposed to a referendum on water
According to a draft cabinet memo, dated 15
September 2010, "the application of the
proposed free allowance of 40 litres per
person per day would result in an estimated
average household bill of 330 per annum this excludes the costs of the meters and
their installation".
Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan
"The Minister for Finance favours the
introduction of water charging for domestic
water services on a metered basis to

encourage conservation and as a means of

generating revenue for local authorities."
"The Minister favours the introduction of a
flat rate charge to remunerate the cost of the
metering programme, pending the coming on
stream of volumetric charging."
"...the Minister is not opposed to the
approach suggested in the memorandum
that would see the delivery and financing of a
metering programme through a new
commercial semi-state body, funded through
borrowing and/or other financial instruments.

"He considers it imperative that the

programme is commercialised and that
households pay for the cost of the meter
installation through a charge in their water
metering bill."
"The Minister does not see the need for a
constitutional referendum on the public
ownership of water resources."
"The Minister believes the metering
programme should commence as soon as
possible to maximise the benefits to the

Exchequer and reduce borrowing costs."

Minister for Social Protection amon
"Believes income support for low income
households is not appropriate and that the
Agency should be required to make provision
for such households."
"There should be a grant scheme for
householders facing costs to address leakage
including 100% support for low income
Minister for Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources Eamon Ryan
Minister Eamon Ryan was "generally
supportive" of his party leader John
Gormley's proposals.
He noted the potential synergies between
water metering and smart metering in
electricity and gas.
Minister for Community, Equality and
Gaeltacht Affairs Pat Carey
Minister Pat Carey said that a key issue is the
impact that water charges may have on
households at risk of poverty or exclusion.
He said that officials from his department
would be available to provide advice on
"poverty proofing" and a "poverty impact
Minister for Enterprise, Trade and
Innovation Batt O'Keefe
Minister Batt O'Keefe "welcomes the general
thrust of the proposal to introduce water
metering for domestic consumers and notes

the potential for 1,200-1,800 jobs per annum

to be created over the period 2011-2013".
He did caution that "it may be premature to
proceed with the creation of the new Agency
in the absences of a clear pricing structure
and information on the structure of water
policy in the future".
"He strongly recommends the introduction of
a flat rate charge in advance of metered
charges to support the public finances and
the funding of the water meters."
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the
Marine Brendan Smith
"Supports the proposals and asks that the
proposed review of water pricing policy
recognise that farms are relatively large
users of water."
Minister for Transport Noel Dempsey
"Supports the proposals but believes to
maximise public acceptance their
introduction should be accompanied by a
commensurate reduction in income tax."
Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport
Mary Hanafin
"The Minister welcomes the fact that the
implementation of these proposals would
contribute to greater water conservation in
line with the broad sustainability agenda."
She suggested examining "the possibility of
introducing an increased free water
allowance for listed Bed and Breakfast
premises as they service the needs of the
tourist industry".

Other ministers....
Tnaiste and Minister for Education &
Skills Mary Coughlan, Minister for Defence
Tony Killeen, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Michel Martin, Minister for Health Mary
Harney, and Minister for Justice Dermot
Ahern did not make any observations on the
water memo. A number of these indicated
that they would make their observations
known at the cabinet table.
How has this information come to light
Under the current Fine Gael/Labour
government's revised Freedom of Information
legislation that passed through the Dil last
year, cabinet papers dating back five years
may be released.
And another thing...
The documents obtained this week reveal
how far advanced the government's plans for
introducing domestic water charges were
even before the Troika arrived in November
Yet it was only relatively recently that the
first domestic water bills arrived and meters
are still being installed.
It does raise the question of why the current
Fine Gael/Labour coalition did not forge
ahead with the plans sooner?
As one current Fianna Fil TD put it: "All the
current crowd had to do was bring the water
charges in at the start of their term in office.
They had a honeymoon period in 2011-2012

where they could have brought them in and

blamed the IMF and Fianna Fil!"
We are about to have the second election
since the cabinet meeting at Farmleigh.
The political landscape has changed since
then. But the water issue certainly hasn't
gone away.
We still have our 9.e exemption. This means
This is getting ridiculous. The are really
struggling to understand the fact that we already pay for
our water services, like all other countries in the EU
According to, all countries where RATES are
used across the EU are classified by as paying domestic
water charges. In Scotland, for instance, they use rates. As
in, they do not have water charges, their property tax
pays for water. This is what it says on the Glasgow Council
website: "Your council tax bill includes water and waste
water charges which we collect on behalf of Scottish
Water." In this context, all of us who pay VAT, motor tax,
property tax, USC etc, are contributing to Irish Water
(albeit reluctantly). So by the standards set by the Journal,
all countries across the EU pay water charges, including
We've explained this before to The Journal and said there
are 3 ways to pay for water.
1. General taxation.
2. Rates.
3. Domestic water charges.
Why can't The Journal understand that we already pay for
water? Why do they classify rates as domestic water
charges, but general taxation as not having them? Is it
that difficult to understand?
Maybe Fact Check needs someone to do a Fact Check on
their Fact Checking.

How Labour considered water

charges, meters and an ESB

for water five years ago

Labour was vehemently opposed to water charges in opposition, but
weve seen a document which shows how senior party figures
considered water charges in 2010.
Mar 15th 2015

AN INTERNAL LABOUR memo outlining the rationale for

water charges and how they could be imposed was
circulated to Joan Burton, Eamon Gilmore and senior
party advisers five years ago.
Labour was strongly opposed to water charges in
opposition, including in its 2011 general election
manifesto, but the memo, seen by, makes a
clear case for the introduction of a single water utility, the
installation of meters and the levying of charges on
The three-page memo was prepared by Labours research
and policy analyst Jean OMahony. She later became
special advisor to Gilmore when he was Tnaiste.
The document went to the two most senior Labour figures
Gilmore as leader and Burton as deputy leader and
finance spokesperson along with a number of senior
party advisors in late January 2010 when party figures had
publicly stated their opposition to water charges.
The memo, outlines the rationale for water charges and
suggests that one centralised semi-state ESB for water,
where the responsibility for water is taken from the 34

local authorities, makes more sense.

It goes on to say that it would be easiest to argue for water
charges if there is an element of polluter pays, and an
incentive to use less.
Makes sense politically

The memo states that in putting forward the case for water
charges the emphasis could be placed on the benefits of
taxing bad things (water wastage) and limiting taxing
good things (peoples paypackets).
It also notes that a free quota of water per person makes
sense politically.
The memo says that while installing water meters would
be expensive it could be combined with the installation
of smart electricity meters so as that both water and
energy usage could be monitored and conservation
It says that the cost of installing water meters could be
imposed on the household by adding it the cost of the
household water bill over a period of years.
Contacted about the memo, a Labour spokesperson
described the memo as a policy research document
outlining the state of play with regard to the future
provision of water services at that time and added:
The document was circulated in 2010 and the manifesto

was published a year later in February 2011. That was a 12month period during which there was momentous change
in the economic, financial and political landscape in
Ireland, and the manifesto reflected that.
2011 manifesto: Labour does not favour water
Labour firmly opposed the introduction of water charges
when in opposition. In a June 2010 interview with The
Irish Times, then-leader Gilmore ruled out introducing
water charges if in government.
Labours 2011 general election manifesto restated this
opposition, saying:
Labour does not favour water charges, which do not
address the immediate needs of those who currently
receive intermittent or poor water supplies.
The manifesto made no reference to the establishment of a
central utility nor the installation of water meters.
The party also produced a now infamous ad campaign
days before the general election, warning that Fine Gael
would introduce a 238 annual water tax if allowed to
govern alone.

The decision to charge for water was subsequently

contained in the programme for government negotiated
with Fine Gael, which favoured a central utility and water
charges in its election manifesto.
Government commitment
The coalition subsequently established Irish Water in 2013
to takeover the administration, provision and
maintenance of water from 34 local authorities.
The programme for government stated:
The objective is to install water meters in every household
in Ireland and move to a charging system that is based on
use above the free allowance.
Irish Water has undertaken an extensive metering
programme and introduced a hugely controversial water
charges regime last summer.
There was a public outcry over proposals to charge people
based on estimated usage (for those who did not have
meters installed) and the number of people per household.
The charging regime was subsequently revised by the
current Environment Minister and Labour deputy leader

Alan Kelly.
Flat rates of 160 for a one-person household and 260
for all others were introduced last November along with a
100 conservation grant for every household that register
with Irish Water.
What else the 2010 memo says

OMahony sent the memo with a subject line Water

Charges on 25 January 2010, to both Gilmore and
It also went to the then-Labour leaders senior advisors,
Mark Garrett and Colm OReardon; Labours then-press
and parliamentary director Tony Heffernan; and Finbarr
OMalley, a Labour policy advisor who later became
special advisor to Pat Rabbitte when he was
communications minister.
The memo outlined how much tax money is spent on
water and the plan put forward at the time by thenenvironment minister John Gormley.
It also outlined a rationale for water charges, including



water treatment is not free and there no incentive

among non-commercial users to use it efficiently
30 per cent of water goes on flushing toilets
there is need to upgrade the water supply network
with leakage of water
there is a need to expand the capacity of water
treatment plants
the rise in population and rise in one-person
households, and the trends towards higher water usage
(extra bathrooms, dishwashers, power showers), which the
memo, stated imposes significant demand on water
Changes in the climate and demographics which
meant in short, most rain will be fall where people do not
It also cites an ESRI survey from 2000 which says
that only 6 per cent of people thought water should be
completely free to users, and the most popular option is a
charge based on usage.
By contrast, the memo contains just two reasons for not
introducing water charges including:
The difficulty with ensuring equity for low-income
households which spends a bigger proportion of their
income on utilities than more wealthy households.
The introduction of free quotas would require
an expensive national metering installation programme
and could be open to significant fraud.

How Many Councillors Does It Take

To Turn Off The Water Tax?Democratic Left -1994
January 25, 2010

The Democratic Left were opposed to Water charges, Water Tax or

Water Rates. They wanted to put pressure on other councillors to
oppose them too.
Looking at the previous years vote thats shown, some Fine Gael and
Fianna Fail voted against the charges.
The Government were seen to be bringing in these extra taxes

whilst at the same time having the Tax Amnesty.

In 1985 the Councils in Dublin, following the election of councillors
such as The Democratic Lefts Eamon Gilmore. took a bit of
phrasing considering Gilmore was elected for The Workers Party.

The Democratic Left were opposed to Water charges, Water Tax or

Water Rates. They wanted to put pressure on other councillors to
oppose them too.
Looking at the previous years vote thats shown, some Fine Gael and
Fianna Fail voted against the charges.
The Government were seen to be bringing in these extra taxes
whilst at the same time having the Tax Amnesty.
In 1985 the Councils in Dublin, following the election of councillors
such as The Democratic Lefts Eamon Gilmore. took a bit of
phrasing considering Gilmore was elected for The Workers Party.

TNAISTE EAMON GILMORE has revealed hes been

hearing anger about water charges on the doorsteps in
recent weeks but has defended the above leaflet from the
90s, which has resurfaced recently, where he described
water charges as just another tax on workers.
What I was against then is what Im against now, he
insisted in an interview with yesterday.
That was a flat charge that took no account of the
circumstances of a family, the amount of water you used,
whether you had an illness, or your ability to pay.
The Labour leader claimed that what is being introduced
by this government is very different where there will be
no flat charge, payment for water is purely on the basis of
what has been used.
Heres what happened when we placed the above leaflet
in front of Gilmore:
He said that while people are put to the pin of their
collar the focus has to be on creating more jobs for those
people at a faster pace and deal with living standards.
He said: I am in no doubt about the fact that people are

put to the pin people are put to the pin of their collar.
That is why we have to move on with the creation of
additional jobs, thats why we also have to ensure that we
address the issue of incomes, that we address the issue of
living standards.

He described the last few years as the worst recession

weve had since Ireland won her independence but said
the consequences of government not doing what it has
done would have been a the State entering a second
Gilmore added: If we hadnt done what we did in the last
three years we would probably, as many people predicted,
be into a second bailout with the prospect of 30 per cent
reduction in public expenditure and payments and so on.
In a speech in the Dail the last week Joe Higgins referred to some
old Eamon Gilmore Leaflets that Id posted here previously.
Just reposting them again with some of the text from the speech.
Deputy Joe Higgins: I refer to what does not lie, namely, the
history of this issue. There was a fresh faced councillor in Dn
Laoghaire in the 1980s
Deputy Emmet Stagg: Deputy Boyd Barrett.
Deputy Joe Higgins: who put out a statement that he was the
first councillor in the country to propose and win the abolition of the
water rates. The same councillor, in a new manifestation
An Ceann Comhairle: The Deputy is supposed to be asking a
supplementary question not giving a lecture on history.
Deputy Joe Higgins: in Democratic Left in the late 1980s and
early 1990s

Deputy Joe Higgins: His thwarted political ambitions have a lot

more to do with his outbursts here than anything I can say.
An Ceann Comhairle: Deputy Higgins, through the Chair please.
Deputy Joe Higgins: He made your seat in 1987 in campaigns
against the local rates.
An Ceann Comhairle: I am going to call an end to this if the Deputy
does not conclude.
Deputy Joe Higgins: In a new reincarnation, Democratic Left
Deputy Brendan Howlin: In 1872.
Deputy Joe Higgins: he stated that the PAYE taxpayers whom his
party represented had already paid enough tax for local services
and should not have to pay again. ..
Ive a section dedicated to Gilmore

The Dil has rewritten its rules

so that 'abstaining' literally
means 'doing nothing' - and
(re-)defined the Constitutional

In this vote yesterday the

Government defeated a SF

motion on mental health where only 59 of 131 (45%)

actually voted in favour of it

Not clear (I'll ask) if these are

'priorities' or actually

(New) statement from about latest whistleblowing


by Gavan Reilly 05th Oct 2016

Kenny says Tnaiste may not be

able to probe
The Taoiseach says a judge could be asked to
examine new claims brought forward by Garda
It's after two members of the force made claims
they had been told to smear the character of a
previous whistleblower.
In the Dail today the Taoiseach said Frances
Fitzgerald would probably not be able to discover
for herself if the claims were true.
But he said the final decision on how to investigate
the claims would be left to the justice minister
Kenny says judge may investigate
whistleblower claims

Sinn Fein's Mary Lou McDonald questioned whether

Enda Kenny could continue to support the Garda
Commissioner given the scale of claims now being
Clare Daly of Indepdendents4Change claimed that
another whistleblower, who she named in the
chamber, had written to the Minister for Justice
FOUR times complaining about how he was
ostracised and bullied by others in the force for
becoming a whistleblower.
She said the position of the Commissioner had now
to be called into question.

EU-Canada trade deal

against the wall as
Irish government
REJECTS agreement
IRISH politicians have voted against a secretive free trade
agreement between the European Union (EU) and Canada
over fears it would open governments up to being sued and
would influence public regulation.
Fri, Oct 7, 2016


The Irish Senate voted against CETA

The Seanad - the Irish Senate - passed the motion to stop the
country signing up to the "provisional application" of the
controversial Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA)
by one vote yesterday.
Sinn Fin, Labour and several Independents supported the motion
put forward by Independent Alice Mary Higgins who said the pact,
which has mostly been thrashed out in secret, was part of a "new
generation" of trade deals.
Christian democratic party, Fine Gael, voted against the opposition
after its senators spoke in favour of CETA and Republican party,
Fianna Fil, abstained from the vote .
Ms Higgins, whose father Michael D. Higgins is the Irish President,
said the proposals for CETA are radically different from previous
trade agreements and spoke of fears the agreement would give
special powers to corporations to sue European governments and
influence public regulation.
She said: "It is an absolute game-changer with the potential to
affect our public services, environment and policy decisions in a
way we have not seen before


Senator Higgins put forward the proposal to reject CETA's provisional


CETA is a pre-cursor to the even more controversial Transatlantic

Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a series of trade
negotiations between the EU and the United States which are
mostly being carried out in secret.
Many EU member states are opposed to both CETA and TTIP but
yesterday Angela Merkel said it should go head despite the

Britain's international trade secretary, Liam Fox, also quietly

endorsed the two trade deals this week at the Conservative Party
Fine Gael Senator Dr James Reilly, who voted against CETA's
opposition, argued the deal would offer good opportunities to Irish
producers, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and create more
Irish jobs.
He said: "We are a small, open economy and we stand to gain an
awful lot more from the access to a further large market like
Canada through the EU."


CETA and TTIP have remained controversial across Europe


The vote in the Irish Seanad was won by one vote

Fianna Fil Senator Gerry Horkan, who abstained from the vote,

said CETA would remove more than 99 per cent of tariffs between
the two economies and create sizeable new market opportunities.
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions and the Financial Services
Union (FSU) supported the vote against CETA and called on the
Dil, the Irish Parliament's lower house equivalent to the House of
Commons, to heed the advice of the Seanad to not sign up to

The art of politics is about anticipating and the ability to seize the
moment. On trade policy, Canada has a unique opportunity at hand
with the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
between Canada and the European Union.


This is a catch-all ASF view; only displays when an unsupported article

type is put in an ASF drop zone

Only a short while ago, no one would have predicted a U.S.

presidential campaign as negative and as regressive on trade issues
as the one we are now witnessing. This time, however, all this
rhetoric about trade is more than just the usual noise made by
candidates before the election who, after the campaign, move to the
centre and end up supporting trade agreements.
In truth, Americans are feeling disillusioned and frustrated with
their political and business leadership. Two concurrent and related
issues explain why. First, in the last 20 years, and especially since
the financial and economic crisis of 2008, the American middle class
has been losing ground.
Second, increased trade and supporting trade agreements, notably
the North American free-trade agreement, have had a positive
effect on the U.S. economy. The overall impact on the U.S. job
market has been positive but a closer look at the numbers shows a
reduction in manufacturing jobs in certain sectors of the economy
and notably in specific urban areas and regions of the United
States. Even if many other factors have contributed to this decline,
trade agreements are singled out as the main culprit. All this debate
has produced a deep wave of discontent that the presidential
contenders of both parties have been seeking to capture and exploit
for electoral purposes.
The consequences for Canada can be very damaging. Even if we are
not the direct target of this negativity, we incur, more often than

not, the collateral damage of U.S. protectionism.

Canadas overdependence on the U.S. market and American
protectionism were among the reasons that led Canada to negotiate
CETA with the European Union, after the failure of the Doha Round.
It took us seven years to negotiate this agreement after it was
proposed to the European side at Davos in 2007.
CETA is correctly described as the most advanced trade deal in the
world. It is difficult to understate the opportunity for Canada. We
are part of NAFTA, a market of 450 million consumers, and once
concluded, CETA will give us a privileged access to a market of more
than 500 million people.
It puts Canada right in the middle of two of the richest markets in
the world and, again, timing is of the essence. We are in the last
stages of approvals and ratifications and as we get closer, the
European political agenda keeps getting more and more
The uncertain outcome of the Brexit vote will consume a lot of our
European counterparts energy and time. To add to the excitement,
for the first time, because of the Treaty of Lisbon, the European
Parliament must approve CETA. This will be the first time that these
new powers will be exercised for the ratification of an international
In the backdrop of CETA, negotiations between the United States
and Europe, known by the acronym TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership), have become widely unpopular in Europe
and dont have much support in the United States. Opponents of the
EU/U.S. negotiations are now taking the position that the best way
to kill TTIP is to derail the CETA deal.
Add to all of this coming national elections in France and Germany,
preceded by the Brexit vote and the U.S. campaign, and what we
have is a very uncertain political landscape.
Canada can become the access point to the NAFTA market for
Europeans and an access route to Europe, in particular for U.S.
companies. Canada as a trade and investment hub between Europe
and North America is exactly where we want to be. The immediate
challenge for Canada is to get this deal done. At this point, we
should enlist all the available resources we have to make our case,
starting with our diplomats in the 28 European countries, in
Brussels, and in every available forum.
Every provincial premier, ministers and business leaders under the
leadership of the Canada Europe Roundtable should be mobilized to
get the agreement approved and ratified as rapidly as possible.
In the short term, this should be Canadas foreign policy priority.


October 6, 2016

motion in the Seanad opposing the toxic CETA CanadianEU trade
Sinn Fin have been campaigning in relation to the very serious
concerns around CETA for a long time. Our MEPs have been
the agreement of a Permanent Investment Court removed from any
national accountability, for the benefit of international investors and
multinationals will infringe on our constitution and will be to the
The fact that the Government is hell bent on making a Provisional
to reject CETA, including the European Trade Union Confederation,
Friends of the Earth, the European Consumers Organisation and the

Its essential the Dail and Seanad get tovote on the freshly
negotiated EU trade agreement with Canada. TheComprehensive
Economic and Trade Agreement, known as CETA, has taken eight (8)
years to broker and the EU Commission is in the final stages of
wrapping it up.This week the Commission gave a commitment that
the agreement would also needto be ratified by National
Parliaments. Marian Harkin says thats essential asthe trade
agreement will have both a positive and negative impact for people

The Canadian Dimension ... Excellent negotiation skills:

Comprehensive Economic & Trade Agreement (CETA)
Seanad Retained ... Seanad. This may jeopardize the 3 TCD

by Gavan Reilly 10th Jun 2016 16:54

Gavan Reilly: The committees - the

best part of Leinster House - may
suffer under new plans
TDs have agreed to the most comprehensive
package of reforms in the Dail's history.
But some TDs have raised concerns that the
changes will actually make it harder for many TDs
to do their jobs.
There are even concerns that Leinster House may
not even have enough room to allow all the
committees to meet every week.
The reforms officially adopted yesterday will,
undoubtedly, give more TDs a say in how business
is done.
They are the result of painstaking meetings by a
special sub-committee on Dail reform, including
members of all parties and none, which deserves
credit for tackling some longstanding problems
with how Leinster House goes about its business.
As a result of their changes, all TDs will now have
the right to table amendments to laws at
committee level - and because speaking time is

now given to smaller groups, more people can

contribute to debates in the chamber.
But some concern has been raised about the
impact of the changes to the committee system often recognised as the most effective and
constructive part of Leinster House.
The government's chief whip Regina Doherty told
the Dil yesterday:
"Oireachtas committee meetings and the Dil
plenary sessions will no longer clash. Oireachtas
committees will now meet on Tuesday evenings
and Wednesday and Thursday mornings with the
Dil sitting on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
afternoons and evenings.
"The new split will finally end the problem of
Oireachtas committees clashing with important
debates in the Dil and Deputies being forced to
choose between the two."
This is largely true - on Wednesdays and Thursdays
the Dil will now no longer meet until 12 noon,
leaving the first three hours of the working day for
committees to sit unencumbered.

Bilocation - or even trilocation

This does address a longstanding issue for TDs,
who regularly complain about having to be in two or even three - places at once.
But Doherty's claim is not totally true. Firstly, some
committee meetings are still due to take place on
Tuesday afternoons, while the Dil itself is also in
But schedule clashes are almost inevitable for
some TDs anyway, particularly in Fine Gael.
The final report of the committee on Dil reform
said that where possible, membership of multiple
committees should be avoided.
This is so that individual TDs can focus on
individual subject areas - developing expertise in

them over time - and not have to split their roles

between several areas.
However, this will be an impossible goal for Fine
Gael given its relatively small Dil numbers.
Ministers traditionally don't sit on committees, so
Fine Gael only has its 23 backbenchers available
for committee duty.
But with 19 committees, and space for at least two
Fine Gael TDs on each, some TDs will have to
double up - going against the principle of giving
everyone one job, and one job only.
It also raises the prospect that those TDs may be
assigned to multiple committees which are then
scheduled to meet at the same time - undermining
the whole purpose of delaying Dil business until
later in the day.

Too many cooks... spread butter too

There's also concern about how the number of
extra groups will fragment the system.
Social Democrat TD Catherine Murphy was the

whip of the technical group in the last Dail, which

eventually became as big as the major opposition
She told the Dil yesterday:
"Co-ordination in the first instance will be within
the groups. Then there will be co-ordination
between the groups and between the groups and
the Government. That will make running this
House much more difficult. The way it has been
designed, favouring the parties over big groups,
means that, instead of big groups coming together
and co-ordinating, there will be a more fragmented
arrangement with many small groups, making that
much more difficult.
"I had some experience of that having been the
Whip for the Technical Group, which worked pretty
well in the last Dil. There were 17 or 18 Members
in it and no one missed Private Member's business
or Leaders' Questions while Priority Questions were
routinely taken. Members also sat on committees.
"The way it is being done here creates
unnecessary fragmentation."
This sort of fragmentation - which is primarily
designed to grant more speaking time in the
chamber - is a particular problem for Labour.
Speaking rights are now granted to groups with at
least five members, and Labour's group of seven
would previously have been entitled to speaking
time in the Dil anyway.
But under previous systems, Labour might have
been encouraged to form Dil alliances with the
likes of the Greens and the Social Democrats to
command a greater proportion of speaking time.
As it stands now, the fragmented plans for
speaking time will have a knock-on effect on
Labour's depleted numbers now are a case in

point. Each TD is now tasked with shadowing

multiple ministers. Joan Burton is spokesperson for
three briefs: Finance, Education and Arts.
Labour's numbers in the Dil mean she will likely
only be able to join ONE of those committees - and
while she can still attend and speak at the others,
the duelling could well end up sitting at exactly the
same time.
Similar issues will present for the Green PartySocial Democrat group of five, and the AntiAusterity Alliance-People Before Profit group of six.

Is there enough space?

There's also concern that the new fixed times for

committee meetings could have another
unintended impact.
The new system effectively allows for three slots
every week where committees can meet - Tuesday
afternoons, Wednesday mornings, or Thursday
mornings. Leinster House has four committee
rooms available for such meetings.
However under the new system, where committees
have been broken down into smaller groups, there
are now more committees. There are now plans for
six 'standing' committees such as the Public
Accounts Committee, the EU Affairs Committee,
the Petitions Committee, and the new independent
Budgetary Oversight Committee.
There are also 13 'sectoral' ones to monitor the
work of ministers (there are 16 Departments of
State; Foreign Affairs and Defence will be joined
up, as will Finance, Public Expenditure and
This means there are 19 committees, many of
which will hope to meet on a weekly basis. And this
total doesn't even count other committees that
may pop up, like the Housing and Homeless
Committee which is wrapping up its work now, and

the proposed special committee to write up a tenyear vision for the health service.
But with only twelve available slots per week, the
clamour for meeting space will either mean serious
demands on the Leinster House committee rooms,
or a U-turn on the scheduling split between the Dil
and Committees.
With the Seanad chamber shortly to be put out of
action for refurbishment work, committees may
even be forced to meet in the wide wooden
caverns of the Dil chamber itself, simply to find a
room where they can do their work under the
watch of the public.

Don't think I've ever seen a

motion on a prospective trade
deal being celebrated like this
before! yesterday:

Mr Alan Kelly T.D., Minister

for the Environment,
Community and Local
Government, launches the
Roscrea Community Action
Plan 2016-2019, and
announces funding for
some early actions.
Issued : Tuesday 8 December, 2015
On Friday, 4 December 2015, Minister Alan Kelly launched the
Roscrea Community Action Plan on behalf of Tipperary County
Council and the Roscrea Community Action Partnership and
welcomed the integrated approach, based on the RAPID
(Revitalising Areas through Planning, Investment and
Development) model of planning and interagency work. This
model will be a key tool in implementing key community actions in
the plan under the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) for
For these reasons, Roscrea has been prioritised in the County
Tipperary Local Economic and Community Plan as being in need of
an interagency focus to develop a broad community based, realistic
plan that can meet the needs of its residents and businesses.
The plan for Roscrea was developed over the last six months and
identifies key actions in the business, social, community and
environmental areas. There was widespread consultation with all
stakeholders and the community and there will be ongoing

commitment to the implementation of the plan from all the key

The Minister congratulated Tipperary County Council, who have
taken the lead in supporting the development of the Plan and the
work of North Tipperary LEADER Partnership (NTLP) which was
commissioned by Tipperary County Council to develop the plan, in
consultation with all the key agencies, community groups and
businesses in Roscrea.
The plan builds on a number of guiding principles for effective
community planning and implementation including: community
participation and local ownership; promotion of strategic planning;
co-ordination of provision of State services; building on existing
structures; complementing existing initiatives; flexibility; and
targeting of additional services, investment and facilities.
The plan builds on and recognises the fact that Roscrea has some
great assets, a strong built heritage, a vibrant natural history, a
great ethos of volunteering, a friendly and welcoming community
spirit, and a vibrant and active community and voluntary sector. It
is a community with a very strong work ethic, a can do approach
and one that is, with the appropriate assistance and guidance,
ready to help itself.
Minister Kelly, in recognising the need for the early delivery of some
of the key priorities, identified in the plan, announced that funding
was being made available in the coming weeks for:
Support for the RAY (Garda Youth Diversion Project) project
through additional staffing support in NTLP to provide for family
support work and counselling services.
A Feasibility Study for an enterprise centre, in recognizing the key
role of the Local Authority, the Local Community Development
Committee (LCDC) and the Local Enterprise Office (LEO),
underpinned by the levels of deprivation in the Town, and the need
to develop a strong, vibrant, and sustainable enterprise culture
Fit out costs for the Community House at Gleann Glas, which is so
vital to the community served as a focal point for families and their
children and for youth activities,
The Minister added that he will be working very closely with
Tipperary LCDC to ensure that the LEADER programme will be rolled
out across Tipperary in January 2016 and that additional
volunteering supports are provided to the County.
Minister Kelly said Roscrea is a town that Ive gotten to know very

well during my tenure as Minister and indeed it is a town that I am

proud to be associated with. The spirit of volunteerism and the can
do attitude of the people of Roscrea which has been referred to
earlier is something which sets Roscrea apart from other towns.
"The Tidy Towns Committee in Roscrea is one of the strongest in the
County and their drive and enthusiasm is recognised throughout. It
is this drive and determination which has seen Roscrea do so well,
time and time again, in the National Tidy Towns awards, and the
support and involvement of the community plays a big part in this.
This year, two new categories have been included in Tidy Towns
Competition, the Diversity Award, and also the Youth Award. I have
seen the work of the Junior Tidy Towns Committee in the Town
including the Poetry Trail in the Castle field and I find it really
inspiring to see work this group is doing. It is great to see the next
generation in Roscrea with the same work ethos and values of the
current Tidy Town Committee.
These awards, like the National Tidy Towns awards are an
acknowledgement to all the volunteers for their hard work and
commitment in making their town a better place. Everyone should
have pride in where they come from and the Roscrea Committee
surely demonstrates that this is the case. The Enhancement Awards
recognise the work done by the volunteers not only in the town
centres, but also in the residential areas of the town. Their work
improves the quality of life for the most important people in
Roscrea, who are not the visitors or the tourists but the residents.
Their tireless work makes these estates better places for children to
play, more attractive places for the elderly to take a stroll and for
families to spend some quality time.
I would like to congratulate all of the estates and groups that were
nominated, a special well done to all the winners on the day.

Kelly Welcomes
Announcement that 600
new Garda Will be
Recruited in 2016
Issued : Monday 30 November, 2015

Local TD Alan Kelly and Minister for the Environment, Community &

Local Government has welcomed the news that 600 new Garda will
be recruited in 2015.
Minister Kelly said "A recruitment campaign to recruit 600 Gardai in
2016 has been opened by the Minister for Justice. The recruits will
enter the Garda College in Templemore from mid- 2016. This will
bring to a total number of recruits since the embargo was removed
to 1,150.
"The existing recruitment campaign (commenced in 2013) is
ongoing and successful candidates will continue to be called from
that campaign in the New Year. It is expected that successful
candidates from the 2016 campaign will enter the Garda College
from mid-2016.
The lifting of the recruitment ban, and continuous recruitment of
Garda recruits, as well as the recent announcement of the
allocation of 5.3 million for a further 260 additional Garda
Vehicles is proof that the Government is determined to ensure that
the Garda have all the necessary tools at their disposal to tackle
the scourge of highly-mobile criminal gangs and to disrupt crime,
particularly burglaries, across both rural and urban communities.


Issued : Tuesday 27 September, 2016

Labour TD and spokesperson on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation,

Alan Kelly, has slammed media reports of government plans for a
so-called emigrants tax as preposterous.
According to newspaper reports today, Mary Mitchell OConnor, the
Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, is considering offering
a 30 per cent tax rate to highly-skilled Irish workers currently living
overseas, in a bid to entice them home. The lower rate would apply
to workers earning more than 75 thousand euro in specialist areas.
If true, these proposals reported today are preposterous. The idea
that workers would be given two different tax rates for doing the
same job amounts to a form of discrimination, said Deputy Kelly.
Furthermore, workers sitting side by side would have different
opportunities to improve their families living standards, while being
able to better compete for housing and childcare due to their larger
income. This is obviously inequitable and unfair.

That these proposals would reportedly only apply to those earning

more than 75 thousand euro would not address the need to bring
home nurses, teachers, construction workers or very few junior
doctors. This smacks of Fine Gael playing to their audience and
shows the dangers of a government with a pure Fine Gael agenda.
The best way to get Irish workers back into the country is to
ensure that there is equal pay and better working conditions across
the health, education, hospitality and infrastructure industries.

It is not teneable for

Noonan to dismiss PAC
invite - Kelly
Issued : Tuesday 20 September, 2016

Labour TD for Tipperary and Vice-Chair of the Public Accounts

Committee Alan Kelly has today stated that Minister Michael Noonan
must come before the Public Accounts Committee to answer
questions on Project Eagle/NAMA.
"The idea that the Minister for Finance would just send his Secretary
General in his place to the Public Accounts Committee on such an
important issue such as Project Eagle is disappointing.
"Normally, when the PAC is considering the annual accounts of
Government Departments and public bodies, it is right and
appropriate that the principal witness should be the secretary
general or CEO who signed off on those accounts.
"But this is not a normal PAC hearing into Departmental spending.
It is a special report under section 9 of the 1993 Act, which
empowers the Comptroller to examine whether public funds have
been used economically and efficiently, and whether disposals of
public property have been effected 'upon the most favourable terms
reasonably obtainable'.
"The PAC is entitled to hear from any witness who has material
evidence relevant to those issues and Minister Noonan is certainly
relevant to these hearings. He must tell the PAC about his role, his
briefings and all his correspondence on this issue.
"It is not as if there is not precedent for relevant Ministers to appear
before PAC on important issues. Of course there was the DIRT
inquiry, but also Brendan Howlin previously volunteered to appear in
front of the PAC over public pay issues.

"Actually, I believe it would not be tenable for him in his role as

Minister of Finance to refuse this modest request from the PAC.


Thursday, October 06, 2016

Henryk Piotrowski : Was sleeping rough around Dublin City.

A 43-year-old homeless man whose body was found
among rubbish in a waste management depot in Dublin
died due to suffocation.
The man was alive when he was picked up by a bin truck
and delivered to a waste sorting facility in Ballymount, an
inquest heard.
Henryk Piotrowski originally from the Czech Republic, was
sleeping rough around Dublin City Centre. He suffered
fatal compression injuries caused by the machinery he
came into contact with after he was loaded into the truck
along with the contents of the bin.
At Dublin Coroners Court Panda Waste Management truck
driver Linus Phipps said he began his route at 4am on

August 23, 2013, collecting 55, 1,100 litre commercial

waste bins from schools, hotels, and apartment blocks
around Dublin city. The truck left Inchicore and travelled
along Jamess St, over to Christ Church and around the
south inner city ending at Phoenix Park. These are
commercial bins not wheelie bins. They are about four
times the size of a household
He returned to the depot to empty the truck around
8.30am. His colleague Mark Andrews, a machine driver at
the Ballymount waste depot began sorting through the
load. He was operating the grab, a claw like machine that
sifts through mounds of rubbish.
I thought I saw out of the corner of my eye a set of legs. I
thought it was a mannequin at first as that would be quite
common. But I got a bad feeling it was a body, he said.
When he moved the rubbish, he spotted shoes and socks
and he got the fright of his life, he said.
He asked a colleague to look at the body to make sure it
was a body before emergency services were contacted.
A friend of the deceased Roman Stoupj said Mr Piotrowski
was a peaceful man with a quiet nature.
He would never abuse anybody or start an argument or a
fight, Mr Stoupj said. He added that he never saw the
deceased sleeping in a bin. The night before his death Mr
Stoupj said the man spent a few hours drinking with a
group before going off in search of more alcohol. He was
captured on CCTV footage at Dublin City Council Civic
Offices walking towards Christ Church at 12.12am.
The cause of death was traumatic asphyxia according to
pathologist Dr Michael Curtis. The man had sustained
injuries consistent with an assault, including two black
eyes and bruised lips, the autopsy found. Dr Curtis said
the possibility that the man was assaulted, concussed and
placed in the bin could not be excluded.
The manner of his death was most tragic, coroner Dr
Myra Cullinane said.
The jury returned an open verdict.


In what has become a self fulfilling prophecy, the love-in
between the powers that be in Europe and the people
responsible for the implementation of the most damaging
period of austerity is almost over. The final nail has been
hammered into the Kenny and Noonan coffin by the EU
Commission, with a huge sledgehammer.
The problem that Kenny and Noonan have now is that they
have lost the moral high ground. No where to go now,
nowhere to hide. They were caught with their trousers
down while the cameras flashed and exposed their
misdeeds for all the world to see.
Denial of the reality of the decision took a few days to hit
and even then it was too late to fight off the amassing
eyes of the media running down the hill towards them.
Camera's and microphones taking the place of crude
swords and pikes.
Nothing that Noonan could say or do would stop the
thumbs down from the European king bearing the blue
flag emblazoned with yellow stars. The king that Kenny
and Noonan had constantly bowed down to in allegiance
to while kissing the ring on bended knee.
Meanwhile Apple are reeling at their exposure and calling
it "political crap". Tax is never political. No politician is
ever going to stand up for the little man against the
Revenue Commissioners. In Apple's case both Fine Gael
and Fianna Fail stood up for them, showing where their
allegiance really lies.
Europe has said that previous governments including the
current incumbents had facilitated a sweetheart tax deal
between the Irish state and Apple and that we the serfs
were entitled to the benefit of a few bags of gold worth at

least 19 billion. Nay, keep it, we will fight for you good
king, we beg of you to to keep it, said the Irish
government, all the while not wanting to admit their own
complicity in a wholesale tax scam started by their allies
Fianna Fail and everyone else who ever sat on a ministerial
seat in Dail Eireann.
For the record, Fianna Fail should really wipe that smirkey
smile off of their faces while portraying innocence in the
whole tax debacle. The defence of innocence is only
available to small children not old enough to read the fine
print and anti-water protesters, pulled out of their beds at
6 am in the morning for standing up to government
sanctioned corporate greed.
The real issue facing Kenny and Noonan is that they have
no defence, legally or morally in the Apple case. They
have no one in Europe who will back them up and they
know it. Europe has found them to be persona non grata,
banished, outcasts, awaiting their case to be called for
eviction, gone, put out of the house!
Europe has exposed their underbelly of putting corporate
greed before the health and wealth of the citizens. For
once Europe got it right!
So who is responsible for giving Apple the sweetheart tax
deal in the first place? The Revenue Commissioners didn't
give the go ahead on their own volition and so it came
from Albert Reynolds when he was finance minister in
1991 and renewed by Charlie McCreevy in 2007 under
Bertie Ahern. Jobs may have been the primary factor in
giving the deal but that deal up to now had deprived the
state of billions in unpaid taxes.
No government has the right to deprive its citizens of
much needed hospitals, infrastructure or basic housing, by
giving sweetheart tax deals to corporations. Governments
are supposed to work for its citizens not corporations!
That's what we pay you to do!
We should further ask, why the lies about having to pay off
the national debt when the EU commission have clearly
stated that we can keep the money and use it to do things
that every government in power since 2008 has refused to

do? Have the bondholders not been paid enough of the

debt that they themselves foisted upon us with your help?
Those who complain that we shouldn't take the money are
the first to have their hands in the pot, so will these same
people refuse to use the services and the infrastructure
funded by the Apple tax repayment? Will they avoid using
new roads or not want to have a hospital bed rather than a
trolley in a corridor funded by the tax on a matter of
principle, or is it because they believe that we should
continue to allow corporations to sucker punch us, tax
The other problem for Kenny, Noonan and company is that
Apple are not the only corporation who were given the
sweetheart tax deals. Many of the major corporations
based here are also in receipt of these deals and the
exposure of the deals will show the underhandedness and
inequality a tax system that favours corporate greed over
indigenous enterprise by our own government's.
With an already unstable government in tatters, perhaps a
general election might open the trap door for Kenny and
Noonan. They have been sitting on political death row for
months, waiting for Europe to deliver the final blow, and a
cruel blow it is for the two men who propped up Europe,
all on their own and with no help from anybody. Hero's,
defenders of Europe, Ireland's very own political version of
Braveheart. Call them what they want to hear, they
gloried in it, to our detriment!
And in the immortal words of of a modern day William
Wallace, we hear you say; You can take our jobs but you'll
never take our pensions!
That may be true gentlemen, however unlike William
Wallace, history will not be as kind to you, trust us!


"380 million if unmitigated factors are not considered,
280 million if they are". This is the estimate of the impact
of the Central Statistics Office higher than average GDP
figures on our EU Budget contribution for 2017 according
to Michael Noonan.
For those who are not aware or even remotely interested
in how Ireland Inc works under the management of
Michael Noonan, let me explain a fact or two:
"In simple terms it means that over inflated income
through tax dodging aka tax inversion deals by the myriad
of "offshore companies based here" including the
seemingly untouchable Apple, Google and the many
aircraft leasing companies who use Ireland as a tax haven
to funnel income and profits through to other noted tax
havens have added millions to our annual contribution to
the running of Europe".
In effect, Noonan has turned Ireland into a offshore tax
haven on par with Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands.
This will have serious consequences for us as an economy
down the line. The extra payment to Europe is a direct
consequence of his allowing this country be used as an
economic mule for the financial smugglers.
When Noonan approved the Central Statistics Office
release of the meteoric and whopping rise in our gross
domestic product (GDP) to 26 percent from a previous
estimate of 7.8 per cent, it was heralded by the
government and certain sections of the media as
wonderful news and something to rejoice and celebrate...
Until the real economists such as Nobel winning economist
Paul Krugman got stuck into the detail. Krugman is now

famed for his coining the phrase " Leprechaun Economics"

in order to explain the sudden and huge rise in GDP.
Dodgy tax deals with multinationals were the reason
behind the whooping and cheering heard through the
corridors of the Department of Finance. The taxpayer
funded champagne filled glasses were no doubt clinking in
the expensive restaurants and eateries around Merrion
Square with Noonan and his band of merry financial
wizards gleefully telling the world how Ireland has dragged
itself out of the bottom of the financial quagmire and to be
the new kings of the financial swamp when it comes to
economic growth.
However it is beyond believable that Noonan and his band
of merry financial wizards once again got lost in basic
bookkeeping in that they never accounted for the extra
millions that now have to be taken from some department
budget to pay Europe for something that was of absolutely
no benefit to the Irish economy except to drastically skew
the growth figures and make us look like crooks in the
eyes of the world.
So in effect, the activities of number of tax dodging
multinational firms based in the IFSC and throughout the
country are responsible for the "unexpected extra
payment" and all the while we are going to handsomely
pay for bad bookkeeping in the Department of Finance and
no one is to blame, not even a lowly clerk?
No doubt someone in the Central Statistics Office is also
feeling rather sheepish and embarrassed having being
forced to release figures that have made us the laughing
stock of the economic world.
Dodgy tax deals allowed and encouraged by Noonan are
not only costing this country it's good and previously
untarnished reputation but is also costing every citizen a
pretty penny for years to come or as long as this tax
dodging dealing goes on. Remember that the government
has spent over three quarters of a million Euro trying to
stop Apple paying it's fair share of the taxes due to this
So will Noonan take the 380 million out of the
bondholders payments instead of the October budget? Of
course he won't! That extra EU payment will be covered
by more people on trolleys in hospital corridors, less

teachers in classrooms, a cut in social services for sure,

increases in taxation and anywhere else he can do harm.
We really have to ask ourselves who Noonan works for,
because it sure as hell isn't us!


I thought that maybe a quirky look at the goings around
the under reported "cash buyers snapping up property
around the country" story rather than the "shot to the
head" articles that I usually do, might amuse you. It's
gonna take a few minutes to read but sure what else
would you be doing... :)
It is being reported elsewhere that up to 60pc or six out of
every ten houses being purchased in Ireland is being
bought with cash, leaving the other 40pc of property being
purchased by means of a mortgage or by the the bank of
mummsy and daddy.
That means 60pc of all properties being sold in Ireland are
being purchased by cash rich vulture funds and

individuals. In some cases these individuals are arriving at

auctions with wads of cash in briefcases as contracts must
be exchanged on the day and money handed over.
In the case of privately purchased property, a flick of the
opening of the brief case locks, on top of a solicitors desk
unveils the wad of cash, setting off a train of shoe licking
by said solicitors. Drooling and foaming from the mouth in
front of Mr.Cash is King is strictly not allowed according
the the Law Society rule book on salivating in front of a
client, however shoe licking is OK, so get used to the taste
and smell of shoe polish whether you like it or not, ye
Another big problem on the minds of every single person
(except vulture funds, banks and Mr. Cash is King) is that
there is no breakdown available to quantify how many of
the buyers are overseas purchasers or how many are Irish
residents, leaving the burning questions that no one dare
speak about:
1. Are the Central Bank and the Revenue Commissioners
actually doing their jobs properly or even at all or is
everyone asleep at the wheel having taken lessons in
snoozeology from that old codger and Financial Regulator,
Patrick Neary?
2.Does the bank of mummsy and daddy really make the
ordinary man and woman (saving for twenty two years for
a mortgage only to be told that the bank isn't really
lending as they never really had it to lend in the first
place) really get that jealous?
Only really really seriously rich individuals and tax dodging
vulture funds with connections to the government and
those who have had a meeting with Mickey Noonan behind
closed doors need apply or buy. That's it, be off with ya
now, nothing to see here!
The big question on every citizen's lips is (all except the
cute hoors with all the cash and government connections):
Where are the Revenue Commissioners hiding when it
comes to questioning where the source of this money is
coming from when it comes to individual cash purchases,
given that the legal fraternity are obliged to report any
cash transactions over the value of 5,000 to the

Are we to believe that all of the foreign property
purchasers paying cash are not being investigated by
Revenue for:
a) Coming into the country with sums of money in a
briefcase that are far in excess of regulations allowed and
smiling at the on duty Customs officer with a wry and
knowing smile as they skip through the green channel?
Surely they must be able to profile Mr. Cash is King by
now, especially as he looks at you smugly and throws you
a slow wink as he passes you by, while you are doing
some fella for having an extra pack of twenty ciggies or an
extra bottle of red tooth rot picked up from Dunnes Stores
in Malaga.
b) Or are we to believe that Irish resident cash purchasers
are not being investigated by Revenue for having that sort
of cash to hand, knowing that the Irish are now globally
renowned as the greatest tax dodging race in the world
according to every single economist that ever lived?
This cash being carried either comes from:
a) Legitimate sources/hard work - real blood sweat and
b) Under a mattress where many rich property developers
who were keeping their haul that they had previously hid
from NAMA and the Revenue Commissioners?
b) The proceeds of crime? Say no more... Moving along
c) Withdrawn from a bank that neglects to inform the
Revenue? Oh the system was down on the day I was to do
that.. So sorry!
d) Corruption - The only answer is the guillotine with this
one. No justice, just the head in the basket is all we want
to see!
If the proceeds come from any of the above with the
exception of (a & c) then CAB need to be on their tail, but
if it was withdrawn from a bank account then the Revenue
need to look into:
a) The bank (to see if they reported the cash movement).
We know how slimy banks can be when it comes to telling
the truth about money, don't we?
b) The solicitors doing the conveyancing and their

reporting of same to the Revenue. Can't have the legal

fraternity doing anything illegal, now can we?
c) The cash rich individual - to see where they got such
sums of cash from? The only investigative solution that
works for this is a darkened room and spotlight to the face
with Sheila from Investigations intimidating the poor Mr.
Cash is King by banging the desk when he is starting to
snooze and dream of rows of repossessed houses he is
buying from beneath the now homeless classes.
Must be something to do with the lovely lolly gained from
extra stamp duty that the government had lamentably
missed since the collapse of the Celtic Tiger but we won't
go there...
The role of the Central Bank is to do as the European
Central Bank tells it to do and nothing more.
Rule Number one: When asked awkward questions, keep
repeating the mantra with hands over their eyes,shouting
"I can't see you, I can't see you!".
Rule number two: Turn a blind eye to everything that is
happening but jump a little (for effect) when the
Department of Finance looks in your direction. Just to
make it seem that you are not falling asleep at the wheel!
Rule number three: Jump really high when the real bosses
at the ECB call and stay there until they get off the phone
or leave...Which ever comes first!
Rule number three: Repeat rules one and two but
especially three.
The role of the department of finance is to facilitate the
banks in repossessing property by legislation that was
demanded and won by the banks and the ECB. That's it,
simple as... If you want to be part of the gang then you
gotta ride shotgun for the outlaws!
To introduce legislation that encourages cash buyers who
are purchasing basement bargains/ repossessed family
homes (everything else goes through NAMA) from the
banks (we bailed out) with cash, and whose source is
questionable at best. When the stagecoach is being driven
by the headless horseman then you know you are in
trouble, isn't that right Mickey Noonan?
To introduce legislation that enriches the vulture funds and

the cash buyer, that further enriches the legal fraternity,

the estate agent, the County Registrar, the Sherriff and in
notable cases the thugs that turn up in balaclavas for
unlawful repossessions. As an old Czech friend of mine
used to say in his barely understandable accent...
"Everybody gotta eat! It's just the greedy f*ckers that
want to rob the bone from the dog when they think the
dog ain't looking". Think about that one for a minute!
There aren't too many banks of mummsy and daddy
floating about these days, however they do exist, albeit in
a tiny tiny number. Cash flown in on private jets doesn't
count because the authorities are rarely seen boarding
executive jets belonging to the rich or even keep account
of wealthy tax dodgers entering or leaving the country!
Drive on sir, I left the gate open... Tugs forelock as a mark
of respect!
The lesson in all of this is to tell your local or friendly
armed robber to stand outside an auction room that is
selling repossessed property and wait for the brief cases
to appear.
Your share of the loot ensures that you can leave the
country unnoticed on a private jet and then the rest of the
proceeds should see you nicely settled on the Costa del
Sol, living happily ever after, having bought a repossessed
villa and Ye Old English Pub that some poor English Mr.
Cash is King had bought during the good times but then
couldn't afford to keep up the payments on!
Oh the irony of it all!!

Good for nothing black & tan scumbags.


In scenes reminiscent of a Ukrainian fascist paramilitary
parade, a new terrifying and chilling vision has reared its
ugly head in a tiny country village called Dysert in the
town land of Corofin, which is situated to the north of
Ennis in County Clare. The sight of men dressed in black
uniform type outfits with coloured armbands that
supposedly held security ID cards, but looking notoriously
like swastikas at a very quick glance.
One would think that the photographs and video taken on
the day were set in Eastern Europe as seen in the first
picture rather than modern day rural Ireland, 2016 as seen
in the other three pictures.
The setting for this story was the attempted eviction of a
man with health and wellness issues from his home on
Friday 20th May 2016.
Tommy Collins lives alone and has never bothered anyone,
according to his neighbours. Tommy has lived his whole
life in Corofin, never really leaving the area to travel
anywhere of significance, always staying close to home
and the place where he was born and raised. Tommy
worked in a nearby quarry all of his working life. Home
behind closed doors was comfort to Tommys vulnerable
mind. A very affable character according to those who
know him, but an equally private man to boot.
Tommy like many others fell behind in his mortgage when
he was made unemployed. Tommy stated The machinery
replaced my job in the local quarry where I used to work.
Unable to afford legal representation and certainly unable
to represent himself in front of the intimidating courts,
Tommys home was taken from beneath him by a scribble
of the County Registrar's pen.

Easy pickings, the legal world would say. Low hanging

fruit, as the bank would say.
It is understood from sources close to the eviction attempt
that Clare County Council may have played a part in the
lead up to the eviction attempt. It is alleged that Tommy
had borrowed 76,000 to extend his tiny home, a home
that he was born and raised in. Tommys mortgage came
to the sum of 350 per month in repayments. A
comfortable sum by most standards when one is working.
However Tommy was let go from his job when the Celtic
Tiger crashed. The building trade and the requirement for
quarried goods dried up and crashed with it.
Technology and machinery eventually replaced flesh and
It is alleged that Clare County Council sought and won a
demolition order on the extension that Tommy had built as
it was marginally over the size permitted by the council for
an extension. Effectively this act left Tommy paying a
mortgage for a useless pile of concrete blocks and timber.
But what happened next goes beyond belief. It is alleged
that Tommy went to the Bank of Ireland looking for a small
mortgage and managed to obtain a new loan of 90,000,
even though the bank were aware that Tommy was no
longer in employment. Added to the original loan Tommys
repayment doubled to over 640 per month even though
his income from Social welfare payment were a total of
600 per month, meaning it was impossible for him to pay
back the loan.
The well-known curse of the newly created indebted class
reared its ugly head. Food or mortgage, mortgage or food?
On the day of the attempted eviction, several men turned
up at Tommys residence in order to evict him from his
home. To add to the already threatening and menacing
situation, these men were wearing balaclavas, tactically
designed to hide their faces from the public glare and the
waiting cameras. A glare that they would ultimately be
subjected to anyway by a group of waiting anti eviction
activists and justice campaigners from the southern arm of
the Anti-Eviction Taskforce (AET) led by formidable Kerry

man, Brian McCarthy.

In what appeared to be a new development in the realms
of evictions, at least of the men clearly wore Defence
Forces issue boots, boots that gave away the nature of the
individuals other day job and most probably worn the day
before on the parade ground. Allegations of involvement
by members of the Defence Forces in the attempted
eviction are now under investigation by the military
authorities after a complaint was made to Army HQ in
Added to this dangerous precedent of using members of
the countries security services, the name of one of the
largest security companies in the country also comes
under scrutiny for its involvement in the attempted
eviction. G4S are alleged to have been the main security
company tasked with taking vacant possession. G4S had
instructed a local locksmith to interfere with the locks
several days prior to the attempted eviction.
According to Brian McCarthy of the AET, several members
of the security team turned up unannounced on the
Wednesday 18th of May after ascertaining that Tommy
was out of the house and subsequently illegally broke into
the property and changing the locks in the process.
Meanwhile, Liam Kitt, who according to sources is a
brother of former Fianna Fail TD Michael Kitt, also attended
the illegal entry, under the guise of Court Messenger,
allegedly to oversee the handy work of the security
company. Witnesses stated that none of these individuals
were armed with any form of official court paperwork or
supporting legal documentation in order to qualify an
eviction or commit trespass on what is still private
Mr Kitt, an ex-ACC bank employee was appointed to the
position of Court Messenger after his retirement from the
bank. While there is no suggestion that this appointment
was politically motivated, it does raise questions about an
individual who was previously involved in mortgage
lending; now being employed by the courts to evict some
of those same homeowners who had borrowed from his
previous employers.
Concerned neighbours and members of the Anti-Eviction
Taskforce ejected the individuals involved from the

property and changed the locks shortly afterwards.

The real cause for concern however was the ominous
appearance of the now infamous men in black led by a
bearded gentleman who purporting to be some sort of
court official, however as subsequent investigations would
show that this alleged Court Messenger was a retired
member of An Garda Siochana and a Limerick City Football
Club employee who runs event security for the club.
After investigation it was ascertained that the man
appearing to lead the security team was ex-detective
sergeant Mick Murphy from Limerick.
Questions do remain to be answered around this
controversial figure. Questions such as; who actually
employs ex-detective sergeant Mick Murphy and what was
the reason for his presence on the day? Does ex-detective
sergeant Murphy work for the security company G4S as it
is known that they were the primary security contractor
for this eviction attempt or was he employed by the Under
- Sheriff or the Courts Service or none of the above?
One bystander who attended the eviction quipped. Being
an ex-member apparently still has its benefits, it seems.
Questions addressed to the Courts Service about Murphys
role on the day went unanswered. Other members of the
security team are alleged to also work under Murphy
acting as security men for Limerick City Football Club
football matches and other events.
The sight of several members of An Garda Siochana
appearing to be backing up the men in black only served
to heighten the tension and especially so when two of
these balaclava clad individuals were seen jumping into
the back of a Garda squad car as it eventually sped from
the scene, leading to speculation among the bystanders
that these two individuals were more than just bailiffs.
According to eyewitness accounts, one of these individuals
wearing a blue jacket also appeared to be wearing Garda
issue surveillance equipment. Therefore the question that
naturally needs to be asked is; were at least one of these
men serving members of An Garda Siochana who caught
moonlighting as hired muscle for the banks?
It was noted that one member of the Garda escort
attempted to make a solo entry into the house but was

made aware of his actions and the consequences of doing

so by a member of the AET. The Garda then moved away
from the house followed closely by a number of activists.
In a lighter moment, a quick witted activist at the scene
was very fast to point out the irony of our national police
force and men in balaclavas working together, as he
hadn't seen such co-operation between the two since the
Turning up to serve an eviction order with an unsigned
warrant, four months out of date might have worked on
vulnerable Tommy Collins but certainly was not going to
work on this day due to the eagle eyes of the Anti-Eviction
team, who eventually sent the retired detective sergeant,
his men in black and the Garda escort packing. According
to Brian McCarthy of the AET, nobody in the courts
service wanted to sign the eviction order and that is why it
was four months out of date and to try and serve an
invalid eviction warrant smacks of sheer desperation on
somebodys part .
According to video recording posted on social media, of a
heated conversation between several activists and one of
the Garda seen in the video telling them that he was only
here to enforce the warrant and that he was only given
one duty to deal with, which was to effectively enforce an
invalid or non-existent warrant as was the case. Activists
at the scene stated that the bank, solicitors and Courts
Service, should be both charged with wasting precious
Garda resources.
McCarthy also stated, That we believe that only
education will bring down the corrupt system and that we
will not be engaging in violence, as violence only serves
the corrupt systems purpose.
Eyewitnesses pointed out that registration plates on a
BMW owned by one of the security men had been taped
over using silver Gaffer tape, while the tax, NCT and
insurance disks were removed by the owner of the 5 series
BMW with the apparent blessing of the escorting Garda. It
is claimed that the Garda seen talking in the video openly
stated that he was there to enforce the eviction warrant
and was refusing to deal with any other matters such as

non-display of tax, insurance and NCT or the covering up

of the registration plate with gaffer tape when a complaint
was made by several bystanders as to the illegality of the
Activists have stated that they will be making a complaint
to GSOC and other relevant authorities regarding the
refusal of the Garda to prosecute the owner of the BMW.
Politicians in the meantime sit on the fence, afraid to be
seen to support the stricken homeowners but even more
afraid to buck the system and upset the banks or their
party leader. When a political system allows a reign of
terror by the banks and the courts to continue unhindered,
it begs the question What government minister is going
to setup a NAMA for the man in the street and where is the
political will to bail out the little man and woman?
Why did the new Independent ministers in government not
add this to their agenda in helping to form a new
government? Are one hundred thousand families and their
homes not more important than the formation of a
government that continues to please the banking
On the other side of the coin, it gets tiresome blaming the
banks because we know how culpable that they were in
this entire sham or maybe we should call it as it is. A big
bloody scam!
However, it should never get tiresome blaming the
politicians because they work for us all, or do they?
Does money handed under the table in large brown
envelopes and promises of big payoffs of one sort or
another still play a part in modern day politics to such an
extent that the banks and corporations give all the orders
and the politicians do all the bowing and scraping?
What drives a politician to sell his or her services to the
highest bidder? I think we already know the answer to that
In the interim, direct intervention and immediate action is
required by the government. Banks and developers have
had their turn and now its the turn of the homeowners for
a peoples NAMA.
Without the vulture funds, I might add!

Ireland: Gardai who whistle blow

on corruption

May 25, 2016

Gardai who whistle blow on corruption, sexual assaults

involving senior gardai and the justice department are being
intimidated , harassed, bullied, falsely arrested, falsely
accused of trumped up charges by High Ranking Officers, so
as to ruin their reputation and make people believe they are
criminals, when in fact its the high ranking officers that are
corrupt. Hundreds of gardai are suffering appalling intimidation
at the hands of these high ranking political appointed
bullies.These whistle blowers are being forced to retire, resign,
take a care break etc
Senior gardai get NBCI to investigate and stitch up the
members who are whistle blowing so as to drive them over the
edge and drop their complaints of corruption. More then 20
gardai/sergeants have reported corruption and have been
bullied and intimidated so badly, some even contemplated

Below a few recent bullying cases all of them covered up by

the justice departments
Garda Whistle blower who reported a murder abused while
senior gardai cover it up
Anyone who exposes the corrupt people in justice gets their
character assassinated and ruined, no matter who they are.
Whistle blower assaulted and falsely imprisoned by Ass
Comm Derek Byrne
Gardai have no where to turn to, to report sexual assaults,
harassment by corrupt senior gardai, their last resort is to
send letters and emails around.
A witch hunt was set up by NBCI and senior gardai to catch
the gardai who were reporting the true corruption being
committed by commissioner Fintan Fanning , Derek Byrne and
John O Mahoney.
A number of gardai have committed suicide as a result of
senior garda bullying and it is not getting any better for garda
whistle blowers. The continued abuse of garda whistle blowers
has to stop by corrupt political appointed senior gardai.

Garda whistle blower John Wilson
Every garda and sergeant that reported senior garda
corruption to Oliver Connelly was warned off or ignored and
then isolated and bullied/intimidated/harassed on the orders of
senior garda management.
John Wilson said he made a formal complaint on April 4th,
2012 to the then confidential recipient, Oliver Connolly, but he
received no response ignored just like a numerous other
Dont forget my proximity to the minister, and dont think I
didnt have a word in his ear.

He said Mr Connolly told her to play the political game and

she might get preferential treatment elsewhere.
Whistle blower Garda Keith Harrison
refusing to co-operate and would not supply documents he
was looking for, or comply with his requests.
Trying to shut him up and hide corruption
Management needs reform
Whistle blower Garda Nicky Keogh
Sergeant whistle blower Michael Buckley
Sergeant whistle blower Christopher Power
Sergeant whistle blower Maurice Mc Cabe
The treatment of Sergeant Maurice McCabe shows us that
the Ireland of 2016 remains a cold house for whistleblowers
and truth-telling. Character assassination.
Garda whistle blowers who reported more illegal phone Taps
GSOC Bugged by senior gardai

Garda whistle blower John Kelly
Garda whistle blower William Browne
Garda whistle blower Jack Doyle
Garda whistle blower Andrea Fitzharris
Garda Whistle blower Christine Kehoe
Garda whistle blower Kieran Jackson
Garda whistle blowers reported embezzlement
A number of female Gardai/sergeants whistle blowers e.g

Mary T O Connor, reported false arrests, corruption, sexual

assaults,perjury, forgeries, fraud,destruction of evidence, theft,
perverting the course of justice and conspiracy within the
justice departments, all by senior garda officers and DPP
Sergeant whistle blower Eve Doherty
She wrote to the confidential recipient and TD s reporting
serious garda corruption and fraud by senior garda
management and instead of investigating them they raided her
house. This witch hunt against her as with all garda whistle
blowers, by Top senior management has been going for years.
While falsely accusing her of harassment .
Dublin Garda Roisin Farrell
Reported bullying, harassment and intimidation, she had a
number of miscarriages as a result of it, she
was paid off by senior garda management and resigned on
medical grounds.
Garda whistle blower Maire O Reilly
Garda whistle blowers in Athlone
Garda whistle blower
This is what corrupt senior gardai cause and get away with it ;
Garda Brian Canavan, stationed at Pearse Street in Dublin,
was suspended from duty on May 23, 2014, for allegedly
failing to prosecute cases in 2012 and 2013, two days after he
had informed a Garda Inspector he wished initiate a grievance
procedure against two other superior officers.
Another whistleblower Framed
The garda also faces disciplinary action which could lead to
dismissal for failing to have informed senior management
before searching the field where the bomb was located.
The whistleblower claims gardai received complaints about the
same suspect being in possession of a firearm but the
allegations were never followed up.
It is also alleged the individual was twice caught in possession
of drugs while awaiting trial.
Joe Doocey and others like Ian Bailey,Pascal Dolan, Stephen
Manning, Mc Brearties Stephen Kerr, Cathriona Barker, John
McDonald intimidated , harassed, bullied, falsely arrested,

falsely imprisoned by corrupt detectives from NBCI Harcourt

square for exposing corruption in the justice departments.
i=425_1434573501&comments=1 ;
Ian Bailey considered suicide after arrest over murder
High Court hears claim death threat made to journalist by
Garda as he was driven to station

Hundreds of people assaulted, raped and abused while in
Garda custody even a young disabled boy
Senior gardai Commissioner Derek Byrne, John O Mahony

and Fintan Fanning try to shut gardai up, with assaults,

intimidation, harassment, bullying and ruining their character
by reporting a false allegation to their drinking buddy journalist
Paul Williams to publish.
Nothing has changed in 10 years for whistle blowers
Corruption at the Top being ignored because they are all
political appointments
Gardai have no where to turn to, to report corrupt senior
gardai, their last resort is to send letters and emails around.
A witch hunt was set up by NBCI and senior gardai to catch

the gardai who were reporting the true corruption being

committed by commissioner Fintan Fanning , Derek Byrne and
John O Mahoney.
How whistle blowers are treated by this corrupt justice system
The area of procurement corruption in AGS is so rotten with
cronyism, its unbelievable, this is just one there are hundreds
of cases like this in the same situation.
The People of Ireland and whistle blowers need a public
inquiry into corruption .
Every serving, retired,gardai on career breaks, resigned and
suspended Garda member needs to be asked to talk about
the corruption that is epidemic in the force, but it needs to be
totally independent of senior gardai.
No reform for senior gardai who are corrupt they are just
moved to another area, just like the priests that were moved.
Corruption continues in the top ranks of the garda force.
How many more suicides does this justice system want on its

Six people in the garda have died by suicide in the past 12
months alone.
Gardai doctor their electronic records in a bid to hide their
failure to prosecute people suspected to have committed
offences and this is not corruption
The reason for this Garda harassment is most likely Deputies
Daly and Wallace highlighting the case of whistleblower Sgt
Maurice McCabe and the efforts by the force to discredit him.
Most of the shocking incidents highlighted by Sgt McCabe
took place within the Cavan/Monaghan division what would
emerge if the other 27 Garda divisions were investigated?
This is what whistelblowers and the people of Ireland want.


I have to put my hand on my heart and proclaim that I was
disappointed and somewhat disheartened by yesterday's
events at the GPO.
I am as patriotic as the next man and firmly believe that
the events in April 1916 and the men and women who
took part in the rising were the catalyst for change, a
change that would signal the end of one empire's
stranglehold over this island and allow a new beginning,
free of repression, freedom to be guided by the wisdom of

the constitution and those who wrote it. A brave new

Ireland and one that could stand on its own two feet with
the freedom to make its own choices and set its own
So why the disappointment? The reality is that the Easter
Sunday commemoration turned into a misguided
spectacle for the elite.
Ordinary citizens who are owed far more than they have
received were denied the opportunity and some would say
the God given right to feel, smell, hear, be in spirit with
those who had already done their duty for the cause.
Barriers were erected to keep those out who were not part
of the private party but yet we saw politicians sitting in
the stalls, basking in the glory of a solemn ceremony that
belongs to anyone and everyone but them.
Earlier I read an open letter to the (temporary
government) from a lady who wanted to let her children
experience the events and to know that they too were
valued under the constitution as was read out by Pearse
on that fateful day. However and as expected the children
were denied access to what should have been a people's
day, a day corporatized and sanitized with history
distorted and whitewashed before the event ever
happened. Banners proclaiming that Redmond was some
kind of heroic figure, when he in fact condemned the rising
and therefore the leaders who died in its name.
Pearse, McDonagh, Clarke, Connolly, Ceannt and the
others could not have envisaged that they would be
honoured one hundred years later in such a way that
excluded the very people that they gave their lives for.
They didn't give their lives for those who sold this country
out, they didn't give their lives for any particular political
party such as Fine Gael and Fianna Fail or the Denis
O'Brien's of this country. They gave their lives so that
Ireland would be devoid of such entities.
They would have seen them as enemies in much the same
way as they saw the British empire that they so
desperately sought to rid the country of.
The men and women of 1916 were visionaries, courageous
and completely at one when they saw the opportunity to
rid this country of one empire, only for it to sold underfoot
to another empire by a batch of politicians that would be

on the receiving end of their rifles had these men

resurrected from their uneasy graves.
History will never be kind to any government that
excludes and sells out its own people with a kiss on the
cheek and a handful of silver coins in return.


Are we to believe that the race to the goodies is all but

done and dusted and that Fine Gael and Fianna fail are the
media's choice for stability, love, harmony and a happy
ever after future for all?
Before the elections, we were treated to not so veiled
threats, coercion and barefaced lies regarding who the
people should vote for by certain sections of the media.
The Irish Independent and RTE did exactly as their
master's in residence dictated and told us that the world
will end if we as much as look left, never mind vote left.
That didn't work out too well for them did it?
Had it gone their way then we would never have heard the
end of it (Bit like the English and 1966) but it didn't!
Instead the people decided to look anywhere but right for
the most part. Remember that Fine Gael were gifted less
that one third of the total vote and therefore are not the
big kahuna anymore. Confidence was so high in the camp
that they didn't expect to have to grovel to the "Left Loony
Brigade" for a partnership but as it ironically turns out
they may have too and will certainly have to if Fianna Fail
don't want to be taken for a doggy walk by Enda.
You see and here is the conundrum for every party. Go into
a deal that the people will see as another cover for selling
the heart and soul of the country then you can be assured
that no partnership will last and we will have an election
within twelve months. The people were seen as a
commodity for the trader marketeers and the endless list
of greedy moneymakers that Fine Gael let run rampant in
the runup to full privatisation.

The perfect example of this is the much hated Irish Water.

The caretaker government were not expecting such a
virulent backlash from the ballot boxes but they got it and
now have to take on board what millions of people have
been saying since the inception of the ill fated disaster
that is Irish Water. The people want it gone and if it isn't
then woe betide any party that tries to hold on to it.
Moving forward to today. We are treated by the same
newspaper (The Irish Independent) to much of the same
dictatorial spin whereby we the people will cease to exist if
Irish Water is dead and buried. Wheeling out the big guns
such as Colm McCarthy to tell us that water must be paid
for just like a TV licence (No laughing now) or that Europe
insists that we must pay for water (neglecting to say that
we already do that in general taxation) or that people pay
for their telephone landline, cable or satellite TV and piped
gas, forgetting that these are real utility bills and not a tax
that goes to pay for overpaid Irish Water staff, consultants,
bondholders and anyone else with a finger in the lucrative
Colm McCarthy also conveniently forgets to tells us that
the biggest single earner from Irish Water is his boss, none
other than the benefactor and good friend of Fine Gael, Mr
Dennis O'Brien. Is this the reason that The Irish
Independent is throwing its dummy out of the pram.
The real life problems that are affecting society are being
thrown to the back of the room while we read and listen to
the spin from not only the servants of he who must be
obeyed (Otherwise he won't get anymore spurious
government contracts).Yes, Irish Water and its imminent
demise is important but we need to keep the focus on
sorting out the homeless issue, the distressed mortgages
bomb that is going to explode in their faces soon enough,
NAMA and the very suspicious reason they are in
existence but to name a few.
The next government will have to address the people's
concerns and not just brush over or bypass their mandate
as Fine Gael has sneakily done since 2011. We do need a
stable government but not at any cost. We cannot have a
repeat of the ruinous objectives and subsequent failures of
the previous incumbents in government this time round.

A government that stops listening to the people is a

government doomed to failure. Just ask Labour...



With only one week to run until the general election, what
is becoming very obvious is that the current incumbents in
the Dail are getting extremely worried and extremely
panic stricken.
The attacks on Sinn Fein through the Denis O'Brien led
media are a prime example of the nervousness of Fine
Gael and Labour. The government spin doctors appear to
be frazzled around the edges, dazed and stunned for
allowing such attacks to take place, knowing full well that
such attacks will only result in greater resistance from
those already displeased with the performance of the
government and driving the popular vote directly into the
ballot boxes for Sinn Fein.
However, there is another side to the election that is
equally unsettling the government and that is the rise of
the smaller parties and the Independents. Never in the
history of the state has so many individuals banded
together to form smaller parties but also to come forward
as individuals and challenge the existing parties for the
public vote. I have interviewed several of the newcomers
over the last few weeks and the glue that joins them all is
the clawing need to change what they see as not only a
highly corrupt government but also one that represents
and supports European, banking and corporate interests
over and above the people who they are elected to

I have listed (in no particular order or preference) some

candidates whose posters will be lost amongst the
hundreds of thousands of taxpayer sponsored giant sized
billboards that inhabit every city street and rural road.
These men and women are ordinary people but with a
difference. They come across as caring people, people
who want what is best for not only their communities but
also that of the country as a whole.
They are not thinking about a TD's salary nor the
associated expenses and neither are they prepared to take
backhanders or listen to corrupt businessman who give
our country a top of the list ranking in the most corrupt
countries to do business in. No, these people are just like
you and I, unafraid to stand up to those responsible for
what is clearly wrong with our society and certainly not
afraid to face down the politically backed forces of the
state, sent to undermine, harass and in some cases jail
those who are seen as ringleaders.
People like; Michael McDermott who is running for Direct
Democracy Ireland in the Cavan - Monaghan area. Michael
spends his weekends and his own holidays off work even
though he has a very young family, in order to help those
who are threatened with eviction from their family homes.
Michael was and still is one of the leading activists that
opposed the installation of water meters in the Cavan
area. A community activist who also helps feed and clothe
homeless people not only in Cavan and Monaghan but also
in Dublin.
People like; Dubliner, Bernie Hughes, who was jailed for
standing up to the system when she stood up against
O'Brien's attempt to install water meters. Bernie is a
community orientated individual who puts people's needs
before her own.
People like: Michael O'Gorman who is running in Kerry.
Michael is also a man who has stood up for his community
and refused to be intimidated during the anti-water
protests. Michael is running on the Right to Change
platform which encompasses parties like Sinn Fein,
Independents and smaller parties.
People like; Ken Smollen, running in the Offaly area, Ken is
an ex-Garda who realised what was being done to the

people was wrong and no longer wanted to be part of a

system that abuses and intentionally sets out to harm its
own citizens. Ken is the founder of The Irish Democratic
Party who are fielding several candidates in this election.
People like; Diarmuid O'Flynn, running in Cork Northwest.
Diarmuid is a journalist and the organising founder of the
Ballyhea Say No group, who march in rain, hail or snow
every week to rally against the bailout that has left this
country in hock for generations to come.
People like; Ben Gilroy. Ben is running for Direct
Democracy Ireland in the East Meath area. Ben is probably
the most prominent campaigner that has come to the
attention of the state when he stopped evictions
throughout the country by turning the law upon the very
people who sought to use it in order to justify allegiance to
the Troika
People like; Ex -Garda whistleblower, John Wilson. John
exposed the extraordinary corruption within the police
force but brutally paid for it by the constant demonisation
of himself and his family. John is an honest and straight
speaker who tells it as it is. A trait that is unfortunately
found wanting in most incumbent TD's and Ministers.
People like; Stephen Manning. Stephen is an ex-teacher
running in the Mayo area. Stephen is the founder of
Integrity Ireland, an organisation that offers support and
encouragement to those who have been affected by
injustice caused by the state.
People like: Dr Katrina Hutchinson. Medical doctor and
scientist who is running for Direct Democracy Ireland in
the Wicklow area. Katrina is running as a candidate
because she genuinely cares about people and her
adopted country. Katrina believes that this country needs
real serious change and wants to let the people have a say
in all things that matter.
People like, Barbara Smyth. Barbara, a company director
who is running as an Independent in the Longford &
Westmeath constituency. Barbara is running under the
Right to Change banner and is also a well respected
community activist who puts her community and its
people first. .
People like; Michael Mooney. Michael who is self-employed,
is running in Donegal and again is a man who stood up to

the installation of water meters in his community. Michael

is also a community orientated individual who puts the
needs of others first.
People like: Direct Democracy Ireland candidate for the
Louth constituency, Anthony Connor. Anthony is also a
leading community activist and is heavily involved with
SOSAD, The National Land League and the anti-eviction
campaign. Again another person who puts the needs of
others before his own.
Naturally I didn't get around to naming every individual
who is running as an Independent or with smaller parties
but anyone who is running as or with either deserve
attention as they are often smothered under the blanket of
the bigger parties and ignored too boot. What is a
common thread between all of the people is that they still
have a huge sense of empathy and a desire to help others
even when they themselves are suffering.
So what does that tell you about these people? Having
spoken to many of them, they are the complete opposite
of what the media portray them to be as troublemakers
and in some cases terrorists. These people have
husbands, wives and children to worry about but they take
on the added role of community carer as well. Show me a
whip led TD who falls under that category?
The only individuals who were elected into the last Dail
and who stood out as people who had a backbone and
who cared, were those Independents and members of
smaller parties such as Clare Daly, Mick Wallace (no
matter your personal views on him), Catherine Murphy,
Joan Collins, Paul Murphy and Richard Boyd Barrett. These
people were the only ones to take on a government that
not only added to austerity but greedily added to suffering
in order to enrich their wealthy friends.
This country needs more caring and empathic people such
as the ones I mentioned above, to sit in Dail Eireann and
to help rid the country of the kind of politics that creates
family dynasties and great wealth for those who are
connected. Politics and allegiances which has been a curse
and a scourge on this country since the inception of the
For once it definitely isn't a case of better the devil you



Which of you noticed a new name on the polling cards
during the last election?
Did any of you see or vote for a newspaper to represent
you, somewhere in that line up of political dynasties,
political misfits, misogynists, soothsayers and generally
self -serving individuals for the most part? No? Didnt think
Well neither did I!
The concentrated efforts of the the OBrien led media to
land a deal in favour of a party that the majority voted out
of office is truly vomit inducing. To try and influence the
outcome of an election in favour of the party that favours
the newspapers primary shareholder goes way beyond
the boundary of what an impartial news outlet is
supposed to do.
Do we directly blame OBrien for his on-going influence or
do we blame the journalists and editors, who are by and
largely members of the National Union of Journalists and
who by and large are given to working within the rules of
the NUJ. That means reporting on what the rich and
powerful are doing and keeping them in check when they
step out of line.
What it doesnt mean is that they flagrantly and blatantly
promote the government / OBrien agenda for putting in
more water meters and keeping Irish Water or even using
their influence to insert the party that makes Denis
O'Brien richer or for that matter frightening the living shit
out of the less well informed members of society who run

scared at the first sight of a headline that is high on

propaganda and less so than on facts and truth.
Samus Dooley from the Irish National Union of Journalists
called for an inquiry into how much power was handed to
Denis OBrien in allowing him to own the media. Mr
Dooley along with many other journalists recognise that
the influence of OBrien in terms of news dissemination is
twisted and biased towards an agenda that is solely for
the benefit of OBriens empire and that of his friends.
Many would say that it is a worldwide problem with
journalism and ownership of same by billionaires, not
being the best of bed mates, however we are not
concerned with anywhere else right now other than
putting the brakes on the demonisation of the democratic
process by the mainstream media here in Ireland aided
and abetted by politicians such as Kenny and Noonan.
The mainstream media is happy to report on things that
dont really matter to the man in the street. The Panama
files which had no relevance to the majority other than as
a curiosity value hogged the limelight for weeks and acted
as a distraction all the while the real news was going
unreported. News that affected people in real terms.
The influence by some of the media but especially that of
the OBrien led media is leading the way in trying to
skewer the wishes of the majority when it comes to
pressing social issues such as Irish Water being disbanded
or even forming a government, one that doesnt take
orders from a billionaire media mogul.
This is not an acceptable face of journalism from those
privileged enough to have a say in public affairs. Lobbyists
should not be journalists or vice versa!
N.B. For those of you who have a vote in the Senate
elections, I would ask that you give your vote to Rory
Hearne and Lynn Ruane. Both individuals who have a
social conscience and will add a much needed voice in
politics for those that don't have one!

Our water is now been privatized so our lives are now in

the hands of a private corrupt company !
Ireland goes bankrupt and the Troika calls for more taxes.

Water meters are decided upon and a plan to build Irish Water
are hatched.
Siemens, a company with massive resources and know-how
in this area and also with a massive installed base in the UK
offer to install the meters for free.
Phil Hogan declines Siemens offer no answer as to why he
decided this was ever forthcoming just, no we have an
Irish solution to this. Both Siemens and industry analysts are
baffled as to why a state would go for a far more expensive
Denis OBrien, the man accused by a High Court Judge to
have beyond all doubt been given substantive information
by FG TD Michael Lowry of significant value and assistance
to him in securing the [Esat] license and to have
subsequently made hundreds of millions by selling same
purchases a company called Siteserv which specialises in the
installation of water meters. This is about a year before the
water meter tender.
Now, numerous European companies also wanted to buy
Siteserv and offered way more money for the company (which
then owed 100 million to Anglo Irish Bank and was
completely insolvent).
The Irish Government allows the sale of the company to Denis
O Brien with the 100 million owed to Anglo (now state owned
i.e. by you) written off.
Some gamble for Denis to buy a company with 100 million
written off and with no guarantee of a lucrative water meter
contract. A business in an area where he has no previous
experience or competence.
Siteserv subsequently bids in the EU tendering process and,
lo and behold, wins. The contract is for hundreds of millions of

Now, enter Irish Water. The CEO [John Tierney] of which used
to be the financial officer of an organisation which spent 100
million of Irish taxpayers money on the process to build an
incinerator in Dublin a process which involved what the EU
recently found to be an illegal contract between Dublin City
Council and consultancy firm RPS.
No incinerator was ever built or will ever be built but 100
million, again of your money, is gone and John is now the
CEO of Irish Water. No minutes of meetings which spent
100 million of your money were ever recorded the money is
just gone.
John then installs his homeboys and homegirls from the
Poolbeg project to Irish Water citing the abysmal salaries at
Irish Water as the reason why nobody else would apply for
these jobs.
People who were direct beneficiaries of the Poolbeg are now
newly fledged semi-state employees.
This is just the latest episode of the calamity that is Ireland Inc.
The biggest langer in this solar system is the Irish taxpayer.
We havent a chance no matter who we vote for.
But, were great craic.
Shane Florish source:
Water Tax ( Open letter to Mr. Phil Hogan )
We are now been threatened with the withdrawal of water
services if we dont pay this latest troika tax .This is a tax on
peoples right to life .This is a direct threat to families and it is a
matter of life and death! How do you respond when thugs
threaten your life and that of your family ????When Thugs try
to extort money from you and your family??? Minster Hogan
you are forcing the hand of the ordinary decent people of

Ireland: Our right to water is been threatened and therefore

our right to live by the state, and I personally will take on any
means to defend my constitutional right to defend my home
and family from an out of touch state and its servants by
whatever means I can muster .I hold you personally and the
rest of the government and its servants responsible for any
attack on my home or my family .You are wrong and this
double taxation on our homes and water is not right. You are
using the power entrusted to you and your government by me
and the people of Ireland you have betrayed this thrust and
you are no longer acting on behalf of the people of Ireland but
rather corporate greedy parasites who are slowly forcing our
people to become their personal cash cows! We the people
have had enough. We will not pay for the private gambling
debts of you pals from the banks and the building industry; we
will not forgive this treacherous act on the people of Ireland. I
demand the immediate stop to this outrageous and blatant
attempt to subdue gate me and my family into a position of
financial slavery and bondage to your greedy industrial pals .
Mise le mass
Thoms Aengus O Clirigh
Residents Movement for Political change
I hope this is OK to post here but these times we live in,
demand we take extraordinary measures to get our message
out there for the sake of our community and country!
Residents Movement for Political change was established in
Wicklow town 6 years ago and we are now re-launching it:
Residents in Wicklow, say no to the privatization of our Water,
Our Health system, Our Education system, the tax on our
homes, tolls on our roads, and evictions from our Homes!
Where will it end? We want to stand by with our Neighbours

and our local community and together we will overcome the

corporate greed that is destroying the country! Join the
Residents Movement for Political change here! We are not
affiliated to any of the established political parties who have
sold off the people into financial slavery! We want to set up a
local task force who will come to the aide at a moments notice
to residents who are about to lose their homes through the
treat of evection and who refuse to allow private water meters
on to their property ! The time has now come for residents to
stand together and face down those who would threaten our
right, to clean water, education, a home and our right to
decent work and a decent pension, and health care system for
our aged.
Thank you all
Join or Like the Residents Movement for Political change

I drove down to Newbridge to be at the re launch of the Land

their new web site is here:

We must drive out the parasites who have sold out Ireland !
I have come to the conclusion that we in Ireland are now been
sold off the corporate dictatorship of multinational
corporations. Yes it doesnt matter what combination of the
political musical chairs we get after each so called free
election we end up with the same unelected advisors, the

same top incompetent civil servants who can spend up to 40

years in various government departments and during that time
feather the various departments with relatives and insider pals.
The National media is the most important tool any country has
and ours is in the hands of a TAX Exile who dictates to the
puppet government of the day. Anybody who steps out of line
has his or her dirt y laundry splashed all over the place so you
see we dont have democracy in this country. We have been
sold off to the highest bidder and we now must pay for the
privilege of just living, our water, our homes, our Health, our
education and even our deaths are all commercialized. Our
national resources have shamelessly been handed over to
global criminals who have a track record that should land them
before the international tribunal for crimes against humanity.
Yes our own home-grown criminal parasitic politicians have
taken their thirty pieces of silver and betrayed the thrust the
gullible people of Ireland have placed in them!
WE as a Nation will continue to pay these parasites unless we
can muster up enough brave selfless patriots who will now
start turning the tables on these parasites and help rid our
nation of them and their collaborators. There is no need to
wait to see if the next election will bring any change! IT WONT
we will get a new mixture of the political musical chairs and
the new parasites will just carry on from the last shower of
thieves! Dont take my word for it by all means wait for the
next rigged election where you only get on national TV if the
corrupt powers want you to and if you have the big moneymen
behind you as well! So in the meantime we can waffle on here
and on Live-line or on other web portals and by doing so the
corruption, the traitors, and their banker buddies will just laugh
at us as they collect their lottery salaries and pensions! Has it
occurred to anyone the corrupt government are quite happy to

have thousands nicely tucked away at their PC instead of

permanently on the streets demonstrating for social justice? I
am sure there are hundreds of thousands of people affected
by the penal austerity imposed by the dictatorship of the Troika
but we are all just concerned with our own problems and we
go and march down O Connell Street and march to the Dail
and its all over after a few words from people we never even
heard of until then! I believe we need to have a permanent
presence on the street and if you are of the same opinion
whatever your cause then let us all come together and arrange
to take over the street and stay there until we get the change
we and our country so desperately needs. This is our only way
to show the corrupt politicians we mean to take back our
country. The political system is rigged and good and honest
men and woman cannot gain equal access to the established
media as they do not have the financial means to pay for it nor
do they have the insider connections. The cost of posters,
travel and leaflet dropping is enormous and unless you have
substantial financial backing you are going nowhere! It is even
a major job in finding out the boundaries of your constituency!
The established political parties have it all sown up between
them after 90 years of having it all their own way they have
managed to totally corrupt the entire political system ! We
need a complete NEW system a system that gives back the
decision making to the people of Ireland and not the self
serving career political parasites who give away our nations
natural assets and our national wealth whilst telling the rest of
us we need to tighten our belts and pay the gambling debts of
gangsters both here and abroad! The accumulated wealth
some of these parasites have amasses is truly criminal.
No politician, at the end of his stint on the Dail gravy train
should be better off that the citizens whom they are supposed

to be serving!. The days of lottery salaries and pensions must

be brought to a swift end all politicians whether retired or still
in office, should receive no more that the average wage and
the national pension > It is obvious that the pension should be
paid to all citizens at the age of retirement (65 years) : No
exceptions for politicians >No politician should be in office
more than one term as do not need career politicians and the
various Quangos must be all shut down!
Other economic goals describing how we as a Nation can be
self sufficient in energy, finance, education and jobs growth
have been published in previous articles on this blog !
I call on all true patriots to come together and help bring down
this corrupt political system of self-interest, greed and
downright betrayal of the original promise of the deliration of
the republic in 1916 to hold all in equal standing. All of the
intuitions of this corrupt so called BA_NAMA REPUBLIC are
totally corrupt and have sold out the people of Ireland. With
the taxes on water, homes, education, wages, transport,
communication all going to pay the interest on debts that are
not ours we the ordinary citizens have been setup to pay this
odious debt through every facet of our daily lives .We are
nothing more than cash cows, cattle to be milked dry and then
discarded when we grow old and infirm on to trolleys in drifty
corridors in run down hospitals.
We can change all of this, we just need to come together and
strike back and take back our country from these puppets of
the multi corporations and their treacherous political
collaborators in the Dial !!
Is Mise le mass
Thoms Aengus O Clirigh
Last night Senator Sean Ross declared that he was running as

an independent for Dublin south

He also expressed the hope to support other independents
from other movements such as our Residents Movement for
Political Change .This is great news and a welcome boost for
us, now more than ever we need to organize and bring our
message of change, real change to our fellow downtrodden
citizens in Wicklow.
As Sean Ross says in this video clip we must help bring real
change by putting new independent people with no affiliations
to the current corrupt political parties, into the Dail
if we are going to deliver the necessary changes that will rid
us of the deadly grip of cronyism that is strangling our nations
attempts to advance into the modern age we must now grasp
this opportunity with both hands and take it.
As I said in an earlier posting You cannot have real change
using the same old corrupt political parties the corrupt system
has established! You must have new independent community
movements that have no connections to the current corrupt
political system and that have at their core values that will
route out cronyism and gombeenism. For real change we must
put new men and women who speak the truth and act
exclusively in the interests of the people and not is the
interests of outdated, clapped out political parties that have
only looked after their own office holders by placing them in
plumb jobs here in Ireland and elsewhere in the world
In the following video clip Sean Ross expresses some of the
very points I totally support and stand by and they would be
core values for our movement .So if you agree with these
points then please get involved and help us here in Wicklow to
bring about real change in Wicklow politics.
With 20-30 new independents from all around the country we
can at long last give the knockout blow to the corrupt political

establishment that have destroyed our country and we will

have a real chance to bring these criminals to justice ,isnt it
worth at least trying to achieve this ??
Please help and get involved
Thomas Clarke Chairperson

Is It Time to Reinvent Fairness? This Decembers budget must
be one of the most regressive budgetsin the history of the
Irish State. As a result of the proposed changes people on
85,000 to 250,000 Euro per annum will pay an additional 1-2%
in tax. However, folks on 17,000 Euro per annum will pay an
additional 12%. This policy is grossly unbalanced and unfair
particularly when you realize that those in charge of the many
850 quangos that exist in the State are hopelessly overpaid.
For example: 1. Head of ESB: 752,568 2. Head of Dublin
Airport Authority: 568,100 3.
Head of An Post: 500,000 4. Head of Coillte, the forestry
commission 417,000 5.
Head of Voluntary Health Insurance: 412,003 6. Head of
Bord Gais: 394,000 7.
Head of Bord na Mona (turf energy agency): 392,000 8.
Head of RTE: (TV): 326,000 9.
Head of CIE (transport): 252,416 10. Head of Health
Services Executive: 335,913
If these executive rates were modified and the 850 quangos
abolished the savings would more that allow a faired
distribution of the tax burden? Why was this not done? The
current policy being adopted by Fianna Fail and the Greens
seems to be pushing Irish politics further to the left as people
are becoming increasingly shocked and disillusioned by the

gross inequity of it all. If this trend continues, Labor, National

Sinn Fein, the People before Profit Alliance, Independent
Socialists and Non-Aligned Independents will form the next
Irish government. This will render any real reform of the
bloated State sector practically impossible and could herald
more pain on an already beleaguered Irish middle class.
Alternatives that could bring about a fairer taxation and a
semi-state /public sector overhaul, plus banking restructure
involving a new Irish commercial bank, enterprise
development and focused retraining for the unemployed may
not get the chance it so badly deserves.
We are ordinary parents, citizens, with no affiliations to any of
the current political parties have formed Residents Movement
for Political Change to bring about this badly needed change.
Take the first step ,take action by going on to the web and
check us out at , e-mail .Help give our people an alternative to
the current twiddle dumb and twiddle Dee politicians
Join us now and help defend our country against the modern
day financial terrorists.
Thomas Clarke
On the subject of ever higher Taxes please take the time and
look at the video clips on The theory of the Laffer Curve

The current governments policy of taxing workers and

business up to the gills is only going to bring about less
revenue I can see this already happening .I called a plumber
two days ago to give me a quote on some pipe work I was
thinking of getting done he quoted me two prices one cash
price and one with a receipt needleless to say the cash price
quote was a good 28 % cheaper now extrapolate that

throughout the country. Taxing people so much doesnt make

sense ask Michael O Leary everybody knows he wants as
much profit for Ryan air as possible but does he increases the
prices he charges for flights no he is continues cutting his
prices. That is why his company is one of the largest airlines
in the world.
I rest my case on Taxes this budget is a disaster for Ireland
Our first public meeting

The Government have successfully brought private toxic

gambling debts on to the backs of the bewildered
taxpayers of this country .Twenty months after the
financial meltdown of the banking system of this country,
there has been no prosecutions, in fact the guilty have
been rewarded with golden handshakes, pensions and in
some cases promotions . The crisis which brought the
IMF to Ireland shows no signs of abating. As we speak the
full extent of the problem has not been fully
comprehended. There are in effect 6 levels to the Bad
Debts fiasco. The following calculations are based on
the latest central statistics office reports, in particular the
section on external borrowings by Irish financial

Insolvent Property Development Lending (Cost
Est.: 70 Billion EU.)
Unsustainable Annual Government Deficits (Cost
Est: 60 Billion EU.)
Sovereign Debt Credit Rating Collapse (Cost Est:
20 Billion EU.)
Insolvent Consumer Debt Lending (Cost Est : 60
Billion EU.)
Insolvent Mortgage Debt Lending (Cost Est: 100
Off Balance Sheet: Mark To Market Asset Value
Collapse (Cost Est: 300 Billion EU.)
Total Cost to Ireland: When you add the sovereign
borrowing of 80 Billion and add the cash line of 165
Billion in the banking system that currently cannot be
funded independently (because the banks are bust) the
total is 610+80+165= 855 Billion Euro.. As of 28.11.2010
we now here it is going to be 5.8% to be charged, but we
will have to give up 17.5 billion ourselves from our
national pension fund! Was this meant to be the future,
handed down to out progeny? Surely it is time, once and
for all, for this shambles to stop. As of this morning we
are no longer an Independent sovereign Nation State. The
gangsters responsible ride off into the sunset assured of
their generous pensions and perks the ordinary people of
Ireland face years of austerity and severs financial stress!
We demand a referendum: We are ordinary parents,
citizens, with no affiliations to any of the current political
parties have formed Residents Movement for Political
Change to bring about this badly needed change. Take
the first step and take action by going on to the web and

check us out at , e-mail .Help give our people an
alternative to the current twiddle dumb and twiddle Dee
politicians Join us now and help defend our country
against the modern day financial terrorists.
Facebook link
Thomas Clarke

The IMF just doesnt stroll into a country for a chat and a cup
of tea no they are here because they are our last hope of
getting funds.
So what happened to our finances since yesterday according
to Brian Lenihan we did not need any help?
We were supposed to have enough funds to meet the
countries needs and commitments up to the middle of next
year remember? So Lenihan will have us believe he arrived
this morning to find the IMF inside his office along with the
Germans (that have been there since last week) anyway now
that we all know that the IMF are here what are they going to
do? My best guess is that they will be trashing out the
conditions of a significant loan to the Irish State .The EU has
already pumped 130 Billions into the toxic bankrupt banks and
they cannot or wont go any further without taking full control
over the Banks at this stage because the derivates and other

huge losses that still remain hidden from the public with the
help from the Department of Finance are not been
acknowledged. These losses must be in the tens of Billions
and the Irish State does not have the earnings capacity to
meet its obligations under the blanket guarantees given to
them by the incompetent Irish government. The EU was not
and is still not aware of the total figure that these losses will
amount to and that is one of the reasons we have the IMF in
the Department of Finance today they do not trust the figures
coming from Cowen or lenihan and they have decided to come
and check things out for themselves. So where does leave us?
Well I expect to see the rest of the banks Nationalized with the
funds made available to the Irish Government and the
government will be at pains to tell us the gullible public that
this is just a loan from friends and nothing has really changed
except we are in a better financial position as a result of their
tremendous efforts on our behalf. There will be no mention of
the fact that we now must ask our minders for permission to
go to the toilet and we are no longer a republic but a Nation of
debt servicers enslaved to the same bondholders that caused
this disaster in the first place .



Last month a directive, very much unknown to the
general public was passed in the European Parliament,
called the Trade Secrets Protection Directive".
This directive covers the area of "trade secrets, which is
everything companies keep secret to stay ahead of
competitors. This can range from a secret recipe or
manufacturing process and plans for a new product, to a
list of clients and prototypes. In fairness, the theft of trade
secrets poses major problems for companies; however
legal remedy is already in place in many European
For example, in January 2015 the French government
introduced a penalty of up to three years in jail and
375,000 fine for a violation of trade secrets. Every
country has existing laws to deal with this issue including
Ireland; however Europe has decided to take it one step
In effect what this so called directive does is to create
what you may call "excessive rights to secrecy for
corporations, banking and businesses But in fact this
directive is a direct threat to the work of journalists and
their sources, whistleblowers, employees' freedom of
expression, and rights to access public interest
information. Therefore this directive will put anybody
revealing such information (especially to the media)
without the company's consent at serious risk.
As we all know, legal threat and harassment of journalists
by wealthy individuals and corporations by the use

defamation laws is already widespread here in this country

and now such entities and individuals will now be able to
use trade secrets protection directive as an additional
argument in the courts. This act not only threatens the
right of journalists and other concerned individuals need
to access and publish matters that have a public interest
or concern.
This directive will criminalise an investigative journalist
who reports or makes public, information that is seen to
have a detrimental effect on the corporate and banking
What this directive squarely promises to do is to threaten
journalists with prison and heavy fines worth hundreds of
thousands of euros for doing so, as has already happened
to the whistleblower and the journalist Antoine Deltour
and Edouard Perrin in the 'LuxLeaks' affair. This was the
name given to the recent financial scandal in Luxembourg,
where contracts between Luxembourg and multinational
companies were exposed as a major tax evasion scandal.
Both the whistleblower and the journalist who exposed the
scandal are currently being prosecuted in Luxembourg for
trade secrets violations. This, being despite the fact that
these two brave individuals revealed a major tax evasion
scandal harming all European tax payers. The whole point
of the new directive is to prevent people reporting
corporate misconduct or wrongdoing and is very similar in
nature to a law introduced in the United States some time
The government of Luxembourg effectively extracted
revenge on these two individuals for exposing their
culpability in fraud with punishments such as this are
intended to send a loaded message to potential
whistleblowers and journalists alike.
Now that the directive is approved at the European level,
member states will be able to go further when they adapt
it into the national law of each EU member state including
Ireland. Multinational corporations such as Nestl, Dupont,
General Electric, Intel, among many other well-known
names have been lobbying hard for this directive for years
and have played a huge part in the drawing up of the
directive. Meanwhile the general public were kept in the
dark as per usual until the directive was quietly passed in

The upshot of this directive, encouraged by the Irish
government will allow indigenous Irish companies,
bankers, multi-national companies and wealthy individuals
here to claim that all company held information is a trade
secret, privileged and therefore protected under the
directive. The flow of public interest information that has
managed to circumvent a complete corporate takeover in
this country will stop dead in its tracks.
Whistleblowers and investigative journalists alike will be
punitively punished when this directive is introduced here.
Europe has once again given the thumbs up to corporate
economic rights at the expense of citizens political rights.
Your rights!
Think corporate tax evasion; think banking cartel: think
Irish Water; think NAMA and you will get the idea about
how little you will hear, see and read about their wrong
doings in the future.
He is nothing but a. Pig


"Banks have been dealing with the issue of home
repossessions reasonably well, according to Minister for
Finance Michael Noonan".
Minister Michael Noonan in an answer to Independent TD
Seamus Healy in today's Irish Times, is insistent that his
government has played no hand or part in the crisis that is
the glut of home repossessions that they (the
government) are trying to brush under the carpet.

In response to Seamus Healy's request to Minister Noonan

to call off the repossessions by the bailed out banks,
Noonan clearly states that the government have not
interfered with or politicised any decisions in how they
deal with mortgage holders and that the problem is all but
solved and that effectively the government have washed
their hands of the evocative and contentious issue of
Perhaps Mr Noonan's own memory has been evicted of
human empathy but not only that, also evicted of the
memory of introducing the Land and Conveyancing Act
2013 and also taking away of the mortgage interest
supplement which made the difference between staying in
the family home or facing the all too real threat of
eviction. This protectionism of the banking system which
was already bailed out by the same people is allowed to
come back for a second bite of the cherry with
government blessing.
What Noonan has done is clearly political interference to
the advantage of the banking system and to undermine
the mortgage holders. Minister Noonan does have the
power to stop banks from proceeding as he is the major
shareholder in many of them, however this government is
trying to squeeze the last drop of blood from unfortunate
home owners before the election begins in earnest.
Banks were handed 9 billion of taxpayers money. Money
that was meant to sort this mess out and therefore
questions need to be asked as to where the money is and
why do banks need a third bailout when they have already
been the recipients of a forced handout of taxpayer
Unfortunately we live in a state that not only encourages
corruption but gives it body, courtesy of a government
that has put banking and corporate interests ahead of the
people whom they purport to represent.
Election time is looming.. Make your vote count and send
this government a clear message that the Irish people
have had enough of their antics!
/react-text Financial Organisations are creating folios of properties
that they plan to repossess for resale to some of the leading foreign
corporations based in Ireland, who have stacks of hard cash at their

Legislation enacted in 2013 gives these financial organisations and

their legal representatives a relatively free hand to commence
repossession/eviction proceedings, more times than not illegally.
They pick and choose the better homes and properties.
Needless to say if you don't defend yourself against their lies and
nefariousness in their attempt to corruptly succeed, with assistance
from County Registrars cum Sheriff's they will try and persist to the
bitter end.
I can assure you that it is not too difficult to defeat their efforts but,
you must work hard at it.


Let me start with the definition of stability: "The condition
of being reliable or unlikely to change suddenly or
The word stability is one word that will leave you with tone
deafness by the time the election is over. You will hear it
non-stop on the government's personal loudspeaker (RTE)
and of course on the Dennis O'Brien owned media. You will
hear it from the mealy mouths of overpaid but under
utilised government TD's. You will hear it from Senators
who apparently have constituencies under their personal
care where none existed before.
You will hear it from bailed out bankers and non tax paying
corporations and you will hear it from certain wealthier
sections of the farming community where brown
envelopes from Europe will buy votes every time but you
won't hear the word stability on the streets or in pubs,
empty for the most part. You won't hear it from the
ordinary PAYE worker who has been assaulted with a raft
of taxes designed to suck the life out of communities and
the overall economy all because bankers need their

bonuses and bondholders their gambling debts paid off.

No sir, you won't hear it from the many families facing
eviction in the coming months. You won't hear the word
stability from the groups set up to help distressed
mortgage holders like The Hub Ireland, The National Land
League of Ireland and the many other individuals who are
out there trying to bring real stability to an all too real
You won't hear the word stability from the many homeless
people who are not using homelessness as a lifestyle
choice or the people helping them and nor will you hear it
from the many recipients of food and fuel vouchers given
by charities such as SVP this Christmas. You won't hear the
word from the many working and middle class parents
who dreaded waking on Christmas morning with little or
no food in the fridge or toys under the tree for the
children. Food, fuel and child poverty have risen
substantially under the Fine Gael led government so where
is the stability and recovery for the thousands of families
in this instance?
Meanwhile this government will use their friends and
benefactors in the mainstream media to feed in
brainwashing keywords that will be used against the left,
the independents and the smaller parties. Words like
instability, dangerous, economic disaster waiting to
happen, bad for growth, bad for investment and so on.
Words that will be used over and over again until some
people sitting on the political fence start believing them.
The definition of the word stability uses the words
"unlikely to change". The reason those words "unlikely to
change" are vitally important to understand is that the
combination of Fine Gael and anyone else who is gombeen
enough to share a platform with them, is sentencing this
country to another five years of financial and economic
The election is only a matter of weeks away and the
nauseous blitz of propaganda from Mount Street will begin
to assault our senses. TD's who voted for the Land and
Conveyancing Act (the eviction bill in 2013) should be the
first targets to feel the wrath of the voting public, followed
closely by any and every TD who voted to make the
taxpayers pay for bankers private debt for decades to

come. Let those TD's who assisted in bringing the

privatisation of our water a step closer also feel the wrath
of the public anger by sending them packing.
There are many other reasons to send the current
government parties on their way and no doubt many of us
will use them to show how disaffected the majority of the
people really are. Red C and other government sponsored
polls revering the sainthood of the government have been
shown to have been manipulated in favour of St Enda and
his hosts of angels thereby setting the tone of their
election campaign.
Let us not be in any doubt about the upcoming election. In
2011 Fine Gael lied to get into power and in 2016 they will
do exactly the same thing, built on false promises. In the
last year some European countries have voted in left
leaning parties and so far we haven't seen any
catastrophic economic events contrary to what Fine Gael
will spin to the public if the voting public here do the
We are a proud nation ready for change... One Hundred
Years of political empire building is enough!

scumbags will get bak in and I really do hope I'm wrong about dat 1
but as u said we r a proud nation i 4 1 am not proud 2 b irish

because of wot has happened in dis country under those rite wing
fascist government and because of us d ppl r shud i say sheeple sat
bak n let it all happen cos 2 many ppl in dis country believe a
convenient lie rather Dan d uncomfortable truth and I'm afraid dat
will never change I'm sad 2 say


a Government
The majority of the country has seen or at least heard
about the now infamous Monaghan County Councillor

Hugh McElvaney looking for "loadsamoney" from an RTE

undercover reporter in return for guaranteed planning for
a wind farm.
Perhaps Revenue might like to ask Councillor McElvaney
why he asked for Sterling to be handed over. He wouldn't
happen to have a secret Northern bank account that he
could have hidden the stash in, considering he lives so
close to the border now would he? No mention of the
Criminal Assets Bureau being sent in to investigate
Also seen on film prostrating himself for hard cash from
the reporter was Donegal Independent Councillor John
O'Donnell who is now going to be subjected to an "ordeal"
by something as terrifying as an Ethics Registrar in the
Council. No mention of the Criminal Assets Bureau being
sent in to investigate here either...
You see the problem with all of this shenanigans is that no
one has learned any hard lessons from the past tribunals
or so called inquiry's. No one went to jail or was convicted
of a criminal offence for corruption. Not one single
politician! The people who appear to have benefited the
most are still walking the streets looking for your vote and
will still be walking your street looking for your vote in
However the real issue doesn't lie just at council level with
low hanging fruit ripe for picking. The real issues are
happening at government level and involved hundreds of
millions of Euro. I want you to think about the words
sacrificial lambs to the slaughter and distraction, not as
two separate words but one where RTE's timing was not
just perfect in putting this programme out but crucial to
saving the skins of those skimming the hundreds of
millions with government approval.
Corruption is a dirty word that no government wants to
have hanging over them or to be accused of particularly
with an election looming but this government cannot
escape the accusations being levelled at it and the best
course of action is distraction and the sacrifice of a few
less than honourable individuals who fell for the oldest
trick in the book.
In other words Fine Gael and Labour HQ's had their spin
doctors working overtime along with their publicity unit

(RTE) in order to create a media distraction and a talking

point for the chattering classes, all in the hope that the
masses can see that they are "cleaning up the mess". This
government are clearly not intent on bringing in real anti
corruption laws and an independent authority that has real
bite with an ability to root out corruption at all levels
because they are right at the top tier of the pyramid.
I thought that it best to leave the excuse of the year until
last when I quote ex-Fianna Fail County councillor, Joe
Queenan, who was also caught in the sting operation.
Queenan said; "I was doing absolutely nothing wrong. It is
being done every day of the week,.
Well there you have it from the horse's mouth!


Could it be true that Dennis O'Brien keeps a Mount Street
fortune teller in his back pocket when he is looking to
make investments? It certainly seemed to be the case...
Once upon a time!
O'Brien, as we all know, purchased Topaz for the price of a
"Bill Clinton after dinner speech" from IBRC. Coming
shortly after his failed attempt at floating Digicel on the
stock market and then being unable to offload his
Portuguese golf resort, and now with bondholders starting
to come thick and fast looking for their money, maybe life
is going to get a little bit harder for him.
However, another family member, Emmet O'Neill, has

made a bit of a killing on the Topaz deal. O'Brien's nephew

and Topaz top dog O'Neill was the beneficiary of his
uncle's wisdom and business acumen it seems. Not only
did O'Neill have prior knowledge of the sale of Topaz but
he also bought shares worth around 3.5 million in June
2015. Now this presents a bit of a quandary not only for
O'Neill but also for O'Brien as that would normally be
termed as insider trading by any stretch of the
Both men were deeply involved in negotiating the sale of
Topaz to Canadian company Couche-Tard, however and in
the interim (by the virtue of O'Neill purchasing the shares),
it is alleged that O'Neill has unjustly and illegally enriched
himself and his now infamous uncle, by the sale and
purchase of the shares. Having said that, this is corrupt
Ireland 2015 and a blind eye will be turned as usual in that
Revenue and other departments will once again be
instructed to ignore everything that O'Brien does...
Including his living arrangements in this country.
As always, questions arise from anything that O'Brien or
anyone belonging to him partakes in but do remember
that these are only questions in order to raise public
awareness and that there is no expectation that any
action will ensue by the government for obvious reasons.)
1) O'Brien had used Topaz Investments Ltd (An Isle of Man
company and previously Kendrick Investments) used to
purchase Topaz in the first place so can it now be assumed
that O'Brien is going to offshore his own profits from the
sale of Topaz back into the Isle of Man or Bermuda, where
it is known that he keeps offshore companies and
accounts or will the state benefit from tax being actually
paid over this time?
2) Using a Cyprus registered company by the name of
Kouchin, O'Neill has managed to not only make a
handsome profit on the sale but will he pay tax in Ireland
on his timely wager, considering the ownership of the
shares are offshored in a country well known for tax
avoidance / evasion schemes?
3) Why was there no claw-back clause built into the sale of
Topaz by the IBRC or was it too much hassle in this case
for the bank to insert it for O'Brien( but allegedly not in the
case of other debtors) or was it a simple case of nod and

wink political interference once again?

3) How ironic is it that Brian Cowen is alleged to be one of
the beneficiaries of a financial windfall from the sale of
Topaz, considering that it he is already being paid a
lucrative pension by the taxpayer?
It seems that the "Connemara jetset" have a lot to answer
for in how this country is run, but that's another story!
Nod Nod Wink Wink ;)


Let me start with a couple of questions rather than ask
them at the end.
1) When did privilege and confidentiality in banking
become law?
2) How do you tie a Judge's hand behind his back?
3) The Siteserv Liquidation... Why was it done?
4) Why does banking privilege and confidentiality only
apply to Dennis O'Brien?
5) The Attorney General - What was her role and advice to
The first question relates to the IBRC / Siteserv inquiry and
it simply asks when does privilege or banking
confidentiality become law? The answer is that it doesn't,
never has and never will!
In essence, KPMG are claiming that it can't and won't
release documents that are critical to the IBRC / Siteserv
inquiry as that would break the so called "client - banker
privacy or confidentiality". What KPMG are claiming does
NOT exist in law and is only a handshake agreement
between any bank and it's clients and therefore does not
stop KPMG from releasing any documents to the inquiry.
Privilege and confidentiality in this case is just that... A
nod and a wink!
How Do You Tie a Judge's Hands Behind His Back?
Yes, Mr Justice Cregan can go to the High Court and have
another judge order the release of the documents,
however the reality is that there is absolutely nothing
stopping the inquiry team from going into the Companies
Registration Office and in through the door of the Special
Liquidator and then rightly demanding every document on
record. To be clear about this, there is absolutely nothing
stopping KPMG releasing the documents, except that they
don't want their part in the sale of SIteserv to surface and
how they made their commission. In effect, KPMG have
given the state two fingers by claiming confidentiality and
that's that!.
The Siteserv Liquidation... Why was it done?
How timely was it that the KPMG Special Liquidator
dissolved Siteserv just before the inquiry was formed? Was
KPMG told of the necessity of keeping the company alive

by the government or the Department of Finance and

therefore keeping the books available for inspection by the
inquiry without the need to go to court or was this a
blatant attempt at hiding the documents from the inquiry
and calling "legal and banking privilege" after the event?
The reality is that there is no need to look for a High Court
order to bring Siteserv back as the information already
exists in many quarters that are already available to the
Judge, such as in places like the Department of Finance,
the CRO and most especially in the hands of KPMG, who as
it happens are in receipt of millions of taxpayers money
for playing the role of gatekeeper. These documents that
are clearly in the public interest, considering we bailed
IBRC out to the tune of 34 billion but clearly not in the
interest of a few well placed individuals.
However the government had already tied Mr Justice
Cregan's hands behind his back by giving him the absolute
minimum in terms of investigators or help of any kind, in
order to frustrate and to circumvent the outcome of the
inquiry and Mr Justice Cregan goes on to say as much but
in the nicest possible way of course.
Why Does Privilege or Confidentiality Only Apply to Dennis
This government are especially protective of their
relationship with O'Brien and are going to extraordinary
lengths to ensure that doesn't become public. Furthermore
KPMG are being protected by the government at every
turn and why? Because, you will find that the relationship
is far closer between all parties than is imagined and of
course there is information in those much sought after
documents that the government don't want made public.
It is as simple as that!
How ironic is it that the government tasked the very
company that helped facilitate the sale of Siteserv to
O'Brien, also happen to be the same people who are
refusing to hand over documents, citing a spurious piece
of verbal junk that has no basis in law and why has Mr
Justice Cregan not picked up on this and headed straight
up the steps of the Four Courts to have the documents on
his desk by this coming Monday morning?
We have had plenty of inquiries and tribunals that have
dealt with the banking privilege and confidentiality" and

have managed to see through the smokescreen before, so

what makes this inquiry different? The difference is that if
one particular domino falls, then they all fall and they
know it!
So does Dennis O'Brien have any privileges or
confidentiality that is more important than the public or
taxpayers interests or did this government deem that
protectionism at all costs is the order of the day? It
certainly seems so...
The Attorney General - What Was Her Role and Advice to
Firstly, Maire Whelan is a highly respected lawyer with a
brilliant analytical and legal mind that has few opposites.
Those words are not mine but are the general consensus
of people that I know within the Law network. Why would
these people say that Ms Whelan is a bit of a legal genius,
a very decent individual and certainly not a gobshite and
yet the government has not only disrespected the office of
Attorney General but also treated Ms Whelan as a gobshite
in their dealings with her... They made her the fall guy!
The role of the Attorney General is to advise the
government and to look at every possible scenario to
ensure that the legal advice given is in accordance with
not only the law but also the constitution and therefore
would have given several legal options and outcomes to
the government regarding the IBRC / Siteserv inquiry.
However the government chose the very option that they
knew would stop and frustrate any inquiry into Dennis
O'Brien and the Siteserv deal.
Ms.Whelan was clearly gagged when she made it clear
that the route the government took in regards to the
inquiry was going to stop the inquiry in it's tracks and she
in turn was made to backtrack on her initial press
statement. When a government resorts to making the
legal system do handstands to suit connected individuals
then they have moved into an altogether different realm
that doesn't have the word democracy in it!.
Not only has this government frustrated the law at every
turn, they have cost us 1.1 billion in the great IBRC
transaction giveaway and all in the name of the protection
of men like O'Brien and other wealthy and connected
members of a society that clearly exists outside of our

The Dennis O'Brien / Siteserv deal needs to be dealt with
on its own merits and the inquiry should be made focus
solely on this element instead of going off on a tangent by
including every other transaction over 10 million. The next
government can focus on the rest of the transactions and
apply the full measure to getting to the bottom of them
and dealing with the players accordingly.
The opposition foolishly bought into this without realising
that it was going to be a whitewash job and an attempt to
stymie any real in depth look into how joined at the hip
that O'Brien and Fine Gael really are.
The people,on the other hand aren't as easily fooled...
2016 is going to be a very tough year for many politicians,
their parties and their influential friends. The last thing
Fine Gael want is to do is to go into an election looking
dirty, but it looks like its too late... The dirt has already


"Under the budgetary rules this money will not affect the
deficit. It's regarded as a financial transaction ... so the
money will be used to reduce the debt and it will have a
big impact on the debt, said finance minister Michael
Well there you have it! Michael Noonan with the help of
Europe has every intention of making sure that any
repayments that should be due to the taxpayers as part of
AIB's repaying part of its 21 billion taxpayer bailout is
now going into the deep pockets of bondholders and

banks instead.
As AIB is primarily state owned and the shares held by the
finance minister, there is no opportunity for any opposition
to the transfer of this so called debt repayment. Minister
Noonan states that "the money was effectively borrowed
to allow the taxpayer to bailout AIB and that the money
will now be paid back to alleviate that borrowing burden."
What Michael Noonan has once again failed to address is
the debt was borrowed by the government for the banks
and the debt then subsequently transferred to the people
in what is without doubt the biggest scam ever
perpetrated on the Irish People. They know it and we know
Are we to expect that all 21 billion (if it isn't sold off for a
few million to the vultures first) is going to be handed to
bondholders instead of sorting out the issues that we are
struggling with such as the homeless issue, the social
housing issue, the tsunami of family home possession
cases about to hit, the creaking health service just to
name a few?
This government lied. They lied to get into power and
have consistently lied to stay there. Who gave them a
mandate to rob billions of taxpayers money and transfer
those billions straight into the hands of the vultures? We
never owed any of this debt but Fine Gael and Labour
made sure that we did and for what?
Whats in it for each of them personally?
Think about that for a moment...

MINISTER FOR FINANCE Michael Noonan has said that

there was no political pressure put on Nama during the
controversial sale of its Northern Ireland loan portfolio to
US firm Cerberus in 2014.
Appearing before the Dil Public Accounts Committee
(PAC) this afternoon, Noonan said the sale of the Northern
Ireland loan portfolio (dubbed Project Eagle) was the
decision of the Nama board alone and he had no legal
grounding to be involved in the process.
A recent report from the Comptroller and Auditor General
(C&AG) said the agency lost out on 220 million from the
sale. Nama categorically rejected findings of the report.
A statutory commission of investigation into the sale has
already been agreed to by the government. It will be
headed by either a serving or retired judge.
Noonan today addressed questions around whether he
should have intervened to halt the sale of the Project Eagle
portfolio, when one of the bidders American firm Pimco
withdrew from the process, citing a potential conflict of
Nama was informed by Pimco in March 2014 that a former
member of its Northern Ireland Advisory Board Frank

Cushnahan was due to receive an advisory fee if they

were successful in securing the Project Eagle portfolio.
Nama said that upon learning this, the board asked Pimco
to withdraw from the sale.
Noonan was informed by Nama board chairman Frank
Daly that the organisation was going to go ahead with the
bidding process in spite of this late conflict arising.
The Chairman was not, in any respect, requesting
permission to proceed with the sale nor was he required
to, Noonan said before the PAC today.
He was notifying me of issues that had arisen and of the
Boards considered decision to proceed.
Suggestions that I, as the Minister for Finance, should
have interfered with Namas commercial decision and
called a halt to the Board approved sales process
fundamentally misunderstands Namas independent
mandate and my role as the Minister for Finance.
Noonan said it would be illegal under the terms of the
Nama Act for him to interfere with a sale.
Sinn Fin TD Mary Lou McDonald said that when he
became aware of Pimco intervening, should the minister
not have interfered as clearly the process had been
Noonan responded that as far as Nama was concerned
then that issue wasnt relevant.

Political pressure
Noonan said repeatedly there was no political pressure on
NAMA regarding this sale.

When questioned by Social Democrats TD Catherine

Murphy over whether he formed a view on the
withdrawal of Pimco from the sales process, Noonan said:
Of course I had concerns about it.
Because I had been briefed on the basis that things were
going well and there could be a sale on the portfolio.
Fianna Fils Marc MacSharry mentioned comments made
by Nama chairman Frank Daly last week when he said the
board had decided to listen to the wishes of both
governments (Northern Ireland and Republic) when it
came to the sale.
MacSharry said whether the taking on of the concerns of
both governments upset Namas remit to get the best value
for the Irish taxpayer.
Again, Noonan said there was no political pressure put on
the organisation.
Nothing that the Northern Ireland Executive did in my
mind contributed to reducing the price, he said.
When Noonan began to answer MacSharrys questions
around Nama with a lengthy answer, MacSharry said to
Youre a wily old fox at talking down the clock.
Noonan said that there was pressure on Nama coming
from the European Central Bank (ECB) to sell on its
assets, but this related to the entire of its portfolio and not
just Project Eagle.

Catherine Murphy

When questioned by Sinn Fin TD David Cullinane over

whether he had spoken to Nama about speeding up the
sale of its assets, Noonan said he had spoken to the
organisation, but didnt direct them.
I didnt direct them I asked for their advice, said
Well thats semantics, said Cullinane.
Noonan said that even if he was legally able to interfere
with the sale there was no evidence that such interference
would have been in the interest of the taxpayer.
Noonan said he had full confidence in Nama and the
Neither the C&AGs audit of NAMAs annual accounts nor
the recently published value for money report have
asserted that the sales process should have been halted,
he said.
When question by Labour TD Alan Kelly how he could
reconcile his confidence in both organisations in light of
the dispute, Noonan said:
One can have confidence in two organisations even when
they dont agree on every detail.

Theres a conflict Its up to you [the PAC] in my view to

resolve the conflict.

Noonan also addressed issues surrounding aspects of the
report appearing before its publication in the Irish Times
last month.
Reports mentioned that the C&AG report had found
irregularities in the sale process during Project Eagle.
There was no mention of irregularities in the sale process
when the final report was published.
I have no evidence that there was a leak of the
document, said Noonan.
Certainly someone had knowledge of the finding about
the sum of money that the C&AG put in.
Noonan said that there was a mention of irregularities in
the news reports, which turned out to be unfounded.
That was untrue, he said. The only accurate bit of the
leak was the sum of money.
I dont know if that was based on a document or a verbal
hint to a journalist, he said.
Kelly said it was pretty scary if a leak had come from the
Department of Finance around the report.
Rare appearance
Noonan announced two weeks ago he would face the

committee following pressure from opposition politicians

over the sale of the loan book.
Noonans appearance before PAC is rare for a sitting
minister, though not unheard of.
PAC chairman Sean Fleming said earlier that Noonan is
one of the links in the chain of the sale process and it is
therefore necessary to question him.
PAC began its hearings into the sale last week, with Nama
chairman Frank Daly defending it.
Daly said that Nama acted commercially at all times.

chairman Frank Daly appearing before the PAC last week.

Nama does not believe that the sale represented a

probable loss to Irish taxpayers, he said.
He also said that the price set on the Northen Ireland
loanbook was voted on unanimously by the board of
directors and no one else.
Nobody influenced Nama on this, he said.
The fact the state , which is us may have a legal case taken against them
in relation to project eagle and nama might need some answers.
Considering its taxpayers money that would be used , then I am sure its
been an enlightening day for all. Especially Michael noonan as his jaw
hit the floor when that was put to him.. now that was worth watching.
You have to give it to Mary lou she had him in the headlights and he was
You can say anything you want at the PAC without it being propoerly
challenged. Its like my kids selling my house for half its value by taking
a bribe of a PS4, and then me saying I had no legal basis to stop them.

NAMA, NTMA and state owned banks are all under the ultimate control
of the DoF, under the control of the minister and ultimately the
government. Saying you had no legal basis in this case is waffling, and I
think such an utterance should be a huge red flag to political corruption
if we had an independent nivestigation team that could investigate these
I would go as far as say that while he had legal basis for management of
large assets under the govts ownership and didnt interfere, there is a
chance he interfered in a personal capacity where he didnt have legal
authority now who is going to investigate this? themselves because
this country is a corrupt, unaccountable sess pit.


Sources close to Irish Water have indicated that 4000
County Council employees who were "transferred" to Irish
Water are to be balloted on Monday 9th of November for
strike action. The ballot is being taken due to Irish Water /
County Councils looking for 1500 redundancies from within
all sections of the workforce.
Sources have indicated that talk of redundancies in the
respective organisations is causing huge friction within the

workforce as no one wants to be picked for selective

redundancy. Irish Water management, the Council's and
the various government departments have been
desperately trying to keep this information under wraps
and out of the hands of the media and especially social
media, where they know that the public relations battle
has already been lost.
I am aware that the sympathy levels from the public
towards anything that Irish Water does is zero, but the
majority of these men and women were given no say or
choice in their so called "transfer". In other words, go or
be sacked! That said, that these people were used as
pawns in order to reduce the payroll in County Councils
and to effectively transfer the debt to the already
burdened taxpayer to be funded in the form of water
To be very clear about this... These people are NOT water
meter installers unlike GMC Sierra employees,etc who are
the meter installation contractors. They are continuing to
do the job under their respective County Councils as they
have done historically. By effectively "reducing" the
County Council's payroll by 4000 staff, the Department of
Finance could also show substantial savings to the Troika
which in effect meant that bondholders could be paid back
far quicker and in far bigger amounts than if the
government was still funding the Council's payroll.
Perhaps,one of those 1500 people is a family member or
friend who is now facing a bleak outlook as a lot of these
people are not yet of pensionable age or are at an age
where employers want youth over experience. Whatever
happens now will only add to the appearance of the Grim
Reaper not only for these people and their families but
also to Irish Water, ultimately.
Fifteen hundred angry ex-County Council staff, their
families, relatives and friends turns into an awful lot of anti
government votes very quickly and may make all the
difference come the election.
Bad timing isn't going to be the word for it!!


RTE's Sharon N Bheolin, by her disgraceful and targeted
attack on the Web Summit and it's founders, sent a
sneeringly cold message to any entrepreneur or business
that wishes to invest time and money into the flagging
economy that they are not welcome especially if you don't
dance to the government's tune. No such attack on tax
dodgers such as Denis O'Brien or any other multi-national
tax dodging CEO's appear to be the order of the day with
RTE and this government. No sirree... They love their tax
dodging friends!
N Bheolin's outrageous and personal attack on the Web
Summit's founder Paddy Cosgrave and co-founder Daire
Hickey was undoubtedly a proxy attack by the
government.To use the national broadcaster to throw their
toys out of the pram on their behalf, shows a lack of
maturity on behalf of senior members of the government.
It is highly unlikely that they would subject the CEO of
Bank of Ireland or the CEO of Microsoft Ireland to such a
sustained and nasty attack. Nope, banks and corporations
are to be shielded from the eyes and ears of the great
unwashed at all costs!
However and it is a big juicy one... Ms N Bheolin did give
us food for thought when she impolitely asked Mr Hickey,
"did the Web Summit pay for traffic Calming measures or
pay for Garda resources or outriders to accompany

VIP'S?". I was especially taken with the "who pays for the
Garda resources" question as it raises more questions
than answers regarding Irish Water and the "attendance"
of An Garda Siochana at water metering installations.
Irish Water and the government claim that Irish Water is a
commercial standalone entity and should be treated as
such. In my experience every commercial event that is not
run or organised under government departmental
auspices and that is attended to by a Garda presence
(such as concerts) is subject to hefty charges by the
Department of Justice.
I think people know what's coming next... Are Irish Water
or the water meter contractors paying the Department of
Justice for members of An Garda Siochana to attend the
installation of water meters?
The government say that they are only there to keep the
peace but on many occasions Gardai have turned up
where no resistance was forthcoming by anyone, including
residents and yet still stood around for the day scratching
their proverbial's. So does Irish Water or the contractors
also pay for traffic calming measures and disturbances to
residents when installing meters? Not likely would be the
answer there too, there's a "free Garda in every box" there
for that!
If there is no credible threat to water meter installation
contractors and the Gardai are present regardless, which
is often the case, does that mean that Irish Water and the
contractors are footing the bill or is the huge waste of
Garda resources in political policing going to continue
unabated for the taxpayers?
To be clear,people are not protesting by choice. People are
not asking to be beaten and falsely jailed by the men and
women tasked to protect its citizens which includes the
judiciary. People are protesting because they are tired of a
government that has consistently robbed them. People are
tired of the few being enriched by a corrupt government.
People have taken all they can take... end of story!
A perfect description of this government in a few words:
Never has so much money been wasted by so few in order
to enrich the even fewer...
And we leave it at that!


Important and revealing things have made themselves
apparent over the last week. Things that will be
detrimental once again to the ever shallowing pockets of
the taxpayers, no doubt.
Has it occurred to anyone as to the real reason that the
Gardai have become a private security detail for water
meter installers?
Details are swiftly emerging from sources, indicate that
water meter installation companies might be about to hit a
bigger payday than had been anticipated when the
original contracts were drawn up by the Departments of
Finance and Environment. Allegedly contained within the
contracts are fine details that allow said companies to sue
the state for not supplying adequate security to ensure
that their workers are able to fulfill their part of the
contract, knowing that there was going to be resistance
from homeowners.
Installers it is believed, work on a set contract basis and
even though this is probably allowed for in the installation
budgets, the government never expected to meet such
virulent resistance towards the installations but also that a
huge boycott would be so successful given that they had
included the householder payments as well as using motor
tax receipts and the national pension reserve fund in the
initial budget to pay the installers.
What this essentially means is that companies like GMC
Sierra, Farrans and others can now sue the taxpayer for
the full installation cost of any meters that they were
unable to install because the state had not supplied
support in the form of security. It must be remembered
that the installation companies bought and paid for all of
that equipment in advance of the start of the metering
project costing them hundred of millions of Euro in
anticipation of making huge profits borne by the
Now that we see that the not so cleverly thought out plan
has been side swiped by people's resistance and also
added to the cost of the claims by meter installation
companies is that they have incurred higher than
expected costs when installing thousands of meters due to
wrongly-sized junction boxes; water pipes which were too

close to the surface or other significant differences

between the initial scope for the job and the actual ground
conditions. So it's going to cost us on the double it seems!
To sum it up, along with the limited time left in in power to
implement and finish the metering project, the
government is forced to use the state's police force
against it's own citizens in order to try and reduce the final
bill. The water metering programme is budgeted to cost in
the region of 550 million but that figure was only allowed
for if all was going to plan which it clearly isn't.
Then there is also the fact that the taxpayer will have
given close to 3 billion to Irish Water by end of 2016 but
the metering programme is supposedly only costing us
550 million, so where will the remaining 2.450 billion
flow away to while we are distracted with other political or
economical foolishness created by this government?
Only a government this desperate will risk the wrath of its
own citizens in order to carry out the vested wishes of
faceless individuals. Either that or someone's personal
interests in all of this are fast disappearing down the
proverbial plughole and with it an awful lot of future
Anybody want to hazard a guess?


It's been a bad bad week for Lucky Dennis. Probably the
baddest damn week in Dennis's lucky world since him that
old codger Mickey Lowry set him up for life with the mobile
phone contract.
First of all Lucky Dennis had to sell off his far eastern pride
and joy in Myanmar. You see,Dennis was building lots and
lots of mobile masts in anticipation of repeating his
successes with Digicel in Haiti, Jamaica and the Honduras
but something appeared to go wrong and he had to sell
the whole shebang off more than likely at a firesale price
of $60 million.
Then of course, we had the biggest event and the one that
was going to be the real making of Lucky Dennis. You see
Dennis was going to float Digicel on the New York Stock
Exchange so that he could capitalise the company and
expand beyond his wildest dreams. However it appears
that Dennis got a bit uppity as the deal would have
allowed him to retain voting rights over 94 per cent of the
share capital while selling off a small number of shares to
Wiley Wall Street investors were going to be left swinging
with no control having flooded the company with hard
cash and Wall Street was having none of it. Dennis, it
appears badly misjudged the Wolves of Wall Street. While
Dennis wasn't going to make any money out of the deal at
this point, he was going to gain credibility with future
investors and that alone was a driver for him. What will
the Wolves of Wall Street think of Dennis now?
It also appears that Digicel is now sitting on the edge of a
very precarious financial cliff. According to its own IPO
offering, it stated that while its borrowings were greater
than its income, Digicel could pay back their borrowings

when they fell due and while that may be true it was also
stated that Digicel could possibly become a going concern.
Is Dennis's world domination dream beginning to unravel
in front of his eyes?
If anybody should see that old codger Mickey Lowry or in
fact anyone of any importance in Fine Gael, upon their
travels, would you ask them to re-donate the donations
that Lucky Dennis gave them in the first place! He needs
to pay Charlie Haughey's old gunslinger, PJ Mara who now
works for him!


On the 2nd of September, Irish Water held a secretive

conference in the Raddison Blu hotel in County Sligo. Irish

Water senior executives including John Tierney, county
managers, senior water engineers from both Irish Water,
County Councils and which ironically included a guest
appearance by a privatised Scottish Water's head of asset
management,Geoff Aitkenhead.
This was a conference that was organised to discuss the
"technical aspects" of the future of Irish Water and how
they can move forward "now that the dust has settled "
and "how we should learn from our mistakes and move
on" was a boldly written quote shown in a presentation
slide shown by a senior Irish Water executive at the outset
of the conference.
There was no mention of protesters protecting their own
property, no mention of people boycotting bills, no
mention of Gardai being used to enforce laws
unconstitutionally, no mention of how much more
punishment Irish Water can take financially and no
mention of how a new government will deal with Irish
Water. Why? Because Irish Water believe that they are
here to stay.
The nub of the conference was that everyone in
attendance was to wear rose tinted glasses and pretend
that everything is good and those nasty protestors and bill
refuseniks will magically disappear of their own accord but
somehow still pay up. Even in the wine filled after dinner
glow, no one dared mention that Irish Water was in
trouble. Nope, the show must go on!
However and what made it interesting is that, it was reaffirmed that Irish Water and the County Councils are in
partnership for the next 12 years or so and that the
Councils will continue to do the work that they have being
doing for the last 9 decades funded by central
So that begs the following questions,
1. If the County Council's are going to continue fixing and
upgrading the water system then what is Irish Water's role
in all of this?
2. Are they just performing a money collecting service as
was always suspected to be the case?
3. What logical reason would allow the County Councils
(which are already taxpayer funded) become contractors

to a private company in such a way that the taxpayer is

actually adding a second layer of funding to the Councils
or is it that the County Councils are to work on the water
network and receive no income for doing so from either
the State or Irish Water?
4. Or would it be that the County Councils are still being
paid from the central exchequer to do the job they have
historically done AND that the income derived from water
charges will go directly to Irish Water to bump up the bank
account in advance of perspective purchasers?
Looks like someone doesn't want the party to end!


In a follow up story to my previous article, I was contacted
by a trusted source with information that left me in no
doubt as to how you can expect to be treated if you are
suspected to be "an anti water or anti austerity protester
under Joan Burton's iron fist. This case is not a one off as I
have since been contacted by other individuals who
received the same treatment.
He goes on to say, "A friend of mine had to go to a Dublin
social welfare office to apply for benefit and she had to fill
in an application form. She wasn't sure about some of the
questions and a woman who worked there from the
Department of Social Protection took the form off her to
help her complete it. Next thing she asked my friend "Are
you part of any protest movements?". My friend thought
this was most unusual but she was afraid to say she was
involved in anti-water protests and said no in case it
jeopardized her case. She was refused in any event and
the case is now pending appeal."

First we had members of An Garda Siochana sitting in on

interviews with social welfare applicants and suspected
fraudsters and now we have civil servants asking
questions that do not concern them or the Department of
Social Affairs. Answering that simple question with a yes
will trigger events that will do the following:
1. Red flag you out as a potential security threat to the
2. Allow information to be kept on file (Pulse) that you are
the above.
3. Have your private information shared with other state
security services.
4. Jeopardize future employment where Garda Clearance is
a requirement.
5. Give grounds for a refusal as you may be seen as not be
looking for work.
Such is the fear at government level about mass protests
and civil disobedience that they are stooping lower each
and every time by using taxpayer funded services such as
the Gardai and civil servants to spy on, degrade, commit
violence against, cause fear to, embarrass and deceive
innocent people who are within their constitutional rights
to be part of any legitimate protest they wish to be part of.
Whether the question "are you part of any protest
movements?" is sanctioned at government or devised by a
pen pusher in Merrion Street, the question is not only
designed to scare people off from protesting but also used
to gather intelligence on the movement as a whole and
particularly the so called troublemakers at grassroots
Remember that a simple yes will land you in it - forever!

Time to make politicians responsible for their actions by hitting them

where they do not want to be hit in their salaries and expenses and
for future and especially those that have created this shite pile and
who think they can walk away from their actions well let's see how
they like their pensions stopped until the retirement age they set.
They are not entitled to anymore than everyone gets. THE TROUBLE
his smacks of Nazi ism .
The protesters will end up wearing yellow stars if these Gestapo get
their way.
It's time for a revolution folks.
Time to clean up the ship.....
Time to get the jack boots our of Dail Eireann.


In what is clearly seen to be an insidious move on behalf
of Joan Burton, Frances Fitzgerald and the government, the
move to use members of An Garda Siochana as proxy
social welfare inspectors has given rise to some serious
questions about the constitutionality of the move.
What no doubt will lead to further cases of precognition by
the state as to who is a criminal and who isn't by virtue of
having a garda take evidence during a Social Welfare
interview, all without informing the "client" that he or she
is under caution (otherwise known as the judges rules in
legal circles) will lead to a raft of legal proceedings against
the state by any savvy enough individuals who was
subjected to an interview in this manner.
Every social welfare interview that involves a member of
the gardai sitting opposite a client is a serious breach of
his or her constitutional right to be presumed innocent. An
individual must be arrested in order for the gardai to
interview anyone suspected of a crime as an individual
cannot be forced into an interview as the the presumption
of innocence is being done away with thereby depriving
the person of the right to natural justice.

Furthermore, no evidence can be used in a court of law to

prosecute an individual under any act criminal or civil if
the individual has not been read his or her rights by any
member of An Garda Siochana during any interview even
if the member suspects that a crime has been committed.
However and more importantly, if a person is read their
rights then the State have immediately criminalised the
person by changing the interview from a run of the mill
social welfare interview into a criminal investigation
without due process or allowing the client to have a
solicitor present.
The government through the Departments of Social
Welfare and Justice has jointly decided to take on a tiny
problem compared to the real corruption that is going on
right under their noses in IBRC, NAMA and by high worth
individuals who are friends of the government who walk
away with hundreds of millions of Euro in taxpayers
money. This is where the real criminality exists and not in
some council estate where the target of this new system is
squarely aimed at.
People on social welfare have always been seen as easy
targets for the state but connected people who fiddle the
state with the help of the state continue to thrive and will
never see the other side of the table sitting opposite a
member of the gardai. Every rule in the book has been
torn up to send a message to the less well off as usual but
the only message being sent to the real gangsters is that
the government has your back covered, therefore carry on
as usual as we will distract the masses from seeing what
you are doing.
Human rights are being degraded in this country not by
changes in the law but by insidious and creeping
regulation being introduced on an almost daily basis by
this government and they make it no bones about where
their targets lie.
Legislation already exists to deal with social welfare fraud
so the question that needs to be asked is, why bring the
Gardai into the picture?
Intimidation is one answer... You only have to look at Irish

This is a true quote on a newspaper website in response to

a journalist suggesting that Irish Water should be put out
of its misery and its priceless...
"The 100 euros conservation grant is really just one of
the start-up costs of what is surely one of the great State
ventures of our time. Either we let Irish Water get on with
the metering project, and everyone (including the noisy,
virulent, marching, low paid and welfare scum) will have to
pay equally for water, or we go backwards, and the cost of
water will once again be borne by high-paying taxpayers,
including successful businessmen and professionals who
have lifestyle expenses and other better things to be
paying for".
Honest to God, supporters of Irish Water and Fine Gael are
dragging the bottom of the barrel when this sort of
targeted agitation is the best they can put out in an
attempt at a conquer and divide tactic. In fairness it
probably wasn't an actual quote from anyone connected
with Irish Water or the government but you can be
absolutely assured that the individual who wrote it thinks
that everyone other than high paying taxpayers,
businessmen and professionals are not worthy of sharing
the same air as him or his high flying buddies.
All joking aside, it still goes to show that some people still
considers anyone who steps outside that person's
moralistic box to be either a political or financial terrorist,
a form of human virus or someone to be spat upon with a
guttural snot from an even more guttural snot who clearly
lacks the moral backbone to be a real man and stand up
to be counted.
This country still has more than its fair share of snotty
conservatives who refuse to recognise that this is Ireland
2015 and that snotty conservatives are a dying breed and
this is why public opposition to this government and its
policies has taken such a strong foothold. Thank God for
Irish Water as it has shown people the true face of not just
government but the ridiculous antics of certain under
endowed sections of the community who want to stub
noisy, virulent, marching, low paid and welfare scum
beneath the soles of their Berluti Rapieces Reprises shoes.
Personally I think Irish Water should hire the snot as a
comedian as it has produced enough of them already!


It seems that Irish Water have hit the proverbial iceberg
according to the income figures that they have released
and yet the government are delighted with the same
released figures that are spurious to say the least and
outright lies at best. Looking around at the number
crunching being done by individuals with the correct
mathematical skill set makes the government and Irish
Water mathematical geniuses positively look like
You know when Alan Kelly and Co are smiling through
gritted teeth that all is not well in the camp and that Irish
Water has a gaping hole in its finances. But what does any
government do when it has a gaping hole in its finances?
It borrows more money to try and dam the gaping hole. It
borrows more and more money so that no matter who
follows them in government, the Irish people will be forced
to pay for the SS Irish Water even when it sinks.
No matter what positive spin is put on it, it certainly won't
shine a light to how much borrowing the state has left the
taxpayers hanging for. Every cent used to fund Irish Water
is either taken from car tax, the national pension fund or
borrowed from banks and in the latest case of borrowing
the government has borrowed half a billion Euro from
Bank of Ireland in sheer desperation to try and keep their
baby from sinking.
In effect the Irish people have been forced to borrow from
a bank that we bailed out with our money and that has
now been used to "lend" us our own bailout money back.
Noonan and Co will argue that the government are only
minor shareholders in the bank now that it has been
mainly re-privatised but that isn't true as we have not
been repaid anything near what was given to Bank of
Ireland in the first place.
The real problem isn't the what was borrowed but how it
will be repaid. There is no issue that this government is on
it's last legs as we see a November election looming in
order to try catch other parties off guard. Fianna Fail
through amon Cuv have made it clear that they will

keep Irish Water in operation and have no intention of

sending it to the watery grave that it deserves. So it
seems that nothing has changed and that Fine Gael and
Fianna Fail are still sharing the same arse cheeks while we
are left holding the baby so to speak and being the ones
left to clean up after them.
The bankers will demand their money back no matter who
is in government and all because the government has
signed contracts that bind the people to paying for Irish
Water for years to come. Kenny, Noonan and their Labour
sidekicks won't care as they are about to receive their
vomit inducing pensions and walk off into the sunset with
your money happy in the knowledge that they put their
friends first and you weren't even a thought as they walk
out the door for the last time.
It also needs to be considered that by the time Irish Water
is no longer the scourge on society and money making
machine for friends of Fine Gael, the bill will be closer to
2 billion which is something that the Irish people will
have to consider as a loss even if it is unpalatable and
should be viewed most certainly as a lesson in who not to
trust to run the country from now on.
The most important duty of any right minded citizen is to
continue to boycott their little play thing just as Captain
Boycott also found to his displeasure in 1879. History
needs to repeats itself in order for those in power and
those expecting to assume power to learn a critical lesson
in good governance.


When I logged back on to my Facebook page I was greeted
with a big nasty page from Facebook that said "my post
about Catherine Byrne was removed due to it violating
community standards". This normally happens when
people write posts that are offensive or objectionable or
untruthful but more often than not are removed because
the offended party has lodged an objection with Facebook
and Facebook being Facebook has taken sides as
The people who objected had every opportunity to go
public with their own grievances if they felt that the
allegations were inaccurate or incorrect but they chose to
have it removed not because it was either but because
they were afraid of the resultant publicity. As one
contributor had mentioned that I always keep information
in reserve and that no single post is a stand alone piece of
information, I have reserved the right to publish all further
information regarding this and other stories on in different

media not excluding the print media.

Journalists in this country are not only being gagged on a
daily basis by media moguls but now by Facebook and
political interference and it is clear as to why this is. Had
the post been about a Joe Soap rather than Catherine
Byrne and her daughter would Facebook have given a
damn? You can be assured not! When censorship is used
to keep important information about politicians from
reaching the people then we no longer live in a democratic
situation or country. Everyone has a right to privacy but
some less than others as they chose to be in the public
Investigative journalism is reliant not on mainstream
media these days because it is too easily closed down by
editors but on social media where ordinary people can see
what our politicians are really doing under the counter.
The irony of this is the new laws that the government are
introducing courtesy of Senator Lorraine Higgins will
ensure that no social journalism will ever reach pages
because it will be killed off the moment it is typed into
your screens.
Let the battle begin because journalism is about to get
real interesting!

The 95million in kangaroo courts to ROB the Injured SOLDIERS



What does it mean to have an inquiry in Ireland?
First we had the tribunals... It started with Larry Goodman
and the beef one, then we had the Planning one followed
by the bungs to politicians one but the only people who
went to jail went not for their corrupt activities but they
went because they refused to co-operate with the
Ex Fianna Fail Minister Ray Burke only went to jail because
he wouldn't tell the judge where the bodies were hidden.
Now deceased TD Liam Lawlor went to Prison for a little
holiday because he was protecting his business
connections and political friends but that was the limits of
the Tribunal. No one goes to prison because tribunals are
not built to deal with criminality on purpose.
So what has changed when it comes to having an inquiry?
Not a lot except that the lawyers don't eat out as much or
can't afford to change the cars for a 15-2 model Beemer or
Merc because that endless trough has emptied to pay the
bondholders and Irish Water instead. So why do politicians
prefer an inquiry above anything thing else? Is it to save
money or is it to save their pals?
There is an alternative in the Criminal Justice act 2011 in
that it allows for An Garda Siochana to investigate "serious
white collar crime" which includes all of the following:
Banking and finance;
Company law;
Money laundering and financing;
Theft and fraud;

Bribery and corruption;

Competition and consumer protection;
So why isn't it being used instead of an IBRC inquiry or the
banking inquiry, as the hallmarks of all of the above have
a place within both inquiry's? One very simple reason
explains that... If one falls - they all fall and that's why it
will never be used to investigate the connections between
big business and politicians!! Having an inquiry also allows
for our political masters to deflect question after question
as they will wheel out the often spoken excuse of "Sorry I
can't say anything because there is an inquiry going on".
You see the problem now? Political inquiry's are a cop out
to protect the elite in our society. For everyone else there's
the criminal courts... Being a common criminal is beneath
some people, it seems!


There appears to be this undercurrent of blame being spun
by the government that the people of Ireland are the
guilty party for all of our woes past and present. Whether
it was the banking crisis caused because we all borrowed
to live way beyond our means with two or more
properties, a driveway full of brand new cars or the

holiday home that necessitated us to take a 12 hour plane

ride in order to sit by the pool and stick it to the poorer
neighbours for not doing able to afford the lifestyle.
No mention of banks flinging out money like they do at a
wedding gushie. No mention of massive borrowings by
developers and not being paid back while Paddy the
Plasterer bungs wads of cash into the greedy hands of
politicians or for that matter Lowry takes a bung from
O'Brien as the dogs on the street know by now. No
mention of bank profits flying out of the country in private
jets, just the stern teachers telling us that we were
naughty children and that we needed to be punished
The problem is that Irish people have been taken for fools
long enough by successive political parties be it making us
vote twice for the Lisbon Treaty, which is surely the
greatest political con pulled off by Fianna Fail apart from
the bank guarantee. For long enough we have been told
that we don't need to know what is going on as we are in
good hands said Fine Gael and labour and look at the
result of those unwise and untrustworthy words today.
We Irish are a very trusting lot when it comes to the
political game and more so to when it comes to accepting
lie after lie. Recent events with IBRC and Denis O'Brien has
shown that sleight of hand and mutual back slapping
between big business and politics is all of the rage but we
as citizens are not allowed to participate simply because
we are not corrupt. The Irish people were playing it by the
book since 2008 and all because we thought that we had
no choice. We didn't know that the party was still rocking
on for some.
Whatever this or previous government's take us for they
can no longer take us for fools. We didn't start the
recession, we didn't bribe anyone to make a financial gain
at the cost to others, we didn't play the game because we
were not invited but we did sew up our pockets because
we believed it was the right thing to do. We didn't know
that corruption was the order of the day between
politicians and businessmen but we did suspect something
was going on but by then we were beginning to learn a
harsh lesson in keeping our hands in our pockets and our
heads low at the behest of the government.

So why were we made to feel guilty when the real guilt lay
within the four walls of Leinster house? Because they
believed the people were asleep and wouldn't notice
would be the answer to that. We don't need to feel guilty
because we were fooled into believing we were the ones
doing wrong.
Lets hope that Irish people are far wiser now and won't be
taken for fools again! Once bitten and all that!!

Let me quote verbatim, a passage from Denis O'Brien's

statement to the press on today's date, the 2nd June
"Where would we be in Ireland if four million people had to
make public all their banking relationships?"
The problem with that statement is that there are literally
thousands of people standing in front of County Registrars
and Judges baring their souls in public, pleading for the
chance to keep a roof over their heads and having a bank
instruct a barrister or solicitor read out a person's private
banking details to everyone present. These people don't
have the luxury of being able to hire expensive legal
teams that ensure that their financial souls are not laid
bare to the public scrutiny.
These same people don't have the legal backup to order
the judicial system to hide behind an injunction that at
best holds no water due to no precedence having been set

for a redacted injunction save in the case of family law

where children are concerned but certainly not for a
billionaire to abuse the judicial system and democracy at
the same time. The information that is now in the public
domain constituted a major part of the evidence upon
which the Court based its findings and to redact such
information has left the decision of the Court bereft of
The right to privacy died with O'Brien's attempt at
subverting the democratic process and the day that Anglo
Irish Bank was nationalised and as such, the day that the
citizens of this country were made liable for private debts
such as those belonging to Mr O'Brien. Denis O'Brien we
must remember didn't do this all on his own as he had
help from within the government. The same government
that was democratically voted in on the basis that they
would put the people first. The promises made by them
are clearly shown for what they were, lies!
If Denis O'Brien wants to use the patriot card then he
needs to become a patriot by pulling away from this
government publicly and then giving something
substantial back to the people. Substantial means in this
case, the tax that he refused to pay on the sale of his
telecoms company, the substantial savings that he made
on the write offs with the various banks and then the
interest that we lost on top of that. People might just view
Denis O'Brien's patriotism in a slightly different light.
Patriotism doesn't come cheap unless it has a price!
Denis O'Brien goes on to say "When the foreign buying of
Irish assets was at its height, I decided to buy a number of
companies to keep some of them Irish, to preserve and
grow employment and to seek opportunities for these
businesses to develop in Ireland and overseas. These
included Siteserv, Topaz, Beacon Hospital and others".
However that is all well and good had Mr O' Brien paid the
market price for all of the above but as we now know he
didn't. It was gained at a huge cost to the Irish taxpayer
therefore the value of the taxes paid by employees or
through corporation tax by would take literally hundreds of
years to pay off compared to the saving that he made. Mr
O'Brien bought assets while we bought debts!
The ball is now in the public's court for a change but

remember that Denis O'Brien isn't the only part of the

story. Fine gael, Fianna Fail and labour also need to be
reminded of their own patriotism too!

To use a judicial system to silence a parliament that, that same

judicial system is answerable to, the state television broadcasting
system, and national media, is paramount to treason. If he gets
away with this, democracy, and entitlement under the states
constitution is dead.
Article 15 of the Irish constitution, gives privilege to TDs who speak
in the Dil, and article 34 of the Irish constitution, says, that the
judiciary must be subject to the Constitution Bunreacht na


Now that the Denis O'Brien's murky dealings with the IBRC
are in the spotlight, it has come to threat time. O'Brien is
pulling out all of the stops to ensure that no one other
than the people protecting him (KPMG, Dukes and of
course the government) are equally protected. What
O'Brien is trying to do is to not only destroy the last
vestiges of democracy and free speech but his threats
against Catherine Murphy is not just leaned against her
personally but it is a threat against us all.
O'Brien signed away the right to have a say in anything
that goes on in this country when he refused to pay his
share of taxes and became a tax exile in order to avoid
paying a red cent to the system that made him his billions

and furthermore he signed away the right to be protected

under the constitution when he made a very overt threat
to the very constitution that he seeks to overturn.
This government has waited hand and foot on O'Brien and
protected him at every turn hence no recall of the Dail to
what is arguably the biggest threat to our constitution
since the inception of the state.
So what is the next move for O'Brien? He has no recourse
in the courts here as Catherine Murphy is covered by Dail
privilege and no injunction can overturn that fact
regardless of the threats and blustering coming from
O'Brien. However he does have recourse to one area that
he will be backed to the hilt (by the government) which is
an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. O'Brien
will claim that his human rights as a citizen have been
breached and it is likely that he may win that case as the
ECHR is planted with politically appointed judges and then
it's game over for democracy in Ireland.
Not only does O'Brien have a lot to lose if it doesn't go his
way but certain members of government also have a lot to
lose because they are deeply embroiled in quagmire that
was Anglo Irish Bank and subsequently the IBRC and that
is why O'Brien cannot afford to lose this battle. The
government's job is to ensure that his "human rights" will
be protected to the fullest extent and that your
democratic and constitutional rights will be stamped into
the ground.
Just ask any anti water meter protesters who were
arrested and dragged into the back of a Garda van how
democratic that action by the state was !
Democracy in Ireland is at T junction in which the O'Brien
juggernaut is coming from one direction and the
government's juggernaut is coming from the other
direction leaving democracy with little choice but sit there
in fear for its future existence.
This scenario was foretold by people with vision who were
laughed at and called conspiracy theorists, clowns and
fools and now it is coming to pass and the laughing is
about to stop when the result of this hits their freedom
and rights only to find that none exist save what the state
allows you to have.
This is more than Denis O'Brien's rights to use and abuse a

system that he refuses to pay for... This is game over for

Ireland if he gets his way !

Watching proceedings from the sideline always gives a

better and calmer perspective on events as it means that
when emotions such as hatred and anger are called into
play, the objectivity flies right out the door and the truth
can be seen for what it is. What I mean by this is that all I
am seeing is astonished reaction to Denis O'Brien's
attempt to hush up the media that he doesn't own. People
are acting as if this is a great shock that Denis O'Brien has
the power to do this number but the reality is that he
When we saw supposedly independent media outlets clam
up like their namesake, what we saw was actually an
irrational fear. The simple threat of legal action was
enough in most cases, with the exception of one or two
outlets quite rightly quoting how the constitution still
works in this country and that not every bellow from the
mouth of a tax exile has the clout that he thinks it has.

But what no one asked was this simple question... Where

is the injunction?
Show us the injunction that stops every citizen and media
outlet from talking about Catherine Murphy's speech in
Dail Eireann on how the IBRC has treated O'Brien to more
great savings at the taxpayers expense. Solicitors for
O'Brien were flinging pre-prepared letters out to anyone
who cared to catch them on on the way out the door, but
no one organisation or individual asked to see the actual
injunction and what it encompassed.
Solicitors for O'Brien can scream and shout about the
independent media breaching injunctions and human
rights but the reality is that no one has seen what is
actually contained in the injunction and I mean no one
outside of the courts and RTE and O'Brien's immediate
legal team. What is so wrong with the mainstream media
who cower and refuse to stand up and be counted
especially when a billionaire who has proven himself to be
a corrupt individual can wave letters in people's faces but
not have the injunction ready for inspection to back it up
and yet it isn't questioned by that same media?
Democracy in this country is under serious attack and it
will only accelerate faster now that independence in
reporting has been subdued of all that is left of the so
called independent media and simply because RTE, Denis
O'Brien and the government have played a brilliant hand
of poker right under peoples noses.
Think about it...


Rumour has it that the government is about to introduce a
free speech tax.! Yes, you read that right... a free speech

So how will it be implemented? Well, it's going to work like
1. Only billionaires can afford the tax therefore only they
can do the talking.
2. Everyone else will have to pay trillions in legal fees
when defending a case bought by billionaires or pay the
tax upfront which means no citizen can afford to talk or
speak their mind - Ever!
3. The government will only give a 99.9% free speech tax
break to billionaires so that only they can do the talking
but citizens who wish to use free speech must pay the tax
in full.
4. The government has indicated that it will also give
99.9% discount in legal fees to billionaires who indicate
that they will take on TD's who have information that will
bury not only said billionaires but also politicians as well.
5. Any citizen caught borrowing money from a bank to
fund the tax will be imprisoned along with those who
refuse to pay for a TV licence and those who get arrested
for standing on water meters or protest against the
6. Billionaires can freely borrow the peoples money with
no penalty and can pay it back on their own terms (if at
all) but the citizens are not allowed to complain about it
unless they pay the free speech tax in advance.
7. Finally, Billionaires (who are supposed to be tax exiles
but really living here) will be allowed to interfere in how
parliamentary speeches by TD's who are investigating said
billionaires are dealt with and end the practice of
parliamentary privilege.
The humorous element of the above should be tinted with
a dose of reality because if Denis O'Brien gets his way by
having the Dail records wiped regarding Catherine
Murphy's investigations into Siteserv then you know that
George Orwell's 1984 story was written for Ireland in 2015
and we can be guaranteed that free speech will be a
distant memory.

Now that the attention surrounding the referendum is

beginning to wane somewhat, the media have paid scant
attention to an area that needs people to focus on
because this area has set indicators of what is to come for
Ireland in terms of who will be sitting in Dail Eireann in a
couple of months time.
The primary indicator is that Irish voters are the king of
the swingers when it comes to voting in elections. The
pendulum has now swung back to the Fianna Fail side of
the apparatus from the Fine Gael side with a stop
somewhere in the middle for voters to somehow consider
Renua as a party worth voting for. The mindset of the
voters in the Killkenny / Carlow area are an early indication
of how the majority of voters will vote in the next general
I am well aware that not every county will vote this way
but it proves that people only really see black and white
when faced with a polling card. Could it be that people are
comfortable with a type of Stockholm syndrome situation
given the last few years of enforced austerity or have the
Irish voters do what they always do which is to swing from
one side to the other when one party lets them down?

However there is a precedent set in that UK voters voted

back in one of the most hated governments in their recent
history in overwhelming numbers, so was that a hostage
mentality or a case of I'm alright Jack as we have here in
this country?
The political left in Ireland is so fragmented and disjointed
that it is guaranteed that the swing will go towards one of
the two bigger parties because most every budding left
leaning politician is seen as a Citizen Smith type character
and Irish voters aren't comfortable with that.
I know people will argue and say that it won't happen this
time around as people are more clued in but it will as it
always does and all because Irish voters are swingers and
history has proven this theory right every single time!
Elections in this country are won on personality and
connections and not on ability to lead or govern in the
majority of cases.
If people want more of the same ruling over them then
swing away but if people want change then the left had
better get out from under the covers and get their act
together before everyone else gets shagged! The pointers
are already there so ignore them at your peril...
On the night of the bank guarantee 29 September, 2008,
the banking system was saved over and above the needs
of the citizens who were later to find that they were on the
hook for billions of Euro and for what? Anglo Irish Bank
and Irish Nationwide were both private banking
institutions that had no need for the common man to
enter through its hallowed doors (in the case of Anglo) and
in the case of Irish Nationwide held the doors open for
politicians to get easy loans.
So how does this scenario hook up with Denis O'Brien and
Brian Cowen and why was Anglo bailed out to such an
extent but no one at the top will take the blame for giving
the order? Brian Lenihan isn't here to defend himself
against allegations made by Cowen that he alone
(Lenihan) was responsible for bailing out Anglo and the
Irish Nationwide Building Society.
What is fast becoming clear is that Cowen was and still is
protecting someone and that someone doesn't want the
world to know how much protection was given to him

hence the gagging order and the redacted judgement.

1.) Why was Denis O'Brien's loans in Anglo / IBRC not
bundled into a package ready for the vulture funds to
chew over and why was Denis O'Brien's property based
loans not packaged and taken over by NAMA? Even the
major property players had this done to them regardless
of whether they were able to service their loans or not for
the most part, so what was the deal and why the special
2.) Is this why Brian Cowen is now working for Denis
O'Brien as a payback for protecting him by ensuring that
O'Brien was kept out of the picture and his loans to the
bank shoved safely into a dark corner of the bank?
3.) Is this why KPMG who were very well aware of the level
of debt owed to the bank by O'Brien were recently sent
back in not only to cover the current government but also
to cover the backs of the previous administration for
decisions made on the 29th of September 2008?
4.) If Denis O'Brien had not had the protection of certain
ministers and had his loans been called in as was the case
with everyone else who had loans with Anglo, then why
was he not made bankrupt like the majority of property
developers if he was unable to pay them back on demand
should that have being the case?
5.) Most importantly - Who owns Denis O'Brien's loans now
that IBRC is liquidated?
Denis O'Brien released a statement tonight that said that
he is very happy with the judgement and as a citizen was
very happy to have had his privacy kept intact but he
failed to say that his privacy has cost this country
hundreds of millions of Euro and the rights and freedom of
the media (the ones that he doesn't own) to speak out
when they know that something doesn't add up.


This evening it was announced that the Denis O'Brien
owed Topaz Energy Ireland Ltd has been awarded a tender
for Motorway Service Areas (Tranche 2) for the
construction, operation, maintenance and financing of
three service areas located on the M6 motorway east of
Athlone, the M11 at Gorey,County Wexford and on the M9
motorway south of Killcullen, County Kildare.
This award while not generally an issue for any other
commercial organisation comes at a time when O'Brien is
not only under pressure to explain his finances and
connections to the government and banks but also how
the previous awarding of government contracts such as
the water metering contracts has led to cries of alleged
corruption from many quarters.
At this point no one can say whatsoever if there was

anything untoward in awarding the contract to the O'Brien

led company,however Topaz having won a contract to
supply fuel to state vehicles shortly after the purchase of
the company has now raised questions of whether
O'Brien's influence within the government has helped
Topaz win this contract too.
As none of this information is public knowledge until now,
it is encouraging to see that the story can be seen here on
social media first rather than the other paid for media
outlets that might otherwise take a bow for bringing you
the story.


KPMG the special liquidators confirmed that one major
IBRC property commercial loan portfolio was sold last year
to four buyers including one bank and three investment
funds. Nothing unusual about this considering the pillaging
by vulture funds and banks is being done on a daily basis
without public knowledge.
Deutsche Bank, Lone Star, CarVal Investors and those
masters of the financial universe Goldman Sachs saw a
once in a lifetime opportunity to buy commercial loans for
Irish properties cheaply, on the invitation of the Irish
government... very very cheaply !!

The book value of the loan portfolio was circa 9.3 billion
but KPMG on the instruction of Michael Noonan sold the
portfolio for the unbelievable sum of 3.0 billion. I am
aware that might need a 2nd line to take it all in so I will
print in again: The portfolio was sold for 3.0 billion, when
the real value was a whopping 6.3 billion more.
That initial 9.3 billion was taken from the public purse
and put into Anglo Irish Bank and Irish Nationwide as part
of the original 2008 bail out that is going to crucify this
country for decades to come. How can a loss to the
taxpayer become a victory for the taxpayers of this
country? Because the government say so!
So who allowed this travesty to happen? Who had tried to
stop information like this getting out by restricting
freedom of information about IBRS and how it was being
sold off? There is only one man who made sure that the
power stayed with him using the relevant finance acts as a
cover to please his fellow bondholder and banking friends.
Say hello to the man who sold Ireland down the drain for a
further 6.3 Billion at our expense... Minister Michael
KPMG shouldn't get off so lightly either as they earned a
cool 74 million when they liquidated IBRC and now they
get to investigate themselves at our expense and once
again this time with an open cheque book courtesy of the
Why are all these outside 'experts' such as KPMG, Deloitte,
Arthur Fry all being called in when we already have this
expertise within the public and civil service? The answer
will be in how many directorships and chairmanships of
these same banks and vulture funds that a minister can
gather along the way!
Most importantly,what shouldn't be lost on people is that
two of the four above named investors were also
bondholders in Anglo Irish Bank and who were first in line
looking for their money in 2008 and indeed they got it
even when Kenny and Noonan were telling us that they
were not going to give one cent more!


In 2013 the IBRC sold of billions of Euro worth of loans
belonging to individuals and companies whose loans were
impaired. Among the big borrowers whose loans were sold
were Davy Stockbrokers (the country's biggest brokerage
at the centre of the Siteserv controversy) and who
apparently bought back their own borrowings at a
substantial discount.
Denis O'Brien and his companies may also have had loans
sold off to as yet unknown buyers, In what is an ironic

twist it was noted that while O'Brien's loans were being

supposedly sold off by the IBRC, he was proposing to buy
Topaz FROM the IBRC at a hugely discounted rate.
Most interestingly, sources have said that the sell-off also
included property loans belonging to high-profile
borrowers who had borrowed from either Anglo or Irish
Nationwide This included politicians such as Phil Hogan
and Michael Lowry who were impacted when their
property loans were sold off in the great IBRC firesale of
July 2013. Other names mentioned include the legendary
broadcaster Gay Byrne.
To date IBRC and NAMA had refused to release names of
individuals who were funnelled to either go into NAMA or
have their loans sold off by the IBRC but the revelation of
the above names and particularly Hogan's name should
raise very serious questions regarding whether Hogan
disclosed the information to the relevant authorities after
being put forward by the government as an EU
There was no mention as to whether the Liquidators
(KPMG) were intending to follow up with legal proceedings
to recover the balance between the original mortgage
value and the final sale price as would be normal in this
situation from both men.
However I am sure that the last thing that anyone involved
with the fire sale wants is for a scandal to break which
could ultimately affect not only the stability of the current
government but that could also end in the recall of
Commissioner Hogan from Europe.


Not wanting to take away from the small but glorious
victory in the high court yesterday but Irish Water appears
to be playing a game of corporate hide and seek with us.
Irish Water have a company limited by shares but appear
to have no tax clearance certificate for that company
(they won't supply a copy) however they do a a business
name registered to the IFSC in Dublin Docklands that does
have a tax clearance certificate.
According to the Companies Registration Office, Irish
Water Limited is registered to a building owned by Denis
O'Brien in Talbot Street, Dublin which as most people know
is the headquarters of the Irish Independent newspapers. I
was trying to confirm this anomaly along with a few more
little anomalies that have cropped up around Irish Water
but they are refusing to talk to me now and won't

exchange any further correspondence.

Here is a sample of the questions that I asked their media
handlers to explain and having given them adequate time
(one month) to respond to a media request for
information... Nothing, absolutely nothing. Initially the
handlers were all love and light and then BAM the curtain
comes down when the questions were posed to them.
"Hi again [redacted],
Apologies for all the questions but I am a little confused
regarding the tax status of Irish Water Ltd and what
appears to be a business name also called Irish Water.
1.) According to the Revenue Commissioners, Irish Water
was registered to a building at Harbour master Place in the
IFSC rather than Colvill House in Talbot Street, Dublin 1
which is where the CRO have them registered. Their tax
clearance certificate does not show them as a limited
liability company on the certificate as is the normal
practice on all tax clearance certificates unless it is a
business name in which no (Ltd) is displayed.
2.) Is there a 2nd tax clearance certificate in operation
elsewhere and if so why is it needed? Why would a
business name require a tax clearance certificate if the
primary name (Irish Water Ltd) already has a tax clearance
certificate as would likely be the case?
3.) As before, the tax clearance certificate shows Irish
Water registered to the premises at the IFSC rather than
Colvill House therefore can you explain the anomalies in
this case and in whose offices is the tax clearance
certificate registered too?
4.) There is the curious case of another Irish Water
registered on the 11the July 2012 to the following address,
which already owns the business name Irish Water and
preceded the registration of Irish Water by almost one
year. Details are set out below.
CRO No: 471175
Can you kindly explain the anomaly and whether it is an
entity owned by Irish Water or its parent company?
I look forward to hearing from you in due course
Kind Regards


Most people when joining a unionised company, join one
of the big three or four unions depending on what type of
job it is they are doing. Lets take a person joining a run of
the mill company that the majority of its employees are
members of say SIPTU, therefore that person is more than
likely going to join SIPTU as that is the union that is agreed
upon to fight for their rights when things go wrong.
However therein lies the problem... What has the SIPTU
leadership done for you lately other than to support the
government at every single turn? Rather than fight for and
support people basic human rights such as the water issue
(considering it disingenuously takes money from peoples
pay packs every week), SIPTU actively supports a private
company and encourages its employees to dip even
further in our pockets by taking a case to the Labour
Relations Commission on behalf of Irish Water workers.
Don't be fooled by the government playing hard to get as
that is a smokescreen as per usual. You can be assured
that once our backs are turned or we are distracted with
another government instigated crisis, they will make sure
that the bonuses are happily paid over.
As usual this scenario creates more questions than
1. Why do Irish Water workers deserve a bonus at the
peoples expense? Simple enough question... What have
they actually done other than attempt to fill their own

pockets at our expense?

2. What level of productivity did they undertake to earn
that bonus and will Irish Water show what the service level
agreements that they made with SIPTU were and that also
goes vice versa for SIPTU?
3. If Irish Water is supposed to be a semi state company
then why are they paying bonuses? To my knowledge no
other semi state pays bonuses to its staff and definitely
not when the company is loss making. From next month
Irish Water will be paying out millions of Euro from your
car tax, property tax, state pension fund and God only
knows where else they are borrowing money that they can
never pay back from and then planning to hand it to 4,000
Irish Water workers.
4. The majority of Irish Water staff are ex-council workers
with a huge amount of them on above average salaries
and in many cases already on pensions and the majority
of whom were never members of SIPTU until they joined
Irish Water. So why are SIPTU sticking their necks out on
this one and not any other cases that were in the public
domain prior to this?
SIPTU as was previously reported on here, were the first to
greet Irish Water and allow their members install
thousands of water meters for Dublin City Council just
over two years ago and then tried to hide the fact that
they were exposed. If you are a member of SIPTU then you
should consider moving to a union that has your interests
at heart.
SIPTU has never once stood in allegiance with the people
during the anti water demonstrations but were happy to
take your money none the less and stay stumm in the
hope that they wouldn't be noticed or pointed out for
siding with the government, so what does that say about
the position or stance of SIPTU?
As for those Irish Water workers looking for their
bonuses... Greed, plain and simple greed, folks!
As for SIPTU supporting them... Disgraceful betrayal and a
slap in the face for the ordinary membership and the
public alike!

I have been asked to voluntarily remove the post

regarding Sean Fitzpatrick as it may prejudice the trial that
has been postponed until October 2015. The person who
asked is a trusted source and has people's best interests
at heart so therefore I am removing the post and
comments and would ask people to do likewise if they
shared it.
It is equally difficult and galling to me to have to do so but
in the interests of justice being served it had to be done. I
or we should not prejudice any glimmer of Sean Fitzpatrick
receiving a fair trial if found innocent or prison if found
guilty which is a decision that only a jury of our peers can
make, no matter what our personal opinion on Sean
Fitzpatrick maybe.
I hope people understand why this has to be the case and
thank you all for your comments and shares in the first
In the meantime... We have bigger fish to fry!!


With all of the well paid legal teams fluffing around like
cormorants drying out their wet wings, it is amazing that
not one person representing those who have taken Denis
O'Brien to task have asked anyone involved within the
now liquidated IBRC a few simple questions.
Questions that would put the cat among the pigeons such
1. If Denis O'Brien has a signed contract regarding his
loans then why would he need to threaten board members
of the IBRC with legal action after three occasions being
refused to allowed to change the terms of his contract and
then subsequently claiming that he had a verbal
agreement with Mike Aynsley and a public interest director
who had no say in whether O'Brien could or couldn't get a
deal to extend his repayment term?
2. Since when does a verbal agreement supersede a
written one in law and knowing that changes to the
contract requires the ORIGINAL signatories to agree to a
change in said written contract? It is important to note
that no country anywhere in the world has this spurious
verbal agreement that O'Brien claims he had that
supersedes a written contract.
3.Was a new contract produced to enable Denis O'Brien to
continue to pay as he goes or was it a verbal contract
between Mike Aynsley and Denis O'Brien without the
knowledge of the remaining credit committee? So who is
lying? O'Brien or Aynsley?
4. Denis O'Brien threatened to sue IBRC on the basis of
him having a verbal agreement and they (IBRC) relented.
So what solicitors gave that advice that allowed O'Brien to
make the a threat that had no basis in law and what law

firm gave the IBRC advice that they had to relent to a

groundless threat, knowing that O'Brien's case would
never succeed?
5. Is this the basis of the injunction that was given in
O'Brien's favour by Mr Justice Binchy in that Denis O'Brien
knowingly mislead the judge by using groundless and
spurious allegations to find in his favour?
6. What part did the special liquidators from KPMG play as
they had full control after the bank went into liquidation in
February 2013, when these "negotiations" took place. The
liquidators have said no such extension had been agreed
between the parties however that leaves a very tell tale
mark in that they were either excluded from the
negotiations or chose to distance themselves from the
verbal agreement that O'Brien claims he had.
7. KPMG liquidators were obliged by law to report to the
Department of Finance on a regular basis so why did they
not report this verbal agreement to Minister Noonan if
they were aware of it? It also raises the question that if
they didn't know about it then how did Denis O'Brien
manage to get a verbal agreement without their being
8. Did Mike Aynsley and the rest of the Credit committee
hide this information from both KPMG and the Minister or
did Aynsley do this off his own bat, which seems
incredulous on its own merits?
It seems that someone is lying through their teeth...

social welfare fraud ignoring issue of

tax evasion
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

JIMMY CARR, the comedian who made his career out of

politically incorrect one-liners, found himself the butt of
jokes last week after his morally wrong tax avoidance
was splashed all over the papers.
He was torn to pieces by the panel of his own Channel 4
show, has been relentlessly heckled at gigs by fans, and
an appalled David Cameron was even moved to denounce
his creative off-shore accounting until he was reminded
of all of the Tory donors who availed of the same scheme.
Carr was laughing all the way to the bank after he
channelled 3.3m through the Jersey tax avoidance
scheme, paying just 1% tax by the time the money found
its way back to him. His only decent joke, it seems, was on
the British public.
According to research published by the Tax Justice
Network last year, tax evasion costs the global economy
3.1 trillion annually. In Ireland, revenue lost to the
shadow economy is 7.6bn equivalent to the total
amount of cutbacks and tax increases that the
Government is planning to inflict on the country over the
next three years.
While the Tax Justice Network was able to compile data for
145 countries, our own Government has persistently said
it is unable to estimate the amount of money that is lost
via tax evasion and avoidance each year.
Strangely, they have no such qualms about guesstimating,
in the most creative ways, notional levels of welfare fraud
each year and using the resultant pie-in-the-sky figures to
stoke up prejudice and justify arbitrary cutbacks.
Speaking in the Dil in May, Finance Minister Michael
Noonan said; it is not possible to accurately estimate the
cost to the Irish economy of tax evasion or tax avoidance.
There is no one internationally recognised and agreed
While Mr Noonan seems worryingly nonplussed about his
admittance that he hasnt the foggiest notion about the
level of tax evasion in this country, Joan Burton, speaking
in 2004, was adamant that the Exchequer was losing
8.4bn per year and that was just to 28 legal tax
avoidance loopholes.
Odd, isnt it, that an opposition Finance spokesperson is
able to lay their hands on the figures while the countrys

minister throws up his hands and pleads ignorance in an

era when the books have never been subject to such
scrutiny? The lack of clarity is especially disconcerting at a
time when the Government is threatening to rip up the
Croke Park agreement, and renege on its last remaining
unbroken pre-election promises, in a desperate bid to
come up with ways to gouge a further 3.5bn out of the
economy in December.
Way back in 2004, when Ms Burton was decrying the 8bn
lost to tax avoidance each year, she also found time to
lambast the Government because it was unable to cost 33
of its 131 tax allowances, including exemptions for stallion
fees, donations to third level institutions and income from
foreign trusts.
Many are taking advantage of generous tax allowances
that are generally options only wealthy people can avail
of. It is also shocking to learn that the Revenue
Commissioners are unable to give any estimate of the cost
of 33 separate reliefs again, which are generally
available only to the well-off, she said.
Guess what? Eight years later and there is still no figure
for those 33 tax breaks, amounting to one-third of all of
the tax reliefs in the State, so theres absolutely no way to
determine if they provide value for money or not.
Questioned most recently by Sinn Fins Pearce Doherty
on the mysterious allowances, Mr Noonan said they were
all so triflingly small that they really didnt matter. The
cost of the tax reliefs is nugatory and if they were
abolished the yield would be insignificant, he sniffed.
Meanwhile, the States only childrens hospice faces
imminent closure because a funding gap of just over 1m
cannot be closed a figure that Mr Noonan would also,
likely, call nugatory.
While no one in Government can be bothered to do a costbenefit analysis of fully one-third of the States tax
allowances, the Commission on Taxation did manage to
cost the remaining 89 tax allowances at 11.5bn
including six housing reliefs costing 3.3bn, eight related
to savings and investment amounting to 3bn and 20
associated with property investment at 435m.
Basic tax credits, like those for single and married people
and the PAYE tax credit, were not even examined by the

Commission, which deemed them to be an integral part of

the system, despite the fact that they cost nearly 8bn in
Overall there is little ongoing monitoring. There are not
enough questions from the outset over whether or not we
should introduce these tax breaks. There is little
consideration as to whether we should extend tax breaks
despite there invariably being a cost to the Exchequer in
terms of revenue foregone.
There was also an amazing lack of objectives for quite a
number of tax breaks. I would describe many of them as
being a result of beneficiary induced demand. The
lobbying stages of the Finance Bill negotiating the
introductions of tax breaks, said Commission member,
and Trinity College economics professor, Dr Michel
Collins, in a speech last year.
Essentially, many of the tax breaks that do exist are there
simply because lobbyists managed to twist ministers
arms. Any obvious fiscal rationale was sometimes hard, if
not impossible, to detect.
Dr Collins estimated that between 1995 and 2009, the
second highest area of expenditure by the State, at
100bn, was the money forgone in generous tax breaks
many, of course, very worthwhile but many, like the huge
number of reliefs that inflated the property bubble,
incredibly harmful.
Despite all the scaremongering from bad cop Brendan
Howlin at the weekend, theres more chance of Michael
Noonan standing up in the Dil during his budget speech
and announcing that hes joined the Socialist Workers
Party then of any changes to income tax rates.
There will be a lot of bluster over the next six months, but
Fine Gael will not countenance changes to basic rates of
income tax while Labour will need the fig leaf provided by
untouched basic social welfare rates.
Instead of going along with this charade, perhaps we
should instead have an honest debate about our taxation
system, the fact that effective rates of tax are actually low
by European standards, and examine the billions of euro of
tax reliefs that have been introduced without any
subsequent analysis of their respective merits.
While were at it, perhaps we could insist on Mr Noonan

making some effort to ascertain levels of tax avoidance

and evasion. After all, if you dont know the extent of a
problem, then how can you credibly claim to be tackling
it? Its an area thats worth some attention. In the ten-year
period to 2009, there were 3,183 prosecutions for welfare
fraud which resulted in fines of 43m a sum which was
rather dwarfed by the 2.25bn secured by Revenue
investigations into tax evasion during the same period.


Irish Water is like a stray mongrel dog...Nowhere to call
home because nobody loves them or wants them.
Constantly sniffing around the bottom of the rubbish bins
looking for any scraps that will keep them alive long
enough for some kind soul to take pity on them and give
them a good home.
The problem is that this stray mongrel of an organisation
is a supposed semi state company administering water
resources one day and the next day it is a mash up of the
Department of Social Affairs and the Revenue
Commissioners particularly when legislation is introduced
to take more of your hard earned money at source without
your consent. This government are the A Team when it
comes to doing that...
No matter what spin is put on this, the one thing that we
know for sure is that Irish Water is a tax on people having
children in the future. The more children that a couple
have then the more water tax they pay. The government
have socialised water charges through legislation into a
tax upon babies. Every child born into an Irish Household
will be born with an instant tax on its head from the very
moment he or she makes an entry into this world.

Such is the desperation in government to make the stray

mongrel that is Irish Water into a showcase poodle ready
for privatization that they have made another faux pas by
underestimating the willpower of its citizens when it
comes to paying the bill, because the majority are refusing
and will continue to refuse to finance a dog who bites the
hand that feeds him. Taking people to court and trying to
get a million cases heard by a judge especially when
resilient parents pushing prams with screaming babies
taking up precious court time is hardly going to pay for the
dog groomers bill.
The government need to accept that the stray mongrel
will always be a lonely dog with no friends except those
who have already profited from licking the stray mongrels
arse and that's the way it is going to stay until the dog
dies of starvation which in this case is power of non
It's far easier to introduce a baby tax than introduce a
wealth tax... Just ask Denis!

I accuse Mr B. Ahern AND his Government with
COMPLICITY in the following......
Mr Charles J Haughey , and
his bankers..... GUINNESS & MAHON LTD

.00 Mr Desmond Traynor , formerly an
articled accountant to Mr Charles Haughey in the firm of
accountants , Dublin becomes a
director of GUINNESS & MAHON LTD , bankers.
.00 ( Mr Desmond Traynor ,
became )....deputy-chairman ( of GUINNESS & MAHON
LTD ) in 1976. On reaching this
position he was able to create the
ANSBACHER DEPOSITS , through which he operated bogus
' offshore ' accounts for
members of the Golden Circle ,
including Haughey.

.00 In Haughey's principal resident
account ( in GUINNESS & MAHON LTD )a total of
1,245,530.91 was deposited between
Feburary 1979 and May 1987 ,
when the account was closed.
.00 In 1981 74,996.83 was credited
to a loan account in Haughey's name.
.05 On the 5th. of August 1981 , Mr.
Raymond Michael Curran , of :
17 Ard Na Mara Crescent ,
Malahide ,
Co. Dublin ,

Tel : 01 845 1257

was appointed Secretary of
Strongbow Trust Limited [ C.R.O. Comp no. 065808 ] , his
first appointment within the
Jefferson Smurfit Group plc.
.00 There was also a further loan
account taken out in the joint names of Haughey and his
former business partner Harry Boland.
This account which was opened in
November 1981 , had a total of 229,756.82 deposited
in it before it was closed ,
in September 1984.
{ Harry Boland denied any
knowledge of this account }
.29 A 50,000 draft made payable to '
H. Boland ' had been drawn on the account on 29 January
.09 On Tuesday , 9th March 1982 . Mr
Charles J Haughey , leader of Fianna Fail was elected Prime
Minister of Eire
( Southern Ireland or the '
Republic ' ) by 86 votes to 79.
Margaret Murphy's structurally-sound cottage , at 373
Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 was demolished by the DUBLIN
CORPORATION - when Mr Raphael Burke
was Minister for the Environment under Prime Minister Mr
Charles J Haughey.
( Margaret Murphy died in
December 1976 - HER WILL has NEVER BEEN taken to
Probate ! )
Mr Joseph Burke of 134 Pinebrook
Road , Artane , Dublin 5 was a director/shareholder in :

Mr Alan Costello , exdetective/used-car dealer was also a director................
Mr Howard Kilroy - later to be
made Governor of the BANK OF IRELAND LTD - was a
director of STRONGBOW
TRUST LTD (later renamed
SMURFIT FINANCE LTD , and owner of THREE Charges ,
AFTER the Feburary 1990
Debenture mentioned later , over
{ Around this time Mr Don
Maguire - the eldest son of Mr William Maguire( owner of
372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 )
- suddenly becomes very
popular with the local Fianna Fail party activists , and is
invited to many functions ;
in particular , by a local
solicitor ; Mr Thomas Loomes of Dollymount Avenue where the late Mr Oscar Traynor ,
a former Minister for Justice
under the late Prime Minister , Mr Sean Lemass, used to
Mr Lemass , being Mr Charles
Haughey's father-in-law and also being responsible for Mr
Haughey's first
appointment - as
Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for Justice , Oscar
Traynor , in May , 1961.
Mr Charles Haughey - rather '
generously ' - even invited Mr Maguire's son to a party
celebrating his great
victory in the recent
election ! }
.14 On Tuesday , 14th December 1982
, Mr Garrett FitzGerald is elected Prime Minister as head of
a Fine Gael / Labour
coalition government , after

several votes of no con fidence in Mr Charles J Haughey ,

and his government !
.00 Mr. Ray Burke , of ' Briargate ' ,
Malahide Road, Swords , was Minister for the Environment
from 1980 - 1982 when Dublin
Corporation demolished( and
Photo 2)no:
373 Clontarf Road ,
Dublin 3.,
Eire ,
in 1982 without ANY NOTICE or WARNING of their
INTENTIONS to the neighbouring owner , Mr William
Maguire , of 372 Clontarf Road !!!
As a consequence of this PREEMPTIVE action on the part of the Dublin Corporation the
gable wall of 372 Clontarf Road ,
which had been adjacent to the
cottage on 373 Clontarf Road and demolished on the
orders of Mr. John Murphy of the
Dublin Corporation , became
exposed to the elements and led to rising dampness in no
372 Clontarf Road.
In addition , the natural
buttressing of no. 372 was weakened since the common
party gable wall shared 373 clontarf Road
was partly demolished by the
.14 On Tuesday , 14th December 1982
, Mr Garrett FitzGerald is elected Prime Minister as head of
a Fine Gael / Labour
coalition government , after
several votes of "no con fidence " in Mr Charles J
Haughey , and his government !

.00 A second resident current account
opened in May 1983 was closed the folowing January after
a total of 211,344.50 had been
' lodged ...' in it.
In May , 1983 , P.V. Doyle ,
hotelier , authorised the transfer of 40,000 to Haughey
from one of his accounts.
The following month he authorised
a further 50,000.
Doyle actually took out a loan for
Haughey at GUINNESS & MAHON bank in 1983 , and ,
another one in 1985...
In effect he was guaranteeing
loans which amounted to 170,000 in total.
.24 By a Special Resolution of the
Company and with the approval of the Minister for
Industry , Trade , Commerce and
Tourism , Strongbow Trust Limited
changed its name to Smurfit Finance Limited on the 24
th.of January 1984.
.00 In September 1984 , when the
account in the joint names of Haughey and Boland was
closed down Haughey obtained a
90,000 loan from the Agricultural
Credit Corporation for the purposes of purchasing brood
mares and cattle.
When the time came for him to
repay the loan the following August , Haughey called John
Hickey , the chief executive of the
It is not possible to determine the
total amount of money deposited in the various accounts
because there were instances in

which money was moved from one

account to another , which led to duplication.
It is even more difficult to
determine WHO PROVIDED THE MONEY for the
GUINNESS & MAHON bank should
have had microfiche records of its transactions , but these
Records at the BANK OF IRELAND from where much of the money was transferred , through
the account of AMIENS
SECURITIES LTD - were kept for the
statutory period ,... and were then destroyed...
.03 The credit committee of GUINNESS
& MAHON also authorised a personal , unsecured credit
facility of 200,000 for Haughey
on 3rd April 1985 , but ,
unsurprisingly , the Fianna Fail leader exceeded even
that ...
Bull Island.

.12 Mr Don Maguire is drowned off the

{ Later , Mr Charles J Haughey ,

from the purest of motives , no doubt ..., sent a touching
letter of condolences , to Mr
William Maguire ...!!! }
.00 In 1986 Des Traynor had left as
Managing Director of GUINNESS & MAHON BANK LTD to
take up the position
of Chairman of Cement Roadstone
Holdings....Traynor moved Haughey's account to a
subsidiary ...:

186,630 was given to Traynor by
Noel fox { auditor to DUNNES STORES }, while the other ,
for 205,000 was made
payable to John Furze , a director
The following July Dunne was
again approached through Fox , and he provided a cheque
for 471,000 and another
150,000 in April 1989.
Thus in two years Haughey
received over 3.11 million from Dunne...
Jim Mitchell T.D. , the Chairman
of the Dail ( Parliament ) public accounts committee ,
subsequently contended that the
were used to launder money.....
.20 On 20 th January 1987 , when
Garret Fitzgerald resigned and called a general election ,
Haughey owed GUINNESS &
MAHON 280,000.
As the general-election campaign
got under way , six cheques from Dunnes Stores , totalling
32,000 , were lodged at
Haughey's benefit.
.10 On Tuesday , the 10th of March
1987 , Mr Charles J Haughey is (s)elected Prime Minister of
Haughey appointed .......the other
mini sters who were :
Ray McSharry , Finance and Public
Service ; director / shareholder in Jefferson Smurfit Group

Michael Woods , Social Welfare ;
Albert Reynolds , Industry and
Commerce ; director of Jefferson Smurfit Group PLC...
Ray Burke , Energy ; responsible
for the demolition of 373 Clontarf Road , resigned 7th
October 1997 (4$'s) over corruption...
Padraig Flynn , Environment ;
responsible for the Derelict Sites Act , 1990 , resigned
from the EC in 1999 over corruption...
Mr B Ahern , Labour ; accused , in
May 1999 , of receiving corrupt payments(50,000) , at
the FLOOD TRIBUNAL of enquiry...
Rory O'Hanlon , Health ;
... and John ( Loyola ) Murray ,
Attorney-General , used by Mr B Ahern to replace Supreme
Court Judge Hugh
O'Flaherty , who resigned over
corruption : involving a case in which a pregnant woman
was killed by a drunken
Planning Official from Dublin
Corporation - the honourable O'Flaherty released the
Dublin Corporation official early...
(4$'s).......the day AFTER the socalled " COLLAPSE " ... of 372A Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 ,
on Monday ,
the 6th. of October 1997...
.14 On the 14th of June 1989 ,
businessman Mr Michael Smurfit of the JEFFERSON
SMURFIT GROUP , the ultimate
holding company of SMURFIT
FINANCE LTD - the owners of the last three Charges of the
Dublin Corporation's
favoured developers ...G.
SAUNDERS & COMPANY LIMITED - after being solicited by
Mr Charles Haughey , leader
of the Fianna Fail opposition
party , for money(for the party...) ; authorised the transfer
of the sterling equivalent of

IR60,000 from the JOHN

sterling account
at HENRY ANSBACHER and Co.,...
in LONDON...
..."...the same account through
which very substantial sums of money appear to have
been paid by Ben Dunne and
Dermot Desmond for the
benefit of Charles Haughey.
The businessman said with
the passage of time it was difficult to recall what occured
in regard to the donation
made by by the JOHN
Fianna Fail in 1989.
Mr Smurfit said he had not yet
had an opportunity to inspect the files of the foundation
and would make them
available to the tribunal as
soon as he had them.
He believed the donation was
solicited by Charles Haughey who requested him to deal
with Des Traynor with
regard to the payment details.
[ " Haughey ' solicited ' a 60,000
donation from me , Smurfit says ", Irish Independent ,
Wednesday June 28th,
2000 , page 11 ; Moriarty Tribunal ]
..."... In the course of his evidence
, a relaxed-looking Dr Smurfit explained how Charlie
contacted him looking for
a donation for the party and
asked him to deal with Des Traynor , and further explained
how documentation
from Monaco had been
delayed because of the French air traffic con trollers' strike
on Monday.

The witness was thanked

and asked to stand down.
[ " Was there a doctor in the
house? Well, not for more than a few minutes ", Miriam
Lord ,Irish Independent , Wednesday
June 28th ,2000 , page 11;Moriarty Tribunal ]
..."...A Former Fianna Fail
fundraiser said yesterday that he did not instruct property
developer Mark Kavanagh about
any arrangements to hand
over 100,000 to Charles Haughey .
...Mr (Paul) Kavanagh insisted
he did not have involvement with Des Traynor in relation
to party fundraising
and he never received
contributions through Mr Traynor from businessman
Michael Smurfit.

.15 On the 15th of June 1989 , polling
day in the 1989 General Elections in Eire , Mr Charles
Haughey received money from
Mr Mark Kavanagh , property
developer , at Haughey's home in Kinsealey , North Dublin
, via Mr Kavanagh's company
Mr Kavanagh paid a
total of 100,000 to
Mr Haughey's Fianna Fail party in
June 1989 , of which 75,000 ..."...ended up in accounts
used for the benefit of ..."
Mr Charles Haughey.
Kavanagh made out one cheque to Fianna Fail for
25,000 ..."...but in addition three seperate
bank drafts payable to the bearer,
in effect cash." ( 75,000).
Mr Sean Fleming , Fianna Fail

member of parliament and Finance Director of Fianna Fail

was asked by Mr Haughey to
record the 25,000 cheque from
Mr Kavanagh , made out to Fianna Fail
as ..."...anonymous...." in the party's books.
..."...A number of donations were
recorded as " anonymous " , including another 50,000
which Mr Haughey told him
had come from leading
businessman , Michael Smurfit.
[ Brian Dowling , Irish Independent
, Wednesday June 28th , 2000 , page 1 ; Moriarty Tribunal ]
.12 On Wednesday , the 12th July
1989 , Mr Charles Haughey is re-elected Prime Minister of
Haughey re-appointed half the
outgoing cabinet to the same positions :
( Albert ) Reynolds at Finance ,
( B ) Ahern at Labour ,
(Padraig) Flynn at Environment ,
( Rory ) O' Hanlon at Health ,
( Michael ) Woods at Social
Welfare ... ..;
John ( Loyola ) Murray was reappointed Attorney-General
Justice by Ray Burke....( very bad
Oirish joke....)
A British-based property developer
stated publicly that he had given 50,000 to Padraig Flynn
for Fianna Fail in 1989.
These issues which are still being
debated by one tribunal or another , STILL...remain to be
explained (FLOOD)

.00 Irish Life Assurance Company was
established in 1939 with the amalgamation of a number of
Irish and BRITISH Life
Assurance companies. Through
this and subsequent RESTRUCTURING the Minister for
FINANCE acquired a 90%
stake( through the heart ...!!!??? )
in the company.
In 1990 the company was
RESTRUCTURED with the creation of Irish Life plc as the
Holding Company...
Mr B Ahern was Minister for
Finance at the time.
.05 On the 5th. of Feburary 1990 ,
while Mr Charles Haughey was Prime Minister of Eire , and
Mr B Ahern was his chosen
Minister for Finance , a Debenture
Charge was created by...
...G. Saunders & Company
Limited on premises described in an Indenture of Lease
dated 15th. of December 1989:
The said Debenture Charge ,
dated Monday ,the 5th. of Feburary 1990 , was registered
on Thursday , the 8th. of
Feburary 1990 - in the Companies
Registration Office , Dublin - against G. SAUNDERS & COMPANY
[ Company Reg. no.034654 ] by :
Richard J. Black , solicitor , of
Richard J. Black & Co. , solicitors ,
Kinnear Court ,
16 /20 Cumberland Street , South ,
Dublin 2

Date and
description of the instrument creating or evidencing the
..." The Debenture provides that
the Company shall not be at liberty to create any
Mortgage of Charge in priority to or pari
passu herewith.
The Debenture further provides
that the Company shall not without the PRIOR WRITTEN
create a SECOND or
SUBSEQUENT MORTGAGE of Charge of any freehold or
leasehold property charged by the
Debenture or sell , assign or
otherwise dispose of any book debts or other receivables
in favour of any other person.
Amount secured by the charge
..." All sums now due or hereafter
to become due from the Company to the Bank in any
manner whatsoever. "...
Names . addresses
and occupations of the persons entitled to the charge.
17 College Green ,
Dublin 2 ,
particulars of the property charged
..." The Company's undertaking

and ALL its PROPERTY and ASSETS whatsoever and

wheresoever both present and
future including its uncalled
capital for the time being and goodwill incorporating a
specific charge on the premises set
out below as well as all
present and future proceeds of insurance receivable by
the Company goodwill , uncalled
capital and all estate or
interest legal or equitable in all other freehold and
leasehold property , all profits a prendre
casements , rights of way ,
rights under covenants , agreements , undertakings and
indemnities and rights to
compensation , statutory or
otherwise , attaching thereto which shall at any time in
the future during the continuance of the security
created by the Debenture become vested in the Company.
The following premises were
specifically referred to : ALL THAT AND THOSE the
premises described in an Indenture of Lease dated the
15th day of December 1989 and
made between the Right
Honourable The Lord Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of
Dublin of the One Part and the
Company of the Other Part and
therein described as :
..." ALL THAT AND THOSE part of
the estate of the Corporation being plot of ground situate
at Coolock Industrial Estate in the County of Dublin as
more particularly delineated on the Map annexed hereto
and thereon coloured pink
and surrounded by a red verge

The signature of the applicant for

registration Mr Richard J Black , solicitor for GUINNESS &
MAHON bank ,
was not verified
Richard J. Black & Co., solicitors ,
Kinnear Court ,
16/20 Cumberland Street South ,
Dublin 2. ,
for All sums now due.. to :
Guinness & Mahon Limited ,
17 College Green ,
Dublin 2.
[ C.R.O. Company no. 034654 ,
Doc. Seq. no. 280364 ].
Mr. Black now practises at
' Ashford House ' ,
Tara Street ,
Dublin 2. ,
Tel : 671 4677 ,
Fax : 671 8175 ,
Clonsilla Road ,
Clonsilla ,
Dublin 15. ,
Tel : 820 6777 ,
Fax : 820 7071 ,
This was around the same time
that John Flynn obtained planning permission for 4 houses
on a site to the rear of
370-371 Clontarf Road, ( i.e.the
site ..."o the rear of 370F Clontarf Road)
This is now the site of the
apartment block A1 of [ Plan Ref. No 1306/96.]
.27 Mr. Padraig Flynn was the Minister
for the Environment when the Derelict Sites Act , 27th.
June 1990(no. 14 of 1990)
was passed by the Fianna Fail /

Progressive Democrat coalition , under the Prime Minister

of Eire , Mr Charles Haughey !.
.25 On the 25th. of July 1990, Mr
Padraic Flynn , Minister for the Environment under Mr
Charles Haughey , signed the Derelict
Sites Regulations . [ S.I.(Statutory
Instrument ) 192 of 1990 ]
{ Mr. Flynn later resigned from
the European Commission amidst allegations of corruption
!! }
.10 Mr William Maguire , the owner of
372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 ( since 14th November 1954
) dies.
.00 Irish Life PLC , the RESTRUCTURED
holding company created in 1990 , while Mr B. Ahern was
Minister for Finance
under Mr Charles J. Haughey was
publically listed on the Irish and London Stock Exchanges.
On listing the Minister for FINANCE
, Mr B Ahern DISPOSED of 57% of the company's stock
with the balance of the
holding being disposed of by
The Minister for Finance retained a
Special Share to which certain rights attached BUT this
December 1998. ( 1 )
.04 On the 4th. of December 1991,
the new Minister of the Environment Mr. Rory 0' Hanlon,

signed the Building Control

Regulations (S.I.305 of 1991 ),
which , under Part 1 , Section 4(a) exclude Dublin
Corporation ( or their agents... ) from
compliance with the( said)
regulations....(sic !)
.00 Greecore PLC scandal ' came to
light at the beginning of September 1991 ...'...
.04 On the 4th of December 1991 , Mr.
Rory O'Hanlon (Fianna Fail member of Parliament in the
Fianna Fail/Progressive
Democrat Government "led" by
Mr. Charles Haughey) ,the ' new ' Minister for the
Environment , signed the...
[ S.I. 305 of 1991 ] , which , under Part 1, Section 4(a) ,
.00 Sean Doherty would suggest that
TAPPING of Geraldine Kennedy's
and Bruce Arnold's telephone in 1982 Mr Charles

.24 On the 24th. of January 1992 Mr.
Raymond Michael Curran was appointed a Director of
Smurfit International B.V. , the
Principal International Holding
Company of the Group [incorporated in the Netherlands ;

comp no. 149.443 ].

In the Annual Report for the year
ended 31st. of January 1991 the address of Smurfit
International B.V. is given as :
Rokin 92/96 ,
1012KZ ,
Amsterdam ,
Netherlands ( 100% Holding ).
In the most recent annual report
for the Jefferson Group ( 1996 ) the address is given as :
Stibbetoren ,
Strawinskylaan 200/
1077 ZZ ,
Amsterdam ,
.05 On the 5th. of Feburary 1992, Mr.
Raymond Michael Curran resigned from Smurfit Finance
.11 On Tuesday , 11th Feburary 1992 ,
Mr Albert Reynolds , is elected Prime Minister of Eire ;
after Mr Charles J Haughey
resigns over bugging his fellow
minister's phones , and also the journalists ,Mr Bruce
Arnold and Ms Geraldine Kennedy...
amongst others...
.27 On the 27th of April 1992 , Mr
Felim Meade , solicitor , of :
Flat 5/7 ,
York Road ,
Dun Laoghaire ,
Co. Dublin
Mr Meade , senior partner in the
firm of solicitors representing ELF Exploration ( Ireland )
Ltd :

O'Connell Rooney & Co. , solicitors ,

34 Kildare Street ,
Dublin 2
{ One of the long-dead former neighbours being Bram
Stoker ,
author of ' Dracula ' ...
and also the ONLY Irish director of
ELF Exploration ( Ireland ) Ltd , whose Annual Return
[ Comp. no. 45369
Doc. Seq. no 23 ] , made up to
the 12th of January 1996 gives a registered office at :
' Gardner House ' ,
Wilton Place ,
Dublin 2
( the offices of its auditor , Craig Gardner & Co. Ltd )
.10 On the 10th. of September 1992 ,
the new Minister of the Environment , Mr. Michael Smith ,
under Mr Charles
Haughey's suc cessor and new
Prime Minister( in the Fianna Fail/Progressive Democrat
coalition Government of Eire ),
Mr. Al Bert Reynolds (1sheet) ,
gave his "con sent "... to
the compulsorily acquisition of no.
373 Clontarf Road by Dublin Corporation ( to Vest on the
21st. October 1992 ) in
a Vesting Order dated 10th
September1992 under the Derelict Sites Act 1990...
1sheet..................................Mr Al
Bert Reynolds , dog-food manufacturer , is later ' made ' a
director of Jefferson Smurfit
BY INSTRUMENT 92DN22207 ( the

Vesting Instrument Number ) under powers con ferred

on him by Mr Charles Haughey's
{formerly 373 Clontarf Road , ;..a
SINGLE-STOREY COTTAGE owned by Ms. Margaret
Murphy ,
Dublin 3
and demolished by DUBLIN CORPORATION in 1982 - when
Raphael Burke(Fianna Fail member of Parliament in the
Fianna Fail Government"led" by Mr. Charles Haughey)was
...Minister for the Environment.. }
ALSO ............................................
case , Ms Margaret Murphy , her heirs and asssigns;
take on a NEW FORM ,henceforth
,from this LEGAL
.10 On the same day ( 10th of
September 1992 ) , a Mr. Lonan Hickey , a carpet-seller
of :
11 Church Avenue ,
Drumcondra ,
Dublin 9
( 7 doors up from John Traynor and
7 doors down from Julia AHERN )
signed a Lease on the ground-floor
shop at 372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3...for 2 years 6
Mr. John O'Connor , solicitor , of :

168 Pembroke Road ,

Ballsbridge ,
Dublin 4
acted for the (then) owner Mrs. N.
He, Mr Lonan Hickey , left
hurriedly some 6 months later , without giving any notice
and in arrears with the rent ,
breaching the Terms of his Lease later claiming his accountant-backers had withdrawn
their ' support ' for his ...
' carpet-selling... business...
venture......'.in the ground-floor shop at 372 Clontarf
Road ...
John O' Connor took no action over
this matter...
.11 On the 11th. of March 1993 , no.
373 Clontarf Road formerly the home of the late
Margaret Murphy(++) and target of the
said Vesting Order of the 10th. of
September 1992 - was registered in the Land Registry
at :
Setanta House ,
Nassau Street ,
Dublin 2
given the VESTING...............
INSTRUMENT NUMBER : 92DN22297 , and then
given the REGISTRATION...
A rather strange reference to
certain DEALSPENDING was included in the LAND
CERTIFICATE of Margaret Murphys
recently VESTED land in the LAND REGISTRY :


{see REG MAP PLAN : 5 ; DIVISION : 19 ; BOOK NO : 11 }
++............373 Clontarf
Road , ;..a SINGLE-STOREY COTTAGE owned by Ms.
Margaret Murphy , Dublin 3
- whose father , James
Murphy , a builder of Rutland Place , VERNON Avenue had
sub-let it from
George Gresham in
1868 - and (which was)demolished by the DUBLIN
( when Mr. Raphael
Burke(Fianna Fail member of Parliament in the Fianna Fail
Government ' led ' by
Mr. Charles Haughey)
was the ...Minister for the Environment..
Miss Mary Harney , now vicetaoiseach , or deputy prime-minister under Mr B. Ahern
was a JUNIOR Minister in the
Department of the Environment at
this time...
.18 On the 18th. of May , 1993 a Mr.
Alan Costello , ex-detective / used-car dealer then of :
56 ' Hampton Court ...',
Clontarf ,
Dublin 3.
signed a guarantee for his
daughters tenancy of no. 372 Clontarf Road - con
veniently left vacant the( elusive )
Mr.Lonan Hickeys ' sudden '
...departure several weeks earlier ..
Mr. Alan Costello - EVEN BEFORE
he had obtained the Lease on the shop at 372 Clontarf
Road , for his daughter's ...
hairdressing business..... - had
made enquiries about the site at 373 Clontarf Road

CORPORATION since the 21st. of

October 1992 ) and then asked whether the shop at 372
Clontarf Road was
up for sale !!!!!!!
When told that it was not for sale ,
he then demanded to inspect the outside w.c. of no. 372
and later installed an indoor
w.c. in the shop with a drainage
connection ( overland ) via 373 Clontarf Road (the
structurally-sound , single-storey
cottage - and its OUTSIDE W.C.- on
the site ,owned by the late Margaret Murphy , having
been demolished ..... the Dublin
Corporation in 1982.......... ).
.30 On the 30th. of June 1993, the
new Minister for the Environment Mr. Michael Smith signed
the Local Government
Act...,1991( REMOVAL of control)
Regulations , 1993 [ S..I. 172 of 1993 ], removing the
requirement whereby Dublin
Corporation must be given
Ministerial "con sent for the acquisition and disposal of
land under the Derelict Sites
Act ...of 1990.
.15 On the 15th. of July 1993 aCharge
was created by G. Saunders & Company Limited [C.R.O.
Comp. no.
Doc Seq.
] on two separate
- one being...
" ................the plot of ground situate at Coolock Industrial
attached to Lease dated the 15th . of
December 1989
and made between Dublin Corporation AND
G. Saunders

& Company
Limited ...................................................................... " ,
AND , the OTHER SITE being ...
"....................the two-storey warehouse and office
buildings known as...
46-49 inclusive North Clarence Street and
19-28 inclusive
Dunne Street in the City of
Dublin.....attached to Lease dated
15th. December 1990 and made
between the Dublin Corporation
AND G. Saunders & Company
Limited .........................................."
[ Background TEXT and AUDIO to Charge... ]
.16 The Charge of the previous day ,
THURSDAY , the 15th of July 1993 , was presented at the
C.R.O. by
Eugene F. Collins , Solicitors for
Smurfit Finance Limited , of :
Eugene F. Collins , solicitors ,
61 Fitzwilliam Square ,
Dublin 2 ,
Tel : 678 5766
The said Charge was for
250,000.00 ( fixed and floating Charge) due to :
Smurfit Finance Limited ,
94 , St. Stephens Green ,
Dublin 2
The signature of the applicant for
registration was Mr. Gerard Delaney , the Company
Secretary of Smurfit Finance
Limited and the document was
dated the 16th. of July 1993 ..
The said Charge was registered in
the C.R.O. on the 16th. of July 1993.

.16 The same Eugene F. Collins ,

solicitors , presented a corresponding Charge ( floating )

on Courthampton Warehousing
Ltd [ C.R.O. Company no. 128837
Doc Seq. no. 09 ] created on the 15th. Of July 1993 for
250,000 , and
secured on.....
... all the
Companys assets ...both present and future... .
This Charge , due to Smurfit
Finance Ltd , was also signed on behalf of Smurfit Finance
Limited by the Company
Secretary , Mr. Gerard Delaney ,
and it was ALSO REGISTERED on the same day,...that is
Friday , the 16th. of July 1993 ....
{ Smith Foy & Partners , solicitors
, are at :
59 Fitzwillam Square ,
Dublin 2 ,
Tel : 01 676 0531
and were responsible for
incorporating G. Saunders & Company Limited on the
30th. of June 1971.
[ C.R.O. Company no. 034654
Doc. Seq. no. 280369 ].
.29 Mr. Brian O'Meara takes a 6 month
Lease on the first-floor flat at 372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3.
{ According to Thoms Street
Directory for Dublin 1997 , Mr. Brian O'MEARA is the
owner/occupier of :
372A Clontarf Road , Dublin
In the same Directory ( 1997 ) ,
he , (BUT with a DIFFERENT SPELLING , that is : Brian
O'MARA ) is
listed as joint resident of :

Co. Dublin ,
along with , Mr. Bernard
McKenna , of the Dubliners folk group and HELEN
.12 TWO Planning Applications are
submitted to Dublin Corporation regarding :
(1) The
" to the rear of 370-371 Clontarf
Road , Dublin 3 ..."
" the 373Clontarf Road , Dublin 3


SOCIETY was originally established as a mutual building
society in 1884.
In 1994 it converted from Building
Society status to a Public Limited Company and was
licensed by the Central Bank
of Ireland to carry on banking
obtained a listing for its SHARES on the Dublin and London
Stock Exchange.
Mr B Ahern was Minister for
Finance under Prime Minster , Mr Al Bert Reynolds.

.31 On the 31st. of August 1994 ,
Irish Permanent plc bought :
Guinness & Mahon Limited , formerly of
17 College Green ,
Dublin 2., for
The new address of GUINNESS
Earlsfort Terrace ,
Dublin 2


: 709 5200 ,


: 707 5242 ,

Email :

: ,

Telex : 93667 Mars

This included a goodwill
payment of 1,400,000.00 - although the company had
posted a loss of 192,000.00 for the
year to 31st.December 1994 and a
loss of 106,000.00 for the year to 31st. of December
1993 ............................!!!!!!
On the SAME day the Company
name was changed to GUINNESS & MAHON(IRELAND) LTD.
KPMG Stokes Kennedy Crowley ,
accountants , are the auditors of GUINNESS & MAHON
{ In the Times (newspaper) index
for 1994 there is NO ENTRY for this acquisition of

.00 The ORDINARY shares of Irish
Permanent plc were listed on the Irish and the London
Stock Exchanges.
{ Guinness &
Mahon(Ireland)Limited , now a subsidiary of Irish
Permanent PLC hold a DEBENTURE CHARGE over
all the capital and assetts of
CORPORATION's favoured
developers of 373 Clontarf
Road ) since the 5th of Feburary 1990..... }
Irish Permanent IOM is an offshore
deposit taker in the Isle of Man.
.00 In November of 1994 , Derek
McDowell ( # 1) had circulated a notice to the residents
of Dollymount Park to the effect
that a certain developer ....,
Mr John Flynn had sought to renew a Planning Permission
for 4 houses on a site ...
" the rear of 370-371 Clontarf Road ..."...( the said
Planning Permission having lapsed...!!!)
#1.Derek McDowell is a
Labour Party member of Eires Parliament known as Dail
Eireann - and located in .............
Leinster House ; ...the former '
townhouse ' of the financially-bankrupt(several-times
over) , Duke of Leinster
.00 On the 19th of November 1994 Mr
Albert Reynolds resigns from the Fianna Fail leadership ,
and is succeeded by his

Minister for Finance, Mr. B. Ahern.

Mr Harry Whelehan resigns as
President of the High Court.
.00 In Feburary of 1995 , Derek
McDowell had circulated ANOTHER notice to the residents
of Dollymount Park to the effect
that the developer , Mr John Flynn
who had sought to renew a planning permission for 4
houses on a site " the rear
of 370-371 Clontarf Road..." had
on the grounds that :(1) Drainage Facilities were inadequate ...
(2) The
proposed development contravened the open space
requirements of the Dublin City Development Plan ( $ )
( SIC ! )
for 1991.
{ $ ....This is quite ironic when
one sees for themselves the monsterous carbuncle
erected by the same Dublin
Corporation - despite
widespread opposition - over the World Hertiage Site at
Wood Quay , between
St. Patricks Cathedral and the
river Liffey ! The Dublin Corporation excavations at the
site had
uncovered the remains of an
ancient viking settlement in Dublin at Wood Quay ; and
desecrated the site by
proceeding with their excavations until restrained by a
temporary High Court
injunction ; they then had the
order lifted and proceeded to DESTROY the artifacts left
intact and built

their new CORPORATE HQ - a

tombstone for European and World culture and a fitting
monument to
their own arrogance , selfedification and crass vulgarity...
Mr Charles Haughey , who , for
many years , contrived to portray himself as a patron of
the arts ;
(and - rather modestly (?) something of a connoisseur to boot ! ) was Prime Minister
of Eire at the time ...,
...needless to say }
In any case Mr. Flynn appealed the
decision to An Bord Pleanala which overturned the
Corporations decision in relation
to the 4 houses( a separate
application to construct apartments on the same site was
refused.....(.$$.) )
{ Ms Annie O'Keefe was the
Dublin Corporation Planning Official who recommended
REFUSAL of Mr John Flynn's
application , but has since left the
Dublin Corporation ............................. }
At this time the Corporation were
in negotiations with Mr Killian O Higgins ; a senior Partner
in Sherry FitzGerald ,
auctioneers and estate agents of :
13 Merrion Row ,
Dublin 2 ,
Tel : 661 6198
as well as Mr Ray Hanley of
OBuachalla , Donal , estate agents , of :
86 Merrion Square ,
Dublin 2 ,
Tel : 676 2711
{ Mr. Hanley was acting on behalf
of the Robb Estate , whose Trustees (Mr.Felim H.Meade ,
solicitor , of :

64 Patrick Street ,
Dun Laoghaire ,
Co. Dublin
and Mr Meade's business ass
ociate Mr. William John McCourt , accountant , of :
21A Main Street ,
Castlerock ,
Londonderry ,
Ulster ,
Northern Ireland ,
United Kingdom( of Great Britain & Eire )
through an Indenture of Assent
dated 27th of April 1992 , in which Felim H. Meade of the
one part and the said
Felim H. Meade and William John
McCourt of the other part ...
the said Pheilim H. Meade
assented to THEIR legal interest in the property for all the
estate and interest of John Margaret
Robb and Susan Moira Shaw( the
successors in title to the Gresham Estate ) known as 373
Clontarf Road ; ...
or locally known as Margaret
Murphy 's land...
In addition , the said solicitor ,
Felim H. Meade , a former junior partner in Dowling
Kilpatrick , a firm of big solicitors of some
repute , had the audacity to claim
title( for himself and Mr McCourt ) to 372 Clontarf Road ,
Dublin 3 as well - less than a year
AFTER the death of the owner
( since the 14 th of November 1954 ) , Mr William
The solicitor acting for the Robb
Estate is Vincent Dowling of Dowling Kilpatrick ,
solicitors , of :
34 Kildare Street ,
Dublin 2 ,
Tel : 662 1170

Fax : 662 1171

In addition the head landlords ;
the Vernon Estates legal interest in no. 373 Clontarf Road
, was represented by Mr. Walker
of Orphen Franks & Co., Solicitors
& Land Agents , of :
30 Burlington Road ,
Dublin 4 ,
Tel : 668 9622
Fax : 668 9004
{ ...a former workplace of Supreme Court Judge :
Theodore Conyngham Kingsmill-Moore , alias ' KM ' ... }
also J. Gill of James Adam & Sons , Estate Agents , of
26 St. Stephens Green ,
Dublin 2 ,
Tel : 676 0261 ,
email :
over the terms and conditions for
sale of the site known as 373 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3,and
the compensation , IF ANY ,
to be paid to the respective
parties in proportion to their respective legal title/claim to
the said property.
It was felt that the onerous '
conditions ' being imposed by Dublin Corporation in
relation to the sale of the said property
were not conducive to obtaining
the best/fairest open market price ( ' condition '
being ...: no development for ...
at least a year !!! )
In fact, Mr. Killian OHiggins of
Sherry Fitzgerald felt (at that time ) that Dublin
Corporation were trying to facilitate a developer ,
a certain Mr John Flynn , who had
renewed planning permission [ from An Bord Pleanala on
appeal ] , after Dublin Corporation
had refused , to renew the same
permission (on the grounds previously stated ) for 4

houses on the site between Margaret

Murphys land at 373 Clontarf
Road and Dollymount Park , whom , they ( Dublin
Corporation ) knew had an interest in acquiring
373 Clontarf Road........
The actal transfer of title by Dublin
Corporaion was conditional on the granting of planning
permission by Dubln Corporation
..................... to the developer
concerned ( as it turned out......the , by now familiar : G.
Saunders & Company Limited...).
This presents a conflict of interest
if ever there was one - from the point of view of the Dublin
Corporation , however , it is a no
lose situation , since the land can
only increase in value and the ACTUAL increase to a
greater extent , is effectively determined
by them......... , in particular , the
privilaged few within the Planning Department , who are
certainly exempt from ANY LEGAL
SANCTION , being , as they are ,
ABOVE and BEYOND the law of Eire.
.00 In March 1995 , no. 370 Clontarf
Road, Dublin 3 was sold for Circa 67,500 by Corry
McMahon , auctioneers , of :
143 Leeson Street , Upper ,
Dublin 4 ,
Tel : 668 1766
email: )
{ Purchased privately ($$), it later appeared , by :
Mr Alan Costello , ex-detective/used-car dealer , for his
daughter's.... hair-dressing act ivities... }
$$ Charge appeared on the company
records at the C.R.O. of G. SAUNDERS & COMPANY LTD or
purchase of 370 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3.

.05 In the company returns for G.
Saunders & Company Limited , presented by :
V. F. Nathan & Co., company auditors ,
Christchurch Square,
Dublin 8.,
Eire ,
Tel : 01 454 4333
made up to the 14th. of July (1993
,1994 and 1995) 1995 ;
17 College Green ,
Dublin 2.,
is listed as A CREDITOR for the
year 1992 ( 200,881.00 )
[ C.R.O. Company no.034654 ,
Doc. Seq. nos. 0030 , 0032 , 0031 ]
The shareholders of the issued
capital in G. SAUNDERS & COMPANY LTD in the last return
presented by the
F. Nathan & Co ( 14th of July 1995 ) , were :

(1) Mr Joseph BURKE ,

132 Pinewood Road,
Dublin 5
who was the registered owner of
500 (issued for cash )Ordinary Shares
(2) Mr. Donal Costello ,
9 La Vista Avenue ,
Killester ,
Dublin 5.,
who was the registered owner of
the other 500
( issued for cash ) Ordinary shares
The registered address of the
company at this time was 19/26 Dunne Street, North

Strand , Dublin 1.
The Nominal share capital was
In the Company's Annual Return
for 1996 , presented by the NEW company AUDITOR ,
J.M.Butler & Co ,
( formerly of : 119 Mt. Merrion
Avenue , Blackrock , Dublin ) , of :
J.M.Butler & Co. ,
1A Carbury Place ,
Blackrock ,
Tel : 288 0437 ,
Fax : 278 2061 ,
for G. Saunders & Company
Limited , there appears to have been A TRANSFER of at
least 500 shares to Mr
Alan Costello - who has a main
North Strand Road ,
Dublin 1,
and NO RECORD of the other 500
shares - untill the 1997 return made up to the 6th. of
January 1997 when Mrs. K.
Costello appears to hold the other
500 shares (issued for cash).
None of these share transferals
was notified to the Companies Registration Office or
The company had also changed
address to :
184 Richmond Road,
Fairview ,
Dublin 3. ,
around this time but the
Companies Registration Office STILL HAD the Dunne St.

address as the REGISTERED

OFFICE address.
It was not untill 1998 that the
companys change of address was notified to the
Companies's Registration Office(effective
from 1/1/1998) , even though the
planning permission granted to G. Saunders & Company
Limited , 184 Richmond Road,
Dublin 3. was dated 20/2/1997.
[ Plan Ref. nos. 1301/96 and 13O6/96 ]
There was an increase in the
Nominal share capital from 1,OOO to 1OO,OOO
being passed or NOTIFIED to the
Companies Registration Office at the (same) time.

.00 In November 1995 Mr. Alan
Costellos daughters tenancy for the ground floor shop at
no. 372 Clontarf Road expired and
was not renewed. He , Mr Alan
Costello , ex-detective / used-car dealer refused to return
the keys to the shop ( until
January 1996 ), and made
persistent and aggressive efforts to purchase the shop
which were rebuffed.
He kept the padlock to the
shutters , took the phone AND EVEN THE W.C. ..(#2). ,
which he had installed in the rear
of the shop with him.
#2................due to the excessive
usage of the said w.c. , it became blocked - and
overflowed on more than one
.00 In December 1995 the site to the
rear of 370-371 Clontarf Road, Dublin 3 was sold

( ostensibly) by Palmer McCormack &

Partners ( ' acting for ' developer
John Flynn ) , of :
' Canada House ' ,
St. Stephens Green ,
Dublin 2
Tel : 478 4744
just across the road from...Irish
Permanent plc - to Lorigan Auctioneers, I.A.V.I. , of , :
' Clifton House ' ,
Lr. Fitzwilliam Street ,
Dublin 2.
Tel : 661 3788
The price obtained was circa
160,000.00 - It " EXCEEDED " its reserve price...
No Charge was ever created by G.
Saunders & Company Limited on this site ( to the rear of
370-371 Clontarf Road ) ,
EVEN THOUGH it was included in
the company's later planning application for the two
apartment blocks , encompassing
within its boundaries , one of their
apartment blocks ; namely , Block A [ Plan Ref no.
1306/96 ] on the site termed
......" to the rear of 370-371
Clontarf Road ...".. in Derek McDowell's letter to the
residents of Dollymount Park in
November 1994.
.19 On the 19th. of December 1995 ,
Mr. Raymond Michael Curran was reappointed a Director of
Smurfit Finance Limited.
.21 On the 21st. of December 1995 ,
a Charge was created by G. Saunders & Company Limited
on :
" Elizabeth House " ,
184 Richmond Road ,

Dublin 3
The Charge THIS TIME was
presented by Whitney Moore & Keller , solicitors , of :
' Wilton Park House ' ,
Wilton Place ,
Dublin 2. ,
for ..."...all sums due..."... to :
Smurfit Finance Limited ,
94 St. Stephen's Green ,
Dublin 2
[ C.R.O. Comp no. 034654 Doc
Seq. no. 280379 ].
.26 On the 26th. of Feburary 1996, Mr.
Raymond Michael Curran , was appointed a Director of
Jefferson Smurfit Group plc ,
[ C.R.O. Comp no. 008610 ] ,
ALONG WITH ( Mr B. Ahern's predecessor - and former
Prime Minister of Eire...,..)
Mr. Al Bert. Reynolds ()
Dr. T. A. Reynolds retired following
the Annual General Meeting in 1996.
Mr. R. M. Curran held 48,451
ordinary shares in Jefferson Smurfit Group plc at 31st. Of
December 1996
{ In addition, during the period
1st. of January 1997 to 18th. of April 1997 , Mr. R. M.
Curran acquired a further
5,661 shares as well as 108,447
shares as trustee in Jefferson Smurfit Group plc. }
.........Directors Report for
Jefferson Smurfit Group plc for the year ended 31st. of
December 1996.
.00 Mr B. Ahern , leader of the
opposition Fianna Fail party , raises a query about a

donation made by property developer

Mark Kavanagh to Fianna Fail , and
whether a receipt had been issued for the money.
..."...Fianna Fail told the Moriarty
Tribunal only late last week about a query raised by
Taoiseach Bertie Ahern four years
ago on a party political
donation by property developer Mark Kavanagh , the
inquiry heard yesterday.
...Mr Ahern had raised a query
about a donation by Mark Kavanagh in 1989 for which a
receipt seemed to have gone
...Counsel for the tribunal , Mr
John Coughlan SC, said it was a matter of concern that
until media inquiries were made
last week the tribunal was not
informed by anybody that a query had been raised in
Mr Coughlan said as a result
of the matter coming to the attention of the tribunal ,
within a week it was able to locate
the route of 75,000 which
was supposed to go to Fianna Fail , and to come across
another stg50,000 which was
donated anonymously by
businessman Michael Smurfit.
Mr Fleming said at some time
in 1996 Mr Ahern , who was then the party leader , made
an enquiry about a donation
made by Mark Kavanagh in
June 1989 to see if it had been made and if it had been
...He said he did not believe
anyone else had raised the matter between 1989 and
1996 .
Mr Fleming said he did
not recollect a query being
raised by Eoin Ryan.
...Counsel asked if any queries
were raised by Mr Ahern or anybody else in Fianna Fail
about the other donations

received , where the receipts

had been sent to Mr Haughey's office rather than the
Mr Fleming said he had
no recollection of any such
...Mr Fleming said millionaire
Michael Smurfit was the source of a 50,000 donation in
July 1989 which was recorded
as anonymous in the Fianna
Fail cash receipt book .
He said it was recorded as "
anonymous per an Taoiseach "
on the direction of Mr
Mr Fleming said he had been
advised by Mr Haughey that the source was Mr Smurfit
and this information was
recorded on the draft
He said there was no accompanying
documentation and the receipt was
forewarded to the Taoiseach's
office as requested by him.
[ " Ahern queried 'lost receipt'
for developer " , Ann O'Loughlin & Fergus Black , Irish
Independent , Wednesday
June 28th , 2000 , page 10 ; Moriarty Tribunal ]
.00 Mr B. Ahern , leader of the
opposition Fianna Fail party , and now dealing personally
with Mr Mark Kavanagh , property
developer and Fianna Fail donor ,
accepts 50,000 from Mr Kavanagh.
..."...Questioned by the Tribunal ,
Mr Kavanagh was at a loss to explain WHO instructed him
to make the money available in
agreed it was unprecedented.
[ Brian Dowling , Irish Independent
, Wednesday June 28th , 2000 , page 1 ; Moriarty Tribunal ]

(bdb) drafts payable to the

bearer , in effect cash...!!!
.12 On WEDNESDAY , the 12th of June
1996 , TWO SEPERATE Planning Applications were
submitted to the
Dublin Corporations Planning
Department [ Plan Ref nos.1301/96 AND 1306/96 ] on
behalf of :
G. Saunders & Company Limited ,
184 Richmond Road ,
Dublin 3.,
{ even though in the C.R.O. the
registered address was STILL at Dunne Street , North
Strand , Dublin 1 } , concerning
the COMBINED SITES , i.e. :
the site ..." the rear of 370371 ( sold in December 1995 ) Clontarf Road ..."
....the 373 Clontarf Road
site ; title VESTED in the Dublin Corporation since 10th. of
September 1992
One of the applications , [ Plan
Ref no. 1301/96 ] , was for a 3-STOREY HOUSE on the site
of Margaret Murphy's cottage
( demolished by Dublin Corporation
on the orders of John Murphy in 1982 ) at the front of 373
Clontarf Road, and the other
application , [ Plan Ref No.
1306/96 ], was for TWO apartment blocks on the
COMBINED SITE ( consisting of the site to
rear of nos. 370-371 Clontarf Road
( sold in December 1995 ) AND the REAR portion of the
373 Clontarf Road site effectively dividing the
Corporations site into two separate sites ( but legally
inseperable.. ???) with a common drainage

The planning application for the

house [ Plan Ref no. 1301/96 ] stated that it was proposed
to make a connection to the
existing drainage which was
used by the previous house( i.e. Margaret Murphys
cottage ) on the site at 373.
This was despite the fact that the
previous house on the site was a cottage ( demolished
by the Corporation as stated
above ), and had NO internal
w.c.,but an external w.c.( X marks the SPOT ) and was
located OUTSIDE the area
encompassed within the
boundaries of the said Vesting Order of 10th of September
In other words there was NO
existing drainage on the site (2) as defined by the
Vesting Order of 10th. of September 1992 ;
AND SO , as a logical consequence
of this FACT , it FOLLOWS that ...
nor was there ANY DRAINAGE
WHATSOEVER on the site as DELINEATED in the plans
submitted with the Planning
Application ( Plan Ref No. 1301/96 )
for the 3-storey house.
In actual fact , the external W.C.
( #3 ) used by the last owner/tenant of no. 373 Clontarf
Road (Margaret Murphy ) , was
connected to the public drainage
system via no. 372 Clontarf Road...
Certain CRIMINAL Elements within
have known this
UNNECESSARY DEMOLITION of her cottage at 373 Clontarf
Road , in 1982 ,...
whilst Mr Charles Haughey was

the ...acting... Prime Minister of Eire..(.+ )

#3............destroyed in the
unnecessary ( and with criminal-intent ) demolition of 373
in 1982...
+ formerly known as the
{ Although some have suggested
a more appropriate title for the political/criminal entity
known as Eire (or the ' Republic of
' Ireland ) would be , without
exaggeration , the... ' freeMASON Estate '... }
.00 Mr. Brian O'Meara / O'Mara , who
was "acting" tenant of the 1st-floor flat at 372 Clontarf
Road , Dublin 3 since the
29th November 1993( and who
also , simultaneously shared an address at 15 Church
Street, Howth , Co. Dublin with
Mr. Bernard McKenna AND HELEN
AHERN ) asked the landord's son , Mr Rory Maguire of 372
Clontarf Road
whether he , Mr. O'Meara / O'Mara
could have the Social Welfare pay his rent - as( he claimed
at the time) , he knew
a "...bird..." in the Department of
Social Welfare.
When this was refused , Mr. O'
Meara's attitude changed , and he became quite
aggressive towards Mr Maguire.
This anger and aggression seemed
disproportionate - at THAT time - and eventually , Mr
O'Meara / O'Mara became
threatening , when , on several
occasions thereafter ; Mr. O'Meara(or O'Mara) had
returned from the DOLLYMOUNT
HOUSE pub down the road - which
he often frequented during lunch hours.

.02 Mr. Brian O'Meara is given NOTICE
TO QUIT 372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 by Mr. Rory Maguire having regard to
the worsening situation...
Mr. Maguire's solicitor at that
time , Mr. H. J. Roundtree( "Jack") , who had contacted the
Valuation and Planning
Departments of DUBLIN
CORPORATION about their mistake in the VESTING ORDER
of the 10th of September 1992
( which was NEVER
ACKNOWLEDGED by the so-called Planning Department..) ,
Mr. O'Meara's NOTICE TO QUIT !
{ H. J. Roundtree , Tel

: 662

3005 and 662 3011 ,

Mobile : 087
251 0676
Corporation , on :

: 662

.11 The Chief Valuers Office of Dublin

2nd. Floor ,
Block 3 ,
Civic Offices ,
Wood Quay ,
Dublin 8. ,
Tel : 679 6111
Fax : 670 7860
also received notification of the
mistake on the 27th. of August 1996 , from Mr.H. J.
Roundtree, solicitor, of :
Mount Street , Upper ,
Dublin 2. ,

( and again on the 4th. of
November 1996 ) and THEY ACKNOWLEDGED receipt of
the letter/s on the 8th. of November
1996 , in an acknowledgement
from ...Mr. P. McLoone , F.R.I.C.S. F.S.C.S., () the Chief
Valuer of Dublin Corporation.
................F.R.I.C.S. ... Fellow
of the ROYAL Institute of Chartered Surveyors
.................F.S.C.S. ... Fellow
of the Society of Chartered Surveyors
.11 The Planning Department of the
Dublin Corporation were notified of the mistake in their
VESTING ORDER of the 10th of
September 1992 in a letter , from
Mr.H. J. Roundtree, solicitor, of :
25 Mount Street , Upper ,
Dublin 2. ,
on the 11th. September 1996
( although ,... for their own ' reasons ' ...,..; they failed to
acknowledge receipt of the said
letter from Mr H.J.
Roundtree.................................. ).

.20 Nevertheless, both planning
applications were approved by the Corporations planning
department on the 20th. of Feburary
All objections to the proposed
development were rejected out of hand by the Planning
Appeals board of Eire :

An Bord Pleanala
The grant of permission was signed
on the 11th of April 1997 ....
.20 A Planning Application [ Plan
Reference no. 0980/97 ] was submitted in April 1997 by
Mr. F. D. Breitenstein , architect ,
of :
Studio DArchitectes ,
121 Boulevard North ,
Bayside ,
Sutton ,
Dublin 13 ,
Tel : 832 6772
Fax : 843 6683
for a replacement townhouse to
the rear of no. 372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 to Dublin
Corporation's Planning Department.
This was submitted on behalf of
the occupier( Mr Rory Maguire ) of 372 Clontarf Road ,
Dublin 3
At this point in time one would
assume from the drawings submitted with the applications
that there were TWO SEPERATE
based on the existing drainage for the 2-storey (reduced
from a 3-storey house in the
modifications with the resubmitted
applications) [ Plan Ref No 1301/96 ] and YET ANOTHER
drainage system for the TWO
apartment blocks [ Plan Ref No.
1306/96 ].
They had - ON PAPER least..
Curiously enough , under condition
no. (4) of the permission granted to the developer for the
3-storey house [ Plan Ref No.

1301/96 ] , as amended by
resubmissions received on the 28th. Of January 1997 ( to
2-storey ), it states there shall be no
boundary definition between the
back garden of the proposed house and the private open
space to the proposed apartment
development to the rear
.00 At the end of June , Mr. B .Ahern
forms a new administration with the ass istance of the
Progressive Democrats , under
Mary Harney.

.00 In early June 1997 a bulldozer
started clearing the site to the rear of 370-371 Clontarf
Road , and broke throught the dividing
wall between the site" to the rear
of 370-371 Clontarf Road " and the rear of the 373
Clontarf Road site.
The driver claims he is employed
by a Mr. Mossie Fox.
While clearing the 373 Clontarf
Road site , the bulldozer driver breaks Mr Alan Costello's
previously installed sewer pipe
( running OVERGROUND and
parallel to the North-eastern side of 372A Clontarf Road whiich would " COLLAPSE "
on the 6th. of october 1997 ...)
and repaired it - after Mr Maguire drew his attention to it with an orange section .!.
Shortly afterwards , a company
called CELTI CON LTD , replace the lone bulldozer driver ,
and begin ground work
at 373 Clonarf Road, Dublin 3.

The registered office of the main

site contractors Celticon is :Celticon Limited ,
Coolaght ,
Claremorris ,
Co. Mayo. ,
Eire ( West of ...)
The directors of Celticon Ltd are
given as Mr. and Mrs. Corless of :
Knock Road ,
Co. Mayo ,
Eire ( West of )
Celti con then entered onto the
COMBINED SITES ( that is :
The site to the rear of 370-371
Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 referred to in Derek
McDowells( T.D. ) letters to the residents of
Dollymount Park and Dollymount
rise , in November 1994 and Feburary 1995 respectively ,

The site , known as 373 Clontarf
Road , Dublin 3 , Eire , being Margaret Murphys land and
referred to in the VESTING
ORDER , dated the 10th of
September 1992 , the said VESTING ORDER being made
ACT 1990 (No. 14 , June 1990 ) ,
enacted by Mr Charles Haughey , the Prime Minister of
Eire (up until his forced
resignation in Feburary 1992 over
the phone-tapping of several journalists amongst others)
, and , HIS Fianna Fail / Pro-

gressive Democrat coalition

government ,..)
and began their excavations of the
COMBINED SITES , including uprooting and removing many
mature trees
{ No Charge was created at this
time ( or has been created since then ..!!) by G. Saunders
& Company Limited on the
site known as 373 Clontarf
Road . In fact , the property is registered in the name of
the Dublin Corporation - according to
the Land Registry in Nassau
Street - yet at this point in time ( September 1998 ) there
is a TWO( or THREE ??)-storey
house completed on the site ,
fronting onto the Clontarf Road - with a partly-completed
apartment block on the rear portion
of the 373 site.... }
The directors of Celticon Ltd are
given in the C.R.O. as Mr. and Mrs. Corless of :
Knock Road ,
Co. Mayo ,
Eire ( West of )
.00 In July 1997 Dublin Corporation
demanded that the Planning Aplication submitted by Mr. F.
D. Breitenstein in April 1997
for the : replacement
townhouse to the rear of no. 372 Clontarf Road .. be
resubmitted to them and that the site notice
be amended to read Permission
to demolish the existing townhouse and the erection of a
replacement townhouse to the
rear of no. 372 Clontarf Road
,Dublin 3
Mr. Breitenstein felt at the time
that this was a delaying tactic by the Dublin Corporation

.00 In or around July/August 1997 Ms.
Maeve Curran took over the shop at no. 371 Clontarf
Road , Dublin 3 , which had
previously been occupied by
Dollymount Appliances - now called Adams Interiors
.15 Haughey testified before the
( McCracken ) Tribunal on Tuesday , the15th July 1997 ,...
At the outset he read a prepared
statement in which he expressed regret for his behaviour
with the tribunal... " ... in the
manner which might have been expected of me..." ,
..He clearly tried to dump the
responsibility for all his finances on ( Des ) Traynor , who
had died in 1994...
"... I never had to con cern myself
about my personal finances ...," ... Haughey said ...
"... [ Traynor] took over control of
my financial affairs from about 1960 onwards... "...
however , that as recently as 7th July (1997) he had been
' persisting in accounts of events
which were short of the truth. '
YET while he was on the stand , neither he nor any of the
LAWYERS had referred to his
DECEPTION as..........L.Y.I.N.G.....
.28 Lord Rob ert Temple Armstrong
( d.o.b..30th of March 1927 ( 30/03/1927))of Ilminster
G.C.B. , C.V.O. , of :
19 St. Swithin's Lane ,

London EC4P 4DV ,

United Kingdom ,
is appointed a director of ( The )
Governor & Company of the Bank of Ireland Ltd on 28th of
July 1997.
.00 It was around early August 1997
that the main contractors, Celticon Limited, had excavated
the main drainage connection ( 1* )
running down the hill from
Dollymount Park , ( on the South/Eastern border of the
site to the rear of 370-371 Clontarf Road ),
and subsequentially reconcreted it a hurry.
1*................This was the
ORIGINAL proposed drainage con nection included in Mr
Alan Costello's architect ( Mr O'Neill )
plans submittted to
the Dublin Corporation's Planning Department on the 12th
of June 1996 ...
[ Plan Ref. no.
1301/96 and 1306/96 ]
.14 The property known as 372
Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 was finally registered in the LAND
the 14th. of August 1997 , by :
Instrument No. 92DN0708 { see
REG MAP PLAN : 9 ; DIVISION : 19 ; BOOK NO : 11 }
In CONTRAST , no 373 Clontarf
Road , taken over by the Dublin Corporation through a
the 10th of September 1992 under
the Derelict Sits Act 1990(No. 14 of 1990) ; when Mr.
Smith was Minister for the
Environment and ,
MR. B. AHERN was Minister for

FINANCE , under Mr Charles Haugheys suc cessor as

Prime minister of Eire ,
Mr Albert Reynolds( much-libelled
owner of a dog-food factory in Tipperary , and director of
NUMBER : 92DN22297 , and then registered in the Land
Registry on the 11th
of March 1993 , by Instrument
No.93DN022297 .
A rather strange reference to
certain DEALS PENDING was included in the LAND
CERTIFICATE of Margaret Murphys
recently VESTED land in the LAND REGISTRY :
{see REG MAP PLAN : 5 ; DIVISION : 19 ; BOOK NO : 11 }
It was the same Albert Reynolds
who dubbed Eires current Prime Minister ( and self-styled
' SAVIOUR ' of
MR B. AHERN ., the
.. ..................RAT IN AN ANORACK.
.25 On the 25th August 1997 the
( McCracken )tribunal report was published. In it ,
McCracken con cluded that it was..
unacceptable....,etc.,.."...the former Taoiseach( Prime
Minister , Mr Charles J Haughey ) had prevaricated and
"...he had lied in three seperate
submissions... "...
Haughey had not been honest in
his testimony either.

"...The tribunal con siders Mr

Charles Haughey's evidence to be unacceptable AND
The judge refused to believe
several aspects of the former Taoiseach's story involving
his relationship with ( Des )
SF.p.447 / 448
..."... This is a matter for the
Director of Public Prosecutions..'...
He added , rather pointedly ,
..."...that the circumstances
warrant the papers in the matter being sent to the
Director of Public Prosecutions for his consideration as to whether there
ought to be(?) a prosecution, and theTribunal intends to do
.00 The vice-taoiseach , or deputyPrime Minister of Eire UNDER Mr B. Aherm , Ms Mary
Harney appoints an inspector ,
Mr Gerry Ryan to... ' investigate ...'
CELTIC Helicopters...( in which , Mr Charles Haughey's
son , Ciaran Haughey ,
is the MAIN shareholder... ).
Mr Sam Field Corbett was also a
director of CELTIC Helicopters , which secured loans it
obtained with the
revealed in the McCracken Tribunal .
for Mr Charles J. Haughey were used to support the debts
of CELTIC Helicopters
A $150,000 loan from IRISH
( when 373 Clontarf Road
was " VESTED " in ...the DUBLIN

CORPORATION.....) was repaid out of Mr. C. J. Haughey's

The McCracken Tribunal con
cluded that Ciaran Haughey must have been aware of the
.24 The Blayney Tribunal chaired by
Supreme Court Judge John Blayney is established to
enquire into "possible... "
professional misconduct by
members of the :
named in the earlier McCracken
{ Progress for ' justice ' was delayed by...Legal
.26 The Moriarty Tribunal chaired by
Justice Michael Moriarty is established to enquire into
payments made to Mr. Charles
J. Haughey during ANY PERIOD in
public office from January 1979 to December 1996 and
whether any benefactors were
granted ' political ' favours...
Also , the source of the money
held in the ANSBACHER accounts and other bank accounts
held by Mr C. J. Haughey .
Also , whether payments were
made to Mr Michael Lowry , member of Fianna Fail party ,
in return for ' political '
favours ; also ; the SOURCE OF
MONEY held by Mr Low ry in the BANK OF IRELAND(Thurles
branch and ...
the ISLE OF MAN ... ) , branches of
ALLIED IRISH BANK in the Channel Islands and Dame
Street , the IRISH

Cork , or REA BROTHERS ( Isle of Man...).

Finally , to enquire into whether
the REVENUE COMMISSIONERS ' bothered... ' to use their
powers to recover taxes
due by Haughey or Low ry , as a
result of their " gifts..."
{ The original deadline for the
Tribunal was 31st July 1998 , but due to HIGH COURT and
by the Haughey family
dysentry , this was delayed....and thereby ' justice ' ...Eire
style...!!!??? }
.02 On the 2nd of October 1997 Mr.
George Sturdy of David Allen Holdings Ltd. , Sandyford
Industrial Estate , Burton Hall
Road , Leopardstown Dublin 18 ,
Tel : 295 8170 , received a phone call from Mr. Alan
Costello demanding that he take
down the Billboard on the gable
wall of no. 372 Clontarf Road - which had been there since
1985 and was ( then ) the
property of David Allen Holdings
Mr Sturdy refused point-blank to
submit to this demand.
.02 On THURSDAY , the 2nd of October
1997 at 10.45 a.m. Ms. Annie OKeefe of Dublin
Corporations Planning Department
arrived on the site at no. 372
Clontarf Road and met Mr. Breitenstein , the architect of
the Planning Application
[ Plan Ref No. 980/97 ] for the
proposed townhouse at the rear of no. 372 Clontarf Road
on behalf of Mr Maguire.
They inspected no. 372A and the

site together and then Ms. Annie OKeefe left at approx.

10.55 a.m.
.06 On MONDAY , the 6th. of October
1997 the North/Eastern and North/Western sides of 372A
Clontarf Road ,
collapsed (Photo 2 and Photo 3).
.07 Mr Raphael Burke resigns from the
government of Mr B Ahern - ONE DAY AFTER the socalled ...
" COLLAPSE " of 372A Clontarf
Road ( on the evening of Monday , the 6th of October 1997
- according to Mr Alan
Costello ,ex-detective / used-car
salesman and director of DUBLIN CORPORATION'S
favoured developer...........
.06 On TUESDAY , the 7th. Of October
1997 the DAVID ALLEN POSTER SITES LTD Billboard on the
gable wall of no.
372 Clontarf Road was removed
by workers acting under orders from the exdetective/used-car dealer Mr. Alan
Mr. Roundtree , solicitor ,of 25
Mount Street upper , Dublin 2 advised that there was
nothing that could be done about
the collapse of 372A Clontarf
Road on the 6th. of October 1997 as no damage had been
caused (sic !!! )and had a similar
Weak response regarding the
illegal removal of the DAVID ALLEN POSTER SITES LTD
( ) Billboard on the gable wall of no. 372
Clontarf Road.

POSTER SITES LTD is part of the J.C. DECAUX Group of
France !
After being threatened with a
court injunction on the 8th. of October 1997 by Mr. H.
J.Roundtree , solicitor . 25 Mount Street
,upper, EMAIL: ( who acted after receiving a
joint phone call from Mr. F.D.Breitenstein , architect ,
121 Boulevard North, Bayside ,
Dublin 13. , and Mr. David Doran of Dublin Corporation's
Dangerous Building Department who both believed that the main
contractors , CELTICON LTD , were intent on demolishing
no. 372 Clontarf road ) they ,
Mr Alan Costellos subcontractors , CELTICON LTD , then left the site and
removed their company signpost from
the front of the 373 Clontarf Road
site .......
They have since changed address
to:Knock Road ,
Kiltimagh ,
County Mayo ,
An offer was made on the 8th. Of
October 1997 by Mr. Alan Costello in the presence of Mr.
Breitenstein and Mr. David
Doran( since deceased ) of Dublin
Corporations Dangerous Buildings Dept. to demolish the
remains of no. 372A Clontarf
Road ( which had ostensibly
collapsed on the 6th. Of October 1997...of its own
accord... ) and erect a boundary wall to
the rear of no. 372/373 Clontarf order to...make things good...

No mention was made about ANY

NEW DRAINAGE connection. This was some eight days
before a decision was due
( on 16th. October 1997 ) on Mr.
Maguire's proposed townhouse to the rear of no. 372
Clontarf Road , Dublin 3............
[ Plan Ref. No 980/97 ].
.23 On THURSDAY , the 23rd of
October 1997 part of the North-Eastern and North-Western
rear boundary wall between
nos. 372 and 373 Clontarf Road
was demolished by a bulldozer. The owner , Mr Maguire ,
only made the discovery
when he returned late in the
evening , and it was quite dark . He took some
photographs , in which , the tracks from a
bulldozer are clearly visible ! He
called the gardai again , and YET AGAIN : when the gardai
from Clontarf Garda Station
arrived they said it was a...civil
matter...and NOTHING to do with them...
At this stage the foundations for
the TWO APARTMENT BLOCKS had been laid but NO
DRAINAGE had been installed
and no work had been done on the
site to the front of 373 Clontarf Road ( the site of Mr Alan
Costello's proposed
TWO-STOREY house).
The only ' workers ' left on the site
were three employees of the ex-detective /used-car dealer
Mr. Alan Costello and they began
excavating the foundations for Mr
Costello's house.
{ NOTE : This was to be the
pattern for the following year ; with some extra '
empoyees ' being taken-on for the accellerated
pace of con struction

necessitated by the need to COVER-UP ( through the

device of building an
boundary wall between 372 and 373 ) the drainage
situation..; right up until the VIOLENT
FORCED-ENTRY by the gardai from Clontarf and Raheny
gardai stations , on
TUESDAY , the 1st of
December 1998 ...!!! }

There were extra workers

employed on the site of the house over Christmas 1997 ,
and the pace of construction
accellerated ( although no work
was done on the apartment blocks at all - untill July 1998).
.28 On TUESDAY , the 28th. of
October 1997 at 10.30 a.m. (approx.) in the morning the
remaining North-Eastern rear
boundary wall between 372 and
373 Clontarf Road was demolished by Mr. Alan Costellos
workers with a bulldozer,
who seemed to regard CRIMINAL
DAMAGE to other peoples property as s form of
amusement ! There were
several photos taken Mr. Costello's
' workers ' in action...
When the gardai arrived the
workers ran off laughing , through the " site to the rear
of 370-371 Clontarf Road "
( ' owned ' by some faceless entity
...) , and , shortly afterwards emerged at the side of no.
370 Clontarf Road
( now occupied by Mr. Costellos
daughter , and her hairdressing business ).
The gardai had caught them red-

handed , but then questioned them in a rather casual and

off-handed manner :
later the gardai in Raheny ( where
Mr Charles Haughey had resided for many years ) claimed
that Mr Alan Costello's
workers had permission from
Dublin Corporation ,...ALSO and that it was a CIVIL
matter and , quite bluntly ...
nothing to do with them !
A meeting was then arranged ,
without ANY INSTRUCTIONS from Mr Maguire , by Mr. H. J.
Roundtree ,
solicitor , of :
25 Mount Street , Upper ,
Dublin 2 ,
{ The HQ of Mr Charles Haughey's
FAIL political Party is just down the road ...... }
on the site ( at the now nonexistant rear boundary between nos. 372 and 373 Clontarf
Road ) for the next day
( 29th of October 1997 ) at 1 .00
In the meantime a LARGE TRENCH
had been excavated by the bulldozer on the line of the
former boundary wall ,
former rear boundary between 372 and 373 Clontarf Road
; and in the
process the MAPPING ERROR of
the Dublin Corporation's ' planners ' which said MAPPPING
Mr Alan Costello's , G. SAUNDERS
( even if , there was only a 3bedroomed house proposed for the site , let alone a 3storey house AND


.29 On WEDNESDAY , the 29th. of
October 1997 at 1:00 p.m (approx.) , the said meeting
arranged by Mr H. J.
Roundtree , solicitor , took place
372 and 37 3 Clontarf Road.
The meeting ( $$$$ ) was
attended by Mr. H. J. Roundtree , solicitor, ( 25 Mount
Street upper, Dublin 2. ), Mr. F.D.
Breitenstein , architect , ( 121
Boulevard North , Bayside , Dublin 13 ) and , representing
Mr. Costello ; both himself
and his architect , Mr. ONeill ,
architect , of :
Blessington ,
Co. Wicklow ,
{ Note : Mr O'Neill , architect , had ALSO BEEN Mr
John Flynn's architect for Mr Flynn's proposed
for the site to the rear of 370-371 Clontarf
Road , Dublin 3 , [ Plan Ref. no. 1257/94 ] - mentioned
Derek McDowell T.D. in his letters of
November 1994 and Feburary 1995 as described
previously }
( NOTHING in writing... ) was reached between Mr.
Roundtree( solicitor ) ,Mr. Breitenstein
( architect ) on the one hand ; and
; Mr. Alan Costello( ex-detective/used-car dealer ) , Mr.
O'Neill ( architect ) on the other
hand wherby Mr. Costello and his

architect , Mr O'Neill would make a drainage connection to

Dublin Corporation's main
DRAINAGE (sic ! ) of no. 372 Clontarf Road AFTER
furnishing Mr. Breitenstein with PLANS
of the proposed NEW DRAINAGE
This proposed NEW drainage
connection was permissable only on the condition that :
(1) IT WOULD NOT affect , adversely , the planning
permission granted ( on
the 16th. of October 1997 - the FINAL GRANT of
permission was not
given until the 1st. of December 1997 ) for Mr
Maguire's proposed
townhouse at the rear of no. 372 Clontarf Road : [ Plan Ref No. 0980/97]
(2) IT WOULD NOT DEVALUE no. 372 Clontarf Road in
any way.



In the event , NO plans were

...EVER... furnished to Mr. Breitenstein
$$$$..................Mr Alan Costello took care
of ...Mr H. J. Roundtree's( and Mr Breitenstein's ) expenses
the day !
.29 On A new rear boundary wall was
then erected with a 6 inch ( 150mm ) drain pipe concealed
beneath the extreme NorthEastern corner orientated in a

Northerly direction towards the apartment block " B " on

the rear portion of the site at
373 Clontarf Road [ Plan Ref no
1306/96 ]
According to Dublin Corporation's
own Building Regulations a 150mm drain pipe is the
minimum gauge for THREE or
MORE dwellings although the
impression given at the aforementioned meeting ( on
WEDNESDAY ,the 29th. of October
1997 ) was that the proposed new
drainage connection was to be ONLY FOR for the proposed
at the front of ( $$$ ) the 373
Clontarf Road site ALONE.........
AND NOT ( to be connected to... )
the APARTMENT BLOCK , designated Block ' B ' , on the
drawing plans submitted
with Mr Alan Costello's SEPERATE
Planning Application ( on behalf of G. SAUNDERS &
his ( and John Flynn's architect ) ,
Mr. O'Neill , on the 12th of June 1996 , as mentioned
previously : [ Plan Ref No. 0980/97]
$$$ where Margaret
Murphys cottage used to stand .
.01 On MONDAY , the 1st. of
December 1997 , the Final Grant of Permission for the
proposed townhouse to the rear of
no. 372 Clontarf Road was signed
and then issued by E. Jorde of the Planning Department of
Dublin Corporation.
The same E. Jorde had ALSO dealt
with the TWO Planning Applications of Mr Alan Costello ,
director / shareholder in
the Dublin Corporation's favoured

developer G. SAUNDERS & COMPANY LTD , for Mr

Costello's house and
( Block 'A' on the site " the rear of 370-371 ( sold
in December 1995 )
Clontarf Road ..."" , AND , Block '
B ' on the rear of the ...the 373 Clontarf Road site ; title
VESTED in the Dublin
Corporation since 10th. of
September 1992 )
Block ' B ' stands directly behind
the new house erected by Mr Alan Costello at 373 Clontarf
Road , Dublin 3 - and
was DIRECTLY IN-LINE with the
aforementioned 150 mm sewer pipe which Mr Alan
Costello's three workers
had concealed directly beneath
the NEW REAR BOUNDARY WALL which they had speedly
erected after the
previously-described progressive
between 372 and
373 Clontarf Road ( on the 23rd
and the 28th of October 1997 - not including the so-called
372A Clontarf Road on MONDAY ,
the 6th. of October 1997..., the INTENTION behind which ,
was ,
without any doubt ;
the forcing through ( by...the '
agreement ' of Mr Maguire to Mr Alan Costello's apparently
' generous ' offer to
rebuild the rear boundary wall ..'
at his own expense ' ( 8th October 1997 ) ) of Mr
Costello's NEW DRAINAGE Mr Costello's new
house ...AND ALSO the APARTMENT Block ' B '...
.19 A new Charge was created by G.
Saunders & Company Limited ( still at the Dunne Street

address as far as the Companies

Registration Office was aware.)
on the 19th. of December 1997 and refers to a site ...:
" to the rear of 370 Clontarf Road
( including 370B , 370C, 370F
Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 and the accompaning land ;
directly behind nos 370 ( Mr Alan
Costello's daughter's hairdressing
salon ) and 371 ( Ms Maeve Curran business... ) Clontarf
Road !.
The Charge was presented by the
said Whitney Moore & Keller for all sums due ( mortgage )
to :
Smurfit Finance Limited ,
94 St. Stephens Green ,
Dublin 2.,
and was signed on the 22nd. Of
December 1997 by Ann Harvey , of Whitney Moore &
[ C.R.O. Company no. 034654
Doc. Seq. no. 280382 ] .
It was around this time , just
before Christmas 1997 , that Mrs. Sheila Dolan , the last
remaining tenant of the cottages
to the rear of 370-371 Clontarf
Road ( which included 370B ( the " SQUATTER " ) , 370C
( Mrs Sheila Dolan ) , 370D
( ??? ) and 370F( another "
squatter " - who was receiving benefits from the
Department of Social Welfare , when Mr B. Ahern's
brother was Minister for Social
Welfare ...) , after complaining of months of harassment by
the " SQUATTER " who had
taken up residence in the vacant
property next door at no. 370B Clontarf Road ( just behind
, and sharing a common party
wall with Ms Maeve Curran ( her
business at 371 Clontarf Road... )) left her home in a

hurry ; never to return !.

This Charge - in common with the
Charge ( Debenture of 5th. of Feburary 1990 created by
G. Saunders & Company
Limited regarding a site on
Coolock Industrial Estate , ALSO the property of Dublin
Corporation... , and ( then ) with ...
all sums due to :
Guinness & Mahon Limited ,
17 College Green ,
Dublin 2
was NOT SCANNED in the
Companies Registration Parnell Street , Dublin 1
When the ex-detective / used-car
dealer , Mr Alan Costello , failed in his attempts to force
his NEW DRAINAGE scheme
through Mr Maguire's property ;
via his CONCEALED 150 mm.(millimeter) SEWER PIPE
beneath the NEW REAR
BOUNDARY WALL erected after the
' meeting ' of the 29th of October 1997 , as described
above , he and his three
' workers ' then attempted to
install an ALTERNATIVE NEW DRAINAGE scheme ; this
time , via/beneath , the
property ( 370C ) of the recentlydeparted Mrs Sheila Dolan. ( Plans and Photos of this
DRAINAGE scheme are viewable
here )
Mr F. D. Breitenstein , architect ,
made the observation that this scheme would not work
effectively ; as both the angle
( the outlet sewer pipe was at
right-angles to the direction of ... flow... ) , and the slope
( the gradient was too shallow...)
were wrong !


DRAINAGE " scheme for 373 Clontarf Road(dplan.htm) ,
was a cosmetic effort ; a
feeble attempt to deceive the
general public that work was ' progressing ' normally on
the development ( when in actual fact
, they : the favoured developers ,
G. SAUNDERS & COMPANY LTD as well as the so-called '
planners ' in the Dublin
Corporation knew from the outset
that the scheme was UNWORKABLE...
Indeed , Mr Breitenstein made the
point that in similar cases - where an attempt was made to
, effectively , ' defy gravity '
, that is , in order to overcome the
slope problem : developers had resorted to installing a
pumping station in-situo ...;
to pump the waste from the TWO
APARTMENT BLOCKS ( Block ' A ' and Block ' B ' ) in
addition to the waste
from Mr Costello's (NOW) 3-storey
house , uphill...
although whether that was
feasable in the case of 373 Clontarf Road remains highly
dubious ...
But as there had been ' rumours '
in the locality about the slow pace of development - the
story was put about that the
developers were in financial
difficulties...of sorts..., so obviously , something had to be
( seen to be ) done .......
DRAINAGE " scheme for 373 Clontarf Road tranversed the
site ...
" the rear of 370-371 ( sold in December 1995 )
Clontarf Road ..."

via/under the old boundary wall

( which joined 370C and 370F Clontarf Road ) between
the said site and the...
....the 373 Clontarf Road site ; title VESTED in the Dublin
Corporation since 10th. of September 1992
although under ; condition no. (5)
imposed by the Planning Department on the TWO
apartment block
complexes proposed for the
( i.e. " the rear of 370-371 ( sold in December
1995 )
Clontarf Road ..." AND the REAR
PORTION($$$$) of ...the 373 Clontarf Road site ; title
VESTED in the Dublin
Corporation since 10th. of
September 1992 )
was that , the drainage for the
COMBINED SITES was to be agreed in advance ,..IN
WRITING .. , with the Planning
Department of the Dublin
Corporation ( the permission was granted in full on 20th.
Of Feburary 1997 )
[ Plan Ref. No. 1306/96 ].
This new drainage scheme was
installed around the beginning of May 1998 -about 15
months AFTER permission
was granted to the TWO
SEPERATE Planning Applications on the SAME DAY [ Plan
Ref. nos. 1301/96 AND
1306/96 ] by Dublin
Corporations ' Planning ' Department.( THURSDAY , the
20th of Feburary 1997 ).
$$$$ being part of the
aforementioned Vesting Order dated the 10th. of
September 1992 on Margaret Murphy's

land at 373 Clontarf

.00 Sometime during 1998 , Mr. Brian
O' Meara / O'Mara moved away from his former address in
15 Church Street, Howth ,
Co. Dublin without leaving any
forewarding address - Mr Bernard McKenna , apparently ,
moved to the south-side of
Dublin City.
.20 The owner of 372 Clontarf Road
then contacted Mr. Billy Young , of NUMBER ONE SECURITY
order to arrange for a security
guard to guard the premises at 372 Clontarf Road - after
the bulldozer driver(W1) working
on the rear of the 373 Clontarf
Road site(while being concealed behind a mound of clay
and rubble ; put in place by the
bulldozer driver for that very
purpose - to conceal both his and his co-workers CRIMINAL
quite deliberately , and with the
intention of causing the maximum amount of stress and
INTIMIDATION , to the owner of
372 Clontarf Road drove the said
bulldozer against the temporary fencing erected on the
North-Western rear boundary of
372/373 Clontarf Road by the
owner , Mr Rory Maguire , causing the said fencing to "
COLLAPSE " - just like the
previous " collapses " on the 6th.
October 1997 , the 23rd October 1997 , the 28th October
.31 Because of the ongoing
harassment from the THREE WORKERS of Mr Alan
Costellon on the site of 373 Clontarf Road ,

which included parking on the

forecourt of the shop at 372 Clontarf Road( enabling them
to conceal their acts of
CRIMINAL DAMAGE on the front
wall of the shop : in order to try and cause it to " collapse "
, and , thereby , eventually;
succeeding in justifying their
PLANNED DEMOLITION of the front wall of the shop on the
13th of May 1998.
The owner , in order to try to
protect his property from these CRIMINAL ACTIONS had 3
RAM BARS installed on the
forecourt of the shop at 372
Clontarf Road on the 31st March 1998 by :
Unit 1 , Greenhills Industrial Estate ,
Greenhills ,
Dublin 12
Tel : 50 0723 and 507070 ,
Fax : 50 0723


Cost :
.07 On the 7th. of May 1998 ,
auctioneers , Douglas Newman Good , of :
2 Malahide Road ,
Fairview ,
Dublin 3 ,
Tel : 833 1802 ,
auctioned Mr. Alan Costellos house
at ;
56 Hampton Court ,
Clontarf ,
Dublin 3.( circa 251,000.00 )
{ Just down the road from
CLONTARF CASTLE - the former family-seat of the


.07 On the 13th. of May 1998 , at 1.00
p.m. approx. , Mr. Costello's THREE ' WORKERS ' on the
site at 373 Clontarf
Road demolished the front wall on
the 372 side of the boundary line between 372 and 373
Clontarf Road.
The said wall was NOT a boundary
wall but was part of no. 372 Clontarf Road. When the
single guard arrived at approx
1.30 p.m. in response to Mr
Maguire's 999n call , the " workers " produced a letter
from Mr. Thomas Looms , a local
solicitor ( and ambitious Fianna
Fail party member with aspirations to be ' made ' a
judge ... ) , of :
38 Dollymount Avenue ( also no. 1 Coolock Village ) ,
Clontarf ,
Dublin 3
to the effect that Dublin
Corporation had given them ( Mr Alan Costello's THREE
WORKERS " permission " to demolish
the said wall as it was..."...
dangerous... "... and ..." had to be removed "...
The wall in question had been
repaired earlier in 1997 by Mr Maguire , and shortly
afterwards was quite deliberately broken
in part at the front , and thereby
rendered ...' dangrerous '... , by the said ' WORKERS ' ;
who used it as an access point
while building Mr Costello's 3storey house at the front of no. 373 Clontarf Road.
They also laid some drain pipes
adjacent to said wall , while at the same time , Dublin
Corporation workers appeared and
began tearing up the near-side of
the Clontarf Road - directly opposite Mr Costello's new

They the so-called workers
used by ex-detective / used-car dealer Mr Alan Costello quite deliberately and with
undermined the said wall with a bulldozer , before finally
demolishing it!!!
.00 An inspector , Mr. Gerry Ryan , was
appointed AGAIN BY the vice-taoiseach , Ms. Mary Harney ,
or deputy-Prime
Minister of Eire UNDER Mr B.
Aherm , to ' EXAMINE ...' the books and other documents
belonging to
part of the money trail leading to the ...ANSBACHER
established in 1979 , by Management and Investment
Management Information Services
was run by SAM FIELD CORBETT( also a director of
COMPANY - which submitted
numerous documents to the Companies Registration
Office on behallf of ...
who is a business associate of Mr C. J. Haughey !
Two former directors of the
GUINNESS & MAHON bank ( ) :
(1) Maurice O'Kelly , and
(2) Daniel O'Connor
were directors of KENTFORD
SECURITIES for a brief period ; which was CONTROLLED

Mr C. J. Haughey's accountant ;
the late Des Traynor ( % ).
Des Traynor used KENTFORD
SECURITIES to LAUNDER money( through opening and
closing accounts - once
the monies had been moved
abroad to the ANSBACHER(Cayman Islands) ACCOUNTS).
dissolved in May 1995 }
%................Des Traynor died in
1994 - prior to the ' take-over ' of GUINNESS & MAHON
...........GUINNESS & MAHON
on the
31st August 1994 by
.01 On TUESDAY , the 1st of
December 1998 , at approximately 1:00 p.m. TWO
unmarked garda cars containing plainclothes detectives rushed to 372
CLONTARF ROAD , DUBLIN 3 in response to a call from Mr.
(ex-detective and used-car
dealer ) mobile phone.
Mr. Costello had moved to the 3storey house he had built to the front of 373 CLONTARF
ROAD during 1998.
They , Garda David Gallagher , of
Raheny Garda Station , acting under orders from Detective
Joseph Enright of
Clontarf Garda Station proceeded
to break down the side door of the shop(leading to the
first-floor flat of 372
Clontarf Road - WITHOUT

- or
even as friends / partners-incrime of Mr Alan Costello , the ex-detective...
They then rushed up the stairs laughing at the criminal damage they had caused.
The (then) owner , assuming that he was being
attacked by associates of Mr. Alan Costello tried to prevent
them from
entering the flat!
The owner , Mr Rory Maguire ,
assuming that he was being attacked by armed-thug
associates of Mr. Alan Costello tried
to prevent them from entering the
flat - by blocking the stairway at the half-landing...!
In the course of the struggle ,
which lasted less than a minute , Garda Crehan fell back
on top of Garda David Gallagher...
( who later claimed , in an attempt
to extort compensation ; that his thumb had been
fractured (while he was doing his..
duty Mr Charles J. Haughey's '
standards ' doubt... ) , during the forced-entry by a
kick from Mr. Maguire...
After several minutes of struggle ,
and realising that they could not EASILY effect an entry by
force they began to scream
that they were...GARDAI
The (then) owner, assuming that
he was not about to be attacked (or even killed ! ) then
ceased attempting to defend himself
by preventing their
unwelcome/uninvited and ILLEGAL entry into his property ,
that is , the 1st floor-flat above the
ground-floor shop at 372 Clontarf
Road - which 3 years earlier was occupied by Mr Alan
Costello's daughter ...
plying her trade...

They then handcuffed him and

began screaming abuse and shouting questions and wild
accusations at him !
WARRANT .......................!!!
Such was the athmosphere of
violence and intimidation especially from Garda David
Gallagher - who was cursing and
swearing and threatening extreme
violence against Mr Maguire , that Mr Maguire thought it
best not to say , or do ,
anything , that might provide an
excuse / justification to Mr Alan Costello's former
partners/colleagues in the force , to
exercise their ' powers ' to the
fullest extent....
{ Mr Raphael Burke , like his
leader and fellow Fianna Fail party-member , Mr Charles J.
Haughey was a former ...
Minister for Justice , and
observed very close relations with his underlings in the
Garda force....
While Mr Maguire was seated and
handcuffed ( and therefore unable to defend himself ) ,
Garda David Gallagher ,
who had , by now , worked himself
up into a frenzy of rage : caused to a large extent by his
poor performance at his
forced entry , behind Garda
Crehan on the stairs earlier - the humilitation...of rolling
about at the bottom of the stairway
- with Garda Crehan ( who is no
lightweight ) on top of him - was just too much for him to
bear ...sneaked up behind
Mr Maguire , and struck him a
heavy blow , with a torch , on the back of his head cutting the scalp and causing blood

to flow...
Detective Joseph Enright , who
was shouting questiuons at Mr Maguire , at the time , did
nothing to stop his
partner-in-crime , and even
smirked and even stopped Mr Maguire from attempting to
stem the flow of blood.
He was later arrested and charged
with CRIMINAL DAMAGE : the case being continuously
remanded.....until the end
of NOVEMBER 1999 ....when it was
finally ' heard ' in FRONT of Judge Tiimothy Halpin

{ His so-called defense counsel , a disinterested

solicitor by the name of Ms Jenny McGeever ,of free-legal
AIDer' s
Terence Lyons & Co. ( granted by the first Judge to
hear the so-called case , Judge Miriam Malone , was , by a
remarkable coincidense , promoted to the Circuit
Court during the remand process and so ,...obviously .. ,
not provide ANY defense ,
whatsoever , and just before the case was to be
heard...FINALLY ,...after 6 remands...
before....Judge TIMOTHY HALPIN
CROWLEY....the 'defense ' was dumped into the lap of Mr
Patrick Neil ,
several minutes before the case
was to be heard ...
the only option , under such '
circumstances ' , was to plead guilty ...GUILTY TO BEING
STATE-SPONSORED CRIMINALCONSPIRACY ...the 'state' in question ..being Eire , the
Estate of the Grand-Master himself
, Sir Winston Churchil , and his underling criminal-acolytes
in the bought-

and-paid for party of the illbred

and illiterate...Fianna FAILures...Their founding ' leader ' ,
the Spainish
half-breed , Mr Eamon De Valera ,
with his stage-managed escape from Lincoln jail in 1917 ,
and his suck
cessors... all being puppets in the
pay(ola) of the MASONS
{ In Mr De Valera's case it was Sir
Basil Goulding's father ,. Sir Lingard Amphlett Goulding
(2nd. Baronet ) ,
and Governor of the Bank of
Ireland , who bought his election ' victory ' in 1932 ......
.01 The gardai involved along with
Garda Name

(Garda Number )

( 1 ) DAVID GALLAGHER ( 25983G )

who struck the owner of no. 372
Clontarf Road across the back of the head while he was
handcuffed ! Also present as
witnesses and active participants
to the ILLEGAL-FORCED-ENTRY of no. 372 Clontarf Road ,
Dublin 3 , Eire , (on
Tuesday , the first of December ,
1998 , at 1:00 p.m. , approximately ) and the subsequent
ASSAULT and ILLEGALDETENTION of the owner , Mr. Rory
Maguire( lately of 48 Dollymount Park , Clontarf , Dublin
3 ) were the
( 2 ) M. CREHAN ( 00846L )

( 3 ) F. OLOHAN ( 00811G )
( 4 ) J. KIRWAN ( 00554A )
PRODUCED - either at the time ( 1st. December 1998 ) or
later in ANY of the following District Court hearings ;
and the so-called legal aid granted by Justice Miriam
Malone in the District Court at
the first hearing of the case , on
the Wednesday morning of the 3rd of December 1998 , at
10:00 a.m. in Dublin
Metropolitan District Court
Number 44 ; in the person of Miss Jenny McGeever
,apprentice solicitor , of the
liars/lawyers :
criminal ...solicitors ... ,
Arran Quay ,
Dublin 7 ,
who was later to be promoted to
the District Court and therby to be taken off the case made absolutely No
REFERENCE TO this FACT in Court.
HEARING of the
case , on the Wednesday morning
, of the 16th of December 1998 , threatened to throw the
case out of court if the
presented at the next hearing.( January 1999 )
At the NEXT REMAND , the
...and Ms Jenny McGeever , who
was ...ostensibly... representing the owner of no. 372
Clontarf Road made NO

request of the prosecutions main witness :

, for yet another adjournment : as
a medical report was being prepared on behalf of (the)
detective ( ?? ) who
supposedly sustained a broken
arm during the ILLEGAL-FORCED-ENTRY of no. 372 Clontarf
Road , Dublin 3
on the 1st of December 1998.
The case was remanded 6 times
before 4 different Judges in Court no 44 from December
1998 to November 1999
( $$$$$ ) 3 months after no. 372
Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 , was put on the Market by Mr
Maguire , in August 1999
, and sold by tender to Adam
Clarke , of :
Hamilton Osbourne King , estate agents ,
Molesworth Street ,
who acted ' in trust ' ...for the
Dublin Corpoations favoured developer :
{ Incidentially, Gerard McCarthy of
Hamilton Osbourne King , Molesworth Street , Dublin had
previously acted for the
owner , Mr. Rory Maguire in
Valuing No. 372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 in 1996 for the
purposes of Stamp Duty
calculation/Capital Gains as a
result of the ongoing Conveyance of no. 372 from Mrs.
Nora Maguire to Mr. Rory
Maguire being orchestrated - since
1991 - by :
John OConnor , solicitor ,
168 Pembroke Road ,
Balls Bridge ,
Dublin 4 ,

Eire ,

.00 A tax-liability on some IR2.0
million punts of "...personal financial gifts..." to Mr
Charles Haughey levied by the Revenue
Commissioners was ' CANCELLED
' by the Appeals Commissioner , Mr. Ronan O'Kelly - a
brother-in-law of the new
Prime Minister of Eire , Mr. B.
Ahern !
.00 The Special Share retained by the
MINISTER FOR FINANCE in Irish Life plc is ' CANCELLED ' in
December 1998.
.31 On the 31st December 1998 , the
banking business of GUINNESS MAHON & COMPANY LTD in
the U.K. was
acquired by INVESTEC BANK(UK)
Gerard Delaney , of :
14 Temple Park ,
Dartry ,
Dublin 6 ,
Tel : 496 0810
the Company Secretary of Smurfit
Finance Limited , WHO later resigned as Director and
Secretary on the 23rd. of July
He was replaced by John McNicholl

, 10 The Gallops , Dublin Road , Naas , Co. Kildare

At the 16th. of September 1998 ,
title to 373 Clontarf Road , was still VESTED in the Dublin
Corporation - according
to the Land Registry at :

Setanta House ,
Nassau Street ,
Dublin 2
- even though Mr. Costellos
workmen had ALREADY built a TWO-STOREY house on the
front portion( $$$ ) of the
site ( with a more recent Planning
Application submitted to the Dublin Corporation , [ Plan
Ref no. 2278/98 ] , for a
tiled-roof extension , effectively
making it a THREE-STOREY house ...using a cunning
approach .
In the aforementioned planning
application , Mr. Costellos architect , Mr. ONeill, claims a
the property even though legally
, Margart Murphys land at 373 Clontarf Road is still , at
this point in time , in the
name of the DUBLIN
A previous application , to extend
Mr Costello's roof [ Plan Ref No. 1953/98 ] was withdrawn
in early August 1998
after Mr Maguire submitted
objections to the Planning Department of the Dublin
Corpopration ...!
The Corporation is presently
awaiting more information from the developers at the
moment ( September 1998 )

.00 The new Prime Minister of Eire , Mr
B. Ahern announces with... much fanfare... a NEW
( including the Clontarf area ...
.21 On the 21st of April 1999 IRISH
LIFE PLC merged into IRISH PERMANENT PLC becoming :
; IRISH LIFE PLC in the process
becoming ...a SUBSIDIARY of the new entity...
.21 The Irish Life & Permanent group
was created out of the merger of Irish Life plc and Irish
The merger brought together the
LARGEST life assurer and the LARGEST MORTGAGE
LENDER lender in the Irish
market with both companies
having market shares in excess of 20% in their respective
The address of IRISH LIFE &
Irish Life Centre ,
Lr. Abbey Street ,
Dublin 1 ,
Tel : 704 2000 and 661 5577 ,
Fax : 704 1908 and 661 5828 ,
Email : ,
Group Treasury ,
Custom House Plaza 4 ,
International Financial Services Centre ,

Dublin 1 ,
{ The group had total assets of 31
BILLION at December 31st 2000 and shareholders' equity
of 2 BILLION. The
group is strongly capitalised
with both its capital adequacy and solvency ratios
substantially in excess of regulatory
requirement ... }
.18 On the18th May 1999 the Planning
Department of Dublin Corporation , at :
Block 4 ,
Civic Offices ,
Wood Quay ,
Dublin 8 ,
Tel : 672 2222 ,
Fax : 670 7861 ,
by Order , decided to grant
permission to Mr. Alan Costello , now with a NEW ADDRESS
at 373 Clontarf Road ,
Dublin 3 for :
"...A new pitched roof over existing flat roof for use as
residential accommodation and for provision of conservatory to rear of previously approved house(Register Reference (1301/96) and also for the retention
of alterations to include interalia windows , front garden
wall, use of front section of roof as balcony , internal
changes and new party wall with No.372, Clontarf
[ PLAN NO : 2278/98 ]
{ The previous front wall extending from the ground-floor
shop at 372 Clontarf Road to the footpath of the Clontarf
Road( and,
which was standing on the 372 Clontarf Road side ) was
{ The previous front wall
extending from the ground-floor shop at 372 Clontarf Road

to the western footpath of the

Clontarf Road( and , which was
standing on the 372 Clontarf Road side ) had firstly been
undermined by the
' THREE WORKERS ' of Mr. Alan
Costello and as a con sequence of the subsequent
weakening thereof ,
provided the "justification " for
the PLANNED DEMOLITION of the wall - with the " con
sent" and ' approval ' of
the 13th May 1998.....}
.00 In June 1999 , coincidentially ,
Hamilton Osbourne King of Molesworth Street acted for
in the '... quick-disposal...' of the
Company to EQUITY BANK (a subsidiary of the BANK OF
' Canada House ' ,
65-68 St. Stephens Green ,
Dublin 2 ,
Tel : 408 3500 ,
Fax : 475 7143 ,
Email :
several weeks before Mr. Mulligan
of their Vernon Avenue branch made an invitation to the
owner of 372 Clontarf Road ,
Mr Rory Maguire (in June 1999) to
enter into discussions in order to purchase the property on
behalf of .
...anonymous clientswhose
Company face/mask turned out to be ... the Dublin
Corporation's favoured developer ...
.00 Mr. B. Ahern , the Prime Minister of
Eire and three former Ministers for FINANCE were required
to give evidence to
the Public Accounts Committee

setup by Parliament to investigate the 30% of the

country's Bank deposits held in
non-resident accounts. ( IR3,000
million as of November 1998 )
.04 On the 4th of May 2000 , was sold
to HAMILTON OSBOURNE KING , estate agents , acting " in
trust " for unknown
purchasers...( Mr Adam Clarke ,
manager of their VERNON Avenue branch submitted their
bid... )
.11 " Sir Basil quits Hibernian
Insurance board " ...
Sir Basil Goulding , it was
announced yesterday , has resigned from the board of
Hibernian Insurance
because of the acquisition by
Fitzwilton ( of which he is chairman ) of a stake in New
Ireland Assurance
[ Bill Murdoch , Irish Times ,
Saturday November 11th. , 1972 ]
.07 " Guinness & Mahon equity capital
to be Irish - owned "
Guinness & Mahon , the Dublinbased merchant banking subsidiary of Guinness Mahon ,
London has introduced Irish
ownership into its equity capital.
This has been arranged by the issue of 1.2m. of 6%
convertible unsecured loan stock
1982 which has already been half
paid up.
The parent company ,
Guinness Mahon , which is publicly quoted , has agreed to
take up half ( 600,000 ) of the loan
stock and the balance has been
privately placed with Irish institutions and individuals ,
including directors and managers of
the Dublin bank , who are
resident in this country.

The stock is convertible into

ordinary shares in Guinness and Mahon , on the basis of 4
shares for every 11 of stock
( or 275p per share ).
On full conversion , the Irishresidents would end up controlling 15% of the Dublin
bank's equity. The Central Bank
of Ireland has stated that it
would favour Irish participation in foreign banks
established here.
A spokesman for Guinness and
Mahon yesterday said the reason for the introduction of
the con-vertible loan stock
was to provide additional funds
for the continued expansion of its business and to
introduce Irish ownership.
The names of the Irish
institutions have not been published but it understood that
they are the New Ireland Assurance
and its subsidiary , the Irish
National Insurance.
On full conversion of the loan
stock they would control 5% of the Dublin bank , while the
directors and managers of
Guinness and Mahon would hold
around 7%.
Con version is expected within a
few years.
[ Bill Murdoch , Irish Times ,
Monday November 7th. , 1977 , page 14 ]
.07 Plan drawn-up for the ..." Derelict
site at 373 Clontarf Road "... ( Area 1235 m .305 Acre ,
and containing the late Margaret
Murphy's structurally-sound
single-storey cottage ) by :
Mr Michael R. Doyle ,
Drawing Office ,
Dublin Corporation Engineering

Department ,
[ INDEX No. 10360/1 ]

.22 " Juggling with the political figures

So Mr Haughey starts as
favourite to cobble enough independent support to return
him to office.
With support from Mr Neil
Blaney , Independent Fianna Fail(sic) , he would have 82
votes and would need only another
two for an overall majority.
[ Richard Ford , The Times ,
Monday Feburary 22nd. , 1982 , page 2 ]
.30 In a letter from the Minister for
Social Welfare , Dr Michael Woods T.D. , dated 30th
November 1988 (Wednesday ) to
the Minister of State and
Government Chief Whip( under Mr Charles J. Haughey ) ,
Mr Vincent Brady T.D. , regarding
the old age pension claim ( Ref :
02-566 3866K/02-1780510 ) of Mr William Maguire and his
wife ,
Mr Michael Woods writes :
..." I wish to let you know that it
was decided by a Deciding Officer on 25th October 1988
that Mr and
Mrs Maguire are each entitled
to pension at the reduced weekly rate of 15.10 from 10th
June 1988.
...This is the rate to which they
are entitled to having regard to their means which are
assessed as
follow :
Capital 38,812.56

Net Yearly Value


( which includes the capital

value of shop() on Clontarf Rd. )
Moiety ( half the total
means of a married couple )
Weekly Means


Under the provisions of the

Social Welfare Acts any property that is not personally
used or
enjoyed must be assessed as
means for pension purposes. Accordingly the capital
of a shop() owned by Mr
Maguire has been assessed with the capital value of
36,000 as
verified by the commissioner of
This is in accordance with the
rules as the calculation of means as contained in the Third
Schedule of the Social
Welfare( Con solidation ) Act , 1981 .
Your sincerely
Minister for Social Welfare
{ ...372 Clontarf Road , Dublin
3 , Eire }
.02 In a letter , dated the 2nd
December 1988 , from the Minister of State at the
Department of the Prime Minister
( Mr Charles J. Haughey ) , the
Government Chief Whip, Mr Vincent Brady T.D. (His Ref:

PC/DG) wrote to
Mr William Maguire's wife , Mrs
Nora Maguire regarding :
..." the rate of payment of old age
pension made to both you and your husband.
You will note that unfortunately
you are each entitled to a pension at a rate of only 16.50
per week as a result of the
means which are assessed against you.
Your means I note from the
enclosed reply() include the capital value of the shop()
Clontarf Road.
This valuation of 36,000 has
been verified by the Commissioner of valuation.
Yours sincerely ,
Vincent Brady
Vincent Brady T.D.
Minister of State and
Government Chief Whip
{ ...372 Clontarf Road , Dublin
3 , Eire }
{ ...the letter from Minister
for Social Welfare , Dr. Michael Woods T.D. , dated 30th
November 1988 to the
Minister of State and
Government Chief Whip( under Mr Charles J. Haughey ) ,
Mr Vincent Brady T.D.
.05 Debenture , dated the 5th of
Feburary 1990 , created by G. SAUNDERS & COMPANY
LIMITED ; the persons

entitled to the Debenture Charge

are :
merchant Bankers , of
17 College Green ,
Dublin 2
The amount secured by the
Charge is for ...:
" all sums now due or hereafter to
become due from the Company to the Bank in any manner
whatsoever . "...
The document [ Company no.
034654 Doc. Seq. no. 017 ] was presented by the
solicitors for GUINNESS &
Richard J. Black & Co. , solicitors , of
Kinnear Court ' ,
16/20 Cumberland Street South ,
Dublin 2
The document was signed and
dated the 5th. Feburary 1990 by Mr Richard J. Black & Co. ,
solicitors for GUINNESS
particulars... were NOT VERIFIED... by anyone......instead
there was a stamp with the
legend...Certified Copy of Deed
The document was egistered on
the 8th. of Feburary 1990, in the Companies Registration
...more accurately , GUINNESS & MAHON LIMITED
.26 " Three-quarters of Irish voters

want Haughey out "

Mr Ahern who recently talked
publicly of his marital difficulties and his support for
amending Ireland's con stitutional ban
on divorce , had said he would not
He has been under strong pressure
to do so from the Haughey camp.
His only public comment has been
to say it was ' inappropriate ' for anyone to be canvassing
for a job that
was not yet vacant.
Other possible candidates
include : the Health Minister , Mary O'Rourke , Gerry
Collins (Foreign Affairs )
and Michael Woods ( Minister for
the Environment )
[ Alan Murdoch , Independent on
Sunday , January 26th , 1992 ]
.28 " Haughey 'is ready to step down
as leader' "
Speculation that Charles Haughey ,
the Irish Premier , is about to resign intensified last night
after a
statement from the 66-year-old
leader of the Fianna Fail party that he was not endorsing
any particular
candidate to succeed him.
His supporters are in little
doubt that his preferred choice as successor would be the
younger ,
and liberal-inclined , finance
minister , Bertie Ahern.
[ Alan Murdoch , Independent ,
January 28th , 1992 ]
.02 " Inquiry takes Smurft to task "
The Irish industrialist Michael
Smurfit suffered from 'a stated lack of recollection on a
number of important and relevant
issues' in the acquisitionof

property for the state-owned Telecom Eireann , according

to an Irish government report on
the affair.
Mr Smurfit was the chairman of
Telecom in January 1990 when it agreed to pay IR pounds
9.4 million for a Dublin
site it proposed using as an HQ.
The previous year , UPH , a copany in which he had a
substantial shareholding ,
had paid IR pounds 4 million for
the same site.
In the interim , ownership of the
property changed on a number of
Mr Smurfit resigned the Telecom
chair last September at the start of an investigation into
the deal.
The first report
of this inquiry shows the
packaging tycoon took a hands-on approach during his
tenure as unpaid chairman of Telecom.
A Smurfit advisor , Dermot
Desmond , set up UPH in November 1988.
Its main investment was the
Dublin site.
The interim owners used before
Telecom's purchase used Cyprus and Channel Islands
registered companies , which
had the effect of disguising
beneficial ownership.
In May 1989 , Mr Smurfit had
written to a number of estate agents , stating that he was
looking for a site for a new
headquarters for Telecom.
In August 1989 , Mr Desmond
told his bankers that the company was a possible
The Telecom board had not yet
discussed this site...
In September 1989 , Mr Smurfit
appointed himself to chair Telecom's superannuation
At his first
meeting he said he would
propose a future development...

On 17th. October 1989 , Mr

Smurfit viewed the site and told his estate agent that
Telecom would buy it .
On 24th. October 1989 , he
wrote to Telecom's pension trustees asking them to buy.
They refused !
In November 1989 , he decided
that Telecom should buy the site, on the basis of
calculations made ' on the back of
an envelope '.
He sought no
professional advice on the deal.
[ Desmond Murphy ,
Independent on Sunday , August 2nd , 1992 ]
.15 Fixed and Floating Charge , dated
the 15th.of July 1993 , created by G. SAUNDERS &
persons entitled to the Charge
are :
The amount secured by the
Charge is 250,000.00.
The document [ Company no.
034654 Doc. Seq. no. 022 ] was presented by the
solicitors for Smurfit Finance
Limited :
EUGENE F. COLLINS , solicitors , of
61 Fitzwilliam Square ,
Dublin 2
Tel : 676 1924 or 678 5766
Fax : 661 8906
The document was signed and dated the 16th. of July
1993 by Mr Gerard Delaney , chartered accountant , of :
14 Temple Park ,
Dartry ,
Dublin 6 ,
, the Company Secretary (Date of
birth : 12/10/1955 ) of SMURFIT FINANCE LIMITED and the

verified , oddly enough , the
previous day (15th July 1993 ) by Mr Alan Costello and his
wife , Mrs Kay Costello ,
directors , for and on behalf of , G.
solicitor ...
The document was egistered on the 16th. of
January 1993 , in the Companies Registration Office.
...the registered name of the
Company trading as SMURFIT FINANCE & LEASING of :
Tel : 478 1577 ,
Fax : 475 3180 ,
[ Letter to the Registrar of the
Companies Registration Office ( then at Dublin Castle ,
Dublin 2 ) , dated 20th December
1996 , from Mr Gerard Delaney ,
Director/ Secretary of SMURFIT FINANCE LIMITED ,
Re: Smurfit Finance Ltd Company Number 065808 - year ended 31/12/95 ]
...the solicitor acting for G.
estate agents as a FRONT
( HOK acting " in-trust " ...) for their tender-bid for 372
Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 on the
September 1999.
.15 Floating Charge , dated the 15th.of
persons entitled to the Charge
are :

The amount secured by the

Charge is also 250,000.00.
This document [ Company no.
128837 Doc. Seq. no. 009 ] was also presented by the
solicitors for Smurfit Finance
Limited :
EUGENE F. COLLINS , solicitors , of
61 Fitzwilliam Square ,
Dublin 2
Tel : 676 1924 or 678 5766
Fax : 661 8906
This document was again signed and dated the 16th.
of July 1993 by Mr Gerard Delaney , chartered accountant ,
of :
14 Temple Park ,
Dartry ,
Dublin 6 ,
, the Company Secretary (Date of
birth : 12/10/1955 ) of SMURFIT FINANCE LIMITED and the
verified , like the corresponding
document for G. SAUNDERS & COMPANY LIMITED , the
previous day
(15th July 1993 ) by Mr Alan
Costello and his wife , Mrs Kay Costello , as directors , for
(this time ) and on behalf of ,
Mr CATHAL O'NEILL , solicitor ...
This document was ALSOegistered on the 16th. of
January 1993 , in the Companies Registration Office.
.01 " Irish Permanent buys Guinness
and Mahon for 6.7 million."
The Irish Permanent Building
Society , which is expected to be floated on the Stock
Market in late October , has moved into
the private banking market with
the acquisition of Guinness and Mahon for 6.7 million.
Completion of the takeover

negotiations and the inclusion of full details of the deal in

the flotation documentation will delay
the announcement of the
group's first-half results and the release of its pathfinder or
preliminary prospectus which were
expected today.
The results
and the pathfinder are now expected within two to three
Irish Permanent Chief
executive Mr Roy Douglas described the takeover of
Guinness and Mahon as " consistent with our
strategy of providing a full
range of financial services to the personal market " .
Irish Permanent is paying a goodwill
premium - the excess of the
purchase price over the net assets of Guinness and Mahon
- of 1.2 million for the bank which
has concentrated on private
banking for the past 18 months.
" We are paying a premium
for the business and the name and for a vehicle for future
expansion in the niche private
banking market , " Mr Douglas
Guinness and Mahon has a total client list of
about 4,000 , but the active private
client list is about 1,000
customers , according to Mr Douglas.
Irish Permanent
intends to add new products and services
to the Guinness and Mahon
operation which will be run as an autonomous subsidiary
of the building society.
Irish Permanent will use its
existing customer base as a source of new clients for the
private banking operation , he said ,
adding that as the economy
improves the demand for private banking is expected to
grow strongly over the next four to five
The takeover , like
the recent 30.5 million takeover of the Prudential Life of
Ireland , will be funded out of cash
resources , he said , adding that
the goodwill element is " not significant " .

Guinness and Mahon , set up

in 1836 as a subsidiary of Guinness and Mahon & Co.
London which is now owned by the
Bank of Yokohama , specialises
in private banking - offering specialised financial services
to middle- and upper-income
The services include
private client fund management , asset-backed lending to
high net worth individuals ,
interest-bearing current
accounts , personal pension plans and stock exchange
execution services.
Irish Permanent declined to
provide full financial details of the takeover in advance of
the pathfinder document. The
Guinness and Mahon operation
is understood to have suffered heavy losses in recent
years in merchant and corporate
banking operations and has
built up tax-losses which can be used to reduce the tax
charge on profits in future years.
The bank which currently has
about 40 million of clients funds under management , is
currently trading " at a touch
below break-even " , Mr Douglas
But he expects that the introduction of Irish
Permanent customers will
" push the bank into the
black ..." this year with , with significant growth expected
in future years.
Asked if further acquisitions are
planned , Mr Douglas said that Irish Permanent has now
made two significant acquisitions
to ensure that it can provide a
full range of financial services to the personal market.
" Our task now is to make sure
that the group is con solidated ,
to focus on bedding-down the acquisitions and then to
expand what we have got. "
Mr Douglas will become
chairman of Guinness and Mahon while Irish Permanent
directors , Mr Peter Ledbetter and

Mr Peter Fitzpatrick will be

appointed directors.
The current Guinness and Mahon
chairman , Professor Charles Dillon ,
will remain on the board and
will act as " chairman-alternate ".
Irish Permanent plans to
recruit a new chief executive for the operation .
Douglas said the " high-quality "
appointment may be from
inside or outside the company and added that the 28
employees of Guinness and Mahon are
expected to remain with the
[ Mary Canniffe , Irish Times ,
Thursday September 1st. , 1994 , page 18 ; Business and
Finance ]

.01 " Executive director "

Mr Walter Hobbs has been
appointed an executive director of ACT Venture Capital ,
which was formed by Mr Niall
Carroll who resigned as head of
AIB International Con sultants in May.
Mr Hobbs had
been a director of AIB's
Corporate Finance operations
since 1987.
His resignation from AIB was " totally
amicable " , said Mr Carroll
" I am building up the team and
needed someone with wider Corporate financial
experience ".
[ Irish Times , Thursday
September 1st. , 1994 , page 18 ; Business and Finance ]
.01 " Permanent ties up 7m.
Guinness and Mahon deal "
THE FINAL piece in the Irish
Permanent's strategy to provide a full retail service to
personal customers fell into place

yesterday with completion of

the takeover of the small Dublin bank Guinness and
It follows the establishment of
a car and personal finance subsidiary , Irish Permanent
Finance , a couple of years ago
and the more recent 30m
takeover of Prudential Life.
The expansion of the Society
and its con version from mutual to plc status will crystalise
further in the middle of this month
when the Permanent is
expected to publish the " pathfinder " prospectus which
will set the final scene for its stock market
launch as Irish Permanent PLC
in October.
Guinness and Mahon is being
bought for 6.7m. - a 1.2m. goodwill premium over book
Its acquisition takes the Irish
Permanent into the growing niche market of private
banking and into direct competition in
this sector with the Bank of
Ireland and other banks such as Banque National de Paris
and ABN Amro.
" With this acquisition , we
now have the basic building blocks in place to provide the
full range of services to the
personal retail market , "
commented Irish Permanent chief executive Roy Douglas
" The focus from now on will
be on con solidating and developing what we've got , " he
added , ruling out any interest
for the time being in an
expansion outside of Ireland.
Founded in 1836 , Guinness &
Mahon is a subsidiary of Guinness Mahon & Co. of London
and ultimatey owned by
the Bank of Yokohama .
It is
probably the second oldest bank in the State , after Bank
of Ireland , but has retrench-

ed considerably since its

Once a major merchant bank ,
active in the heart of Dublin's corporate and commercial
banking life , Guinness &
Mahon has in more recent times
concentrated on private banking.
One of the attractions from
the Irish Permanent's viewpoint was the famous name ,
which will now change slightly
to Guinness & Mahon
( Ireland ) , and operate as an autonomous company
within the group.
Mr Douglas , who is joining
the G & M board as chairman , along with fellow IP
executive directors Peter
Leadbetter and Peter Fitzpatrick
, said :
" We would expect to see these activities expanded and
developed. "
Professor Charles Dillon
remains a director of G & M , for which a new chief
executive is being recruited.
[ Cyril Hardiman , Evening
Herald ,Thursday September 1st.,1994 , page 12 ;
Business and Recruitment Supplement ]
.03 " TSB trustees agree to provide
information to Ulster Bank "
TSB Bank trustees , in response to a
request from advisors to the Minister for Finance (BA) ,
have agreed to provide
Ulster Bank with information to
allow it to complete its assessment of TSB as the battle for
control of the bank intensifies.
The climbdown by TSB follows
its earlier insistance that it would not allow any other
potential suitors to examine the
accounts and business

operations in advance of a decision from the Minister for

Finance on the 102 million bid for
the bank from National Australa
Bank last May.
However , it was unclear last
night exactly how much information TSB will provide to
Ulster Bank , which , like the
National Australia-owned
National Irish Bank , competes with TSB in the Irish Retail
banking market.
A TSB spokesman pointed out
that the advisors , Stokes Kennedy Crowley Corporate
Finance(NC) , have asked that the
bank provide Ulster (Bank) " with
as much information as possible within the con straints of
the two banks as
competitors in the market... "
He declined to discuss what information will be released to
Ulster , which made its 112
milion bid for TSB subject to a due diligence examination
because the trustees refused
to allow it to assess the business
, welcomed the TSB decision last night.
director , Mr John McNally ,
said he was " delighted that the
trustees have agreed to talk to us ".
Ulster needs information to
allow an assessment of TSB's business figures , its position
in the market and its strategic
and operational plans , he said .
He declined to specify the information required.
Ulster will now talk to SKC
Corporate Finance " to agree a basis on which these talks
can take place " , he said .
But Mr McNally added that "
National Australlia Bank had a long time to examine TSB
and we will have to see what
time scale we have to examine
the business ".
Ulster will want to establish with the
advisors what information will be

provided by TSB " to achieve a

level playing field ", he added.
" We want to proceed as
possible , " Mr McNally said.
With advisors SKC , solicitors ,
William Fry , and London investment bankers , N.M.
Rotschild , due to report
to Mr Ahern by the end of
September , the time left for examination will be limited.
The advisors brief is to list and
evaluate all the options open to
the Government in respect of TSB , and the State-owned
ACC and ICC banks.
Their report will include a
valuation of TSB , assessments of the NAB and the Ulster
bids for TSB , as well as any
other bids.
TSB's decision to provide
information to Ulster follows discussions between the
advisors and TSB earlier this week.
The trustee's were told that
the advisors work would be " greatly facilitated " if certain
information was made
available to Ulster.
It is understood that the
trustee's were advised that they were not entitled to
restrict information to one party only
under the Trustee Savings Banks
Act 1989.
They were advised that it would be
impossible for the Minister for
Finance to approve the sale of the
bank to one bidder when other serious potential bidders
were effectively excluded
from the deal by the trustees
refusal to provide the information required to make a
realistic bid.
The TSB Bank is not owned by
the State , but under the 1989 Act , taxpayers , through
the Minister for Finance ,
get any proceeds of the sale of
the Bank.
Mr Ahern has to ensure that the taxpayer
gets the best value available,

con sistent with increasing

competition in the banking sector and protecting
employment at TSB.
After TSB wrote to Ulster
yesterday morning , the bank , which is owned by the
British-based National Westminster
Bank , responded to TSB stating a
basis for talks should be agreed.
No meetings had
been arranged last night but
the parties are expected to meet
next week.
While the advisors sought " access to the
trustees , to management and
to information " for Ulster , it is
not clear if the advisors brief includes acting as an
intermediary to get talks started
between the two banks.
TSB said last night that
National Australia has been informed of its decision to talk
to Ulster.
TSB chief executive,
Mr Harry Lorton , talked to
National Australia management in Australia and London to
explain the move.
NAB " understands the
Minister's position " , according to TSB.
Meanwhile , Woodchester
Credit Lyonnais Bank , which has expressed an interest in
the TSB but has not made
a bid for the bank , welcomed
the TSB move.
" This goes some way to
meeting the requirement for a level playing field , " a
spokesman said. Declining to
reveal if Woodchester will now
bid for TSB , he said :
" We will now seriously look at
the possibilities arising out of today's announcement. "
[ Mary Canniffe , Irish Times ,
Saturday September 3rd , 1994 , page 14 ; Business and
Finance ]

BA...Mr B Ahern was

appointed Minister for Finance by Mr Charles J
Haughey 1991.
...Mr B Ahern was made
Chairman of the European Investment
Bank ................................... in 1991.
...Mr B Ahern was awarded
Grand Cross,Order of Merit with Star and Sash
(Germany).... in 1991.
NC...Niall Crowley , former
managing partner and con sultant to Stokes Kennedy
Crowley, chartered accountants ,
and the brother of Judge Timothy Halpin Crowley was
made a director of J. Rothschild
International Assurance in
Stokes Kennedy Crowley
represents KPMG (formerly Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co.) in
Ireland - at this time.

.27 Letter from John O' Connor [ Ref :
JOC / DM ] , solicitor , to Mrs Nora Maguire of :
39A Blenheim Crescent ,
Holland Park ,
London W11 2EF ,
regarding the ' agreement ' with
the Trustee's of the Robb Estate - their solicitor at this time
was badgering John O'Connor
with phone calls( which he was
unable to take ...)
.03 Letter from the Collector of
Municipal Rates , Mr. Patrick Lawlor [ Ref :
Re :
Premises at 372 Pt Clontarf Road
Rate No : 132 0163 000

] , of :

Finance Officer & Treasurer's Department, Rates Office ,

16 Castle Street ,
Dublin 2
Tel : 679 6111
Fax : 679 3051
to Mrs Nora Maguire , advising
that Mr Alan Costello's daughter , Ms. Niamh Costello has
discharged the rates on the
Premises at 372 Pt Clontarf
Road ...:
..." to 31st October 1995 .
The sum of 193.24 remains outstanding in respect of the
Rating year.
I advise that you are
not entitled to any vacancy relief in respect of the current
year and
therefore request
payment of the outstanding balance in this regard.
{ The 193.24 was later paid by
Mrs Nora Maguire - even though the premises remained
vacant after the enforced
departure of Mr Alan Costello's
There is also a photocopy of
computer-generated printout of a Municipal Rate demand
from the Dublin Corporation
Rat es Office addressed to :
over the premises
RATE No./UIMH RT A. 132 0163 000
Rating Id./Rt a Uimh.

for the year ending 31st.

December 1993 ().
The Rateable Valuation was given
as 34.00 and the Assessable
Valuation was also given as
34.00 with the CURRENT RATES (for) 1993 given as
BUT , underneath the
Assessable Valuation was printed ..." CREDIT " and the
corresponding entry beneath the
CURRENT RATES (for) 1993 was
printed ..." 1063.52..." ...
In other words , the Dublin
Corporation Rat es Office , where Mr Patrick Lawlor was
the Collector of Municipal
Rates , gave Mr Alan Costello's
daughter a rates CREDIT for the whole of 1993.
How very generous of them...
The computer-generated
Municipal Rat e demand printout DID NOT INCLUDE any
date of Service of the
Notice ..., but was issued
automatically before the 1st of July 1993.
...Ms Niamh Costello began her tenancy of the
ground-floor shop at 372 Clontarf Road in May 1993...!!!
.21 Mortgage , dated the 21st. of
December 1995 , created by G. SAUNDERS & COMPANY
LIMITED ; the persons
entitled to the Charge are :
The amount secured by the
Charge is for ..." all sums due or to become due by the

Company to Smurfit Finance

Limited "...
The document [ Company no.
034654 Doc. Seq. no. 033 ] was presented by the
solicitors for Smurfit Finance
Limited :
Whitney , Moore & Keller , solicitors , of
' Wilton Park House ' ,
Wilton Place ,
Dublin 2
The document was signed and dated the 21st
December 1995 by Mr Alan Costello , the
Director/Secretary of
particulars verified by Agnes Proctor ( p.p.) , on behalf of
Whitney , Moore & Keller , solicitors for SMURFIT
The document was egistered on the 9th. of January
1996 , in the Companies Registration Office.
In the Annual Return of SMURFIT
FINANCE LIMITED.( Company no. 065808 ) for the year
ended 31st December
1995 under NOTES TO THE
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS , Section 19 : Directors share
interests :
Directors share interests in the
share capital of the ultimate holding company JEFFERSON
at 31 December 1995 and 31
December 1994 were as follows :
Ordinary shares of IR1 each


( Date of Birth ) Occupation


Laurence Anthony Ritchie

Glen Erin ' ,
( 04/10/1946 ) Chartered Accountant

Burrow ,
Portrane ,
Raymond Michael Curran 17 Ard Na
Mara (13/05/1946 )
Chartered Accountant
( 1 )
Crescent ,
Malahide ,
Dublin(North) ,
845 1257
S. A. Kerr
Chartered Accountant


Michael John Hickey

Seaview Park , (22/01/1944) Chartered Accountant
Shankhill ,
Malcolm William Taylor
Rostrevor Road ,(10/04/1942)
Chartered Accountant
Dublin 6
Conrad Patrick Lyons
Aspen Park , (22/04/1963) Chartered Accountant
Carriglea Downs ,
Laoghaire ,

Gerard Delaney ( 2 )
Temple Park , (12/10/1955)
Chartered Accountant
Dublin 6
J. Barnes
Chartered Accountant

1... Ms Maeve Curran took up the tenancy of

371 Clontarf Road( previously held by Dollymount
Appliances ) between
1996 and 1997.
2...Gerard Delaney signed both the Charges
WAREHOUSING LIMITED on the 15th July 1993 , on behalf
Mr Gerard
Delaney resigned on the 23rd July 1998.
.12 " Four executive directors of Bank
of Ireland share 1.2 m remuneration "
The four executive directors of
Bank of Ireland shared total remuneraion of 1,234,000 for
the year to end March , an
average of 308,500 each.
The bank's annual report
issued yesterday revealed that its mortgage subsidiary in
Britain , BIM , is currently defending
two legal actions taken by the
receiver and funding banks of The Housing Corporation.
Now in receivership , The
Housing Corporation was a small
niche lender in the British mortgage market in the 1980's.
A Bank of Ireland spokesman
refused to comment further on the actions yesterday.
These are being " strenuously
defended " according to the
Annual Report.

The four executive directors Mr Pat Molloy , Mr Maurice Keane , Mr Michael Meagher
and Mr Pat McDowell
- shared salaries of 755,000
each , an average of 188,750 each.
The total cost of
salaries for executive directors
was 620,000 in the previous
year , an average of 187,870 each.
Their performance bonuses
rose from a total of 290,000 to 308,000 , an average of
remuneration included the cash
value of shares received under employee share schemes ,
an average of 14,000 each ,
benefits such as company cars
and loans at preferential staff rates , an average of 9,500
each ; and pension contributions ,
an average of 19,250 for each
The 6.2 per cent rise in the
performance bonuses paid by Bank of Ireland reflects the
14 per cent rise in pre-tax profits
at the group to 363.7 million
for the year to end March.
Performance bonuses can
range between zero and 40 per
cent of basic salary at the bank.
The Governor of the Bank , Mr
Howard Kilroy , and the deputy Governor , Mr Laurence
Crowley , shared total
salaries of 161,000 , up from
155,000 in the previous year and an average of 80,500
directors shared fees of
152,000 , down from 166,000 , reflecting the retirement
of Mr David Kennedy during
the year. , and an average
payment of 20,937 to each director.
The chief executive , Mr Pat
Molloy , got 100,000 new share options last year to bring
his total options to 598,082

He would have to pay 332 p.

per share to exercise his new options.
At yesterday's
closing price he would
make a paper profit of 110,500
if he exercised his options.
If he acquired all the shares
over which he has options at the weighed average
exercise price of 199 p. per share ,
his paper profit would be
Mr Michael Meagher exercised 108,934
share options paying 135.8 p.
per share to increase his holding
in the group from 193,144 to 303,401 shares.

[ Mary Canniffe , Irish Times ,

Wednesday June 12th. , 1996 ; Business and Finance ]
.29 Letter from John O' Connor [ Ref :
JOC/AK/F.372 ] , solicitor , to Mrs Nora Maguire of :
Flat No. 11 ,
Thomas Darby Court ,
133 Lancaster Road ,
London W11 2EF ,
RE : 372 Clontarf Road ; enclosing
a draft of the Deed of Con veyance of 372 Clontarf Road
from Nora Maguire
to Rory Maguire , and in which Mr
O'Con nor states that he would ' prefer' that the said draft
Deed of Con veyance
..." is NOT EXECUTED until "...HE...
hears ..." further back from the Land Registry .
I will
then con tact you..."...
.01 Letter from John O' Connor [ Ref :
JOC/AL/372 ] , solicitor , to Mr Rory Maguire at :

48 Dollymount Park ,
Clontarf ,
Dublin 3
RE : 372 Clontarf Road ; enclosing
a draft of the Deed of Con veyance of 372 Clontarf Road
from Nora Maguire
to Rory Maguire , and in which Mr
O'Con nor states :
..."...the title in this case is quite
complex , so I am waiting to hear from the Land Registry
about the completion of
Registration of your mother as
If so , the transfer would be in a different
format .
However , if
you have any comments in
relation to the enclosed draft con veyance , you might let
me know.
In the mean time , the deed will
have to be adjudicated for stamp duty purposes.
KING have valued the property at
If so , stamp duty will be at 2,100.00 ,
might let me have a bank draft
made payable to the Revenue Commissioners for
2,100.00 in due course.
.22 Receipt signed by Mr F. D.
Breitenstein , architect , of :
121 Boulevard North ,
Bayside ,
Dublin 13 ,
Tel : 832 6772 or 843 6682
mobile : 087- 287 0730 ,
for the sum of 660.00 punts ;

being the fees received from Mr Rory Maguire for the

Planning Application [ Planning Ref.
no. 0980/97 - replacement
townhouse at the rear of 372 Clontarf Road ] to refurbish
or replace no. 372A Clontarf Road
- which was in a state of decay.
.15 Sales Invoice dated the 15th of
August 1997 , received by Mr F. D. Breitenstein ,
architect , addressed to :
DUBLIN 5 (... wrong postcode )
: 21744070
ACCOUNT No. : 893258
: H09183
for the total sum of 46.88 punts ;
being the monies due to :
Independent Newspapers Marketing Ltd ,
' Independent House ' ,
90 Middle Abbey Street ,
Dublin 1. ,
P.O. Box 72 ,
: 705 5333 ,
Fax No. : 873 1172 ,
V.A.T. Reg. No. IE 45326140
Bankers : Ulster Bank Ltd. ,
Lwr O'Connell Street ,
Dublin 1. ,
BRANCH : 985040
A / C no. : 20847087
for the second newspaper notice
regarding the Planning Application [ Planning Ref. no.
0980/97 - replacement
townhouse at the rear of 372
Clontarf Road ] which Mr Breitenstein had been forced to
re-insert due to the Dublin

Corporation's insistance that

he(Mr Breitenstein) re-submit the same Planning
Application - which had already
been submitted on the 22nd of
April 1997.
12 001
Mr Breitenstein felt that this
unreasonable demand was a "... delaying tactic... " by the
Dublin order to
facilitate the Planning Applications
[ Planning Ref. nos.1301/96 and 1306/96 ] of the Dublin
Corporation's favoured
for the Dublin Corporation's
site( VESTING ORDER ,10th September 1992 )next door ,
at 373 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3.

.06 " Burke urged to quit peace talks "

Politicians on both sides of the
Irish border are demanding that Ray Burke , the Irish
Foreign Minister , resigns as the
Dublin Government's
representative at tomorrow's opening of talks on Northern
Ireland , alleging corruption.
Burke says that 30,000 he
accepted from two builders was on behalf of his party and
not for Planning favours.
INSTIGATED BY the Irish Prime Minister ($) revealed that
Mr Burke organised
passports for 11 arabs...
[ The Times , Monday October

6th. , 1997 , page 2 ; News in Brief ]

$...Mr. B. Ahern , accountant and
Prime Minister of Eire from 12th June 1997...
{ Note : 372A Clontarf Road ,
Dublin 3 , ..." COLLAPSED "...on Monday , the 6th. of
October 1997- according
to the ex-detective /
used-car dealer Mr Alan Costello ... }

.08 A copy of a fax. addressed to :

by fax no 8374956
Alan Costello ,
184 Richmond Avenue ,
Dublin 3
was posted into the letterbox of :
48 Dollymount Park ,
Clontarf ,
Dublin 3
Tel : 833 6284
and another copy of the same fax
was sent , by fax , to :
H.J. Roundtree , solicitor ,
25 Upper Mount Street ,
Dublin 2 ,
Tel : 662 3005 and
662 3011 ,
mobile : 087- 251 0676 ,
Fax : 662 2828 ,
on the afternoon of Wednesday ,
the 8th of October 1997 , by :
F. D. Breitenstein ARCH . MIAA.
MBEng. ,
121 Boulevard North ,
Bayside ,
Dublin 13 ,
Tel : 832 6772 and 843 6682 ,
Fax : 832 6772 ,
the text contained within the said fax is reproduced

verbatim below :
Party and garden wall between 372 & 373
Clonttarf Road , Dublin 3
Dear Sir,
Further to todays meeting on your construction
site at no 373 Clontarf Road, Dublin 3
suggested by and in the presence of Mr David
Doran from Dublin Corporation's
Dangerous Buildings Department, phone no 086
8150826, I confirm your undertaking
to provide structural underpinning of the existing
2 storey residential and commercial
property at no 372 Clontarf Road, Dublin owned by
Mr Maguire who was not present
at the meeting , as an integral part of the raft
foundation for the new house at 373
Clontarf Road, Dublin 3, and that you are offering
to demolish the old town house at
the rear of 372 currently the subject of an
application for permission to demolish and
replace, reg ref no 0980/97, also to demolish the
existing common garden wall at the
rear of nos 372 and 373 Clontarf Road, Dublin 3,
including removal of rubble from the
sites at 372 nad 373 Clontarf Road, Dublin 3, and
to replace the said garden wall with
a new garden wall on adequate foundations to
specifications, height and finishes subject
to all parties including Mr Maguire's and Dublin
Corporation's agreements, free of
charge to Mr Maguire.
Without prejudice to Mr Maguire
Yours Sincerely,
F D Breitenstein
copy to Mr Maguire 48 Dollymount Park
copy to Messieurs Roundtree, Mr Maguire's

Solicitors by fax, phone no 6623011

.11 " Haughey sells island to pay off
his debts "
Charles Haughey , the
disgraced former Irish Prime Minister , is selling his private
island to pay substantial tax and
legal bills incurred by a tribunal
investigating his secret 1.3 million gift from a
supermarket tycoon.
Mr Haughey is putting his
most prized asset on the market to meet the massive bills
he faces at the end of this month
when the tribunal is expected to
award costs against him.
He already faces a 1 bill for
non-payment of tax on the 1.3 million he received from
Ben Dunne, the former
chairman of Dunnes Stores
retail. chain.
But even more financially crippling is the
bill , likely to run into millions of
pounds, for his failure to cooperate with the tribunal .
The sale of Inishvickillane,
11 miles off the Kerry coast , for
between 1 and 2 million will
go some way towards meeting those costs.
The former Fianna Fail Prime
Minister bought the island in 1974 for about 25,000 .
It forms part of the Blasket
Islands and was once home to a
community of monks, who left stone relics on the island.
According to a regular visitor
to the island , Inishvickillane has a stone-clad threebedroomed house , a run-down
cottage , and a ruined church.
It has a helicopter landing area , a sheltered cove for Mr
Haughey's 50ft. ketch , a
small jetty for dinghies and its
own electrical generator.
For most of the year , it is
accessible only by helicopter.
One source said Mr Haughey

recently described himself as living through " miserable

times " .
Last week , he laid off five
employees on his north Dublin estate to curb costs...
Judge McCracken who chaired
the tribunal that sat for 19 days earlier this year in Dublin
Castle , is expected to demand
later this month.that Mr
Haughey pay a large part of the fees incurred for the
investigation into Mr Dunnes payments to
Mr Haughey , unlike all the
other participants in the tribunal, is unlikely to have his
costs met by the state , because of his
failure to co-operate.
tribunal incurred massive additional costs, including a trip
to the Cayman Islands to examine
off-shore accounts, and two
days hearing in London because of Mr Haughey's
repeated denials of receiving 1.3 million
from Mr Dunne between 1987
and 1991.
However the tribunal
uncovered such strong evidence against Mr Haughey that
he was forced in July to admit the
He tried to
absolve himself of any responsibility for the money by
blaming his former accountant( ).
in a damning indictment , Judge
McCracken criticised Mr Haughey's lack of co-operation
and dismissed his evidence to the
tribunal as " quite incredible ".
A second tribunal has been
set up by the Government to establish if any further illegal
or secretive payments were to made
to Mr Haughey.
The former Prime Minister , a
man of humble origins , denies that his mansion , private

island , racehorses and ketch are

indicative of a lavish life.
[ Audrey Magee , The Times ,
Saturday October 11th. , 1997 , page 8 ; NEWS ]
...Mr Des Traynor , who died
in 1994.
.30 Wealth Management Limited
[ Company no. 274712 ] is incorporated on the 30th
October 1997.
This company would later tender a
bid( 1 of only 3 ) for 372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 , on
Tuesday 17th. August 1999...
Company Printout ( from the
Companies Registration Office ) , at 16/03/2004 :
Registered Office :
' Gresham House ' ,
383-384 Clontarf Road ,
Dublin 3
Anne O'Dwyer ,
Director and Secretary
22, Ennafort Road ,
Raheny ,
Dublin 5
Fionnan O'Dwyer ,
22, Ennafort Road ,
Raheny ,

Dublin 5
Date Effective Date Received


{ Bid for 372 Clontarf

Road , Dublin 3 - 17/08/1999 ...}




















.21 Mortgage , dated the 19th. of
December 1997 , created by G. SAUNDERS & COMPANY
LIMITED ; the persons
entitled to the Charge are :
The amount secured by the
Charge is for ..." all sums due or to become due by
Company to Smurfit Finance
Limited "...
The document [ Company no.
034654 Doc. Seq. no. 037 ] was presented by the
solicitors for Smurfit Finance
Limited :
Whitney , Moore & Keller , solicitors , of
' Wilton Park House ' ,
Wilton Place ,
Dublin 2
The document was signed and
dated the 22nd. December 1997 by Ann Harvey , solicitor
of Whitney , Moore & Keller ,
solicitors for SMURFIT FINANCE
LIMITED the owner of the Charge and the particulars were
anyone ...instead there was a
stamp with the legend...
...Certified Copy of Deed
The document was egistered on the 8th. of January
1998 , in the Companies Registration Office.

.05 Letter , dated the 5th of Feburary
1998 , from the acting solicitors (their Ref : PC/D15664005
) for Mr Patrick Lawlor
(of the Dublin Corporation Rates
Department ) :
EUGENE F. COLLINS ( ) , solicitors ,
61 Fitzwilliam Square ,
Dublin 2 ,
Tel : 676 1924 and 678 5766 ,
Fax : 661 8906
John Costello
Lilian Halpin

Anthony E. Collins
Margaret Burke-Staunton
David Ensor
Ruth Finlay
Gerard Coll

Orla O'Dea
Barry O'Neill
Ronan O'Neill
Leonora Malone
David Cantrell
addressed to :
Rory Maguire ,
372, Clontarf Road ,
Dunlin 3
The one-line letter referres to a
copy Summons( below ... ) as served on Rory Maguire's
Registered office !
( The District Court )
Rate No



Patrick Lawlor
WHEREAS a complaint has been made to
me that you , the said Defendant , having
been duly served with a six days notice , did
Rory Maguire
refuse, omit and fail to pay to the
Complainant, the duly authorised Rate Collector
of your District the sum of 1914.68
being the amount due due by you to the right
48, Dollymount Park , Dublin 3
Honourable the Lord Mayorr , Aldermen and
Burgesses of the Municipal Rate in respect





at ; 372,Clontarf Road, Dublin 3, in the

County Borough of Dublin , District aforesaid.


appear as defendant on the hearing of the said
Complaint at the District
Court to be held at Court No. 54, Rich mond Hospital ,
North Brunswick Street , in and for
the said District on 2nd day of March 1998 at
the hour of 10.30 a.m. before the
Judge for the time being assigned to answer the
said complaint.
Dated this 3 0 JAN
1998 day of


Signed : Peter Smithwick ( ) ( not signed but printed... )

( Judge of the District Court for the said District )
Solicitors for the Complainant,
Fitzwilliam Square,

NOTE: If the amount due and 46.56 for Costs if paid at

the Rates Office , 16
Castle Street , not less than 7 days prior to the day of the
hearing further
pro ceeding will be stayed.
We hereby certify that the within
has been compared with and is a
true copy of the original.
Dated the

day of

Signed ( no signature... )
61 Fitzwilliam Sq.,
Dublin 2.
...EUGENE F. COLLINS , solicitors
who representedSmurfit Finance Ltd over the Fixed and
Floating Charge , dated
the 15th.of July 1993 created by


corresponding same date
Floating Charge created by
Both of the Charges were verified
by Mr Alan Cotstello and his wife Kay Costello and Cathal
O'Neill , solicitor...
...Smithwick & Company ,
solicitors , of :
' Duke House ' ,
2 Duke Lane ,
Dublin 2
were one of the 3 firms of solicitors representing
Smurfit Finance Ltd included in that company's Annual
Return for
the year ended the 31st of December 1995 ( the
others being ...:
Wm. Fry & Sons ,
Keller ,

and ,

Whitney Moore &


Fitzwilton House ' ,

House ' ,
Wilton Place ,

' Wilton Park

Wilton Place ,

Dublin 2
Dublin 2
.09 Statement of an OVERDUE
ACCOUNT dated the 9th. March 1997 , received by Mr F.
D. Breitenstein , architect , and
addressed to :
DUBLIN 5 (... wrong postcode )
ACCOUNT No. : 893258
for the total sum of 46.57 punts ;
being the Balance outstanding for the 3rd. month on the

account due to :
Independent Newspapers Marketing Ltd ,
' Independent House ' ,
90 Middle Abbey Street ,
Dublin 1. ,
P.O. Box 72 ,
: 873 1666 ,(new phone number)
Fax No. : 873 1787 ,( new fax. number)
V.A.T. Reg. No. IE 45326140
Bankers : Ulster Bank Ltd. ,
Lwr O'Connell Street ,
Dublin 1. ,
BRANCH : 985040
A / C no. : 20847087
for the second newspaper
notice( details below ) regarding the Planning Application
[ Planning Ref. no. 0980/97 - replacement
townhouse at the rear of 372
Clontarf Road ] which Mr Breitenstein had been forced to
re-insert due to the Dublin
Corporation's insistance that
he(Mr Breitenstein) re-submit the same Planning
Application - which had already
been submitted on the 22nd of
April 1997.
12 001
.20 Receipt for 285.00 punts , dated
the 20th of March 1998 , from a security consultant , Mr
William Young , of :
Number One Security Services Ltd ,

67 , St. Canices Road ,

Glasnevin ,
Dublin 11 ,
Tel : 837 0822 ,
mobile : 087- 579 820 ,
employed by Mr Rory Maguire at
372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 to prevent Mr Alan Costello's
workers at 373 Clontarf
Road , Dublin 3 from trespassing
on his land at 372 Clontarf Road
.31 Letter dated the 31st March 1998
from a Mr or Ms P. Whelan of :
Finance Officer & Treasurer's Department,
Rates Office ,
16 Castle Street ,
Dublin 2
Tel : 679 6111
Ext.2876 / 2877 ,
addressed to :
Rory Maguire ,
48 Dollymount Park ,
Dublin 3
Dear Sir / Madam,
Pursuant to the provisions of
Section 3 of the Valuation Act 1988 I wish to inform you
that an application
was made to the Commissioner of
Valuation on
for a revision of the
valuation of the
property detailed hereunder.




Rate No.
0163 000 ( old Rate No. preceeded by 004018 )



A valuer from the Valuation Office

will call to survey the property and obtain the following
as appropriate :
(a) Construction costs,if new.
(b) Date of purchase and price
(c) Expenditure and improvements
since date of purchase.
(d) Nature of lease (leasehold or
(e) Details of lease or other
contract of tenancy.
(f) Annual output / turnover.
(g) Audited accounts.
The determination of the
Commissioner of Valuation will be notified to the occupier
and owner ( where
known), who will , if aggrieved by
the determination , have a right of appeal.
The result of the determination
and any subsequent appeal will apply for the rat ing yaer
following the
determination; it will not have
retrospective effect.
Yours Faithfully,
( printed ,not signed ... )
Finance Officer & Treasurer's

.14 A Return of Allotments was made
to the Companies Registration Office on the 14th of May
1998 , in compliance with
the Companies Act , 1963 , and
the Finance Act 1973 ( Sections 67 to 75 ) by :
McCann Fitzgerald , solicitors ,
2 Harbourmaster Place ,
Custom House Dock ,
Dublin 1 ,
: 829 0000 ,
Reference : RAH\LG
on behalf of their clients SHERRY
FITZGERALD , auctioneers , in the case of the company
known as :
13 , Hume Street ,
Dublin 2 ,
Company no. 280357
The Allotments were made on the
29th of April 1998 , for 2,000 Ordinary shares and the
Allottees were :
Debenham Tewson & Chinnocks Holdings plc ,
30 Throgmorton Street ,
London EC2N 2BQ ,
England ,

inquiry "

.31 " Media magnate's firm in bribes

Tony O'Reilly , publisher of The

Independent and Independent on Sunday , was yesterday
drawn into a corruption

inquiry in his native Ireland

after revelations that a company he founded gave a
30,000 gift to a government minister
who has since resigned in
Ray Burke , the recipient of
the donation , is alleged to have later offered favourable
treatment to another O'Reilly
company against the advice of
senior civil servants.
Relations between O'Reilly's
companies and Burke are now
the subject of an official
O'Reilly , billionaire chairman
of Heinz , DOMINATES the republic's newspaper industry.
He jealously guards
his reputation and will have
been appalled by the revelations that FITZWILTON , a
company which he chairs , has
links to Burke .
The inquiry will examine the
possible connections between the 30,000 gift and
ministerial favours.
It was revealed last week that
during a general campaign in June 1989 , two executives
of FITZWILTON visited
Burke's home in Dublin to
give him a campaign donation of 30,000.
Burke asked
for a cheque made out to
" cash ".
The O'Reilly company said its
management assumed that Burke would use some of the
money to defray his own
election expenses and pass
the rest to Fianna Fail.
Party sources admit that the
method of giving such a large
donation was highly unusual.
It has now emerged that

Burke gave 10,000 to Fianna Fail and kept 20,000.

He had received at least
30,000 more from another
businessman who claims that the payment was in
exchange for planning favours.
A tribunal is investigating that
Four months after he received
the FITZWILTON money , Burke , as Minister for
Communications , was in
charge of granting licences to
retransmit television stations in rural areas.
Companies associated with
independent newspapers , O'Reilly's publishing business ,
won the lion's share of
politicians claim his companies were given a virtual
In 1990 , Independent
wanted to raise fresh funding for its transmission business.
It was also concerned
that rival companies were
being allowed to operate without licences.
managing director asked Burke
for a " letter of comfort " that
unlicensed competitors would be closed down.
Burke's civil servants advised
him to offer limited assurances but in Feburary 1991 he
supplied a generous
letter of comfort which has
since been used to demand further con cessions and
launch a legal action for
damages against the
O'Reilly's spokesman in Dublin
has said has said the publisher knew nothing of the gift of
30,000 and that
O'Reilly is the victim of smears

by opposition politicians...
[ Rory Godson , The Sunday
Times , Sunday May 31st , 1998 , page 24 ]
.00 Receipt for 300.00 punts , from a
security consultant , Mr William Young , of :
Number One Security Services Ltd ,
67 , St. Canices Road ,
Glasnevin ,
Dublin 11
50 , Lennox Street ,
Dublin 8
Tel : 837 0822 and 834 1175
and 853 0784 and 269 4888 - Unit 3113
mobile : 087- 579 820 ,
Company No. 141333
V.A.T. No. IE 4886405 H.
Rory Maguire
Premises at Clontarf Road
To supply a static guard.
From :

7 p.m. Tuesday 1st December

8 p.m. Thursday 3rd. December
49 hours @ 5 per hour.

5 calls

@ 3

Repairs to door
employed by Ms Grainne Maguire
at 372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 to prevent Mr Alan
Costello's workers at 373 Clontarf
Road , Dublin 3 from trespassing
on the land at 372 Clontarf Road and/or entering the
premises at 372 Clontarf Road ,
Dublin 3 ; the money including

repairs to the side-door of the first-floor flat at 372

Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 which was
damaged when garda David
Gallagher ( Garda No. ) , of Raheny garda station under
orders from Detective Joseph
Enright ( Garda No. 139J ) of
Clontarf Garda station ILLEGALLY forced-entry to the said
flat and assaulted and
ILLEGALLY detained the owner ,
Rory Maguire on Tuesday , the 1st of December 1998
between 1:00 p.m. and
2:00 p.m. approx.
.09 A legal aid Certificate is issued on
Wednesday , the 9th. of December 1998 , from Dublin
Metropolitan District Court
addressed to :
2103298 23/09/57 M3119
Please quote Legal Aid Reference
Number on all correspondence - 92103298
Justice ( Legal Aid ) Act 1962.
Criminal Justice ( Legal
Aid ) Regulations 1965 - as amended.
Application having been made by
or on behalf of RORY MAGUIRE who is
charged beforfe bthis court with


as set out on Charge Sheet 661.98 CLONTARF GDA. STN. for a Legal Aid
( Distrfict Court ) Certificate and it
appearing to the Court that his/her
means are insufficient to enable
him / her to obtain legal aid and that
by reason of the gravity of the
charge it is essential in the interest
of Justice that he/she should have
legal aid in the preparation and
conduct of his defense before it ,
the court hereby grants in respect of
him / her this cerftificate for free
legal aid and assigns to him as
solicitor - TERENCE LYONS , 4
ARRAN QUAY , , DUBLIN 7 , phone : 872 3944
this 9th day of December 1998
Case adjourned to COURT 44
7 on the 16th day of December
1998 at 1030 Accused is advised to
contact the assigned solicitor
without delay.
Accused is remanded in custody.


merger "

.10 " Irish bank and insurer in 2.5bn

IRISH PERMANENT , the bank ,

yesterday con firmed its merger with Irish Life to form the
Republic's third-largest
financial services group with a
market capitalisation of IR2.8 billion (2.5 billion
sterling ).
David Went , chief executive
designate , said the combined group , to be called Irish
Life & Permanent , will have a
customer base of between
800,000 and one million , almost a third of the Republic's
Mr Went , who
is currently managing director of
Irish Life , said the merger would produce annual cost
savings of at least Ir12 million
by the end of 2000, representing
about 8% of the group's total costs.
Job losses will be insignificant ,
said Mr Went , with no more than 100 positions eliminated
from a total workforce of
Both companies will
be equally represented on the board.
Roy Douglas , currently chief
executive of Irish Permanent , becomes chairman elect.
Mr Went said : " The key
determinant of success in Europe is distribution ,
particularly distribution that you control
and own.
We will be the
largest broker , the largest direct salesforce , the thirdlargest bank ,and the biggest
mortgage player.
A true
bancassurer , like the ING group in The Netherlands. "
The deal takes the form of a
recommended offer from Irish Permanent , with the
shareholders of Irish Life given
60.85 new shares for each 100

of their original shares.

After the deal is approved ,
holders of Irish Life stock will
control more than two-thirds of
the groups enlarged capital.
John Bourke , chairman of Irish
Permanent, said : " This is a historic day for retail financial
services in Ireland and
marks a major milestone for
both Irish Permanent and Irish Life since their respective
flotations in 1994 and 1991.
The combined group will enjoy
strong brand recognition and be among the leaders in Irish
financial services. "
Irish Life & Permanent is
expected to be included in the Eurotop 300 , the index of
leading European stocks.
The merged group is also
expefcted to keep its dual listing in Dublin and London.
Ironically , the biggest
shareholder in the new group will
be the asset management business of one of its biggest
high street rivals.
Bank of Ireland will own 7.39 per
cent , while AIB , the Republic's largest bank , will
control3.77 per cent.
Reports of merger talks first
surfaced in October, although the companies are believed
to have discussed the idea
of a merger for some time...
[ Richard Miles , The Times ,
Thursday December 10th. , 1998 , page 28 ; Business
News ]
.18 A Revised valuation of 372
Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 , dated the 18th of Feburary 1999
was recieved from Mr Anthony
Pain , F.R.I.C.S. F.S.C.S. M.I.A.V.I.
( His Ref : AP/PP/75096 )

Anthony Pain and Company Limited ,

chartered surveyors , Valuers and
estate Agents ,
14 Upper Drumcondra Road ,
Drumcondra ,
Dublin 9 ,
Tel : 836 7447 ,
Fax : 837 3453 ,
Company no. 195353
Reg. Office : Kentstown ,
Navan , Co. Meath.
addressed to :
Mr. Rory Maguire ,
48 Dollymount Park ,
Clontarf ,
.01 A letter , dated the 1st of March
1999 , was received from Mr or Ms T McDermott ( 'for'
the Principal Officer... )
( Their Ref : TMcD ) of :
Dublin Corporation Development
Department ,
Block 4 ,
Floor 3 ,
Civic Offices ,
Wood Quay ,
Dublin 8 ,
Tel : 679 6111 Ext : 2860 ,
Fax : 670 7860
addressed to :
Ms. Grainne Maguire ,
9 Heathman's Road ,
Parson's Green ,
London SW6 4TJ ,
Re: Revised Boundary between
Nos. 372 and 373 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Ms. Maguire ,

I refer to my
letter dated 25th January 1999 regarding the above.
I should be obliged to know if
Mr. Rory Maguire has yet signed his
approval on the maps
attached to my letter setting out the revised
boundary between Nos. 372
and 373 Clontarf Road.
Yours sincerely ,
T. McDermott ( signed )
Principal Officer
.12 An article appears in THE PHOENIX
( March 12, 1999 page 5 ) current affairs magazine
regarding the FLOOD
TRIBUNAL of enquiry into
corruption in the planning process...and in particular , the
role played by Mr Frank
Dunlop , a former Fianna Fail
public relations con sultant to Mr Charles J Haughey's
government , and whose
PR company shares the same
business address as Rory Maguire's former solicitor (~)
at :
Dunlop Frank & Associates Ltd ,
25 Mount Street Upper ,
Dublin 2 ,
Tel : 661 3543 ,

...The problem is that Dunlop
is to be a witness in the Flood tribunal and more
and more details have been
emerging about his role in the Quarryvale
development , including
serious allegations from Tom Gilmartin.
...It has already been
established by the Flood tribunal lawyers that Dunlop
over 650,000 in
payments from Owen O'Calllaghan's Barkhill Ltd, the
that developed Quarryvale.
...particularly 150,000
made through an Isle of Man company called Shefran Ltd
which Dunlop has
described as being under his " indirect control ".
Dunllop has said that
Shefran was established to keep Gilmartin in the dark as
to the PR man's
involvement in the Quarryvale project although his Irish
company ,
Frank Dunlop & Ass
ociates, also received fees from Barkhill at the same time.
The Tribunal investigation
has uncovered a number of cheques to Dunlop ,
totalling over 100,000 ,
which were queried by O'Callaghan's auditors ,
Deloitte and Touche in
1994 , as were payments to Shefran in 1991 and 1992.
~...H. J. Roundtree
.01 A second Letter , dated the 1st of
April 1999 , from the acting solicitors (their Ref :
PC/D15664-005 ) for Mr Patrick Lawlor
(of the Dublin Corporation Rates
Department ) :

EUGENE F. COLLINS ( ) , solicitors ,

' Temple Chambers ' , ( new address )
3 Burlington Road ,
Dublin 4 ,
: 667 5111 ,( new phone number )
: 667 5200 , ( new fax number )
25 ,
: ,
Website :
Anthony E. Collins
John Costello
Margaret Burke-Staunton
David Ensor
Lilian Halpin
Ruth Finlay
Gerard Coll
Orla O'Dea
Barry O'Neill
Ronan O'Neill
Leonora Malone
David Cantrell
addressed to :
Rory Maguire ,
372, Pt. Clontarf Road ,
Dunlin 3
RE:- Dublin Corporation - v- You.
Dear Sir ,
We refer to the above and enclose
herewith Rate Summons which is hereby served upon you
con firm that this matter is listed
for 28th. April 1999 , Court 54 , Richmond Hospital ,
Brunswick Street , Dublin 7 at
10.30 a.m.
Yours sincerely ,
Eugene F. Collins

( The District Court )
Rate No



Patrick Lawlor
WHEREAS a complaint has been made to
me that you , the said Defendant , having
been duly served with a six days notice , did
Rory Maguire
refuse, omit and fail to pay to the
Complainant, the duly authorised Rate Collector
of your District the sum of 1264.12 ( reduced from
being the amount due due by you to the right
372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3
Honourable the Lord Mayor , Aldermen and
Burgesses of the Municipal Rate in respect





at ; 372,PT ,Clontarf Road, Dublin 3, in the

County Borough of Dublin , District aforesaid.
defendant on the hearing of the said
Complaint at the District

Court to be held at Court No. 54, Rich mond Hospital ,

North Brunswick Street , Dublin 7
in and for the said District on 3rd day of December 1998
the hour of 10.30 a.m. before the
Judge for the time being assigned to answer the
said complaint.
day of


Dated this

6 th.

Signed :
Mary C. Denis
( signed , unlike the 1st
Summons dated 30 JAN 1998 )
( Judge of the District Court for the said District )
Solicitors for the Complainant,
' Temple
Chambers ' ,
Burlington Road ,
NOTE: If the amount due and
38.51 Costs if paid at the Rates Office , 16
Castle Street , not less than 7 days
prior to the day of the hearing further pro ceeding will be
...EUGENE F. COLLINS , solicitors
who represented Smurfit Finance Ltd over the Fixed and
Floating Charge ,
dated the 15th.of July 1993,
created by G. SAUNDERS & COMPANY LIMITED , and also
over the
corresponding same date
Floating Charge created by COURTHAMPTON
Both of the said Charges were

verified by Mr Alan Cotstello and his wife Kay Costello and

also by ...
Cathal O'Neill , solicitor...
.05 A NOTICE( below ) is placed in the
Irish Times ,on the 5th of April 1999 , on behalf of Sherry
FitzGerald Group plc ,
announcing their application to
have their shares admitted to trading on the Developing
Companies Market of the Irish
Stock Exchange and to the
Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock
Exchange ( " AIM " ) ...:
..." This notice is issued in
compliance with the regulations of the Irish Stock
Exchange Limited(the "Irish Stock Exchange") and Article 12(a) of
European Communitoes (Transferable Securities and Stock
Exchange ) Regulations
1992. Application has been
made for the whole of the ordinary share capital od Sherry
FitzGerald Group plc
(" Sherry FitzGerald ") in issue
immediately following the Placing , to be admitted to
trading on the Developing
Companies Market of the Irish
Stock Exchange ("DCM") and to the Alternative Investment
Market of the
London Stock Exchange
Limited ("AIM"). It is emphasised that this notice does not
con stitute an offer or
invitation to any person to
subscribe for or to purchase any securities. It is expected
that dealings in the
Ordinary Shares will
commence on 8th. April 1999.


(Incorporated in the Republic of Ireland under the
Companies Acts, 1963 to 1990 - No. 295880)
Placing by GOODBODY STOCKBROKERS of 2, 638, 275
Ordinary Shares of 0.12 each @ 1. 99 (IR157p)
and 133p per Ordinary Share and admission to the
Developing Companies Market and
the Alternative Investment Market by Goodbody Corporate

Share Capital following the Placing

Issued and fully paid
529, 842

25, 000, 000
12 , 748, 679

3, 000,

Ordinary Shares of 0.12 each.

The Sherry FitzGerald Group ( comprising
The DCM admission document has
been published and
FitzGerald and its subsidiaries ; the "Group" ) is a
copies may be obtained during normal
business hours
firm of property advisors in Ireland . The Group
on any weekdays (Saturdays and public
engaged in the business of estate
agency and
excepted ) from the Company
Announcements Office of
auctioneering in both the residential

and commercial
the Irish Stock Exchange , 28
Anglesea Street , Dublin 2
markets and also provides related services
such as
(for collection only) from the date of
this notice up to,
lettings, valuations and mortgahe services.
The Group
and including , 6th April 1999 and for
a period up to,
operates from headquarters in Dublin city and
and including , 19th April, 1999
Sherry FitzGerald Group plc
McCann FitzGerald
Goodbody Corporate Finance
' Hibernia House '
2 Harbourmaster Place
122 Pembroke Road
Windsor Place
Custom House Dock
Dublin 2
Dublin 2
Dublin 4
5th April 1999
[ Irish Times , Monday
April 5th. , 1999 ]
.05 " Judge will be interviewed in
investigation in Sheedy affair "
Mr Justice Hugh O'Flaherty of the
Supreme Court is expected to be asked to be asked to
comment about his
possible involvement in the
irregular listing of the Philip Sheedy case before the Circuit
Criminal Court , when he returns
from the United States this
The investigation was
instituted by the Chief Justice , Mr Liam Hamilton , and is
being carried out by the President
of the High Court , Mr Justice

Frederick Morris.
A parallel investigation by the
President of the Circuit Court , Mr Justice Esmond Smyth ,
into the circumstances
leading to the hearing of the
case before Mr Justice Cyril Kelly and the early release of
Sheedy from prison , has already
been completed and submitted
to the Chief Justice.
Mr Justice Hamilton said
yesterday when contacted at his home that an
investigation was ongoing.
He declined to
make any comment on the case
and could not say when a report to the Government would
be finalised.
Official sources indicated that
Mr Justice O'Flaherty was due to return from holiday in the
United States next Thursday
or Friday and the expectation is
that Mr Justice Morris will seek to interview him as a
matter of urgency.
Last Thursday , fresh impetus
was injected into the inquiry when the Minister for Justice ,
Mr O' Donoghue , told the
Dail he had just received a letter
from the Dublin County Registrar , Mr Michael Quinlan , in
which a " certain individual "
was identified as having
requested that the Sheedy case be listed on a specified
date before Mr Justice Kelly.
Dublin County Registrar is
responsible for listings before the Circuit Criminal Court.
Mr O'Donoghue referred this
document to the Attorney General , Mr David Byrne , for
transmision to the Chief
Justice , on the grounds that
certain matters would have to be put to a member , or
members , of the judiciary for their
It is not known whether
following this information - and an earlier statement by an
official in the State Solicitor's Office

- Mr Justice Smyth will review

the findings of his investigation.
Because the Dail does not
resume after the Easter recesss until April 20th. , the
Government and the judiciary have
been granted a two-week
breathing space before the Opposition returns to the
But there is no doubt they
will seek a full explaination for
all the irregularaspects of the affair
Mr Sheedy was sentenced to
four years imprisonment in November 1997 for dangerous
driving leading to the
death of a young Dublin mother
of two , Mrs Anne Ryan.
A review date was set for
November 1999 , which
meant Mr Sheedy would have to
serve a minimum of two years in jail.(sic!).
A year later , however ,
following removal of the review date , the remaining three
years of the sentence were
The director of Public
Prosecutions , Mr. Eamon Barnes , appealed against the
decision to suspend the remainder of the
sentence to the High Court , on
the grounds that proper procedures had not been
The appeal was first
mentioned in the High Court on
Feburary 12th. last and when it came for hearing on March
25th Mr Sheedy voluntarily
presented himself for
readmittance to Mountjoy Prison.
On the night of Feburary 11th ,
the Attorney General rang the Minister for Justice in Berlin
to advise him that
" improper practices " may have
been involved.
On the following day ,
Feburary 12th, Mr O'Donoghue directed that the matter
be brought to the attention of the
Chief Justice.
He also asked

that a criminal investigation be undertaken by the Garda

Commissioner .
This did not happen , however ,
because of the DPP's appeal , and an internal investigation
was established.
[ Denis Coghlan , Chief Political
Correspondent , Irish Times , Monday April 5th. , 1999 ]

.09 An article appears in THE PHOENIX
( April 9 , 1999 page 14 ) current affairs magazine( 'Pillars
of Society'... ) regarding
Mark FitzGerald , son of Sir Garret
FitzGerald ( former Prime Minister of Eire ), and boss of
Sherry FitzGerald , the
estate agents..., " now preparing
for flotation ". ..:
Mark's flawless pedigree was
sealed by the perfect Fine Gael match when he married a
memebr of another founding family ,
Derval O'Higgins , daughter of
former Chief Justice , T.F. O'Higgins .
Mark's father-inlaw is himself a nephew of
Free State icon , Kevin O'Higgins ,
the State's first Minister for Justice , and TF's father was
Thomas snr , founding President
of the Blueshirts ( BS ).
...when Mark speaks of those who
went into politics too early , he must surely have had in
mind , one , Alexis Fitzgerald
whose family are no relations , but
were close political allies.
Alexis , a nephew of another

party grandee and close confidante of Garret's , Alexis

Fitzgerald snr , was one of the bright ,
young things in Garret's Fine Gael
back in the seventies and early eighties. Alexis jnr
founded the auctioneering firm ,
FitzGerald and Partners in 1972
and when Garret had a word in his ear a few years later ,
he took in young Mark, then
a chubby faced young man with
little practical experience at anything.
At the same time , Alexis jnr was
fighting the good fight in Garret's new model party,
breaking his way into local politics
in his quest for a Dail seat(DS).
He clawed his way onto Dublin
Corporation and in 1982he became Dublin Lord Mayor as
well as a Dail deputy along
with Garret , for Dublin South-East.
Sadly , Alexis lost his seat in the
second general election of that year(1982) and by 1987,
the party con stituency as well as
HQ dumped him , despite years
tending to the constituency on behalf of both himself and
...Alexis found that things were not
much better when he arrived back in the office of what
had , by then , become Sherry
FitzGeral and Partners.
...Alexis found there was no room
at the inn and after reaching a settlement , he departed.
Mark thereafter was the
undisputed boss of Sherry FitzGerald.
Mark FitzGerald joined FG's insider
cabinet in the early nineties...FitzGerald sits with the party
trustees who rescued the
party from financial disaster after
it came to power in late 1994.

FitzGerald was the recipient of

party patronage in 1996 when the then party trustee and
Marine Minister ,
Sean Barrett (SB) , made him
chairman of BIM.
Sherry FitzGerald is the most
middle-class of the big estate agencies and their happy
family image tends to grate in an
otherwise cut-throat business.
Indeed , there have been a
number of internal marriages in the company - directors
Jill O'Neill and Ian McCarthy for
example - and the assorted suits
and skirts socialise together to a huge degree with the
summer a litany of SF barbecues
and other "company" gettogethers.
Presumably , these little soirees are all the
more popular as so many of the team
live in close proximity , almost
exclusively on the southside , mainly in Dublin 6...
Another example of the con
nections within SF is the fact that a number of the
directors - Simon Ensor , Philip Sherry ,
Jim Meagher and former director ,
Frank Belton - are all listed as directors of a company
called Forward Properties Ltd ,
which is owned by Fine Gael
trustee , Paul Coulson.
This company owns a site in
Brittas Bay where 35 holiday homes
have been developed.
...Directors have been well
rewarded in dividends and salaries although in many
cases they have then loaned money back
into the company resulting in a
current million outstanding in directors loans to the
company - all of which will be paid
off after the float.
At the time of going to print the up-

to-date accounts and prospectus had stillnot been made

available to Goldhawk but
a look at the most recent accounts
filed in the Companies Office - those for 1997 - reveal that
the Sherry FitzGerald
directors , and Mark in particular ,
have been doing rather well out of the company.
figures filed cover the period
September 1, 1996 to December
31, 1997 during which time there were 17 directors in the
company although Frank
Belton resigned in April 1997.
In that period , the figure given for directors emoluments
" for services other than as
directors ..."... topped 2.5 million
which works out at an average of 112,000 each per
annum although FitzGerald as
Chairman and chief executive
would have grabbed far more than this.
He also took
home 23,000 in dividends.
This is all small potatoes
compared with the post-floatation scenario which , given
the 20 million valuation being put on the
firm by FitzGerald , will value his
own stake at 3 million.
There will also be a generous
remuneration package for the
chairman and chief executive - a
situation that will remain despite the best practices of
corporate governance which state
that these two jobs should be
FitzGerald claims that he is only holding
onto the two titles because there are
already THREE managing directors
in the firm : Phillip Sherry ( Sherry FitzGerald
Countrywide ) ; Killian O'Higgins
( DTZ Sherry FitzGerald ) and
Claire Cullinan ( Sherry FitzGerald Residential ).
There have been mixed
reactions to the floatation in the media with questions

raised about the wisdom of effectively buying

into the property game at the top
of the cycle and at a very hefty price - 14/15 times p/e.
There is also the fact that these
shares will be hard to trade as SF
is to be listed on the Developing Companies Market here
and London's Alternative
Investment Market.
Furthermore , FitzGerald claims that his directors will be
holding onto the bulk of the shares after
raising 4.5 million in the
The growth in Sherry FitzGerald's
commercial turnover since the DTZ buy-in (DTZ)last year
is also expected to con tinue and
last month's AIB portfolio
valuation con tract was quite a coup , with the company
having lost out in this tender last time
So Mark FitzGerald is pretty well
assured of his pile from the property world which is a nice
little irony when you come to
think of it...
BS...Fascist para-military
organisation modelled on Hitler's brownshirts.
DS...a seat in the Duke of
Leinster's former townhouse - which now houses the
Parliament of Eire.
SB...a director of Anglo
Irish Bank plc...
DTZ...2,000 Ordinary
shares allocated in Reveland Ltd ( Company no.280357 )
on the 29th April 1998 to :
Debenham Tewson & Chinnocks Holdings plc ,
30 Throgmorton Street ,
London EC2N 2BQ ,

England ,
jeopardy "

.14 " Scandals put Ahern's future in

Fresh doubt was cast on the future

of the Ulster peace process yesterday as a new poll
showed a slump in support for
Berte Ahern and his Fianna Fail
Mr Ahern , one of the chief
architects of the Good Friday agreement , is embroiled in
several domestic scandals
that threaten to topple him and
his two-year-old minority coalition Government.
The Taoiseach is the first Irish
poltical leader to build up a close working relationship with
the Ulster Unionist Party
while remaining an ally of Sinn
" Bertie has been a full player
in this [peace process] and is very well regarded on both
sides on both sides.
has built up a good relationship
with Unionism...It makes him very hard to replace ," said
one official involved in the talks.
But Mr Ahern's work in Ulster
is being threatened by allegations of political sleaze and
his public support has slumped.
He was the most popular
Taoiseach in Irish History immediately after the Good
Friday agreement, with eight out of ten
people expressing support for
his leadership.
But a poll published yesterday
in the Irish Times showed that his satisfaction rating has
fallen to 58 per cent , his lowest
since taking office .
for the Fianna Fail / Progressive Democrat coalition fell
from 73 per cent in April last year

to 51 per cent yesterday.

One source of con troversy is
Mr Ahern's involvement in the early release of Philip
Sheedy , a Dublin architect jailed
for four years for killing a
mother of two in a drink-drive accident.
He was freed
after 18 months.
Mr Ahern's position may also
be weakened by a tribunal into secret payments to other
Fianna Fail members.
Ray Burke , the former Foreign
Minister appointed by Mr Ahern was forced to resign in
1997 (RB) when it
emerged he had received
30,000 from from a builder.
It is also alleged that Padraig
Flynn , the former EU Social Affairs Commissioner ,
received 50,000 from a different
Questions are being asked
about Mr Ahern's knowledge of the payments.
With every crisis the
Progressive Democ rats question their decision to stay in
government with Mr Ahern.
[ Audrey Magee, Ireland
Correspondent , The Times , Friday May 14th. , 1999 ,
page 21 ]
RB ...Ray Burke resigned on the
7th October 1997 - the day AFTER 372A Clontarf Road ,
Dublin 3 ..
"...according to ex-detective / used-car dealer Mr Alan

.02 " 8m home in Dublin is no good

for Guinness "

The Victorian mansion that has
been home to the Guinness family in Ireland for more than
100 years went
on sale yesterday for more than
IR10 million (8.3 million).
Friends said that the family
had decided to sell their Irish seat for " pragmatic "
The main home of the family
that made its fortune from pints of Guinness will be
Elveden , their 23,000-acre estate
in Suffolk
Their Irish home , 'Farmleigh' ,
has been in the family since 1873.
The 20-bedroom
house sits in 78 acres of
grounds at the Castleknock end
of Phoenix Park in Dublin.
The Irish President and the
U.S. Ambassador have
homes nearby.
When Arthur Guinness, Son
and Co. was floated on the London Stock Exchange in
1886 , it was with a value of
6 million.
It made the
socially ambitious Edward Cecil Guinness, later 1st Earl of
Iveagh , enormously rich.
It was he who in 1894 acquired
Elveden Hall after the deat of its previous occupant ,
Duleep Singh, ruler of the
The estate , worth more than
50 million , is farmed by the 4th. Earl of Iveagh , Edward ,
29 , who has no
involvement with the brewery.
He and his three silings , who were brought up at
Farmleigh , were there for a
final goodbye last week.
[ Audrey Magee, Ireland
Correspondent , and Robin Young , The Times , Friday June
2nd. , 1999 , page 10 ]


.00 The estate agents known as :

Mason Estates , M.I.P.A.V. ,

148 Phisborough Road ,
Phibsborough ,
Dublin 7 ,
Tel : 830 4000 ,
Fax : 830 4987 ,
Email : ,
Web :
received instructions via their
representative , Mr Gary Flood B.Sc. M.I.A.V.I. to sell on the
372 Clontarf Road ,
Dublin 3 ,
Eire ( formerly known as the 'Free'
State...) ,
.06 A note(below) from Mr Gary Flood
of Mason Estates is pushed through the letter box of 372
Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 :
Friday 6th. August 9.50 a.m.
Mr Maguire ,
Please call me as soon as possible
regarding a further offer I have and also to set up
another viewing@ 830 4000 / 089224 0381.
Gary Flood
Mason Estates
.17 Mason Estates received an
offer(below) , dated the 17th August 1999 , for 372

Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 from :

Fionnan O'Dwyer ,
22 Ennafort Road ,
Raheny ,
Dublin 5
director and shareholder of :
Wealth Management , Financial Consultants ,
191a Howth Road ,
Dublin 3 ,
: 853 2243 ,
Fax : 853 2198 ,
Company no. 274712
Mason Estates
148 Phibsboro Road
Dublin 7
17th August 1999
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: Tender for Site and Premises
at 372 Clontarf Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3.
Offer: 321,000 (three hundred
and twenty one thousand pounds ).

Fionnan O'Dwyer
22 Ennafort Road
Dublin 5

Note: This offer is not subject to

survey and a prompt closing is available. Finance is
in place and an early reply would
be appreciated.
Please find enclosed booking
deposit for 10,000 ( ten thousand pounds ). My
solicitors are: Hayes and McGrath

91 Lower Baggot
Dublin 2.
Should you have any queries on
the enclosed , please feel free to con tact me at the
above or on (087) 232 0869.
Yours sincerely,
Fionnan O'Dwyer
.18 Mason Estates received an
offer(below) , dated the 18th August 1999 , for 372
Clontarf Road , Dublin 3 from :
Mr Alan Costello
373 Clontarf Road
Dublin 3
: 086 263 3200
Attn: Mr gary Flood
Mason Estates
148 Phibs borough Road
Dublin 7
Subject to Con tract/
Con tract denied
18th August 1999
Re: 372 Clontarf Road , Dublin 3
Dear Mr Flood
Further to our telephone con
versation regarding the above property and
your instructions regarding the sale
of same I am hereby making an offer
of 300,000 ( three hundred

thousand pounds ) for 372 Clontarf Road.

As instructed I am enclosing my
cheque for 10,000. This offer is
subject to all the standard con
ditions of sale. Should my offer be
accepted I would expect to receive
the con tracts as soon as possible
and if everything is in order I would
be prepared to pay the required
deposit immediately. Naturally
should my offer not be accepted
I should expect to have my cheque
returned immediately.
Yours sin cerely
Alan Costello

.30 A letter(below) was received by
Rory Maguire , addressed to :
Mr Maguire,
372 Clontarf Road,
Dublin 3.
from Mr Gary Flood B.Sc. M.I.A.V.I.
of Mason Estates...



148 Phibsboro Road, Phibsboro, Dublin 7
Tel : 830 4000
Fax : 830 4987
Mr. Maguire,
372 Clontarf Road,
30th August 1999
Re: Sale of
your property at the above address.
Dear Mr. Maguire,
I refer to our recent meeting and
con firm acceptance of your kind instructions to sell your
property at the above address as
sole selling agents.
We propose to sell your property
by private treaty inviting offerts in excess of 200,000.
Our marketing campaign will be as
We will:
(a) prepare a detailed
descriptive brochure of the property and circulate it to
enquiries on our
(b) display a photograph of
your property in our Phibsboro, Finglas,Ranelagh and
Booterstown offices
(c) include your property on
our Residential Summary Listing
(d) place a "For Sale" board

on the property
(e) include the property on
our website listing(
We wish to con firm that should
we be successful in introducing a purchaser, our fees in
matter will be at the reduced rate
of 1.5% of the selling price plus V.A.T. at the rate of 21%
plus advertising fees as agreed.
If we should not be successful in
introducing a purchaser we wish to assure you that your
only liability to us shall be our
previously agreed advertising costs.
I wish to thank you for these
instructions and I would like to take this opportunity to
you that we shall use our best
endeavours to achieve a fast and successful sale of the
Yours sincerely ,
Gary Flood ( signed )
Gary Flood B.Sc. M.I.A.V.I.
Branches also at:
1 Ashgrove Mall , McKee
Avenue, Finglas, Dublin 11. Tel: 864 4111 Fax: 864
Ranelagh Court ,
Ranelagh, Dublin 6.
Tel: 496 7955 Fax: 496 6606
115a Rock Road,
Booterstown, Co. Dublin.
Tel: 283 2355 Fax: 283 1137
Auctioneers Valuers
Estate Agents
Financial &
Property Con sultants
Sean Mason Estates Ltd. ,T/A Mason Estates ,Co. Regd. No.
126823 VAT. No. 48186371 Directors: S. Mason, G. King ,

S.P. Mason
In order to create the impression of righting a wrong,
someone must have done wrong in the first place
otherwise there would be no need to give the impression
of needing to do right... Well, this is exactly what this
government has done with Siteserv.
If there was going to be any real investigation into the
Siteserv debacle then why choose the very people who
were involved from the outset and then sprinkle fairy dust
on the investigation by having a retired judge oversee
what is without doubt is going to be a white wash of an
The excuse that KPMG already know where the bodies are
buried is the excuse that Minister Noonan has used time
after time in the last week, however what he fails to say is
that KPMG who handled the sale along with those other
government favourites Davy Corporate Finance in the
spurious sale of Siteserv to Denis O'Brien's offshore
company Millington also know how not to let those rotting
bodies be dug up for all and sundry to see.
The appointment of a retired judge who is in receipt of a
state pension does nothing to alleviate concerns as to the
outcome of the "investigation" as he will already have
been briefed on the "expected outcome" no doubt. If there
was going to be confidence in the so called investigation
then why would the government not let foreign
independent auditors and a foreign judge do the
investigation, if they really wanted to be impartial?
Not only did the government muddy the waters by
extending the the scope of the investigation back as far as
2009 so as to include cases that have absolutely no
relevance to the Siteserv deal, they will bury the truth of
the deal and who also benefited from the deal other than
Denis O'Brien. What they have also done in effect is to
extend the length of the investigation to a time that will
run beyond the next election. In other words they have
bought themselves a get out of jail card and hope that the
investigation will die away in the memories of people
before the election.
The increase in share purchasing and trading has to be

seen for what it was... Insider dealing and an act of

At a time when Davy Corporate Finance were employed to
sell Siteserv PLC as a going concern, why then would just
over 60% of their private clients own shares in the
Company and who ultimately would receive 3 million of
that infamous 5.m deal given to shareholders also be the
ones to benefit from a heads up that Siteserv was going to
be sold to Denis O'Brien or was it the 40% of institutional
investors that were the ones to also benefit from the
remaining balance of that 5.m that also bought shares All without the Irish Stock Exchange allegedly being
unaware that shares were being bought and sold under
the table?
None of the information about the sale was in the public
domain and was in fact the subject of confidentiality
agreements between individual parties to the sale
therefore only a select few knew about the sale to Denis
O'Brien. So who were these people who knew that O'Brien
was ultimately going to buy Siteserv before the Stock
Exchange knew it had a buyer?
We were given a twenty minute look at a computer screen
with a huge list of names that mostly included the words Davy Nominees A/C and a number but not shown anything
that gave the game away for the names behind those
words or numbers. In other words the government do not
want anyone in that list to be named because it is most
likely that these very people are also the same people who
bought the shares in that gap between the initial bids and
the final sale. Again another attempt at a white wash by
Minister Noonan!
Who were the existing shareholders that bought these
shares in Siteserv prior to the Stock Market being told of a
potential sale? The flurry of shares were bought and sold
in the period when the sale was a matter of confidentiality
between the potential bidders, KPMG, Davy Corporate
Finance and the IBRC? The reason that the government
don't want ordinary people to know is that there was an
eclectic mix of politicians, businessmen and those in the
know who were involved in the dealing.
But the real questions have yet to be answered by the
government. Questions such as:

1) Why Denis O'Brien (who still owed millions of Euro to

IBRC),instead of using the 45 million he paid for Siteserv
was not asked to use it to reduce his indebtedness but
instead using it to buy a company that was supposedly on
it's knees and so irreparable that no one would touch it?
2) Or was it that Denis O'Brien knew that Siteserv was to
going to be the investment that would add to his fortunes,
previously having been previously told of the water meter
contract by members of the government?
3) Why was Denis O'Brien allowed buy Siteserv when
there was a firm and far stronger offer on the table from
Altrad, contrary to Minister Noonan's assertion that there
was no other bidder in the running that came up to the
standard offered by Millington, which we now know is
4) If IBRC was going to write off the majority of the debt,
then why did the company need to be sold off in the first
place? The company only had a problem servicing its
debts - otherwise it was a profitable business and in the
upturn would have made a comeback?
5) Why was the higher bid from Altrad not accepted but
yet the lowest bid on the table was, leading to allegations
of impropriety from the outset?
6) Why was Millington allowed to benefit from 21 day
exclusivity clause to the detriment of the other bidders
and why was 'due diligence' given as a reason to reject
other bids?
At the end of it all, isn't it ironic that Allied Irish Bank (who
we own) ended up giving Denis O'Brien the 45 million
loan needed to purchase Siteserv...
Looks like there will be no paintbrushes left in the country
after all of this is said and done!

Knowing what we know about the deal that saw Denis

O'Brien buy Siteserv and who the main players were, it is
a matter of public interest that this government call a halt
to the remainder of the water meter installation contract
that GMC Sierra were "awarded".
I don't say that lightly as I am well aware of the
consequences for everyone involved from the Taoiseach
down to the installers themselves. I don't want anyone
going off the head because it might look like I feel sorry
for them... You can be assured that I feel the very

What we have here is a clear case of insider dealing or

corruption if you like, that saw Denis O'Brien being given
information prior to the contract being awarded and this
goes back as far as early 2009 before the present
government took office. Fine Gael leadership were very
well acquainted with what (the Fianna Fail led
government) were told to do by the EU in advance of their
subsequent win at the polls in 2011 hence they published
their intentions to introduce water charges in their 2011
election manifesto.
It was no accident that Denis O'Brien was briefed by senior
members of the Fine Gael party including Phil Hogan about
the contract, hence the subsequent purchase of Siteserv
and ultimately the setting up of GMC Sierra Ltd. There was
never going to be any other outcome other than Siteserv /
GMC Sierra being awarded the contract however they
made a simple mistake that will ultimately cost each and
everyone all the way from the government down to the
solicitors and accountants who were involved.
Someone forget to organise the tax clearance certificate
for the tender...
One simple discovery has led to a scattering of feathers as
the chicken coop is runs for cover and has left them
blaming each other for letting the fox in. No tax clearance
certificate equals no contract but yet Siteserv / GMC Sierra
were miraculously awarded the metering contract. There
was also the matter of the company being formed less
than two weeks before the awarding of the metering
contract, again casting serious doubt on the whole
tendering process and its awarding to the Denis O'Brien
owned companies.
To put it in context yet again, Siteserv was sold for a huge
loss with the help of insider dealing perpetrated by
bankers, businessmen and politicians. GMC Sierra were
the recipients of a contract that was an act of corruption
and therefore it is in the interests of this government to
rescind the contract before it is too late. People feel
aggrieved at the way this country is being run in favour of
the same circle of friends and rightly so.
One more thing to consider by the powers that be... You
seriously underestimated the power of social media and
people's ability to bring information into the spotlight that

didn't involve billionaire owned media outlets.

I would call that ...Outmaneuvered by the little people!
Alan Dukes, former Fine Gael leader and minister came
out into the public gaze in order to defend the
indefensible. Appearing in the offices of Eames Solicitors,
who by no coincidence were the law firm of choice for
IBRC when it came to representing the bank back when
repossessions were the order of the day by the same
Mr Dukes has forgotten his place in the big wheel when he
begins to defend the handling and sale of Siteserv to
Denis O'Brien knowing full well the intricate details of the
deal before it ever became public and here's why...
Alan Dukes was employed by the taxpayer to act as their
eyes and ears within IBRC when he was appointed as a
public interest director on the board of Anglo Irish Bank
and subsequently as chairman of the IBRC. At what point
did Dukes switch from being a public representative to
becoming an apologist for what is at the very least insider
trading by bankers and politicians and an act of criminality
that will continue to cost this country billions for
generations to come because it is corruption. Corruption is
a criminal act, pure and simple, Mr Dukes!
Alan Dukes goes on to accuse people like me of being
conspiracy theorists and seeing conspiracies in tea leaves.
What I and an awful lot of people see certainly looks like
105 million worth of conspiracies and that buys a lot of
tea leaves when it comes to the sale of Siteserv. 150
million loss on the sale of Topaz to Denis O'Brien (304
million owed to IBRC by Topaz) all when you were in
charge and supposedly protecting the public interests?
Why would you as a public interest director allow the
directors and shareholders of a debt ridden and defunct
company (Siteserv) that owed 150 million to the Irish
people to be allowed take a bonus of 5 million because
they wouldn't have agreed to the sale to Denis O'Brien if
they hadn't? The company was dead in the water so why
did you allow it when no other company in receivership
outside of the loop could do that? Whose interests were
you representing when you allowed that to happen, Mr

Try sitting in front of a hall packed full of ordinary people

whose homes and jobs are gone from beneath them and
then explain why you were asleep at the wheel or turning
the face the other way when you allowed these mind
blowing sums of money to walk out the door all the while
you being on our payroll?
When you start to blame other people then you know that
the game is lost because even the civil servants are letting
you know that they know what happened and that comes
from the most senior civil servant who worked in liaison
with you at IBRC.
Lets move on to "the expert" now. When a crisis starts to
spin out of control then the "experts" are bought out of the
woodwork to explain that there is nothing to see here so
lets all move on. Let me quote the spin doctoring on RTE's
Prime Time for those who missed it:
"The independent expert who oversaw the sale of Siteserv
for IBRC said Denis O'Brien's offer was accepted because it
was the best, simplest and could be completed quickly ."
Well there you have it... Speaking on RT's Prime Time,
Walter Hobbs said that when he began dealing with the
transaction 100 million was already gone and the
question was if they could rescue the other 50m.
Mr Hobbs appears to forget that it was not the banks'
money because it was the taxpayers money of which 100
million was and is still being paid for by us, so what part of
the word corporate theft does he not understand? Anglo
Irish Bank was bailed out in order to protect businessmen,
politicians, property developers, bondholders, etc.
Perhaps you should tell the public of your connection with
KPMG as a director and your connection to the Ex
Chairman of Siteserv, Mr Hugh Cooney and former
Siteserv director, Mr Robert Dix before you defend your
role in the sale of Siteserv and further that you took
advice from Davy Stockbrokers when they were the
advisers to Siteserv at the time which in itself appears to
be a conflict of interest?
To put all of the above in context, it is fair to say that this
Siteserv can of worms and the people involved on every
level are guilty of insider dealing on the lowest level and
corruption at any level above that. Not one person who
can see the wood for the trees can honestly say that the

link between bankers, the government, Denis O'Brien, the

law firms and the big accountancy firms in this case is
anything less than spurious and warrants immediate
criminal investigation.
But isn't it now ironic that the government have now
appointed KPMG, the very people who were at the heart of
the the Siteserv deal to review the Siteserv transaction
and other large sell-offs by IBRC?
It seems that the old boy network is very much alive and

Corruption corruption and more lies

You must remember Siteserv was sold as a company to the Denis

OBrien company with no conditions, in other words we didnt even
get the opportunity to do a due diligence, this was 50 million take
it or leave it, take it off the parking lot." Sean Corkery CEO of
Siteserv speaking in March

The Shell to Sea campaign in Mayo should have taught
many Irish people that oil and politics mix very well. While
it isn't a secret in the world of big oil companies or the
stockbroking houses of Europe but it hasn't appeared in
any of the mainstream media here in Ireland but Ireland's
gas supply is about to be owned by the same company
that bought a government... The Irish government!
The government privatised the supply of gas into this
country when they sold the rights to supply the gas to a
British energy company called Centrica, which operates as
British Gas in the UK, having broken Bord Gis up into two
parts. The state still own the network supply system but
now we hear that Centrica are being bought out by Royal
Dutch Shell, the very same people who were at the centre
of the disgraceful treatment of local residents by the state
using their proxy private security arm, An Garda
So where does this leave the average Irish citizen in terms
of caring about the new owners? For a start it has left the
taxpayer over 1.24bn short of what the deal was really
worth. The portion that was sold off to Centrica was sold
off for 1.1bn rather than its proper valuation price of
2.25bn that it was being touted to three potential buyers
for, by the government. The next part of the story is an
even sorrier state of affairs in that the 600 million never

even touched the ground and was used to pay down

another installation of the Great Troika Robbery in 2014.
According to the Energy Minister at the time Pat Rabbitte,
the state was going to put the remaining 500 million into
job creation however it appears that the 500 million
hasn't been added to the exchequer central funds as of
yet, therefore is it wrong to suspect that this supposed
500 million or large part of it was used to fund Irish Water
under the table?
Bearing in mind that it is just a question rather than a fact,
it is something that the Department of Finance needs to
answer as it is looking rather suspicious right now as it
would suit the government's need to keep Irish Water
funding off the books.
I quote from Mr Rabbitte's gushing announcement after
the sale in 2014: "We are pleased to announce that an
agreement to sell the Bord Gis Energy business has been
signed. The commitment made by these buyers to acquire
the business is a strong vote of confidence in the Irish
energy market, the Irish economy and in the Bord Gis
Energy business and its employees," said Pat Rabbitte, the
Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural
Resources alongside Brendan Howlin, the Minister for
Public Expenditure and Reform said"
What he should have said is: "We the Irish government
have screwed the Irish people once again and are proud to
have done it in alliance with the banks and
bondholders,who incidentally are delighted to rip off the
silly old Irish dunces wallowing in their financially punch
drunk state so that they even won't notice what we have
done. We the Irish government will do our best to sell off
every asset that the Irish people own for next to nothing,
just to please our good friends in Europe"
So not only did the state lose a constant income stream
that put money back into the economy every year by
selling BGE, it also lost 1.24bn on the deal.
You really couldn't make this stuff up...


As an update to a previous post, it seems that the old
adage of the three monkeys who hear no evil, see no evil
and speak no evil remains as true as ever. The Irish Stock
Exchange run by stockbrokers (Davy,Goodybody,etc) did
not report to the Office of the Director of Corporate
Enforcement (ODCE) that there was a huge spike in share
trading in Siteserv prior to its sale to Denis O'Brien.
This "small omission" was made because the very people
involved in the insider dealing were also the same people
who were also supposed to report the unusual spike in
activity to the (ODCE) which they didn't. This suggests
that they were trying to hide the activity from not only the
public gaze but also from the responsible body that might
have been able to put a stop to the sale pending an
In what now seems to a concerted effort by the Irish Stock

Exchange to facilitate insider trading in the Siteserv deal,

it is now beyond the scope of the ODCE to investigate the
matter and should now be treated as a criminal matter.
However this author knows only too well that no criminal
investigation will ever take place under this current
government given their track record for facilitating
corruption in the first place and using the law to become a
private security company instead of using it to investigate
real crime or maybe white collar crime doesn't count
The government and its lackeys hate the publicity and
attention that they are receiving lately but this is only the
tip of the iceberg... What they can't see is the rest of the
iceberg floating just below the surface where the real
damage is being done. It only took a small series of rips in
the bow of the Titanic and the rest is history...


When does spin become reality?
Listening to the cutting remarks that Mr Noonan made
about those who are in receipt of unemployment
payments, smacks of a desperation to take the focus off
himself and the Siteserv issue. When a minister who has
as much experience with the media as Noonan and who
tries to make the people look the other way by slating
those less fortunate than himself then we know that the
war of attrition between the people and this government is
clearly being won by the people.

Noonan of all of people has been in receipt of benefits in

this case called a TD's / ministerial salary for the majority
of his adult life and has never created one single cent by
running his own business or by creating employment
through his own efforts but instead has chosen the easy
option of taking from the taxpayer year in year out and
making not one single physical monetary contribution to
the economy except to consistently take from the public
So what is the difference between a man who has no work
and unable to put food on the table or pay his mortgage
having worked for all of his adult life and Mr Noonan? The
difference is Minister Noonan doesn't care... He really
doesn't care, having lived a life of luxury at the expense of
the taxpayer, he is unable to feel empathy or sympathy
and is a man clearly out of touch.
This is typical of a man who destroyed the lives of many
women such as Donegal woman Brigid McCole at the age
of 54 having received contaminated blood. Mr Noonan
hounded this lady and many like her so that they would
not sue over a momentous cockup by Department of
Health as it was known at the time.
Brigid McCole died on October 2, 1996, six days before the
courts finally awarded her (family) 175,000. Brigid went
to her grave not knowing whether her family could afford
to bury her or not...
Going back to his spin, Mr Noonan has a lot to hide
regarding Siteserv as do many of the other people
involved and we will not let it lie or die away as this is
their personal Titanic. The government are desperate to
hide the truth of their involvement but that isn't going to
happen as the shovels are digging far faster than their
spin can react to...
Take no notice of what Mr Noonan says but closely watch
what he does!


It was reported that Minister Noonan and the Central Bank
suggested that Catherine Murphy TD contact the Irish
Stock Exchange in order to make a complaint regarding
alleged insider trading in the now infamous Siteserv get
rich quick scheme."
It seems that both Minister Noonan and the Central Bank
management team are either very confused considering
the battering that they have received over the last few
weeks or that they don't know what the Irish Stock
Exchange is and who the beneficial owners are.
The Irish Stock Exchange, contrary to common perception
is not a government run organisation but a public limited
company (with other limited liability companies in the mix)
and run by the very same stockbroking firm that is up to
its neck in mud with the Siteserv insider trading allegation.
Davy Stockbrokers are the majority shareholders in the
Irish Stock Exchange and were also the advisers hired by
the Denis O'Brien's offshore company,Millington and the
IBRC at the same time resulting in a momentous decision
that is coming back to haunt all of the parties involved.
What Minister Noonan and the Central Bank are effectively
telling Catherine Murphy to do is to put her head inside
the rat trap and wait for the snap. But there will be no
snap other than the door being rapidly snapped closed
while Davy Stockbrokers start the process of digging
deeper into their lair hoping that they will be left alone
now that the media hounds are after them.
The big question is however... How can the Irish Stock
Exchange investigate their majority shareholder (Davy
Stockbrokers) and say that any investigation was

You also know something is seriously wrong, especially

when RTE begin to turn on the Finance Minister, because
they also smell a big rat in the Siteserv sale.
Running out of options yet, Minister?

All fine calling those responsible, all the derogatory names under
the sun, they are trained to accept and ignore it. WE NEED TO


Q. Do you feel you have been made a scapegoat in a
larger political battle?

AD. "Yes, to an extent. Anti water charge campaigners

have opportunistically seized on the Siteserv case and
have invested so much political capital in the issue that
they are unlikely to accept any conclusion that does not
conform to their prejudices."
The people who are scapegoating you Mr dukes are your
fellow party members because you didn't do the job up to
their standards which in this case was to turn a blind eye
to the proceedings happening a floor below you and then
stay stum, never to open your mouth for posterity in case
you hang them as well!
No mention of being sorry for not doing the job he was
being paid to do by the Irish people and still shoving the
blame away from himself as expected. The anti water
protesters didn't let Denis O'Brien and his cronies walk out
the door leaving the same anti water protesters and the
rest of the taxpayers of this country, 105 million in the
red, Mr Dukes... YOU DID!
Q. Was it a mistake in retrospect to allow Davy and Arthur
Cox to act as advisers for both sides of the Siteserv sale?
AD. "This issue has been comprehensively addressed on
RTE's 20 April Primetime programme by the independent
monitor appointed by the bank and in my press
conference of 24 April. IBRC did not have any function in
'allowing' any other party to the sale to choose advisers.
Mr Dukes, did solicitors Arthur Cox & Co not run the
potential conflict of interest of representing both sides in
the sale of Siteserv across their own board of
management and then decide that there was no conflict of
interest and as chairman of IBRC did you not have a say in
the matter?
What planet was Alan Dukes on when this happened as he
had the power to overrule this cozy arrangement on behalf
of the taxpayer so why didn't he especially when he knew
it was wrong, morally if nothing else? To have either Davy
Corporate Finance / Stockbrokers and Arthur Cox represent
anyone where IBRC was involved is a clear conflict of
interest as both sides had an interest in the Siteserv deal
from the outset.
It was Mr Dukes lack of oversight on his watch that has
shot him in the foot so any complaining at this stage is
going to be greeted with the disdain that it deserves of a

man who was supposed keep an eye on the hen house but
instead of protecting the taxpayer, he let the fox in to raid
it and run away with the fattest chicken as quickly as he
* This is going to be a very interesting week in the Dail
when it returns... ;)

We are still a year away from the next general election

and yet we are now seeing serious evidence of auction
policies, exactly of the sort that has got us into trouble so
many times before, in the late 1970s, the 1980s and then
most notoriously in the later years of the Celtic Tiger.
Our Foreign Minister Charlie Flanagan has supported an
increase in the dole for under 26s, only two years after
this reduction was put through. If this isnt naked
electioneering, itd be hard to know what is. And it comes
only a week after the appearance of Charlie McCreevy and
Brian Cowen in front of the banking inquiry, with Fine Gael
politicians getting all high and mighty denouncing the

auction politics and giveaways of Fianna Fail when they

were in office during the boom years.
But its only the tip of the iceberg. We also have talk of an
5 increase in Child Benefit on the cards, while there will
also be a restoration of the respite grant and the living
alone allowance. Its also expected that Social Protection
Minister Joan Burton will further top-up the Christmas
Bonus, which was partially restored to a 25pc level only
last year. It is just one goodie after another, as the
Governments fiscal discipline slackens in sight of an
Have we learned nothing? Having taken the opprobrium
for making these cuts and necessary reforms, the
Government seems content to immediately throw away
the hard-won gains to curry favour with the electorate,
which is an illusion anyway as most of the concessions will
be long forgotten by the time the polls come along.
But in the meantime, how alarming that the FG and
Labour government would put the interests of their party
ahead of those of the country, at a time when we are still
borrowing heavily and are running a large budget deficit.
Bear in mind, that Charlie Flanagans dole hike proposal is
a concession for which there was no public pressure, or
even advance notice. Unemployment is falling, and there
is no real inflation.
But this suggestion by Flanagan was just thrown out there
recklessly as a loose promise, for which taxpayers must
pay. Meanwhile, from elsewhere, we hear calls for a rise in
the minimum wage, despite the fact that we have one of
the highest such rates in Europe and one which has,
according to employers, deterring employers from actually
taking on people.

Flanagans proposal goes against the whole project of the

Government, led bravely by Tanaiste Joan Burton, to
actually reform our welfare culture, so as to help and
encourage people to go back to work. This flies in the face
of that difficult but so far successful plan. Only this week,
Eurostat, the European Commissions statistics
agency project, described how Ireland has the highest
expenditure rate on unemployment in the EU. We spend
twice the European average on unemployment costs.
The Department of Social Protection spun furiously and
said the figures reflected the complexity of
unemployment-related expenditure and not just
jobseekers allowance payments. This is true: the range of
welfare benefits exploded during the boom and according
to Eurostat, Irish Government spending on unemployment
in 2014 was 7.6% of total expenditure, more than double
the EU average of 3.25%. Does Flanagan even know this?
But his proposal to spend even more money is only one of
number of issues on which this Government has ignored
the advice of the IMF, the Fiscal Advisory Council and
many others and proceeded to get into auction politics, as
soon as the national tax take improved. The EU/IMF Troika
(pictured above) had barely left town and there was
immediately talk of restoring pay cuts for the public
sector, which many in the private sector would have
considered already relatively modest, given that they, in
the commercial world, had to face much bigger pay cuts
and job losses.
Already the Spring Statement was a dangerous sign of a
Government willing to take its foot off the gas and let the

country slide into the overspending and auction politics

that got us into the mess we are in.
In fairness, the Government deserves credit. It inherited
public finances that were out of control and, through focus
and sacrifice (ours), it has steadied the shape and brought
us back to relative solvency and job creation. Granted it
inherited an imposed programme from the EU Troika and a
lot of the early heavy lifting was done by Fianna Fail but
this Government persisted with the policies that were
necessary to see the recovery through. This makes it all
the more puzzling that it is now in danger of immediately
blowing the improved public finances and risking our
historic and still precarious recovery for short term
political gain. This is a Government, after all, which last
year went from a proposed fiscal correction of a 2 billion
cut, to a neutral budget, to talk of a spending kitty of
600m in double quick time!
The National Competitiveness Council said that we are
already losing our edge and slipping down the Euro scale
on those factors that support job creation, including wage
restraint. Brendan Howlin even risked public anger by
confirming that politicians would also benefit from a
reversal in public sector pay cuts. This is absurd: spending
the gains of our hard-won recovery, not to hospitals and
schools where they are really needed, but to the pay
packets of public sector workers, including our already
over-paid politicians. As well as raising the dole!
Meanwhile, it was revealed this week that absenteeism in
the public sector cost 320m last year, admittedly a fall
from the previous year but by just 0.3%. The average
number of days missed was about 9 twice what it is in
the private sector but in some areas, such as in the
Department of Social Protection itself, it is almost 13 days.
This is the equivalent of two weeks extra holiday a year!
And still the Government thinks it has carried out major

Maybe we should look across the water at how our former

colonial masters do things. In the UK, we see a
Government which specifically ran on a policy of cuts and
reforms and which duly got elected on that basis. The
Tories didnt tell people it could be easy and offer people
silly promises. They told it as it is and got rewarded for it,
by the electorate, with a whopping majority. Is the British
public more sophisticated than that in Ireland? Perhaps,
but in Ireland too there is a sensible, prudent attitude
which politicians could be rewarded for respecting rather
than assuming that the electorate is a fickle child that just
wants populism and lollipops. The Irish public looks at
Greece, for example, and thanks god we took the tough
but responsible route.
And nor has the British Government stopped such thinking
with its re-election. For example, it has proposed to make
patients pay for not showing up for NHS appointments. In
the UK, just as in Ireland, such missed appointments cost
the health service millions. But can you imagine an Irish
Government charging for such no-shows. Not unlikely. That
would be to court unpopularity too close to an election.
But surely the Government knows that it is better to be
respected than to be liked. That the electorate votes for a
Government it can trust- and trust to be tough. Thats why
Fine Gael has done relatively well in the polls. Why throw it
all away now, in a mad try for fickle popularity and
endanger our finances in the process. It also makes the
accusations against Fianna Fails spending during the
boom years look a bit hollow. Indeed, can we honestly say
that this Government would have taken the tough road
they did, without the Troika at their shoulder and without

Fianna Fail first putting through those two big corrective

After recent events and revelations, that is the question
that an increasingly informed electorate is beginning to
ask. For, the reality is that the Troika forced the pace and
without them it has slackened and the same old electoral
cycle has come into play.

Haughey, with cup of tea, pictured with Garret FitzGerald

After I wrote this article, below, in yesterdays Irish
Independent, broadcaster Matt Cooper contacted to say
that, as editor of the former Sunday Tribune, many years
ago, he had published this very story about Haughey. I
remember the said article, by Richard Curran, and I well
remembered Currans further details, in a follow up
conversation, about the intimacy of the connection he had
discovered between the UK Treasury and the Irish
Government in even the late 1960s, which made
something of a mockery of Irish assertions about total
financial sovereignty from the UK.
But one aspect of the story which would surely be worth
following up is the identity of the circle of investors who
allegedly profited from Haugheys insider knowledge
about sterlings impending devaluation in 1967 and the
allegation that the same business figures later financially
returned the favour to Haughey in the years and decades
following. Discovering the identity of these investors might

shed much light on the murky world of such personal and

political donations in later decades, and the overlap of
business, property and politics.
Charles Haughey, the devaluation of sterling and the
Republican legacy
The claim by Eamon Dunphy that Charlie Haughey, and
his friends, benefited from a tip-off about the devaluation
of sterling in 1967 comes as no surprise. It was long a
rumour in Dublin, but it is a credit to Dunphy that he has
put it on the record, and quoted an anonymous but
credible source, close to Haughey himself. And while this
might seem like a tale to sell copies of his new book, it is
actually a serious allegation which reveals much about the
changing political culture of the 1960s and the legacy of
tolerated dodginess that led to some of the serious
corruption of recent years, especially under Fianna Fail.
Dunphy reveals how Haughey apparently made a windfall
from his advance knowledge of the sterling devaluation,
and was thus able to buy his impressive Abbeville mansion
soon afterwards. The source told Dunphy that the
devaluation was Charlies first big touch.
The Irish pound was linked to sterling, so when Harold
Wilsons government decided to devalue on November 18,
1967, the Irish government was given 24 hours notice.
As Minister for Finance, Haughey passed the information
on to a small group of wealthy Irish businessmen, who
made a fortune on the currency markets.
More importantly, many of these same people
undoubtedly looked after Haughey himself years later
when, apparently because of his lavish lifestyle, Haughey
seemed to be constantly in need of money, dig-outs and
backhanders. After all, despite all the money Haughey
made, or was gifted, he still ended up with a IR1.4m
overdraft with AIB, an astonishing amount of money in the
cash-strapped Ireland of 1987. There had to be a lot of
Ben Dunnes around to see him through the subsequent
As Dunphy writes, in scenes worthy of Mario Puzo, the
sterling benefactors looked after the Man of Destiny
whod tipped them off and a year later, with the heat off,
Charlie moved from his ordinary semi-D in the modest

suburb of Raheny into the palatial James Gandon-designed

mansion of Abbeville in north Co Dublin, with its Georgian
ballroom, chestnut trees and horse paddocks.
Haugheys turn of fortune was known around the town
but no one said anything, writes Dunphy. And wasnt that
always the way with Haughey: everyone spoke about his
finances, his corruption and his sexual affairs at dinner
parties and in pubs. But no one said it publicly. And as for
the press reporting it, this collusion has since been
referred to as the Vichy regime of Irish journalism. Ouch.
And if the press wouldnt touch it, the regulatory
authorities certainly wouldnt. As Dunphy writes
damningly, a vigilant police authority or Revenue
investigator might have made an attempt to follow
Charlies money trail, but this was Ireland, the Land of
Saints and Scholars, the fiefdom of the Soldiers of Destiny,
whose founding father, the thief, Eamon de Valera, was
still president and head of State.
This is strong stuff. Dunphy is referring here to monies
raised in the US to publish the Irish Press newspaper, and
if he is being overly harsh on the sandal-wearing Dev, his
general charge about establishment Irelands blind eye is
very valid.
For, along with the fear about questioning Haugheys
wealth, there also went a tolerance and even admiration.
It was the ye boy ye cute-hoorism and the fat chieftain
syndrome, which especially appealed to the Irish postcolonial mentality. If he can do it for himself, he can do it
for us, thought the electoral mob. But then when Haughey
got found out by lawyers the mob abandoned him and
turned on him, as mobs do.
But this public indulgence of stroke politics endured. Fastforward to the bigger boom of the Celtic Tiger. As the 2007
election got under way, major revelations broke about
Bertie Ahern finances, but he got elected anyway.
So maybe in tandem with all that high-minded
republicanism, there was always a streak of on the make
in modern Ireland. For heres the thing: the famous
devaluation of 1967 took place on the very weekend of the
unveiling of a statue of the original Irish republican, Wolfe
Tone in St Stephens Green, sculpted by my father.
We even attended as kids, in what was a real crossover

1960s moment with 1916 veterans lined up with their

medals next to students in long scarves and miniskirts. The photos are most revealing. The elderly
President de Valera is unveiling the statue, while a smiling
Haughey looks on ambitiously. Ireland was changing, and
more than the transformation of a country was afoot.

Charles Haughey (fifth from left) pictured at the unveiling

of the statue of Wolfe Tone by President De Valera on 18
November 1967. Beside him are my parents, my
grandmother and, at the extreme left, the poet Patrick
Kavanagh, who gate-crashed the event and had to be
given a front row seat!. This is the last picture taken of
Kavanagh alive he died two weeks later. Beside
Haughey, to the right, is Minister James Ryan, a veteran of
the GPO in 1916 and at the far right is Jack Lynch, who had
become Fianna Fail leader and Taoiseach the previous
year, beating Haughey. Over a decade later Haughey
would replace him.

The revelation that half of those who have emigrated in

recent years have actually have a had a job, and a third
level qualification, is proof surely that those leaving our
shores are not just those unable to find work here, but
tens of thousands of people who fleeing the high taxes
and cuts that will make them the burden of our economic
recovery. In other words, while the squeezed middle is
taking the brunt of the measures being implemented to
correct our public finances, those who might have joined
such a demographic, or who are already in it, have
decided instead to bale out and leave the bare land to the
so-called working poor. And to those relatively protected
parts of our society, such as the public sector, the welfare
system and, of course, the always generously looked after
So no wonder Minister Leo Varadkar has spoken against
such an injustice that is seeing our best and brightest
pay too much tax and be driven out of the country. Some
relief should be given to stop this brain drain, he said, and
while it was too early to introduce tax cuts now, it should

be on the agenda later, particularly for income tax and the

Universal Social Charge (USC). Varadkars comments come
after junior finance minister Brian Hayes said that the
Government simply cannot continue to tax the hell out of
Some see these comments as a signal of Fine Gael putting
down a marker to Labour not to push again for tax
increases, especially if the country exits the bailout
successfully. Perhaps. But its not much reassurance given
all the stealth taxes and charges that the public has
already endured. The reality is that Labour has already got
its way in Government, in securing a budget adjustment of
less than 3.1bn and in preventing the big cuts that the
Troika has demanded. So there is little chance of any tax
relief in the near future.
After all, Minister Joan Burton continues to dither over a
massive welfare spend, with its notorious welfare traps
which are a complete disincentive to work. Her budgetwhich is one third of all Government spending is
supposed to be reduced by 440 m, but nothing like this
appears to be in prospect. And yet Burton continues to
enjoy an inexplicable popularity with a shallow media
otherwise infatuated by her leadership intrigue with
Eamon Gilmore.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, tax payers continue to
suffer as they pay for her dithering and her indulgence of
a welfare system that she has stated is an crucial stimulus
to the local economy. No wonder small businesses despair
of her indolence and of the chance to create real jobs. And
no wonder people are emigrating, rather than pay for all
this, and for a public sector which although it has endured
some cuts, has also been protected from anything like the
real pain that has been visited on the private sector. But
thats modern Ireland: there is a leniency for the banks,
and for those on higher public sector salaries and for those
on long term welfare, and the suckers in the middle have
to pay for it. Fair?

Equality and fairness are important said Varadkar (above)

but we must not push our best talent out of Ireland. Oh,
but we are. Highly qualified younger workers are going to
Canada, the US and Australia where, as the Minister said,
they can have a better lifestyle, higher pay and lower
taxes Not only has the economic crisis reduced salaries,
but workers are being moved into the higher rate of tax
at 52pc when they are earning average wages.
But at least Varadkar addressed this injustice, since
nobody else is. We had high hopes that FGs Five a Side
group would speak out more forcefully for our hardpressed taxpayers, or that the newly created Reform
Alliance would, but they seem, for the moment, to be
preoccupied with speaking rights in the Dail: although
Denis Naughten TD did put in a forceful performance on
RTEs Prime Time about supporting small businesses in
rural Ireland. There is certainly a political gap in the
market, as opinion polls show. Michael McDowell seems to
have squandered his considerable energies on the Seanad
debate but if that kind of fearless and outspoken case
could be made for the squeezed middle, then something
might be done. Not for nothing does the UK have a
thriving and dedicated Taxpayers Alliance. Otherwise, with

a Coalition Government preoccupied with stability and

consensus, the easy option will always be keep taxes high
rather than make the substantial cuts that would bring
fairness back to Ireland. And stop our best and brightest
from leaving.

Charlie McCreevy was

well able for Irish
banking inquiry

The defiant, confident appearance of Charlie McCreevy in

front of the Banking Inquiry seems to have surprised the
media and political culture.
But, honestly, why the surprise? This is Cheeky Charlie,
the man who was the face of the early years of the boom
and the expansion of the Irish economy and its
infrastructure and population. Yes, the economy became
over-reliant on a property bubble in subsequent years and
went over a cliff, when overspending, an international
downturn and a domestic banking crisis conspired to
create the perfect storm for an economic collapse.
But the fact is that we did have an economic boom, and
many of the same factors which created it FDI, low tax
rates and an entrepreneurial culture are bringing us out
the recession. McCreevy was key to all these and there

was no way he was going to go away and sit in sackcloth

and ashes for what he felt he didnt do. There was no way
he was going to come into the banking inquiry begging
forgiveness for problems that very few of us were warning
about back when he was Minister.
Indeed, what McCreevys appearance also did was to show
up just how fickle the media and political culture can be,
as it uses its completely after the event wisdom to
question just about every economic decision taken from
2000 on. He also reminded us that the same politicians
and experts who are now calling for more spending in
health, education and welfare, however justified, should
reflect that it was spending, and often overspending in
these very areas, that led to the country getting
dangerously over-extended. And this was long before any
banking crisis.
McCreevy resisted many of these public spending
demands, but was over ruled by the more election-savvy
Bertie Ahern. Did those who campaigned for more such
spending object? Not likely. Nor would they today.
As McCreevy himself told the Inquiry, when he was
Minister he was depicted as Scrooge but now he is
depicted as a free spending Santa Claus. Indeed, this
perception was precisely why he was exiled to Brussels by
Ahern in 2004. The Government wanted to abandon its
frugal finances and open the purse strings.
The wider political culture didnt shed any tears when
Cheeky Charlie was sent to the EU. Not likely. And yet
there was strong sense hed been hard done by, and was
being made a scape goat by a Taoiseach who had
suddenly decided to depart from the prudent, proenterprise policy that had given us buoyancy and to a
more social democrat tax and spend model. Ahern
announced that he was in fact a socialist prompting the
real socialist Joe Higgins to tell the Dail that someone had
raided his wardrobe!
So while Bertie was dressed up as some left wing
benefactor, McCreevy was over in Brussels. Except he
didnt stew, but got on with his work, no doubt relieved to
be out of the hypocritical circus of Irish politics. And he
retained a great admiration among the political hacks, for
his humour, his straight talking and his frank

determination to his beliefs.

Ah, but the hacks too are a fickle bunch, just like the
people they report to and the political culture they report
on. I have two very different memories of meeting
McCreevy in Brussels. Both of them were on press trips to
the EU, an annual fact-finding trip (and soiree) organised
by the European Commission and involving a cross section
of Irish media, both print and broadcast. It is quite
different to the on-the-ground press presence there and
precedes the now continuous crisis in the EU which has
taken away some of the novelty of these trips.
On my first trip in 2006, McCreevy hosted a dinner for the
delegation and he couldnt have been more popular and
gregarious. McCreevy is no longer a drinker but he retains
the craic and conviviality of the Irish session. At a large
table, he told juicy stories about Irish politics all off the
record and the hacks lapped it up. Indeed, they were
reverential to the point of fawning but there was genuine
respect for the blunt talker who had been sent overseas.
A year later, I was back in Brussels on the same trip and
the atmosphere could not have been more different. It was
a another set of Irish journalists but drawn from the same
gene pool. McCreevy held a reception at which there was
to be a polite speech but no questions. However, after
much pressure, he conceded to one question from a radio
interviewer in the light of sudden very bad economic
turn in Ireland. But one question became two, and then
three. And before you know it, he was facing a baying mob
of journalists shouting stuff like are you not responsible
for the economic bubble bursting, are you going to
apologies to the Irish people, and why did you cut tax as
much as you did?
It brought home how fickle is public opinion. And, when
the tide turns, just how quickly people will turn with it.
And, as Bertie Ahern and others are discovering, it is those
who are most behind you, holding the torchlights, who get
the most angry and who want to go to your house and
torch it.
Now, of course, everyone is wise after the event. Everyone
seems to have known that the property market was
dangerously overblown even the same newspapers
which published voluminous property supplements to

boost their revenue! Sinn Feins Pearse Doherty tried to

question McCreevy about the property market, but he
refused saying it was something that became overheated
after his time.
Otherwise, McCreevy was like a man swatting flies. Unlike
other witnesses, he was able for the sometimes glib
questioning of the Committee inquisitors. This, after all,
was the man who faced down Charlie Haughey and got
wrestled to the ground by a mob outside Leinster House,
the man who then despaired of Haugheys overspending
and help to create the Progressive Democrats although
he didnt join them. This was the man who unable to
marry his partner Noeleen because of Irelands absurd
lack of divorce, arranged for her to change her to
McCreevy by deed poll!
But most of all he is the man who created the original and
still valid model for the Celtic Tiger low taxes, prudent
spending, and proper investment in infrastructure, health
and education. His change of our crippling tax burden is
the most crucial. He broke the orthodoxy that Ireland
should always be a high tax and high spending country
and liberated thousands of Irish citizens from the
hangover of the PAYE days and getting absolutely taxed to
hell. Unfortunately, his progress here is in danger of being
undone by some who want to take us back to the route of
auction politics and high spending as he himself pointed
out yesterday.

When he was Finance Minister, I wrote an article, based on

insider accounts, of how he was in fact, the driving force in

the Government of the early 2000s, and certainly in terms

of economics and taxation. He has many critics for this,
but one of my sources, a then junior Minister, admiringly
described McCreevys response as the Rhett Butler
attitude, referring to the character in Gone with the Wind,
and his famous riposte, Frankly, Madam I dont give a
McCreevy showed plenty of the Rhett Butler attitude
yesterday. But the tragedy is that he was then sent out of
that Tiger-era Government too early, precisely because he
had too much influence. Would overspending have got so
out of control has he stayed? Would the banking crisis
have been quite so bad? Perhaps not. Certainly, having
been exiled to Brussels for his so-called sins, he has
already done his time. So the last thing he was going to be
doing was coming into the banking inquiry begging for
forgiveness and mercy.
Back in 2010 Johnny Ronan and Richard Barrett directors
of one of Irelands largest property development
companies were to be investigated and possibly jailed for
an alleged fraud that included Treasury Holdings selling off
their Chinese assets with an estimated worth of 30
million Euro for the princely sum of 2 million, repayable
by the new purchaser in smaller tranches over two years.
The sale more than likely being a means of keeping the
properties and cash out of the hands of the liquidators for
KBC Bank.
Needless to say that nothing ever came of this but what is
more to the point is that Johnny Ronan is not only free
from any investigation but now free from NAMA and free
to start on this afresh, thanks to the taxpayer. Like
everything that NAMA does, it is about to hit the taxpayer
once again for the difference in Ronan's and Treasury
Holdings debt and what price NAMA bought the debts for
from the banks. Johnny Ronans new financiers have paid
off Ronans debt to the tune of 400 million Euro and in
2014 NAMA sold the Treasury flagship which was Battersea
Power Station development in London for 600 million to
Malaysian investors.

Now it turns out that the Battersea development is worth

10 billion Euro... One penthouse is worth 50 million Euro
Ronan, Barrett and Treasury Holdings may go back to their
new financier friends and ask for the 300 million in the
difference that they and their friends in NAMA have
conveniently forgotten to add to their bill. They might say
that is a matter for NAMA and nothing to do with them but
the reality is that it is a matter for the taxpayer who once
again is at a substantial loss.
Having said all of that, the blame for this lies firmly with
NAMA as they were aware of the real value of Battersea
and had they teamed up with any of the major UK
developers or even left Treasury to develop it then they
would have realised the billions that were up for grabs
instead of selling off on the instructions of Michael Noonan
because the bondholders were knocking on the
Department of Finance door looking for more of our
But what is consistently and typical NAMA is that it tries to
claim a huge loss as a victory in that it said that it made a
profit of 100 million from the sale of Treasury Holdings
property. What is more consistent with NAMA is that it
serves only the banks, developers, vulture funds and
foreign investors. Nowhere has it been seen to serve the
taxpayers who are at risk for every transaction that NAMA
undertakes as their activities are hidden from proper due
diligence and financial surveillance by independent
The directors of NAMA, NTMA and Minister Noonan have
lost the people 9.4 billion Euro by pleasing their friends
instead of doing the job they are being paid to do which is
to protect our interests! Meanwhile the property bubble is
blowing up again for the selected few but deflating for the
majority and that is why only taxpayers and protestors go
to jail, for trying to survive in an unequal society.
But unfortunately the story doesn't end there... The
National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) has
announced last month that it has redeemed another 1
billion of senior bonds, its first redemption in 2015. 17.6
billion paid since 2011 (under the current government)
Only another 24 billion to go by 2016 (under the current

Makes Irish Water look like saints!!

This NAMA stuff has to be STOPPED. No more &All those who have
Rorted our PEOPLE. Arrested &JSILED&their Assets taken in
Compensation. To your People No more twisting things to escape. ..
we must track them down & their Partners too. .. no one should be
able to screw our People & be allowed go Free to. Steal from.our
People ever Again & number on on this list is Noonan he must be
Arrested &Jailed &a full investigation on all his Assets &extensive.
Bond Holdings. .. how long are Our PEOPLE. Going to.continue to
alow these EVIL. Monsters Steal from our People??OUR PEOPLE.
As I've been staying here in hospital with my daughter these past 5
weeks with my Daughter, surrounded by sometimes grievously ill
children who through no fault of their own, and no fault of their
parents, wait in a system pushed beyond its means, a thought
process has had time to mature. All of these lofty leaders who are
being lead around by their corporate masters have forgotten
something. The something they've forgotten is that throughout the
years their predecessors have sometimes been men and women
with consciences and a sense of moral obligation to their fellow
human beings. Because of those TRUE leaders' commitment to
making the world a better place, various organisations, treaties,
international laws and tribunals have been formed to protect the
masses and to ensure that human rights are observed and
respected all over the world. They have also apparently forgotten
that they are bound by the laws and obligations those organisations,
such as the UN Human Rights Convention, have been set up to
protect. In their apparent blind ambition to turn the world into their
personal profit machine, I believe they have allowed in themselves a
false sense of superiority and importantance to thrive. I believe it is
well past time that these people are brought to justice. Anylon
"Leadership", indeed any human being, which allows entire
populations to struggle with poverty while a handful of leaders and
their minions live in opulent luxury is not only immoral, it is in fact

illegal. It is clearly a human rights issue when out of control

governments utilise tax funded police forces to run rampant in an
attempt to enforce what amounts to the will of a very small minority
of corporate leaders on entire populations. In the case of Irish Water
for instance, threatening to take monies from families who are
already living below the poverty line, and whose progeny has
already been effectively saddled with the "repayment" of debts
clearly shown to have been incurred by illegal and immoral means,
it is time to act.
At least one country has done so, resulting in its being in effect
blacklisted by mainstream media owned by the corporate
greedsters whose futures depend on the rest of the world not doing
the same. That brave and now quickly becoming very content nation
is Iceland. Against the "sage advice" of those running the rest of the
world, they quite literally threw out and IMPRISONED the thieving
scum who previously claimed ownership of that nation and it's
future. They have literally chased down some of the corporate
greedsters who so conveniently "forgot" that HUMAN RIGHTS will
always come above the rights of the self designated elite to make a
profit at any cost.
I call on the nations of the world to STAND UP FOR THE PEOPLE
INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAWS to protect and serve. I call
upon each and every person with an education and a conscience to
gather together with your neighbours into community groups who
can unite for the primary purpose of bringing the corporate
criminals who are draining the world of assets for their own personal
profit to justice! It's time to unite with one voice and roar
The United Nations must now stand up and do its duty, or step aside
and let the peoples of the world form an International Tribunal for
What say you? Do you care enough to stand up and do what's
necessary? Or do you prefer to sit on your rear and wait for ALL to
be lost to the few families who have proclaimed themselves to be
the ONLY ones who have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness?! Stand up and take your rightful place in history! Claim
back your childrens' futures! Do it NOW, before all is lost! Water,
seeds, crops, what next? I for one don't care to stand by and hope
it's not my very blood.


"The IMFs chief of Mission,Craig Beaumont has said that
public opposition to water charges is weakening, as a
result of the government's reduction in the cost of water
charges. The comments were made in a new report on
Irelands economic progress.The IMF also says that the

government will need further austerity measures worth

over half a billion euro if Irish Water fails the market
corporation test".
Well there we have the truth of the matter... We are giving
up protesting because we are losing the battle and the
government are winning hands down according to the
information being fed back to the IMF by the Department's
of Finance and Environment.
When Irish Water fails the test then the Irish Taxpayer will
have to take a hair cut of half a billion Euro in cuts to
health, education, social welfare and more than likely
every other public service into the bargain. This will come
on top of the 1.4 billion that Irish Water has already
sucked dry from the economy to date. The maths are
beginning to look somewhat perverse considering there
has only been a couple of thousand water meters gone in
and a few connected consultants handsomely paid .
Irish Water and the Department of the Environment have
refused to comment on how much has been spent this
year so far. Any information that is coming out is ironically
being leaked by insiders and tells a story of
mismanagement beyond the wildest imagination by Irish
Water and the government. No one in either department
are publicly talking because they know that Irish Water
has become a problem so rancid that they are desperately
trying to keep a lid on what is coming next.
However, insiders say that this government are going to
continue to use public money to keep Irish Water alive
until the day they are voted out of office and that any
subsequent government that takes over will have no
choice but to continue the charade due to the perceived
EU and public concerns over losing 2 billion. The Fine
Gael / Labour plan is to sucker punch the new government
into a corner to suit the IMF's aims before they have had a
chance to begin to get to grips with the problem.
Sources close to the government have indicated that "Fine
Gael are so positive of getting re-elected in 2016 that in
the interim that they are going to take their chances of a
serious public backlash but will force Irish Water upon us
no matter what the consequences maybe "
No April fools day joke, folks...


New information has come to light regarding the story that
former Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan had spun
about the governments refusal of an offer from Siemens
for the funding of the water metering programme.
What you are about to read has been substantiated with
the exception of one thing - the actual number of water
meters involved. However sources close to Dublin City
Council say that there were many thousands of meters
involved, which also means that the amount paid for the
meters is also unknown save to say that there was a
couple of million Euro involved in the sale.
It is also interesting to note that there was no public
tender for purchase of the meters which is in direct
contravention of EU regulations however this is corrupt
Ireland so that shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone!
There are some serious questions that need to be asked of
Phil Hogan and John Tierney as there is clear evidence
mounting of serious misconduct into how taxpayers
money was used.
The reason Phil Hogan had publicly refused to discuss the
offer of funding from Siemens now appears to have been
that the water meters were already in the country having
been purchased earlier in the year. Siemens had originally
offered to fund the installation of the meters in 2010 but
with the failing of the Fianna Fail / Green government of
the day, the option was never pursued by the then
minister for the Environment, John Gormley and was then
ignored by Hogan in favour of setting up Irish Water.
Prior to this, Gormley had wanted to roll out the metering
programme in favour of the Siemens offer and had
actively encouraged the then Finance Minister Brian
Lenihan to meet with Siemens to discuss the matter which
as history tells, never took place.
In what appears to be a smokescreen, officials from
Hogans office attended a meeting with Siemens in
November 2010. Allegedly the talks between the parties
was about smart metering for electricity and water
metering. It is further alleged that officials from Minister
Hogans department subsequently met with Siemens in
February 2012, regarding the water metering programme.

Department officials stated that no proposal was received

by the Department from Siemens in relation to the water
metering programme or its funding and that is why the
Siemens deal never went ahead..
However, sources close to the Department reliably inform
us that the meeting was more about energy smart
metering rather than water metering considering that the
government had already purchased water meters from
Siemens, therefore it is highly doubtful that Siemens
would be looking to sell water meters twice.
We know that the government spin is just that...Spin. Now
read on!
In 2011 it is alleged that Dublin City Council under John
Tierneys management, purchased water meters from
Siemens in Germany in advance of Irish Water being
setup. Paid for, the meters were shipped from Germany
and were then delivered directly to the Councils city
centre storage facility on Marrowbone Lane which is just
off Thomas Street in Dublin 8 and sat in storage until a few
weeks prior to the actual installations of domestic
metering began.
Subsequently it is alleged that the water meters were
handed over to Irish Water by Dublin City Council and
were then shipped off to an unknown location thereafter.
However sources have said that the primary contractor
received the meters and stored them for distribution and
sale to their sub contractors for use in the domestic
metering programme.
In light of the above information there was one missing
link... SIPTU!
SIPTU were involved in the whole debacle from day one. It
came to light that SIPTU were aware of the water meters
and were in secret negotiation with the Dept of the
Environment and Dublin City Council to initially allow
Council workers to install the meters but the plan never
came to fruition due a disagreement over conditions and
extra pay. SIPTU Shop stewards were to sell the plan to the
workers but the workers held firm for the extra pay and
better conditions according to sources and subsequently
Hogans department refused to sanction extra funding for

the Council to do the installations.

The whole refusal to deal with the workers may have been
a smoke screen as Hogan needed the unions onboard from
the outset, with Tierney and more than likely SIPTU
playing the game in the full knowledge that the final
outcome was the setting up of Irish Water... ideally with no
union involvement or obstruction to hinder them going
This leaves a lot of unanswered questions that Phil Hogan,
John Tierney and SIPTU chief Jack O'Connor all have to
impart to the taxpaying public, just like the ones set out
1. Why was there no public tender for the purchase of the
water meters and why the secrecy by Hogan when asked
about the Siemens offer? Was it because the Department
had already secretly purchased several million Euro worth
of meters already?
2. Bearing in mind that there were no loopholes in the
tendering process that allowed an EU government to
bypass the EU regulations for under the table purchases
such as the water meters, who authorised the purchase of
the meters for Dublin City Council in clear contravention of
EU rules?
3. Did the knowledge of the purchase extend to cabinet
level with Messrs Kenny and Noonan being aware and
being complicit in what is potentially an illegal act in the
EU tendering process regulations?
4. How was the funding for the meters to Dublin City
Council covered without any questioning from the
Comptroller and Auditor General and the Councils internal
and external auditors?
5. Why did SIPTU enter secret talks with Dublin City
Council and the Department of the Environment and why
have they not spoken up about the current sham that is
Irish Water, having been involved from the outset? What
else have the union got to hide on the matter?
6. Why was there was no objection by SIPTU to non
unionised workers installing the meters, with the majority
not even being Irish workers? Would it have been that
SIPTU didn't want to publicly acknowledge their part in
knowing about the water meters being here in the first

7. How many water meters were purchased, how much
was paid for the meters and where is the paperwork that
accompanied the purchase, being held... DCC offices in
Wood Quay or the Department of the Environment?
8. What pressure was brought to bear on Siemens to
withdraw their offer, was it directly from the German
government themselves or at the behest of the Irish
government or was the pressure more local in that Denis
O'Brien had purchased Siteserv /GMC Sierra and that exMinister Hogan had that plan in mind all along to use
Siteserv /GMC Sierra to do the metering programme and
not give the German company a chance to tender or even
consider Siemens offer?
9. John Tierney signed off on the water meters on behalf of
the Council and knew that no tender had been put into
place so will Mr Tierney now acknowledge his part in the
affair by resigning?
10. Did John Tierney offer the water meters to Irish Waters
primary contractor before the start of the actual
installations or was it an order from the Department of the
Environment under Hogan and had this action been part of
the plan from the outset ?
11. How much did the Irish Water pay for the water meters
and can Dublin City Council provide the invoices for the
12. How much did the contractors to Irish Water pay for
the water meters and can Irish Water provide the invoices
for the sale?
13. As the minister responsible for the metering
programme from the beginning, will Mr Hogan issue a
statement outlining his role in the secret importation of
the water meters and his silence on the Siemens deal?
14. Will SIPTU also issue a statement outlining their
involvement in the secret talks between the Dublin City
Council and the Department of the Environment?
15. What contemporaneous notes or minutes were kept of
the meetings between the union, DCC and the
Department of the Environment and will these notes be
made public?
16. And finally, a question that the government, the
Department of the Environment, Irish Water and Denis

O'Briens Siteserv / GMC Sierra have consistently refused

to answer other than throw in curveballs when confronted
with the question... How exactly did GMC SIERRA Ltd win
water metering installation contracts with no tax
clearance certificate AND not be in existence prior to and
during the tendering process ?
Defies logic, Mr Tierney, defies logic!
Note to Media: Any intended copyright infringement or
information used from the above article will be the subject
of court proceedings unless permission is sought in writing
from the author.


When Pat Rabbitte and Liz O'Donnell are wheeled out to
attack their own propaganda machine, then you know
something is up and desperation on the part of the
government has well and truly kicked in. The government
spin doctors are in full flow on the instructions of their Fine
Gael and Labour paymasters.
Looking into what both of these mouthpieces are trying to

say, for the most corrupt government to ever grace our

shores, must surely rank amongst the worst attempt at
reverse psychology ever attempted on the public at large.
What these two weapons of mass distraction are trying to
do is to take the eye off RTE and focus it back onto the
anti austerity movement by claiming that RTE is full of
lefties and that the Brian Dobson and newsroom in
particular have suddenly found an emphatic streak that
has them now gushing in favour of the protesters.
RTE was never a leftie station and will never be a leftie
station because they are in receipt of a tax foisted upon
anyone afraid enough to bow to paying for a television
licence. Never once has RTE come out in favour of
anything that the anti water protesters have said or done
because they are not allowed to by their masters in Dail
Eireann. The standards in RTE have always been the same
and that is to stick to whatever they are told to do by
every government since its inception.
Rabbitte in particular is still bitter and twisted that the
protesters managed to have him removed from his well
paid job and that his ego needs to find an outlet before it
disappears from politics forever. It is a sad day for a man
who was once noted to be "a man of the people" having to
jump up and down like a yappy Jack Russell looking over a
wall, screaming "I'm here, I'm here, look at me, look at
As for O'Donnell, she has a bigger motive to open her
mouth wider than it should, as she is "a correspondent" for
Denis O'Brien's daily propaganda paper and Irish Water.
Perhaps Ms O'Donnell would care to enlighten the public
as to how she considers the right to free speech a criminal
act now that she is champion of the poor, protector of
human rights and all round goddess for the rights of
minorities according to her website?
Neither person has any idea what its like to be poor,
homeless, hungry, beaten senseless for standing up for
their human rights or denied justice in our own courts.
When either of these two "upstanding citizens" have
experienced any of the above then they may have a slight
case to be heard, however we know full well that they
haven't and never will, therefore that right to be heard is
currently non existent.

They really believe that Irish people are fools and will fall
for anything but they forget that we are awakened and
can see through their pathetic attempt at mass
distraction. Next time tell your paymasters to wheel out
someone who knows what they are doing...


Good old Denis O'Brien has been slumming it up with his
old billionaire buddies, Larry Goodman and Dermot
Desmond by sharing Larry's private jet parking space and
hangar at Dublin airport. The Hangar is owned by a
company controlled by Goodman called Venair and is
situated beside the control tower. Denis's jet is often seen
parked here and is effectively hidden from plain sight to
most casual observers.
What makes this arrangement interesting is that there are
NO revenue or customs people who are supposed keep an
eye on Denis,situated on the west side of the ramp
therefore Denis can come and go as he pleases. What also
makes the arrangement interesting is the "co-incidental
flight departures and arrivals" of all three aircraft on many
occasions, which to the layman won't set off alarm bells
but to the keen eye will. In other words, who of the three is
on which jet at any one time? Is there a little bit of jet
sharing going on is the question?
The other item that makes interesting reading is that Larry
Goodman is the major shareholder in the prestigious
Blackrock Clinic having bought the majority shareholding
from Denis's old friends in the IBRC as well as having built
the Hermitage Clinic and also invested in a private
hospital in Galway. Coincidentally Denis just happens to
buy the Beacon hospital from the Ulster Bank for 35
million giving him a saving of 65 million for which the
taxpayer was instantly made liable.
All of these purchases seem to be coming at a bad time
for private hospitals in Ireland as people are leaving the

private healthcare system in their droves due to the rising

costs. But as always, these men are well informed of
what's coming down the road in the form of Leo Varadkar's
"private healthcare insurance reform". Therefore the
investments made in what appears to be a failing sector
looks like it will turn up trumps once again, thanks to that
old political head nod that only ever seems to nod in the
direction of very wealthy friends of the political system.

Instead of investigating any particular individual politician

or businessmen as I usually do, I am going to hit them all
in one go this time...

Every TD in Dail Eireann is a winner and whether he or she

stays or goes after the next election is immaterial as every
TD has earned an average of 500,000 over the period of
the life of that Dail. That sort of money would set most
people up even if they lost their seats but what goes
unmentioned or unrealised is that the merry go round
continues no matter who gets in to power.
If you are in the winning party then you are in clover but
even if you are in opposition, you are still in clover
because you got your foot in the door, so who loses? One
or two useless TD's are consigned to the dustbin of
political history, so no great loss there but for the rest, the
four leafed clover continues to grow around their feet and
they continue as before as if nothing happened. This is
why our country is in political shreds because nothing has
changed and will not change because those in power don't
want it to change.
The same political dynasties continue because of the
greed and stupidity of the same voters who cannot let go
of a mindset and loyalty that is linked to what how much
money they can get from the taxpayer in the form of
government grants and EU handouts . The same faces
appear time after time, election after election in Dail
Eireann, all because parish pump politics and misplaced
loyalty has put them back in there.
There are a few notable politicians who do have a loyalty
to the country and the people that they were voted in to
represent but the reality is that there isn't enough to make
a change or to rock the boat in any meaningful way and
this is why nothing will change in regards to bringing
about real change that benefits the people instead of the
political classes.
The political system encourages TD's to gorge at the
trough as the majority of politicians willingly do, but what
does that say about the people who elected them in or the
same people who willing accept everything that these
same bottom feeding politicians decide to stick us with
such as water charges, giving the go-ahead to the very
people tasked with law enforcement to become private
security contractors or a private company that is looking
to steal our inalienable right that is water?
Every member of Dail Eireann present and past who voted

for any law such as the Land and Conveyancing Act

amendment (the eviction law) or the setup of Irish Water
is guilty of the dereliction of their duty in ensuring that the
people they serve are protected from outside influences
such as socialised bank debt and acts of corruption from
businessmen and politicians. Corruption that we expect to
see in other notable countries whose name is supposedly
synonymous with political corruption such as Romania and
What you don't know is that almost every serving TD has
made a pact. A deal if you like, to keep themselves in
power in order to keep the merry go round, going around
as it has done for the last 90 odd years. There is an
election coming up shortly and the main parties are
gearing up for what appears to be a war between
themselves as they do every time an election appears on
the radar.
Don't be fooled as this is a huge smoke screen, because
with the exception of a few good men and women, the
majority of TD's (should they be re-elected) are going to
join forces and back the winner if they are falling short of
holding a majority to form a government. In other words,
Fine Gael will back Fianna Fail, Fianna Fail will back Fine
Gael, Sinn Fein will back either to get into power but
Labour will back anyone who takes pity on them.
The Fine Gael and Fianna Fail parties don't want you to
ruin their money spinning and lucrative enterprise by
electing honest people who are not motivated by money
or corruption. They have had just over ninety years to
themselves with no breaks so its time we pulled the switch
on their merry go round and sent them outside the
fairground to look through the fence as we have being
doing for that same ninety three years.
Now can you see why there are only winners in Dail


Poor Denis O' Brien must feel like a watched man these
days with all eyes on his movements as he traverses the
globe in his taxpayer funded executive jet. Poor Denis
hates being tracked or followed by all of those great
unwashed hands tapping his aircraft registration into flight
tracker software and following him with beady eyes,
looking for where he is going to end up next.
Poor Denis has even gone to the trouble of having his
minions contact the flight tracking software companies to
ask them not to show his aircraft (Gulfstream G650,
registration: M-GSIX) so that we the great unwashed can't
find him and keep a watchful eye on Ireland's most
notorious tax exile and close friend to the government.
To have to try and hide from the public gaze means that
poor Denis is beginning to feel the heat from the attention
and all because we know that he doesn't live in Malta but
a bit closer to home. London and Belfast are still a bit cold
at this time of year but better than being so far away from
home stuck on a little dusty island in the middle of the
Mediterranean Sea and handy for hopping in and out of
the country that poor Denis chose to exile himself from.
Connemara is also lovely at anytime of the year I hear, but
one needs to wrap up well against the chill of the


In 2010 Brian Lenihan introduced a levy on the rich and
powerful for the paltry sum of 200,000 per year. Living
here or abroad made no difference as it equally applied to
those wealthy individuals who made the lifestyle choice to
stay or go. However and in true Irish style, those who can
pay don't want to pay and many have managed to ignore
the Revenue Commissioners since the levy was
The figure given by the Revenue Commissioners stands at
around 540 individuals who are obliged to pay the annual
levy but it seems that 526 very wealthy individuals have
paid nothing to date. Those that did pay, paid a total of
circa 12 million into the coffers but those who thus far
have refused to pay, now owe a total of 420 million in
levy since 2010.
Many of these individuals live here and are still doing
business here, day in, day out but there are also a number
of non domiciled wealthy individuals who are constantly in
an out of the country that have also refused to pay the
levy. This is an indicator of the level of disdain that these
individuals have for this country and its fellow country
men and women who are forced to pay tax after tax that
has been forced upon them since 2010.
Meanwhile Michael Noonan has refused to make changes
to the legislation that targets wealthy exiles to pay more
tax here, saying that he was "worried about the loss of
foreign direct investment if rules were changed".

The rich are getting richer by the day with the help of our
government. You try it on with the Revenue and banks and
see how far you get before you are hounded into an early
Still want to pay that property tax now?
Denis O'Briens brand new Gulfstream 650 M-GSIX costing
$60 million dollars, was delivered on Saturday 13th July
2013 from Gulfstream Aerospace HQ in Savannah, Georgia
to Isle of Man to complete the legal paperwork before
continuing onto Dublin on the same day. The Isle of Man is
a well known tax haven for the wealthy and elite amongst
us and O'Brien like several other notable Irish
businessmen such as Larry Goodman and Dermot
Desmond also have registered their private jets there,
because it saves them an absolute fortune but yet leaves
the Irish state short by millions of Euro in much needed
tax income.
There is no VAT or duty on the importation of an aircraft
using an Isle of Man registered aircraft but the owners
have full use of it and can keep it here in the country
without penalty by the tax authorities but yet escape time
and time again because of creative accounting. No tax on
your car and its impounded, no tax on your aircraft and
its ignored because of a tax loophole that benefits the
friends and benefactors of the political classes.
However highly placed and trusted aviation sources based
in Malta and who keep note of all aircraft movements in
and out of there, have told me that the aircraft has only
been seen in Malta on four occasions since July 2013 and
that it is definitely NOT based there at all. What that
means is that Denis O'Brien who says that he lives in
Malta, does not really live in Malta unless he is catching a
commercial flight between Ireland and Malta every day,
which in any conceivable term is impossible. So where
does he live if his aircraft has only been to Malta on four
Bearing in mind O'Briens supposed move to Malta saved
him millions of Euro from the sale of his mobile network to
BT back in 1999 when he initially moved to Portugal to try
offsetting any tax that he was liable to pay on the sale but
fought tooth and nail with the Revenue to prove that he
didn't live on leafy Shrewsbury Road because he had no

kitchen. Just recently one of O'Briens companies obtained

planning permission to knock and rebuild his house on
Shrewsbury Road to suit O'Briens billionaire tastes but
interestingly, on the planning application it was stated
that the house was and I quote a family home.
So who is going to be living there if OBrien is a tax exile
living in Malta?
Back in early January 2015 I posted an article that showed
how many times O'Briens aircraft was in and out of Dublin
in that space of 12 months and it certainly showed that
the aircraft was not based in Malta along with its owner
but based out of Dublin on what suspiciously looks like a
fulltime basis. This leaves so many questions about
O'Briens residency and tax status if his aircraft has only
been seen landing in Malta on four occasions since July
Who in the Revenue Commissioners is responsible for
making sure that Denis O'Brien's constant presence is
being checked upon?
Certain government ministers and the upper echelon in
the Revenue Commissioners know that O'Brien is pretty
much living here on what appears to be an almost fulltime
basis with no recourse from anyone of them. It cannot be
any clearer that Denis O'Brien does not live in Malta, so
again, where does he live?
Meanwhile investigations are also underway that will tell
the story of strange goings on with County Councils, a
High Court judge with a very public profile, the strange
case of a missing cheque and holiday homes belonging to
the uber wealthy that don't appear to be what they

hat is the reason why we find ourselves where we are because we at

a "sure what diffenence will I make" nation, if each one person
believed that yesterday, we would have had a a small group of
stalwarts, standing on a stage speaking to no one, each and every
person needs to shake off the sleep that has degraded and
demoralised us for centuries, we need to stop being so bloody
resigned to being hapless and ineffective and start realising our
collective strength, these people in power DO fail, they DO succumb
to the wants and demands of the people. Their sheer u-turn on so
many things prove categorically that THINGS DO CHANGE.
This info has been in mainstream media a few times over the past
few years. There was talk around the need for some sort of sanction
against those who don't pay. There's an average of only 10 people
paying this each year, despite the citizenship rule being removed in
2012 so that even non residents were liable. Revenue need to tackle
this tax liability, wonder is their any way to put pressure on for them
to collect this money?


It was reported in the Irish Examiner (14th March) that
NAMA were to make all of its staff redundant by the end of
2016 and that the cost to the exchequer would be in the
region of 20 million Euro to cover the cost. Minister
Noonan says that he expects the 363 staff members to
receive an average of 55,000 each in a payout.
What Minister Noonan has failed to tell you is that NAMA
have NO employees... I will repeat that statement again in
case you misread it... NAMA have NO employees!
I quote directly from their own website and a certified
copy of their own annual returns to the Companies

Registration Office that was obtained for accuracy of the

story... "The NTMA (National Treasury Management
Agency) also provides NAMA with business and support
services, including human resources, information
technology, market risk, communications and the
execution and processing of hedging transactions. NAMA
reimburses the NTMA for the costs of staff assigned to
NAMA and the costs of business and support services."
Minister Noonan goes on to say; "The bottom line is that
Nama staff are entitled to statutory redundancy and
whatever additional severance pay if indeed there is
any as set out in their contract of employment."
According to the NTMA themselves, the NTMA is a State
body which operates with a commercial remit to provide
asset and liability management services to Government.
The agency has been in operation since 1990 and answers
directly to the minister for Finance.
This report should raise hackles on the necks of everyone
who can see the potential scam being pulled by Noonan
and Co and therefore serious questions about who is
telling the truth... Noonan or NAMA or neither of them?
1.Why is 20 million of taxpayers money being set aside
to pay off non existent staff?
2. Why does Noonan claim that there are 363 staff
employed by NAMA when all of the 363 staff are public
service employees supplied by NTMA who are already on
state paid salaries?
3. Is Noonan trying to get rid of the NTMA and replace it
with something else that is privately owned and the
service then contracted out to friends of the government?
4. Where is the 20 million coming from to pay for these
non existent staff and is it coming from NAMA or the
So Minister Noonan, lets start again shall we? But with the
truth this time!


Isn't it ironic that Enda Kenny and IAG's Willie Walsh who
were in Davos together are now arguing the toss over
semantics of the proposed sale of Aer Lingus? Enda Kenny
is being the dutiful leader by "questioning" Willie Walsh
about what assurances he will offer regarding jobs,
pensions, etc, however the reality is that IAG will give all
of the assurances that Kenny wants to hear but like any
corporation will ignore them after the sale has gone
through because cash is king and profits are everything.
Enda Kenny and this government are set on selling Aer
Lingus no matter how much fighting talk you hear coming
out of their mouths. This has been a plan for a long time
as the Troika had made it clear that every state asset that
can be sold off, will be sold off regardless of the sanctity of
the asset.
Whether we still see Aer Lingus as a national airline is
subjective and a matter of personal opinion but ask
anyone who has ever waited at a departure gate in some
far flung country how they feel when they see that green
shamrock pull up to the gate. It's like you are already at
home and this is given more effect when you hear that

Irish lilt from the cabin crew as you are greeted at the
cabin door. We will always look at Aer Lingus as OUR
airline even if it isn't the case due to outside investors
taking chunks of it out of the State's hands.
IAG is offering 1.3 billion for Aer Lingus and that sounds a
lot but that offer is for lock stock and barrel including the
Aer Lingus' fleet of Airbus aircraft which has a book value
of 660 million euros, the facilities including desk space in
all of the major terminals, the routes, the ramp
equipment, the goodwill, the 0.5 billion Euro in savings
that Aer lingus has in the bank, the property that Aer
Lingus has invested in and owns but what really adds to
the value and is the sweetest prize for Willie Walsh and
IAG is that Aer Lingus own 23 slots at the world's third
busiest airport. Deloitte has recently valued the slots at
between 30m and 40m each, meaning the slots alone
are worth about 900m on their own.
Already the maths add up to over 2 billion worth of
assets and this government want to sell a business that is
growing exponentially at 6.8% per year. Ryanair have to
reduce their shareholding to 5% this year and therefore
get their money back with a small profit but that will leave
the door open for an airline like Emirates to increase their
investment which is something they have been keen to do
for a long time and adding more backup to the reserve in
the bank as they are likely to pay much more per share.
There is absolutely no business sense in selling off the
25% state shareholding that we own for a lousy 300
million in order to pay the bondholders back quicker and
that is the nub of why Aer Lingus is being sold of to a
vulture fund. It isn't being sold so that jobs can be created,
it is being sold knowing that jobs will be lost and that
according to sources will add at least one thousand people
to the dole queue and add an estimated 20 million Euro
to the social welfare bill per annum, so where does it add
to the saving or profit for the state? Instead of making
money we will lose as the profit from the shares will be
eaten up over time paying out social welfare to the staff
and at the end of it we are left with nothing!
Selling Aer Lingus off to the lowest or any bidder because
the Troika have insisted that the bondholders be paid back

isn't a good move from a government point of view unless

there is a reward in it for them. There is definitely going to
be no reward for the people who really own the shares
which is the people of Ireland and you can be assured that
you will be reading about the scandal of the Aer Lingus
sale in years to come.


I am reminded every time that I see a video of anti water
meter protesters being arrested by the Gardai that we are
concentrating our focus far too narrow an area. The area
we should be also focusing on is the other party that
initially introduced the Water Services Act 2007 which in
this case was Fianna Fail.
They knew that Irish Water was coming into being if they

passed such an act that envisages people being arrested

for stopping a private company from enforcing an
unwanted and non contractible service.Gardai are
arresting people under section 12 which in this case is
obstruction according to the act with fines of up to but not
exceeding 15,000,000, or imprisonment for a term not
exceeding 5 years, or both. depending on the "severity of
the obstruction".
What is interesting is that they also quote in a
prosecution, the CIVIL LIABILITY ACT 1961 which is entirely
non criminal and is in fact the system trying to prosecute
you under civil / law of torts because the act is specifically
to do with bankruptcy, personal injury,contracts amongst
many other similar things and no where does it mention a
criminal act with the meaning of the act itself. That has to
be questioned and challenged by anyone arrested and
charged under section 12 as it forms part of the act.
Fianna Fail are biting at the chomp to get back into power
and in fact are so confident that they will that they are
bringing back some of the old guard to elicit the older
vote. Fianna Fail are every bit if not more to blame for this
water meter scam as Fine Gael and Labour are, so don't
be fooled that they were doing us a favour by getting a
dispensation from Europe for us not to be metered or pay
for water. They were just passing on the problem to keep
themselves in office to milk the people as much as they
Never be fooled by a politician or a political party ever
again as their agenda is never in your favour but always in

Court places injunctions on water meter

protestors - one could face jail

njunctions stopping eight anti-water charge protesters

obstructing the installation of meters in North Dublin
have been reinstated.
A ninth protester Colin McGettrick of Edenmore in
Raheny could still face jail.
GMC Sierra, a company employed by Bord Gis to
install water meters, came to court last month
complaining that their workers were being harassed,
intimidated and even assaulted by protesters in North
Temporary orders were put in place stopping
demonstrators from interfering with the works.
The orders were dropped against nine protesters last
week when they came to court and gave undertakings
not to obstruct meters being installed.
But today the injunctions were reinstated against eight
protesters with their consent while GMC Sierra
indicated it will bring attachment and committal
proceedings against the ninth, Colin McGettrick, who
could face jail when the case returns to court later this
This development comes after garda made 12 arrests
at a water charges protest in Raheny two days ago.





CLICK HERE to go to a printable PDF of the first pages
showing the nations in attendance
According to the UN Information Center, all nations in
attendance agreed to the document.
To read President George H. W. Bush's press conference
address at Rio after the agreement please click here.
We have also linked some of the nations to their profile at
the UN which inventories their progress in Agenda 21
(most recently updated in 1997). Click on United
Kingdom, United States of America, China, Iran, and Iraq
for examples (countries in RED). All countries have
profiles on the UN site. Just substitute whatever country
name you are interested in when you click on the red
colored country names below.



Brunei Darussalam



Antigua and Barbuda

Burkina Faso










Cape Verde
Central African Republic








Cook Islands


Costa Rica


Co^te d'Ivoire








Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Democratic People's Republic

of Korea




El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea

Marshall Islands

European Economic Community


Micronesia (Federated States















New Zealand

Holy See







Papua New Guinea

Iran (Islamic Republic of)









Republic of Korea


Republic of Moldova




Russian Federation
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia

Lao People's Democratic Republic

the Grenadines
San Marino


Saint Vincent and

Sao Tome and Principe

Saudi Arabia


Sierra Leone

United Arab Emirates


United Kingdom of Great Britain


and Northern Ireland

Solomon Islands

United Republic of Tanzania

United States of America

Sri Lanka







Viet Nam





Syrian Arab Republic



Trinidad and Tobago

*The United Nations Information Center does not have the
names of the parties that agreed to Agenda 21--hard to
believe. The UN spokesperson doesn't even seem to know
that Agenda 21 is not a treaty, but is an agreement.

Further information obtained from the UN indicated that

no one actually 'signed' it, and the agreement was made
via consensus.
Unfortunately, the countries that signed the treaty was the
extent of what I was able to find.
All the Best, Anthony Ramirez
United Nations Information Center
Post Sustainability
Democrats Against UN Agenda
Goes back to 1992? Who signed up Agenda 21 FOR IRELAND ,
mark but any coalition of the four established parties will see us
royally rogered. Just imagine what would happen if they call a snap
election ? We the people of Ireland are not ready. We need to
assemble politically as well as continue to protest.

To the rescue? Willie O Dea TD with FF colleagues Timmy

Dooley TD (left) and Niall Collins TD

Now that the Seanad debate is out of the way, let us get
back to other matters. Ive been banging on here, and in
the Irish Independent, about the continuous daft notions
that Minister Joan Burton has been coming up with which
frighten the life out of small businesses and
entrepreneurs, the people who are supposed to be
creating jobs and helping our recovery, while all the while
she retains the welfare traps which are keeping people
on Joans very expensive (for taxpayers) world of welfare
benefits. Ive been calling for Fine Gaels Five a Side group
to speak up on this (and they have been, but not enough)
and for Lucinda Creightons Reform Alliance of FG rebels to
do so- and in fairness their member, Denis Naughten TD,
put in a strong performance on RTEs Prime Time two
weeks ago when he spoke passionately in support of the
small business community in rural Ireland (TV link below).
He had some ideas but often what we are getting are just
statements and not proposals
So it was heartening to see Fianna Fail come to the fore
this week, with a critical statement from Willie ODea TD
and a very interesting policy document on those very
welfare traps which are preventing people from taking up
work because they would lose their benefits and rent
allowances etc. Bear in mind, despite these traps and their
effect on job creation and on small businesses, nothing
has been done about them by Minister Burton, just as
nothing has been done to bring down her crippling welfare
spend by 440 m as requested by the Government
programme, and the Troika. Nor have FG been especially
vocal about them.
This not the first time that Fianna Fail, and Willie ODea in
particular, has spoken out on this. He also spoke out a
week or so back when Burton floated a balloon about a
change in the PRSI charges for the self-employed- a
proposal that caused consternation among the selfemployed and small businesses. It was the same a year or
so ago, when we had Burtons mooted change to the sick
pay law whereby employers would have to pay the full
whack where the State used to pick up half. All of last
summer, this was left hanging, until it was finally taken off
the table. Jobs Minister Richard Bruton said little to clarify
things and only FFs Dara Calleary spoke out about the

confusion and about the proposal itself. Granted, the

Government is doing a lot for small business creation with
seed funding and other grants, but not nearly enough is
being done to remove the clear obstacles or change the
adverse conditions in which business has to function. So it
seems that it is to Fianna Fail that we must turn to see a
decent defence of small business, retailers and hard
pressed taxpayers, as well as a tackling of the job-killing
welfare traps of Joan Burton, a Minister who seems to get
an inexplicable good press despite the mess she has made
of so-called welfare reform. And let us hope that we will
see more of this from Fianna Fail, as I said last Tuesday to
Michael Martin in the RTE green room after the Prime Time
Seanad TV debate.

Pictured, with JFK : Former FF leader and Taoiseach Sean

Lemass a great champion of business and job creation
After all, the reality is that, despite the recent crisis,
Fianna Fail still has a valuable role to play on all this stuff
politically, including and especially on economic matters
and when the party takes a welcome policy initiative like
Willie ODeas, with specific proposals, it is particularly to
be welcomed. Such ideas are, after all, totally in keeping
with the Fianna Fail partys long history of support for

entrepreneurs and small business.

Link to Willie ODeas statement on welfare traps
Policy document:
How bad are the welfare traps that are preventing people
from working? Just take a
Excellent piece by Cormac Lucey in the Irish Daily Mail on
the issue:
This is me on welfare traps on RTEs Prime Time on 17
Sept. The debate could have done with some political
party participation it was the midweek of the annual
party think-ins and the involvement of the Minister Joan
Burton but the programme makers promise me they will
return to this important issue in the future for a fuller
And this is the report on small business and rural
Ireland, on a different Prime Time, 26 Sept, with Denis
Naughten TD of the Reform Alliance making a strong case
for the sector:
Earlier blog link of mine on Dara Calleary TD, FF and small
The Urgent Need for Welfare Reform In Ireland
There was widespread astonishment at the story of
Patricia McDonnell in this newspaper last week. The
Longford woman was convicted of handling over 2,200
worth of goods stolen from retails outlets in Enniskillen.
She was given a suspended sentence of six months
imprisonment despite having 56 previous convictions (41
for theft, the remainder for traffic offences).

Judge Seamus Hughes was unhappy that Ms McDonnell

had previously served only a small fraction of significant
prison sentences. In 2009 a pregnant McDonnell was
sentenced to 11 months in jail for shoplifting, but served
just three weeks after the prison released her. Judge
Hughes complained The Government is excited about
doing surveys to find out what sentences judges are
imposing on those before the court and this is a waste of
time they should survey how much time those who are
convicted spend in custody.
But there is another important aspect of the Patricia
ODonnell story which bears close attention. The thirty-five
year old and mother of 13 children receives at least
50,000 in state benefits each year for staying at home
and committing occasional acts of crime. Consider, by
contrast, the situation of many hardworking people who
must get up early in the morning, put their children into
childcare and often travel long distances for a full days
work before racing home to retrieve their children. When
such citizens finally get home their initial impulse will be
to slump on the sofa in an effort to recharge their worn
After theyre recuperated, had their tea, spent some time
with their children and finally put them to bed, that they
can contemplate the fact that after a multitude of official
deductions they will enjoy only a fraction of their gross
pay, as a significant element of their deductions goes
towards a permanent welfare underclass which includes
the like of Patricia ODonnell.
Our welfare state is based on the British welfare state.
That was established after the end of the Second World
War and following the Beveridge Report in 1943. That
report explicitly warned that the state "should not stifle
incentive, opportunity, responsibility; in establishing a
national minimum, it should leave room and
encouragement for voluntary action by each individual to
provide more than that minimum for himself and his
family". But that is exactly what the state has ended up

A welfare system that started off as an insurance scheme

to cope with the problems of short-term unemployment
has become a sponsor of long-term inactivity, joblessness
and destructive behaviour. Figures released recently by
Social Protection Minister Joan Burton's department
showed that one in every seven people on the dole have
never worked a single day in their lives. More than half of
these people are also in receipt of additional welfare topups and benefits, such as rent and fuel allowance.
This information suggests that there are some people for
whom living on welfare has become a lifestyle choice. It
was Galway East TD Colm Keaveney, now the former
chairman of the Labour Party, who obtained the figures.
He said that it was startling how many people the system
has "facilitated" in not making any contribution to the
State. And he complained to the Sunday Independent that
"It's about social justice, plain and simple, and these
disturbingly shocking figures require a full investigation.
With the state on the edge of bankruptcy and the national
welfare bill budgeted for over 20 billion this year (equal
to one third of government day to day spending), the case
for radical reform is pressing. That path is one already
well-trodden in other countries. In the US in the 1990s,
President Clinton (a Democrat!) campaigned to end
welfare as we have come to know it. In office, he signed
legislation placing time limits on how long a person could
draw welfare assistance and he introduced stricter
conditions for food stamps eligibility.
In Britain, the Conservative/Lib Dem government in Britain
is introducing a 26,000 cap on the total amount of
benefits that working-age people in the UK can receive
(including job seeker's allowance, housing benefit, child
benefit and carer's allowance), limiting it to 500 a week
for families, or 350 for childless single-adult households.
UK ministers argue that this will promote fairness in the
benefit system by ensuring that workless households can
no longer receive more in benefit than the average
household income.

So whats being done in Ireland? Social Protection Minister

Joan Burton stated recently I am trying to ensure that
people dont find the security of the social welfare system
more attractive than the risky world of work. Those
refusing to engage with the system (i.e. not seeking work
or refusing training) can have their weekly benefit cut by
44. To date 2,600 people have had their benefits cut.
But the main focus of the ministers recent Pathways to
Work speech was on the internal reorganisation of state
agencies rather than on changing the incentives facing
those on welfare, the course followed by welfare reform in
the US and UK. This, I am afraid, is just tinkering with the
problem as time passes by and the corrosive effects of
welfare traps exert their baleful influence on another
generation of our young.
In the course of her speech, Minister Burton thanked the
chief executive of Glen Dimplex, Sean ODriscoll, for his
role in helping get her JobBridge initiative off the ground.
But he recently complained that we've got ourselves back
into a situation in Ireland where there is a disincentive to
work, with the way the social welfare system is
structured." So what should the minister be doing?
For starters we need to return the welfare system to its
roots as a scheme of social insurance. That would mean
sharply reducing rates of payment for those who have
never worked or contributed to the system. It would also
mean allowing higher benefits for those who have
contributed tax and social insurance for many years. We
should put a time limit on how long someone can draw
welfare - it has been reported that there are 1.4 million
people in the UK who have been out of work for at least
nine of the past 10 years.
We should reduce work disincentives by reducing benefit
penalties on a family if an adult living at home finds work.
We should restrict benefits to single mothers after their
third child widows would be excluded from this measure.
As a general rule, we should remove access to housing

benefit for anyone aged 16-24. We should restrict access

to council housing for those earning over 60,000. And we
should prevent the payment of non-contributory benefits
to people who don't live in the country.
Compared to an annual budget of over 20 billion, these
measures mightnt save an awful lot of money. But they
would begin to restore a sense of fairness to a system that
has become grotesquely unfair. And they would start the
difficult job of integrating a small welfare underclass back
into normal life.
Tax the fat cats and leave us geese alone
Louis XIVs finance minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert declared
famously that the art of taxation consists in so plucking
the goose as to obtain the largest possible amount of
feathers with the smallest possible amount of hissing.
That declaration is truer today than in Colberts day as the
reach of the social democratic state grows and the amount
of money it must raise grows with it.
In this modern political era we face an additional
budgetary factor: the political need for various tax
schemes that ministers can deliver to important
constituencies so they can bequeath us a political
legacy when they leave office. One consequence of the
interaction of insecure and vainglorious politicians with
insatiable lobby groups is a panoply of tax provisions and
spending commitments so complex as to be
According to last weeks excellent report from the Irish Tax
Institute, we now have a tax system with 53 different
moving parts we have three different tax charges each
with a different entry point and a total of 10 rates, 15
bands and 22 personal tax credits. This level of
complexity is in nobodys interest.
If I were finance minister, my priority would be to reduce
the long list of special features in our tax system, with a
view to making that system simpler, fairer and more
comprehensible. No doubt many hornets nests of special
concessions would have to be disturbed in the process.

That may explain why nobody has rushed to take this

course of action.
This largely technical challenge that wouldnt change
the states overall tax take should be ideally suited to
todays new politics of budgetary restraint and the
requirement to consult with opposition parties. Its a pity
then that we have an exhausted finance minister, Michael
Noonan, who is nearer the end of his political career than
the beginning.
The complexity of our tax system benefits those who can
afford clever tax accountants at the expense of those who
cannot. It allows investment funds to register as charities
and use favourable legislation avoid tax. As finance
minister I would propose a constitutional amendment to
allow for a retrospective change in the law to subject
these funds to tax. The system must be made to serve the
public rather than clever and cynical professionals.
A public policy area that is related closely to the
complexity of our taxation system is the untrammelled
growth in the regulatory burden faced by business. The
Central Bank of Irelands director of markets supervision,
Gareth Murphy, said in 2013: The economic and political
impetus for reform is strong. There were significant market
failures. There have been cries of never again. There is
a danger that the ills that regulation seeks to confront are
so urgent that even an ill-considered regulatory response
will enjoy public support.
Thus we risk a blank cheque regulation mentality where
the need for additional regulation is deemed so obvious
that its costs can be ignored. But regulation is not costfree, regulators must be paid. Their costs are typically
passed on to the sector they are regulating. That sector
must face, in addition, the compliance costs of heavier
A study carried out by the Competitive Enterprise Institute
in America estimated regulatory compliance and economic
costs of $1.88 trillion a year. Convert that figure into euros

and scale it back to reflect our smaller GNP, and the

equivalent Irish figure comes out at 23bn annually. If the
real figure is just a quarter of this amount, it still requires
urgent attention.
My second budget-day announcement would be to order a
formal cost-benefit analysis of all regulation with a view to
simplifying its focus and reducing its cost while still
achieving its goals.
While I was at it, I would have a stern look at Irelands
competition law enforcer, the Competition and Consumer
Protection Commission. A core policy in the UK of Lord
Sutchs Official Monster Raving Looney Party concerned
competition policy. Sutch asked the subversive question:
Why is there only one monopolies commission?
Today in Ireland, farmers may ask, how can Larry
Goodman amass such a large market position in meat
processing? Publicans may ask, how can Diageo and
Heineken amass such large positions in brewing? And we
may all ask the question, why does our competition law
seem so ineffective?
I fear that we are witnessing a rerun of the errors of
financial regulation from a decade ago. At an intellectual
level it is clear what is wrong. Yet, at a political level, there
is too little willingness to take on big and powerful vested
interests. So we get all the costs of competition law, and
the even greater costs of several industries characterised
by monopolistic/oligopolistic domination.
Cowardice also looks set to prevail on the most important
question facing the finance minister as budget day
approaches: the balance between spending and taxation.
Fine Gael promised during the election (table 3 of the
partys long-term economic plan) that 51% of any fiscal
space would go towards increased public spending; 24%
to reducing taxation; and 25% to accelerated deficit
reduction, via a contingency and stability reserve.
The tax-cutting promises were already remarkably modest

for the mainstream Irish party that is furthest to the right

on the political spectrum. Can you imagine our
Conservative friends next door setting the tax-cutting bar
so low? But it looks as though even this modest scheme of
tax reduction is to be scaled back. Speaking at the Fine
Gael Parliamentary Party think-in in Kildare, Noonan said
that people voted more for spending on public services
than tax cuts at the general election, and added that cuts
to the universal social charge (USC) would be smaller than
Perhaps Noonan will produce the worlds first homeopathic
tax cut that should at least win the support of the Green
Party. You wont feel it or see it. There will be little or no
economic effect. But the authorities will insist there are
atomic traces of it somewhere in the system.
Despite recent talk of buoyant corporation tax receipts,
the state has relied upon a sharply increased income tax
burden to escape insolvency in recent years. At a time
when most economic indices have just about recovered to
their prior 2007 peaks, government revenues from income
tax and the USC are running at 40% above their 2007
Tax Revenues as a percentage of their 2007 levels
Sadly, our elected government officials do not regard
taxpayers as fellow citizens who deserve a break now that
the crisis has passed. They are geese to be plucked so
that they have more money to spend on projects of
dubious merit. Please pluck off and give us our money
back instead.


Simon Coveney, minister in charge of the Department of
Agriculture, Food & Marine, the Department of Defence
and recent Bilderberger recruit, is in Brussels this evening
to negotiate the 2015 European Fish Quotas. Apparently
the EU Commission's proposals are for serious cuts for the
already hard pushed Irish fishermen. The Commission are
ready to cut the catch as follows: (Cod down by 64%,
Haddock down by 41%, Pollack down by 20%, Skates &
Rays down by 20%, Whiting down by 14%, Monkfish down
by 12%, Hake down by 4%.)
What this means is that Irish fishermen will be twiddling
their thumbs at home while Spanish and French super
trawlers plunder our stocks of fish with none of it even
landed in any of our ports. We know that Coveney is
already going to say that "I did the best I could" but we all
really know that the deal was done before Coveney set
foot in Brussels and that the EU have extracted hundreds

of millions of Euro worth of fish from our own seas by

Compare this plundering of our natural resources to the
couple of million Euro thrown into the pot for some pissy
little stretches of road and grants for some backward tidy
town that we get in return, and then you'll see how the EU
are quids in by billions every year. Europe will never lose
as long as we have weak politicians and by God, this
country has had more than it's fair share of them but
sending a Bilderberger to negotiate on our behalf is really
taking the biscuit.
Just ask his real boss, Bilderberger extraordinaire and
Goldman Sachs chief, who "insisted" the we bail out the
banks on behalf of his banking friends...Mr. Peter
Something smells and maybe it ain't the fish after all!

Irish & British MEP's keep telling us all about how fantastic
the European Union and it's protective law's are day after
Well if they Are indeed so great, how come this
homosexual half Irish half Indian member of the Irish
(and minister for social protection) is permitted to preside
over a social welfare system that pays Anybody under the
age of 26 years of age an arbitrary 88 euros a week LESS
than Anybody else claiming the weekly unemployed
person's "Job Seekers Allowance" payment..???
Minister Varadkarr campaigned strongly for LGBT rights
and equal marriage for everybody last summer
successfully. Yet he is punishing the very same LGBT
community's under 26's by discriminating against them
and others based Solely on their age when it comes to

social welfare payments.

Which begs the question.. Where's the European Union
law's protecting these under 26 year olds in the Republic
of Ireland against this blatant ageist discrimination ..?

Irish Water came out this morning with the unbelievable
excuse that Denis O'Brien's companies, Sierra GMC / GMC
Sierra were separate companies who were doing a joint
venture to win the metering contract... They think we are
1. On 26th July 2013, Irish Water announced the
appointment of GMC/Sierra Ltd Sierra GMC Ltd as one of
the regional contractors engaged by Irish Water to
manage the Meter Installation Programme but according
to information supplied by the CRO it states that the
company was only registered on the 11th of July 2013

which was just 15 days prior to the announcement that

your company were awarded the contract.
- Minister Kelly,can you please state how this came to be
the case as I am sure that GMC/Sierra would have to had
tendered for the contract and furnished a tax clearance
certificate, insurance documents etc months prior to the
date that the company was incorporated. To tender for an
EU contract takes months not two weeks, so can the
minister for the Environment, Alan Kelly explain that
2 .Where under EU tender rules does it allow two
companies that didn't exist at the time of the contract to
be counted in one tender document and how did two of
Denis O'Brien's companies acquire the necessary
documents to be allowed to amalgamate POST tender?
Who in the EU or Minister Hogan's /Kelly's office said that
this was OK to do without referring the case back to
(a) There must be individual original documents for both
companies and two sets of every tender document and if
this is the case which company won the contract and for
how much and then why did they amalgamate if they were
essentially the same company and for what competitive
(b) Why did the EU not object to this method of tendering
when it goes against their own rules if Minister Kelly
believes that there was a joint tender between GMC Sierra
and Sierra GMC (Who according to CRO records are still
two completely separate legal entities with no accounting
or financial crossover regarding the joint tender). How can
this be explained?
(c) I fail to understand how these two companies were
included in a tender process that required a turnover of at
least one million Euro, when these companies were either
not trading due to the fact that they (a) Didn't exist and
(B) Were in debt and receivership at the same time. So
which is it to be, Minister Kelly / Irish Water because
neither answer will get you out of the hole you have dug?
3. Where did these companies get the tax clearance
considering they were in receivership and under the care
of IBRC because they owed millions of Euro to the Irish
Taxpayer? How can that be explained away? You CANNOT

obtain a tax clearance cert for the following reason:

(a) You owe the taxman money
(b) Your company is in liquidation or receivership
(c) The directors are not tax compliant
- No company or individual can avail of the tax clearance
certificate and that applied to GMC Sierra / Sierra GMC and
Siteserv... So who won the contract when none of these
companies were eligible?
3. Can you also explain how GMC/Sierra managed to lodge
the required documents for incorporation and attained
said incorporation on the same day when 99.99% of
companies have to wait weeks to be allowed to start to
- Was there any ministerial pressure put on the CRO to
facilitate GMC/Sierras rushed incorporation to your
knowledge? Why are Irish Water, Sierra GMC / GMC Sierra,
refusing to show the original tender documents citing
"commercial sensitivity" everytime?
4. Why are GMC/Sierra Sierra GMC using several different
addresses for the same building? According to the CRO,
these companies have three different registered addresses
but the actual building is the same building for all three
addresses. Once again Minister Kelly, can you explain the
anomaly here?
5. What was the total value of the awarded contracts and
will you let a team of forensic accountants and a legal
specialist in EU tenders see the original documents that
were used for the tendering process so as that we know
what company actually won, considering none of the
companies that supposedly won were legally entitled to
even tender, never mind win the metering contract?
When you lie on behalf of someone you need to make sure
that the people you are lying too, aren't cleverer than you,
Minister Kelly...


While we were standing outside the Dail on the 10th, the
bould Denis was profiteering from our big day out and the
majority of people didn't even know it. Every barrier that
was erected around the streets,made Denis's an absolute
fortune. Denis bought the barriers for little or nothing
through his offshore tax haven company (Millington),
based in the Isle of Man, using some of the savings that he
made by buying Siteserv (the company that supplied said
barriers) at a massive discount of 105 million of
taxpayers money, from his pals in (Alan Dukes & Co) in
Anglo Irish/IBRC.
*I am aware that lots of people will know that Siteserv
supplied the barriers but this information is for those
people "who didn't know" and there are millions of them,
so spread the news...
No wonder Enda and Kelly were laughing their heads off
and telling the protesters that they don't care because
they are sticking with the bondholders plan to install
meters, no matter how much we protest. But I wonder if
there is another reason that they are laughing their heads
off for? Unless you were a total narcissist, unhinged or just
plain old corrupt then you wouldn't even consider selling
out your people to the corporate and banking sector...So
which one are they? Personally, I would say that they like
a bit of corporate corruption in the form of big brown
This also leads me to how much more Denis is profiting off
of the ordinary people... Every water meter that is
installed makes Denis, a clear profit of about 300 give or
take a few euro, therefore if you work that out by the
number of households that are "going to receive a meter"
is in the region of 2,004,000 according to the CSO. Bearing
in mind a huge number of these are un-meterable
apartments and rural homes that have their own water
supply through water schemes and wells, so we'll take say
500,000 units out of that equation but that still leaves
circa 1.5 million homes that are to be metered. I know
some have already but that isn't the point of the exercise
right now...
I only want to do the maths to show how much profit Denis

is going to make out of the metering contract if he gets

away with it... Ready?
How much of this reached Phil Hogan's pockets in advance
of Denis "being awarded the water metering contract? As
has been proven, Denis has a propensity to bribe Fine Gael
Ministers... He did it once and no doubt he did it again!
I don't think I can add anymore to this as it speaks for

His bloatedness is greed manifest . The 'establishment' on this tiny

tiny Island is rotten to the core , lets hope the electorate arent
equaly rotten . Not that an election may be rigged or anything .... or

When the Garda riot squad decided to savagely assault an

old women and throw her walking stick into the River
Liffey for fun, then you know that this government is well
and truly on a war footing with the people. I didn't see the
event personally but it was relayed back to me
immediately by a good friend of mine who did witness it
and was horrified by the savage beating that old lady got
at the hands of these men.
We now know that the Gardai are under instruction to
aggravate any situation in order to come down hard and
show us how much they can flex their muscles and how
powerless we are when they do. This isn't the first time
the Gardai have shown their "manliness" towards innocent
protesters and it won't be the last either. But what is
missing here is the fact that they are pushing the
envelope with people and one day soon, they will overstep
the mark and find themselves on the receiving end of the

brutal treatment that they are used to giving out.

Remember that the authorisation for such brutal tactics
comes directly from Enda Kenny, Michael Noonan, Frances
Fitzgerald, Brendan Howlin and Joan Burton as no one else
can authorise the use of force on this scale. These are the
people who are the real enemies of the state as are the
Gardai who are accepting the orders to carry out the
What they are forgetting is that we have a tolerance limit
and it is starting to reach boiling point but what they also
forget is that they are vastly outnumbered. The next
government that gets in will not be as sympathetic to their
pleas for pay rises or whinging about working conditions,
because the next government will be comprised of very
ordinary people, who have even longer memories of what
you did to your fellow citizens!


10TH DEC 2014
I am writing the two stories that you see below, not
because I get a kick out of putting the boot in on a human
being but because I really do get a kick out of revealing
the rampant corruption in this country, that is caused by
corrupt politicians and equally corrupt businessmen, who
try to hide their murky trails in a cloud of dust. Well, they
can't anymore... Because the whistleblowers are whistling
louder than ever before!
Lucky Denis may have loads of dosh in his Swiss or
Bermudan bank accounts these days but there was a time
that his "little gain at our expense" and the one that made
him his fortune,(courtesy of Michael Lowry), still possibly
makes him a debt defaulter who owes million more to the
state. Denis's company, Esat Digifone which was

eventually sold to O2 for millions of pounds, had

commercial leases in place with the Department of Justice,
to allow him to erect and maintain mobile phone antennas
for his network.
Naturally his pals in the Fine Gael led government obliged
and allowed for every Garda station in the country to
"host" the antennas but on the grounds that Esat Digifone,
lease the space as per any regular commercial
arrangement. The reason Denis was allowed to put up the
mobile masts was that masts were unable to get planning
permission in towns due to the fears about cancer causing
radiation emitting from the masts and so by erecting them
in Garda stations bypassed the system completely.
Gardai themselves are starting to suffer from all forms of
cancer since the masts first appeared, which suggests that
there is a serious health issue happening but being hidden
by the authorities so as not to spook ordinary members of
the force. There will be a huge flood of claims in years to
come, from the widows and widowers of Gardai who died
from cancer and this you can quote me on in a few years
time when we have to fork out for the claims!
Part of the trade off to senior members of the Gardai was a
new mobile phone every year and free calls to any
network for themselves and their immediate family. To my
knowledge this "tradition" continues to this day but
someone is still paying for it... The insinuation being that
the Irish Water storm troopers are not standing on shores
or stopping taxi's with sick children on board for nothing!
But now to the killer punch... NO money was ever
collected from Denis and Esat Digifone for the leases and
to this day the file was buried in the Department of Justice
on the orders of the last Fine Gael government, under John
Bruton & Co.
Note: Thanks to a decent man (AH) who is well acquainted
with Denis's operation and has far bigger stories to tell.
A slightly older story that escaped the attention of the
Former Fianna Fail minister Dick Roche now earns up to

200,000 a year in his role as a lobbyist. Naturally this is

on top of his 50,000 a year, public pension that he has
essentially stolen from the people.
GET THIS...One of his jobs is to lobby against tougher rules
on auditing the banks. as Mr Roche has "reinvented
himself as a Brussels lobbyist", using his experience of the
"trauma of the Irish banking collapse" as he urges the EU's
policymakers not to come down too hard on his auditor
Documents filed with the EU's Transparency Register show
that Mr Roche had been hired as a lobbyist by auditors
and accountants Deloitte, who are the one and the same
company who advised the government to give a bank
guarantee. This would be laughable if weren't so serious
and it would be funny if we the taxpayers were not left
with the legacy of fraud, protectionism and corruption by
Fianna Fail and some of its ex-ministers.
The next time you even consider voting for Fianna Fail,
because you think they are safer than Fine Gael, then
think again about how many families are on the streets
this Christmas because of politicians like Roche and
consider how many families will get up on Christmas
morning with nothing to eat or nothing to give their
children as presents. We cannot tolerate this type of
parish pump politicians and politics and this "Cute Hoor"
syndrome that we seem to readily accept as the norm. It is
NOT the norm and should be suffocated at the first breath
from now on!
We need to change the political nappies, in this country
immediately and get rid of the two cheeks of the one
arsehole that produced Fianna Gael and Fianna Fail, for

John Tierney, apologised to Enda in a grovelling letter that

outlines his failures while being in charge of Irish Water
Ltd. He goes on to say that he is sorry and that he is
"committed to to improving my communications with
you". He also goes on to say that he is also "committed to
improving the level of service for his customers".
Now this begs two questions... What makes him think he
has any customers in the first place as 'Directive 9.4' says
he doesn't because the Irish cannot be charged for water
under EU regulations? And secondly, why was his letter to
the Dear Leader, not his letter of resignation?
In case he hasn't read Facebook, someone should tell him
that we the nation, are coming for him and his Dear
leader, and that he should clear out his desk in Denis's
offices asap... And take Denis the menace with him too!
If you could choose one word from the list below that
describes the boss of Irish Water, which one would you
1. Inept.2. Seriously inept.3. Totally inept.4. The Most inept
man EVER.
If you chose all of the above you would be on the right
track. Just to prove how all of the above inept's apply to
Tierney let me introduce his latest f*ck up!

Mr Tierney is also on the board of the National Sports

Campus Development Authority - the quango which was
set up to replace Campus Stadium Ireland.
The story so far:
The State is being sued for 30m by Dublin Waterworld,
the former operator of the swimming pool and indoor
leisure centre. It claims that Campus Stadium Ireland
Development that was set up to oversee the running of
the centre, "maliciously" prosecuted it in order to squeeze
it out of the complex by making it pay a whopping 10m
VAT bill that was not due. So in other words Tierney and Co
committed a fraudulent act and is still walking around
shrugging his shoulders. Even though he wasn't directly
involved in the early stages or initial proceedings he still
continued to be part of the legal action against Campus
Stadium Ireland and is therefore guilty of fraud.
It gets better:
The accounting firm /advisers involved, are also under
scrutiny. Relations between the quango and their bean
counters Price Waterhouse Cooper have become a boiling
point with a massive falling out over advice relating to
Waterworld and the VAT bill. Price Waterhouse Cooper is
one of the quango's many consultants, happily picking up
160,000 for a report.
Price Waterhouse Cooper also happen to be the
accountants for John's favourite new toy, Irish Water. Let
the taxpayer be screwed once again and no one goes to
Note: Head bangs slowly off the desk as I write this... You
get the idea!!


I learned something new from a lovely but very
determined group of anti Irish Water people at one of our
meetings last night. The recently retired ex-county
manager for Cavan is now, and get this (because it doesn't
show up on the books)... A consultant for Irish Water! Yes
the gravy train continues for those in the loop...
Jack retired on 100,000 of a pension per annum which I
have no gripe with as he has worked for 45 years to get it
but what I do have is problem with the other 100,000
that Irish Water is paying him to work as a consultant for

them. So how many more "off the books consultants" are

Irish Water paying?
Tierney makes sure his gravy train continues for his
friends while Rome burns beneath his feet... Nero Tierney
knows the end is nigh and he is doing as every political
grunt has done before him... Filling the trough before it
empties for good!


Irish Water turns into a security and intelligence gathering
agency second only to the Garda National Surveillance
Unit! So what does that mean for ordinary people on the
The state runs two legitimate intelligence units to keep
tabs on all kinds of threats that may affect the security of
the state. The two units are G2 which is the military unit
and the Garda National Surveillance Unit which is self
explanatory. These units have huge data on all kinds of
people but mainly dissidents and high profile criminals
therefore the majority of us need never worry about
ourselves being on either list HOWEVER what they don't
have is access to PPS numbers and bank accounts of
ordinary citizens but Irish Water will have?
I can't make this any clearer for those who are sitting on
the fence or just letting it happen because you are now
involved whether you like it or not and here is why; Irish
Water has been given the statutory power to elicit
information from government departments such as the
Central Statistics Office who have information that
exceeds even John Tierney's wettest dreams and they can
now access every single bit of information that you filled in
on your last and previous census forms. Everyone who
filled in a census form, expects the form to remain private
and confidential and not to be handed over to a third party
such as Irish Water. So when Irish Water is privatised, your

private life goes with the sale!

Welcome to the United States of Ireland, where your
government will sell your soul for money... Do you still
trust them now?

I was delighted to see Catherine Murphy TD using the

information from my investigation into how Denis O'Brien
was "awarded" the metering contract and how he
magically managed to get the award even though GMC
Sierra /Sierra GMC was not even a registered company at
the time of tendering. The government cannot answer the
questions posed by Catherine because I took it into the
public domain months ago along with the proof (excerpts
from the CRO, for instance) which was seen by thousands
of people here on Facebook.
Facebook subsequently made the post disappear at the
request of an outside influence, no doubt. I eventually
managed to get most of it back but needless to say there
are many sections that didn't make it back, courtesy of
What makes this information even more scary is the fact I
gave the information to several journalists that I
personally know and they refused to even take it as far as
their editors because they were afraid of the "Denis legal
machine" that is being used to shut every journalist in the
country,up and constantly threatening them with hellfire
and brimstone if they print anything negative about him.

So therefore I am going to print it on here again for the

world to see because I have absolutely nothing to lose and
because I know it is the truth, having researched and
written the articles myself..
SITESERV, O2 AND DENIS O'BRIEN... You Gotta Love the
Right here we go with a bit of tongue in cheek in the first
part but gets a little more serious in the second part when
you see how the corruption made its presence felt...
Irish company "Siteserv" owed Anglo Irish Bank 150
million. Then Denis O'Brien jumps off his executive jet
which took off from his tax haven in Malta and buys
Siteserv for 45 million in cash which is a full 105 million
short of the debt owed by Siteserv. So how did Denis "the
very lucky friend of Enda and Michael and the other
Michael of the 02 variety (Lowry)" manage to buy Siteserv
for a lot of Euros less than the debt? Well let me tell you
how he did it... His mate and confidant is a man called
Hugh Cooney who happened to be the Chairman of
Siteserv and also happens to be the Chairman of
Enterprise Ireland.
Now the same Mr. Cooney also happens to to be on the
Advisory Committee of the National Treasury Management
Agency which is closely linked with our old friends NAMA!
Surely good old Hugh didn't influence the sale of Siteserv
to Denis over any other bidder? God forbid that would
happen in Ireland in this day and age
OH BUT WAIT there is a sting in the tail after all... A
FRENCH company has now claimed it was denied the
opportunity to make an offer for SiteservThe Altrad
group, which owns companies in the same areas of
business as Siteserv, said at the weekend that it had been
prepared to offer 60 million for the Irish firm. But it was
effectively denied the opportunity because its
representative was told the Irish group was not for sale.
Now remember that Denis's purchase has left the
taxpayer short of 105 million. This is a great deal for
Denis and Irish Water and Denis jumps for joy knowing
that he has stolen 105 million from you and I AND can
now proceed with planning his purchase of Irish Water!

Oh yeah, before I forget... The shareholders of Siteserv

received 5 million of tax payers money in dividends for
their shares even though the company was broke and
"under the care of NAMA"... Money that rightfully belongs
to the Irish taxpayer!
Denis O'Brien company purchased "Siteserv" and
GMC/Sierra from IBRC (Anglo Irish Bank) for the paltry sum
of 45 million when the true cost of what the loan owed by
Site Serv / GMC Sierra was 150 million and therefore
leaving the taxpayer with bill to pick up the balance of
105 million.
Siteserv having been sold to Millington, which is an
acquisition vehicle controlled by Denis O'Brien. The
installation of water meters is being thus implemented by
GMC/Sierra Ltd, J Murphy & Sons Ltd, and Coffey
Northumbrian Ltd. Sierra is part of the Siteserv Group)

1. 26th July 2013, Irish Water announced the appointment
of GMC/Sierra as one of the main regional contractors
engaged by Irish Water to manage the Meter installation
Programme. BUTGMC/Sierra (Company Number 530230)
applied for registration as a NEW company with Denis
O'Brien as a director on the 11th of July 2013.The
company was formally registered ON THE SAME DAY! From
experience of many thousands people, it always takes
weeks to get formally registered and to receive the
certificate stating that you can trade.
2. After a one day registration however, two weeks later
GMC/Sierra were awarded the Irish Water contracts...
GMC/Sierra was not even a limited company or in
existence at that point yet was awarded a government

contract to put in water meters. GMC/Sierra would have

had to tender for the contract under EU law and would
have had to tender documents INCLUDING A TAX
CLEARANCE certificate - so how does a company that did
not exist get a tax clearance certificate or produce
insurance documents or any paperwork at all - get a
contract? Is the Revenue complicit in this fraud or were
they told what to do?

3. Denis O'Brien bought the liquidated assets but not the

name or debt and therefore he had no choice but to start
a new company with the same name but no legacy. Why
have the mainstream media or other journalists not picked
up on the anomaly?
4. Another operational trick they are pulling is a
differential in the registered address they supplied to the
Company Registration Office. Why are they doing this?
Well the answer is apparently simple... They have two
companies using a variation of the same name:
GMC/Sierra Ltd and Sierra GMC Ltd. This trick is done in
order to eventually make the holding company legally
speaking (SIERRA / GMC LIMITED) an unlimited company
so that it doesn't have to file accounts for interested
parties to inspect!
1.GMC Group
GMC House
Millennium Business Park
Cappagh Road
Dublin 11

The bottom line is that GMC/ Sierra - Sierra/GMC were
awarded a contract illegally by the Minister Phil Hogan
AND The Department of the Environment! No if's buts or
anything else, it was corruption at the highest possible
level and again involves Denis O'Brien and Fine Gael
Ministers, ex Ministers - for a 2nd time!


Today, in Denis's daily rag, Liz O'Donnell (her of the RSA
and former Blueshirt TD) uses her 4 inches of well paid
column space when she declared "that the "sinister
fringes, the violent, the unsavoury and aggressive element
types are taking to the streets and are using the issue of
water as a vehicle to foment anarchy and intimidation of
other citizens..."
She obviously meant that for the Gardai then...

The daisy chain of corruption continues... Josephine

Feehily has been named as new Policing Authority
The "who you know machine" is on overtime as retiring
Chairperson of Revenue Commissioners is to officially take
control of fledgling Policing Authority from January 2015.
Ms Feehily retires with one huge pension and jumps
straight into another job that too will pay her a huge
Like Phil Hogan, this is her reward for her part in the
imposition of the property tax that went to pay for Irish
Waters' fun days in the yoga laughter classes and is more
than likely also funding the Garda overtime for the water
meter debacle. I just wonder will Denis give her a job with
Irish Water when she has finished her handy number with
Policing Authority.
It is interesting to note that they haven't called it "The
Garda Authority".as would be expected... Something more
sinister afoot and it isn't a fringe!!
To back up my original article on the probability that Sierra
GMC are using 2nd hand meters pulled from the ground in


No it isn't a replay of Lord Haw Haw as the voice of
Germany during World War 2 but something even more
sinister might have come out of Germany in the form of
water meters.
Myself and a few other anti water meter colleagues were
at a meeting last night when we were given details by a
well informed gentleman who had lived in Germany until
very recently, of a potentially disturbing possibility that
the water meters being installed in Ireland are 2nd hand
reconditioned meters that were taken out of the ground all
over Germany because they had developed a fault that
allowed them to give incorrect readings to the tune of
being thousands of litres out a year.
This gentleman informed us the millions of water meters
were stored in warehouses all over Germany for
destroying by the relevant authorities. Now isn't is ironic
that Denis O' Brien's Sierra / GMC are the purchasers of all
of the water meters that are being installed by the
different contractors throughout the country and where
did they buy their water meters in the millions?
Yep, you guessed right... GERMANY!!
NB: Saturday 25/10/14 - I don't normally re-edit posts after
they are out there but I have since heard through my

sources, that installers will be carrying and installing "new

meters" when they are questioned on the above.

We are now looking at seeking a judicial review of the legislation

which allowed IBRC to offer residential mortgages for sale to
ruthless and unregulated vulture funds. Soon we will be calling a
public meeting to bring IBRC mortgage holders together in one room
to discuss the options available to us. If you are an IBRC mortgage
holder or if you know an IBRC Mortgage holder please let us know if
you are interested in attending a Saturday meeting at the Red Cow

Hotel Dublin


THINGS IN IRELAND*** Soon a motion proposing citizen
initiated referendums will be discussed in the Dail. You can
e-mail all members of the oireachtas at one time using
this e-mail address. Please let
them know we want a say in the big decisions affecting
our lives. Please ask for their support in the upcoming
debate. Imagine if the people had been given the

opportunity to vote on whether or not we should have

bailed out the banks
What is this about ? here is a brief edited version I saved
from The Hub - Ireland..."to get you into the Circuit Court
the Plaintiff (bank) through its Solicitor has to gain (prove)
Jurisdiction and it is the first rule of the Circuit Court to
establish Jurisdiction and it is the Plaintiff (bank) that must
do that
The limit of the court's jurisdiction relates mainly to
actions where the claim does not exceed 75,000 and the
rateable valuation of land does not exceed 253.95.
The banks claim Jurisdiction under the Rateable Value of
the property: rates on the family home do not exist in
Ireland, they do on commercial properties but the Banks
hoodwinked the Court into believing they were correct."
So , where are the missing deeds ? perhaps they were all
just thrown in the bin by mistake when they were tidying
up the strongroom ? or could it be that the banks have
securitized ( SOLD ) the mortgages and that they had to
give the buyer ( SPV Special Purpose Vehicle or other ) the
deeds so that they could be paid in full for the mortgage
and that they are now just acting as collection agents for
the actual owners of the mortgages ? and that they are
now just being paid a commission for collecting the
mortgage payments ? and that they forgot to tell the
mortgage holders anything about all
this ?
For some reason a lot of people cannot understand why so many
people do not attend the EVICTION Courts to defend their homes. If
you cannot comprehend what the very thought of being summoned
to one of these places is like, then just read the next paragraph
In a Sky News report last night (Tuesday), a British Royal Marine
Commando spoke about how he felt at a court of enquiry he had
attended as a witness for the defence and said, There were Judges
and barristers there and it can be a terrifying and intimidating place
to be.
During my 30 years as a member of An Garda Siochana I attended
many different courts throughout the country, and I can honestly
say that none of them had as intimidating an atmosphere as any of
the many EVICTION Courts Ive attended over the last 3 years. Its
sad to say that NOT ONE of our TDs in Offaly have ever attended
one of these places to experience for themselves how their own
people are being treated.
I am sure that the treatment of people in this way is a breach of
human rights laws and that a case must be taken to the European

Court of Human Rights!

Are you sick of it: do you want out, well here is one way.
Lets break it down to its simple parts: if you signed for the
mortgage anywhere other than the Banks Office / Desk
then you should have been given one piece of paper: a
seven day cooling off letter, basically, one piece of paper
that said if you changed your mind within seven days =
sign the document, send it to the Bank and you are out of
the deal.
Here is the bombshell that has cost the German Banks 10
billion to date: you never got the cooling off letter, we
know you did not, so that period is still running (it was
never closed).. it is a fact that you can now hand
back the house keys and invoke the directive: get every
red cent you ever paid the banks (the house goes back by
the way and you walk away: some people quite rich).
Are the Banks going to write you a cheque, ya right: the
arrogance of them, so sue them, our web page has all the
cases that have been won: we have loads more on file (get
reading our web page).
Because we are the instigator of so many cancellation of
contracts and have seen the return comments of the
Banks: hell, we already have the answers to their soppy
letters and excuses:
The Banks were advised to pay up and shut up: but the
arrogance of the Irish Banks has chosen to Ignore / fight /
ignore / send ball shit letters. Nothing new there then!
Well: having instigated so many letters of cancellation and
having received so many lame excuses we post them
here: ready?
The answers before they start the argument
Ireland are full members of the European Union and
governed by their legislation.
Distant marketing simplified: we did not sign the mortgage
/ contract at the building society office, we signed at a
brokers office: we were not given the piece of paper
outlining our rights to a cooling off period or the standard
letter to invoke the right cancel the contract with the
seven days: ICS Building Society did not close the door on
the above and so the time period is still running. I exercise
that right.
That EU Directive was repealed and replaced by another

directive called the Consumer Rights Directive

2011/83/EC; the mechanics of how EU law is implemented
and operates. There are 3 basic principles of EU law
equivalence, effectivenesss and legal certainty. Research
them. Case C 268/06 Impact v Minister for Agriculture and
Food [2008] provides useful guidance.
That the date of effective repeal of SI 224/1989 is 13 June
2014, nevertheless, the ancilliary / substantive right that I
have to cancel the contract is acquired still held under the
old Directive 85/577/EEC and its implementing SI
224/1989. Although the Directive and SI was repealed my
rights to cancel are still valid and enforceable by virtue of
Section 27 of the Interpretation Act 2005. It Survives, the
ECJ has ruled on this definitively the right to cancel under
85/577/EEC is not temporal when consumers have not
being advised of that right.
Not to be confused over immovable property and the
rulings by the ECJ as it applies to secured credit
agreements, before making this assumption you should
brush up on the teleological interpretation of EU law and
recognise that is a valid form of construction under
Marleasing principles by virtue of Section 6 of the
Interpretation Act of 2005.
You should also realise that the Supremacy of EU Law is
recognised as a provision of Bunreacht Na HEireann under
article 29.6. The Courts and Judges as organs of the state
are bound to respect that. See also Costa V Enel C 6/64.
I cancelled the contract under SI 224/1989 which
implemented Directive 85/577/EEC. The contract can
nevertheless be cancelled under SI 853/2004 where the
judge is of the view that the Financial Institution breached
Sections 9 (5). I say they have breached this SI 853/2004
materially in many respects with respect to the agency
Whilst I am glad to see that You do not argue it does not
apply to immovable property for the benefit of your
client; xxxxxxxxx never sold me a house. There was a
secure credit agreement before I cancelled it. A secure
credit agreement is more commonly known as a
mortgage. If you are confused, xxxxxxxxxxx, should
perhaps review the Conclusion of Advocate General Leger
at paragraph 72 of the Heininger case C 481/99 where he

72. In the light of these considerations, I propose that the
Court give the following answers to the questions referred
by the Bundesgerichtshof:
(1) A mortgage loan agreement with a view to the
purchase of immovable property, entered into by way of a
doorstep transaction, falls within the scope of Council
Directive 85/577/EEC of 20 December 1985 to protect the
consumer in respect of contracts negotiated away from
business premises.
(2) Directive 85/577 precludes national legislation limiting
in time the right of cancellation where the consumer's
right to information under Article 4 of the directive has not
been observed.
Dont forget that this directive has cost the German Banks
over ten billion.
I am thinking that Tom McGurk speaks some sense. The following
comments are ones made by Tom McGurk on Newstalk. Firstly my
comments though, I believe that it is time for the Irish people to
have the opportunity of a referendum on EU membership... Irish
Laws are superseded by EU laws.. All decisions for Ireland are made
in Europe by an un-elected body known as the EU commission.. We
have a tiny % vote in the EU (practically no say, yet the EU are
happy to put 42% of the entire EU debt on us).. Lets face the facts..
Ireland is ruled and our Democracy and Sovereignty are nonexistent... Time the Irish wake up and challenge the EU..Time we
told the EU to shove the 42% debt up their holes............ Time we
take our sovereignty back and reclaim our autonomy and
democracy.. The EU is not our friend in my humble opinion... The EU
has used us.. They have used Irish fishing waters and profited from
them.. The profits they got from our fishing waters far outweigh any
loans they gave us for roads etc... The Irish have been duped by the
EU... They use our resources, profit from Irish waters( the richest
fishing grounds in Europe) and then charge us and put us into a
manufactured austerity.. While extracting profits from our waters
and charging us 42% of all the debts accumulated by EU member
states... This stinks and we have elected representative TD's who
appear to accept this and kowtow to their masters... We appear to
have a Government which lacks Balls... and lacks the voice to
challenge the unjust payments that the irish people are paying for
debts which are not ours.. So I say a Big Fu** Off to the EU.. Lets
have a referendum!!!!
Broadcaster Tom McGurk says the possibility of a Brexit is an
'existential moment' for the Irish.
The comments came as new Guardian/ICM polls show a 53%-47%
advantage for 'Leave' once 'dont know' voters are excluded.
"I am absolutely delighted the way they are standing up to the

people who rule us in Brussels. I really wish a few people in Ireland

would start listening and looking at what they're doing over there".
"It's an existential moment for the Irish, because we're being asked
to make a choice between London and Brussels. London is far
deeper in our emotions and knowledge than Brussels ever was.
If the Brits come out, isn't there a case for us to look again at where
we stand? Could we have a special deal where we have a
relationship with Britain, and another relationship with the European
Ireland would not be what it is today without the EU. However, "let's
take it and run. How much more have they to offer us? You don't
have to be in the EU to trade with the EU".
"I wonder have we replaced the colonial DNA for the Brits for a sort
of colonial DNA for the European Union, because nobody in this
country has a single criticism to make of the situation.
"Once this is over, we are heading for some sort of federal political
Europe. The European Union has stripped us of democracy,"

O.K. We will give you the REAL LOW-DOWN!!

Lets take the article BIT BY BIT!
1. "Its number one objective is helping people stay in
their home "wherever possible..... So what would make it
IMPOSSIBLE?2. It will see people who need help given
vouchers to obtain expert advice from financial and legal
advisers in order to resolve serious debt issues"... Yes but
will it save my family home for definite????3. "They can
get assistance in court where needed, have access to
solicitors, and get help obtaining legal aid. They can also
get financial advice from a dedicated mortgage arrears
adviser, a personal insolvency practitioner (PIP), or an
accountant".......ok, so WHO decides "where needed?" and
can you hold these ''appointees' accountable if it all goes
pear shaped?4. So who is behind it? "The Department of
Justice and the Department of Social Protection". Now that
is DAMN SCARY. The Department of Social Protection
working hand in hand with the legal eagles to make sure
the banks and vulture funds get paid????????????? So is
taxpayers money going to fund them also?????? And is
'social protection' not supposed to be about looking after
the needy and their welfare???????5. "The first part of
Abhaile is the aid and advice scheme under which the
Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) will act as
the first port of call for homeowners. It will direct
borrowers to the most relevant advice depending on their
circumstances. The expert help is provided free under a
voucher issued by MABS, working closely with the

Insolvency Service of Ireland, the Legal Aid Board and the

professional accountancy bodies"..... So where would one
go to find out how many homes MABS actually saved
during their tenure around the courts in Ireland, and if
they were so efficient, why the need for this new scheme.
Where is the transparency and accountability??????6.
"Further components, which will require legislative
change, are currently being prepared by the Government,
in accordance with the programme for government
commitments and the Action Plan for Housing and
Homelessness"...... So will they appeal the controversial
'eviction bill, which is the bane of the whole crisis? 7." How
much will the scheme cost? It is expected to cost up to
15 million between 2017 and 2019"...... is this out of the
9.4 Billion Euro that was put aside for mortgage write
downs in 2011 by Europe, but remains unaccounted for?8.
"How much impact will Abhaile have?" DAMN ALL!!!!!!Oh

This is very interesting to anybody who had a mortgage

sold on to vultures or other banks ? did they get it on the
land folio at the time of the transfer ?? "Judge Jacqueline
Linnanes decision to strike out Tanagers re-possession
proceedings in the Circuit Civil Court may have a serious
knock-on effect for Tanagers attempts to take back other
homes where mortgages are in arrears.The loan was with
the Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland which
had been dissolved at the time. Judge Linnane said that in

accordance with a Supreme Court decision relating to

another case, Bank of Scotland Plc at the time of transfer
ought to have been put on the land folio for the Reilly
property and this had not been done."

Dubliners keep their house after Judge throws out

vulture fund's repossession case

TWO DUBLIN PEOPLE, who discovered an error in Bank

of Scotlands sale of their 170,000 mortgage to
American-owned vulture fund Tanager Limited, smiled
as they left court today after a judge threw out Tanagers
bid to take back their home.
Judge Jacqueline Linnanes decision to strike out
Tanagers re-possession proceedings in the Circuit Civil

Court may have a serious knock-on effect for Tanagers

attempts to take back other homes where mortgages are in
Tanager Limited, of Clanwilliam Square, Grand Canal
Quay, Dublin, is an American-owned private equity fund
that snapped up more than 2,000 distressed home loans
at discount rates from Bank of Scotland Ireland following
its cross-border merger in 2010. More than 90% of the
loans were two years or more in arrears.
When Michael and Ann Reilly, of Kilclare Avenue,
Tallaght, Dublin 24, found out that Tanager was seeking a
court order for possession of their home on the basis of a
default in repayments, Mr Reilly started probing the
transfer of his mortgage to Tanager.
He discovered his loan was with the Governor and
Company of the Bank of Scotland which had been
dissolved at the time. He had then been asked to sign a
form to signify his mortgage was with Bank of Scotland Plc
before it sold its distressed loans to Tanager.
Judge Linnane said that in accordance with a Supreme
Court decision relating to another case, Bank of Scotland
Plc at the time of transfer ought to have been put on the
land folio for the Reilly property and this had not been
Banks should be more careful
Barrister Veronica McInerney, who appeared with
Sherwin ORiordan solicitors for Tanager, said the error in
title had occurred at a time when there had been a number
of transfers and acquisitions involving the bank.
She said that at the time of the transfers and acquisitions
Woods Hogan, the solicitors for Bank of Scotlands various
entities, would probably have used a pro forma document
(to be signed as a matter of form) relating to mortgage
Ms McInerney said Mr Reilly had been sent a document to
transfer the mortgage, which had been in favour of The
Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland, to the
new entity Bank of Scotland Ireland.

She told Judge Linnane the previous solicitors on record

had been Woods Hogan and a clear mistake had been
made. She said Tanager should be granted leave to bring a
motion simply changing the title of the mortgage.
Judge Linnane said she was granting Mr Reillys
application to strike out Tanagers application for
possession on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction and want
of locus standi as he had outlined in his motion.
She was amazed that despite all the lawyers involved it had
taken a lay litigant such as Mr Reilly to discover the error.
Banks should be much more careful in what they are
doing, Judge Linnane said.

Meet Messrs Derek Quinlan (Quinlan Private PLC) and

Johnny Ronan, (Treasury Holdings PLC) two of the bestknown property tycoons of the Celtic Tiger who are raising
Far Eastern money to buy the single most expensive piece
of real estate in the country - the 1bn valued Dundrum
Town Centre.
Nothing wrong with that move except that these two boys

appear to be pretty flat broke and owe us a few bob

having caught us for the loose change that fell from a deal
and that lost the people (you and me) hundreds of millions
and potentially billions of Euro because NAMA took the
loans from bailed out banks such as Anglo Irish and AIB
then sold on the physical assets which was Battersea
Power Station in London for buttons, in this case.
Nama took control of the scheme when they called in
Ronan's loans and then sold it off to a Malaysian property
development company called Sepia for hundreds of
millions less than the market value and now the
Malaysians stand to make billions of euro in profit from the
scheme, prompting claims that Nama sold the asset much
too cheaply. Treasury Holdings and Sepia who were
already in bed together as business partners in the project
and both stood to make serious profits had the project
been successful.
However, Johnny Ronan and Treasury Holdings lost us
billions but made his Malaysian pals a neat profit and now
he and his new bestie Derek are looking to buy Dundrum
Town Centre with some Far Eastern money. Both men and
the Malaysians are no doubt on their knees thanking God
and NAMA for the gift horse that they received courtesy of
me and you!
Don't you just love how NAMA does business in this little
corrupt country of ours?


In September 2011 the Government announced the
establishment of NEW ERA, initially on a non-statutory
basis, within the National Treasury Management Agency.
The core role of NEW ERA involves the oversight of the
financial performance, corporate strategy, capital and
investment plans of the following commercial State
Ervia (formerly Bord Gis ireann. - GOING, GOING, GONE!
Bord na Mna; Nobody wants this one so we are stuck with
Coillte. - GOING GOING...To Bertie Ahern and his friends!
Irish Water - Promised to Denis!
NEW ERA has issued a Protocol setting out the procedure
and policy for engagement with market participants and
advisers in the context of the disposal of State assets...
THE NOT SO FORMAL BIT: The longer we leave this

government in place, the greater the chances that they

will sell all of the rest of the above before they leave or are
thrown out of office, which ever comes first. Why would
they go to such draconian measures using the Gardai
/Police/ Gestapo to ensure that water meters are installed
in every home before 2016 or is it co-incidental that there
is a general election in that year and they know they will
be booted out and not get to complete their mission from
Mario and Angela?
They can sell off ANY asset without reference to the
people, to legislation, the law and the constitution and
already have done by selling off the greater part of Brd
Gas. I can't see "a gun being held to any minister's ear" as
was quoted by an economist in today's paper when he
said that Brian Lenihan had one put to his ear over the bail
out... The reality is that Enda and Co like doing what they
do because they are in a strange way getting pleasure out
of it in a strange psychotic perverse sort of way OR they
are being handsomely rewarded by bribery such as the
way that Phil Hogan got his!
This government are not working for us - They work for
Europe PLC and that is why there is no gun, because they
are being paid TWICE... Once by us and a 2nd time by
Think Judas and you'll get the idea!
Central Bank names 13 members of high powered panel to
investigate allegedly rogue banks and bankers...
Only in Ireland could such a thing happen. The Central
Bank (Michael Noonan really) is appointing 13 "high
powered" individuals to investigate the bankers and they
expect us to believe that the investigation will be impartial
and free from the nudge wink wink syndrome that
pervades every inquiry and investigation that this country
manages to stumble into every few years.
The reality is that no banker will go to jail or be sent down
because the investigation like all investigations in this
country are rigged in favour of the obviously guilty parties
from the outset and the fact that bankers and their legal
friends are running the damn show again. The point has
been proven already with the directors of Anglo Irish
Banks walking away from the courts with a Circuit Criminal
Court judge wishing them well in their new found freedom.

Members of the panel include, Clare Leonard, (retired

Judge), Justice Daniel OKeeffe, (retired High Court judge),
Ita Mangan, (Barrister), Marian Shanley, (solicitor), Paul
McDonald, (solicitor), James Bridgeman (Barrister), John
Cashin, (retired Barrister),Victor Chisese, (Barrister),
Banker Geoffrey McEnery (retired CEO of Lloyds TSB Asia),
Two current Central Bank staff are also on the panel:
Mairead Devine is the head of Risk Governance and Policy
and Martin Moloney is head of the Markets Policy Division.
Fiona Muldoon, the Central Banks former Director of
Credit Institutions and Insurance Supervision, is the final
member of the panel
I purposely left one member of the panel until last
because of his relationship with a director of Irish Water.
This gentleman is none other than Nigel Woodroffe who
retired in early 2014 from his role as Chief Financial Officer
at the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Nigel and his
old friend share common ground in that Regina Finn
previously worked as a professional Economic Regulator
and happened to share the same offices. Ms Finn also just
happened to have worked as a member of the Channel
Islands Competition and Regulation Authority who also
happen to have a very close relationship with Mr
Woodroffes old office.
I wonder did Regina put a good word in for good old Nigel
with Mr Noonan? A nod is as good as a wink they say...
I have followed Gene Kerrigan's journalistic writing for
years and I am always in awe of what he says and what he
gets away with saying. This applies more than ever as he
is still writing articles in the Denis O' Brien's Independent
and he is hasn't been in a car accident where the brakes
failed or fell under a bus even though that could still
happen if he hits a nerve with the wrong person.
Today Gene wrote an article that concerns everyone of us
and especially those involved in the peaceful protests
against the water meters. His piece hit the nail on the
head regarding the Gardai's behaviour towards people and
how it will come back to haunt them. Gene also subtly
touches on the issue of flouride in our water when he
mentions "a deliberately-sedated democracy", so even he
recognises that there is something not quite right about

the status quo whereby people are forcefully keep under

the thumb by the use of chemicals.
~Please read what he has to say if you haven't already
read it elsewhere ~
"When the police are present at a peaceful process, they
have two jobs to do. Obviously, they have a duty to ensure
that anyone breaching the law, a protester or anyone else,
is brought to account.
Equally important - if not more so - is the duty to protect
the right of the protesters to make their protest. The right
to protest against government policy is not a luxury. It's
not something that anyone - politicians or police - can
decide to allow or disallow. It is a right, full stop - without
which all other political rights are conditional.
A police force that doesn't understand this is about to
subvert its own supposed role. And - in these days of
ubiquitous video - the evidence of garda failure to protect
the right to protest is unmistakable. Their attitude of
antagonism is visible. Protest itself is treated as bad
behaviour - to be shifted, corralled, provoked, arrested.
Police tactics that were refined in the Corrib protest - rural,
isolated - are now being imported into urban communities
across the country. As yet, we don't see the astonishing
scenes of November 2010, when student protesters were
greeted by police with shields and visors, swinging batons
at kids sitting peacefully on the ground.
A deliberately-sedated democracy needs its citizens to
protest. If the police are antagonistic to such protests,
instead of protecting them, the police assume an openly
political role. Besides, rank and file gardai ought to know
by now who'll be blamed if a badly-timed swing of a baton
kills someone. The fall guy will be flushed away quicker
than John McNulty".
~ All I can say is for Gene to look left and right a few extra
times when he is crossing the road... Garda cars travel
very fast! !~


My dear God, what have we as a nation done to deserve
this man?
Noonan is doing his level best to make sure that
everything we own is sold off to his buddies. Now not only
is he doing that but he is also setting his banking, legal
and accountancy buddies up for another windfall courtesy
of the taxpayer.
Take a look at the list and tell me that these very people
were NOT the people involved in the downfall of this
country in 2008 and are NOT the same people who
continue to rape and pillage our assets as we speak?
Starting with those appointed to the first panel on capital
markets, Strategic M&A and restructuring advice, include
Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Barclays Bank, Citi Bank,
Deutsche Bank and last but not least Peter
Sutherland's,Goldman Sachs.
The second panel, entitled general financial and legal

advice, includes Ernst & Young, Goodbody, KPMG and

Blackrock Solutions, Arthur Fry & Co amongst others.
While the third panel, capital markets distribution services,
also includes Davy stockbrokers and specialist bank
Every single one of the above named players are
responsible in some way for our 64 billion Euro bail out
and yet again are given the keys to the vault to continue
the plunder and If you thought that dealing with your local
pillar bank was difficult now, then wait until the vulture
bankers start picking you off for not paying enough or not
quickly enough! All of our bailed out banks will be sold for
a massive discount of the bail out costs towards each
individual bank so we will be stuck with the shortfall once
You have been warned folks... Noonan is the most
dangerous man in this land and will carry out his plans
regardless of the objections. His agenda is simple... Sort
out his banking friends and he will be sorted out
afterwards with a Big Phil reward in Europe or the head of
some banking institution that will reward him for being so
generous to them!
Maybe Denis is Human After All... Then Again Maybe Not!
Denis was interviewed by an American newspaper only
last week and he was asked for his views for many
subjects including the following. What I read at first made
me think that I was always being a little too harsh on him.
However make no mistake as Denis is well clued in as to
what is happening on the ground in good old Ireland and
has eyes and ears everywhere to keep him posted on the
goings on including his "Irish Water Investment".

But for now read the first paragraphs about his views on
bank loans...
I have a concern about a lot of the funds that have bought
bank loans in Ireland. I think that is a big blemish that we
have out of the whole situation where peoples loans were
sold to major funds. Those loans were not rolled over, so
you could be a very good borrower and then somebody
buys your loans, and then the next thing you get a tap on
the shoulder to say, We want our money.
D: Now that was very careless in my mind that there
wasnt a mechanism there to stop that, because you know
there were people who borrowed money who were only
meeting their interest payments and performing 100
percent, and next thing they are in a situation where they
are dealing with someone who just wants their money.
I think a lot of the hedge funds that have come into Ireland
have bought loans at probably a higher price than they
should have, so they have to get more and more
aggressive at the borrowers and thats not good.
# OK, all good so far, now read the next few paragraphs
and you really begin to believe that Denis actually has a
heart with a few murmers thrown in when he gushingly
mentions the glowing work of Fine Gael and Labour ...

D: No. Ultimately I think Sinn Fein will work more to the

center over a period of time. At the moment they are
obviously on the left. I think recovery for Fianna Fail is
much slower than expected in the polls, so you have to
look really closely at that and ask why?
And if you take Fine Gael, I think they need to market their
successes more, because when I meet business people in
New York or around the world they all say, Wow, what a
job your government has done. It has been extraordinary.
The recent editorial in The Financial Times was fantastic.
(The government) achieved it; they just need to
communicate it and a lot of people really dont know
about it.
Obviously many lower paid are still suffering. The taxes for
lower paid workers need to come down, and the social
charges need to cease soon for the lower paid because
that is really where the pain is.
At the end of the day there has to be pollination between
online radio and TV and newspapers. I was up with a
business in Canada last week, Rogers, and they have a
massive network across all platforms, and whatever
business they have is cross promoted across everything
else. They are in radio, television, cable TV, mobiles -they are a mega company. When I told one of their main
guys about the restrictions in Ireland the guy fell off the
chair laughing. He said, You gotta be kidding me, that is
stone age stuff. That is completely the antithesis of where
the world is moving to.


Q: Do you ever think of moving here to the U.S.?
D: No. I think have the best of both worlds to be honest
with you. You can invest here, you can do things here, but
bringing my kids up in Ireland is important to me.
"Bringing up my kids in Ireland is important to me"... And
here we were under the illusion that Denis lives in Malta as
a tax exile!


Errrm, actually there won't be any news or at least

independent news to be heard in this country again as
Denis O'Brien and his media firm Communicorp have
managed to become the sole provider of news to every
radio and TV station operating in Ireland with the
exception of RTE, who are already compromised as we all
This means that ALL news in this country is firmly
controlled by Denis O'Brien in its entirety and that you will
hear what Denis wants you to hear!
How nice his money must smell when presented in big
brown envelopes!


A little bird just whispered into my ear that Denis is
rumoured to expand his telecoms empire by setting up
Digicel India! He was seen arriving on his luxury business
jet into Delhi and being met by representatives of the
State Governors office and executives from India Telecoms
on the tarmac. Apparently Denis has eyes on the
expanding mobile market and is sussing the market

because of the apparent ease of obtaining a mobile

operators licence.
It sounds very much like a deal that he did with the
minister for communications and brown envelopes,
Michael Lowry, a few years back, but apparently brown
envelopes are far cheaper in India so I hear! My sources
are good and rumours aren't always necessarily true
however there is no smoke without fire and especially in
Denis's case!
Lets wait and see I suppose!

Every shoe on the ground made the difference between a

successful demonstration and one to be ignored by the
government and by God they couldn't ignore 100,000
voices or 100,000 shoes hitting the ground. Even those
stuck in their cars were supportive and good humoured
about our little "detour". But the best part is that we all
did it with a smile and good humour.
While I didn't see too many Gardai en route though, there
were more Gardai on site in the suburbs, helping Irish
Water install the meters than there were to try control the
biggest demonstration for decades.
I wonder were they still where we left them - Standing on
Denis's hole!



Sources close to a certain Minister have let slip that PPS

numbers given to Irish Water will be passed on to An Post
in order to build a better data base for finding those who
do not have a new broadcasting licence which the
government is planning to introduce in March 2015. This
so called new licence is a catch all even if you don't have
a TV and is again an other blatant attempt by the
government to tax us into nothingness.
However this presents a great opportunity for us as
citizens of the greatest little nation on earth to come
together to not only refuse to pay this so called broadcast
licence but finally to put RTE in its rightful place and shut
them up for good. I care not one iota if RTE closed its
doors as it is just the propaganda arm of every political
party who gets into power and refuses to be the impartial
public service broadcaster that some people actually pay
good money for every year.
We have gotten the better of Irish Water by refusing to
engage so now let us, a risen nation finally drive the nails
into the coffins of Irish Water and RTE in one swift move
and be rid of the plague that they are on our society...

Garda: I was bullied after

exposing phone-tape
abuseDearbhail McDonald Legal Editor

Taoiseach Enda Kenny

A RETIRED senior garda has claimed he

was isolated and "bullied" after uncovering

suspected abuse by gardai of phone

intercept laws.
The former detective sergeant, who is suing the Garda
Commissioner and Justice Minister, has sought the
disclosure of documents relating to phone taps obtained in
the investigation of two criminals later convicted of
serious crimes including subversive activities.
It is claimed that conversations between the convicted
men and their lawyers were recorded before and after
their arrests after gardai obtained warrants to monitor
their phone contacts.
Conversations between solicitors and their clients are
legally privileged and cannot be used as evidence in court.
The State has fought discovery of a broad range of
security-sensitive documents in the High Court personal
injuries action first lodged in 2007 years before the
current garda tapes controversy.
The crisis which erupted last week took a new turn
yesterday when it emerged that a large number of phone
calls between prisoners in the country's jails and their
solicitors were also taped.
Details of the practice were first revealed in the Dail by
Taoiseach Enda Kenny, who has ordered a report into how
the the taping came about. It is now estimated that more
than 2,800 calls between inmates and their solicitors were
recorded even though prisoners are entitled to make
phone calls in confidence to their solicitors.
The prison service say the recordings were inadvertent and
were made in the cases of prisoners who had dealings with
more than one solicitor.
But the disclosure that calls which were supposed to be
private had been taped will add to the Government's
embarrassment as it defends the Minister for Justice Alan
Shatter against a motion of no confidence in the Dail.
The legal action being taken by the retired garda, who
claims he was bullied after pointing out abuses, is being

defended by the State.

The detective sergeant claims that these include "serious
irregularities" relating to the way that applications for
intercept warrants were being processed. These ranged
from imprecise applications for warrants and warrants
based on "scant" and incorrect information leading to the
interception of phones belonging to innocent third parties.
He also says that he was concerned about suspected
"abuse" of the Postal Packets and Telecommunications Act
1993 which allows gardai to legally intercept phones
and raised concerns that the law was being used for an
improper or unauthorised purpose.
He claims complaints raised by him, many in writing, led
to him being "isolated, bullied and harassed" before he
was transferred to another division.
The former garda, who retired on medical grounds shortly
after his transfer, is said to have repeatedly sought advice,
including legal advice, from his superiors after he brought
the alleged irregularities to the attention of authorities.
Under the 1993 Act, it is not illegal for a person to record a
call if he is party to that call.
However, recording a phone conversation between other
people without their authorisation amounts to
interception a serious criminal offence attracting fines
and a prison term of up to five years.
The justice minister can give authority to gardai, the army
and the Revenue to intercept phones and other
communications, but only if it is for the purposes of a
specific criminal investigation or in the interests of the
security of the State.

KEITH Harrison was taken aback when he read what

Frances Fitzgerald had said in the Dil. The justice minister
was speaking on the publication of the OHiggins report
into Garda malpractice last May.
She told the chamber the new system of reporting
wrongdoing in the force was going fine. I have discussed
this subject on a number of occasions with Garda
management and it is operating fully in line with
legislation, she said.
There is no question but that it needs ongoing monitoring
of the issue and to be vigilant to ensure that
whistleblowers are dealt with properly.
Harrison was of the strong opinion that he wasnt being
dealt with properly. He felt harassed, bullied, and isolated;
what was more, he had written to the minister on that
score nearly two years previously.
Harrisons problems began when he arrested a colleague
for alleged drink driving. He reported another colleague
for what he believed was collusion in drug dealing, a claim
that has recently been substantiated.
He finally made a protected disclosure when he saw little
chance of respite from the intimidation he claimed he was
being subjected to.
Soon after hearing the minister claiming a bright, new,
shining era, he instructed his solicitor to write to her about
her recent extraordinary public comments about whistle-

The letter painted a picture that suggested there was
nothing new in how those who reported wrongdoing were

He has been the victim of a smear campaign by his

superiors within the organisation and with the sole

purpose of bullying our client into silence and to

undermine his credibility, according to his solicitor, Trevor
The reply was the cursory three-letter standard,
acknowledging receipt and assuring the correspondent
that the matter is receiving attention.
That was it. The issue was handed over to the garda. Over
three months later, the solicitor wrote again.
Our client is most disappointed that he has not had the
courtesy of a full reply from the Minister as his ultimate
employer. For the avoidance of any doubt as far as we are
concerned, the state has failed in its duty to our client and
continues to do so on a daily basis.
The recent public utterances by you and Commissioner
OSullivan regarding the treatment of whistle-blowers is a
misrepresentation of the facts, false and misleading. It has
caused our client and his family significant upset and has
added further insult to injury.
Once more, the response was that the matter was being
given attention.
Under normal circumstances or at least those that
prevailed for decades the minister could wash her
hands of any of this stuff and merely dispatch it to the
head of the force for resolution.
The ministers role vis a vis the garda is akin to that of a
chairperson of a corporate body, with the commissioner
acting as chief executive. The allegations of harassment
and intimidation are operational matters for which the
commissioner is primarily responsible.
But these are not normal times. Fitzgerald owes her
position to the political demise of her predecessor, Alan
Shatter. One of his failings was how he placed trust in the
management of An Garda Sochna even when alarm bells
should have been ringing.
In this, he was no different from all those who went before
him in the Justice brief, but he got unlucky.

Keith Harrison
Fitzgerald has seen first hand what happens when
persistent cultural problems within the force spill over into
the political domain. She couldnt have believed that those
issues were adequately addressed by the replacement of
Martin Callinan with Nirn OSullivan.
Callinan did not instigate the culture within the force, and
OSullivan did not land in the commissioners office from
Mars. She was her predecessors deputy, schooled and
experienced in the same ways and means that had
persisted for decades. If change was to happen under her
watch, the biggest job on her hands would have been to
attack her own professional DNA.
Fitzgerald, or at the very least, those around, should have
been aware of all these issues. So when individual garda
who have blown the whistle on wrongdoing wrote to her
office as Harrison and his colleague Nick Keogh did
the minister should have taken a keen interest in how their
cases were progressing.
If alarm bells didnt go off when Harrison corresponded
through his solicitor in 2014, they most certainly should
have two years later.
In any event, Fitzgerald was being kept informed of the
plight of whistleblowers in the bright, new shining era in
the chamber of Dil ireann.
Independents4Change TD Clare Daly brought up the

matter 19 times over the last two years and her colleague
Mick Wallace wasnt far behind her. What did Fitzgerald
think was afoot? Did she believe the two TDs were
exaggerating? Did it not occur to her to properly examine
what was going on in the force?
Yesterday in the Dil, Wallace asked her why now, after all
that has unfolded, was she insisting there be no rush to
judgment. How in Gods name can you say you are
dealing with these matters? said Wallace.
You talk of a rush to judgment; two years? he said,
referencing how long Harrison and Keogh have been
condemned to the wilderness.
Nothing has changed, minister, nothing, concluded
He may be right and the minister would do well to proceed
with caution.
Maybe she should call up Shatter and ask him to advise
her on what not to do now that she finds herself in a
similar position to what he faced a few years back.
AT THE conclusion of her interesting report on how Fine
Gael banjaxed their general election campaign author
Marion Coy quotes the American poet Maya Angelou: Ive
learned that people will forget what you said, people will
forget what you did, but people will never forget how you
made them feel.
When thinking of the sort of emotions that Fine Gael
elicited from people during that period of time it is a
rather rude phrase that comes immediately to mind, but it
is sufficient here to substitute royally cheesed off in its
place. The Coy report goes into considerable detail as to
how the party must, and quickly, mend its ways. But
instead of noticing progress, as the Budget fast
approaches, and a seeming freefall develops around
national industrial relations issues, there is a strong sense
of dj vu.
The Angelou quote gets to the heart of the failings in the
relationship between Fine Gael and the Irish voter. The
party raised unrealistic expectations during what Coy
describes as the dour election campaign, and those
carry through now as unrealistic budget expectations, and
a slew of daft pay claims. There is an alarming militancy in

the growing threats of strikes and industrial action and

high expectations of next Tuesdays budgets.
But should we have expected otherwise when the
Government party went into the last election with the
generic message of economic recovery and how we were
well able to afford to reduce the hated universal social
charge. They reap now what they sowed then with their
expectations and promises; the irony is that despite those
promises they still lost 26 seats.
It is almost impossible to imagine what is going on behind
the scenes with this budget given the introduction of
Fianna Fil to the equation, with their confidence and
supply arrangement. They want their imprint on the
budget, but not so much that they will get into trouble
over any aspects of it. It would be interesting to see if they
requested to see it in its entirety, in advance. That would
be a hugely tempting prospect, but it would then make it
their budget as well. Its a fine line they tread, but so far
theyve kept their balance rather skillfully.
Fine Gael remains on the back foot. That all important
conversation of how ours remains an exceptionally fragile
economy that needs more time to stabilise was never had
during the election campaign. Now when they throw their
hands in despair and say the money is simply not there for
the increasingly ludicrous pay claims they are being hoist
by their own petard.
There is a real sense of runaway train about the current
industrial disputes, and the need for pay restoration, not
least with An Garda Sochna. It was in late July that the
Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Paschal
Donohoe asked for views on the establishment of a public
service pay commission. This is an independent advisory
body to look at issues on public service pay. The closing
date for submissions was the end of August.

The commission would not duplicate the work of the

States existing industrial relations bodies, such as the
Workplace Relations Commission and the Labour Court,
nor would it interfere with the Governments ability to
directly negotiate with its employees. However the
manner in which our industrial relations situation has been
so badly deteriorating the commissions speedy
establishment would bring some much needed impetus.
But weve no sign of it yet.
In a discussion on our worsening industrial relations
landscape Siptu president Jack OConnor said last week on
Radio Ones Late Debate that he believed the Lansdowne
Road agreement needed to be renegotiated.
Under that agreement, the Government has ringfenced
267mn for pay restoration this year, 290m in 2017, and
287m in 2018. Those amounts already take a massive
wallop out of what is available to run the rest of the
country, not least our health services, or to provide much
needed housing.
But Mr OConnor was firm in his view that workers are fully
entitled to expect a payback when the economy grows by
levels and degrees that are way in excess of what was
envisaged when the agreement was negotiated. So there
whether you agree with it or not was the union leader
laying on the line what his members are entitled to now.
So where is the political leadership? There is a distinct lack
of it from Taoiseach Enda Kenny as we face into this winter

of discontent. It is worryingly reminiscent of how the Fine

Gael leader handles certain matters failing to take
control when it is clear that he needs to do so, and then
allowing a near calamitous situation to develop before he
steps up to tackle it. There is no sense of him getting
ahead of this issue.
That approach is complicated by the uncertainty that now
surrounds his ongoing leadership of Fine Gael and
therefore his appointment as Taoiseach.

Enda Kenny
Returning to the Coy Report on the general election
performance, it states there was an acknowledgement the
party had made some poor decisions and its capacity to
respond quickly and decisively to national sentiment was
flawed. The national sentiment back then was a mixture
of many things. There was justifiable weariness and
genuine exhaustion from the hardship of the recession,
but there was also crankiness, unreasonableness, and a
bloody mindedness excessively fuelled by many politicians
on the Left.
Fine Gael did not just misread that situation, it failed in its
responsibility, as the main party leading the country, to
help shape a more positive and responsible sentiment that
centred around what was good for the country and its
citizens in the future.

Coy writes towards the conclusion of her report that in

2016 we may have had a more stable economic
environment, but as a people we were, and are, still
bruised and damaged. The damage is more than
People have less confidence in their futures; they have
less trust in institutions; they are angry because their
expectations for themselves, their parents and their
children are no longer secure. Generalised anxiety is
evident everywhere and there are many people who feel
their anxieties are not understood.
She lays it out to FG. If they want the support of voters
they must build new relationships with them and those
must be built around shared approaches to problems with
an acknowledgement that voters are not to be treated as
unthinking pawns in an episodic electoral drama.
Fine Gaels problems did not begin in the lead up to the
last election. As Maya Angelou tells it people will never
forget how the party made them feel. In that case FG
better quickly take on board the fact that the advice in this
report is not just to be taken on board in the six weeks or
so ahead of the next time they ask the people to give
them a vote.
There is an alarming militancy in the growing threats of
strikes and industrial action

Whistleblower concerned over judge-led inquiry

Friday, October 07, 2016

This is because he no longer has access to his mobile

phone and other records central to his claims.
The senior garda said he felt he would be at a
disadvantage because garda bosses have all the
relevant material from the period in question and those
records were not available to him.
The Irish Examiner has seen correspondence from
whistleblowers Keith Harrison and Nick Keogh to Tnaiste
and Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald, the commissioner
and GSOC, which show they repeatedly sought to highlight
campaigns against them from within the force.
In the case of officer Harrison, he outlined in detail the
extent of the campaign of harassment against him in five
letters to the Tnaiste asking for her help.
On the five occasions, he received the same standard
response that the letters were receiving attention.
However, Mr Harrison claims nothing was done.
Prime Time reported last night that Ms Fitzgerald received
an interim report on these matters last month but that a
spokesman for the minister would not be drawn on the
contents of the report.
The revelations come as Independents4Change TD Mick
Wallace said Garda Commissioner Nirn OSullivan is
doing so much damage to the force which he said is in
The Garda is in turmoil. There is a split in it with two
camps. The Garda Commissioner has promoted a ring
around her. It is corrosive. She is doing so much damage
to An Garda Sochna that there are many good garda
shocked at how she is operating, he said.
The Tnaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality cannot
leave her in position, Mr Wallace said.
In response, the Tnaiste said that while details of the
disclosures are in the public domain, she is precluded by
law from commenting. She also said that those involved
are entitled to due process and that she would not be
rushing to judgement.
Speaking last night, one of the whistleblowers also said
the conduct of Garda Commissioner Nirn OSullivan
during the OHiggins inquiry, when her legal team

indicated it had been instructed to question the credibility

and motivation of whistleblower Maurice McCabe, was of
concern and raises serious reservations about how his
claims would be handled.
A spokesman for the commissioner said she had no fresh
response to the comments made in the Dil.
It is understood the Tnaiste will announce as early as
today the name of the sitting judge to examine the details
of the allegations made.

Nirn OSullivan doing so much damage to An

Garda Sochna, says Mick Wallace
Garda Commissioner Nirn OSullivan is doing so much
damage to the force that it is in turmoil, the Dil has

Revelations in this weeks Irish Examiner, about a

campaign by senior officers to destroy a whistleblower,
dominated leaders questions yesterday
Tnaiste Frances Fitzgerald came under serious fire over
the scandal from Fianna Fil and Sinn Fin, as well as

The Dil heard claims that Ms OSullivan had given some
members of An Garda Sochna carte blanche to hound
and discredit whistleblowers.
Independents4Change TD Mick Wallace, in a heated
exchange, pleaded with Ms Fitzgerald to remove the
Mr Wallace said he and his colleague, Clare Daly, have
met with the two whistle-blowers who made the latest
protected disclosures. he said Ms OSullivan has failed to
end the persecution of whistleblowers in the force.
The Garda is in turmoil. There is a split in it with two
camps. The Garda commissioner has promoted a ring
around her. It is corrosive, said Mr Wallace.

Nirn OSullivan
She is doing so much damage to An Garda Sochna that
there are many good garda shocked at how she is
operating. The Tnaiste and minister for justice and
equality cannot leave her in position.
Asked if she had any other protected disclosures on her
desk, Ms Fitzgerald said: There are no other protected
disclosures on my desk.
Mr Wallace informed the Dil that whistleblower Nick
Keogh has written to the minister four times, but received
only one reply.

Nicky Keogh wrote to the minister four times and she

replied once, said Mr Wallace. When he told the minister
about the harassment and that he could not have been
suffering without the commissioners knowledge, the
minister wrote back to him to say she was looking for an
urgent report from the Garda commissioner.
That was May this year. The minister says she follows
things up quickly. May was a long time ago.
Ms Fitzgerald said while details of the disclosures are in
the public domain, she is precluded by law from
commenting. She said those involved are entitled to due
process and that she would not be rushing to judgment.
I will follow the legislation, passed in this House, where
people have a right to confidentiality and due process,
she said.
I would not be doing my job as minister for justice and
equality if I did not follow due process and the law laid
down regarding protected disclosures, a law on which we
have all agreed should be followed.
In response to Sinn Fins Mary Lou McDonald, Ms
Fitzgerald said Ms OSullivan is entitled to her full
I want to be very clear about one thing: No findings of
wrongdoing of any kind have been made against the
Garda commissioner and I believe in those circumstances
she is entitled to our full confidence, said Ms Fitzgerald,
adding that she would not be slow in establish a full
inquiry into the allegations should it be merited.
Fianna Fils Charlie McConalogue asked Ms Fitzgerald to
state whether it was true that the two people behind the
disclosures are likely to refuse to co-operate with any
pending inquiry.
The dysfunctionality of the Garda Sochna because of
perceived system and management failures it is hard to
see beyond the saying, something is rotten in the state of
Denmark, said Mr McConalogue.
In response, Ms Fitzgerald said she could not comment.
CLARE DALY was on form yesterday. During Leaders
Questions, she pressed the issue of alleged malpractice in
the Dil with Taoiseach Enda Kenny, as she has done for
more than four years now.

The Independents4Change TD was speaking in the context

of the Irish Examiner story on Tuesday which highlighted
allegations that senior management in the garda led a
campaign to destroy a whistleblower.
Daly was clear who is accountable.
Did it not seem odd to the Taoiseach when the Garda
Commissioner said this morning that she wants to
encourage whistleblowers within An Garda Sochna to
come forward, despite all of the evidence that these
people have been mistreated?
If the Garda Commissioner herself is not directly involved
in the harassment, does the Taoiseach not have a problem
with the fact that her authority is so discredited that
instructions she has allegedly given for whistleblowers to
be protected are being ignored, wholesale, across the
ranks of An Garda Sochna? she said.

Clare Daly
Since taking office in 2014 following the
retirement/sacking of Martin Callinan as Commissioner,
Commissioner OSullivan publicly has expressed the need
for whistleblowers in the force and said that speaking out
was not dissent or disloyalty to the force.
But the bottom line is that those expressions, laudable and
welcome as they are, ring hollow in the face of a litany of
testimony from whistleblowers like Maurice McCabe, Keith
Harrison and Nick Keogh, who speak of a much troubled
police force.
Dalys point rang clear. OSullivan must be either directly
involved in the actions alleged in the two protected
disclosures, revealed in Michael Cliffords story, or her
authority about treating whistleblowers compassionately is
so undermined as to be ignored.
If that is the case, is she fit to remain in office?
Daly and Wallace have long since made their views known
that she, as a close associate of the former Commissioner
Martin Callinan, is not the fresh new broom promised, but
merely more of the same.
Questions too arise for Tnaiste Frances Fitzgerald whose
own reputation has come into focus as to her handling of
whistleblower testimony.
It was claimed by Daly that she has had evidence of such
bad behaviour for a long time and done nothing.

The Minister for Justice and Equality has been presented

with evidence over a period of two and half years... Four
times one of the Garda whistleblowers wrote directly to
the Minister for Justice and Equality and told her of the
treatment he was experiencing.
He made the point that as his colleague in a different
region was getting exactly the same treatment, it could
not be a coincidence and it was inconceivable that senior
management and the Garda Commissioner would not be
aware of it, Daly added.
For her part, Commissioner OSullivan said she wanted to
make it clear that she was not privy to, nor approved of,
any action designed to target any Garda employee who
may have made a protected disclosure and would
condemn any such action.
She also reiterated that any employees in An Garda
Sochna who bring forward any concerns or issues they
might have will be taken seriously and the matters
In order to maintain public confidence in An Garda
Sochna, we are anxious that the full content of the
disclosures giving rise to the commentary be
comprehensively examined at the earliest opportunity,
she said. But what happens now?
Well the Taoiseach in the Dil said it is likely that a sitting
judge will be asked to independently investigate the basis
of the allegations contained in the dossiers presented to
Ms Fitzgerald on Monday.
Yet another Commission of Inquiry. How many is that now?

But the political acceptance that the Garda Sochana

Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) is not up to the task is in
one respect shocking.
The whole purpose of GSOC was to investigate matters
such as these, but like many of the organs of regulation in
this country, it is under-resourced, toothless and impotent.
But yet its mere presence has allowed our political class to
abdicate their responsibility, which in turn leaves a
massive vacuum which leaves victims in the lurch.
GSOC is not up to scratch and it itself is seeking greater
powers in order for it to be effective in the exercising of its
Meanwhile, Fianna Fils justice spokesman Jim
OCallaghan added his voice to the calls for a thorough
Speaking on RTs News at One Mr OCallaghan said:
What we need to do is set up a proper mechanism for
them to be investigated immediately.
Its extremely serious the allegations that were made in
the Examiner article yesterday and that has to be fully
and adequately investigated, he added.
And there are a number of methods going down that
route we can either appoint a senior barrister or a judge
for the purpose of investigating the allegations,
alternatively, they are so serious that they may merit
asking Mr Justice OHiggins to continue in his
investigations and to examine the specific allegations, but

they must be investigated, thoroughly.

Mr OCallaghan said he does not have sufficient
information at present to make a suggestion that anyone
should resign. He said he wasnt calling for Ms OSullivans
head but Daly and others are. The Commissioner appears
to have a case to answer.
Dissent will not be seen as disloyalty, she said while
acting commissioner.
If somebody has something to say, if somebody wants to
bring something to our attention, they may not always be
right but what they see and what they say can act as a
catalyst for change and continuous improvement.
Asked if she agreed with her ex-boss, Martin Callinans
assessment that the actions of
whistleblowers was disgusting, Ms OSullivan said the
use of the word was unfortunate.
May 8, 2014:
She said that any member of An Garda Sochna who
wants to raise an issue of concern will be supported in
doing so.
She also said that the use by any member of An Garda
Sochna of the confidential recipient mechanism is a
confidential process and as such the garda are not in a
position to comment on the particular case at this stage.
May 28, 2014:
Ms OSullivan said senior managers within the force are
fully supportive of the whistleblower Maurice McCabe. Ms
OSullivan also said garda want all members of the force
to feel free to bring forward any issues they want to raise.
May 30, 2014:
Ms OSullivan phoned Maurice McCabe promising to deal
with claims of bullying made by the whistleblower.
She called the sergeant after appearing before a Dil
committee. Ms OSullivan is also believed to have vowed
to sort out the 13 harassment claims made by Mr McCabe.
November 26, 2014:
The commissioner has always said that any member with
information or issues will be supported in bringing them
Bullying of anyone in An Garda Sochna will not be
tolerated, Ms OSullivans spokesman said in response to

fresh harassment allegations raised in the Dil by Mick

Wallace about officer Nick Keogh.
May 16, 2016:
Reports in the Irish Examiner revealed that Nirn
OSullivans legal representative questioned the character
and motivation of whistleblower Sgt Maurice McCabe at
the OHiggins commission of investigation.
Like every member of An Garda Sochna, Sergeant
Maurice McCabes contribution is valued and the service
has changed for the better in response to the issues about
which he complained, she said. I want to make it clear
that I do not and have never regarded Sergeant
McCabe as malicious.
The commissioner issued the statement after demands for
her to respond the claims in a report on unpublished
documents from the inquiry by the Irish Examiner.
October 4, 2016:
I have on numerous occasions expressed my support for
any employees who have issues and concerns.
As commissioner I have actively asked employees to bring
forward issues and concerns. We learn by listening.
There is plenty of law to protect whistleblowers, but
wheres the order?
Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald has said she would
carefully examine the latest allegations about malpractice
within An Garda Siochana.
Her statement was in response to the Irish Examiners that
two senior gardai have come forward to allege there was
an organised campaign to destroy a whistleblower.
The latest allegations contain an extra layer of credibility
by dint of the fact that one of those coming forward has
admitted his role in such an alleged campaign.
Today in the Dail, Fianna Fail leader Micheal Martin brought
up the matter with the Taosieach, saying: Its above and
beyond a GSOC investigationits at a very high level of
wrongdoing. He added that he was not prejudging any
potential inquiry.
Mr Kenny agreed with him, deploying a caution that was in
contrast to the stonewalling that is often the first weapon
of defence on government benches.
So everybody agrees. This is serious stuff. Something
must be done. The first port of call is the staple of Irish

public life the inquiry. It was confirmed today by the

Taoiseach that an inquiry, possibly led by a judicial figure,
would most likely be established.

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny said a judge may conduct a

whistleblower probe, if Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald
decides in the coming days, amid mounting pressure on
the Commissioner. Picture: Sam Boal/
The inquiry will either decide that its all a ball of smoke,
or that the allegations have substance. In the event of the
former conclusion, there will be understandable cries of
cover up.
If there is a determination that senior management did
target a whistleblower, a bout of breast beating will ensue
or a further inquiry. Any of the three outcomes will be
entirely unsatisfactory, but we should be getting
accustomed to dissatisfaction by now.
This is all entirely predictable because we have been here
before as recently as 2014. Then, when a new
commissioner came into office initially on an interim
basis she assured everybody that she was armed with a
new broom.
Change, Noirin OSullivan inferred, had arrived strapped to
her back. She would ensure that the old culture would be
swept away, to be replaced with one of openness in which
our critical friends as she termed internal complainants,
would receive a sympathetic hearing.

She certainly talked the talk. She also made some

structural changes, including the recent appointment of an
officer to manage those who make protected disclosures.
Between the procedures brought in by the force and the
changes to legislation under the Protected Disclosures Act,
the new regime has plenty of law when it comes to
whistleblowers. Law is one thing, order another. In
particular, there is little evidence that those making
disclosures can feel that they will be protected. A new
inquiry will not change that.
Two statements made in the last few days sum up the
glaring problems that still persist. On Tuesday,
commissioner OSullivan said she was all ears when it
came to whistleblowers.
I have on numerous occasions expressed my support for
any employees who have issues and concerns, she said.
As commissioner I have actively asked employees to
bring forward issues and concerns. We learn by listening.
Contrast that with the words today of Independent TD
Clare Daly, to whom a series of whistleblowers have
approached seeking protection.
I know for a fact that people who have come forward on
the watch of Commissioner OSullivan and made protected
disclosures have had no contact from her at all in relation
to their claims and that people in their stations who bullied
and intimidated them have been included on the
promotions list while they (the whistleblowers) are out sick
from work isolated, harassed, on very low pay.
The reality for those people is the complete and utter
polar opposite of what the commissioner has said, Daly
told RTs Morning Ireland.
In the case of Maurice McCabe, Dalys contention stands
tall. Last May, it was revealed in this newspaper that there
appeared to have been an attempt to portray Sergeant
McCabe as a man with an agenda to do wrong to the

Maurice McCabe
The attempt was killed off only because Sergeant McCabe
had a recording of a contentious meeting. Without that, he
would have been buried.
Commissioner OSullivan, who had instructed her counsel
to challenge Sergeant McCabes motivation, referred the
matter to GSOC. Yet, despite what had emerged she has
not once contacted Maurice McCabe to apologise for what
may have been a misunderstanding, or to enquire how he
was holding up, or even to check out his welfare.
Judge OHiggins reported that Sergeant McCabe had done
the State a service, yet his own commissioner has not
even bothered to contact him over the further wrong that
could have been perpetrated on him while he was
engaged in doing that service.
The reality is nothing has changed. And until this matter is
dealt with, little will change. The glaring shortcomings
highlighted by successive Inspectorate reports, the
misclassification of crimes as reported by the CSO, the
failure to promptly co-operate with GSOC - none of these
issues will be properly addressed while the culture of
circling wagons and picking off those who break ranks
It may well be time to finally address what this
government and its immediate predecessor regarded as
the nuclear option. Personnel from beyond the circled

wagons are required to effect change at all levels.

One of the whistleblowers at the centre of a Garda scandal
has been called a "decent, honourable man".
Retired Detective Sergeant Alan Bailey said the senior
Garda who claims he was involved in alleged efforts to
discredit a previous whistleblower, feels it is his duty to
expose distasteful practices in the force.
The Garda Commissioner Noirn O'Sullivan has denied any
knowledge of the incident and wants it investigated at the
earliest opportunity.
However, she is now facing calls to step down.
Retired Garda Alan Bailey said the latest whistleblower is
"He's a decent, honourable man. I imagine he has come
forward because he feels it is his duty as a serving
member (of the Force). The allegations are very distasteful
and I can see why a man would come forward."
A judicial-led inquiry looks set to be established by the
Government into the allegations, following reports this
week in the Irish Examiner that senior garda engaged in a
campaign to destroy and crush a whistleblower within
the force.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny has told the Dil a judge is likely to
be appointed to investigate the allegations.
Amid calls for her resignation in the Dil yesterday, Garda
Commissioner Nirn OSullivan (pictured) insisted she was
not privy to nor approved of any action designed to
target any Garda employee who may have made a
protected disclosure.
She said she would condemn any such action.

The allegations, revealed in the Irish Examiner, about

the treatment of garda whistleblowers, requires a
dramatic response from Government. Fianna Fil leader
Michel Martin said the allegations go above and beyond
an investigation into wrongdoing and must be dealt with
in that light.
It was revealed that two protected disclosures by senior
garda referenced a campaign that included spreading
false, scandalous and damaging allegations against the
Last night, Tnaiste and Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald
confirmed that the protected disclosures had been
received by her in her department, but said she could not
comment any further on the matter.
In the Dil, Mr Martin said: I do not know if the Taoiseach
has read the report in todays Irish Examiner in relation
to whistleblowers being strategically undermined and
under attack, both their personal and professional
reputations, at the instigation of senior Garda
He added that the disclosures revealed that senior garda
were involved in a character assassination attack which
included dissemination of texts to garda in a bid to tarnish
the reputation of whistleblowers and the opening of an
intelligence file on the whistleblowers.
It demands a fairly dramatic response from the
Government. It cannot just be allowed drift into a

process, Mr Martin added.

Michel Martin
The Fianna Fil leader, who has led on the issue of Garda
malpractice, said the Garda Sochna Ombudsman
Commission (GSOC) needs greater powers and legislative
change and asked Taoiseach Enda Kenny if this would be
It is at a very high level of wrongdoing, if I can put it that
way to the Taoiseach, without pre-empting any inquiry,
said Mr Martin. It seems to be something that is of the
most gravest import, if it is true. Disclosures have been
made and I believe it is extremely serious. I would ask if
legislation in this area will be brought forward?
Mr Kenny said he had not seen the correspondence but
admitted it may well be there are matters here beyond
what would be a normal GSOC analysis or investigation.
He said Ms Fitzgerald is considering the report and will
decide what the best thing to do is following examination
of the information.
Mr Kenny said he was aware of the report in this paper but
said the House would not expect me to go into detail
about who has made these disclosures or the nature of the
allegations contained in them at this particular time.
In a statement to the Irish Examiner, a spokesman for
the Tnaiste said: The Tnaiste has recently received

protected disclosures from members of An Garda Sochna

under the Protected Disclosures Act, 2014.
Any such disclosures will of course be fully considered to
determine what further action may be appropriate. The
maintenance of confidentiality in relation to protected
disclosures is fundamental and, in line with the statutory
obligations under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, it is
not possible to make any further comment.

Frances Fitzgerald
It is believed the disclosures claim that the purpose of the
campaign was to discredit the whistleblower to the extent
of destroying his character. One of the two officers making
the disclosure is admitting his role in the campaign to
discredit the whistleblower, but claims he was following
The seniority of the officers making the claims and the fact
that one of them is admitting his own culpability will give
rise to fresh concerns as to how those who come forward
are dealt with.
The disclosures detail a number of different strands to the
campaign, conducted over a number of years.
The disclosures came about after a meeting between the
two officers concerned in the last month.
The officer who admits his role in the campaign against
the whistleblower told the second officer about it and

expressed remorse for what he had been involved in.

A spokesman for Garda Commissioner Nirn OSullivan
said: We will not be commenting on any particular
protected disclosure reports. Any protective disclosures
made within An Garda Sochna are welcomed, and dealt
with according to agreed protocols and the individual
making the disclosure is protected within an An Garda
Sochna. I have on numerous occasions expressed my
support for any employees who have issues and concerns.
As commissioner I have actively asked employees to bring
forward issues and concerns. We learn by listening.
Meanwhile, last nights Prime Time revealed a further
disclosure under whistleblower legislation has been made
to the justice minister.
Just over 5,000 people have applied as garda trainees,
according to the Public Appointments Service. It is a
significant drop on the last two competitions, with 16,700
applications last January and 23,000-plus applications in
September 2014 the first recruitment to the force since

It is not known what role, if any, the well-publicised low

pay of garda graduates who start on a salary of 23,000
played in the drop in applications.
The service said numbers for the current competition,
which closed last Thursday, were similar to pre-

moratorium levels.
Tnaiste Frances Fitzgerald said that 3,200 garda were
required over the next four years to bring total strength to
15,000 an average of around 800 per year.
Over the two most recent previous garda trainee
campaigns, applications received were at an all-time high,
given that there had not been a recruitment campaign
since 2008, said a spokesperson for the service.
On this occasion, just over 5,000 applications were
received, showing a levelling off to a more regular pattern
which is in line with campaigns prior to the moratorium on
A district court judge has criticised the system of sending
fines to motorists as a national scandal, that needs to be
addressed to prevent wasting the courts time.

Judge James McNulty made the comments at Macroom

District Court yesterday as he struck out cases against
motorists who had not paid speeding tickets that were
issued to them by post. Some of the accused testified they
did not pay the fines because they did not receive the
fixed-charge penalty notice in the post.
Judge McNulty said in the absence of any evidence that
the motorists received the fines, it would be unjust to
convict them. This is an epic waste of the courts time
and of garda time and resources, Judge McNulty said

during one such case.

It is a national scandal. The Department of Justice and
the Department of Transport dont seem able to address
the need for proving the postage of fixed charge notices,
he said.
He suggested summonses should be served electronically
via text or email.
If a garda can ask you for your name and address, its
reasonable in this modern age to expect a garda can also
ask you for your mobile number or email, he said.
Drivers who received a fixed-charge notice have 28 days
to pay the penalty, or then must pay an increased fine. If
this has not been paid within 56 days a summons to
appear in court is issued.

Communications (Retention
of Data) Act 2011

Anti-war protestor
questioned by gardai over
red hand prints on
Taoiseach's office
Greg Harkin

Stock picture

An anti-war protestor who daubed blood-red

paint on the constituency office of Taoiseach
Enda Kenny was being questioned by garda
last night. The Co Mayo woman in her 50s was
detained at Mr Kenny's office at 10am yesterday.
The woman had earlier spoken with staff at the office on
Tucker Street in Castlebar about her concerns at the
ongoing civil war in Syria and the bombing of eastern
The constituent had complained that the Government
hadn't done enough to speak out against regime atrocities
in Syria.
Garda were called when red paint hand-prints were
daubed outside the office.
The phrases 'How many more children' and 'Represent
me' were also painted on the outside walls of the office.
Staff called garda after pleas to the woman to stop the
vandalism failed.
A Garda spokesman confirmed a woman in her 50s was
arrested in Castlebar and was being questioned at the
town's garda station.
Back in 2014 a little known event happened one rainy
September evening in Enda's hometown in Castlebar. Who
knew that a young fella, neighbour and loyal friend of the
great and mighty Enda, backbone of the local Fine Gael
Hitler, sorry youth division was sneakily appointed to the
board of the state education agency Solas.
Young buck, Darragh Loftus was given state agency job for
whatever reason that Enda thought might be good on the
day and this prestigious handout came after the young
buck had spent long days and nights working in a bowling
alley,a bar and an office (most likely Enda's) doing
something hardworking like making coffee or filing files in
no meaningful order or maybe ringing his mates in Kenya
or somewhere that it costed massive money just for fun.
Then the boy done good by getting himself armed to the
teeth with degrees and even got to spend time working in
Brussels... In a bar!

Now the story certainly doesn't end there as His Highness

and Kingship, Enda had another brainwave and told the
then-Communications Minister,Pat the Rabbitte to appoint
his sister Jennifer to a lucrative post to the board of An
Post [ 16,000 a year handout] in May the following year.
And His Highnesses reply when questioned: I am actually
sick and tired of a position where we have had a flawed
process for years in this country. Because of the flaw in the
process, people who want to give service can be labelled
as lackeys, hacks or cronies".
Anyone got a shed with big starving Alsatians and
Dobermans available?

Move along nothing to see here

Why is Ireland being

signed up as a testing
ground for weapons

This week, the LE Eithne was given a heros welcome as it

arrived back in Ireland, after completing its humanitarian
mission in the Mediterranean. The naval vessel was
responsible for saving the lives of 3,400 migrants,
including almost 170 children, and families cheered as the
ship berthed in Cork with parents, wives, children, friends
and navy comrades all gathered at the dockside. Among
those there meet them at the quayside was our Minister
for Defence, and local Cork TD, Simon Coveney.
Meanwhile, Ireland is to accept 600 extra Syrian and
Eritrean migrants as part of efforts to ease the terrible
migration crisis in the Mediterranean. This is in addition to
the 520 migrants that the State is already accepting as
part of an EU separate resettlement initiative.
Ireland has a long standing policy of assisting people
abroad and helping those in need, from our participation
in UN peace-keeping missions, to offering our expertise in
conflict-resolution learned from bitter experience in
Northern Ireland. It is part of our neutrality: our soft
power response to war and crisis. It goes back to the
missionaries in ancient times and more recently the work
of the Catholic missions, feeding the poor. And it continues
right up to our present extensive programme of overseas
aid, which is still about 800m annually, and goes to a
developing and war-torn Africa.
However, Minister Simon Coveney has also said something
this month that seemed the complete opposite to all of
this. He spoke of his plans to make Ireland a testing zone
for advanced military and weapons guidance system,
including drones and submarine drones and other such
high-tech hardware. Under proposals he has brought to
Cabinet, the international defence industry is to have
increased access to the Irish Defence Forces for product
testing, no less.
Apparently, the Minister has been working on a White
Paper setting out his aims. We are planning to do a lot
more of this, he said in a rather expansive mode to link
defence infrastructure and the skillset of the defence
forces with innovators in the private sector, so that
actually we can create products that are good for defence.
Also we can potentially develop products that can be put
to good use in the market for the private sector as well.

Coveney said the plans wouldnt involve the testing of

actual weapons like guns or rocket launchers, but what is
the difference between a missile guidance system and a
missile? This is like saying we only make the gun, or the
sun sights, but we dont make the bullets. Its all military
hardware, after all, and especially these days when so
much of military warfare has become high-tech and
remote although the consequences are far from remote
for the victims.
Indeed, it is worth looking at the companies that have
already been working with the Irish military, such as the
US manufacturer Moog, whose products are used in
missiles, military and commercial aircraft, satellites and
space vehicles and launch vehicles. Our army has also
been working with the Reamda company on a project that
develops the software and hardware for weapons
simulators, and with law-enforcement agencies and
security services from the UK, France, Germany and Spain
on a project to develop novel monitoring systems and
miniaturised sensors that improve evidence-gathering
abilities. Really, this means spying and surveillance
equipment, possibly welcome in our current climate. But
these are all NATO countries. Is there not a slippery slope
Minister Coveney has dressed this all up in the language
of enterprise. It is about trying to plug in innovators and
entrepreneurs, he said, obviously in a controlled and
managed way, to the infrastructure that is there in the
Defence Forces, in a way that can help those innovators
develop, but also can have a broader application and
obviously lead to company growth and job creation and so
He enthusiastically described a company which is
designing unmanned aircraft or drone technology to
actually use off the deck of ships, to be able to observe
what fishing boats or doing. He then added, in a sentence
that must surely sound alarm bells, that that this type of
unmanned drone is also being used in the army in terms
of securing targets. Securing targets: like the weapons
that pick out Al Qaida militants but which have also killed
scores of innocents Pakistanis and Afghans.
Minister Coveney is very excited about all of this and

thinks it does not compromise Irelands long standing

neutrality and strong aversion to participating in the arms
industry. However, despite this principled stand- which he
actually reminds us of ! he goes on to talk about our
advanced software industry and the exciting possibilities
that these the new military developments offer.

Theres a kind of a principled view he concedes and its

been the case in Ireland for a long time, that we dont
develop weapons here. Were not really part of the arms
industry in this country. But we have a very advanced
software industry in Ireland and thats why youre seeing
IT developments around telecommunications, drone
technology, kite technology and power from that, and
around improving observation both at sea and in the air.
Youre also seeing developments around submarine
Is this a sort of Irish official position however where
despite some long standing principle or kind of
principle, as Coveney puts it you actually proceed to do
the very opposite?
One doesnt have to be a dogged defender of full Irish
neutrality to be alarmed by this. Many of us feel do admit
that our long national principle of neutrality has been too
often evasive and even hypocritical as we shield under an
EU/NATO umbrella. It dates from our opposition to fighting
with the British in World War Two and by now it is outdated
as the Irish army increasingly participates in EU military
missions in cooperation with NATO. This is especially
important in an increasingly dangerous and uncertain

However, precisely because of such dangers and the

consequences of provocative interventions overseas by
NATO countries, we should be all the more careful about
our military co-operation and about how we preserve our
neutrality and support for peacekeeping above the
industry of war.
There is a quite a difference, after all, between limited
missions of military cooperation and allowing our army
and country to be used as a testing ground for the latest
advances in military technology.
The reality is that the Irish policy of neutrality does have a
distinct value and service, connected to our UN
peacekeeping role, and our contribution to conflict
resolution and, for example, to our leading role in
developing an international nuclear proliferation treaty
(NPT). This was a keystone of Irish foreign policy and goes
back the efforts of Frank Aiken and Eamon De Valera, who
fought hard against international militarism precisely
because they had seen too many guns in Ireland.
So where does Coveneys weapons testing fit into all this?
We are against nuclear proliferation but support the
proliferation of conventional weapons and their
Many of us would have a serious aversion to the modern
military industry and its commercial objective of pouring
more and more sophisticated and deadly hardware into all
parts of the globe. Unmanned drones are an especially
sinister development. Is this something we want to be
involved in? And bear in mind that once we are in this
sphere, of international military development, it will be
very hard to reverse.
Has Minister Coveney, in his gushing excitement, checked
out all this with his colleagues? How can he square his
enthusiasm with our long standing policy of neutrality and
not supporting arms development?
And how come our anti-militarisation lobby have not been
speaking out about this and asking questions? And what
will this do to our potential as a target for future terrorist
attack if we are perceived as a testing ground for the
drone and missile capability of our US friends, with whom
we already offer considerable military assistance with the
Shannon stop over? The Minister needs to tell us the full

When one sees a headline that screams that the taxpayer
(slave) is going to be on the end of the a lions jaws and
claws to be once again left thrashing around helplessly
under the watchful and somewhat nonchalant emperor's
gaze, one only has to look at the screaming audience
baying for blood in an arena that so far has only seen the
blood of the taxpayer encrusted into the sand but none
belonging to politicians or bankers.
The Romans were masters of that oldest political and
military tactic known as divide and conquer and used the
tactic so well that they eventually ruled over territories
from Britannia to Asia Minor. But what has Roman
conquests got to do with modern Ireland, I hear you
Today the Irish government let it be known that they are
going to use taxpayers money to bail out those who are in
mortgage arrears and possibly are about to lose their
homes to the banks. This move can either be seen as a
bold move to save families from being evicted, it can be
seen as another way of bailing out the banks once again
or it can be seen from what is more likely to be a cold and
calculated move on the part of the government to divide
and conquer public opinion or maybe the latter two
Two years ago, the government removed a crutch from
beneath struggling mortgage holders in the form of
mortgage interest supplement. For many that crutch
meant the difference in whether they stayed in their
homes or lost them to the banks. The Minister for Finance,
Michael Noonan made a very cold and calculated decision
to throw families and individual homeowners to the wolves
when he removed those supports in favour of the banks.
What people need to realise is that this government is
playing a game... albeit a very dangerous one. They are
not only pitching the middle class against the working
class but pitching the middle class against the new poor
(the other level of middle class that can't afford their
mortgages). This government are trying to be new
Romans and seek to divide people by spinning a new idea
that will not only benefit the banks on one hand but divide

public opinion on who deserves to be left homeless and

who doesn't.
The intention is to recreate the amphitheatre scene in
which a man lives or dies by the screams of the audience
but ultimately it is up to the emperor to give a thumbs up
or down depending on how well the slave fought. If the
slave got a thumbs up the he was most likely to be very
relieved and grateful but unaware that he was going to be
thrown to the lions a few days later. This is the intention of
the government... Let the mortgage holder live for a few
more days, let them be grateful and then throw them to
the lions when they least expect it.
The real solution is not in throwing more money into the
banks but to rescind the land and conveyancing act as
amended in 2013 which will take the power away from the
banks and this should be done immediately in order to let
the people breath and a proper and sustainable solution
be worked out for the 45,000 families that are facing a
very bleak future without a roof over their heads. Where
are 45,000 families and individuals going to go and who is
going to have to pay for them to be rehoused and at what
cost? The same taxpayers that are going to be forced to
re-bailout the banks of course!
There are many other people who are hard working and
silently struggling to pay their mortgages but pride won't
let them ask for help. These are people that the
government have begun to focus their attempts at
dividing and conquering, firmly pitting the established
middle classes against the new poorer middle and working
The politicians who are sitting in Dail Eireann were to
blame for the whole debacle in the first place and are still
to blame for the whole debacle to this day. Every politician
that voted for the land and conveyancing act has cost the
country millions, caused huge misery and has sent more
people to an early grave because of their support for the
banks over the allegiance to the citizens who voted for
them in the first place. No excuses like Stephen Donnelly's
one "that the banks would never lend again if he didn't
sign the act," will wash with anyone who could see that
throwing the helpless slaves to the lions only ever goes
one way.

Apparently Roman Senate elections were a very bloody

affair... Looks like the citizens of Ireland will enjoy the
bloody spectacle come the next election so lets see those
thumbs and remember who will be out in the middle of the
amphitheatre fighting for their (political lives)
Just when Sean Barrett thought that he was slipping away
gently, he woke to find out that his path was being
blocked once again by silly mistakes. What you see below
is Sean Barrett's declaration regarding any political
donations that he may or may not have received. While all
appears normal with the document, what actually stands
out is Sean's declaration that HE IS NOT A MEMBER OF
Why would Sean make that declaration, in light of several
obvious factors which include the fact that the Fine Gael
website says he is, the Dail Register says he is? He even
gets paid as a Fine Gael TD with a further stipend to act as
Ceann Comhairle which is supposed to render him
harmless and be a fair referee in Dail debates (which we
know it doesn't).
What is equally as interesting is the man that signed off on
Sean's donation declaration was none other than Charlie
Flanagan, Minister for Foreign Affairs who as a solicitor is
quite entitled to sign declarations but surely not a
declaration for his own party member as that is a clear
conflict of interest and doesn't maintain a third party
distance between the declaration and the individual who
signed the document.
Not only did Charlie Flanagan sign the document to say
that Sean Barrett didn't receive any donations, he also
signed to say that Sean Barrett was not a member of Fine
Gael which is untrue.
However, this is just a small part in the goings on between
Fine Gael Members and their donation declarations as with
Labour and their declarations. Below I give and example of
other members of Fine Gael and Labour who had their
declarations signed and witnessed by other members of
their respective parties and in one case a personal driver

signed for a minister. I have not included everyone as the

list is long...
1. TD Ciaran Cannon was signed off by Foreign Affairs
Minister Charlie Flanagan,
2. TD Paudie Coffey signed off by Fine Gael Tony
McLoughlin TD
3. TD Joe Carey was also signed off by Fine Gael Tony
McLoughlin TD
4. TD Aine Collins was signed off by Fine Gael Senator
Colm Burke
5. TD Sean Conlan was signed off by Fine Gael Senator
Colm Burke
6. TD Ciara Conway was signed off by Labour TD Emmet
7. TD Marcella Corcoran Kennedy was signed off by FG
Senator Catherine Noone
8. TD Joe Costello signed off by Labour TD Emmet Stagg
9. TD Michael Creed signed off by Fine Gael Minister
Charlie Flanagan
10. TD James Bannon signed off by Fine Gael TD Sean
11. Minister Richard Bruton signed off by his personal
civilian driver (Sean Divilly)
12. Minister Joan Burton signed off by Labour TD Emmet
13. TD Jerry Buttimer signed off by Fine Gael Senator
Maurice Cummins
What these TD's and their signatories signed was a legal
document that has consequences should the information
be untrue but what is more shocking is the lack of ethics
involved. While it may not be illegal for fellow TD's and
Ministers to sign these documents it leaves serious
questions that need to be answered regarding the real
lack of oversight in the Dail as to who can or should sign
Signing a legal document on behalf of a fellow party
member raises suspicions and smacks of cronyism once
again. However convenient it may have been for TD's to
have their party colleagues sign off, it needs to be a
function that is taken away from TD's and checked fully
with due diligence performed to ensure that they are
actually telling the truth. We know that TD's have a

propensity to lie when it comes to hiding money from

political donations amongst other things!

The dirty war behind the Good Friday agreement

Remember that wonderful Good Friday in 1998 when
political agreement was reached in Northern Ireland?
There were endless elections, political talks and ceasefires
before it was finally concluded.
That day was an occasion for unbridled joy and broad

smiles on the faces of the Ulster Unionist Party, the SDLP

and others such as the Womens Coalition. Watching the
political pageantry you could easily have got the
impression that it was the arrival of smaller, fresher
parties with big personalities such as the Womens
Coalition, led by Monica McWilliams, and the Progressive
Unionist Party, with David Irvine at the helm, that made
the difference.
The reality was much darker. Much of the real action
happened offstage and undercover. Essentially the
security forces arm-wrestled the IRA to a stalemate by
riddling it with informants.
During the Troubles the late Monsignor Denis Faul warned
his pupils in St Patricks Boys Academy in Dungannon
against joining the IRA, saying: It will sooner or later
emerge that your commanding officer was a tout, and that
his commanding officer was a tout too. And whilst youre
rotting away, they will be getting off scot-free.
Security sources told the BBCs Spotlight that by 1994 a
majority of the seven-person IRA army council were
effectively compromised because of their proximity to
high-level agents. An even higher proportion of loyalist
paramilitaries may have been agents of the security
So by the late 1990s the IRA could continue to do damage
to the authorities, especially by detonating bombs in
London, and the authorities could do further damage to
the IRA, notably by locking up its members for prolonged
The suffering could continue endlessly as it had for
several decades or the Provisionals could cash in their
paramilitary chips, free their prisoners and devote
themselves to pursuing their goals through political means
only. That helped to achieve agreement in 1998.
It is natural that humans prefer upbeat explanations over
dark ones. So the conventional narrative of how the deal

was reached focuses on Senator George Mitchell, John

Hume, David Trimble and the assorted cast of colourful
characters who took part in the Stormont talks, but it was
victories in the dirty war behind the scenes that made it
all possible.
We got a dismal echo of the dark side of the Troubles this
week when Spotlight accused Gerry Adams, the Sinn Fein
leader, of approving the 2006 murder of Denis Donaldson.
Mr Adams strenuously denies any connection to the
Donaldson was an IRA member before the Troubles began.
He became a close friend of Bobby Sands when they were
in prison together and had worked as a close political aide
to Gerry Adams.
But Donaldson was also a British spy. This fact emerged
publicly only in late 2005 after the Northern Ireland
prosecution services dropped espionage charges against
him and two other men on the grounds that it would not
be in the public interest to proceed with the case. After he
was outed Donaldson went to ground, retreating to a
remote cottage in Donegal. He was shot dead there in
April 2006.
Im surprised that this weeks accusation against Mr
Adams has been given such coverage. The unnamed man
making the charge did not allege that he knew for a fact
that Mr Adams had played a role in Donaldsons killing
instead he asserted that he knew from his experience in
the IRA that murders must be approved by the leadership
before identifying Mr Adams as the man with the final say.
That is a rather slender reed on which to rest a heavy
allegation that Mr Adams has categorically denied.
Some years after Donaldsons murder the Real IRA
claimed responsibility for the act. I found that strange. If
anything, the story of Donaldsons betrayal strengthened
the assertions of dissident republicans that they, not the
Provos, were the true inheritors of the militant republican
tradition. Why would the Real IRA expose its members to

risk of arrest in disposing of what had become a political

problem for the Provisionals?
I think that hard men in the Provos killed Donaldson. It was
they who couldnt tolerate the notion that an erstwhile ally
of such senior rank could be allowed to live in peace,
having so spectacularly betrayed the organisation.
For me the key facts to emerge from the Donaldson
murder were that the Provisional IRA continued to exist
and that it still harboured the capacity for murder. Against
that we must consider that the Provos campaign against
British rule in Northern Ireland has conclusively ended and
that Sinn Fein now shares power with the Democratic
Unionist Party at Stormont.
So Donaldsons killing was a vicious criminal act and we
must support the gardai as they search for the killers, but
we must also be grateful that the Provisional campaign is
over and that political violence in Northern Ireland has
been massively, if not completely, reduced.
When he was leader of the SDLP, Mr Hume repeatedly
made the fundamental argument that there couldnt be a
purely security solution to the Troubles: there had to be a
political solution as well. And the achievements of the
politicians who negotiated the latter will understandably
be celebrated in the history books.
It is also true, however, that there could not have been a
purely political solution: there had to be a security one as
This weeks Spotlight programme was a reminder of the
dirty, secret undercover war that made agreement


Nuremberg 1946 and the excuse that the Nazi SS
commanders used was: We were only following orders!
The judges didn't believe the excuse and summarily found
the Nazi commander guilty not because they were
following orders but because they were responsible for
their own actions.
Lets apply this line of thinking to the present and look at
the actions of An Garda Siochana in their role as
protectors of the law and their other role as guardians of
the peace. Why are members of An Garda Siochana
carrying out orders that are at best illegal and at worst
unconstitutional? Why are individual Gardai blindly
following orders just like the Nazi SS commanders? Are
they afraid of losing their jobs or being bullied if they
objected or are they just nasty individuals who take
pleasure in hurting people and showing how powerful they
are or are they just following orders?
Well the reality is that it is a mix of all of the above but the
one factor that hasn't been mentioned is corruption... Who
gives them the order to beat innocent people? I refuse to
use the word protesters as the people who are out on the
streets taking a beating and being arrested are not
protesters, they are ordinary people standing up for their
constitutional right to say no. The only place the orders to
beat, hurt, maim and damage people comes from is from
the top. That is the top of the Government and the top of

An Garda Siochana.
Why are these top elements of society prepared to defend
their corner so vehemently to ensure that water meters
are installed? Why? Corruption is the key!!
Someone somewhere within the ranks of the Government
and An Garda Siochana are so corrupt to the extent that
they will do anything to ensure that the meters are
installed and are passing that corruption down the ranks
right down to the rank and file Gardai that are doing
private security for Irish Water.
How come Gardai in certain areas such as Coolock and
Raheny are so offensive and other areas such as Waterford
not so? What's in it for them? What's in it for the
Superintendents or Inspectors or even the divisional chiefs
in the Dublin 5 and 17 areas? Questions need to be tabled
in the Dail by Claire Daly or some of the other
independents who have Dail privilege whereas I don't
have the luxury of that protection.
It is so reminiscent of the Shell to Sea campaign that the
Gardai undertook for another private enterprise which has
cost hundreds of thousands in overtime and many
countless innocent people being beaten up and jailed for
standing up for their rights. Why? Corruption and never
mind the Troika insistence that we are charged for water
as that is a minor detail in the scheme of things as they
stand right now.
I said it before and I will say it again... You cannot sell a
tax hence Irish Water is a private company which can and
will be sold! So the question that should be asked is: Who
is paying members of the Government and High Ranking
members of An Garda Siochana "protection money" to
make sure water meters go in and who stands to gain?
I'll give you one guess and it isn't a resident on this island
but another very wealthy individual stuck in the middle of
another island in the Mediterranean!
It's all starting to get very serious now and will escalate
into something much bigger that the government can't
handle and they will panic. This panic and the resultant
actions will be the day that this government prove to us
that they are the traitors that we have always believed
them to be.
Follow the money trail... They always leave one, stupidly


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