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Mr. E. J.

Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

FORM 60 (RULE 51 (2) AND (6) - Affidavits in British Columbia)

File No. PO-00001

OTTAWA Registry




Writ of Habeas Corpus/Charter Imposition/

Initiation of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process



May 17, 2010

1. On May 3, 2010, I attended a supreme court of british columbia hearing and the
judge presented me and the other long term job injured with new evidence that affirmed all my
indictments of the administration of Canada.

2. According to the constitutional question acts, which apply across Canada,

provincially as well as federally, the only courts with sufficient jurisdiction to deal with
constitutional matters are the court of appeals and the Supreme Court of Canada. This is the
rule of law currently and since 1961 as inferred in s. 4 of the aforementioned act.

3. However, that conclusion about due process for correcting laws and schemes that
violate Everyone’s Legal Rights, i.e. the courts lower than the Supreme Court in Ottawa had no


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

jurisdiction concerning constitutional matters, was already presented to the courts and the attorney
generals across Canada by me in the prepared Orders and the Affidavits and notifications sent out

between January 10, 2010 and no later than March 12, 2010 - see Exhibit “X” .

4. Consequently, I was correct to direct the matters in my affidavits to the Supreme

Court of Canada directly but not under a constitutional question deserving an answer but as a
consequence of facts being omitted so that injustice is put upon everyone so that everyone has to
fight to obtain their INALIENABLE right not to be deprived of their right to life, liberty and security
of person through dishonesty in decision making - The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process.

5. I have embarked on producing the document striking down all constitutional

question acts across Canada and replacing it because the governments have refused to recognize and
enforce s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 24 (1) of The Charter. The name of this
replacement act is The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act.

6. I was shocked to be blind sided in the court but I am far more disgusted about
learning of the existence of the Constitutional Question Act, that affirmed all my indictments, after
the fact and after having reviewed the court acts of british columbia and its website and never once
discovering disclosure of this highly relevant but completely unconstitutional act: from this reality,
there should be no doubt as to why the constitutional questions acts is hidden from the general

7. Obviously, the matters presented in the Exhibits and my affidavits must therefore
be dealt with by the Supreme Court especially since they deal with the creation of disenfranchised
classes of people in Canada that was done through the exclusion of the objective facts which is
prohibited in The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God. (This exclusion
of simple reality results in the denial of the legitimate/self evident guaranteed rights of The Charter
of Rights resulting in a Petition to the Court to have the simple reality adhered to in the decision
making and these legitimate rights upheld.)


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

8. There currently is no avenue through to the court of appeals that is legitimate

because the lower courts uphold the provided laws by the legislatures and not simpliciter while the
only avenue to the Supreme Court of Canada is by striking down s. 40 of the Supreme Court Act in
order to have s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms upheld according to s. 52(1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Therefore, the only court with the jurisdiction to sign off on
Peremptory Orders is the Supreme Court of Canada and only by striking down s. 40 of the Supreme
Court Act and the current organization of the court system across Canada as no judge nor judicial
body had the right to reverse their previous decision which utterly contradicts The Supremacy of God
- new evidence of the unknown Truth. All this is done in The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of
Equals and Its Realm Act.

9. I will be sending The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act
document and Peremptory Orders to the Supreme Court as soon as possible and with the
constitutional question form attache that truly is redundant because the governments have proven
that they and their schemes have little to no validity now that everyone has the INALIENABLE right
to life, liberty and security of person along with the right to the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in
the circumstances and with NO court having the right to provide any words in the matter as the facts
and consequences are beyond reproach - simpliciter.

Affidavits labeled Q-O (descending) were letters written for the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa.
The following 3 affidavits are the basis for The Proclamation to be read by The Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court in Ottawa in accordance with The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process.

Furthermore, any reference to the supreme court of british columbia or the superior court (british
columbia - kelowna) is inaccurate due to the new evidence, i.e. the withheld constitutional questions
acts, but just replace these words with following term: the supreme court of Canada or the
superior court going forward in the reformed court order, that this document is producing.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine



March 29, 2010

For The Record:

1. The objectively supported Truth and honesty are my pedigree. As elaborated
on in the chapters entitled affidavits O and P of this grand affidavit:

The objective Truth is the most powerful double edged sword that not only supports
one set of words but also repudiates all other words showing the authors of the
wrong words to be either dishonest - corrupt - or ignorant. Canadians and the
industrial world no longer know this fact because it was replaced with argument
and debate - jurisprudence - rather than upholding The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals and Its Realm.

2. Exhibits “K”, “I” and “J” and “M” through “V” make it absolutely clear
that my personal experience and the incredible amount of corrupt decisions and lies by institutions,
who are charged with being HONEST and which constitutes BAD FAITH, shows my integrity as I
am the only honest one in the equation.

3. More importantly, Exhibits “S” through “V” make it quite clear that the

system withheld the Truth that ALL ginglymus joints employ centripetal mechanics that also
establish the extremities through the universal joint principles.

4. So, the system is corrupt because it knows far more than it is saying or allowed to


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

be said plus it is falsely claiming (misleading everyone to believe) that what we have constructed
at the expense of The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm is legitimate even
though it is an illusion made real.

5. The actions of the supreme court of british columbia which is not part of the
judiciary dispensing Fundamental Justice as the lower courts only uphold the letter of the laws
provided by the legislatures without considering Fundamental Justice. With the release of the
pivotal step for completing the application to the superior court, the need to transfer the matter direct
to the Supreme Court of Canada has been made moot or possibly not given that vexatious
proceedings which are repudiated by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of
God are still in play although illegitimately so.

6. Fundamental Justice is the great unifier which determines that reality imposes the
rightful outcome and this Truthful fact determines that the court of competent jurisdiction is the
Superior Court (british columbia branch) whose PROCLAMATION prepared by the Petitioner will
abolish both governance and jurisprudence across Canada completely as well as replace them with
The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process just as the corrupt administration of Canada will be
replaced with the pursuit of the corrected and single set of laws that extend from Truth now being
provided by the disenfranchised who can show that Fundamental Justice was not provided in their
matter as well as the disenfranchised or their Petitioners then naming the replacement laws
preferably from the past where a Fundamental Justice Dictate can be found legitimizing the law and
its resulting scheme.

7. As the words of the governments and their agents - see the previously mentioned

Exhibits - affirm that they know that their existence is due to corruption of thought and misleading
everyone, the entire administration of Canada must now be struck down as no such thing as a free
and democratic society ever existed as the component entities are in complete conflict with the other.
So, what Canadians have always had - rulers maintained through their letters of the laws with no


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

standards but the agenda of political parties - arose from destruction of THE FREE Society of
Equals and Its longstanding but dismissed Realm that exists from the acceptance of Truth and
experimentation results eliminating falsehoods in human thought whose objective findings establish
the Truth.

8. The Truth never lies but accepting the Truth is a whole other matter which explains
the illusion made real that is obscuring the existence of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm
even though real science has made discoveries that repudiate much of what we have been taught
including Charles Darwin’s works and theories.

9. The Truth is not a progression along a line but an expansion of insight that brings
in to focus THE FREE Society’s Realm even if the Truth blows away longstanding but incorrect

theories - see my personal addition to Exhibit Q .

10. To put everything that it is true succinctly, overuse syndrome of the forearm/falls
to outstretched arms and the resulting tennis elbow/wrist strain and sprains and rotator cuff injuries
plus other complications that arise over time with living with the resulting dyskinetic human body
functionality is very serious.

In reality, living with the improper functionality of one of the upper extremities
(arms) that results from the insufficiency of the load bearing lateral soft tissue complex of the
radiocapitellar joint is the death blow that the medical community has been documenting for many
decades - since 1881 when tennis changed in to its current form.

11. The establishment does not want anyone to know that the vast majority of all adult
onset diseases can and already have been correlated to the improper contraction of the mislabeled
pronator teres muscle of the forearm. The system is very aware of this Truth but it has put in place
a gauntlet for all persons to go through whose personal experience repudiates the system.

12. The gauntlet of “educated” opinions against reality - “reverse onus” where the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

burden to prove the cover-up by the system - demands that the disenfranchised stand up for the
objectively supported Truth while encountering utter injustice that arises from every manmade
process supporting the previous lie which then puts in place the lost cause scenario where the
opinions of the scientific and medical communities are placed against each other on the issue and
the people are given these opinions and conflicting opinions as a ratio to assess when all that has
happened is that Truth has been and continues to be suspended.

13. In countless historical cases, when you suffer pain at the lateral epicondyle, it is
wrongly dismissed as an insignificant injury which is an out and out lie because the system does not
want to change its demands on the human body so that it can support the natural life expectancy of
the human body.

14. Hence, without change, the beast that was and is, yet, is not (the illusion made real)
continues without being corrected by Truth. With women having the right to work just like men, the
industrial world has become sicker than it ever was. Naturally, people would look at work as the
root of the problem except the system does not allow this Truth to be exposed because ergonomic
labour standards, where pain is a complication of ongoing unresolved physiological injuries not
being related to the pain, have been wrongly dismissed as voodoo and unscientific which is an out
and out lie so that the system and the people in it accept the belief that work is necessary as money
makes the world go round - another big fat lie!

15. If you can get people to accept the lies, then, you make the Truth impossible to get
to especially with jurisprudence where illegitimate and repudiated manmade creations have the right
to defend lies before a judge suborning perjury while what is in play is the judging of the character
of the applicant rather than the validity of the arguments from the defendants/recipients of The
Petition to the Court Due Legal Process.

16. The court system is based upon a person’s or institution’s false right to defend
themselves in court even if the real self evident - not negotiated - facts establish that allowing this


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

court process is wrong - subornation of perjury - which defies The Petition to the Court Due Legal
Process, the legitimate and self evidently true neutral citations from The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and the Truth: democracy is not a legitimate neutral citation because no man nor
machination of mankind has the right to demand that people stand up for the self evident Truth
through the institutionalization of “reverse onus” which constitutes BAD FAITH.

17. Please, go to the start of the legal documentation - the Writ of Summons and read all
the affidavits while keeping the Exhibits at hand - and you will see that this summary is beyond
reproach because the system for administrating Canada and its justice is completely corrupt which
determines that the demand for The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process and signing off on the
4 Petitions to the Court attached to this matter now be signed off summarily, without hesitation and
without any other consideration because wrong is being done in Canada and the people have been

so badly hoodwinked by the system declaring itself to be “divine” - see Exhibits “Q”, “I” and

“J” - while portraying everyone standing up for Truth as liars for Doing Right against the real liars.



March 21, 2010

RE: Why I have been ostracized and isolated by the establishment

To Everyone:


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

1. By now everyone should have read the Proof that Canada’s Charter of Rights and
Freedoms was a declaration of war on Everyone’s Legal Rights and The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals.

2. The means to maintain a lie as reality is jurisprudence where an illegitimate entity

has the right to defend a known lie in a court that has no legitimacy as the court organization orders
the lower courts to uphold the provided letter of the laws regardless of the injustice and BAD FAITH
imposed so that the matter can be addressed by the Supreme Court of Canada’s justices but if and
only if the person goes through accepting jurisprudence/interlocutory proceedings as Petitions to the
Court will have Reality that not even a judge nor anyone can comment on which silences the
judiciary as in olden days when Peremptory Orders existed as should have applied to the
works/papers of Sir Thomas More, Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo, Einstein, Thomas Gold, Drs. Neuman
and Hutchinson, etc.

3. Everyone’s right to correct laws and schemed where there is no Fundamental Justice
Dictate currently is The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process where the patently obvious/self
evident Truth/simpliciter eliminates the courts right to generate another decision against the
Petitioners. I formally have cast off jurisprudence in my matters and all others going forward!

4. The Petition to the Court is the SOLE Due LEGAL Process, as it is based upon
certainty and the evidence garnered, supports that the Petition is beyond reproach.

5. Furthermore, NOT ONE LAW where a Fundamental Justice Dictate is NOT

provided in the law is valid or consistent with The Pursuit of THE FREE Society and Its Realm that
is derived from Everyone’s Legal Rights: ALL LAWS going forward must have a Fundamental
Justice Dictate that will reconcile man’s created existence with God’s Creations where God
represents new evidence showing that we were wrong objectively either due to a lack of knowledge
on mankind’s part which makes the discoveries inevitable just as they produce God ultimately from
the mosaic that comes forth from these discoveries, OR simple evidence that knowledge of the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

repudiating objective Truth was withheld from everyone so as to maintain the illusion created
decades and millennia ago.

6. Clearly, mankind has much to learn both on a knowledge basis and on an

honesty basis because the illusion made real could only have been done with dishonesty and the
elimination of new evidence that has the full authority to change SUMMARILY not just one decision
but all other similarly incorrect decisions as well as wash away the civilization built upon lies and
abuse of usurped authority.

7. Evidence of the elimination of new evidence in correcting decisions and theories

are the terms: “scientific” facts; “medical” facts; economic facts; etc. which determine that
there is no reality that impedes or repudiates your false but “constructed” world.

8. As for religious facts, in my writings, I have presented the term “an illusion made
real” due to all the lies produced by the establishment and, now, the courts refusal to acknowledge
that I was persecuted by the system because what I discovered repudiates all that exists in the
industrial world and all that has ever existed in it. Quite literally, I have the authority from God to
refocus everyone’s eyes to that facts and objective Truth.

9. So, can the term “an illusion made real” be tied to an overlooked text in The Bible?

The answer is yes!

10. In the King James version of The Bible and in Revelations 17:8 the following is

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless
pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose
names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when
they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

The latter bolded reference to the beast correlates perfectly to my term “the illusion
made ‘real’”. Basically, your standards have absolutely no basis in reality and really only
suspend Truth and Reality so that what mankind has created remains ongoing regardless of
the necessary correction back to reality.

11. To understand how things that have no Truth have been given legitimacy by
mankind, you must now turn to democracy where there are two sides to an issue and the majority
opinions from either side now sets the standards regardless of God weighing in on the matter in due
course of time and making both sides to the issue moot and of no effect relative to The Pursuit of
THE FREE Society of Equals and its Realm.

12. Let’s look at a perfect example from the industrialized world of the illusion made
real and relate it to the world today and historically. The example to be examined is the highway
system in the industrial world. This system could not be built before now because, centuries ago,
there were no cars and people driving while the Romans only built roads to supply their armies and
used chariots or ships to bring the supplies to the army. However, few other people used these roads
or had chariots or had the permission to be on the roads. In short, the majority of all persons in that
era lived as basic as possible while, in North America, the people lived with nature because so much
had been provided for the people to eat and use to stay alive without civilization.

13. Yet, economic progress, i.e. the pursuit of wealth which is the Beast because it is
the diametric opposite of The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and its Realm which is
supported by Truth and Fundamental Justice, has demanded that a great amount of resources both
of the earth and human life be expended not only just to expand this system but also to maintain it.

14. In Canada, since 1982, there has been a massive shift away from light weight trucks
to B-trains and A-trains which carry twice as much on the highway taking away from railways. So,
the resurfacing and maintenance of the highway system as a budget has grown significantly.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

15. So, had the highway system not been built, all the resources spent on creating it and
on maintaining it going forward would not be needed thereby making the highway system a
significant portion of the illusion made real or the beast, that currently is and is not but yet still
remains in place.

16. The Peace River Country in british columbia is unique as it only has 1 highway that
goes north to south and there are only 2 lanes on it for the majority of its length - 3 lanes up the
mountains with a passing lane. There are 2 roads in to alberta from Dawson Creek but both are
lonely roads with only 2 lanes again. Do you see the reality here: the transportation system is
almost non-existent here just as it is in the underdeveloped world as compared to the Lower
Mainland of british columbia. The Peace River Country, though, makes huge amounts of whole
dollars for the provinces of british columbia and alberta, yet, the provincial governments don’t even
have the capability to make the highways meet today’s “standards” as there is little asphalt on the

If you go to Africa or South America, the highway system is much the same and
often worse because many don’t have the ability to travel anywhere and most live on next to nothing
if they don’t die young. The Peace River Country has an abundance of God’s blessings which makes
putting food in front of you quite easy - the food does not need to be imported.

17. The moral of the story of the highway system is that it is an illusion made real
because so few have cars and highways around the world determining that what you, in the industrial
world, take as a given really is an illusion because it is not even close to being universal. This point
is made bluntly apparent due to maintenance costs for the highways once put in because the highway
system will fail when there is no cheap oil to make asphalt or keep the equipment rolling or have
transportation of goods that are meaningless in the larger scope of things.

18. Whenever I go in to town and sit in a restaurant of any making - chain or locally
owned, I don’t eat much anymore because I know that the walls of the establishment, the paved


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

parking lot and the cars there along with the food are an illusion that everyone had imposed from
when it was first put forth somewhere else decades ago.

19. The real world did not nor does it have highway systems and trade of goods that
should not be in the stores because the produce is really imposed just as your diet has become with
all the strange spices and weird genetically modified foods.

20. I now prefer to cook my own meals at home in the countryside rather than have
chemicals force fed to me because the product could not be made and transported for days any other
way. Have you noticed that there are very few local bakeries anymore?

21. In my youth, I lived far distant from civilization and its effects with the exception
of television bringing in the shows from the United States. Today, though, the effects are readily
apparent to everyone living in the Peace River Country because the affluent lifestyles that are not
natural in the cities beyond my world and don’t exist in the Peace River country have placed a great
demand on the Peace River Valley. Here, there are 2 massive hydroelectric dams whose electricity
is mainly shipped via wires to a grid down in the United States and the Lower Mainland where
electricity or natural gas is cheaper than from where it originates.

A further indignity for the Peace River Valley is that there is natural gas under
everyone’s feet here and the attempt to build a second $10 billion dollar scrubbing plant for natural
gas here requires massive expenditures in rural road repair from all the heavy trucks going where
they were not intended but more importantly the air is polluted greatly at night so that few know how
truly bad the burning of H2 S - sour gas - is in the region.

22. Now, all the blame does not reside with the Liberals as it was a report from Dan
Miller of the NDP which completely revamped the expansion of natural gas exploration and sale to
markets through the elimination of any sense of Fundamental Justice so as to satiate the desire for
the wealth by the provincial government, that has no legitimacy other than its predecessor wrote
Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and, instead of upholding The Pursuit of THE FREE


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Society of Equals above all else, created a duplicitous document where The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals is the equivalent to the democracy imposed decades ago where no Legal Rights
truly existed.

Consequently, all that Canadians know is a lie where equality of access to the
illegitimate system has replaced The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm that can
only be upheld with laws and schemes having to have a Fundamental Justice Dictate rather than
courts, through the application of the letter of the laws and the corrupt jurisprudence, provide an
adverse opinion that must be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada in order to obtain
the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances, i.e. imposing Fundamental Justice for
all going forward and eliminating equality of access to the corrupt civilization.

23. Fundamental Justice is ubiquitous and universal and unifies all people under
one set of laws where the Fundamental Justice Dictate - neutral citation - maintains the scheme
but all laws without a direct Fundamental Justice Dictate are invalid without question and the onus
is upon the state to prove that the law and scheme is legitimate otherwise it will be struck down
through The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process.

24. My personal experience is just as those who also knew the Truth while the people
were misled by the leaders of the corruption to distrust the objectively supported word so that cities
could flourish and the corrupt “free market” system would be imposed ultimately.

25. The road to here stated with Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire. But, an
illusion made real is a lie and ultimately the Truth must win out once and for all.

26. Recently, I was forced to supply a Summary Order to the superior court of british
columbia - kelowna in order to have the Supreme Court of Canada now uphold The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God and sign off on the 4 Primary Petitions to the Court
that initiate The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process. The reason for these demands is “reverse
onus” where all legitimate neutral citations like s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms that


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

absolving the courts’ belief that it has the right to provide a ruling in defiance of The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God - objectively supported Truth have been terminated
because the burden is upon the people to stand up for Everyone’s Legal Rights and universality of
being as established by God.

27. The recipients (formerly defendants) named in the January 9, 2009 Writ of Summons
all were notified that a True Copy of the proceedings was made available to them along with
everyone else and the recipients were given a chance to reply to the proceedings initiated January

9 as well as the March 4, 2009 Summary Order based upon the Exhibits - the appropriate and

JUST REMEDY in the circumstances. Nobody filed a Notice of Appearance with either the court
or me, The Petitioner, because the matters are indefensible on the parts of governments
because their agents’ decisions and laws affirm “reverse onus” is illegitimately in play today
in spite of the neutral citations of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms or that of the original
1913 Workers’ Compensation Act.

28. Thus, the superior court of british columbia, now that the final step of the
application to court is known, has no other option but to sign off on all the provided Petitions to the
Courts through April 2010 for all of Canada. Fundamental Justice that is universal and
ubiquitous everywhere was supposed to unify everyone as a nation/people, indivisible, under God:
not so, though, when every jurisdiction has the right to produce its own version of justice by writing
their own laws.

29. I fully know the persecution of those who came before me and who were touched
by Truth and the resulting FREE Society of Equals Realm.

30. The only patently obvious statement currently for the steadfast refusal to Do Right
based upon the incontrovertible evidence and the court rules is that the system is hoping that I die
before this matter is concluded in the appropriate and just manner.

It is sad that the judicial system has been told to use a lie of omission, BAD FAITH,


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

and they are more than happy to act improperly and with total contempt for The Principles of
Fundamental Justice which make the words of those touched by Fundamental Justice like the
mightiest two sided sword: one-side cuts the opposing opinions to shreds while the opposite side
makes the words of the disenfranchised unassailable because the objective Truth is beyond
reproach and makes all else a lie.

31. Now, it should be easy for everyone in the industrial world to see that they are living
with the beast that was and is and, yet, is not or, as I have written, with an illusion made real at the
expense of the real world or THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm.

32. The sole and illegitimate argument for refusing to sign off on the Petitions to the
Court now filed with the superior court (british columbia) is that, if I, the Petitioner, am right which

I am as the Exhibits affirm completely, then, everything the establishment represents has to

be wrong.

In other words, the establishment has become too entrenched ever to be wrong so
corruption through jurisprudence and endless debate and conflict must remain in place regardless
of the path it is producing - WWIII and revolutionary war to cast off the false gods and their corrupt

33. I don’t make the rules, but these outcomes are undeniable, incontrovertible and
beyond reproach as everyone in the industrial world is living with an illusion made real or an idea
that is unsustainable forever being imposed without any hope of correcting it except with war!

34. The reason for the rule about Right supporting one person’s words and opposing
all others is that governments through BAD FAITH created a duplicitous Charter of Rights and
Freedoms which automatically imposes “reverse onus” on the disenfranchised because laws and
schemes, according to the corruption of democracy, will always impose injustice on the have-nots
even though this statement is contemptible as it imbues the current running of or administration of
Canada as “divinely legitimate” just as the concept of haves versus have-nots is not supposed to


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

exist when everyone is pursuing THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm. This Realm’s arrival
can only come about if and only if the objective Truth is accepted and allowed to be made readily
known to the general populace at the time of the inevitable discovery and not decades after the fact
when the disenfranchised stumbles across the findings suddenly published by alleged free agents of
scientific logic: i.e., when the facts don’t comply with the theories, then, the theories are wrong and
need to be changed and salvaged if possible or looked at and discarded because the objective
evidence repudiates any reconciliation of the theories with the objective evidence just as with
centripetal mechanics and the load bearing lateral ligaments of all ginglymus joints which makes the
lateral ligaments also responsible for keeping the extremities transferring force up and down them
when the extremity is rotated at the elbow or hip - the principles of universal joints.

35. This Truth about the functioning of ginglymus joints has been known since the
1970’s but the medical community could not change from the corruption of its understanding of
human anatomy because, being wrong especially at such a most basic understanding, means that the
path we have been on with seeking cures in drug therapy has no basis in reality determining that it
to be wrong.

36. The Exhibits which are online at my page - - make it absolutely clear that the

system and its agents have lied to me and about me while I have always remained True to the facts
against these egregious actions.

37. As for science being corrupt, it has allowed the system to become disreputable
through the use of competing opinions over the objective facts. For example is the earth warming
from human activity? Yes, but the degree of warming attributable to economic activity is “open for
debate” rather than outright acceptance that we have to “reduce” the incorporation of consumer
products to raise everyone’s “standard of living” which is a lie and always has been right from the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

38. When anyone states that we have to raise the standard of living, you are actually
imposing economic activity to the far reaches of this planet and are altering the relationship of the
locals with their natural habitat while also imposing the pursuit of money and wealth that will fail
the locals down the road which is why the industrial world had to put their economies on life support
so that the people around the world would not know that they were misled and still are being misled
concerning pursuing money and wealth.

39. China MUST PURSUE an economic growth rate of more than 7% so that its peasant
mass won’t rise up against the government and its elitist system that is based around the imposition
of economic progress over all other considerations like the false god that has existed in the industrial
world for centuries and as far back as civilization has existed. But, when mankind creates the
standards of civilization, it is only a matter of time before the bubble bursts and Truth rushes in
while the rats try to remain afloat and attempting to rebuild a similar bubble in the future.

40. But, here is the Truth about economic progress. Over a short period of time, all
benefits from the creation of this unnatural man-made bubble cease as, if you personally don’t keep
up, you fall behind which predicts going forward that more and more people will fall by the wayside
in economic progress as more and more cumulatively fall behind from not keeping up with inflation
as union workers are dealing with as their pay raises have always been less than inflation for close
to 40 years and with periodic claw backs for wage hikes in the past. So, there are only a few haves
with everyone else being a have-not and disenfranchised because the economy and commerce are
inherently wrong, i.e. not part of Doing Right and The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and
Its Realm.

41. This time though, God sent someone capable of exposing the beast that is but is not -
the illusion made real for the world.

42. Regardless of The Truth supporting my words on the paper and repudiating
the established civilization, there is now little doubt that the supreme court of british columbia -


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

kelowna would NEVER have signed off on the provided Summary Orders because it is not the

superior court as referenced in the first line of Exhibit “M” nor is the supreme court of british

columbia bound to uphold The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God plus
the BAD FAITH on the part of the court registry was used with the intention of letting the initiated
application die due to lack of completion of the application process - no Notice of Hearing filed.
The rationale for all these actions was, “what’s another few decades of lies by the courts and the
establishment while hoping that the Petitioner dies quickly enough” and same applies to the job
injured who the system insures will never get cured plus future workers will get injured because the
system is no longer compelled to change any work duties and work environment through simple
Truth - ergonomics?

43. The system has shown itself to be nothing more than a “racquet” or game where the
courts with jurisprudence and lawyers are just another part of the “show” which is only there to
insure you play by the system’s rules because Fundamental Justice is never dispensed at the start
of the process and in most instances even at the Supreme Court in the nation states’ capitals.

44. Fundamental Justice and insuring and protecting Doing Right going forward
always starts at the beginning of decision making and is done on the individual level. A duck
is always a duck no matter what language you speak except in legal and governance circles where
the system has a right to try and convince everyone that there is/was nothing there just because they
say so. There also will be no Truth at the end of the day if you don’t dot your i’s and cross your t’s
and your writing does not comply with their rules of order. That’s why the court registry clerk in
kelowna and the Supreme Court of Canada (July 2007letter) are vehement that you talk to a lawyer -
so that you will be misled and talked out of destroying the game once and forevermore along with
their work and jobs.

45. Those who read my documents online especially starting with the Exhibits will

know that I am honest and have dealt with the system in Good Faith and, in return, I have


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

encountered massive corruption that arose from dishonesty within and from the establishment, which
is WRONG because, in this world, there is Truth with all else being corrupted by dishonesty!

(March 23, 2010 - 9:33 AM)

46. The fact that there is no single set of laws that extend from and insure The Pursuit
of THE FREE Society is clear evidence that there is no Fundamental Justice across Canada unifying
us as a people under God! So, a duck is not a duck anymore!

47. The Supreme Court of Canada announced this fact concerning the corruption of the
administration of Canada to the world in October 2007 when Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin
stated, in her speech then, that, “there is no Fundamental Justice in Canada” and the mass media
like the CBC also announced this statement to the country. I, in my documents, just happened to
complete The Treatise on The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process as well as ferret out the
statements of corruption from within the government words and its agents’ corrupt decisions.

48. I have proven thoroughly that the civilization system is corrupt and uses the court
acts to insure injustice is maintained even though the evidence leaves no doubt in anyone’s minds,

once having read the Exhibits, that the system is the corruption and not the person fighting it.

49. If a Petition to the Court, with absolute evidence that everyone is being corruptly
treated by the governments’ words and its agents own words, can’t be decided in a hands down

fashion after reading the Exhibits so clearly in favour of the Petitioner, then, there is nothing left

but revolutionary war to cast off the false gods and their illusion made real rather than the
imposition of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process as the entire system is bound and
determined to maintain a lie of divinity in favour of the government and its means for existence -
democracy and jurisprudence.

50. Furthermore, The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process makes the court signature


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

independent and, in favour, of the Legal Realm having as its standards, Everyone’s Legal Rights,
along with The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm.

51. The difference in court decisions made upon different laws and standards makes it
patently obvious that there is no such thing as Fundamental Justice in Canada as every
jurisdiction’s approach to laws and justice is totally different. Therefore, there are no Principles
of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God that unify everyone and will produce THE
FREE Society of Equals nor has there ever been especially since the repatriation of Canada’s
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and all the way back to when the europeans came here - this fact
is nothing new because there were no Legal Rights in Canada prior to 1982.

52. Everyone in the establishment is wrongly looking at me as some know nothing and
nobody who has no right to Petition the Court and use the words of the governments and their
corruption and duplicity to make his words out to be beyond reproach when I am actually speaking
out in favour of THE FREE Society of Equals. There are only 2 standards acknowledged in The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms: democracy as defined in s. 3 where every province and territory
gets to rule its kingdom through the letter of the law with total disregard for The Principles of
Fundamental Justice; or else, THE FREE Society of Equals based upon The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God. In other words, I, the Petitioner - E. J. Krass,
must be speaking on behalf of the latter because the system stands for the former and it has
used corruption and deception to keep The Truth out of all decisions made by the
establishment especially those pertaining to E. J. Krass and all job injured by the WCB and
judicial review.

53. Sadly, Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms was drawn up by the elected
bodies merely to acknowledge Everyone’s Legal Rights and The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of
Equals and Its Realm while at the same time initiating a war between THE FREE Society of Equals
and that which existed before it in Canada: democracy and the division of Canada in to multiple


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

kingdoms - provinces and territories wholly independent of each other.

54. Consequently, the elected bodies unilaterally created the role for the
spokesperson for THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm which is steeped in reality just as
establishing the spokesperson’s authority to expose and destroy the illusion made real summarily
because democracy is based upon hierarchies, elites and rulership based on someone being better
than all the others. The prophet of THE FREE Society of Equals CAN’T BE better than everyone
else because he knows that his body, when healthy, establishes The Mandate of Heaven because
there is a mature, healthy and kinetic human body standard plus, from maintaining this body motion,
the lost immortality of the human body flows as all bone marrow health arises from the kinetic
motion of our bodies and extremities according to the laws of physics that were not known until
1960 - centripetal mechanics, lateral load bearing ligaments and their establishment of universal joint
principles in all ginglymus joints. So, there is a corollary of motion that is The Way but that also
means that all other activities both work and play are summarily dismissed just as happens with
the fact that, when you leave one spot on the earth and go in one direction, you always return to
where you started because the earth is round and there is no other contention possible just as was
presented to Galileo by the Chinese who had already circumnavigated the earth several times that’s
why they knew of the American Continents before the europeans.

55. When I started this document, I had no idea what God was doing or if anyone other
than readers of my blogs would receive a copy. After having written this document, though, it is
blatantly apparent that this document must be delivered to the Superior Court (british columbia) now
that the final step for completing the application to the court is known.

56. The reason this letter must be placed amongst the affidavits that are to be submitted
to the Superior Court (british columbia) is because it outlines succinctly the manner in which the
courts are supposed to deal with the evidence in The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process and

Summary Motions. In all such proceedings, the courts must review the Exhibits first and


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

foremost to determine if Fundamental Justice was produced through the due process to date - the
simple correctness standard - rather than reviewing the Affidavits provided by The Petitioner. The
burden for reading the affidavits following the Proclamation Hearing lies with everyone.

57. When it is patently obvious from the Exhibits that Fundamental Justice is not

being done by the system, then, any and all courts must accept that, due to the misrepresentation of
the facts and the lack of the Fundamental Justice outcome in the circumstances having been
produced by order of the due process, the Petitioner must then be accepted as rectifying the injustice
not just for himself but for everyone else equally because the system is wrong and therefore
determined to be corrupt, disreputable and found to be either salvageable or not saved going forward.

58. Due to their being only 2 options available in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

and the words of the governments and their agents - Exhibits “K”, “I” and “J” and “Q” -

affirming its system is corrupt, it is clear that there is no way Fundamental Justice can be produced
without either eliminating the whole scheme including jurisprudence and democracy as well as
reversing the laws of any scheme to the point where Fundamental Justice and THE FREE Society
of Equals and Its Realm are once again being upheld as the only standard not only for Canada but
also the world as the corollary of laws that extend from Fundamental Justice also extend from pole
to pole so that everyone will naturally be unified by pursuing THE FREE Society of Equals and Its




Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

March 17, 2010

RE: The illusion made real more exposed

1. I have dealt with the system in Good Faith while attempting to have The Principles
of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God upheld.

2. In return, the system and its institutions have dealt with me in BAD FAITH even

though Exhibit “K” along with s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms clearly show that

I and all disenfranchised have the INALIENABLE RIGHT to petition the court to have Fundamental
Justice brought to bear not only in our matters but also that of all other job injured whose right to
life, liberty and security of person were expunged, i.e. the neutral citation of the original 1913
Workers’ Compensation Act was eliminated, through dishonesty in institutional thinking and

decision making - Exhibit “I” , also referenced in the provided March 4 and August 20, 2009

Petitions to the Court, affirms that no neutral citation is being upheld by government agents
currently which includes those of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

3. According to The Principles of Fundamental Justice, The Supremacy of God and

The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process which demand that, in the circumstances, the
appropriate and just REMEDY for everyone relative to democracy is the recognition that the entire
civilization, currently and historically, in place in the administration of Canada is thoroughly
corrupt, invalid, of no real effect in The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and its Realm
while only being salvageable through the recognition and pronouncement of The Petition to the
Court Due Legal Process as the sole and JUST Due Legal Process forevermore!

4. Most definitely, the words of the institutions MUST BE USED in all future court
proceedings to establish that simple injustice resulted from the scheme and its law due to BAD
FAITH/“reverse onus”. This is the consequences of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Supremacy of God that established The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process as supreme and
without any further appeals from governments and hindrances from the court system.

5. Exhibit “K” from the appeals commission for the Alberta WCB makes it
patently obvious that there never was any Fundamental Justice in the matter of the decisions
formulated by the WCB and its appeals commission on order from the legislatures through their
enacted legislation. Consequently, the entire scheme, outlined in the previous sentence, is
established to be illegitimate and the original 1913 Workers' Compensation Act with its recognition
of “new evidence” and its supremacy above all other considerations to be summarily re-instated.

6. In spite of the rules of The Petition to the Court having been met on my part and I
having incontrovertible evidence that the system knowingly lied - BAD FAITH - just to force me to
take matters to the court to have them resolved in favour of the Fundamental Justice in the
circumstances - “reverse onus”, the court in its forms and court registry OUTRIGHT refused
to notify me, The Petitioner, of the final step to have the Superior Court sign off on the
provided peremptory Orders.

7. This reality is defined as BAD FAITH on the judiciary’ part and it exposes that the
administration of justice under jurisprudence is corrupt. In the meantime, the refusal, to administer
justice correctly and allow me really to apply to the court of competent jurisdiction in order to have
the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances put in place, allowed me to review The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms more critically to discover the source of this perpetuation of
injustice across Canada.

8. To my surprise, I learned that The Charter of Rights and Freedoms wasn’t just a
recognition of Everyone’s Personal Legal Rights but also a “Declaration of War” by democracy, i.e.
the elected bodies, on the resulting purely objective Legal Realm and The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals and the reconciliation of the laws to the latter solely supported standard.

9. But, this INEVITABLE discovery is nothing new to the courts of Canada because


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

everyone within the system knows full well of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process and that
it is supreme over all other due process like jurisprudence.

10. The existence of conflict between the elected bodies, democracy, and the Legal
Realm that respects Everyone’s Legal Rights is absolute evidence that the governments were fully
cognizant of the fact that recognizing Everyone’s Legal Rights could only occur with the abolition
of governance and the hierarchy that Canadians had lived with ever since John Cabot arrived in
North America and declared without legitimacy that all lands henceforth here belonged to the english

11. It is shocking to learn that democratic elected bodies usurped the role of monarchs

and academics the role of the royal courts which Exhibit "Q" makes absolutely clear for all the

world to see as no decision provided by the institutions and elites is reputable currently just as
are the laws imposing the scheme and this status.

12. Clearly, this time, the institutions got caught in their deceit and their unannounced
Declaration of War between their continued existence and THE FREE Society Realm. But, now is
the time to correct everything through the application of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process
by the disenfranchised and their representatives going forward.

13. With The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, the illusion having been made
real can now be shattered so that everyone can pursue THE FREE Society of Equals and its Realm
where only Doing Right is acceptable and taught as such and Fundamental Justice Dictates - neutral
citations - are used so that, going forward, everyone has a reference point showing how the
institution or scheme upholds Everyone’s Legal Rights, i.e. the Legal Realm is consistent with The
Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals Realm away from rulership and elites.

14. I am not happy that the courts are complying with the murder due to neglect
and suffering of the job injured and all through dishonesty. In my case, the cure for my job
injuries became known and it applies readily across Canada to millions of workers. Yet, in spite of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Fundamental Justice, I am being denied my right to security of person by the institutions including
the courts while the effects of the dyskinesis grow and at some point will prematurely kill my person.
The courts are well aware of this Truth but nobody within all institutions cares for anyone’s
INALIENABLE right to life, liberty and security of person and insuring that Fundamental Justice is
brought to bear so as to produce the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances which
also includes striking down the laws as well as striking down and replacing the laws.

15. The callous disregard for Everyone’s Legal Right due to denial of universal health
and the responsibility to reverse the job injuries fully is a blight on all nation states and is clearly
grounds for revolutionary war by those with absolutely nothing more to lose as the institutions have
unilaterally abolished Everyone’s Legal Rights due to the institutions historically not having any
respect for life, liberty and security of person as well as honesty in decision making.

16. The March 2009 Affidavit of Service makes it clear that the premiers and leaders
of all political parties were informed of the process in February 2009 and a True Copy of the
submissions was made available to them to review. Yet, here it is April 2010 and the superior court
of british columbia steadfastly refused inform me of the final requirement to complete an application
to the court just to have the Superior Court sign off on the provided Petitions to the Court/Summary
Motions containing the Summary Orders.

17. This evidence of clear BAD FAITH on the part of the judiciary affirms that the
system knows full well that they cannot oppose the acceptance of the 4 Summary Orders but the
courts and court registry have clearly been ordered by their political masters not to make known ALL
the steps to get any summary Order signed off on by the local courts including those Summary
Orders exposing the long suppressed The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process. All that was

necessary for the signing off on the provided Summary Orders was reading the Exhibits as the

words of the governments’ agents and the laws make it clear that the application of injustice is
systemic and unacceptable across Canada.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

18. The newly discovered BAD FAITH on the part of the judiciary and court registry
explains why the now 4 provided Summary and Peremptory Orders have NOT been signed off of
by now as is customary for all Petitions to the Courts.

19. When The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was established, all laws that impose
injustice were summarily struck down because the standard for all laws henceforth was to be solely
Everyone’s Legal Rights. Obviously, the elites and illegitimate rulers in Canada, i.e. governments,
can’t get that Truth through their heads which is why Canada is nearing a revolution over The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and the existence of THE FREE Society Realm and what
establishes this omnipotent pursuit for all mankind.

20. If something walks like a duck, looks like a duck and talks like a duck, do you need
a court or government agent to tell you that you are looking at a duck?


So, why is the system insisting that you do need a court or government agent or
academic consensus all over again just in the era of monarchs and in defiance of Everyone’s Legal
Rights and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God ?

21. Self Evident Truth does not have to be upheld by a court to be known as Truth
and the fight by the system against The Truth - due process currently - is dishonesty made

22. But, Exhibits “G” through “V” filed with the courts and which are available

online affirm the dishonesty in all governance, jurisprudence, the lost cause where academic
opinions are used wrongly (given equality to objective evidence status) plus the objective evidence

of Exhibits “S” through “V” determine that the world has a long way to go to get to The

Pursuit of THE FREE Society Realm because nobody needs to be told that there is no hinge to be


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

found in mature, healthy and kinetic ginglymus joints on any animal nor do we need to be told that
these joints employ centripetal mechanics - the x-ray evidence does all this!

23. This, though, is why the long suppressed Petition to the Court Due Legal Process
exists and has always existed unbeknownst to everyone as it and we, the people, have always owned
to right to wipe away all the dishonesty, duplicity and misleading of the general population and
resurrect The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and its Realm FOREVERMORE.

24. The problem that the institutions have with The Petition to the Court Due Legal
Process is that it eliminates the courts and begging them for an unnecessary opinion which
WILL BE against the Petitioner according to the rules of jurisprudence in spite of the objective
evidence but if and only if the patently obvious of corruption was not known and attested to by the

institutions - Exhibit “K” - and the laws, referenced - Exhibits “I” and “J” , did not expose

that the elected bodies knowingly corrupted the entire administration of Canada by producing laws
where there are no Fundamental Justice Dictates - neutral citations - just so that the Legal Realm
does NOT need to be made consistent with Everyone’s Legal Rights.

25. The “patently unreasonable” due review process is corruption personified

because it forces the wronged by the decision making to open up the file to review by a judge which
is the governments’ way of circumventing privative clauses meant to protect the people and not the
administrative decision makers who benefit from this abusive due process. Initiating a patently
unreasonable judicial review introduces jurisprudence where the words of the job injured WILL BE
USED AGAINST THEM in violation of the universality and neutrality principles embedded in the
original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act.

26. Whereas, The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process is merely concerned with the
simple correctness of the decision and not the opinions generated to befuddle the job injured and
used in jurisprudence against the job injured in defiance of The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and The Supremacy of God. Sadly, nobody is being told of this hidden and supreme Legal Process -


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process - as the original system of administration of Canada
was corrupt and always will be because Legal Rights as standards for all laws never existed
historically and have been kept out of the system since through duplicity and the authors of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms actually instilling the historical standard of ruling in Canada within
s. 3 of The Charter.

27. Hence, the system that was NEVER consistent with The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society must now be thrown out FINALLY and summarily replaced through The Petition to
the Court Due Legal Process by the disenfranchised or those capable of seeing the injustice and
knowing how to insure the appropriate and JUST REMEDY so that universality of being
replaces universal access to the corrupt civilization.

28. There can be no charge nor processing fees in The Petition to the Court Due
Legal Process as the recipients/defendants clearly have not abided honestly in the circumstances nor
in any manner consistent with The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God
where the laws provided by the elected bodies are wrongly being imbued by the
system/establishment as “divine”.

29. Currently, there are no forms at the Supreme Court of Canada for The Petition to
the Court Due Legal Process because that is the way the governments of Canada want it in defiance
of the fact that Fundamental Justice is SUPREME and is supposed to be dispensed by all courts
and decision makers before then (uniform and unifying everyone with Equality of Being) which is
not the Truth nor never was the Truth in Canada. Obviously, there can be no Petition to the Court
Due Legal Process Forms to make the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances
SUMMARY because of the Declaration of War entrenched in Canada’s Charter of Rights and

30. Until now, the governments have illegitimately usurped the authority to rule without
any standards for the laws so that the laws and subsequent order of the nation can be struck down


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

when Everyone’s Legal Rights are not upheld within the laws and the decisions generated by the
laws just as ruling through the laws occurred before The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
acknowledged Everyone’s Legal Rights which are binding on all laws within the Legal Realm from
pole to pole unbeknownst to almost everyone.

31. In The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, the disenfranchised and the
Petitioners on their behalf are like David taking on Goliath with nothing more that pure Truth as

their weapon and guide while facing the civilization behemoth created with lies and treachery by the
elites and overlords. The outcome of the conflict between David and the Civilization Behemoth

though is a foregone conclusion because illusion cannot standup to the Truth as the Truth is

unimpeachable making the behemoth of civilization DEAD as the evidence against the Truth

proves: the Exhibits which dictate ready acceptance of the words of the “Davids” expose the lies

and corruption - Exhibits “K” and “H” - and treachery - Exhibits “I”, “J” and “N”

through “Q” specifically as well as the conflict between The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of
Equals versus democracy in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

32. The Moral of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms is, “You can’t go forward
Doing Right with a proper set of standards for the laws and schemes when you also bring forward

the old system where these standards for the laws and schemes never applied”: Canada, prior to
April 17, 1982, was literally a dictatorship without the people knowing it as all laws could be

justified under the pursuit of wealth away from The Truth based standard of Pursuing THE FREE

Society of Equals and Its Realm and The Supremacy of God - new evidence. So, what the elites

wanted done got done regardless of whether it destroyed the environment and killed the workers or
anyone. Those unfortunate enough to be negatively effected were shunted to the side and labeled

collateral damage of no real consequence due to the “greater good” being done.

Another way of stating The Moral of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms is,


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

“When you play god without contradiction, you don’t give up this illegitimate authority easily
especially when it is finally recognized that all laws and schemes, going forward, must be held up

to the standard of Everyone’s Legal Rights and either rejected or salvaged.” Ultimately, the

correction of all that exists that was created by mankind must be struck down or salvaged through

The Petition to the Courts Due Legal Process as Fundamental Justice/simpliciter/self evident

Truth/the patently obvious is ubiquitous, universal and unifying as well as being beyond

recriminations and conflicting opinions.

Always though, The Truth shall set the people, united and indivisible, under God
FREE while recorded in words means forevermore!

33. Either everyone is hearing the Truth or they are being mislead by the words, they
are hearing and the elites who created these words. So, the objective Truth is all that everyone
should hear and be educated by, or else, the world you are living in and with is an illusion made real.
Sadly, the corrupt city and economically ordered world is all that is being brought in to everyone’s
lives whereas living with God and the natural world as existed generations past with life, liberty and
security of person being free has been eliminated and replaced just as all future generations were
supposed to advance The Pursuit of THE FREE Society and Its Realm even though that clearly has
not occurred.

34. Anyone can justify an opinion with unsupported lies - circular logic. But, the
chosen ones have objectively supported Truth behind their words and the Truth can never be

Those who petition the courts will have injustice relative to The Pursuit of THE
FREE Society to support them and make their words ring with Truth beyond compare and,
ultimately, the objective evidence will force everyone to accept these words as enlightened and
inspired from beyond mankind’s world.

35. Exhibit “K” and the lack of Fundamental Justice Dictates, which legitimize the
law and schemes as these insure that The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm are


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

being upheld in the laws and schemes, show to everyone that it is governments along with the
concepts of governance and rulership that are misleading everyone and always have just as accepting
that the words of academics, courts, government agents, etc. are beyond reproach even though the
objectively supported Truth repudiates such institutional words and It was never included in the

36. Together, we can unify the people from pole to pole rather than have the letters of
the laws corrupt our thoughts and divide us by putting labels on people instead of seeing the labels
as examples of injustice against The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm.

37. The matter that has been Petitioned to the Courts by E. J. Krass is a simple
correctness standard that will never be corrected anywhere but through the now defined
application to the Court steps as the delay in accepting and refusal to accept the Petitions to the
Court outright by the superior court in british columbia - BAD FAITH - attests especially since all
court acts provincially are struck down due to not one court anywhere in Canada applying
Fundamental Justice before the matter reaches the Supreme Court of Canada. All the lower courts
do currently is uphold the letter of the laws provided by the elected bodies while refusing to accept
and acknowledge that denial of Fundamental Justice is grounds for striking down the laws and
schemes because they are taking everyone down a path that has no legitimacy and the current laws
have, for the most part, been corrupt, aka wrong.

38. In Truth, it is impossible to have this double standard in the court system across not
just Canada but the face of the earth. The Supreme Court of Canada made this Truth abundantly
clear in its October 3, 2003 Supreme Court Decision which was never reported on by the mass media
and where the Supreme Court acknowledged that there is a corollary of laws that extend from The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms: corrected, this term should read that there is a corollary of laws
that extend from Everyone’s Legal Rights and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God.

39. Once the matter in file no. 81581 is accepted summarily, we, the people, unified and
indivisible, under God, can finally produce THE FREE Society of Equals across the face of the earth
through the replacement of equality of access to the elites way of thinking that has destroyed The
Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm in the industrial world which is still modeled


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

upon the elitist monarchist system that resulted in both WWI and WWII.

If we don’t act soon though, WWIII, yes three, will become inevitable and destroy
this planet and all life across its face as well as the biosphere. Jurisprudence and the lie that there
are always 2 sides to a matter can no longer be accepted nor presented to the world as Exhibit
“K” readily supports just as these words also support the need for The Petition to the Court Due
Legal Process and its replacement of the current due process standards.

40. The real world supports only The Truth objectively while this Truth also repudiates
anyone saying anything else. (A simple and very short video will be produced soon to elaborate on
this point and posted online for the world.) The objective Truth is the omnipotent sword that not
only supports one set of words but also repudiates all other words. Canadians and the industrial
world no longer know this fact because it was replaced with argument and debate - jurisprudence.

The time for correcting this mis-education for generations and millennia is here and
now! Let’s seize the opportunity!

For everyone, the unlisted hyperlinks for this documents are as follows:

t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s ,
0Order/True%20copy%20of%20March%207%20Principles%20of%20Fundamental%20Justice.pdf, goes
with the following terms: The Principles of Fundamental Justice; The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and The Supremacy of God;

t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s ,,
goes with the following terms: the March 4, 2009 (unopposable Summary Order); the March 4, 2009
unopposable Summary Order; the March 4(, 2009 Order);

t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s ,, goes with the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

following terms: August 20, 2009 unopposable Summary Orders; the August 20, 2009 unopposable
Summary Order; August 20;

the following internet cloud address,, goes

with the following term: profile;

t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s ,
heC-Order, goes with the terms: Exhibits “G” ; “G” ;

t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s ,, goes with the following
terms: through “V” ; “V” ; Exhibit “Q” on file with the courts;

t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s ,
ial%20Writ%20of%20Summons.pdf, goes with the term: The Writ of Summons from January 9, 2009
for file no. 81581 with the superior court (british columbia - kelowna);

t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s ,
y%20Order/Affidavit%20of%20Service, goes with the term: the Affidavit of Service’s evidence;

t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s ,, goes
with the terms: the November 21, 2009 unopposable Summary Order; November 21, 2009;

the following internet cloud address,,

goes with the terms: the January 2010 unopposable Summary Order; January 2010;

t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s ,
he-SCC, goes with the term: January 2010 Addendums;


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the following internet cloud address,,

goes with the term: Copy of the September 10, 2009 SCC letter;

Just enter these links in the URL of your browser and a page icon will appear for some links. If you have
Adobe Acrobat Reader or better on your computer, the page will load through these program when you
click on the icon.
Then, you can save, print or read the document as you wish and at your convenience if you save the files.

This document can also be accessed online at the following pages:

or and look for the document True

Copy of Affidavit R for the Supreme Court of Canada.

ME in the _______ of __________ )

in the Province of British Columbia )

on this ___ day of _____________ ) _____________________________________________
_____________________________ Mr. E. J. Krass (author and signatory), Petitioner
A commissioner for taking affidavits
for British Columbia


Mr. E. f. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo ll/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the following internet cloud address,,

goes with the term: ;

Just enter these links in the URL of your browser and a page icon will appear for some links. If you have
Adobe Acrobat Reader or better on your computer, the page will load through these program when you
click on the icon.
Then, you can save, print or read the document as you wish and at your convenience ifyou save the files.

This document can also be accessed online at the following pages:


son-of-heaven and look for the document True

Copy ofAffiavit Rfor the Supreme Court of Conada.


MEintft c,n7 of &6stu}0Ny')

British Columbia )

Mr. E. J. Krass (author and signatory), Petitioner

for taking affidavits

2205louie Drivc
BC V4T 3A3
A Connissioner for the
Afrdavits wtthln Bdttlb


FILE NO. PO-00001
OTTAWA Registry




Affidavit R+

E. J. Krass, SoH
Spokesperson for The Truth based FREE Society
Founder of the Unified College of Medicine
PO Box 1041 STN MAIN




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