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1st Sem, 1st Year M.Plan, SPA Delhi

Create a Georeferenced Base Map using Google Earth/Google Maps, as
demonstrated in the Lab. The map should also include the Delhi Roads shape
file/layer and should depict the school (SPA) and the area around it. Also include a
mandatory graphical scale, north arrow and a legend (if applicable). Use the Layout
View in Arc Map for selecting an appropriate paper size and inserting the scale etc.
before saving in JPEG/PDF format. Label the roads and any other features as you
think appropriate.
SPA Delhi and its vicinity: (Google earth image)

Figure 1 Google earth image of SPA Delhi and its vicinity

Source: Google Earth

Digitised image of the above area with Legend, Graphical Scale and North arrow is
shown below. The image below is Georeferenced by taking the coordinates shown
Georeferenced points



Bahadur shah zafar road


Indraprashta Marg

Figure 2 Assignment-1

Source: Author, 2016

Create a map of your Area Appreciation Site, utilizing the Delhi GIS data files.
Create polygons for 1) building foot prints, 2) plot(s), 3) compute the area and 4)
perimeter of the polygons created and 5) append the attribute table, as demonstrated
in class. 6) Colour code the Plots based on the Land Use 7) Label the Ward(s) and 8)
Roads. (Note- For polygons of building footprints and plot lines, you may opt for the
no fill, solid outline option and then overlay the Land Use in an appropriate
transparent %, on top) 9) In Layout View, before saving, add an appropriate scale, a
north arrow and a legend and write a note (use insert text) giving the area, perimeter
details as computed in the attribute tables and a note about how this analysis & data
helps you determine the site suitability, and what other data would be desirable for
such analysis.

Figure 3 Assignment-1 (part2)

Source: Author,2016

The area appreciation site studied was Tughlakabad fort extension. The area of the
study area is 1.43 Sq.Km. The perimeter of the study area (Tughlakabad fort
extension) is 5.48 Km.
Spatial analysis tools allow to quantify patterns and relationships in the data and
display the results as maps, tables, and charts. The spatial analysis tools empower in
answering questions and make important decisions using more than a visual
analysis. So, in this exercise, the spatial analysis in terms of landuse analysis has
helped in knowing about the land use pattern of the area. The road pattern, built
form and open spaces helped in understanding the spatial characteristics of the area
as well.

Figure 4 Assignment-1 (part2)

Source: Author,2016

Part-3 (Questions and answers)

1.. What do you understand by Spatial and Attribute Data? Differentiate between
Vector data and Raster data and provide examples of each.
Spatial and Attribute Data
There are two components to GIS data: spatial information (coordinate and
projection information for spatial features) and attribute data. Attribute data is
information appended in tabular format to spatial features. The spatial data is the
where and attribute data can contain information about the what, where, and
why. Attribute data provides characteristics about spatial data. Spatial data is
usually stored as coordinates and topology, and is data that can be mapped. Spatial
data is often accessed, manipulated or analyzed through Geographic Information
Systems (GIS).

Spatial data are used to provide the visual representation of a geographic space and
is stored as raster and vector types. Hence, this data is a combination of location data
and a value data to render a map, for example.
Attribute data are descriptions, measurements, and/or classifications of geographic
features in a map. Attribute data can be classified into 4 levels of measurement:
nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. The nominal level is the lowest level of
measurement for distinguishing features quantitatively using type or class (e.g. tree
species). Ordinal data are ranked into hierarchies but does not show any magnitude
of difference (e.g. city hierarchy). The interval measurement indicates the distance
between the ranks of measured elements, but a starting point is arbitrarily assigned
(e.g. Celsius Temperature). Ratio measurements, the highest level of measurements,
includes an absolute starting point. Data of this category include property value and
Attribute data is the detailed data used in combination with spatial data to create a
GIS. The more available and appropriate attribute data used with spatial data, the
more complete a GIS is as a management reporting and analysis tool.
Sources of these datas: Spatial data can be obtained from satellite images or scanned
maps and similar resources. This data can then be digitised into vector data or
maintained as raster graphic data. Essentially, any format of a geographical image
with location or co-ordinate points can be used as spatial data.
Vector and Raster Data
Vector and raster data are the two primary data types used in GIS. Both vector and
raster data have spatial referencing systems. These are latitudes and longitudes that
pinpoint positions on Earth. Vector Spatial Data Types
Vector data is not made up of a grid of pixels. Instead, vector graphics are comprised
of vertices and paths.
The three basic symbol types for vector data are points, lines and polygons (areas).
Since the dawn of time, maps have been using symbols to represent real-world
features. In GIS terminology, real-world features are called spatial entities.
The cartographer decides how much data needs to be generalized in a map. This
depends on scale and how much detail will be displayed in the map. The decision to
choose vector points, lines or polygons is governed by the cartographer and scale of
the map.

Vector points are simply XY coordinates. When features are too small to be
represented as polygons, points are used.
For example:

At a regional scale, city extents can be displayed as polygons because this amount of
detail can be seen when zoomed in. But at a global scale, cities can be represented as
points because the detail of city boundaries cannot be seen.
Vector data are stored as pairs of XY coordinates (latitude and longitude)
represented as a point. Complementary information like street name or date of
construction could accompany it in a table for its current use.

Vector Data Type Line: Connect the dots and it becomes a line feature. Vector lines
connect vertices with paths. If you were to connect the dots in a particular order, you
would end up with a vector line feature. Lines usually represent features that are
linear in nature. Cartographers can use a different thickness of line to show size of
the feature. For example, 500 meter Wide River may be thicker than a 50 meter wide
river. They can exist in the real-world such as roads or rivers. Or they can also be
artificial divisions such as regional borders or administrative boundaries.
Points are simply pairs of XY coordinates (latitude and longitude). When you
connect each point or vertex with a line in a particular order, they become a vector
line feature.
Networks are line data sets but they are often considered to be different. This is
because linear networks are topologically connected elements. They consist of
junctions and turns with connectivity. If you were to find an optimal route using a
traffic line network, it would follow one-way streets and turn restrictions to solve an
analysis. Networks are just that smart.

Vector Data Type Polygon: Connect the dots and enclose. It becomes a polygon
feature. When a set of vertices are joined in a particular order and closed, they
becomes a vector polygon feature. In order to create a polygon, the first and last
coordinate pair are the same and all other pairs must be unique.
Polygons represent features that have a two-dimensional area. Examples of polygons
are buildings, agricultural fields and discrete administrative areas. Cartographers
use polygons when the map scale is large enough to be represented as polygons.

Raster Spatial Data Types

Raster data is made up of pixels (also referred to as grid cells). They are usually
regularly-spaced and square but they dont have to be. Rasters often look pixelated
because each pixel is associated with a value or class.
For example:
Each pixel value in a digital photograph is associated with a red, green and blue
value. Or each value in a digital elevation model represents a value of elevation. It
could represent anything from thematic categories, heights or spectral value.
Raster models are useful for storing data that varies continuously, as in an aerial
photograph, an elevation surface or a satellite image. But it depends on the cell size
for spatial accuracy. Raster data models can be discrete and continuous.

2. Define and differentiate between Georeferencing, Geocoding and Digitization.

How would Planners utilize the three?
Geocoding is the process of taking coded location information (such as addresses or
grids) and turning it into explicit location information (X and Y coordinates,
usually). Reverse geocoding is the opposite, taking XY data and locating the nearest
address, grid, etc. Geocoding involves converting some human place name or label
into coordinates. Often this is done thousands of items at a time.
Input: " 642 Gandhi Lane, Delhi" or "Delhi" or "Noida county #64623", large
database of spatial reference information.
Output: "77.645 N, 28.6453 W"
Georeferencing is the process of taking a raster image or vector coverage, assigning
it a coordinate system and coordinates, and translating, transforming, and
warping/rubber sheeting it into position relative to some other spatial data, such as
survey locations, street intersections, etc.
This can be sometimes also be called rectification or georectification interchangeably,
while in some contexts, Georeferencing is considered to only include the assigning of
a spatial reference and coordinates to the image, and rectification is the
transformation and resampling of the image to remove distortion (as
in orthorectification).
ArcGIS, Georeferencing is
transformation of the source image) while rectification is permanent (creating a new
resampled image given a georeferenced raster layer). Georeferencing involves fitting
an image to the Earth based on matching up visual features of the image with their
known location.

Input: Imagery, Image control points, matching geospatial control points.

Output: Image with data attached showing how it fits onto the globe.

Figure 5 Georeferencing in ARCGIS

Digitizing in GIS is the process of converting geographic data either from a

hardcopy or a scanned image into vector data by tracing the features. During the
digitzing process, features from the traced map or image are captured as coordinates
in either point, line, or polygon format. There are several types of digitizing
methods. Manual digitizing involves tracing geographic features from an external
digitizing tablet using a puck (a type of mouse specialized for tracing and capturing
geographic features from the tablet). Heads up digitizing (also referred to as onscreen digitizing) is the method of tracing geographic features from another dataset
(usually an aerial, satellite image, or scanned image of a map) directly on the
computer screen. Automated digitizing involves using image processing software
that contains pattern recognition technology to generated vectors.

Figure 6 Digitising in ARCGIS

Planners require solutions that address day-to-day work needs while also fostering
the ability to effectively predict and respond to chronic urban problems and future
market fluctuation. The success of planners in combating chronic urban problems is
largely determined by their ability to utilize effective tools and planning support
systems that allow them to make informed decisions based on actionable
intelligence. Today, planners utilize GIS around the world in a variety of
applications. The following articles illustrate how GIS is being used as a platform to
help planners reach their goals of creating liveable communities and improving the
overall quality of life while protecting the environment and promoting economic
development. GIS tools can provide the necessary planning platform for
visualization, modelling, analysis, and collaboration.
A Georeferenced Map utilises the GPS in your Smart Phone/Tablet to indicate the
position (to an accuracy of +-2m) on a specially produced map using readily
available apps used for e-governance. This can be useful in understanding
and interpreting the data shown on a map by walking the site and seeing your
approximate position displayed on the map and relating it to the features in your
surrounds. Georeferencing allows you to compare maps directly with other
georeferenced maps. You can compare historical maps to present-day maps of the
same location, or compare them to other historical maps at different points in time.
Georeferencing can lead towards a better means of accessing early maps, through
numerical geospatial metadata can allow better searching of historical maps, as well
as their greater visibility to global geographic search and retrieval services.
Digitisation of maps can be used in querying, modelling and forecasting to its full
It can be used for analysing various datas of a particular area during
the process of planning. Digitising is also important because planners lack
information or data sets about many areas. So, there is a need to develop a base map
of those areas. And this can be done by using digitisation, which can be used later as
well for data analysis purposes and comparison. It helps in creating datasets, even
though the process is time taking and requires manual labour. Although digitizing is
substituted by scanning, digitizing is still used to convert existing maps and
drawings into GIS as it is an important data that can be used over again for various
Geocoding is important to planners as accuracy is very important for city planning.
Grid references are required in the process of planning as analysis and forecasting of
data system is more accurate on a co-ordinate grid basis. For example a geocoded
data in GIS can be used to find local clusters having more crime rates. It also helps in
the planning of new health resources. With geocoded addresses, you can spatially
display the address locations and begin to recognize patterns within the information.
This can be done by simply looking at the information or by using some of the
analysis tools available with ArcGIS. You can also display your address information
based on certain parameters, allowing you to further analyse the information.

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