HW9 Abaqus 2016

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Homework 9

Spring 2016

Analysis of a thin plate with a hole

In the lab session, you are required to use ABAQUS to analyze the stress concentration
for a plate with a hole. The geometry of the problem and loading conditions are
illustrated in Figure 1. You are given the input file HW9.inp corresponding to the mesh
shown in Figure 2. Note that we consider only a quarter of the original problem due to the
symmetry of the geometry and loading. In your finite element analysis, you will use only
one type of two-dimensional plane stress element called CPS8.
Launch Command Prompt: in Windows, search Abaqus Command in Start,
then enter Abaqus command prompt
Change to your working directory where the input file is put by the command: cd
<path><directory name>
Run the job by typing abaqus job=HW9
After the analysis is completed, double click the .odb file for post processing or
open Abaqus Viewer, then find the .odb file and open it.
Required work
Submit online a report (.rpt) file in which stress components S11 ( x ) and S12 (
xy ) at all nodes are listed, do not report any other quantity. Since the number of
nodes is large, you dont need to include this report file in the hardcopy.
Include the following in your submitted report (hard copy):
A figure that shows the labels of elements and nodes.
Plot the distributions of x and xy at the nodes along lines EF, BG, CH.
Plot the distributions of


xy at

the nodes along line ABCD.

Calculate the stress concentration factor K using two formulas:

i) K
ii) K


(see handout for

nom )


Discuss your results.

a = 2.0 in., plate thickness =0.1 in.,

0 =10E3


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