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APPENDIX D DNV-'GL Draft Report - Rev 1 Metallurgical Analysis of a Ruptured Joint from 24-Inch SJV Pipeline Shell Pipeline Company Houston, Texas Report No.: OAPUS306DNOR (PP144055) November 18, 2015 Sha Pptine Como Fetal Ara 9 Ruptured ant rom 2c SW Pte Project Na ‘Metallurical Analysis ofa ‘er Horse Ves (USA), I. (ONV GL) Ruptured Jin frm 24 Mater & Corosian Tecaloy Center Pipeline Inagent investigation S777 Fronts Ro ‘customer: ‘Shall Pipeline Company Panacea ‘Contact Person: Madan Kunfopor United states ets C614) 71-1216 bate of sue: iovember sa, 2015 Foe ly eka Project No: PPLAO55 vnwesvglcom ‘Organization Unt: Inedent Investigation Report No, ‘onpussosbnon (PPiAcass) “Task and objective Please see Executive Summary. 1 Unrestricted Distbuton (internal and exert) Keywords 1 Unrestricted Dstrbuton within DNV GL 1 United Distribution within ONY GL afer 3 years {No Distribution (confident) Seat Copyright © DNV GL 2015. Al rights reserved. This publetion or parts thereof may not be copied, eproduced or transmit In any form, & by any means, whather egtally or atherwice whet the bor written consent of DNV GL. DNV GL and the Hrlzon Graphic are trademarks of DNV GL AS. The Entont of tis publication shall be Kept conMental by the customer, unless oferwiso_ greed In ‘wring. Referente to pat of tls publestion, which may fead to miitarbretation, i prohibited. 020154103 pratt 2 asarie peat enter 2015 4 Netaji fray Oa Ruptured nt rom 24-Indh SI pte Executive Summary Shell Pipeline Company (SPLC) retalned Det Norske Veritas (U.S.A), Inc. (DAV GL) to perform @ metallurgical analysis on a portion of S3V (San Joaquin Valley), a 24-inch lameter crude pipeline that ruptured while in service. The fallure occurred on SSeptemner 16, 2U25 In Iracy (San Joaquin County), Caltomia, approximately 2,200 tect from the nearest upstream (U/S) pump station; Tracy Pump Station “The portion ofthe pipeline that falled Is comprised of 24-inch dlameter by 0.260-Inch wall, Grade X60 double submerged arc-welded (DSAW) line pipe steel. The pipe manufacturer Is Lunknown; however, historical knowledge indicates that the pipe sat idle for 5 to 10 years following manufacturing and then shipped from the northeastem United States to California for construction of S3V. The maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) ofthe pipeline Is 936 psig, which corresponds to 72.0% of the speciied minimum yield strength (SMYS), “The maximum discharge pressure at Tracy Pump Station, recorded since 9/17/2035 (1 year from shut down), was 927 psi (5/23/15 6:14AM CST) and the segment reportedly operated with aggressive pressure cycies (per IMP cycie calevation methods) during this period. The pressure at the time and location of the failure was estimated to be 878 psig, which ‘corresponds to 67.55 of SMYS. The pipeline operates In heavy crude service, with temperatures up to 180°F, ‘The pipeline was installed in 1989 and was externally coated with a 3-ayer coating, ‘comprised of fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) on the pipe surface, @ mastic wrap, and an ‘external polyolefin wrap. The pipeline has an impressed current cathodic protection (CP) system. The most recent hydrostatic pressure test was performed in 1990. minimum pressure of 1181 (90% of SMYS) was held for 4 hours. The most recent In-ine-nspection (GL, axial magnetic flux leakage (AMFL), was performed on 8/16/2015 and no actionable anomalies were Identified In a preliminary report isued 9/2/2015, ‘Two pipe sections contalning the rupture locations and portions of the upstream and downstream joints were delivered to DNV GL for analysis. The objectives of the analysis were to determine the metallurgical cause of the fallure and identify any contributing The results of the metallurgical analysis indicate that the pipe section ruptured at @ preexisting fatigue crack. Three distinct regions were observed along the Fracture surface. Region 1 initiated at the internal toe of the longitudinal DSAW seam weld and is consistent with fatigue, resulting from in-service operation or transit of the pipe to the west coast. Region 2 exhibits a stair-stepped appearance, resulting from high inclusion content, higher stresses at the crack tip Stal Ppt Camoary Neca Araya» Rapture nt rom 24-inch SW pte ‘as the crack propagated deeper into the material, an environmental component, such as sulfide stress cracking or strass-oriented hydrogen induced cracking, or a combination thereof. Region 3 Is consistent with the remaining ligament that was overloaded during the rupture event. ‘The DSAW seam of the subject JoInt exmbited a peaked geometry tnat Ukely contributed to the failure by increasing the local stress state at the weld toc, facilitating crack initiation, and subsequent propagation. The presence of the peaked geometry, external grind marks on the DSAW at the rupture location, and Internal lack of fusion weld defects at a location away from the rupture and within Internal grind marks, indicates that this wae a poorly manufactured pipe joint. ‘The following steps were performed for this analysis. The pipe sections were visually Inspected and photographed. Remnant coating stil adhered to the pipe, adjacent to the failure locaton, was removed. Dimensional measurement and magnetic particle Inspection (PD) were performed to document the pipe section containing the rupture and identify any additional features. The fracture surfaces were removed, cleaned, and visually examined land documented using a light microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). ‘Transverse cross sectlons were remaved from the suspected rupture origin and from other locations for metallographic examination. Mechanical (duplicate tensile tasts and full Charpy V-notch [CVN} curves) testing was Performed on specimens removed from the pipe Joint that ruptured to determine the tensile and fracture toughness properties. Mechanical (duplicate tensile tests) tasting was also performed on specimens removed from the U/S and D/S joints to determine tensie Properties. Chemical analyses were performed on a steel sample removed from the pipe Joint that ruptured and the U/S and D/S joints to determine the compositions. CCorLAS™ calculations were performed to estimate the fellure pressure based on the pipe aeometry, measured mechanical properties, and the measured flaw profile. These values were compared withthe caleulated pressure atthe falure location and time of fallure. Summary of our observations: 4+ The fotigue crack was 10.68 inches long and initiated from many very small (<50 micron) pits along the internal toe of the DSAW. There was no evidence of @ prexsting weld:type defect a this locaton. ‘+The fracture surfaces consisted of three regions: + Region 4 ~ a crack region at the internal surface with a maximum depth of 10.113 inches caused by fatigue; ‘Set pete Company ‘nui Arye 69 Ruud it rm 2c 52 Pine + Region 2 ~ a crack reglon with a stalr-stepped appearance, beginning at the end ‘of Region 1, resulting from high inclusion content, higher stresses at the crack tip ‘as the crack propagated deeper Into the material, an environmental component, Such as sulfide stress cracking or stress-oriented hydrogen Induced cracking, or ‘combination thereof. The maximum depth of thls region is 0.203 inches; + Region 3 ~ the remaining ligament that overioaded during the rupture event. Corrosion products rich in sulfur were Identified along the fracture surface and within pits adjacent to the fracture surface. Spot testing using 2N HCI yielded a faint rotten-egg odor Indicating the presence of sulfide. [No evidence of internal or external corrosion onthe pipe sections. ‘The DSAW is asymmetric when viewed In cross-section down the axls of the pipe. “The clockwise toe (looking downstream) exhibits a peak were the plate edge meets the weld, which likely induoes an additional stress concentration when the pipe Is pressurized. NPI Indications were identfed approximately 4.5 feet U/S ofthe rupture origin along ‘the Internal surface of the DSAW. The incications were located at the same toe as the fatigue crack that led to fallure. “Three indications were found within an area of frinding marks and were associated with a lack of fusion mill faw and subsequent fatigue crack growth. The deepest feature (Indication 1) is 1.3 inches in length and 0.420 inches atthe deepest location (0.065 Inches of lack of fusion and 0.055 inches of fatigue). "No MPI indications were identified on portions of the longitudinal seam weld of the LUIS or 0/5 joints that were examined; 2.03 feet ofthe U/S joint and 1.94 feet ofthe DJs joint. ‘The tensile properties meet the requirements for API SL X60 line pipe stee forthe estimated vintage ofthe pipe (1980-1988) ‘The Charpy V-notch (CVN) properties of the base metal are typical for the vintage and grade of line plpe stl ‘The composition ofthe base metal meats requirements for the vintage (1980-1988) ‘and grade (X60) of line pipe etoel. “The microstructure of the base metal is typcal forthe vintage and grade of ine pipe. steel. ‘The estimated allure pressure using the heat affected zone (HAZ) mechanical propertios and the flaw profile that ruptured for Region 1 is 1,298 psig, which is much higher than the calculated pressure at the fallure location and time of feilure (878 psia) | ‘Sat Patino Company instore Arve 69 Rute it fom 2-nch SB Poste “+The estimated fallure pressure using HAZ mechanical properties and the flaw profile that ruptured for Reglon 1 + Ragion 2 Is 843 pag, which Is close to the calculated pressure at the failure location and time of failure (878 psia). wa omens) ‘het Ppesine Company tari aos oa Ruptured ont om 24-inch IV pine Table of Contents 10 BACKGROUND 20 TECHNICAL APPROACH. 30 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3a Optical Examination. 32 Magnetic Particle Inspection 33 Fractographlc Examination 3.3.1 Rupture Location... 33.2 MPI Indications ii 34 Metallographle Examination wn 24.1 Hardness Testing 34.2 DSAW Measurements 35 Mechanical Testing 36 Chemical Analysis 37 Failure Pressure Analysts. 1 40 CONCLUSIONS. 2 merce — Quussounon ries) w Sal pte company etait Aray of» Ruptured ant om 2c Sipe Appendices ‘Appendix A ~ Hardness Testing and Measurements ‘Appendix B ~ Cortas™ Analysis Stal Pete Compa Hetarient Aralye of» Rupr ont rm 2c SOV Pine List of Tables Table 1. Table 3. Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7. ‘able 8 Table 9 Table 10, Table 11, Table 12 Results of creumference and lameter measurements parormed on the U/S and b/S ends ofthe pipe sections Reculte of wall thicknece measurements performed on the U/S and OFS ends ofthe pipe sections reas wih negigb carson ad ro coating ‘Summary of the locations and dimensions af inlcations identined on the intemal surface ‘of Pe Secton 2 by magnetic patice Inspection. Results of EDS analyses (in wt.%) performed on corresion products remaining with corrosion pits on the internal pipe surface. Refer te Figure 19 for analysis locations. ee Results of measurements performed on Mounts M1-MS to determine the angle between the intemal weld cap and the plate edges on the Gea and CW sides of tre rupture opening. Refer to Appendix A for ‘additonal details. Results of tensile tests performed on transverse base metal and \weld (HAZ) specimens fram the joint that ruptured compared with reugent for APL St Grade X60 and API SLX Grade 60 tne ibe steel Results of tensilo tests performed on transverse base metal specimens from the US and D/S joints compared with requirements for APLSL Grade X60 and API SLX Grade 60 line pipe steel. Results of Charpy V-notch impact tests performed on transverse bbase metal specimens removed rom the joint tat rupted. Results of Charpy V-notch impact tests performed on transverse seam weld (HAZ) specimens removed from the joint that ruptured Results of analyses of the Charpy V-notch Impact energy and percent shear plots for base metal and seam weld (HAZ) specimens Removed from te Joint Sn rupted sear tmrsneanen Results of chemical analyses performed on samples removed from the Joint that ruptured and the U/S and D/S joints compared with ‘composition requirements for APE SL Grace X60 and API SLX Grade 60 pipe ste setttcrt tenet Results of failure pressure analyses using CorLAS". The pressure at the fallre site was estimated to be 878 psig ‘apoaonon racy 1 oS 16 36 16 a7 ay 18 18 Shall Ppetne Cmoany etait Aras Ruptured trom 24-1ch SW Pine List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2 Faure 3, Figure 4 Figure 5, Figure 6 Figure 7, Figure 8 Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12, ‘Schematic of Pipe Sestion 1 and Pipe Section 2 showing the location fof the rupture and where samples were removed for mechanical testing emis, and mtalogaphy (Mounts My M2, M3, M4, HS, MB). ne Photographs of Pe Sections 1 (FS 1) and Pipe Section 2 (FS 2) n the as-received condition at ONV Gliese isin 22 Photographs of Pipe Sections 2 (PS 2) showing the rupture location falloning removal the protective plastic wrappings. Tape measure Inleates distance D/S of U/S GW, 24 Photographs showing MPI Indications 1-3 along the internal surface ‘of the flied pipe section (PS 2), approximately 4.5 fest upstream of the rupture location (21.3-21.6" D/S from U/S GW). Photographs showing MPI Indication 4 along the Intemal surface of the fae pipe section (PS 2), anronimatly 38 fet upstream of the rupture location (21.7-22.8" D/S from U/S GW), so 28 Photograph of the fracture surface (clockwise side) atthe suspected rupture erigin following cleaning in & degreaser and metnancl. Tape measure indleates distance D/S from U/S GW. 27 Photograph of the counterclockwise side of the fracture surface, towards the upstream end of te Suspected rupture ein. Are shown in FIQUE® Gr ioe Photograph of the counterclockwise side of the fracture surface, at ‘the center ofthe suspected rupture origin. Area shown in Figure 6, Photograph of the counterclockwise side of the fracture surface, towards he downsiream end ofthe suspected rupture org. Area shown in Figure 6. . 29 Photomicrograph showing ratchet marks (identified by white arrows) and. multiple crack iniuation sites at_small pits an the intemal Surface. Area shown in Figure 8. ‘SEM image showing the fracture morphology from an area within the suspeced rupture ofan; Region t and Region 2.” Area shown in Figure 9. 31 ‘SEM mage showing fatigue striations, indicated by white arows, Reglon 1 adjacent tothe internal surface. Area shown In Figure 11 «nee 3% wat guunmmormiwesy het ptne company, ‘etalorpes Arahat o Ruptured Joi rom 24h SV pte List of Figures (continued) Figure 13. Figure 14 Foure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19, Faure 20. Figure 21 Figure 22. Figure 24, Figure 25. SEM image showing fatigue striations, indicated by white arrows, {and secondary cracking; Region 1. Area shown in Figure 11, cracking and naw obvious evidence of fotaue stations; Region 1 hear midwall, Area shown In igure 11 ‘SEM Image showing an transition area from Region 1 to Region 2 near mwa. Fatgue stators anor ap tes are inetd by ‘white arows. Area shown in Figure 11 ‘SEM image showing the fracture morphology from an area within the suspected rupture orig; Region 7 and Rapin 2. Area shown In Figure 10. in SEM Imoae showing a stai-stepped topography associated with Region 2. Area shown in Figure 16... SEM Image showing bands of ductile overload separated by bands vith mites of no cohesion wih the surunding mater Regon 2 Brea shown in Figure 17, SEM Images showing small corrosion pits on the internal pipe Surface, adjacent to Region 1. The locations of EDS analysis are Indieated Inthe upper image, “Area depicted in Figure 10. Flaw depth versus distance from the U/S GW for Region 1 and Region 2 Identified on the fracture surface. Photograph of the counterclockwise side of the fracture surface showing. the feature ‘essociated with MPI Indication 1, shown Inigure 4. 7 : Photomicrograph showing a portion of the fracture surface sented with MP indatin 1 fling Gearing wth a dereaser ‘nd methanol. Area shown in Figure 21 SEM image chowing a nondescript facture morphology with pockets of salacation ‘oundaries/oresy rom wit Repion A Area Shown in Figure 22. ‘SEM image showing fatigue striations across the fracture surface from within the Region B. Area shown in Figure 22, SE¥ mage showing the wanton between fatigue (Relon 6) and Tab-induced cleavage fracture. Area shown In Figure 22. ‘awa = aruRonoR mats ova. 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 36 37 38 39 39 Fetanarge!Mnlyse 0» Rapid Jit rom 2¢-neh SW Ppalloe List of Figures (continued) Figure 26. Figure 27. Figure 28. Figure 29. Figure 30. Figure 3. Figure 32. Figure 33 Figure 34 Figure 35. Figure 36. Figure 37. Figure 38. ‘aevat — ownssoaonon woueeay Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M2) removed from the rupture origin, 25.97 feet fram the U/S GM. Flow direction Is Int the page. Location shown in Figure 9. 4% Ntal Etch Photomicrograph of Mount Mi showing the facture surface from the fale oni In cessation, area shown in gure 2, 2% Ntl Bech, eee eee Photomicrograph of Mount M1 showing the microstructure and the fracture profile at the internal surfaces of the pipe; area shown loure 27. 436 Nital Ech, Photomicrograph of Mount M1 showing the microstructure and the fracture prfie within Region 1. “inclusions are denied y red arrows. Area shown Figure 27. 436 Nital Etc. Photomicrograph of Mount M1 showing the microstructure and the Ech. Photomicrograph of Mount M1 showing the microstructure and the fracte profe ot the trenton between Region 2 and Redion 3 ‘area shown Figure 27. 4% Nital Etc. Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M5) removed from the rupture origin, 25.78 feet from the U/S GW. Flow dlrection Is Into the page. Lecation shown in Figure 8. 4% Nal Eth, Photomicrograph of Mount MS showing the facture surface from the allure origin in cross-section; area shown in Figure 32, Protamicographs of Mount Hs showing secondary cracks along the fracture surface; areas shown in Figure 33... hotomirooraphs of Mount M5 showing intertinked incusions; areas shown in Figure 33. 436 Nial Etch Photomlerographe of Maunt MS showing interlinked Inclusions; areas shown in Figure 33, 4% Nital Etch fhetamicograph showing the base metal mirosructre, 4% Nal Bich Von Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M2) removed from ‘the ruptured joint, away from the rupture; 20 fet from the U/S GW. Flow direction is nt the pape, “Lcation shown In Figure 1. 4% IIL EEC esses & tactireprte wivin Region 2; ae shown Figure 27.6 Na 40 aa A a2 43 a oS 46 7 a7 48 48 Shel pene Company tale bra oF = Ropar nin rm 24-inch SW pine List of Figures (continued) Figure 39. Figure 40. Figure 41 Figure 42 Figure 43. Figure 44 Figure 4 Figure 46, Figure 47, Figure 48, Figure 50. Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M3) removed from the /S Joint, ow recon is Into the page. Lacation shown in igure 1. 49% Nital Etch Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M4) removed from the US Join. "Flow drecon Is Into the page, Location shown In Figure 1. 4% Nita Etch ar Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M6) removed from ‘the ruptured joint, through MPI Indication 1; 21,35 feet from the US Git low crecin is tothe pape Location shown in Figure 1 49h NI Ether Photomicrograph of Mount M6 showing the fracture surface arrocted th MPL Indcaton in coss-seaon; area shown in Figure 44 . Photomicrograph of Mount M6 showing small secondary cracks along the fracture surface, near the termination of the fatigue region; area shown in Figure 42, Photomicrograph of Mount M6 showing @_large_inusion or cpntinuation ofthe weld defect; area shown in Figure 42. Hardness measurements taken at various locations on Mount Mt Hardness measurements taken at representative locations on Mount M2 (Figure 38), M3 (Figure 39), and Ma (Figure 40). Percent shear from Charpy V-notch tests as a function of Temperate fr transverse base metal spe removed fom the pipe jine that rupture. : charpy V-notch impact energy as a function of temperature for ‘ranaverae bse metal specimens removed from the le J that ruptured. : ae Percent aheor from Charpy Vetch teste a2 2 function. of temperate for Warsverse seam Weld (HAZ) specimens removed ‘rom the pipe jlnt that ruptured charpy V-notch Impact energy as a function of temperature for trnaverse seam weld (HA2) specimens removed fom the pipe Joint that ruptured... 49 50 51 52 152 183 54 55 56 otalrges Araya or Ruptured trom 2h SW pine 1.0 BACKGROUND Shell Pipeline Company (SPLC) retained Det Norske Veritas (U.S.A), Inc. (ONV Gt) to perform a metallurgical analysis on a portion of the SIV (San Joaquin Valley) Pipeline, a 24-inch élameter crude ol! pipeline that ruptured while In service. The failure occurred on September 16", 2015 In Tracy (San Joaquin County), Calferna, apprommately 2,200 tet {rom the nearest upstream (U/S) pump station; the Tracy Pump Station. “The portion ofthe pipeline that failed is comprised of 24-Inch diameter by 0.260-Ineh wall Grade API SL X60 double submerged arcwelded (OSAW) line pipe steel, The pipe ‘manufacturer is unknown; however, historical knowledge Indicates thatthe line pipe used to ‘construct the pipeline was stored for 5 to 10 years folowing manufacturing and then was shipped from northeastern United States to California for construction of the S3V Pipeline ‘The pipeline was Installed in 1989 ‘and was externally coated with a 3-leyer coating, ‘comprised of fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) on the pipe surface, a mastic wrap, and an external polyolefin wrap. ‘The pipeline has an Impressed current cathodic protection (CP) system. ‘The pipeline operates in heavy crude service, with temperatures up to 280°. The ‘maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) of the pipeline is 936 psig, which corresponds to 72,0% of the specified minimum yield strength (SHYS), The maximum discharge pressure at the Tracy Pump Station, recorded since 9/17/2015 (2 year prior to shut down), was 927 psi (5/23/15 6:14AM CST) and the segment reportedly operated with aggressive pressure cycles (per integrity management plan (IMP) cycle calculation methods) ‘during this period. The pressure at the time and lacatlon ofthe fllure was estimated to be 1878 psig, which corresponds to 67.5% of SMYS. “The most recent hydrostatlc pressure test was performed in 1990. A minimum pressure of 41181 (90%6 of SMYS) was held for 4 hours. The most recent in-tine-inspection (ILI), axlat ‘magnetic flux leakage (AMFL), was performed on 8/36/2015 and no actionable anomalies Were identified in a preliminary report Issued on 9/2/2015. ‘Two pipe sections (PS 4 and PS 2) were delivered to DNV GL for examination + PS 1 ~ 2 21.79 foot long pipe section that contains 19.76 feet ofthe flled joint, the US girth weld (GW), and 2.03 feet ofthe L/S joint. PS 2 ~ 2 14.95 foot long pipe section that contains 12.91 feet of the flied Joint (including the rupture location, the downstream (O/S) GW, and 1.94 feet of the D/S Joint. “The objectives of the analysis were to determine the metallurgical cause of the failure and Identify any contributing factors, 8 —owusnoaoon veo) oer 138 Feces aay Rte ot om 24nd SO Pte Mechanical (duplicate tensile tests and full Charpy V-notch [CVN] curves) testing was performed on specimens remaved fram the base metal and seam weld of the pipe joint that ruptured to determine the tensile and fracture toughness properties. The Charpy specimens ‘across the seam weld were notched in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of the same weld toe associated with the rupture. Mechanical (duplicate tensile tests) testing was also performed ‘on specimens removed from the base metal ofthe U/S and D/S foints to determine tensile properties. Chemical analyses were performed on steel samples remaved from the pipe joint ‘that ruptured and the U/S and D/S joints to determine the compositions. CorLAS™ calculations were performed to estimate the failure pressure of the pipe section that ruptured based on the pipe geometry, measured mechanical properties, and the ‘measured flaw profil.’ These values were compared with the calculated pressure at the {allure location atthe time ofthe failure. 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Optical Examination Figure 2 contains photographs of the two pipe sections in the as-received condition. The pipe sections were wrapped in black plastic and duct tape, with the failure location facing up ‘uring transit. Pipe Section 1 (PS 1) was 21.79 feet In length and contained reference markings identifying flaw direction and clock orientation. Figure 3 Is @ photograph of Pipe Sectlon 2 (PS 2) after removal of the protective wrappings. PS 2 was 14.85 feet In length ané contained 12.91 feot of the joint that ruptured, the downstream (D/S) GW, and 1.94 feet of the D/S joint, Markings on the external surface identified the flow direction, clock orientation, and locations of the D/S GW and longitudinal seam weld. A stencil on the external surface of the polyolefin wrap “API SLX GR 60 ERW, 24 OD X .260" WT 6618S/FT", towards the U/S end of PS 2, suggests that the pipe section Is comprised of 24-inch diameter by 0.260-Inch wall, Grade X60 line pipe steel with 2 longitudinal electric resistance weld (ERW) seam. However, the morphology of the longitudinal seam weld on the fale pipe section is consistent with 3 DSAW, not ERW. Circumferences, diameters, and wall thicknesses were measured on the U/S and D/S cut fends of PS 1 and PS 2. The circumference measurements (and subsequent diameter caleuations) were made while the three-layer coating was stil attached. The diameters calculated from croumference measurements were 24.2 and 24.3 Inches, 26 shown in Table 1. The diameters were measured with a tape measure fram the 3 to 9 o'clock and 412 to 6 o'clock orientations. The dlameters on the U/S and D/S ends of PS 1 were each 1 GanAG™ isa comper program developed by Det Nese Vera (USA), ne. Yomety CO Techno to ‘okie rack he fsb pele bases on nea che mechanics Set ipl comoany etargen Anat oa Ruptured Jot rom 2h SV pte 24.0 Inches, indicating no measurable ovality, as shown in Table 1. ‘The dlameters on the U/S and O/S ends of PS 2 were 24.1 and 24.0 inches, respectively, indisting negligible ovality. The clameters mect API SL tolerances for 24-inch nominal diameter pipe. The wall thikeiess was measured at the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'dock erlentations atthe ends of PS 1 and 5 2 In areas with neglislble corrsion and not coating; see Table 2 for details. The wall- thickness values ranged between 0.259 and 0.296 Inches, The average wall thickness of the ruptured joint (O/S end of PS 1), U/S Joint, and /S joint are 0.265, 0.266, and 0.284 Inches, respectively. These wall thickness values meet API SL tolerances for a nominal wall thickeess of 0.260 inches. ‘The rupture was 5.79 feet in length, consisting of a symmetric fish-mouth fallure that Inltiated at or near the toe of the DSAW at the 11:15 o'dock orientation. The U/S and D/S. fends of the rupture were located at 22.98 and 28.77 feet, respectively, from the U/S GW. ‘The maximum opening measured 0.35 feet, approximately 25.9 feet from the U/S GW, as shown in Figure 3. Grinding marks were observed along the external weld bead of the SAW inthe vicinity of the rupture location. ‘The crack path was relatively smooth In appearance, located at the toe of the DSAW for approximately 10 inches (25.5 - 26.3 feet from U/S GW) of the rupture length, and then transitioning off ofthe toe in ether direction, upstream and downstream. The coating on ether side of the fracture, 1-3 inches, was locally disbonded; however, the coating on the remaining portions of both pipe sections was in good condition and well adhered to the pipe steel. There was no evidence of extemal corrosion along the areas of disbonded coating, suggesting that the local disbondment was a result of plastic deformation of the pipe material during the rupture event. 3.2 Magnetic Particle Inspection MPI was performed on the external surface of PS 1, in the areas of disbonded coating. No linear indications were identified along the external surface. The pipe sections were cut longitudinaly to facilitate examination of the intemal surfaces and MPI of the longitudinal seam welds of the falled joint and U/S and D/S joints. There was no evidence of Internal ‘corrosion; however, four Inleatons were lee any Une etal sure of Ue fale Jolnt, approximately 4.5 feet U/S of the rupture origin (w 21.5 foot from U/S GW). The Indications are located in the toe of the DSAW, along the same toe that ruptured 4.5 feet U/S. Figure 4 and Figure 5 are photographs showing the four indications. Indications 1-3 {are located at the base of grinding marks, likely associated with the pipe mil. A summary ofthe locations and dimensions ofthese indications Is presented in Table 3. Be = canoer ea05 Stal pate Cmpany ecient ont ram 2-1eh SOV Pipe 3.3. Fractographic Examination 3.3.1 Rupture Location Figure 6 js a photograph of the CCW side of the fracture surface of the rupture In PS 2 fellowing cleaning with a degreaser and methanol. The surface is dull and gray in color, wich sighay arker areas near tne internat surace. The fracture surface was cateyortzed Into three regions: Region 4 ~ flat, sighty darker in appearance, located near the Internal surface, and perpendicular to the Internal and external surfaces; Region 2 - rough in texture, gray In appearance, located near midwall, and perpendicular to the Internal and external surfaces; Region 3 - rough in texture, gray in appearance, located near the external surface, and at an oblique angle with respect to the internal and external surfaces. “These three regions are shown within Figure 7 ~ Figure 9. Region 1 Is relatively flat with ‘multiple crack fronts on various planes that are separated by ratchet marks. This macroscale morphology is consistent with multiple crack fnitiation sites, At higher ‘magnification (Figure 10), small pts can be seen along the Internal surface, possibly serving ‘as crack initiation sites. Region 2 and Region 3 are macrescopically rougher than Region 1. “The oblique angle of Region 3 with respect to the Internal and extemal pipe surfaces Is consistent with a shear ip, Indicative of ductile overioad. Figure 11 Is an SEM Image of an area from within the suspected failure origin, approximately 25.97 feet from the U/S GW. The yellow dashed tine indicates the interface between Region 1 and 2. Large secondary cracks or volds can be seen along the fracture surface. Figure 12 through Figure 15 contain high magnification SEM images of the fracture surface at various locations through Region 1, Adjacent to the internal surface, fatigue strlations are observed emanating from the Internal surface (Figure 12). Fatigue striations are also observed at a depth of approximately 0.040 inches from the intemal surface (igure 13) along with secondary cracking. Some areas, closer to Region 2 exhibited a brittle fracture morphology with secondary cracking and no evidence of fatigue, refer to Figure 14, Figure 15 is an SEM image showing the transition from Region 1 to Region 2 Reglon 1 exhibits evidence of fatigue, while Reglon 2 primarily consists of ductile overtoad. {A second location at the suspected fallure origin was documented with the SEM, and it exhibited similar characteristics Identified above. Figure 16 is an SEM image from this location, approximately 25.77 feet from the U/S GW. The yellow dashed line Indicates the Interface between Region 1 and 2. Similar to the previous location, large secondary cracks fr voids can be seen along the fracture surface. At higher magnification (Figure 17), a stalr-stepped topography Is evident through much of Reglon 2. At this magnification, there Is Ite evidence of ductility; however, at 1,000-times magnification, bands of ductile pwa-omeomonmnmes) Stal pina Cmpany Hetalrget Araya» Rupture or rom 24-ich SW Piping overload can be seen separated by bands exhibiting litle to no cohesion with the ‘surrounding material, refer to Figure 18. ‘The internal pipe surface was examined at this location to document the morphology and pits identited and discussed above. Figure 19 contains SEM images from the same location ocumented in Foie 10, confirming the presence of small, lags than 5M meron, eoreasion pits. Some of the pits stil contain corrosion product that was net removed during the leaning process. EDS analyses were performed on the corrosion products within the pits and the results are summarized in Table 4. The corrosion products (EDS#1 and EDS#2) contain elevated concentrations of sultur (5) and oxygen (0), when compared to the base metal (EDS#3). EDS analysis was also performed across the fracture surface. High concentrations of $ were also identified along the fracture surface, with the highest concentration (12.89%) near the Intemal surface, Spot testing, using 2 2N HCL solution, was performed on the fracture ‘surface to test forthe presence of sulfides and cartonates. A rotten-eg9 odor Is a postive Indicator of sulfides, while vigorous bubbling is a positive indicator for carbonates. The ‘racture surface tested postive forthe presence of sulfides and negative for carbonates. Figure 20 is a plot of flaw depth (Region 1 and Regn 2) versus distance from the U/S GW. ‘The measured flaw of Region 1 is Indicated by the red shaded area, while Region 2 is Indicated by the green area, The figure shows that the maximum depth of Region 1 and Region 2 are 0.113 and 0.203 Inches, respectively; 43.5% and 78.1% of the nominal wall thickness, 3.3.2 MPL Indications MPI Indication 1 was submerged In liquid nitrogen and struck with 2 brass mallet to break ‘open the feature for fractographic examination. Figure 21 is a photograph showing the feature prior to deaning. The feature Is dark In appearance and staggered on multiple parallel planes. The feature measured 1.7 Inches in length with a maximum depth of 0.119 Inches. Figure 22 Is @ photomicrograph showing the fracture surface following cleaning with 2 degreaser and methanol. The feature has two distinct colored regions, a light gray reglon| (Region A) end a dark yiey ren (Region B). The dark yay vuylon is latin adjacent the Internal surface and Is undulating, n and out of the plane of the photomicrograph as depicted in the figure, In comparison, the light gray area is very flat. Figure 23 Is an SEM mage taken at high magnification showing the fracture morphology of the dark gray region, ‘The morphology is nondescript and corroded with pockets of solafcation boundaries of Porosity. This morphology is consistent with a lack of fuston oF partily-fused weld defect. Within the ight eray region, Figure 24, fatigue striations were observed throughout. The wee = pwuRocon Ome ‘Set Ppetne conpany Fanart Analy of» Rapa ne rm 2-oeh $0 Pine striations terminate at the boundary of the Induced laboratory fracture refer to Figure 25, “Thus, fatigue initiated from 2 preexisting weld defect. The presence of grinding marks Inclcates that the weld defect was identified within the mill and ground In an attempt to remove the defec(s), which was ultimately unsuecessfl 3.4 Metallographic Examination Figure 26 Is a photograph of a transverse metallographic section (Mount Mi) that was removed from across the fracture surface at approximately 25.97 feet from the U/S GW, at the falure origin. The location is shown in Figure 1 and Figure 8. The inside and outside weld passes are slightly offset laterally® from one another, with the primary creck initiating at the CW toe on the Internal surface. ‘The weld also appears to be peaked or tented as a result of the approsch angle between the CW and COW plate edges; further discussion Is provided in Section 3.4.2. There Is even a slight curvature upward on the CW plate edge suggesting thatthe plate edges were not crimpad prior to forming and welding the pipe. Figure 27 Is @ photomicrograph showing the fracture surface in cross-section. The fracture plane is radial through half of the wall thickness and then transitions to a 45 degrees angle ‘The 45 degree angle Is consistent with a shear lip, associated with ductile overload, and correlates with Region 3 previously defined above, ‘Secondary cracks can be seen through the radial portion of the fracture, Figure 28 Is a photomicrograph showing the location of ‘racture initiation at the Immediate edge of the internal weld bead and the HAZ. The fracture planets flat and Is consistent with fatigue, Figure 29 shows two forms of secondary cracks along the fracture surface within Region 1. The large secondary crack primarily follows the grain flow and elongated inclusions, with no evidence of crack branching. These secondary cracks may have formed during the rupture event, “unzipping” along the weak Inclusion boundaries, In contrast, @ much smaller secondary crack was. observed Perpendicular to the grain flow direction and exhibited a branched nature, which is typical of In-service growth. ‘The delineation between Region 1 and Region 2 Is dificult to dlscern In the metallographic section at this location; however, small steps (Figure 20) were observed just above the largest secondary crack, which are consistent with the characteristics of Region 2 identified during the SEM examination. ‘These steps follow the grain flow direction, The delineation between Region 2 and Region 3 Is more apparent, refer to Figure 31. Extensive grain elongation and deformation is observed at the transition from the radial plane to the 45 degree plane, which is consistent with shear ductile overioad; Region 3. 2 “Outot tno wold beed (oscar wot) shal nat be cause fr recbon proved comple pensation and ‘onl esanfiave been eciowed "API SL 37" Ean, 188 Bawa = caruocce (seas) rT Stal Ppt Campary Neier frye of «Rupr ent rom 24-inch SN Pipeline Figure 32 Is a photograph of a transverse metallographic section (Mount MS) that was. removed from across the fracture surface at approximately 25.78 feet from the U/S GW, Wathin the fallure origin. The locaton Is shown In Figure 1 and Figure 8, ‘The weld profile exhibits similar geometric characteristies with Mount M1. Figure 33 1s a photomicrograph showing the fracture in cross-section in the un-etched condition. Consistent with Mount M1, the fracture plane Is radial and flat towards the Internal surface (Region 1), transitioning Into @ stepped fracture profile (Region 2), and ultmately shearing at a steep angle (Region 3). Several smell voids can be seen near and along the fracture surface, At higher ‘magnification (Figure 34), small secondary cracks with some branching can be seen along the fracture surface, Adéitionally some of the inclusions near the fracture surface ere Interinked in a step-wise fashion, refer to Figure 35 and Figure 36. The presence of crack branching and interlinked)/step-wise cracking along incusions are characteristics associated ‘ith an environmental degradation mechanism known as stress corrosion cracking (SCC) or stressroriented hydrogen induced cracking (SOMIC). The presence of sulfide on the fracture surface indicates thet @ SCC mechanism (sulfide stress cracking (SSC)} or SONIC mechanisms are possible. Hydrogen atoms (H") are generated at the stee! surface during ‘the corrasion process, in the presence of sulfide, the recombination reaction to form hydrogen gas (H) is polsoned, allowing the hydrogen atoms to diffuse into the steel matrix with the potential to cause embrittlement or hydragen damage. Figure 37 Is a photomicrograph from Mount Mi showing the typical microstructure of the base metal. The microstructure consists of ferrite (white areas) and pearite (gray areas), ‘and small lenticular Indusions. This microstructure is consistent with the vintage and grade of the sted etaurgial cross-sections were remaved from across the seam weld ofthe falled pipe joint (away from the rupture; Mount M2), the D/S joint (Mount M3), the U/S joint (Mount M4), and through MPI Indication 1 (Mount M6). Photographs of the mounted cross-sections are presented In Figure 38 - Figure 41, respectively. ‘There was no evidence of crack branching ‘or hydragen damage in the form of hydrogen induced cracking (IC) oF SOHIC on the ‘adetional mounts removed from the flled pipe joint or the U/S and O/S joints. Figure 42 is @ photomicrograph from the cross-section removed through MPI Indication 1. ‘The weld defect identied in the SEM Is distinguishable by the non-planar feature at the Internal surface, “The fatigue region Is flat and relatively smooth, while the lab fracture is ‘Slightly jagged, consistent with cleavage fracture. The void content adjacent to the fracture Is much less pronounced as compared to the cross-sections removed through the rupture (Mount 1 and Mount 5). A small branched secondary crack was observed near the ‘ba — ouussoconon ‘het Patino Company Fri Ameo» Rupa ae rm 2-oeh SV Pine transition from fatigue to lab fracture (Figure 43). There was no strong evidence of Interinking inclusions or blisters within the material that would be characteristic of SOHIC ang HIC; however, one large inclusion was observed at the transition from the weld defect to fatigue, which may just be a continuation of the weld defect; refer to Figure 44 If 2 strong environmental effect had contributed to the rupture, one would also expect to sae strong evidence along the fracture surface associated with MPI Indication 1, asthe local feaviconment and stress state between the two features would be similar. The absence of such evidence suggests that an environmental contribution to the rupture, and specifically Region 2, is mast likely small. It Is more likely that the stepped nature of the fracture surface in Reglon 2 was driven by hicher stress intensity values as the crack propagated by fatigue deeper into the matedal, coupled with a high Inclusion content in the HAZ of the material 3.4.41 Hardness Testing Vickers micro-hardness testing was performed, using @ 500 g load, on Mount Mt, Mount M2, Mount M3, and Mount M4, The test locations and results are summarized In Appendix A. For Mount M1, the average hardness adjacent to Region 1 and Region 2 (Locations 1, 2, 8, 9)15, 213 HV with a maximum value of 243 HV (Location 1), which Is sightly higher than the ‘average hardness of the base metal (Locations 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22); 207 HV with a ‘maximum value of 226 (Location 13). ‘The average hardness values associated with the HAZ (Locations 2, 3, 5, 7) of Mounts M2, M3, and M4 were 202 HV, 206 HV, and 211 HV, respectively; with the maximum value of 221 (Mount M2 - Location 2). The corresponding average hardness values for the base ‘metal (Locations 9, 10, 11) of each mount were 214 HV, 205 HV, and 235, respectively International standards provide guidance for the application of materials exposed to service concltions that promote SSC.* All of the measured values are less than the maximum allowable hardness of 250 HV; however, the local stress state and environment resulting at the ezack tip, may promote SSC at lower hardness values. 4.4.2 DSAW Measurements As brielly dlscussed in Section 3.4, the cross-sections removed through the rupture origin ‘exhibited a peaked appearance, which Is a local dscontinuty to the roundness of the pipe. Under normal operation, the internal pressure of the pipe will sin the pipe to @ rounded ‘oncltion, generating an adeltional tensile bending stress at the Internal surface. |) ANSINACERIROTTSISO 151652, Petleun and rural gos indusbos —Mserile fr ue In H2S.containg ‘venta nl an ass rodston Pan Crna venta croon an rally tas, andthe se of ‘hettone "Second Eitan 2008405 hat pti comoany etait Aro Ruptured ot rom 24-inch SW Ppt Measurements were made on Mounts M1-M6 to quantlYy the angle betwaen the internal Weld cap and the plate edges on the CW and CCW sides. The lower the angle the higher the tensile bending stress when pressurized, These results are summarized In Table 5, with adaltional photographs provided in Appendix A. To estimate the original geometry for Mount M1 and Mount MS prior to rupture, the CW fracture surface for each mount was rotated until the fatigue regions (Region 1) of the mating faces were parallel. The angle of the CW toe, whichis the one that ruptured, measured approximately 135 degrees at the rupture origin and 140 degrees on the flled joint, but at a location away from the rupture. The values are much smaller than the angles generated at the opposite toe or on the U/S {and /S joints, which were around 160 degrees. The combination of this angle and the ‘amount of peaking associated with the falled joint likely contributed to the rupture, 3.5 Mechanical Testing “The results of tensile testing of duplicate, transverse base metal and seam weld (HAZ) specimens removed from the pipe joint that ruptured are shown in Table 6. The average Yield strength (YS) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the base metal were 67.2 ksl and 85.2 ksi, respectively. The average YS and UTS of the base metal samples meet the ‘minimum YS and UTS requirements for API SL X60 line pipe steel of 60 ksi and 75.0 ksi, respectively.‘ The average UTS of duplicate transverse samples removed from the longitudinal seam weld was 85.9 ksl, which exceeds the minimum UTS requlrement for APL SLXG0 line pipe steel of 75 ksi. YS values across welds are not specified in API SL “The results of tensile testing of transverse base metal specimens removed from the U/S and /S joints are shown in Table 7. The specimens meet the minimum YS and UTS requirements for API SL X60 line pipe stel of 60 ksi and 75.0 ksi, respectively ‘Table 8 and Table 9 summarizes the results of the Charpy testing for the transverse base metal and seam weld samples while Figure 47 through Figure SO show the Charpy percent shear and impact energy curves. An analysis of the data for the base metal specimens Indicates thatthe 85% fracture appearance transition temperature (FATT) Is 68.8°F and the Upper shelf Charay energy is 38.0-felbs, fullsize, These results are typeal for this vintage land grade of tine pipe steel. The CVW test results can be adjusted to determine the 85% FATT that would be expected for full-scale pipe by applying temperature shifts to the data, ‘This method (full-scale) adjusts the 85% FATT obtained from the Charpy tests to a predleted FATT from the Battelle Drop-Weight Tear Test (BDWTT). The predicted 859% FATT from the BDWTT test most closely represents the expected FATT for full-scale pipe wall 4 APLSL STP Eaton, 1068 and APL SLX, 24 Eaton, 180 ‘pw = careonon omnes ‘Sarin Anaya oo Raptor 2-neh SV Pine rmatertal.* The full-scale brite to ductile transition temperatures forthe samples, based on 2 pominal pipe wall thickness of 0.260 inches, are shown in Table 10, The base metal is expected to exhibit ductile fracture behavior above 67.36F.* Similarly, the data for the seam weld (HAZ) specimens indicates that the 859% FATT Is 8.8°F and the upper shelf Charpy energy ie 92.5 felbe, full ize, The eeam wold (HAZ) Is expected to exhibt ductile fracture behavior above 2.3°F, rer to Table 10. 3.6 Chemical Analysis ‘The results ofthe chemical analysis performed on samples removed from the pipe joint that ruptured and the U/S and D/S joints are shown in Table 11. The material meets the ‘composition requirements for API SL X60 for this vintage. 3.7. Failure Pressure Analysis CCorLAS™ was used to estimate the failure pressure for the following cases: + Case 1: Measured mechanical base:metal properties, measured pipe dimensions, ‘and the as-measured flaw profile of Region 1 (Fatique). case 2: Measured mechanical base-metal properties, measured pipe dimensions, land the as-measured flaw profile of Region 1 (Fatigue) + Region 2 (Possible Environmental Cracking). Measured mechanical HAZ properties, measured dimensions, an the as measured flaw profile of Region 1 (Fatigue). + Case 4: Measured mechanical HAZ properties, measured dimensions, and the as- measured flaw profile of Region i (Fatigue) + Reolon’ 2 (Possible Environmental Cracking) + case 3: ‘The results of the analyses are shown in Table 12, The calculated fallure pressure, Incorporating the base-metal properties, for Case 1 and Case 2 are 1292 psig and 855 psig, respectively. Similar results were obtainad using the mechanical properties of the HAZ, Ubich resulted in calculated fallure pressures of 1298 psig and 843 psig for Case 3 and Cave 4, respectively. Additional details ofthe analyses, and a description of CorLAS™, are summarized in Appendix Using the provided discharge pressure at Tracy pump station (905.5 psig) and suction pressure at Marsh Creek pump station (480.8 psig) at the time of failure (9/16/2015 23:32), the pressure at the fallure location was calculated from provided elevation data, 5 WA Maxey, F Kaine Ear, sno Fracture Ares in Gas Ppotnes NOB Report No. 136, AGA (ailog No. Sas, ol 83, tts Colunbue Labortoros (6 Rosen, MLA Simp Procedure ar Saves Charpy ipa! Energy Transten Cures fm Lito Test Daa Iniamten! pina Conference, Volume 1, ASME, 008, Equation 1 ET (rember Stal pete company ezrin Aras o Ruptured ae rom 2-Inch SW Pipe ‘Te elevation of the failure location was estimated to be 365 feet, resulting in a calculated pressure of 878 psig,” By Incorporating the flaw profile of Reglon 2 (Case 2 and Case 4), the estimated failure pressure Is In good agreement with the calculated pressure at the location and time of failure. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS ‘The results of the metallurgical analysis Indleate that the pipe section ruptured at a preexisting fatigue crack. The fatigue crack initiated from small corrosion pits along the Internal surface at the toe of the longitudinal seam weld, The peaked geometry of the DSAW likely Increased the local stress state at the toe of the weld, feciitating crack Iniation and subsequent crack propagation. ‘The stepped nature of Region 2 is mast likely ‘2 combined effect from the high Inclusion content inthe HAZ, high stress intensity values as the crack propagated deeper into the material, and an environmental component. Evidence of branched secondary cracks and interlinked Incusions adjacent to the fracture suggest that the environmental component may be associated with sulfide stress cracking (SSC) or stress-oriented hydrogen induced cracking (SOHIC). Supporting evidence for SSC or SOHIC ‘mechanisms include the presence ofa high concentration of sulfide on the fracture surface ‘one other contributing factor may be the manner In which the pipe was transported from the east coast to the west coast, IL is well known within the literature that DSAW plpe Is susceptible to transit fatique when proper transportation practices are net followed. The recommended practice addresses loadina/stacking conditions for ine pipe with diameter to thickness ration of 50 or more. Using the nominal wall thickness, the diameter to thickness ratio for this line pipe Is 92, indicating thatthe pipe is potentially susceptible to transit fatigue, However, a records search was not successful In verifying the mode of Pipeline transport and whether recognized API recommended practices were employed, ‘Summary of our observatons: 4+ The fatigue crack was 10.68 Inches long and initiated from many very small (<50 rmicron) pits along the Internal toe of the DSAW. There was no evidence of preexisting weld-type defect at thls locaton, 1+ The fracture surfaces consisted of three regions: + Region 4 ~ a crack region at the intemal surface with a maximum depth of 0.113 inches caused by fatigue; 7” Statorng data was rol avaiable, she ue eatin wa estado be 5 miss downstream of he Tay ump san, 15 ROTRD SLT Roconmendes Pract fr Raoad Transporson of Lin Pipe, Eon Jy, 2022. beak — awusyoonon ores) ena sa Ne EEE ‘Spal Pptneconpary Fetter Are oo Ruptured ot from 2 neh SW Pine 4+ Region 2 ~ a crack region witha stalt-stepped appearance, beginning at the end of Reglon 2, resulting from high Inclusion content, higher stresses atthe orack tip. ‘as the crack propagated deeper into the material, an environmental component, Such as sulfide streas cracking or stress-oriented hydrogen induced eracking, or Combination thereof. The maximum depth ofthis region is 0.203 inches; 4+ Region 2 - the remaining ligament that overloaded during the rupture event. ‘+ Corrosion products rch in sulfur were Identified along the fracture surface and within pits adjacent to the fracture surface. Spot testing using 2N HCI yielded 2 faint Fetter-eg9 odor Indicating the presence of suid “+ No evidence of internal or extemal coresion on the pipe sections “+The DSAW Is asymmetric when viewed In cross-section down the axis of the pipe ‘The clockwise toe (ookIng downstream) exhibits a peak wihere the plate edge meets the weld, which likely induces an additional stress concentration wien the pipe Is pressurized + MPL indications were Identified approximately 4.5 feet U/S ofthe rupture origin along the internal surface of the DSAW, The Indleatons were located at the same toe as the fatique crack that led to falure. Three Indications were found within an area of ‘grinding marks and were associated with a lack of fusion mil flaw and subsequent fatigue crack growth, The deepest feature (Indication 1) is 1.3 Inches in length and 10,120 inches at the deepest locaton (0.065 Inches of lack of fusion and 0.055 inches oF fatigue), “+ No MPL indications were identified on portions of the longitudinal seam weld of the US oF B/S fonts that were examined; 2.03 feet of the U/S joint and 1.94 feet of the JS joint +The tense properties meet the requirements for APE SL X60 line pipe steel for the estimated vintage ofthe pipe (1980-1988), + The Charpy V-notch (CVN) properties of the base metal are typical for the vintage and grade of line pipe stee!. +The composition of the base metal meets requirements forthe vintage (1980-1989) ‘ana grade (x00) oF line pipe ste. 1+ The microstructure of the base metal is typical forthe vintage and grade of tine pipe sted. 1+ The estimated fallure pressure using HAZ mechanical properties and the flaw profile that ruptured for Region 1 is 1,298 psig, which is much higher than the calculated pressure atthe fallure location and time of fallure (878 psig) ah = aaron 55) etapa nays oF Ruptured on rom 2c SV pte 1+ The estimated fallure pressure using HAZ mechanical properties and the flaw profile that ruptured for Region 1 + Region 2 Is 843 psig, which Is close to the calculated pressure at the fallure location and time of fallure (878 psi). war crummy Stes | ‘atari Aras 2 Ruptured on fom 24-inch SO Posing ‘Table 1. Results of creumference and diameter measurements performed on the U/S and D/S ends ofthe pipe sections. Diameter (inches) From Circumference’ | Circumference | 412106, 23109 Location (et Measuroment' | clock’ _| o'clock US end of PS, amie 638 23 240 240 DiS end of PST peo 633 42 240 240 IS end of PS 2, ‘Ruptured Jos) oa 2 aD eal DiS ona of PS2 (8 Jon) 638 243 240 240 1 Measurements made with coating stil attached. 2 Measurements exclude coating thickness. ‘Table 2. Results of wall thickness measurements performed on the U/S and D/S ends of the pipe sections in areas with negligible corrosion and no coating. Will Thiekones (inches O'ock | USenadofPst | DISEndotPS1 | UMS End of PS2 | DIS End of FS 2 nentations | (UiS Join) | (Ruptured Join)_| (Ruptured Joint) | (O'S Joint) 7200 0287 0258 0272 0.206 300 0286 0.285 oar oat 200 0200 one 0207 0.206 200 0266 0270 0268 0.284 eae 0286 0265) 0268 0284 awrok guureomornmes ‘het Pptine company ‘Marien! ayo ot Ruptured 2 Rom 24-Ine SV pene Table 3. Summary ofthe locations and dimensions of indications Identfed on the intemal surface af Pipe Section 2 by magnetic particle inspection. Distance ; roms u | axiattongth | — ovetork Dept MPL Indication tect) (ches) | Orientation | Uncho Tneaton 4 21.20 47 a6 ong Teaieation2 216 04 TAS | NotInspodtod Traeation 3 21560 08 “is | Not Inapectes Traeaton 4 2186 107 THs e010 1 ~ Measurements made after breaking open the inceation. Table 4. Results of EDS analyses (in wt.S¢) performed on corrosion products remaining with corrasion pts on the Internal pipe surface. Refer to Figure 19 for analysis, locations ccavon | onpen | Seam | sucon | sue | cam | ctromtun | nangacse | ton s © i” | Pry” | Pr | ren | Mca | Me | rah cose | 73 | 319] - | os [18] oz | 03 | 08 | sao eosm| 6s | oo] o# | os [a2] oi | - | 06 | eos eosm| so | 19 | - | os |or| - | 02 | 08 [oo ‘Table 5. Results of measurements performed on Mounts Mi-MS to determine the angle between the internal weld cap and the piate edges on the CCW and CW sides of Ue rupture opening. Refer to Appendix A for clonal deta ‘cow side | cw side Mount no Location Mount Rupture Origin 165 135 Mount 2 | Failed Joint vay tem Rapture | 160 “a0 Mount 3 IS Joint 168 18 Mount 4 UIS Joint 168 18t ‘Moun Rupture Orin 165 136 ‘aera. — sarueseaoan i055) 7 ‘hat Pptine Company Datura Ane oa Rapture oe rm 2¢-nch 83 Pine Table 6. Results of tensile tests performed on transverse base metal and weld (HAZ) specimens from the joint thet ruptured compared with requirements for API SL Grade X60 ana API SLX Grade 60 ne pipe steel? ar APLELK rae X80 Grade X60 Base tetal | Seam Weld | (inimum Values)? | ¢iinimum Values) Yild Strength, ksi? 02 - 600 000 Tensile Sbongt, ksi? 352 aso 750 760 Bongation in 2 inches 6? | 283 = 206 206 eduction of Are, $67 60 359 = = 1 ~ Average of duplicate tests, 2~ APLSL, 37% Ealtion, 1988. 3 ~ ABI SUK, 23" Eaton, 1980. ‘Table 7. Results of tensile tests parformed on transverse base metal specimens from the L/S and 0/5 joints compared with requirements for API SL Grade X60 and APL ‘SLX Grade 60 tine pipe stel."* BPIBL Us Base rade X60 Metal nim el Strona ks er3 Tensile Strength Kai” 358 750 Elongation n inches, 6" | 278 206 Reduction of rea, %" 9 S = 1 ~ Average of duplicate tests, 2 = ABI SL, 37" Editon, 1988. 3 — abr 5Lx, 23° Edition, 1960, | ‘het pene Company ‘etaltgen eae Ryptured Jn om 24Ich SV pte ‘Table @, Results of Charpy V-notch impact tests performed on transverse base metal ‘Specimens femoved from the Jone that ruptured, SubSiee Fullsize Tatoral Sample | Temporature,| Impact Energy, | Impact Energy, | Shear, | Expansion, 0. i rs se | Miners: 7eser210 | =e 6 2 | 0006 ssser26 | 78 10 6 | coor ssor24 | 40 0 15 [oor 1986-24 4 2 18 = | cow 1588127 6 0 20 @7_| 0020 1556122 m 6 2 7_| 008s 586125 © 18 a a2 | 0086 5561-23 73 8 2 | 003s ysser25 | 108 1@ 8 100 | 0.088 ss6129 | 125 8 3% 2 | cox “Table 9, Results of Charpy V-notch impact tests performed on transverse seam weld (WAZ) specimens removed from the joint that ruptured. Sub Size Full Sie ‘atoral Impact Energy, | Impact Energy, | shear, | Expansion, ‘lbs ibs Te | nets 4 7 7 0.006 6 "1 +3 | 001 7 8 a | oo 8 7 a7_| oor 8 7 2 | oot 5 28 wo | ons 18 3% 00 | 0.084 6 0 00 | 0082 8 4 00 | oon 6 2 oo | oon aR (HOSS) a ‘Stet pene Comoany ‘etary of Roptred ont fom 2¢ch IV pling ‘Table 10. Results of analyses of the Charpy V-notch impact energy and percent shear plots for base metal and seam weld (HAZ) specimens removed from the join thet ruptured, aco Metal __| Seam Weld (HAZ) ‘Upper Sal impact Energy_(Ful Sze), FBS 380 25 5% FATT, on 38 5% FATT, °F (Full Seale Pipe) * ors 23) 1 Full Scale Pipe FATT = 85% FATT + ((65%(tLo%/t2)-100) where ty = pipe wall thickness and te = width of the CVN specimen. ware e005 Stl Ppstne Compa Fz Ano» Rupe ont ram 2-00 SV Pine ‘Table 11. Results of chemical analyses performed on semples removed from the joint ‘that ruptured and the U/S and D/S Joints compared with composition Fequlrements for API SL Grade X60 and API 5LX Grade 60 line pipe steel.” Sanh |compostion,| Compostion| Grade 60 | Grade eo Ropuured |Us doin” | "Drs aoin”| Spee, | Spee toment we res | “wes | ces" | ory (eaton) exsz | ast | 0138 | aa (many | 029 mas) Wh Manganese) | 1900 | 4240 | 4477 | 1.46 (mao | 445 (man) P_(Posphousy | 0007 | oora | aon | 0.05 max) | 005 (mae statu one | 0017 | 0021 | osteo | 005(max) s__(Sizon) ome | cox | 0026 an (ou (Genre) ono | oe | 012 e E Set) cos | 0005 | o00« = = (Note ona | ooo | 0118 = 5 (cr (Chomian eas | o1sa | onze E = Mo _eyodenuny | ons? | aor | _o0«7 = = ‘AL_(uriur) ‘ooo | ooo | oom = = ‘v__(Vanadiumy 02s | oz | 0022 | 001 min | 001 ning Nabi) oie | cor | 0.020 | 0.005 nin | 0008 in 2 Geren oor | ooez | 0.002 - - (renin) oor | aor | 000s | oma (mins | 002 ring 3 (Bon) accor | 00001 | 00001 e = ca (Casun) cance | 0000 | 00009 5 5 ‘G0 (Cobo ‘008 | 0006 | 0005 5 = Fe (ron) ance | bance | Balance | Bates | Banoo [eaca Frama OF] na? 00 039) = = 1 APLSL, 37” Elton, 1988. 2~ APISLX, 23" Eattion, 1980. 3~ CEng = C+ (Hn/3) + (Cr+Mosvy/S + (N4CUY/AS * ~ Either niobium, vanadium, or ttantur, or a combination thereof, shall be used at the tlscretion of tne manutacturer. Sha Fptine Company etait frat» Raptr eit from 24-inch SY Pte Table 12. Results of failure pressure analyses using CortAs™: allure site was estimated to be 878 psa, ‘The pressure at the tore Dros Faw Proie Properte | psig +1_| Eason Faw (Resin 1) Base Meta | 1252" 2 | Eaunalent Faw (Region t¥Region2)_| Base etal | 0557 3__[Eavalent Faw (Rion 1 HAZ "288" “4 | Eauivalent Faw Region 1+ Reion) | HAZ eas" 1+ 3 Fracture Toughness fallure erterion Bat canoer ries) emer ‘en "2H “TH squnoW) Audes6oje ou pue “AnsiauD ‘SuNs) eau 1) poroUAL rs ia J0 vORRDO} ax Sumoys z LORE edly pue T wORDeS aig Jo MNeWANDS —“TamNbld G22}) MO S/N O eoUeIsIq ese) sa) zuowes oda uonDes adi e (ssorrad womasoSSnev = 9 ed "19 ANG 38 UoRIpUED panenei-se aus Ul (@ Sd) Z UOTDES Bld PUE (F Sd) T SLORDES Adid Jo SySEIBOIas “BIND [NO S/N Jo S/a souRrsip sa\oqpuy eunseeus ade sOuddeum onsejd annsor0sd ou Jo jexours Bumoay wanes} aunadna ouH Bumoys (2 Sd) 2 SUOIDAS adid 40 Sues6oIOYS aus pooner oars 2 (csipeaa youosstenaeo — 70 “(m9 S/n way s/a_9°Tz-£°12) uoReD0| aunycn ay 40 weasisdn 199)

IpUT Ta BuIMOYs sudBoIONY — “y ainbig sere pc so wa pom ey © S/N wou sfa_9°22-£°12) woneD0| umcns axa Jo weannsén 399) 'E Aypewpeaudde “(2 sa) vognas acid payley 2 Jo aDeins jeUisiU Sih Ouoje > UOREDIPUT Tdb BuywoUs SudeGoroyd “swung 9 and init ts feyn tec Photograph of the counterclockwise side ofthe fracture surface, towards the Figure 7 Upstream end ofthe suspected rupture origin. Area shown in Figure 6. oe) — Be Ries ‘oon: —> aa Cet 29 millimeters Photograph ofthe counterclockwise side ofthe fracture surface, at the center ofthe suspected rupture origin. Area shown In Figure 6, Figure 8. etait Saye» Ropar nt rr 2c SOV Pe 20 millimeters Figure 9. Photograph of the counterdoclenise side of the fracture surface, towards the ipul axe si Uno puE TH UNO Jo suorReD0| ‘UL “SoRLNs aunmsey ax UD payRUaP| Z uold=Y PLE T UOIDEY 10) MO S/n ALA WON) DUES SnsIBN Udep we} “OZ BINBLS 180) MO Sin oi Bue ex vse 1 es 1 re oz 3 ‘seyouy dog aco sexo ‘sw dunoW sea ns 9 wy pia a eat, talrgen Pear oF Ruptured Jet rom 2-lach IV pte Figure 21, Photograph of the counterclockwise side of the fracture surface showing the feature sesoclated with MPI Indication 3, shown in igure 8 Ste Ppatne Company etait Anas oa Ruptured Joe rom 2-neh SW Posing ena Figure 22. Photomicrograph showing a portion of the fracture surface associated with 'MPr Inaication 1 folowing cleaning with @ degreaser and methanol. Area shown in Figure 21 ares — Grvesoamon 1405) = ‘nat Pptine company itor Analyte 6» Rupared Je om 2-Inch SV Pine Figure 23, SEM image showing @ nondescript fracture morphology with pockets of Solefieation boundaries/porosity from within. Region "A. Afes shown In Figure 22. Figure 24. SEM image showing fatigue striations across the fracture surface from within the Region B. Area shown in Figure 22. Rte ae = etait Arye» Raptr nt ra 2c SV Pp Figure 25, SEM image showing the transition between fatigue (Region 8) and lab- Induced cleavage fracture. Area shown in Figure 22 Figure 26. Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount 1) removed from the rupture origin, 25.97 feet from the U/S GW. Flow direction is Into the page. Location shown in igure 8. 4% Nita Etch. aa ~ amen rT * clipes nai 8 Rote at ton 24-Ieh SV Posie Figure 27. Photomicrograph of Mount Mi showing the fracture surface from the allure ‘origin in cross-section; area shown In Figure 26. 4% Nita Etch Bi anurans e etapa Aras Ropered oe fom 24-inch SIV pte Figure 28. Photomicrograph of Mount M1 showing the microstructure and the fracture brofle at the internal surfaces of the pipe; area shown Figure 27. 4% Nital Eee, Figure 29, Photomicrograph of Mount ML showing the microstructure and the fracture profile within Region 1. Inclusions are Identiied by red arrows. Ares Shown Figure 27. 4% Nital Etch, iva = nporon mien a Fetbrie fray = Ropar nitro 2c SW pate Figure 30. Photomicrograph of Mount M1 showing the microstructure and the fracture profile within Region 2; area shown Figure 27. 4% Nital Etch. Figure 31. Photomicrograph of Mount ML showing the microstructure and the fracture profle atthe’ transition between Region 2 and. Region 3; area Shown Figure 27. 496 tal Etch ‘Sat Ppetine company Ptr Arye oa Ruptured Joe rm 2-nch SV Pine Faure 32. Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount. M5) removed from the rupture origin, 25.78 feet from the U/S GW. Flow direction Is into the page. Location showin in Figure 8. 4% Nita Etch. wc — gwusomnonmiasy Rite 2a Ener Ary Roped Jat rom 2h SW pte Figure 33. Photomicrograph of Mount M5 showing the facture surface from the failure forign in cross-section; area shown In Figure 32 ‘aval oaenoamon ora Figure 34, Photomicrographs of Mount MS showing secondary cracks along the fracture surface; areas shown in Figure 33. GeoRSS “ het ple Company ‘Stale Arayos Roped Jet rom 2-Ich SIV patie Figure 35, Photomicrographs of Mount MS showing interlinked inclusions; areas shown InFigure 33. 4% Nita Etch, Figure 36. Photomicrographs of Mount MS showing interlinked Inclusions; areas shown In Figure 33.4% Nial Eten ‘Barat — caussoamon wrwassy a era ‘ha patie con ‘tare! Aree of a uptred int om 24-Inch SV pine Figure 37. Photomicrograph showing the base metal microstructure, 49% Nital Etch, Figure 38, Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M2) remaved from the ruptured joint, away from the rupture; 20 feet from the U/S GW. Flow direction is into the page. Location shown in Figure 3. 4% Nital Etch carat NR OS) @ het Fpetne Company tari Araya oo Rupture ont rom 24-inch SV pte Figure 39, Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M3) removed from the D/S Joint. Flow direction Is into the page. Location shown in Figure 1.” 4% Nital Ech. Figure 40. Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M4) removed from the U/S Joint, Flow direction Is into the page. Location shown In Figure 1.45% Nital Eten, Fieve — aarusononox orien) . Sha pt comoany Netari Anais Ruptured nin rom 24-inch SO Pine Figure 41. Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M6) removed fom the ruptured joint, through MP! Indication 1; 21.35 feet from the U/S GW. Flow ‘rection Is nto the page. Location shown in Figure 1. 4% Nil Etch. i ae Seen ee Eee Figure 42, Photomicrograph of Mount M6 showing the fracture surface associated with HPL Indeation 1 In eross-section; area shown In Figure 41 Shel Pipe Croan Hts Ara Rupr anton 24-inch SO Ppt Frgure 43. Photomicrograph of Mount MG showing small secondary cracks along the fracture surface, near the termination of the fatigue region; area shown In Figure 42, Figure 44, Photomicrograph of Mount M6 showing a large Inclusion or continuation af the weld defect; area shown in Figure 42 ‘nares — arveaoconn sess) ‘het Petine company ‘tari myer Ruptured oe fom 2t-inch Spline Measurement | Hardness ocation | HV) ‘1 242.8 2 az 2 221 4 2a. s 2307 8 2208. 7 28 3 2017 2 2185 0 2155 a 2085 2 1099. 13 Dasa cn ‘eas. ci 2085 76 ‘050. ar 15% ct ard 8 093 20 036. 21 Zot 2 261 Figure 45. Hardness measurements taken at various locations on Mount M1. ‘pao - owumseemon pum Pb 8 015 ste Poste Company etait Ata ef» Ruptured oe ram 2-neh SV Pine Hardness (HV) Measurement Location | wounenz | Mounts | Mount 14 i a20 [1634] 2055 z 08 | —2059 | 2108 3 ‘zi0g—| 1903] 208.4 2 2047 —| 1942 —| 200-7 5 ‘e34—| ters [188-1 5 iwia_| tra} 1978 7 728 | te98 | 197.0 3 2ira—| 1980} 197.0 3 zag | 7047 | 705.1 70 2087 | 1009 | 108.8 it zig | —ies8 | 2087 Z ‘w20| 163 | 2085 Figure 46. Hardness measurements taken at representative locations on Mount M2. (figure 38), M3 (Figure 39), and ma (Figure 40). Faw ah ArUSoonoR e055) a Faget Ara Roped ant rr 2-10 SO Pine year from Charpy V-notch tests as a function of temperature for base metal specimens removed from the pipe joint that rupture. ‘ee Heal opat Cure charpy V-notch impact energy as a function of temperature for transverse base metal specimens removed from the pipe joint that ruptured, ‘Gera — erusaeamon wieess) etal Aras a Ruptred oi rom 24Ine SV Rpg Figure 49. Figure 50. od TT “+ A r 1 pect shar fom Guy Vcc ts 35a fc of temper for Ceara Tat eld) Soc enh at he at eet oo “| | 1 fats i inal | | | ! | Town charpy V-notch impact energy as a function of temperature for transverse ‘seam weld (HAZ) specimens removed from the pipe joint that ruptured Seco ‘ean! Ans or a Rupture oi om 24-neh SV Peng APPENDIX A DSAW Measurements ‘Barat — ausioaonon 1055) ower 208 Figure Ai. Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M1) removed from the rupture ‘origin, 25.97 feet from the U/S GW. Figure A2. Photograph ofthe mounted cross-section (Mount M5) removed from the rupture ‘origin, 25.78 feet from the L/S GW. ‘erat - aaeomnon ries) ct Stl pte company Netaorgien Anayto Ruptured aint rom 24-inch SOY Pine Figure A3. Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M2) removed from the ruptured joint, away from the rupture; 20 feet from the L/S GW. Figure 4. Photograph of the mounted cross-section (Mount M3) removed from the D/S Joint. Bw — oMuEsocnon 055) OO a aoe Sha Ppt Comoary etatorit Aras» Ruptured oi rom 24-ien SV Pipe Faure AS, Potcraph ofthe mourted cross-section (lount MA) removed from the Us Joint. ‘ea — rucnon ores ro ember etait Analyse 8 Ruptred Jon from 24-Inch SIV Pipe APPENDIX B CorLas™ Analysis (embar 08 ‘het Posie Company ‘takes! Anes Ruptured int Hom 24-Inch SV pene APPENDIX B. Description of CorLas™ “The CorLAS™ computer program was doveloped by Det Norske Veritas (ULS.A.), Inc (formerly CC Technologies) to evaluate crack-lke flaws in pipelines based on inelastic fracture mechanics. Using the effective area of the actual, measured crack lenath-depth profile, an equivalent seml-elptcal surface flaw is modeled and used to compute the effective stress and the applled value of} for internal pressure loading. ‘The effective stress and applled J are then compared with the flow strength (,) and fracture toughness (3c), respectively, to predict the failure pressure. ‘The program also contains a similar inelastic fracture mechanics analysis for through-wall flaws. The fracture toughness ofthe steel can be estimated from Charpy data or measured by means of a 2x: test. In the most recent version of CorLAS™, the fracture toughness ‘analysis automatically checks for plastic instablity and only the fracture toughness curve needs to be considered for crack-lIke flaws. The actual tensile and Charpy properties of the Pie joint, measured from the samples removed, can be used for the critical leak/rupture length caleulation. eve = SRNR ASS) Shel Ppstne Comoany ‘een Ares pred nt rom neh SW Pps (case 1: Measured mechanical base-metal properties, measured dimensions, and the as- measured flew profile of Region 1 (Fatigue). Sava Snr Epil Faw Pree Base Metal Maximum Oparaing Pressure (5g) we UTS ps) 35200 YS Gai) 67200 FS (ps) e200 Eke) 20500) nex 0.088 em 36T7 “Thana (OD) Tori or hoop ees Tse wa ‘00 (ih 24 ‘Wal Tides Ta 0265 ‘Summary of Result Yor Eecve Area Mod Faw Start (n) 22 Length) 666 ‘rea (i°2) ‘00 Depth (in) Maou ‘O18 Equivalont Flaw ‘One For Design Factor O72 Design Pressure (5g) Osa Foire Stoss (ps) 50956 Fels Pressure (peg) 730.98 Fox Design Facior O72 Maximum Sate Presi [) 357.65 ‘ica and Safa Presaue tors Crack ‘AToperaing pressure! OBA) sr aa Far (in serra — [Tat wa Predciod GrialPresure (i) 232.22 For Design Factor ‘O72 Maxim Sate Pressure (083) ‘B00 Based on I Factre Toughness le) cron Faw Star fh) 22 Length ‘es6. Area (in°2) as00 Dep.) Minar ‘ann ‘Equivalent Faw ons fies garusEcnon P05) a het pete Company tape Anyone Rupured nt Hom 24-12 SV pte case 3: Measured mechanical HAZ properties, measured dimensions, and the as-measured flaw profile of Region 3 (Fatigue). war ‘Sani Epica Fiw Profle HAZ Maar Opsraing Presa [PSR] ae UTS HsH00 YS (si 57200 FSps 76560 E Gs) F500 ne ‘95 J (ea) 3145 “Thn-wat (00) Tomar bop sess Tat Ea O(a 24 Wal Thickness (ay 7285 Suma f Rests Yr Cosi Area tied aw Sta (rn) Length Gn) $08 “088 300 Dest in) Wane ots Equivalent Faw ons For Design Factor O72 Design Presore (5) 7068 eure Ste (38) 35228 ere Pressure (p53 7307.86 Fores Facer O72 Manu Safe Pressure (5) IKE aT an Sala Presa a Cra ‘operating pressure ba) ms [T a Forse i sz [Test | a Pris Cril Preairs[b) 7208.15 For bash Facior O72 Menu Sete Preis (533) 39867 trieron Fw Stat Ga) aE engin), a0 ‘wa (n2) D808 Depth in). Minar Oxts Equivalent Faw Os (wot — Sarna LHe) ‘tate fray Ruptre on rom 24-inch I Fpl ‘case 4: Measured mechanical HAZ properties, measured dimensions, and the as-measured ‘aw profile of Region 1 (Fatigue) + Region 2 (Step-Wise Cracking). ‘Sea SUID ‘Sern Epes Faw Pra HAZ. ‘Maman Opezang Proaurs [bog 36. UTS ips 35000) YS (ps) 37200 FS (os) 78550) E(k) 29500, exp ‘05 Je (bv 3145 “Tinswl (OD) Yoru Torhoop aaa Ta Si ‘00 (ny 2 Wal Thickness Gay 0.265. ‘Sunray of RSS Tor Eline Ares Maio’ Flaw Sat ie Length (in) 726 ‘Area n%2) as Dei in) Meena ‘203 Equvatont Faw 208 For Design Factor O72 ‘Design Pressure (pa 7058.48 Flute Svess (ps) 022i alr Pressure (3) ‘0367 For Design Factor 072 ‘Maxum Sao Pressure bag) ase ‘ial and Sate Pasture ora Crack ‘Rroperag pressure: JBI saz [7 TE or (bi) 3152 [Tat Sr rela Criial Pras (950) 28 For Design Factor O72 ‘Maximum Safe Pressure a) 508.82 ase on I Frture Taughess RY ttn Fl: iT) Tez Length in) 728 ‘res (2) a6 epi (i): Wena ‘205 Eguvlent Faw ‘201 ABOUT DNV GL Driven by aur purpose of safeguarding Ife, property, and the environment, DNV GL enables forganizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide Classification and technical assurance along with sofware and Independent expert advisory ‘services to the maritime, ail and gas, and energy Industries. We also provide certification services to customers across a wide range of Industries, Operating in mare than 100 Countries, our 16,000 professionals are decicated to helping our customers make the world sefer, smarter, and greener,

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