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Parashah: Vayelech "And He Went

Parashah 52: Vayelekh (He went); Deuteronomy 31:1-30.

Haftarah reading: Hosea 14:2-10; Micah 7:18-20; Joel 2:15-27.
B'rit Hadasha suggested reading: Luke 24:13-43, Hebrews 13:5-8.

Summary & Overview


Deuteronomy 31:1 | Joshua Becomes Moses' Successor

Deuteronomy 31:9 | The Law to Be Read Every Seventh Year
Deuteronomy 31:14 | Moses and Joshua Receive God's Charge
Deuteronomy 31:30 | The Song of Moses

The name of the 52nd reading from the Torah is Vayelech ;lyv, which means
and he went. The name is derived from the first word of the first verse of this
portion: Then Moses went (vayelech) and spoke all these words to Israel.
Parasha Vayelekh is normally read between Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets)
and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and this year is no exception.
This Parashah is only one chapter and is about the appointment of Joshua as
the new leader as well as the public reading of the Torah every seven years,
re-establishing the Covenant within a seven-year cycle.

Moses Birthday
It is Moses birthday this day he is 120 years old when he spoke to the
Congregation before he died.
Q - What is the significance of the number 120?
In Exodus 3:3 we read about Mosess encounter with a
Thorn Bush that burned but was not consumed and
thornbush has the numerical value of 120. The
thornbush experience was the place where YHVH reestablished, extended or promised His Covenant to Israel as a nation.
Thornbush is the word hasne that. This thorn bush is linked to Sinai that is
also known as the place of thorns where Moses received the Ten
Commandments. The thorn bush was the medium through which YHVH
spoke to Moses, and Sinai, the place of thorns is the medium (His
Commandments) YHVH is speaking to all the generations that came after
Spiritual Insight: The thorn bush engulfed in flames is a picture of Moses
covered with YHVHs anointing (baptism of fire) that came upon him, but
did not consume or destroy him. There are two mediums mentioned in
Scripture that can cleanse you; the first one is water and the second is fire.
Water represents the Word of YHVH and the application is symbolised by
baptism. The Word is designed to apply to and cleans the whole body,
applying it to all areas of your life. Water is safe to use on the flesh, and the
Word is there to help overcome our fleshiness and contain our fleshly

The second cleansing method is through burning of

fire. This is to prepare and refine materials like gold
and silver that were used to create the furnishings
used in the Tabernacle. Fire is dangerous to the flesh
and symbolises the cleansing or purging of your
spiritual side. This is represented by the baptism of the
spirit and by fire. The cleansing and purification
process is not managed or controlled by the object that
is being purified, but by the gold or silver smith. This
means that YHVH takes control of this process and He is doing this deep
work within us through His Spirit. The water of the Word, on the other
hand, is applied by the person to cleanse themselves with. This teaches us
that YHVHs Anointing not only equip you, but also purges and purifies your
spiritual side in order to restore it to its former glory as per His design.
Matt 3:11 I baptise you with water for repentance, but after me will
come One more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to
carry. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
Johns baptism is the baptism of repentance and Yshuas Baptism is the
baptism of purification and anointing. The symbolism of immersion indicates
that it is a full body and spirit application, dealing with all areas of your life and
inner being.
Q Why is this topic relevant to us at this time?
We are currently between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur and within the ten
days of awe. This is a season of introspection and repentance, where you
assess your life before YHVH. Prophetically, this is the season where the
Bride prepares herself to make sure she is ready to meet Her Groom.
Q What is the difference between sanctification by the Word and Spirit and
cleansing by the blood?
We are sanctified by the Word of Truth, John 17:17, 2 Thes 2:13, and by the
Spirit, 1 Pet 1:1-2, 2 Cor 7:1, so that we can be Holy unto Him. The Blood of
Messiah gave us access to this Covenant through His redemptive work and
His Blood. He paid the price to fulfil the first part of the Marriage, and we
sanctify ourselves through His Word, and He sanctify us through His Spirit, in
order to accomplish the second part of the Marriage between Him and His
people. The Blood gives us access to the Word and the Spirit and having
access, gives us the opportunity to be cleansed.

Face to Face
Moses was one of a few people in Scripture who spoke to YHVH face to face.
The term face to face can be compared to someone looking into a mirror,
but in this case, one face was the face of Moses, and the other face was the
Face of YHVH. This encounter where Moses met YHVH face to face was at
the thornbush and this place of thorns is actually YHVHs Word or
Commandments, where you will find the Face of Messiah. Looking into His
Word or Face is like doing introspection, comparing His face to your face,
highlighting the differences and areas that still need some work before you will
look like Him. This is the same what James wrote regarding the Word of
YHVH, being a mirror.

James 1:23-25 For if anyone is a hearer of the Word and

not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in
a mirror; 24 for once he has looked at himself and gone
away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person
he was. 25 But one who looks intently at the perfect Torah
(law), the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having
become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man
will be blessed in what he does.
Yshua is the living Torah or Word of YHVH, the One Who
liberates you from sin and death. Having the mirror of the Word
will help you to be created into His image and likeness. [Gen
1:26] Not only will you see Yshua, but also the face of the Father.
John 14:8-9 Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father, and that
will be enough for us. 9 Yshua replied, Philip, I have been with you all
this time, and still you do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me has
seen the Father. How can you say, Show us the Father?
He is the mirror image of the Father and looking into His face will reveal the
nature and character of the one He represents and reflects. The symbolism of
the mirror teaches us that looking into the Word (Torah) is a means to see
the Father and the Son. Not only that, it is also a tool in which we see
ourselves and how we are supposed to look, compared to your actual self in
this world. When Moses looked into the burning bush he saw his image, the
way YHVH want him to be and the plan he had for his life. This should be our
intent when we study and look into the mirror and Word of YHVH.
Back to the significance of the number 120. You can
calculate 120 when you multiply the numbers 1 through
5. 1x2x3x4x5 = 120. Every number in Hebrew has a
meaning; 1= Unity (Echad), 2= Relationships, 3 =
Covenant, 4 =Work of Messiah and 5 = Grace.
This is the Gospel message contained in these numbers
where YHVH extends His Grace (5) to humanity through the Work of the
Messiah (4). This work Yshua came to do will bring you into Covenant with
Him (3) so that the relationship between YHVH and man can be restored (2)
and so that they can become One (Echad) with Him (1). Moses life and
everything he compiled in his life as recorded in the five Books of the Torah,
give this foundational truth on which the Gospel message is founded and build
on. If you disregard these 5 Books, then you lost the essence and intent of the
Gospel Message and you have no mirror to look into.
The life of Moses (120 years) was made up of three 40 year periods:
During the first 40 years, he was a Prince in Egypt, and we find
this contained in 11 verses in the Book of Exodus.
The following 40 years was when Moses fled and became a
Shepherd in the wilderness; this is recorded in 10 verses.
The last 40 years of Mosess life was after his encounter with
YHVH at the burning bush where he served YHVH by leading the
people of Israel; this takes 35 chapters to explain.

You can make the assumption that two-thirds of

Mosess life can be seen as wasted, especially the
middle 40 years where he lost his royal status as
Prince, living as a shepherd in the wilderness. As
prince he could have influenced his people, but in the
wilderness he had no impact at all. Moses must have
thought that he blew it and became a nobody. This is
not true because of the middle 40 years, one-third of
his life was the time YHVH prepared him to become
one of the greatest leaders in Biblical History.

The Chinese Bamboo Tree grows 80 feet in

just six weeks after 5 years of preparation.

Personal Application: This is a message to young people live life, be

the best student, a KFC worker, married having a family. Live your life day
by day because this is your preparation for something great. Then one day,
YHVH will show you the plan he has for your life and what extraordinary
things He will do through you. He is your Father, and it is His responsibility
to guide you through this wilderness called life, in order to bring His plan
to fruition. [Eph 2:10] All you have to do is to be available and to allow Him
to prepare you and this preparation is through cleansing of water and fire.
The first stage of Mosess life where he lived like a Prince in Egypt,
represents your life before meeting Messiah. This is where you have fun
and enjoy all life can offer you and where you typically make mistakes that
you might regret one day. The next 40 years in the Wilderness is the stage
in your life after you met Yshua and decided to follow Messiah. This is your
training ground where you will go through tests and trials in order to build
your character before you can be used by YHVH. Moses was used mightily
by YHVH throughout the last 40 years of his life, and this represents your
life as mature Believer where YHVH can use you to reach, disciple or lead
others into the Kingdom. Be patient, YHVH is preparing you for something

Joshua new Leader over Israel

Deut 31:7-8 Then Moses called Joshua and said
to him in the sight of all Israel, Be strong and of
good courage, for you must go with this people to
the land which YHVH has sworn to their fathers to
give them, and you shall cause them to inherit
it.8 And YHVH, He is the One who goes before you.
He will be with you, He will not leave you nor
forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.
We are now nearing the conclusion the Book of Deuteronomy, as well the
entire Torah (First 5 Books of the Bible). Moses has completed his review,
and he charges them to observe the Torah faithfully.
Now Moses is ready to die, as the leadership of the Israel is formally
transferred to his faithful and steadfast student, Joshua. Joshuas name in
Hebrew is Yohushua that can be pronounced Yshua. Not only this, we see
later that Joshuas life prophetically foreshadow Yshuas life. Joshua being
taught by Moses before he became the Leader over Israel gives us the
understanding that Yshua was a student of the Torah before He started His

leadership role leading His people. This contradicts the idea that Yshua came
to abolish the Torah but rather came to teach and fulfill the Torah (fill it full of
meaning and fulfilling the Festivals Matt 5:17-19). Yshua is usually seen as
the Suffering Servant, the Lamb of YHVH Who died for us, He is never
portrayed as a Teacher of the Torah. Isaiah gives us a future view of what will
happen after Yshuas Second Coming:
Isa 2:2-3 Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the
mountain of YHVHs house shall be established on the top of the
mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall
flow to it. 3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go
up to the mountain of YHVH, to the house of the Elohim of Jacob; and
He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths. For out
of Zion shall go forth the Torah, and the Word of YHVH from
If you read the whole chapter you will see that this prophecy is in end time
context, after the Day of the Lord, after the New Jerusalem has come down in
Jerusalem where YHVHs presence will be found. Yshua will teach us His
Torah from the mountain of YHVH, from Jerusalem and nations will flock to
the mountain, to the House of YHVH to learn his ways.

Seven Year Creation Cycle

For the Western mind, time is linear that has a beginning and an
end. For the Hebrew mind, time is circular connecting the beginning
to the end. Connecting the beginning and end of the Alephbet is
connecting the Aleph with the Tav (Alpha-Omega Rev 22:13), the AlephTav ta Who is the Messiah, The One through Whom the world was
spoken into existence.
These cycles reveals to us the concept of the restoration work of the
Messiah that happens in a seven-thousand-year cycle, where He was
the Creator at the Beginning and the Judge / King at the End.
In this Torah Portion we find that the Torah was read in cycles as well,
starting at the beginning during the Feast of Sukkot, the 15th of the 7th month.
This is why the Torah cycle exist today because of this Commandment YHVH
gave to Moses to give to the children of Israel. Jews believe to start this cycle
with Genesis chapter 1, the first week after the last day of Sukkot, and it
continues throughout the year, ending in Deuteronomy chapter 34, the last
week of Sukkot. The Torah is circular as well because we see the same
themes in Deuteronomy as well as Genesis, both dealing with the idea or
thought of Creation, connecting Deuteronomy back to Genesis.
The number Seven is very significant in the Hebraic context and is the
number that means perfection and symbolises a creation cycle. Everything or
everyone that goes through these cycles of seven are actually created, or
rather re-created by YHVH. This creation process is active in your life if you
partake in this weekly cycle, studying His Word. This is confirmed by the letter
that represents the number 7, which is Zayin z, that means sword as well
as the Word of YHVH, better known as His two-edged sword (Heb 4:12).

Just as important is the seventh day Cycle is the seven yearly Cycles that has
a Creation theme as well. Once in seven years, as the agricultural cycle
begins anew, the people prepare to celebrate the Festival of Succoth, during
the seventh month. The entire nation is to gather as one in order to hear a
public reading of Torah at the 'place that YHVH will choose.'
Deut 31:11 When all Israel comes to appear before YHVH YOUR
ELOHIM at the place he will choose, you shall read this Torah before
them in their hearing. 12 Assemble the peoplemen, women and
children, and the foreigners residing in your townsso they can listen
and learn to fear YHVH YOUR ELOHIM and follow
carefully all the words of this Torah. 13 Their
children, who do not know this Torah, must hear it
and learn to fear YHVH YOUR ELOHIM as long as you
live in the land you are crossing the Jordan to
Appear is the Hebrew word raah har that means;
appear, to see, enjoy, discern and meet. Raah is
first found in Scripture in Gen 1:4 when YHVH created the Light and divided
the Light from the Darkness saying that it was good.
Before is the Hebrew word pawneem ,ynp that means face and is related
to the Creation where YHVHs Spirit moved over the face of the waters. This
gave us the insight that standing before the Face of YHVH is the same as
His Spirit moving over you doing a creative work within you.
Personal Application: Putting these two thoughts together in relation with
Deut 31:11, we see that YHVH wants everyone to appear before His Face
so that He can move over them, by His Spirit and His Creative Power, as
they hear His Torah / Word being red. The Word and YHVHs Spirit have
the creative power to separate the darkness and light in your life, revealing
the Light from His Truth, so that the dark side of our human nature (sin),
can be driven away. His Word, Truth or Commandments are like seed that
has the power in itself to do and purpose what it was created for. All you
have to do is to allow His Word to penetrate your soul and it will do a
powerful creative work driving, revealing Himself to you.
The phrase before you is found 7 times in this
Torah Portion. When Israel travelled through
the Wilderness, they had a pillar of could and a
pillar of fire that went before them representing
the presence of YHVH. The phrase before you
relates to the Presence of YHVH or His Spirit,
Who leads the way. Verse 8 says; and
YHVH, He is the One who goes before you, this
means that He has gone through everything you
must go through and He is the only One Who can really help you to overcome
any obstacle or situation.
John 14:26 But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor
Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father
will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My

behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember
everything that I have told you.
YHVHs Face or Presence is through His Spirit Who will help you, council you,
guide you, teach you and lead you, the same way He did with Israel in the
Wilderness, and before they entered the Promised Land.
In verse 3 we read Joshua will cross before you as YHVH has spoken.
This phrase is made up of three Hebrew words Asher deber YHVH . Deber
means spoken, as if YHVH spoke something over Joshua. This phrase can
also be translated differently by changing the vowels, giving: Asher davar
YHVH. Davar means word as in the Word of YHVH. When you change
deber to davar, it reads as follows in English: Joshua will cross before you
as the Word of YHVH. Joshua is not the right translation of the name and
should be Yohushua or Yshua. Prophetically, Joshuas life mirrored Yshuas
life and substituting Joshua with Yshua in this phrase reads as follows:
Yshua will cross before you as the Word of YHVH
This is a valid translation from Hebrew and reveals Yshua as the Word of
YHVH, similar to what John wrote in the Berit Cadasha (NT):
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
Elohim, and ]the Word was Elohim Himself.
Deuteronomy reveals Yshua as the Word of YHVH Who will go before us,
having gone through every trial thinkable, so that He can support and help us
in every situation. Him being the Word also teaches us that all the keys for life
is found within YHVHs Word and if you know His Word, then you know Him
and He knows you.

Moses & Joshua Torah & Yshua

One thing popped up with the passing of
the leadership from Moses to Joshua;
Moses could not cross the Jordan or
enter the Promised Land, but Joshua
Q With Moses representing the Torah
and Joshua representing Yshua - what
does this mean?
Crossing the Jordan is passing YHVHs
Judgement. YHVH does not judge His
Torah but will judge all the followers of Yshua, those who will follow Him to
the Promised Land. The symbolism here means that you cannot be saved by
only following the Torah, salvation is through the Blood of the Lamb and faith
in Yshua the Messiah. It is only through His work and His grace that you can
enter into the Kingdom of YHVH. The Torah has its place, it is there to protect
and sustain you while you travel through the Wilderness, to protect you from
the enemies and to give you the wisdom to overcome every obstacle that
wants to direct you away from this Path that leads to the Promised Land.
Once you are in the Kingdom YHVH will use His Torah to govern His people
like a King governs His people with the law of the Land.

We saw this in the prophesy in Isa 2 where Yshua will teach His Torah from
the mountain. The Way that leads to the Kingdom and the Key to get into the
Kingdom is only found in Yshua, He is the Way to the Father.
Acts 4:12 "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none
other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be
John 3:16 " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life."
John 10:9 " I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved,
and shall go in and out, and find pasture."
John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no
man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Salvation belongs to our Master Yshua the Messiah and the Torah belong to
us. We do the Torah because we are saved, not to be saved. The Torah is the
Water of the Word that we have access to, to sanctify ourselves with.

Commandment to Assemble
With the completion of the Torah text, Moses entrusts
the precious scroll to the hands of the Cohanim
(Priests) and the Elders. That remarkable moment is
marked the introduction of the Commandment of
'Hakhel' or 'Assembly'.
Deut 31:12 Assemble the people -the men, the women, the little
ones and the foreigners you have in your towns -so that they can hear,
learn, fear YHVH YOUR ELOHIM and take care to obey all the words of
this Torah; 13 and so that their children, who have not known, can hear
and learn to fear YHVH YOUR ELOHIM, for as long as you live in the land
you are crossing the Jordan to possess."
Heb 10:23-24 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without
wavering, for He who promised is faithful; 24 and let us consider how to
stimulate one another to love and good deeds, 25 not forsaking our own
assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one
another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
The event of Hakhel, incorporates reading, study and exhortation and
encouragement of men, women, and children and foreigners to learn about
the Sinai experience and revelation of the Torah.
Assemble is the word qahal lhq that means to gather, to assemble and to
convoke. It is first used in Scripture in Exo 32:1 where Moses went up Mt
Sinai and delayed to come down. Then the people assembled unto Aaron and
asked him to make them a golden calf because they were seeking an image
of the God they were serving based on the ways of the culture they came
from. Aaron made the calf and said to the people; this is YHVH, let us have a
feast unto Him.

Spiritual Insight: YHVH commanded the people to assemble to

listen carefully and obey all the words of the Torah. When this do
not happen, the people will act on what they know and bring in
influences from their cultures within the Assembly. This is what is
happening in some Denominations today. What do people do
when they assemble? Do they base what they do and how they
worship on the Word of YHVH or do they invent golden calves
based on cultural preferences to attract and entertain people
If YHVH or His Word is not the centre of the assembly, then the
danger exists for the golden calves will come forth and people will call it
the Lord but it is only a man created image. YHVH said we need to
worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (Word). [John 4:24]

Fear Not Be Strong and Courageous

Deut 31:5-6 YHVH will deliver them (your enemies) up before you,
and you shall do to them according to all the Commandments which I
have commanded you. 6 "Be strong and courageous, do not be
afraid or tremble at them, for YHVH your Elohim is the one who goes
with you. He will not fail you or forsake you."
Strong is the Hebrew word chazak qzx and means, to fasten upon; to
seize, be strong, courageous, cure, help, repair, to take control of something.
It is first used in Scripture in Gen 19:16 where the Angels of YHVH appeared
to Lot to warn him before YHVH destroyed Sodom. Lot hesitated but the
Angels laid hold upon the hands or Lot and his family members to pull them
out of the city before it was consumed. YHVH destroyed His enemies within
Sodom but saved the righteous through His Strength (chazak).
Spiritual Application: When YHVH says, be strong and
courageous, He actually asks for your hand so that He can pull
you out of the situation you are in. To be strong is not out of your
own strength, but to give the situation over to Him so that He can pull
you out of harms way. This is the trust and confidence we have in Him
that He will not fail us or forsake us, but will save us with His mighty arm
and strength. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:10 that when we are weak,
YHVH is strong (chazak).
Courageous is the Hebrew word amats /ma that means to prevail, to be
superior, to be victorious, to press in order to squeeze something out. It also
means mental strength with a view to succeed or win. Amats is first found in
Scripture in Gen 25:23 describing the birth of Yaacov (Jacob) and Esau where
YHVH said that Jacob would be stronger (amats)
than his brother and the older will serve the
Spiritual Application: This strength is not
physical as we saw with chazak but it is an
internal mental strength that enables you to
endure the pressures of life or the enemy within
which is the flesh.

This inner strength is closely related to faith (amunah) that is based on

hope. To be courageous, you must have a goal or have hope to aspire to;
then you can stand fast and push through mentally as challenges come
against you.
YHVH encouraged Joshua and the people and told them to be strong and
courageous for what they are going to face next before entering the Promised
Land. They just came through the Wilderness but will face new challenges or
enemies before they take possession of the Promised Land. They needed
YHVHs strength (chazak) to destroy the external enemies, and they need
inner mental strength (amats), to stand fast in faith till they reach the finishing
1 Cor 1:24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but
only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win
Verse 6 ends with do not be afraid or tremble at them, for YHVH your
Elohim is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you."
Fear is the Hebrew word arats /ri that means to be
terrified, to break and to prevail. Interestingly, fear and
courageous both mean to prevail. If you fear, then you will be
concurred (prevailed over) and if you have courage or mental
strength, you will prevail or overcome any situation. Whatever
or whoever you fear, will become your master. Fear YHVH and
have faith in Him, and He will become your master.
This makes Fear and Faith enemies and the one you allow will bring you its
outcome. To be courageous means not to break, but stay mentally strong so
that you can prevail over fear and be its master. This is the battle that takes
place in the minds of believers every day. Satan uses fear as a weapon to try
and make us powerless and weak in our minds, by creating a shadow of
death. Fear has no substance and only exists in the minds of man, but it can
become very real and powerful if you allow it to grow like a cancer in your
Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear is based on a lie, but Faith is based on the
Truth. By definition, a Believer should never be afraid because of faith. The
only thing we are commanded to fear is YHVH thus making FEAR the master
we submit under, instead of YHVH. When you fear YHVH, you acknowledge
Him as Superior and submit under His authority, and this gives life. To fear
Satan or man or any situation, brings you into bondage that will result in
death. What you fear is what you worship!
Fear - arats /ri (ayin resh tzadik) is related to the Earth erets /ra
(aleph resh tzadik). The only difference between the two words is that is
arats (Fear) starts with an Ayin i (meaning eye) and erets (Earth) starts
with an Aleph a (Meaning strength ox YHVH).
Q - What wisdom can we glean from this?


Fear arats is the foundation of death based on a lie that originates from what
we see (Ayin). The Earth erets is the foundation of life that originates from
YHVH (Aleph) which is His strength. You can create your own world or
reality in your mind, perceiving everything from your skewed perspective
because of fear. This will create a non-real, virtual reality you bind yourself to
in which you are terrified based on what you see. YHVH created the earth, the
foundation of life that comes from Him, His Word, making it a real world
where He is the Creator, and He let you exist in His reality where faith on His
truth releases His strength in your life that sets you free. This is entirely a
different reality to your virtual world that is based on fear. Have faith in His
Word and build your life on the real foundation of truth, and follow Him as your
master, not fear.

B'rit Hadasha Reading:

Luke 24:13-43, Hebrews 13:5-8

Yshua Appears to the two Disciples on the Road to

Emmaus by Michael Kapsis
And beholdithou) two of them were
going on the same day to a village named
Emmaus, being sixty furlongs(stadia) distant
from Jersusalem. And they talked to each
other about all these things that had taken
place. And it happened (as) they (were) talking
and discussing, coming near even Jesus
Himself travelled with them. (Lk 24:13-15
And eyesofthalmoi) of them were
heldekratounta not to
recognise/epignonai) Him. (Lk 24:16 JPGreen )
And He said to them What words (logie) (are) these which
you exchange with each other and are
Downcastskithropie/ i.e. sad)? and answering, one
named Cleopas said to Him, (Are you only a stranger in
Jerusalem, and do not knowknowledge in relation to
past events the things occurring in it in these days? And He said
to them, What things? And they said to Him, The things concerning
Jesus the Nazarene, who was a man, a prophet mighty in work and
word before God and all the people and how the chief priests and
our rulers delivered Him up to judgement of death, and crucified
Him,(Lk 24:17-20 KJVII)
But were hoping that He is the (one) going to redeem Israel... (Lk 24:21JPGreen)
...And He said to them, O fools and slowvrathies/slow,tardy,slack ie
2Pet. 3:9 ... the lord is not slack concerning His promise of Heart to
BELIEVE ALL that the prophets spoke! And beginning from Moses and from
all the prophets, He interpreted to them all the Scriptures (grafis/
writings) with things concerning Himself.(Lk 25:-27 KJVII)


And Yshua, later on, did stay with them and it was while in the reclining
position, He broke the Loaf (unleavened bread - matzah) in their company
and gave to them.
And was opened (thi-in-ihthisan) the eyesofthalmoi), and
they remembered (epegnosan/they knew) Him. (LK 24:31 JPGreen)
The scripture goes on to say that He became invisible to them, and within that
same hour they returned to Jerusalem and relayed those events to the
gathering of the 11 disciples ( possibly 10 that evening) saying; He Was
Known(epignosthi) to them through the breaking of the Loaf. (LK 24:25

Lets take a closer look of this reading:

Earlier on the journey to Emmaus Yshua said to them, What words (logies)
are these? The discussion was everything concerning the Word
(Logo), the things of yesterday, the things of today, and future outcomes.
But their understanding was limited and unfruitful because they didnt have a
hold by Faith to believe all that the Prophets had spoken. And their
ofthalmoi eyes were held not to know the very Messiah (The Logos)
walking alongside them.
For the Redeeming Messiah was held by all to be the Appointed One of
YHVH, for the unification and liberation of Israel, the two (Israel and Judah)
becoming one. And, likewise, Cleopas and his companion were held to the
realisation of their circumstances. For their ofthalomoi eyes were held to the
realisation that they were presently in occupied territory, and the Northern
Army which YHVH swore by the Prophet Joel to remove far offinto a land
barren and desolate (Joel 2:20) still reigned the regions of Israel. Was not
this Messiah expected to utter His voice before His Army?(Joel 2:11),
where is this great and very terrible day of YHVH.
Furthermore, even though Yshua had come unto His own, His own did not
receive Him. Division was presently and undoubtedly in the land, and the
death and resurrection of Messiah held no ground because of these things
for they were hoping that He is the (one) going to redeem Israel. And
their sad downcast countenance reflected their disappointment and frustration
being generated by a slow heart towards the Truth.
To abide in YHVHs Word is necessary to turn a slow
heart on fire. If our hearts are on fire we do well. Our
hearts need to burn continually with the Whole Truth, of
YHVHs Whole Word, and only then will our eyes be truly
opened and remain opened and we will see Him and
know Him. Faith comes with Trusting YHVHs word and
by knowing this very principle that Yshua the Messiah
(Jesus Christ), The Word (Logos) doesnt change;
Jesus Christ (yesterday and today (is) the
same, even to the ages/aionasHeb 13:8 JPGreen)


On this alone, our considerations, expectations, hopes, and belief need to

realign and rest on the Whole Truth of YHHVHs Word without omissions.
It is what we need to hold onto, because what was spoken by the prophets
concerning future events will happen in their own time as it is written.
In regards to Cleopas and the other disciple they Knew Him as soon as the
reality of those times and that day (the day of the Resurrection) came into
focus through the breaking of the loaf (unleavened bread - matzah), where the
significance of Messiah suffering once for the putting away of sin became
understood by things which were Spoken (Logies), and He (Logos) was
clearly seen for their eyes became wide open.


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