The Pursuit of The FREE Society and Its Realm Act (Entire)

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Mr. E. J.

Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Rule 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

FILE NO . PO-00001
OTTAWA Registry


The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act


ü ................... day the

BEFORE THE SUPREME COURT ý ................... day of
þ .................., 20 .... .

ON THE APPLICATION of Mr. E. J. Krass, Son of Heaven - title bestowed by Canadian

governments, without a hearing and by consent: BAD FAITH - dishonesty in decision making.


This Act is necessary to replace the Constitutional Question Acts across Canada which are
inherently corrupt as they are far beyond not being consistent with s. 24 (1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms as they completely contradict Everyone’s Legal Rights and the real
wording of s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

This is a double edged act as it will both repudiate the current Constitutional Questions Act and
replace it with the very simple Petition to the Court Due Legal Process that IS completely consistent
with s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Everyone’s Legal Rights in the Legal Realm - and
s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

1. S. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms current wording is as follows:

Enforcement of guaranteed rights and freedoms

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter (making
them INALIENABLE in the Legal Realm), have been infringed or denied may apply
to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers
appropriate and just in the circumstances.

2. The proper wording for s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is as follows:

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been
infringed or denied may petition the court of competent jurisdiction, based on a
simple correctness standard - BAD FAITH, to obtain such remedy as is appropriate
and just in the circumstances and this applies to all letters of the laws including The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms which is ripe with duplicity, contradictions and
outright deceit. The simple correctness standard is reflected in objective Truth not
being applied - omission of facts - and, especially, clear evidence of BAD FAITH.

3. The current corrupt Constitutional Questions Act has no validity relative to s. 24 (1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms because it stipulates the following:

1 The Lieutenant Governor in Council(?) may refer any matter to the Court of
Appeal - superior courts - or to the Supreme Court of Canada for hearing and
consideration and the Court of Appeal - superior courts - or the Supreme Court
must then hear and consider it.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

4. This standard contravenes and conflicts with s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and s. 52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which dictates that The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms is the Supreme Law of Canada as all “laws and schemes” must be consistent
with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, i.e. no law nor scheme can provide an outcome that
contradicts Everyone’s Legal Rights and The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm -
The Supremacy of God.

5. The problem with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, though, is that it is duplicitous.
This indictment is affirmed by the term “...a free and (OR) democratic society”. In Truth, there
never can be a free and democratic society because Pursuing THE FREE Society of Equals and
Its Realm repudiates the application and continued existence of democracy - rulership through
the letter of the laws provided by elected bodies regardless of The Truth.

(1) The reason for the duplicity in Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms is that
governments wrote The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and snuck in governing
through provincial and federal governments as being a self evident Truth (neutral
citation) which no government is nor ever was!

6. The affirmation of this indictment of democracy within The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms is s. 4 of The Constitutional Questions Act which reads as follows:

4 On a reference by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under the agreement made

between the government of British Columbia and the government of Canada under
the Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (Canada), the Attorney General
of Canada and the Attorney General of any province of Canada that has, after
December 1, 1961, entered into a similar agreement must be notified of the
hearing, and may appear and be heard as a party.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

(For those not knowing how to spot collusion between parties, this is the perfect
example of collusion because the schemes and programs of all elected bodies are, in
this section, unilaterally implied to be legitimate, infallible and consistent with
Everyone’s Legal Rights and not capable of being struck down nor rewritten in
accordance with s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms by the

Essentially, this section of the Constitutional Questions Act along with s. 1 of this
same Act make it clear that the governments unilaterally made themselves “valid” and their order
“beyond reproach” regardless of the wording of s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

7. The completely unacceptable part of the Constitutional Questions Act is s. 5 - Notice

of person Interested - which reads as follows:

5 The Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court of Canada may direct that a person
interested, or, if there is a class of persons interested, any one or more persons as
representatives of that class, must be notified of the hearing and those persons are
entitled to be heard.

According to the words of s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, though,
it is “the person” whose rights, as guaranteed by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, have been
infringed or denied, (INALIENABLE RIGHTS), that has the right to Petition the Courts and not
the state where reverse onus applies and a class of people is struck down through the application
of the JUST REMEDY as s. 1 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms acknowledges The Pursuit of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

8. Due to the refusal by elected bodies to make constitutional remedies or JUST

REMEDY a simple correctness measure arising from the denial of accepting The Truth through the
exclusion of facts as per The Principals of Fundamental Justice, the Constitutional Questions Act
is struck down as it is written because it is found to be invalid, corrupt and of no real effect
relative to The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm.

9. The following replaces the Constitutional Questions Act as it is consistent with The
Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act.

10. In this enactment:

(1) “JUST REMEDY” means a remedy under s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms where the injustice visited upon a person is affirmed from the wording or intent
of an enactment which, in turn, determines that this injustice has to have been visited upon
all other persons within this scheme and the intention of the Petition to The Court, therefore,
is to expose and insure that this injustice/BAD FAITH is removed from the laws and schemes
and this JUST REMEDY will not consist of excluding objective facts nor denial of the
correction of the injustice that arose from such exclusions within decision making. (For
everyone, this means that, when governmental decisions exclude the objective facts in the
matter, which has to be applying to everyone in the scheme, BAD FAITH automatically
determines that the Petitioner is honest beyond question because any action after BAD
FAITH and denial of acceptance of The Truth is a result/consequence of the corruption of
the decision making process and the false reality that this action created.

Also, BAD FAITH determines that the government lied in its due processes and burdens the
Supreme Court or the Superior Court (as the initial branch of the Canadian national
judicial system - not part of the provincial governments) with automatically declaring


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

acceptance of the application and declaring the petition as law by signing off on the
Peremptory Orders provided by the disenfranchised.)

When objective facts and their consequential Truths are disregarded in arriving at the
governmental decision and the evidence makes that patently clear to anyone who reads the
Exhibits, the courts cannot hear any defence for the lying on the part of the government
- BAD FAITH. The reason for this is because the produced decision is repudiated by the
facts and is simply shown to be corrupt, so, providing a defence of the easily deduced
corruption determines that defence to be perjury and hearing perjury in a courtroom
constitutes subornation of perjury: i.e. brings the administration of justice in to utter

Therefore, the simple correctness dictates that the court must acknowledge the good
character of the disenfranchised and their attempt to provide the appropriate and JUST
REMEDY because the facts have not been manipulated whereas all other opinions to the
contrary must be do so and excluding the highly pertinent facts and their neutral citation;

“law” includes any enactment (act) and their schemes.

11. Where BAD FAITH is clear from the facts and exclusion of the most important of
them and, even better, the government’s agents, themselves, declaring their decisions and actions
as having been BAD FAITH (“adverse” to the acceptance of Truth readily), all persons - not
equivalent to persons - who have had their INALIENABLE rights (as guaranteed by Canada’s
Charter) infringed or denied, based on a simple correctness standard, have the right to obtain such
remedy as is appropriate and JUST in the circumstances.

12. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is an enactment where the simple
acknowledgment of the corruption or duplicity needs only be noted as this conflict, like that


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

between s. 3 versus s. 7, merely needs to be known for s. 3 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
to be disregarded by all forevermore without the need to amend The Charter of Rights and

13. All other schemes only need to be noted and acknowledged to be struck down
forevermore or otherwise salvaged by a previous incarnation of the scheme where the law had a
Fundamental Justice Dictate to which everyone can point to insure universality of being is being
upheld thereby making the scheme, once again, consistent with The Pursuit of THE FREE Society
of Equals and Its Realm.

14. S. 24. (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms needs only be amended to be more
complete and expose everyone’s power to them and this amendment goes as follows:

S. 24 (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been
infringed or denied may petition the court of competent jurisdiction, based on a
simple correctness standard - BAD FAITH, to obtain such remedy as is appropriate
and just in the circumstances and this applies to all letters of the laws including The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms which is ripe with duplicity, contradictions and
outright deceit. The simple correctness standard is reflected in objective Truth not
being applied - omission of facts - and especially clear evidence of BAD FAITH.

15. The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process that arises from the suspension of the
acceptance of The Truth is to be concluded through a Proclamation made by either the Superior
Court or the Supreme Court of Canada, as the case may be going forward following the reforming
of the courts where the provincial courts, courts of queen’s bench and supreme courts provincially,
are dismissed as their Acts are known to be invalid, corrupt, not saved and a contravention of the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

omnipotent and unifying power of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of

16. No law nor scheme without a Fundamental Justice Dictate/Neutral Citation

upholding Everyone’s Legal Rights is valid and can remain in place especially court acts that
remove Fundamental Justice from impacting on the whole outcome summarily, without
hesitation and without any other consideration like weighing of “evidence” and agendas, like that
outlined in s. 46 (1) through 46 (3), so that The Truth in the matter is suspended until a Petition to
the Court is filed and fulfilled according to the Petition to the Court Due Legal Process.

17. S. 8 of the current and corrupt Constitutional Question Act makes it clear that not one
enactment currently and especially since 1961 has any validity when the Legal standard of s. 7 of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is applied and, worse, there is no access to the Superior
Courts or the Supreme Court directly for all persons across Canada in defiance of s. 24 (1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms which demands that anyone whose rights, as guaranteed under The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, are infringed or denied have the right to apply to the court of
competent jurisdiction in order to obtain the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances
as dictated by the objectively supported Truth (objective facts).

18. A copy of all Petitions to the Courts are to remain with the Supreme Court/Superior
Court of Canada and are to be published through the Supreme Court and online for everyone by the
Petitioners and the Supreme Court of Canada once it is proclaimed by the Supreme Court of Canada.

19. The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process does not require the notification and
acceptance of the corrected laws by any attorney generals forevermore as that resides solely with
the Supreme Court or Superior Court, as the case may be going forward following the re-


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

organization of the courts, just as reading the Petitions to the Courts beyond the Exhibits resides
with everyone as democracy has been repudiated by the facts in all matters plus all laws and
schemes, generated by governments, are shown to be easily struck down or salvaged by a previous
version of the laws where a Fundamental Justice Dictate/Neutral Citation can be found and the
Petition to the Court is initiated by the disenfranchised, or their agents, to the superior court or the
Supreme Court of Canada where BAD FAITH is clearly the root of the disenfranchisement just as
are the laws that have generated whole classes of disenfranchised persons.

20. Nobody, with Exhibit “K” in this matter and the government’s agent declaring that
it knowingly is making corrupt decisions when it comes to long term job injured where it is patently
obvious that the job injuries are ongoing, i.e. they have not been resolved entirely, and the cures are
known but the current Workers’ Compensation Acts prohibit the patently obvious from being
accepted readily in spite of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, NEEDS any court to provide
another opinion when it is clear that the only problem in the matter is the governments having
declared their laws and order as being infallible and beyond reproach while acceptance of the
patently obvious is simply being illegitimately withheld!

21. If the current Constitutional Question Acts and their processes and scheming are not
struck down and replaced with this Pursuit of The FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act which
is upheld by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God - the objective facts,
then, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is dead and the illusion made real through the exclusion
of real facts will remain in effect AND business will absolutely and forevermore have the right to
kill prematurely, maim and kill all workers and progress has the right to remain unchecked - “it is
easier for The Mandate of Heaven and earth to pass away then for one stroke of the letter of the law
and its order to fail”.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

22. As everything stands and according to the corrupt Constitutional Question Acts, there
are no guaranteed rights to be infringed - s. 15 of The Charter - or denied - exclusion of facts
and unilateral declaration of “educated opinions” as “evidence” so that it can now be weighed
as an “equal” to the objective evidence - in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. So, what one
government accepts today, others don’t or won’t or will eliminate this once elected.

23. Canada and Canadians live under an umbrella to which we refer as respecting the rule
of law. The REAL basis for the consequential Legal Realm is s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms - Everyone’s Legal Rights. S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms established both
honesty in all laws and, for all laws to be legitimate and respected by all, the laws must uphold
Everyone’s Legal Rights. This reality was supposed to pare down - shrink - the laws to a single set
of laws where the guaranteed rights (INALIENABLE RIGHTS) cannot be delivered or removed at
the whims of the machinations of mankind like elected bodies, i.e. a place where everyone lives
within a civilization with “classes”.

24. Any dishonesty in decision making that is exposed simply through the fact that
disenfranchised classes have arisen over time is clear evidence of the corruption of the
administration of Canada and its justice system. It is patently obvious that the administrators of
Canada REFUSED to maintain the judicial system with only 2 courts - the superior court and the
supreme court - where neither court holds the authority over its decision and reversal of it because
all justice is derived from the honest acceptance of the facts, either known or UNKNOWN, as
well as The Principles of Fundamental Justice with new evidence - The Supremacy of God - or
excluded facts - BAD FAITH - having the complete authority to strike down all laws and schemes
that do not have a Fundamental Justice Dictate/Neutral Citation: the constitutional remedy
designation within the corrupt Constitutional Questions Act or the singular JUST REMEDY
according to s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

25. S. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms specifically reads, in part, that
anyone whose INALIENABLE RIGHTS are infringed or denied have the right to apply to the court
of competent jurisdiction to obtain the appropriate and JUST REMEDY which upholds the spirit
of The Supremacy of God - new evidence - and which has the COMPLETE authority to reorganize
the order of all nations to that where Everyone is pursuing THE FREE Society of Equals and Its
Realm away from rulership by mankind for the establishment’s agendas.

26. Most importantly, we, the people, unified and indivisible, under God, have the right
to present the Peremptory Orders to the 2 remaining levels of courts, upon reorganization of the
judiciary, and the 2 remaining courts are obliged to proclaim these Peremptory Orders which are
ultra vires, i.e. their reality lies beyond the current regime while also superceding it.

27. Since the first “constitution” for Canada in 1960, the governments illegitimately made
themselves beyond reproach and the deliverers of Everyone’s Legal Rights as well as removers of
these “rights” because the rights were never implemented as a neutral citation being beyond
deliverance/removal by the governments - ultra vires. The reason for this denial of implementing
Everyone’s Legal Rights is because it made all governance redundant as the standards of s. 7 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms produce a very small amount of laws - single set of laws - which
will uphold Everyone’s Legal Rights and the neutral citations can be taken to either the superior
court of Canada or the supreme court of Canada and both are bound to uphold the application of the
Peremptory Orders without hesitation or actual review of the words in the Orders while the Exhibits
do all the talking objectively.

28. The appropriate and JUST REMEDY is exposed through all my papers produced
since 1999 when the initial injuries to my elbow were excluded from all reviews of my WCB
claim so as to generate a mountain of “opinions”, paid for by the WCB Administration but


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

ordered by the alberta government through their rewriting of their Workers’ Compensation Act,
whiles the Truth remained excluded from the simple correctness as expressed in my thesis
paper of 2000 as well as its supported reality where the results of the Gadolinium enhanced
MRI DIRECTLY RELATED to the injuries affirmed at the time of the injury because the
MRI was performed and found significant unhealed problems at the very site shown to have
been injured at the time of injury from the physical examination of my right elbow by the
attending clinician.

29. Since 2006, I have written numerous papers that resulted in now 8 Peremptory Orders
along with this one. These documents/enactments are the appropriate and JUST REMEDIES
in the circumstances to establish The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its standards that
were NEVER implemented by order of the governments since not just 1982 but all the way
back to 1960 - 50 years!

30. Have you ever heard of JUST REMEDIES and The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and The Supremacy of God and ultra vires reality that lies beyond the laws and is superior to the
reality created by the laws?

31. Few have heard of these terms let alone understand them without having seen the
term JUST REMEDY as produced in this enactment or “constitutional remedy” in its forerunner, the
Constitutional Questions Act, whose realities that I, E. J. Krass, stumbled across in the October 3,
2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (WCB and its appeals commission) Supreme Court of
Canada decision - neutral citation 2003 SCC 54 - but JUST REMEDY was not directly stipulated
nor defined in the decision for the striking down of a portion of the 2003 Nova Scotian Workers’
Compensation Act and replacing of it with an older version of the law more consistent with The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Everyone’s Legal Rights.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

(1) Basically, I saw the effects of JUST REMEDY without knowing that the term,
JUST REMEDY, existed and has existed since 1960. Sir Isaac Newton knew of
gravity from its effects but nobody knew of this Force’s existence for millennia
before then just as I knew of JUST REMEDIES due to exclusion of objective
evidence and the patently obvious which resulted in the Fundamental Justice
Outcome of the Supreme Court of Canada’s October 3, 2003 decision - - neutral
citation 2003 SCC 54.

32. However, the discovery of the Constitutional Question Act, that was never discussed
nor presented on the website of the british columbia courts, making it new evidence that supports
and affirms all my indictments because s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is
affirmed to NEVER have been implemented as written which is an utter contradiction of the words
and intent of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which was to make Legal Rights the Supreme
Law for all laws and order across Canada without boundaries and borders.

33. The refusal to implement s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and
suspend the acceptance of Truth could be used to charge in court the politicians for refusing to
comply with it but I reject this path. Most certainly, governments knew that they had not
complied with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as is demanded by s. 52 (1) of The Charter.
But, the reinstatement of ready acceptance of Truth, as demanded in The Principles of Fundamental
Justice, will cleanse the civilization that resulted and will finally get everyone pursuing THE FREE
Society of Equals and Its Realm.

(1) To understand this, The Truth Commission of South Africa following the fall of
apartheid required reconciliation of the past through the Truthful airing of the facts
and admission of the failings of persons without recriminations by the state and


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

John 8:32 - “Then, you will know the Truth and The Truth shall set you free!”

34. In this universe, there is Doing Right as defined by The Truth with all else being
wrong. For millennia, mankind has created its civilization and unnatural order under many names
and imposed it corruptly over the natural order of this planet and the universe with the false
contention that the leaders of mankind acting as false gods will not repeat the errors of the past

(1) North Americans’ hope, especially those returning from the WWII, never
materialized as, to beat the Nazis, the Canadians and Americans became the Nazis
and the state made itself secure through acceptance of ruling through the provided
letter of the law rather than having objective facts dictate the neutral outcome for all.
(2) In Truth, new evidence makes all civilization illegitimate in the grand scheme of
existence but the leaders repetitively suspend the acceptance of Truth based upon
new evidence - The Supremacy of God - because the leaders and elites as a class exist
and continue to prevent the dissolution of classes because then the pursuit of their
opulent lifestyle will be exposed as false, without validity and only able to exist
through the elimination of The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its
Realm, i.e. the ultra vires realm.

35. The world was never flat but, only for 500 or so years, have we come to know that
the elites’ standards are false. Yet, elites and rulership still exist against the reality that, in this
world, there is Doing Right as defined by objective Truth which determines that rulership and control
of the facts to support an agenda is repudiated and always was: i.e. what has gone on for generations
was repudiated and still we kept the corrupt rulership order because we lost contact with the fact that
there is a God and, He never left us; we turned our backs on Him, the wise words of his Son and
Prophets in the past, and new objective evidence, today, which automatically made us in to false


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine


36. Since 1961, everything that Canada became and was illegitimate was brought about
by collusion between the illegitimate rulers of the provinces - ruling like the monarchs of old - and
everything was achieved through suspension of the acceptance of Truth in decision making.
S. 4 of the Constitutional Questions Act, that is repudiated by the words of s. 24 (1) of The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms, makes it clear not only that the governments are working behind the scenes
together (colluding against Everyone’s Legal Rights) but also that all government actions since 1961
made everyone slaves of the pursuit of wealth regardless of the fact that this created inherent classes
that must now be abolished in The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm.

37. The power over Fundamental Justice by the provincial governments in the
Constitutional Questions Act utterly disregards the words of s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms because NOBODY currently has the right to apply to the Supreme Court of Canada on
behalf of The Truth, that arose from the exclusion of facts in governmental decision making and this
corruption was imposed through the letters of the laws, because the federal Attorney General is the
person who determines whether the denial of the acceptance of Truth will be corrected by the
Supreme Court of Canada through an application initiated by this Office in violation of the
“independence and impartiality” superimposed upon the courts (tribunals) in s. 11 (d) of The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms while the corruption of due process is also affirmed by The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God in s. 7 and The Preamble of Canada’s Charter of
Rights and Freedoms, respectively.

38. Canada has classes today because that is what the administrators of Canada demand
of the people to accept rather than upholding The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

39. No person in Canada has any Legal Rights as written in s. 7 and s. 24 (1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms especially since there are no direct lines to the Supreme Court of
Canada and the superior courts for individuals to have their denied rights and the appropriate and
JUST REMEDY in the circumstances proclaimed and the only reason that the Fundamental Justice
outcome was not applied in the past and to date was the governments having enforced, through their
ruling through the letter of the law, the suspension of acceptance of Fundamental Justice- BAD
FAITH - and the simple application of the objective facts of the matter: i.e. exclusion of the real
facts that support objectively the direct or indirect connection of a particular injury to a body part to
all higher level diagnostics of today thoroughly proves that medicine did not reconcile the newer
understanding of the function of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body to its understanding of
human anatomy since the 1970's even though the objective evidence repudiated much of the
medicine’s long held but utterly false beliefs concerning human anatomy.

40. Consequently, BAD FAITH has been released upon everyone and their INALIENABLE
(guaranteed) rights in the Legal Realm and worse still perjury by governments and institutions is the
name of the game just as the judges must suborn perjury because, even though the evidence
repudiates the “argument” presented in court by the governments or its defending agents, the lower
court which isn’t even legitimate, automatically is ordered to uphold the letter of the law provided
by the legislatures regardless of the fact that the law instills injustice and creates large bodies of
disenfranchised persons - classes as 5 of the Constitutional Questions Act stipulates/makes known.

41. In order to obtain the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances for all
workers - long term injured class or to be injured do to the suspension of injury prevention, I had to
learn of the lies and duplicity in Canada’s current civilization and strike down the Constitutional
Questions Acts as the order and the laws derived from it contradict and suspend the words and
obligations of s. 24 (1) and s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms in defiance of s. 52 (1)


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as The Principles of Fundamental Justice and
The Supremacy of God.

42. I also had to write this double edged replacement act - The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals and Its Realm - and included both the striking down and the replacement act
together because The Truth is the greatest double edged sword in the universe; while, repudiating
once set of words, The Truth replaces them with another incorruptible set of words that can never
be removed forevermore going forward. Also, if the two parts of this Peremptory Order were
separated, then, those who refuse to study the past will repeat its failings in the future and human life
and The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals is not supposed to be part of a rulership “game”
where, at one point, Everyone’s Legal Rights will be accepted and then denied in the future by
another leader and then reversed again like a pendulum, except, what is being discussed is human
life and the life of this planet’s grand biosphere not some inanimate object created by mankind.

43. To advance the sole order hidden within The Charter of Rights and Freedoms,
especially “... THE FREE society”, The Supremacy of God in The Charter’s Preamble, s. 7 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Everyone’s Legal Rights, and the proper wording of s. 24 (1) of
The Charter (anyone whose INALIENABLE LEGAL rights have been infringed or denied has the
right to apply to either the superior court of Canada and the Supreme Court of Canada - as a
national but wholly independent agency - in order to obtain the sole appropriate and JUST
REMEDY in the circumstances as the objective facts dictate without the exclusion the objective facts
and The Truth derived therefrom) that establish that BAD FAITH and the suspension of the
acceptance of Truth by the governments’ and their agents is the sole reason for Fundamental Justice
outcomes in not just one person’s matter but an entire class of persons being denied, this
Peremptory Order, entitled The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act, must
replace the now exposed and utterly corrupt Constitutional Questions Act, as well as the other


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

provided Peremptory Orders, that release The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process and other
matters, must also be signed off on and proclaimed as Truthful.

44. The perfect current example of the suspension of the acceptance of Truth and the
resulting creation of classes, i.e. disenfranchised persons, is the long term job injured who have been
denied their right to security of person where the establishment is denying its responsibility to
reverse entirely the Truthfully known job injuries and pay the long term job injured their entire WCB
benefits without administrative cut-off especially since this standard arose in defiance of the neutral
citations of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act when the Workers’ Compensation Board
was a national agency built around 2 Fundamental Justice Neutral Citations.

(1) The first neutral citation of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act is the
presumption that, if the job injuries arose during the work hours, it was presumed
that the job injuries arose out of (from) the job duties. This presumption lead to the
simple initial WCB administration’s question, “Can it be simply concluded that the
injuries presented are job injuries as they arose from the duties clearly (and they were
simply not prevented)?” This simple thinking for the bureaucrats of the WCB arose
from the discovered reality that work injures, maims and prematurely kills all

(2) This discovery, that was hidden in plain sight and was brought forward by Sir
William Meredith, resulted in the WCB’s mandate of making all work not injure,
maim and prematurely kill the workers through the process of elimination, i.e. injury
prevention which is an extension of The Do No Harm Principle.

(3) This mandate of the WCB lead to the only other question for the WCB
administration which is, “Are the known job injuries resolved entirely (and correctly
given the discovery of higher levels of medical diagnostics like CT scans, MRI’s and
better DNA tests of viruses, bacteria and harmful materials for the human body)?”


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

(4) The simple reality is that work - not the company for which you worked - caused
the injuries, therefore, it is the responsibility of the system not only to restore the
body to its previous level of health but also change work so that it never does the
same harm to any other person across the face of the globe.

(5) So, when the objective evidence firmly dictates that the job injuries are ongoing
or unhealed, then, the WCB is obligated to continue paying WCB benefits or re-
instating wrongly administratively closed longstanding contentious WCB claims
while the WCB is also obligated to finding the cure and using this knowledge to
support the withheld ergonomic labour standards.

Security of Person applied to the neutral citations of the original WCB across Canada

(6) The initial neutral citation - presumption of injury - is based upon everyone
having the right not to have work injure, maim nor prematurely kill those performing
the work: the inalienable right to security of person which dictates that a healthy
person does not enter a job site and, then, perform job duties that will result in
personal injury and in a short period of time. Everyone has the inalienable right
to expect that the job duties have been modified or eliminated as the jobs were found
to be Doing Harm to other mature, healthy and kinetic human bodies and not just on
that job site but as work at other places cause similar personal injuries and has done
so to a large amount of the workers uniformly. None of this has occurred even with
the WCB in existence and only due to the outbreak of WWI and then the provincial
governments taking over the WCB and then declaring themselves false gods with the
right to create schemes that do not uphold Everyone’s Legal Rights.

(7) For many decades, governments were prohibited from rewriting the original
Workers’ Compensation Act - the treaty between employers, the job injured and
workers - thereby making workers in one province different than all the other


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

workers in all the other provinces because the governments feared God and usurping
this authoritarian role in the lives of all provincial citizens: mankind never made life
in general so we have no right to minimize the concept of life and make life in to a
coincidence and nothing special which leads to the consequential view that all
workers are expendable and replaceable especially since economic progress is so
much bigger than concerning ourselves and confining everything with everyone’s
right to life, liberty and security of person as based upon honest acceptance of the
objective facts thereby making Everyone’s Legal Rights redundant or moot.

(8) Security of person also dictates the understanding that, as work caused the
personal injuries, the WCB is responsible to compensate fully the job injured until
their mature, healthy and kinetic person is FULLY restored after the job injuries and
not have the administration have an open policy that is imposed on the consulting
specialists where the job injured are declared to have an incurable job injury even
though a cure exists elsewhere and is in the file of the job injured and remains there
solely just so that a technicality created by the new Workers’ Compensation Act’s -
employers’ insurance act - administration could terminate all WCB benefits even
though the job injuries are known not to have been resolved entirely. This action and
technicality constitutes “cruel and unusual treatment” because it imprisons the long
term job injured - as a class - in a dyskinetic state of their person even though the
injuries are fully resolvable and the job injured have made this known to the corrupt
WCB administration and provincial governments and still had the Fundamental
Justice Outcome remains declared unacceptable, i.e. denied.

(9) WCB benefits were set up to insure that, during the recovery, the job injured
would never fear evictions nor the costs for receiving the treatments nor income tax
and “claw backs” because the WCB was supposed to be paying the job injured to
learn how to insure that future workers doing their job duties, or not, would never


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

experience the same personal injury, loss of bodily function or their lives.

45. As s. 40 of The Supreme Court Act is repudiated by the words of s. 24 (1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, s. 40 of the Supreme Court Act is struck down forevermore as
Fundamental Justice dictates that there is a God - new evidence that can be accepted readily by any
person and summarily dismiss the preceding decisions - and God’s Will is dictated by the objective
evidence that destroys ownership of decisions and due process of the court system today. It should
be patently obvious that s. 40 of The Supreme Court Act violates entirely the words of s. 24 (1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - everyone’s right to apply to the court of competent
jurisdiction when their rights as guaranteed in s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is denied
in order to obtain the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances - determining that s.
40 of the Supreme Court Act is found to be corrupt, invalid, not saved and is interfering with
The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm along with the dispensation of
Fundamental Justice.

46. All provincial court acts, supreme court acts - provincially, the courts of queen’s
bench acts and their potential equivalents along with the Court of Appeal Acts across Canada
are formally found to be of no effect, corrupt - misleading the people, invalid and not saved and
have brought the administration of justice in to complete and utter disrepute within common
sense. Thus, all courts lower other than the newly reestablished superior court of Canada and
supreme court of Canada - as a single wholly independent national agency dispensing
Fundamental Justice - are struck down forevermore as they are nothing more than agents of the
provincial legislature and its letters of the laws and never produced a Fundamental Justice decision
because none of the aforementioned courts ever had the authority under The Principles of
Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God to produce Fundamental Justice/the sole
appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances that applies equally to all justices and persons


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

across the land and face of the globe.

(1) On May 18, 2010 at around noon, I attended the court registry kelowna with an
Order demanding that the file be closed based upon the Constitutional Questions Act
and to have all my documents returned to me, the Petitioner on the file no. 81581.
The basis for the realistic demand is that the supreme court of british columbia has
no jurisdiction over constitutional matters and s. 1 of the January 9, 2009 Writ of
Summons on file no. 81581 made it absolutely clear that the matter in the file was
completely constitutional. Upon indicating this and the fact that the court pamphlets
indicate that a person has 30 days in which to pick up his Exhibits and papers after
the hearing or else they are destroyed, the court registry clerk informed me that all
papers filed with the court can NEVER be returned to a person and, once a file is
opened, it can never be closed simply because the court does not have jurisdiction,
as the matter must be proceeded with at the Supreme Court of Canada independently
which currently is the only court with jurisdiction to strike down laws based upon
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and invocation of the s. 7 and 24 (1) neutral
citations of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This BAD FAITH reality
immediately begs the questions, “How many supreme court/court of queens bench
files across Canada are sitting on the books unresolved or worse still a corrupt
decision is rendered thereby forcing the disenfranchised person, denied their personal
Fundamental Justice Outcome, to continue through the corrupt due process to the
Supreme Court of Canada which must acknowledge the abuse of authority - BAD
FAITH - and expose the previous court decisions, that upheld the provided letter of
the laws, as being repudiated by the simple facts in the circumstances.

(2) The actions of the kelowna court registry have always defied and interfered with
the dispensing of Fundamental Justice all the way along because the burden is upon
the court registry to ascertain if the matter is a constitutional issue and then inform


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the person that the matter must be dealt with at the Supreme Court of Canada, as per
the Constitutional Questions Act, just as refusing to accept the Order on May 18,
2010 hindered the dispensing of Fundamental Justice in the matters by refusing to
look at and sign off on the Order that was prepared as the registrar has the authority
to sign off on the Order without a hearing and return the documents - a copy of this
prepared Order is attached as well as is online.

(3) Sadly, reverse onus is in play and you are supposed to know and do everything
as the court registry clerks demand - jurisprudence - rather than what the letters of the
laws dictate for them especially s. 24 (1) and s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and

47. As most long term WCB claims denied the legitimate entitlements, as dictated by the
objective Truth, have been reviewed continuously with The Truth and the Fundamental Justice
outcome kept from this denied class, there is no need for a hearing at either the supreme court of
Canada or the renewed superior court, as the case may be going forward, and these courts can only
sign off on the Peremptory Orders where BAD FAITH establishes the Petitioner, the person or the
agent of the class of disenfranchised persons, to be honest just as their attempt to have the harm
visited upon them, or their clients, be extinguished, going forward for all persons, is equally

48. I know that the supreme court of Canada has been pouring over my documents since
mid- September 2009 and Exhibit “X” affirms that every attorney general office across Canada has
been duly notified of these matters - January 2010 - and none could HONESTLY respond under The
Principles of Fundamental Justice because of perjury and none - not even the federal attorney
general - can deny the honesty in my words nor defend a lie used against me by the government of
alberta just like all provincial and territorial governments since 1982 against their long term job


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

injured just as the supreme court of canada cannot allow the attorney general to defend the
Constitutional Question Act as it outright contradicts the very words in s. 24 (1) of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms and s. 52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and even hearing any
defence today or any time in the future would constitute suborning perjury.

(1) That simply put, everyone, is the power of neutral citations: they arise from the
acceptance of objective Truth and not the use of subjective opinions as evidence
especially when the objective facts are connected which presents a wholly different
and wholly accurate picture on a grand scale (a mosaic) that constitutes THE FREE
Society of Equals Realm.

49. In the end, there is only THE FREE Society Mosaic or Realm which the governments
and elites have fought against for millennia (in Canada since 1961) just so that they control everyone
rather than everyone Doing Right and existing a equals under God’s Order where mutual respect
reigns and respect of the Order of God cannot be stopped by due process that outright and simply
refuses to accept the sole appropriate and JUST outcome for whole classes of individuals, i.e. the
disenfranchised, which means that the acceptance must be made readily and without hesitation by
the supreme or superior court when the corrective processes are initiated by a Petition to the Court -
The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process in a nutshell.

50. On May 8, 2010, I was trying to relax my brain from all the new evidence supplied
to me by the supreme court judge on May 3, 2010 pertaining to the Constitutional Question Act
when, on comes the movie, Hang ‘em High. After a few minutes, it dawned on me that Canada,
since 1961, was run exactly like the Oklahoma Territory of 1889 where there is no FREE Society of
Equals nor ready acceptance of The Truth as spelled out by the objective facts in all cases.

51. According to the Constitutional Questions Act, Canada is being run by the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

governments and political parties as a scheme called civilization where the courts are the final
arbiters (umpires) over change - s. 1 and s. 4 of the Constitutional Questions Act. Whereas, s. 8 of
the Constitutional Questions Act acknowledges that Fundamental Justice and JUST REMEDIES
surround ready acceptance of the objective facts and their determinations for all similar cases -
universality of being - as determined by the neutral citation - Everyone’s Legal Rights, s. 7 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

52. Canada has a serious and significant problem currently and going forward because
it never truly supported The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals because “weighing evidence”
means arriving at a decision - not the sole conclusion - where subjective evidence is being used or
has been used to circumvent the Fundamental Justice outcome and its consequences for the
civilization. Consequently, countless disenfranchised individuals in countless classes have been
created since 1961 rather than have the objective facts and The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of
Equals and Its Realm strike down with complete authority all that mankind has created through
his schemes like capitalism, communism, socialism, ruling through the letter of the law, etc.

53. The consequences for everyone is that the choices you know in the industrialized
world, aka civilization, are, for the most part, illegitimate. Basically, you are only choosing
between options provided by the civilization whilst The Truth and acceptance of it over all other
“choices” remains out of your grasp - unprovided by the civilization to you personally. Thus, it is
fully exposed how the civilization model re-arose after having been destroyed due to it having been
repudiated decades ago and across all time with the continual fall of all civilizations that only existed
through everyone’s thoughts being ruled by the choices provided rather than everyone thinking
critically and discovering The Truth and casting off the civilization as it dismissed The Pursuit of
THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm from everyone’s minds - see s. 2 of The US Declaration
of Independence.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

54. To understand this, everyone in the industrialized world is living within a bubble
created by schemes like the economy, trade, crime and punishment, etc. But, with this bubble now
fully exposed to be existing from the Constitutional Questions Act, there can be no doubt in anyone’s
minds that we, the people, have been duped by the governments in to accepting their ruling over us
rather than all decisions being based upon the application of objective Truth which often
meant/means that the provided laws never had any validity and merely forced us in to accepting lies
as the best that mankind can offer or as “an equivalent” to Truth.

55. Had this acceptance not been imposed upon everyone through the backdoor -
educational standards of equality of access to the civilization that our forefathers had insured we
grew up with over the decades, the economy, becoming a false god over us, would never have
happened and most job injured (including E. J. Krass - the Petitioner) would not have been injured
due to overuse syndrome because work, that demands abnormal contraction of the mislabeled
pronator teres muscle, would have been acknowledged simply as the cause of job injuries in the past
as the radiocapitellar joint employs centripetal mechanics which, in turn, determines completely that
the continued dyskinetic strong contraction with the forearm/hand displaces the radius to the outside
of the radiocapitellar joint thereby making the load bearing lateral soft tissue complex insufficient
due to the mature, healthy and kinetic functioning of the arm that only arises in a person’s mid-20's:
the age of E. J. Krass when he was injured and his personal job injuries arose solely due to the
functioning of the WCB having been altered by the provincial governments and the protections for
security of person removed from the WCB’s mandate along with the 2 neutral citations eliminated
from the Administration of The WCB.

56. The choices presented to E. J. Krass, just like everyone else’s since 1961, was to go
to work because the governments had unilaterally declared that everyone must “earn a livelihood”
or cease being a person within the boundaries of Canada. Living according to the mature, healthy


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

and kinetic human body was eliminated with prejudice by the governments even though the
governments knew full well that their newly devised scheme could only be accomplished by the
exclusion of the sole outcome as determined by the objective facts in all matters, i.e. BAD FAITH.

57. So, the only means to change the system prior to 1982, so as to re-instate objective
Truth and elimination of subjective evidence as another “legitimate” and equal form of evidence,
was revolutionary war OR, now, The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process initiated at the
Supreme Court of Canada where the courts only review the provided Exhibits affirming the
exclusion of the objective facts at some point and then sign off on the provided Peremptory Orders
without reading them as that responsibility lies with everyone.

58. Nobody, today though, can get justice as affirmed by s. 7 of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms because no court lower than the Supreme Court truly has the right currently to sign
off on a matter that deals with Fundamental Justice across all provincial and territorial boundaries
especially since the JUST REMEDY in the circumstances demands that the court systems be returned
to a simple 2 step process where new evidence - The Supremacy of God - supports the reversal of the
previous decision not just for one case but for all other similar cases.

59. BAD FAITH was never supposed to be applied or exist if the systems are upholding
The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm. It is patently obvious though, with the
existence of BAD FAITH and courts being used to decide on matters that the objective facts make
unreasonable and the opinion unnecessary determines Canada has always been administered in a
manner that contradicts The Pursuit of THE FREE Society and Its Realm!

60. This Truth brings to the fore the other consequence of BAD FAITH and ruling
through the letter of the law and that is the creation of the roles of Sons and Daughters of The


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Mandate of Heaven where these individuals’ experience or those being represented by someone else
determine that there is more to reality than encompassed by the laws. This ultra vires Truth based
reality - THE FREE Society and Its Realm - and its agents have the full authority to strike down the
civilization, its laws and order entirely. This is why the Supreme Court of Canada and the Superior
Court of Canada, going forward, has not other authority in The Petition to the Court Due Legal
Process but to sign off on the Peremptory Orders as the Exhibits from previous governmental
hearings make it clear that the acceptance of The Truth has been suspended just so that the matter
can be presented by an Agent of The Mandate of Heaven to the Court for the profound JUST
REMEDY that arises from The Truth.

John 8:32 - “Then, you will know the Truth and The Truth shall set you free!”

Constitutional Reality

1. Does the Constitutional Question Act deny everyone their Legal Rights - s. 7 of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - and those of s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms?


2. Can this denial of Everyone’s Legal Rights be saved or upheld by The Pursuit of
THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm - the sole legitimate standard for all as
living in denial of The Truth/suspension of acceptance of The Truth is what has
occurred across Canada’s history especially since 1961?



Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

3. Therefore, the Constitutional Questions Act is found to be disreputable,

corrupt, invalid, not saved and contradicting The Pursuit of THE FREE Society
of Equals and Its Realm Act determining that the Constitutional Questions Act
is struck down forevermore!

4. The replacement to the now exposed corrupt and struck down Constitutional
Questions Act is this Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act. The
foundation for The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals is The Petition to the
Court Due Legal Process whose basis is The Principles of Fundamental Justice and
The Supremacy of God where the objective facts and Truth determine that the only
hindrance in Petitions to the Courts’ matters is the refusal to use simple
correctness/incorrectness to remedy the laws and pronounce the JUST REMEDY in
the circumstances through a proclamation so that the harm done to one person does
not befall others going forward - security of person.

Complying with The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process

61. Making documents that comply with The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process
will force all remaining courts going forward, i.e. the national superior and supreme court of Canada
which are to be wholly “independent and impartial” and cognizant of the fact that there is a reality
beyond the laws and the experience of the person, presented to the court, exposes the fact that the
law is dispensing injustice because the outcome is simply contrary to the objective Truth in the
matter, to adhere with the Peremptory Order and The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process which
is merely acceptance of the application after a review of the Exhibits and objectively derived Truth,
and, then, stating that, “Due to BAD FAITH, the courts accept that the acceptance of The Truth
historically was withheld/suspended in the circumstances in contravention of Everyone’s
universality of being - Everyone’s Legal Rights - and the provided Peremptory Order(s) are enacted
forthwith and without hesitation.”


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

(1) In the old standard for habeas corpus that has been replaced with Everyone’s
Legal Rights, the judges used to say, “What do you want?”, and, then, the Petitioner
or the agent on behalf of the disenfranchised would say out loud what he needed for
security of person to be upheld in the circumstances with the matter not going beyond
the court as most court hearings until recently were never a public matter. With the
new updated version of habeas corpus - Everyone’s Legal Rights, permissible from
everyone having the right to read and full disclosure, the demands of The Truth can
be presented in Peremptory Orders to the courts and, upon review of the Exhibits
after the application to the court is prepared along with the Proclamation and
presented to the courts, the court, then, signs off on the provided Peremptory Orders.

(2) To get the formatting of the documents, please, review the Peremptory Order
documents like this and those attached to this document which informs everyone of
the formatting of first lines of all Peremptory Orders as well as the Consent Granted
Section and then the lines at the end of the document for the courts to affix their

62. The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process is not a light or easy undertaking
mentally and emotionally because the JUST REMEDY to the corrupt laws is the hardest thing to get
to and then the disenfranchised with obvious strong moral character has to provide it to everyone via
this court based due process so that everyone can review the documents and accept the necessary
changes for The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm to be all that is left.

(1) Fortunately, this thought process is defined by the 2 remedies for the corrupt
scheme and its law: either striking down the current laws forevermore, meaning that
the scheme itself is abolished; or, salvaging the scheme by finding an historical
enactment with a Fundamental Justice Dictate thereby saving the scheme for
everyone as it complies with and enforces The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Equals and Its Realm. As for the Petitioner, there is always special dispensation
when the salvaging of the scheme is brought to the attention of all persons within
Canada and, for the most part, that results in the re-instatement of some form of
benefits within or beyond the salvaged scheme that would not have been salvaged
except for the “cruel and unusual” treatment (gross disregard for life) endured by the
disenfranchised at the hands of the bureaucrats that upheld the provided letter of the
law over Fundamental Justice. (So, returning to the salvaged and reformed system
would only result in ill-will between the Petitioner and the bureaucrats, therefore, a
better means of compensating the person for his personal experience, so that they
don’t have to fall under a bureaucrat’s review, must be devised by the petitioner and
presented in a confidential Peremptory Order where time frames for release of this
Petition to the Court will be included in this document.)

(2) For example, E. J. Krass requires not only time for recovery of his right arm
dysfunction but also time for rehabilitation of his entire dyskinetic human body plus
he has endured unconscionable and egregious actions at the hands of medical
consultants, the quasi-judicial tribunal, the court registry kelowna and governments
along with their complete and utter lack of respect for having To Do Right - see the
Trillion Dollar Question section towards the end of this Peremptory Order.
Basically, the road to this point has been exceedingly difficult but the path and
bringing THE FREE Society Realm’s understanding of things to everyone living
according to this Truth is going to be just as difficult because your heads have been
filled with lies and those living in the industrial/capitalist scheme have wrongly come
to accept an illusion made real.

63. After having the chance to review The Daily Courier front page for Friday, May 7,
2010 - copy enclosed, I was disgusted to discover that the government of british columbia is hell bent


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

on striking down The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and using the corrupt and struck down
Constitutional Question Act as the means to the end.

(1) In the newspaper article, it was publically disclosed that the provincial
government appoints both the point/counterpoint representatives to the debate club
hearing at the Court of Appeal concerning “constitutional questions” that are
provided to the courts by the government/office of the attorney general.

(2) However, it is clear that the Polygamy Laws violate the neutral citation that
establishes all persons the right to freedom of religion which makes the whole
contrived court hearing, that is really a debate club, a joke and a waste of time and
money because reality has already made the whole debate before the judge grossly
unacceptable especially given s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, this
Peremptory Order and the provided Addendum Order (drawn up in November 2009)
that specifically relates to The Striking Down of All Polygamy Laws.

64. The argument presented to the public by the governments for the denial of Everyone’s
Legal Rights or the other legitimate neutral citations of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is that
“there are NO INALIENABLE rights.” This contentious statement by the governments is a bold
faced lie because s. 7 and s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms establish guaranteed
rights that cannot be denied except with the invocation of the Notwithstanding Clause which is the
exact same thing as INALIENABLE rights. However, manipulating words is the strong suit of the
rulers who refuse to accept The Truth and who have suspended the acceptance of Truth throughout
all the laws and due processes, that they created, merely to defy ready acceptance of the objectively
supported Truth - Fundamental Justice.

65. As established by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Everyone’s Legal Rights
must be upheld in all laws through a Fundamental Justice Dictate or the resulting “Legal Realm”


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

in its entirely is found to be without validity, corrupt, not saved and a contradiction of The Pursuit
of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm thereby making most laws and schemes unacceptable
or wrong and the responsibility for correcting this corruption lies with everyone, who have been ill-
treated by the establishment - the disenfranchised persons of the system, through a Petition to the
Court at either the Supreme Court of Canada or the Superior Court of Canada: both part of a wholly
independent and impartial agency with the mandate to uphold The Pursuit of THE FREE Society
and Its Realm as this is supported by the objective Truth presently being excluded, illegitimately,
by the governments through their current ownership of the courts and due processes whose agents
have been instructed to suspend the acceptance of Truth.

(1) The Constitutional Reality, that was derived from the denial of Everyone’s Right
to Freedom of Religion, for striking down the national polygamy law and leaving no
room for replacing it forevermore has already been presented to the Supreme Court
of Canada in a Peremptory Order that is to be part of the signing off ceremonies - The
Striking Down of All Polygamy Laws Peremptory Order.

66. If the bogus hearing at the Court of Appeals, concerning the validity of the polygamy
law and the imposition of reverse onus, is permitted to go through, as planned by the provincial
government of british columbia and in accordance with the now exposed corrupt Constitutional
Questions Act, then, the administration of justice across Canada henceforth would be nothing more
than a sham: Fundamental Justice is not derived from the courts accepting one argument over
another as such a process defies The Supremacy of God and neutral citations where the leaders of
the state must also confine their thoughts to upholding self evident Truth as standards for all
agencies. In this potential and pending Court of Appeals hearing demanded by the provincial
governments, there would be no Fundamental Justice or Truth come out in the decision, i.e.
there would be NO Fundamental Justice at its conclusion, as the provincial government owns
both sides of the debate while the Court of Appeal’s jurists (umpires), formerly judges, in the hearing


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

are nothing more than agents of the law provided by the provincial legislatures: it’s nice to take your
matters to your own “royal” court where the outcome is truly never in doubt due to the corruption
of due process even though the making of everyone in to criminals is a contravention of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and offends everyone because, sooner or later just as in Nazi
Germany or the Era of Qin in China, everyone is made in to a criminal and all basic actions, resulting
from the illusion made real, are defined as criminal acts going forward.

67. So, if the illegitimate Constitutional Question Act due process were allowed to be
completed, polygamy laws and the making of everyone in to criminals, not yet known, would be
continued and all non-criminals, i.e. those merely made in to criminals by the letters of the law,
would then have to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada to have the law struck down and never
reinstated again in any form with a declaration of wrongful prosecution personally in order to obtain
the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances but where reverse onus upon all
legitimate persons applies: basically, the state made itself real and destroyed Everyone’s Legal
Rights and legitimate neutral citations of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s. 2 and s. 7 plus
review s. 33 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. (The exclusions of several sections in s.
33 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms determines that they are not based upon self evident

68. S. 8 (1) of the now exposed corrupt Constitutional Questions Act makes it quite clear
that all governments were fully aware since at least 1960 that no law is valid especially when
Fundamental Justice is not being used by the law and scheme to dictate the sole appropriate and
JUST REMEDY in the circumstances for all - universality of being.

(1) The Truth is, no law is ever valid if it does not have a Fundamental Justice
Dictate that shows that the laws and scheme will not produce disenfranchised
individuals nor the ruling over others and their choices through statutes, e.g. everyone


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

has to “earn a livelihood” in order to be a person as opposed by Everyone’s Legal

Rights and The Pursuit of THE FREE Society and Its Realm. While living with the
corrupt standard that everyone has to “earn a livelihood”, everyone forgot The Truth
which is that work injures, maims and prematurely kills all workers which the
records support or that, for The Pursuit of THE FREE Society and Its Realm, people
need to provide legitimate and informed consent that was never garnered nor could
ever be given when the general populace is kept ignorant: hence, the acceptance
historically of the need for an universal and free education system that teaches people
to think critically and arrive at the sole appropriate and JUST REMEDY but which
every provincial government abolished between 1982 and 2008 - the province of
british columbia was the last jurisdiction to eliminate Everyone’s Legal Rights
through the abolishment of universal and free education.

The Trillion Dollar Question

69. Clearly, everything that I have discovered about the corrupt administration of Canada
relative to s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and neutral citations is well known to the
governments and the corrupt Constitutional Questions Act proves that the governments have been
ruling everyone and controlling the choices presented to everyone which determines that Canada,
since 1961, became a civilization with strict classes that the governments knew they were creating
even though they were misleading everyone by claiming that Canada was pursuing THE FREE
Society of Equals without classes.

70. But, after all the corruption of the administration of Canada that has been exposed
in the Peremptory Orders initiating the long suppressed Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, the
following question should have arisen in everyone’s minds, “Why is the corrupt mantra of “everyone
having to earn a livelihood in order to remain alive” still being used and, worse still, accepted by


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

and put forth by the working poor whose health is failing and who are now meanly demanding that
the disabled get a job just like them despite the reality that work injures, maims and is
prematurely killing the workers?

71. In the Nazi era just as in the era of Qin and as exists now in Canada, it was easy for
the illegitimate but “infallible” state to control the minds of the populace and have them unilaterally
declare others to be criminals while the letter of the laws not only permitted this but encouraged this
behaviour just as in Israel in the era of Jesus Christ.

(1) John 8:17 - “Even in your law (the laws of Israel), it has been written that the
testimony of 2 men are true.”

72. Today, we have come to learn of objectively supported Truth because DNA evidence
is God’s Evidence that also repudiates fully jurisprudence due process that has resulted in many a
wrongful conviction over the centuries since it came in to existence and, most assuredly, saw that
many a person was wrong executed for crimes that he or she did not commit: either a person did the
immoral act and some protection of others is required concerning their actions being continued just
as in Leviticus where it was put forth that criminal havens or cities were to be maintained by the
Levites, but, it was also recognised by now that “vengeance is mine - so saith the Lord”. As a
consequence of this authority, no man nor machination of mankind has the right to kill another
in retribution for the killing of another just as Jesus Christ taught, “Forgiveness is divine”.

73. Basically, either you accept or believe in the authority of God - That Being
Beyond the laws - ultra vires, or else, you have falsely declared yourself and your machinations
to be godly (atheism). Clearly, the provincial governments and their debating system for court
are nowhere near acceptable, yet, the very existence of the Constitutional Questions Act and its
due process exposes that the governments and administrators of Canada for generations have


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

unilaterally and, in spite of The Truth, declared their way of thinking to be “infallible” and “beyond
reproach” by That Which Lies Beyond our knowledge and laws - ultra vires.

74. So, here’s the answer to the following unstated trillion question, “Why all the
duplicity, corruption and disrepute in the administration of Canada since 1960?

75. Simply, in 1982, the governments approved s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms which gave everyone the right to apply through The Petition to the Court Due Legal
Process to the Supreme Court of Canada in order to obtain the appropriate and JUST REMEDY
in the circumstances when ours and Everyone’s Legal Rights as guaranteed by s. 7 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms are DENIED by the decision making apparatus and where the
exclusion of fact and objectively supported Truth, i.e. inappropriately making educated opinions
“equivalent to objective facts”, exposes that reversing onus on the people, against the machination
of mankind, is what has existed for generations in defiance of The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and The Supremacy of God - new objective evidence along with the concept that governments are
an extension of the people rather than a wholly separate entity perpetually at war with Everyone’s
Legal Rights and the objectively supported Truth.

76. In the resulting illusion made real since 1961, the state truly knows full well that it
does not have to DO RIGHT regardless of imposed perceptions because the burden of correcting
the long term mess resides with the people and that’s why s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms exists! Obviously, Canada must be reset especially since governance took over the
court system and all provinces exist at that expense and elimination of Fundamental Justice at
all courts lower than the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa which includes the illegitimate
3 step federal court system.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

77. Sadly, this corruption is now being brought out while the leaders are all hiding the
following statement that is now guiding most of them and their actions which is that, “I’m not here
and your not here when the problems arise down the road; so, leave the mess we create or are living
with for the grandchildren to straighten out”, but, oh yes, don’t educate the people so that they
discover their grandparents and forefathers were misled across all time by the “leaders”.

78. This Peremptory Order and all those attached to it especially those Initiating The
Petition to the Court Due Legal Process will end this game with which we have lived for millennia.

Constitutional Reality

1. What does the Constitutional Questions Act and its easily discerned corruption

2. The very existence of a document that repudiates completely the words and intent
of s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, while s. 4 of the Constitutional
Questions Act places the origin of the corruption and enactment of the corruption in
governance back to December 1961, exposes that the governments knew full well
that the way Canada had been run since 1918, and still is being run, was/is
illegitimate as few laws upheld The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and its
Realm across all time and especially since 1982 when all laws within the Legal
Realm and the resulting schemes were defined as having to uphold Everyone’s Legal
Rights especially absolute honesty in decision making in order for the law and
scheme to be legitimate.

Constitutional Reality
1. What does section 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms indicate given


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

that Everyone’s Legal Rights are DENIED for everyone due to exclusion of objective
Truth and according to the letter of the law provided by the elected bodies?

2. The very fact that the governments have exposed through the existence and words
of the Constitutional Questions Act that they knew that rulership through the letter
of the law has remained ongoing since 1961 and was/is a gross and patently obvious
violation of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The Supremacy of God
along with s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms determines that the
governments knew Canada was headed to a reset of its laws in the future and that the
burden for striking down the laws and corrupt administration of Canada was, then,
to fall upon the people, unified and indivisible, under God- new evidence - where we
have the natural authority from objectively supported Truth to reform everything and
there is nothing any government nor court can do legitimately to stop the reformation
of the laws that never had any legitimate standards.
3. In the new and sole Order for the Legal Realm, all remaining laws will have as
their standards Everyone’s Legal Rights that are to be disclosed through a
Fundamental Justice Dictate in place in all remaining laws which will be based upon
the objective facts holding authority over the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the
circumstances - The Petition for the Court Due Legal Process.

79. The Supreme Court of Canada in its October 3, 2003 decision - neutral citation 2003
SCC 54 - made it clear that no law, without foundation in The Mandate of Heaven - the objectively
supported Truth, is valid and can remain on the books. Furthermore, in this same quote taken from
page 3 of the SCC’s October 3, 2003 decision, the Justices unanimously stated that the corrective
process in such instances is not “a parallel proceeding before the courts” or rehashing of the facts
where the initial result was corrupt but rather The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process where
the evidence of the governments, showing that it provided an illegitimate and “adverse” decision


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

throughout the entire decision making process and which the objective evidence makes quite
apparent, burdens the court with no other alternative but to accept the petition to the court without
hesitation and without delay based upon simple correctness/incorrectness.

“The Constitution is the supreme law of Canada and, by virtue of s. 52(1) of the
Constitution Act, 1982, the question of constitutional validity inheres in every
legislative enactment. From this principle of constitutional supremacy flows, as a
practical corollary, the idea that Canadians should be entitled to assert the rights
and freedoms that the Constitution guarantees them in the most accessible forum
available, without the need for parallel proceedings before the courts. To allow an
administrative tribunal to decide Charter issues does not undermine the role of the
courts as final arbiters of constitutionality in Canada. Administrative tribunal
decisions based on the Charter are subject to judicial review on a correctness
standard. In addition, the constitutional remedies available to administrative
tribunals are limited and do not include general declarations of invalidity. A
determination by a tribunal that a provision of its enabling statute is invalid pursuant
to the Charter is not binding on future decision-makers, within or outside the
tribunal's administrative scheme. Only by obtaining a formal declaration of
invalidity by a court - the Supreme Court of Canada - can a litigant establish the
general invalidity of a legislative provision for all future cases.”

80. When The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was established, all laws that impose
injustice were summarily struck down due to the establishment of Everyone’s Legal Rights
unbeknownst to the general populace. Obviously, the elites and illegitimate rulers in Canada, i.e.
governments, can’t get that through their heads which is why Canada is nearing a civil war over The
Principles of Fundamental Justice, the existence of THE FREE Society Realm and what establishes


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

this omnipotent pursuit for all mankind as opposed to the illegitimate declaration of democracy as
being an act of God in s. 3 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

81. If something walks like a duck, looks like a duck and talks like a duck, do you need
a court or government agent to tell you that you are looking at a duck?


(1) So, why is the system insisting that you do need a court or government agent or
academic consensus all over again just as in the era of monarchs and in defiance of
Everyone’s Legal Rights and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God?

82. Self Evident Truth does not have to be upheld by a court to be known as Truth and
the fight by the system against accepting such Truth - due process currently - is dishonesty made

(1) But, Exhibits “G” through “Z” filed with the Supreme Court of Canada -
initially with the supreme court of british columbia - kelowna and since moved to the
Supreme Court of Canada, that are available online, affirm the dishonesty in all
governance, jurisprudence, the lost cause where academic opinions are used wrongly
and given equality to objective evidence status plus the objective evidence of
Exhibits “S” through “V” determine that the world has a long way to go to get to
The Pursuit of THE FREE Society Realm because nobody needs to be told that there
is no hinge to be found in mature, healthy and kinetic ginglymus joints on any animal
nor do we need to be told that these joints employ centripetal mechanics - the x-ray
evidence does all this!


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

83. On account of Self Evident Truth/simpliciter not needing to be upheld by the courts
as Truth EXCEPT when decision makers suspend the acceptance of self evident Truth - BAD FAITH,
the long suppressed Petition to the Court Due Legal Process exists and has always existed to correct
the duplicity of the establishment unbeknownst to everyone as it and we, the people, have always
owned to right to wipe away all the dishonesty, duplicity and misleading of the general population
and resurrect The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and its Realm FOREVERMORE.

84. The consequence of the suspension of the acceptance of Truth is it put in place the
struggle between the state and rulership versus the Petitioner in this matter, E. J. Krass, Doing Right,
according to simple correctness, and the Truth which forced him to take down those refusing to
confine their decisions to the objectively supported Truth and abide by It rather than maintain a
patently obvious decision/opinion repudiated from the start but which is only exposed if the
objective facts are not excluded so as to make the decisions “appear” correct through countless
academic opinions and governmental rebuffs that the self evident Truth maintains is a lie.

85. In The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process and The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals and Its Realm without classes, there is no doubt as to the proper course of action.
Currently, everyone is bogged down in current and illegitimate due process/interlocutory proceedings
when the objective Truth presents the sole appropriate and JUST REMEDY for everyone.

(1) The Workers’ Compensation Board was founded upon the reality that work
injures, maims and prematurely kills all workers and, therefore, the WCB’s mandate
was to record the incidents of injury, pay benefits until the job injuries are “resolved
entirely” and the mature, healthy and kinetic human body is restored for all persons
who have a job injury. So, there were to be no job injuries by now almost a hundred
years since the creation of the Workers’ Compensation Board as work was supposed
to have been modified and eliminated if necessary due to the amounts of injuries in


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

the same relative incidences.

(2) Instead, since 1982, the state took over the running of the historic Workers
Compensation Board and re-instated the fallacy that the conflict is between the
employer and the job injured and, then, put in place jurisprudence and conflict
between the workers and the employers over the WCB’s Accident Fund’s
responsibility for paying WCB benefits through to the job injury being “resolved
entirely” where the WCB’s original mandate was simply quashed and now the WCB,
the Workers’s Compensation Board Appeal Commission or Appeals Tribunal, etc.,
as the case may be, and judicial review and all courts lower than the Supreme Court
of Canada become arbiters or umpires between the injured workers and their
respective employers as work, in general, no longer is viewed grandly and
legitimately as being the cause of the injury to the person of all workers or the cause
of the premature death of the workers.

(3) In this new running of the WCB, there are countless miscarriages of justice (really
a mountain of cases where Fundamental Justice is not being accepted) because the
objective Truth has been dismissed and replaced with jurisprudence/interlocutory due
process rather than respecting s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and getting
the job injury cured properly (“resolved entirely”) so that No Further Known Harm
occurs to the person of another worker.

(4) Clearly, the initial decision by the government run agency is solely correct or
incorrect according to the fact that the job injuries are ongoing and that fact can be
objectively proven to be so. So, taking the matter to court where the Fundamental
Justice outcome is known and having to ask the court to review the WCB case file
as if the Fundamental Justice outcome is unknown violates s. 24 (1) of The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms and s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms along with
everyone’s intelligence.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

86. The now exposed Constitutional Questions Act is, by virtue of the preceding
paragraph (s. 85 (4) of this Pursuit of THE FREE Society and Its Realm Act), shown to have an
inherent and uncorrectable flaw that makes it completely immoral which is far beyond
unconstitutional. The work “question” implies that the answer, reality and Fundamental Justice
Outcome in the circumstances is not known and, therefore, the court or judge is breaking new
ground, i.e. making an “original” decision. But, the existence of Original/Petition to the Court Due
Legal Process strikes down the Constitutional Question Act and its false presumption simply
because the answer is already known AND the system has just suspended acceptance of the original
Truth so that it can continue to exist while forestalling the necessary change that comes from this
ultra vires Truth.

Attached: copy of the struck down Constitutional Questions Act;

annotated copy of the Supreme Court of Canada’s July 5, 2007 correspondence in this
matter with the withheld legal Truth
The Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund Act

This document can also be accessed online at the following pages:

OR and look for the document The Pursuit

of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act.

By the Supreme Court of Canada ________

___________________________________ _______________________________________


Constihilional Qlestion Act l@:// rpw/docrrnentflD/freeside...
rrO aac,r*nsn *r-*r rr-- lile- cDt-* wohsl"_|.

Copyright (c) Queen's Printer,

Vlctorla, Brltbh Columbh, Canada IM PORTA NT IN FORMATIOI{

Contents STR\lcK Dou^cu

Section tt
1 Ueutenant Governor in Council to refer matters to couft
2' Court to certify opinion r*pt*.-oJ t^rf,4^
3 Notice to Attorney General of Canada
T!.- P*rr*.? o€ TltE FREE,
4 Notice of reference
5 Notice to persons interested }.rcJ.ty o{ q,^-,0-t *^^J t{a Kdff,\
6 Appeal h&, fue\reg.rtn.c,GE!
7 Publication in Gazette
8 Notice of questions of validity or applicability
I Action for declaration of validity of Act

rrrvr C,orrstil.r-[nn ra.4

Lieutenant Governor in Gouncil to refer matters to court r.z.{ar) ac tuaeUA,RTER
The Lieutenant €r any matter to the Couft of
Appeal or to the Supreme Court for h and consideration, and the
Couft of Appeal or the Supreme CoSdrt must hear and consider it.
Chr-ola r- arr k ?tLs"r.a L cer^--l- *(-t
Court to ceftify opinion
2 (1) The Court of Appeal or the Supreme Couft must give to the Lieutenant
Governor in Council its opinion on the matter referred, with reasons, in the
manner of a judgment in an ordinary action.
(2) A justice of the Court of Appeal who differs from the opinion of the
majority may give to the Lieutenant Governor in Council the justice's
opinion, with reasons.

Notice to Attorney General of Canada

3 In casethe matter referred relates to the constitutional validity of all or
part of an Act, the Attomey General of Canada must be notified of the

I of4 0310512010 2:01 PM

Corstittrional Question Act hfrp://www.bclaws.calEPlibraries/bclaws_new/docrmetr/ID/freeside...

hearing, and must be heard if the Attorney General of Canada sees fit.

Notice of reference
4 On a reference by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under the
agreement made between the govemment of British Columbia and the
government of Canada under
Act (Canada), the Attomey Gen
any province of Canada that ha
similar agreement must be noti
heard as a party.
,^rog&l oQ
"$ rt-.
Notice to persons interested - c"r^,*r*d..r*r A*.2-'t(\
Z a-ouir{T 5 The Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court may direct that a penson
interested, or, if there is a class of persons interested, any one or more
persons as representatives of that class, must be notified of the hearing,
and those persons are entitled to be heard. 7
,"cr.d s. zr{ cT
(r) -rt- cL--t - ;c*s *r^.-'!
Appeal i.f,e(t),S-t" cu*J<r RuLEs EXHTB\T * N "
. -
6 The opinion of the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court is a judgment of
the Couft of Appeal or of the Supreme Court, as the case may be, and an
appeal lies from it in the manner of a judgment in an ordinary action.

Publication in Gazette
7 The reasons given by the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court under this
Act must, as soon as practicable, be published in the Gazette.

Notice of questions of validity or applicability

8 (1) In this section:
"constitutional remedy" means a remedy under section 24 (L) of the
Qnadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms other than a remedy
consisting of the exclusion of evidence or consequential on such

"lalfl" includes an enactment and an enactment within the meaning of the

Interpretation Ad (Canada).
(2) If in a cause, matter or other proceeding
(a) the constitutional validity or constitutional applicability of any
law is challenged, or
(b) an application is made for a constitutional remedy,

2 of 4 0310512010 2:01 PM
Corstitrtrional Question Act hfip://www.bclaws.calEPlibraries/bclaws_new/docurnenUlD/freeside...

the law must not be held to be invalid or inapplicable and the remedy
must not be granted until after notice of the challenge or application has
been served on the Attorney General of Canada and the Attorney General
of British Columbia in accordance with this section.
(3) If in a cause, matter or other proceeding the validity or applicability of
a regulation is challenged on grounds other than the grounds referred to in
subsection (2) (a), the regulation must not be held to be invalid or
inapplicable until after notice of the challenge has been serued on the
Attomey General of British Columbia in accordance with this section.
(4) The notice must
(a) be headed in the cause, matter or other proceeding,
(b) state
(i) the law in question, or
(ii) the right or freedom alleged to be infringed or denied,
(c) state the day on which the challenge or application under
subsection (2) or (3) is to be argued, and
(d) give pafticulars necessary to show the point to be argued.
(5) The notice must be served at least 14 days before the day of argument
unless the court authorizes a shorter notice.
(6) If in a cause, matter or other proceeding to which this section applies
the Attorney General of British Columbia appears, the Attorney General is
a pafty and, for the purpose of an appeal from an adjudication respecting
the validity or applicability of a law, or respecting entitlement to a
constitutional remedy, has the same rights as any other party.
(7) It in a cause, matter or other proceeding to which this section applies
the Attomey General of Canada appears, the Attorney General of Canada
is a pafty and, for the purpose of an appeal from an adjudication
respecting the validity or applicability of a law, or respecting entitlement to
a constitutional remedy, has the same rights as any other pafty.

Action for declaration of validity of Act t Ct^"-A"'. o^,ttr


/e (1) The Supreme Couft has jurisdiction to enteftain an action at the

instance of either the Attorney General of Canada or the Attorney General
of British Columbia for a declaration as to the validity of an Act of the
Legislature, though no further relief is sought.
(2) The action is sufficiently constituted if the 2 Attorneys General are
(3) An appeal lies from the judgment in the manner of a judgment in an

3 of 4 0310512010 2:01 PM
Constitrfiml Qrrestion Act t@ ://www.bclaws.calEPlibraries/bclaws_rrcw/docrment/ID/freeside. . .

ordinary action.

Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

4 of 4 0310512010 2:01 PM
Supremc Court Csur supr€me
of Canada du Cansds

Mr' E,J, Krass

P.O. Box 104 I STN MAIN
Creek. Britistt Columbia
vls 4lle

Dear Mr. Krms:

'Ihir will mknowledge rceip on Jurc 2l , 2{X}?. of s ffotice otCcmstitwittrwl Queslm
(Fffm 6lA). a,liotirra aJ'Ret4ticst - yerolious (Form67). ttrCIclrqws in the
amotmt of$?" two Fonns 38. six doauments mirked A B. C. D' E and F afil thr€€
Evielence . volurms l, II and lII.

I rcgrct to intbrm you thot since yotr do not have a final judgiment of a Court of Appeal.
thistoun isnotCIm Suprcrnc Courtof Canada
tus jurisdiction hear appeals from any
finuljdgment of thc frn*l rcsort in

the ffis€ rnsy file.[4l( Dorrsxt -' \:fo 3. zq tr)

th best position to advise

I would sugges that you would be in
you tln the righ'ts ard

I arn. thercfbf€- rtturning your doeuments and your chques to you.

Yours truly.

Michel Jobidon
Senior Regisry


Id. , T{. : $l$ .9c'cl

h 05 rr1
Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine


May 23, 2010

1. S. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms stipulates that, “anyone whose
rights, as guaranteed by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, has the right to apply to the court of
competent jurisdiction to obtain the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances” as
dictated by the withheld objective facts in the matter!

2. In the matter presented in the enclosed evidence packages on Peremptory Order 00001
with the Supreme Court of Canada, it is PATENTLY OBVIOUS that the governments through its
letters of the laws did far worse than withheld the objective Truth in all WCB matters since 1985 and

as far back as December 1, 1961 as Exhibit “K” proves that the due process has been corrupted

by the letter of the law provided by the elected bodies - BAD FAITH - as the new “due process” was
put in place after 1961 with the sole intention of mudding the waters as well as striking down “new
evidence” that made the entire quasi-judicial due review process, since 1982, unconstitutional and
a flagrant violation of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God.

3. The consequence of excluding objective evidence intended on correcting an incorrect

decision is that the governments invoked but not pronouncing clearly The Petition to the Court Due
Legal Process as all courts have been made in to extensions of the elected bodies and their laws and
order in defiance of s. 52 (1) and s. 11 (d) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

4. Consequently, the only JUST REMEDY in the matters, relating to Peremptory Orders
and their authority relative to the courts, is to strike down all laws pertaining to the courts lower to
the Supreme Court Act plus, in order to have the withheld appropriate and JUST outcome, restored
and made mandatory for all job injured along with the correction of the law pertaining to the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Workers’ Compensation system across Canada. So, s. 40 of the Supreme Court Act has to be shown
to violate s. 7 and s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms in order to have this technicality
stripped from the judiciary.

5. As the correction deals with an entire class of individuals across all of Canada, i.e.
the long term job injured and those replacing the injured workers to do duties that will cause the
same personal job injuries or death, universality and the correlation of cases of denial/suspension
of objective Truth - exclusion and manipulation of objective Truth - determines that the governments
across Canada, acting as agents of the pursuit of wealth against The Pursuit of THE FREE Society
of Equals and Its Realm, knowingly put in place the lost cause scenario where those disenfranchised
by subjective evidence being used to exclude the objective reality were presupposed to be too
ignorant to learn how to reform the judicial system and have JUST REMEDIES exposed to the
people so that they too can exercise their authority under The Principles of Fundamental Justice and
its Petitions to the Court Due Legal Process.

6. The consequence of Exhibit “K” and the resulting imposition of a long process

of repeated and unconstitutional reviews of the file simply due to the continued denial/suspension
of Fundamental Justice - BAD FAITH - determines that s. 40 of The Supreme Court Act is found
to be unconstitutional (violates sections 7, 24 (1) and s. 52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms), disreputable, not saved and an actual contradiction of The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals and Its Realm because Everyone’s Legal Rights are being denied or withheld.
Hence, s. 40 and the current organization of the court system is stuck down forevermore and replaced
with The Petition to the Court and Peremptory Orders just as the corrupt Constitutional Questions
Act has already been exposed to be denying everyone their rights as put forth by s. 7 and s. 24 (1)
of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

7. With s. 40 of The Supreme Court Act and the current organization of the court system
proven to disregard Everyone’s Legal Rights, there no longer is any grounds for the Supreme Court


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

of Canada to refuse to comply with the matters presented in the legal documents subscribed to both
FILE NO . PO-00001 of The Supreme Court of Canada or file no. 81581 of (the no longer valid)
supreme court of british columbia (kelowna registry) as well as The Petition to the Court Due Legal

8. For everyone’s knowledge, Fundamental Justice, which is a singularity, abolished

pluralism forever - even before pluralism came in to existence.

9. Paragraph 1 of the July 5, 2007 Supreme Court of Canada correspondence -

Peremptory Mandamus Order doc. no. 0541, has been replaced with the legal documents filed at
Kelowna Court Registry on file no. 81581 and its Exhibits that bring out completely The Petition
to the Court Due Legal Process. A singular copy of the Peremptory Mandamus Order documents
has been included and none of the documents not need to be attested to by anyone because the
objective facts speak loudly in favour of my annotations plus soundly repudiate the administration
of Canada and its judicial system!

10. The new judicial process recognizes the withheld reality that a decision by the
government and based upon the letter of the law, in most cases, has already been produced. In
reality, this decision either is simply correct or BAD FAITH.

(1) If the outcome violates the objectively supported Truth, then, this outcome and
it not being consistent with the Fundamental Justice Outcome demands that those
wronged by the decision making process have the right to present this decision and
the objective Truth before the court in a Petition to the Court Due Legal Process to
obtain the sole appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances and the courts
must accept the Peremptory Order because the judiciary are agents of the laws and
institutions that created the laws and not “independent and impartial” as stipulated
to in s. 11 (d) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

11. The acceptance of The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act is


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

demanded in the circumstances because the Constitutional Questions Act has been struck down in
accordance with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms except that, now, there is no such thing as a
question of legitimacy because an incorrect decision was produced in BAD FAITH thereby forcing
the disenfranchised to stand up for the sole appropriate and JUST REMEDY on behalf of objective
Truth when this Truth was demanded to be used appropriately in the past rather than at a court
hearing many years after the injustice was initiated and after repeated review of the file failed to
produce the sole appropriate and just outcome in all cases.

12. In the Neutral Citation 2003 SCC 54, the SCC declared that it was PATENTLY

OBVIOUS that Donald Martin was denied his legitimate WCB benefits - s. 120 of Exhibit “O”.
That reality means that Donald Martin was never supposed to have had his WCB benefits cut-off
administratively and the sole intent of this corrupt actions was to enforce the corrupt quasi-judicial
system and corrupt judicial system on Donald Martin before he had his legitimate WCB benefits re-

13. So, for nearly a decade, Donald Martin was forced to live without any WCB benefits
including medical benefits even though it was patently obvious that he and all other similar long term
WCB claimants were/are having their WCB benefits, in long term claims, held hostage just as with
me, E. J. Krass, Petitioner on behalf of all job injured, but it is even worse in my case as I found the
cure and tweaked it - made it comply with the mature, healthy and kinetic human body, but still the
governments refused to allow overuse syndrome and repetitive stress injuries (2 distinct classes of
injuries) to be accepted across Canada in spite of the WCB not having this right to refuse/suspend
the Truth for all sufferers of this serious physiological injury.

14. To put it bluntly, I, the Petitioner, have been imprisoned in a dyskinetic human body
since 1989 with the governments’ and the WCB’s full knowledge of the Truth in the circumstances
and, worse still again, the job injuries that I suffered should have been prevented but the
governments eliminated the original 1913 mandate for the WCB, i.e. to make work not injure, maim


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

nor prematurely kill all workers - injury prevention. More horrendously, this same injury has
befallen many a worker across Canada in spite of the true amounts of this injury around the globe.

15. Therefore, the legal advice contained in this document is beyond reproach just as is
its recommendation to obtain Fundamental Justice in the circumstances is beyond reproach as the
whole administration of Canada and its judiciary since 1961 has been disreputable and this
objective Truth must be Peremptorily accepted by the Supreme Court of Canada as the objective
fact/Truth now that the Supreme Court’s only impediment to comply with The Petition to the Court
Due Legal Process has been removed/struck down!

16. For the record, none of which I have written is “new” knowledge to the courts but
everyone within the administration of Canada has a technicality to fall back on to push the sheep
to go beyond the ignorance and revolutionarily reform the system but without a war!

17. However, no lawyer will the you this simple summary of what to do when you have
Fundamental Justice behind you and the system denying the acceptance of your personal experience
because all bad personal experience in the civilization will make moot the civilization that the
establishment put in place since 1961.

18. So, when your rights and Everyone else’s Legal Rights are denied - forget infringed,
The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm has been suspended determining that the
only way to get your personal Fundamentally Just Outcome, that is being denied, is to change the
laws so that the harm done to your person and not being recognized by the establishment does not
befall others going forward.

19. Unfortunately, the corruption that was put in place to fight communism required a
massive reformation of not just of s. 40 of The Supreme Court Act but, due to Fundamental Justice
having been eliminated through the lower courts being made in to agents of the provincial and
territorial government and solely perpetuating interlocutory/jurisprudence due process after the initial
corrupt decision was supplied, insuring the return of Fundamental Justice to Canadian decision


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

making demanded the abolishment of the ongoing court system that will only dispense the
Fundamental Justice outcome at the Supreme Court of Canada if a Fundamental Justice outcome
exists and has been denied for many years.

20. But, the only JUST REMEDY in the circumstances, i.e. striking down forevermore
or striking down and replacing the enacted laws, based upon s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms, is beyond most because most people have been raised to look out for number one rather
than seeing that, if you are denied your rights, there, according to universality, must then also be a
whole class of individuals living just like you while The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and
Its Realm PROHIBITS both the creation of new classes of disenfranchised from the elite’s systems
as well as the continuation of the ongoing disenfranchised classes.

(1) Since 1980, food banks and soup kitchens have become a staple of the Canadian
civilization just as in the bad old days of the British Commonwealth - the Salvation
Army. Yet, nobody did anything to stop the expansion of the economy and trade and
the increase in credit because everyone chose to accept and play the game imposed
by the governments - the Constitutional Questions Act - because there really was
nothing else being offered as centralization demanded that The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals and Its Realm be dismissed.

21. With education, we, the people and nation under God, held the promise of change in
our hand but that promise was removed and, WHEN the economy fails completely, most people
across Canada will finally be awoken but after the illusion leaves them with little in the way of
means to cope with the sudden shift to the new world order based around universal and free
education and The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process.

22. But, due to the Supreme Court of Canada’s technicality, that allowed it to decline
Doing Right in July 2007, having been removed at last and compliance with The Truth is expected
and demanded in the matters presented to it according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

The Supremacy of God and legitimate neutral citations of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The
Pursuit of THE FREE Society has been returned to everyone’s hands just as envisioned with s. 24
(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and without the sudden collapse the pursuit of wealth.


(signed copy filed with the SCC)

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Author of The Treatise on The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process
Galileo II/Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE SOCIETY
Founder of the Unified College of Medicine
Petitioner on File Nos. PO-00001 at the SCC and S-81581 at Kelowna Court Registry


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund Act

1. Sections 1 and 4 of the now repudiated Constitutional Questions Act along with
Exhibit “K” on file no. PO-00001 with the Supreme Court of Canada make it absolutely clear that
the administration of Canada since December 1, 1961 abolished and circumvented The Supremacy
of God - new evidence that, when combined with old disregarded facts, establishes a whole new
understanding of reality beyond the laws and schemes devised and supervised through the collusion
of the elected bodies who use elections as making them and their schemes illegitimate.

2. The greatest of the schemes currently is the standard for enforcing the acceptance of
the Truth/Fundamental Justice in the circumstances for everyone and the elimination of the class
based civilization that arose since 1961.

3. The consequence of denial/suspension of the acceptance of The Truth in all

circumstances is that governments took over rulership of our lives since December 1961. Now, that
this fact has been established completely by the words of the elected bodies and the Constitutional
Questions Act has to be found through an internet search - BAD FAITH (review sections 1 and 4 of
the Constitutional Questions Act and compare them to the words of s. 7 and 24 (1) of The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms as well as read The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm
Act), there has to be a Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund established over the next 5 years especially
since the result of the rulership through elections has resulted in the pursuit of wealth created classes.

4. To put everything succinctly, governments and rulership have interfered with and
obstructed the dispensation of Fundamental Justice as well as made everyone’s Legal Rights
redundant and the establishment knows this fact all too well but have kept from everyone for so long
that few understand that the current system must now be reconciled with the ultra vires reality that


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

has come in to focus over the past 50 years or so and exposes a far better way to exist because the
reward is...

5. When a civilization exists through a corrupt standard, this standard must be used to
aid in the arrival of its replacement.

6. Basically, as money and abuse of power surrounding the possession of wealth are the
cornerstone of democracy, not only will provinces have to be dissolved within 5-7 years but also,
to aid in this transition to The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals from democracy, a program
is required and needs to be funded with the intent of helping get knowledge of how to exist with God
out just as the system is reconciled with the long suppressed Fundamental Justice that is derived
from objectively supported Truth that is omnipotent.

7. Obviously, unbeknown to most, there is a great amount of means available to produce

electricity to a moderately convenienced house for everyone whether they live in Siberia, Patagonia,
the deserted islands of the pacific, the Andes, Rockies, Himalayas, etc.

8. When the modern conveniences of an industrial house are made universally available
around the world and the electricity is derived from long term personally available electrical
production like geothermal sourced electricity production complemented by solar power and small
scale wind captured electricity, then, the lost energy from the grid can be returned to it. The
consequence of this process though is that the grid and centralization of authority through access to
this electricity becomes lost making the grid ultimately redundant just as The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals and Its Realm Act legitimately eliminated the politics game forevermore.

(1) To calculate the needs of a minimally powered house, just add together the annual
voltage and wattage requirements from washer, dryers (optional as clothes lines work


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

just as well in some parts of the world), refrigerators, stoves, freezers (also optional),
dish washers, microwaves, coffee makers, electrically powered heaters/air
conditioners, computers, televisions (optional), etc. and you come up with a small
amount of electrical need for each house.

(2) Now remove this number multiplied by the houses across the hinterlands and
remove this total from the grid but that is not the sole benefit. To get the proper
number, add to the subtracted total all the lost electricity from transmission along
power lines and the eliminated production of commercial transformers that reduce
the jumped up electricity needed to go across the grid lines to the local customers and
you discover that most of the grid was unnecessary.

(3) Any need to refine the recycled cars, dishwasher, stoves, fridges, washers and
dryer, etc. will still be far less than produced in all the dams and power stations
around the world but the benefits will go far beyond the coverage of the grids around
the world which are limited in range.

9. The rules for the Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund are very strict both for payments
in to the fund as well as dispensing it across Canada as well as making the production of goods for
the production of personal use electricity known across the face of the world and for free.

10. To establish The Pursuit of THE FREE Society in Alberta, it will have to set aside
$ 8 billion with 5 years. British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba must also place $ 8 billion
for each province over the next 5 years.
(1) The first annual installment will be $ 3 billion dollars each for the western
provinces, with the second years payment to the national fund being $ 2 billion and
the 3rd annual installment being $ 1.5 billion with the final 2 annual installments
being $ 750 million.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

(2) These funds are not be invested in any scheme, stock market nor bonds and the
dollar figures are really gold and platinum purchases to be stored provincially in
(3) The bulk of this money is to be paid to change the small scale farmer houses over
to geothermal, solar, and wind powered home heating and electrical systems.

11. Ontario’s portion for the Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund is $ 12 billion over 5
(1) The first annual payment will be $ 4 billion; with the second annual payment
being $ 3 billion; the 3rd and 4th annual payments being $ 2 billion each; and the final
payment being $ 1 billion dollars.
(2) Again, these funds are not be invested in any scheme, stock market nor bonds
and the dollar figures are really gold and platinum purchases to be stored provincially
in a depository.
(3) The bulk of this money is to be paid to change the small scale farmer houses over
to geothermal, solar, and wind powered home heating and electrical systems.

12. Quebec’s portion for the Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund is $ 9.5 billion over the
next 5 years.
(1) The first annual payment will be $ 3.5 billion; with the second annual payment
being $ 2.5 billion; the 3rd, 4th and final annual payments being $ 1 billion each.
(2) Again, these funds are not be invested in any scheme, stock market nor bonds
and the dollar figures are really gold and platinum purchases to be stored provincially
in a depository.
(3) The bulk of this money is to be paid to change the small scale farmer houses over
to geothermal, solar, and wind powered home heating and electrical systems.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

13. The portions of the Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund for Prince Edward Island and
New Brunswick are $ 2 billion over the next 5 years.
(1) The first and 2nd annual payments will be $ 500 million; with the 3rd and 4th
annual payments being $ 350 million each; and the final annual payment being $ 300
(2) Again, these funds are not be invested in any scheme, stock market nor bonds
and the dollar figures are really gold and platinum purchases to be stored provincially
in a depository.
(3) The bulk of this money is to be paid to change the small scale farmer houses over
to geothermal, solar, and wind powered home heating and electrical systems.

14. The portions of the Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund for Nova Scotia and
Newfoundland and Labrador are $ 3.5 billion over the next 5 years.
(1) The first and second annual payments will be $ 1.0 billion; with the 3rd and 4th
annual payments being $ 600 million each; and the final payment being $ 300
(2) Again, these funds are not be invested in any scheme, stock market nor bonds
and the dollar figures are really gold and platinum purchases to be stored provincially
in a depository.
(3) The bulk of this money is to be paid to change the small scale farmer houses over
to geothermal, solar, and wind powered home heating and electrical systems.

15. The federal portion of the Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund which also covers the
Yukon, the Northwest Territory and Nunavut is $ 15 billion over the next 5 years.
(1) The first annual payment will be $ 5 billion; with the second annual payment
being $ 4 billion; the 3rd and 4th annual payments being $ 2 billion each; and the final


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

payment being $ 1 billion dollars.

(2) Again, these funds are not be invested in any scheme, stock market nor bonds
and the dollar figures are really gold and platinum purchases to be stored provincially
in a depository.
(3) The bulk of this money is to be paid to change the small scale farmer houses over
to geothermal, solar, and wind powered home heating and electrical systems.(2)
Again, these funds are not be invested in any scheme, stock market nor bonds and the
dollar figures are really gold and platinum purchases to be stored provincially in a
(3) The bulk of this money is to be paid to change the small scale farmer houses over
to geothermal, solar, and wind powered home heating and electrical systems.

16. All the Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund will actually be spent on the people and
making of their lives uniform in the countryside and without electrical lines between every house
as all the electricity for every hinterland home outside the cities will be derived from geothermal,
solar and wind power.
(1) With everyone outside the city being equal and having the ability to hunt their
food, plant small gardens, create a small livestock base to feed themselves and live
in a house that is small but self contained, the potential for crime diminishes greatly
because my neighbour is no different than me and he can see that I am no different
than them.
(2) The dissolutionment of leadership and rulership will also see those living in the
cities learning that centralization and eliminating The Pursuit of THE FREE Society
of Equals and Its Realm was wrong for countless generations and millennia and those
living in the hinterland must be welcoming to those in the cities who have accepted
The Truth and having chosen to accept and abide by The Truth and rejoining the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

lifestyle of those living beyond the rat race and having their daily choices handed to
them by the civilization.

17. The Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund is a national fund for the people to learn how
to live at one with nature and the mature, healthy and kinetic human body. The spending of the
funds are not open to the federal nor provincial governments nor their agents. A simple replicating
standard established by the objectively supported Truth will dictate what money will be spent per
house to make it self sufficient - mansions are not part of this scheme.

18. Not one of my indictments of the system are untrue and all of my indictments have
been fully proven by the existence of the corrupt Constitutional Questions Act that should never have
been put in place but has been kept in place so that the establishment can remain in control long
beyond its expiry date!

19. If you doubt the absolute corruption that the administrators of Canada have done since
1961, please, review the following facts.
(1) The Constitutional Questions Act originated as an enactment of all provinces and
the federal government in 1961. So, this continued through 1971, 1981, 1991 and
around 2001 when Full Disclosure started becoming part of governance plus the
internet facilitated the general public getting ready and unfettered access to most
government enactments even if the relevant acts still had to be found through an
internet search engine.
(2) Thus, it is patently obvious that the general populace was kept ignorant of the
fact that the elected bodies had usurped the role of the monarchy and had begun to
rule everyone through the letter of the laws making the provinces in to kingdoms but
with national programs whose standards were to be set by the elected parties and not


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

by the people. Basically, governments became separate entities from the people of
their province and all that people had was an election to decide whether to decide on
the lesser of two evils where the choices are keep the scoundrels you know or change
them for the unknown and get even worse corruption.

20. The consequence of the governments making Everyone’s Legal Rights an aspect of
the Office of the Attorney Generals is that, now, The Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund is necessary
to reverse the effects of rulership since 1961. This Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund Act was
produced due to the governments having acted in total disregard of Everyone’s INALIENABLE Legal

21. Did you catch that now governments are falsely claiming that there are no such things
as INALIENABLE Legal Rights when s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a legitimate
neutral citation to be upheld by s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms whereas s. 3 of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms is not a legitimate neutral citation as attested to by s. 33 (1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

This document can also be accessed online at the following pages:

OR and look for the document

Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund Act.

By the Supreme Court of Canada ________

___________________________________ _______________________________________


Fri. $1 .25 (incl. GST)
Friday, May 712010, Kelowna, B.G. www. ke lownada i lyc ou rier. ca

with cash
Proseeutor for both
legislature raid and
polygamy Gases
made eontributlons
By The Canadian Press

VANCOUVER They're sup-

posed to be the buffer between gov-
ernment and any appearance of
conJlict of interest.
But when the special prosecutor
who cleared British Columbia's so-
Iicitor general of election wrong-
doing stefiped down this week, he
did just the opposite.
Terrance Robertson resigned
and revealed that his law firm had
donated to Heed's campaign.
Yet the names of at least 15 of the
35 lawyers on the list of potential
special prosecutors or their firms
are also on Liberal party donation
This includes lawyers involved
insome of the province's most
high-profile cases, including the
Iegislature raid case and a lawyer
who has been appointed to argue
against Canada's polygamy laws.
Bill Berardino, the special pros-
ecutor in the lengthy legislature
raid case, is listed as "principal of-
of ficer" for two donations in 2005 by
lon n Thursday with the help of the Gity
na and the
his law firm at the time, Berardino
lent k part in a Kokanee in the Glassroom that began
and-Harris LLP" The firm gave
hpe s, then in the spring the try are returned to Mission Greek.
$500 to former attorney general

WaIIy Oppal and $100 to the

larily , 'r'.'';, Gity Staff
'i',i',:j;: ,,i1.q-:
Liberal pafty.
ins urging elimate action Berardino, who couldn't be
reached for comment, had already
lll have a By Daily Courier Staff been special prosecutor for more
as we per- than a year when the donations
r levels. I A "mild drought" condition should were made.
[h," said be declared by city council for George K. Maclntosh was nomi-
ls general Kelowna, municipal staff suggest. nated by the province and appoint-
The Stage 1 alert, to take effect on ed by a B.C. Supreme Court judge
ed Stage 3 June 1, would aim to reduce overall as amicus in a forthcoming court
lhe limits water use in the city by 10 per cent" reference case on Canada's
Iwns once Conservation measures are appro- polygamy law.
D use, Iike priate, utility services manager Don
ners were Degen becausecf "low seasonal Continued on page A4

Lawyers" If.ffi, "-f.x'ffi."i;ff,Hi;fi:1,1*Hti.T1? ;#n''T'*',fl',*'11,.n,fi:*',f,1ffi1:

continued from pase Al ?rT'#,11,ffiHL?il"#i,Xfrl
Liberal candidate.
tffifrtT ;il,Ttf.H:rHfff,"%ii,T.,i:'1fr'.;'#:ifl
based," said Sossin, who is also director of
Maclntosh will argue'bppoSittt the attor- revelations give at least the appear- the Centre for the Legal Profession.
ney general, against the federal law barring ance of conllict of interest and fuel Special prosecutors are appointed from a
polygamy. among the public, Iegal say.
observers ligt of senior lawyers in private practice
Elections B.C. Iists a George K. Maclntosh "I hope you don't need a specialist in Ie- who have been joinfly approved by the pres-
as having personally donated $2,500 tothe gal ethics to tell you that's a problem," ident of the B.C. Iaw Society, the deputy at-
Liberal party in 2005. Maclntosh couldn't Lorne Sossin of the University of Toronto torney general and the assistant deputy al
immediately be reached for comment. said in an interview. torney general, according to attorney gener-
' His firm, Farris, Vaughan, Wills and "The issue isn't, 'Are these people really al ministry's website.
Murphy has given more than $50,000 to the motivated by some affinity for the govern- Only the head of the province's prosecu-
Liberals since2005. ment as reflected in having made a dona- tion service, the assistant deputy attorney
In the solicitor general's case, Robertson tion?' It really is a perception-based con- general of the Criminal Justice Branch, has
publicly disclosed his firm's donation after cern, and perception is everytling.'l the authority to appoint one.
clearing Heed of wrongdomg in his election Sossin said it's probably not necessary Law professor Penny Collenette said law
campaign investigation. It has since been publicly disclose every potential conflict, firms routinely give money to the political
revealed Robertson also made a personal and lawyers who've donated in the past process, andthatshouldn'tbe discouraged.
contribution of $1,000 to the Liberal party shouldn't be automatically barred from She said the personal donations are more
Iast year. And there are others. such a position. But he said there must be troubling, especially when Robertson's
Richartl Peck was special prosecutor re-
safeguards in place to ensure potential con- weren't revealed'until after his tlecision.
viewing the possibility of polygamy charges flicts are identified and reviewed beforean "Can you say anything's wrong? No. Is the
in the community of Bountiful three years assignment is made. And, in some cases, appearance a little grey? Yes. It's the per-
ago. His law finn donated $1,000 in 2005. make a point to tell
FILE NO . PO-00001
OTTAWA Registry




The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act


The Disssolutionment of Rulership Fund Act

E. J. Krass, SoH
Spokesperson for The Truth based FREE Society
Founder of the Unified College of Medicine
PO Box 1041 STN MAIN




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