AWS Welding Journal April 2014

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April 2014


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April 2014 Volume 93 Number 4

AWS website




Hollywood Spotlight Shines on Welding

Warner Bros. keeps an on-lot welding shop very busy
K. Campbell


The Future of Welding Education

Welding education plays an important role in strengthening
the manufacturing base in the U.S.
W. R. Polanin


Lights, Camera...Welding
There are all kinds of welding going on in the movies
S. Skrjanc and G. Coleman


Going beyond the Arc: Welding Program Teaches Teamwork

A high school offers welding classes that teach students
more than how to strike an arc
B. Wehrman


Welding Personnel Qualification the European Way

The system for qualification and certification established
by the European Welding Federation is explained
L. Quintino

Editorial ............................4
Washington Watchword ..........6
Press Time News ..................8
International Update ............10
News of the Industry ............12
Business Briefs ..................20
Brazing Q&A ......................22
Aluminum Q&A ..................24
Product & Print Spotlight ......26
Coming Events....................54
Certification Schedule ..........60
Welding Workbook ..............62
Society News ....................63
Tech Topics ......................64
Guide to AWS Services ........84
Personnel ........................88
Welding School Profiles ........96
Classifieds ......................118
Advertiser Index ................120

Welding Research Supplement

107-s Evaluation of Triangular, Engineered-Shape Ceramic
Abrasive in Cutting Discs
A newly developed abrasive disc showed remarkable cutting
rates and service life
J. Badger
116-s The Microstructure and Strength of Copper Alloy
Brazing Joints
Contact pressure and quantity of filler metal were evaluated as
to their influences on the microstructure and strength of brazed
A. Hasap et al.
124-s Effect of the Purging Gas on Properties of 304H GTA
A variety of purging gases were tested in welding stainless steel
to see their effect on the properties of the joint
E. Taban et al.
131-s Joining 5754 Automotive Aluminum Alloy 2-mm-Thick
Sheets Using Ultrasonic Spot Welding
Ultrasonic welding performed at various energy levels on 2-mm
aluminum alloys was evaluated for weldability and shear strength
C. Y. Zhang et al.
139-s Interaction of Gravity Forces in Spot GTA Weld Pool
Fluid flow and heat transfer were investigated in spot welds
made with gas tungsten arc welding
A. Bahrami et al.

Welding Journal (ISSN 0043-2296) is published

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Readers of Welding Journal may make copies of
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resale. Permission is granted to quote from articles, provided customary acknowledgment of
authors and sources is made. Starred (*) items
excluded from copyright.

On the cover: A custom trophy fabricated at the Warner Bros. Studios Metal
Shop in Burbank, Calif.


Founded in 1919 to Advance the Science,
Technology and Application of Welding

The Thrill of Competition

and Collaboration
During the recent WEMCO Annual Meeting, we watched and chatted about the
Sochi Winter Olympics while having a drink in the evening. Everyone was commenting
on how important the interplay is between rooting for our native countries, the love of
our favorite sports, our personal interest in seeing the athletes we recognize do well, and
the thrill of watching close times and scores between contestants. It was just great to feel
the excitement of the games, and the passion of the outstanding athletes. It was fun to
allow ourselves to get caught up in the physical exertion of such highly trained men and
women. At times, you felt your heart rate increase, and your fist clench at those successful, momentous jumps, the incredible times, and you could almost feel the unfortunate
slips and falls on the slopes and ice. Really, if you allowed yourself to get caught up in
the moment, it was enthralling. The Olympics are an incredible and exuberant mixture
of youth, excellence, struggle, failure, and triumph.
Now you might think it a bit of a reach, but, in fact, WEMCO has many of these same
characteristics and opportunities. If youre unfamiliar with WEMCO, it is an association
of welding manufacturers and a standing committee of the American Welding Society.
For more than 15 years, I have been coming to WEMCO Annual Meetings, and in that
time, I have seen interest in different welding technologies wax, wane, then rise yet again,
phoenix-like. I have seen young companies grow and prosper, and great, elder companies disappear. And all the while, various products and processes have changed and
evolved. Those who have attended the WEMCO meetings over those years have seen
individuals bravely leading small companies, new leaders take over the helm of larger
companies, and, at the same time, made new friends and affirmed old acquaintances.
Frankly, there is nothing better than to sit down with colleagues to share memories and
make plans for the future.
Who is your typical WEMCO member? Companies, like individuals, are all different;
with aspects we are both familiar and unfamiliar with, and possessing characteristics we
like and dislike. Some participate; some are quiet observers. All have different motives
for attending. What is noticeable, though, has been the impressive people I have met
from these companies. Over the years, I have met not only outstanding teachers, and
other great guys and gals, enjoyed good times and listened to impressive speakers, but I
have also had the opportunity to learn from the best about the best technologies and
processes. WEMCOs technologies traverse the full range of welding, from the fully
automatic to the most manual processes, fascinating our members. Where else can you
get this exposure? Where else could you find this knowledge?
Perhaps best of all have been the speakers WEMCO draws in. At the Annual Meeting
this past February, we had excellent presentations on where distribution is headed and how
to respond to rising challenges and demands from sources such as end users. We were
offered potential solutions on how to respond and who will be there to deliver to them. The
fact is, membership in WEMCO allows you to experience the passion, ambition, and the
interest in excelling with the best in the welding industry. As a member of WEMCO, you
can gauge for yourself where the industry is headed, and plan accordingly.
And just like as at the Olympics, you have the camaraderie and good times of the contestants and the spectators. You can exert yourself or relax among kindred spirits with
the same interests, or just watch the proceedings in
calmness and quietude. What WEMCO really offers is
the best window you can get to the welding and cutting
industry. Missing the Annual Meeting is like missing
your favorite sport and all of the Olympics. Make sure
you are a member. Welding, after all, is that unique
process where we cut and join materials to supply the
world with innumerable products, limited only by our
imaginations. Come join the leaders!

Nigel Scotchmer
Chair, WEMCO

APRIL 2014

President Dean R. Wilson
Welldean Enterprises
Vice President David J. Landon
Vermeer Mfg. Co.
Vice President David L. McQuaid
D. L. McQuaid and Associates, Inc.
Vice President John R. Bray
Affiliated Machinery, Inc.
Treasurer Robert G. Pali
J. P. Nissen Co.
Executive Director Ray W. Shook
American Welding Society

U. Aschemeier (Dist. 7), Miami Diver
R. E. Brenner (Dist. 10), CnD Industries, Inc.
D. J. Burgess (Dist. 8), University of Tennessee
N. C. Cole (Past President), NCC Engineering
G. Fairbanks (Dist. 9), Fairbanks Inspection & Testing Services
T. A. Ferri (Dist. 1), Victor Technologies
P. H. Gorman (Dist. 20), Sandia National Laboratories
S. A. Harris (Dist. 4), Altec Industries
K. L. Johnson (Dist. 19), Vigor Shipyards
J. Jones (At Large), The Harris Products Group
J. Knapp (Dist. 17), Gas and Supply
T. J. Lienert (At Large), Los Alamos National Laboratory
D. E. Lynnes (Dist. 15), Lynnes Welding Training
C. Matricardi (Dist. 5), Welding Solutions, Inc.
S. P. Moran (At Large), Weir American Hydro
K. A. Phy (Dist. 6), K. A. Phy Services, Inc.
W. R. Polanin (At Large), Illinois Central College
W. A. Rice (Past President), OKI Bering
R. L. Richwine (Dist. 14), Ivy Tech State College
D. J. Roland (Dist. 12), Marinette Marine Corp.
R. W. Roth (At Large), RoMan Manufacturing, Inc.
N. Saminich (Dist. 21), NS Inspection and Consulting
K. E. Shatell (Dist. 22), Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
T. A. Siewert (At Large), NIST (ret.)
J. Stoll (Dist. 18), Bohler Welding Group U.S.
H. W. Thompson (Dist. 2), Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
R. P. Wilcox (Dist. 11), Ford Motor Co.
J. A. Willard (Dist. 13), Kankakee Community College
M. R. Wiswesser (Dist. 3), Welder Training & Testing Institute
D. Wright (Dist. 16), Wright Welding Technologies


t Victor, we are committed to the future of this industry, not only in

crafting better and safer equipment, but to the people that will use
them the next generation of welders. In support of educators and their
students, Victor is proud to offer cash awards along with free cutting and
welding equipment to winners in the A Cut Above contest. In addition,
Victor provides educational kits to welding programs located across the
country and educational institutions can receive a discount on purchases
from qualied Victor Technologies distributors.
Congratulations to all the winners!
For more information, visit

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Winning schools receive the Victor Journeyman 450 outt



Congressional Report Compares U.S.

Manufacturing to Foreign Competitors
Positing that examining U.S. manufacturing in isolation sheds
little light on the causes of changes in the U.S. manufacturing
sector, the Congressional Research Service has prepared a report examining changes in the manufacturing sector in comparative perspective to other countries. The main findings of the report, titled U.S. Manufacturing in International Perspective, are
China displaced the United States as the largest manufacturing country in 2010, as the United States share of global manufacturing activity declined from 30% in 2002 to 17.4% in 2012;
Manufacturing output has grown more rapidly in the United
States over the past decade than in most European countries and
Japan, although it has lagged China, Korea, and other countries
in Asia;
Employment in manufacturing has fallen in most major manufacturing countries over the past two decades. The United States
saw a disproportionately large drop between 2000 and 2010, but
its decline in manufacturing employment since 1990 is in line
with the changes in several European countries and Japan;
U.S. manufacturers spend far more on research and development (R&D) than those in any other country, but manufacturers R&D spending is rising more rapidly in China, Korea,
and Taiwan;
A large share of manufacturing R&D in the United States
takes place in high-technology sectors, particularly pharmaceutical and electronic instrument manufacturing, whereas in other
countries a far greater proportion of manufacturers R&D outlays occur in medium-technology sectors such as motor vehicle
and machinery manufacturing.

OMB Revises, Reaffirms Document on

Use of Private Standards
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is proposing to strengthen its primary guidance document on the use
of voluntary standards by federal agencies, the first such revision
in 15 years.
Circular A-119, Federal Participation in the Development and
Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities, requires updating, according to OMB, in light
of changes that have taken place in the world of regulation, standards, and conformity assessment since the circular was last revised in 1998. The policies in Circular A-119 are intended to
maximize the reliance by agencies on voluntary consensus standards and reduce to a minimum agency reliance on standards
other than voluntary consensus standards, including reliance on
government-unique standards. The circular also provides guidance for agencies participating in the work of bodies that develop
voluntary consensus standards.
The OMBs reaffirmation of Circular A-119 is especially significant and welcomed considering recent efforts to discourage federal agencies from incorporating private standards
into federal regulations unless those standards are made available to any person, at no charge.

making requests and checking on the status of those requests;

establish a Chief FOIA Officers Council to review compliance
with the act and to recommend improvements; and require additional reports from the National Archives and Records Administration and other agencies. The overall intent is to make it easier and faster to request and receive information from the federal government. There is also similar legislation pending in the

New Manufacturing Innovation Institutes

The White House has announced the establishment of two
new manufacturing innovation institutes, one in Chicago and one
in Detroit. These new institutes, which will receive $140 million
each in federal money and hope to raise the same amount in private funding, will be led by the U.S. Department of Defense. The
institute in Detroit will focus on lightweight and modern metals
manufacturing, while the one in Chicago will concentrate on digital manufacturing and design technologies.

Bill Would Establish Commission to

Reduce Federal Regulations
Recently introduced in the House of Representatives, the
Searching for and Cutting Regulations that are Unnecessarily
Burdensome (SCRUB) Act of 2014 would institute an independent regulatory review commission to examine federal regulations that could be repealed or amended to reduce unnecessary regulatory cost burdens on small businesses. It is estimated
that the annual federal regulatory burden has reached as much
as $1.8 trillion or approximately $15,000 annually per U.S. household. The regulatory cost per employee for the average small
business has been put at nearly $11,000 a year by the Small Business Administration. The size of the Code of Federal Regulations increases annually by approximately 3000 pages.
The SCRUB Act identifies several of the factors that the review commission would use in assessing whether regulations are
good candidates for repeal, e.g., the regulations have been rendered obsolete by technological or market changes; the regulations have achieved their goals and can be repealed without target problems recurring; the regulations are ineffective; the regulations overlap, duplicate, or conflict with other federal regulations or, where feasible, with state and local regulations; and the
regulations costs are not justified by the benefits they produce.

Department of Education Changes Name of

CTE Department
The U.S. Department of Education has changed the name of
the Office of Vocational and Adult Education to the Office of
Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE). Career and
Technical Education has replaced vocational education as a
more accurate term to describe what and how students are studying to be career ready. Vocational education was recognized as a
national priority with the Smith-Hughes Act of 1917.

Unanimous House Support for FOIA Bill

Recently introduced, H.R. 1211 would amend the federal
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by requiring the Office of
Management and Budget to establish a single FOIA website for

APRIL 2014

Contact the AWS Washington Government Affairs Office at

1747 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20006; e-mail; FAX (202) 835-0243.

For Info, go to

Air Products Dedicates New Pipeline Training Facility
Air Products recently dedicated a new pipeline
safety training facility in La Porte, Tex., allowing for interactive training of its pipeline technicians who regularly install, inspect, and maintain the companys pipeline operations worldwide. Its being dedicated to Thomas D.
Fritsche, a 36-year company employee and
pipeline specialist who initiated the concept.
There are approximately 60 tasks performed
at specific times on our pipelines, with most requiring hands-on training. This facility will allow
our global pipeline technicians to receive necessary training, and to do so in a safe manner
Air Products employees check for an
without having to use active pipelines serving
electrical short on a pipeline flange at
customers, said Richard Boocock, vice presithe companys training site in La Porte,
dent, Global Operations at Air Products.
Tex. (Image courtesy of Air Products
The facility has a sampling of all the required
and Chemicals, Inc.)
tasks a pipeline technician would come across
in the pipeline environment, including associated welding, brazing, and ultrasonic testing; a
customer industrial gas delivery and meter station; cathodic protection; buried pipeline
probing and foreign pipeline crossing; and a pipeline coating station. Additionally, it
features working with automatic shut-off valves, so in the event of a disruption, these
can be turned off to isolate certain pipeline segments needing attention.

Western Technical College Expands Welding Training

Western Technical College is responding to the need for more trained welders in
western Wisconsin. Its board recently approved buying Trane Co.s Weaver Building on
La Crosses south side. Westerns Foundation will purchase the facility and lease it to
the college.
We havent been able to fulfill all the requests we have for welding training due to
lack of lab space, said Patti Balacek, director of Westerns Business and Industry Services division. This will allow us to offer more sections, and gives us the flexibility to do
more with grant funding.
Currently, Western has an instructor at Tranes welding lab providing full-time training to employees. Purchasing the building also allows the college to continue this partnership and create more welding stations.
We plan to use the same setup that we have slated for the new Integrated Technology Center, said Mike Pieper, Westerns vice president of finance and operations. That
will give us time to try it out and make adjustments as needed.
After the welding program is moved into the new center, the building will continue
to be used for contract training, skills institutes, and other grant funded initiatives. Renovation is expected be completed by August for the fall 2014 term.

Pro Spot Donates Welding Machines to Collision Repair

Pro Spot International, Inc., Carlsbad, Calif., has donated welding machines to eight
high school and college collision school programs through the Collision Repair Education Foundation. Each school received either the Pro Spot PR-2000 or i4 inverter resistance spot welding machine, with a total value of more than $115,000. There is a shortage of qualified collision repair technicians. The donation will help recruit students into
the program.
The schools that received the welding machines are as follows: Herndon Career Center, Raytown, Mo.; Maxwell High School of Technology, Lawrenceville, Ga.; West Side
Career and Technology Center, Kingston, Pa.; Assabet Valley Tech High, Marlboro,
Mass.; South Central Technical College-Mankato, North Mankato, Minn.; Washtenaw
Community College, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Linn State Technical College, Linn, Mo.; and
Ranken Technical College, St. Louis, Mo.

Publisher Andrew Cullison

Editorial Director Andrew Cullison
Editor Mary Ruth Johnsen
Associate Editor Howard M. Woodward
Associate Editor Kristin Campbell
Editorial Asst./Peer Review Coordinator Melissa Gomez
Publisher Emeritus Jeff Weber
Design and Production
Production Manager Zaida Chavez
Senior Production Coordinator Brenda Flores
Manager of International Periodicals and
Electronic Media Carlos Guzman
National Sales Director Rob Saltzstein
Advertising Sales Representative Lea Paneca
Advertising Sales Representative Sandra Jorgensen
Senior Advertising Production Manager Frank Wilson
Subscriptions Representative Tabetha Moore
American Welding Society
8669 NW 36 St., # 130, Miami, FL 33166-6672
(305) 443-9353 or (800) 443-9353
Publications, Expositions, Marketing Committee
D. L. Doench, Chair
Hobart Brothers Co.
S. Bartholomew, Vice Chair
ESAB Welding & Cutting Prod.
J. D. Weber, Secretary
American Welding Society
D. Brown, Weiler Brush
T. Coco, Victor Technologies International
L. Davis, ORS Nasco
D. DeCorte, RoMan Mfg.
J. R. Franklin, Sellstrom Mfg. Co.
F. H. Kasnick, Praxair
D. Levin, Airgas
E. C. Lipphardt, Consultant
R. Madden, Hypertherm
D. Marquard, IBEDA Superflash
J. F. Saenger Jr., Consultant
S. Smith, Weld-Aid Products
D. Wilson, Welldean Enterprises
N. C. Cole, Ex Off., NCC Engineering
J. N. DuPont, Ex Off., Lehigh University
L. G. Kvidahl, Ex Off., Northrop Grumman Ship Systems
D. J. Landon, Ex Off., Vermeer Mfg.
S. P. Moran, Ex Off., Weir American Hydro
E. Norman, Ex Off., Southwest Area Career Center
R. G. Pali, Ex Off., J. P. Nissen Co.
N. Scotchmer, Ex Off., Huys Industries
R. W. Shook, Ex Off., American Welding Society
Copyright 2014 by American Welding Society in both printed and electronic formats. The Society is not responsible for any statement made or
opinion expressed herein. Data and information developed by the authors
of specific articles are for informational purposes only and are not intended for use without independent, substantiating investigation on the
part of potential users.


APRIL 2014

For Info, go to

Technology Institute Installs
Energy-Reducing Upgrade

Production/Value Added: Devices and Systems 2010

$386 million
$417 million

$82 million

$758 million

$1.1 billion

$8.2 billion

Production/Value Added: Complementary Goods and Services

Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk prepares to reveal the

dedication plaque in the welding shop.

$578 million
$953 million

British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), BC,

Canada, recently completed a $2.7 million upgrade to its welding shop. A new ventilation system reduces energy consumption
and lowers greenhouse gas emissions as students train for
careers in the welding industry.
The new ventilation system reduces energy consumption,
improves air quality, and results in less noise, said Advanced
Education Minister Amrik Virk. As a result of our investment,
BCIT will save energy, welding students will receive better
instruction, and its a better work environment for instructors.
The retrofit is part of BCITs Factor Four Program that will
reduce energy consumption by 75% in seven buildings. The
project will yield an estimated savings of $125,000 per year by
reducing electricity used, natural gas consumption, and greenhouse gases.

Study Highlights Relevance of Joining

Technology in Europe
A recent study, promoted by the German Welding Society
(DVS), European Welding Federation (EWF), and European
Welding Association (EWA), highlighted the extent of the manufacture and application of joining technologies in both added
value and jobs. The goal of the study was to estimate the valueadded contribution and the number of employees working in
joining technology in the European Union (EU) in 2010 and
Joining technology constitutes a cross-sectional technology,
used for the manufacture of a variety of products, and has three
direct value-added effects, namely, the value added to the production of joining devices, the manufacture of complementary
goods, and the application of joining technology. For the purposes of this study, the following broad trends and figures,
those particularly relevant for welding and joining professionals, were identified:


APRIL 2014

$2.8 billion

$370 million

$2.39 billion
$2.6 billion

$765 million

In 2010, the manufacture and application of joining technology represented $90.1 billion and provided employment to 1.2
million people in the EU;
In terms of production values, for devices and systems, total
production for the joining sector represented $11 billion, a
growth of 6% since 2007, of which 74% ($8.2 billion) was represented by welding, brazing, and cutting; 10% ($1.1 billion) by
robot systems; and 7% ($758 million) by adhesive bonding;
Production values for complementary goods and services
amounted to $10.4 billion, a decline of 42% from 2007, of which
welding consumables represented 27% ($2.81 billion), adhesives 25% ($2.57 billion), and gases 23% ($2.39 billion);
In terms of employment by application of joining technologies, out of a total of 1.2 million employees, 647,000 people
were employed as welders, 311,300 as welding inspectors,
researchers, designers, trainers, and robot operators, and
165,900 were joining-related personnel.
The study highlighted the relevance of the industry and its
role in increasing the competitiveness of companies worldwide.

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OSU, EWI, and U-M Cofound High-Tech Manufacturing Institute
The Ohio State University (OSU), along with Columbus-based
EWI, and the University of Michigan (U-M), are cofounders of a
consortium of universities, companies, and nonprofits that will establish a $148 million high-tech manufacturing research institute,
the White House recently announced. The institute will be based
in metropolitan Detroit.
The American Lightweight Materials Manufacturing Innovation Institute is expected to create 10,000 new jobs in the Midwest
in the next five years.
The Department of Defense awarded the team $70 million for
the new institute. Also, the state of Ohio has committed $10 million, and the OSU College of Engineering has committed $5 million. The remainder of the $148 million for the institute will come
from other team members.
We are proud to be working with such an outstanding founding group in establishing this important national institute, which Ohio State Welding Engineering Assoc. Prof. David Phillips
will bring together resources from industry, government, and aca- demonstrates robotic welding of lightweight metals.
demia to enhance the regions competitiveness, create opportunities for students, and generate economic growth, said OSU Interim President Joseph A. Alutto.
U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown and Representatives Joyce Beatty and Steve Stivers led letters in support of the proposal, signed by
Senator Rob Portman and Representatives Pat Tiberi, Tim Ryan, David Joyce, Bob Gibbs, Bill Johnson, and Brad Wenstrup.
In addition to EWI, OSU, and U-M, the team includes more than 50 other members.
Researchers at OSU and EWI will be engaged in executing research projects in collaboration with the government and industry
partners, training the next generation of workers in lightweight manufacturing, and transitioning results of their activities to commercial firms across the state and region.

Service Members Get Boost in

Transition to Trades

Teledyne to Build NASAs $60 Million

Launch Vehicle Stage Adapter

A new program pairs Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Fort Lewis,

Wash., with the United Association Local No. 26 to teach welding and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) skills
to transitioning service members.
The Veterans in Piping training program started a welding
class January 14 in Lacey, Wash., at UA Local No. 26. It will also
follow up with an HVAC course at Stone Education Center that
begins in April.
Upon finishing the 18-week course, individuals enter the UAs
five-year apprenticeship program and are guaranteed apprenticeship jobs earning a salary and benefits while in the program.
The training program is free to transitioning service members. Entry requirements include a fully honorable, honorable,
or general discharge; a separation or retirement date within one
month of the class end date; command authorization; and a high
school diploma or GED. Specific Armed Services Vocational
Aptitude Battery scores are required as well.

Teledyne Technologies Inc., Thousand Oaks, Calif., recently

announced its subsidiary, Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc.,
Huntsville, Ala., has been awarded a five-year $60 million contract by NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) to design
and manufacture the Launch Vehicle Stage Adapter (LVSA) for
the Space Launch System (SLS).
The SLS is a heavy-lift vehicle designed to provide safe, affordable, and sustainable access to science and human exploration beyond Earths orbit. It will carry the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle as well as cargo, equipment, and science missions into deep space.
In addition, the LVSA will adapt the SLS core stage to the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage while providing a protective
envelope for the stages propulsion system. Teledyne Brown will
partner with MSFC to use its Advanced Welding Facility for assembling LVSA components.

Tri-Countys Welding Program

Gets Boost with $50,000 Grant
Jeremy Carter practices
welding during a recent Veterans in Piping class at the
UA Local No. 26 site in
Lacey, Wash. (U.S. Army
photo/Scott Hansen.)

The welding program at Tri-County Technical College is getting a boost from the shareholder-funded Duke Energy Foundation. The $50,000 grant will enable students to train and learn
skills in an accelerated one-year model that focuses on real-world
applications used in local industries.
continued on page 14


APRIL 2014








/ Perfect Welding   




/ Training is what Fronius University is all about. We strive to keep our classrooms small and our material fresh;
allowing for a more personalized training environment. Students can expect interactive lectures, hands-on experience,
department ( for more information; we will go over our standard classes, or help
you put together a customized training package to meet your welding needs. Perfect training leads to perfect welds.
For Info, go to

Works and SMF, recently located in this area, giving our graduates more job placement opportunities.

continued from page 12

NanoScience Center Develops Program

to Create Graphene Spray

A $50,000 grant from the shareholder-funded Duke Energy Foundation will help Tri-County Technical College welding students. Pictured (from left) are Dr. Ronnie L. Booth, president of Tri-County;
Scott Miller, district manager for Duke Energy; George Acker, S.C.
vice president of external relations for Duke Energy; Paul Phelps,
welding program coordinator at Tri-County; and W. H. (Ham) Hudson, chair of Tri-Countys Commission.
Implementing an accelerated training program allows students to complete welding training in one year vs. the current
two-year degree model. It also requires dedicated space as students spend more lab time to achieve this one-year completion,
according to Paul Phelps, welding program coordinator.
Tri-Countys welding program is located at the Industrial Technology Center facility in Sandy Springs, S.C.
This grant will help meet the training needs of our 120 welding students and the workforce needs of our manufacturing partners, said John Lummus, vice president of economic and institutional advancement. Two new companies, McLaughlin Body


APRIL 2014

The University of Central Floridas (UCF) NanoScience Center, Orlando, Fla., is developing a program to make a graphenebased spray coating that would help industries fight corrosion.
We can use graphene and composite materials to produce
new ways for automotive, aerospace, oil and gas, the military,
and even the medical industries to take advantage of this extremely powerful material, said Sudipta Seal, director of the
NanoScience Technology Center and Advanced Materials
Processing Analysis Center.
The programs goal is to provide a cost-effective, large-area
polymer/graphene-based coating technology to strengthen mechanical components such as materials used for constructing aircrafts and cars, plus project materials such as gas and oil pipelines
from corrosion.
Garmor, Inc., a UCF spinout company that has licensed technology developed by NanoScience Center researchers Richard
Blair and David Restrepo, will assist with formulating the
graphene oxide. In addition, NanoScience Professor Lei Zhai
will focus on developing the material to host the graphene and
ensure the graphene keeps its electrical and mechanical performance when embedded.

Vigor to Build Tugboats for Tidewater

Vigor Fab, Portland, Ore., has recently been awarded a contract by Tidewater Barge Lines, Vancouver, Wash., to construct
three new tugboats.

For info, go to

Click Global. It shows that building on the steel grade portfolio

leads to definitive results in automotive safety, fuel efficiency,
and decreased carbon footprint. Also, it highlights the steel industrys leadership in performance, recycling, and offering economical systems for the auto industry to meet Corporate Average Fuel Economy regulations.
Through innovation and continuous improvement, we have
developed a wide range of advanced high-strength steel (AHSS)
grades enabling carmakers to make more efficient vehicles and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our AHSS grades protect the
environment in the same way they protect the driver, said
Lawrence W. Kavanagh, president of SMDI.
Vigor Fab will make three new tugboats for Tidewater Barge Lines.
While Tidewater has rebuilt and repowered several of the vessels in its fleet, these tugs will be the first newly built vessels for
the company in nearly 30 years. Delivery of the first tug will be
in December 2014, with the second and third to follow in 2015.
Designed by CT Marine, Edgecomb, Maine, these vessels were
designed to service the Columbia River market. The tug engines
are also EPA Tier III compliant and provide upgraded environmental standards.

Market Research Report on the

Role of Steel in Automobiles Revealed
At the 2014 North American International Auto Show, the
steel industry unveiled findings from a recent market research
study regarding the role of steel in automobiles.
The 2013 U.S. Truck & SUV Market Study of more than 3000
U.S.-based truck and SUV owners was commissioned by the Steel
Market Development Institute (SMDI) and conducted by Mind-

Industry Notes
Sales Engineer Samantha Noland recently led a nexAir training seminar with instructors from Delta Technical College, Mississippi. She reviewed pulse welding and advanced technologies, different equipment characteristics, and left room for
Q&A. The instructors commented having a hands-on demo
following the presentation helped reinforce learnings.
Gdel, Inc., has transitioned all manufacturing of its thirdgeneration robot tracks for domestic markets to its headquarters in Ann Arbor, Mich. While some initial Trackmotion Floor
modules were fabricated and machined in Switzerland, the entire product line is now built in the United States.
Comau, Inc., Southfield, Mich., has been chosen by Elio Motors as its automation partner to provide powertrain and automated assembly systems for building its three-wheel vehicle.
Comau Body Welding Systems will design, build, and install
systems to assemble the vehicles welded space frame and apply
interior/exterior composite body panels to the frame.

For info, go to

continued on page 114



Friends and Colleagues:

I want to encourage you to submit nomination packages for those individuals whom you feel
have a history of accomplishments and contributions to our profession consistent with the standards
set by the existing Fellows. In particular, I would make a special request that you look to the most
senior members of your Section or District in considering members for nomination. In many cases,
the colleagues and peers of these individuals who are the most familiar with their contributions, and
who would normally nominate the candidate, are no longer with us. I want to be sure that we take
the extra effort required to make sure that those truly worthy are not overlooked because no obvious
individual was available to start the nomination process.
For specifics on the nomination requirements, please contact Wendy Sue Reeve at AWS
headquarters in Miami, or simply follow the instructions on the Fellow nomination form in this issue
of the Welding Journal. Please remember, we all benefit in the honoring of those who have made
major contributions to our chosen profession and livelihood. The deadline for submission is July 1,
2014. The Committee looks forward to receiving numerous Fellow nominations for 2015

Thomas M. Mustaleski
Chair, AWS Fellows Selection Committee

Fellow Description
The American Welding Society, in 1990, established the honor of Fellow of the Society to recognize members for
distinguished contributions to the field of welding science and technology, and for promoting and sustaining the professional
stature of the field. Election as a Fellow of the Society is based on the outstanding accomplishments and technical impact of the
individual. Such accomplishments will have advanced the science, technology and application of welding, as evidenced by:

Sustained service and performance in the advancement of welding science and technology

Publication of papers, articles and books which enhance knowledge of welding

Innovative development of welding technology

Society and chapter contributions

Professional recognition

Candidates shall have 10 years of membership in AWS

Candidates shall be nominated by any five members of the Society
Nominations shall be submitted on the official form available from AWS Headquarters
Nominations must be submitted to AWS Headquarters no later than July 1 of the year prior to that in
which the award is to be presented
Nominations will remain valid for three years
All information on nominees will be held in strict confidence
No more than two posthumous Fellows may be elected each year

Maximum of 10 Fellows selected each year.

AWS Fellow Application Guidelines

Nomination packages for AWS Fellow should clearly demonstrate the candidates outstanding contributions to the advancement of welding science and technology. In order for the Fellows Selection Committee to fairly assess the candidates qualifications, the nomination package must list and clearly describe the candidates specific technical accomplishments, how they contributed to the advancement of welding technology, and that these contributions were sustained. Essential in demonstrating the
candidates impact are the following (in approximate order of importance).

Description of significant technical advancements. This should be a brief summary of the candidates most
significant contributions to the advancement of welding science and technology.
Publications of books, papers, articles or other significant scholarly works that demonstrate the contributions cited
in (1). Where possible, papers and articles should be designated as to whether they were published in
peer-reviewed journals.
Inventions and patents.
Professional recognition including awards and honors from AWS and other professional societies.
Meaningful participation in technical committees. Indicate the number of years served on these committees and
any leadership roles (chair, vice-chair, subcommittee responsibilities, etc.).
Contributions to handbooks and standards.
Presentations made at technical conferences and section meetings.
Consultancy particularly as it impacts technology advancement.
Leadership at the technical society or corporate level, particularly as it impacts advancement of welding technology.
Participation on organizing committees for technical programming.
Advocacy support of the society and its technical advancement through institutional, political or other means.

Note: Application packages that do not support the candidate using the metrics listed above
will have a very low probability of success.
Supporting Letters
Letters of support from individuals knowledgeable of the candidate and his/her contributions are encouraged. These
letters should address the metrics listed above and provide personal insight into the contributions and stature of the
candidate. Letters of support that simply endorse the candidate will have little impact on the selection process.
Return completed Fellow nomination package to:
Wendy S. Reeve
American Welding Society
Senior Manager
Award Programs and Administrative Support
8669 Doral Blvd., #130
Miami, FL 33166
Telephone: 800-443-9353, extension 293


(please type or print in black ink)


DATE_________________NAME OF CANDIDATE________________________________________________________________________
AWS MEMBER NO.___________________________YEARS OF AWS MEMBERSHIP____________________________________________
HOME ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY_______________________________________________STATE________ZIP CODE__________PHONE________________________
PRESENT COMPANY/INSTITUTION AFFILIATION_______________________________________________________________________
BUSINESS ADDRESS________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY______________________________________________STATE________ZIP CODE__________PHONE_________________________
MAJOR & MINOR__________________________________________________________________________________________________
DEGREES OR CERTIFICATES/YEAR____________________________________________________________________________________
LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER: YES_________NO__________ STATE______________________________________________
SUBMITTED BY: PROPOSER_______________________________________________AWS Member No.___________________
Print Name___________________________________
The Proposer will serve as the contact if the Selection Committee requires further information. Signatures on this nominating form, or
supporting letters from each nominator, are required from four AWS members in addition to the Proposer. Signatures may be acquired
by photocopying the original and transmitting to each nominating member. Once the signatures are secured, the total package should
be submitted.
NOMINATING MEMBER:___________________________________NOMINATING MEMBER:___________________________________
Print Name___________________________________
Print Name___________________________________
AWS Member No.______________
AWS Member No.______________
NOMINATING MEMBER:___________________________________NOMINATING MEMBER:___________________________________
Print Name___________________________________
Print Name___________________________________
AWS Member No.______________
AWS Member No.______________


For Info, go to

CRC-Evans Celebrates Grand Opening
of New Offshore Division Headquarters

the companys Fall Protection campus in Cottage Grove, Minn.

Designed to test according to global fall-protection regulatory
standards, it gives the 3M Research and Development team an
environment to collaborate and design safe, secure systems for
those who work at height. Harnesses, connecting and anchorage
devices, lifeline systems, confined-space equipment, and escape
and rescue products will be tested at this facility.

Recent Acquisitions

The CRC-Evans Offshore team poses in the foyer of its new headquarters in Alness, Scotland.
CRC-Evans Pipeline International, Inc., recently celebrated
the grand opening of its new Offshore Division Headquarters in
Alness, Scotland. The two-story building features four wings and
a customized branded design. In addition, product samples and
demonstrations are available throughout the space with video
monitors showing presentations on notable projects.
Guests included CRC-Evans senior staff members and all local
company offshore employees. Stanley Oil and Gas President Jim
Cannon was also in attendance with the Scottish Governments
Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism, Fergus Ewing, who
unveiled a commemorative plaque at the ceremony.
This signifies our growth within the Offshore Division, and
is a time to acknowledge every person, every joint welded and
coated by our teams in projects across the globe that have made
this day possible, said Cannon.

Analysts Give Insight into Global Welding

Equipment and Ceramic Coating Markets
Analysts forecast the global welding equipment market to
grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.62% over
20142018. One of the key factors is increasing demand from energy, construction, and automotive industries. It has also been
seeing a shift from manual to automatic welding. Prepared based
on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts,
the report covers the Americas; Europe, Middle East, Africa,
and Asia Pacific regions; global welding equipment market landscape; and its growth prospects in the coming years. For more
information, visit
In addition, market analysts forecast the global ceramic coating market to grow at a CAGR of 7.24% over 20132018. One
of the key factors is the increase in ceramic coating of automotive components. It has also been witnessing the increasing use
of plasma-sprayed ceramic coating. This report has been prepared based on the same above-listed factors but for the global
ceramic coating market. For more details, visit

3M Unveils Fall-Protection Testing Facility

3M has unveiled a testing facility for its fall-protection systems with a research and development tower. It is located within

APRIL 2014

The sale of ThyssenKrupp Steel USAs rolling and coating

plant in Calvert, Ala., to a consortium of ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. is completed. Upon closing,
ThyssenKrupp received a purchase price of $1.55 billion from
the consortium.
Concurrently, a long-term slab supply contract has been
agreed upon that will provide a sustainable system for the companys CSA steel mill in Brazil. The consortium will purchase two
million tons of slabs per year from it up to 2019.
Michael S. Simmons, president/CEO of Tuffaloy Products,
Inc., Greer, S.C., recently announced the pending acquisition of
the assets, intellectual property, and product know-how of
CMW, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind., a resistance welding products
Originally known as P.R. Mallory & Co., CMW has been
around since the turn of the 20th century and was there at the
beginning of the auto industry, working with Henry Ford on the
first automotive applications for resistance welding. It would have
been a loss for this industry to allow this once great company to
be liquidated, said Simmons.
He added the manufacturing assets and expertise of the former CMW will be aligned between its Tuffaloy Products site in
Greer, S.C., and sister company Resistance Welding Products
Ltd., Blenheim, Ont., Canada.
RoMan Mfg., Inc., Grand Rapids, Mich., recently announced
R & E Automated Systems, a provider in the automation, engineering, and prototype build industries, has acquired one of the
companys subsidiaries, RoMan Engineering Services.
Tech Air, Danbury, Conn., a distributor of industrial, medical, and specialty gases with related welding supplies, has acquired Georgia-based Compressed Gases of Augusta and A-L
Welding Supply, Inc., Gainesville, Ga. Also, the company has acquired New York-based Endweld Supply Corp. of Johnson City.
Camfil Air Pollution Control, Jonesboro, Ark., recently announced its parent, Camfil, Stockholm, Sweden, has signed an
agreement to acquire 100% of Handte Umwelttechnik GmbH in
Germany and its operations in Switzerland, the Czech Republic,
and China. Handte, a specialist in exhaust air purification for a
range of manufacturing industries, will be part of the Camfil APC
business unit.
Praxair, Inc., Danbury, Conn., has completed the acquisition of Praxair Distribution Mid-Atlantic, LLC, its industrial
gases distribution joint venture that operates 51 production and
distribution facilities. With 2013 sales of more than $225 million,
the business serves approximately 39,000 customers. Praxair previously held a majority ownership stake in the business. Terms of
the agreement were not disclosed.
Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc., Basking Ridge, N.J., has completed
the acquisition of Continental Carbonic Products, Inc., an Illinois-based manufacturer and supplier of dry ice and liquid carbon dioxide. The acquired business operates 31 branch locations
and 8 production facilities located throughout the midwest, eastern, and southern United States.

Learn more at

From spark to nish, no other brand can cut it
against a Hypertherm Powermax air plasma
system. Just like the new Powermax30XP and
Powermax125, all Powermax systems are built to
out-perform, outlast and outshine the competition.
So youre buying more than a tool. Youre making
an investment. (PS: it cuts corners and angles
with ease, too.)
For Info, go to

Q: When we brazed Inconel 718 components in our vacuum furnace, the initial
results were marginal at best. The parts
are not bright and the filler metal did not
flow well. Someone suggested we may need
to more effectively clean the furnace prior
to brazing and use some titanium material as a getter in the furnace beforehand. Please explain what a getter is, and
how its use may help us.

A: By definition, a getter is a deposit of reactive material that is placed inside a vacuum system for the purpose of completing
and maintaining the vacuum. When gas
molecules strike the getter material, they
combine with it chemically or by adsorption. The use of clean titanium as a getter
prior to vacuum brazing sensitive base
metals is recommended, since all vacuum
chambers have leaks from the many fittings, connections, and seals.
Clean titanium machine turnings (Fig.
1) make excellent getters because they
present extensive surface areas to react
with any oxygen present in the vacuum
The metal/metal-oxides curves (Fig. 2)
charts vacuum furnace temperature vs.
vacuum pressure. Each curved line charts
a particular metal oxide. The chromeoxide (Cr2O3) curve near the center of the
chart indicates we can get rid of Cr2O3 if
we are positioned to the right side of the
Cr2O3 curve. Thus, a vacuum furnace operating at about 2000F (1100C) and at a
vacuum level of about 101 torr, would
thermodynamically reduce (get rid of)
the oxide of chromium, leaving the
chromium free to alloy with the BFM.
Note that this chart also indicates that
operation at temperatures to the left of
the Cr2O3 curve is more oxidizing, i.e., the
combination of temperature and vacuum
level is not sufficient to remove oxides, but
is high enough to cause significant formation of that metal oxide. Thus, during
heating in a vacuum furnace, the oxides
continue to form as the metal gets hotter.
The rate of oxide formation slows down as
it approaches the oxide line for that metal,
and then as it moves to the right side of
that oxide line, only then can that particular oxide be reduced.
Notice the oxide curve for titanium
(TiO curve) indicates that as titanium
heats up in a vacuum furnace it will
steadily oxidize, but for that oxide to be
eliminated it must get to the right-hand
side of that curve. If you operate the vacuum furnace at about 104 torr, it would
have to run above 2700F (1500C) to accomplish that. This is not possible in shop

APRIL 2014

vacuum brazing furnaces, therefore, when
titanium oxidizes in such a furnace, it will
hold onto that oxide layer strongly.
This is the reason titanium is an effective getter. By placing titanium in the vacuum furnace chamber, it will steadily oxidize during heating, removing much of the
oxygen present in the chamber. Since that
oxygen is tied up as an oxide on the titanium surface, it is not available to oxidize
the parts being brazed in the furnace. The
larger the surface area of the titanium exposed to the furnace atmosphere, the
greater will be its oxygen-scavenging capability, which is why titanium turnings
(Fig. 1) are more effective than the titanium pieces; and titanium-sponge materials work even better Fig. 3.
During vacuum furnace cycles, some
contaminants will outgas from the parts
being brazed and condense on the chamber surfaces. The outgassed materials may
come from brazing-paste binders (organic
materials) or some of the alloyed metallic
components in the base metals or from the
BFMs. When reheated in subsequent furnace runs, these contaminants may
revolatilize off the furnace walls and contaminate the parts being brazed.
Because of the high reactivity of titanium to many of these outgassing contaminants, titanium can be a very effective
getter of these materials when any of these
contaminants come in contact with titanium in the furnace chamber. Although
pure titanium would be optimal, any titanium alloy can be used with great effectiveness as a getter. And, since the TiO
curve is so far to the right side of the

Fig. 1 Ti-turnings have much greater

surface area than larger sheet stock.
metal/metal-oxide chart, the titanium oxides, once formed, cannot be reduced, i.e.,
broken down into titanium and free oxygen during any regular vacuum brazing
run. Thus, once scavenged by the titanium,
those contaminants, including oxygen, will
remain permanently bonded to the titanium surfaces.
It should be noted, too, that this contamination of the titanium surface will
normally cause the darkened titanium getters to become extremely fragile and can
easily crumble when handled. Deeply discolored titanium material should be discarded and not reused.
It is preferable to use titanium getters
as part of your shops furnace maintenance procedure during clean-up cycles
rather than waiting to use it during a brazing run. This ensures your vacuum furnace
is clean, with a very low leak-up rate, and
is oxygen-free before you begin brazing.
Some brazers include titanium getters in-

Fig. 2 Metal/metal-oxides curves, including titanium. From AWS Brazing Handbook,

5th edition, p. 120.

Fig. 3 Ti sponge exposes the most surface area for maximum gettering effect.
side their hot zone during the brazing run,
to further protect the parts being brazed.
This is also quite acceptable if you want to
do that.
Note, it is important to prevent the titanium getter material from coming into
direct contact with any nickel-containing
metals, including stainless steels, since this
may cause a eutectic reaction between the
titanium and nickel. A low-melting eutectic alloy can readily form at about 1750F
(955C) when titanium and nickel alloys
touch. You can use ceramic (alumina)
sheets or crucibles to keep these metals
Following our first furnace cleanup
cycle, we discard the dark titanium turnings then repeat the cleanup cycle using a
fresh load of titanium turnings. These usually come out much lighter in color than
the turnings in the first run. When necessary, for a very dirty furnace, we run a third
cleanup cycle using fresh Ti turnings with
a thin sheet of titanium placed on top of
the turnings. If that titanium sheet can
then be folded back on itself without
breaking, we know the vacuum chamber is
very clean.
For further reading, see Vacuum Heat
Treatment by Daniel H. Herring, 2012,
Getter Materials, pp. 305309; BNP
Media II, LLC.

For info, go to

This column is written sequentially by TIM P.

DAN KAY. Hirthe and Shapiro are members of
and Kay is an advisor to the C3 Committee on
Brazing and Soldering. All three have contributed
to the 5th edition of AWS Brazing Handbook.
Hirthe ( currently
serves as a BSMC vice chair and owns his own
consulting business.
Shapiro (
is brazing products manager at Titanium Brazing, Inc., Columbus, Ohio.
Kay (, with 40 years
of experience in the industry, operates his own
brazing training and consulting business.
Readers are requested to post their questions
for use in this column on the Brazing Forum section of the BSMC website
For info, go to



Q: Is there a reference source where I
can find information about the chemical
composition, mechanical properties, and
possibly other physical characteristics of
the various aluminum alloys and product
forms? I am looking for something that
will help me evaluate aluminum alloys to
select the most appropriate alloys and
tempers for use in specific welded fabrication applications.

A: Your question immediately brings to

mind one particular document, Aluminum
Standards and Data 2013 Fig. 1. Published by The Aluminum Association, this
document contains useful information
and data pertaining to chemical composition limits, mechanical and physical properties, tolerances, and other characteristics of various aluminum and aluminumalloy wrought products. The content of
the manual is subject to periodic revision
to keep abreast of advances in production
methods, to add data on new alloys and
products, and to delete those that become
inactive or whose usage becomes limited.

Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum,
which provides a detailed description of
how the alloy and temper system is used.
The Aluminum Association is the registrar under this system with respect to the
designation and composition of aluminum
alloys and tempers registered in the
United States. It is also the registrar under
an international accord on the composition and designation of registered wrought
aluminum alloys.
This section provides great detail relating to the wrought and cast alloy designation system, and includes information
on temper designations for both strainhardened and thermally treated tempers.
This section also contains information on
the metallurgical aspects of aluminum,
nominal chemical compositions, AA
wrought alloys and similar foreign alloys,
specification cross reference, and mill
product specifications.
2. Typical Properties

This section contains information on

typical mechanical properties, typical tensile properties at various temperatures,
typical physical properties (coefficient of
thermal expansion, melting range, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity,
and electrical resistivity), density calculation procedure, and nominal densities.
The typical properties given in this section are not guaranteed, since in most
cases they are averages for various sizes,
product forms, and methods of manufacture, and may not be exactly representative of any particular product or size. The
data are intended only as a basis for comparing alloys and tempers and should not
be specified as engineering requirements
or used for design purposes.
3. Application and Fabrication

Fig. 1 Cover of Aluminum Standards

and Data 2013. Published by The Aluminum Association.

Aluminum Standards and Data

1. General Information

This section is largely comprised of

ANSI H35.1/H35.1(M)-2013, Alloy and


APRIL 2014

This section provides information on

which alloys and tempers are used for
which product forms. Product forms can
include the following: sheet, plate, tube,
pipe, structural profiles, extruded wire,
rod, bar and profiles, rolled rod, bar or
wire, rivets, forgings, foil, or fin stock.
Also included in this section are alloys
used for specialty mill products such as
brazing sheet, painted sheet, commercial
roofing and siding, tread plate, heatexchanger tube, and rigid electrical conduit. There is further information relating to comparative characteristics and applications for many alloys in various tempers that are rated on characteristics including corrosion (both general and stress

corrosion cracking), cold workability,

machinability, and weldability (for gas,
arc, resistance spot, and seam welding).
4. Quality Control

The sampling and testing procedures

represented in this section are, in general,
used by the aluminum industry for quality control purposes.
This section references the standards
used for such quality testing and inspection operations as chemical analysis, tension testing, fracture toughness, bending
radius, hardness testing, stress corrosion
resistance testing, exfoliation corrosion
resistance testing, intergranular corrosion
resistance testing, shear testing, and ultrasonic testing. This section also contains
information on product identification
marking, color coding, and handling and
storing aluminum.
5. Terminology

This section contains a comprehensive

list of terms, with descriptions for each,
that are associated primarily with the
wrought aluminum products (and their
production), which form the basis of most
of the information found in Aluminum
Standards and Data.
6. Sections 616 Standards
Section, Sheet and Plate, Fin Stock, Foil,
Wire, Rod and Bar (Rolled, Cold Finished,
or Extruded), Tube and Pipe, Structural
Profiles, Forging Stock, Forgings, and
Electric Conductors

Included in these sections are the

chemical composition and mechanical
property limits, dimensional tolerances,
and other standards/related data for aluminum wrought products in general use.
The dimensional tolerances are those
included in ANSI H35.2, Standard Dimensional Tolerances for Aluminum Mill Products. The mechanical property limits are
provided for the nonheat-treatable alloys
and the heat-treatable alloys separately
and contain values for minimum and maximum tensile strengths both ultimate and
yield as applicable, and elongation percent minimum. This information is provided for all aluminum alloys in their various tempers. These standard mechanical
property limits are based on producer
analysis of data accumulated from standard production material that have been
sampled and tested using standard procedures as detailed under the sampling and
testing in Section 4 Quality Control of
Aluminum Standards and Data.

Aluminum Welded Fabrications

You mention in your question that your
aluminum projects are typically welded
applications. While the Aluminum Standards and Data, as summarized above, is
an excellent reference source, it has little
information about welding aluminum.
The information in Table 3.3 Comparative Characteristics and Applications,
provides some basic weldability comparisons; however, there is no information
within this document that pertains specifically to weld strength and/or the effect of
welding on the base materials temper
Arc welding, which is the most common group of welding processes used for
welding aluminum, can considerably reduce the strength of an aluminum base
material (within the immediate welded
area) from those temper strengths given
in standards and data.
In the case of nonheat-treatable aluminum alloys, the as-welded strength in
the base material immediately adjacent to
the weld will typically be very close to the
annealed strength (-0 temper) of the base
material. This as-welded strength may be
a substantial reduction in strength, dependent on the original tempered condition of the base material before welding.
In the case of heat-treatable aluminum
base materials, the reduction in strength
in the weld heat-affected zone can be even
more substantial than that of the nonheattreatable alloys. The typical condition of
the base material adjacent to the weld in
the heat-treatable alloys is an overaged
and partially annealed condition. In heattreatable alloys, this condition can be susceptible to deterioration, and lower
strength can be experienced through
excessive heat input during the welding
For more information relating to the
as-welded strength of aluminum structures, the reader may want to reference
Welding Aluminum Theory and Practice,
or the Aluminum Design Manual. Both
publications are available from The Aluminum Association.

TONY ANDERSON is director of aluminum

technology, ITW Welding North America. He is
a Fellow of the British Welding Institute (TWI),
a Registered Chartered Engineer with the British
Engineering Council, and holds numerous positions on AWS technical committees. He is chairman of The Aluminum Association Technical
Advisory Committee for Welding and author of
the book Welding Aluminum Questions and
Answers currently available from the AWS.
Questions may be sent to Mr. Anderson c/o Welding Journal, 8669 NW 36 St., # 130, Miami, FL
33166-6672, or via e-mail at tony.anderson@
For info, go to




Robotic Welding System Designed for Education and Training
The Swift Arc ML mobile learning system demonstrates, develops, and teaches
proper welding techniques, robot programming, and welding skills. Its mobile platform facilitates on-site training and transforms any space into a robotic welding
training environment. Its comprised of the companys Aristo U5000i power
source, KUKA KR6 900 robot and controller, touch-screen robot pendant, expandable cell walls, and interlock safety system. Construction features include a steel
tube frame with acrylic windows and heavy-duty casters. Also, the welding power
source and wire feeder offered as standard components are designed to minimize
spatter and melt-through on thin materials. Other highlights are harmonized motion between the robot and external axes, open architecture Windows HMI, teaching with the PC-based controller, constant wrist orientation function, and electronic mastering for calibration. Additionally, it features an interlock safety system
and operator control panel to enable instruction of programming and troubleshooting techniques required in real-life industrial robotic welding applications. The
system comes equipped with an Aristo RT robotic torch.
ESAB Welding & Cutting Products
(800) 372-2123

System Offers All-in-One

Safety Resource

Lifter Provides Fast

Moving Speeds

dictable movement of loads, regardless of

variances in weight; features an overspeed brake, available minimum pressure
control, and interlocks; and holds the load
in the event of air-supply loss.
Konecranes, Inc.
(877) 363-1895

Podcast Explores
Nationwide Helium

The Jackson Safety Hard Hat Interchange System allows for the quick insertion/release of a welding helmet or face
shield without users needing to remove
their hard hat for performing different
tasks. As an example, a worker can remove
the faceshield for cleaning then reposition it once done, or a welder can switch
from a welding hood to a faceshield when
moving from welding to grinding. The system also keeps users compliant with ANSI
Z87.1 2010 and features one-button action for quick release, vertical lock-in to
eliminate helmet/face shield creep, and
an audible click to ensure the user knows
their personal protective equipment is assembled correctly.
Kimberly-Clark Professional
(800) 241-3146


APRIL 2014

The ATB AirBalancer is a lifting device that aids picking, lifting, moving, and
placing items by hand. Smooth operation
offered by the pneumatic powered mover
make it useful for assembly processes, repair, and industrial production tasks. In
addition, it meets needs with movement
speeds up to 2000 mm/s, and an automatic
load balancing feature allows operators
to move the load in zero-gravity mode. It
offers weight compensation for pre-

Vacuum Heat Treat Minute, the latest

podcast in a bimonthly series, deals with
the nationwide helium shortage. Bob Hill
of Solar Atmospheres, a commercial heat
treating company, joined Bill Jones and
Jim Nagy of Solar Manufacturing, a manufacturer of vacuum heat treating, brazing, sintering, carburizing, and nitriding
furnaces. Jones suggested ways that commercial heat treaters and manufacturers
involved in high-pressure gas quenching

can work around the helium shortage. The

podcast, available free of charge, can be
accessed from the website below.
Solar Manufacturing
(267) 384-5040

Training System Supports

Real-Time Audio Coaching

hobby use and light-duty welding projects

in motorsports, auto repair, farm/ranch,
metal art, and maintenance applications.
The portable, 32.2-lb welding machine offers 1040 A of power for GMAW and
GTAW and 90 A for SMAW. The fully integrated system incorporates a built-in gas
solenoid valve and wire feed system for
GMAW, and accepts 4- or 8-in. spools of
Victor Technologies
(800) 426-1888

The RealWeld Trainersystem, now

enabled with voice-over instruction, enables trainees to receive immediate spoken feedback as they improve their welding skills. Designed for a welding booth,
the system can be used while under the
hood for both live evaluation or arc-off
practice. The new voice enhancement allows instructors to configure their trainer
systems to give students commands from
Alli, an instructor voice provided by the
company, or they can record and upload
their own voices to provide real-time instruction to their students. As shown in
the photo, gamified visual analysis of the
trainees welding technique is displayed
on the computer screen both during and
immediately after the weld. The system
can improve the screening of welders
prior to being hired, assess skill certification levels, and clone the technique of
master welders into documented welding

Revised Standard
Promotes Safer Facilities
The American National Standard for
Safe Use of Lasers (ANSI Z136.1), updated for the first time in seven years, is
now available for ordering. The standard
guides the safe use of lasers and laser systems by defining control measures for the
seven laser hazard classifications. Highlights include 19 new definitions of key
terms, an updated section on special qualifications for medical-related exposures,




RealWeld Systems, Inc.
(614) 688-5083

Welding Machine Designed

for Light-Duty Projects

Pierces 2,200
Bevel 2 or les


Actual Test Cut 3/8Mild Steel

(ATTC PHD Plasma Torch)


weer Cost

The Tweco Fabricator 141i, a multiprocess welding machine, runs off 115V household power and is useful for home

Contact your ATTC

ATTTC distributor
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ditional Trial
For info, go to



File Set Useful for

General Maintenance

and examples involving new exposure limits. The newly revised standard can be obtained from the information below.
The Laser Institute of America
(800) 345-2737

GMAW Glove Doubles as

Cut-Resistant Handler

GMAW glove meets ANSI cut resistance

level 2. The palm and forefinger are made
with long-lasting, top-grain cowhide while
the back features cowhide split leather to
resist heat. The gloves seams are sewn
with Kevlar thread for additional
strength and heat resistance. The topgrain, seamless index finger offers enhanced feel, and the 4-in. cuff provides
added wrist protection. The glove is available in sizes M, L, and XL.

The companys new nine-piece maintenance set includes a 10-in. flat bastard,
8- and 10-in. flat smooths, 10-in. mill bastard, 8- and 10-in. half round bastards, 10in. round bastard, 8-in. shoe rasp, and 6in. slim taper. The tools, enclosed in a convenient plastic pouch with reinforced
slots, are useful for general sharpening
and maintenance around the garage, work
sites, or manufacturing plants.

John Tillman Co.

With its Kevlar sock lining for increased protection against cuts, the 1354
(800) 255-5480


Mercer Abrasives
(800) 221-5202

Website Provides
Resources for Cutting
Tool Users


Wps - Pqr - wpq

Smart software. Serious service.

The cutting tool manufacturer has

launched a new website providing item
level detail, catalog downloads, company
news, how-to videos, hints and tips, and
related links. The website features a section that highlights the companys products and technical cutting tool support information for general metal cutting, aluminum cutting, metal fabrication, tree
care, sawmills, and engineered wood
product and wood chip production.
Simonds International
(800) 343-1616

For info, go to


APRIL 2014

Pants Constructed with

Flame-Resistant Cotton
Orange flame-resistant (FR) pants are offered as well as green
pants with hook and
loop leg slits for easy
on/off use with boots.
Each is constructed
with 9-oz FR cotton
and features hip pockets, industrial belt
loops, and a zipper fly.
Also, the arc rated
welding jacket offers
welders another option. Made from green
12-oz FR cotton, the
F2-30CR has concealed snaps, a stand-up
welders collar to protect the neck from
sparks, and is stitched with FR thread. It
is National Fire Protection Agency 70E
compliant and meets Hazard Risk Category 2 with an Arc Thermal Protection
Value of 15 cal/cm2.
Revco Industries, Inc.
(800) 527-3826

Air-Powered Saw Cuts

Ductile Iron Pipe

The APS-438 air-powered saw features

an abrasive blade designed for cutting
ductile iron, concrete-lined pipe from 6
to 60 in. diameter. The portable saw
mounts on a trolley equipped with four Vgrooved steel wheels that glide along a
steel WrapTrack system, which can be
sized exactly to fit the pipe outer diameter. The pipe-cutting system is useful for
cutting stainless steels, Inconel, and
other highly alloyed pipe without producing a heat-affected zone.

offered by the companys large-capacity

dust collectors. For maximum flexibility,
modular design allows multiple units to
be bolted together to handle large air
cleaning requirements. The dust collectors can capture general plant air or be
ducted to source-capture arms or hoods
for localized air cleaning. The RotoPulse cartridge cleaning system automatically cleans the filter cartridges with
up to 99.9% efficiency.
Micro Air Clean Air Systems
(866) 566-4276





www.ironwork | www.impact-ne
(800) 343-6926

Dust Collectors Aid

High-Volume Air Cleaning
Process dust and powders are controlled by the high-volume air cleaning

For info, go to



Kneeling Pads Available

in Bold Orange Color

Flux Cored
Welding Wire
Alloy Steel
Tool Steel
Forge Alloys
Custom Alloys

The small, portable ProFlex 375

compact kneeling pad features a bold orange color, promoting product awareness
and visibility. The standard model,
ProFlex 380, is now also available in
orange. Both are useful for kneeling workers, specifically those in static kneeling
(800) 225-8238

Lift Table Features

2200-lb Capacity
The low-profile LiftMat lift table
lowers to 3 in. above the floor to accommodate any skid or pallet. As boxes are
added or removed, the platform can be

smoothly raised or lowered with a powered foot switch, hand-held, push-button

remote, or wall-mounted switch. A fullperimeter, auto-stop safety toe guard instantly stops descent when it comes in contact with any obstruction. Capacity is 2200
lb. Raised height is 31 in. Made of structural steel, it is available with 15 platform
sizes ranging in 6-in. increments of width
and/or height from 24 60 to 48 72 in.
Southworth Products Corp.
(207) 878-0700

12500 Grand River Rd.
Brighton, MI 48116
PH: 800-848-2719
FAX: 810-227-9266
For info, go to


APRIL 2014

For info, go to

For Info, go to

Hollywood Spotlight
Shines on Welding

Without realizing it, chances are youve

seen the handiwork crafted by the Metal
Shop staff at Warner Bros. Studios

ucked away within one of the many

beige buildings covering the Warner
Bros. (WB) lot in Burbank, Calif., is
a place where just about anything you
dream can be fabricated. Hearing the
buzzing and booming noises from inside
certainly sparks curiosity as to what is taking place. Are background sets or props
that play a key role in the action being
welded for a TV show or movie? On most
occasions, the answer is probably yes with
additional projects sprinkled in.
At the WB Metal Shop (, every day is an adventure
where main services include custom fabrication using sheet metal and other materials, metal rolling, and welding. Fortunately, the talented staff is ready to
take on jobs and get them done quickly.
As a true city within itself, whose his-

toric origins date back to the 1920s, current physical production facilities on the
110-acre lot consist of 29 soundstages
with a 20-acre backlot. A complete production resource, its all hustle and bustle as golf carts pass by carrying tourists,
and fast-paced workers head to various
Many TV sitcoms and dramas either
had been (ER, Friends, Gilmore Girls) or
currently are filmed on the premises (The
Big Bang Theory, Hart of Dixie, The Mentalist, Mike & Molly, Pretty Little Liars,
Shameless, Suburgatory, Two and a Half
Men, 2 Broke Girls). Daytime and nighttime talk shows are also recorded there,
including The Ellen DeGeneres Show
and Conan.
Scenes from several movies Blazing Saddles, Camelot, Ghostbusters, Juras-

KRISTIN CAMPBELL ( is associate editor of the Welding Journal.


APRIL 2014


Robin, Batman, and Superman are prominently featured in this Hall of Justice
three-story billboard along with Daffy
Duck, Sylvester, and Bugs Bunny, plus
other well-known animated characters.
On the WB lot, it covers the exterior of
Stage 3 and is seen daily by thousands
of commuters and tourists.

sic Park, The Maltese Falcon, My Fair

Lady, The Music Man, A Star is Born
have been captured here, too. The Machine Shop even welded props in 1938
for use in the Technicolor filming of The
Adventures of Robin Hood.
So before you sit down, go ahead and
microwave a bag of popcorn, then enjoy
reading this behind-the-scenes article
about the Metal Shops capabilities.

Sharing the Factory Floor

Housed in Building 44, only the Metal
Shops front office space can be seen
from the corridor, but behind its gates is
a working space that occupies 8200 sq ft
with a 400-sq-ft mezzanine for storing
equipment Fig. 1.

actual filming begins, it is not always possible, Walters said.

What makes the shop unique is finishing last-minute orders fast and paying attention to quality.
A majority of our work is same day,
Walters explained, but handling lots of
different things keeps work from being
Additionally, the shop handles thirdparty, nonindustry jobs. Walters provides
estimates after reviewing necessary materials, metal supplies, and labor. For example, when it comes to windows, the
shop can make rough frames then contact a glass company.

The Shops Workers

Fig. 1 From curbside, you wouldnt know whats hidden in this closed-off space, but
an overhead view of the WB Metal Shop reveals its large interior.

Fig. 2 Part of the Metal Shop team, posing on the factory floor in front of a press
brake, are (from left) Erlindo Sunga, Jay Walters, Alfonso E. Montejano, and Michael
Finn. (Not pictured: Miguel Atilano, Rodger Burko, Brant Goldreyer, and Juanita Myers.)
Department Head Jay Walters, originally from Tampa, Fla., started fabricating in high school and later enrolled
in welding classes at College of the
Canyons, Santa Clarita, Calif. He started
his career at the WB Studios in 2000 and
worked his way up from a sheet metal
mechanic to now managing the shop.
The fabrication process starts with a
project meeting, phone call, or a walkin, Walters said. A good percentage of
the shops clients are feature film, tele-

vision, and commercial art directors, production designers, and construction coordinators who will often provide blueprints and/or shop drawings.
Items have also been constructed
from line drawings on paper, hand gestures, and voicemail exchanges.
We do our best to nail down specifics
before the first cut is made, but in the
fast-paced entertainment industry where
turnaround times are always tight and
script revisions are made just days before

The Metal Shop employs eight people year round, including Walters, a shop
foreman, an assistant foreman, and a
core group of fabricators Fig. 2. When
extra craftsmen are needed, dependant
upon project demands, a union roster is
used for additional hiring.
Well-versed in metal fabrication, the
staff is proficient in performing multiple
processes, including flux cored arc welding (FCAW), gas metal arc welding
(GMAW), gas tungsten arc welding
(GTAW), and shielded metal arc welding (SMAW); various types of cutting;
rolling; braking; and finishing. A few of
the welders hold qualifications from the
American Welding Society and the City
of Los Angeles in SMAW and FCAW.
As to what welding process is selected
for each item, that depends on the job at
hand. While GMAW is used the most,
GTAW is usually chosen for aluminum
and stainless steel, and its typically
FCAW for I-beams.
Some of the craftsmen/welders are
more experienced with particular machines and processes, Walters said, and
are therefore assigned to a project based
on the specifications and need for a specific expertise.

Metal and Supply Usage

Steel, stainless steel, and aluminum
are predominately used. Materials are
ordered and delivered daily from local
vendors, including Borrmann Steel and
Industrial Metal Supply.
A small supply of common-sized
sheet, tube, and shaped steel as well as
aluminum is kept for quick jobs. However, when an immediate need arises, its
not uncommon to will-call vendors for
same-day pickups.
The shops expendables vendors visit


every few weeks to check on supplies and

fill orders as needed. Also, orders will be
called in if a project comes along for
which the shop is not presently stocked.

Existing Equipment
The shop has a wide equipment range
representing many brands Fig. 3.
When it comes to purchasing new tools
or replacing broken equipment, thats
based on needs. Listed below is a sampling of whats available for use.
Multiple machines to handle FCAW,
Two lathes, built in the early 1940s
A 50-ton press brake, 10-ft hand box
brake, plus 10- and 8-ft hand brakes
Punch machine with a collection of
round, oval, and square dies
Hand-operated turrit punch
316-in.-capacity shearing machine
Rolling machine for tube, T, angle,
and flat bar with a capacity of up to 3
3 38
12- and 22-gauge sheet rollers
18-gauge hand crank bead roller
with a collection of dies
16-gauge circle cutting machine
Bandsaws for aluminum and steel,
plus cold, wet, and jig saws
Plasma cutting machine
Oxyacetylene torches
Drill presses
Ironworking and bending tools
Coring rig with bits from 2 to 8 in.
Electric and air-powered grinders.

Collaborating with Various

Creative Departments
Located across from the Metal Shop
is the Staff Shop, where plastering and
using flexible resin are among its services. Downstairs is the Design Studio
Sign & Scenic Art division, where capa-

Fig. 4 Among the wide range of props

fabricated are more practical pieces like
this key and more interesting items like
this coffin.


APRIL 2014

Fig. 3 Michael Finn sets the cut depth on a shearing machine before using it on perforated mild steel. He has been with the shop for ten years and likes the creativity aspects that go along with what he does. The personal fulfillment of building something, Finn said, is also worthwhile.

bilities include large roll/flat printing,

flooring, and partitions. The Scenic Loft
upstairs has lots of windows to let natural light enter and every color imaginable for hand painting huge screens and
These creative departments cooperatively interact with one another and contribute their services toward projects. As
an example, while finishing a StubHub!
ticket printer, the shop fabricated its
frame from 1-in.-square tube wrapped
with 20-gauge sheet metal that was
sheared, bent, and welded. Afterward,
the printer was forwarded for painting,
decorating, and so forth.

Lights, Camera, Action

Making Artistic Projects,
Background Scenery,
and Sets
Props created by the shop have ranged
from a key all the way to a coffin and
about everything inbetween Fig. 4.
Recently, a 4 12-ft-wide 6-ft-long
frame with aluminum flat bar and sheeting was gas tungsten arc welded for Los
Angeles artist Alex Israel to display his
work on its front Fig. 5. The shop has
constructed many projects for him.
In the Property Department, design-

Fig. 6 Offered as art in the Property

Department to liven up a wall space are
two pieces of crinkled aluminum.

Fig. 5 Alfonso E. Montejano performs GTAW on the back of a 412-ft-wide 6-ft-long

frame made from aluminum flat bar and sheeting for Los Angeles artist Alex Israel. He
has worked at the Metal Shop for seven years. There is never a dull moment, Montejano said, and although tight time constraints are challenging, you definitely like to
see the end result of your project.

Fig. 7 Erlindo Sunga uses GMAW on mild steel that serves as the frame for a prison
gate. He began his metal fabrication career at Universal Studios and moved to the WB
Metal Shop in the early 1980s. I love it, Sunga said.

ers have their pick of decorations with

colorful couches, toys, and much more.
Two pieces of aluminum, hand bent and
pressed using the shops press brake to
create a crinkled effect, are now available as art instead of crash remains
Fig. 6.

When doors are requested, given that

itd be expensive to make these entirely
out of metal, only the fronts are wrapped
with the chosen materials while wood is
used underneath.
Jimmy Nash, the general foreman for
Shameless, Suburgatory, and other shows,

including pilot work, frequently visits the

shop. Not that long ago, he was in need
of door handles and a security screen for
a prison scene Fig. 7. Jail bars have
also been made for previous programs.
Its interesting, Nash said about his
work. Theres something exciting and
new all the time working with different
departments, Walters mentioned.
Custom handrails are crafted quite
often. Typically, these are made out of
different metals, including carbon/stainless steels, aluminum, and iron. Heating,
bending, and rolling techniques are also
used for scroll work.
In background scenes and permanent
sets, railings add a decorative appeal to
balconies, buildings, sidewalks, and staircases Fig. 8.
A few years ago, for Studio 60 on the
Sunset Strip, a behind-the-scenes look at
a fictional sketch comedy TV show produced at the studio on Stage 18, the shop
built a three-story, I-beam set with radius
balconies made from flat bar that were
channel rolled and welded.
Additional shop offerings include fabWELDING JOURNAL


And after the fabricated items have

been used for their intended purpose,
they become property of the production
company that ordered them, so the shop
rarely gets them back.

Inspection Considerations
As for any examinations that need to
take place on welded fabrications, when
required, a deputy inspector is contracted. Two of the shops welders are
certified by the City of Los Angeles as
well to perform that type of work.

In-House Work
Welders at the shop have used their
skills in multiple ways not only to create
segments and displays on the WB lot, but
also for maintenance responsibilities.
Following are a few significant examples.

Fig. 8 Railings, as displayed in this

staircase, can serve dual roles by adding
a decorative enhancement and providing support.

Superheroes Billboard

ricating curtain rods; finials; stainless

steel countertops; interior and exterior
furniture; tree boxes; and planters
Fig. 9.
Every job completed in the shop is
special. Even the most mundane of
handrail jobs will evoke emotional attachments, Walters said.

The Hall of Justice three-story billboard attached to the exterior of Stage 3

displays many animated characters for
which the WB Studios is best known, including Robin, Batman, and Superman
as well as Daffy Duck, Sylvester, and
Bugs Bunny see lead photo.
In 2008, it was redesigned to include
heroic characters from the DC Comics
and their arch rivals. The characters were

designed to stand out, and the arch rivals

would appear only after sunset through
the use of special paints and lighting.
The characters were built with a steel
frame, clad with plywood and routed to
their particular shape, then gel coated
and painted for final appearance. The
stage wall was reinforced to handle this
increased load by additional wood framing and steel gusseting.
Construction on the billboard involved GMAW with 0.035-in. wire on
thin-gauge tube framing, FCAW with
0.062-in. wire, and SMAW with 7018
electrodes on structural tubing. The attachment hardware used was A325 -in.
nuts and bolts utilizing stage columns for
thru bolting.
A crane moved the characters in
place, and one welder was lowered between the exterior wall and characters
for joining attachment points. To complete, the entire process took three

Signs, Coverings, and More

Exterior monument signs for all the
studio gate entrances were constructed
Fig. 10. These rolled-aluminum signs,
created to display gate entries as multiple access points exist, include routed lettering and logos. Pieces were made using
computer numerical controlled cutting,
plus 1-in. plate GMAW with a spool gun
followed by GTAW.
Other around-the-lot work has included fabricating roof coverings to conceal large air conditioning units; many
awnings for going above various door entrances; a pergola near the Steve Ross
Plaza; triangular signage identifying The
Mill Store; and for the museum, name
plates going underneath framed photos
of past CEOs on a memorial plaque.

Off-Site Projects

Fig. 9 This table represents an example of the intricate custom furniture the shop

APRIL 2014

Late last year, an exhibit made promoting The Hobbit: The Desolation of
Smaug movie was installed near the TCL
Chinese Theatre at the Hollywood &
Highland Center Fig. 11. The dark
green scenery featured a sprawling arch
and dwarf statues as well as a throne and
columns with faux gold coins.
We did all the structural framing,
Walters said. He recalled putting bases in
order with 12-in. hot rolled plate; D-rings
of 2-in. tubes to schedule 80 pipe; and lifting points. On smaller parts, GMAW was
used; for bigger sections, SMAW was employed with 7018 electrodes.
This collaborative effort required as-

Fig. 10 There are many elements on the WB lot that the welders have created, including exterior monument signs for all the studio gate entrances. This one shown before being painted identifies gate 2.

sistance from many WB groups, including architectural and scenic art divisions, plus working off-site during
numerous late nights/early mornings.

Thats All Folks!

Fig. 11 This Hobbit exhibit at the TCL Chinese Theatre, seen during installation, has dark
green scenery with an arch entrance and dwarf statues, plus a throne at its center and
columns containing faux gold coins.

Considering the WB Metal Shop

journey has been unveiled, you probably finished your popcorn and want to
get up. More importantly though, you
know about the impressive work that
goes on inside its location within one
of the lots beige buildings. Quiet times
really dont exist with numerous orders
requiring fast turnarounds, yet nothing seems to phase the experienced and
poised staff.
And just think the next time you
watch an entertaining TV show at
home on the small screen, or maybe
even go to the theater for viewing a
movie on the big screen, you will most
likely see some element created by the
Warner Bros. Studios welders.



An experienced welding instructor

demonstrates shielded metal arc
welding technique.

The Future of
Welding Education
A longtime educator sheds light on the
importance of welding to manufacturing
and the economy, and what path welding
education should take

anufacturing remains a critical

sector of the U.S. economy.
Welding whether it is performed as production welding on new
parts and subassemblies, used to maintain existing equipment, or used in construction projects such as pipelines or infrastructure is a critical and valued
manufacturing process.
The number of welding professionals
needed, including welders, welding technicians, welding supervisors, and welding engineers, remains a moving target.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates
that in 2012 there were 357,400 welders,

cutters, solderers, and brazers employed

in the United States. It also cited slower
than average job growth rate of 6% from
2012 to 2022 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014).
The number of welding professionals
needed to sustain the U.S. economy is
dependent upon not only the state of the
economy, but also world economic
trends, retirements, and U.S. companies
business practices. Weld-Ed, a National
Science Foundation Advanced Technology Center, and the American Welding
Society, commissioned a study that indicated 216,000 welding professionals will

is professor and program chair, Manufac
turing Engineering Technology and Weld
ing Technology, Illinois Central College,
East Peoria, Ill. He is also an AWS

be needed by 2020 (Economic Modeling

Specialists International, 2013).

U.S. Manufacturing a
Critical Economic Sector
Unfortunately for the U.S. economy,
manufacturing jobs have continued to decline during the past three decades. Manufacturing as an economic sector provides wage and benefit structure above
the national average. Further, manufacturing better ensures a middle class. In
their book Manufacturing Matters, pub-

Based on the Plummer Memorial Education Lecture presented November 19 during FABTECH 2013, Chicago, Ill.

APRIL 2014

lished at the beginning of the so-called

postindustrial age, Stephen Cohen and
John Zysman, two Berkley economists,
suggested manufacturing was critical to
the economy because not only does manufacturing build national wealth, but
manufacturing supports service, finance,
health, and research jobs.
At least some recent U.S. policy makers are beginning to heed these words
from Cohen and Zysman: Manufacturing matters mightily to the wealth and
power of the United States and our ability to sustain the kind of open society we
have come to take for granted. If we are
to stay on top or even high up we
cant just shift out of manufacturing and
up into services, as some would have it.
Cohen and Zysman were not suggesting a return to traditional blue collar and
manufacturing jobs, but to reinvented
manufacturing enterprises and revitalized
manufacturing jobs through innovation,
reorganization, and education. Welding
education and often all technical education should follow the lead of modern
manufacturing and incorporate the
newest innovations in both welding technology and education technology into
courses at all levels. During February
2014, President Obama announced two
new private-public manufacturing partnerships. The purpose of the partnerships
is to promote innovation and to stimulate
private company and university collaboration in an effort to focus on student research and development opportunities.
The announcement displays positive national leadership toward the recovery of
manufacturing as an essential economic
engine for growth and stability.
Regardless of the exact number of
welding professionals needed through
the end of the decade, it is obvious that
there will be a burden on the American
education system and, in particular,
welding education. In an age of increasing liberal arts and science secondary
school graduation requirements and a
waning interest in manufacturing careers, welding educators need to employ
the most effective and efficient education methods to ensure a steady supply
of welding professionals.

Development of Technical
How will welding educators develop
the needed welding professionals? A
look at the evolution of technical education and learning theory provides suggestions for the future.

Technical education from the beginning of human-made products relied

upon the master/apprentice relationship.
Knowledge and skill was passed to the
apprentice through demonstration and
guided practice. The system for liberal
arts education remained similar. A
teacher delivered knowledge, attitudes,
and perhaps specific skills to a single student or a class of students. Often, the organization and delivery of knowledge and
skills was teacher-centered.
Early education reformers experimented with methods to improve student
internalization and retention of content.
Johann Pestalozzi was one of the first reformers who attempted to connect what
is now known as cognitive theory with
psychomotor theory. Many of his methods involved the use of manipulative assignments joined with knowledge activities. Pestalozzi is sometimes referred to
as the father of the manual arts and
was one of the first educators to use a
student-centered approach to education.

Development of
Learning Theory
As Western governments tried to mass
educate their citizens, schools for all ages
were organized. And, at the dawn of the
Industrial Revolution, companies tried
to mass train workers. The great exodus
from agriculture to manufacturing
began. During the Industrial Revolution
in Europe and North America, a large
need for educated and trained workers
resulted in significant changes in the
strategies for technical and, in part, liberal arts education.
To improve the efficiency of manufacturing output, both manufacturing and
education methods transformed. The
early part of the twentieth century also
gave rise to scientific studies into the way
we believed knowledge and skill was constructed and retained. Systematic approaches to studying human learning and
behavior ushered in the modern era of
educational thought. Specific schools of
educational thought began to form. Behaviorism, cognitive science, and constructivism treated the development of
knowledge and skill in different ways.
However, the formation of each school
of educational thought ensured that the
study of human learning would continue
to improve our ability to develop better
human learning methods.
Once again, education reformers developed improved methods for content
delivery and class organization. In the

middle 1950s, Bloom et al. developed a

hierarchical approach to the understanding of psychomotor, cognitive, and effective skills. Blooms model has been revised and adjusted throughout the
subsequent decades, but his foundational
ideas remain a useful model for class

Use of Information
Technology in Education
Newer schools of educational thought
provide guidance to how technology is
used to develop knowledge, especially
those schools that believe information
technology is an important part of modern educational methods. There is little
doubt that information technology and
communication systems have changed
the way we communicate. Yet, incorrect
knowledge and inappropriate use of
these systems remains a major challenge
to educators.
The use of information technology
systems provides an unbounded opportunity for educators in all disciplines to
help their students know more, find
more, and practice more, both guided by
the teacher and independently. The ability to instantly retrieve knowledge and
information on any subject allows teachers to challenge their students to achieve
at unprecedented levels.
No longer does acquisition of knowledge require a school, teacher, or book.
Anyone with access to the Internet, a
smart device, and the desire to learn
can obtain knowledge. Yet, when massive
open online course data are analyzed, an
interesting trend is revealed. The percentage of those who complete these
courses is dismally low, even for courses
offered by established universities.
Online courses require a set of specific skills including motivation, written
communication skills, and, of course,
computer navigation and typing skills.
Verification of completion of the course
remains another hurdle. Students applying for employment often need documentation of completion. Although
badges and certificates may be given by
organizations offering online learning,
only established colleges and universities
can provide online transcripts.
For welding jobs requiring technical
skills, proof of course completion or certification is required. But, for welding
skill jobs, a performance test is likely required. Online experience and virtual
welding experience does not give the
prospective employee the actual under-



The author and students work to complete a hardness survey for a welding procedure qualification record.
the-hood experience needed to be successful when completing an entry-level
employment test or qualification test. Although virtual welding can help a welding student verify angles, hand positions,
and travel speeds, virtual welding is not
a substitute for guided practice and the
subtle changes in technique an experienced teacher can suggest.
Welding instructors have an opportunity to utilize online content from electrode and equipment manufacturers,
professional organizations, including
American Welding Online offered by the
American Welding Society, and do-ityourself welders. However, guidance by
an instructor ensures the information
gathered from online sources is accurate.

United States Student

Unfortunately, U.S. students continue
to fall behind in academic achievement
when compared to many other countries
in the world. The failure of the United
States to close the international testscore gap, despite assiduous public assertions that every effort would be undertaken to produce that objective, raises
questions about the nations overall reform strategy. (Achievement Growth:
International and U.S. State Trends in
Student Performance, 2012.)
In a 2012 report from Harvard University, disappointing statistics are re40

APRIL 2014

vealed about the improvement in U.S.

student achievement. During the past two
decades, some improvement in student
achievement has been realized, but the
achievement remains about equal to the
other countries that were measured. Further, at age 17, the study states that only
minimal academic gains were detected.
In a study of adults completed by the
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development, 28.7% of U.S. adults
performed at or below the basic mathematics level requiring the use and understanding of numbers (OECD, 2013).
The education system in the United
States attempts to educate arguably the
largest and most diverse population of
students in the world, but the complexity of economic, social, regional, and cultural issues makes the one-program-fitsall approach to education likely to continue producing mediocre results.

Success of Welding
Welding education and technical education in general are uniquely situated in
America to accomplish improved student
achievement unlike many other general
education disciplines. Motivating students to achieve is often a balance of student readiness and the ability of a teacher
to articulate a clear skill and the path to
acquire that skill. Welding educators have
the opportunity to influence students to

investigate careers that have a wide variety of educational requirements.

Students interested in careers using
manual welding skills as well as students
interested in applying mathematic and
scientific principles in their careers have
materials joining in common. However,
it is the skill of the teacher that brings excitement to learning. Experienced teachers have the unique ability to take highly
complex concepts and break the concepts
into manageable portions students are
likely to understand and retain.
The blending of sound, traditional
teaching methods, understanding of current learning theory, application of new
welding technology including virtual
welding systems, and the use of instant
information gathering systems is the future of welding education.
In an age of seemingly endless
acronyms, here is another to consider
HEAT (honesty, enthusiasm, attitude,
teaching). For the future success of welding education, we as industry professionals should apply some HEAT.
Honesty. An honest portrayal of the
availability of jobs, working conditions,
educational requirements, and earning
potential of welding careers should be
provided to students by career advisors,
instructors, and parents. A clear career
path is a valuable motivational tool for
attracting a student into beginning a
welding career. Further, state boards of
education need to be honest in assessing
the testing requirements for students and

the real effects of the tests on student

State legislators need to be honest in
the treatment of retirement systems for
teachers. Without a fixed benefit program for the long-term future of teachers, the recruitment of the best teachers
is impossible. Balancing state budgets
and funding of projects that do not serve
the interest of the majority of the citizens
of the state by reducing the individual retirement benefits of teachers is likely to
further degrade student achievement.
Enthusiasm. Teachers need to be enthusiastic about the real enjoyment of
student achievement and for the tremendous advancements in welding and educational technologies. Through the
thoughtful use of information systems,
learning theory, and modern content delivery systems, teachers have an opportunity to ensure continuous improvement
in student achievement.
Attitude. The general public needs
to change its attitude about the role of
manufacturing as a critical sector of the
U.S. economy so we can attract the best
students into the vast diversity of manufacturing careers. The long-held assumption that all manufacturing jobs are dirty

and dangerous is not correct for modern

While manual welding remains a
physically demanding occupation, advances in welding technology also offer
some changes in the methods of depositing filler metal. Automation, mechanization, and advanced software-controlled
waveform power sources have changed
some of the traditional techniques for
metal joining.
Teaching. The key to the future of
welding education is teaching with honesty, enthusiasm, and attitude. Teachers
act as mentors, coaches, directors, and
experts. Teachers can instill a passion for
life-long learning and continuous improvement in their students.
Welding education will always be
closely linked to the success of the U.S.
manufacturing sector of the economy.
Materials joining is a critical part of the
manufacturing sector. Therefore, the future of successful welding education is
the synergy of excellence in teaching and
innovation in welding technology. Welding education, in partnership with U.S.
manufacturing, will continue to educate
and train welding professionals at all levels. The true success of welding educa-

tion happens daily in the classrooms and

laboratories of schools throughout the
United States. The future of welding education is a dedicated teacher carefully
preparing an individual student or group
of students for the challenge and exaltation of a career in welding.

Works Consulted
1. Cohen, S. S., and Zysman, J. 1987.
Manufacturing Matters. New York, N.Y.:
Basic Books, Inc.
2. Hanushek, E. A., Peterson, P. E.,
and Woessmann, L. 2012. Achievement
growth: International and U.S. trends in
student performance. Harvard Kennedy
School, PEPG Report No. 12-03.
3. Economic Modeling Specialists International. 2012. Occupational Report.
National Center for Welding Education
and Training, Elyria, Ohio.
4. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2014.
Occupational Outlook Handbook. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor.
5. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. OECD skills
outlook 2013: First results from the survey
of adult skills. OECD Publishing.

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Lights, Camera...Welding
Skilled fabrication crews creatively
hold production together in
Hollywood and beyond


SCOTT SKRJANC is Events Marketing
Group Leader, and GREG COLEMAN is Marketing Communications Group Leader, The
Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio,

elding and fabricating will not

likely win a Best Supporting
Actor Oscar for on-screen performances, and close-up equipment
shots, in such films as The Green Hornet,
Drive, and the Iron Man franchise. But,
the combined efforts of these crafts still
have a commanding role in many aspects
of behind-the-scenes production and give
welders and fabricators a challenging,
high-profile outlet in which to practice
their creative, and in-demand, skills.
Welding and fabrication are key technical components of many Hollywood
productions even though they arent as
highly visible as cinematography, costume, and makeup design, or explosive,
in-your-face special effects. Nevertheless, welding and fabricating help things
take shape and stay together on film,
quietly making sets, customized props
(Fig. 1), special effects, and auto crashes
a reality.
When you consider the role props play
in a film, its clear that prop development,
from the small knife wielded in a bar fight
to a tricked-out sedan used in a highspeed chase, play integral roles in a film
project, on-screen, and off.
While the cost of simple props obviously varies from project to project, depending on whether it is a Hollywood
summer blockbuster or a minor independent (indie) film, the average props
budget will range from 1 to 10% of the
total budget, according to budget-planning information provided by various
filmmaking industry educational resources. Add in the cost for cars required
for street scenes or high-speed chases,
and the budget climbs from the bottom
of this range to the top, or even higher.
For example, an indie film with a
budget of $100,000 would be safe to allocate a mere $1500 for props, according

APRIL 2014

Fig. 1 Close-up view of one of the prop

weapons designed and fabricated for
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters.

Fig. 2 A scale model prop plane

prepared for use in the 2004 Miramax
film The Aviator, depicting the early
career of Howard Hughes.

to a budget tutorial at,

while fabricators at Picture Car Warehouse in Northridge, Calif., a long-time
supplier of cars to the Hollywood film industry, spent roughly $7 million on just
creating custom vehicles for the $76 million-budget blockbuster 2 Fast, 2 Furious
in 2003.

must do it not only well but as unobtrusively as possible.

If we do our job correctly, said Pearson, who got his start in custom auto fabrication and now owns Custom Props,
Inc., in Van Nuys, Calif., bringing nearly
40 years of prop fabrication experience
to the table, you should never know that
we were there.

A Need to Know It All

As long-time entertainment-industry
prop fabricator Paul Pearson sees it, in
order to create Hollywood-caliber props,
fabricators need to have a mass of
skills, including not only welding, but
also sheet-metal fabrication, model and
miniature building (Fig. 2), electronics
and electrical know-how, and even mold
making creating everything from customized autos to small hand weapons
such as pistols and knives.
A rough knowledge of hydraulics and
pneumatics also comes in handy, as does
an understanding of basic machine- and
wood-shop operations. And while its not
necessary in every situation to perform a
certified weld, those in the industry still

From Hot Rods to Stunt Cars

Automobiles, motorcycles, and other
means of on-screen transportation are
prominent areas where welding quietly
performs in television programs, feature
films, music videos, and commercials.
The cars you see on TV or the big
screen arent just normal, generic cars.
Theyre modified for certain needs, and
doing so requires welding, much of it hidden, explained Los Angeles fabricator
Paul Clarke. Moving from fabricating
work in the motorsports industry to the
entertainment industry, Clarke, over the
past 20 years, has designed and/or
worked on vehicles for such films as
Looper, Saving Mr. Banks, Drive, Need for

Fig. 3 Some cars are fabricated entirely from the ground up while others are
modified from existing platforms.

Speed, and The Terminator franchise, to

name just a few.
Cars used in television shows, commercials, and Hollywood blockbusters
undergo complete transformations from
the original models sold to consumers.
Thanks to careful cutting, welding, and
fabricating, these cars are dismantled,
stretched (Fig. 3), strengthened, and rebuilt to accommodate filming angles and
even safety requirements.
We hide structural changes underneath, changes designed to help them do
jumps or sustain a crash, Clarke said.
And we need to do this as simply and
structurally sound as possible, often
adapting prebuilt cars into something
completely different.

Different Cars for

Different Takes
Whats more, for every one car that
the audience sees on screen, many more
identical vehicles are employed for different takes and uses during filming,
noted Ted Moser, Picture Car Warehouses founder and owner, who entered
the film production industry more than
20 years ago and has become a go-to
source for vehicles used in films, television, and advertising.
People dont realize that we have
built four or five different cars for each
one they see on screen, Moser said, not-

ing that during the production of the film,

The Town, starring Ben Affleck and Jon
Hamm, the company custom-fabricated
four different Dodge Caravans that the
bank robbers used as a getaway vehicle.
In fact, in most productions involving
automobiles, three different kinds of cars
are used to serve as the single vehicle the
audience sees on screen the hero car,
the process car, and the stunt car.
The hero car is the eye-catching
looker on the screen, used for both interior and exterior shots. To see a prime example of a hero car, Moser said to check
out 2 Fast, 2 Furious, starring the late Paul
Walker and Tyrese Gibson. The Dodge
Challenger created by Picture Car Warehouse for the film epitomizes a hero car,
according to Moser.
That hero car was visibly perfect,
from the interior to the exterior to the
engine, Moser said. We spent $7 million on cars and fabrications for this film,
building roll cages, removing air bags,
and automatic braking systems, and performing other tasks, ultimately constructing 200 different cars within a 6-week
time frame.
Process cars have a perfect interior
for filming actors inside the car, but the
exterior likely has been modified in a variety of ways to accommodate cameras at
different angles.
In Saving Mr. Banks, a series of limousines, each a different version of the

same car, was modified in order to locate

cameras for a shot, Clarke explained.
This happens in most movies that involve cars. You might need to fabricate
a removable roof or be able to easily pop
a door on or off. Or if you need to see an
actors feet changing gears, you might
have a hole in the floor that allows cameras to be positioned tightly down there.
We even have cut a Mercedes in half for
filming purposes. Those kinds of modifications are things viewers dont think
about or dont even notice, but the camera crew couldnt get the shot it wants
without those changes.
The stunt cars, with pristine exteriors,
include modifications such as welded roll
cages, five-point harnesses, a third brake,
a lower rear end, and other safety features. Some films can have 20 identical
cars, each designed to do specific stunts
jump bridges, roll over, explode, and
You have to make sure the roll cage
cant be seen from any shooting angle,
Pearson pointed out. If you suspect that
you have seen a stunt car, then I didnt
do my job correctly.

Not Much Formal Planning

All of these modifications require
more than a bit of automotive alchemy.
Hollywood fabricators often work from
a verbal description, or at best an artists
rendering, of the vehicle in mind. And,
often, it becomes a process of trial and
error, on a stringent time frame.
We usually dont work with a formed
set of plans, Moser said. Its not like
building a chassis that already has preset
measurements. We just have to get creative and do it.
For example, Mosers team completely rebuilt one of the Caravans used
in a chase scene in The Town. Crews
retrofitted a Chevy 350 engine into the
van and removed the entire original drivetrain. Modifications also included
welding in a sub-frame and a 9-foot Ford
rear end. The vehicle ultimately was reworked to make it rear-wheel drive instead of the standard, front-wheel drive,
which assisted with speed and handling
for the chase scenes.
In another project, the Picture Car
Warehouse team customized a Mercedes
Benz Unimog for a chase scene in Argo,
winner of the 2013 Academy Award for
Best Picture.
In a planning meeting before the beginning of shooting, I explained that a
Unimog would only reach about 37 miles
per hour, so the film initially scripted with


that in mind, Moser recalled. However,

a week before they were ready to shoot,
the filmmakers decided that they wanted
it to go 75 miles per hour. We took the
Unimog body off of its chassis and fabricated it onto a 1985 Dodge Ramcharger
chassis. We had to stretch the chassis to
make this happen and it worked.

Time Is Short
On top of the obvious challenges of
creatively designing and combining
aspects of different vehicles into one to
make them function as needed for filming, Moser, Clarke, and Pearson face
an even tougher hurdle tight time
We sometimes have less than a week
to build a fleet of cars that need to be
done perfectly, on time and on budget,
Moser said. Sometimes we have to do it
overnight. There are times when our
welding machines run 24 hours a day to
meet production schedule demands.
For the film Looper, on which both
Moser and Clarke were involved, fabrication teams had five days to create
unique hover motorcycles (Fig. 4), a
process that involved from-scratch
design and a lot of cutting, welding, and
Clarke and Moser said they turned to
Lincoln Electric equipment for this job,
as well as other work that required intensive, constant welding on such substrates
as aluminum. They relied on Lincoln
Electrics Precision TIG 375 gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) machine
for this high-visibility, fast-turnaround
We need equipment that is reliable.
We cant have something breaking with
the kind of turnaround times we face,
Moser said. In this industry, there isnt
something called downtime.

Setting the Stage

Welding and fabrications importance
in the entertainment industry reaches
well beyond stunt cars. At Custom Props,
Inc., Pearson and his team also fabricate
a variety of custom props, ranging from
weapons, such as knives and guns, to special doors, sculptures, and more.
Prop fabrication is an area where
GTAW skills are a must, thanks to the
widespread use of aluminum.
If you know how to weld aluminum
in Hollywood, youll easily find work,
Pearson said, recalling how his crew of
three welders constantly fabricates aluminum prop weapons to look like steel.

APRIL 2014

Fig. 4 Paul Clarke created this motorcycle, fabricated primarily of aluminum

components, for use in Looper, which was released in 2012 by TriStar Pictures.

Fig. 5 A set of prop vaults was fabricated in aluminum and prepared to look like
heavy wall steel for the 1995 Warner Brothers film Heat.

We use TIG welding a great deal

when we manufacture weapons such as
guns, knives, and custom swords, he
said, noting that he frequently relies on
his own Lincoln Electric Precision TIG
185 machine to get the job done.
TIG is essential because of the quality welds it produces on aluminum. You
shouldnt be able to tell the weapon is a
prop. It needs to look like a real weapon.
As with cars, weapons also fall into
hero and stunt categories. Directors will

shoot the hero shot with a real knife,

but when the knife-wielding villain starts
to chase his victim, hell really be carrying an aluminum stunt knife. And in the
stabbing scene, the aluminum blade is actually retractable. Weapons even can be
outfitted with blood tubes or molded rubber components, depending on shooting
requirements, Pearson said.
Aluminum welding goes beyond onscreen weapons and props and moves
onto the actual set of films, television pro-

grams, commercials, and music videos. In

the movie Heat, starring Robert DeNiro
and Val Kilmer, a series of what appear
to be heavy steel bank-vault doors actually are aluminum Fig. 5.
We brushed the doors and hinges to
look like steel, Pearson explained. Aluminum really is like a stunt actor in Hollywood, too. It fills in for stainless,
chrome, and a lot of other materials.
For a sculpture designed to hold helium balloons in a Dunlop tires advertisement, Pearsons team welded a 35

35-ft structure of polished aluminum in

the shop, then dismantled it to move and
rebuild it in the shooting location the
New Mexico desert outside of Santa Fe.
We supply a set crew for shoots, to
ensure that we can perform repairs
quickly and keep production running,
Pearson said.
When it comes to prop welding, one
thing is certain from film to film: It only
has to last as long as it takes to get the
Thats why you dont find a lot of cer-

tified welders in the business, Pearson

said. What were welding doesnt have
to last 20 years. Were done with it after
the director calls cut for the final time.
However, its a different story offscreen literally behind the camera on
cranes and rigs.
Thats where certified-welding
comes into play, Pearson said. The
crane business is where the real precision
welders make their money.
As Pearson noted, there is an entire
business market devoted to camera crane

Bringing Toy
Legends to Life
One of the big advantages of fabricating for the entertainment industry
is the variety of projects that come your
way. In Los Angeles fabricator Paul
Clarkes case, he was given the opportunity to help bring the dream cars of
many a little boy to life, creating fully
functional, life-sized versions of popular Mattel Hot Wheels cars.
Mattel uses these cars for a variety
of promotional purposes, including
meet-and-greets at auto shows and
other live events and in videos on its
Hot Wheels website.
Clarke has worked on at least five
different Hot Wheels projects under
contract with PCW Brands, a sister
company to Northridge, Calif.-based
Picture Car Warehouse
One of those closest to his heart is
the Bone Shaker (Fig. 1) a replica
created from the ground up.
These toy cars only have exterior
features, none of which is appropriately sized for a real automobile,
Clarke said. You cant just scale your
design off of the toy. So you have to
start asking yourself questions, like,
How big would it be in real life? and
What kind of interior would it have?
We built it from scratch, Clarke
said, noting that his team created the
cars entire interior, based on its skeletal theme Fig. 2. We thought this
looked like a car from hell on the outside, so we wanted to be sure it looked
like that on the inside.
We built it as though it was a living, breathing entity, Clarke said.
This one is special.

Fig. 1 Built entirely from the ground up, the Bone Shaker is a fully
functioning car.

Fig. 2 The fully custom interior includes a number of features that extend the
skull-related theme of the car.



construction and maintenance.

You have camera rigs and Louma
cranes (versatile, modular, remote camera cranes) that require constant welding adjustments. All of these different
things have to work on set and on location day in and day out, and many of them
have to hold a $350,000 camera. You
dont want that camera to fall off the end
of a 50-foot crane and smash, or hit someone on the set.

Beyond Hollywood
While Hollywood remains the heart
of the U.S. entertainment industry,
changes in the economic environment increasingly have pushed film production
into states other than California, thanks
to tax breaks and other financial incentives. This means some of the work goes
to shops in other states, making businesses such as Pearsons find other ways
to land contracts and keep up with their
We no longer survive off of movies,
television commercials, and rock videos,
Pearson said, noting that his company has
branched out to creating sets and trusses

for live rock tours, specialty features for

retail dressing, and even trade show
booths, among other areas. It became
necessary to expand as more and more
film work goes outside of Los Angeles.
Recently, Pearson and his team
worked with Lincoln Electric to create a
futuristic, custom motorcycle featured in
the companys This Future Made Possible With Lincoln Electric video that provides a look toward the fabricating future. The video can be viewed at Lincoln
Electrics Made Possible With campaign website.
We used a lot of steel in that project, Pearson said. We hand-formed the
panels and used fiberglass and foam
shaping. In that one motorcycle, theres
probably one form of everything I
learned over the past 40 years. It really
was a great creative fabrication project
for us to tackle. Its a pretty interesting

A Satisfying Welding Career

Whether theyre working on something related to the big screen, television,
or even on-stage at a live event, welders

For info, go to


APRIL 2014

and fabricators have found that a career

in the entertainment industry poses
unique challenges and rewarding results.
In some ways, its always different,
Moser mused, but in other ways, its no
different than any other welding or fabrication job. We have to get it done on
time and stay within budget,
Clarke agreed, noting that his initial
experience in motorsports paid off with
his transition to fabricating for the entertainment industry. It taught him to
work quickly, efficiently, and creatively
and to expect the unexpected.
I usually never know what Im going
to encounter in a particular day, he said.
I dont normally get blueprints and
often work only from some general information on what the exterior is going
to look like and what the safety structure
might be. I then have to use that little bit
of information to create the steps and design needed to achieve the end result. I
love being able to get creative with welding and fabrication and figure out what
we want to do and how to make it
happen. And to do this, you really need
to know how to master your welding

For Info, go to

Going beyond the Arc: Welding

Program Teaches Teamwork
A high-school welding class offers more than the
basics, teaching skills that better prepare students
for life after graduation

elding programs teach students

the mechanics of making a
sound weld, associated theory,
and other metallurgical matters. However, a head full of facts and the steadiest hands in the class still wont guarantee a job after graduation.
We dont care if youre the best
welder in the world. When we look at new
hires, we look at the whole person. The
people who become part of our 150person crew are always team players,
stated one maintenance manager for a
Seattle-area oil refinery.
Knowing that employers value teamwork, savvy technical-education instructors use welding as the lynchpin for teaching a variety of skills. These include soft
skills (teamwork, organization) and values (respect, honesty, punctuality), as
well as the ability to generate enthusiasm
for academic achievement.


This team of students put in extra hours to create a 6-ft alligator from scrap metal,
which sold for $200. Shown from left are Matthew Focht, Brett Eschliman, Instructor Curtis Willems, Zach Benn, and Jack Daniel.

Building Teams
One such enlightened instructor is
Curtis Willems, agricultural-education
instructor and National Board Certified
teacher at Highland High School, located
in the Phoenix suburb of Gilbert, Ariz.
He teaches two courses: introductory and
advanced Agriculture Fabrication and
Engineering (Ag Mechanics).
In our shop, students work in teams
of five people on a regular basis, said
Willems. Every semester, we also try to
work on a project as a class. Having 30
individuals work as a group helps kids un-

derstand the value of teamwork.

In addition to formal classwork,
Willems encourages his students to form
teams to enter contests and events,
whether sponsored by industry, business,
or by organizations such as Future Farmers of America (FFA) and SkillsUSA.
Events at county and state fairs also provide team opportunities, including the
ability to sell fabricated sculptures to
earn money or donate welded items so
that local organizations can raffle them
off for charity.
If someone needed help with some-

thing, we just pitched in and got it done.

As a result, we didnt struggle as a team,
said Brett Eschliman, a student in
Willemss advanced class who recently
created a giant (6:1 scale) oxyfuel torch
with classmates Matthew Focht and Jack
We basically evened out the amount
of work we did, and that contributed to
a good experience with teamwork, said
Ryland Barney, who worked with classmates Cody Gifford and Garrett Shafer
to build a life-size, man-shaped sculpture. On other teams where people

BILL WEHRMAN is communications manager, Victor Technologies, St. Louis, Mo.,

APRIL 2014

Instructor Curtis Willems (far right) uses cutting and welding projects, such as the one that created this sculpture, to build
teamwork. Shown from left are Garrett Shafer, Ryland Barney, and Cody Gifford.

dont pull their weight, that puts stress

on everyone. If they have to spend time
motivating another team member, they
cant focus on their own job.
Part of being a team means learning
to recognize each others strengths and
weaknesses, which these students learned
Shafer said, On our team, I did a lot
of the math and measurement work because I was stronger in that aspect, where
Cody did more of the welding and Ryland is more creative. We each used our
strengths, and the work balanced out.
When 16-year-olds understand that
they dont know it all, and the skills of
others make them stronger instead of
being a challenge, they take a giant step
forward in their career preparation.

Extra Credit
To create a project outside of class,
each student puts in 25 to 30 hours of additional work. The potential to earn extra

money keeps students motivated. Last

year, the team of Eschliman, Focht,
Daniel, and classmate Zach Benn created a 6-ft-long alligator fabricated from
scrap metal (see lead photo), which they
sold for $200 at a county fair. The alligator sold almost immediately. Perhaps the
team underpriced their work, but that
thought also keeps them motivated.
I just really love doing these types of
things, said Eschliman. Im not into
sports, at all. I just get super competitive
when it comes to welding and always try
my hardest.
Shafer added, I like to make quality
things and take pride in my work. If I
make a bad weld, Im going to grind it off
and weld a new one. For Barney, the
chance to test his creativity and translate
sketches into metal creations drives him
to put in the extra work.
Of course, an instructor is present
when students put in extra hours, and
that means long days for Willems. He
doesnt like to advertise the fact that he

arrives at 6:30 a.m. and often doesnt

leave until 6:00 p.m., But if students are
going the extra mile, Ill put in the time.

Preparation for Many Paths

Because of the diverse knowledge
provided, the Ag Mechanics program
helps students achieve more than they
think they can, and working on projects
adds to the challenge.
Our instructors push us to do bigger,
better things. Projects are a really good
motivational technique, said Daniel.
In addition to motivation, the skills
learned in the welding shop give these
students a completely different mindset
than those who never step out of a classroom. Agriculture Mechanics covers
electrical systems, mechanical systems,
plumbing, and, of course, cutting and
welding. Additionally, instructors teach
students how to write a rsum, craft a
cover letter, and conduct themselves during a job interview.



Brett Eschliman, shown cutting, said the key to teamwork is pitching in whenever
someone needs help. Eschliman, a student in the advanced Ag Mechanics class,
works with Juli Horvath to improve her oxyacetylene skills.
By the time these sophomores and
juniors finish the 2014 school year, We
have a head start on students who get a
bachelors degree and dont know what
to do with their lives, said Gifford. We
know right now some of the skills
well need for later, and that gets us
ahead of almost everyone else. Plus, its
good to learn welding as a life skill so you
dont have to hire people to fix stuff for
you. You can do it yourself.
Some of these students already have
a plan for what later involves. Gifford
intends to go to a welding school and
work for a fabrication shop near his
house. Shafer plans to explore machining at a technical college, and Daniel is
confident hell work in the construction
field. My dad, a career welder, told me
that welding would teach me a lot about
hard work, building, materials, measurements and reading blueprints, said
Daniel. All those skills transfer over into
other well-rounded careers, and it will
certainly give me better insight into construction.
Focht learned about Ag Mechanics
after an eighth-grade field trip to Highland High School. He thought the welding and plasma cutting were really cool
and signed up for what turned out to be
his favorite class. Unlike his classmates,
Focht does not plan an industry-related
career. He plans to attend Texas A&M,
go through its ROTC program and enter
the military as an officer. He does, however, clearly see the value of a welding
Mr. Willemss class and these weld-


APRIL 2014

ing contests emphasize hard work, teamwork, and problem solving, said Focht.
Being an officer involves problem solving in terms of leading people and understanding that when stuff doesnt go
the way you planned it, you overcome the
challenge and accomplish a mission.

As is often the case with technical
classes, the requirements of the fabrication process inherently force students to
realize the value of their academic classes.

Taking measurements for the plasma

cuts and bending metal makes me realize that math is important, said Shafer.
As much as hed like to weld all the time,
he understands he needs to make the effort to get good grades in all of his classes.
The challenge, as Barney sees it, is that
many academic classes are still taught in
the abstract. You should be motivated,
he said, but if you never understand how
you would use that knowledge in your life,
its harder to appreciate.
Willems tells students that while they
may not see the full value of a subject like
English immediately, it will become more
apparent as they need to read blueprints
and follow complex instructions, or write
out instructions for others to follow.
I think kids need to be exposed to as
many different things as possible in high
school, said Willems. That helps them
make a more informed decision about
what to do for a living. Even if they find
out that they dont like something, thats
okay. At least theyve narrowed down
their career choices and wont end up in
some job they hate.
Focht summed up the Ag Mechanics
experience for all of his classmates, saying that the instructors dont just teach
them how to cut and weld, They teach
life skills. Teamwork, rsum writing
this is stuff that they dont teach in other
core classes.
With the ability to positively shape
student character, perhaps technical
education should be more than just an

Through teamwork, Matt Focht, Jack Daniel, and Brett Eschliman (shown from left)
created this giant oxyacetylene torch and used a weed burner to simulate the flame.

Welding Personnel
Qualification the
European Way
The European Welding Federation aims through its
training and qualification programs and industry
partnerships to remove barriers to industry growth

ince the birth of the iron age, humans have been joining metals.
Welding played a critical role in the
industrial age as an enabler in the success of many industries that still thrive
today. Its pervasiveness has increased
with the discovery of new materials and
alloys that have created countless new
possibilities for the development of products in several industries, ranging from
healthcare to heavy manufacturing such
as the new class of super container vessels, the Triple-E. In most developed
countries, organizations have been created to support the ever-growing utilization of welding technologies. As a result
of the growing integration of countries
into the European Union, organizations
that would provide international support
for national members have been created.
One such organization is the European
Federation for Welding, Cutting and
Joining (EWF),, a leading institution driving the qualification and
certification of professionals and companies. The EWF counts as its members the
welding institutes of Europe, which were
at its inception looking for opportunities
to harmonize the way qualification of
personnel in welding technology was
achieved in different countries.
This harmonization was the start of a
comprehensive training, qualification,
and certification system currently covering more than 30 qualification levels and
more than ten certification levels in a
wide range of professions in welding,
joining, and cutting technologies, a core

component for the manufacturing of

most products Fig. 1. The current
qualification and certification system created at the EWF is based on the following pillars: training guidelines defining
content and minimum hours, learning
outcomes, a harmonized examination
database, and a quality assurance system.

The Qualification and

Certification System
Beyond this foundational approach,
one of the main drivers of the EWF since

is executive director, EWF/IIW-IAB
Secretariat, Tagus Park, Portugal.

its inception has been to look for partnerships and opportunities that would
drive adoption and qualification of welding technologies to ensure that the new
technologies would be met by workers
possessing the required qualifications
and training.
That has been done both by pursuing
R&D projects linking industry and its associations, as well as driving partnerships
beyond Europes boundaries, supporting
through its systems the state of the art of
welding and providing best-in-class solutions for training, qualification, and certification. This approach has led to a sys-

Fig. 1 EWF and IIW qualification and certification systems.



tem currently used in 43 countries worldwide, with 30 being European.

Also, the qualification system recognition and outstanding quality has led to
the adoption of its guidelines by the International Institute of Welding (IIW) in
2001. As the EWF grew beyond its initial
role, in 2002 it entered new projects integrating training and technology, as well
as new research and development welding projects in 2004.

About EWF
The European Welding Federation,
is a pioneer in implementing a harmonized qualification and certification system for welding professionals.
Through European projects such as
Virtweld (virtual systems for welder
training) (Fig. 2), e-Weld (a distance
learning course for welding coordinators), and Weldiction (a dictionary of
welding terminology), EWF has been an
innovator in welding training methodologies. These also include B-Prof, in which
guidelines were developed for recognition of informal training of welders. In
other words, it would develop an integrated, modular system designed to provide necessary qualification to those
workers whose work experience should
be recognized to certify them as welders.
The organization is also addressing
the development of new technologies and
uses for welding through new projects
such as the following:
FlexiFab, a flexible fabrication of lightweight aluminum transport structures
using robotic friction stir welding
EMFWeld, an analysis of workers exposure to electromagnetic fields from
welding and nondestructive examination processes. Development of guidelines for risk assessment and of webbased risk assessment applications
Fig 3.
WeldaPrime, a self-repairable, zincfree, weldable anticorrosion primer for
steel protection
BondTest, an ultrasonic testing technique to characterize diffusion welds
in layered structures
LASHARE, a laser equipment assessment for high-impact innovation in the
European manufacturing industry
TailorWeld, tailored energy distributions for laser welding.

APRIL 2014

Fig. 2 Virtual welding systems being demonstrated.

Manufacturing Rebound
In a recent article by Helmuth Ludwig
and Eric Spiegel published on the Strategy+Business website (, a publication of the global
management consulting firm Booz & Co.,
a compelling case is made regarding the
rebound of the American manufacturing
industry with the benefit, as the article
points out, of a new wave of software innovation. Beyond job creation, manufacturing plays a vital role in promoting in-

novation and long-term competitiveness.

In the United States, every dollar generated by manufacturing supports $1.48
of additional economic activity according to The Manufacturing Institute, compared to $0.54 for retailing. And, as the
article points out, although manufacturing accounts for 12% of U.S. gross domestic product, it provides nearly 70%
of private-sector research and development and 90% of the patents issued. That
is why action is needed now to build new
types of educational support, including

apprenticeships and other experiencebased programs that will grow the U.S.
Although this particular article is focused on the benefits brought forward by
the software industry, the same can be
said of welding and its application in
manufacturing projects throughout the
world. An easy connection could be made
to specific projects aimed at weight reduction in airplanes, cars, aerospace and
appliances. Each of those industries relies on complex welding technologies to
achieve this goal. That is where the work
being done by EWF and IIW, as well as
all their members, plays a key role by enabling possibilities and opportunities for
companies and welding professionals to
create new and vibrant businesses within
manufacturing, not hampered by a lack
of resources in developing their business
plans. The EWF looks forward to supporting this brave new world of opportunities in manufacturing through its
training, qualification, and certification

Fig. 3 The EMFWeld project studies the effects of electromagnetic waves in welding.

For info, go to





Aluminium Brazil 2014. April 13. Centro de Exposies Imigrantes, So Paulo, Brazil.
Metal & Steel Saudi Arabia 2014. April 710. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Visit

FABTECH India colocated with Weld India. April 1012. Pragati Maidan Exhibition Complex, New Delhi, India. Concurrent
with the 2014 Intl Congress of the IIW. Cosponsored by AWS,
FMA, SME, PMA, CCAI, and India Institute of Welding.

Weld Cracking Conference. April 15, 16. Hilton Garden Inn

April 2426. Savannah, Ga. Sponsored by ITSA, an AWS Standing Committee.;
JOM, 18th Intl Conference on Joining Materials. April 2629.
Konventum LO-Skolen, Helsingr, Denmark. In association with
the Intl Institute of Welding, cosponsored by American Welding
Society, Japan Welding Society, Welding Technology Institute of
Australia, Brazilian Welding Society, and others. E-mail; download brochure at

Aluminum Conference. April 2830. Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, La. Sponsored by AWS. Aluminum industry experts will survey the state of the art in aluminum welding technology and practice. Contact P. Henry,; (800) 443-9353, ext. 215.

1st Smart Laser Processing Conference 2014. April 2224. Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan. Organized by Japan Laser
Processing Society, colocated with Optics & Photonics Intl Congress 2014.

2830. Atlanta, Ga. Sponsored by AWS and the Resistance Welding Manufacturing Alliance (RWMA), an AWS Standing Committee. Topics will include research results, projects, and industrial
experiences that describe significant advances in resistance welding technology. Visit, or contact P. Henry,; (800/305) 443-9353, ext. 215.

23rd Japan International Welding Show. April 2326. Tokyo Big

Sight, Tokyo, Japan. Showcasing the latest products and services
in welding, cutting, laser processing, microjoining, powder processing,
CAD/CAM/CIMs. Organized by Sanpo Publications, Inc.

AWS Weldmex, FABTECH Mexico, METALFORM Mexico,

COATech 2014. May 68. Centro Banamex, Mexico City, Mexico.
This Mega Event is projected to feature 550 exhibitors, 100,000
sq-ft of floor space, and draw more than 12,000 attendees from
Mexico and Central America.

For info, go to

First Intl Symposium on Advances in Resistance Welding. April

For info, go to

Denver Downtown, Denver, Colo. Sponsored by AWS. Topics to

include impact tests, control of moisture in welding consumables,
and information for welding engineers to ensure higher-quality
welded products. Contact P. Henry,; (800) 4439353, ext. 215.

ITSA International Thermal Spray Assn. Annual Meeting.


APRIL 2014

JOIN-TRANS3 Third European Conference, Joining and Construction of Railway Vehicles. May 6, 7. An IIW-associated event.
Welding Training and Research Centre, SLV Halle GmbH, Halle
(Saale), Germany.
mfg4 colocated with MicroManufacturing Conference and Exhibits. May 68. Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford, Conn.
The Society of Manufacturing Engineers; (800) 733-4763;
AKL 14, Intl Laser Technology Congress and Expo. May 79.
Aachen, Germany. Visit
MMTS Montreal Mfg. Technology Show. May 1214. Place
Bonaventure, Montreal, Que., Canada.

NDE Aerospace Materials and Structures IV. May 13, 14. Crowne
Plaza Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. American Society for Nondestructive
Testing, (800) 222-2768,
Great Designs in Steel Seminar. May 14. Laurel Manor Conference Center, Livonia Mich. Sponsored by The Steel Market Development Institute. Contact Adriana Van Duyn (586) 201-1643;
8th Intl Expo Metal & Steel Middle East 2014/FABEX Middle
East 2014. May 1517. Cairo Intl Convention & Exhibition Center, Cairo, Egypt. Visit

For info, go to

Composites Manufacturing. May 1315. Northern Kentucky

Convention Center, Covington, Ky. Society of Manufacturing Engineers.

Weld Smarter With

Total Welding Management

Drawing on more than 50 years

of welding experience, author Jack
R. Barckhoff, P.E., gives you a solid
step-by-step plan to manage your
welding operations for maximum
productivity and cost efficiency.
Specific recommendations and
real-life production examples
illustrate how your welding team
can realize productivity gains of 20 percent to 50 percent.
Total Welding Management explains the management
principles, structure, and details you need to transform your
welding operations from a cost center into a profit center. A
must-read for supervisors, managers, and executives who
seek to make their welding operations more efficient and
more productive. 185 pages, 35 figure, 20 tables, hardbound.
Order yours today: 888-WELDING (935-3464).
Outside North America: 305-824-1177.
Order code: AWS TWM, $49.50
American Welding Society 2006


For info, go to

Implementing the principles and

concepts in this book could save
you $15,000 to $25,000 annually
per welder.



17th Aluminum Welding Conference and Expo. May 28, 29.

Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, La. Sponsored by AWS. Will
feature a panel of aluminum-industry experts who will survey the
state of the art of this technology and network informally with attendees. Visit or contact A. Blanco,; (800) 443-9353, ext. 223.
THE BIG M including SME Annual Meeting, RAPID Conference
and Expo, and North American Research Conference June 912.
Cobo Center, Detroit, Mich. Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
U.S.-Japan NDT Symposium. June 1620. Makena Beach and
Golf Resort, Maui, Hawaii. American Society for Nondestructive
Testing, (800) 222-2768,

Welding Education, Skills, and Certifications Conference. July

For info, go to

2325. Indianapolis, Ind. Sponsored by AWS. This program answers questions on the requirements to become an AWS Accredited Testing Facility (ATF), including skills training and curriculum. Contact P. Henry,; (800) 443-9353, ext. 215.
Digital Imaging XVII. July 2830. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick,
R.I. American Society for Nondestructive Testing, (800) 222-2768,

Heat Treatment Conference. Aug. 12, 13. Sheraton Arlington

Hotel, Dallas, Tex. Sponsored by AWS. Attendees will get a better understanding of the impact of welding and heat treatment
practices to optimize weld quality and reliability. Contact P.
Henry,; (800) 443-9353, ext. 215.

For info, go to

For info, go to

continued on page 58


APRIL 2014

For Info, go to

FABTECH 2014. Nov. 1113. Georgia World Congress Center,

continued from page 56

NDE/NDT for Highways and Bridges: Structural Materials Technology (SMT) 2014. Aug. 2527. Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington, D.C. American Society for Nondestructive Testing, (800)

Atlanta, Ga. This exhibition is the largest event in North America

dedicated to showcasing the full spectrum of metal forming, fabricating, tube and pipe, welding equipment, and myriad manufacturing technologies. American Welding Society. (800/305) 4439353, ext. 264;

International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS). Sept.

813, McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill. This is the largest display
and demonstration of global manufacturing technology in the
Western Hemisphere and the largest gathering of the master
minds that make it work. Sponsored by The Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT);

Thermal Spray Pavilion and Conference. Nov. 12. Georgia

World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga., at FABTECH 2014. Topics
to include applications, processes, coatings, equipment, automation, sensors and controls, and safety issues. Intl Thermal Spray
Assn., an AWS Standing Committee.;

Additive Manufacturing Conference. Sept. 9, 10. Renaissance

6th Intl Brazing & Soldering Conference. April 1922, 2015,

Orlando Airport Hotel, Orlando, Fla. Topics will include powder

bed fusion, material extrusion, directed-energy deposition, and
material jetting. Sponsored by AWS. Contact P. Henry,; (800) 443-9353, ext. 215.

Long Beach, Calif. Cosponsored by ASM International and

American Welding Society. Topics will include current research,
actual or potential applications, and new developments in these
technologies. Visit

Sheet Metal Welding Conference XVI. Oct. 2224. Schoolcraft

FABTECH 2015. Nov. 912, 2015. McCormick Place, Chicago,

College, Livonia, Mich. Sponsored by the AWS Detroit Section.

To highlight recent developments in welding and joining technologies for lightweight structures. Visit

Ill. This exhibition is the largest event in North America dedicated

to showcasing the full spectrum of metal forming, fabricating, tube
and pipe, welding equipment, and myriad manufacturing technologies. American Welding Society; (800/305) 443-9353, ext. 264;

ASNT Annual Conference 2014. Oct. 2730. Charleston Convention Center, Charleston, S.C. American Society for Nondestructive Testing; (800) 222-2768;
7th Offshore Energy Expo and Conference. Oct. 28, 29. Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands. Visit

Educational Opportunities
Acoustic Emission: The PACwin Software Suite. April 1517.
MISTRAS Group, Inc., 195 Clarksville Rd., Princeton Junction,

4th IIW Welding Research & Collaboration Colloquium. Nov. 5,

6. The University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia. The Welding
Technology Institute of Australia (WTIA).

continued on page 114


316L Stainless w/ Argon Purge @ 250ppm Oxygen Level








316L Stainless w/ Argon Purge @ 12ppm Oxygen Level



APRIL 2014

For info, go to

Tools for schools

from AWS
American Welding Academic Access for schools and colleges

Access virtually all AWS

publications campus-wide

This is an affordable subscription that contains all of AWSs publications in a

digital format. All students of participating educational institutions can access
more than 300 standards digitally. The AWS standards library features content
on everything from structural welding to auto and locomotive welding
Categorized search engine to maximize productivity.
Full preview descriptions of publications to ensure correct information.
Automatic updates of new publications, errata, and amendments.
Academic pricing in an academic format at a fraction of the cost.
View a demonstration video at

On-campus AWS Certification for welding students

Your institution can be accredited by AWS to issue industryrecognized AWS welder certifications. Your students and
other members of your community can be certified at your
schools labs, which will enhance your job placements as well
as your relationships with local industries. We have a streamlined, economical program to get your school up and running
as an AWS Accredited Test Facility, and we will publicize your
ATF status on our website and in the Welding Journal. Call
AWS at (800) 443-9353 ext. 448 to get started.

Certified Weld

# Test Date Sup




ller Metal

Base Metal


kness Ba
n or
Th kness, Pipe O
OD & Backing

Issue job-ready AWS credentials

Free online listing in the Welding School Locator

Your institution should be among the thousands of welding
schools that appear on the AWS worldwide searchable
Welding School Locator. Potential students can find you by
zip code, map, or city. Its free to be listed and you can
quickly set up your contact information by visiting the locator
Get visible todayits free

Learn about these opportunities and even more at the

AWS Welding Education, Skills, and Certifications Conference
The American Welding Society has created a conference program that answers questions on the essential
requirements to become an Accredited Test Facility that can issue industry-recognized credentials.
Conference topics include skill training, curriculum strategies, advanced e-learning strategies, and many
other topics. Educational institutions, corporate trainers, and educators are all encouraged to attend.


Certified Welding Inspector (CWI)
Fresno, CA
May 49
Miami, FL
May 49
Albuquerque, NM
May 49
Oklahoma City, OK
May 49
Corpus Christi, TX
Exam only
Birmingham, AL
June 16
Hutchinson, KS
June 16
Spokane, WA
June 16
Bakersfield, CA
June 813
Pittsburgh, PA
June 813
Beaumont, TX
June 813
Miami, FL
Exam only
Hartford, CT
June 2227
Orlando, FL
June 2227
Memphis, TN
June 2227
Miami, FL
Exam only
Los Angeles, CA
July 1318
Jacksonville, FL
July 1318
Omaha, NE
July 1318
Cleveland, OH
July 1318
Phoenix, AZ
July 2025
Louisville, KY
July 2025
Kansas City, MO
July 2025
Waco, TX
July 2025
Sacramento, CA
July 27Aug. 1
Denver, CO
July 27Aug. 1
Miami, FL
July 27Aug. 1
Milwaukee, WI
July 27Aug. 1
Corpus Christi, TX
Exam only
Chicago, IL
Aug. 38
Baton Rouge, LA
Aug. 38
Portland, ME
Aug. 38
Las Vegas, NV
Aug. 38
Philadelphia, PA
Aug. 38
Charlotte, NC
Aug. 1015
Mobile, AL
Aug. 1015
Rochester, NY
Exam only
Seattle, WA
Aug. 1015
San Diego, CA
Aug. 1722
Minneapolis, MN
Aug. 1722
San Antonio, TX
Aug. 1722
Salt Lake City, UT
Aug. 1722
Miami, FL
Sept. 712
Idaho Falls, ID
Sept. 712
St. Louis, MO
Sept. 712
Houston, TX
Sept. 712
New Orleans, LA
Sept. 1419
Fargo, ND
Sept. 1419
Corpus Christi, TX
Exam only
Pittsburgh, PA
Sept. 28Oct. 3
Long Beach, CA
Oct. 510
Indianapolis, IN
Oct. 510
Tulsa, OK
Oct. 510
Nashville, TN
Oct. 510
Miami, FL
Exam only
Beaumont, TX
Oct. 1217
South Plainfield, NJ
Oct. 1217
Portland, OR
Oct. 1217
Atlanta, GA
Oct. 1924
Des Moines, IA
Oct. 1924
Detroit, MI
Oct. 1924

Certification Seminars, Code Clinics, and Examinations

May 10
May 10
May 10
May 10
May 31
June 7
June 7
June 7
June 14
June 14
June 14
June 19
June 28
June 28
June 28
July 10
July 19
July 19
July 19
July 19
July 26
July 26
July 26
July 26
Aug. 2
Aug. 2
Aug. 2
Aug. 2
Aug. 2
Aug. 9
Aug. 9
Aug. 9
Aug. 9
Aug. 9
Aug. 16
Aug. 16
Aug. 16
Aug. 16
Aug. 23
Aug. 23
Aug. 23
Aug. 23
Sept. 13
Sept. 13
Sept. 13
Sept. 13
Sept. 20
Sept. 20
Sept. 27
Oct. 4
Oct. 11
Oct. 11
Oct. 11
Oct. 11
Oct. 16
Oct. 18
Oct. 18
Oct. 18
Oct. 25
Oct. 25
Oct. 25

Certified Welding Educator (CWE)

Seminar and exam are given at all sites listed under Certified
Welding Inspector. Seminar attendees will not attend the Code
Clinic portion of the seminar (usually the first two days).
Certified Welding Sales Representative (CWSR)
CWSR exams will be given at CWI exam sites.
Certified Welding Supervisor (CWS)
Minneapolis, MN
July 1418
CWS exams are also given at all CWI exam sites.

July 19

9-Year Recertification Seminar for CWI/SCWI

(No exams given.)
For current CWIs and SCWIs needing to meet education requirements without taking the exam. The exam can be taken at any site
listed under Certified Welding Inspector.
Sacramento, CA
Apr. 27May 2
Boston, MA
Apr. 27May 2
Charlotte, NC
May 49
Pittsburgh, PA
June 16
San Diego, CA
July 1318
Miami, FL
July 27Aug. 1
Certified Radiographic Interpreter (CRI)
Las Vegas, NV
May 59
May 10
Miami, FL
June 26
June 7
The CRI certification can be a stand-alone credential or can
exempt you from your next 9-Year Recertification.
Certified Robotic Arc Welding (CRAW)
The seminar dates (S:) are followed by the exam dates (E:)
S: July 2831, E: Aug. 1; S: Dec. 811, E: Dec. 12; at
ABB, Inc., Auburn Hills, MI; (248) 3918421
S: Apr. 2123, E: Apr. 24, 25; S: Oct. 2022, E: Oct. 23, 24; at
OTC Daihen, Inc., Tipp City, OH; (937) 667-0800
S: Oct. 2022, E: Oct. 23; at
Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, OH; (216) 383-8542
S: Apr. 710, E: Apr. 11; S: Aug. 1114, E: Aug. 15;
S: Oct. 1316, E: Oct. 17; at
Genesis-Systems Group, Davenport, IA; (563) 445-5688
S: May 1921, E: May 22, 23; S: July 2123, E: July 24, 25;
S: Sept. 2224, E: Sept. 25, 26; S: Nov. 1719, E: Nov. 20, 21; at
Wolf Robotics, Fort Collins, CO; (970) 225-7736
On request at
MATC, Milwaukee, WI; (414) 297-6996

IMPORTANT: This schedule is subject to change without notice. Applications are to be received at least six weeks prior to the seminar/exam or
exam. Applications received after that time will be assessed a $250 Fast Track fee. Please verify application deadline dates by visiting our website Verify your event dates with the Certification Dept. to confirm your course status before making
travel plans. For information on AWS seminars and certification programs, or to register online, visit or call (800/305)
443-9353, ext. 273, for Certification; or ext. 455 for Seminars.


APRIL 2014

For Info, go to


Datasheet 347

Fusion Welding Processes

Fusion welding is any welding
process that uses fusion of the
base metal to make the weld. Fusion welding processes must produce sufficient heat to achieve
melting. The heat is either developed at the intended weld joint
or applied to the joint from an external source. In some processes,
pressure is applied to force the
materials into close contact. An
example of a means of developing heat at the weld joint is the
passing of current through the
electrical contact resistance between the contacting surfaces of
the material to be welded (resistance welding). Electrical discharges between surfaces can
also be utilized to develop heat
for joining (flash welding). A
common characteristic of these
welding processes is that the entire weld is usually produced at
one time, either at a spot or along
the entire joint.
Most fusion welding processes
apply heat from an external
source to the weld joint to produce the weld bond. Heat is
transported from the heat source
to the joint by conduction, convection, and radiation. Almost
every imaginable high-energydensity heat source has been
adapted at one time or another
for fusion welding.
Sources of externally developed heat include electron
beams, laser beams, exothermic
chemical reactions (used in oxyfuel gas welding and thermite
welding), and electric arcs. Electric arcs, the most widely used
heat source, are the basis for the
various arc welding processes.
Figure 1 shows the various types
of fusion welding processes and
the types of heat sources used to
produce fusion.
Fig. 1 Fusion welding classification chart.

Excerpted from the Welding Handbook, Vol. 1, ninth edition, and AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions.

APRIL 2014


President Wilson Addresses Supercharging

the Welding Workforce
Outgoing AWS President Nancy Cole
presented 2014 President Dean Wilson his
presidents ring (Fig. 1) at the officer transition meeting held Feb. 14 at AWS World
Headquarters in Miami, Fla.
During his talk, Wilson debuted a fivemin video detailing a new stackable credentialing program for welders. It recalls
the history of aviation and how welding
was used to build better aircraft, then reveals future initiatives. The video is posted
online at
Wilson said, I think its something
that our welding industry is going to be
able to use to create what amounts to career-long learning through AWS.
A major part of the American Welding Societys 2014 plan is to supercharge
the welding workforce. AWS has always
been focused on people improving technology. Now, we are also using technology to improve people and their professional career paths.
Documentation of welders skill
achievements will begin in high school and
continue for a lifetime. All credentials will
be stackable, portable, transferable, and
recognized industrywide and securely
recorded on AWS Online. In the future,
a welders online portfolio of AWS credentials might include hundreds of skill
achievements. Employers will be able to
use the AWS system to define specific skill
competencies in their job descriptions,
and matches can be made online between
employers and job candidates. It will offer
welders a clearer path for developing their
skills to increase their earning potentials.
This approach is endorsed by the education community, U.S. Dept. of Labor,
and National Association of Manufacturers. Another innovation, Wilson announced, is the development of a Master
Welder credential.
Nancy Cole received a Life Member
certificate then discussed highlights of her
term as president, which included participating in business meetings held in 26 U.S.
states and 13 foreign countries.
Present at the ceremony were Leon

Cole; Debi Wilson; District 6 Director Ken

Phy and Sandra; District 14 Director Bob
Richwine and Pat; Vice President nominee Dale Flood and Svetlana; past President Bill Rice and Cherry; Treasurer Bob
Pali and Annette; Vice President John
Bray and Luanne; Foundation Chair,
Trustee Emeritus, and past President Ron
Pierce; and members of the AWS headquarters staff.
Joe Krall, managing director, global
exposition sales, received the 2013
Michael A. Rowland Exemplary Employee of the Year Award from Ray
Shook, executive director Fig. 2.
This peer-nominated honor recognizes
an AWS employee who has provided exemplary service and made notable contributions above the scope of normal duties,
and possesses an attitude and behavior
contributing to teamwork and positive
treatment of others in ways that exceeded
job expectations.
Shook said, As stated in his nomination form, Sales is a numbers game, and
Joe Krall put up ridiculous, off-the-chart
2013 numbers for AWS. He obliterated
all previous sales records for AWS booth
sales. Krall increased booth footage sold
at FABTECH in 2013 to a record 218,000
sq ft, up from 174,000 sq ft in 2012, and
achieved a 54% increase for AWS at
Weldmex in Monterrey, Mexico. There
is an old saying in baseball that nice guys
finish last, the nomination continued,
but Joe Krall proves that its possible for
nice guys to finish first.
Ray said Kralls attitude is to always
go the extra mile to do whatever it takes
to make a sale; he demonstrates this by
making himself accessible to accounts,
taking his laptop and answering e-mails,
even when on vacation.
What separates Joe from so many in
the crowd is his uncommon touch with
anyone he works with or meets, the nomination stated. For example, he has the
ability to work well with high-level executives yet is equally at home engaging in
friendly conversation with cab drivers,
bellhops, waiters, and welders.
Joe just has a unique gift for making

Fig. 1 Nancy Cole presents Dean Wilson

his presidents ring.

Fig. 2 Joe Krall (left) is named employee

of the year by Ray Shook, executive director.
the people he meets feel good about AWS
as an organization . . . his sense of humor
simply lifts spirits. It is a common experience among AWS employees to feel better after a conversation with Joe than they
did before the conversation took place.
Our Joe is no average Joe, the nomination concluded.
Krall received $1000, an engraved
plaque, a certificate for dinner for two, and
reserved parking space for one year.

KRISTIN CAMPBELL is associate editor of the Welding Journal.



Tech Topics
Underwater Welding and Cutting Subcommittee Meets in New Orleans
The D3B Subcommittee on Underwater Welding and Cutting met in New Orleans, La., to work on the first edition of
A5.35/A5.35M, Specification for Covered
Electrodes for Underwater Wet Shielded
Metal Arc Welding and the 6th edition of
D3.6, Underwater Welding Code. Attending were Chair T. J. Reynolds, Vice Chairs
R. I. Murray and W. J. Couch, and AWS
Staff Secretary B. C. McGrath, AWS Dist.
7 Director U. W. Aschemeier, M. Borean,
G. M. Cain, J. D. Corbin, D. W. Craig, P. T.
Delaune, D. E. Drake, L. Goldberg, S. M.
Henderson, R. D. Holdsworth, B. E.
James, K. S. Peters, M. A. Pett, L. R. Rowland, L. W. Shupe, M. J. Skinkle, P. L.
Smith, W. W. St. Cyr, P. Szelagowski, B. T.
Walden, and T. C. West. Guests attending
the meeting included Michael Hielscher
and Joe Morgans, and member applicant
Martin Denault.
Revised Standard Approved by ANSI
A5.24/A5.24M:2014, Specification for
Zirconium and Zirconium-Alloy Welding
Electrodes and Rods
Standards for Public Review
AWS was approved as an accredited
standards-preparing organization by the
American National Standards Institute in
1979. AWS rules require that all standards
be open to public review for comment during the approval process. The following
standards have been submitted for review
with the review expiration dates shown.
A5.5/A5.5M:201X, Specification for
Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded
Metal Arc Welding. 3/10/14
B2.1-1/8-010:201X, Standard Welding
Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Gas
Tungsten Arc Welding of Carbon Steel to
Austenitic Stainless Steel (M-1, P-1, or M8, or P-8), 18 through 10 Gauge in the AsWelded Condition, with or without Backing. 4/14/14
B2.1-1/8-231:201X, Standard Welding
Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Gas
Tungsten Arc Welding with Consumable Insert Root followed by Shielded Metal Arc
Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1/P-1, Groups
1 or 2) to Austenitic Stainless Steel (M-8/P8, Group 1), 18 inch [3 mm] through 112 inch
[38 mm] Thick, IN309, ER309, and E30915, -16, or -17, or IN309, E309(L), and
E309(L)-15, -16, or -17, in the As-Welded
Condition, Primarily Pipe Applications.
C3.12M/C3.12:201X, Specification for
Furnace Soldering. 3/17/14

APRIL 2014

ISO Draft Standards for Public Review

In the United States, if you wish to participate in the development of International Standards for welding, contact A.
Davis, ext. 466, Otherwise, contact your national standardspreparing organization.
ISO/DIS 3834-5, Quality requirements
for fusion welding of metallic materials
Part 5: Documents with which it is necessary to conform to claim conformity to the
quality requirements of ISO 3834-2, ISO
3834-3, or ISO 3834-4
ISO/DIS 15614-8, Specification and
qualification of welding procedures for
metallic materials Welding procedure test
Part 8: Welding of tubes to tube-plate
Technical Committee Meetings
All AWS technical committee meetings are open to the public. To attend a
meeting, e-mail the program manager
April 14, D1 Committee and Subcommittees on Structural Welding.
Miami, Fla. B. McGrath, ext. 311.
April 2124, D14 Committee and Subcommittees on Machinery and Equipment. Pittsburgh, Pa. E. Abrams, ext. 307.
April 22, B2D Subcommittee on Standard Welding Procedure Specifications.
Pittsburgh, Pa. J. Rosario, ext. 308.
April 22, B2E Subcommittee on Soldering Qualifications. Pittsburgh, Pa. J.
Rosario, ext. 308.
April 23, B2B Subcommittee on Welding Qualification. Pittsburgh, Pa. J.
Rosario, ext. 308.
April 23, B2C Subcommittee on Ma-

terials. Pittsburgh, Pa. J. Rosario, ext. 308.

April 23, SH4 Subcommittee on Labeling and Safe Practices. Pittsburgh, Pa. S.
Hedrick, ext. 305.
April 24, B2 Committee on Procedure
and Performance Qualifications. Pittsburgh, Pa. J. Rosario, ext. 308.
April 24, B2A Subcommittee on Brazing Qualifications. Pittsburgh, Pa. J.
Rosario, ext. 308.
April 24, C2 Committee and Subcommittees on Thermal Spraying. Savannah,
Ga. J. Rosario, ext. 308.
April 29, 30, A2 Committee and Subcommittees on Definitions and Symbols.
Columbus, Ohio. S. Borrero, ext. 334.
April 30, SH1 Subcommittee on Fumes
and Gases. Columbus, Ohio. S. Hedrick,
ext. 305.
May 12, C1 Committee on Resistance
Welding. Livonia, Mich. E. Abrams, ext.
May 12, J1 Committee on Resistance
Welding Equipment. Livonia, Mich. E.
Abrams, ext. 307.
May 13, D8 Committee on Automotive Welding. Livonia, Mich. E. Abrams,
ext. 307.
May 19, D17D Subcommittee on Resistance Welding. Miami, Fla. A. Diaz, ext.
May 19, D17J Subcommittee on Friction Stir Welding for Aerospace. Miami,
Fla. A. Diaz, ext. 304.
May 20, 21, D17K Subcommittee on
Fusion Welding. Miami, Fla. A. Diaz, ext.
May 22, D17 Committee on Welding
in the Aircraft and Aerospace Industries.
Miami, Fla. A. Diaz, ext. 304.

TAC and ISAC Committees Meet in Miami

Members of the AWS Technical (TAC) and International Standards (ISAC) Activities Committees are shown during their meeting held Jan.
29, 30 at AWS World Headquarters in Miami.

Changing of the TAC Guard

RWMA Celebrates One of Its Own

Incoming Technical Activities Committee

Chair Allen Sindell (left) is shown with Dick
Holdren, outgoing chair, at the recent meeting at AWS Headquarters in Miami, Fla.

AWS Counselor Robert Paul Matteson (center) is shown with AWS President Dean Wilson
(left) and Don DeCorte, an AWS past director-at-large. On Feb. 21, Matteson was formally
recognized for his induction into the 2014 Class of AWS Counselors during the WEMCO and
RWMA annual meeting held in St. Petersburg, Fla. Matteson, who spent most of his 50-year
career heavily involved in the RWMA (Resistance Welding Manufacturing Alliance) committee work and standards, received the award from Wilson and DeCorte in the presence of about
one-hundred association members, family members, and guests.

Opportunities to Serve on Technical Committees

Volunteers are sought to contribute to the following technical committees. Visit
Joining of plastics and composites, G1
Committee seeks educators, end users, general interest, and consultants. S. Hedrick,
Methods of weld inspection, The B1 Committee seeks educators, general interest, and
end users. E. Abrams,
Safety and Health Committee seeks educators, end users, general interest, and consultants. S. Hedrick,
Oxyfuel gas welding and cutting, C4 Committee seeks educators, general interest, and
end users. C. Lewis,
Friction welding, C6 Committee seeks
professionals. C. Lewis,
High energy beam welding and cutting,
C7 Committee seeks professionals. C. Lewis,
Magnesium alloy filler metals, A5L Sub-

committee seeks professionals. R. Gupta,
Robotic and automatic welding, D16
Committee seeks general interest and educational members. C. Lewis,
Local heat treating of pipe, D10P Subcommittee seeks professionals. B. McGrath,
Mechanical testing of welds, B4 Committee seeks professionals. S. Hedrick,
Reactive alloys, G2D Subcommittee seeks
volunteers. A. Diaz,
Titanium and zirconium filler metals,
A5K Subcommittee seeks professionals. A.
Welding qualifications, B2B Subcommittee
seeks members. J. Rosario,
Friction stir welding of aluminum alloys

for aerospace applications, D17J Subcommittee

Resistance welding equipment, J1 Committee seeks educators, general interest, and
end users. E. Abrams,
Thermal spraying, The C2 Committee
seeks educators, general interest, and end
users. J. Rosario,
Automotive, The D8 Committee seeks
members. E. Abrams,
Machinery and equipment and surfacing
and reconditioning of industrial mill rolls,
D14 Committee and D14H Subcommittee
seek educators, end users, consultants, and
general interest members. E. Abrams,
Hybrid welding. The C7D Subcommittee
seeks volunteers. C. Lewis,



Diffusion Bonding Experts Sought for ISO Standard

The U.S. TAG (Technical Advisory
Group) that serves as the United States
National Committee to ISO/TC 44/SC 10,
Unification of Requirements in the Field
of Metal Welding, seeks United States ex-

perts to serve on a newly created subgroup

dealing with the topic of micro melting
diffusion bonding.
The group is curently working on a new
ISO standard concerning micro joining of

second-generation high-temperature superconductors.

For complete information, contact Andrew Davis, managing director, technical

Nominate Your Candidate for MIT Masubuchi Award

The Prof. Koichi Masubuchi Award,
with a $5000 honorarium, is presented to
one person, 40 years old or younger, who
has made significant contributions to the
advancement of materials joining through

research and development.

Send a list of your candidates experience, publications, honors, awards, and at
least three letters of recommendation
from fellow researchers to Todd Palmer, The award is sponsored

by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering.

Member-Get-A-Member Campaign
Listed below are the members participating in the 2014 AWS Member-Get-AMember Campaign. The campaign runs
from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2014. Members receive five points for each Individual Member recruited and one point for

every Student Member recruited. See

page 67 of this issue for campaign information and the prize list, or call Rhenda
Kenny, Membership Dept., (800/305) 4439353, ext. 260, for information on your
member campaign status.

Jackie Morris, Mobile 65

Carl Bridwell, Northern Plains 55
Joe Nuanes, Philadelphia 25
Donald Berger, Spokane 18
Tom Curelli, Southeast Nebraska 18

John Goode, Northern Plains 15

Donald Hodges, Portland 11
Scott Lord, Nebraska 11
Michael Reeser, Indiana 11

Gentry Wood Receives

Student Chapter Member Award

Gentry Wood

Gentry Wood,
AWS University of
Chapter, has been
nominated by Chapter Vice Chair Jordan Tsui to receive
the AWS Student
Chapter Member
served as 20132014
Chapter chair and

earned a 3.5 GPA. As a teaching assistant

for the Fundamentals of Welding Class,
he coordinated AWS Student memberships for 30 students. He organized and
taught quarterly open lab events at the
Canadian Centre for Welding and Joining to expose engineering staff and students to the GMA and SMA welding
processes, and hosted a local Edmonton
high school welding class to showcase various welding techniques. Wood received
the Teaching Assistant Award for excellence in teaching from the Graduate Student Assn., and has received the Deans
Research Award four times from the engineering faculty.

Looking for a Job? Need a Welder? Check Out Jobs In Welding

Its easy to post your rsum free and
confidentially online, find a welding
school, or apply directly for open positions
with prospective employers specific to the
job and welding or materials-joining industries of your particular interest.


APRIL 2014

Employers can post their openings and

search candidates rsums online. Visit Sign up to have
employers e-mail notices of welding jobs
to you that match your interests. Or, just
visit the site to see whats going on.

Member Counts
March 1, 2014
Sustaining ......................................606
Supporting .....................................330
Educational ...................................676
Welding Distributor........................47
Total Corporate ..........................2,219
Individual .................................59,690
Student + Transitional .................9,777
Total Members .........................69,467

District 5 Director Awards

Carl Matricardi, Dist. 5 director, has
nominated the following members to receive the District Director award.
David Ennis and Rene Engeron (Atlanta Section)
Larry T. Dowd Sr. and Kevin Rawlins
(Columbia Section)
Bill Myers and Jennifer Skyles (North
Central Florida Section)
Frank Rose (Palm Beach Section)
Odel Haselden and Gale Mole (South
Carolina Section)
Gilly Burrion (South Florida Section).

4 Easy Ways to
o Join or Rene
Mail: Form with your paymen
yment, to AWS

Call: Membership DDepartment at (800) 443-9353, extt. 480

Fax: Completed form to (305) 443-5647

Online: www

 New Member  Renewal
 Mr.  Ms.  Mrs.  Dr.


Last Name:_______________________________________________________________________________
irst Name:___________________________________________________________________ M.I:_______

@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@&.BJM@@@@@@@@@@


@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
CFS :&4 NO If YES, give year________
ear________ and Member #:
@@ @@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@@
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through an AWS Member? Memberss name:_______________________Member
name:_______________________Members # (if known):________
 Check here if you would prefer not to receive email updates on AWS programs,, new Member benefits
benefits, savings opportunities and events.

 Please check each box that applies too the Membership or service
ser youd like,, and then add the cost
c together to get your Total Payment.
EMBERSHIP (One Year)..................................
Ye ..................................................................................................$84
Years) SAVE $25 New Members Only....................................$143

alue; includes shipping & handling)
015*0/"-Book Selection (Choose from 25 titles; up to a $192 value;
tional shipping)
VUTJEFUIF64 (includes International

or mor
more book choices visit
ffe s Weelding EEnncyc
edia (CD-ROM only)  Design & Planning Manual ffoor Coost-Effe
Effffective Welding
Welding Metallurgy
Welding Handbook
Selections:  WHH (9th Ed., Vol. 4)  WHH (9th Ed., Vol. 3)  WH (9th Ed., Vol. 2)  WHH (9th Ed., Vol. 1)
 Pockkeet Handbook
PHB-1 (Arc Welding Steel)  PHB-2 (Visual Inspection)
tion)  PHB-4 (GMAW / FCAW)
Selections:  PHB

elding Journal
Hard Copy GP

deliveryy of WJ is standard)..................................
e: digital deliv

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ser youd like,, and then add the cost
c together to get your Total Payment.
ERSHIP (OneYear)

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Journ Hard Copy (Only available to students
elding Journal
ts in the U.S.,
U Canada and Mexico).
Note: Hard copy option applies to students
ts in U.S.,
U Canada and Mexico. Digital deliveryy of magazine is standard
standar benefit for all student members.


Payment can be made (in U.S. dollars) by check or money order
ord (international or foreign),
eign), payable
to the American Welding Society,y, or byy char
charge card.


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heck #:_______________________________ Accoun
ountt #____________________________________
Source Code: WJ
e:_________________________________ Amoun
V. 11/13

.JBNJ '- 





Type of Business (C
heck ONE onl
 Contract construction
als & allied products
oal industries
 Petroleum & coal
 Primaryy metal industries
 Fabricated metal products
 Machinery except
ept elect.
elec (incl. gas welding)
 Electrical equip.,., supplies
supplies, electrodes
tion equip. air,r, aerospace
tion equip.
equip automotive
tion equip.
equip boats, ships
tion equip.
equip railroad
ors & retail
 Welding distributors
r trade
es (incl
(incl. welding shops)
 Misc. repair services
es (univ
(univ., libraries, schools)
 Educational Services
chitectural services (incl. assns.)
 Engineering & archit
vices (incl. commercial labs)
 Misc. business servic
 Government (federal, state, local)
heck ONE onl
Job Classification (C
 President, owner,, partner,r, officer
 Manager,r, director,r,, ssuperintendent (or assistant)
 Engineer welding
ngineer design
ngineer manufacturing
 Engineer other
 Architect designer
 Research & developmen
 Quality control
Inspec or,r, tester
 Supervisor,r, foreman
 Welder,r, welding
elding or ccutting operator
 Customer Service
Check all tha
Technical Interests (Check
that apply)
 Ferrous metals
ous metals except
 Advanced materials/In
 High energy
gy beam processes
 Arc welding
azing and soldering
 Resistance welding
 Thermal spray
 Safety and health
ending and shearing
 Roll forming
tamping and punching
 Piping and tubing
essels and tanks
 Pressure vessels
 Sheet metal
 Computerization of Welding


Attendees are shown at the Central Mass./R.I. Section vendors night.

Scott Bengtson (right) receives his Silver

Member Certificate from Tom Ferri, Dist. 1
director, as a Boston Section presentation.

District 1

Thomas Ferri, director

(508) 527-1884

Activity: Tom Ferri, Dist. 1 director, presented Scott Bengtson his Silver Member
Certificate Award for 25 years of service
to the Society.

Activity: The Section hosted its fifth annual vendors night event at Greater New
Bedford Vo-Tech in New Bedford, Mass.

Shown at the Green & White Mts. tour are from left (front row) Justin Doty and Juan Contreras, (second row) Joshua Martin, Paul Martell, William Lima, Alex Fuller, Edgar Moldonado, Maduwa Hakazimana, Billy Drummond, Nyvek St. James, and Savannah Ford, (back
row) Jim Blanchard, David Rumph, Nathan Tracanna, Erica Flett, Jesse Lund, Jared
Rodgers, Darrell Brown, Cory Wilson, Justin Dodge, Chad Laundry, and Kyle Freeman.

Speaker: Albert Moore, Senior CWI
Affiliation: Marion Testing & Inspection
Topic: Field repair of a 63-ton steel casting
Activity: This was a joint meeting with the
local ASM International chapter, headed
by Chair Sam Christy.


Activity: The Section toured Northlands
Job Corps in Vergenes, Vt. Jim Blanchard,
welding instructor and CWI/CWE, conducted the program. Geoff Putnam spoke
to the students about the Section and the
American Welding Society.

Speaker Albert Moore (right) is shown at the

Connecticut Section program with Sam
Christy, ASM International chapter chair.


Maine Section members are shown at their vendors night event.

Parkside High School Student Chapter SkillsUSA contenders are from left (kneeling) Travis
Patten and Nick Parrish, and (standing) Daniel Churchill, Ryan Bell, Brandon West, Jacob
Doll, judge Chris Thompson, Daniel Filippelli, Advisor Biazzio Giordano, and Ty Hagel.

Erica Flett and Savannah Ford are shown

at the Green & White Mts. Section tour.

Shown at the Parkside CTE Student Chapter food drive are (from left) Jacob Doll, Treasurer Richard Mullins, Co-Chair Daniel Filippelli, and Advisor Biazzio Giordano Jr.

Geoff Putnam talks to students during the

Green & White Mts. Section tour of Northlands Job Corps.

Activity: The Section held its annual vendors night program at Southern Maine
Community College hosted by Mark
Legal, welding department head instructor. The companies making presentations
included Airgas, Thermadyne, Lincoln
Electric, ESAB, and Matheson Gases.

District 2

Harland W. Thompson, director

(631) 546-2903d

Parkside CTE
Student Chapter
Activity: Advisor Biazzio Giordano Jr. or-


APRIL 2014

ganized a SkillsUSA welding contest at the

high school. Judge Chris Thompson
ranked Jacob Doll, Ryan Bell, and Brandon West as the top-three welders who will
compete in the state contest. The firstplace team included Daniel Churchill,
Daniel Filippelli, and Ty Hagel. The Chapter held a canned-food drive for the needy
that yielded 240 items, and announced
plans to conduct a Boy Scout merit badge
training workshop at the school.

Activity: South Jersey Welding Supply
hosted this event featuring demonstrations
of the latest technology in welding equipment by Charles Minnick, training director for the Miller Welding Technology
Center, who display a hobbyist model machine, and Tim Stout, a Miller district manager, who detailed a heavier-duty portable
welding machine. Attendees included
welding students from Camden County
College, and Jessica Mendoza who signed
the presentations for the hearing-impaired
attendees. Welding student Bart
Przeomiec won the door prize.

Shown at the Atlanta Section event are (from left) Ryan Blythe, Chair David Ennis, Zach
Myers, Sylvia Imm, Ankur Gupta, Tim Imm,and Garrett Nesmith.

District 3

Michael Wiswesser, director

(610) 820-9551

District 4

Stewart A. Harris, director

(919) 824-0520

Activity: The Section held a program on
welding titanium highlighted by a live teleconference feed from the Miller Electric
TIG Welding Unit in Appleton, Wis. The
presenters included District Manager Paul
Cseko, Regional Sales Manager Keith
Rzucidlo, and Representatives Mark
Kadlec, and Devan DePauw.

Signer Jessica Mendoza and Storm Bush, a

welding technology student, pose at the
Philadelphia Section program.

Presenter Charles Minnick is shown at the

Philadelphia Section event.

District 5
Carl Matricardi, director
(770) 979-6344

Activity: Hope Peterson, Go Build communications manager, and Ryan Blythe of
Georgia Trade School, hosted this program at the school in Kennesaw, Ga. Peterson discussed the Go Build Georgia
program. Zach Myers, Kimberly
Clark/Jackson Safety Co., discussed corporate sponsorship for training and welding school programs.


Speakers: CWIs Ray Monson, Albert Carr
Affiliation: Bureau Veritas North America, Inc.
Topic: Failures of traffic signal support
Activity: The program was held at
Spaghetti Warehouse in Tampa, Fla.

Shown at the Florida West Coast Section program are (from left) Chair Charles Crumpton
III, Dist. 5 Director Carl Matricardi, and presenters Ray Monson and Albert Carr.


Speaker: Joseph Mahoney, professor
Affiliation: Santa Fe College
Topic: Applying for welding scholarships
Activity: District Director Certificate
Awards were presented to Chair Jennifer
Skyles and Secretary Bill Myers. The Section and District Meritorious Awards were
presented to Vice Chair Howard Record.
Welding Engineer Greg Hofmann received
the Private Sector Instructor Award. Josh
Esposito received the Section and District
Public Sector Instructor Awards. Curtis
Warren received the Section and District
CWI of the Year Awards.

Atlanta Section Chair David Ennis is shown

with Hope Peterson.


Pittsburgh Section members pose at the February program.

Holston Valley Section members are shown during their RCAM tour November 12.

The Holston Valley Section members are shown at the Omar Awning Co. in December.

Shown (from left) are South Carolina Section Chair Gale Mole, presenter Robert Harrison, and Ben Magrone, vice chair.

APRIL 2014

Speaker Elaine West is shown with Dave

Parker, Northern New York Section secretary/treasurer, at the February program.

Speaker Bob Stachel (right) is shown with

John Menhart, Pittsburgh Section chair.

Nashville Section members are (from left) Daniel Stinson, Elizabeth Surface, Bob Williams, Don Yarbrourgh, Robert ONeal, Chris Ennis,
speaker Dusty Moore, Jerry Burke, Ronnie McCrary, Jonathan McDonald, Matt Montoya, and Michael Piercey.



Activity: The Section visited Alpha Sheet
Metal Works in Ladson, S.C. Robert Harrison, welding foreman, conducted the

Speaker: Bob Stachel, executive VP
Affiliation: HRV Conformance Verification Associates
Topic: Construction of the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in New York
Activity: The program was held at Springfield Grill in Seven Fields, Pa.

District 6
Kenneth Phy, director
(315) 218-5297


Speaker: Elaine West, materials engineer
Affiliation: Knolls Atomic Power Lab
Topic: Advanced studies on stress corrosion cracking in stainless steels
Activity: Section members joined members of the local chapters of ASM International and ASNT at Shaker Ridge Country Club in Latham, N.Y.

District 7

Uwe Aschemeier, director

(786) 473-9540

Speaker: Ted Amlin, senior engineer
Affiliation: Parker Hannifin Corp.
Topic: High-pressure pipe couplings for
subsea environments
Activity: The program was held at Parker
Hannifin Corp. in Columbus, Ohio.
Speaker: Gary Katz, assoc. research fellow
Affiliation: Abbott Nutrition
Topic: Innovation! From Idea to Store
Activity: The meeting was hosted by Abbott Nutrition in Columbus, Ohio.

District 8

D. Joshua Burgess, director

(931) 260-7039

Speaker: Gale F. Audier, wealth manager
Affiliation: Cartwright Hitching & Frazier
Topic: Financial advice for home-buying
and retirement planning
Activity: The program was held at Public
House in Chattanooga, Tenn.

Gale Audier detailed wealth-management

options at the Chattanooga Section event.

Activity: The Section members visited the
Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing (RCAM) in Kingsport, Tenn. Welding Instructors Jeff Frasier and Jon Cookson led the tour of the welder training facilities that include virtual arc welding
training equipment. The dinner was held
at Mamas House Restaurant.
Activity: The Holston Valley Section
toured Omar Awning Co., in Johnson City,
Tenn., to study its aluminum welding and
fabrication facilities. Hosting the event
were Manager Bo Bennett and Welding
Specialist Tim Taylor. The dinner was held
at Harbor House Restaurant.


Jackie and Delbert Butler are shown at the

Chattanooga Section program.
Speaker: Dusty Moore, regional sales representative
Affiliation: Olympus NDT
Topic: Phased array ultrasonic testing of
Activity: The talk was followed by demonstrations of ultrasonic equipment and testing methods. The event was held at World
Testing, Inc., in Nashville, Tenn.


Mobile Section Secretary Brenda Amos displays the Sections banner at the January program.

Shown at the New Orleans Section sponsor-appreciation award presentation are (from left)
Dist. 9 Director George Fairbanks, Chair Aldo Duron, and ESAB representatives Tyler Vial,
speaker Jay Grinder, Kevin Meibaum, and Alyssa Templeton.

Shown (from left) are New Orleans Section

Chair Aldo Duron, Paul Hebert, and George
Fairbanks, Dist. 9 director.
southeast regional training specialist for
The Lincoln Electric Co. Attendees had a
chance to work with the equipment. The
event was held at WESCO Gas & Welding Supply, Inc., in Mobile, Ala.
Speaker: Bill Pharmer, manager, Advanced Welding and Automation Team
Affiliation: Airgas
Topic: Welding shielding gases
Activity: This Mobile Section program was
held at The Original Oyster House in
Spanish Fort, Ala.

Shown at the Northwestern Pennsylvania Section program are (from left) Treasurer Marty
Siddall, speaker Wyatt Swaim, Chair Tom Kostreba, Secretary Don Adams, and Donna
Bastian, vice chair.

District 9

George Fairbanks Jr., director

(225) 473-6362


Speaker Bill Pharmer (right) is shown with

Michael Zoghby Jr., Mobile Section chair.

APRIL 2014

Speaker: Ryan ODell, district manager
Affiliation: Miller Electric
Topic: Semiautomatic pipe welding
Activity: Following the talk, ODell
demonstrated various pipe welding techniques assisted by Branden Muehlbrandt,

Speaker: Jay Grinder, applications engineer
Affiliation: ESAB Welding & Cutting
Topic: Flux core wire welding
Activity: ESAB sponsored this meeting at
the Landmark Hotel in Metairie, La., for
74 attendees. George Fairbanks, Dist. 9
director, and Chair Aldo Duron presented
Paul Hebert the District Director Award.
The Section Sponsor Award was presented
to ESAB representatives Tyler Vial, Jay
Grinder, Kevin Meibaum, and Alyssa Templeton. Brant Zeller discussed the Sections 16th annual fishing rodeo to be held
May 3 at C&M Marina in Laffite, La.

Detroit Section patrons are shown who made generous donations to the Sections scholarship fund during the past year.

Blackhawk Technical College Student Chapter members and Edgerton High School students pose with Welding Instructor Joe Mink (left)
and Dan Crifase, Student Chapter advisor.

District 10

Robert E. Brenner, director

(330) 484-3650

Activity: The Section discussed starting a
Student Chapter at Venango Technology
Center and plans for hosting the District
10 annual conference in Franklin, Pa.

Speaker: Wyatt Swaim, a.k.a., Mr. TIG
Affiliation: and
Topic: Motorsports welding and metallurgy
Activity: The meeting was held at Millcreek Mall in Erie, Pa.

District 11
Robert P. Wilcox, director
(734) 721-8272

Activity: The Section members toured the
Schuler, Inc., facility in Canton, Mich., to

Milwaukee Section members participated in a trivia contest. Shown from left are (standing)
Milan Blagojevick, Tyler Willingham, Nicholas Black, Thomas Johnson, Dan Galligan,
Jennifer Hildebrandt, Tim Keller, Jim Johannsen III, and (front) black-belt winners Kenneth Thomas and Scott Whitman.
study its hot stamping and hydroforming
operations. The presenters included
Daniel Hille, sales and product manager;
Jonathan Ball, sales manager; and Robert
Rich, vice president. The business meeting recognized the Sections patrons who
have donated more than $8500 to its scholarship fund during the fiscal year. The Section announced it has awarded more than
$37,000 in scholarships this year. The Section recognized ten of this years patrons
for their donations to the scholarship fund,
which total more than $8500.

District 12

Daniel J. Roland, director

(715) 735-9341, ext. 6421

Blackhawk T. C.
Student Chapter
Activity: Advisor Dan Crifase and Chapter members presented Edgerton High
School four welding positioner tables they


Chicago Section members and guests are shown at the January meeting.

Student Conner Mitchener (left) gets some

professional know-how from Bennie Flynn,
Indiana Section chair, at the Ivy Tech College open house.
built for its recently renovated welding lab.
Receiving the tables were Welding Instructor Joe Mink and Principal Mark Coombs.
The high school students helped design
the nozzle/gun holders for the tables. The
Student Chapter is affiliated with the
Madison-Beloit Section.

Boy Scouts are shown at the Indiana Sections welding merit badge training program.

Activity: The Section held its second annual trivia night competition at AMF West
Lanes in Milwaukee, Wis. Six teams were
challenged to answer welding-related
questions on safety, nondestructive evaluation, and metallurgy. The participants included Milan Blagojevick, Tyler Willingham, Nicholas Black, Thomas Johnson,
Dan Galligan, Jennifer Hildebrandt, Tim
Keller, Jim Johannsen III, Kenneth
Thomas, and Scott Whitman.

Winners in the regional SkillsUSA welding contest hosted by the Indiana Section are (from
left) Samuel Humphrey, Michael Demiechili, Justin Hildrich, Jeffrey Sikes, and Austen Riley.

District 13
John Willard, director
(815) 954-4838

Activity: The Section board members met
at Krapils in Worth, Ill., for a business
meeting. Attending were Cliff and Anghelina Iftimie, Marty and Rita Vondra, Bob
Zimny, Kim Tichelar, Erik Purkey, Vicky
Landorf, Craig Tichelar, and Jeff

Jeff Szymik demonstrated soldering techniques for Louisville Section members.


APRIL 2014

Speaker Jerry Haas (left) is shown with Vick

Shorkey, St. Louis Section chair.

Activity: The Section held its St. Valentine
dinner at Coopers Hawk Winery &
Restaurant in Burr Ridge, Ill., for 40 attendees.

St. Louis Section members and guests had a good time touring Jerry Haas Race Cars, Inc.

Attendees at the Kansas City Section panel discussion posed for a group shot.

District 14

Robert L. Richwine, director

(765) 606-7970

Activity: The Section conducted the Indianapolis SkillsUSA regional welding contest. Serving as judges were Section Chair
Bennie Flynn, Gary Tucker, Gary Dugger,
Dist. 14 Director Bob Richwine, AWS Past
President Richard Alley, Dave Jackson,
Kyle Hutchison, and Tony Brosio. Five student welders qualified to compete in the
state contest: Samuel Humphrey, Michael
Demiechili, Justin Hildrich, Jeffrey Sikes,
and Austen Riley.
Activity: The Indiana Section hosted a Boy
Scout welding merit badge training program, organized by Past AWS President
Dick Alley, for scouts in Troop 133. Assisting with the training and hands-on welding were troop leaders Dennis Wilmer,
Bob Zetzi, and Andrew Kutschera. Alleys
grandson, Ricky Alley, was among the
scouts who earned his merit badge. The
event was held at the J. Everett Light Career Center in Indianapolis, Ind.

Ivy Tech C. C.
Student Chapter
Activity: The Student Chapter, led by Advisor Bob Richwine, Dist. 14 director, and
the Indiana Section hosted an open house
at the college in Anderson, Ind. The students demonstrated a virtual arc welding

Shown at the Kansas City Section panel discussion are (from left) Chair Grant Von Lunen,
panelists Dick Blaisdell, Joseph Vincent, Sam Newhouse, and Bob Worthington, and Past
Chair Jason Miles.
training system, blacksmithing techniques,
and various welding and metal-cutting
processes. About 150 people participated
in the event that also featured $3000 in
door prizes and refreshments.

District 15
David Lynnes, director
(701) 365-0606

Activity: The Section held a technical
meeting to discuss and practice brazing
and soldering copper, brass, stainless steel,
and aluminum parts. Jeff Szymik, district
sales manager for The Harris Products
Group, led the discussions and assisted
members with hands-on exercises joining
these metals. The program was held at
Kentucky Jefferson County Technical College in Louisville, Ky.

Activity: The Section members visited
Jerry Haas Race Cars, Inc., in Fenton, Mo.,
to tour the facility. Jerry Haas gave a presentation, then conducted the tour.

District 16
Dennis Wright, director
(913) 782-0635

Activity: Professional Engineers Bob Worthington and Dick Blaisdell, and CWIs
Sam Newhouse and Joseph Vincent
formed a panel to answer a wide range of
questions from the attendees concerning
weld joint dimensions, WPS preparation,
postweld heat treatment, shielding gases,
heat-affected zones, welding chrome-moly
and stainless steels, and other topics. The
event was held at Metropolitan C. C. in
Kansas City, Mo.


Shown at the East Texas Section program are (from left) Director-at-Large J. Jones, Dirk
Hughs, and Bryan Baker, Section chair.

Oklahoma City Section first-place bowling team members are (from left) Mike Carothers,
William Destea, Michael Wellner, and Marvin Gowdy.

Patrick Fagerquist (left) is shown with J.

Jones, AWS director-at-large, at the East
Texas Section event.

Roger Hobrock is shown with speaker Amy

Milligan at the Oklahoma City Section program in February.

Shown at the Oklahoma City Section February program are (from left) Ronnie Dose, Chair Cary Reeves, Juan Varragan, Tony Massey,
Keith Dennis, speaker Amy Milligan, Wesley Mann, Toby McEntire, and Roger Hobrock.

District 17

Jerry Knapp, director

(918) 224-6455


Posed at the Tulsa Section program are (from left) Dist. 17 Director Jerry Knapp, Chair
Paul Wittenbach, speaker J. Jones, and Secretary Charles Griffin.

APRIL 2014

Speaker: Charles Prause, welding instructor
Affiliation: Bosqueville High School
Topic: Training welding students for jobs
in the agriculture industry
Activity: Dist. 17 Director J. Jones presented Charles Prause the Educator of the
Year Award. The program was held at the
school in Bosqueville, Tex.

Olympic Section members and college students are shown at the January program.

Activity: Dist. 17 Director J. Jones presented the District Director Award to Red
Ball Oxygen for its support and facilitating the CWI seminar and exams. The
award was accepted by Steve Dowings at
Red Ball Oxygen in Shreveport, La.
Activity: The Section members toured Capacity of Texas, Inc., in Longview, Tex., a
supplier of tractor equipment and parts.
Director at Large J. Jones presented the
District Director Certificate Award to
Patrick Fagerquist, vice president of sales,
Harris Products. Jones presented a District Director Award to Luminant Academy for introducing welding courses into
its programs The award was received by
Dr. Dirk Hughs, academy director.

Activity: The Section hosted its annual
bowling tournament at Penn 44 Lanes in
Oklahoma City, Okla. The first-place team
members, representing W&W Steel, were
Mike Carothers, William Destea, Michael
Wellner, and Marvin Gowdy. Dan Andrews
had the highest score.
Speaker: Amy Milligan, manager, Southern distribution
Affiliation: Chart, Inc.
Topic: Cryogenics and liquid cylinders
Activity: Toby McIntire received the Oklahoma City Section Meritorious Award.

Speaker: J. Jones, AWS director-at-large
Affiliation: The Harris Products Group,
district manager
Topic: Oxyfuel safety
Activity: The program was held at Oklahoma Technical College in Tulsa, Okla.,
for 46 attendees.

Attending the Houston Section students night program are (from left) presenter Barney
Burks, AWS Vice President John Bray, AWS President Dean Wilson, AWS Director at-Large
J. Jones, and presenter Grant Peltier.

District 18

John Stoll, director

(713) 724-2350

Activity: More than 250 people attended
the Sections annual students night program. AWS President Dean Wilson presented a slide show and Barney Burks and
Grant Peltier discussed the gas tungsten
arc welding (GTAW) process then led
hands-on demonstrations of various
GTAW torches. Welding student Ashton
Sarger was cited for earning first place in
the Texas SkillsUSA postsecondary welding contest and second place in the National SkillsUSA postsecondary contest.
John Bray, AWS vice president, and J.
Jones, AWS director-at-large, attended
the program.

District 19

Ken Johnson, director

(425) 957-3553

Speaker: John Cale
Affiliation: Clover Park Technical College

Speaker John Cale (left) is shown with Sjon

Delmore, Olympic Section chair.

Arthur Schnitzer (left) and Josh Anderson

represented the Puget Sound Section at the
Engineering Council Fair in February.
Topic: Nondestructive testing
Activity: More than 30 members and students attended the program, held at South
Puget Sound Community College in
Olympia, Wash.


Top photo: The Arizona Western College Institute of Welding Technology Student Chapter members and Boy Scouts pose at the February
welding merit badge clinic event. Bottom photo: Shown are Chapter members and others who participated in the October Welders Without
Borders Welding Thunder Team Fabrication Competition.

Shown at the CSMSC event are (from left)

Prof. Stephen Liu, advisor; CWI Brian
McGlynn; Dr. Zhenzhen Yu; and presenter
Ed Bohnart, an AWS past president.

Attendees are shown at the Idaho-Montana Section-sponsored seminar.

Shown at the CSMSC seminar are (from left) Prof. John Steele, Zhifen Wang, Prof. David Olson, Prof. Zhenzhen Yu, Nathan Switzner, presenter Prof. YuMing Zhang, Stephen Tate, Advisor Prof. Stephen Liu, Devon Gonzales, Erik Pfeif, Cheryl Hawk, and Ali AlShawaf.

APRIL 2014

Arizona Western College Institute of Welding Technology personnel manned an information booth at the January event.

Shown at the L.A./Inland Empire Section program are (from left) Paul May, Nabil Butris,
Tim Chubbs, Ladon Gilbert, and Chair George Rolla.

Denis Clark conducted the safety seminar

for the Idaho-Montana Section members.

Activity: The Section members toured the
T-Baily, Inc., heavy construction plant in
Anacortes, Wash. On the following Saturday, Arthur Schnitzer and Josh Anderson
represented the Section at the Annual
Puget Sound Engineering Council Fair.

District 20

Pierrette H. Gorman, director

(505) 284-9644

Colorado School of Mines

Student Chapter (CSMSC)
Speaker: YuMing Zhang, professor
Affiliation: University of Kentucky
Topic: Seminar on sensing and control of
arc weld pool surface.
Activity: The Chapter hosted a recertification class for 26 AWS Certified Welding
Inspectors attending for their nine-year re-

Shown at the San Francisco Section program are (from left) Mike Zinser, Dist. 22 Director
Kerry Shatell, and presenters Doug Williams and Galen Jaeger.

certifications. Ed Bohnart, an AWS past

president, taught the class. The event concluded with a tour of the schools Welding,
Joining, and Coatings Research Lab followed by a Q&A session with Advisor
Stephen Liu.

Speaker: Denis Clark, CWI, and chair,
AWS Safety and Health Committee
Affiliation: DEClark Engineering
Topic: Manganese exposure limits
Activity: Forty-two people attended this
seminar that provided 1.5 professional development hours. The class detailed the

Speaker Ed Savage (left) is shown with Tom

Erichsen, chair, Santa Clara Valley Section.


recent changes in the ACGIH manganese

exposure limits and global harmonization
system that revamps the MSDS system.

District 21

Nanette Samanich, director

(702) 429-5017

AWCIWT Student Chapter

OCTOBER 25, 26
Activity: The Arizona Western College Institute of Welding Technology Student
Chapter members competed at the second
annual Welders Without Borders Welding
Thunder Team Fabrication Competition
hosted by Mingus High School in Cottonwood, Ariz. Presenters included Nanette
Samanich, Dist. 21 director; Arizona Section Chair Brent Boling; and San Diego
Section Chair Sam Lindsey.
Activity: Larry Lebsock, director of the
Arizona Western College Institute of
Welding Technologys Early College Experience, organized an event for local middle and high school students to learn about

college courses and careers in welding

technology. The AWS Student Chapter
and the college SkillsUSA Student Chapter, both led by Advisors Samuel Colton
and Larry Lebsock, manned a booth at the
event, distributed literature, and answered
questions for the attendees.
Activity: The Arizona Western College Institute of Welding Technology Student
Chapter sponsored a Boy Scouts welding
merit badge clinic. Assisting with the training were Advisor Samuel Colton Sr.,
Samuel Colton Jr., Jeremy Spencer, Larry
Lebsock, Gonzalo Huerta Sr., and Gonzalo Huerta Jr.

Activity: The Section hoste a panel discussion about the Certified Welding Inspector exam and requirements. Panel members included Paul R. May Jr. from Orange County Testing, and Nabil Butris,
Tim Chubbs, Ladon Gilbert, and Chair
George Rolla. Members of the local ASNT
chapter participated in this program, held
at Maggies Pub in Santa Fe Springs, Calif.

Speaker: Doug Williams, P.E.
Topic: Structural steel bolting
Activity: The meeting, held at Spengers
Restaurant in Berkeley, Calif., attracted
79 attendees. Included was a demonstration of a Skidmore-Wilhelm tensioning device presented by Williams and Galen
Jaeger of California Erectors, Inc.

District 22
Kerry E. Shatell, director
(925) 866-5434


Speaker: Ed Savage, manufacturing engineer, Marine Systems
Affiliation: Northrop Grumman Corp.
Topic: Friction stir welding
Activity: The meeting was held at Harrys
Hoffbrau in San Jose, Calif.

Candidates Sought for Welding-Related Awards

The deadline for nominating candidates for the following awards is December 31 prior to the year of the awards presentations. Contact
Wendy Sue Reeve,; (800/305) 443-9353, ext. 293.
William Irrgang Memorial Award
This award is given to the individual who has done the most
over the past five years to enhance the Societys goal of advancing the science and technology of welding. It includes a $2500
honorarium and a certificate.
Honorary Membership Award
This award acknowledges eminence in the welding profession,
or one who is credited with exceptional accomplishments in the
development of the welding art. Honorary Members have full
rights of membership.
Nat. Meritorious Certificate Award
This award recognizes the recipients counsel, loyalty, and
dedication to AWS affairs, assistance in promoting cordial rela-


APRIL 2014

tions with industry and other organizations, and for contributions of time and effort on behalf of the Society.
George E. Willis Award
This award is given to an individual who promoted the advancement of welding internationally by fostering cooperative participation in technology transfer, standards rationalization, and promotion of industrial goodwill. It includes a
$2500 honorarium.
International Meritorious Certificate Award
This honor recognizes recipients significant contributions to
the welding industry for service to the international welding community in the broadest terms. The award consists of a certificate
and a one-year AWS membership.

New AWS Supporters

GMS Metal Works, Inc.
1427 20th St. NW, Auburn, WA 98001
Representative: Rayetta Dolezal
Iraqi Elite Co.
Matalqa Center, Bldg. No. 10,
Abdul Hameed Shoman St.
Shmeisani Amman 941492, Jordan
Representative: Mudhafar Swadi Tayyeh
Iraqi Elite Group is a leading engineering, procurement, and construction group
of companies engaged in building oil refineries, residential properties, road projects, water and waste-processing plants, and
power-generation facilities.
2701 N. Dettman Rd., Jackson MI 49201
Representative: Jeremiah M. Blackburn
Tenneco is a $7.4 billion manufacturing
company with 25,000 employees woldwide.
It designs, manufactures, and markets
clean-air and ride-performance products
and systems for automotive and commercial vehicle OEM and aftermarkets.

Clark Machine Corp.
1000 Todds Ln.
Baltimore, MD 21237
Collins & Jewell Co.
43 Wisconsin Ave.
Norwich, CT 06365
1955 W. Oak Cir.
Marietta, GA 30062
Heartland Industrial Group
1003 Central Ave.
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
High Country Sales & Trading, Inc.
4950 S. Yosemite St., F2 #305
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Hoff Mechanical, Inc.
2945 Tioga River Rd.
Lawrenceville, PA 16929
JCF Bridge & Concrete
1300B E. Gatlin Creek
Driftwood, TX 78619
MBA Industrial Trade & Consulting
PO Box 873
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Nippon Sharyo USA, Inc.
2340 S. Arlington Heights Rd., #605
Arlington Heights, IL 60005

D/F Machine Specialties, Inc.
1750 Howard Dr.
North Mankato, MN 56003
Duomo Euroservices
Poligono Ind. El Llano,
Ave. Del Progreso, 7, Parcela No. 2
Villarrubia Santiago
Toledo 45360, Spain
Trinity Shoring Products, Inc.
594 Mendon Rd.
Union City, MI 49094
Zagros Tatbigh Kala Engineering &
Technical Inspection Co.
No. 266 above Sarmayeh Bank and Day
Bank, Ayatollah Kashani St.,
Tehran 11369, Iran

Ron Wagner Welding

PO Box 248
Arkansas City, KS 67005
Specialty Construction
270 Eisenhower Ln. N., Ste. 6
Lombard, IL 60148
Steelhead Metal & Fab, LLC
PO Box 3850
Salem, OR 97302
Metal Fab Products
715 W. 81 St.
Odessa, TX 7976
Innovative Inspection Training
1204 W. Gardena Blvd., Ste. B
Gardena, CA 90247

Concordia Junior/
Senior High School
436 W. 10th St.
Concordia, KS 66901
Duncanville High School
900 W. Camp Wisdom
Duncanville, TX 75116
Knight Technical Institute
2900 Colmer Rd.
Moss Point, MS 39562
Mid-Michigan C. C.
1375 S. Clare Av.
Harrison, MI 48625
Midwest Technical Institute
554 Pitt Rd.
Brownsburg, IN 46112
Northshore Technical C. C.
Florida Parishes Campus
PO Box 1300, Greensburg, LA 70441
Hammond Campus
111 Pride Dr., Hammond, LA 70401
Sullivan Main Campus
1710 Sullivan Dr., Bogalusa, LA 70427
Olney Central College
305 N. West St.
Olney, IL 62450
Palmetto Academy for
Learning Motorsports
136 Rodeo Dr.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
Surry C. C.
630 S. Main St.
Dobson, NC 27017
Tarrant County College District
South Campus
5301 Campus Dr.
Fort Worth, TX 76119
Waelder Independent
School District
201 Hwy. 90 W.
Waelder, TX 78959
Winnsboro High School
409 Newsome St.
Winnsboro, TX 75494



Guide to AWS Services

American Welding Society
8669 NW 36th St., #130, Miami, FL 33166-6672
T: (800/305) 443-9353; F: (305) 443-7559
Staff phone extensions are shown in parentheses.



Dean R. Wilson
Welldean Enterprises
151 Oak Tree Circle
Glendora, CA 91741

Managing Director, Global Exposition Sales

Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(297)
Corporate Director, International Sales
Jeff P. . . . . . . .(233)
Oversees international business activities involving
certification, publication, and membership.

Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(340)

Managing Director
Technical Services Development & Systems
Andrew R. Davis.. . . . . . . .(466)
International Standards Activities, American Council of the International Institute of Welding (IIW)


Director, Operations
Annette Alonso.. . . . . . . .(299)
Technical Activities Committee

Executive Director
Ray W. Shook.. . . . . . . . . . .(210)
Sr. Associate Executive Director
Cassie R. Burrell.. . . . . . .(253)

Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(275)

Managing Director
Andrew Cullison.. . . . . . .(249)

Chief Financial Officer

Gesana Villegas.. . . . . . .(252)

Welding Journal
Andrew Cullison.. . . . . . .(249)

Chief Technology Officer

Dennis . . . . . . . . .(213)

Mary Ruth Johnsen.. . .(238)

Executive Assistant for Board Services

Gricelda Manalich.. . . . . .(294)

National Sales Director

Rob Saltzstein.. . . . . . . . . . . .(243)

Administrative Services

Society and News Editor

Howard . .(244)

Managing Director
Jim Lankford.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(214)
Hidail . . . . . . . . . . . .(287)

Welding Handbook
Annette OBrien.. . . . . . . .(303)

Director of IT Operations
Natalia . . . . . . . . . .(245)


Human Resources

Lorena Cora.. . . . . . . . . . . . .(417)

Director, Compensation and Benefits

Luisa Hernandez.. . . . . . . . . .(266)
Director, Human Resources
Dora A. Shade.. . . . . . . . . .(235)

International Institute of Welding

Senior Coordinator
Sissibeth Lopez . . . . . . . . . . .(319)
Liaison services with other national and international
societies and standards organizations.

Public Relations Manager

Cindy . . . . . . . . . . . .(416)
Jose . . . . . . . . .(456)
Section Web Editor
Henry . . . . . . . . .(452)

Hugh K. Webster . . . . . . . .
Webster, Chamberlain & Bean, Washington, D.C.,
(202) 785-9500; FAX (202) 835-0243. Monitors federal issues of importance to the industry.


Director, Convention and Meeting Services
Matthew . . . . . . .(239)

ITSA International Thermal

Spray Association
Senior Manager and Editor
Kathy . . .(232)

RWMA Resistance Welding

Manufacturing Alliance
Management Specialist
Keila . . . .(444)

WEMCO Association of
Welding Manufacturers
Management Specialist
Keila . . . .(444)

Brazing and Soldering

Manufacturers Committee
Stephen . . . . . .(334)

GAWDA Gases and Welding

Distributors Association
Executive Director
John Ospina.. . . . . . . . . . .(462)
Operations Manager
Natasha Alexis.. . . . . . . . . .(401)


APRIL 2014

Associate Director, Operations

Alex L. Diaz.... . . . . . . . . . . . .(304)
Welding Qualification, Sheet Metal Welding, Aircraft and Aerospace, Joining of Metals and Alloys
Manager, Safety and Health
Stephen P. Hedrick.. . . . . . .(305)
Metric Practice, Safety and Health, Joining of Plastics and Composites, Personnel and Facilities Qualification, Mechanical Testing of Welds
Program Managers II
Stephen Borrero... . . . . .(334)
Brazing and Soldering, Brazing Filler Metals and
Fluxes, Brazing Handbook, Soldering Handbook,
Definitions and Symbols, Structural Subcommittees on Bridge Welding, Stainless Steel, and Reinforcing Steel
Rakesh Gupta.. . . . . . . . . . .(301)
Filler Metals and Allied Materials, International
Filler Metals, UNS Numbers Assignment, Arc
Welding and Cutting Processes, Computerization
of Welding Information
Brian McGrath .... . . . . .(311)
Structural Welding, Welding in Marine Construction, Piping and Tubing
Program Managers
Efram Abrams.. . . . . . . . .(307)
Automotive, Resistance Welding, Machinery and
Equipment, Methods of Inspection

Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(480)

Sr. Associate Executive Director
Cassie R. Burrell.. . . . . . .(253)

Chelsea Lewis.. . . . . . . . . . .(306)

Friction Welding, Oxyfuel Gas Welding and Cutting, High-Energy Beam Welding, Robotics Welding, Welding in Sanitary Applications

Rhenda A. Kenny... . . . . . .(260)
Serves as a liaison between members and AWS headquarters.

Jennifer Rosario.. . . . . . .(308)

Railroad Welding, Thermal Spraying, Welding Iron
Castings, Welding Qualification

Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(273)
Managing Director
John L. Gayler.. . . . . . . . . . .(472)
Oversees all certification activities including all international certification programs.
Director, Certification Operations
Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . .(470)
Oversees application processing, renewals, and exam
Director, Accreditation Programs
Linda . . . . . . .(298)
Oversees the development of new certification programs, as well as AWS-Accredited Test Facilities, and
AWS Certified Welding Fabricators.


Note: Official interpretations of AWS standards

may be obtained only by sending a request in writing to Andrew R. Davis, managing director, Technical Services, Oral opinions on
AWS standards may be rendered, however, oral
opinions do not constitute official or unofficial
opinions or interpretations of AWS. In addition,
oral opinions are informal and should not be used
as a substitute for an official interpretation.
General Information
(800/305) 443-9353, ext. 212,
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Gerald D. Uttrachi

Director, Operations
Martica Ventura.. . . . . . .(224)

Executive Director, Foundation

Sam Gentry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (331)

Director, Development and Systems

David Hernandez.. . . .(219)

Corporate Director, Workforce Development

Monica Pfarr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (461)


Senior Manager
Wendy S. Reeve.. . . . . . . . .(293)
Coordinates AWS awards and Fellow and Counselor nominations.

The AWS Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation

established to provide support for the educational
and scientific endeavors of the American Welding
Society. Promote the Foundations work with your financial support. For information, call Vicki Pinsky,
(800/305) 443-9353, ext. 212; e-mail

The future your future is on full display at FABTECH. From 1,400+ exhibits with end-to-end
solutions in metal forming, fabricating, welding and nishing, to the industrys leading education
and peer-to-peer networking, this is your opportunity to capitalize on the future.
The answers and know-how you need for the challenges of tomorrow can be found at FABTECH.
Visit for complete event details. REGISTER TODAY!

PMPA Elects President
John F. Sweet has been elected president of the Powder Metallurgy Parts Assn.
(PMPA) based in
Minneapolis, Minn.
Sweet is president of
FMS Corp., Powder
Metal Div., a familyowned business that
uses powder technology with low-alloy
steels, stainless steels,
brass, bronze, softmagnetic materials,
John Sweet
and exotic alloys to
manufacture gears, cams, keyways, and
other parts.

College for Creative

Studies Appoints Chair
Alexander Klatt has been named chair
of transportation design at the College for
Creative Studies, Detroit, Mich. Previously, Klatt was vice president of global
design at Fisker Automotive where he led
a team developing variations on the
Karma and Atlantic platforms of aluminum space frame hybrid electric cars.

MagneGas Hires Industrial

Gas Head
MagneGas Corp., Tampa, Fla., supplier of a technology that converts liquid
waste into hydrogen-based fuels, has
hired Terry Vernille to lead its Industrial
Gas Sales division. With more than 30
years experience in the industrial gas industry, Vernille previously worked for Air
Liquide, Praxair, and Matheson Gas in a
number of sales and welding engineering

Fronius Hires Two

Sales Managers

Justin Fort

Jasen Friedrich

Fronius USA, Portage, Ind., announced Jasen Friedrich has joined the
company as area sales manager for Illinois and the eastern-half of Iowa and Missouri. Justin Fort was hired as area sales
manager for Arkansas and Oklahoma.
Friedrich has been in the welding industry for more than 15 years, most recently
as branch manager for an independent
welding distributor. Fort has worked on
the distribution side of welding sales for
the past 12 years, most recently in the
Oklahoma area.

Rusty Franklin to Retire

from Sellstrom

J.Rusty Franklin

James R. Rusty
Franklin, an AWS
Counselor affiliated
with the Chicago
Section, has announced his intention to retire from
Sellstrom Mfg. Co.,
Schaumburg, Ill., at
the end of this year.
With the company for
28 years, Franklin

served many years as vice president of

sales and marketing. He also served as the
first chairman of WEMCO, an Association of Welding Equipment Manufacturers, and as an AWS director-at-large
(19992005). He served on a variety of
AWS committees including publications,
expositions, and marketing (PEMCO);
role and missions; intellectual property;
constitution and bylaws; and government
affairs. He received the National Meritorious Award in 2005, and was elected
AWS Counselor in 2009.

ASQ Designates CEO

ASQ, Milwaukee, Wis., has named
William Troy to succeed Paul Borawski
as CEO. Borawski plans to retire next
month after 27 years of service. Troy recently retired as a U.S. Army lieutenant
general where he served as director of the
Army staff at the Pentagon. In 2001, he
was a Senior Fellow at the Harvard University Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.

PFERD Appoints National

Sales Manager
PFERD, Inc., Leominster, Mass., has
Thompson national
technical sales manager. Thompson previously worked at
Amerigas Corp., and
most recently at Walter Surface Technologies as its international sales trainJohn Thompson
ing manager.

Flexovit USA Names

Sales Director
For info, go to

Flexovit USA,
Inc., Angola, N.Y.
has named Hendrik
H. Iliohan director of
sales and marketing,
responsible for accounts across the
Canada, and Mexico.
With the company
Hendrik Iliohan
since 1989, Iliohan
most recently served
as global sourcing manager.
continued on page 90


APRIL 2014



continued from page 88

Messe Essen Appoints

Senior VP
Messe Essen, Essen, Germany, has appointed Claus-Peter Regiani senior VP
for Business Div. I,
Reich who retired last
joining the company
in 1989, Regiani has
served in several
posts, and since 2010
as a fair director responsible
Schweissen & SchneiClaus-Peter Regiani
den, Security Essen,
and Metpack. Since
Dec. 1, he has served as provisional senior VP for Business Div. I.

Bunting Magnetics Adds

Sales Representatives
Bunting Magnetics, Newton, Kan., a
producer of precision magnetic products
for the automobile, plastics, food, and
electronics industries, has named Steve
Swaney industrial territory manager and
Mauricio Mendizabal food industry territory manager. Each will be responsible
for clients in Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, and the Dakotas.
Swaney previously handled inside sales
for the companys material-handling customers. Mendizabal has more than 15
years of sales experience in the domestic
and Latin American markets.

Laboratory Testing Fills

Key Posts

SME Names Women in

Manufacturing Awardees
Model 200 Positioner

Model 1200 Pipemate

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), Dearborn, Mich., has

named four of its board members, Sandra Bouckley, Edye Buchanan, Sue Shimoyama, and Elizabeth Kautzmann, to
receive Women in Manufacturing STEP
(science, technology, engineering, and
production) awards for demonstrating
excellence and leadership in their careers
that represent all levels of the manufacturing industry from the factory floor to
the executive suite. Bouckley is a VP of
operations at Eaton Corp. Buchanan is a
product manager at Fives North American Combustion, Inc. Shimoyama is VP
global sales at Rockwell Automation.
Kautzmann is program manager for
laser/fabrication at FANUC America.

Bill DeHaven

Joe Farrell

Bill DeHaven has joined Laboratory

Testing, Inc., Hatfield, Pa., as business development sales manager; and Joseph
Farrell has been hired to fill a recently
created inside sales position in the Customer Service/Sales Dept. Prior to joining the company, DeHaven worked 17
years for ArcelorMittal, most recently as
head of its sales and marketing team. Farrell previously served as a sales representative at Evraz North America in the Flat
Products Group selling hot-rolled carbonand alloy plate.
continued on page 117

For info, go to


APRIL 2014

For info, go to

This conference will help welding engineers and

others avoid mistakes and turn out high quality
products. Topics range from impact tests and how they
relate to potential weld cracking as well as the control of
moisture in welding consumables.
Earn PDHs toward your AWS recertification
when you attend this conference.

Impact Testing

Advanced Creep Strength Enhanced and Ferritic Steel

Designing Crack-Free Weld Procedures for High Strength Steels

Hydrogen Sulfide in Stainless Steels

The Control of Moisture in Welding Consumables

X-Ray Diffraction

Hydrogen Cracking

Titanium Alloy Welds

The Benefits of Preheating Weldments

Passivation & Other Post-Weld Cleaning

Crack-Free Welding of Nickel-Base Alloys

Root Pass Welding: May the Force(s) Be With You!

How to Avoid Cracking When Welding Aluminum Alloys

Register Early and Save

Visit or call (800) 443-9353 ext 234.

Friends and Colleagues:

The American Welding Society established the honor of Counselor to recognize individual
members for a career of distinguished organizational leadership that has enhanced the image and
impact of the welding industry. Election as a Counselor shall be based on an individuals career of
outstanding accomplishment.
To be eligible for appointment, an individual shall have demonstrated his or her leadership in the
welding industry by one or more of the following:
Leadership of or within an organization that has made a substantial contribution to the welding
industry. The individuals organization shall have shown an ongoing commitment to the industry, as
evidenced by support of participation of its employees in industry activities.
Leadership of or within an organization that has made a substantial contribution to training and
vocational education in the welding industry. The individuals organization shall have shown an
ongoing commitment to the industry, as evidenced by support of participation of its employee in
industry activities.
For specifics on the nomination requirements, please contact Wendy Sue Reeve at AWS
headquarters in Miami, or simply follow the instructions on the Counselor nomination form in this
issue of the Welding Journal. The deadline for submission is July 1, 2014. The committee looks
forward to receiving these nominations for 2015 consideration.

Lee Kvidahl
Chair, Counselor Selection Committee

Nomination of AWS Counselor



In 1999, the American Welding Society established the honor of Counselor to recognize individual members for a career of distinguished organizational leadership that has enhanced the
image and impact of the welding industry. Election as a Counselor shall be based on an
individuals career of outstanding accomplishment.
To be eligible for appointment, an individual shall have demonstrated his or her leadership in
the welding industry by one or more of the following:
welding industry. (The individuals organization shall have shown an ongoing
commitment to the industry, as evidenced by support of participation of its employees
in industry activities such as AWS, IIW, WRC, SkillsUSA, NEMA, NSRP SP7 or other
similar groups.)
and vocational education in the welding industry. (The individuals organization shall
have shown an ongoing commitment to the industry, as evidenced by support of partici
pation of its employees in industry activities such as AWS, IIW, WRC, SkillsUSA, NEMA,
NSRP SP7 or other similar groups.)
 %( &

Candidates for Counselor shall have at least 10 years of membership in AWS.

Each candidate for Counselor shall be nominated by at least five members of
the Society.
Nominations shall be submitted on the official form available from AWS
Nominations must be submitted to AWS headquarters no later than July 1
of the year prior to that in which the award is to be presented.
Nominations shall remain valid for three years.
All information on nominees will be held in strict confidence.
Candidates who have been elected as Fellows of AWS shall not be eligible for
election as Counselors. Candidates may not be nominated for both of these awards
at the same time.

 "(!%##("& #%&'#& '

Maximum of 10 Counselors selected each year.
Return completed Counselor nomination package to:
Wendy S. Reeve
American Welding Society
Senior Manager
Award Programs and Administrative Support
8669 Doral Blvd., #130
Miami, FL 33166
Telephone: 800-443-9353, extension 293


(please type or print in black ink)

DATE_________________NAME OF CANDIDATE________________________________________________________________________
AWS MEMBER NO.___________________________YEARS OF AWS MEMBERSHIP____________________________________________
HOME ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY_______________________________________________STATE________ZIP CODE__________PHONE________________________
PRESENT COMPANY/INSTITUTION AFFILIATION_______________________________________________________________________
BUSINESS ADDRESS________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY______________________________________________STATE________ZIP CODE__________PHONE_________________________
MAJOR & MINOR__________________________________________________________________________________________________
DEGREES OR CERTIFICATES/YEAR____________________________________________________________________________________
LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER: YES_________NO__________ STATE______________________________________________
The Counselor Selection Committee criteria are strongly based on and extracted from the categories identified below. All information and support material provided by the candidates Counselor Proposer, Nominating Members and peers are considered.
AWS Member No.___________________
The proposer will serve as the contact if the Selection Committee requires further information. The proposer is encouraged to include a
detailed biography of the candidate and letters of recommendation from individuals describing the specific accomplishments of the candidate. Signatures on this nominating form, or supporting letters from each nominator, are required from four AWS members in addition
to the proposer. Signatures may be acquired by photocopying the original and transmitting to each nominating member. Once the signatures are secured, the total package should be submitted.

NOMINATING MEMBER:___________________________________Print Name___________________________________

AWS Member No.______________
NOMINATING MEMBER:___________________________________Print Name___________________________________
AWS Member No.______________
NOMINATING MEMBER:___________________________________Print Name___________________________________
AWS Member No.______________
NOMINATING MEMBER:___________________________________Print Name___________________________________
AWS Member No.______________


International symposium on

Advances in
Resistance Welding
April 2830, 2014 / Atlanta
Challenges and Advances in W
elding Aluminum (Jerry Gould, EWI)
Challenges and Advances in W
elding of a New Generation of High Strength Steels (Murali Tumuluru,
Tumuluru, U.S. Steel)
Flash Welding
echniques for Coil Joining of Advanced High Strength Steels
Welding T
ke Prokop (Taylor-Winfield)
Taaylor-Winfield) and Jerry Gould (EWI)
Resistance Spot Welding
Welding Gun with Force Amplification
Jonny Kaars and Peter Mayr (Chemnitz University)
Development of Resistance Spot W
elding Process for Three-Sheet Lapped Joint
Okita and Kenji Oi (JFE Steel)
Development of a Solid-State Joining Process Incorporating Bi-Axial Deformation: Translationally
Translationally Assisted Upset
Jerry Gould and Sam Lewis (EWI)
Comparison of Resistance Spot Welding
Welding and Refill Friction Stir W
elding of Al 7075 Sheets
Y. Chen, J. Hou, N. Zhou, M. Worswick,
Worswick, A. Gerlich (University of W
aterloo), K. Chan, and N. Scotchmer (Huys Industries)
Current Challenges and Status of Adaptive W
elding T
Pierre Barthelemy (ARO Welding)
Non-Destructive Inspection of RSW of AHSS by Infrared Thermography
Zhili Feng (ORNL)
Small-Scale Resistance Welding
Welding for Medical and Industrial Applications
Girish Kelkar (WJM Technologies)
Better Understanding of the Upset and Flash Welding
Welding as a Solid Phase Joining Process
Kin-ichi Matsuyama
Matsuyama (Osaka University)
Resistance Spot Welding
Welding of High Strength Dual Phase Steels
Murali Tumuluru
Tumuluru (U.S. Steel)
Influences of Tempered
Tempered Pulses on Resistance Spot Welding
Welding of Hot Press Forming Steels
J. Hou, D. Saha, S. Nayak, N. Zhou, A. Gerlich (University of W
aterloo), K. Chan, and N. Scotchmer (Huys Industries)
Safety: Protecting Y
our Operators and Y
o Bottom Line
Ray Michelena (T.J.
T.J. Snow Co.)
Adaptive Control Capabilities Enable a Sealed Air/Gas T
ight Continuous Seam W
Robert Cohen (WeldComputer)
Adaptive Control Regulates Consistency of Flash Weld
Weld Process While Reducing Power Consumption
Robert Cohen (WeldComputer)
Modeling RWS
RWS of AHSS from Process to Performance
Zhili Feng (ORNL)
Effects of Specimen Geometry and Material Strength on the T
est Results in the Mechanized Peel T
Shinobu Satonaka, Chihiro Iwamoto (Kumamoto University), and Kin-ichi Matsuyam
Matsuyamaa (Osaka University)
Influence of Electrode and Welding
Welding Parameters During Resistance Spot W
elding of Hot-Stamped Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheets
D.C. Saha, S.S. Nayak, P.
A.P.. Gerlich (University of Waterloo),
P. Penner,
Pennerr, Y.
Y. Zhou,
K.R. Chan, N. Scotchmer (Huys Industries),
B. Gocke (Afyon Kocatepe University), and E. Biro (ArcelorMittal)
Development of In-Process Welding
Welding Current and Electrode Force Control Process for Indirect Spot W
Muneo Matsushita, Rinsei Ikeda, and Kenji Oi (JFE Steel)
Electrical Considerations from the Utilities V
Mark Siehling (RoMan Manufacturing)

Co-sponsored by

or call (800) 443-9353 ext 234

A tabletop exhibition and reception will follow the two keynotes on the afternoon of Monday,
dayy, April 28th.
Conference will adjourn
adjourn in the early afternoonn of Wednesday,
y, April 30th.


Are you in need of
good welders?
Are you searching for a way to
hone your skills?
Is it time to expand your
talents and knowledge?
Below are welding schools across the country
that have taken this advertising opportunity
to promote their resources both to industry in
need of welders and to those searching for a
solid career path to employment.
The National Center for Welding Education
and Training (dba Weld-Ed) is a partnership of
community colleges, universities, business and
industry, and the American Welding Society
and it is funded by the National Science
Foundation. The Centers primary mission is to
increase the quantity and quality of welding
and materials joining technicians to meet industry
demand through curriculum reform and
educator professional development. Additional
information is available at

A. C. Jones High School

The emphasis of our welding program is
to teach industry required welding pro
cedures. The focus for our students is to
create industry/x-ray quality welds, with
attention to weld defects such as arc burns,
under cut, porosity etc. Our welding
program covers pipe fitting/fabrication,
with an understanding of welded fittings
and their takeoff measurements. Our
welding program participates yearly in
SkillsUSA and in 2011, A. C. Jones High
School was awarded a first place in Skills
USA and represented the state of Texas in
welding at SkillsUSA Nationals in Kansas
City, Mo. Institution Type: High School,
CTE (career and technical education),
2 years (welding Associates), 2 years
(Certificate of Completion).

Beeville, Texas 78102

(361) 362-6000 Fax: (361) 362-6048
Richard Beasley
School Contact:

APRIL 2014

Centroamericana S.A.
Ademinsa - Group of Companies
Latin-America, is a reliable training
source for CWI, CWS, SCWI, and
CWSR Seminars. Training and certification according to SNT-TC-1A on
NDT and PdM (8 methods), Preparatory seminars are offered for certified
inspectors on API 653, 570, 510 and
580. As well as technical services on all
NDT methods. Events in more than 15
Countries. English and Spanish classes

Ademinsa Centroamericana S.A.

Calle Cerro Azl N 479, Urb.
San Ignacio de Monterrico, Surco
Lima 33, Per
Telfs.:+51(1) 275-1588 / 275-1589

Advanced Technology
ATI provides diploma and AOS
degree programs in the practical aspects of construction and repair of
equipment and structures built with
steel and aluminum. Our staff is AWS,
CWI, CWE certified. We instruct
all-position welding in the four most
common processes: SMAW, GMAW,
GTAW and FCAW. Students will
train in the use of modern welding
equipment and tools, and learn basic
metallurgy and blueprint reading. Students may test in 6G pipe certification
in accordance with AWS D1.1. ATI
offers financial assistance for those
who qualify and graduate employment
services. Certified to operate by
SCHEV in Virginia.

Advanced Technology Institute (ATI)

5700 Southern Blvd.
Va. Beach, VA 23462
(757) 490-1241

Advanced Welding Institute

Founded 2003

Advanced Welding Institute has been

training high school graduates and
upgrading employees since 2003. We
offer a structural welding program
(600 hrs) and combination structural
and pipe welding program (960 hrs).
Students primarily focus on developing
skills in SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, and
GTAW with class sizes no larger then
20 students. AWI has campuses located
in So. Burlington VT and Eagle River
WI. Classes start the 1st of each month.
In addition, we perform specialized
training to meet individual and company needs. Financial aid is available
for those who qualify.

2 Green Tree Drive, Suite 3

South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 660-0600
Fax: (802) 660-0689
8090 RT 17 South
Eagle River, WI 54521
(715) 337-0122

AlcoTec Aluminum Welding

Technology School
AlcoTec, a leader in manufacturing
aluminum welding, brazing and metallizing wire, offers a program in the
specialized area of welding aluminum.
Classroom instruction provides an
understanding of the theory and
unique characteristics of aluminum
alloys/tempers. The programs laboratory portion includes welding
aluminum with GMAW and GTAW
processes and performing inspection
functions. Additional topics include
metal preparation, weld procedures,
designing for aluminum welding.
Small class size provides individual
attention. Instructors' program also

AlcoTec Wire Corporation

2750 Aero Park Drive
Traverse City, MI 49686-9263
Thom Burns, Dir. Technical Services
(231) 941-4111 Fax: (231) 941-1040


Alfred State College
SUNY College of

All-State Career School

Lester, PA

Founded 1908

The instructors at our welding certification program at All-State pride

themselves in providing students with
a quality program that can equip
them with a solid understanding of
modern welding processes. Students
study important topics in the
design, production, performance and
maintenance of welding materials.
Upon completion of the welding program, individuals who complete the
course will be prepared to seek entry
level positions in the welding field.

Alfred State College offers welding

training on its Wellsville, NY campus.
Earn an associate in occupational
studies degree. Employer-driven
curriculum teaches the skills needed
in todays workforce: oxyfuel, SMAW,
GTAW, GMAW, and pipe welding.
Program includes key support courses
such as metallurgy, blueprint reading,
and quality control. Benefit from
AWS Level I and II certification.
Enjoy small classes, tutoring and
personal attention. Customized
courses available for employers.
Hit the ground running!

501 Seminole Street

Lester, PA 19029
(610) 521-1818

10 Upper College Drive

Alfred, NY 14802
(800) 4-ALFRED

All-State Career School

Pittsburgh, PA
All- State Career School- Pittsburgh
provide individuals with a foundation
in industrial welding techniques, craft
skills and welding mathematics to
prepare them for a new career in
welding. Our trade school offers the
hands-on experience needed for job
possibilities for welders to work on
bridges, buildings, pressure vessels
and heat exchangers concepts the
program at All-State Career School
covers in detail. In addition, our
curriculum is designed to provide
you with a foundation in industrial
welding techniques.

1200 Lebanon Rd., Suite 101

West Mifflin, PA 15122
(412) 823-1818

Bellingham Technical
College Welding Rodeo
BTCs 12 annual team welded sculpture
competition, auction, and welding skills
challenge will be held on Friday and
Saturday, May 16th and 17th 2014. The
theme for the 2014 event is earth, wind,
and fire. This 2 day event will showcase
10 teams in the sculpture competition
which culminates by auctioning off the
completed sculptures and the proceeds
going toward scholarships for students in
the welding program. This year marks the
second year of the welding skills challenge.
This part of the event has 3 classifications
of contestants. The first is for high school
students, the second is for college students
and the third is for professionals. Each
category will be assessed by an AWS-CWI
and prizes awarded for the best quality per
AWS D1.1, acceptable bead profile. The
skills challenge is a first come first serve
and the public is invited both days to see
the sculptures being created and to cheer
on the skills competitors. Contact us for
more information nor visit our website.

3028 Lindbergh Ave.

Bellingham, WA 98225

Baker College
Since 1911 Baker College has been
preparing people for new careers.
Today were Americas leading, notfor-profit, career college. The Welding
Program at Baker is available at both
the certificate and associate degree
levels and provides students with the
knowledge and skills necessary for
entry-level employment in the welding
industry. Welding is available at our
Cadillac, Cass City, Flint, and Owosso
campus locations. Housing options
are available in Flint, Owosso, and

Baker Campus Contact Info

Baker College of Cadillac
(231) 876-3119
Baker College of Cass City
(989) 872-6000
Baker College of Flint
(810) 766-4000
Baer College of Owosso
(989) 729-3600

Bellingham Technical
College Welding
Technology Program
Founded 1956

Bellingham technical colleges welding

technology program offers AAS and
AAS-T degrees in certified welding
and fabrication as well as being an
AWS accredited testing facility. BTC
serves a vibrant community of northwest refineries, pipelines, ship building
and repair, transportation, fabrication
shops, and general contractors. Our
award winning program is in an 80,000
sq-ft state of the art facility that houses
our 200 plus enrollment in welding and

3028 Lindbergh Ave.

Bellingham, WA 98225-1599
(360) 752-8301



Bill J. Priest Institute
for Economic Development
El Centro College

Cal-Trade Welding School

of Modesto

At the Bill J. Priest campus we prepare students for sustainable careers

in welding, machining, and industrial
maintenance through relevant skills
training that emphasizes versatility,
adaptability, and standards of excellence. We offer the comprehensive
resources of a large, urban community
college coupled with the flexibility
that you need. Our open-entry, openexit programming allows you to start
when you want and choose the length
and schedule of your training plan.
Our curriculum is individually tailored
so that advancement is based on
demonstrated welding proficiency
through increasing levels of competency at a pace that you determine.

Cal-Trade Welding School of Modesto

has been operating since 1975. Using
the industry employers as a guide, we
and pipeline welding. Welding technique training is primary and students
are given one-on-one instruction. In
the 18 week Combination Welding
Course students have the opportunity
to earn multiple certifications. Welding theory, mathematics for welders,
and blue print reading are also
offered. Lifetime job placement
assistance is available to students after

1402 Corinth Street

Dallas, TX 75215
Byron Zarrabi
(214) 860-5880

Butte-Glenn Comm. College

The Welding Technology program is
designed to produce qualified personnel
for certified welding jobs. Butte has modern and well-equipped welding facilities.
Program standards are in accordance with
the AWS SENSE program and follows
NCCER curriculum, ASME, and API
codes. Produces entry-level welding technicians qualified in the 6-G pipe position.
Large emphasis on SMAW, FCAW,
AAC processes, in all positions using
various metals and alloys. Qualifications
earned in AWS, ASME, and API according to personal skill. PG&E Power
Pathway Gas Pipeline Welding Capstone Program: The Pathway specifically
trains welders for potential careers within the
petrochemical/natural gas pipeline industry.

3536 Butte Campus Drive

Oroville, CA 95965
Don Robinson,
(530) 895-2469 Fax: (530) 895-2302
Chris Armitage,
(530) 895-2911 Fax: (530) 895-2302
Miles Peacock,
(530) 879-6162 Fax: (530) 895-2302
Trevor Robinson,
(530) 895-2360 Fax: (530) 895-2302


APRIL 2014

Founded 1975

Calumet Welding Center

Calumet Welding Center provides
welder education and certification
for Northwest Indiana and the
Chicagoland area. Welding classes
offered include SMAW, GMAW, and
and blueprint reading. Our customized
training programs can focus on a
companys specific needs and accommodate diverse skill levels. Instruction
space is available for corporate rental.
In partnership with an AWS accredited
testing facility, we offer certifications
and procedure qualification.

1947 N Griffith Blvd

Griffith, IN 46319
(219) 923-9353
424 Kansas Ave.
Modesto, CA 95351
(209) 523-0753
Fax: (209) 523-8826

CDA Technical Institute

Maritime Welding Program

CDA Technical Institute

CDA Technical Institutes welding program

prepares graduates for the exciting career of
welding. This is a program designed to provide graduates with the skills they need to go
to work immediately. Our graduates are
working in all types of welding environments, including in the shipyard, fabrication,
industrial construction, and manufacturing
industries. We developed the curriculum by
working closely with the leading companies
in these industries. Unlike traditional welding schools that teach students how to weld
in a booth, CDA simulates the environment
of a real world of welding with fabrication
projects, crane signals and safety, rigging,
and offshore survival. Our curriculum is
associated with NCCER and supports the
AWS SENSE guidelines to ensure our
students exceed employers expectations.
Call or visit our website for more details.

CDA Technical Institute is the only fully

accredited diver training program with
IMCA-recognized training, on-campus
housing, and a full meal plan. CDA offers
the most comprehensive and rigorous (20
weeks) program of all the accredited
commercial diver training schools. CDAs
graduates may earn certifications from the
Association of Commercial Diving Educators, Association of Diving Contractors
International, Diver Certification Board of
Canada (a truly internationally recognized
certification), National Center for
Construction Education and Research,
American Welding Society, HazWoper Environmental Training, National Board of
Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technicians, National Academy of Scuba Educators, and National Registry Emergency
Medical Technicians. Call or visit our website for more details.

Drew Duffy
Admission CDA Welding Program
Jacksonville, FL 32208
(888) 974-2232 toll free (904) 766-7736
Fax: (904) 766-7764

Allen G. Garber, Chief Admin. Officer

8137 North Main Street
Jacksonville, FL 32208
(888) 974-2232 toll free (904) 766-7736
Fax: (904) 766-7764


Capital District Educational
Opportunity Center (EOC)
State Univ. of New York
EOC offers welding and welding
certification upgrade. Students in
welding learn shielded metal arc, pipe,
flux cored, oxyacetylene cutting gas
metal arc (MIG), tungsten arc (TIG),
and plasma arc cutting. Training in
flat, overhead and horizontal welding
positions is provided. Students prepare for NYS DOT certified welding
tests, American Welding Society
certifications and OSHA. Welding
upgrade provides EOC graduates the
opportunity to develop advanced skills
for gainful employment or promotion.
No cost to those who qualify.

Capital District Educational

Opportunity Center (EOC)
State Univ. of New York
Div. of Hudson Valley Comm. College

431 River Street, Troy, NY 12180

(518) 273-1900

Central Piedmont
Community College
James Turner Institute of
Welding Technology

China Certification &

Inspection Group

Founded 1963

CCIC Shaanxi, an AWS international

agent, provides CWI training, exam
and certification service in China.
We are also a professional solution
provider of third party inspection service for oil and gas, power transmission,
transportation equipment, machinery,
bridge construction, and boiler during
production process. Types of inspection performed include: resident,
frequent, test witness, and final.
We focus on assisting our clients with
product quality improvement and

CPCC offers welding training at

its Charlotte, N.C., Harper Campus.
Earn a certificate or Associate in
Applied Science Degree in welding
technology. Gain the skills needed
for todays workforce: oxyfuel,
and more. We also offer support
courses in metallurgy, blueprint reading, quality control, non-destructive
examination, robotics and automated
welding at our AWS and NCCER
accredited testing facility. We have a
student chapter of the AWS and an
active blacksmithing club.

PO Box 35009
Charlotte, NC 28235
(704) 330-2722

Central Lakes College

Central Wyoming College

Central Lakes College offers a large,

clean, well ventilated shop with state
of the art new technology and instructors with an industry background. Our
students develop skills in all common
welding processes, cutting processes,
metallurgy, fabrication, blueprint
reading, and math. We currently house
70 power units. Students have ample
room in our 7000 square foot shop. We
offer an 11 month diploma program
and a 2 year AAS degree. We are a
part of the AWS SENSE program and
offer the Level I and Level II
certificate programs. We currently
offer 2 sections per year with 30 in
each section.

Central Wyoming College, located

in the beautiful Wind River Valley,
offers an employer-driven welding
curriculum designed to provide graduates with entry-level backgrounds in
the different aspects of welding.
Central Wyoming College welding
students receive rigorous hands-on
training in various welding and cutting
processes including oxyfuel, SMAW,
GMAW, FCAW, GTAW, and pipe
welding. Students have a choice of
earning a credential, certificate or
an associate of applied sciences
degree. Check out our program at

Michael A. Reeser, AWS CWE & CAWI

501 W. College Dr.
Brainerd, MN 56401
(218) 855-8086

2660 Peck Avenue

Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 855-2119
Darryl Steeds, (307) 855-2138
Admissions (800) 865-0193


College of the Canyons

College of the Canyons, a Weld-Ed
regional partner offers training aligned
with AWS SENSE and certification
testing as an AWS accredited testing
facility. Courses offered range from
metal fabrication to many of todays
most popular welding processes,
including robotic welding automation
and laser welding. Associate of Science
Degree and Certificates of Achievement awards are offered. Day and
night courses are offered with program
completion obtainable in less than
one year.

26455 Rockwell Canyon Road

Santa Clarita, CA 91355
(661) 259-7800




Columbus State
Community College
Columbus State Community College,
located in Columbus, Ohio, offers
individuals an opportunity to learn
welding and complete an Intermediate
Welder Certificate. This certificate
provides necessary credentials for
entering the workforce as an intermediate level welder. Our skilled trades
program proudly participates as a
Level II S.E.N.S.E school, teaching
and oxyfuel processes. Certificate
studies can be completed in one year.
Financial aid and veterans benefits
are available.

Cuesta College Welding


Dabney S. Lancaster
Community College

Located on the central coast of California,

the Cuesta College Welding Technology
program has a strong history of preparing
students for work in industry. Students
are afforded the opportunity to obtain
certificates of specialization, certificates of
achievement and an Associative Science
Degree in welding technology. Our
curriculum is well rounded with courses
ranging from basic welding through certification, as well as courses in metallurgy, blueprint reading and welding power. The shop
facility includes twenty multiprocess welding stations with current power supply technology. There are a total of six part-time
instructors and one full-time instructor. Two
of our instructors are CWI's. Welder qualifications are offered in structural steel and
pipe welding to AWS D1.1, ASME Sec IX,
and API 1104.

Founded 1967

Scott Laslo,
Program Coordinator
(614) 287-2653
550 E. Spring St.
Columbus, OH 43215

P.O. Box 8106

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-8106
(805)546-3100 ext 2737
Rob Thoresen,

Cosumnes River College

Cutech Group

Cosumnes River College Welding Program offers a brand new welding facility
equipped with the latest ESAB, Miller
and Lincoln Electric Technology. The 30
welding stations shop is outfitted for
each student to perform FCAW, SMAW,
GMAW and GTAW processes. A
Cincinnati plate shear with a by 6
capacity, two Iron Workers, two
beveling track cutting torches and two
belt sanders are on hand for students to
prepare plate and pipe certifications to
ASME, API and AWS standards in a
time efficient manner.
students can enter the work force with a
class 5 Industrial truck license, a 10 hour
OSHA safety card, overhead crane and
rigging skills and welder certifications.
Students can receive an Associate
Degree in Welding Technology, or earn
welding certificates in Welding Code
Regulations or fabrication technology.

Cutech Group is a diversified and rapidly

expanding Engineering Company. We
offer wide range of services and products
to different sectors worldwide. Cutech is an
authorized international agent of American Welding Society to conduct AWS-CWI
training and certification exams. We also
provide other services as folllows:
Technical training and certification.
Inspection and expediting.
NDT and advanced NDT.
Technical manpower supply.
Welding consultancy and testing.
Asset integrity management.
EPC projects.
Software solutions.
Underwater and diving.

Jason Roberts
(916) 691-7386
8401 Center Parkway
Sacramento, CA 95823
100 APRIL 2014

Cutech Group of Companies

#04-32E, IMM Building, 2 Jurong East
Street 21, Singapore 609601
+65 66650187 Fax: +65 65605892
Global Offices : Malaysia, Indonesia,
India, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Oman

Dabney S. Lancaster Community

College offers welding training on its
western Virginia campus. Employerdriven curriculum teaches the skills
needed in todays workforce: oxyfuel,
SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, and pipe
welding. Key support courses such as
metallurgy, blueprint reading, and
quality control. Benefit from free
qualification testing. Enjoy small
classes, free tutoring, and personal
available for employers. Offering
quality, affordable education, and
training since 1967.

1000 Dabney Drive,

Interstate 64, exit 24
Clifton Forge, VA 24422-1000
(540) 863-2895

Dalus, S.A. De C.V.

Welder Training &
AWS Certification Center
In Mexico
DALUS was founded in 2000 for the
purpose of training and testing people
in certifiable skills and knowledge that
will help to integrate them into a
world class workforce. DALUS is an
AWS Accredited Test Facility (ATF)
and a member of the S.E.N.S.E.
(Schools Excelling through National
Skills Education) program and administers SCWI, CWI and CWE prep
course and exams three times a year.
DALUS also offers courses designed
to meet employers specific needs.

Parque Industrial Kalos

Monterrey, NL - MEXICO
+52 (81) 8386-1717


Divers Academy

Eastern Florida State


Divers Academy International is a fully

accredited professional commercial
diving and underwater welding school
that offers full certification in all trade
disciplines to include underwater welding,
NDT inspection, hyperbaric chamber
operation, surface supplied air diving,
surface supplied mixed gas diving,
underwater salvage, bridge inspection,
offshore oil rig inspection and much
more. DAI is nationally accredited and
offers federal student loans and grants to
those who qualify. We train graduates
from around the world and have an outstanding career placement program and
student services department to meet
students housing needs. Join the new and
exciting underwater world today.

Eastern Florida State College, located

in the heart of the nations space
coast, offers a one and one-half
year Welding Technology certificate
program. The program provides the
theoretical and practical experience
necessary to develop a basic foundation in the skills of welding, and is
designed to train students to become
certified welders in pipe and
structural steel. AWS, ASME, API
and ANSI welding codes apply. Graduates of the program will be prepared
for entry-level positions as welders
and are eligible to take the AWS weld
certification exam. As always, OSHA
industry standards will be enforced.

Lakeside Business Park

1500 Liberty Place
Erial, NJ 08081-1139
(800) 238-3483

Mr. Kenneth Cox,

Assistant Professor, CWE/CWI
1519 Clearlake Road
Cocoa, FL 32922
(321) 433-7499

Earlbeck Gases
& Technologies

Eastern Maine
Community College

Earlbeck Gases & Technologies as a

training partner with local Community
Colleges offers welding training in the
Baltimore/DC and York, PA areas.
Our Fundamentals course instructs in
the basics of oxy-fuel, GTAW, GMAW
and SMAW. Students may then
progress through intermediate and
advance classes. Intermediate classes
offer certification testing in plate.
Advanced classes offer certification
testing in pipe. Customized and mobile
training is also available for employers.

Don Hodges
8204 Pulaski Highway
Baltimore, MD 21237
(410) 687-8400

Founded 1960

Ferris State University

Ferris State University's nationally
recognized ETAC-ABET Welding
Engineering Technology program is
the largest of its kind in the United
States. Since its inception in 1984, the
program is designed to produce plantlevel welding engineering technology
graduates who are involved in the
concept, design and engineering of
weldments and implementation of
welding processes.

Welding Engineering Technology

915 Campus Drive, Swan 108
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-3496
Jeff Hardesty, Associate Professor/
Program Coordinator

Forsyth Technical
Community College

Founded 1966

EMCC offers a comprehensive welding program in Bangor, Maine.

Students may earn a diploma or
associate degree in welding or pipefitting technology including metallurgy
and QA/QC to prepare them to
successfully enter the workplace.
cutting processes in both structural
and piping applications are studied in
a spacious training facility equipped
with modern welding equipment. AWS
testing facility offers weld testing,
welder certification, and customized
training to the public and industry.

354 Hogan Road,

Bangor, ME 04849
(207) 974-4643

Forsyth Tech offers comprehensive

one-year diploma and certificate
curriculum programs in welding
technology as well as one-semester
noncurriculum programs in ARC,
MIG and TIG Welding. The college
also offers program participants
AWS welder certification testing
as part of the National Association
of Manufacturers (NAM)-endorsed
Skills Certification System. Classes are
taught at our main campus location.

2100 Silas Creek Parkway

Winston-Salem, NC 27103
(336) 723-0371



Fortis College
Smyrna, GA

Fortis Institute
Erie, PA

George T. Baker
Aviation School

The welding technology program at

FORTIS College is designed to train
individuals for entry into the field of
welding as industrial welders, welding
apprentices, or check welders. Courses
have been developed to instruct the
student in mathematics and welding
print reading in order to enhance the
welding students understanding of the
basic requirements of the job. Welding
symbols are also studied.

The welding course at FORTIS is

designed to train individuals for entry
into the field of welding. Courses are
designed to instruct the students in
mathematics and welding print reading in order to enhance the students
understanding of basic requirements
of the job. The program aims to
prepare students for employment as
industrial welders, welding apprentices
or check welders. Students also have
the opportunity to receive instruction
in the techniques of finding and
retaining employment.

George T. Baker Aviation School is a

public, tax-supported institution authorized
by the Florida Department of Education
and operated by the Miami-Dade county
public school system. Baker Aviation is
currently preparing approximately 1,000
high school and adult students for careers in
aviation. For high school students, we offer
instruction in aerospace technology, electronics, avionics, and aircraft maintenance
(airframe and powerplant). For adult
students we offer instruction in electronics,
avionics, and aircraft maintenance (airframe
and powerplant). Both high school and
adult students, upon completion of their
respective course of study, may receive
certificates issued from the NCATT, FCC,
and FAA.

2108 Cobb Parkway

Smyrna, GA 30080
(770) 980-0002

Fortis College
Cincinnati, OH
The welding program at FORTIS
starts with a review of various basic
math applications and an introduction
to oxyfuel cutting and welding
processes. The oxyfuel processes
provide a solid foundation for all
types of welding applications including
shielded metal arc welding (SMAW),
gas metal arc welding (GMAW), and
gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW).
The use of destructive and nondestructive testing will ensure students
have a thorough understanding of
what constitutes a quality weld.

11499 Chester Road, Suite 200

Cincinnati, OH 45246
(513) 771-2795
102 APRIL 2014

5757 West 26th Street

Erie, PA 16506
(814) 838-7673

Fortis College
Ravenna, OH
The welding technology program at
FORTIS College teaches industrial
welding applications, craft skills,
welding mathematics and important
career development techniques for
individuals wanting to specialize in
welding, cutting, soldering, or brazing.
Students will have a hands-on
experience and learn to find practical
solutions to problems and a thorough
understanding of what constitutes
a quality weld when enrolling in
the welding program at FORTIS in

653 Enterprise Parkway

Ravenna, OH 44266
(330) 297-7319

Founded 1965

Miami-Dade County Public Schools

(305) 871-3143 Fax: (305) 871-5840
3275 N.W. 42 Ave.
Miami, FL 33142

Georgia Trade School

Founded 2012

The technical chair for the Georgia

Skills USA welding and fabrication
competition, Georgia Trade School
stands as one of the nations premiere
boutique welding schools. Buoyed by
our tremendous partnerships with
Fortune 500 giants Kimberly Clark and
Huntington Ingalls Industries, GTS is
dedicated to providing a true alternative
to an otherwise college bound population. Our extensive media coverage in
both local and national print, television
and digital mediums has highlighted
our efforts to Rebuild America. A leading voice on skilled trades, Georgia
Trade School serves on the Go Build
Georgia Advisory Council dedicated to
promoting craft work.

Ryan Blythe, Executive Director

2260 Moon Station Court Suite 110
Kennesaw, GA 30144
(770) 590-9353


Central Pennsylvanias
Community College
HACC, Central Pennsylvanias Community
College, offers training in welding at its midtown site in Harrisburg, Pa. Students can
complete a diploma, certificate, or earn an
associate degree in technology studies,
which prepares students with the knowledge
and skills needed for immediate job entry.
The diploma program places emphasis on
the basic techniques of blueprint reading,
oxy fuel welding, shielded metal arc welding,
gas metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc
welding. The certificate program offers
advanced skills in flux cored and subarc
welding, robotics and testing and inspection.
Hands-on training is provided in a state-ofthe art laboratory, which includes welding
on carbon steel, aluminum and stainless
steel. Instruction prepares students for
American Welding Society certification tests.

One HACC Drive

Harrisburg, PA 17110

Harper College
Harper College offers an AAS degree
in Welding Technology and an AAS
in Advanced Manufacturing with
emphasis in metal fabrication. The
College also offers certificates in Basic
and Advanced Welding, Basic Pipe
Welding, and Welding Fabrication.
Harper's program prepares students to
pass American Welding Society Level I
(Entry Welder) and Level II (Advanced
Welder) testing. The College also
provides custom training in welding
and fabrication for employees of
area businesses.

Kurt J. Billsten
Coordinator of Manufacturing
1200 West Algonquin Rd.
Palatine, IL 60067
(847) 925-6149
Fax: (847) 925-6049

Hill College
Founded 1923

Hills program offers comprehensive

training in a hot job market. You can
choose from several program options,
including a certificate in basic welding
and an associate of applied science
degree with an enhanced skills certificate. Hill College is equipped with
state-of-the-art technology to help you
get a jump start on your career. With
hands-on curriculum, you are given
experience that exceeds what a classroom can teach. Visit us online at

Welding Department
2112 Mayfield Parkway
Cleburne, TX 76033
(817) 556-2809 ext. 201

Hobart Institute of
Welding Technology
Founded 1930

Hobart Institute of Welding Technologys course catalog explains in detail

the wide range of welding classes and
certifications offered by Hobart Institute of Welding Technology. More
than 25 separate welding courses are
described by course objective, content,
and testing requirements. Also inside
the catalog are course schedules,
training rates, and enrollment forms.
Training may be done at our
facility or yours. Also offered are
complete training programs including
DVDs, Instructor Guides, and
Student Workbooks.

400 Trade Square East

Troy, OH 45373
(800) 332-9448
Fax: (937) 332-9550

The Hohokus School

of Trade and
Technical Sciences
HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical
Sciences has more than 50 years of experience in career education. Our programs
range from 3 to 18 months of practical,
intensive, job-oriented training delivered
with an emphasis on personal attention.
Small classes and free tutoring are just two
things that set us apart from other schools.
You can be certain that our professional
staff will recognize and care about your
needs. Our administration and faculty
work with you on an individual basis making sure that you get the job you wantthe
job for which you are qualifiedthe job
that is right for you! The HoHoKus School
charges no placement fees to either graduate or employer, thus ensuring you every
opportunity to meet your career goals. The
HoHoKus School offers a wide variety of
financial aid programs, as well as our own
scholarship programs. We will meet with
you personally to tailor a plan that meets
your specific needs

(800) 646-WELD

Hutchinson Community
HCC offers a Certificate, Associate
Degree and customized industry
training in welding technology.
The program instructs all welding
processes, as well as experience
in fabrication and manufacturing
methods. The welding and employability skills taught result in excellent
job opportunities upon graduation.
Morning, afternoon, and evening
classes are available. Welding
programs are located in Hutchinson
and Newton, KS.

1300 N. Plum
Hutchinson, KS 67501
(620) 665-3502
Tim Evans -
(620) 728-8141 in Hutchinson
Mandee Buchholz
(316) 283-7000 in Newton


Idaho State University
Idaho State University College of
Technology features a wide spectrum of
welding instruction. The focus of the program is structural steel and full
penetration pipe welding with AWS and
ASME codes as the criteria. Processes
include GMAW, FCAW, SMAW uphill and
downhill applications, GTAW carbon and
stainless pipe; as well as computerized
orbital pipe welding. Our approach to training is hands on over the shoulder to
prepare the students for maximum opportunities in industry. Related subjects
include metallurgy, trade math, pipefitting,
blueprint reading, mechanical drawing,
and metal layout. ISU offers a one-year
structural welding certificate, a two-year
pipe welder/pipe fitter certificate and
associates of applied technology.

Randy Humpherys, (208) 282-4473
Lucas Bloxham, (208) 282-3500
David Erickson, (208) 282-3500

Illinois Valley
Community College
Founded 1924

Illinois Valley Community College offers welding training and fabrication

classes. Over 200 students are trained
each semester in all the major welding
processes: SMAW, GMAW, GTAW,
FCAW, and oxyacetylene. Welding
blueprint reading and metallurgy are
also taught. Two-year degrees are also
offered in Production Welding and
Advanced Construction. IVCC is an
AWS accredited test facility and has 20
welding stations in a very modern lab
and a fully equipped fabrication lab.
The training helps prepare students to
pass nationally recognized plate and
pipe tests. Customized training is also
available to area employers.

Paul Leadingham
Welding Program Coordinator
815 N. Orlando Smith Road
Oglesby, IL 61348
(815) 224-0319
104 APRIL 2014

Institute for Materials

Joining and Testing (IMJAT)
Chattanooga State
Community College
IMJAT includes two core AAS degree
concentrations: Materials Joining (welding
engineering technology) and non-destructive evaluation (non-destructive testing
technology). Students learn foundation
concepts such as welding principles, visual
inspection, electrical fundamentals, and
metallurgy. Welding students can earn
certificates in SMAW, GMAW/FCAW,
GTAW or welding automation. NDT
students receive Level I/II training in six
methods: visual, liquid penetrant, magnetic
particle, ultrasonic, radiographic, and eddy
current testing. The NDT program is
accredited by the Engineering Technology
Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Catherine Bovell
4501 Amnicola Highway
Chattanooga, TN 37406-1097
(423) 697-4434

Founded 2001

ISTUC, S.C. was founded in 2001 with

the objective of helping Mexico
become more competitive and create
reliability in the industry. The institute
is an AWS acredited facility and a
IIW/EWF authorized training body.
ISTUC offers training, qualification
and certification of international programs (welder, inspector, practitioner,
specialist, technologist and engineer)
and AWS programs (entry, expert, entry
welder, inspector, and supervisor).

Calle Begonias N 112

Col. Insurgentes
76117 Quertaro, Qro.
Fax: 442-2201699

Integrity Welding, LLC

Integrity Welding, LLC is located in
Corona, California (suburb of Los Angeles). We offer customized training to
both individuals and organizations.
Our friendly staff consists of welding
professors and welding inspectors that
will tailor instructions to your training
needs and learning style. Integrity
Welding, LLC welding facility is an
AWS accredited testing facility (ATF)
and conducts welders performance
qualifications for the city of Los
Angeles Dept. of Building and Safety
(LADBS). Our hours of operations
include nights and weekends at your
facility or ours.

Corona, California
(800) 897-WELD

Kenai Peninsula College

Kenai Peninsula College is a branch of
the University of Alaska located 150
miles south of Anchorage on the Kenai
Peninsula. KPC offers certification on
AWS D1.1, .375 steel plate 3G and
4G SMAW, ASME Section IX pipe
certification on steel 6-in. schedule 80 6G
SMAW. Our welding certificate program
includes math, blueprint reading, oral
communications and English (students
must certify on pipe to complete
certificate). KPC students are provided
with 3M powered air purifying respirator welding hoods. Early bird registration
for the Fall 2014 semester is available on
our Website. This site has information on
financial aid available and academic
courses. Nonresident tuition is waived
for student taking classes at KPC for the
Spring 2015 and Fall 2015 semesters.This
waiver does not apply to students taking
distance delivered courses while residing
outside the state of Alaska.

(907) 262-0300, Fax: (907) 262-0358

Fritz Miller, Welding Instructor
(907) 262-0356


Kiamichi Technology
multicampus facility located in the
Southeast corner of Oklahoma

Secondary and post-secondary students are trained in the process of

GMAW (carbon and nonferrous) in
respect to the AWS D 1.1, ASME
Section IX, and API 1104 codes. Our
students receive instruction in all areas
with an emphasis on structural, piping,
oil and natural gas pipe welding.
Students are offered the opportunity
to take the State of Oklahoma welders
test at the conclusion of their training.
Campuses are located at Atoka,
Durant, Idabel, McAlester, Poteau,
Spiro and Stigler.
click on the link to the
respective campus

Lakeshore Technical
Located between Milwaukee and
Green Bay, WI on the eastern shore
of Lake Michigan. Lakeshore Technical College has trained manufacturing
workers for over 100 years. Today,
LTC offers welding programs in its
new spacious Center for Manufacturing Excellence with state-of-the-art
Miller welding equipment. LTC has
added classes of 30 new welding
students and 8 fabrication technicians
to meet local employer demand.
Utilizing multiple entry points, LTC
programs have you work-ready in 27

1290 North Avenue

Cleveland, WI 53015
1.888.GO TO LTC

Lansing Community
Founded 1957

Lansing Community College offers

an Associates Degree in Welding
Technology as well as a Certificate of
Achievement one year degree in Welding. Our nine welding classes consist of
basic oxyacetylene, brazing, torch cutting / plasma cutting and SMAW in our
1st course and the other courses
advance into the Advanced SMAW,
pipe welding, GMAW, GTAW, structural fabrication, blueprint reading,
rigging, and metallurgy. We do
customized training with Industries.
We have over 500 students per year.
Instructors are CWIs and instructors
with many years of experience.

P.O. BOX 40010

Lansing, MI 48901-7210
(517) 483-1359
Fax: (517) 483-1320
Catherine Lindquist,

Las Positas College

Located in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area, Las Positas College
offers students a well rounded welding education from industry seasoned
instructors. Building on a foundation
of basic skills, the student progresses
through courses in SMAW, GTAW,
FCAW, and GMAW as well as skills in
arc cutting and gouging. Day, evening
and weekend course work includes
steel, aluminum, stainless steel, sheet,
plate and pipe in all positions to AWS,
ASME, and API codes.

3000 Campus Hill Drive

Livermore, CA 94551
(925) 424-1134

Lee College
Lee College was established in
1934, the founders of the college were
interested in providing a strong
academic curriculum and a comprehensive technical/vocational curriculum. In 1936, the vocational program
was initiated. Lee College now offers
some daytime, but mostly evening
classes for credit in welding, welding
inspection, pipefitting, millwright,
machining, instrumentation and electrical. Lee College also awards
NCCER certification to meet industry
and contractors needs. The welding
program consists of S.M.A.W.,
G.M.A.W, flux core, print reading,
welding codes, metallurgy, and safety
core classes.

200 Lee Drive,

Baytown, TX 77520
(281) 427-5611

Welding Training, Inc.
The School That Sparks
Your Future!
Founded 2006

LWT is a welding career school known

for its highly focused training approach.
They center on having over 85% of a
students training time directly in the
welding booth learning hands-on
welding. The school also has an
excellent student to teacher ratio of 12:1
or less. Courses are offered in GMAW,
GTAW, SMAW and pipe welding. LWT
is for students who wish to learn
welding and get ready for their future in
welding in 12 weeks or less.

2717 3rd Avenue N

Fargo, ND 58102
4329 Centurion Dr. 9
Bismarck, ND 58504


MCF / Stillwater Education
Minnesota Correctional Facility-Stillwater has been educating welders for
over forty years. The course offers
basic, intermediate, and advanced
welding certificates, as well as the
AWS SENSE Entry Level Welder
Certificate. Our course helps reduce
recidivism and return men to the
community to contribute in a positive
way by providing viable career
technical skills and the work readiness
skills necessary in todays job market.

Lou Dessellier
Welding Instructor
970 Pickett St N
Bayport MN 55003
(651) 779-2700 ext 2576
Fax: (651) 779-2792

Merrill Institute
The Merrill Institute is a manufacturing, welding training, and testing
(ATF) facility in Alma, Michigan.
Courses are facilitated by AWS
CWI/CWEs utilizing state-of-the art
equipment. Our instructors provide
real world application and expertise
while promoting a safe work environment. 85% of the training will be
hands-on within a live manufacturing
environment, learning the most
common welding processes such
FCAW (Flux-Core), and SMAW
(Stick). Upon successful completion
of the course, students will receive an
AWS SENSE Certification.

520 Republic Ave.

Alma, MI 48801
(989) 462-0322
106 APRIL 2014

Community College

Midwest Technical Institute

Mid-Plains Community Colleges

Welding and Machine Shop Technology is offered at North Platte and
McCook campuses. The program is
an open-entry, open-exit program
that leads to a diploma or associate of
applied science degree and employment in the welding/machine shop
field. Students will progress according
to his/her abilities and efforts. Upon
completion of a set of prescribed
technical competencies, students will
be able to perform skills necessary
to be successfully employed at the
entry level.

Midwest Technical Institute is an accredited, full time, year-round technical

school offering training in mechanical
trades and allied health programs. MTI
was founded in 1995 and started off as a
pipe welding school. Entering our 19th
year of operation, MTI now has seven
campuses across Illinois, Mississippi,
Missouri and Indiana. All of MTIs
programs are less than one year and are
certificate programs. MTIs welding
program focuses on carbon and stainless steel pipe welding. Financial aid
assistance and job placement assistance
are available to those who qualify.
Visit MTI on the web at www.

1101 Halligan Dr.

North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308

2731 Farmers Market Road

Springfield, IL 62707
(217) 527-8324

Middle East Industrial

Training Institute

Missouri Welding

Founded 2002

Founded 1994

Middle East Industrial Training Institute

(MEITI), established since 2002, is ISO
9001:2008 certified, accredited by AWS as
a certified welding fabricator (CWF), an
international agent for certification and
AWS SENSE programs, and an ASNT
Corporate Partner. Also, it is the only
institute accredited by AWS as an ATF for
certifying welders in the UAE and the
Middle East region. Our services: Welding
Training and Qualification programs,
NDT Training, AWS CWI program, API
preparatory courses, technical training
and customized training.

P.O. 33229, AUH, UAE

Head Office Tel: +971 2 674 5040
MEITI: +971 2 582 7445
Fax: +971 2 582 7994

Become an AWS and ASME certified

welder in 18 weeks. Established in
1994 MWI teaches pipe and structural
welding and fitting. Each day you will
spend 7 hours performing hands-on
welding and fitting with the remaining
hour of your day spent in the classroom or the countrys largest state of
the art pipe fitting laboratory. MWI
offers day, evening and graveyard
shifts to accommodate everyones

Missouri Welding Institute

3300 N. Industrial Parkway
PO Box 445
Nevada, MO 64772
(800) 667-5885
Fax: (417) 667-5885


Founded 1936

Moraine Park
Technical College

New River Community and

Technical College

Modern Welding School offers handson training in OAW, SMAW, pipe,

schools full-time program is 900 hours
and takes 30 weeks to complete. A
part- time evening program is 665
hours and takes 45 weeks to complete.
The school was founded in 1936 and
has trained thousands of welders.
Training is also available to companies
looking for specialized welding training, welding certification testing or
consulting for their personnel.

Moraine Park Technical College offers

a one-year welding diploma program
focusing on GMAW, FCAW, SMAW and
GTAW in all positions. Instruction
includes AWS and ASME welding codes,
print reading and fabrication courses.
Moraine Park also offers a one-year metal
fabrication diploma and a two-year
fabrication technologies AAS degree.
These programs emphasize the manufacturing process from conception to final
product using lasers, plasma and flame
tables, rollers, press brakes and welding

Located in southeastern West

Virginia, New River offers skills set
certificates in TIG and MIG welding,
pipe fitting and pipe welding, and an
associates degree in welding technology. Classes include SMAW, GMAW,
GTAW and Structural Welding. The
program is offered at the Greenbrier
Valley Campus in Lewisburg, an
American Welding Society accredited
testing site, and at the Advanced
Technology Center in Ghent.
Customized training and testing available for employers. Day and evening
classes offered.

Modern Welding School

Schenectady, NY 12304
Jeffrey Daubert, Vice President
1-800-396-6810 or
(518) 374-1216

Monroe County
Community College
Founded 1964

Monroe County Community College

located in Monroe, Michigan offers a
welding technology program which
includes training in SMAW, GMAW,
FCAW, OFC and GTAW, plate and pipe
in all positions, using mild steel, stainless steel and aluminum. Virtual and
robotic welding traing are also offered.
Courses may be applied towards an
associate degree in applied science,
welding certificate or transferrable to a
four-year bachelor degree. American
Welding Society (AWS) SENSE
program conforming to QC-10 (Entrylevel) and QC-11 (Advanced level)
certification classes are available.

Roop Chandel, Ph.D, CWI

(734) 384-4165
Cameron Albring, M.Ed.
(734) 384-4112

700 Gould Street,

Beaver Dam, WI 53916
235 N. National Avenue,
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
N173 W21150 Northwest Passage Way
Jackson, WI 53037
Marcia Arndt
1-800-472-4554, ext. 5725

National Polytechnic
The underwater welding course is
four weeks long and designed to
prepare students to obtain high
quality shielded metal arc welding
(SMAW) skills both above and below
the water. The course follows the
guidelines of AWS D3.6M 2010
standards. Emphasis is on the
performance of high quality, defectfree, wet welds while preparing the
student to obtain (3F) vertical welder
certification for underwater welding,
class B fillet welds. Call 1-800-4323483 for more information.

Donovan Rhodes
Greenbrier Valley Campus
(304) 647-6560
Brad Veneri
Advanced Technology Center
(304) 929-3301

North Central Kansas

Technical College
North Central Kansas Technical
College (NCK Tech), with campuses
in Beloit and Hays Kansas, is a fully
accredited technical college which
provides the educational training and
skills necessary for a successful career
in today's world. The NCK Tech welding program is one of the institutions
flagship programs, with successful
graduates and experienced, AWS
certified instructors. The college is an
accredited level I and II AWS SENSE
and NCCER accredited institution.
Students may earn a one-year certificate of completion or a two year
Welding Engineering Technology
/Technician Associate of Applied
Science (AAS) degree.

3570 Aero Court

San Diego, CA 92123
(800) 432-3483
PO Box 507
3033 US Hwy 24
Beloit, KS 67420
(800) 658-4655


North Dakota State
College of Science
North Dakota State College of
Science is a two-year college located in
Wahpeton, N.D. with an additional
commuter location in Fargo, N.D. The
NDSCS Welding Technology curriculum
provides students with experience in
assembly, manufacturing, energy and
construction, plus training in robotics,
inspection, fabrication and more. NDSCS
offers a one-year certificate, a two-year
diploma and an A.A.S. degree. All facilities
are American Welding Society SENSE
certified, and NDSCS is an educational
partner with the National Center for
Welding Education and Training (Weld-Ed).

800 Sixth St. North
Wahpeton, ND 58076
(800) 342-4325
1305 19th Avenue North
Fargo, ND 58102
(701) 231-6900

Northeast Wisconsin
Technical College
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
offers training in welding at our
Green Bay, Marinette and Sturgeon Bay,
Wisconsin campuses, and by contract at
worksites nationwide. NWTC welding
graduates attain knowledge in print reading, layout, fabrication, and metallurgy
to apply to building and repairing metal
components using the major welding
processes. Our students can weld to
AWS and ASME codes and function as
maintenance welders, qualified welders,
structural welders, welder/fabricators, and
pipe welders. NWTC offers the Weld
Inspection fundamentals and practical
courses to prepare a student for the
Certified Welding Inspection exam.
NWTC is also an AWS Student Chapter.

2740 West Mason Street

P.O. Box 19042
Green Bay, WI 54307-9042
(800) 422-NWTC, ext. 5444
108 APRIL 2014

Northern Industrial Training

Established in 2003

Michigan College
Founded in 1951

Northern Industrial Training trains

structural and pipe welding disciplines
with the SMAW, FCAW, GMAW, and
GTAW processes. Programs are structured to challenge students in both the
classroom and the shop, providing
extensive time in the welding booth as
well as providing practical training in
basic structural fabrication, oxyfuel
cutting, plasma cutting, CAC-A, and
I-beam coping. Those who obtain,
maintain, and embrace the ideologies
of quality trade craftsmanship have
the opportunity to certify under
AWS code.

Northwestern Michigan College offers a one year, hands-on welding program which prepares students to take
American Welding Society welder
qualification tests to become Certified
Welders. The program prepares
students with no experience to take
up to four welder qualification (certification) tests in two semesters. Small
class size provides personal attention
from instructors. Courses are
designed, structured, and sequenced
by welding process for flexibility.
Program facility, equipment, lab, and
ventilation system are state of the art.

1740 N. Terrilou Court

Palmer, AK 99645
(907) 357-6400
Fax: (907) 357-6430

Chuck Hunt
Welding Program Coordinator
1701 E Front Street
Traverse City, MI 49686
(231) 995-1300
Fax: (231) 995-2022

Northwest State
Community College
Northwest State Community College
is a public, two-year college based in
Archbold, Ohio. NSCC has more than
70 degree and certificate programs,
plus noncredit courses on 300+
subjects. NSCC offers a short-term
technical certificate in industrial
welding. Students are trained in MIG,
TIG, and stick for plate and pipe in
beginning and advanced classes.Graduates are prepared to take the American Welding Society certification tests.

22600 State Route 3,

Archbold, OH 43502
(419) 267-5511

Odessa College
The Odessa College Welding
Technology Department offers a full
range of certificate and associate
degree options. This AWS Educational
Institution member is a SENSE
affiliated program and follows the
WELD-ED national curriculum to
offer training in OFW, PAC, CAC-A,
SMAW plate and pipe, GMAW, FCAW,
GTAW, and SAW processes along with
specialized courses in metallurgy, NDE,
layout and fabrication. The training
facilities are designed around 75 welding stations and an advanced process
area in four newly renovated and
specialized lab areas with three classrooms. Odessa College sponsors a
newly formed AWS Student Chapter.

201 W. University
Odessa, TX 79764
(432) 335-6474
James Mosman CWI


Technical College
At Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical
College, students are trained according to the national welding codes and
receive additional national welding
certifications through the National
Center for Construction Education
and Research, with a transcript of
national credentials maintained by
Florida State University. Students
have the opportunity to earn an
Associate in Applied Science in General Technology degree with a major
in industrial maintenance/welding.
Students can also earn certificates
in intermediate welding, advanced
welding and welding fundamentals.

Pennsylvania College of
Penn State affiliate since 1989

Penn College offers the complete

package for those who wish to pursue
a welding career: modern facilities,
industry-standard equipment, comprehensive curriculum, and full campus
athletics, and more). In addition to
associate-degree and certificate programs, Penn College offers a B.S. degree
in Welding & Fabrication Engineering
Technology that prepares graduates
for supervisory, sales, and research
positions. A public television series
featuring the program is available for
viewing at

Jimmie F. Johnson
Welding Program Coordinator
(803) 535-1299
Fax: (803) 535-1365

One College Avenue

Williamsport, PA 17701

Owens Community College

Pitt Community College

Owens Community College has served

Northwest Ohio since 1965. Owens is
committed to providing small classes,
personal attention, and affordability
with four locations to serve students.
Owens offers an associate degree in
welding, a welding precertification
certificate, a GMAW welding certificate, a GTAW welding certificate and a
SMAW welding certificate. Individual
welding courses cover all aspects of
welding, including stick, gas, MIG, and
TIG welding.

The Welding Technology program at

Pitt Community College (PCC) offers
a multitude of degrees, diplomas, and
certificates including BPR/Testing,
SMAW (stick), and pipe. We offer
over 40 day, night, and weekend
courses. Instruction includes consumable and nonconsumable electrode
welding and cutting processes, as well
as destructive and nondestructive
testing. Established in 1961 and
located in Greenville, North Carolina,
PCC is a fully accredited community
college. It currently has over 22,000

For more information:

(567) 661-7457

Keith G. Kinlaw, A.A.S.

Curriculum Coordinator,
Welding Technology, M/W 114
PO Drawer 7007
Greenville, NC 27834
(252) 493-7643

Polaris Career Center

Polaris Career Center offers welding
training in Middleburg Heights, Ohio.
Earn AWS certification in SMAW
and GTAW welding. Welding certification through NCCER is also
available. The 600-hour course is
designed to give the students theory
and practical application related to
oxyfuel welding and brazing, GTAW,
GMAW, and FCAW. Course topics
include open V-groove welds, pipe
welds, and vertical welding. The adult
education program is offered in the
evening allowing students to work
during the day.

7285 Old Oak Blvd.

Middleburg Hts., OH 44130
(440) 891-7600
Johnny Napier,
Welding Program Coordinator

Portland Arts and

Technology High
Portland Arts and Technology High
School in Portland, Maine offers
excellent welder training. AWS certifications in SMAW/FCAW, structural
D1.1., GTAW, GMAW on carbon,
aluminum, stainless plate, and pipe
are also taught. The 2- or 3-year
course (800 -1000 hr) is designed to
give students plenty of practical application and theory in oxyfuel, plasma
cutting and SMAW. Blueprint reading
and black smithing are also practiced.
Adult education welding is offered
four times a year.

William Presby
Welding Instructor
(207) 874-8165
Fax: (207) 874-8170



Quality Control Co.
QCCO is a leader in nondestructive testing
training and certification services and is
respected in this field since established in
1984. Our training provides both the
knowledge and qualifications that NDT
and QC/QA personnel need to succeed.
QCCO is an agent of the American Welding Society, an authorized examination
center of the American Society for Non
destructive Testing, offers American Petroleum Institute training and certification
programs and NACE Painting/Coating
Training and certification programs.
QCCO offers local and remote training
and certifications programs to its clients in
the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Asia
as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, South
Africa, Italy, Romania, Saudi Arabia,
Bahrain, Kuwait, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Congo, Thailand, Lebanon,
Hong Kong, and other countries. All of our
instructors are qualified, experienced,
recognized NDT consultants, and well known
for expertise in the methods they teach.

3 Nablos St.,
Cairo, Egypt, Postal Code: 12411

Rochester Arc +
Flame Center
Rochester Arc + Flame Center is a
privately owned training facility that
offers welding training to the public.
The business has partnered with
Monroe Community College to offer
The Welding and Fabrication
Certificate a 20-week, 360-hour
intensive program designed to produce entry-level welder/fabricators.
Certificate programs in SMAW,
GMAW, GTAW, and pipe welding are
also offered. All programs emphasize
safety, technique, print reading and
soft skills. Customized training,
inspection, metallurgy and NDE are
also specialties.

125 Fedex Way,

Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 349-7110
110 APRIL 2014

Rock Valley College

Rock Valley Colleges welding program currently includes 125 students
trained in the facility which includes a
modern lab with 28 welding booths.
Welding processes being taught
include GMAW, FCAW, GTAW,
SMAW and oxyfuel. Rock Valley
College is an AWS Certified Accredited Testing Facility. The welding lab
has been at the current location for 14
years staffed by 2 full- time and 9 parttime faculty. For more information,
contact Mike Merriman in the
welding department.

Rockford, Illinois
(815) 921-3015
(815) 921-3010
Mike Merriman

Sol y Sol
Sol y Sol offers a comprehensive range of
products and services to cover most welding
needs, representing only top quality welding
brands. It offers education and certification
for welding engineers, welding inspectors,
and welders. Equipment sales and rental for
welding, cutting, induction heating, and
positioning, as well as consumable supplies
of welding and brazing products. Sol y Sol
also offers technical assistance on material
selection, weld quality, and productivity
improvement. Along with welder safety gear
and accessories. Quality inspection products
for VT, MT, and PT testing methods. Sol y
Sols team of internationally qualified and
experienced professionals is ready to
help with your most demanding welding

C/ Ro Tajo, Nave 1
45530 Santa Olalla Toledo - SPAIN
+34 925 797 688 / +34 672 063 303

Southeast Community College

Welding Technology Program
Southeast Community College offers
associate degree, diploma and certificate
programs using a comprehensive curriculum and modern equipment. Students
enjoy extensive hands-on training from experienced and knowledgeable instructors
in all major welding processes. Students
also will gain valuable experiences with
CNC plasma, fabrication, blueprints, and
related equipment. The program also is an
American Welding Society-accredited test
facility and offers welder qualification/
certification and training services to
business and industry. Contact us for more

Lincoln Campus
Mark Hawkins, Program Co-Chair
(402) 437-2694
Dan Zabel, Program Co-Chair
(402) 437-2692
College Admissions Office
Lincoln (402) 437-2600

Southeast Oklahoma
School of Welding
Southeast Oklahoma School of
Welding was founded in McAlester,
Oklahoma in July 2013 by two welders
John Allen and Will Roberts. After
20+ years working in the industry,
they realized that there is a great need
for quality welders and fabricators.
SEOSW offers two main courses:
Master Welder and Pipeline Welder
which both include fabrication training.

1710 E. College Avenue,

McAlester, OK 74501
(918) 423-9353


Suffolk County
Community College
Co-ed two-year public community college
Founded: 1959

SCCC Advanced Manufacturing

Training Centers welding program is
aligned to AWS D1.1 standards with
AWS certification testing offered to
the students. Courses are designed to
provide a better understanding of
what is required of those working in
the manufacturing environment
through a combination of classroom,
lab, and online learning.

Certified by the Welding Training

and Test Institute (WTTI)
as a Remote Testing Facility
1001 Crooked Hill Road
Brentwood, NY 11717
(631) 851-6200

Summit College
Summit College, located in the Inland
Empire, was founded in 1991 in
Colton, California and is nationally accredited by ACCET. Summit offers
two welding programsweldingadvance and welding-basic. Weldingadvance helps prepare students for
valuable certifications, such as ASME
Section 9, API 1104, and AWS D1.1.
This program also steers students
toward jobs on the big projects, like
high-pressure steam pipes, offshore oil
rigs, and cross-country pipeline.

Colton Campus
851 S. Cooley Dr.
Colton, CA 92324
(909) 422-8950

Tennessee College of
Applied Technology
The Welding Technology program is
designed to give the students the
necessary classroom instruction and
practical welding experience necessary for entry-level job performance.
Basic practical experience is gained by
repetition of welding positions in
GMAW, GTAW, SMAW, oral, written
and performance tests are given to
measure the students proficiencies.
The day program requires twelve
months to complete. The evening
program requires eighteen months to
complete. Awards: combination
welders diploma and certificates.

100 White Bridge Road

Nashville, TN 37209
(615) 425-5500

Tri-County Technical
Founded 1965

The Welding program at Tri-County

Technical College has trained welders
for industry since 1965. Training is
provided in structural, pipe, and
fabrication welding using SMAW,
GMAW and GTAW processes.
Students have the option of an
associate degree program, or certificate programs with varying skill sets.
72 modern weld stations to accommodate training needs. Three certified
welding inspectors/educators are on
staff to provide welder certification
testing and customized company

7900 Highway 76
P.O. Box 587
Pendleton, SC 29670
(864) 646-1405

Tyler Junior College

Tyler Junior College is a comprehensive community college in Tyler, Texas
that enrolls approximately 12,000
credit students annually. Its one-year
certificate and two-year associate
degree pathways in welding technology prepare students for entry-level
code welding for industry. Training is
provided in SMAW, GMAW, FCAW,
GTAW and pipe welding. In addition,
the welding program follows the AWS
SENSE entry level guidelines for
welder training. Many TJC welding
graduates secure a great job before
graduation. Let us help you prepare
for a rewarding career in a highdemand field. Call 1-800-687-5680 or
visit our website.

P.O. Box 9020

Tyler, TX 75711
(903) 510-2390
or (800) 687-5680

United Technical
Welding Academy
United Technical Welding Academy, an
advanced training institution, offering
occupational training and certifications in
accordance with AWS SENSE program.
AWS CWE and welding engineers
develop custom training courses to create
experienced skilled trades personnel
for your company in such areas as
structural assemblies, robotics, aerospace,
automotive, die repair and pipe. Our
metallurgical/weld laboratory develops
written procedures, welds, tests and
qualifies your company PQR/WPS
(steel, stainless, aluminum, etc.). Welding
simulator, welder qualifications, ASNT
NDT inspection services, and training.
CWI services are also provided.

21001 Pontiac Trail

South Lyon, MI 48178
(248) 667-9185
Sales Mobile: (248) 302-6496


University of
Alaska Anchorage Welding
and NDT Technology
Founded 1970

The welding/NDT program at UAA

offers a choice of occupational
endorsement certificates and an
Associate of Applied Science degree
that centers on welding skills, welding
inspection and nondestructive testing.
Program courses include skill development in major welding processes,
pipe fitting and basic metallurgy, as
well as hands-on NDT training in the
RT, UT, MT and PT processes. Our
program serves about 175 students
each year.

3211 Providence Drive GHH 111

Anchorage, AK 99508
(907) 786-6475
Fax: (907) 786-6474

Educational Centers
Combination Welding
Taught by professionals experienced
in the field, the welding program
provides courses in blueprint reading,
project management, welding techniques and gas metal arc welding.
The program introduces welding
theories, safety requirements, cutting
techniques, and welding terminology.
Training progresses to include gas
tungsten arc welding, project management, and advanced blueprint reading.
Welding is offered at Fairview Heights,
Illinois as well as Missouri locations
including Northpark (St. Louis),
Joplin and Kansas City. Learn more at

P.O. Box 28269

Olivette, MO. 63132
(877) 206-5844
112 APRIL 2014

Community College


The welding and fabrication program at

Washtenaw Community College currently
offers two certificates and an associates
degree in applied science in welding
technology. The full-time faculty, all AWS
Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI), pride
themselves in providing students the skills
they need to enter the welding workforce
upon graduation and even assist in job
placement. WCC is also an AWS Accredited Test Facility (ATF), which means
students have the ability to achieve an
AWS certification, further expanding their
knowledge, expertise and employability.
A proud participant and supporter of
SkillsUSA, our last three WCC student
competitors achieved gold medals at the
National level and with that the honor of
representing the USA at WorldSkills.

Weld-Ed, funded by the National Science Foundation, has a primary goal

to provide professional development
courses for welding educators across
the country. Weld-Ed offers a variety
of training modules each year that
focus on different components of
welding. Educators will earn 4 CEUs
upon completion of the week-long
courses. For more information or to
register, please visit our website.

1005 North Abbe Road

Elyria, OH 44035
(440) 366-4924

4800 E. Huron River Dr.

Ann Arbor, MI 48105
(734) 973-3627
Glenn Kay II

Waubonsee Community
The Welding Technology program
at Waubonsee Community College
offers students options of two certificates, as well as an Associate in
Applied Science Degree. Class sizes
are small to ensure students get
focused and individualized attention.
Waubonsee's welding program includes classes in each of the basic
processes including: OFW, TB, OFCA, PAC, SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, and
GTAW. Additionally, the curriculum
includes four courses specifically
devoted to pipe welding with GTAW
and SMAW in all positions.

Rt. 47 @ Waubonsee Drive

Sugar Grove, IL 60554
(630) 466-7900, ext. 2263
Fax: (630) 466-5795

Welder Skill
WELDER SKILL is a training and
qualification school in the field of
welding manufacturing. Our personnel
have 12 years of experience and our
facilities are equipped to provide the practice of welding processes. WELDER
SKILL offers the following services:
Welder qualification in the SMAW,
GTAW, GMAW, and FCAW processes,
consulting for companies in the field of
welding manufacturing, Free conferences
to schools, universities and companies
in the welding manufacturing field.
WELDER SKILL has the following
recognitions: An AWS Educational
Institution Membership and the Colombian Association of Welding and Non
Destructive Testing.

Nos encontramos ubicados

en Bogot Colombia
tel 7815235
cel 3115562767


Welder Training and
Testing Institute
Founded in 1968

WTTI maintains a freestanding campus in Pennsylvania housing a weld lab

equipped with sixty-five work stations.
Training is provided in all major welding processes. Classrooms are fully
equipped to support lessons in theory,
blueprint-reading, and fitting. Specialized on-site training is available to
industry with the option of a 10 station
multi-process mobile welding lab.
WTTI also offers CWI and NDT
training and certification, as well as,
welder certification through our AWS
Accredited Test Facility and ISO
17025 Accredited Laboratory.

White Mountains
Community College
Its pretty simple here at WMCC. We
teach hands-on welding skills. We use
cutting edge equipment. We create
professionals. Spend your time on new
equipment learning new processes in
our new 24-booth lab (or connected
virtual welding lab). Have regular
demos and recruiting visits from
industry. Get a certificate in welding
technology or pipe welding or an
Associates Degree (fall of 2014). Get
a great job. Keep on welding.

2020 Riverside Drive

Berlin, NH 03570
729 E. Highland Street
Allentown, PA 18109

Welding Skills Workshops,

Test & Training Center
Personalized, hands-on FAST TRACK
welder training and qualifications in
Maximum class size is eight. Shop
math, blueprint reading and code
book clinics. Flexible schedule, weekdays, night and weekends. Minutes
from Ontario International Airport,
hotels and restaurants.

Welding Skills Workshops,

Test & Training Center
9216 Center Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. 91730
(909) 476-4149

York Technical College

Egyptian Welding Academy

Egyptian Welding Academy qualifies
Welders and Engineers according
to (AWS-SENSE No.111007PO and
AWS-ATF No.120505). Qualify and
Certify Welding Inspectors NDT (VT,
UT, RT, PT, MT) according to ASNT.
Qualify and prepare Engineers in
Welding Technology, Metallurgy, Material selection, Electrode selection,
and International Codes & standards.
Provide Industrial Services (Fabrication, Reverse Engineering, Repair
and Maintenance, Project Documents) is Certified ISO 9001: 2008
Certificate No.QS-5771HH (GL) and
is a approved supplier for USAID in
Basra, Iraq.

7of 6thOctoberSt.
Shoubra El-Khaima, Qalubeia,
Fax: (020) 44745555 Ext.:266

SLV Mnchen
Ihr Partner fr

York Technical College (YTC) was

founded in 1964. The welding program offers a two year degree, a
diploma and two certificate programs
which consist of SMAW, GMAW,
GTAW, FCAW, Oxyfuel welding and
cutting, orbital and automation
welding on plate and pipe. Offered in
conjunction with the various welding
processes are destructive/non-destructive testing, metallurgy and blue print
reading for welders. In the near future,
YTC is planning to become an AWS
accredited testing facility, which will
authorize YTCs welding program
to administer welding tests to codes
and standards for certification. We
are apart of the AWS SENSE
program and an AWS Student Chapter.

AWS Training in Munich, Germany.

The SLV Munich is a branch of the GSI
mbH. Our services are education, material engineering, quality management
as well as research and development.
Within the bounds of the cooperation
with AWS our future aim is to provide
training following the AWS system.
Furthermore advanced training courses
are intended that prepare the trainees
for the CWI exam. The exam is
executed by AWS. We also offer
education for the IWE and for the field
of NDT according to ISO 9712 up
to level 2. GSI - Gesellschaft fr
Schweitechnik International mbH

Rich Santoro, Instructor

452 S. Anderson Rd.
Rock Hill, SC 29730
(803) 385-5884
Fax: (803) 5815434

Schachenmeierstrae. 37
80636 Mnchen, Germany


continued from page 15

ESAB Welding & Cutting Products, Florence, S.C., has implemented the new European EN ISO Standard 17916 for the
safety of thermal cutting machines. All cutting systems manufactured at its Karben, Germany, facility will meet these safety
requirements. The company also has a partnership with
RoboVent Product Group, Inc., for developing high-performance robotic welding systems in North America.
Tri Tool, Inc., Rancho Cordova, Calif., a manufacturer of
portable precision equipment, introduced a new brand identity. The double T symbolizes the companys name while the
new tagline is Building Performance.
Bernard, Beecher, Ill., offers online configurators that allow
customizing the companys four semiautomatic gas metal arc
gun lines Q-Gun, S-Gun, T-Gun, and TGX at
A large supplier of electric resistance welded pipes has completed installing a new 800-kW HAZControl technology dual
(induction/contact) solid-state, high-frequency welding machine at one of its North American facilities. The producer
chose Thermatool Corp., East Haven, Conn., to meet the American Petroleum Institute standards required by its customers.
Jeff Loding, the third-generation GTW Welding Supplies
owner, has recently opened a new branch in Ionia, Mich., with
the help of Manager Larry Scheurer.
The Welder Training & Testing Institute, Allentown, Pa., has
received its second accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 in the field

continued from page 58

Brazing School Fundamentals to Advanced Concepts. April

911 (Hartford, Conn.); May 1315 (Los Angeles, Calif.); Oct.
79 (Greenville, S.C.); Nov. 1820 (Hartford, Conn.). Kay and Associates, Brazing Consultants.;
(860) 651-5595;
Clean Air Act Compliance Workshop. April 13. Houston, Tex.;
April 2324, Las Vegas, Nev. EPA Alliance Training Group.
Collaborative Robots Workshop. April 16, Hynes Convention
Center, Boston, Mass. Robotic Industries Assn. (RIA).
Environmental Bootcamp. April 2225, Las Vegas, Nev.; May
1316, Chicago, Ill. Environmental training for health and safety
EWI Courses. April 10, Sheet Metal Forming; May 59, Aug.
48, Fundamentals of Welding Engineering; June 19, High-Power
Ultrasonic Processes. Columbus, Ohio.
Grounding and Electrical Protection Courses. April 3, 4 in
Miami, Fla.; June 12, 13 in Oklahoma City, Okla.; Aug. 14, 15 in
Syracuse, N.Y.; Oct. 9, 10 in Phoenix, Ariz.; Nov. 13, 14 in New
Orleans, La. Lyncole XIT Grounding; (800) 962-2610;

114 APRIL 2014

of nondestructive examination. The #3430.02 new scope includes visual, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, ultrasonic,
and radiographic inspections.
The Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio, has a new partnership with the World of Outlaws STP Sprint Car Series and the
World of Outlaws Late Model Series, Concord, N.C.
Hypertherm recently announced a LEED Gold designation for
its new manufacturing facility in Lebanon, N.H. The 160,000sq-ft facility, in operation for about a year, received a total of
62 points from the U.S. Green Building Council.
Evana Automation Specialists, Evansville, Ind., integrated
eight Motoman robots into a new powder coating line for a
commercial wheel manufacturer by providing bases, guarding,
and end-of-arm tools for the customer-supplied robots.
Tooling U-SMEs Competency Framework, a new tool available this spring, allows companies to combat the increasing
talent shortage and achieve stronger workforce performance
while providing development pathways and career growth opportunities for their employees. Its made up of more than 60
defined job role competency models.
Herr-Voss Stamco, Callery, Pa., recently engineered, manufactured, and integrated a new 3-roll flattener into FerrouSouths existing cut-to-length line in Iuka, Miss.
Solar Atmospheres of Western PA has been awarded Nadcap
Merit status for vacuum heat treating and brazing of metals.
This rank also means that it has been granted an accreditation
that lasts two years through January 2016.
Linde LLC, Murray Hill, N.J., recently signed a contract to
supply liquid oxygen, nitrogen, and argon to Technical Alloy
and Industrial Gas, Houston, Tex.

Laser Safety Officer Training Courses. June 26, Boston, Mass.;

June 2426, St. Louis, Mo. Laser Institute of America; (800) 3452737;
Medical Laser Safety Officer Training Courses. June 7, 8,
Boston, Mass. Laser Institute of America; (800) 345-2737;
Modern Furnace Brazing School. May 68, Aerobraze
Engineered Technologies Brazing Engineering Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Contact Jim Nicoll, (248) 585-6400, ext. 233;
Resistance Welding Seminars. April 23, Cleveland, Ohio; April
30, Roanoke, Va.; May 20, Jackson, Mich.; June 4, Nashville,
Tenn.; June 18, Scranton, Pa.; Aug. 20, Des Moines, Iowa; Sept.
10, Huntsville, Ala.; Sept. 24, Milwaukee, Wis.; Oct. 1,
Evansville, Ind.; Oct. 15, Columbus, Ohio; Nov. 20, Orlando, Fla.
T. J. Snow Co.;
Shot and Flap Peening Workshops. Shot Peening Workshop,
April 2224; Flap Peening Workshop, April 25; Superior Shot
Peening, Inc., 2350 Security Forest Dr., Cleveland (Houston),
Tex. Metal Finishing News;
Welder Training & Testing Institute Courses. API Endorsement:
May 29, Nov. 1; D1.5 Endorsement: May 30, Aug. 2; CWI: June
26, Aug. 1115, Nov. 37; D1.1 Endorsement: June 6, Aug. 15,
Nov. 7; Bolting Endorsement: Aug. 1. Contact Tracy Wiswesser,
WTTI, 1144 N. Graham St., Allentown, Pa.; (610) 820-9551, ext.

ay 28 29,, 2014 / Hotel Monteleone,
Monteleone, N
ew O

A distinguished panel of aluminum-industr
willl survey
experts wil
sur vey the state of the art
art in aluminum
elding tec
oggy and practice.

The 17th Aluminum Welding

Weelding Conference
nffeerence wil
also pr
you to
ovide several
several opportunities
opportunities for
foor you
nettwork informally
o mally with speakers and other
ticipants,, and to visit an exhibition
exhibition showcasing
oducts and ser
vices available to the aluminum
elding industr
Aluminum lends itself to a wide var
ietty of
ial applications
applications bec
ause of its light w
high str
ength-to-weight rratio,
atio, corrosion
corrosion resistance,
and other attributes.
attributes. However,
Howeverr, bec
ause its cchemical
and physical
aree diff
physical pr
operties ar
ffeerent from
from those of
steel,, welding
welding of aluminum requires
requires special
processes,, te
hniques and expertise.

n PDHs
PDHs toward
toward your
yoour AWS
AWS recertification
recertification when yyou
oou attend this conference.
gister Early and Save
www or call (800) 443-9353 ext 234.


Online Courses
Virtual Conferences
Educational Resources

continued working as a consultant until

recently. An AWS Life Member, he was
active with the New Jersey Section.


continued from page 90

Harry W. Ebert

Member Milestones
Jorge J. Perdomo
Jorge J. Perdomo, active with the AWS
Houston Section, has been named by
NACE, The Corrosion Society, to receive its Technical
Achievement Award.
His citation reads,
Dr. Perdomo is recognized for his practical approach on
solving corrosionrelated problems of
pressure equipment
via failure analysis,
materials selection,
Jorge Perdomo
life assessment, prediction, and repair methods in the oil and
gas, refining, petrochemical, and pulp and
paper industries. Perdomo, with ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co.,
Equipment Div. Welding & Metallurgy, Baytown, Tex., is an 11-year AWS
member. He serves on the AWS Technical Papers Committee, is a Principal Reviewer for the Research Supplement of
the Welding Journal, and serves on the
Houston Section Education Committee.

Paul Phelps
Paul Phelps, a member of the AWS
Western Carolina Section, has been
awarded the prestigious A. Wade Martin
Innovator of the Year Award at the South
Carolina Technical
Education Association conference in
February. The award
recognizes individuals in the technical
college system who
employ innovative
approaches to meet
the ever-changing
needs in the techniPaul Phelps
cal education arena
and whose achievements assist in statewide economic development and the education of students.
Phelps has served as program coordinator for the welding program at Tri-County
Technical College where the programs
enrollment has steadily increased from
60 to 120 students. Phelps assists local
companies with prehire assessment, fabrication training, weld testing, quality improvement, and writing procedures. He
helped design and build the colleges
43,000-sq-ft Industrial Technology Center that houses the welding and HVAC
programs. In 2007, Phelps received the
Section Educator Award.

Harry W. Ebert, P.E.,

88, died Feb. 5 in
Long Island, N.Y.
Born in Mannheim,
Germany, Ebert immigrated to the
United States in
1940, and attended
The Ohio State University (OSU) until
Harry W. Ebert
1943 when he was
drafted to serve several years in a U.S. Army intelligence unit.
Upon discharge, he returned to OSU to
complete his masters degree in welding
engineering. In 1985, he established the
Hanni & Harry Ebert Scholarship Fund
to benefit OSU welding engineering students. Ebert worked 50 years for various
engineering firms and as a colonel in the
Army Reserves. He retired from Exxon as
principal welding engineer in 2000, then

Michael D. C. Moles
Michael D. C.
Moles, P.E., 66, died
Feb. 13 in Toronto,
Canada, where he
was an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto, Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, teachMichael Moles
ing a graduate course
on advanced ultrasonic inspection techniques. A long-time
member of the nondestructive testing
community, he received his PhD in metallurgy in 1972 from the University of
Cambridge and MBA from McMaster
University in 1984. A member of AWS for
ten years, he also was active with ASME,

Publish Your Research in the

and Youll Get


Your research sent to more than 68,000 American Welding

Society members


Your published paper posted on the AWS Web site for FREE
access worldwide (


The most recent Impact Factor of 1.00


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Every research paper published in the Welding Journal since

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Welding Journal





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118 APRIL 2014

Lea Paneca
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IIW Training Courses
The American Welding Society, the
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candidates interested in obtaining
the IIW International Welding
Engineer or International Welding
Technologist diploma. Courses are
being planned that will blend
Internet-delivered training with
classroom training conducted in the
United States.
The 440-hour course will be offered
during the next two summers and
is designed to promote career
development for busy welding

Place Your
Classified Ad Here!
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Rob Saltzstein, ext. 243
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Alcotec/An ESAB Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 228-0750

Hobart Institute of Welding Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 332-9448

ALM Materials Handling Positioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 544-5438

Hypertherm, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 643-0030

American Torch Tip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 342-8477

IMPACT (Ironworkers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 545-4921

ArcOne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 223-4685

International Manufacturing Technology Show 2014 . . . . .19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(703) 827-5283

Arcos Industries, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 233-8460

Intercon Enterprises, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 665-6655

Astaras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1, 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .web contact only

Kimberly-Clark Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 . . . . . . . . .(800) 241-3146

Atlas Welding Accessories, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 962-9353

K.I.W.O.T.O., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(269) 944-1552

AWS Education Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59, 91, 95, 115, 116 . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 443-9353, ext. 455

Lincoln Electric Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(216) 481-8100

AWS Membership Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86, 89 . . . . . . . . .(800) 443-9353, ext. 480

Mathey Dearman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(918) 447-1288

AWS Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55, 117 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 443-9353

Micro Air Clean Air Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 566-4276

Camfil Air Pollution Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 479-6801

Midalloy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 776-3300

CDA Technical Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 . . . . . . . .(888) 974-2232

OTC Daihen, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(888) 682-7626

CEI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 473-1976

Schaefer Ventilation Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 779-3267

Champion Welding Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 321-9353

Select Arc, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(937) 295-5215

Cor-Met . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 848-2719

Superflash Compressed Gas Equipment/IBEDA, Inc. . . . .30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(888) 327-7306

Dengensha America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(440) 439-8081

TRUMPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .web contact only

Diamond Ground Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(805) 498-3837

Victor Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 279-2628

FABTECH 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 443-9353, ext. 297

Weld Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 935-3243

Fischer Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(937) 754-1754

Weld Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(508) 842-2224

Flexovit Abrasive Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 689-3539

WEMCO/An Association of Welding Manufacturers . . . . .87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 443-9353, ext. 444

Fronius USA, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(877) 376-6487

WELDING SCHOOL PROFILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96113

Greiner Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 782-2110
Gullco International, Inc. - U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(440) 439-8333
Harris Products Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 733-4043
120 APRIL 2014

IFC = Inside Front Cover

IBC = Inside Back Cover
OBC = Outside Back Cover

Visit the AWS Interactive Ad Index:


Sponsored by the American Welding Society and the Welding Research Council

Evaluation of Triangular, Engineered-Shape

Ceramic Abrasive in Cutting Discs
A new engineered-shaped abrasive was tested against a standard-shaped
abrasive in discs to determine its long-term cutting ability


An investigation was made into a recently developed engineered-shape abrasive

taking the form of thick triangles standing upright on an abrasive disc. The cutting rate,
effect of abrasive dulling, specific energies, and grit-wear modes and mechanisms were
examined in cutting discs mounted on a hand-held angle grinder. Results were remarkable, with the engineered-shape abrasive maintaining, in spite of grit dulling, a
significantly faster cutting rate throughout the test and obtaining a much longer tool
life, which appears to be caused, at least partially, by chip formation in front of the grit.

In the 1980s, ceramic abrasive was
introduced, which contained a submicron,
microcrystalline grain size (Ref. 1). When
used correctly, these abrasives fracture in
small pieces, maintaining wheel sharpness
while minimizing wheel wear. In subsequent years, different varieties of these
abrasives were produced, including a grit
that was manufactured with a specific
geometry an engineered-shape abrasive
which was created through an extrusion
process to yield the spaghetti grit with
an aspect ratio of 4:1 and later 8:1 (Ref. 1).
Recently, a new abrasive type has been
developed a microcrystalline ceramicgrit with a unique, engineered shape taking the form of a thick triangle.
Unfortunately, little to no scientific information is available on the material-removal mechanisms or wear mechanisms of
this abrasive, other than some broad statements on the manufacturers website
claiming longer tool life and less pressure
to remove the same amount of material,
but without any supporting scientific information. Moreover, it is not uncommon
for abrasives producers to make broad
(www.thegrinding works independently as The Grinding
Doc, a consultant in grinding, assisting companies
around the world in improving their grinding operations, Austin, Tex.

claims about products that are, at best,

only marginally better.
Therefore, an investigation was made
into this new abrasive to determine 1) the
grits wear mechanisms grit-fracture or
dulling and if the grit-wear mechanisms
are the same as other microcrystalline
grits; 2) how the geometry of the abrasive
affects the metal-cutting action during
grinding; and 3) the energies associated
with chip removal by the abrasive.
In addition, little has been written about
the application of fiber discs in hand-held
angle grinders. Therefore, the study was designed first to investigate the behavior of
fiber discs in hand-held grinding applications, with special attention to the welding
industry, and second to investigate the behavior of the triangular, engineered-shape
ceramic abrasive in fiber discs to determine
the life of discs using the engineered-shape
abrasive, and the long-term cutting ability of
the engineered-shape abrasive; all compared to discs containing standard-shape,
fused abrasive.

Engineered-Shape Abrasive
Coated Abrasive
Ceramic Grit

Test Setup

A fiber disc is a coated-abrasive product that is used in a variety of applications,

the most notable being in the welding industry, where it is used to remove weld
metal, typically with a hand-held angle
grinder. Although the pressure applied by
the operator will vary, this can be considered a constant-force (as opposed to constant feed rate) grinding operation.
Typically, the new disc is sharp and removal rates are high. As the disc dulls,
rubbing increases, which increases the
push back normal force. As a result, removal rates decrease. Eventually, the single layer of abrasive is stripped off of the
disc or the abrasive grits become so dull
that rubbing dominates, with the resulting
large normal force preventing the sufficiently large grit penetration depth necessary to form a chip, resulting in extremely
low removal rates, i.e., the disc refuses to
cut. At this point, the disc is discarded
and replaced with a new one.
Conditions were chosen to replicate
what happens in the welding industry. The
operator who conducted the tests is employed in the welding industry and used
his own equipment: a handle-held anglegrinder (120 V, 6 A, 11000 rev/min). Discs
were mounted on a slotted rubber pad.
The hub created a depressed center,
with an active diameter range from ds,i =
60 mm to the disc outer diameter of ds,o =
114.3 mm, giving an active area of As =
7434 mm2. The disc speed ranged from vs
= 34.4 m/s at the innermost usable point
to 65.8 m/s at the outer diameter.
The workpiece was a 1-m-long mildsteel rod 18.9 9.65 mm. The rod was
mounted vertically in a vice and scribed
every 5 mm. The workpiece was ground
down in 5-mm segments, with the opera-




Fig. 1 Power profile during grinding.

Table 1 Apparent Surface Roughness

Measurements, Ra-app


Disc A, 80
Disc B, 80+
Disc C, 36
Disc D, 36
Disc E, 36+

0.8 m
1.2 m
4 m
4 m
6 m

0.4 m
0.5 m
3 m
3 m
4 m

Fig. 2 Unworn engineered-shaped-abrasive disc.

less of the removal rate achieved. A forcetransducer was used to measure this force,
giving a value of FN ~10 lb (45 Newtons).
The specific energy, e, is typically calculated by e=P/Q, where P is the grinding
power in watts and Q is the materialremoval rate in mm3/s (Ref. 2). However,
the material-removal rate in weld grinding
is not constant. Therefore, specific energy
was calculated from first principles by

tor oscillating the grinder back and forth

during grinding while periodically stopping to check how far was left until the
next mark before resuming.
Segments were ground until either the
disc would not cut any more or until the
disc was stripped away of abrasive. Grinding swarf was collected near the ground
workpiece. Scanning-electron-microscope
photos were taken of the disc and the
grinding swarf.
Grinding power was measured with a
power meter measuring voltage and current at 100 samples/s in the single-phase,
120-V AC power supply and calculating
power in watts (W).
After every segment, the power-profile was downloaded and the specific energy was calculated. Because there were
short periods of nongrinding when the
operator checked his work, similar to as
is done in the field, the time to grind either one segment, t1sg, or two segments,
t2sg, was calculated by taking a time-summation of all points lying above a threshold power of Pth = 75 W. In other words,
the nongrinding time was not included in
the calculation t1sg or t2sg. A typical
power profile for one segment is shown
in Fig. 1.
Throughout the entire test, the operator
applied the same moderate pressure that
he uses when grinding in the field, regard-

108-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93


where W is the energy required to grind a

given volume of material, in Joules, and V
is the volume of material ground, in mm3.
The energy, W, was calculated from the
basic equation for work

P ( t ) dt


where P is the instantaneous grinding

power, after subtracting out idle power,
from the initial time ti to the final time tf.
Products Tested

Grinding was performed with two 80mesh discs and three 36-mesh discs. One
80-mesh disc and one 36-mesh disc each
contained engineered-shape abrasive.
(Mesh is a measure of grit size, which can
be approximated in standard abrasives by
dg = 15.2/M, where dg is the average grit
diameter in mm and M is the mesh size.)
The patent for the engineered-shape
abrasive (Ref. 3) states the abrasive is triangular shaped of various sizes and thicknesses, with tapered edges of various
angles, which allow the abrasive to stand
on end at various angles, giving different
attack angles. Grooves are put into one
side of the abrasive which, according to
the patent, give advantages in manufacturing and in self-sharpening (Ref. 3).

Figure 2 shows an electron-microscope

image of one of the discs tested here in
its new, unworn state.
The following 80-mesh and 36-mesh
discs were analyzed:
Disc A: Standard-shaped abrasive, 80mesh disc.
Disc B: Engineered-shaped abrasive,
80+-mesh disc.
Disc C: Standard-shaped abrasive, 36mesh disc.
Disc D: Standard-shaped abrasive, 36mesh disc.
Disc E: Engineered-shaped abrasive,
36+-mesh disc.
Surface Finish

In the field, the welder removes the

bulk of the material with high pressure
and then feathers out the surface with
light pressure in order to achieve a better
apparent surface finish, which is evaluated visually. Therefore, a roughness
gauge was used to evaluate apparent surface finish. After grinding two segments
and then ten segments, the operator took
a short plunge into two separate sections
of a piece of metal and then feathered
out one section to improve surface finish. The two surfaces were visually compared to the roughness gauge to obtain
an apparent surface finish, Ra-app, for
both plunge conditions and the feathered
Wear Measurements

Vernier calipers were used to measure

the thickness of the outer portion of the
disc at four points (0, 90, 180, and 270 deg)
with the calipers intruding into the disc a
distance of 5 mm. This was done 1) before
grinding, 2) after a touch off grind was
made, and after 3) segment one, 4) segment two, and 5) segment seven.

80-Mesh Discs

The results of the time to grind each

segment and the specific energy in each
segment are shown in Fig. 3. For disc A, the
time to grind one segment was 34 s for a
new disc. This gradually increased, to 281 s
for segment 8. After segment 8, the disc
refused to cut, with the operator spending several minutes grinding with very little
progress. Testing was then stopped.
For disc B, the time to grind one segment was 20 s for a new disc. This also increased gradually, to 27 s per segment at
segment 59. After 59 segments had been
ground, it appeared that the test would go
on too long. Therefore, the operator proceeded to grind material without cessation, i.e., not pausing to check size or to
download data. At segment 69, the disc
was eventually stripped of a layer of abrasive and testing was stopped.
In disc A, specific energy started at 10.6
J/mm3 for segment 1 and increased to 64.3
J/mm3 for segment 8. In disc B, specific energy started at 6.8 J/mm3 for segment 1
and increased to 8.3 J/mm3 for segment 59.
36-Mesh Discs

The results for three different 36-mesh

discs are shown in Fig. 4. Disc C and disc

Fig. 4 36-mesh disc results.

D gave similar results. For a new disc,

grinding of two segments required about
50 s and produced a specific energy of
about 8 J/mm3. As grinding proceeded, the
time to grind increased significantly, to
193 s for disc C and 172 s for disc D after
10 segments. Specific energies also increased, more than doubling after 10 segments. Shortly after beginning to grind
segment 11, both discs refused to cut,
and the operator continued to grind for
several minutes without making significant
progress. The test was then terminated.
Disc E, containing the engineeredshape abrasive, showed vastly different results. The time to grind two segments was
around half the other two discs (25 s) and
stayed steady throughout 32 segments,
possibly decreasing slightly. The specific
energy was around 40% lower than the
other two discs and also stayed steady.
After 32 segments, disc E showed very
little visual signs of wear. Considering the
long time required in the 80-mesh tests to
obtain disc failure, the test was terminated
before disc failure.
Surface Finish

Table 1 gives the measured apparent

surface roughness of the workpiece during
grinding after the second segment was
ground, both after a straight plunge and
after a straight plunge followed by a feath-

Table 2 Disc Ratio, Dr

Disc A, 80
Disc B, 80+
Disc C, 36
Disc D, 36
Disc E, 36+

Vf (mm3)

Dr (mm3/mm2)



ering out. The visual roughness did not

change noticeably between Segment 2 and
Segment 10.
In all cases, the feathering action reduced the apparent roughness, particularly with the 80-mesh discs. As expected,
the larger-grit discs produced a rougher
apparent surface roughness. In both the
36-mesh and 80-mesh cases, the engineered-shape abrasive gave a rougher apparent surface roughness, after both the
straight plunge and after feathering.
Abrasive-Wear Depth

Figure 5 shows wear depth vs. the number of segments ground for disc A and disc
B. Because the disc is not dressed, the
height of the single layer of the grits varies
drastically around the area of the disc, similar to a single layer in electroplated
wheels (Ref. 4). In addition, initially the
disc will not contact on all areas. ThereWELDING JOURNAL 109-s


Fig. 3 80-mesh disc results.

Fig. 6 Material-removal parameter.


Fig. 5 Wear-depth results.

Fig. 7 Material-removal parameter and specific energy.

Table 3 Material-Removal Parameters and Specific Energy

H and L, high
Disc A, new
H and L, low
Disc A, worn

45N (mm3/45N)

e (J/mm3)


20 (100% higher)
10 (50%)
110 (+69% higher)

fore, there will be a large scatter in measurements, as shown in the figure. However, if the average value is taken, the
general trend of rapid initial wear is apparent, as the high grits are either knocked
out or flattened, with the spread in measurements decreasing as the disc wears. In
disc B, which contains the engineeredshape abrasive, the initial spread is
smaller, perhaps owing to the more uniform height of the upright abrasives. In addition, it can be seen that disc wear is also
rapid and then steady.

G-Ratio D-Ratio

The G-ratio, Gr, is frequently used to

evaluate grinding wheels. It is the ratio of
110-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

the volume of workpiece ground, Vwp, to

the volume of wheel worn away during
grinding, Vwh, according to Gr = Vwp/Vwh.
If this method is used, taking into account
only the active area of the disc and the
depth of abrasive lost at the end of the test
(~0.15 mm), the values obtained are Gr =
7.4 for disc A and Gr = 56.4 for disc B.
However, coated abrasives contain only
a single layer of abrasive, so the G-ratio
measurement can be misleading. In grinding, wheel wear can mean a loss of workpiece dimensional tolerances, which isnt
an issue in disc grinding. In the case of
discs, the relevant measurement is the
amount of work that a single disc can accomplish, regardless of the wear depth of
the disc.
Therefore, the more relevant measurement is D-ratio, Dr, which is the volume of

material ground away at disc failure, Vf, divided by the active abrasive area, As, according to Dr = Vf /As. Results are given
in Table 2.
Disc Ratio, Dr

In the 80-mesh tests, disc B gave nearly

eight times the life of disc A. In addition,
because segments 59 to 69 were ground
without cessation, there was no additional
time available for heat to conduct away
from the workpiece. It is possible that this
resulted in higher temperatures, which
may have accelerated disc failure.
Testing of disc E was stopped with very
minimal visible wear of the disc. Considering this, it appears that the life of disc E
would have been at least an order of magnitude greater than discs C and D.
Metal Removal Parameter

In 1971, Hahn and Lindsay introduced

the metal removal parameter (Ref. 5),
which is the material-removal rate per unit
normal force, given as
= Q / FN


Fig. 9 Worn ceramic grit (Ref. 7).

Table 4 Grit Densities

Ng (grits)
Disc A, 80
Disc B, 80+
Disc C, 36
Disc D, 36
Disc E, 36+
Shaw, 80-mesh
Shaw, 36-mesh


Cg (grits/mm2)

where Q is the material-removal rate in

mm3/s and FN is the normal force in Newtons. In surface grinding, this parameter
can be misleading as it implies that normal
force is specified, giving a resulting material-removal rate, which may explain why
the concept has not caught on in the past
40 years in spite of its utility. It is, however,
very relevant in disc grinding, as the operator pushes on the material with a fixed
normal force (in this case, 45 N) and the
material-removal rate achieved is based
on the cutting ability of the wheel, i.e., the
wheel sharpness.
Therefore, the parameter 45N can be
defined as the material-removal rate that
is achieved from 45 N of near-constant applied normal force, with units of mm3/s
achieved removal rate per 45 N of constant applied force, or mm3/s/45N. Using
the time to grind one segment, when the
disc was in contact with the workpiece, and
the volume of one segment, results shown
in Fig. 6 are obtained.
The material-removal parameter for
disc A when new was approximately 45N
= 30 mm3/s/45N. This quickly decreased,
to 3.2 mm3/s/45N. Disc B, in contrast,

started off at a
value, around
mm3/s/45N, before dropping
and then increasing again
and then slowly
decreasing. A
line-fit shows a
steady decrease
in cutting ability.
In spite of this, Fig. 10 Worn 36-mesh grits.
at the end of its
life, the cutting
ability of disc B
had decreased
only 20% and was still achieving a higher
material-removal rate than disc A had
achieved when new.
Specific energy is an inverse measure
of the efficiency of the process. A higher
specific energy means that more energy
was required to remove the same amount
of material, i.e., the process is less efficient. In general, low specific energies are
desirable and indicate a grinding process
with more cutting and less rubbing. The
relationship between 45N and specific
energy is shown in Fig. 7. Here a direct
correlation can be seen between the two,
with increasing cutting ability giving a corresponding low specific energy. It is interesting to note that, although discs
containing the engineered-abrasive gave
higher values of 45N and lower values of
e, there does not appear to be a difference
in the curve for discs containing the engineered-shape abrasive compared to discs
containing the standard-shape abrasive. It
can also be seen that the material-removal

parameter appears to rise asymptotically

toward some constant value of specific energy, around 4 to 5 J/mm3.
Effect of Grit-Path Shape

This asymptotic minimum energy was

given by Malkin as the chip-formation energy (Ref. 6). Malkin found a minimum
chip-formation energy for steel of 13.8
J/mm3. Other researchers have found similar or lower values, as low as 10 J/mm3
when grinding with CBN at high speeds
(Ref. 2). The values obtained here are
even lower, and merit investigation.
Hahn and Lindsay (Ref. 5) performed
cylindrical-grinding experiments with an
80-mesh wheel under a variety of conditions and obtained a curve of specific energy vs. material-removal parameter
similar to that shown in Fig. 7. This curve
exhibited the size effect, showing that
with increasing chip thickness, specific energies decrease due to an increased pro-



Fig. 8 Trochoidal vs. straight path for surface grinding and face grinding.

Fig. 11 Worn, engineered-shape 80-mesh disc.

Fig. 12 Worn, engineered-shape 80-mesh grit.

Table 5 Maximum Chip Thickness Values


Disc A, 80
Disc B, 80+
Disc C, 36
Disc D, 36
Disc E, 36+

Fig. 13 Semiworn, 36-mesh, engineered-shape


portion of cutting over rubbing. These values can be compared to the values obtained here for the 80-mesh discs at the
same material-removal parameters, as
shown in Table 3. At 45N = 30, Hahn and
Lindsay obtained a value of e = 20 J/mm3,
whereas Disc A (at segment 1) gave a
value of e = 10 J/mm3 (50%). At 45N =
3, Hahn and Lindsay obtained a value of e
= 110 J/mm3, whereas Disc A (at segment
8) gave a value of e = 65 J/mm3 (59%).
In both cases, the specific energy for the

112-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

Vw (mm/s)

hmax (m)



disc was about half of that of standard cylindrical grinding. This indicates that there
may be something inherently more efficient
with disc grinding than with plunge grinding, regardless of the grit shape.
Disc grinding is a form of facegrinding. The chip shape in face grinding
is different from the chip shape in standard plunge grinding. In plunge grinding
the grit follows a trochoidal path where, in
up-grinding, the grit contacts the workpiece with an effective chip thickness of
zero and then increases to its maximum
chip thickness near the exit point (Ref. 6),
as shown in Fig. 8. (In down-grinding, it
enters at maximum chip thickness and
exits at an effective chip thickness of zero.)
At the entrance, the contact mode is rubbing regardless of the sharpness of the grit
because of the zero chip thickness. Then,
if the grit is sufficiently sharp, the contact
mode shifts to plowing and then cutting. If
the grit has a wear flat, the period of rubbing will be longer or the grit may only rub
and not cut.
In face-grinding, the grit enters at maximum chip thickness and maintains this
chip thickness throughout (Ref. 6). Therefore, if the chip thickness is sufficiently
large to form a chip, it will form this chip
at the entrance point, avoiding the rubbing
regime. This may explain why the grits in
the new standard-shape abrasive were able
to achieve such low specific energies they
avoided the rubbing regime. As will be
seen later, it may also explain why even

dull grits in the engineered-shape abrasive

were able to achieve low specific energies
and high material-removal rates, a genuine anomaly in abrasive processes.
Wear Mechanisms

The submicron grain size of ceramicabrasive increases its toughness (Ref. 1).
To function properly, the forces acting on
the grits during grinding need to be sufficiently large to induce microfracture of the
grits (Ref. 7). This is achieved with a large
maximum chip thickness. If this chip thickness is not sufficiently large, the grits become dull, resulting in excessive rubbing
and a significant increase in grinding
forces and specific energy. An electronmicroscope image of a grit in a worn,
properly functioning ceramic-grit grinding
wheel is shown in Fig. 9. Here the microfracturing at the grain tip can be seen.
An electron-microscope photo of a disc
C, containing standard abrasive, at the end
of its life is shown in Fig. 10. Several extremely dull, standard-shape grits can be
seen. Figure 11 shows disc B, containing
the engineered-shape abrasive, at the end
of its life. In the foreground the worn area
of the disc can be seen; in the background
the unused area can be seen. In both the
standard-shape abrasive and the engineered-shape abrasive, the grits appear
very worn.
The appearance of dull grits in the
standard-shape-abrasive disc is not surprising considering the large specific energies and low material-removal rates at the
end of its useful life. The appearance of
dull grits in the engineered-shape-abrasive
disc, in contrast, is surprising. It appears
that the grits in the engineered-shapeabrasive disc are not self-sharpening but,
rather, they are developing wear flats.
Wear flats are detrimental to grinding
performance and drastically increase specific energies. This has been measured in
numerous grinding operations for a vari-

Fig. 14 Grit rake angles and chip paths.

ety of workpieces and abrasive types under

a variety of conditions (Refs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8).
Therefore, it appears that the disc is
able to cut efficiently even with the development of wear flats, which is remarkable.
This contradicts a vast body of research
showing that wear flats are detrimental to
cutting ability. Therefore, additional SEM
images were taken of worn disc E before it
had reached the end of its life. Figure 13
shows three SEM images of increasing
magnification of a slightly worn, 36-mesh,
engineered-shape-abrasive disc.
In the top image, it can be seen that
many of the grits have not yet begun to
cut. As the magnification is increased
(middle and bottom images), it can be
seen that those that have begun to cut
show bond material eroded away from a
grit surface that has developed a significant wear flat. Therefore, it appears that,
in engineered-shape abrasives, wear flats
develop very early in the process and continue through the life of the abrasive. This
leads to the question of how these dull
grits are able to still achieve low specific
energies and high material-removal rates.
Rake Angle

The rake angle for the cutting point,

cp, and the rake angle just below the
wear flat, bf, can be defined as shown in
Fig. 14 for 1) a standard-shaped abrasive
with no wear flat and a cutting-point rake
angle of cp= 50 deg; 2) a standardshaped abrasive with a wear flat (cp = 90
deg) and a rake angle below the wear flat
of bf = 50 deg; 3) an engineered-shape
abrasive with a wear flat (cp = 90 deg)
and a rake angle below the wear flat of
bf = 90 deg; and 4) an engineeredshape abrasive with a wear flat (cp = 90
deg) and a rake angle below the wear flat
of bf = 10 deg.
Due to the blocky geometry of the
grit, the rake angle becomes less negative
with increasing depth into the grit from

Fig. 15 Specific energy vs. chip thickness.

Fig. 16 Apparent surface roughness vs. chip


an average value of = 80 deg at a

depth of 1 m to a value of = 63 deg
at a depth of 15 m (Ref. 9).
These small angles are not conducive
to chip formation. In fact, even if the grit
penetrates sufficiently deep into the material to cause chip formation, these negative rake angles induce huge strains and
shearing energy. The chip is formed by an
extrusion process, where material is
squeezed in front of the grit in a frontplowing operation and then extruded out
to the sides of the grit. This is shown in
Fig. 14E. This results in large forces and
large specific energies (Ref. 6).
Engineered-shape abrasive, in contrast, maintains a value in the region of
bf = 38 to 38 deg (Ref. 3) depending on
the orientation of the grit with respect to
the direction of cutting, with most angles,
based on the grits visible in Fig. 13, at
around bf = 0 deg. These angles are
more conducive to chip-formation in
front of the grit than to chip-formation
via extrusion to the sides of the grit. In
other words, provided that the grit-penetration depth is sufficient to overcome
any rounding at the cutting edge, the
abrasive may act more like an insert, with
a cutting action more akin to turning

Fig. 17 Examples of swarf.

(with the chip forming in front of the

tool) than to grinding. This is shown in
Fig. 14F. Also, this may explain the low
specific energies seen in the study.
Grit Density and Maximum Chip Thickness

The grit density, Cg, was measured by

placing a hand-held optical microscope
flush against the surface of the disc and
counting the number of grits visible, Ng, in
the visible area (d = 3 mm, A = 7.1 mm2).
It was assumed that each grit represented
one cutting point. Several measurements
were taken both on the new and worn surfaces and an average was taken. No evidence of grit pullout was seen and no
discernible difference was seen in the values between the new and the worn surfaces. Values for the five discs are given in
Table 4. Shaw gave values of measured grit
densities for grinding wheels of different



Table 6 Requirement to Grind 1M mm3 of Material

Disc A
Discs required for 1M mm3
Average time (s/segment)
Disc-change time (s)
Total disc-change time (h)
Grinding time IM mm3 (h)
Total time for 1M mm3 (h)

hardnesses. These are also given, for 80mesh and 36-mesh wheels (Ref. 8).
In the standard-shape abrasive, grit
densities were on the lower end of the
spectrum of values given by Shaw. This is
not surprising considering that dressing in
grinding, which does not occur in discs,
will bring more grits to the surface. The
grit density in the engineered-shape abrasive was much lower, with Cg in the standard-abrasive discs being around 2.2 times
Cg for the engineered-shape abrasive.


Chip Thickness and Cutting Ability

The calculation of the maximum chip

thickness, hmax, in face-grinding is given as
(Ref. 6)
2 w
C r s
where vw is the plunge speed, C is the cutting-point density, r is the chip shape factor, and vs is the disc speed.
If the disc speed at a mean diameter in
the worn region at ds = 100 mm is used, a
plunge speed based on the contact time to
grind one segment, the grit densities given
above and a shape factor of r = 10 (Ref. 2),
the results shown in Table 5 are obtained.
It can be seen that hmax is larger for the
larger grits, as expected due to the lower
cutting point density and also the faster
cutting rates (larger vw); and that hmax is
larger for the engineered shape than for
standard grits for the same reasons.
The specific energy for a given maximum chip thickness is given in Fig. 15. The
specific energy decreases with increasing
maximum chip thickness, a phenomenon
often referred to as the size effect. However, it appears that, for a given maximum
chip thickness, the specific energy in the
engineered shape abrasive is lower than in
the standard-shape abrasive. This could be
due to the uncertainty in the Cr term in
Equation 4. Malkin found that, as grit size
became larger (Ref. 10), forces did not
change as much as predicated in the equation for maximum chip thickness. He speculated that, while the cutting-point density
may decrease with increasing grit size,
there is an associated decrease in the ratio
of chip width to chip thickness, causing the
Cr term to remain nearly constant. In the
case presented here, this appears unlikely.
hmax =

114-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93


Disc B

A change in the Cr term will move the

curve to the left or the right, but it will not
change the specific energies. The specific
energy in the standard-shape abrasive appears to converge to a value of around 8
to 9 J/mm3, whereas the specific energy in
the engineered-shape abrasive appears to
converge to a specific energy of around 4
to 5 J/mm3, which is very low compared to
chip-formation energies in grinding found
by other researchers (Ref. 2).
This again indicates a much more efficient chip-formation process in the engineered-shape abrasive, pointing toward
chip flow, at least in part, in front of the
grit along the near 0-deg rake angle.
Figure 16 gives the apparent surface
roughness vs. maximum chip thickness for
both the plunged surface and the feathered surface. Surface roughness increased
(worsened) with maximum chip thickness,
as is typical (Ref. 6). However, it also appears that for a given maximum chip thickness, the surface roughness is lower in the
engineered-shape abrasive.
This is unique, as typically surface roughness improves with increasing specific energy due to increased rubbing and plowing.
Here the Cr explanation from above could
apply, as a shift in the maximum chip thickness could cause the curves to line up. Another explanation is again due to the
chip-formation process. Chip-formation to
the side of the grit has an associated plowing
component, causing deep grinding
scratches. Chip-formation to the front of the
grit would have a lesser plowing component,
giving a better (lower) surface roughness for
a given maximum chip thickness.
Swarf Analysis

Swarf was collected after grinding with

discs C and E. To the naked eye, the swarf
collected from disc C was powdery, and
particles did not stick together. However,
swarf collected from disc E was in a steel
wool form, and large amounts could be
picked up at once due to the chips clinging together.
Figure 17 shows SEM images of the
swarf. Swarf from the engineered abrasive
looked similar to typical grinding swarf
from grinding of steel with standard-shape
abrasives (Ref. 6), with long, randomly oriented chips. Swarf collected from the stan-

dard abrasive looked markedly different.

Most of the swarf consisted of fine globules, which indicates melting. As shown by
Shaw (Ref. 8), melting rarely if ever occurs
at the abrasive/workpiece interface.
Rather, it occurs due to the exothermic reaction of iron and oxygen as the chip flies
away from the workpiece.
Therefore, it is unlikely that melting is
occurring at the grit/workpiece interface.
However, higher workpiece surface temperatures before chip formation would
create a greater likelihood of chip melting
during oxidation. Therefore, it appears
that the workpiece surface temperature is
much higher with the standard-shape
abrasive, which is likely considering the
higher specific energies.
Ceramic-Grit Fracture Modes and
Future Work

SEM images of worn and even slightly

worn engineered-shape abrasives do not
show microfracturing, but rather show wear
flats, as shown in Figs. 1113. Therefore, it
appears that, unlike its ceramic-grit predecessors, the most unique characteristic of
the engineered-shape ceramic abrasive is
not its microfracturing ability, but rather the
near 0-deg rake angle below the wear flat,
which allows cutting to occur even when the
grit is dull. Therefore, the grit-wear mechanism of microfracturing seen previously is
not occurring in the engineering-shape
abrasive tested under the conditions here.
This brings up several considerations
that could be important in future work.
First, considering that the grit appears not
to be microfracturing and that grit-fracture
is not necessary for the successful function
of the engineered-shape abrasive, it seems
reasonable to suspect that standard, fusedabrasive produced in the triangular engineered-shape would yield the same
consistently low specific energies and high
material-removal rates under constantforce conditions. Testing would be necessary
to determine this.
Second, engineered-shape abrasive has
now been introduced in bonded-abrasive
grinding wheels. Here the situation should
be different, with the orientation of the
abrasive no longer being upright, presenting the near 0-deg rake angle. Instead, it
is assumed that the grits would be randomly distributed throughout the bond,
presenting both extremely positive and extremely negative rake angles. Again, testing would be necessary.
Third, if the engineered-shape abrasive
is used in standard grinding, with its associated trochoidal path, the grit will no longer
enter the workpiece at maximum chip thickness. Rather, in up-grinding, it will enter at
zero depth and increase to maximum chip
thickness. In down-grinding, it will enter at
maximum chip thickness and decrease to

Production Times
Although the engineered-shape-abrasive discs gave much longer life in both grit
sizes, this is unlikely to be their primary
advantage. A longer disc life is a benefit,
but not if the disc does not cut well.
Welders are more interested in achieving
higher material-removal rates, i.e., they
want to be able to grind quickly and with
minimal effort while achieving an acceptable surface finish.
If the end-of-life criterion is taken as
either disc failure, i.e., a final stripping
away of the grits; or 45N dropping below
9 mm3/s (in this case a cutting time greater
than 100 s for one segment); then disc A
is able to grind 6 segments before a disc
change is required and disc B is able to
grind 69 segments before a disc change is
required. Applying the criterion above, the
average time to cut one segment was 54.9
s for disc A and 20.5 s for disc B. Therefore, to grind a volume of 1,000,000 mm3
(1M mm3) would require 183 discs when
using disc A and 16 discs when using disc
B. If it is assumed that the disc is in contact
with the workpiece for half the time, with
the rest being checking of the work, etc.,
that gives a grinding time of 33.5 h for disc
A and 12.5 h for disc B. If a disc change requires 60 s, then the total time to remove
1M mm3 of material is around 37 h for disc
A and 13 h with disc B. These figures are
given in Table 6.
The only apparent drawback in using the
engineered-shape-abrasive disc appears to
be the rougher apparent surface finish. If
this is problematic, it can be solved by either

additional time feathering out the surface

or by switching to a finer grit size.

move material much more quickly with

fewer disc changes when compared to
discs containing standard-shape abrasive.

Cost and Trade Names

Information on the economics of the
discs and trade names has been purposely
omitted from this work. Information can
be obtained by contacting the author.

1) In disc grinding, discs containing engineered-shape abrasives in an upright,
thick, triangular form give higher initial
material-removal rates than discs containing standard-shape fused abrasive, with no
significant decrease in material-removal
rates through its life.
2) In disc grinding, engineered-shape
abrasive dulls, but it is able to cut at high
material-removal rates and low specific
energies in spite of this dulling. This may
be due to the near 0-deg rake angle just
below the dull region.
3) In disc grinding, engineered-shape
abrasives may, at least in part, have a chipformation process similar to turning, with
chip formation in front of the grit.
4) In disc grinding, engineered-shape
abrasives give very low specific energies, in
the region of 5 J/mm3, even when dull.
This appears to be due to chip-formation
in front of the grit and the large maximum
chip thickness at the grit entrance in face
5) In disc grinding, standard-shape
abrasives give lower specific energies than
in plunge grinding. This appears to be due
to the large maximum chip thickness at the
grit entrance in face grinding, which avoids
some of the rubbing and plowing in plunge
grinding seen in the trochoidal path before
the transition to cutting.
6) In disc grinding, discs containing engineered-shape abrasives are able to re-

Funding for this project was provided
solely by The Grinding Doc Consulting.
This study was performed independently by
Dr. Jeffrey Badger without the knowledge
of any of the companies whose products
were tested. The author would like to thank
Mark Jackson and, in particular, the late
Stephen Malkin for their valuable input.
1. Marinescu, I., Hitchiner, M., Uhlmann, E.,
Rowe, W., and Inasaki, I. 2007. Handbook of Machining with Grinding Wheels. CRC Press.
2. Rowe, W. B. 2009. Principles of Modern
Grinding Technology. William Andrew.
3. Patent U.S. 2010/ 014 6867. June 17, 2010;
Shaped Abrasive Particles with Grooves, 3M Innovative Properties Co., St. Paul, Minn.
4. Shi, Z., and Malkin, S. 2003. An investigation of grinding with electroplated CBN wheels.
Annals of the CIRP, 52/1: 267.
5. Bhateja, C. 1982. Grinding, Theory, Techniques, and Troubleshooting. Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
6. Malkin, S., and Guo, C. 2008. Grinding
Technology: Theory and Applications of Machining
with Abrasives, Second Edition.
7. Badger, J. 2012. Microfracturing ceramic
abrasives in grinding. ASME 2012 International
Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference MSE 2012, Notre Dame, Ind.
8. Shaw, M. C. 1996. Principles of Abrasive
Processes. Oxford.
9. Badger, J., and Torrance, A. A. 2000. A
comparison of two models to predict grinding
forces from wheel surface topography. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture,
pp. 10991120.
10. Kannappan, S., and Malkin, S. 1972. Effect of the grain size and operating parameters on
the mechanics of grinding. ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry (8): 844842.

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zero depth. In both cases, there is a period

of zero to near-zero penetration into the
workpiece. Therefore, rubbing from a wear
flat may cause higher specific energies than
were seen here. Testing would be necessary
to determine this.

The Microstructure and Strength of

Copper Alloy Brazing Joints
Exploring the influence of contact pressure as well as the amount of filler metal
on the microstructure and strength of Cu-35Zn-3Pb brazing joints



The influences of contact pressures (2 to 47 kPa) and amounts of filler metal (Cu9Sn-7Ni-6P with 0.04 to 0.64 mm thickness) on the microstructure and strength of
Cu-alloy (Cu-35Zn-3Pb) brazing joints were evaluated for joint characteristics, i.e.,
joint thickness, microstructure, and strength. Insufficient contact pressure and filler
metal resulted in the formation of cavities within the joint. The causes of cavities were
imperfect wettability of melted filler metal on substrate surfaces as well as entrapped
gas within joints. At low contact pressure and a small amount of filler metal, a significant amount of Cu3P was drawn into an opening and formed Cu3P phases at the
middle of the joint. At high contact pressure and a large amount of filler metal, the
flux and excess melted Cu3P were pressured out of an opening; therefore, joint microstructure was a uniform combination between Cu3P and Cu-Zn-Sn phases. Joint
strength was influenced by the formation of cavities and Cu3P phase. Cavities were
the sites of crack initiation due to their high stress concentration. Consequently,
cracks propagated through brittle phases of Cu3P and cavities, coalesced to other
cracks, and caused final fracture. After minimizing the formation of cavities and Cu3P
phases, the joint strength was 346 MPa, which was about 86% of the substrate

In automobiles, the air-cooled heat exchanger (radiator) has an important role
in engine efficiency and weight. Generally,
aluminum radiators are used in passenger
cars because of their good thermal conductivity, lightweight, and easy joints.
However, the brazing joint of aluminum
alloys loses its strength at temperatures
higher than 150C. At present, the higher
service temperature of the engine is driven
by the requirements of high power output
as well as low energy consumption. Thus,
copper and brass alloys become good alternative materials for automobile radiators because of their high thermal conductivity, strength, and service temperature.
It is known that there are basic requirements to achieve sound brazing
with the Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University,
Pathumthani, Thailand. HASAP is also with the
Material Properties Analysis and Development
Centre, Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, Pathumthani, Thailand.

116-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

joints, i.e., cleaning of the parts and filler

metal, fluxing the parts, assembling the
parts, fixing the assembly, brazing the assembly, and postcleaning the brazed joint.
Since brazing Cu alloys involves multidisciplinary sciences, e.g., material sciences,
metallurgy, and processing, practical
guidelines for Cu-alloy brazing are required for practitioners. Unfortunately,
there was little research on joining Cu alloys in last decade. For Al alloys, the brazing guidelines have been established to ensure proper wetting of filler metal on
substrate, proper geometry design and
alignment, optimum brazing process, and
cost. However, these guidelines may not
be adequate for Cu-alloy brazed joints.

Copper Alloy
Filler Metal
Contact Pressure

Shabtay et al. (Ref. 1) found that brasstube and copper-fin radiators could withstand high operating temperatures (0 to
300C) without substantial loss in
strength, i.e., the tensile strength of brasstube alloys decreased from 400 to 260
MPa, and the tensile strength for copperfin alloys decreased from 350 to 260 MPa.
Li et al. (Ref. 2) have evaluated the thickness losses of Cu foil in contact with
melted Cu-P and Cu-Ag binary alloys at
different temperatures. They found that
the amount of dissolved copper in Cu-P
liquid alloys was larger than that in Cu-Ag
liquid alloys. Zhang et al. (Ref. 3) have
brazed copper to copper in a vacuum condition using phosphor-copper filler metal.
They found that the joint structure consisted of hypoeutectic alloys. The primary
phase was copper solid solution (-Cu)
and silver solid solution (-Ag) while the
eutectic phase was copper solid solution
(-Cu), silver solid solution (-Ag), and
Elmer et al. (Ref. 4) brazed oxygenfree copper (UNS C10100) in a highvacuum atmosphere using alloy shims
(2550 m thickness) and sputter deposit
coating (13 m layer) of Ag, Au, and AuNi alloy as filler metals. Although some
porosities in joints were found for both
filler metal, the tensile strength of the
brazed joints was about 75% of that of the
copper substrate (230 MPa). Merlin et al.
(Ref. 5) have studied induction and laser
beam brazing of Cu-Zn-Ni alloys using
Cu50-AgZn50 filler metal in a reducing
gas atmosphere. The flux has been used to
dissolve oxide during brazing; however,
the oxide layer and porosity occurred in
the joint due to localized overheating.
Karamis et al. (Ref. 6) have investigated
the microstructures and nonconformances of joined zones in brazed copper
tubes widely used in solar collector manufacturing. They found that zone cleaning
to be brazed was an important factor in
preventing porosities. The tendency for
porosity increased when the filler metal
contained elements such as Zn and Cd.
The clearance between substrates is

Fig. 2 Filler metal microstructure.

Fig. 1 Microstructures of substrates. A Before annealing; B after annealing.

ing. Although there were research works

devoted to metallurgical evaluation for
brazing joints of copper alloys, none of
these works emphasized the influences of
contact pressure, amount of filler metal,
and shape of cavity on joint strength. It is,
therefore, the objective of this work to
evaluate the influences of amount of filler
metal and contact pressure on microstructure, defect, and strength of Cu-alloy (Cu35Zn-3Pb) brazed joint. Finite element
analysis (FEA) was carried out to evaluate
the influence of defect on joint strengths.
The microstructure and fracture surface
of the brazed joint were studied, then the
fracture mechanism was discussed.

Materials and Procedures


Fig. 3 Schematic drawing of brazing fixture. A

Substrate; B filler metal; C fixture; D
insert; and E weight (dimension in mm).

one of the major concerns in brazing to ensure that the capillary force is high enough
to draw the melted filler metal into an
opening. In practice, the opening clearance could hardly be maintained at high
temperature due to the dimension change
from thermal expansion. Accordingly, it is
believed that the contact pressure between substrates should be controlled instead of an opening clearance during braz-

In the present work, the substrate was

Cu-35Zn-3Pb with 900C melting temperature. It was manufactured from a cold
drawn process to obtain a rod shape with
8 mm diameter. Substrate was annealed in
a nitrogen protective atmosphere. The
filler metal was Cu-9Sn-7Ni-6P foil with
8.25-g/cm3 density (VZ2250, Vitrobraze
Co.), which was produced by a rapid solidification technique. The solidus and liquidus temperatures of the filler metal are
600 and 630C, respectively. Thus, the
640680C brazing temperature is recommended by the manufacturer. The compositions of substrate and filler metal are
shown in Table 1.
Tensile tests of as-drawn and annealed
substrates were performed in accordance
with ASTM Standard E8M (Ref. 7) while
the Vickers hardness tests were performed

in accordance with ASTM Standard E92

(Ref. 8). The tensile tests were repeated
three times, while the Vickers hardness
tests with 0.3 kgf force were performed on
five locations. Both results were averaged,
as shown in Table 2. The tensile strength,
yield strength, and hardness of substrate
were affected by annealing. The annealing
at 600C for 2 h resulted in complete recrystallization and stable mechanical properties. Accordingly, the substrate with this
anneal condition was used in brazing. For
filler metal foil, the tensile test is not possible. However, it was melted, solidified into
a plate with 1 mm thickness, and then the
Vickers hardness tests with 0.3 kgf force
were performed on five locations. The average hardness was 174 HV.
Microstructures of substrates before
and after annealing are shown in Fig. 1.
Due to the addition of 34.7% of Zn into
copper, the microstructure of substrate reveals two-phase structures, i.e., -Cu matrix with dispersed phase. Since Pb is insoluble in solid copper, there are discrete
and fine Pb precipitates at grain boundaries. The annealed substrate reveals
twinned grain boundaries due to the coldworking process.
To evaluate the filler metal microstructure, the filler metal was placed on a ceramic plate and melted using brazing recommended by the manufacturer. Its
microstructure is shown in Fig. 2. Energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
analysis was repeated three times, and the
results were averaged. The EDS shows
four distinct phases with approximate
compositions as follows: 1) Cu-15Sn15.5Ni-5.5P, 2) Cu-14Sn-1Ni, 3) Cu-2Ni12.5P, and 4) Cu-3Sn-6.5Ni-11P, respectively. It is noted that the EDS analysis of

Table 1 Compositions (wt-%) of Substrate and Filler Metal












Filler metal














Fig. 4 Schematic drawing of brazing furnace.

elemental composition has a low accuracy;

therefore, the EDS technique can be applied for comparative analysis only.
Substrate and Filler Metal Preparations


Two pieces of substrate with identical

size and length (24 mm length and 8 mm
diameter) were used for the brazed joint.
The substrates were prepared by a lathe
machine to have uniform and parallel mating surfaces. The surface roughness was 5m Ra. The filler metal foil with 40 m
thickness was cut to a 10-mm-diameter
disc and stacked to required thickness.
Since cleanliness of substrate and filler
metal influences the brazed joint quality,
both substrate and filler metal were
cleaned by acetone in an ultrasonic bath to
remove oil and grease. Then, they were
cleaned by 2% citric acid and deionized
water in an ultrasonic bath to remove oxidation. Once the substrate and filler metal
were cleaned and dried, brazing started
within 1 h.
To protect the formation of oxidation
and improve wettability, the flux paste
(Sure-Flo of Lucas-Milhaupt) was used in
this work. This flux contains 520% boric
acid, 1530% potassium fluoride, and
1535% potassium pentaborate. The flux
was applied on the substrate by dipping

and then dried

with blowing Fig. 5 FEA mesh and boundary condition of the brazing joint model.
warm air. The
brazing flux
starts to disA silicon-carbide, heated muffle fursolve oxides when the temperature
nace was built and used for brazing. The
reaches 315C and removes the oxide layer
furnace had a 5 L volume. It was specially
on the copper substrate within a
designed for leak tight and uniform N2 cir600871C temperature range. Although
culation. A schematic drawing of the brazpreferential brazing flux in the amount of
ing furnace is shown in Fig. 4. The brazing
2030 g/m2 is suggested by a U.S. patent
temperature was controlled by a platinum(Ref. 9), a brazing experiment using this
rhodium thermocouple type R while temflux amount produced a brazed joint with
perature distribution in the furnace was
porosity and flux residue. Therefore, apseparately monitored by two thermocoupropriate flux concentration was studied,
ples type K, i.e., one at the middle of the
and the flux amount of 13.3 g/m2 could
furnace and another beside the brazing
lower porosity and flux residue.
fixture. At steady state, the temperature
Brazing Process
difference was lower than 5C.
It is known that the oxygen content has
To hold the substrates and filler metal,
a detrimental effect on the brazed joint,
a special design fixture (Fig. 3) was used
i.e., oxidation of filler metal and substrate
during brazing. This fixture was made by
can easily occur at an elevated temperabrass to reduce uneven thermal expanture. The oxide prevents molten filler
sion. Identical upper and lower substrates
metal from the wetting substrate surface,
were placed in the fixture with filler metal
which results in a poor brazed joint. In this
foil in between. An insert guide was used
study, the oxygen content in the furnace
to align both substrates and facilitate the
was kept minimum to avoid oxidation. Bedisassembling of brazing specimen. Varifore brazing, the furnace was purged by
ous weights were placed on the upper subflowing 10 L/min ultrahigh-purity argon
strate to maintain contact load during
(99.995%) for 15 min. Consequently, the
furnace was purged by ultrahigh-purity N2

Table 2 Mechanical Properties of Substrate


Yield Strength

Tensile Strength

Elongation at 30-mm
Gauge Length (%)

Grain Size


As drawn





Annealed at
450oC for 2 h





Annealed at
600oC for 1 h






Annealed at
600oC for 2 h






118-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

Fig. 6 Micrographs of brazing joints. A 2 kPa

contact pressure and 0.04mm filler metal thickness;
B 47-kPa contact pressure and 0.04mm filler
metal thickness; C 2kPa contact pressure and
0.64-mm filler metal thickness; and D 47kPa
contact pressure and 0.64mm filler metal thickness.

Elmer et al. (Ref. 4) reported that an

insufficient interfacial pressure resulted in
porosity within the brazed joint, increased
joint thickness, and reduced joint
strength. They suggested that the contact
pressure of 3.45 kPa or higher was sufficient to produce a thin joint with good
joint strength. However, joint thickness
can be controlled not only by varying contact pressure but also by varying the
amount of filler metal. In the present
study, the joint thickness, joint microstructure, and joint strength were evaluated using various combinations between
contact pressures (2, 7, 14, and 47 kPa)
and filler metal thicknesses (0.04, 0.16,
0.32, and 0.64 mm).
Evaluation of Brazed Joint

(99.999%) through a preheat tube to minimize the temperature difference between

cold inlet gas and argon inside the furnace.
The flowing N2 was also kept at a constant
rate of 10 L/min throughout brazing. Accordingly, the pressure inside the furnace
was positive above normal atmospheric
pressure, ensuring that no air leaked into
the furnace.
The fixtures with substrates and filler
metal were placed into the furnace and
heated at a constant rate of 50C/min to
590C. The temperature was held at 590C
for 10 min and then heated to a brazing temperature of 680C at the same rate. The
brazing temperature was held for 10 min,
then the cooling process took place by controlling N2 flow. The furnace was cooled
down to 300C, then the furnace was
opened and left for air cooling to room temperature. Finally, the brazing specimen was
removed from the furnace and soaked in
warm water to remove flux residue.

The brazed joint was evaluated in three

categories, i.e., joint thickness, joint microstructure, and joint strength. To observe joint thickness, the brazing specimen
was sectioned in longitudinal direction,
polished by abrasive paper, and observed
by an optical microscope. Joint thickness
was measured by image analyzer software
at 5 locations, and the average joint thickness was calculated. The brazed joint was
etched with etchant (5-g FeCl3, 50-mL
HCl, and 100-mL water), then its microstructure was observed under an optical microscope. The chemical composition of the brazed joint was analyzed using
the energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
technique (Hitachi S-3400N with EDS). A
tensile test was used to evaluate the joint
strength. The remaining filler metal
around the joint was removed by a lathe
machine to avoid a discontinuity, which
could produce an erroneous tensile

strength. The universal tensile test machine (Instron 5969 with 50-kN load cell
and 0.5 mm/min crosshead speed) was
used in the present work. The tensile tests
were repeated three times, and the joint
strengths were averaged. The error bars
showing the minimum and maximum values of repeated tests were added into the
results. The fractures of tensile specimens
were investigated using an optical microscope.
Finite Element Analysis

To understand joint strength, the distribution of Von Mises equivalent stress in

the brazed joint was calculated using 2D
FEA. As a commercial FEA software,
ABAQUS (Ref. 10) was used in the present work. The geometry models were similar to the selected brazing joints. The linear-elastic, plane-strain FEA model was
divided into two regions (Fig. 5), i.e., a region of fine-level mesh around the brazed
joint and its defects, and a region of
coarse-level mesh of substrate. The
quadrilateral elements with 8 nodes were
used in both regions. Initially, arbitrary
sizes of element were applied, and the Von
Mises equivalent stresses (v) were numerically calculated,
( )2 + ( )2


+ ( )

+ 6 ( 2 + 2 + 2 )


where x, y, z are the normal stress components in a rectangular Cartesian coordinate while xy, yz, xz are the shear stress
components in a rectangular Cartesian coordinate. The sizes of element were varied


Fig. 7 Relationships between joint thickness and contact pressure at various filler metal

Fig. 8 Micrograph and EDS analysis of brazing joint A (2-kPa contact pressure and 0.04mm filler metal thickness).


until the invariance of the numerical results was satisfied. Then, the independency of numerical results on mesh density
was confirmed. The size of fine elements
was 5 m while that of coarse elements
was 100 m. The total amount of element
was approximately 70,000 elements.
The far-field stress () of 50 MPa was
applied to simulate elastic deformation of
the brazed joint. The elastic modulus (E)
of 97 GPa and Poissons ratio (v) of 0.3
were used for both substrate and brazing
alloys. As a ratio between localized Von
Mises equivalent stress and far-field
stress, a stress concentration factor (SCF)
was calculated, i.e. SCF = v/. The contour plots of SCF were compared between
various brazed joints.

Results and Discussion

Joint Thickness

The filler metal melts and flows within

an opening between substrates when its
temperature reaches the brazing temperature. The melted filler metal is expected
to wet the surfaces of substrate without
residue flux and cavities. After the filler
metals solidification, the brazed joint is
formed. Examples of brazed joints are
shown in Fig. 6, i.e., joint A: 2-kPa contact pressure and 0.04-mm filler metal
thickness; joint B: 47-kPa contact pressure and 0.04-mm filler metal thickness;
joint C: 2 kPa contact pressure and 0.64mm filler metal thickness; joint D: 47-kPa
contact pressure and 0.64-mm filler metal
Relationships between joint thickness
and contact pressure at various filler metal
thicknesses are shown in Fig. 7. For joints
with 0.04-mm filler metal thickness (joints
A and B), the 0.04-mm filler metal thickness causes a small opening, which creates
a capillary force and draws melted filler

120-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

metal from the outside perimeter of the

joint into an opening.
widths of both joints
become larger than
their filler metal
thicknesses. Since
the melted filler
metal is drawn into Fig. 9 Micrograph and EDS elemental mapping of brazing joint D (47an opening, the oxide kPa contact pressure and 0.64-mm filler metal thickness).
and gas may be entrapped within the
brazed joint. When
oxide as well as entrapped gas within the
comparing between joints A and B, it is
melted filler metal out of joint A. The imfound that the higher contact pressure of
perfect wettability of the melted filler
joint B (47 kPa) results in smaller joint
metal on a substrate causes flat-shaped
thickness than that of joint A (2 kPa). For
cavities at the joint interface, whereas the
joints with 0.64-mm filler metal thickness
entrapped gas causes spherical-shaped
(joints C and D), the flux and excess
cavities within the joint. With increasing
melted filler metal are pressured out of
contact pressure, the entrapped flux and
openings; therefore, the joint thicknesses
gas within melted filler metal become less.
are smaller than their filler metal thickTherefore, the wettability of melted filler
metal on a substrate is improved, and only
As a discontinuity within the brazed
cavities within the joint are observed for
joint, cavities are understood to reduce
joint B (47-kPa contact pressure and 0.04
joint strength. Due to the imperfect wetmm filler metal thickness).
tability of melted filler metal on substrate
With sufficient contact pressure and an
surfaces as well as entrapped gas within
amount of filler metal, the flux and excess
the joint, cavities are possible to occur
melted filler metal are pressured out of an
there. These cavities are influenced by
opening, i.e., joint thickness is smaller than
both contact pressure and the amount of
filler metal thickness. It is known that oxide
filler metal (Fig. 6). The cavities within
can dissolve in flux as well as filler metal
joint A (2-kPa contact pressure and 0.04
with a phosphorous composition (Ref. 11);
mm filler metal thickness) are a combinathe flow of excess melted filler metal out of
tion between flat-shaped cavities at the
joint may decrease the amount of oxide and
joint interface and spherical-shaped cavienhance wettability. Accordingly, no cavities within the joint. It is known that the
ties at the joint interface (imperfect wettawettability of melted filler metal on a subbility) are found; only spherical-shaped cavstrate depends on the amount of oxide on
ities (entrapped gas) are found within joints
a substrate. The flux is expected to disC and D (0.64-mm filler metal thickness).
solve the oxide and prepare a clean surSince higher contact pressure can pressure
face for perfect wettability of the melted
more entrapped gas out of melted filler
filler metal on a substrate. Unfortunately,
metal, the cavities within joint D (47-kPa
the 2-kPa contact pressure is insufficient
contact pressure) are smaller in size and less
to pressure the flux with the dissolved

Fig. 11 Contour plots of SCF for brazed joints. A

2-kPa contact pressure and 0.04-mm filler metal
thickness; B 47-kPa contact pressure and 0.04mm filler metal thickness; C 2-kPa contact pressure and 0.64-mm filler metal thickness; and D
47-kPa contact pressure and 0.64-mm filler metal

in number than those within joint C (2-kPa

contact pressure).
Joint Microstructure

The microstructure of brazed joint A

(2-kPa contact pressure and 0.04-mm filler
metal thickness) is shown in Fig. 8. Although the EDS analysis of elemental
composition has a low accuracy, it is possible to apply EDS technique for comparative analysis. In each area of joint A (Fig.
8), the EDS analysis was repeated three
times, and the element wt-% was averaged. The amounts of major elements in

various areas were compared, then the

characteristic of joint microstructure was
Diffusions of elements between the
joint and substrate are observed, e.g., Zn
diffuses from the substrate (area 1) into
the joint (areas 2 and 3). Since phosphorous has good solubility in Cu, the gray
phase of Cu3P (area 4) forms in the middle of the joint. Diffusion of Zn from the
substrate into the joint causes the formation of Cu-Zn-Sn compound, i.e., lightgray phase (area 2). The combination between Cu3P and Cu-Zn-Sn phases is
observed in area 3. The average hardness
of the Cu3P phase is 286 HV while that of
the Cu-Zn-Sn phase is 133 HV.
The element distribution of joint D (47
kPa contact pressure and 0.64-mm filler
metal thickness) was evaluated by EDS elemental mapping, as shown in Fig. 9. The
spherical-shaped cavities are mostly found
at the P-rich phase.
Since the operated temperature range
of flux is 600871C, it is expected that the
flux is in liquid state at brazing temperature (680C). The formation of voids due
to flux volatiles is therefore unlikely. The
random distribution of spherical-shaped
cavities should be observed if the spherical-shaped cavities are the flux volatiles
and/or entrapped N2 (brazing environment). However, the spherical-shaped
cavities are mostly found at the P-rich
phase of the present joints. According to
Lide (Ref. 12), the boiling point of phosphorous is 280C, and its heat of vaporization (12.1 kJ/mol) is 9.5 times lower than
that of zinc (115.3 kJ/mol). Thus, it is believed that the porosities at Cu3P phase
are related to vaporization of phosphorous during brazing.
Microstructures of joints A, B, C, and
D are compared in Fig. 10. For joints A
and B (0.04-mm filler metal thickness),
the Cu-Zn-Sn phase forms near substrates
while the Cu3P phase forms at the middle
of the joint. Since the phosphorus content
within the filler metal can improve flow
characteristic (Ref. 13), it is believed that

the flow of melted Cu3P within an the

opening is possible. The lower contact
pressure of joint A causes a small opening,
creates a capillary force, and draws melted
Cu3P from outside into an opening. Since
the high contact pressure of joint B (47kPa) can reduce the amount of melted
Cu3P that flows into the opening, the
amount of Cu3P phase within joint B (47kPa contact pressure) is less than that of
joint A (2-kPa contact pressure), as shown
in Fig. 10.
On the other hand, a more uniform
combination between Cu3P and Cu-ZnSn phases is observed for joints C and D
(0.64-mm filler metal thickness). With
high contact pressure and amount of
filler metal, the flux and excess melted
Cu3P are pressured out of the opening;
therefore, the formation of a pure Cu3P
phase at the middle of joints C and D is
unlikely. The higher contact pressure of
joint D can pressure out more amounts of
Cu3P and entrapped gas out of the opening; therefore, the cavities and Cu 3P
phases of joint D are less than those of
joint C (Figs. 6 and 10).
Joint Strength

The shape, size, and number of cavities

can result in premature cracking and reduced strength of the brazed joint. To understand the effect of cavities on joint
strength, the SCF of various brazed joints
were numerically analyzed and compared.
Geometry models were similar to the selected brazing joints, as indicated in Fig. 6.
Contour plots of SCF are shown in Fig. 11.
Joints A, B, and C show high SCF across
the joint interface (dashed line in Fig. 11)
due to their large cavities. The cavities
from imperfect wettability (joint A) show
the highest SCF. Due to high SCF of adjacent cavities, these cavities can link up and
are likely the location of the final failure
of brazed joint. Based on FEA, the
strength of joint A should be the lowest.
Since the cavities from entrapped gas of
joint D are spherical and small, joint D has



Fig. 10 Microstructures of brazed joints. A 2-kPa contact pressure and 0.04-mm filler metal thickness; B 47-kPa contact pressure and 0.04-mm filler
metal thickness; C 2-kPa contact pressure and 0.64-mm filler metal thickness; and D 47-kPa contact pressure and 0.64-mm filler metal thickness.

Fig. 12 Relationships between joint strength and contact pressure at various filler metal thicknesses.


the smallest SCF. Therefore, it is expected

that the strength of joint D is the highest,
while the magnitudes of SCF for joints B
and C are higher than that of joint D but
lower than that of joint A. The strength of
joints B and C should be in between the
strengths of joints A and D.
To verify the influence of cavities on
joint strength, the joint strength at various
contact pressures and filler metal thicknesses are shown in Fig. 12. Joint D has the
highest average strength of 346 MPa,
which is about 86% of substrate strength.
While the average strengths of joints A, B,
and C are significantly low and marginally
different, i.e. 125 to 140 MPa, it is noted
that the joint strength is not only influenced by cavities but also joint microstructure. For the brazed joints at contact pressures of 7 and 14 kPa, the
variation of filler metal thickness (0.04 to
0.64 mm) gives the average joint strength
in the range of 80180 MPa, which are significantly lower than the strength of joint
D. This finding corresponds to the observations of many cavities within these brazing joints.
Failure Analysis

Cross-sectional micrographs of fractured joints are shown in Fig. 13. Fractures

of joints A, B, and C occur in the middle
of the brazing joints. At high magnification, evidence of cracks propagating
through the Cu3P phase is clearly seen in
joints A, B, and C. Cavities are likely the
sites of crack initiation due to their high
stress concentration (Fig. 11) together
with the fact that the Cu3P phase (286
HV) is harder and more brittle than the
Cu-Zn- Sn phase (133 HV). Therefore,
cracks propagate through the Cu3P phase
and cavities, and coalesce to others. Consequently, final fracture occurs at the

122-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

Fig. 13 Failures of brazing joints. A 2-kPa contact pressure and 0.04-mm filler metal
thickness; B 47-kPa contact pressure and 0.04-mm filler metal thickness; C 2-kPa
contact pressure and 0.64-mm filler metal thickness; and D 47-kPa contact pressure
and 0.64-mm filler metal thickness.

brazing joint.
Since the Cu3P phase forms at the middle of joints A and B (Fig. 10), the cracks
can easily propagate through the Cu3P
phase (Fig. 13). Thus, strengths of joints A
and B are similar (Fig. 12), and influenced
by both cavities and Cu3P phase. Although
the combination between Cu-Zn-Sn and
Cu3P phases is observed for joint C (Fig.
10), the large size and high amount of
spherical cavities (Fig. 6) can reduce the
load-bearing area of a joint. Therefore,
the strength of joint C is dominated by the
influence of cavities, which results in low
joint strength (Fig. 12).
A different crack path is observed for
joint D (47 kPa contact pressure and 0.64
mm filler metal thickness), i.e., crack
propagates through both the joint-substrate interface and joint. Since the cavities and Cu3P phase within joint D are significantly less than other joints, the strain
mismatch at joint-substrate interface is
likely the main driving force for crack initiation. A number of cracks initiate and
propagate at the joint-substrate interface,
then they coalesce to others. The coalescence of these cracks occurs across the
joint (Fig. 13). At high magnification, it is
observed that these cracks propagate
through the Cu3P phase. Since the size
and amount of spherical cavity and Cu3P
phase are significantly smaller than those
of other joints, the highest average
strength is obtained for joint D, i.e., 346
MPa or about 86% of substrate strength.
Based on the present findings, the
high-strength, Cu-alloy brazing joint could
be achieved by employing the appropriate
brazing, plus proper combination between
contact pressure and amount of filler
metal. The influences of contact pressure
and amount of filler metal on joint defects,
joint microstructure, and joint strength
are understood. These understandings

also provide some guidelines for practitioners to obtain successful Cu-alloy brazing, e.g. 1) a selection of contact pressure
and amount of filler metal to avoid defects
and weak phase microstructure, and 2) a
compromise between joint strength and
amount of filler metal (optimize cost of
filler metal). It is recommended that the
present brazing should be performed with
47 kPa contact pressure and 0.64 mm filler
metal thickness.

The influence of contact pressure (2 to
47 kPa) and amount of filler metal (0.04 to
0.64 mm thickness) on the microstructure
and strength of the Cu-alloy brazed joint
has been evaluated. The findings can be
summarized as follows:
1. Furnace brazing of the Cu-Zn alloy
with a Cu-Sn-Ni-P filler metal is sensitive
to oxidation, i.e., the effectiveness and
consistency of the cleaning process as well
as a controlled environment are necessary.
Successful brazing can be achieved by
using a flux and a nitrogen atmosphere.
2. Both contact pressure and the
amount of filler metal influence joint characteristics, i.e., joint thickness, joint microstructure, and joint strength. Insufficient contact pressure and filler metal
result in the formation of cavities within
the joint; the causes of cavities are imperfect wettability of the melted filler metal
on substrate surfaces as well as entrapped
gas within the joint.
3. At low contact pressure and a small
amount of filler metal, a significant
amount of Cu3P is drawn into the opening,
and the Cu3P phases form at the middle of
the joint. At high contact pressure and a
large amount of filler metal, the flux and
excess melted Cu3P are pressured out of
opening; therefore, joint microstructure is

The authors would like to acknowledge
support from the C. H. Wattanayont Co.,
Ltd., the Thailand Research Fund
(TRFIUG5280003), Thailand Commission on Higher Education of Thailand (National Research University Project), National Research Council of Thailand
(NRCT), and National Metal and Materials
Technology Center (MTEC), Thailand.

1. Shabtay, Y. L., Ainali, M., and Lea, A.
2004. New brazing processes using anneal-resistant copper and brass alloys. Materials and
Design 25(1): 8389.
2. Li, Y. N., Peng, Z. L., and Yan, J. C. 2012.
The dissolution mechanism of copper weld
brazing with Cu-based brazing alloys. Materials
Science Forum 697698: 394398.
3. Zhang, P. L., Yao, S., Ding, M., Lu, F. G.,
and Lou, S. N. 2010. Microstructural analysis in
the vacuum brazing of copper to copper using a
phosphor-copper brazing filler metal. International Journal of Materials Research 101(11):
4. Elmer, J. W., Klingmann, J., and Van Bibber, K. 2001. Diffusion bonding and brazing of
high purity copper for linear collider accelerator structures. Physical Review Special Topics
Accelerators and Beams 4(5): 1227.
5. Merlin, M., Crepaldi, I., Garagnani, G. L.,
and Trebbi, L. 2009. Influence of the brazing
process parameters on the microstructural
characteristics of copper alloy joints. Welding
International 23(8): 606615.
6. Karamis, M. B., Tasdemirci, A., and Nair,

F. 2003. Microstructural analysis and discontinuities in the brazed zone of copper tubes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 141(3):
7. ASTM E8M, Standard Test Method for
Tension Testing of Metallic Materials. Volume
3.01, Annual Book of ASTM Standards. 2004.
8. ASTM E92, Standard Test Method for
Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials. Volume
3.01, Annual Book of ASTM Standards. 2003.
9. United States Patent Number 5190596,
Method of brazing metal surfaces, 1993.
10. ABAQUS Users Manual. ABAQUS Inc.,
11. erban, V. A., Codrean, C., Uu, D., and
Opri, C. 2009. Amorphous alloys for brazing
copper based alloys. The 13th International
Conference on Rapidly Quenched and
Metastable Materials. Dresden, Germany: IOP
12. Lide, D. R. 2002. CRC Handbook of
Chemistry and Physics. Florida: CRC Press.
13. Sim, R. F., and Willingham, J. A. 1987.
Copper phosphorus based (self-fluxing) brazing alloys used for joining copper and its alloys.
FWP Journal 27(7): 3339.


a more uniform combination between

Cu3P and Cu-Zn-Sn phases.
4. Joint strength is influenced by the
formations of cavities and Cu3P phase.
Cavities are the sites of crack initiation
due to their high stress concentration.
Consequently, cracks propagate through
brittle phases of Cu3P and cavities, coalesce to other cracks, and cause final fracture. After minimizing the formations of
cavities and Cu3P phases, the joint
strength is 346 MPa, which is about 86%
of the substrate strength.


Effect of the Purging Gas on Properties of

304H GTA Welds
Experiments measured the effects of various purging gases on the microstructural, corrosion,
tensile, bend, and impact toughness properties of stainless steel weld metal



To prevent oxidation of the weld zone inside the pipe, high-quality welding of
stainless steel pipe requires gas purging. Gas tungsten arc (GTA) welding of the 304H
pipes commonly used in refinery applications was done with and without purging gas.
For purging gases argon (Ar), nitrogen (N2), Ar+N2, and N2+10% hydrogen (H2)
were used, respectively. The aim was to determine the effects of purging gases on the
microstructural, corrosion, tensile, bend, and impact toughness properties of the
welded joints. Macro sections of the welds were investigated as well as microstructures. Chemical composition of the weld metal of the joints was obtained by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES). Leco analyzers were used to obtain
the weld root N2, O2, and H2 contents. The ferrite content of the beads was measured with a Ferritscope, and Vickers hardness (HV10) values were measured. Intergranular and pitting corrosion tests were applied to determine the corrosion resistance of the welds. The various purging gases affected corrosion properties as well
as the amount of the heat tints that occurred at the roots of the welds. As obtained
by Leco N2-O2-H2 analysis, a significant increase occurred in the root bead N2 content from 480 to 820 ppm for no-purged and N2-purged welds, respectively. As a result, the ferrite content of the root beads decreased to about 6 Ferrite Number when
changing the purge gas to N2 instead of no purging. However, mechanical properties
were not considerably affected due to purging. 304H steel and 308H consumable
compositions would permit use of N2, including gases for purging, without a significantly increased risk of hot cracking.

For the high-quality stainless steel pipe
welds required for power plants, petrochemical facilities, pharmaceutical, brewery, and food-processing factories, the gas
tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process is
preferred (Ref. 1). Weld root quality of
stainless steel pipe and tubes can be ensured by removing the air from the fusion
zone using an inert purging gas. Unsatisfactory purging results in formation of ferrochromium layers of colored oxide films
commonly referred to as heat tints.
Oxygen (O2) contamination in stainless steel welding causes dross or sugaring, referred to in the sanitary industry as
an oxide layer on the root surface of the
weld bead. This is a rough, pitted, and
E. TABAN (emel.taban@yahoo. com) and
E. KALUC are with Kocaeli University
(KOU) Welding Research, Education and
Training Center, and the KOU Engineering
Faculty, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Kocaeli, Turkey. T. S. AYKAN is with
Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corp., Izmit
Refinery, Technical Control and R & D
Dept., Kocaeli, Turkey.
124-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

porous layer that can trap organic matter

that may lead to contamination, weakened
mechanical properties, and compromised
in-service corrosion resistance of the
weldments (Refs. 16). In particular, pitting in weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) has
often been reported for standard
austenitic stainless steels such as EN
1.4301/1.4401 (AISI 304/316).
In practice, the high-temperature oxides formed during welding are removed
by pickling using a bath or paste followed
by repassivation. This is considered the
best method to restore the pitting corrosion resistance of an already oxidized
weld. However, postweld cleaning using
mechanical or chemical procedures is
often complex or too expensive (Refs. 1,


3). It is therefore essential to use a proper

purging technique to shield the root side
of the joint from atmospheric contamination. Common root shielding (purging)
gases are argon (Ar), nitrogen (N2), and
nitrogen mixed with hydrogen (H2, typically 10%). Other gases such as helium
(He), Ar/He, and H2 mixtures are also
used. Hydrogen provides a reducing atmosphere that counteracts oxide formation more effectively than Ar, but is generally only recommended for austenitic
stainless steels. For N2 alloyed austenitic
grades or superduplex stainless steels, it is
often recommended to use N2-containing
mixes to counteract losses of N2 from the
weld pool. Variation in purge gas quality
may arise during welding and it may be desirable to apply continuous gas monitoring, in particular to control O2 and moisture content (Refs. 1, 610).
Pure Ar is the most commonly used
purging gas in GTA welding of standard
austenitic stainless steels such as 304 and
316. Since Ar is in short supply worldwide
and prices are rising, there is a cost and
availability incentive in changing to alternative purge gases such as pure N2 or mixtures (Ref. 1).
The oil and gas plants must select the
most cost-effective and reliable materials
due to their diverse applications and conditions. Much oil and gas technology is
mature practice. In large part, the stainless
steels are employed in plant and associated equipment where the corrosion resistance of plain carbon- or low-alloy
steels is inadequate. The austenitic grades
find applications where their excellent elevated-temperature or cryogenic mechanical properties are of advantage (Ref. 11).
There is little published literature
about the effects of purging gases on the
microstructural, corrosion, and mechanical properties of 304H austenitic stainless
steel that is applicable to the oil and gas industry and refinery applications where severe corrosion conditions are common.
Thus, the aim of this study was to detect
the effects of purging gases on the microstructural properties, ferrite content,
corrosion resistance, and mechanical
properties of the GTA welded joints of
304H stainless steel pipes used in refinery

Table 1 presents the chemical analysis

and transverse tensile properties for AISI
304H stainless steel pipe with 0.236-in. (6mm) wall thickness and 4-in. (101.6-mm)

Gas tungsten arc welding was used for

root and hot pass welding the 304H pipe
using Ar shielding gas. The welded joint
referred to as 04H NP (no purge) was produced without using any purge gas for the
root pass. For the following joints, purging
gases of pure Ar, pure N2, Ar+5%N2, and
N2+10%H2, respectively, were used as
root shielding gases. In addition to the
root pass, five more fill passes were used
to finish the welds.
The welded pipes were referred to as
04H A (Ar purging), 04H N (N2 purging),
04H AN (Ar+N2 purging), 04H NH
(N2+H2 purging), respectively. During
the whole period of welding, purging was
maintained until cooling the root pass as
well as all fill passes. ER 308H GTA welding rods were used as filler metal. The
chemical composition of the filler metal is
given in Table 2.
A fixed root opening was maintained
by tack welding before producing the
welds. Welding started after the measurement of O2 content by an O2 analyzer and
after obtaining an oxygen content of maximum 10 ppm within the pipe, before
welding started. The details of welding
procedures are presented in Table 3.
Cross sections taken from the pipe
welds were prepared according to standard metallographic techniques; grinding
on composite discs then polishing on textile discs with diamond suspensions of increasingly finer diamond-grain sizes. The
samples were electrolytically etched in oxalic reagent for evaluation of the microstructure. In addition, a second series
of samples was prepared and color etched
in Lichtenegger solution to permit identification of the solidification mode.
The ferrite phase content of the root
bead and cap pass as well as base metal
were determined using a Fisher Ferritscope by measuring at the root bead
surface. A minimum of 15 measuring
points were taken on each sample to determine the Ferrite Number (FN).
The chemical composition of the weld
metal of the joints was obtained by glow

discharge optical emission spectroscopy

(GDOES). In addition, Leco combustion
equipment was used to obtain the weld
root N2, O2, and H2 contents.
The Vickers measurements were determined with a 10-kg load using an Instron hardness machine over the weld
cross sections of each weld in accordance
with EN standard practices. Three measurements were taken at the surfaces for
weld metal roots ( 2 mm deep from the
root surface) and base metal.
Intergranular and pitting corrosion

Fig. 1 Photographs showing roots of welded

joints of 304H stainless steel pipes after root and
five fill passes. A 04H NP; B 04H A; C
04H N; D 04H AN; E 04H NH, after only
root pass; F 04H NP; G 04H N.

tests were applied in accordance with TS

EN 3157/EN ISO 3651-2 and ASTM G48,
respectively. Intergranular corrosion testing was conducted as a sulfuric acid-copper sulfate test for 20 h in boiling solution,
then bending of the boiled samples. Pitting corrosion testing samples were kept in
ferric chloride solution at 50C for 72 h.
Weight losses were measured. Photomacrographs of the test samples were
obtained after corrosion testing both for
intergranular and pitting corrosion.
Transverse tensile specimens from all
joints were prepared in accordance with the
API 1104 standard, then tested at room
temperature by a hydraulically controlled
test machine. Transverse face and root bend
test specimens with nominal specimen
width of 25 mm were prepared then tested

Table 1 Chemical Composition and Mechanical Properties of the 304H Pipe















Transverse tensile properties

Yield strength (RP0.2) MPa

UTS (Rm) MPa


% Elongation



Welding Setup

Fig. 2 Photomacrographs of welded 304H pipes. A 04H NP; B 04H A; C 04H N; D 04H
AN; E 04H NH.


with a 20-mm mandrel diameter and 180deg bending angle. Subsized notch impact
test samples were extracted transverse to
the welds and through thickness with
notches positioned at the weld metal center
(WM), at the HAZ; 2 mm away from the
weld interface (FL+2 mm) and at base
metal (BM). The impact toughness testing
was done at 20, 20, 40, and 60C.

Results and Discussion

Weld Cross Sections
Fig. 3 Photomicrographs of 304H root passes. A
04H NP; B 04H A; C 04H N; D 04H
AN; E 04H NH with 200 magnification (oxalic etching).

Representative photographs of the

weld roots showing the chromium oxide
layers (heat tints) of the welded 304H
pipes are presented in Fig. 1. The 304H

Table 2 Chemical Composition of the Filler Metal Used in this Study

Filler Type


126-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93



Chemical Composition (wt-%)



pipes with 6-mm wall thickness were

welded in six passes in total. Depending on
the total heat input applied, the material
revealed a wide range of heat tints, in particular for the weld without purging. Figure 1AE refers to the roots of the welds
after welding of one root pass + five fillpasses. To give a better idea and correlation with AWS D18.1 (Ref. 12), photographs of the roots after only the root pass
were also given for the weld without purging (Fig. 1F), and for the weld with N2
purging (Fig. 1G). The heat tint formation
after one root pass was less than that after
welding of a root pass + five fill passes
(Fig. 1AG). However, the differences between the no-purged and purged welds are
clearly observed by the wideness of the
heat-tint areas. The purged welds are
much cleaner with brighter colors compared to the no-purge weld. The joint
without any purge gas (04H NP) revealed
a wide chromium-oxide layer (Fig. 1A, F).
This oxide layer (heat tints) decreases the
corrosion resistance since it contains
chromium that has been taken from the
metal immediately beneath this layer.
However, for the joints with a purge gas:
04H A (Fig. 1B), 04H N (Fig. 1C, G), 04H
AN (Fig. 1D), 04H NH (Fig. 1E), the
widths of the heat tints decreased as well
as the color is lighter compared to 04H NP
(no purged joint). In particular, for the
weld purged with H2-containing gas (04HNH) the bleaching effect of the H2 could
clearly be observed.
Figure 2 shows the photomacrographs
of the welds. The differences between the
root shapes of the no purged weld (04H
NP) and the other welds can be seen. The
04H NP root needs cleaning, incurring an
additional expense compared to the other
joints with better root shapes. The mechanical properties of welds are affected
significantly by their shape and composition. Particularly at the weld root, a positive reinforcement combined with a
smooth transition from the weld to base
metal are prerequisites to achieve optimum mechanical strength.
In fusion arc welding, an important part
is the type of shielding gas used since it affects the shape, material transfer mode, and
energy distribution in the arc. For instance,
thermal conductivity of Ar is very low, which
affects both the arc shape and the weld
shape, thus mainly a wine-glass-shaped
weld is obtained. However, due to the high
thermal conductivity of H2, the arc gets narrower and energy concentration in it increases, which leads to deeper penetration.

Hydrogen as a reducing gas hinders oxide

formation on the surface of the weld. Thus,
the weld appearance is nicer. However, H2
solubility in steel is very high, which may
produce porosity and cracks mainly in duplex stainless steel welds (Refs. 4, 13).

The microstructure consisted in all cases

of austenite with some ferrite, including
both root and cap passes of all joints obtained by using various purging gases Fig.
3. Color etching with Lichtenegger etchant
shows that the weld metal mainly solidified
primarily as ferrite Fig. 4.

Ferrite Content

The chemical composition and thermal

history affect the amount of ferrite in
stainless steel weld metals. The ferrite
content affects toughness properties, corrosion resistance, long-term high-temperature stability, and in particular, resistance
to hot cracking. Thus, it is important to
control the ferrite level within specified
limits. Typically, a minimum ferrite content of 3 FN is desired to ensure solidification with ferrite as the primary phase to
provide good resistance to hot cracking.
The WRC-92 diagram can be used to predict the FN of weld metal with reasonable

Fig. 4 Photomicrographs of 304H root passes.

A 04H NP; B 04H A; C 04H N; D 04H
AN; E 04H NH with 200 magnification
(Lichtenegger etching).

accuracy (Ref. 14) and also give guidance

on the type of expected solidification.
Plotting the wire and the pipe compositions of this study, the diagram predicts
ferrite content of the weld metal approximately to be 9 FN.
The results of the FN measurements
are summarized in Table 4.
Addition of N2 to the purging (root
shielding) gas clearly resulted in a lower
root pass ferrite content. The joint without
any purging revealed an average root pass
FN of 8, while a minimum average ferrite
content of 1.5 was obtained, for the weld
with N2 purging. The maximum difference
is about 6.5 FN for these welds. For the Arpurged weld (04H A), an average of 4.3 FN
was obtained which is also quite low compared to the weld without purging (04H
NP). Purging with N2+10% H2 (04H NH)
also presented an average ferrite content of
3.3 FN. This is important and desired in particular for refinery applications where hot
cracking is a problem. The predicted ferrite
content of 9 FN is in good agreement with

Table 3 Welding Details of 304H Pipes

Pipe Code

Number of
Total Layers

04H NP
04H A

04 N
root + 5
filler passes
04 AN

04 NH

Consumable Shielding Gas, Purging Gas,

Shielding Gas Purge Gas
Flow Rate
Flow Rate
Purging time
Not available
8.910.5/ 80120
100% Ar2,
5 L/min for root,
2 L/min for filler
100% N2,
2.4 mm
5 L/min for root,
2 L/min for filler
9 L/min
Ar2 + 5% N2,
5 L/min for root,
2 L/min for filler
N2 +10%H2,
3 L/min for root,
2 L/min for filler passes


Total Heat





Temp. (C )








the measured values of the no-purged weld.

Most measured and predicted FNs fall well
within the F+A region in the diagram predicting solidification with ferrite as the leading phase. Primary ferritic solidification was
also confirmed by color etching Fig. 4.


Chemical Composition

The chemical compositions of the root

beads were determined by chemical analysis and listed in Table 5.
The N2, O2, and H2 contents (in ppm)
of the root beads, determined by Leco
chemical analysis, are shown in Table 6.
The use of pure N2 and N2-rich,
N2+10% H2 as purging gas resulted in stable levels of about 820 and 795 ppm in the
root beads, whereas about only 485 and 445
ppm were measured for the non-purged
and Ar-purged welds, respectively. This
agrees with the ferrite content data, where
the FN was decreased to about 1.5 and 3.3
FN in pure N2 and N2-rich, N2+10% H2 gas
as purging.
Hardness Properties

The Vickers hardness values for the

weld roots and base metal are given in

Cap pass

Min: 7.3;
Max: 8.7
(Average 8)

Fig. 5 Photomicrographs of the root side dispalying the intergranular corrosion test samples of the
welds. A 04H NP; B 04H A; C 04H N; D
04H AN; E 04H NH.

Table 7. No significant differences were

observed for the hardness properties of
the weld roots of all joints.

ical strength but without the associated disadvantages related to precipitation of carbides and carbon nitrides. No failures were
detected after bending, which indicated
good corrosion resistance. Photomacrographs of the corrosion test samples are presented in Fig. 5, including root sides of the

Intergranular Corrosion Properties

Pitting Corrosion Properties

Due to the relatively high carbon content of the 304H base metal compared to
304L grade, the risk for intergranular corrosion of the 304H grade would be higher
compared to that of the 304L grade. Thus,
to detect the possible susceptibility to intergranular corrosion, testing in accordance with TS EN 3157/EN ISO 3651-2
was applied by immersing the samples in a
boiling solution of sulfuric acid-copper
sulfate for 20 h followed by bending the
Nitrogen was added to the shielding
and/or purging gas mainly to improve pitting corrosion resistance but also to improve mechanical strength to some extent.
Corrosion resistance at the root side was
also increased by using pure N2 or N2 with
510% H2 in the purging gas. Higher N2 levels and exposure to higher temperature for
extended periods would end up affecting
the properties of the welds, since N2 in
austenitic stainless steels plays a role similar
to that of carbon in increasing the mechan-

Pitting corrosion testing was applied in

accordance with ASTM G48. Samples were
immersed in ferric chloride solution at 50C
for 72 h. Materials used in the oil and gas industry are affected by several different types
of corrosion, often caused by seawater and
spray. In marine environments, pitting and
crevice corrosion occur, and for austenitic
grades, stress corrosion cracking also occurs
if the material temperature is above 60C.
High temperatures, high chloride contents,
and low pH values increase the risk of localized attacks in any chloride-containing
The electrochemical corrosion potential
is also very important. This potential is affected by biological activities on the steel
surface. Since seawater and related environments are, in a sense, living corrosive environments, it is sometimes difficult to define exactly what the service conditions will
be. At temperatures above 40C, the biological activity will cease and the corrosion
potential would change. The use of continuous chlorination, to stop marine growth,
may increase the corrosion potential. Normally, the CPT of 304H grade is much lower
than 50C. However, it should be kept in
mind that for refinery applications where
highly corrosive fluids are carried in the
pipes, the pipes could deteriorate during
service conditions. Here, the maximum
time and temperature conditions were used
in the test to extrapolate the excessive con-

Table 4 Ferrite Content of the 304H Pipe GTAW Welds

Location of the
Base metal
Root pass

Welded joint code




Min: 3.8;
Min: 0.97;
Min: 4.1;
Min: 2.8;
Max: 4.8
Max: 2.0
Max: 5.1
Max: 3.7
(Average 4.3) (Average 1.5) (Average 4.6) (Average 3.3)

Table 5 Chemical Analysis of the Weld Metal of GTAW Welded 304H Pipes
Welded Joint Code
4H A
4H N



128-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93













ditions to receive accelerated data and serve

as a ranking test (Ref. 15). Weight losses
were measured and are presented in Table
8. Photomacrographs of the samples were
obtained after corrosion testing and are
shown in Fig. 6. The minimum weight loss,
thus the least corrosion, was observed for
the samples welded with Ar purging. The
maximum weight losses seem to be from the
welds purged with N2; however, looking at
the photographs, most of the pits are observed to be from the base metal and not in
the weld metal.
Transverse Tensile Test Results

All transverse tensile specimens

demonstrated, without exception, the actual overmatching strength of the weld vs.
the base metal, and fracture occurred at
the base metal. The tensile strength varied
from 619 to 675 MPa (Table 9).

None of the face and root bend test

samples of 304H welded pipes failed during bending.
Impact Toughness Results

The impact toughness results of the

joints with various purging gases and effect of the backing gas is also shown in a
graph in Fig. 7. The impact toughness results do not present serious differences
due to the purging gas except for the joints
purged with N2+10%H2.
This study dealing with the effect of the
purging (root shielding) gas on the microstructural, corrosion, and mechanical
properties of GTA welded 304H pipes revealed the following conclusions:
The joints welded without any purge
gas revealed a wide area of chromiumoxide layer (heat tints) that decreased the
corrosion resistance. For the joints welded
with a purge gas, the width of the heat tints
decreased and the color was lighter compared to the welds with no purging. In particular, for the welds purged with H2-containing gas, the bleaching effect was
clearly observed.
The use of N2-containing purge gas can
introduce significant amounts of N2 into
the root bead and is more likely to occur
with larger root openings and manual welding. This affected the ferrite content of the
weld metal with a decrease of up to 6 FN.
For welds produced with 304H steel and
308H consumable wire compositions, any
hot cracking problems are not predicted as
the welds will still solidify with ferrite as the
primary phase. However, it is recommended to check steel and wire composi-

tions against the WRC-92 diagram to verify

there is sufficient safemargin. It is also advised to measure root bead ferrite content,
if accessible, because this gives an indication
of whether the weld metal has solidified
with ferrite or austenite as the leading
phase. It should be kept in mind though that
heavily reheated root beads can have a
lower ferrite content than predicted by
WRC-92 and that this is not necessarily an
indication of increased risk of hot cracking.
A significant decrease in the ferrite content of root beads was found when changing
the root shielding gas from pure Ar to mixed
N2/H2 (90%N2+10%H2) or pure N2. The
root bead ferrite content decreased up to 6
FN compared to the no-purged welds.
However, no indication of hot cracking was
found and all root beads solidified as predicted by the WRC-92 diagram with ferrite
as the leading phase.
The use of pure N2 and N2-rich,
N2+10% H2 as purging gas resulted in stable levels of about 820 and 795 ppm in the
root beads, whereas about only 485 and 445

Fig. 6 Photomicrographs featuring the

root side of the pitting corrosion test samples of 304H welds. A 04H NP; B
04H A; C 04H N; D 04H AN; E
04H NH.

ppm were measured for the non-purged

and Ar-purged welds, respectively. These
data are very much related and in accordance with the ferrite-content data, where
the FN was decreased to about 1.5 and 3.3
FN in pure N2 and N2-rich, N2+10%H2
purging gases.

Table 6 Leco Analysis of the Root Beads of GTA Welded 304H Pipes
Welded joint code
4H A
4H N


N2 (ppm)


O2 (ppm)
265 260

H2 (ppm)
2.02 1.87 1.92
1.90 3.80 3.11
1.03 1.90 1.53
1.95 2.0 2.18
2.43 3.08 3.29

Table 7 HV10 of the 304H Pipe GTAW Welds without and with Various Purge Gases
Location of the
Root pass
Base metal



Welded Joint Code

185187 189193




Bend Test Results

Fig. 7 Impact toughness test results of GTAW welded 304H pipes.


Pitting corrosion testing has shown that

minimum pitting corrosion products were
observed for the Ar-purged weld, compared
to no-purged welds. Mechanical testing
showed no significant change according to
the purge gas.
The 304H steel and 308H consumable
compositions would permit use of N2-rich
gases for root shielding without a significantly increased risk of hot cracking. However, the increased N2 level must be considered in the choice of steel and consumable.
It is recommended to use the WRC-92 diagram to verify there is a sufficient safety
margin for actual compositions and, if possible, check the root bead ferrite content to
avoid the risk of hot cracking.
The authors would like to acknowledge
the financial and technical support of Turkish Petroleum Refineries Co., Izmit Refinery, in scope of R&D project (Project No.
2010/07). In addition, the support of colleagues at the Inspection, R&D, and Chem-

istry Departments of the Refinery and contributions of IWE Mehmet Bilgen and Asil
Celik Corp. are very much appreciated.
1. Bergquist, E. L., Huhtala, T., and Karlsson,
L. 2011. The effect of purging gas on 308L TIG
root pass ferrite content. Welding in the World
3/4, 55: 5764.
2. Saggau, R. 2005. Investigation of the effect
of yellow heat tints on the pitting corrosion behavior of welded stainless steels. PhD thesis,
Technical University Carolo Wilhelmina at
3. degard, L., and Fager, S. A. 1993. The pitting resistance of stainless steel welds. Australasian Welding Journal, Second quarter, 2426.
4. Fletcher, M. 2006. Gas purging optimizes
root welds. Welding Journal 85(12): 3840.
5. Sewell, R. A. 1997. Gas purging for pipe
welding. Welding and Metal Fabrication.
6. Andersen, N. E. Welding stainless pipes,
key technology for process industry applications.
Svetsaren 1/2; 5356.
7. Petersens, A. F., and Runnerstam, O. 1993.
Selecting shielding gases for welding of stainless
steels. Svetsaren 47: 2; 1115.

8. Cuhel, J., and Benson, D. 2012. Maintaining corrosion resistance when welding stainless
tube and pipe. Welding Journal 91(11): 4750.
9. Li, L. J., and Davis, T. 2007. Effect of purging gas oxygen levels on surface structure and mechanical properties of GTA welded Type 304
stainless sanitary tube. Journal of Advanced Materials 39(4): 1419.
10. McMaster, J. 2008. Using inert gases for
weld purging. Welding Journal 87(5): 4044.
11. Gooch, T. G. 2010. Welding new stainless
steels for the oil and gas industry. The Welding Institute, March, 16 pages.
12. D18.1/D18.1M:2009, Specification for
Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel Tube and Pipe
Systems in Sanitary (Hygienic) Applications.
American Welding Society, Miami, Fla.
13. Tusek, J., and Suban, M. 2000. Experimental research of the effect of hydrogen in
argon as a shielding gas in arc welding of high
alloy stainless steel. Intl Journal of Hydrogen Energy 25: 369376.
14. Lippold, J. C., and Kotecki, D. J. 2005.
Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Stainless
Steels. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
15 MIG welding stainless steel gas mixes. Visited on May 19, 2010.

Table 8 Weight Loss after Pitting Corrosion Test

Joint Code

First Measurement
before Testing

Weight Measurement
after 24 h

Weight Measurement
after 48 h

Weight Measurement
after 72 h

Total Loss







Table 9 Transverse Tensile Test Results of the GTA Welded 304H Pipes with Various Purging Gases
Welded Joint Code
04H NP
04H A
04H N
04H AN
04H NH

ReH (N/mm2)

130-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

Rp 0,2 (N/mm2)

Rm (N/mm2)

% Elongation

Fracture Location
Base metal
Base metal
Base metal
Base metal
Base metal

Joining 5754 Automotive Aluminum

Alloy 2-mm-Thick Sheets Using
Ultrasonic Spot Welding
When a peak temperature of above 500C was attained, the material softened
considerably, enhancing the joining of the aluminum sheets

The aim of this study was to evaluate the weldability and tensile shear failure load
of a 2-mm-thick 5754 aluminum alloy sheet (a typical automotive structural material)
joined via ultrasonic spot welding at various energy levels from about 2300 to 5800 J.
The temperature changes at the weld center were monitored during welding. It was
observed that the temperature rise rate and peak temperature increased rapidly with
increasing welding energy. At an energy level between about 5000 and 5500 J, a peak
temperature of more than 500C was reached, leading to significant softening of the
sheets required for proper joining, and a failure load of over 4 kN was achieved. With
increasing welding energy, the interface was observed to change from a wavy line with
some characteristic tree-like bifurcation to discontinuous voids or cracks, and to complete disappearance, corresponding to a progressively expanding joining area from the
periphery to the center of the weld and an increasing tensile shear failure load.

Ultrasonic spot welding (USW) is a
solid-state process in which two sheet materials are joined by the application of ultrasonic vibrations at a frequency of ~20
kHz and an amplitude of 2075 m under
a moderate pressure, where the vibrations
are applied parallel to the interface between the sheets (Refs. 14). A solid-state
weld can be achieved via a high-frequency
relative motion between the sheets, coupled with severe plastic deformation and
mechanical interlocking, as well as a
chemical bond involving diffusion (Refs.
58). Compared with resistance spot welding, USW can join aluminum car body
panels at lower energy consumption, using
only 0.61.3 kJ per weld, and create a
C. Y. ZHANG ( and D.
L. CHEN ( are with Dept. of
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson
University, Toronto, Ont., Canada. ZHANG is
also with Science and Technology on Thermostructural Composite Materials Laboratory,
Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian,
Peoples Republic of China. A. A. LUO is with
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Dept.
of Integrated Systems Engineering, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, Ohio.

more homogeneous microstructure characterized by refined grains and confined

inclusions free from pores between the
base materials (Refs. 9, 10). In addition,
USW requires no welding wire or water
cooling, has modest space requirements,
and results in no arcs or sparks. Therefore,
USW is an alternative method that can be
applied for joining aluminum (Al) alloys
in automotive body construction (Refs. 1,
During USW, welding energy is a key
parameter for the welding of Al alloy
sheets, as well as their mechanical properties. The previous USW system was only
able to join thin foils, generally <0.5 mm
in thickness, because of its lower power
output (Ref. 11). For thicker sheets (12
mm), higher power welding systems are
necessary (Refs. 3, 12). At a lower level of

Ultrasonic Spot Welding
Aluminum Alloy
Tensile Shear
Temperature Monitoring

welding energy, the microbond density

was too low; failure occurred through the
interface. Higher welding energies can effectively promote joining in the entire
weld, thus improving weld strength. Jahn
et al. (Ref. 13) evaluated the effects of
welding energy on the microstructure and
weld strength of ultrasonic spot welds of
AA6111-T4 Al alloy using a single-transducer, unidirectional wedge-reed welding
machine. It was observed that the weld
strength increased with increasing welding
energy up to ~500 J, and the maximum
failure load obtained was between 2.6 and
3.1 kN. Recently, Bakavos and Prangnell
(Ref. 14) studied the joining mechanisms
and microstructure formation in a highpower ultrasonic spot welded 6111 Al
sheet. Good mechanical properties for the
welds were obtained with a shear failure
load of up to 3.5 kN. Strong welds could be
achieved only after the welding energy exceeded a threshold; then a failure mode of
button pullout occurred. The welding energy required during USW is closely related to the clamping pressure, welding
time, as well as the vibration frequency
(Refs. 15, 16). The welding energy and/or
welding time can be reduced as the clamping pressure increases (Ref. 17). The mechanical properties are also related to the
weldability of the materials to be welded.
The lower the hardness, the more efficient
the transfer of the welding energy (Ref.
17). Accompanied by the ultrasonic vibration, the input power leads to the temperature rise in the specimen. Therefore, how
the temperature increases during USW
becomes an important parameter to investigate the welding mechanisms (Refs.
18, 19). The specimen temperature, due to
the friction dissipation at the weld interface during USW, generally arrives at
31~75% of the melting temperature.
Doumanidis and Gao (Ref. 20) studied
the USW process of a 0.127-mm-thick
1100 Al alloy experimentally and numerically. The thermal distribution during




Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of a test coupon used in the present ultrasonic

spot welding.

Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of the top view of the bottom sheet, showing
the location of a thermocouple for monitoring the interface temperature
change during USW.


Fig. 3 Variation of temperature at the center of the weld with time during
USW at different levels of welding energy.

identifying the effect of welding energy on the tensile

shear strength of 2mm-thick 5754 Alalloy sheet, which is
a typical thickness
used in automotive

USW was reported to reach a peak temperature ranging 35~65% of melting
point of the material. Siddiq and Ghassemieh (Ref. 21) explained the ultrasonic
welding process of 3003 Al alloy by considering a combined effect of both surface
(friction) and volume (plasticity) softening. The coefficient of friction was observed to increase with increasing temperature until a specific temperature, and
then decrease.
Furthermore, the previous USW investigations were mainly carried out using
relatively thin sheets of up to about 1.2
mm. Since Al alloys possess high electrical
and thermal conductivities, the specimen
thickness would play an important role in
the weldability. It was unknown whether a
higher energy input is needed for joining a
thicker sheet, how the temperature and
microstructure would change during
USW, and whether the failure mode would
remain the same. The present study was,
therefore, aimed at examining the temperature change profile during USW and

Ultrasonic spot welds were made on a 2mm-thick wrought 5754-O Al-alloy sheet,
with the nominal composition listed in
Table 1 (Ref. 22). The sheet was cut into
80 15 2-mm test coupons. The length
of the coupons was parallel to the rolling
direction. The surface of the coupons was
prepared by grinding in the direction perpendicular to the coupon length using
#80 emery papers, which gave rise to an
estimated surface roughness (R a) of
about 140 nm.
The test coupons were overlapped for 20
mm along the length direction, forming an
overlapped area of 15 20 mm2 for the lap
welding, as shown in Fig. 1. The welds were
positioned at the center of the overlapped
area. The ultrasonic vibration direction during welding was parallel to the longitudinal
direction of the test coupon. A dual-head,
wedge-reed-type MH2026DWR welding
machine from Sonobond, Inc., West
Chester, Pa., configured with a power controller was used for the welding experi-

Table 1 Typical Chemical Composition of 5754-O Aluminum Alloy (wt-%)






Composition, wt-%





132-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

ments. The flat 8 5-mm sonotrode tips

used in the present study had serrated surfaces with nine parallel ridges (or teeth) to
improve gripping of the lapped sheets.
The ridges of the sonotrode tips were oriented perpendicular to the vibration direction during welding. The welding experiments were conducted using time
mode at a wide range of energy levels from
2250 to ~5800 J at an impedance setting
of 8 and a constant clamping force of 1.64
kN. Laser vibrometry was used to measure
the amplitude of oscillation at the
sonotrode tip, which was about 5~6 m.
The output energy was achieved by adjusting the power and time. Since the present work aimed to investigate the weldability of a thicker Al sheet with USW, a
higher energy input was applied at a
slightly longer welding time. Indeed, a
weld should be made in less than 1 s in automotive production; therefore, further
study will be carried out to optimize the
processing parameters especially to
shorten the welding time.
To determine the temperature profile
during USW, a Type K thermocouple
(nickel-chromium vs. nickel-aluminum)
was carefully placed in between the two
sheets to be joined. Since the welding involves ultrasonic vibration or rubbing of
sheets with each other, it was difficult to
ensure that the tip of the thermocouple
stayed perfectly at the correct location. A
roller-like effect of the thermocouple
wires might take place. In addition, the
thermocouple might separate the sheets
to be welded. To overcome the above issues caused by the thermocouple wires on
the welding process, a small groove parallel to the ultrasonic vibration direction was
made on the lower piece of each pair by
scratching the surface using a lathe tool
with a sharp edge. The width and depth of
the groove were about 0.8 and 0.5 mm, re-

Fig. 4 A Lower magnification; B higher magnification SEM backscattered electron images of the cross section of the spot weld made with a welding
energy value of 2580 J.

Fig. 5 A Lower magnification; B higher magnification SEM backscattered electron images of the cross section of the spot weld made with a welding
energy value of 2839 J.

spectively. The thermocouple wires were

laid into the groove with the thermocouple tip located at the center of the weld, as
shown in Fig. 2. The signal from the thermocouple during USW was recorded
using a computer via a data-acquisition
system at a frequency of 50 Hz.
Samples for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations were sectioned through the weld nugget parallel to
the ultrasonic vibration direction. The sectioned samples were cold-mounted using
two-component epoxy resin to avoid any
potential microstructural change caused
by the hot mounting. The mounted samples were ground with SiC papers up to
1200 ANSI grit, and then polished using
diamond paste of 6 and 1 m followed by
alumina paste of 0.3 m, and finally by vibratory polishing in a colloidal silica of
0.05 m with a VibroMet I polisher from
Buehler, Lake Bluff, Ill.
To identify an optimum welding condition, tensile shear tests of the ultrasonic

spot welds were conducted to evaluate the

lap-shear failure load with a computerized
United tensile testing machine with a 50kN load cell at a constant crosshead speed
of 1 mm/min at room temperature. During
tensile shear testing, restraining shims or
spacers were used at both ends of the ultrasonic spot welded samples (Fig. 1) to
ensure the alignment and to minimize

sheet bending and nugget rotation. The

fracture surfaces of the failed samples obtained at various energy levels were then
examined via a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and
three-dimensional (3D) fractographic imaging/analysis capacity.

Table 2 Comparison of the Weldability of Several Al Alloy Sheets with Various Thicknesses

Processing Parameter


Clamping force: 1.9 kN

Welding energy: 1500 J
Temperature rise: 500C
Clamping: 0.4 kN
Power: 300 W
Not given

Failure Load

Fracture Mode


3.4 kN

Button pull-out

(Refs. 7, 12)

3.5 kN

Button pull-out

(Ref. 20)
(Ref. 2)

4.7 kN

Partial button pull-out


Clamping force: 1.64 kN,
Welding energy: 4500~5500 J
Temperature rise: ~500C



Fig. 6 SEM backscattered electron images of a joint welded with an energy value of 3242 J. A In the center of the spot weld; B near the periphery of the
spot weld.


Fig. 7 SEM backscattered electron images of a joint welded with an energy value of 5287 J. A In the center of the spot weld; B near the periphery of the
spot weld.

the center of the weld. A

rapid temperature rise can
be seen in the initial stage
within about 0.2 s due to
the fast rubbing action between the upper and lower
roughened-sample surfaces. Then the temperature increase becomes almost linear up to the
maximum temperature.
The maximum or peak temperature recorded at the
end of the welding process
was observed to increase
from about 186C with a
Fig. 8 Failure load of the tensile lap shear samples welded with dif- welding energy of 1624 J to
ferent values of welding energy.
about 420C, with a welding energy of 3233 J, and to
about 535C with a welding
energy of 4995 J. Once the supplied power
was off, the sample temperature started to
Temperature Change
drop rapidly and then slowed during air
The temperature change during USW,
determined using a thermocouple posiWeld Interface
tioned at the center of the weld, is shown
in Fig. 3. It is seen that a higher energy
Figure 4 shows two typical crossinput resulted in a higher temperature at
sectional images of the ultrasonic spot
134-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

welded joints with a lower welding energy

(2580 J). A characteristic wavy ultrasonic
weld interface can be seen in Fig. 4A. The
presence of the wavy weld interface was
closely related to the original surface roughness and the applied pressure during USW.
As shown in Fig. 4B, bifurcation of the weld
interface in some spots can be seen, which
was accompanied by localized plastic deformation at the interface. The appearance
was typical of that seen in conventional ultrasonic welding at low power (Ref. 23).
The cross section, shown in Fig. 5, is
from the joint welded with an intermediate
energy of 2839 J. The weld interface becomes discontinuous (Fig. 5A), indicating
more extensive plastic deformation and improved weld quality, in comparison to the
welded joint made at a lower energy (Fig. 4).
However, pores and bifurcation can still be
observed, as shown in Fig. 5B. That is, the
joining presents like a tree at the righthand side of the image. This kind of treelike branching is sometimes called flow or
wake features in USW (Ref. 14). Such a
discontinuous feature of joining and nonjoining appears to disperse randomly over
the weld interface Fig. 5A.
Figure 6 shows SEM images of the

Fig. 9 Macroscopic views of the failed samples welded at different levels

of energy. A 2196 J; B 3012 J; C 5287 J.

Lap Tensile Shear Failure Load

The lap shear failure load as a function

of welding energy is shown in Fig. 8. It is
seen that the failure load first increases and
then decreases with increasing welding energy, in spite of the presence of fairly large
experimental scatter. The welds produced
with an energy level of 4500~5500 J have a
high failure load of about 4 kN or higher,
with the maximum failure load reaching approximately 4.7 kN, higher than those prepared by resistance spot welding (Refs. 24,
25). When the welding energy exceeds
about 5500 J, the lap shear failure load decreases. The change of the failure load with
the welding energy is closely related to the
welding processes and the related interface
features (Figs. 47), which will be discussed
later. Such a variation trend was also observed in other materials (Refs. 15, 2628).

Failure Mode

Figure 9 shows a
macroscopic view of
the failed samples
welded at different energy levels after lap
shear tests. Although
the welds fractured
basically along the
weld interface, i.e., in
the form of debonding, different extents of bending of the
failed samples were observed. While the
restraining shims were used to maintain
the alignment and minimize the rotation
of the joints, it is inevitable that the spot
weld would inherently experience a rotation. Accordingly, the rotation of the
welds could lead to the bending when the
sample was loaded in tension gradually.
More bending occurred for the samples
welded at higher levels of energy. For the
weld produced with a lower energy of
2196 J (Fig. 9A), the separated sheets remained almost flat. With increasing welding energy to about 3000 J, a certain extent of bending occurred (Fig. 9B). For
the weld made with an energy value of
5287 J, the separated sheets bent significantly, which can be clearly seen in Fig.
9C. The stronger the weld was, the higher
the load and plastic deformation were,
and the higher the degree of bending was.

The typical fracture surface of the joint

welded at a low energy level of 2196 J is
shown in Fig. 10. Outside the periphery of
the weld, a bright zone can be seen, which
was identified with EDS to be an oxide
layer formed during welding, due to the direct contact of air with the material at an
elevated temperature. Just inside the
oxide zone there existed a dark zone
2.5~3.0 mm wide, labeled A in Fig. 10A,
which represents the bonded zone. Close

to the left end of the region, several secondary cracks are seen, which occurred
during the tensile shear. It suggests that
the base material should reach its fracture
strength and the fracture initiated in that
area. Figure 10B shows a 3D image of the
bonded zone. It is seen that the zone was
basically flat with a certain amount of
ridges at such a low magnification. A magnified image (Fig. 10C) of the bonded
zone shows a characteristic dimple fracture, where the elongated dimples indicate the shear fracture via void formation/nucleation, growth, and coalescence.
Figure 10D shows the failure mode in the
center region of the fracture surface.
Apart from some small, isolated dimples
and tearing ridges, the predominant feature in the center area is the scrubbing
lines parallel to the loading direction. The
scrubbing lines are generated due to abrasion or galling of asperities of the microscale roughness of the ground sheet surfaces (Refs. 11, 22).
The dimensions of the welds were observed to remain almost constant, regardless of the change in the welding energy.
However, the fraction of the bonded zone
increases and the insufficiently bonded
center zone decreases, as shown in Fig. 11
for the joint made with a higher welding
energy of 5287 J. In the border area at the
left end of Fig. 11A, a big crack can be seen
in the low-magnification SEM image. The
3D view of the boxed area in Fig. 11A reveals that the crack penetrated into the


joints welded with a higher energy of 3242

J. It is seen that the joining at the center of
the weld is significantly improved, but
some discrete pores are still present
Fig. 6A. Microbond rotation in the border
area of the weld (Fig. 6B) could also be
seen. The presence of porosity might be
associated with the interface folds and the
trapped debris at the weld interface,
whereas the microbond rotation seems to
be related to the flanks of the waves generated from the displaced interface, which
were in the border area of lower pressure,
being located in between the sonotrode
tips (Ref. 23).
At a further higher level of energy, the
interface of the welded joints is essentially
not discernible, as shown in Fig. 7A, where
an energy value of 5287 J was applied.
Therefore, a sound joint is achieved. The
border area of the weld is also characterized
by the microbond rotation together with
branching (Fig. 7B), where the interface
rapidly became convoluted and locally displaced by the rotation of the welded segments with some retained porosity.



Fig. 10 Fracture surface of the weld made with an energy value of 2196 J. A Macroscopic view of the spot weld button; B 3D view of the bonded zone,
marked by A in Fig. 10A; C dimple-rupture failure mode in the bonded zone; D fracture appearance in the center area of the weld.

material deeply and the crack opening was

much larger than that in Fig. 10B. This indeed indicates that the base material was
partially pulled out from the weld interface. It should be pointed out that it was
possible for the entire weld button to be
pulled out for the thinner sheets after
USW. For example, the weld button pullout occurred at a failure load of 3.5 kN for
the ultrasonic spot welded 0.90.9-mmthick 6111-T4 Al alloy (Ref. 1). While the
ultimate tensile strength of 5754-O Al
alloy (220 MPa) was lower than that of
6111-T4 Al alloy (280 MPa) (Ref. 22), the
failure loads exceeding 4 kN in the present
ultrasonic spot welded 5754-O Al alloy
have been achieved when the welding energy lay in between about 4500 and 5500 J
Fig. 8. Nevertheless, no full pull-button
failure mode was observed since the
thicker, 2-mm sheet was used in this study.
The magnified images taken from the
well-bonded zone near the periphery (Fig.
11C) and from the center of the weld (Fig.
11D) show the similar failure modes to
those seen in Fig. 10C and Fig. 10D. It appears that more dimple-like features and
tear ridges occurred in the center area of
the weld made at a higher level of energy.

136-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

The formation of a joint in the ultrasonic welding of metals is a complex
process that occurs rapidly under conditions of rubbing action and cyclic deformation at a very high frequency (20 kHz)
with a relatively small amplitude arising
from the ultrasonic vibration. The highfrequency rubbing action generates friction heat and rapid temperature increase
depending on the welding energy applied
Fig. 3. From the cross-section images
shown in Figs. 47 and the failure load
presented in Fig. 8, the quality of the ultrasonic spot welded joints and the tensile
shear failure load increased with increasing welding energy up to about 5287 J at
which the maximum failure load was
achieved. This is a result of the weld area
expanding gradually across the weld interface and the rapid softening of the material as the temperature rose more quickly
Fig. 3. During USW, the microscopic
cyclic strain amplitude dynamically
changed as the weld developed and there
was a complex coupling of the sonotrode
tips with the sheets, accompanied by
acoustic feedback from the parts. Gener-

ally, a larger vibration amplitude could be

obtained at a higher energy (Refs. 15, 28).
The heat could be generated under the
sliding between the sheet/sonotrode tip
and the sheet/sheet at a high frequency of
20 kHz. However, the specially designed
sonotrode tip teeth would crunch into the
top and bottom surfaces of both sheets to
suppress effectively the generation of
high-frequency friction heat between
sheet and sonotrode tip. As a result, the
heat was predominantly generated in between two sheets to be joined, arising from
the high-frequency rubbing action. At a
given ultrasonic frequency, the heat generation increased with increasing amplitude of vibration which was dependent on
the energy supplied. The higher welding
energy led to a faster temperature rise and
a higher peak temperature, as shown in
Fig. 3. Meanwhile, as the temperature
rose, the material was softened. The softening of the material means that the yield
strength decreased and the plastic deformation capacity increased. The above effects would cause rapid microjoining, accelerating welding and energy dispersion
by plastic work. Obviously, the higher
welding energy leading to higher temper-


Fig. 11 Fracture surface of the weld made with an energy value of 5287 J. A Macroscopic view of the spot weld button; B 3D view of the bonded zone,
marked by A in Fig. 11A; C dimple-rupture failure mode in the bonded zone; D fracture appearance in the center area of the weld.

atures and more softened material resulted in a better joint, as seen in Figs. 38.
For example, at an energy level of about
5000 J, a peak temperature of as high as
535C has been achieved (Fig. 3), resulting
in a significant loss of strength and effectively improving the softness since the
melting point of this alloy was reported to
be about 600C (Ref. 14). While no hightemperature tensile tests were directly
conducted in the present study, other researchers have reported the considerable
change of yield strength with the temperature. When temperature increased from
room temperature to 371C, the yield
stress fell from 393 to ~28 MPa for 2024T6 alloy and from 115 to 29 MPa for 5154O Al alloy (Refs. 22, 29). It was clear that
a faster temperature rise and higher peak
temperature achieved at a higher level of
welding energy corresponded to a higher
extent of softness and better plastic deformability, thus enhancing the welding
ability of the alloy. As a result, the failure
load increases with increasing welding energy. However, if too high energy was
used, the resulting larger amplitude of ultrasonic vibration could lead to fatigue
damage at the high frequency, whereupon

the initial deformation became largely

elastic and joining was inhibited (Refs. 15,
28). The optimal welding energy in the
present study was observed to be about
5300 J for the 2-mm-thick 5754-O Al sheet
Fig. 8.
Two distinct regions were observed on
the fracture surfaces of the ultrasonic spot
welded joint: the area near the edge of the
weld where joining occurred first and the
center where joining only took place at
higher welding energies. This behavior
could be associated with different stress
states on the contacting sheet surface during welding. According to the results of
mechanical modeling, there is a nonuniform contact pressure under the
sonotrode tips, which is greatest near the
periphery of the flat platens (Ref. 20).
Then the microjoining occurred first near
the edge of the sonotrode tip footprint directly under the sonotrode tip ridge,
where the oxide was broken by abrasion,
or galling, or asperities resulting from the
micron-scale roughness. Figures 10 and 11
confirm that the microjoining indeed
started from the periphery area with a
slightly higher pressure. Again, as the energy input increased, the temperature be-

tween the two sheets being welded increased more rapidly (Fig. 3), and the
sheets became more softened, leading to
more expanding microjoints toward the
center of the weld and a higher lap tensileshear failure load. However, the subsequent decrease in weld strength (Fig. 8)
seen for higher welding energy was related
to the increasing penetration of the
sonotrode tips into the sheet surfaces,
which causes thinning of the weld area.
The above results indicate that the
welding quality of the 5754 Al alloy sheets
progressively improved. In addition, in
agreement with the previous knowledge
(Refs. 7, 12), the welding mechanisms of
the Al alloy involve solid-state deformation, mechanical interlocking, as well as
the formation and progressive spreading
of microwelds. The microjoint density increases with increasing welding energy.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the
weld interface should vary in a similar way
for the thin alloy sheet. However, a higher
welding energy is required for welding the
thicker sheets. This can be seen from Table
2, where the weldability of Al alloys with
different thicknesses was summarized. It
is clear that a higher welding energy is

needed for welding thicker automotive

sheets. For example, a welding energy of
the order of 1500 J was required to produce optimized welds in a 1-mm-thick Al
sheet that exhibited the desired nugget
pull-out failure behavior (Refs. 7, 12).
However, the welding energy of
4500~5500 J was needed for the 2-mmthick 5754 Al alloy sheets in the present
work. The maximum failure load was
higher than that of the thin sheets and
might be higher if the welded joint failed
in the manner of full nugget pull-out.
Therefore, further attention will be paid
to the optimization of the processing parameters for the 2-mm-thick 5754 Al alloy.



1. The temperature at the center of the

ultrasonic spot weld increased rapidly at the
beginning, and then reached a steady-state
linear increase up to a peak temperature at
the intermediate and lower energy levels. At
higher energy levels, a nonlinear change in
the heating rate was observed. When the
applied welding energy was about 5000 J, a
peak temperature above 500C was attained, which would considerably soften the
material and enhance the joining of the aluminum sheets.
2. The lap tensile shear failure load increased with increasing welding energy up
to about 5500 J. When the welding energy
was below about 3200 J, the weld interface
could be seen and the characteristic treelike bifurcation appeared at some locations along the weld interface. From 3200
J to about 5000 J, the weld interface was
characterized by some discontinuous
voids or cracks. When the applied energy
lay between about 5000 and 5500 J, the
weld interface disappeared and sound
spot welds were achieved, corresponding
to the maximum level of failure load.
3. Failure occurred basically in a mode
of debonding when the spot-welded samples were loaded under tensile shear, but
with increasing extent of bending at the
weld and partial button pull-out at higher
energy levels. This was in line with the
higher tensile shear failure load.
4. There existed two distinct regions on
the fracture surface. One was the joined
region in the vicinity of periphery, and the
other was the center region. The joined region was observed to expand gradually to
the weld center with increasing welding
energy up to about 5500 J.

The authors would like to thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada (NSERC) and AUTO21
Network of Centers of Excellence for providing financial support. C. Y. Zhang gratefully acknowledges the financial support
138-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

provided by China Scholarship Council and

National Natural Science Foundation of
China (No. 51172182), and D. L. Chen is
also grateful for the financial support by
NSERC-DAS Award, Premiers Research
Excellence Award (PREA), Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), and Ryerson
Research Chair (RRC) program. The authors would like to thank Q. Li, A. Machin,
J. Amankrah, C. Ma, R. Churaman, X. J.
Zhao, and R. D. Ni for their assistance in
the experiments. The authors are also grateful to General Motors Research and Development Center (Warren, Mich.) for supplying the sheet material used in this
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Interaction of Gravity Forces in Spot GTA

Weld Pool
Both experimental and numerical results showed that the depth of the weld zone
decreases substantially by increasing the gravity level

The interaction of convective forces in the weld pool of spot gas tungsten arc
(GTA) welding of AISI 1018 steel was examined experimentally and numerically
in this research work. To alter the effect of buoyancy convection in the weld pool,
the multigravity research welding system (MGRWS) was used to investigate highgravity conditions during the welding process. Thus, we were able to examine the
interaction of buoyancy convection with Marangoni effect and Lorentz force; this
interaction determines the penetration of the weld. Different welding conditions
were simulated numerically using the finite-element analysis software COMSOL
Multiphysics. This software allowed calculation of the fluid flow and heat transfer
in the weld pool as a function of gravity level. The numerical results of the weld
geometry showed reasonable agreement with the experimental data. The results
show that the depth of penetration and the size of the weld zone decrease as the
gravity increases. However, for gravity levels greater than 4g the changes in the
depth and width of the weld zone were found to be negligible.

Investigation of fluid flow and heat
transfer in the welding process is necessary in order to predict important factors
such as weld zone (WZ) and heat-affected
zone (HAZ) shape/size, cooling rate, thermal stresses, and possibly formation of defects. Beside the Marangoni effect and
electromagnetic forces, gravity-driven
buoyancy-induced flow is one of the major
factors that drive the flow of molten metal
in the weld pool (WP). This buoyancy
force, depending on the mass-density variation in the pool, can reduce or enhance
the Marangoni and electromagnetic
effects (Ref. 1).
Many studies have been conducted in
the last few decades to investigate the fluid
flow and heat transfer numerically and experimentally in welding processes, especially for gas tungsten arc welding
(GTAW). Researchers numerically modeled this welding process either separately
from the arc by assuming a heat flux and a
current density distribution on the top surA. BAHRAMI ( is a
PhD candidate; D. K. AIDUN is professor and
chair of the Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (MAE) Dept., and D. T. VALENTINE is
associate professor in the MAE Dept. at Clarkson
University, Potsdam, N.Y.

face of the WP (Refs. 26) or in a unified

system with the arc (Refs. 710). The latter models were applied to study the effect
of gas pressure and drag force on the surface of the WP.
Some researchers studied transport
phenomena in completely penetrated
welding by including the effect of surface
tension at the bottom of the WP (Refs. 3,
6). Modeling of pulsed current GTA welding also has been studied (Refs. 11, 12).
These researchers concluded that implementation of pulsed current can improve
stability of the arc and reduce thermal
Many researchers examined the welding of AISI 304 stainless steel. Zhang et al.

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Weld Pool
High Gravity
Convective Forces
Marangoni Effect
Lorentz Force
Fluid Flow
Heat Transfer

(Refs. 4, 13) studied fluid flow and heat

transfer in welding of AISI 1005 lowcarbon steel. Due to lower surface tension
temperature derivative and higher electrical conductivity of low-carbon steel as
compared to stainless steel, the geometry
of the WZ for low-carbon steels is totally
different from that of austenitic stainless
Domey et al. (Ref. 14) simulated the effect of gravity on WP shape in 6061 Al
alloy. They showed that increasing gravity
decreases depth of the WZ. Aidun et al.
(Ref. 1) experimentally investigated the
effect of gravity for the GTA and gas metal
arc (GMA) welding processes of 304 stainless steels. They also investigated the effect of enhanced gravity on microstructure
of an Al-Cu-Li weld (Ref. 15). They
showed that the unmixed zone becomes
smaller as a result of increase in buoyancy
The general scope of this research
work is to provide enhanced insight into
the role of gravity-induced convection on
the size and shape of the WZ in GTA
welding. Fluid flow and heat transfer in
the workpiece during melting were modeled numerically to examine different
gravity (g) levels for 1018 low-carbon
steel. A set of physical spot GTA tests was
performed for several g-levels in the
multigravity research welding system
(MGRWS). The samples were sectioned,
polished, and etched to determine the
WZ profiles. The WZ profiles obtained
from the numerical model are compared
to the same determined experimentally.
The comparisons illustrate that the numerical predictions are in reasonable
agreement with the experimental results.
In this paper we show how the interaction
between Marangoni, Lorentz, and buoyancy convective forces in the WP influence the aspect ratio of the WZ.

Computational Methodology
The GTA welding process on lowcarbon steel coupons under different gravity levels are considered in this study.
Schematic representation of the geometry




Fig. 1 Schematic of the domain of the study and applied boundary



of the model is shown in Fig.1.

The following assumptions are made in
constructing the mathematical model:
1. The model studies a spot GTA weld
of similar metals; therefore, an axialsymmetric geometry is applied.
2. The flow pattern in the weld pool is
laminar and incompressible.
3. The Boussinesq approximation is applied to simulate buoyancy-induced convection.
4. All properties of the liquid metal,
other than its surface tension and the difference in mass-density associated with
the buoyancy force, are independent of
5. The base metal is initially at ambient
6. Gaussian distributions are used to
simulate the arc current density and heat
The computational model includes

Fig. 2 Schematic of the welding box.

phase change, fluid flow, heat transfer, and

electromagnetics. The equations solved numerically are conservation of mass, conservation of momentum, and conservation of
energy along with classic Maxwells equations for electromagnetism; they are described in detail in the literature (Refs. 17).
The buoyancy force is associated with
gradients in the WP mass density. This
force and the electromagnetic force
(Lorentz force) are volume forces that are
sources of momentum in the equations of
motion. The interface between the solid
and liquid phases was modeled by applying
the Carman-Kozeny theory described in
Refs. 1618. Beside the solid to liquid
phase change, which occurs in any GTAW
process, the arc time in the present study is
sufficiently long to cause a very small
amount of metal vaporization. The enthalpies of fusion and vaporization are incorporated into the specific heat of the liq-

Table 1 Thermophysical Properties and Arc Parameters Used in the Numerical Simulation
Property Name


Ambient temperature
Liquidus temperature
Solidus temperature
Boiling temperature
Heat of fusion
Heat of vaporization
Solid specific heat
Liquid specific heat
Solid thermal conductivity
Liquid thermal conductivity
Solid density
Liquid density
Volume thermal expansion of liquid
Dynamic viscosity
Effective radius of current density distribution
Effective radius of heat source
Vacuum permeability
Convective heat transfer coefficient
Surface emissivity
Arc efficiency

1802 K (Ref. 25)
1770 K (Ref. 25)
3200 K (Ref. 26)
240 kJ/kg (Ref. 25)
6340 kJ/kg (Ref. 26)
750 J/kgK (Ref. 25)
840 J/kgK (Ref. 25)
39.4 W/mK (Ref. 25)
36.5 W/mK (Ref. 25)
7530 kg/m3 (Ref. 25)
7150 kg/m3 (Ref. 25)
1.2104 /K (Ref. 25)
6.3103 kg/(m.s) (Ref. 25)
4.5 mm
3.5 mm
410-7 N/A2
20 W/m2K
75% (Calibrated with experiment at 1 g)

140-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

uid as was done by others in previous

investigations (Refs. 7, 19).
Mathematical Model

In this research, the high-gravity accelerations are generated by using a rotating

system (details of the system are explained
in the experimental procedure section).
The experimental setup was designed such
that the resultant of the gravitational and
centrifugal forces is always perpendicular
to the sample as illustrated in Fig. 2. Beside the centrifugal force that is superimposed on the gravity (g) force, a Coriolis
force is also generated in a rotating system
because the coordinates that are typically
selected rotate with the object of interest.
In order to take into account the effects of
rotation, the gravity vector in the momentum equation is replaced by the resultant
of the gravity and the centrifugal force,
which is called, g' in Fig. 2. The Coriolis effect imposes a body force equal to 2

u that acts on the fluid (Ref. 20).

The relative importance of the Coriolis
effect in this research is determined by
nondimensionalization of the momentum
equation in a rotating coordinate system.
The parameters used to write the momentum equation in dimensionless form are
the effective arc radius for the length
scale, the kinematic viscosity divided by
the arc radius for the velocity scale, and
the difference in temperature described
below, viz.,


+ u u = P + u + Gr

+ Rm j B + K u


where u*, t*, P*, , j*, B*, and * are di-

mensionless velocity, time, pressure, temperature, current density, magnetic field,

and rotational velocity of the MGRWS.
The parameter K* is the dimensionless
source coefficient, which is used to determine the interface between the solid and
liquid phases as described in Ref. 19; in the
liquid phase (u*)
is finite and K* is zero.
The dimensionless numbers, Gr, Rm, and
Ro, denote Grashof (buoyancy to viscous
forces), Magnetic Reynolds (electromagnetic to viscous force), and Rossby (viscous to Coriolis force) numbers, respectively, and are defined as follows:
Gr =

TL3 g

Rm =

Ro =


0 I 2
2 l v2
2 L2

In these dimensionless groups, , , l,

g, 0, and I are volumetric thermal expansion, kinematic viscosity, liquid metal density, gravitational acceleration, vacuum
permeability, and arc current, respectively. The effective radius, L, of the arc is
also applied in the correlation of input
heat flux distribution. The overall temperature difference T in Gr is the difference
of vaporization and liquidus temperature.
A representative size of the angular velocity, , used in this study is 6.28 rad/s, which
simulates the gravity of 4.5 g; this is the angular velocity used to compute the dimensionless parameters that characterize the
problems investigated in this research.
Applying these scales, we obtained the
following values of the dimensionless parameters: Gr 2 105, and Rm 5 105,
Ro 0.01
10 2

The dimensional analysis

shows that the Coriolis effect
(1/Ro ~ 102) in Equation 1 is
far less than the effect of
buoyancy and the Lorentz
force, thus the Coriolis effect
was neglected in the numerical simulations. Neglecting
the Coriolis effect made it
possible to utilize an axialsymmetric geometry model.
Boundary Conditions

A two-dimensional axialsymmetric domain is selected

to simulate the welding
process in this study. Figure 1
provides a schematic of the
domains and the boundary
conditions along the rz coFig. 4 Comparison of the weld zone profile of the experiment and
For the electromagnetic the numerical simulation.
boundary conditions, a
Gaussian normal current
and magnetically insulated.
density distribution is applied at the top
For the fluid flow, the flow velocity is
surface of the base metal (BM) to simulate
zero at all the boundaries other than
the current density input from the arc
along the top surface. At the top surface,
(Ref. 21). It is as follows:
as a result of changes in the surface tension of the melt as a function of temper2

j ( r ) = 2 exp 2
ature, a surface, Marangoni force drives
the flow. This effect is applied as a surface stress boundary condition. Surface
tension in molten Fe-S alloys is known to
be a function of temperature and sulfur
where I is the electric current and ri is the
activity. The equation correlated by
effective radius of the current density disSahoo et al. (Refs. 22, 23) for the temtribution. The bottom surface of the BM
perature gradient of surface tension is
domain is the ground and all the other
applied in this investigation.
boundaries are considered as electrically

Table 2 Composition of 1018 Steel



C (wt-%)

Mn (wt-%)

Si (wt-%)

P (wt-%)

S (wt-%)



Fig. 3 Multigravity research welding system (MGRWS).

Fig. 5 Weld pool profiles at different gravity factors.

Fig. 6 Depth and width of the weld zone.


arc and ra is the effective radius of the

heat source. In addition, convective
and radiative heat
fluxes are applied to
the top surface as
well as all other surfaces. The convective heat transfer
coefficient, surface
emissivity, and ambient temperature
are given in Table 1.
Numerical Method

The spot GTA

process of
Fig. 7 Depth-to-width ratio at different gravity factors.
1018 steel has been
simulated numerically using the finite-element software
For the energy equation, a Gaussian
Multiphysics (v.4.3a). This commercially
distribution of heat flux is applied to the
available computational tool can handle
top surface of the base metal (BM) to simmathematical models of physical phenomulate the presence of the arc (Ref. 21), viz.,
ena that require the solution of a system of
coupled partial differential equations.
3r 2
The Electric Current module in COMSOL
q ( r ) = 2 exp 2
is used to predict the current density dis ra
tribution. The predicted current density is
used in the Magnetic Field module to cal(3)
culate the magnetic flux density and
where Q = IV is the heat generated by the

Table 3 Spot GTAW Parameters

Arc voltage
Arc current
Shielding gas
Electrode extension
Arc length
Arc time
Gravity levels

142-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

12 V
150 A (DCEN)
Pure argon (14 L/min)
W+2%ThO2, 2.4 mm, flat tip
5 mm
3 mm
15 s
1 g, 1.9 g, 3.6 g, 6.7 g

Lorentz force. Finally, the Non-Isothermal Flow module is applied to solve for
the velocity and temperature fields; the
gravity-induced buoyancy and Lorentz
forces are added to the fluid flow model as
source terms and Marangoni effect is applied to the top surface as a weak form
contribution (Ref. 24). The discretization
of the fluid flow is set to P2+P1, which
means quadratic for velocity and linear for
pressure. The discretization for the heat
transfer is set to quadratic. A very fine unstructured triangular mesh with maximum
element size of 0.05 mm was applied to the
weld pool domain while the mesh in the
solid domain is coarser with maximum element size of 0.5 mm. The total number of
triangular elements is 11,941 with an average element quality of 0.979. A fully coupled time-dependent solver with maximum time step of 0.1 s was used to solve
the system of equations. The simulations
were repeated for different gravity levels
using a parametric sweep capability. This
capability helps significantly in postprocessing the computational results.

Experimental Procedure
High-gravity environments were performed in the Clarkson University experimental facility with the multigravity research welding system (MGRWS) Fig.
3. The MGRWS, with an arm length of
1.15 m, is capable of rotating up to 86
rev/min, which imposes a g of 10 g (1 g =
9.81 m/s2) on the test specimen. The welding box is pivoted to the arm so that g is
always perpendicular to the bottom of the
box or the workpiece.
Samples of 1018 steel in the size of
25.4 25.4 6.3 mm were prepared.
Table 2 itemizes the composition of 1018
steel used in this study. Coupons were
polished and cleaned with acetone prior
to welding. The samples were subjected
to the spot GTAW process with the parameters listed in Table 3.

Results and

Fig. 8 Velocity field in the weld pool for three
B 3.5 g; C 7 g.

After loading the sample into the sample holder, the MGRWS was first brought
up to the rotation speed of interest, i.e.,
the speed that provided the desired glevel (g). At this moment, the arc was
turned on and a spot weld at the center of
the sample was performed for an arc time
of 15 s. The machine continued to rotate
at the set rev/min for an additional 5 s to
allow for solidification and cooling under
the same condition. Subsequently, the
system was brought to rest to extract the
workpiece. The welding experiment was
performed for four simulated gravity levels as indicated in Table 3.
The welded samples were sectioned
by a diamond saw, polished, and macroetched for evaluating the WZ profile.
The WZ was photographed using a 20
stereomicroscope. The depth (d) and
width (w) of the WZ were accurately
measured using ImageJ software.

Welding of 1018 steel

was experimentally
examined and numerically simulated at several gravity levels. The
characteristic parameters associated with
both the experimental
tests and computational simulations are
summarized in Tables
1 and 3.
The comparison between the WZ geometry of the experimental
study and numerical
simulations for different g levels is pregravity levels: A 1 g;
sented in Fig. 4. The
two lines on the lefthand side of these figures correspond to the
solidus and liquidus
temperatures. The experimental result for
the first case (gravity level of 1 g) is used to
calibrate the arc efficiency in all numerical
simulations. Both numerical and experimental data show that the depth of penetration decreases as the gravity level increases. In the arc welding process, the
Lorentz force is the only centrally inward
force and, hence, is responsible for deepening the WZ. As gravity increases the buoyancy force decreases the deepening effect of
the Lorentz force. As a result, lower penetration is expected as g increases. The results also show that the width of the WZ increases as the gravity level increases.
Although the depth of penetration changes
considerably with gravity, the changes in the
width of the WZ are relatively small. This is
because the effect of buoyancy, even though
it tends to enhance slightly the relatively
strong Marangoni effect, it is the

Marangoni effect that tends to dominate

the flow near the surface of the weld pool.
Figure 5 is a schematic of WP profiles
for different levels of gravity. Note that the
effect of gravity on the shape of the WP is
significant up until the gravity factor of 4
(4g). At gravity factors higher than 4 the
shape of the WP does not change drastically with gravity.
Figure 6 illustrates the changes in the
depth and width of the WP with different
g levels. The results show that the numerical simulations tend to overestimate the
depth and the width of the WZ for all gravity levels. The assumption of Gaussian distributions of heat flux and current density,
lack of accurate thermophysical properties at very high temperatures and excluding the surface deformation from the simulation are the reasons behind this fact.
Note also that for the range of changes in
the depth of the WZ when gravity changes
from 1 to 7 g, it is almost 2.5 times larger
than the changes in the width of the WZ.
Figure 7 compares the aspect ratios of
the WP for different g levels. The data illustrate the fact that the depth-to-width
ratio decreases 60% by increasing the
gravity from 1 to 7 g. In addition, note that
there is reasonable agreement between
the numerical and experimental results for
the aspect ratio.
The velocity fields in the WP at the
time of 15 s for the gravity levels of 1 g (no
rotation), 3.5 g, and 7 g are illustrated in
Fig. 8. A logarithmic scale is used to size
the velocity arrows; therefore, the lengths
of the vectors do not represent the magnitude of the velocity. The plots illustrate
that, as a result of different convective
forces, two vertical structures appear; the
two structures are vortex A near the surface and vortex B in the interior of the WP.
At the surface of the WP, due to the
Marangoni effect (with higher surface tension at the boundaries), fluid is pushed toward the corners. Accordingly, a strong


tFig. 9 Maximum velocity inside the weld pool and on the surface, and
their ratio (VM/VS).


centrally outward vortex (vortex A) is generated adjacent to the surface. In this vortex, the buoyancy convection and the
Marangoni convection have the same direction of flow while the Lorentz force induced convection has the opposite direction of flow.
Deeper in the WP the effect of surface
flow due to Marangoni convection is negligible; therefore, within the WP the
Lorentz and buoyancy forces, with opposing flow directions along the centerline,
determine the net fluid flow. Since the
Lorentz force is dominant, a centrally
downward flow is induced in the WP. The
maximum speed of the molten metal near
the core of vortex A at the interface is two
to more than four times the maximum velocity along the centerline adjacent the
core of vortex B; the quantitative predictions of these observations are discussed
in a subsequent paragraph. Although vortex B is not as strong as vortex A, vortex B
covers a larger area in the interior portion
of the WP, as illustrated in Fig. 8A.
By comparing the velocity fields in Fig.
8B, C, it is observed that vortex B becomes
weaker at higher g levels. By increasing
buoyancy force, the net driving force
within the weld pool, which is the result of
the two opposing forces, viz., the Lorentz
and the buoyancy forces, vortex B becomes weaker and the speed of the molten
metal within a relatively large region near
the bottom of the WP almost vanishes at
highest g level.
Finally, the effect of gravity on the
maximum velocity at the surface and the
maximum velocity along the centerline of
the WP are presented in Fig. 9. As illustrated in the figure, the maximum velocity
along the centerline of the WP, VM, decreases by increasing the gravity level.
After the gravity level of 4 g, the velocity
curve levels off and approaches zero; it is
at this and higher g levels that the region
near the bottom of the WP where the
speed of the fluid is negligible. The surface
velocity, VS, increases up to a gravity factor of 4 and then starts to decrease slightly.

The effect of enhanced gravity on the
fluid flow and heat transfer that determine
the WP geometry in the spot GTA welding
process of 1018 low-carbon steel was studied. The MGRWS was used to obtain experimental results while the finite-element method coded in COMSOL was
applied to perform numerical simulations.
Reasonable agreement of WP geometry
between experimental and numerical simulations confirmed the validity of the

144-s APRIL 2014, VOL. 93

model. Both experimental and numerical

results show wider and shallower WP profiles for higher gravity situations. It is concluded that for the cases examined in this
investigation, buoyancy convection enhances the Marangoni effect (since for the
welding process examined the surface tension decreases with temperature, i.e.,
d/dT < 0) and opposes the convection induced by the Lorentz force in the weld
pool. In summary,
Both numerical and experimental data
show that the depth of the weld zone decreases substantially by increasing the
gravity level up to 4 g; for gravities
higher than 4 g, the changes in the depth
of the weld zone are insignificant.
The maximum surface velocity increases
as the gravity level increases, while the
maximum velocity in the interior of the
weld pool decreases at higher gravities.
The rates of changes in both speeds diminish significantly for gravity levels
that exceed 4 g.
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