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Final test B2

Name: _____________________________ Group:___________

Teacher:_______________ Date:________ Grade:__________
A. Complete the paragraph. Use the simple past and the words in parentheses. Use contractions where possible.
Liz ______________ (not enjoy) her evening last night. She ______________ (want) to go to an outdoor concert, but it

_____________ (rain), so she just ______________ (stay) home.


She ______________ (study) for a couple of hours. Then she ______________ (watch) a movie on TV, but

she______________ (not like) it much.


A______ /14 points (2 points each)

B. Complete the questions and answers. Use the simple past forms of the verbs in the box. Use capital letters
where necessary.



Example: A Did you make a lot of phone calls this weekend?



B Yes, I did. I made about eight or nine calls.

1. A _________ you _________ a piano lesson yesterday?

B No, I _________ , but I _________ a karate lesson.
2. A _________ your best friend _________ to the party with you?
B No, he _________ .He _________ with his girlfriend.
3. A _________ you and your sister _________ a present for your mother?
B Yes, we _________ .We _________ a beautiful scarf.
4. A _________ you _________ your report last night?
B Yes, I _________ .I _________ it after dinner.
B _______ /16 points (1 point each)

C. Write responses to these comments. Use the expressions in the box. Use each expression only once. There is
one extra expression.
Congratulations! - Good for you! - Good luck! - Happy birthday! - Im sorry to hear that!

1. A I worked late every night last week, and I have to work late tonight, too.
B _____________________________________
2. A I have a tennis match tomorrow morning.
B _____________________________________
3. A My girlfriend passed her scuba-diving test, so Im cooking dinner for her.
B _____________________________________
4. A I won a trip to Hawaii!
B _____________________________________
C _______ /4 points (1 point each)

D. Read Ricks three emails to Emma. Then circle the five true statements.

a. Emma sent Rick an email first.

f. Rick went to the movies.

b. Emma wanted to go to the movies.

g. Ricks mother watched a movie at home.

c. Rick didnt want to go to the movies.

h. Rick relaxed at home with Emma.

d. Rick called Emma on her cell phone.

i. Rick did his homework.

e. Rick had Emmas new cell phone number.

j. Emma didnt call Rick.

D______ /10 points (2 points each)

E. Complete the paragraph. Use was, wasnt, were or werent.

I remember my first swimming lesson. I _________ very old only five and I _________ very scared. I didnt want

to go in the water! I think the other kids_________ nervous, too.But the teacher, Ms. Peterson, _________ very

nice. We loved her, but the swimming didnt go very well. We ______ very good at first, but Ms. Peterson
_________ a wonderful teacher.

F. Write the questions for the answers.

A: How was your vacation?

E ______ /12 points (2 points each)

B: My vacation? It was fun!

1. A _______________________________________________________?
B We went to San Francisco.
2. A _______________________________________________________?
B I went with my family.

3. A _______________________________________________________?
B It was rainy, but warm.
4. A _______________________________________________________?
B We were there for a week.
5. A _______________________________________________________?
B We saw the Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown all the sights!
F______ /10 points (2 points each)

G. Complete the sentences. Use each expression in the box only once. There is one extra expression.
got a bad sunburn
got a new camera

got his autograph

got sick went hiking

went on a road trip

went to see

A: I ______________ a play last weekend. After the show, I met the lead actor and ___________ .

B: Yesterday, I ______________ with my friends. It was great, but it was really hot and sunny.
I ______________ .

C: I ______________ across the U.S. with my brother. It was awful. We both ______________ !

We had to stop and stay in bed for three days!

G_______ /6 points (1 point each)

H. Read the story. Then write short answers to the questions.

1. When does Tina teach English? _______________________________________________.

2. Where did Tina put her shoes on Friday? ________________________________________.
3. After class, how many pairs of shoes were in the box? ______________________________.
4. Where did she find her shoes on Monday? _______________________________________.
H _______ /8 points (2 points each)

I. Complete the questions and answers. Use the following words, some words or expressions are used twice:

/ an / a lot of / many / much

1. A How _________ fruit do you eat a day?

B Well, I have _________ banana every day for lunch. I dont eat a big lunch.
2. A How _________ times a week do your parents eat meat?
B They eat meat every day. They eat _________ meat.
3. A Does your brother eat _________ eggs?
B No, he doesnt. He probably eats _________ egg about once a month.
I _______ /6 points (1 point each)

J Complete the conversations. Use some or any.

1. A Would you like to get _________ coffee after class?
B Sure. Lets get _________ and sit outside. Its so sunny.
2. A Do you have _________ snacks? Im starving.
B No, but I have _________ fruit. You can have that.
3. A Its so hot. Do you want to come to our house? We have _________ ice cream.
B Sure. Do you have _________ chocolate ice cream? Its my favorite!
J _______ /6 points (1 point each)

K Complete the conversation with or something and or anything.

A: Im tired. Lets take a break.
B: Thats a good idea. Actually, Id like some coffee _______________ like that.
A: Me too. Actually, its almost noon. Would you like to go out for lunch?
B: No, thanks, Im not really hungry. I dont want a big meal ______________ .
A: So you dont want a snack ______________ ?
B: I dont know. No, not really.
A: Well, then lets go to a coffee shop. You can have coffee, and I can get a sandwich __________.
B: That sounds good.
K _______ /8 points (2 points each)

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