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Look at me !

Ooh lots of leaves

Up into the air.

mmm this is hard work!

This is my game

Now thats better

more over here.

time for a rest

Zahra, earlier in the day you had been watching the older children gathering up the leaves
and throwing them above their heads and letting them fall to the ground, so much fun,
now it was your turn. However, after scooping up a handful an older child came over and
wanted to help you throw them high in the air. You were not happy, I could see on your
face and by the gestures you made that this was your game and you wanted to do it by
yourself, so before I could give you some support you lifted your hands high in the air and
released your leaves. Feeling frustrated the older child walked away and left you to it,
you reached down and began scooping up the leaves, however, you werent getting many in
your little hands so you stopped, looked around you spotted a spade in the nearby sandpit.
With a big smile on your face you climbed into the sandpit and picked up the spade, you
turned to me and looked at me as if to say this will do teacher then you pushed the leaves
into the corner and began shovelling them up. Five minutes and a big pile later, you sat
down admiring your work, you seemed very satisfied with the job you had done. Ka pai to Mahi.

Short term review:

Zahra today you showed how independent you can be, you were focussed on doing

something and even though an older child came to help you, non-verbally (with a troubled look on your face) you
showed him that you didnt need his help so seeing this he left. You were determined to carry on the play you had
started on your own, you noticed a spade in the sandpit and you retrieved it to complete your game.

Learning outcomes:
Well-being/Mana Atua Goal 2: Children experience an environment where their emotional well-being is
nurtured. Children develop an increasing ability to determine their own actions and make their own choices.

Contribution/Mana Tangata Goal 2: Children experience an environment where they are affirmed as
individuals. Children develop awareness of their own special strengths, and confidence that these are recognised
and valued.

What Next: We will continue to support and encourage Zhara by giving her opportunities to be independent while
knowing that comfort, emotional security and familiar adults are available. We will help her resolve conflicts and
move on to new challenges by providing genuine opportunities for her to make her own choices and respect her
decisions. T. Lynda June 2016

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