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Zahra has become very independent wanting to try everything by herself first, and then if she
cant manage the task seeks out my help. Today when I gave her her lunch in a small bowl she
looked over at the bench and saw the container I had transferred the food out of, it still had
food in it. She motioned with her hand that she wanted it and with her other hand pushed the
small bowl aside. At that point I realised she wanted the container on the bench so I handed it
to her. Zahra then picked up the small bowl and proceeded to empty it back into the container
with great confidence. Once she had completed this task she showed me the empty bowl then
began to transfer the food back into the small bowl. The concentration and determination
showed on her little face. Once the food was in the bowl she looked up at me with a big smile of
satisfaction and began to eat her food.

EXPLORATION GOAL 3: Children experience an environment where they learn strategies for
active exploration, thinking, and reasoning. Through exploration, children learn useful and
appropriate ways to find out about what they want to know and begin to understand their own
individual ways of learning and being creative.
WHAT NEXT: We will encourage Zahra to manipulate quantities in ways that change them from
continuous to discrete and back again, such as cutting up playdough and squishing the pieces back
together again. I will also offer an activity of water where she can transfer water to small
bottles and empty them.

T. Lynda February 2016

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