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Write the method about How to Make Patty Cakes into one or two paragraphs

(procedure text). Use first, then, next, after that, finally!

Procedure text: to describe how something is accomplished through a sequences of actions
or steps.

How to Make Patty Cakes



3 tablespoons of butter
cup castor sugar
1 egg

Add lightly beaten egg and vanilla. Beat well.

teaspoon of vanilla
1 cup self-raising four
Pinch salt
cup milk

Beat (kocok) butter and sugar to cream

Sift (ayak) four and salt together

Fold in dry ingredients alternately with milk. Mix

Drop heaped teaspoonfuls of mixture into wellgreased (diberi mentega hingga licin) patty tins or
Bake in a moderately hot oven for 10 to 15
Cool on a wire rack. Then ice with butter icing

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