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Fun with crayons

This morning I set out some crayons and coloured paper

for the children so they could experience a different
texture than what they were using yesterday, which was
chalk. I put the basket of crayons on the table then
invited Zahra over to the table. When she came over she
looked at the crayons and picked up a yellow one Ooh you
chose the yellow crayon Zahra, I said when she picked it
up, with her index finger she rolled it around in the palm
of her hand and then looked up to me. would you like some
paper she smiled and nodded so I placed a piece in front
of her. She sat down and moved the basket toward her
reaching out for another crayon. Zahra started to draw
with both hands, it only took a second for her to realise she
could only draw with one as the paper kept moving away, so
she would have to hold it still. She dropped the orange
crayon and used her left hand to hold the paper still as she
began to draw. wow you are very clever to hold the paper,
now you can do a drawing I said. As she started to draw
the concentration/arotahi on her face was intense. Ka pai
to mahi.


Zahra has a lot of self confidence to

express her needs and feelings to the adults around her.
Zahra enjoys art activities and is able to participate in a
range of social settings which supports her while building a
trusting relationship with other people and children.

What Next I will continue to observe Zahras needs and

encourage her interaction and communication with her
peers. In addition, to support Zahras love of art I will
continue to expose her to a range of different art resources
and mediums. T. Lynda July 2016

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