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To see is to believe. What we hear is what we listen.

Their mistakes is
what we avoid and makes people ashamed of them. But who do we believe if
there`s a controversies between two alliances? A jangle between two groups;
the alliance of the federalist and the yellow ribbon (which they are
Republicans) associated with the corrupts from the other countries.
Corruption is done in the past years. Those who are involved, they are
now uncovered this time. But in their administration, population growth rises
as the number of the criminals. Republic countries would be free but it
exceeds from the limit as what politicans did in our country.
Today, criminality rate has decreased. Because of our newly elected
president, drugs are minimized, many criminals are being jailed including
politicians but many reacts in his phenomenon. Including his co-politicians,
they`re so amazed of his bravery. But many dislikes him even though they
want to impeach him.
The yellow ribbon have many politicians that involved in graft and
corruption. Even De Lima, a bonafide member of yellow ribbon or called as
the Liberal Party, being told by our president to resign because of her
involvement about drugs. From her position, as a senator, many wants her
(De Lima) to resign.
Our fifteenth president is a member of the yellow ribbon. His
administration may be not so good because corruption lead our problems.
Many are still suffering in poverty, victims of calamities such as typhoon are
not treated well. Biased media is applied in his administration that causes
him to have a better image instead of not.
Our president today, President Rodrigo Duterte, ostracized fifty-six
percent of the drug-involved people in our country. He promised a six-month
operation or clearing of the criminals and especially for those who are
involved to drugs. His program is gradually effective, but he discovered one
thing; he can`t eliminate all criminals in our country, even ex-president
Ferdinand Marcos too.
He provides a better treatment for his fellow Filipinos. He salutes and
respects the ones who sacrifice and contribute things for our country. He
helps all the ones who need assistance. Like his bravery, his excellence is a
such a great leader.
I believe that today, our condition is better than we experienced
earlier. We have a better president that can manage discipline in our country.
Changes are applied to us, many good things are observed.
I choose the federalist so we could be secured, corruption is

evanescent. Filipinos are now free to safeness and security. Economy

gradually rises and progress is applied. Our country, Philippines, regain its
own beauty at its origin.

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