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Exam Anatomy & Physiology

Important notes:
1. This exam consists of 9 questions.
2. When you are asked to make a drawing, please make the drawing
approximately 10x10 cm with clear details.
3. When you are asked to draw a graph, please indicate the variables and the
corresponding units at the axes (e.g. Length [mm]).
4. Each question is worth 10 points. The grade for the exam is calculated
according to this formula: Grade = (total amount of points + 10)/10. This
grade will account for 90% of the course grade.

Cell physiology
a) Explain function of desmosomes.
b) Draw the basic structure of a plasma membrane.
c) What changes in the membrane when permeability for Na+
is changed?

2 points
4 points
4 points

Cardiovascular system
a) Describe how cardiac output is affected by peripheral
b) Define contractility.
c) Is the cardiac output doubled when the heart rate doubles?
Why (not)?

3 points
3 points
4 points

Nervous system
a) Draw a typical action potential. Indicate the values on the
b) Explain what happens in each phase
c) Name the two factors influencing the conduction velocity of
action potentials.
d) Explain what happens with the conduction velocity for
people with multiple sclerosis disease.
Immune system
a) What is humoral immunity (type of lymphocytes involved,
antibody secretion Y/N, primary target cells)?
b) What is difference between primary and secondary immune
response, which is more rapid and why?
c) Describe how a flu attack emerges and how it is removed by
the immune system.
Respiratory system
a) Two balloons filled with air are connected to each other via a

2 points
4 points
2 points
2 points

4 points
3 points
3 points

4 points

tube with a valve (see figure). The valce is closed. The

diameter of Balloon A is larger than the diameter of Balloon
B. Describe what happens when the valve is opened (so air
can flow freely between Balloon A and Balloon B).
b) Explain what happens using the formula stated in LaPlaces

3 points

3 points
c) In the lungs, explain how surfactant helps to prevent the
collapse of the alveoli.
Digestive system and metabolism
a) What is the main nutrient in bread?
b) What is the main function of this nutrient?
c) Which two digestive processes take place in the mouth when
eating bread?
d) Explain why mechanical digestion allows for more effective
chemical digestion of food stuff.
Urinary system
a) Make a drawing of a nephron and name the 5 main parts of
the tubular elements
b) Explain the effect of ADH on the water reabsorption in the
c) Explain the role of the endocrine system in the production of
Endocrine system
a) Name the two hormones that are involved in the control of
blood glucose levels.
b) Draw a schematic view of the control process when the
blood glucose level is too high.
c) Indicate where and how this control system is disturbed in
both types of diabetes patients.
d) In diabetes patients, should insulin be administered during a
meal or during a period of fasting? Why?
Reproductive system
a) Define fertilization and provide the name of the fertilized egg
b) Which hormone is secreted intensively at the beginning of
the pregnancy?
c) Explain the role of oxytocin and prostaglandins in the
initiation of labour.

2 points
2 points
2 points
4 points

4 points
2 points
4 points

2 points
4 points
2 points
2 points



d) Name and describe shorlty the 3 stages of labour.

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