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Unit 3 Evaluation

Evaluation 3
First Year Spanish
(SPNH 001 059)
This evaluation will cover the lessons in this unit. It is open book, meaning you can use your
textbook, syllabus, and other course materials. You will need to understand, analyze, and apply
the information you have learned in order to answer the questions correctly. To submit this
evaluation, follow the directions provided in your online course.

Parte A
Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False.

1. La capital de Mxico es la Ciudad de Mxico.

a. True
b. False


2. Mxico est al este de los Estados Unidos.

a. True
b. False


3. Guadalajara es la ciudad ms grande de Mxico.

a. True
b. False


4. Un mestizo es de raza negra y blanca.

a. True
b. False


5. La bandera mexicana es roja, blanca, y verde.

a. True
b. False

Unit 3 Evaluation

SPNH 001


6. The fiesta in honor of a fifteen-year-old girl is called la fiesta de los quince in

Latin America.
a. True
b. False


7. Traditionally in Latin America, a chaperon accompanied a young man and a young

lady who were dating.
a. True
b. False


8. Honduras is the country that is Mexicos neighbor to the south.

a. True
b. False


9. The United States and Mexico both have the same name for the river that
separates them on the Mexico/Texas border.
a. True
b. False

Parte B
Match the following vocabulary words with their English translations.

_____ 10.

el pas

_____ 11. el oeste

_____ 12. el ro

a. river
b. old, ancient
c. city
d. country
e. west

_____ 13. la ciudad

Unit 3 Evaluation

SPNH 001

Parte C
Choose the correct subject for each of the verbs given.
_____ 14. compramos
a. t

_____ 15. llevan

b. Mi mam y yo

_____ 16. lleva

c. l

_____ 17. compran

d. Juan y Anita

_____ 18. compras

_____ 19. llevamos

Parte D
Identify these articles by matching their names with the pictures below.





_____ 20. el traje de bao

_____ 21. el paraguas
_____ 22. los zapatos
_____ 23. el cinturn
_____ 24. la corbata

Unit 3 Evaluation

SPNH 001

Parte E
Translate the following phrases into Spanish and choose the appropriate possessive adjective
for each.
_____ 25. his son
a. su

_____ 26. their grandparents

b. sus

_____ 27. your cousin

_____ 28. their house

Parte F
Match the material given to the picture of an item made from that material.





_____ 29. cuero

_____ 30. algodn
_____ 31. ladrillos
_____ 32. niln
_____ 33. madera

Unit 3 Evaluation

SPNH 001

Parte G
Choose the correct possessive adjective for each noun.
_____ 34. profesoras
_____ 35. padre
_____ 36. pas
_____ 37. lpices

a. nuestro
b. nuestra
c. nuestros
d. nuestras

_____ 38. hermana

_____ 39. leccin

Parte H
Choose the correct subject for each present tense verb given.
_____ 40. insistes
_____ 41. recibimos
_____ 42. abren
_____ 43. vives
_____ 44. escribo

a. t
b. Mara
c. nosotras
d. mis padres
e. yo

_____ 45. permite

Unit 3 Evaluation

SPNH 001

Parte I
Choose the correct subject for each present tense verb given.
_____ 46. preparamos la comida.

a. T

_____ 47. escribo muchas cartas.

b. Mi ta

_____ 48. insiste.

_____ 49. escuchan msica.

c. Mi familia y yo
d. Mis amigos
e. Yo

_____ 50. miras televisin.

Parte J
In which room of the house would each of these items usually be found?
_____ 51. la estufa
_____ 52. la cama
_____ 53. la ducha
_____ 54. el sof

a. la sala
b. la alcoba
c. el cuarto de bao
d. la cocina

_____ 55. el aparador

_____ 56. la televisin

Parte K
Choose the correct translation for each of the symbols that are in the Mexican flag.
_____ 57. el guila

a. type of cactus

_____ 58. la piedra

b. snake
c. eagle

_____ 59. el nopal

d. lake

_____ 60. el lago

e. rock

Unit 3 Evaluation

SPNH 001

Parte L
Listening Activity
Evaluation 3: Para adnde van?
Listen to this activity in your First Year Spanish audio
files for the Unit 3 Evaluation and follow the
instructions provided.

Para adnde van? (Where are they going?)

Listen to the descriptions of what people are wearing and choose where they are going to go
depending on what they are wearing.
_____ 61.
a. to work
_____ 62.
_____ 63.

b. to the hospital
c. to class
d. to play tennis

_____ 64.

e. to the swimming pool

_____ 65.

Carefully check your answers on this evaluation and make any corrections you feel are
necessary. When you are satisfied that you have answered the questions to the best of
your ability, transfer your answers to an answer sheet. Please refer to the information
sheet that came with your course materials.

Unit 3 Evaluation

SPNH 001

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