Psychiatric Rehablitation Interventions - A Review

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International Review of Psychiatry, April 2010; 22(2): 114–129

Psychiatric rehabilitation interventions: A review


Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University, USA

Psychiatric rehabilitation has become accepted by the mental health field as a legitimate field of study and practice. Over the
last several decades various psychiatric rehabilitation programme models and procedures have been developed, evaluated
and disseminated. At the same time the process of psychiatric rehabilitation has been specified and its underlying values and
practitioner technology articulated. This review describes the psychiatric rehabilitation process and in so doing differentiates
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psychosocial interventions that can be classified as psychiatric rehabilitation interventions from other psychosocial
interventions. Furthermore, the major psychiatric rehabilitation interventions are examined within a framework of the
psychiatric rehabilitation process with a review of their evidence. The review concludes that psychiatric rehabilitation
interventions are currently a mixture of evidence-based practices, promising practices and emerging methods that can be
effectively tied together using the psychiatric rehabilitation process framework of helping individuals with serious mental
illnesses choose, get and keep valued roles, and together with complementary treatment orientated psychosocial
interventions, provide a broad strategy for facilitating recovery.
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Introduction (e.g. Anthony et al., 2002; Farkas & Anthony,

1989; Pratt, Gill, Barrett, & Roberts, 2007). This
The mental health field has accepted psychiatric
article clarifies psychiatric rehabilitation in its current
rehabilitation as one of the preferred methods for
context, presents a coherent framework for organiz-
helping individuals with serious psychiatric disabil-
ing psychosocial interventions and reviews the
ities (Anthony, Cohen, Farkas, & Gagne, 2002;
interventions associated with it.
Rossler, 2006). Nevertheless, it remains less clearly
understood or effectively practiced due in part to the
fact that many types of mental health practitioners, The individuals who are the focus of
including psychiatric rehabilitation practitioners, psychiatric rehabilitation
deliver psychiatric rehabilitation. In addition, rele- Individuals who are the focus of psychiatric rehabil-
vant research and conceptual articles appear in a itation services share a diagnosis of mental illness
wide range of professional journals. The terms usually of more than two years duration since
‘psychosocial interventions’ and ‘psychiatric rehabil- diagnosis and a pronounced limitation in residential,
itation’ have come mistakenly to be used inter- vocational, social or educational role functioning
changeably, a confusion which has led some (Schinnar, Rothbard, Kanter, & Jung, 1990). Within
researchers to complain that there is no consistent this group of people are subgroups, such as young
method to categorize psychosocial treatment (Dixon adults (e.g. Bachrach, 1982; Harris & Bergman,
et al., 2009). The broad disabilities associated with 1987; Pepper & Ryglewicz, 1984), patients from
mental illnesses cannot be addressed with a single minority cultures (Ruiz, 1997), patients who are
focused intervention alone. Psychiatric rehabilitation homeless (e.g. Farr, 1984; Salit, Kuhn, Hartz, Vu, &
is a field, not just a series of unique interventions or Mosso, 1998) or otherwise impoverished (e.g. Ware
programme models. It has a defined set of values, & Goldfinger, 1997), older citizens (e.g. Gaitz,
techniques, programme practices and relevant 1984), patients with both a severe physical disability
outcomes developed over the past thirty years and severe psychiatric disability (e.g. Pelletier,

Correspondence: Marianne Farkas, Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University, 940 Commonwealth Avenue West, Boston, MA 02215, USA.
Tel: 617 353 3549. Fax: 617 353 7700. E-mail:
ISSN 0954–0261 print/ISSN 1369–1627 online ß 2010 Institute of Psychiatry
DOI: 10.3109/09540261003730372
Psychiatric rehabilitation interventions: A review 115
Rogers, & Dellario, 1985), and patients with Definition of psychiatric rehabilitation in the
substance abuse problems (e.g. Lehman, 1996; US context of recovery
Department of Health and Human Services, 1994).
Psychiatric rehabilitation ( PR) is neither a particular
This article uses the terms ‘individuals with serious
technique nor one intervention but a field and a
mental illnesses’, ‘individuals with lived experience’
service within a mental health system, along with
or ‘people’ interchangeably with ‘clients’ or ‘con-
other services such as treatment services, crisis
sumers’ to refer to the target population. The term
intervention services or basic support services.
‘individual’ or ‘person’ underscores rehabilitation’s
Since recovery is a consumer experience and not a
interest in the human being, across all of his or her
programme model or provider practice, no service
roles (e.g. resident, student, worker, friend).
can ‘do’ recovery. Psychiatric rehabilitation can and
Individuals who themselves have mental illnesses
does promote a vision of recovery or the achievement
use the term ‘lived experience’ (Deegan, 1988) to
of a meaningful life, rather than simply supporting
emphasize a commonality based on experience,
adaptation or survival in the community
rather than on labels or the acceptance of any one
( Farkas, 2007). Typically, recovery outcomes have
explanation of serious mental illnesses.
included multidimensional variables ranging from as
an increase in physical health and well-being to
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gaining or regaining valued societal roles, and

reducing symptoms ( Farkas et al., 2005). Each type
In contrast to the practice of psychiatric rehabilita- of service within a recovery orientated mental health
tion, service delivery over most of the last century has system should therefore be able to clearly identify the
generally been heavily influenced by the mistaken recovery outcomes for which it holds itself responsi-
assumption that people with severe mental illnesses ble. For example, treatment services can contribute to
do not recover and, in contrast, deteriorate over time recovery by reducing symptoms and distress, what-
( Bond et al., 2001; Farkas, Gagne, Anthony, & ever other functions they may perform. In this
For personal use only.

Chamberlin, 2005). There is a growing body of context, psychiatric rehabilitation services contribute
literature examining the concept of recovery from to recovery by focusing on outcomes related to role
mental illnesses and its outcomes (e.g. Anthony, functioning in ‘real world’ settings chosen by the
1993; Davidson, Harding, & Spaniol, 2005; Farkas, individual (Anthony et al., 2002).
2007; Harding & Zahniser, 1994; Liberman, Rehabilitation operates at the intersection between
Kopelowicz, Ventura, & Gutkind, 2002; Ridgway, the individual, an individual’s personal network
2001; Silverstein & Bellack, 2008; Spaniol, and the wider social context ( Barbato, 2006).
Wewiorski, Gagne, & Anthony, 2002). People with Rehabilitation, of any kind (i.e. physical, psychiatric,
psychiatric disabilities have published their experi- social, etc.) is ecological (‘person–environment fit’)
ences of recovery (e.g. Deegan, 1990, 1993; Fisher & and specifically targets improving role performance.
Ahern, 1999; Mead & Copeland, 2000; Ridgway, The term ‘psychiatric rehabilitation’ reflects the
2001; Spaniol, Gagne, & Koehler, 1999), and with focus of this field on people with psychiatric
like-minded professionals are advocating for system disabilities and their improved abilities within their
and agency strategies to facilitate recovery specific preferred role in the ‘real’ world, using the
(e.g. Frese, Stanley, Kress, & Vogel-Scibilia, 2001; development of skills and supports as its primary
Jacobson & Greenley, 2001; Torgalsboen & Rund, types of interventions (Anthony et al., 2002;
1998). Clearly, people with psychiatric disabilities Farkas, 2006). Without a process committed to
have the same aspirations as any other citizen for supporting chosen roles and settings, functioning
respect and as fulfilling a life as possible. Thirty years may be improved but the individual’s vision of a
of empirical evidence as well as first person accounts meaningful life may still not be achieved.
support the notion that recovery from serious mental Rehabilitation, therefore, works with social relation-
illnesses or the gaining or regaining of a meaningful ships, work, leisure, family life, higher education and
life is not only desirable but possible. Recovery is other student pursuits, using interventions that focus
acknowledged to be the patient’s experience of a on increasing competencies or skills and providing
journey from the catastrophic effects of mental illness environmental supports, rather than focusing on
to a meaningful life and full citizenship (Deegan, symptoms and pathology. It does not deny that
1990; Farkas, 2007; Ridgway, 2001). Contributing symptoms and pathology exist nor the importance of
to this journey and multidimensional outcomes is intervening to reduce these, however its own exper-
now promulgated as the necessary unifying mission tise targets the International Classification of
of all mental health services ( Farkas et al., 2005; Impairment, Disability and Handicap ( ICIDH)
New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, dimensions of activity, participation and environ-
2003). ment (WHO, 2001), rather than health.
116 M. Farkas & W. A. Anthony
The cornerstone of PR interventions is a commit- to assess non-RCT studies has been subsequently
ment to a strong partnership between the provider developed to ensure the quality of research
and the individual receiving services. Psychiatric information disseminated in this field ( Farkas &
rehabilitation values the involvement of individuals Rogers, 2007). A review of PR interventions must
with lived experience in the design, implementation therefore take into account the aim of psychiatric
and evaluation of their own rehabilitation process as rehabilitation (i.e. improving role performance in a
well as services (i.e. ‘Nothing about us without us’). chosen environment) within the overall mission of
It uses methods that focus on the person as a whole enhancing recovery, the recovery orientated values
rather than on a ‘case’, individualize the process and which define the strategies used as well as include
its outcomes, promotes self determination, hope and both RCTs and non-RCTs as legitimate designs for a
the importance of choice – all values consistent with low incidence, complex, ecological field.
the vision of recovery (Farkas, 2006, 2007). To be
classified a psychiatric rehabilitation PR intervention,
an intervention should, therefore, be based on these A framework for the psychiatric
recovery orientated values, while helping individuals rehabilitation process and the review
to change (i.e. building skills) or changing the
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environment (i.e. supports) in relation to achieving An overall framework known as the psychiatric
a specific preferred role. rehabilitation approach to serving individuals with
serious psychiatric disabilities was developed at
Boston University’s Center for Psychiatric
Rehabilitation (Anthony, 1979; Anthony et al.,
Research in psychiatric rehabilitation 2002; Farkas & Anthony, 1989). Compared to
The field of psychiatric rehabilitation is still at an well-known programme models in the mental
early stage of conducting research on the interven- health field, the psychiatric rehabilitation process
approach is not setting-specific, nor is it tied to a
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tions that constitute it. While well-executed, rando-

mized clinical trials (RCTs) are considered the ‘gold particular staffing pattern. In contrast to a specific
standard’ for rigorous research, the limitations of emphasis with respect to discipline, setting, or service
RCTs, especially in the psychosocial intervention integration, the psychiatric rehabilitation approach
arena have been well documented (Anthony, Rogers, guides practitioners to develop a personal connection
& Farkas, 2003; Essock et al., 2003). Limitations with individuals with serious mental illnesses to
such as small sample sizes available for the complex- facilitate, support or teach indiiduals how to choose,
ity of the variables are particularly acute when the get, and keep a preferred role valued by society
goal is multidimensional, such as recovery, as (Anthony & Farkas, 2009). The approach defines the
opposed to more limited outcomes such as the process both from the frame of reference of the
prevention of relapse, or re-hospitalization for exam- person served and from the provider’s point of
ple. Researchers have called for the inclusion of a reference. Figure 1 identifies the major provider
broader variety of research designs that are more activities that facilitate the different elements of the
consonant with the multidimensionality of recovery choose-get-keep process. Individual PR interventions
and the state of our current understanding (Anthony can be described in terms of the elements of the
et al., 2003; Essock et al., 2003). A grading scheme process they accomplish.

Choosing a valued role Getting a valued role Keeping a valued role

Linking with existing

Assessing critical skill
Engaging and/or support
residential/social role
strengths and deficits

Assessing and
Provider Person-centred planning
developing readiness
worker/worker/student/ Developing skills to succeed
residential/social role in the preferred role
Setting an overall goal opportunities
Developing supports to
succeed in the preferred role

Figure 1. Process framework for psychiatric rehabilitation, person level process.

Psychiatric rehabilitation interventions: A review 117
Choosing phase individual, although the research literature with
respect to the role of relationships or working alliance
The choosing process is designed to help individuals
and specific outcomes for people with serious men-
engage as full partners in determining where and in
tal illnesses is still sparse and in its infancy
what role they want to live, learn, work or socialize.
(Howgego, Yellowlees, Owen, Meldrum, & Dark,
Beginning rehabilitation with this process helps to
2003; Lehman et al., 2004).
establish the individual’s hopes for a future, rather
than beginning with an assessment of strengths and
deficits and then determining a goal that ‘fits’. Readiness
Starting with a choice empowers individuals with
The second critical element of the choosing process
serious mental illnesses to take control of their
is providing an opportunity for an individual to assess
rehabilitation and ensures that the goals of rehabil- the extent to which s/he is ready to begin to make a
itation are indeed related to their own vision of their change. People vary in their willingness to confront
recovery. Putting the individual receiving services at change of any kind, including the types of changes
the centre of care and supporting that person’s implied in the psychiatric rehabilitation process
autonomy is seen as a basic underlying premise (i.e. gaining or improving a valued role in society)
for the provision of modern healthcare in general
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(Farkas, Sullivan-Soydan, & Gagne, 2000b). The

(Grol, 2001; Sensky, 2002). Further, research data process may challenge people to make behavioural
suggests that involving individuals in the planning of or lifestyle changes. Changing from one role
their services improves rehabilitation outcome (e.g. hospital patient) to another (e.g. university
(Majumder, Walls, & Fullmer, 1998). While there student) may require a person to process many
is evidence that has shown that offering choice and changes simultaneously (e.g. change in identity,
shared decision making is more effective than tradi- social relationships, level of energy expended daily,
tional authoritarian approaches to treatment (Priebe behavioural changes). The readiness to face the
et al., 2007), the issue of providing choice as a reality of making a decision about the future
For personal use only.

cornerstone of rehabilitation is more a question of (i.e. job, school, home, friends) and finding the will
rights and full citizenship in society, rather than to do whatever it takes to make that choice can be
simply about evidence. Crawford et al. (2003) note overwhelming, but is not immutable. Readiness is a
that several European countries have passed legisla- condition that changes as internal and external
tion to ensure that the notions of self determination, factors change. Prochaska and colleagues have
choice and autonomy are translated into action in the developed a model for readiness for change
healthcare field. that provides guidance in helping a person
The major provider components leading to an understand their current stage of readiness
individual’s active choice of role and setting in (i.e. pre-contemplation through action and mainte-
psychiatric rehabilitation are engagement, readiness nance) (Prochaska, DiClemente, & Norcross, 1992).
and setting an overall goal. Farkas, Cohen, McNamara, Nemec, and Cohen
(2000a) developed methods to facilitate the individ-
Engagement ual’s own assessment of various factors (i.e. need for
change, commitment to change, their self- and
The choosing process is not a simplistic interchange environmental awareness and preference for close-
where the individual simply lists his or her needs and ness) related to the stages of readiness and then to
desires. It involves engaging the person in a partner- identify the necessary next steps.
ship. Some engagement techniques used to demon- Developing readiness for those who are not
strate partnership, caring and respect include prepared to make changes or are very unsure about
accompanying the person in concrete activities (e.g. their current readiness can involve various strategies,
sports or drinking coffee), as well as empathy, which depending on the readiness factors that are holding
has long been recognized as a necessary component the individual back. For example, techniques such as
of the therapeutic relationship in psychological motivational interviewing (Miller & Rollnick, 2002)
interventions with many populations (e.g., have been shown to be effective in improving
Anthony, 1993; Anthony et al., 2002; Battaglia, commitment to change (Hettema, Steele, & Miller,
Finley, & Liebschutz, 2003; Kirsh & Tate, 2006). 2005). Programmes where people with serious
Studies report that the individual’s perception of the mental illnesses are members of a social group
relationship is a consistent predictor of improvement whose functioning depends on their performance of
(Bachelor, 1995; Goering, Wasylenki, Farkas, certain tasks, such as Fountain House clubhouses
Lancee, & Ballantyne, 1988). The key to effective (Beard, Propst, & Malamud, 1982; McKay et al.,
outcomes may well lie with the establishment of an 2006), can also be effective in promoting a sense of
engaged partnership between the provider and the connection or support ( Norman, 2006) and task
118 M. Farkas & W. A. Anthony
orientation ( Yau, Chan, Chan, & Chui, 2005) within the Fountain House model, supported
among other factors, that in turn can lead to a employment or supported education also can be
greater sense of readiness to make changes ( Farkas helpful to the individual in providing a better
et al., 2000b). In addition, success at small but understanding of what is personally important,
important tasks in a clubhouse environment can especially for those with little work or school history.
increase a sense of self-efficacy which also contri- These personal criteria are critical to the person’s
butes to a greater commitment to change. ability to identify meaningful long term school or
Educational seminars about mental illnesses and career goals.
the possibilities of recovery and support from peers In addition to identifying clear personal criteria for
who can serve as role models, are additional making a choice, people need a structured
techniques that have been used to increase readiness problem-solving method to come to a decision
for change (Cohen, Anthony, & Farkas, 1997; about their goals. Shared decision making, one
Cohen, Forbess, & Farkas, 2000). Peer support has such popular method, is essentially a negotiation
been found to improve a sense of self-efficacy in one between the provider and the individual, based on
of the first RCTs done on peer support groups education about options and consequences ( Deegan,
(Castelein et al., 2008). Rapp, Holter, & Riefer, 2008). A recent review of the
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literature in shared decision making in medical

practice suggested that such tools can be effective
Setting an overall goal
to increase engagement and satisfaction with services
Setting an overall goal specifies the preferred valued ( Joosten, et al., 2008).
role and setting, an initial and critical part of Shared decision making has also been suggested as
rehabilitation driving the rest of the process. These useful for rehabilitation goal setting ( Drake et al.,
personally meaningful goals provide the framework 2009b), however, such an application does not
for the later identification of critical skills and correspond to the values of self-determination in
supports that will be needed for success and satis- recovery and rehabilitation. While some decisions,
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faction, for example, as a part-time carpenter, a like medication choices should be shared, decisions
student at the local community college or the about goals are truly personal statements of meaning
treasurer for a local club. To set such a goal, a and future hopes. These do not lend themselves to
provider can facilitate individual identifying personal negotiated solutions, but rather to techniques that
criteria for making a decision; researching alterna- assist the person to make a well informed choice
tives and using a structured problem solving method followed by targeted rehabilitation interventions to
to select the role and setting the person wants to achieve the demands of the selected desired roles.
achieve over an 18-month to two-year period
(Anthony et al., 2002; Cohen, Farkas, Cohen, &
Getting phase
Unger, 1991). This overall goal motivates the indi-
vidual by setting a meaningful target to achieve, The getting process involves intervening in the
linked to his/her personal vision of what recovery environment to help people link with opportunities
would look like. In a randomized clinical trial using that exist or to help create more opportunities in
Boston University’s technology for training providers order to obtain the roles they want. One major
to set overall rehabilitation goals (Cohen et al., barrier to getting a job, housing, education or a social
1991), Shern et al. (2000) compared experimental environment is stigma. Numerous studies have
participants who were homeless, street dwelling and examined the role of stigma in diminishing access
mentally ill, to a similar group who received standard to societal opportunities for individuals with serious
treatment. Participants in the psychiatric rehabilita- mental illnesses, as well as the negative consequences
tion condition where the collaborative goal setting of labelling on the individual (e.g. Corrigan, Green,
process was emphasized spent less time on the streets Lundin, Kubiak, & Penn, 2001; Gaebel, Baumann,
and more time in community housing. Supported Witte, & Zaeske, 2002; Jorm, 2000; Lauber, Nordt,
employment (Drake et al., 1994) and supported Falcato, & Roessler, 2004; Link, Struening, Rahav,
education (Mowbray, Brown, Sullivan-Soydan, & Phelan, & Nuttbrock, 1997; Mueller et al., 2006).
Furlong-Norman, 2002) are rehabilitation interven- Interventions designed to reduce stigma can be
tions which rapidly place the individual in compet- categorized in three strategies: education, contact
itive employment or normative educational and protest. Even though programmes that target
programmes (e.g. high school, university, appren- specific groups (e.g. students, or police) do appear to
ticeship) and then provide support and training to strengthen educational anti-stigma programmes
keep the person in that role. While not designed for (Corrigan & Penn, 1999; Holmes, Corrigan,
this purpose, concrete, real world experiences gained Williams, Canar, & Kubiak, 1999; Pinfold et al.,
in interventions such as transitional employment 2003), it is generally agreed that education alone is
Psychiatric rehabilitation interventions: A review 119
not enough (Stuart, Arboleda-Florez, & Sartorius, irrelevant, while the skill of ‘negotiating conflict’ may
2005). Strategies involving contact between people be critical depending on the roommate’s specific
with lived experience and others provide a personal characteristics. Having money for rent is a critical
experience of those with mental illnesses, breaking resource, while having transportation may not be.
down stereotypes and countering negative beliefs Standardized functional assessments and checklists
( Vaughan & Hansen, 2004). In a review of the unfortunately do not permit the individualization and
research on contact, Couture and Penn (2003), specificity relative to environmental demands that are
conclude that contact has positive effects, especially necessary to devise appropriate rehabilitation
with respect to reducing the stigma due to perceived interventions ( Farkas, O’Brien, Cohen, & Anthony,
dangerousness, fear and social distance. A strong 1994). Interventions need to be planned to overcome
argument in favour of psychiatric rehabilitation’s the specific skill and resources assessed both as
focus on ‘real world’ settings and socially valued deficits and critical to the valued role selected in the
roles is the positive impact that contact between choosing phase.
those with and without psychiatric disabilities has on
reducing social distance ( Lauber et al., 2004). The
Skill development interventions
third method, social protest (Corrigan &
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Penn, 1999), has had only mixed results. The evidence that people with serious mental illnesses
Interventions that include education, contact and can learn skills is robust ( Dilk & Bond, 1996;
the development of the commitment to action by a Kopelowicz, Liberman, & Zarate, 2006; Kurtz &
specific group or groups have been suggested as the Mueser, 2008). Social skills training (SST ) is perhaps
most powerful stigma reduction strategy (Pinfold, the best known skills training method ( Bellack, 2004;
Thornicroft, Huxley, & Farmer, 2005). Kopelowicz et al., 2006; Liberman, 1998). The
Obtaining a valued role in the community involves content of the SST modules includes both treatment
more than reducing stigma. It also involves increas- orientated training programmes (e.g. medication
ing the number of settings and opportunities. There management, substance abuse management)
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is a growing body of sound research studies ( Wallace, Liberman, MacKain, Blackwell, &
( Barbato, 2006) demonstrating the significant role Eckman, 1992) and rehabilitation orientated pro-
that social and environmental risk factors play in grammes (e.g. community re-entry and work-place
maintaining psychiatric disabilities, such as migra- fundamentals) (Liberman et al., 1998). Studies have
tion and urban living, among others (Cantor & been conducted in diverse treatment settings, by
Selten, 2005; van Os, Hansen, Bijl, & Vollebergh, diverse practitioners covering a defined set of skills
2001). Research has only begun to be done on (e.g. Bellack, 2004; Heinssen, Liberman, &
strategies such as community development, advo- Kopelowicz, 2000; Xiang et al., 2007). Kurtz and
cacy, and job development in terms of their use in PR Mueser (2008) report significant effects on role play
to overcome these risk factors and other barriers in tests as well as measures of community functioning,
order to provide more opportunities. One example of concluding, however, that the number of studies that
such research is a recent multi-site randomized include follow-up data is too small to be confident
clinical trial found that individuals who received job about the durability of these effects. Based on the
development services were five times as likely to preponderance of the evidence, Dixon et al. (2009)
get competitive employment as those who did not recommend that individuals with schizophrenia with
(Cook et al., 2008). deficits in skills needed for everyday activities should
be offered skills training that is supplemented with
strategies for ensuring adequate practice in applying
Keeping phase
these skills to everyday life.
Assessing and planning. Keeping valued roles is the Most skills training, however, including SST, puts
third critical component of the psychiatric rehabili- participants in a passive role where they are recipients
tation process. The keeping process is based on the of reinforcers and information designed to help them
principle that improving skills and/or supports crit- perform behaviours, that providers or significant
ical to functioning in the person’s chosen role leads others deem important ( Ellison et al., 2002; Shern
to success and satisfaction. For example, if the et al., 2000). The Center for Psychiatric
chosen role is that of a part-time cleaner in an Rehabilitation designed a method called direct skills
office building, the skill of ‘evaluating task comple- teaching (DST), that systematically incorporates
tion’ may be critical, while perhaps interpersonal basic educational and cognitive techniques so that
skills are not as important. Cleaning supplies and providers can outline the knowledge needed to learn
transportation to the job may be critical resources. If any relevant skill, develop a structured lesson plan to
the chosen role is that of a room-mate in a rented flat, teach each component behaviour and involve the
the skill of ‘evaluating task completion’ may be person and individuals in the relevant environment
120 M. Farkas & W. A. Anthony
in practice and generalization efforts (Cohen, accommodate the individual’s lack of skill, so that
Danley, & Nemec, 1985b). DST partners with the this gap does not result in the person being unable to
learner to ensure that only critical skills necessary for perform successfully in his or her chosen role. For
functioning in the specific preferred role (rehabilita- example, a person who cannot remember appoint-
tion goal), and assessed as missing from the person’s ments may use a wrist watch that buzzes at the time
repertoire, are taught. DST is part of an overall PR of the appointment as a reminder. Someone who
promising practice (Rogers, Anthony, & Farkas, cannot drive or use public transportation may use a
2006) and can be used to modify existing SST in relative or friend to drive them to school.
order to increase its congruence with the rehabilita- Case management interventions help individuals
tion process of choose-get-keep. Modifications such obtain and use the supports they want and need.
as preparing for SST by identifying an overall Rehabilitation case management links people with
rehabilitation goal, only teaching the assessed critical mental illnesses to resources that will help them to
skills for that goal and modifying the lessons to reflect achieve the specific valued role they seek. The
a teaching process which involves the learner in a strengths model of case management (SMCM)
partnership, can enhance SST as a rehabilitation (Rapp & Wintersteen, 1989) and the person centred
intervention. rehabilitation case management (PCRCM) approach
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The problem of generalization in social skills has (Cohen, Forbess, & Farkas, 1988) focus on strengths
remained a thorny one. Emerging strategies seem to to achieve effective links with resources involve
be converging on the principles of direct skills individuals as partners in the process and are most
teaching (Cohen, Ridley, & Cohen, 1985a). They congruent with the values of psychiatric rehabilita-
suggest, and research has confirmed, that facilitating tion. While these have been well disseminated and
the application of trained skills in everyday environ- reviewed (Anthony et al., 2002), the assertive com-
ments is more effective than simply providing munity treatment programme (ACT ) developed by
homework practices (Glynn et al., 2002; Xiang Stein and Test (1980) has been the most investi-
et al., 2007). Strategies such as incorporating gated. Based on the evidence, the Patient Outcomes
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trainer-guided community-based practice and train- Research Team (PORT ) psychosocial treatment
ing family members or other natural supports to help recommendations recommend the use of ACT
with generalization hold promise (Glynn et al., 2002; particularly for those who are homeless or who are
Kopelowicz, Zarate, Gonzalez Smith, Mintz, & at risk for repeated hospitalizations ( Dixon et al.,
Liberman, 2003). 2009). ACT appears to have a positive impact on two
Another type of skill development is the group of rehabilitation outcomes: increased tenure in stable
behavioural interventions known as cognitive reme- community housing (e.g. Essock & Kontos, 1995;
diation. Cognitive deficits are common for indivi- Lehman, Dixon, Kernan, DeForge, & Postrado,
duals with serious mental illnesses and often impede 1997; Nelson, Aubrey, & Lafrance, 2007) and more
work, social relationships and independent living recently, employment outcomes. Studies indicate
(McGurk, Twamley, Sitzer, McHugo, & Mueser, that when individuals are randomized to ACT teams
2007). Cognitive remediation specifically targets with employment specialists, they are more likely to
skills in areas such as memory, attention and have paid employment, be working in competitive
reasoning to improve daily functioning. A recent employment and are employed for longer periods of
meta-analysis of 26 randomized controlled trials of time than those in standard treatment (Chandler,
cognitive remediation including 1,151 subjects with Hu, Meisel, McGowen, & Madison, 1997;
schizophrenia, concluded that these techniques pro- McFarlane et al., 2000). ACT seems to be most
duce moderate improvements in cognitive perfor- relevant to the USA; however, since its outcomes
mance which, when combined with psychiatric outside the USA have been shown to be question-
rehabilitation techniques, also improve functional able, particularly in countries with integrated service
outcomes (McGurk et al., 2007), such as employ- systems (Burns et al., 2007b; Sytema, Wunderlink,
ment (McGurk, Mueser, DeRosa, & Wolfe, 2009). Bloemers, Roorda, & Wiersma, 2007). Furthermore,
While identified as a promising practice, Dixon et al. unlike the SMCM and PCRCM, the ACT model
(2009) consider current data on cognitive remedia- seems to promote some values that are not recovery
tion as sufficient to build further research but not yet or rehabilitation orientated. For example, its assertive
sufficient to make concrete, evidence-based clinical outreach can become coercive in the way in which it
recommendations about its use at this time. is implemented and choice is further diminished in
that individuals must work with a team, even if
they prefer the privacy of working with one worker
Support interventions
(Drake & Deegan, 2008).
PR support interventions typically involve the use Besides professional support, support can also be
of people, objects, locations or activities that given by non-professionals. Of individuals with
Psychiatric rehabilitation interventions: A review 121
mental illnesses, 50–90% live with their relatives psychiatric rehabilitation values and practice, more
following acute psychiatric treatment (Schulze & research is clearly needed to ascertain the ways in
Rossler, 2005). The most well-known family support which it is effective and the ingredients of its
interventions are psycho-education group interven- effectiveness.
tions which typically use education and support to Other support interventions are based on the fact
target outcomes for the family care givers themselves that most people with psychiatric disabilities want
(e.g. McFarlane, McNary, Dixon, Hornby, & decent housing, meaningful, appropriate education,
Cimett, 2001; Pickett-Schenk et al., 2006a), or for a meaningful career and satisfying relationships. The
the individuals with serious mental illnesses. They best known examples of these interventions are
have been found effective for outcomes such as levels supported employment, supported housing and
of knowledge about schizophrenia, improved supported education. These types of interventions
information needs, improved family relationships, tend to combine support with some skill
reduced family burden, and improved satisfac- development. The three interventions begin with
tion in their caregiver role (Kulhara et al., 2009; the premise that it is better to help people access the
Pickett-Schenk et al., 2006a, 2006b; Pickett-Schenk, ‘real world’ environment of housing, work and
Lippincott, Bennett, & Steigman, 2008). Briefer school quickly and provide intensive supports in
Int Rev Psychiatry Downloaded from by HINARI on 06/07/10

family interventions (less than 6 months) that include those environments, than to spend lengthy periods of
education, training and support may also improve time preparing to enter these settings. All too often
the functional and vocational status of their family in the past, preparation became a dead end and
member, among other outcomes (e.g. Xiang, Ran, & individuals languished in sheltered housing,
Li, 1994). While family education programmes may sheltered workshops and day treatment classes
increase family perceptions of being supported and forever.
thus reduce their sense of burden, not all families are There are many models of vocational rehabilitation
equally capable of giving full support to their family which provide support including clubhouses (Beard
member, nor are they necessarily willing to replace et al., 1982), client-based industries and social firms
For personal use only.

insufficient healthcare systems (Koukia & Madianos, ( Warner & Mandiberg, 2006), representing a range
2005; Strachan, 1986). of options vis à vis the intensity or length of support
In addition to PR support interventions provided and the type of competitive employment reflected in
by case managers and family members, peer support its usual options. These are promising practices
has been increasingly recognized as a critical com- which focus on providing individuals with experi-
ponent of a progressive mental health and rehabili- ences and support to do ‘real work for real pay’.
tation system. Peer support rests on the belief that Supported employment, and particularly the indi-
people who have faced, endured, and overcome vidual placement and support model (IPS) (Drake
adversity can offer useful support, encouragement et al., 1994) which integrates clinical and vocational
and hope to others facing similar situations services, has, however, been the most widely
( Davidson, Chinman, Sells, & Rowe, 2006). Peers researched. The most recent schizophrenia patient
to date have included a wide range of roles from outcomes research team (PORT ) for psychosocial
serving as members of regular clinical teams such as treatments recommends, based on the sufficiency of
ACT, providing peer support specialist services or clinical trials, that any person with schizophrenia
running independently operated services of their own with a goal of employment should be offered
(Goldstrom et al., 2006). Peers can serve as role supported employment, especially IPS (Dixon
models for one another, reducing stigma and et al., 2009). Clinical trials have consistently shown
removing barriers to accessing housing, employment the viability and effectiveness of supported employ-
and education. This variety, while providing flexible ment in a variety of countries and cultures in helping
vehicles for support, also makes rigorous research individuals achieve competitive employment, work
more difficult. While the existing data suggests that more hours and earn more wages than those who did
peer support can be positive (Davidson et al., 2006; not receive IPS (e.g. Burns et al., 2007a; Drake et al.,
Solomon & Draine, 1995), there are very few well 1994; Drake, Becker, Biesanz, Wyzik, & Torrey,
controlled studies of the effects of peer support 1996). The extent of job retention with IPS is unclear
( Davidson et al., 2006). Davidson and colleagues however, with some studies indicating that rapid
rightly point out that at this early stage of developing entry into employment predicts shorter job tenure
an understanding of peer support, traditional clinical (Catty et al., 2008) or has negative job endings
measures (e.g. rehospitalization, symptom reduc- (Drake & Bond, 2008), while others suggest that over
tion) are perhaps inappropriate to evaluate peer half of those enrolled in IPS become steady workers
services because they may not capture the processes over a ten-year follow-up period (Campbell, Bond &
and outcomes of more innovative peer programmes. Drake, 2009). Programmes that implement IPS
Moreover, since peer support is fundamental to without paying attention to the individual’s interest
122 M. Farkas & W. A. Anthony
in work, have significantly lower employment rates programmes (Collins et al., 1998), while other
(Lehman et al., 2002) and about one third of those preliminary but insufficient data indicates that
who enter supported employment programmes are supported education may increase the educational
unsuccessful finding competitive work ( Drake & attainment of individuals with psychiatric disabilities
Bond, 2008). Campbell et al. (2009) concede that (Mowbray & Collins, 2002; Rogers et al., 2009).
reaching out to those who are currently unengaged in In many industrialized countries access to higher
the world of work or who do not express a vocational education or post-secondary training is considered to
goal requires further development of IPS. On be a right of all citizens with the academic or skill
balance, given the promising practices available as qualifications. For this reason alone, more research
options that do address the unengaged (e.g. club- should be done to add to our preliminary under-
houses, social firms) and the strength of the evidence standing of the effectiveness of supported education
for IPS, rehabilitation systems should include as as a viable method of improving educational success.
large a range of vocational support models as possible
to avoid the ‘single model trap’ (Kramer, Anthony,
Complementary interventions
Rogers, & Kennard, 2003).
Supported housing provides people with the pos- The choosing-getting-keeping valued roles frame-
Int Rev Psychiatry Downloaded from by HINARI on 06/07/10

sibility of living in the type of residences they prefer work helps to sort out those interventions which
in the normal housing market, with flexible support support the psychiatric rehabilitation process, as
from a provider or helper of some kind that comes compared to those which may use psychosocial
into the home anywhere from 4 to 25 or more hours tools but are not involved in helping individuals
per week as needed and wanted (Anthony et al., choose, get or keep a specific valued role. The use of
2002). Supported housing can improve the living psychosocial interventions focused on the reduction
situation of individuals who are psychiatrically of symptoms and effects of the illness itself and that
disabled, homeless (Shern et al., 2000) and with are congruent with recovery and psychiatric rehabil-
substance abuse problems (Padgett, Gulcur, & itation values of person orientation, partnership, self
For personal use only.

Tsemberis, 2006). Results show that supported determination and hope, while not PR interventions,
housing can help people stay in apartments or can be well used in complement with PR to provide
homes up to about 80% of the time over an extended comprehensive overall approaches to recovery.
period ( Tsemberis, Gulcur, & Nakae, 2004). In a Examples of such complementary psychosocial inter-
systematic review of experimental and quasi exper- ventions are shared decision making about medica-
imental studies, Rogers, Cash, and Olschewski tions ( Deegan et al., 2008), illness management and
(2008) conclude that the evidence for supported recovery (Mueser et al., 2006) and wellness action
housing is robust, demonstrating that elements such recovery planning (Copeland, 2002).
as rapid entry into housing with options to choose
from, combined with intensive case management
Implementing psychiatric rehabilitation
services and having access to affordable housing with
a well integrated service system, lead to better tenure As is evidenced in this review, psychiatric rehabili-
and functional outcomes. tation currently consists of a combination of prom-
Supported education for individuals with severe ising practices and those with sufficient RCTs to
mental illnesses, pioneered by the Center for qualify as evidence-based practices that focus on
Psychiatric Rehabilitation (Anthony & Unger, 1991; helping people achieve a valued role they want, in
Hutchinson, Kohn, & Unger, 1989), provides the society. While a detailed discussion of the problems
services necessary to help individuals access and arising when attempting to put PR into practice is
complete integrated post-secondary educational outside the purview of this article, several common
programmes, rather than segregated or specialized problems can be summarized. These include an
settings, so that they can achieve their educational overreliance on practices supported by RCT findings
goals. Rogers, Cash-MacDonald, Brucker, and Maru or evidence-based practices, and a confusion of
(2009) comment, in their systematic review of implementation methods and goals and incomplete
supported education research, that there are very plans for implementation.
few well-controlled studies of supported education In the USA and some other countries, systems
(e.g. Collins, Bybee, & Mowbray, 1998; Mowbray, level policies are beginning to support only those few
Collins, & Bybee, 1999). Evidence from existing interventions that currently have built up evidence
studies suggests that individuals with significant through many RCTs. As this review suggests, PR has
psychiatric disabilities can enrol in and pursue many more interventions based on rigorous, but
educational opportunities in integrated settings in non-RCT studies than RCTs, due in part to the
the community, such as high schools, community relatively low incidence of the population coupled
colleges, universities or apprenticeship training with the multidimensional, ecological factors
Psychiatric rehabilitation interventions: A review 123
inherent in PR (Farkas & Rogers, 2007). While RCT produced only modest results (Drake, Bond, &
evidence must be included, both the state of our Essock, 2009a). Introducing PR interventions with
current knowledge base and the need to transform the goal of a change in provider practice or behaviour
service delivery require that the PR field consider not require methods that take into account the complex-
only the evidence for a particular practice but also the ity inherent in changing behaviour over time. Such
value base associated with it, in order to create a expertise and embedding methods focus on system-
system congruent with the overall mission of atic training of both providers and supervisors,
recovery (Farkas & Anthony, 2006). As interventions follow-up supervision of the application of the
leave the realm of science and begin to influence newly acquired knowledge and skills, as well as
national policy and the politics of service delivery, it changes in organizational structure over time, in
is important to be wary about overreliance on order to incorporate behaviour change into
evidence-based practices which can lead to a single daily practice (Farkas et al., 2003; Farkas &
model service system or the exclusion of meaningful Anthony, 2007).
promising practices. Brown, Brown, and Sharma Disappointing results in implementing innovations
(2005) emphasize that it is the value base of an across many countries in the past have also resulted
intervention and the perceived quality of life from inadequate implementation plans. Inadequate
Int Rev Psychiatry Downloaded from by HINARI on 06/07/10

impacted by an intervention that, in the final analysis implementation plans included a lack of clarity about
provides a better measure of the overall merit of an the interventions themselves; a lack of stakeholder
intervention to the individual. Best practices which support; staffing issues and leadership issues that
can transform a service system can be defined as led to incomplete use of the innovation in prac-
those practices that have a recovery value base tice, inadequate funding and inadequate coopera-
(i.e. person orientation, self-determination, partner- tion among different services (e.g. Backer, Liberman,
ship, hope) and the best available evidence with it, & Kuehnel, 1986; Corbiere, Bond, Glodner, &
which may or may not be RCTs. Ptasinski, 2005; Farkas et al., 2003; McFarlane
Some evidence-based practices reviewed in this et al., 2001; van Erp et al., 2007).
For personal use only.

article can be used within the choose-get-keep PR In distilling the experience of three decades of PR
framework, with the few caveats discussed in the dissemination in various countries across all con-
article (e.g. supported housing, supported employ- tinents excepts Africa, the Center for Psychiatric
ment); some require modifications (e.g. social skills Rehabilitation has identified three main categories of
training, ACT ) to enhance congruence with recovery focus important to ensuring a comprehensive imple-
orientated values to create a rehabilitation best mentation plan for introducing PR interventions:
practice. Some promising practices and current culture, commitment, and capacity (Farkas,
value-based interventions, important to PR practice Ashcraft, & Anthony, 2008). Organizing an imple-
and perceived as meaningful at the patient and family mentation plan that assesses and then enhances
level (e.g. supported education, peer support), culture involves ensuring that the organizational
require more research to establish a greater evidence structures and ‘ways of doing business’ are consistent
base. An effort to incorporate PR at this stage of the with the spirit and intent of PR and each of the
field’s development requires the use of an array of recovery orientated values inherent in its mission, to
those interventions with the best available evidence support the use of the intervention being implemen-
and the most congruent with recovery orientated ted. For example, user involvement in designing,
PR values, rather than simply those with the delivering and evaluating services is critical compo-
most RCTs. nent of a recovery orientated service culture like PR
Implementing best practice in PR is a difficult (Farkas et al., 2005). Promoting the hiring of
endeavour. Barriers to effective implementation or individuals with serious mental illnesses as peer
knowledge translation include problems such as a providers as well as in the role of helping profes-
confusion of methods and goals, for example, which sionals and administrators reflects a culture of full
can lead to using methods designed to increase partnership. Simple activities such as celebrating
awareness and understanding of information even personal successes or inviting peers who have
though the goal is a change in practice, for example completed university degrees, have families or hold
(Farkas, Jette, Tennstedt, Haley, & Quinn, 2003; jobs, to speak to staff and patients of an agency for
Sudsawad, 2007). These commonly thought of example, can enhance an organization’s culture of
exposure methods (i.e. ‘getting the word out’ hopefulness. Culture also includes elements related
through journal publishing or systematic reviews to the introduction of change (e.g. the extent to
leading to practice guidelines), have little or no effect which an organization is characterized by openness
in practice (Shojania & Grimshaw, 2005). to learning, willingness to entertain challenges and
Furthermore, adopting quality assurance or improve- effective problem solving) (Farkas, 1984, 1990). An
ment methods which only report on behaviour have organizational culture of openness to innovation and
124 M. Farkas & W. A. Anthony
learning provides positive energy for change that emerging methods. These can be tied together by
increases the likelihood of implementation skilled practitioners practising within a process
success (Farkas, 1990; Whitley, Gingerich, Lutz, & framework of choosing-getting-keeping valued
Mueser, 2009). roles. When implemented using comprehensive
Commitment involves ensuring that all major expertise and embedding methods that pay attention
actors are willing and able to support the implemen- to the culture, commitment and capacity of organi-
tation efforts. Since such efforts typically take from zations, such interventions can help individuals with
3 to 5 years or more to embed into daily practice the lived experience of serious mental illness achieve
(Anthony et al., 2002), it is vital that the leaders are success and satisfaction in the student, worker,
not only enthusiastic at the beginning but remain resident, social roles they want and thus contribute
fully committed. Difficulties in stakeholder support to the individual’s overall recovery.
(e.g. families, individuals with lived experience,
legislators, funding bodies) often reflect inadequate
attention being paid to these groups when introdu-
cing and embedding innovations. Commitment
Declaration of interest: This article was supported
begins with dissatisfaction with the status quo, a
in part by the National Institute of Disability and
Int Rev Psychiatry Downloaded from by HINARI on 06/07/10

belief in the degree to which resources will exist to

Rehabilitation Research, and the Substance Abuse,
make the change, and a basic level of understanding
Mental Health Administration/Center for Mental
about the characteristics and implications of the PR
Health Services, grant number H133B090014. The
interventions the organization proposes to
authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors
implement (Farkas et al., 2008). Effective PR
alone are responsible for the content and writing of
implementation requires ensuring the alignment
the paper.
of commitment among leadership of the critical
stakeholder groups so that financial, political
and community support work in concert to
For personal use only.

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