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1 Site management
3.1.1 Introduction
Management is a very important process in any kind of work. Site management is the
process of interrelation of major functions such as planning, organizing, controlling, and leading.
Those things are directed in the achievement of objectives and goals of the project.
Normally the construction works are carried out with given designs and specified
materials, so it is important to have proper management at the construction site to carry out
works in an economical manner. To have proper management study of all aspects of the work,
the method of carrying out successive operations and selection of general arrangement of site are
considered as important points.

3.1.2 Management structure of site

Duties and responsibilities of these officers at the work site distributes as follows. Role of project manager

Project manager is the person who is communicating with the head office and site manager.

Responsible for all section of the administration, Technical and other parts.

Preparation of program and progress charts for the site organization.

Coordinates between head office and site and between the client and contractor.

Coordinating with different sub contractors agencies to maintain the speed of

construction project work.

He should give instruction to the Site Managers, Engineer, Asst. Engineers and officers as
it required by the site conditions. Role of site manager

Site Managers should maintain construction documents such as weather reports, concrete
pouring charts, drawings etc. he should update daily work approval sheets, information of labor,
machinery, tools and progress of the previous day work.

Administrative function of the site engineer

Maintain attendance register

Store control

Site security

Maintain disciplinary at the site

Welfare of officers

Cash disburse Role of engineering staff

This group consists of engineers, assistant engineers, and technical officers. The site engineer
divides work among those persons. They have to mark all lines/levels for walls, columns, beams;
slabs and openings etc. material requisitions are approved and checked the material consumption.
They should ensure that the work is carried out according to the details in construction drawings
and specifications and prepare reinforcement schedules of the project. Attend the daily site
meeting and discuss about the problems encountered

Supervisory function of engineering staff

Supervise labor output and control the labors.

Quality control especially with regards to line levels, plumb and basic methodology of
executing work

Ensure tools and equipments are not misused

Ensure site is kept steady and clean

Sign of labor supply daily Role of administrative officer

He is the person who is responsible for every administrative work in the site. He is instructed
by the site engineer. He always contact with the administrative section at head office. Every
purchasing material is arranged by him. In addition, he is responsible for preparing of sub
contractors bills and other bills and as follows

Security services should be carefully checked on daily basis and report promptly all
shortcomings to project manager.

Maintenance and movements of machineries vehicles and arrange it requirement in time.

Keep well assistance with storekeepers to find out requirement to store daily.

All the copies of attendance sheet and any other documents pertaining to employees from
be carefully packed and dispatched to need office at the end of every month.

Every personal accident looks after the purpose of employee and he should take action.

3.1.3. Monitoring of progress of the work

Progress of the work is monitored with the work proceeds according to the program. It
leads to work according to the program and to show the delays of work and then arrange to do
Site meetings, participating client, architect, contractor, subcontractor, and consultant are
held to discuss the progress and the present situation of the site. For meeting site manager, have
to prepare weekly progress report, and monthly progress report.

3.1.4 Documents at site

When we involve in a construction work, always we have to check the dimension and quality
of the work and progress of work. For this work, we have to refer many documents at site

Details drawings , bar chart

Shop drawings

Bills of quantities


Method Statement Daily maintaining records

Several records are daily maintaining at the site as the work progress.

Weather records

Daily diary

Labor distribution charts.

Labor attendance chart.

Vehicle movement books.

Stores inventory.

Concrete pouring chart.

Tool issue register. Files to be maintained at work site

There are number of files that are maintained at site office in order to have proper
management of work. They are

Minutes of meetings.

Monthly bill file

Head office corresponding file.

Staff attendance.

Consultant corresponding file

Test report file.

Sub contractors file.

3.2 program & progress chart

The program of construction for job the contractors responsibility ,through it must
prepare with clients requirement. It is easy to do the construction work according to the suitable
& practicable Program prepared considering of all activities of construction work.
Programming of work needs much experience in the field. Any how determination of
appropriate date for each &every job. The duration for an activity could be decided by using
work norms of B.S.R (building scheduled rates) & allocated no of labourers for the site. Also we
should think about the number of machinery used. Usually the duration for a particular activity
could be changed by directly labour requirements. This is done when the work is urgent &the
total project duration could not be extended
. The total project duration could be extended by giving the reasons for delaying the work to the
client through consultant.
In the chart the duration that an activity should take is represented by a horizontal line,
the length of the line being proportional to the duration time of an activity. The activities are
listed vertically downwards. Normally the progress mark parellelly to the program line
representing the actual data such as starting data &duration. So that the delay of work can be

3.2.1 Preparation of program for the balance work

When the construction works delayed due to some reasons ,according to the master
program it should be re arranged to a new program for the balance work.

The calculation for the quantities should be done accurately & methodically & in the format
given as ;

Those measurements will later come useful in checking or preparing labour sub contracts,
ordering materials or in site material recocilation work as well.

Any discrepancies found with respect to the B.O.Q can be easily checked.

Any changes introduced later can be incorporated in to the system.

When governing the factors delay the work , the contractor should maintain the records of
rainfall, poor supply of materials, work stoppages & poor financial situations which causes to
the delay of work. By forwarding these records to the client & consultant will be able to

extend the duration of the project.

3.2.2 Extension of time for completion
Unfortunately in many contracts circumstances occur which delay completion of work
.often such circumstances are outside the control of the contractor and the contract will state in
which of such circumstances he may be entitled to an extension of time. The effect of such an
extension is postpone the date of commencement of liability for , and hence the amount of
liquidate damages.
The contractor may also be entitled to additional payment in respect of same , but not all of the
circumstances entitling him to an extension of time.

3.2.3 Circumstances leading to an extension of time

Delay in issue of drawings

Failure to grant possession of site

Suspension of work

Extra or additional work or special circumstances.

Additional or varied work may have the effect of increasing the time necessary for
completion of the contract. This could apply not only to increases in actual work to be executed
but also to changes of material which may require longer periods for ordering the effect on the
program should be discussed with the contractor and extension granted so warranted.

Physical condition & artificial obstruction

Before the delay due to adverse physical condition or artificial obstructions encountered could
not have been foreseen by experienced contractor.
The contractor is required to deal with the situation in an expeditious and workman like
manner using the skill and experience which might be expected of a competent contractor. Only
after full discussion with the contractor on the methods to be adopted to deal with the situation
will the engineer be able to form his opinion as to whether the occurrence is such as justify an
extension of time and ,if so determine the period of extension.

Special circumstances
Such circumstances might include excessively adverse weather, labour unrest or strikes
of general extent ,difficulty in obtaining permits etc late delivery of material so far occurs
from unforeseen able reasons or control of material supplied by the employer. In such case
engineer should assess the effect on the contractors program. So then the extension can be

3.3 Site meetings

The Site meetings are held in order to overcome difficulties involving with the site works
among the sub contractors and the site staff. In Sanken Lanka there are mainly three types of
meetings. They are,

There is a site meeting at every day after the tea break organized by the site engineer to
discuss the site problems and difficulties. All the site engineering staff, sub contractors, one
person from staff should participate to this meeting. Therefore, site engineer can discuss and
solve all the problems encountered. At the end of meeting all the sub contractors, labor
supervisors are instructed with regarding the future work and the labor strength required.
There is a site meeting at every day at about 5.30 p.m. organized by the project manager
to discuss the site problems and difficulties. Project manager, two site managers & senior
engineers participated this meeting.
In once a week there is a site meeting at the site to discuss the site progress. This meeting
is held among the project manager, site engineer, consultant engineer and their representatives
and the client. The function of this meeting is,
To ensure that the contractor and other team members have a proper understanding of the
projects requirements, have an opportunity to check construction design and production details
and to request clarification of information.

To ensure that proper records are kept.

To compare with target and agree on any corrective action.

To discuss problems such as delays and how it effects for timing of the project.

To ensure that the subcontractors agree on the action necessary to meet their obligation

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