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Copyright 2012 by Matt Mello

All rights reserved.

The spectator feels the performer pull an invisible string from their palm, which is
then used in a very interesting and positive way!

Following in the footsteps of my last manuscript, Thread of Life also combines real
and pseudo-hypnotic means to achieve its ends. Its very simple, yet engaging, and
plays as a beautiful induction! All with a gimmick most already use!
The first phase is something Ive known for nearly sixteen years, and was the main
building point and inspiration for this current routine. But I also love the second
phase, where, in a sense, you really do exactly what you say youre doing!
There are no visible compromisesas Derren Brown would sayand because of
this, everything naturally comes across as 100% real and psychological!
Youll understand shortly! Enjoy!

Presentation and Method:

At a small table of four, I turn to the spectator on my left, a girl named Amy.
What Im about to demonstrate is something I learned as a little kid, to pull
an invisible string out of your palm. Have you ever tried this? Its really very

simple. Just make a tight fist. After shes held this for a few seconds, I grab
around her wrist, my left thumb pressing across it, figure 1.

(Figure 1)
And now allow it to open. Figure 2.

(Figure 2)

Though it doesnt seem like much, these actions give you an enormous advantage!
When the spectator makes a tight fist, it forces the blood out of their hand. Then,
when you grip around their wrist, you restrict the blood from immediately flowing
back in. Note that this only happens for a second or two, not long enough for a clot
to form.
With my free hand, I then lightly pinch the middle of her palm, and pull upwards
as if really yanking out a stringI do this fairly quickly instead of slowly. At the
same moment as I pull up, I release the pressure with my left thumb on her wrist,
allowing the blood to quickly rush back into her hand.
Your spectator will associate this feeling with the suggestion and visual of pulling
out a string, creating an extremely reliable outcome! You can try this out on
yourself right now to feel the sensation. Youll find its a quick rush, which is why
I pull the string fast. Youll also want to practice the procedure and your grip
position around a friends wrist, to make sure you can consistently make them feel
that rushing feeling.
After theyve had their reaction, I continue speaking with my fingers held as in
figure 3.

(Figure 3)

I now hold between my fingers one of your threads of life. You felt it being
pulled from the inside of your hand, but lets see if you can feel it on the
outside, as well.
I run her thread of life under her hand, along the back, and she suddenly reacts
and jerks her hand away. This is because in figure 3, you really DO have an
invisible string between your fingers! A Loop gripped like the rubber band in
figure 4.

(Figure 4)
The loop runs around my right hand, the top strand gripped between my finger tips
and dragged under their hand.
When that top thread tickles their skin, they will reactstrongly! Some will see
the pure beauty in this method, and how it perfectly and invisibly parallels the
effect; others will think its obvious, and the spectator will figure it out. Either
way, theres no way for them to know for sure! But following the psychological
string removal from their hand, this comes across as very real!
Important notes with Loops are to keep your hands in constant motion and just do a
single, smooth swipe under their hand. And be sure to cast a shadow over their

hand with your body if performing in a bright space, to keep the thread from
glinting in the light. Keeping this in mind, you now have an extra effect anytime
you have a Loop on you!
As their second reaction dies down, you can continue into the last phase
Youve been absolutely perfect, so Id like to give you a gift. Some physicists
believe that these microscopic strings actually make up our entire universe,
woven and vibrating together into everything we see around us. So what Id
like you to do is take your string I give it to herreally handing her
nothingwhich she pinches. close your eyesand make a wish.
When youre ready, Id like you to release the thread. And when you do,
youll find yourself full of positive thoughts and energy, and can slowly allow
yourself to come back to the room.
As she opens her eyes, I shake her hand, and congratulate her for doing so well!

Additional Thoughts and Ideas:

--For real hypnotists using this as an induction, heres one suggestion to segue into
a deeper state. At the end, when you see the spectator open their fingers, say And
as your thread floats away, youll find your consciousness goes and drifts with
it, sending you deeper and deeper into a relaxed state the further it moves
on It could then extend and float into space, focusing on different colored stars,
rotating galaxies, etcjust imagining anything to get them to that alpha state.
--If you dont have a Loop, after pulling the thread of life from their hand, you
could then remove your own from your hand, and pretend to tie them together into
a knot. This then links you for a few moments while you read their mind after. At
the end, untie and make your wishes! Simply insert any mind reading in between; I
prefer something that fits with the impromptu-ness, usually a psychological force.
--Ive toyed with the idea of producing a real piece of string at the end, as if I had
been holding it the entire time, and they had been hypnotized not to see itbut

Ive never gone this route. I personally feel it disrupts the impromptu feel of it, and
makes it more into a magic trick rather than a psychological trick. Though some of
you may like this idea and can work something out.

The first phase of pulling a string from their hand is something I learned from my
sister as a kid, who learned it in school. I used to do this all the time with other kids
and adults, having no idea I was using hypnosis! I didnt even grab their wrist and
do the blood rush back then, just had them make a fist for a bit, pinched their palm
and pulled. People still felt it!
Any invisible thread device could be supplemented for phase two, but I absolutely
love the simplicity of Loops, developed by Fin John and Yigal Mesika.
Daniel Garcia has an effect on his Loop DVD, called Hair, where one spectator has
a real hair run over her face, and a second spectator feels it. The idea is similar, but
is more a demonstration of Banacheks Psychokinetic Touches,
Lior Manor was the first to use I.T. for pk touches, and his handling can be found
in, The Invisible Touch. However, the concept of an invisible string being used as
an actual invisible string has never been done before! Who would have thought!
The last phase of making a wish has been used by many performers, but I love
bringing in a bit of science with the string theory presentation at the end, and the
idea of releasing their wish into this threaded universe, which is a very unique
If Ive missed anyone in this crediting, or if you have any questions, please send an
inquiry to: and Ill be sure to make any necessary changes or
answer any questions I can.
Thank you!
Matt Mello

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