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Government Engineering College, Modasa

CE/IT Department
List of Experiments
Subject: - Mobile Computing and Wireless Communication (2170710)

Class:-7th CE/IT

1. To Study about Android Architecture.

2. Configure Android. Application Development Environment.
3. Create "Hello World" application that will display "Hello World" in the middle of the screen in the red
Color with white background.
4. Create an application that will change color of the screen and change the font size of text view.
5. Create sample application with login module. (Check username and password) If username and password
are valid, it displays Welcome message using new activity.
6. Create an Application for temperature convertor.
7. Create simple calculator.
8. Develop an android app which displays a form to get following information from user.

i. Username
ii. Password
iii. Email Address
iv. Phone Number
v. Country
vi. State
vii. State
viii. Gender
ix. Interests
x. Birth Date
Form should be followed by a Button with label "Submit". When user clicks the button, a message should be
displayed to user describing the information entered.
Use suitable UI controls (i.e. widgets). [When user enters country in AutoCompleteTextView, list of states
should be displayed in Spinner automatically.]
9. Creating an Application with Multiple Activities and a Simple Menu of five cities. When user select
city it will display city information in new activity.
10. Write Android program to maintain contact directory (name, mobile and email address). Store these
details in database. Also provide interface for search/add and delete the contact.
11. Create .apk files for programs 9,10 and 11. Copy and install it in Android phone and see the output.

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