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0 Conclusion
Based on section A, 24 out of 30 of the respondents are between 1929 years old and most of their level of education is Diploma. Referring to
section B, we can conclude that the people of Seri Iskandar enjoy rooting
the sports scene. Perhaps the city council should encourage the sports
facilities to help the growth of sports talent in Seri Iskandar. Section C we
can conclude that people are easily deceived by fake news. This is
something we should overcome as fake news can cause havoc in a nation.
Next, in Section D we found out that news on sports and politics affect
people life that it changes the way they behave. Last but not least based
on Section E on how to improve news we realize that news should give a
section where the public can voice out their problems and opinion and the
newspaper company should really publish a newspaper that is suitable for
teenagers to read. This will also increase the habits of reading among the
teenagers of Seri Iskandar.

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