If To Be Friends Is To Be Enemies - Oratorical Speech

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If to be Friends is to be Enemies (Oration Material)

I looked for a friend; an enemy welcomed me. I searched for a chance; a war invited me. I soared for
a dream; a struggle challenged me. If to be friends is to be enemies, I call for a war to bring peace
and unity.
Great fighters, at the end, become great heroes. They may do the wrong deed but they carry the
right will. Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo, Ninoy Aquino are amongst the Filipino fighters who
have been the Filipino super heroes in times of crises. Manny Pacquiao once said, I could fight
every day if that gives peace to my country Ladies and gentlemen, the intention matters more than
the act. What you see may not be what it is because your eyes can be blinded; but, your hearts
desire will never be.
If your best friend, who knows your secret, could be your best enemy; then I should say that your
best enemy, who loves to pair up with you and beat you, could be your best friend.
War, fights, competitions, games, and plays are of different heights and with different definitions, but
all have one goal to declare winner and to offer unity afterwards. Hitler for instance, the worlds war
genius and a master of Utopia, he is a dreamer of an impossible paradise. He once ruined the
human race with of his ambitions. He has been the renowned killer of millions of civilians and
another millions of soldiers during the Second World War. Sad Yes! So sad to imagine the picture
he included in the history. But when you look into his objective, he just dreamt of a one-race-oneworld paradise; nevertheless, of inappropriate ways.
Manny Pacquiao, a fighter who is willing to destroy his face and break his jaw, the notorious
terminator of Mexican boxers, he who is a great fighter who becomes a great hero of every street
and every home, a hero of every child and every grown-up, and of every Filipino people in his every
fight. But with his every fight, his victory leads his nation to a joyous celebration from Basco to Jolo.
His victory leads him to build a community of friends from the Latin America to Europe, to Mainland
America to Asia. He is a fighter and he is a hero.
The Philippine Azkals also aimed to unite the country with their game. Their primary objective is, of
course, to win their game but they also wanted to inspire the Filipino people to face the globe and
take the spot light. Now, theyve placed the country into a greater heights; theyve awaken many
Filipinos to dream higher; theyve inspired our children to be a fighter and to be a hero.
On the other side of the battlefield, Charice Pempengco, Lea Salonga, and Shamcey Supsup work
and win their every act in the international scene. They searched and joined auditions. They won
their every challenge. Now, they represent the country with their world class talents. Truly, that with
great intention one could possiblize impossibles.
Co-contenders, respected coaches, panel of judges, our dear spectators, we are here today not to
defeat our opponents; we are here today not to oppress ones rights; we are here not to declare

superiority against someone. We must be here to be sisters and brothers; we must be here to create
larger circle of friends; we must be here to offer unity; remember, we are here to promote friendship,
camaraderie, oneness, and benevolence towards one another.
Look outside this hall. See our fighters in the field. Do you see their smiles? Do you see how happy
are they? Ladies and gentlemen, if to meet friends is to meet enemies, if to see chance is to see war,
if to reach for a dream is to struggle for a challenge. Then lets go for it then we could be families
later. Let us promote goodwill through sports and socio-cultural activities! Good day!

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