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Attributes of Successful Online Learners

Learning online can seem daunting to those that are new to distance learning. However there
are key characteristics that are common among online learners. These attributes allow distance
learners to thrive in online educational environments.
Time management and organization are key characteristics of successful online learners.
Authors Michinov et al, found that lack of time and procrastination were the main causes of
failure in online courses. It is important to set aside specific time for distance classes. It can be
easy to let daily responsibilities and tasks take priority. Designating specific days and times for
school can assist you with making it a part of your weekly routine. Writing down weekly
assignments can be very beneficial. It will allow you to keep track of your course obligations.
Self-motivation is another attribute of successful online learners. Often times in distant
learning environments, there is no one there to push you and remind you to stay on track. It is
imperative that you challenge and motivate yourself to persevere. Stay focused on your career or
personal goals. Remember why you are enhancing your education. Keeping your long-term
goals in sight will help motivate you. In a study on E-learners, it was found that, success as
online learners ultimately depended more on self-determination than on institutional support
(Beaudoin et al, 2009).
A successful online learner must also be open to actively participate. Distant learning
depends heavily on student participation. Students are often required to participate in class
discussion and collaborate on group work. Sharing insightful and thoughtful opinions helps
create engaging class discussions. Actively participating insures that you will get the most out of
your online learning experience.

It is helpful to build a relationship with your instructor/facilitator. Do not be afraid to ask

questions and seek support. They are there to assist you with your learning experience. Your
instructor/facilitator can provide valuable feedback throughout the course. Make sure to utilize
their talents/services to enhance your experience.
While it is important to seek support when needed, another characteristic of online learners is
independence. It is important to be comfortable with working alone with limited support. It is
important to learn the various resources that are available to you, and to be able to utilize them
on your own. Successful online learners are confident in their capabilities. They are comfortable
working independently as well as in groups.
Successful online learners have strong time management and organizational skills. They are
self-motivated and willing to actively participate in class. They are able to work independently
but know when to ask for help when needed. These attributes allow students to achieve great
success in distant learning environments.

Battalio, J. (2009). Success in Distance Education: Do Learning Styles and Multiple Formats Matter?. American
Journal of Distance Education, 23(2), 71-87. doi:10.1080/08923640902854405
Beaudoin, M. F., Kurtz, G., & Eden, S. (2009). Experiences and Opinions of E-learners: What Works, What are the
Challenges, and What Competencies Ensure Successful Online Learning. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning &
Learning Objects, 5275-289. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Michinov, N., Brunot, S., Le Bohec, O., Juhel, J., & Delaval, M. (2011). Procrastination, participation, and
performance in online learning environments. Computers & Education, 56(1), 243-252.
Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2009). Teaching and learning at a distance: foundations of
distance education (4th Ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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