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1.1 Problem Description
A marketing strategy decision-making framework is essential for marketing strategists
to determine the most appropriate marketing strategy in an efficient manner (Wu, Lin,
& Lee, 2010. P.190). Marketing strategies selection is a complex decision making
process and decision making is the most critical driver in determining the success or
failure of an organization. Marketing is an important part of business, therefore, a
design marketing strategies is necessary to achieve competitive advantage. In this
case, Sumber Murah Elektronik also have to have a good marketing strategy as the
basic and important thing for the shops success.
Sumber Murah Elektronik is one of electronic shop located in Kaliurang Street. It
sells many electronic device and equipment such as, television, fan, wash machine,
lamp, audio system and so on. Except sell electronic device and equipment, Sumber
Murah Elektronik also sell another product such as bed, stove and raincoat as its
differentiate product. Sumber Murah Elektronik open in 2013. It has 2 employees to
run their business while their owner lives in other city. Sumber Murah Elektronik is
not the only electronic shop around their area. There several other electronic shop that
become the competitor of Sumber Murah Elektronik. According to business
dictionary, competitor is a company in the same industry or a similar industry
which offers a similar product or service. The presence of one or more competitors
can reduce the prices of goods and services as the companies attempt to gain a
larger market share. Competition also requires companies to become more efficient
in order to reduce costs.
To face competitors of Sumber Murah Elektronik, researchers did research about
the best marketing strategy that should Sumber Murah Elektronik use which is give
some benefit and more profit for their shop because the existence of the competitors of
Sumber Murah Elektronik give so many affect to Sumber Murah Elektronik,
especially the profit. From knowing the best marketing strategy, we can analyze and
know how to increase the shop profit.
Nowadays the development of technology and the supply which exceeds demand
create difficult conditions in the market and competition. As a result, the concepts that

add value to the product such as marketing and branding become much more
important. These processes begin now, since the invention of the product because
which give or add value to a product are the customer and the point of view of the
customer. Thus it is necessary to properly introduce and explain the product to the
customer and gain their trust (Grbz, Albayrak, & Alaybeyolu, 2013. P.94).
The Analytical Network Process (ANP) is a general theory of relative
measurement used to derive composite priority ratio scales from individual ratio
scales that represent relative measurements of the influence of elements that interact
with respect to control criteria. The ANP provides a general framework to deal with
decisions without making assumptions about the independence of higher level
elements from lower level elements and about the independence of the elements
within a level. In fact, the ANP uses a network without the need to specify levels as in
a hierarchy. Influence is a central concept in the ANP. The ANP is a useful tool for
prediction and for representing a variety of competitors with their surmised
interactions and their relative strengths to wield influence in making a decision.
In this research, researchers make a decision for the company b y using ANP
(Analytical Network Process). Researchers use ANP to know the best marketing
strategy that can be used by Sumber Murah Elektronik shop to face their competitors
and gain more profit. Researchers use a structure to know the relationship between
control criteria to cluster, cluster to node, and node to node in inner dependence and or
outer dependence. The goals are the purpose of the company to know the problem
solver. Cluster is the characteristic that need for company to fulfill what the
people need. Nodes means the expanded of the cluster needed by the company. And
alternatives solutions are what the best alternative choice using multiple choice
that based on the calculation of each relationship.
Researchers observation is similar with the research entitled Marketing mix (7P)
and performance assessment of western fast food industry in Taiwan: An application
by associating DEMATEL and ANP. Here, Su-Mei Lin also observes the best
marketing mix that can be used by fast food industries in Taiwan. But in that research,
she uses DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method to
investigate the mutual influence of marketing mix (7P) in fast food industry. From
questionnaire survey performed on experts, Lin also uses ANP (Analytic Network
Process) to understand the importance ranking of marketing mix (7P) in fast food

industry, with 7P (Price, Place, Promotion, Product, People, Process, and Physical
Evidence) as the criteria. Then, Lin uses SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) to help
her to do the performance evaluation of five Taiwans western chain store fast food
suppliers. If the enterprise wants to improve marketing strategy in business operation,
it can follow first the importance of ANP to rank the priority to improve marketing
mix (7P), then it can follow the DEMATEL perspective cause and effect chart to
observe the mutual influence of marketing mix (7P). Finally, the enterprise can find
out the source to perform improvement and to maximize the efficiency.
So in this research, researchers assume that the control criteria only need five
cluster, fifteen nodes, and three alternatives. The five clusters are relationship with
the customer are: relationship with customer, establish new branch, promotion, good
management, and distribution. Each cluster contains three nodes. In relationship with
the customer, the three nodes are building relationship with customer, understanding
customers needs, and customer services. In establish new branch, the three nodes are
easy to be accessed, near with city center, and policy. In promotion, the three nodes
are media partner, internet marketing, discount. In good management, the three nodes
are good service, integrated system, good facility. In distribution, the three nodes are
strong relationship with distributor, punctuality of distribution, and reach the
customer. Lastly, three alternative solutions are sell low price product, sell high
quality product, open online shop. After the questionnaire spread,


calculate the pairwise comparison and consistency testing, so the researcher knows
the consistency rate of the expert.
1.2 Problem Formulation
Problem formulation in this research are:
1. Which cluster and node do influence in decision making of problem that affecting
the decision-making of marketing strategy in Sumber Murah Elektronik,
traditional souvenir shop in Yogyakarta?
2. How is the result of analysis and recommendation of problem solution by using
ANP method?

1.3 Research Objectives

Research objectives on this research are:
1. To know which cluster and node that influences in decision making of problem
that affecting the decision-making of marketing strategy in Sumber Murah
Elektronik, traditional souvenir shop in Yogyakarta.
2. To know the result of analysis and recommendation of problem solution by using
ANP method.



Deductive Study

2.1.1 Marketing Theory

a. Marketing Strategy
A strategy is a long-term plan to achieve certain objectives. A marketing
strategy is therefore a marketing plan designed to achieve marketing
objectives. For example, marketing objective may relate to becoming the
market leader by delighting customers. The strategic plan therefore is the
detailed planning involving marketing research, and then developing a
marketing mix to delight customers. Every organization needs to have clear
marketing objectives, and the major route to achieving organizational goals
will depend on strategy. It is important, therefore, to be clear about the
difference between strategy and tactics.
These terms originate from military use (military strategy before and
during a military campaign is the general policy overview of how to defeat
the enemy). Developing a strategy involves establishing clear aims and
objectives around which the framework for a policy is created. Having
established its strategy, an organization can then work out its day-to-day
tools and tactics to meet the objectives. Marketing can thus be seen as the
process of developing and implementing a strategy to plan and coordinate
ways of identifying, anticipating and satisfying consumer demands, in such
a way as to make profits.
b. Strategic Discipline
Marketing is now accepted as a strategic discipline or general management
function and in this respect must care for the health of a business in the
future - especially against competitive influences. This is because it is
increasingly realized that although making a profit is important, an
organization should also develop its market share and search for brand
leadership as well. So the marketer must monitor the profitability of the

business and attempt to anticipate the likely trends. At the same time rival
companies should be monitored and examined for vulnerable points.
Successful marketers must therefore be concerned with every aspect of
their business, including future project and other areas of their industry.
Successful companies plan five or ten years and more in advance and
often know as much about their competition as they know about
Marketing is not just a series of business-related functions, but more
wide-reaching than this. It is a business philosophy designed to develop an
attitude of mind which should be shared by everyone in an organization
and is often enhanced by both frequent and open communication.
Developing such an attitude of mind reduces the likelihood of crisis and
contributes to the development of the overall future of an enterprise at
both strategic and tactical levels.
At the heart of marketing lies the degree to which an organization
becomes marketing-orientated. The more committed a company is to its
marketing activities, the better it will be to pursue its corporate objectives
and develop and retain customers. Every business in existence relies upon
its customers for survival, and those who best meet customer needs will
always survive a period of change.
The marketing function is therefore an essential ingredient of
corporate strategy, and this marketing focus should be communicated
through marketing planning into all aspects of business activity.
In choosing a marketing strategy a frequent distinction that is made is






Undifferentiated marketing is where a single marketing mix is offered to

the total market. In contrast, differentiated market is the process of
attacking the market by tailoring separate product and marketing strategies
to different segments of the market, for example, the spectacles market can
be broken down into fashion segments and functional segments, high price

and low price segments, and segments for individuals with different types
of vision problems (Marketing theory, n.d.).


Analytic Network Process (ANP)

a. Introduction
The Analytic Network Process (ANP) is a generalization of the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP), by considering the dependence between the
elements of the hierarchy. Many decision problems cannot be structured
hierarchically because they involve the interaction and dependence of
higher-level elements in a hierarchy on lower-level elements. ANP is
represented by a network, rather than a hierarchy. The feedback structure
does not have the top-to-bottom form of a hierarchy but looks more like a
network, with cycles connecting its components of elements, which we
can no longer call levels, and with loops that connect a component to
itself. It also has sources and sinks. A source node is an origin of paths of
influence (importance) and never a destination of such paths.

Figure 2.1 Linear Hierarchies and Feedback Network on ANP

A sink node is a destination of paths of influence and never an origin
of such paths. A full network can include source nodes; intermediate nodes
that fall on paths from source nodes, lie on cycles, or fall on paths to sink

nodes; and finally sink nodes. Some networks can contain only source and
sink nodes. Still others can include only source and cycle nodes or cycle
and sink nodes or only cycle nodes. A decision problem involving
feedback arises often in practice. It can take on the form of any of the
networks just described.
The challenge is to determine the priorities of the elements in the
network and in particular the alternatives of the decision and even more to
justify the validity of the outcome. Because feedback involves cycles, and
cycling is an infinite process, the operations needed to derive the priorities
become more demanding than has been familiar with hierarchies.
b. Construction of the Model
A multi-criteria decision model containing interactions among criteria
cannot be built as a hierarchy. At this stage, the model with its goal,
criteria, sub-criteria and dependencies among them has to be clearly
defined and the dependencies and relations should be presented in a form
of a network.
c. Pairwise Comparison Matrices and Priority Vectors
To make tradeoffs among the many objectives and many criteria, the
judgments that are usually made in qualitative terms are expressed
numerically. Rather than simply assigning a score out of a persons
memory that appears reasonable, one must make reciprocal pairwise
comparisons in a designed scientific way. The Fundamental Scale used for
the judgments is given in Table 2.1 Judgments are first given verbally as
indicated in the scale and then a corresponding number is associated with
that judgment. The vector of priorities is the principal eigenvector of the
matrix. This vector gives the relative priority of the criteria measured on a
ratio scale. These priorities are unique to within multiplication by a
positive constant. However, if one ensures that they sum to one they are
then unique and belong to a scale of absolute numbers.
Table 2.1 Pairwise Comparison Scale Assessment

d. ANP Procedure
The outline of ANP steps as follows:
1. Describe the decision problem in detail with objectives, criteria, subcriteria.
2. Determine the general network of components/clusters and the
elements within the clusters.
3. Determine all inter and inner-dependencies that exist in the decision
problem. After this step, the network of the decision problem will also
be found.
4. Build the super matrix by performing the pairwise comparisons,
prioritization and define the weights of the criteria and the sub-criteria
while considering the inter-dependencies between them.
5. Perform pairwise comparison on clusters. The derived weights will be
used to find the weighted super matrix.
6. Perform consistency analysis of all the pairwise comparisons, made by
the experts or decision makers, in order to make the necessary changes
if there is any inconsistency above the allowed limit.
7. Rate the alternatives according all the criteria and sub criteria.
8. Find the weighted super matrix.
9. Compute and find the limit super matrix from which the overall score
for the alternatives is retrieved and make the final decision as to choose
the best alternative or to obtain the final ranking of the alternatives.
e. Advantages of Analytical Network Process (ANP)

1. The Power of ANP lies in the use of the ratio of the scale to catch all
kind of interactions and make accurate predictions to make better

Ability to assist us in measuring and synthesis of a number of factors -

factors in the network.

3. Simplicity methodology makes ANP become more common and more
easily applied to quantitative studies as diverse as decision making.
4. Compared with the AHP methodology, ANP has many advantages, such
as more objective comparison, the predictions are more accurate, and
more stable results. ANP software (Super Decision) and manually ANP
also easily available in a free download.
2.2 Inductive Study
There are some previous researches that use ANP in their method, they are:
1. In their journal, Chin-Tsai Lin, Chuan Lee, and Cheng-Shiung Wu are identifying
the marketing strategy decision process for marketing experts. Marketing strategy
decision-making is necessary for marketing experts to determine a more efficient
appropriate marketing strategy. Selecting the best marketing strategy is a multiple
criterion decision-making (MCDM) problem, due to the complexity and difficulty
of allocated specific resources and capabilities. Their study provides a five-step
decision-making process to enable careful marketing strategy assessment, and
contributes to practical implementation for fuzzy analytic network process (fuzzy
ANP) utilization by marketing experts in a real industry. The results also provide
marketing strategy guidance to practitioners for capturing competitive advantage
in elaborating specific and limited marketing resources.
2. The research entitled Criteria Weighting and 4-P Planning in Marketing Using
Analytic Network Process conducted by Elif Alaybeyolu, Y.Esra Albayrak, and
Tuncay Grbz, is observing about marketing strategies and marketing decisions
in the new-product-development process, the criteria that are effective in this
process are defined and a MCDM model is proposed to weigh the criteria and to
define the best strategic marketing scenario. In order to reflect the real life
situations as much as possible, the interactions among criteria are taken in
consideration and ANP is used to handle those interactions.
3. In the research entitled Marketing mix (7P) and performance assessment of
western fast food industry in Taiwan: An application by associating DEMATEL

and ANP, Su-Mei Lin observes the best marketing mix that can be used by fast
food industries in Taiwan. In that research, she uses DEMATEL (Decision
Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method to investigate the mutual
influence of marketing mix (7P) in fast food industry. From questionnaire survey
performed on experts, Lin uses ANP (Analytic Network Process) to understand
the importance ranking of marketing mix (7P) in fast food industry, with 7P
(Price, Place, Promotion, Product, People, Process, and Physical Evidence) as the
criteria. Then, Lin uses SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) to help her to do the
performance evaluation of five Taiwans western chain store fast food suppliers.
4. In our paper, Agung Aulya Perdana Tanjung and Rendy Aditya, we attempt to
identify how to increase the profit of electronic shop by choosing the marketing
strategy using Analytical Network Process (ANP) method.

3.1 Research Object
This research of Analytical Network Process (ANP) takes place in Sumber Murah
Elektronik, an electronic shop located in Kaliurang street, Yogyakarta. Sumber Murah
Elektronik is one of electronic shop located in Kaliurang Street. It sells many
electronic device and equipment such as, television, fan, wash machine, lamp, audio
system and so on. Except sell electronic device and equipment, Sumber Murah
Elektronik also sell another product such as bed, stove and raincoat as its differentiate
product. Sumber Murah Elektronik open in 2013. It has 2 employees to run their
business while their owner lives in other city. Sumber Murah Elektronik is not the
only electronic shop around their area. There several other electronic shop that
become the competitor of Sumber Murah Elektronik that why the researcher tried to
find the best marketing strategy of Sumber Murah Elektronik in order to survive in
3.2 Data Collection Methods
In this research, the researchers use some method to get the data. The method that the
researchers used are observation, interview, questionnaire and from some journals and
literatures. The researchers did the observation in the outlet of Sumber Murah
Elektronik. After did the observation, the researchers interviewed one of employee of
Sumber Murah Elektronik named Mr. Wawan. After interviewing Mr. Wawan, the
researchers also asked Mr. Wawan to fill the questionnaire for rating of the cluster,
node and alternative that influence each other which is take by the researches from the
result of the interview and also from some journals and literatures.
3.3 Types of Data
There are two types of data in this research. There are:
3.3.1 Primary Data
The primary data researchers get from the result of observation and interview.
After doing the observation and interview, researchers found that Sumber

Murah Elektronik have to know what is the best marketing strategy for their

shop toward many competitors exist nowadays.

Secondary Data
The researchers get the secondary data from some literature such as journal,
literature, expression from the expert in determining the relation of the cluster,
node and alternative that influence each other that help the researchers to solve
the problem and get the solution.

3.4 Research Flow

Picture 3.1 Flowchart of Research

In this research, the researchers have some steps to do. The steps are identifying the
problem, collecting data, decomposition, processing the data, super matrix calculation,
making the decision, and analyzing the decision.
1. In identifying the problem, the researchers discuss what the best control criteria
that want be observed is.
2. The researchers did the observation by coming to the shop and doing interview
with the expert in that shop to get the data that can be the cluster, node and
alternative for this case.
3. In decomposition, the researchers found some literatures to choose the cluster,
node and alternative. After that, the researchers make the network in super
decision software with its relation each other.
4. The next step is processing the data. After make the network with its relation in
super decision software, the researchers did the pairwise comparison, and identify
if it is consistence or not.
5. In the consistency test, if the consistency ratio is lower than 0.1 (CR 0.1), the
calculation result can be justified then the researchers can continue to the next
step, but if the result is bigger than 0.1 (CR > 0.1), the researchers have to take
and process the data again.
6. After that, the researchers do super matrix calculation. Matrix of pairwise
comparison result are represented in the form of vertical and horizontal and
shaped stochastic matrix is called as super matrix. The super matrix consists of
three phases which are un-weighted super matrix stage, weighted super matrix
stage and limiting super matrix stage.
7. In decision making, the researchers do the selection of best alternatives with three
steps. The first one is calculation of raw, which is gotten from the limiting super
matrix. Then calculate the normal value by divided raw value of each alternative
with the total raw. The next step is calculating the ideal value by divided the
normal value of each alternative with the biggest normal value among the
alternatives. The decision taken from the alternative that has 1 result from the
ideal calculation (the value of ideal is 1).
8. In analyzing the decision, the researchers did analysis from the decision which
has been found before based on the literature then make the conclusion from it
and decide the best alternative of the marketing strategic for the shop



4.1 Cluster and Node in ANP Model
The research about the marketing strategic for Toko Sumber Murah Elektronik shop
has five clusters with three nodes in each cluster. Due to the objective of this research
is to know the best marketing strategic in the electronic shop in Yogyakarta, there are
some factors that can be the clusters and node for this case. The observers obtained
those clusters and nodes based on the interview with the expert of the souvenir shop.
The clusters are:
1. Relationship with the customer
Relationship with the customer is important to be concerned because in marketing
strategy, customer is the one who influences and decides the rate of product
demand. This cluster contains three nodes, which are:
a. Building relationship with customer
Building relationship is the main foundation in marketing process. Broaden
the relationship with customer helps the business in branding. Building
relationship with customer also means that the marketing team must conduct
good relationship with the customer, so the marketing team can understand
the characteristic of intended customer. Thus, the customer will be glad to
purchase the offered products.
b. Understanding customers needs
Understanding customers is the key to give them good service. To give good
customer care, the company must deliver the promise. But great customer
care involves getting to know the customers so the company can anticipate
their needs and their expectations. To understand the customers well, the
company need to be attentive. The potential rewards are great; the company
can increase customer loyalty and bring in new business through positive
word-off-mouth recommendation. So, understanding customers needs is one
of important factors that need to be concerned because a good service can
make the customer feels respected and honored. Thus, the customer will give
their trust to the offered product.
c. Customer services

Customer service is the service provided to customers before, during and






and services.



service provides an experience that meets customer expectations. It produces

satisfied customers. Bad customer service can generate complaints. Customer
service is important because customer service is the key to maintain good
customer relations and grow a successful business. So, by having good
customer services, the customer will be satisfied, the shop will be able to
develop their weakness and understand the customer better.
2. Establish new branch
a. Easy to be accessed
Easy to be accessed means the shop is located in a place that is easy to be
reached by people. If the road to the shop is bad, people might be reluctant to
go to the shop.
b. Near with city center
By establishing the new brand which is near with city center, the consumer
will be easier to reach the shop because the city center is a right place for
people to gather. If the shop is located in a crowded place, the expert assumes
that more customers will come to the shop.
c. Policy
Before deciding to establish the new branch, the expert of the shop must
consider the policy of the area. The policy of the area such as taxes and
minimum wage will affect the business process of the shop so its important
to consider the policy.
3. Promotion
a. Media Partner
The strong relationship with media partner will help to promote the shop. It
will help the shop to spread information to its customer.

b. Internet marketing

Internet marketing is also a good way to promote the shop product to people
in this high-technology era. By internet marketing, it will be easier for the
shop to spread the information to people who use internet in daily basis.
c. Discount
Give discount is one of the promotion to attract the customer to come to the
shop. Discount will give special price to customer and give special effect to
customer to come more and more.
4. Good Management

Good Service
Good service gives a unique selling proposition, repeat business, increased
trust, branding and word of mouth. That sounds like excellent marketing
strategy to any business.

b. Integrated System
Integrated system in shop will make easier to running the business. It helps
to do faster services, work, and management. With integrated system the
shop can control and monitoring the business process
c. Good facility
Good facility is one of indirect marketing strategy. Customer tend to go to
shop that has good facilities. The facility can give comfort to customer and
in the end will make the customer more interest to buy in the shop.
5. Distribution
a. Strong relationship with distributor
By building strong relationship with distributor, both the shop and distributor
can get advantages. If the shop has good relationship with distributor, the
product distribution will be on time.
b. Punctuality of distribution
The punctuality of product distribution determines the satisfaction of
customer. If the product distribution is late, the customer will not trust the
shop anymore.

c. Reach the customer

The distribution of product must be spread evenly in every outlet. Thus, the
customer will be easy to buy the product.
4.2 Alternative Solutions
To know the marketing strategic in Toko Sumber Murah Elektronik, one of electronic
shop in Yogyakarta, researchers observed and interview the expert of the electronic
shop. From the observation and the interview, the researchers decides three strategies
to improve the marketing strategic of this shop. There are:
Sell low-price product
With this strategy the shop focus on selling low prices product. The shop
targeting medium to low customer. The shop takes little profit but in greater

Sell high-quality product
With this strategy the shop focus on selling high prices product. The shop
targeting High entry customer. The shop takes little profit but in less

Open online shop.
With this strategy the shop focus on selling their product online. The shop
will have cooperation with online shop vendor to sell their product online.

4.3 Structure Model of ANP

Picture 4.1 Structure Model of ANP

Analysis of structure model of ANP:

1. All alternatives and clusters are influencing each other because the clusters and
nodes become the criteria factors in choosing the best marketing strategy
2. Customer service is influencing with good service and good facility. Because
the shop have to show that they not only sell the product but good service and
facility too.
3. Building relationship with customer is influencing good services and good
facility. Becuse with a good service and facility of the shop customer will feel
comfort with service and the facility in the shop.
4. Understanding the customer needs is influencing discount and internet
marketing. As we know the society when know a shop have a discount they
will go to the shop and they can find the information about discount usually in
5. Media partner is influencing building relationship with customer and
understanding the customer needs. Because people now always use a media
social to looking for something so the shop have to follow the trend to promote
the shop.

6. Discount is influencing the understanding of customer needs. This is usually

happen and insting from the people like to shopping to always find a shop that
have a discount.
7. Internet marketing is influencing the customer service and understanding the
customer need. Because on this digital era people like to only use the internet
for looking something to make the people easier to find what are they needs.
8. Strong relationship with distributor is influencing good service, integrated
system and good facilities. Because distributor will check the facilities to
storage the product is already on the standard with the integrated system make
the monitoring of the product are easier it can be catagorizesd as a good
service for the ditribuor.
9. Punctuality of distribution

is influencing reach the customer, easy to be

access, near the city, and policy. Those can make the distribution delivered on
time when the access of the road is good and near by the customer and the
policy of customs is easy to work with it so all the product from the distributor
can arrive on time.
10. Reach by the customer is influencing understanding the customer needs, easy
to acces and near with the city center. Because now many people are not want
go to far when they looking for something it will waste time.
11. Good service is influencing

building relationship with customer, internet

marketing and strong relationship with distributor. Because service is

important when we have a shop with a good service that can remember by the
customer and distributor.
12. Integrated system is influencing good service, good facility and strong
relationship with customer. Because when all the system are integrated all the
information can be manage it make all the information clear.
13. Good facility is influencing building relationship with customer and good
service. Beause when the shop have a good facility the customer will feel
comfort when shopping in the shop.
14. Easy to be acces is influencing building relationship with customer, strong
relationship with distributor and near the city center. When the shop are near in
the city center it will make the acces is easy to find and the chances for the

distributor to get profit will increase too, because when the shop are in the
central city many people will go there rather go to other shop that in rural area.
15. Near with city center is influencing understanding of the customer needs and
reach by the customer. Because if the shop near in the city people are easy to
find and this what the customer needs.
16. Policy is influencing strong relationship with distributor. Because when the
policy are easy to process the distributor easy to distribute the product.

Picture 4.2 Result and Pairwaise Comparation With Respect to Open Online Shop in
Node Distributor Cluster
In the picture can be seen that punctually of distribution is extremely more important
than raech the customer, punctually of distribution is moderately strong more
important than strong relationship with distributor, then strong relationship with
distributor is moderately strong more important than reach the customer. For the
number of inconsistency are 0.03548 it means the data is already consistency because
to make it consistency the number of consistency must be < 0.1.

Picture 4.3 Result and Pairwaise Comparison With Respect to Open Online Shop in
Node Establish New Branch Cluter
From the picture above, can be known that near with the city is strongly more
important than easy to be access, policy is moderately to strongly more important than
easy to be access and near with the city is equally to moderately more important than
policy. For the result of the inconsistency, shown 0.02365 < 0.1 it means consistency.

Picture 4.4 Result and Pairwaise Comparation With Respect to Open Online Shop in
Node Management Cluster
From the picture above the data shown that good facility is moderately more
important than good service, good facility is strongly more important than integrated
system and good services is moderately to strongly more important than integrated
system. For the result of inconsistency shown the number of inconsistency are
0.08247 it means the data consistency because the data < 0.1.

Picture 4.5 Result and Pairwise Comparation With Respect to Open Online Shop
Node in Promotion Cluster
From the picture can be seen that discount is moderaely more important than internet
marketing, media partner is strongly more important than discount and media partner
is strongly to very strongly more important than internet marketing. Result shown
number of inconsistency are 0.09040 < 0.1 it means the data are consistence.

Picture 4.6 Result and Pairwise Comparition With Respect to Open Online Shop Node
in Relationship With Customer Cluster

In the picture can be seen that building relationship with customer is very strongly
more importanct than customer service, building relationship with customer is
moderately more important than understanding the customer needs and understanding
the customer needs is strongly more important than customer service. Result shown
the data < 0.1 in number 0.06239 its means the data is consitence.

Picture 4.7 Result and Pairwise Comparation With Repect to Sell High-Quality
Product Node in Distributor Cluster
From the picture can be seen that puntuality of distribution is strongly more important
than reach the customer, punctuality of distribution is moderately more important than
strong relationship with distributor and strong relationship with distributor is
moderately more important than reach the customer. Result shown the number of
inconsistency is 0.03703 which mean the data < 0.1 it makes the data consistence.

Picture 4.8 Result and Pairwise Comparation With Respect to Sell High-Quality
Product Node in Establish New Branch Cluster
From the picture can be seen that easy to be access is moderately more important than
near with the city, policy is strongly more important than easy to be access and policy
is strongly to very strongly more important than near with the city. Number of
inconsistency is 0.09040 < 0.1 it means consistence,

Picture 4.9 Result and Pairwise Comparition With Respect to Sell High-Quality
Product Node in Management Cluster
From the picture above the data shown that good services is strongly to very strongly
more important than good facility, integrated system is moderately to strongly more
important than good facility and good services is moderately more important than
integrated system. The inconsistency number shown 0.05156 < 0.1 it means the data is

Picture 4.10 Result and Pairwise Comparation With Respect to Sell High-Quality
Product Node in Promotion Cluster
From the picture above shown that internet marketing is moderately more important
than discount, discount is moderately more important than media partner and internet
marketing is very strongly more important than media partner. The number of
inconsistency is 0.07348 which mean < 0.1 that means the data is consitence.

Picture 4.11 Result and Pairwise Comparison With Respect to Sell High-Quality Node
in Relationship With Customer Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that the building relationship with customer is
strongly to very more important than customer service, building relationship with

customer is strongly more important than understanding customer needs and

understanding customer needs is moderately more important than customer service.
The result from this comparasion the data of inconsistency number is 0.09040 which
means the data are consistence because the data are < 0.1

Picture 4.12 Result and Pairwise Comparison With Respect to Sell Low-Price Product
Node in Distributor Cluster
As the picture shown the punctuality of distribution is moderately to strongly more
important than reach the customer, puntuality of the distribution is strongly moderate
more important than strong relationship with distributor and reach the customer is
moderately more important than strong relationship with distributor. Result for the
number of inconsistency is 0.08247 which means the data < 0.1 so the data is

Picture 4.13 Result and Pairwise Comparison With Respect to Sell Low-Price Product
Node in Establish New Branch Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that easy to be access is strongly more important
than near with the city, policy is equally to moderately more important than easy to be
access and policy is moderately to strongly more important than near with the city. For
the result of inconsistency number, the number shown that the data is already
consistence in number 0.09040 < 0.1.

Picture 4.14 Result and Pairwise Comparison With Respect to Sell Low-Price Product
Node in Management Cluster
From the picture above can be seen good services is strongly more important than
good facility, integrated system is moderately to strongly more important than good
facility and integrated system is equally to moderately more important than good
service. The result of the inconsistency number is 0.09040 which means < 0.1 and the
data is consistence.

Picture 4.15 Result and Pairwise Comparation With Respect to Sell Low-Price
Product Node in Promotion Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that discount are strongly to very strongly more
important than internet marketing, discount is strongly more important than media
partner and media partner is equally to moderately more important than internet
marketing. The result of number of consistency is 0.02795 < 0.1 which means the data
is consistence

Picture 4.16 Result and Pairwise Comparison With Respect to Sell Low-Price Product
Node in Relationship With Customer Cluster

From picture above shown that the data customer service is very strongly to
extremelly more important than building relationship with customer, understanding
customer needs is strongly to very strongly more important than building relationship
with customer and customer service is equally to moderately more important than
understanding the customer needs. The inconsistency number 0.01759 < 0.1 which
means the data is consistence.

Picture 4.17 Result and Pairwise Comparison With Respect to Punctuality of

Distribution Node in Alternative Cluster
From the data above can be seen sell high-quality product is strongly more important
than open online shop, sell low price-product is moderately to strongly more
important than open online shop and sell high-quality product is moderately more
important than sell low-price product. For the result of inconsistency number is
0.08247 < 0.1 data is consistence.

Picture 4.18 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Punctuality of

Distribution Node in Establish New Branch Cluster
From the picture above easy to be access is moderately to stongly more important than
near with the city, policy is moderately to strongly more important than easy to be
access and policy is very strongly more important than near with the city. For the
result of the inconsistency number is 0.07348 that makes the data consistence because
< 0.1.

Picture 4.19 Result and Pairwise Comparasions With Respect to Reach the Customer
Node in Alternative Cluster
The picture shown the data that open online shop is strongly more important than sell
high-quality product, open online shop is moderately more important than sell lowprice product and sell low-price product is moderately to strongly more important than
sell high-quality product. For the result of inconsistency number is 0.08247 < 0.1 the
data is consistence.

Picture 4.20 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Reach the Customer
Node in Establish New Branch Cluster
From the pictur above the data shown that near with the city is strongly more
important than easy to be acces. The number of inconsistency number is 0.00000 < 0.1
the data is consistence.

Picture 4.21 Result and Pairwise Comparisions With Respect to Strong Relationship
With Distributor Node in Alternative Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that open online shope is moderately to strongly
more important than sell high-quality product, open online shope is moderate more
important than sell low-price product and sell low-price product is moderate more

important than sell high-quality product. The result from the inconsistency number is
0.07069 < 0.1 which means the data is consistence.

Picture 4.22 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Strong Relationship
With Distributor Node in Management Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that good services is strongly to very strongly
more important than good facility, integrated system is strongly more important than
good facility and good services is moderately more important than integrated system.
The number of inconsistency is 0.09040 < 0.1 which means the data is consistence.

Picture 4.23 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Easy To Be Accessed
Node in Alternative Cluster
From the picture above can be seen open online shope is strongly more important than
sell high-quality product, open online shop is strongly to very strongly more important
than sell low-price product and sell high-quality product is moderately more importan
than sell low-price product. Number of inconsistency is 0.09040 < 0.1 which means
the data is consistence.

Picture 4.24 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Near with City Center
Node in Alternative Cluster

From the picture above can be seen sell high-quality product is strongly more
important than open online shop, sell low-price product is moderately more important
than open online shop and sell high-quality product is moderately more important than
sell low-price product. The result of inconsistency is 0.3703 < 0.1 means data is

Picture 4.25 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Policy Node in
Alternative Cluster
From the data above can be seen that open online shop are strongly more important
than sell high-quality product, open online shop is moderately to strongly more
important than sell low-price product and sell low-price product is moderately more
important than sell high-quality product. Inconsistency number is 0.08247 < 0.1 data

Picture 4.26 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Good Facility Node in
Alternative Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that sell high-quality product is very strongly
more important than open online shop, sell low-price product is moderately more
important than open online shop and sell high quality-product is moderately to
strongly more important than sell low-price product. Inconsistency is 0.03112 < 0.1
data consistence.

Picture 4.27 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Good Services Node
in Alternative Cluster
From the data above can be seen open online shop is extremelly more important than
sell high quality-product, open online shop is very strongly more important than sell
low-price product and sell high-quality product is equally to moderately more
important than sell low-price. Inconsistency number is 0.09609 < 0.1 which means
data is consistence.

Picture 4.28 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Integrated system
Node in Alternative Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that open online shop is strongly to very strongly
more important than sell high-quality product, open online shop is strongly more
important than sell low-price prodcut and sell low-price product is moderately more
important than sell high-quality product. Inconsistency number is 0.09049 < 0.1 which
means data is consistence.

Picture 4.29 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Integrated System
Node in Management Cluster

From the picture above can be seen that good services is strongly to very strongly
more important than good facility. The inconsistency number is 0.00000 < 0.1 which
means the data is consistence.

Picture 4.30 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Discount Node in
Alternative Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that open online shop is moderately to strongly
more important than sell high-quality product, sell low-price product is moderately
more important than open online shop and sell low-price product is strongly more
importan than sell high-quality product. The number of inconsistency is 0.08247 < 0.1
which means the data is consistence.

Picture 4.31 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Internet Marketing
Node in Alternative Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that open online shop is strongly to very strongly
more important than sell high-quality product, open online shop is moderately more
important than sell low-price product and sell low-price product is moderately more
important than sell high-quality product. The result of inconsistency number is
0.01759 < 0.1 which means the data is consistence.

Picture 4.32 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Internet Marketing
Node in Relationship With Customer Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that customer service is strongly to very strongly
more mportant than understanding customer needs. The result from inconsistency
number is 0.00000 < 0.1 that means the data is consistence.

Picture 4.33 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Media Partner Node in
Alternative Cluster
From the data above sell high-quality product is strongly to very strongly more
important than open online shop, sell low-price product is moderately more important
than open online shop and sell high-quality product is moderately to strongly more
important than sell low-price product. The number of inconsistency is 0.05156 < 0.1
which means the data is consistence.

Picture 4.34 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Media Partner Node in
Relationship With Customer Cluster
From the picture above shown that building relationship with customer is strongly
more important than understanding customer needs. The inconsistency number is
0.00000 < 0.1 that makes data is consistence.

Picture 4.35 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Building Relationship
With Customer Node in Alterntive Cluster
From the data above can be seen that sell high-quality product is strongly to very
strongly more imporant than open onine shop, sell low-price product is strongly more
important than open online shop and sell high-quality product is moderately more
important than sell low-price product. The inconsistency result is 0.9040 < 0.1 which
means the data is consistence

Picture 4.36 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Building Relationship
With Customer Node in Management Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that good services is very strongly more important
than good facility and the inconsistency is 0.00000 < 0.1 data is consistence.

Picture 4.37 Result and Comparisons With Respect to Customer Service Node in
Alternative Cluster
From the picture above the data shown that sell high-quality product is strongly to
very strongly more important than open online shop, sell low-price product is
moderately more important than open online shop and sell high-quality product is
moderately more important than sell low-price. The result of inconsistency is 0.01759
< 0.1 which is means the data is consistence.

Picture 4.38 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Customer Service
Node in Management Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that good services are strongly to extremelly more
important than good facility and number 0.0000 it makes the data is consistence
because < 0.1.

Picture 4.39 Result and Pairwise Computasions With Respect to Understanding

Customer Needs Node in Alternative Cluster
From the data above can be seen that open online shop is strongly more important
than sell high-quality product, sell low-price product is moderately more important
than open online shop and sell low-price is strongly to very strongly more important
than sell high-quality product. The result of the inconsistency number is 0.09040 < 0.1
data is consistence.

Picture 4.40 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Understanding

Customer Needs Node in Promotion Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that discount is strongly more important than
internet marketing and the inconsistency 0.00000 < 0.1 make the data is consistence.

Picture 4.41 Result and Pairwise Comperasions With Respect to Alternative Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that distributor is moderately more important than
establish new branch, distributor is moderately more important than management,
distributor strongly to very strongly more important than promotion, relationship with
customer is moderately to strongly more important than establish new branch,
establish new branch is moderately to strongly more important than promotion,
relationship with customer is strongly more important than establish new branch,
management is moderately more important than promotion, relationship with
customer is strongly more important than management and relationship with customer
is strongly to very strongly more important than promotion. For the result of the
inconsistency number is 0.09930 < 0.1 so the data is consistence.

Picture 4.42 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Distributor Cluster

From the picture above the data can be seen as, Distributor is strongly to very strongly
more important than alternative, alternative is moderately to strongly more important
than establish new branch, management is moderately more important than
alternative, relationship with customer is strongly to very strongly more important
than alternative, distributor is very strongly more important than establish new branch,
distributor is equally to moderately more important than management, distributor is
equally to moderately more important to relationship with customer, management is
moderately to strongly more impotant than establish new branch, relationship with
customer is strongly to very strongly more important than establish new branch and
relationship with customer is strongly more important than management. The result of
inconsistensy iso.09535 < 0.1 which is the data is consistence.

Picture 4.43 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Establish New Branch
From the data above can be seen distributor is strongly more important than
alternative, establish new branch is moderately more important than alternative,
relationship with customer is moderately to strongly more important than alternative,
distributor is strongly to very strongly more important than establish new branch,
distributor is strongly more important than relationship with customer and relationship
with customer is equally to moderately more important than establish new branch. The
result of the inconsistency number is 0.09636 < 0.1 data is consistence.

Picture 4.45 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Management Cluster
From the picture above can be seen that alternative is strongly more important than
distributor, alternative is strongly more important than management, alternative is
moderately to strongly more important than promotion, alternative is strongly to very
strongly more important than relationship with customer, management is equally to
moderately more important than distributor, promotion is moderately more important
than promotion, relationship with customer is strongly more important than
distributor, promotion is equally to moderately more important than management,
relationship with customer is moderately more important than management and
promotion is equally to moderately more important than relationship with customer.
The result of inconsistency number is 0.08502 < 0.1 so the data is consistence

Picture 4.46 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Promotion Cluster
From the data above can be seen that alternative is moderately to strongly more
important than relationship with customer and the inconsistency data is 0.00000 < 0.1
the data is consistence.

Picture 4.47 Result and Pairwise Comparisons With Respect to Relationship with
Customer Cluster
From the data above alternative is strongly more important than distributor, alternative
moderatey to strongly more important than management, alternative is equally to
moderately more important than promotion, management is moderately to strongly
more important than distributor, promotion is moderately more important than
distributor and promotion is equally to moderately more important than management.
The result of inconsistency number is 0.05626 < 0.1 the data is consistence because
below 0.1.

Picture 4.48 Unweigted Super Matrix

Picture 4.49 Weighted Super Matrix

Picture 4.50 Limit Super Matrix

Picture 4.51 Synthesis

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