VCE Music Style and Composition: Externally-Assessed Task Specifications 2016

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VCE Music Style and Composition:

Externally-assessed Task Specifications

Key knowledge and skills related to Outcome 3 in Units 3 and 4 will be assessed by the Externallyassed Task (EAT).
The EAT will be assessed by an external panel appointed by the Victorian Curriculum and
Assessment Authority.
Further information including Guidelines and a Marking Sheet will be published annually.

Contribution to Final Assessment

The Externally-assessed Task (EAT) will contribute 30 per cent of the study score.
All the key knowledge and key skills that underpin Outcome 3 in Units 3 and 4 are examinable in
the EAT.

Externally-assessed Task Specifications

Students will submit a folio that contains two short creative exercises, an original music work, audio
recordings and documentation including notation as appropriate to the creative exercises and the
original music work as outlined below.

Unit 3
Creative Exercises

Two creative exercises that were

completed in response to studied
music. The exercises should be created
within specific parameters described in
the assessment task established by the
school and draw on explicit links to the
music studied. The exercises must be:

presented in notated and audio form,

approximately 12-16 bars and/or approximately 25-30 seconds, and
for 2-5 instruments.



Description and/or annotation of the

relationship between the creative
exercises and the music studied. The
documentation must describe the link to
the music studied and details of the aim

VCE Music Style and Composition: Externally-assessed Task Specifications 2016

of each creative exercise. The

documentation must be:


between 100 and 150 words for each exercise in prose, annotation and/or dot point

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VCE Music Style and Composition: Externally-assessed Task Specifications 2016

Unit 4
Original Music Work

An original music work presented in

notated and audio form. The work must

Documentation for the original music

work. The documentation must be:

between 2-4 minutes.



between 900 and 1100 words in prose, annotation and/or dot point format, and
a statement of intention for a complete original music work,
evidence of the development and refinement of the work from starting point to final
explanation of decisions made at stages of the creative process,
explanation of technical and practical factors that influenced the creative process,
description and/or annotation of the treatment of the elements of music to achieve the
stated aim in the final work, and
description and/or annotation of the use of compositional devices, including contrast,
repetition and variation, in the final work.

Assessment Criteria and Weightings

Students will be assessed on how well they demonstrate their ability to do the following:
Unit 3

Unit 4


Creative Exercises
create music using the elements of music and compositional devices
including at least one of contrast, repetition and/or variation, based on the
music characteristics of studied music
document the relationship between the creative exercises and music
studied using appropriate music terminology and language
Original Music Work
manipulate the elements of music and use appropriate compositional
devices, including contrast, repetition and variation, to develop musical
document and describe the creative process, including:
references to stimulus and/or intention,
explanation of development and refinement of music through to final
realisation, and decisions made at different stages in creative process,
use of appropriate music terminology and language
notate the musical responses in an appropriate format


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VCE Music Style and Composition: Externally-assessed Task Specifications 2016

Unit 3
Creative Exercises
Mark range

Expected qualities for the mark range

18-20 marks

High level manipulation of the elements of music. Comprehensive and creative understanding of the
use of compositional devices. A clear and explicit connection to the studied music is evident.

14-17 marks

Effective manipulation of the elements of music. Thorough understanding of the use of

compositional devices. A clear connection to the studied music is evident.

10-13 marks

Competent manipulation of the elements of music. Adequate understanding of the use of

compositional devices. An obvious connection to the studied music is evident.

5-9 marks

Limited manipulation of some elements of music. Some understanding of the use of compositional
devices. A tenuous connection to he studied music is evident.

1-4 marks

Very limited manipulation of some elements of music. Limited understanding of the use of
compositional devices. No connection to the studied music is evident.

Mark range

Expected qualities for the mark range

9-10 marks

Insightful documentation and description of the relationship between the music studied and the
creative exercises that demonstrates a perceptive reflection using highly appropriate and
accurate music terminology and language.

7-8 marks

Thorough documentation and description of relationship between the music studied and the creative
exercises that demonstrates an informed reflection using accurate music terminology and

5-6 marks

Clear documentation and description of relationship between the music studied and the creative
exercises that demonstrates an adequate reflection using appropriate music terminology and

3-4 marks

Limited documentation and description of the relationship between the music studied and the
creative exercises. Limited reflection using some music terminology and language.

1-2 marks

Presents some material related to the requirements of the task with very little documentation and
description of the relationship between the music studied and the creative exercises.
Consistently inappropriate/incorrect use of music terminology and language.


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VCE Music Style and Composition: Externally-assessed Task Specifications 2016

Unit 4
Original Music Work
Mark range

Expected qualities for the mark range

34-40 marks

High-level manipulation of the elements of music to achieve creative aims, and highly effective use
of appropriate compositional devices, including contrast, repetition and variation, to develop
musical material.

27-33 marks

Effective manipulation of the elements of music to achieve creative aims, and controlled use of
appropriate compositional devices, including contrast, repetition and variation, to thoroughly
develop musical material.

18-26 marks

Competent manipulation of the elements of music to achieve creative aims, and use of appropriate
compositional devices, including contrast, repetition and variation, to develop musical material.

9-17 marks

Limited manipulation of the elements of music to achieve creative aims, and use of compositional
devices, including contrast, repetition and variation. Limited development of musical material.

1-8 marks

Very limited manipulation of the elements of music to achieve creative aims, and little use of
compositional devices, including contrast, repetition and variation. Very limited or no
development of musical material.

Mark range

Expected qualities for the mark range

17-20 marks

Insightful and detailed documentation and description of the creative process from initial stimulus
and/or intention through development and refinement to final realisation. Coherent explanation
of decisions made at different stages in the creative process using appropriate music
terminology and language.

13-16 marks

Thorough documentation and description of the creative process from initial stimulus and/or
intention through development and refinement to final realisation. Thorough explanation of
decisions made at different stages in the creative process using appropriate music terminology
and language.

9-12 marks

Clear documentation and description of the creative process from initial stimulus and/or intention
through development and refinement to final realisation. Clear explanation of decisions made
at different stages in the creative process using music terminology and language.

4-8 marks

Limited documentation and description of the creative process from initial stimulus and/or intention
through development and refinement to final realisation. Limited explanation of decisions made
at different stages in the creative process using music terminology and language.

1-3 marks

Very limited documentation and description of the creative process from initial stimulus and/or
intention through development and refinement to final realisation. Very limited explanation of
decisions made at different stages in the creative process using music terminology and
language. Response may demonstrate consistent inappropriate/incorrect use of music
terminology and language.


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VCE Music Style and Composition: Externally-assessed Task Specifications 2016

Overall Notation
Mark range

Expected qualities for the mark range

9-10 marks

Detailed and coherent notation of the musical responses* in an appropriate format.

7-8 marks

Thorough notation of the musical responses in an appropriate format.

5-6 marks

Clear notation of the musical responses in an appropriate format.

3-4 marks

Notation of the musical responses in an appropriate format.

1-2 marks

Limited notation of the musical responses.

* musical responses include the creative exercises and the original music work


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