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Corporate law[show]
Theoretical scope[edit]
Nature of work[edit]
Historical development[edit]
Early writing[edit]
19th century[edit]
20th century[edit]
21st century[edit]
Basic roles[edit]
Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]
Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]
United States[edit]
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Good practices[edit]
See also[edit]
External links[edit]
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In other projects


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Manager" redirects here. For other uses, see Mgt. (disambiguation) and Manager

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An organization chart for the United States Coast Guard shows the hierarchy of
managerial roles in that organization.
Business administration

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Mgt. in businesses and other organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and

government bodies, refers to the individuals who set the strategy of the organization

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The Principle sir,
Subject: Application of leave for 10 days.
Dear sir,
I hereby inform you that I will unable to come for next 10 days. Because I will go for world
tour with my family .Kindly allow me to go for same.

Yours Sincerely,

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Page 6


and coordinate the efforts of employees (or volunteers, in the case of some voluntary
organizations) to accomplish objectives by using available human, financial and other
includesplanning, organizing, selecting
staff, leading or
and controlling an organization to accomplish various goals. Resourcingencompasses
of human
resources, financial resources, technological resources, natural resources and other
Mgt. is also an academic discipline, a social science whose objective is to study social
organization and organizational leadership. Mgt. is studied at colleges and universities;
some important degrees in mgt. are the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) andMaster of
Business Administration (M.B.A.) and, for the public sector, the Master of Public
Administration (MPA) degree. Individuals who aim at becoming mgt. researchers or
professors may complete the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the PhD in
business administration or mgt..

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11 1




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There are three levels of managers, which are typically organized in a hierarchical, pyramid
structure. Senior managers, such as the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
or President of an organization, set the strategic goals of the organization and make decisions
on how the overall organization will operate. Senior managers provide direction to the middle
managers who report to them. Middle managers, examples of which would include branch
managers, regional managers and section managers, provide direction to front-line managers.
Middle managers communicate the strategic goals of senior mgt. to the front-line

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Series 1

Series 2
Series 3

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

managers. Lower managers, such assupervisors and front-line team leaders, oversee the work
of regular employees (or volunteers, in some voluntary organizations) and provide direction
on their work.



o 2.1Theoretical scope

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3Nature of work

4Historical development

Page 14


o 4.1Early writing
o 4.219th century
o 4.320th century
o 4.421st century

o 5.1Basics
o 5.2Basic roles
o 5.3Skills
o 5.4Implementation of policies and strategies

6Policies and strategies in the planning process

o 7.1Top
o 7.2Middle
o 7.3Lower

o 8.1United States



o 8.2Good practices

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9See also
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11External links


The English verb "manage" comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools or
a horse), which derives from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act). The
French word for housekeeping, mnagerie, derived from mnager ("to keep house";
compare mnage for "household"), also encompasses taking care of domestic
animals.Mnagerie is
of Xenophon's
book Oeconomicus[1] (Greek: ) on household matters and husbandry. The French
word mesnagement (ormnagement) influenced the semantic development of the English
word mgt. in the 17th and 18th centuries.[2]

Mark Zuckerberg is the Chief Executive Officer and Chair forFacebook, a major
American social networking company.
Views on the definition and scope of mgt. include:

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According to Henri Fayol, "to manage is to forecast and to

plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to

Fredmund Malik defines it as "the transformation of resources

into utility."
Page 16


Mgt. included as one of the factors of production - along with

machines, materials and money.

Ghislain Deslandes defines it as a vulnerable force, under

pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power
of constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on
subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental

Peter Drucker (19092005) saw the basic task of mgt. as

twofold: marketing and innovation. Nevertheless, innovation
is also linked to marketing (product innovation is a central
strategic marketing issue). Peter Drucker identifies marketing
as a key essence for business success, but mgt. and marketing
are generally understood[by whom?] as two different branches of
business administration knowledge.

Theoretical scope[edit]
Mgt. involves identifying the mission, objective, procedures, rules and manipulation[5] of
the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise.[citation needed] This
implies effective communication: an enterprise environment (as opposed to a physical or
mechanical mechanism) implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful
progress or system outcome.[citation needed]As such, mgt. is not the manipulation of a mechanism
(machine or automated program), not the herding of animals, and can occur either in a legal or
in an illegal enterprise or environment. Mgt. does not need to be seen from enterprise point of
view alone, because mgt. is an essential function to improve one's life and relationships.[citation
Mgt. is therefore everywhere[citation needed] and it has a wider range of application. [clarification
Based on this, mgt. must have humans, communication, and a positive enterprise
endeavor.[citation needed] Plans, measurements, motivational psychological tools, goals, and
economic measures (profit, etc.) may or may not be necessary components for there to be
mgt.. At first, one views mgt. functionally, such as measuring quantity, adjusting plans,
meeting goals.[citation needed] This applies even in situations where planning does not take place.
From this perspective, Henri Fayol (18411925)[6][page needed] considers mgt. to consist of
six functions:
1. forecasting
2. planning
3. organizing

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4. commanding
5. coordinating
6. controlling
(Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of mgt.. [citation
In another way of thinking, Mary Parker Follett (18681933), allegedly defined mgt. as "the
art of getting things done through people". [7] She described mgt. as philosophy.[8][need quotation to

Critics[which?], however, find this definition useful but far too narrow. The phrase "mgt. is what
managers do" occurs widely,[9] suggesting the difficulty of defining mgt. without circularity,
the shifting nature of definitions[citation needed] and the connection of managerial practices with the
existence of a managerial cadre or of a class.
One habit of thought regards mgt. as equivalent to "business administration" and thus
excludes mgt. in places outside commerce, as for example in charitiesand in the public sector.
More broadly, every organization must "manage" its work, people, processes, technology, etc.
to maximize effectiveness.[citation needed] Nonetheless, many people refer to university
departments that teach mgt. as "business schools". Some such institutions (such as
the Harvard Business School) use that name, while others (such as the Yale School of Mgt.)
employ the broader term "mgt.".
English-speakers may also use the term "mgt." or "the mgt." as a collective word describing
the managers of an organization, for example of a corporation.[10]Historically this use of the
term often contrasted with the term "labor" - referring to those being managed.[11]
But in the present era[when?] the concept of mgt. is identified[by whom?] in the wide areas[which?] and
its frontiers have been pushed to a broader range.[citation needed] Apart from profitable
organizations even non-profitable organizations (NGOs) apply mgt. concepts. The concept
and its uses are not constrained[by whom?]. Mgt. on the whole is the process of planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
Nature of work[edit]
In profitable organizations, mgt.'s primary function is the satisfaction of a range
of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued
products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing great employment opportunities
for employees. In nonprofit mgt., add the importance of keeping the faith of donors. In most
models of mgt. and governance, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board
then hires senior mgt.. Some organizations have experimented with other methods (such as
employee-voting models) of selecting or reviewing managers, but this is rare.
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In the public sector of countries constituted as representative democracies, voters elect

politicians to public office. Such politicians hire many managers and administrators, and in
some countries like the United States political appointees lose their jobs on the election of a
new president/governor/mayor.
Historical development[edit]
Some see mgt. (by definition) as late-modern (in the sense of late modernity)
conceptualization. On those terms it cannot have a pre-modern history, only harbingers (such
as stewards). Others, however, detect mgt.-like-thought back to Sumerian traders and to the
builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Slave-owners through the centuries faced the
problems of exploiting/motivating a dependent but sometimes unenthusiastic or recalcitrant
workforce, but many pre-industrial enterprises, given their small scale, did not feel compelled
to face the issues of mgt. systematically. However, innovations such as the spread of Hindu
numerals (5th to 15th centuries) and the codification of double-entry book-keeping (1494)
provided tools for mgt. assessment, planning and control.
With the changing workplaces of industrial revolutions in the 18th and 19th
centuries, military theory and practice contributed approaches to managing the newlypopularfactories.[12]
Given the scale of most commercial operations and the lack of mechanized record-keeping
and recording before the industrial revolution, it made sense for most owners of enterprises in
those times to carry out mgt. functions by and for themselves. But with growing size and
complexity of organizations, the split between owners (individuals, industrial dynasties or
groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and
control) gradually became more common.
Early writing[edit]
While mgt. (according to some definitions) has existed for millennia, several writers have
created a background of works that assisted in modern mgt. theories. [13] Some ancient military
texts have been cited for lessons that civilian managers can gather. For example, Chinese
general Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, The Art of War, recommends being aware of and
acting on strengths and weaknesses of both a manager's organization and a foe's.
Influential Chinese Legalist philosopher Shen Buhaimay be considered valuable as a rare
premodern example of abstract theory of administration.[14]
Various ancient and medieval civilizations have produced "mirrors for princes" books, which
aim to advise new monarchs on how to govern. Plato described job specialization in 350 B.C.,
and Alfarabi listed several leadership traits in A.D. 900. [15] Other examples include the
Indian Arthashastra by Chanakya (written around 300 BCE), and The Prince by Italian
author Niccol Machiavelli (c. 1515).[16]
Further information: Mirrors for princes
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Written in 1776 by Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher, The Wealth of

Nations discussed efficient organization of work through division of labour.[16] Smith
described how changes in processes could boost productivity in the manufacture of pins.
While individuals could produce 200 pins per day, Smith analyzed the steps involved in
manufacture and, with 10 specialists, enabled production of 48,000 pins per day.[16]
19th century[edit]
Classical economists such as Adam Smith (17231790) and John Stuart Mill (18061873)
provided a theoretical background to resource-allocation, production, and pricingissues.
About the same time, innovators like Eli Whitney (17651825), James Watt (17361819),
and Matthew Boulton (17281809) developed elements of technical production such
as standardization, quality-control procedures, cost-accounting, interchangeability of parts,
and work-planning. Many of these aspects of mgt. existed in the pre-1861 slave-based sector
of the US economy. That environment saw 4 million people, as the contemporary usages had
it, "managed" in profitable quasi-mass production.
Salaried managers as an identifiable group first became prominent in the late 19th century.[17]
20th century[edit]
By about 1900 one finds managers trying to place their theories on what they regarded as a
thoroughly scientific basis (see scientism for perceived limitations of this belief). Examples
include Henry R. Towne's Science of mgt. in the 1890s, Frederick Winslow Taylor's The
Principles of Scientific Mgt. (1911), Lillian Gilbreth'sPsychology of Mgt. (1914),
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth's Applied motion study (1917), and Henry L. Gantt's charts
(1910s). J. Duncan wrote the first collegemgt.-textbook in 1911. In 1912 Yoichi
Ueno introduced Taylorism to Japan and became the first mgt. consultant of the "Japanesemgt. style". His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese quality assurance.
The first comprehensive theories of mgt. appeared around 1920. The Harvard Business
School offered the first Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921. People
like Henri Fayol (18411925) and Alexander Church described the various branches of mgt.
and their inter-relationships. In the early 20th century, people like Ordway Tead (1891
1973), Walter Scott and J. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to mgt.. Other
writers, such as Elton Mayo (18801949), Mary Parker Follett (18681933), Chester
Barnard (18861961), Max Weber (18641920), who saw what he called the "administrator"
as bureaucrat[19]), Rensis Likert (19031981), andChris Argyris (* 1923) approached the
phenomenon of mgt. from a sociological perspective.
Peter Drucker (19092005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied mgt.: Concept of the
Corporation (published in 1946). It resulted from Alfred Sloan (chairman ofGeneral
Motors until 1956) commissioning a study of the organisation. Drucker went on to write 39
books, many in the same vein.

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H. Dodge, Ronald Fisher (18901962), and Thornton C. Fry introduced statistical techniques
into mgt.-studies. In the 1940s, Patrick Blackett worked in the development of the appliedmathematics science of operations research, initially for military operations. Operations
research, sometimes known as "mgt. science" (but distinct from Taylor's scientific mgt.),
attempts to take a scientific approach to solving decision-problems, and can apply directly to
multiple mgt. problems, particularly in the areas of logistics and operations.
Some of the more recent developments include the Theory of Constraints, mgt. by
objectives, reengineering, Six Sigma and various information-technology-driven theories such
as agile software development, as well as group-mgt. theories such as Cog's Ladder.
As the general recognition of managers as a class solidified during the 20th century and gave
perceived practitioners of the art/science of mgt. a certain amount of prestige, so the way
opened for popularised systems of mgt. ideas to peddle their wares. In this context many mgt.
fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of mgt..
Towards the end of the 20th century, business mgt. came to consist of six separate branches,
[citation needed]
1. financial mgt.
2. human resource mgt.
3. information technology
information systems)

mgt. (responsible

for mgt.

4. marketing mgt.
5. operations mgt. or production mgt.
6. strategic mgt.
21st century[edit]
In the 21st century observers find it increasingly difficult to subdivide mgt. into functional
categories in this way. More and more processes simultaneously involve several categories.
Instead, one tends to think in terms of the various processes, tasks, and objects subject to mgt..
[citation needed]

Branches of mgt. theory also exist relating to nonprofits and to government: such as public
administration, public mgt., and educational mgt.. Further, mgt. programs related to civilsociety organizations have also spawned programs in nonprofit mgt. and social
Note that many of the assumptions made by mgt. have come under attack from businessethics viewpoints, critical mgt. studies, and anti-corporate activism.
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As one consequence, workplace democracy (sometimes referred to as Workers' self-mgt.) has

become both more common and advocated to a greater extent, in some places distributing all
mgt. functions among workers, each of whom takes on a portion of the work. However, these
models predate any current political issue, and may occur more naturally than does
a command hierarchy. All mgt. embraces to some degree a democratic principlein that in
the long term, the majority of workers must support mgt.. Otherwise, they leave to find other
work or go on strike. Despite the move toward workplace democracy, command-and-control
organization structures remain commonplace as de facto organization structure. Indeed, the
entrenched nature of command-and-control is evident in the way that recent layoffs have been
conducted with mgt. ranks affected far less than employees at the lower levels. In some cases,
mgt. has even rewarded itself with bonuses after laying off lower-level workers.[20]
According to leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, a contemporary senior mgt.
team will almost inevitably have some personality disorders.[21]
Mgt. operates through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding,
and controlling.

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and

generating plans for action(deciding in advance).

Organizing: Making sure the human and nonhuman resources

are put into place

Coordinating (or staffing): Creating a structure through

which an organization's goals can be accomplished.

Commanding (or leading): Determining what must be done in

a situation and getting people to do it.

Controlling: Checking progress against plans.

Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction

with employees

Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and

analyzing information

Basic roles[edit]

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Decision: roles that require decision-making

establish connections

conceptual: used to analyze complex situations

and delegate

diagnostic: ability to visualize appropriate responses to a


leadership: ability to lead and to provide guidance to a specific


technical: expertise in one's particular functional area.

Mgt. skills include:




a power

base and

communicate, motivate,



Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]

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All policies and strategies must be discussed with all

managerial personnel and staff.

Managers must understand where and how they can

implement their policies and strategies.

A plan of action must be devised for each department.

Policies and strategies must be reviewed regularly.

Contingency plans must be devised in case the environment


Top-level managers should carry out regular progress


The business requires team spirit and a good environment.

Page 23


The missions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of each

department must be analyzed to determine their roles in
achieving the business's mission.

The forecasting method develops a reliable picture of the

business's future environment.

A planning unit must be created to ensure that all plans are

consistent and that policies and strategies are aimed at
achieving the same mission and objectives.

Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]

They give mid and lower-level managers a good idea of the

future plans for each department in an organization.

A framework is created whereby plans and decisions are


Mid and lower-level mgt. may add their own plans to the
business's strategies.

Most organizations have three mgt. levels: first-level, middle-level, and top-level managers.
First-line managers are the lowest level of mgt. and manage the work of nonmanagerial
individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization's
products. First-line managers are often called supervisors, but may also be called line
managers, office managers, or even foremen. Middle managers include all levels of mgt.
between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the
work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant
manager, or division manager. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These
individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director,
chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.
These managers are classified in a hierarchy of authority, and perform different tasks. In many
organizations, the number of managers in every level resembles a pyramid. Each level is
explained below in specifications of their different responsibilities and likely job titles. [citation

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The top or senior layer of mgt. consists of the board of directors (including non-executive
directors and executive directors), president, vice-president, CEOs and other members of
the C-level executives. Different organizations have various members in their C-suite, which
may include a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and so on. They are
responsible for controlling and overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They set a
"tone at the top" and develop strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the
overall direction of the organization. In addition, top-level managers play a significant role in
the mobilization of outside resources. Senior managers are accountable to the shareholders,
the general public and to public bodies that oversee corporations and similar organizations.
Some members of the senior mgt. may serve as the public face of the organization, and they
may make speeches to introduce new strategies or appear in marketing.
The board of directors is typically primarily composed of non-executives who owe
a fiduciary duty to shareholders and are not closely involved in the day-to-day activities of the
organization, although this varies depending on the type (e.g., public versus private), size and
culture of the organization. These directors are theoretically liable for breaches of that duty
and typically insured under directors and officers liability insurance. Fortune 500 directors are
estimated to spend 4.4 hours per week on board duties, and median compensation was
$212,512 in 2010. The board sets corporate strategy, makes major decisions such as major
acquisitions,[22] and hires, evaluates, and fires the top-level manager (Chief Executive
Officer or CEO). The CEO typically hires other positions. However, board involvement in the
hiring of other positions such as the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) has increased.[23] In 2013, a
survey of over 160 CEOs and directors of public and private companies found that the top
weaknesses of CEOs were "mentoring skills" and "board engagement", and 10% of
companies never evaluated the CEO.[24] The board may also have certain employees
(e.g., internal auditors) report to them or directly hire independent contractors; for example,
the board (through the audit committee) typically selects the auditor.
Helpful skills of top mgt. vary by the type of organization but typically include [25] a broad
understanding of competition, world economies, and politics. In addition, the CEO is
responsible for implementing and determining (within the board's framework) the broad
policies of the organization. Executive mgt. accomplishes the day-to-day details, including:
instructions for preparation of department budgets, procedures, schedules; appointment of
middle level executives such as department managers; coordination of departments; media
and governmental relations; and shareholder communication.
Consist of general managers, branch managers and department managers. They are
accountable to the top mgt. for their department's function. They devote more time to
organizational and directional functions. Their roles can be emphasized as executing
organizational plans in conformance with the company's policies and the objectives of the top
mgt., they define and discuss information and policies from top mgt. to lower mgt., and most
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importantly they inspire and provide guidance to lower level managers towards better
Middle mgt. is the midway mgt. of a categorized organization, being secondary to the senior
mgt. but above the deepest levels of operational members. An operational manager may be
well-thought-out by middle mgt., or may be categorized as non-mgt. operate, liable to the
policy of the specific organization. Efficiency of the middle level is vital in any organization,
since they bridge the gap between top level and bottom level staffs.
Their functions include:

Design and implement effective group and inter-group work

and information systems.

Define and monitor group-level performance indicators.

Diagnose and resolve problems within and among work


Design and implement reward systems that support

cooperative behavior. They also make decision and share ideas
with top managers.

Lower managers include supervisors, section leaders, forepersons and team leaders. They
focus on controlling and directing regular employees. They are usually responsible for
assigning employees' tasks, guiding and supervising employees on day-to-day activities,
ensuring the quality and quantity of production and/or service, making recommendations and
suggestions to employees on their work, and channeling employee concerns that they cannot
resolve to mid-level managers or other administrators. First-level or "front line" managers
also act as role models for their employees. In some types of work, front line managers may
also do some of the same tasks that employees do, at least some of the time. For example, in
some restaurants, the front line managers will also serve customers during a very busy period
of the day.
Front-line managers typically provide:

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Training for new employees

Basic supervision

Page 26


Performance feedback and guidance

Some front-line managers may also provide career planning for employees who aim to rise
within the organization.
Colleges and universities around the world offer bachelor's degrees, graduate degrees,
diplomas and certificates in mgt., generally within their colleges of business, business schools
or faculty of mgt. but also in other related departments. In the 2010s, there has been an
increase in online mgt. education and training in the form of electronic educational
technology ( also called e-learning). Online education has increased the accessibility of mgt.
training to people who do not live near a college or university, or who cannot afford to travel
to a city where such training is available.
While some professions require academic credentials in order to work in the profession (e.g.,
law, medicine, engineering, which require, respectively the Bachelor of Law, Doctor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Engineering degrees), mgt. and administration positions do not
necessarily require the completion of academic degrees. Some well-known senior executive in
the United States who did not complete a university degree include Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. However, many managers and executives have completed some
type of business or mgt. training, such as a Bachelor of Commerce or a Master of Business
Administration degree. Some major organizations, including companies, not-for-profit
organizations and governments, require applicants to managerial or executive positions to
hold at minimum Bachelor's degree in a field related to administration of mgt., or in the case
of business jobs, a Bachelor of Commerce or a similar degree.
United States[edit]
At the undergraduate level, the most common business program is the Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com.). A B.Com. is typically a four-year program that includes courses that
give students an overview of the role of managers in planning and directing within an
organization. Course topics include accounting, financial mgt., statistics, marketing, strategy,
and other related areas. There are many other undergraduate degrees that include the study of
mgt., such as Bachelor of Arts degrees with a major inbusiness administration or mgt. and
Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P.A), a degree designed for individuals aiming to work
as bureaucrats in the government jobs. Many colleges and universities also offer certificates
and diplomas in business administration or mgt., which typically require one to two years of
full-time study.
At the graduate level students aiming at careers as managers or executives may choose to
specialize in major subareas of mgt. or business administration such
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asentrepreneurship, human
resources, international
business, organizational
behavior, organizational
theory, strategic
mgt., accounting, corporate
entertainment, global mgt., healthcare mgt., investment mgt., sustainability and real estate.
A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most popular professional master's degree
and can be obtained from many universities in the United States. MBAs provide further
education in mgt. and leadership for graduate students. Other master's degrees in business and
mgt. include the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in business administration or mgt., which is
typically taken by students aiming to become researchers or professors. There are also
specialized master's degrees in administration for individuals aiming at careers outside of
business, such as the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree (also offered as a Master
of Arts in Public Administration in some universities), for students aiming to become
managers or executives in the public service and the Master of Health Administration, for
students aiming to become managers or executives in the health care and hospital sector.
Mgt. doctorates are the most advanced terminal degrees in the field of business and mgt..
Most individuals obtaining mgt. doctorates take the programs to obtain the training in
research methods, statistical analysis and writing academic papers that they will need to seek
careers as researchers, senior consultants and/or professors in business administration or mgt..
There are two main types of mgt. doctorates: the Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
and the PhD in business administration or mgt.. In the 2010s, doctorates in business
administration and mgt. are available with many specializations.
Good practices[edit]
While mgt. trends can change rapidly, the long term trend in mgt. has been defined by a
market embracing diversity and a rising service industry. Managers are currently being trained
to encourage greater equality for minorities and women in the workplace, by offering
increased flexibility in working hours, better retraining, and innovative (and usually industryspecific) performance markers. Managers destined for the service sector are being trained to
use unique measurement techniques, better worker support and more charismatic leadership
styles.[27] Human resources finds itself increasingly working with mgt. in a training capacity to
help collect mgt. data on the success (or failure) of mgt. actions with employees.[28]
See also[edit]
Main article: Outline of business mgt.

[Type text]

Academy of Mgt. Journal

Anthony triangle

Human relations movement

Indian Ethos in Mgt.

Page 28


Industrial and organizational psychology

Leadership (journal)

Mgt. styles

Project mgt.

Technology mgt.

Team effectiveness

Total quality mgt.


1. Jump
2. Jump
3. Jump up^ SS Gulshan. Mgt. Principles and Practices by
Lallan Prasad and SS Gulshan. Excel Books India.
pp. 6. ISBN 978-93-5062-099-1.
4. Jump up^ Deslandes G., (2014), Mgt. in Xenophon's
Philosophy : a Retrospective Analysis, 38th Annual
Research Conference, Philosophy of Mgt., 2014, July 14
16, Chicago, USA
5. Jump up^ Prabbal Frank attempts to make a subtle
distinction between mgt. and manipulation: Frank,
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Prabbal (2006). People Manipulation: A Positive

Approach (2 ed.). New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
pp. 37. ISBN 9788120743526.
Retrieved 2015-09-05. There is a difference between mgt.
and manipulation. The difference is thin [...] If mgt. is
handling, then manipulation is skilful handling. In short,
manipulation is skilful mgt.. [...] Manipulation is in
essence leveraged mgt.. [...] It is an alive thing while mgt.
is a dead concept. It requires a proactive approach rather
than a reactive approach. [...] People cannot be managed.
6. Jump up^ Administration industrielle et gnrale prvoyance organization - commandment, coordination
contrle, Paris : Dunod, 1966
7. Jump up^ Jones, Norman L. (2013). "Chapter Two: Of
Poetry and Politics: The Managerial Culture of SixteenthCentury England". In Kaufman, Peter Iver. Leadership
and Elizabethan Culture. Jepson Studies in Leadership.
p. 18. ISBN 9781137340290.
Retrieved 2015-08-29. Mary Parker Follett, the 'prophet
of mgt.' reputedly defined mgt. as the 'art of getting things
done through people.' [...] Whether or not she said it,
Follett describes the attributes of dynamic mgt. as being
coactive rather than coercive.
8. Jump up^ Vocational Business: Training, Developing
and Motivating People by Richard Barrett - Business &
Economics - 2003. - Page 51.
9. Jump up^ Compare: Holmes, Leonard (2012). The
Dominance of Mgt.: A Participatory Critique. Voices in
p. 20. ISBN 9781409488668.
Retrieved 2015-0829. Lupton's (1983: 17) notion that mgt. is 'what
managers do during their working hours', if valid, could
only apply to descriptive conceptualizations of mgt.,
where 'mgt.' is effectively synonymous with 'managing',
and where 'managing' refers to an activity, or set of
activities carried out by managers.

[Type text]

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10. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "mgt.". Online Etymology

Dictionary. Retrieved 2015-08-29. - "Meaning 'governing
body' (originally of a theater) is from 1739."
11. Jump up^ See for examples Melling, Joseph; McKinlay,
Alan, eds. (1996). Mgt., Labour, and Industrial Politics in
Modern Europe: The Quest for Productivity Growth
Elgar. ISBN 9781858980164. Retrieved 2015-08-29.
12. Jump up^ Giddens, Anthony (1981). A Contemporary
Critique of Historical Materialism. Social and Politic
Theory from Polity Press. 1. University of California
Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780520044906. Retrieved 2013-1229. In the army barracks, and in the mass co-ordination of
men on the battlefield (epitomised by the military
innovations of Prince Maurice of Orange and Nassau in
the sixteenth century) are to be found the prototype of the
regimentation of the factory - as both Marx and Weber
13. ^ Jump up to:a b Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
14. Jump up^ Creel, 1974 p.4-5 Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese
Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C.
15. Jump up^ Griffin, Ricky W. CUSTOM Mgt.: Principles
and Practices, International Edition, 11th Edition. Cengage
Learning UK, 08/2014
16. ^ Jump up to:a b c Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
17. Jump up^ Khurana, Rakesh (2010) [2007]. From Higher
Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation of
American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise of
[Type text]

Page 31


Mgt. as a Profession. Princeton University Press.

p. 3. ISBN 9781400830862. Retrieved 2013-08-24. When
salaried managers first appeared in the large
corporations of the late nineteenth century, it was not
obvious who they were, what they did, or why they should
be entrusted with the task of running corporations.
18. Jump
19. Jump up^ Legge, David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth, Anne
(2006). "Learning mgt. (and managing your own
learning)". In Harris, Mary G. Managing Health
Services: Concepts and Practice. Marrickville, NSW:
p. 13. ISBN 9780729537599.
Retrieved 2014-07-11. The manager as bureaucrat is the
guardian of roles, rules and relationships; his or her style
of mgt. relies heavily on working according to the book. In
the Weberian tradition managers are necessary to
coordinate the different roles that contribute to the
production process and to mediate communication from
head office to the shop floor and back. This style of mgt.
assumes a world view in which bureaucratic role is seen
as separate from, and taking precedence over, other
constructions of self (including the obligations of
citizenship), at least for the duration if the working day.
20. Jump up^ Craig, S. (2009, January 29). Merrill Bonus
Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal. [1]
21. Jump up^ Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries The Dark Side of
Leadership - Business Strategy Review 14(3), Autumn
Page 26 (2003).
22. Jump up^ Board of Directors: Duties & Liabilities.
Stanford Graduate School of Business.
23. Jump up^ DeMars L. (2006). Heavy Vetting: Boards of
directors now want to talk to would-be CFOs and vice
versa. CFO Magazine.
[Type text]

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24. Jump up^ 2013 CEO Performance Evaluation Survey.

Stanford Graduate School of Business.
25. Jump up^ Kleiman, Lawrence S. " MGT. AND
Business:Encyclopedia of Business(2010): n. pag. Web. 25
Mar 2011. [2].
26. Jump
27. Jump up^ "Four Ways to Be A Better Boss". Randstad
USA. Randstad USA. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
28. Jump up^ "The Role of HR in Uncertain
Times" (PDF). Economist Intelligence Unit. Economist
Intelligence Unit. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
External links[edit]

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Corporate law[show]
Theoretical scope[edit]
Nature of work[edit]
Historical development[edit]
Early writing[edit]
19th century[edit]
20th century[edit]
21st century[edit]
Basic roles[edit]
Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]
Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]
United States[edit]
[Type text]

Page 1


Good practices[edit]
See also[edit]
External links[edit]
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In other projects


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Manager" redirects here. For other uses, see Mgt. (disambiguation) and Manager

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Page 2


An organization chart for the United States Coast Guard shows the hierarchy of
managerial roles in that organization.
Business administration

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Page 3


Mgt. in businesses and other organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and

government bodies, refers to the individuals who set the strategy of the organization

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Page 5


The Principle sir,
Subject: Application of leave for 10 days.
Dear sir,
I hereby inform you that I will unable to come for next 10 days. Because I will go for world
tour with my family .Kindly allow me to go for same.

Yours Sincerely,

[Type text]

Page 6


and coordinate the efforts of employees (or volunteers, in the case of some voluntary
organizations) to accomplish objectives by using available human, financial and other
includesplanning, organizing, selecting
staff, leading or
and controlling an organization to accomplish various goals. Resourcingencompasses
of human
resources, financial resources, technological resources, natural resources and other
Mgt. is also an academic discipline, a social science whose objective is to study social
organization and organizational leadership. Mgt. is studied at colleges and universities;
some important degrees in mgt. are the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) andMaster of
Business Administration (M.B.A.) and, for the public sector, the Master of Public
Administration (MPA) degree. Individuals who aim at becoming mgt. researchers or
professors may complete the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the PhD in
business administration or mgt..

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11 1




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There are three levels of managers, which are typically organized in a hierarchical, pyramid
structure. Senior managers, such as the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
or President of an organization, set the strategic goals of the organization and make decisions
on how the overall organization will operate. Senior managers provide direction to the middle
managers who report to them. Middle managers, examples of which would include branch
managers, regional managers and section managers, provide direction to front-line managers.
Middle managers communicate the strategic goals of senior mgt. to the front-line

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Page 13


Series 1

Series 2
Series 3

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

managers. Lower managers, such assupervisors and front-line team leaders, oversee the work
of regular employees (or volunteers, in some voluntary organizations) and provide direction
on their work.



o 2.1Theoretical scope

[Type text]

3Nature of work

4Historical development

Page 14


o 4.1Early writing
o 4.219th century
o 4.320th century
o 4.421st century

o 5.1Basics
o 5.2Basic roles
o 5.3Skills
o 5.4Implementation of policies and strategies

6Policies and strategies in the planning process

o 7.1Top
o 7.2Middle
o 7.3Lower

o 8.1United States



o 8.2Good practices

[Type text]

9See also
Page 15



11External links


The English verb "manage" comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools or
a horse), which derives from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act). The
French word for housekeeping, mnagerie, derived from mnager ("to keep house";
compare mnage for "household"), also encompasses taking care of domestic
animals.Mnagerie is
of Xenophon's
book Oeconomicus[1] (Greek: ) on household matters and husbandry. The French
word mesnagement (ormnagement) influenced the semantic development of the English
word mgt. in the 17th and 18th centuries.[2]

Mark Zuckerberg is the Chief Executive Officer and Chair forFacebook, a major
American social networking company.
Views on the definition and scope of mgt. include:

[Type text]

According to Henri Fayol, "to manage is to forecast and to

plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to

Fredmund Malik defines it as "the transformation of resources

into utility."
Page 16


Mgt. included as one of the factors of production - along with

machines, materials and money.

Ghislain Deslandes defines it as a vulnerable force, under

pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power
of constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on
subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental

Peter Drucker (19092005) saw the basic task of mgt. as

twofold: marketing and innovation. Nevertheless, innovation
is also linked to marketing (product innovation is a central
strategic marketing issue). Peter Drucker identifies marketing
as a key essence for business success, but mgt. and marketing
are generally understood[by whom?] as two different branches of
business administration knowledge.

Theoretical scope[edit]
Mgt. involves identifying the mission, objective, procedures, rules and manipulation[5] of
the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise.[citation needed] This
implies effective communication: an enterprise environment (as opposed to a physical or
mechanical mechanism) implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful
progress or system outcome.[citation needed]As such, mgt. is not the manipulation of a mechanism
(machine or automated program), not the herding of animals, and can occur either in a legal or
in an illegal enterprise or environment. Mgt. does not need to be seen from enterprise point of
view alone, because mgt. is an essential function to improve one's life and relationships.[citation
Mgt. is therefore everywhere[citation needed] and it has a wider range of application. [clarification
Based on this, mgt. must have humans, communication, and a positive enterprise
endeavor.[citation needed] Plans, measurements, motivational psychological tools, goals, and
economic measures (profit, etc.) may or may not be necessary components for there to be
mgt.. At first, one views mgt. functionally, such as measuring quantity, adjusting plans,
meeting goals.[citation needed] This applies even in situations where planning does not take place.
From this perspective, Henri Fayol (18411925)[6][page needed] considers mgt. to consist of
six functions:
7. forecasting
8. planning
9. organizing

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10. commanding
11. coordinating
12. controlling
(Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of mgt.. [citation
In another way of thinking, Mary Parker Follett (18681933), allegedly defined mgt. as "the
art of getting things done through people". [7] She described mgt. as philosophy.[8][need quotation to

Critics[which?], however, find this definition useful but far too narrow. The phrase "mgt. is what
managers do" occurs widely,[9] suggesting the difficulty of defining mgt. without circularity,
the shifting nature of definitions[citation needed] and the connection of managerial practices with the
existence of a managerial cadre or of a class.
One habit of thought regards mgt. as equivalent to "business administration" and thus
excludes mgt. in places outside commerce, as for example in charitiesand in the public sector.
More broadly, every organization must "manage" its work, people, processes, technology, etc.
to maximize effectiveness.[citation needed] Nonetheless, many people refer to university
departments that teach mgt. as "business schools". Some such institutions (such as
the Harvard Business School) use that name, while others (such as the Yale School of Mgt.)
employ the broader term "mgt.".
English-speakers may also use the term "mgt." or "the mgt." as a collective word describing
the managers of an organization, for example of a corporation.[10]Historically this use of the
term often contrasted with the term "labor" - referring to those being managed.[11]
But in the present era[when?] the concept of mgt. is identified[by whom?] in the wide areas[which?] and
its frontiers have been pushed to a broader range.[citation needed] Apart from profitable
organizations even non-profitable organizations (NGOs) apply mgt. concepts. The concept
and its uses are not constrained[by whom?]. Mgt. on the whole is the process of planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
Nature of work[edit]
In profitable organizations, mgt.'s primary function is the satisfaction of a range
of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued
products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing great employment opportunities
for employees. In nonprofit mgt., add the importance of keeping the faith of donors. In most
models of mgt. and governance, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board
then hires senior mgt.. Some organizations have experimented with other methods (such as
employee-voting models) of selecting or reviewing managers, but this is rare.
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In the public sector of countries constituted as representative democracies, voters elect

politicians to public office. Such politicians hire many managers and administrators, and in
some countries like the United States political appointees lose their jobs on the election of a
new president/governor/mayor.
Historical development[edit]
Some see mgt. (by definition) as late-modern (in the sense of late modernity)
conceptualization. On those terms it cannot have a pre-modern history, only harbingers (such
as stewards). Others, however, detect mgt.-like-thought back to Sumerian traders and to the
builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Slave-owners through the centuries faced the
problems of exploiting/motivating a dependent but sometimes unenthusiastic or recalcitrant
workforce, but many pre-industrial enterprises, given their small scale, did not feel compelled
to face the issues of mgt. systematically. However, innovations such as the spread of Hindu
numerals (5th to 15th centuries) and the codification of double-entry book-keeping (1494)
provided tools for mgt. assessment, planning and control.
With the changing workplaces of industrial revolutions in the 18th and 19th
centuries, military theory and practice contributed approaches to managing the newlypopularfactories.[12]
Given the scale of most commercial operations and the lack of mechanized record-keeping
and recording before the industrial revolution, it made sense for most owners of enterprises in
those times to carry out mgt. functions by and for themselves. But with growing size and
complexity of organizations, the split between owners (individuals, industrial dynasties or
groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and
control) gradually became more common.
Early writing[edit]
While mgt. (according to some definitions) has existed for millennia, several writers have
created a background of works that assisted in modern mgt. theories. [13] Some ancient military
texts have been cited for lessons that civilian managers can gather. For example, Chinese
general Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, The Art of War, recommends being aware of and
acting on strengths and weaknesses of both a manager's organization and a foe's.
Influential Chinese Legalist philosopher Shen Buhaimay be considered valuable as a rare
premodern example of abstract theory of administration.[14]
Various ancient and medieval civilizations have produced "mirrors for princes" books, which
aim to advise new monarchs on how to govern. Plato described job specialization in 350 B.C.,
and Alfarabi listed several leadership traits in A.D. 900. [15] Other examples include the
Indian Arthashastra by Chanakya (written around 300 BCE), and The Prince by Italian
author Niccol Machiavelli (c. 1515).[16]
Further information: Mirrors for princes
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Written in 1776 by Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher, The Wealth of

Nations discussed efficient organization of work through division of labour.[16] Smith
described how changes in processes could boost productivity in the manufacture of pins.
While individuals could produce 200 pins per day, Smith analyzed the steps involved in
manufacture and, with 10 specialists, enabled production of 48,000 pins per day.[16]
19th century[edit]
Classical economists such as Adam Smith (17231790) and John Stuart Mill (18061873)
provided a theoretical background to resource-allocation, production, and pricingissues.
About the same time, innovators like Eli Whitney (17651825), James Watt (17361819),
and Matthew Boulton (17281809) developed elements of technical production such
as standardization, quality-control procedures, cost-accounting, interchangeability of parts,
and work-planning. Many of these aspects of mgt. existed in the pre-1861 slave-based sector
of the US economy. That environment saw 4 million people, as the contemporary usages had
it, "managed" in profitable quasi-mass production.
Salaried managers as an identifiable group first became prominent in the late 19th century.[17]
20th century[edit]
By about 1900 one finds managers trying to place their theories on what they regarded as a
thoroughly scientific basis (see scientism for perceived limitations of this belief). Examples
include Henry R. Towne's Science of mgt. in the 1890s, Frederick Winslow Taylor's The
Principles of Scientific Mgt. (1911), Lillian Gilbreth'sPsychology of Mgt. (1914),
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth's Applied motion study (1917), and Henry L. Gantt's charts
(1910s). J. Duncan wrote the first collegemgt.-textbook in 1911. In 1912 Yoichi
Ueno introduced Taylorism to Japan and became the first mgt. consultant of the "Japanesemgt. style". His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese quality assurance.
The first comprehensive theories of mgt. appeared around 1920. The Harvard Business
School offered the first Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921. People
like Henri Fayol (18411925) and Alexander Church described the various branches of mgt.
and their inter-relationships. In the early 20th century, people like Ordway Tead (1891
1973), Walter Scott and J. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to mgt.. Other
writers, such as Elton Mayo (18801949), Mary Parker Follett (18681933), Chester
Barnard (18861961), Max Weber (18641920), who saw what he called the "administrator"
as bureaucrat[19]), Rensis Likert (19031981), andChris Argyris (* 1923) approached the
phenomenon of mgt. from a sociological perspective.
Peter Drucker (19092005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied mgt.: Concept of the
Corporation (published in 1946). It resulted from Alfred Sloan (chairman ofGeneral
Motors until 1956) commissioning a study of the organisation. Drucker went on to write 39
books, many in the same vein.

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H. Dodge, Ronald Fisher (18901962), and Thornton C. Fry introduced statistical techniques
into mgt.-studies. In the 1940s, Patrick Blackett worked in the development of the appliedmathematics science of operations research, initially for military operations. Operations
research, sometimes known as "mgt. science" (but distinct from Taylor's scientific mgt.),
attempts to take a scientific approach to solving decision-problems, and can apply directly to
multiple mgt. problems, particularly in the areas of logistics and operations.
Some of the more recent developments include the Theory of Constraints, mgt. by
objectives, reengineering, Six Sigma and various information-technology-driven theories such
as agile software development, as well as group-mgt. theories such as Cog's Ladder.
As the general recognition of managers as a class solidified during the 20th century and gave
perceived practitioners of the art/science of mgt. a certain amount of prestige, so the way
opened for popularised systems of mgt. ideas to peddle their wares. In this context many mgt.
fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of mgt..
Towards the end of the 20th century, business mgt. came to consist of six separate branches,
[citation needed]
7. financial mgt.
8. human resource mgt.
9. information technology
information systems)

mgt. (responsible

for mgt.

10. marketing mgt.

11. operations mgt. or production mgt.
12. strategic mgt.
21st century[edit]
In the 21st century observers find it increasingly difficult to subdivide mgt. into functional
categories in this way. More and more processes simultaneously involve several categories.
Instead, one tends to think in terms of the various processes, tasks, and objects subject to mgt..
[citation needed]

Branches of mgt. theory also exist relating to nonprofits and to government: such as public
administration, public mgt., and educational mgt.. Further, mgt. programs related to civilsociety organizations have also spawned programs in nonprofit mgt. and social
Note that many of the assumptions made by mgt. have come under attack from businessethics viewpoints, critical mgt. studies, and anti-corporate activism.
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As one consequence, workplace democracy (sometimes referred to as Workers' self-mgt.) has

become both more common and advocated to a greater extent, in some places distributing all
mgt. functions among workers, each of whom takes on a portion of the work. However, these
models predate any current political issue, and may occur more naturally than does
a command hierarchy. All mgt. embraces to some degree a democratic principlein that in
the long term, the majority of workers must support mgt.. Otherwise, they leave to find other
work or go on strike. Despite the move toward workplace democracy, command-and-control
organization structures remain commonplace as de facto organization structure. Indeed, the
entrenched nature of command-and-control is evident in the way that recent layoffs have been
conducted with mgt. ranks affected far less than employees at the lower levels. In some cases,
mgt. has even rewarded itself with bonuses after laying off lower-level workers.[20]
According to leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, a contemporary senior mgt.
team will almost inevitably have some personality disorders.[21]
Mgt. operates through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding,
and controlling.

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and

generating plans for action(deciding in advance).

Organizing: Making sure the human and nonhuman resources

are put into place

Coordinating (or staffing): Creating a structure through

which an organization's goals can be accomplished.

Commanding (or leading): Determining what must be done in

a situation and getting people to do it.

Controlling: Checking progress against plans.

Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction

with employees

Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and

analyzing information

Basic roles[edit]

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Decision: roles that require decision-making

establish connections

conceptual: used to analyze complex situations

and delegate

diagnostic: ability to visualize appropriate responses to a


leadership: ability to lead and to provide guidance to a specific


technical: expertise in one's particular functional area.

Mgt. skills include:




a power

base and

communicate, motivate,



Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]

[Type text]

All policies and strategies must be discussed with all

managerial personnel and staff.

Managers must understand where and how they can

implement their policies and strategies.

A plan of action must be devised for each department.

Policies and strategies must be reviewed regularly.

Contingency plans must be devised in case the environment


Top-level managers should carry out regular progress


The business requires team spirit and a good environment.

Page 23


The missions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of each

department must be analyzed to determine their roles in
achieving the business's mission.

The forecasting method develops a reliable picture of the

business's future environment.

A planning unit must be created to ensure that all plans are

consistent and that policies and strategies are aimed at
achieving the same mission and objectives.

Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]

They give mid and lower-level managers a good idea of the

future plans for each department in an organization.

A framework is created whereby plans and decisions are


Mid and lower-level mgt. may add their own plans to the
business's strategies.

Most organizations have three mgt. levels: first-level, middle-level, and top-level managers.
First-line managers are the lowest level of mgt. and manage the work of nonmanagerial
individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization's
products. First-line managers are often called supervisors, but may also be called line
managers, office managers, or even foremen. Middle managers include all levels of mgt.
between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the
work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant
manager, or division manager. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These
individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director,
chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.
These managers are classified in a hierarchy of authority, and perform different tasks. In many
organizations, the number of managers in every level resembles a pyramid. Each level is
explained below in specifications of their different responsibilities and likely job titles. [citation

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The top or senior layer of mgt. consists of the board of directors (including non-executive
directors and executive directors), president, vice-president, CEOs and other members of
the C-level executives. Different organizations have various members in their C-suite, which
may include a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and so on. They are
responsible for controlling and overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They set a
"tone at the top" and develop strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the
overall direction of the organization. In addition, top-level managers play a significant role in
the mobilization of outside resources. Senior managers are accountable to the shareholders,
the general public and to public bodies that oversee corporations and similar organizations.
Some members of the senior mgt. may serve as the public face of the organization, and they
may make speeches to introduce new strategies or appear in marketing.
The board of directors is typically primarily composed of non-executives who owe
a fiduciary duty to shareholders and are not closely involved in the day-to-day activities of the
organization, although this varies depending on the type (e.g., public versus private), size and
culture of the organization. These directors are theoretically liable for breaches of that duty
and typically insured under directors and officers liability insurance. Fortune 500 directors are
estimated to spend 4.4 hours per week on board duties, and median compensation was
$212,512 in 2010. The board sets corporate strategy, makes major decisions such as major
acquisitions,[22] and hires, evaluates, and fires the top-level manager (Chief Executive
Officer or CEO). The CEO typically hires other positions. However, board involvement in the
hiring of other positions such as the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) has increased.[23] In 2013, a
survey of over 160 CEOs and directors of public and private companies found that the top
weaknesses of CEOs were "mentoring skills" and "board engagement", and 10% of
companies never evaluated the CEO.[24] The board may also have certain employees
(e.g., internal auditors) report to them or directly hire independent contractors; for example,
the board (through the audit committee) typically selects the auditor.
Helpful skills of top mgt. vary by the type of organization but typically include [25] a broad
understanding of competition, world economies, and politics. In addition, the CEO is
responsible for implementing and determining (within the board's framework) the broad
policies of the organization. Executive mgt. accomplishes the day-to-day details, including:
instructions for preparation of department budgets, procedures, schedules; appointment of
middle level executives such as department managers; coordination of departments; media
and governmental relations; and shareholder communication.
Consist of general managers, branch managers and department managers. They are
accountable to the top mgt. for their department's function. They devote more time to
organizational and directional functions. Their roles can be emphasized as executing
organizational plans in conformance with the company's policies and the objectives of the top
mgt., they define and discuss information and policies from top mgt. to lower mgt., and most
[Type text]

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importantly they inspire and provide guidance to lower level managers towards better
Middle mgt. is the midway mgt. of a categorized organization, being secondary to the senior
mgt. but above the deepest levels of operational members. An operational manager may be
well-thought-out by middle mgt., or may be categorized as non-mgt. operate, liable to the
policy of the specific organization. Efficiency of the middle level is vital in any organization,
since they bridge the gap between top level and bottom level staffs.
Their functions include:

Design and implement effective group and inter-group work

and information systems.

Define and monitor group-level performance indicators.

Diagnose and resolve problems within and among work


Design and implement reward systems that support

cooperative behavior. They also make decision and share ideas
with top managers.

Lower managers include supervisors, section leaders, forepersons and team leaders. They
focus on controlling and directing regular employees. They are usually responsible for
assigning employees' tasks, guiding and supervising employees on day-to-day activities,
ensuring the quality and quantity of production and/or service, making recommendations and
suggestions to employees on their work, and channeling employee concerns that they cannot
resolve to mid-level managers or other administrators. First-level or "front line" managers
also act as role models for their employees. In some types of work, front line managers may
also do some of the same tasks that employees do, at least some of the time. For example, in
some restaurants, the front line managers will also serve customers during a very busy period
of the day.
Front-line managers typically provide:

[Type text]

Training for new employees

Basic supervision

Page 26


Performance feedback and guidance

Some front-line managers may also provide career planning for employees who aim to rise
within the organization.
Colleges and universities around the world offer bachelor's degrees, graduate degrees,
diplomas and certificates in mgt., generally within their colleges of business, business schools
or faculty of mgt. but also in other related departments. In the 2010s, there has been an
increase in online mgt. education and training in the form of electronic educational
technology ( also called e-learning). Online education has increased the accessibility of mgt.
training to people who do not live near a college or university, or who cannot afford to travel
to a city where such training is available.
While some professions require academic credentials in order to work in the profession (e.g.,
law, medicine, engineering, which require, respectively the Bachelor of Law, Doctor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Engineering degrees), mgt. and administration positions do not
necessarily require the completion of academic degrees. Some well-known senior executive in
the United States who did not complete a university degree include Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. However, many managers and executives have completed some
type of business or mgt. training, such as a Bachelor of Commerce or a Master of Business
Administration degree. Some major organizations, including companies, not-for-profit
organizations and governments, require applicants to managerial or executive positions to
hold at minimum Bachelor's degree in a field related to administration of mgt., or in the case
of business jobs, a Bachelor of Commerce or a similar degree.
United States[edit]
At the undergraduate level, the most common business program is the Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com.). A B.Com. is typically a four-year program that includes courses that
give students an overview of the role of managers in planning and directing within an
organization. Course topics include accounting, financial mgt., statistics, marketing, strategy,
and other related areas. There are many other undergraduate degrees that include the study of
mgt., such as Bachelor of Arts degrees with a major inbusiness administration or mgt. and
Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P.A), a degree designed for individuals aiming to work
as bureaucrats in the government jobs. Many colleges and universities also offer certificates
and diplomas in business administration or mgt., which typically require one to two years of
full-time study.
At the graduate level students aiming at careers as managers or executives may choose to
specialize in major subareas of mgt. or business administration such
[Type text]

Page 27


asentrepreneurship, human
resources, international
business, organizational
behavior, organizational
theory, strategic
mgt., accounting, corporate
entertainment, global mgt., healthcare mgt., investment mgt., sustainability and real estate.
A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most popular professional master's degree
and can be obtained from many universities in the United States. MBAs provide further
education in mgt. and leadership for graduate students. Other master's degrees in business and
mgt. include the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in business administration or mgt., which is
typically taken by students aiming to become researchers or professors. There are also
specialized master's degrees in administration for individuals aiming at careers outside of
business, such as the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree (also offered as a Master
of Arts in Public Administration in some universities), for students aiming to become
managers or executives in the public service and the Master of Health Administration, for
students aiming to become managers or executives in the health care and hospital sector.
Mgt. doctorates are the most advanced terminal degrees in the field of business and mgt..
Most individuals obtaining mgt. doctorates take the programs to obtain the training in
research methods, statistical analysis and writing academic papers that they will need to seek
careers as researchers, senior consultants and/or professors in business administration or mgt..
There are two main types of mgt. doctorates: the Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
and the PhD in business administration or mgt.. In the 2010s, doctorates in business
administration and mgt. are available with many specializations.
Good practices[edit]
While mgt. trends can change rapidly, the long term trend in mgt. has been defined by a
market embracing diversity and a rising service industry. Managers are currently being trained
to encourage greater equality for minorities and women in the workplace, by offering
increased flexibility in working hours, better retraining, and innovative (and usually industryspecific) performance markers. Managers destined for the service sector are being trained to
use unique measurement techniques, better worker support and more charismatic leadership
styles.[27] Human resources finds itself increasingly working with mgt. in a training capacity to
help collect mgt. data on the success (or failure) of mgt. actions with employees.[28]
See also[edit]
Main article: Outline of business mgt.

[Type text]

Academy of Mgt. Journal

Anthony triangle

Human relations movement

Indian Ethos in Mgt.

Page 28


Industrial and organizational psychology

Leadership (journal)

Mgt. styles

Project mgt.

Technology mgt.

Team effectiveness

Total quality mgt.


29. Jump
30. Jump
31. Jump up^ SS Gulshan. Mgt. Principles and Practices by
Lallan Prasad and SS Gulshan. Excel Books India.
pp. 6. ISBN 978-93-5062-099-1.
32. Jump up^ Deslandes G., (2014), Mgt. in Xenophon's
Philosophy : a Retrospective Analysis, 38th Annual
Research Conference, Philosophy of Mgt., 2014, July 14
16, Chicago, USA
33. Jump up^ Prabbal Frank attempts to make a subtle
distinction between mgt. and manipulation: Frank,
[Type text]

Page 29


Prabbal (2006). People Manipulation: A Positive

Approach (2 ed.). New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
pp. 37. ISBN 9788120743526.
Retrieved 2015-09-05. There is a difference between mgt.
and manipulation. The difference is thin [...] If mgt. is
handling, then manipulation is skilful handling. In short,
manipulation is skilful mgt.. [...] Manipulation is in
essence leveraged mgt.. [...] It is an alive thing while mgt.
is a dead concept. It requires a proactive approach rather
than a reactive approach. [...] People cannot be managed.
34. Jump up^ Administration industrielle et gnrale prvoyance organization - commandment, coordination
contrle, Paris : Dunod, 1966
35. Jump up^ Jones, Norman L. (2013). "Chapter Two: Of
Poetry and Politics: The Managerial Culture of SixteenthCentury England". In Kaufman, Peter Iver. Leadership
and Elizabethan Culture. Jepson Studies in Leadership.
p. 18. ISBN 9781137340290.
Retrieved 2015-08-29. Mary Parker Follett, the 'prophet
of mgt.' reputedly defined mgt. as the 'art of getting things
done through people.' [...] Whether or not she said it,
Follett describes the attributes of dynamic mgt. as being
coactive rather than coercive.
36. Jump up^ Vocational Business: Training, Developing
and Motivating People by Richard Barrett - Business &
Economics - 2003. - Page 51.
37. Jump up^ Compare: Holmes, Leonard (2012). The
Dominance of Mgt.: A Participatory Critique. Voices in
p. 20. ISBN 9781409488668.
Retrieved 2015-0829. Lupton's (1983: 17) notion that mgt. is 'what
managers do during their working hours', if valid, could
only apply to descriptive conceptualizations of mgt.,
where 'mgt.' is effectively synonymous with 'managing',
and where 'managing' refers to an activity, or set of
activities carried out by managers.

[Type text]

Page 30


38. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "mgt.". Online Etymology

Dictionary. Retrieved 2015-08-29. - "Meaning 'governing
body' (originally of a theater) is from 1739."
39. Jump up^ See for examples Melling, Joseph; McKinlay,
Alan, eds. (1996). Mgt., Labour, and Industrial Politics in
Modern Europe: The Quest for Productivity Growth
Elgar. ISBN 9781858980164. Retrieved 2015-08-29.
40. Jump up^ Giddens, Anthony (1981). A Contemporary
Critique of Historical Materialism. Social and Politic
Theory from Polity Press. 1. University of California
Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780520044906. Retrieved 2013-1229. In the army barracks, and in the mass co-ordination of
men on the battlefield (epitomised by the military
innovations of Prince Maurice of Orange and Nassau in
the sixteenth century) are to be found the prototype of the
regimentation of the factory - as both Marx and Weber
41. ^ Jump up to:a b Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
42. Jump up^ Creel, 1974 p.4-5 Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese
Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C.
43. Jump up^ Griffin, Ricky W. CUSTOM Mgt.: Principles
and Practices, International Edition, 11th Edition. Cengage
Learning UK, 08/2014
44. ^ Jump up to:a b c Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
45. Jump up^ Khurana, Rakesh (2010) [2007]. From Higher
Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation of
American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise of
[Type text]

Page 31


Mgt. as a Profession. Princeton University Press.

p. 3. ISBN 9781400830862. Retrieved 2013-08-24. When
salaried managers first appeared in the large
corporations of the late nineteenth century, it was not
obvious who they were, what they did, or why they should
be entrusted with the task of running corporations.
46. Jump
47. Jump up^ Legge, David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth, Anne
(2006). "Learning mgt. (and managing your own
learning)". In Harris, Mary G. Managing Health
Services: Concepts and Practice. Marrickville, NSW:
p. 13. ISBN 9780729537599.
Retrieved 2014-07-11. The manager as bureaucrat is the
guardian of roles, rules and relationships; his or her style
of mgt. relies heavily on working according to the book. In
the Weberian tradition managers are necessary to
coordinate the different roles that contribute to the
production process and to mediate communication from
head office to the shop floor and back. This style of mgt.
assumes a world view in which bureaucratic role is seen
as separate from, and taking precedence over, other
constructions of self (including the obligations of
citizenship), at least for the duration if the working day.
48. Jump up^ Craig, S. (2009, January 29). Merrill Bonus
Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal. [1]
49. Jump up^ Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries The Dark Side of
Leadership - Business Strategy Review 14(3), Autumn
Page 26 (2003).
50. Jump up^ Board of Directors: Duties & Liabilities.
Stanford Graduate School of Business.
51. Jump up^ DeMars L. (2006). Heavy Vetting: Boards of
directors now want to talk to would-be CFOs and vice
versa. CFO Magazine.
[Type text]

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52. Jump up^ 2013 CEO Performance Evaluation Survey.

Stanford Graduate School of Business.
53. Jump up^ Kleiman, Lawrence S. " MGT. AND
Business:Encyclopedia of Business(2010): n. pag. Web. 25
Mar 2011. [2].
54. Jump
55. Jump up^ "Four Ways to Be A Better Boss". Randstad
USA. Randstad USA. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
56. Jump up^ "The Role of HR in Uncertain
Times" (PDF). Economist Intelligence Unit. Economist
Intelligence Unit. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
External links[edit]

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Media related to Mgt. at Wikimedia Commons

Quotations related to Mgt. at Wikiquote



Social sciences
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Organizational theory


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Corporate law[show]
Theoretical scope[edit]
Nature of work[edit]
Historical development[edit]
Early writing[edit]
19th century[edit]
20th century[edit]
21st century[edit]
Basic roles[edit]
Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]
Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]
United States[edit]
[Type text]

Page 1


Good practices[edit]
See also[edit]
External links[edit]
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In other projects


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Manager" redirects here. For other uses, see Mgt. (disambiguation) and Manager

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Page 2


An organization chart for the United States Coast Guard shows the hierarchy of
managerial roles in that organization.
Business administration

[Type text]

Page 3


Mgt. in businesses and other organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and

government bodies, refers to the individuals who set the strategy of the organization

[Type text]

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Page 5


The Principle sir,
Subject: Application of leave for 10 days.
Dear sir,
I hereby inform you that I will unable to come for next 10 days. Because I will go for world
tour with my family .Kindly allow me to go for same.

Yours Sincerely,

[Type text]

Page 6


and coordinate the efforts of employees (or volunteers, in the case of some voluntary
organizations) to accomplish objectives by using available human, financial and other
includesplanning, organizing, selecting
staff, leading or
and controlling an organization to accomplish various goals. Resourcingencompasses
of human
resources, financial resources, technological resources, natural resources and other
Mgt. is also an academic discipline, a social science whose objective is to study social
organization and organizational leadership. Mgt. is studied at colleges and universities;
some important degrees in mgt. are the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) andMaster of
Business Administration (M.B.A.) and, for the public sector, the Master of Public
Administration (MPA) degree. Individuals who aim at becoming mgt. researchers or
professors may complete the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the PhD in
business administration or mgt..

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11 1




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Page 8










There are three levels of managers, which are typically organized in a hierarchical, pyramid
structure. Senior managers, such as the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
or President of an organization, set the strategic goals of the organization and make decisions
on how the overall organization will operate. Senior managers provide direction to the middle
managers who report to them. Middle managers, examples of which would include branch
managers, regional managers and section managers, provide direction to front-line managers.
Middle managers communicate the strategic goals of senior mgt. to the front-line

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Page 13


Series 1

Series 2
Series 3

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

managers. Lower managers, such assupervisors and front-line team leaders, oversee the work
of regular employees (or volunteers, in some voluntary organizations) and provide direction
on their work.



o 2.1Theoretical scope

[Type text]

3Nature of work

4Historical development

Page 14


o 4.1Early writing
o 4.219th century
o 4.320th century
o 4.421st century

o 5.1Basics
o 5.2Basic roles
o 5.3Skills
o 5.4Implementation of policies and strategies

6Policies and strategies in the planning process

o 7.1Top
o 7.2Middle
o 7.3Lower

o 8.1United States



o 8.2Good practices

[Type text]

9See also
Page 15



11External links


The English verb "manage" comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools or
a horse), which derives from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act). The
French word for housekeeping, mnagerie, derived from mnager ("to keep house";
compare mnage for "household"), also encompasses taking care of domestic
animals.Mnagerie is
of Xenophon's
book Oeconomicus[1] (Greek: ) on household matters and husbandry. The French
word mesnagement (ormnagement) influenced the semantic development of the English
word mgt. in the 17th and 18th centuries.[2]

Mark Zuckerberg is the Chief Executive Officer and Chair forFacebook, a major
American social networking company.
Views on the definition and scope of mgt. include:

[Type text]

According to Henri Fayol, "to manage is to forecast and to

plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to

Fredmund Malik defines it as "the transformation of resources

into utility."
Page 16


Mgt. included as one of the factors of production - along with

machines, materials and money.

Ghislain Deslandes defines it as a vulnerable force, under

pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power
of constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on
subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental

Peter Drucker (19092005) saw the basic task of mgt. as

twofold: marketing and innovation. Nevertheless, innovation
is also linked to marketing (product innovation is a central
strategic marketing issue). Peter Drucker identifies marketing
as a key essence for business success, but mgt. and marketing
are generally understood[by whom?] as two different branches of
business administration knowledge.

Theoretical scope[edit]
Mgt. involves identifying the mission, objective, procedures, rules and manipulation[5] of
the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise.[citation needed] This
implies effective communication: an enterprise environment (as opposed to a physical or
mechanical mechanism) implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful
progress or system outcome.[citation needed]As such, mgt. is not the manipulation of a mechanism
(machine or automated program), not the herding of animals, and can occur either in a legal or
in an illegal enterprise or environment. Mgt. does not need to be seen from enterprise point of
view alone, because mgt. is an essential function to improve one's life and relationships.[citation
Mgt. is therefore everywhere[citation needed] and it has a wider range of application. [clarification
Based on this, mgt. must have humans, communication, and a positive enterprise
endeavor.[citation needed] Plans, measurements, motivational psychological tools, goals, and
economic measures (profit, etc.) may or may not be necessary components for there to be
mgt.. At first, one views mgt. functionally, such as measuring quantity, adjusting plans,
meeting goals.[citation needed] This applies even in situations where planning does not take place.
From this perspective, Henri Fayol (18411925)[6][page needed] considers mgt. to consist of
six functions:
13. forecasting
14. planning
15. organizing

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16. commanding
17. coordinating
18. controlling
(Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of mgt.. [citation
In another way of thinking, Mary Parker Follett (18681933), allegedly defined mgt. as "the
art of getting things done through people". [7] She described mgt. as philosophy.[8][need quotation to

Critics[which?], however, find this definition useful but far too narrow. The phrase "mgt. is what
managers do" occurs widely,[9] suggesting the difficulty of defining mgt. without circularity,
the shifting nature of definitions[citation needed] and the connection of managerial practices with the
existence of a managerial cadre or of a class.
One habit of thought regards mgt. as equivalent to "business administration" and thus
excludes mgt. in places outside commerce, as for example in charitiesand in the public sector.
More broadly, every organization must "manage" its work, people, processes, technology, etc.
to maximize effectiveness.[citation needed] Nonetheless, many people refer to university
departments that teach mgt. as "business schools". Some such institutions (such as
the Harvard Business School) use that name, while others (such as the Yale School of Mgt.)
employ the broader term "mgt.".
English-speakers may also use the term "mgt." or "the mgt." as a collective word describing
the managers of an organization, for example of a corporation.[10]Historically this use of the
term often contrasted with the term "labor" - referring to those being managed.[11]
But in the present era[when?] the concept of mgt. is identified[by whom?] in the wide areas[which?] and
its frontiers have been pushed to a broader range.[citation needed] Apart from profitable
organizations even non-profitable organizations (NGOs) apply mgt. concepts. The concept
and its uses are not constrained[by whom?]. Mgt. on the whole is the process of planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
Nature of work[edit]
In profitable organizations, mgt.'s primary function is the satisfaction of a range
of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued
products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing great employment opportunities
for employees. In nonprofit mgt., add the importance of keeping the faith of donors. In most
models of mgt. and governance, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board
then hires senior mgt.. Some organizations have experimented with other methods (such as
employee-voting models) of selecting or reviewing managers, but this is rare.
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In the public sector of countries constituted as representative democracies, voters elect

politicians to public office. Such politicians hire many managers and administrators, and in
some countries like the United States political appointees lose their jobs on the election of a
new president/governor/mayor.
Historical development[edit]
Some see mgt. (by definition) as late-modern (in the sense of late modernity)
conceptualization. On those terms it cannot have a pre-modern history, only harbingers (such
as stewards). Others, however, detect mgt.-like-thought back to Sumerian traders and to the
builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Slave-owners through the centuries faced the
problems of exploiting/motivating a dependent but sometimes unenthusiastic or recalcitrant
workforce, but many pre-industrial enterprises, given their small scale, did not feel compelled
to face the issues of mgt. systematically. However, innovations such as the spread of Hindu
numerals (5th to 15th centuries) and the codification of double-entry book-keeping (1494)
provided tools for mgt. assessment, planning and control.
With the changing workplaces of industrial revolutions in the 18th and 19th
centuries, military theory and practice contributed approaches to managing the newlypopularfactories.[12]
Given the scale of most commercial operations and the lack of mechanized record-keeping
and recording before the industrial revolution, it made sense for most owners of enterprises in
those times to carry out mgt. functions by and for themselves. But with growing size and
complexity of organizations, the split between owners (individuals, industrial dynasties or
groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and
control) gradually became more common.
Early writing[edit]
While mgt. (according to some definitions) has existed for millennia, several writers have
created a background of works that assisted in modern mgt. theories. [13] Some ancient military
texts have been cited for lessons that civilian managers can gather. For example, Chinese
general Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, The Art of War, recommends being aware of and
acting on strengths and weaknesses of both a manager's organization and a foe's.
Influential Chinese Legalist philosopher Shen Buhaimay be considered valuable as a rare
premodern example of abstract theory of administration.[14]
Various ancient and medieval civilizations have produced "mirrors for princes" books, which
aim to advise new monarchs on how to govern. Plato described job specialization in 350 B.C.,
and Alfarabi listed several leadership traits in A.D. 900. [15] Other examples include the
Indian Arthashastra by Chanakya (written around 300 BCE), and The Prince by Italian
author Niccol Machiavelli (c. 1515).[16]
Further information: Mirrors for princes
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Written in 1776 by Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher, The Wealth of

Nations discussed efficient organization of work through division of labour.[16] Smith
described how changes in processes could boost productivity in the manufacture of pins.
While individuals could produce 200 pins per day, Smith analyzed the steps involved in
manufacture and, with 10 specialists, enabled production of 48,000 pins per day.[16]
19th century[edit]
Classical economists such as Adam Smith (17231790) and John Stuart Mill (18061873)
provided a theoretical background to resource-allocation, production, and pricingissues.
About the same time, innovators like Eli Whitney (17651825), James Watt (17361819),
and Matthew Boulton (17281809) developed elements of technical production such
as standardization, quality-control procedures, cost-accounting, interchangeability of parts,
and work-planning. Many of these aspects of mgt. existed in the pre-1861 slave-based sector
of the US economy. That environment saw 4 million people, as the contemporary usages had
it, "managed" in profitable quasi-mass production.
Salaried managers as an identifiable group first became prominent in the late 19th century.[17]
20th century[edit]
By about 1900 one finds managers trying to place their theories on what they regarded as a
thoroughly scientific basis (see scientism for perceived limitations of this belief). Examples
include Henry R. Towne's Science of mgt. in the 1890s, Frederick Winslow Taylor's The
Principles of Scientific Mgt. (1911), Lillian Gilbreth'sPsychology of Mgt. (1914),
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth's Applied motion study (1917), and Henry L. Gantt's charts
(1910s). J. Duncan wrote the first collegemgt.-textbook in 1911. In 1912 Yoichi
Ueno introduced Taylorism to Japan and became the first mgt. consultant of the "Japanesemgt. style". His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese quality assurance.
The first comprehensive theories of mgt. appeared around 1920. The Harvard Business
School offered the first Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921. People
like Henri Fayol (18411925) and Alexander Church described the various branches of mgt.
and their inter-relationships. In the early 20th century, people like Ordway Tead (1891
1973), Walter Scott and J. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to mgt.. Other
writers, such as Elton Mayo (18801949), Mary Parker Follett (18681933), Chester
Barnard (18861961), Max Weber (18641920), who saw what he called the "administrator"
as bureaucrat[19]), Rensis Likert (19031981), andChris Argyris (* 1923) approached the
phenomenon of mgt. from a sociological perspective.
Peter Drucker (19092005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied mgt.: Concept of the
Corporation (published in 1946). It resulted from Alfred Sloan (chairman ofGeneral
Motors until 1956) commissioning a study of the organisation. Drucker went on to write 39
books, many in the same vein.

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H. Dodge, Ronald Fisher (18901962), and Thornton C. Fry introduced statistical techniques
into mgt.-studies. In the 1940s, Patrick Blackett worked in the development of the appliedmathematics science of operations research, initially for military operations. Operations
research, sometimes known as "mgt. science" (but distinct from Taylor's scientific mgt.),
attempts to take a scientific approach to solving decision-problems, and can apply directly to
multiple mgt. problems, particularly in the areas of logistics and operations.
Some of the more recent developments include the Theory of Constraints, mgt. by
objectives, reengineering, Six Sigma and various information-technology-driven theories such
as agile software development, as well as group-mgt. theories such as Cog's Ladder.
As the general recognition of managers as a class solidified during the 20th century and gave
perceived practitioners of the art/science of mgt. a certain amount of prestige, so the way
opened for popularised systems of mgt. ideas to peddle their wares. In this context many mgt.
fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of mgt..
Towards the end of the 20th century, business mgt. came to consist of six separate branches,
[citation needed]
13. financial mgt.
14. human resource mgt.
15. information technology
information systems)

mgt. (responsible

for mgt.

16. marketing mgt.

17. operations mgt. or production mgt.
18. strategic mgt.
21st century[edit]
In the 21st century observers find it increasingly difficult to subdivide mgt. into functional
categories in this way. More and more processes simultaneously involve several categories.
Instead, one tends to think in terms of the various processes, tasks, and objects subject to mgt..
[citation needed]

Branches of mgt. theory also exist relating to nonprofits and to government: such as public
administration, public mgt., and educational mgt.. Further, mgt. programs related to civilsociety organizations have also spawned programs in nonprofit mgt. and social
Note that many of the assumptions made by mgt. have come under attack from businessethics viewpoints, critical mgt. studies, and anti-corporate activism.
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As one consequence, workplace democracy (sometimes referred to as Workers' self-mgt.) has

become both more common and advocated to a greater extent, in some places distributing all
mgt. functions among workers, each of whom takes on a portion of the work. However, these
models predate any current political issue, and may occur more naturally than does
a command hierarchy. All mgt. embraces to some degree a democratic principlein that in
the long term, the majority of workers must support mgt.. Otherwise, they leave to find other
work or go on strike. Despite the move toward workplace democracy, command-and-control
organization structures remain commonplace as de facto organization structure. Indeed, the
entrenched nature of command-and-control is evident in the way that recent layoffs have been
conducted with mgt. ranks affected far less than employees at the lower levels. In some cases,
mgt. has even rewarded itself with bonuses after laying off lower-level workers.[20]
According to leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, a contemporary senior mgt.
team will almost inevitably have some personality disorders.[21]
Mgt. operates through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding,
and controlling.

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and

generating plans for action(deciding in advance).

Organizing: Making sure the human and nonhuman resources

are put into place

Coordinating (or staffing): Creating a structure through

which an organization's goals can be accomplished.

Commanding (or leading): Determining what must be done in

a situation and getting people to do it.

Controlling: Checking progress against plans.

Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction

with employees

Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and

analyzing information

Basic roles[edit]

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Page 22


Decision: roles that require decision-making

establish connections

conceptual: used to analyze complex situations

and delegate

diagnostic: ability to visualize appropriate responses to a


leadership: ability to lead and to provide guidance to a specific


technical: expertise in one's particular functional area.

Mgt. skills include:




a power

base and

communicate, motivate,



Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]

[Type text]

All policies and strategies must be discussed with all

managerial personnel and staff.

Managers must understand where and how they can

implement their policies and strategies.

A plan of action must be devised for each department.

Policies and strategies must be reviewed regularly.

Contingency plans must be devised in case the environment


Top-level managers should carry out regular progress


The business requires team spirit and a good environment.

Page 23


The missions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of each

department must be analyzed to determine their roles in
achieving the business's mission.

The forecasting method develops a reliable picture of the

business's future environment.

A planning unit must be created to ensure that all plans are

consistent and that policies and strategies are aimed at
achieving the same mission and objectives.

Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]

They give mid and lower-level managers a good idea of the

future plans for each department in an organization.

A framework is created whereby plans and decisions are


Mid and lower-level mgt. may add their own plans to the
business's strategies.

Most organizations have three mgt. levels: first-level, middle-level, and top-level managers.
First-line managers are the lowest level of mgt. and manage the work of nonmanagerial
individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization's
products. First-line managers are often called supervisors, but may also be called line
managers, office managers, or even foremen. Middle managers include all levels of mgt.
between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the
work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant
manager, or division manager. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These
individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director,
chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.
These managers are classified in a hierarchy of authority, and perform different tasks. In many
organizations, the number of managers in every level resembles a pyramid. Each level is
explained below in specifications of their different responsibilities and likely job titles. [citation

[Type text]

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The top or senior layer of mgt. consists of the board of directors (including non-executive
directors and executive directors), president, vice-president, CEOs and other members of
the C-level executives. Different organizations have various members in their C-suite, which
may include a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and so on. They are
responsible for controlling and overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They set a
"tone at the top" and develop strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the
overall direction of the organization. In addition, top-level managers play a significant role in
the mobilization of outside resources. Senior managers are accountable to the shareholders,
the general public and to public bodies that oversee corporations and similar organizations.
Some members of the senior mgt. may serve as the public face of the organization, and they
may make speeches to introduce new strategies or appear in marketing.
The board of directors is typically primarily composed of non-executives who owe
a fiduciary duty to shareholders and are not closely involved in the day-to-day activities of the
organization, although this varies depending on the type (e.g., public versus private), size and
culture of the organization. These directors are theoretically liable for breaches of that duty
and typically insured under directors and officers liability insurance. Fortune 500 directors are
estimated to spend 4.4 hours per week on board duties, and median compensation was
$212,512 in 2010. The board sets corporate strategy, makes major decisions such as major
acquisitions,[22] and hires, evaluates, and fires the top-level manager (Chief Executive
Officer or CEO). The CEO typically hires other positions. However, board involvement in the
hiring of other positions such as the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) has increased.[23] In 2013, a
survey of over 160 CEOs and directors of public and private companies found that the top
weaknesses of CEOs were "mentoring skills" and "board engagement", and 10% of
companies never evaluated the CEO.[24] The board may also have certain employees
(e.g., internal auditors) report to them or directly hire independent contractors; for example,
the board (through the audit committee) typically selects the auditor.
Helpful skills of top mgt. vary by the type of organization but typically include [25] a broad
understanding of competition, world economies, and politics. In addition, the CEO is
responsible for implementing and determining (within the board's framework) the broad
policies of the organization. Executive mgt. accomplishes the day-to-day details, including:
instructions for preparation of department budgets, procedures, schedules; appointment of
middle level executives such as department managers; coordination of departments; media
and governmental relations; and shareholder communication.
Consist of general managers, branch managers and department managers. They are
accountable to the top mgt. for their department's function. They devote more time to
organizational and directional functions. Their roles can be emphasized as executing
organizational plans in conformance with the company's policies and the objectives of the top
mgt., they define and discuss information and policies from top mgt. to lower mgt., and most
[Type text]

Page 25


importantly they inspire and provide guidance to lower level managers towards better
Middle mgt. is the midway mgt. of a categorized organization, being secondary to the senior
mgt. but above the deepest levels of operational members. An operational manager may be
well-thought-out by middle mgt., or may be categorized as non-mgt. operate, liable to the
policy of the specific organization. Efficiency of the middle level is vital in any organization,
since they bridge the gap between top level and bottom level staffs.
Their functions include:

Design and implement effective group and inter-group work

and information systems.

Define and monitor group-level performance indicators.

Diagnose and resolve problems within and among work


Design and implement reward systems that support

cooperative behavior. They also make decision and share ideas
with top managers.

Lower managers include supervisors, section leaders, forepersons and team leaders. They
focus on controlling and directing regular employees. They are usually responsible for
assigning employees' tasks, guiding and supervising employees on day-to-day activities,
ensuring the quality and quantity of production and/or service, making recommendations and
suggestions to employees on their work, and channeling employee concerns that they cannot
resolve to mid-level managers or other administrators. First-level or "front line" managers
also act as role models for their employees. In some types of work, front line managers may
also do some of the same tasks that employees do, at least some of the time. For example, in
some restaurants, the front line managers will also serve customers during a very busy period
of the day.
Front-line managers typically provide:

[Type text]

Training for new employees

Basic supervision

Page 26


Performance feedback and guidance

Some front-line managers may also provide career planning for employees who aim to rise
within the organization.
Colleges and universities around the world offer bachelor's degrees, graduate degrees,
diplomas and certificates in mgt., generally within their colleges of business, business schools
or faculty of mgt. but also in other related departments. In the 2010s, there has been an
increase in online mgt. education and training in the form of electronic educational
technology ( also called e-learning). Online education has increased the accessibility of mgt.
training to people who do not live near a college or university, or who cannot afford to travel
to a city where such training is available.
While some professions require academic credentials in order to work in the profession (e.g.,
law, medicine, engineering, which require, respectively the Bachelor of Law, Doctor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Engineering degrees), mgt. and administration positions do not
necessarily require the completion of academic degrees. Some well-known senior executive in
the United States who did not complete a university degree include Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. However, many managers and executives have completed some
type of business or mgt. training, such as a Bachelor of Commerce or a Master of Business
Administration degree. Some major organizations, including companies, not-for-profit
organizations and governments, require applicants to managerial or executive positions to
hold at minimum Bachelor's degree in a field related to administration of mgt., or in the case
of business jobs, a Bachelor of Commerce or a similar degree.
United States[edit]
At the undergraduate level, the most common business program is the Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com.). A B.Com. is typically a four-year program that includes courses that
give students an overview of the role of managers in planning and directing within an
organization. Course topics include accounting, financial mgt., statistics, marketing, strategy,
and other related areas. There are many other undergraduate degrees that include the study of
mgt., such as Bachelor of Arts degrees with a major inbusiness administration or mgt. and
Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P.A), a degree designed for individuals aiming to work
as bureaucrats in the government jobs. Many colleges and universities also offer certificates
and diplomas in business administration or mgt., which typically require one to two years of
full-time study.
At the graduate level students aiming at careers as managers or executives may choose to
specialize in major subareas of mgt. or business administration such
[Type text]

Page 27


asentrepreneurship, human
resources, international
business, organizational
behavior, organizational
theory, strategic
mgt., accounting, corporate
entertainment, global mgt., healthcare mgt., investment mgt., sustainability and real estate.
A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most popular professional master's degree
and can be obtained from many universities in the United States. MBAs provide further
education in mgt. and leadership for graduate students. Other master's degrees in business and
mgt. include the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in business administration or mgt., which is
typically taken by students aiming to become researchers or professors. There are also
specialized master's degrees in administration for individuals aiming at careers outside of
business, such as the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree (also offered as a Master
of Arts in Public Administration in some universities), for students aiming to become
managers or executives in the public service and the Master of Health Administration, for
students aiming to become managers or executives in the health care and hospital sector.
Mgt. doctorates are the most advanced terminal degrees in the field of business and mgt..
Most individuals obtaining mgt. doctorates take the programs to obtain the training in
research methods, statistical analysis and writing academic papers that they will need to seek
careers as researchers, senior consultants and/or professors in business administration or mgt..
There are two main types of mgt. doctorates: the Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
and the PhD in business administration or mgt.. In the 2010s, doctorates in business
administration and mgt. are available with many specializations.
Good practices[edit]
While mgt. trends can change rapidly, the long term trend in mgt. has been defined by a
market embracing diversity and a rising service industry. Managers are currently being trained
to encourage greater equality for minorities and women in the workplace, by offering
increased flexibility in working hours, better retraining, and innovative (and usually industryspecific) performance markers. Managers destined for the service sector are being trained to
use unique measurement techniques, better worker support and more charismatic leadership
styles.[27] Human resources finds itself increasingly working with mgt. in a training capacity to
help collect mgt. data on the success (or failure) of mgt. actions with employees.[28]
See also[edit]
Main article: Outline of business mgt.

[Type text]

Academy of Mgt. Journal

Anthony triangle

Human relations movement

Indian Ethos in Mgt.

Page 28


Industrial and organizational psychology

Leadership (journal)

Mgt. styles

Project mgt.

Technology mgt.

Team effectiveness

Total quality mgt.


57. Jump
58. Jump
59. Jump up^ SS Gulshan. Mgt. Principles and Practices by
Lallan Prasad and SS Gulshan. Excel Books India.
pp. 6. ISBN 978-93-5062-099-1.
60. Jump up^ Deslandes G., (2014), Mgt. in Xenophon's
Philosophy : a Retrospective Analysis, 38th Annual
Research Conference, Philosophy of Mgt., 2014, July 14
16, Chicago, USA
61. Jump up^ Prabbal Frank attempts to make a subtle
distinction between mgt. and manipulation: Frank,
[Type text]

Page 29


Prabbal (2006). People Manipulation: A Positive

Approach (2 ed.). New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
pp. 37. ISBN 9788120743526.
Retrieved 2015-09-05. There is a difference between mgt.
and manipulation. The difference is thin [...] If mgt. is
handling, then manipulation is skilful handling. In short,
manipulation is skilful mgt.. [...] Manipulation is in
essence leveraged mgt.. [...] It is an alive thing while mgt.
is a dead concept. It requires a proactive approach rather
than a reactive approach. [...] People cannot be managed.
62. Jump up^ Administration industrielle et gnrale prvoyance organization - commandment, coordination
contrle, Paris : Dunod, 1966
63. Jump up^ Jones, Norman L. (2013). "Chapter Two: Of
Poetry and Politics: The Managerial Culture of SixteenthCentury England". In Kaufman, Peter Iver. Leadership
and Elizabethan Culture. Jepson Studies in Leadership.
p. 18. ISBN 9781137340290.
Retrieved 2015-08-29. Mary Parker Follett, the 'prophet
of mgt.' reputedly defined mgt. as the 'art of getting things
done through people.' [...] Whether or not she said it,
Follett describes the attributes of dynamic mgt. as being
coactive rather than coercive.
64. Jump up^ Vocational Business: Training, Developing
and Motivating People by Richard Barrett - Business &
Economics - 2003. - Page 51.
65. Jump up^ Compare: Holmes, Leonard (2012). The
Dominance of Mgt.: A Participatory Critique. Voices in
p. 20. ISBN 9781409488668.
Retrieved 2015-0829. Lupton's (1983: 17) notion that mgt. is 'what
managers do during their working hours', if valid, could
only apply to descriptive conceptualizations of mgt.,
where 'mgt.' is effectively synonymous with 'managing',
and where 'managing' refers to an activity, or set of
activities carried out by managers.

[Type text]

Page 30


66. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "mgt.". Online Etymology

Dictionary. Retrieved 2015-08-29. - "Meaning 'governing
body' (originally of a theater) is from 1739."
67. Jump up^ See for examples Melling, Joseph; McKinlay,
Alan, eds. (1996). Mgt., Labour, and Industrial Politics in
Modern Europe: The Quest for Productivity Growth
Elgar. ISBN 9781858980164. Retrieved 2015-08-29.
68. Jump up^ Giddens, Anthony (1981). A Contemporary
Critique of Historical Materialism. Social and Politic
Theory from Polity Press. 1. University of California
Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780520044906. Retrieved 2013-1229. In the army barracks, and in the mass co-ordination of
men on the battlefield (epitomised by the military
innovations of Prince Maurice of Orange and Nassau in
the sixteenth century) are to be found the prototype of the
regimentation of the factory - as both Marx and Weber
69. ^ Jump up to:a b Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
70. Jump up^ Creel, 1974 p.4-5 Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese
Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C.
71. Jump up^ Griffin, Ricky W. CUSTOM Mgt.: Principles
and Practices, International Edition, 11th Edition. Cengage
Learning UK, 08/2014
72. ^ Jump up to:a b c Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
73. Jump up^ Khurana, Rakesh (2010) [2007]. From Higher
Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation of
American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise of
[Type text]

Page 31


Mgt. as a Profession. Princeton University Press.

p. 3. ISBN 9781400830862. Retrieved 2013-08-24. When
salaried managers first appeared in the large
corporations of the late nineteenth century, it was not
obvious who they were, what they did, or why they should
be entrusted with the task of running corporations.
74. Jump
75. Jump up^ Legge, David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth, Anne
(2006). "Learning mgt. (and managing your own
learning)". In Harris, Mary G. Managing Health
Services: Concepts and Practice. Marrickville, NSW:
p. 13. ISBN 9780729537599.
Retrieved 2014-07-11. The manager as bureaucrat is the
guardian of roles, rules and relationships; his or her style
of mgt. relies heavily on working according to the book. In
the Weberian tradition managers are necessary to
coordinate the different roles that contribute to the
production process and to mediate communication from
head office to the shop floor and back. This style of mgt.
assumes a world view in which bureaucratic role is seen
as separate from, and taking precedence over, other
constructions of self (including the obligations of
citizenship), at least for the duration if the working day.
76. Jump up^ Craig, S. (2009, January 29). Merrill Bonus
Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal. [1]
77. Jump up^ Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries The Dark Side of
Leadership - Business Strategy Review 14(3), Autumn
Page 26 (2003).
78. Jump up^ Board of Directors: Duties & Liabilities.
Stanford Graduate School of Business.
79. Jump up^ DeMars L. (2006). Heavy Vetting: Boards of
directors now want to talk to would-be CFOs and vice
versa. CFO Magazine.
[Type text]

Page 32


80. Jump up^ 2013 CEO Performance Evaluation Survey.

Stanford Graduate School of Business.
81. Jump up^ Kleiman, Lawrence S. " MGT. AND
Business:Encyclopedia of Business(2010): n. pag. Web. 25
Mar 2011. [2].
82. Jump
83. Jump up^ "Four Ways to Be A Better Boss". Randstad
USA. Randstad USA. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
84. Jump up^ "The Role of HR in Uncertain
Times" (PDF). Economist Intelligence Unit. Economist
Intelligence Unit. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
External links[edit]

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Media related to Mgt. at Wikimedia Commons

Quotations related to Mgt. at Wikiquote



Social sciences
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Mgt. occupations
Organizational theory


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Corporate law[show]
Theoretical scope[edit]
Nature of work[edit]
Historical development[edit]
Early writing[edit]
19th century[edit]
20th century[edit]
21st century[edit]
Basic roles[edit]
Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]
Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]
United States[edit]
[Type text]

Page 1


Good practices[edit]
See also[edit]
External links[edit]
Navigation menu
In other projects


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Manager" redirects here. For other uses, see Mgt. (disambiguation) and Manager

[Type text]

Page 2


An organization chart for the United States Coast Guard shows the hierarchy of
managerial roles in that organization.
Business administration

[Type text]

Page 3


Mgt. in businesses and other organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and

government bodies, refers to the individuals who set the strategy of the organization

[Type text]

Page 4


[Type text]

Page 5


The Principle sir,
Subject: Application of leave for 10 days.
Dear sir,
I hereby inform you that I will unable to come for next 10 days. Because I will go for world
tour with my family .Kindly allow me to go for same.

Yours Sincerely,

[Type text]

Page 6


and coordinate the efforts of employees (or volunteers, in the case of some voluntary
organizations) to accomplish objectives by using available human, financial and other
includesplanning, organizing, selecting
staff, leading or
and controlling an organization to accomplish various goals. Resourcingencompasses
of human
resources, financial resources, technological resources, natural resources and other
Mgt. is also an academic discipline, a social science whose objective is to study social
organization and organizational leadership. Mgt. is studied at colleges and universities;
some important degrees in mgt. are the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) andMaster of
Business Administration (M.B.A.) and, for the public sector, the Master of Public
Administration (MPA) degree. Individuals who aim at becoming mgt. researchers or
professors may complete the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the PhD in
business administration or mgt..

[Type text]

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11 1




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Page 8










There are three levels of managers, which are typically organized in a hierarchical, pyramid
structure. Senior managers, such as the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
or President of an organization, set the strategic goals of the organization and make decisions
on how the overall organization will operate. Senior managers provide direction to the middle
managers who report to them. Middle managers, examples of which would include branch
managers, regional managers and section managers, provide direction to front-line managers.
Middle managers communicate the strategic goals of senior mgt. to the front-line

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Page 13


Series 1

Series 2
Series 3

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

managers. Lower managers, such assupervisors and front-line team leaders, oversee the work
of regular employees (or volunteers, in some voluntary organizations) and provide direction
on their work.



o 2.1Theoretical scope

[Type text]

3Nature of work

4Historical development

Page 14


o 4.1Early writing
o 4.219th century
o 4.320th century
o 4.421st century

o 5.1Basics
o 5.2Basic roles
o 5.3Skills
o 5.4Implementation of policies and strategies

6Policies and strategies in the planning process

o 7.1Top
o 7.2Middle
o 7.3Lower

o 8.1United States



o 8.2Good practices

[Type text]

9See also
Page 15



11External links


The English verb "manage" comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools or
a horse), which derives from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act). The
French word for housekeeping, mnagerie, derived from mnager ("to keep house";
compare mnage for "household"), also encompasses taking care of domestic
animals.Mnagerie is
of Xenophon's
book Oeconomicus[1] (Greek: ) on household matters and husbandry. The French
word mesnagement (ormnagement) influenced the semantic development of the English
word mgt. in the 17th and 18th centuries.[2]

Mark Zuckerberg is the Chief Executive Officer and Chair forFacebook, a major
American social networking company.
Views on the definition and scope of mgt. include:

[Type text]

According to Henri Fayol, "to manage is to forecast and to

plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to

Fredmund Malik defines it as "the transformation of resources

into utility."
Page 16


Mgt. included as one of the factors of production - along with

machines, materials and money.

Ghislain Deslandes defines it as a vulnerable force, under

pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power
of constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on
subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental

Peter Drucker (19092005) saw the basic task of mgt. as

twofold: marketing and innovation. Nevertheless, innovation
is also linked to marketing (product innovation is a central
strategic marketing issue). Peter Drucker identifies marketing
as a key essence for business success, but mgt. and marketing
are generally understood[by whom?] as two different branches of
business administration knowledge.

Theoretical scope[edit]
Mgt. involves identifying the mission, objective, procedures, rules and manipulation[5] of
the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise.[citation needed] This
implies effective communication: an enterprise environment (as opposed to a physical or
mechanical mechanism) implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful
progress or system outcome.[citation needed]As such, mgt. is not the manipulation of a mechanism
(machine or automated program), not the herding of animals, and can occur either in a legal or
in an illegal enterprise or environment. Mgt. does not need to be seen from enterprise point of
view alone, because mgt. is an essential function to improve one's life and relationships.[citation
Mgt. is therefore everywhere[citation needed] and it has a wider range of application. [clarification
Based on this, mgt. must have humans, communication, and a positive enterprise
endeavor.[citation needed] Plans, measurements, motivational psychological tools, goals, and
economic measures (profit, etc.) may or may not be necessary components for there to be
mgt.. At first, one views mgt. functionally, such as measuring quantity, adjusting plans,
meeting goals.[citation needed] This applies even in situations where planning does not take place.
From this perspective, Henri Fayol (18411925)[6][page needed] considers mgt. to consist of
six functions:
19. forecasting
20. planning
21. organizing

[Type text]

Page 17


22. commanding
23. coordinating
24. controlling
(Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of mgt.. [citation
In another way of thinking, Mary Parker Follett (18681933), allegedly defined mgt. as "the
art of getting things done through people". [7] She described mgt. as philosophy.[8][need quotation to

Critics[which?], however, find this definition useful but far too narrow. The phrase "mgt. is what
managers do" occurs widely,[9] suggesting the difficulty of defining mgt. without circularity,
the shifting nature of definitions[citation needed] and the connection of managerial practices with the
existence of a managerial cadre or of a class.
One habit of thought regards mgt. as equivalent to "business administration" and thus
excludes mgt. in places outside commerce, as for example in charitiesand in the public sector.
More broadly, every organization must "manage" its work, people, processes, technology, etc.
to maximize effectiveness.[citation needed] Nonetheless, many people refer to university
departments that teach mgt. as "business schools". Some such institutions (such as
the Harvard Business School) use that name, while others (such as the Yale School of Mgt.)
employ the broader term "mgt.".
English-speakers may also use the term "mgt." or "the mgt." as a collective word describing
the managers of an organization, for example of a corporation.[10]Historically this use of the
term often contrasted with the term "labor" - referring to those being managed.[11]
But in the present era[when?] the concept of mgt. is identified[by whom?] in the wide areas[which?] and
its frontiers have been pushed to a broader range.[citation needed] Apart from profitable
organizations even non-profitable organizations (NGOs) apply mgt. concepts. The concept
and its uses are not constrained[by whom?]. Mgt. on the whole is the process of planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
Nature of work[edit]
In profitable organizations, mgt.'s primary function is the satisfaction of a range
of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued
products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing great employment opportunities
for employees. In nonprofit mgt., add the importance of keeping the faith of donors. In most
models of mgt. and governance, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board
then hires senior mgt.. Some organizations have experimented with other methods (such as
employee-voting models) of selecting or reviewing managers, but this is rare.
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In the public sector of countries constituted as representative democracies, voters elect

politicians to public office. Such politicians hire many managers and administrators, and in
some countries like the United States political appointees lose their jobs on the election of a
new president/governor/mayor.
Historical development[edit]
Some see mgt. (by definition) as late-modern (in the sense of late modernity)
conceptualization. On those terms it cannot have a pre-modern history, only harbingers (such
as stewards). Others, however, detect mgt.-like-thought back to Sumerian traders and to the
builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Slave-owners through the centuries faced the
problems of exploiting/motivating a dependent but sometimes unenthusiastic or recalcitrant
workforce, but many pre-industrial enterprises, given their small scale, did not feel compelled
to face the issues of mgt. systematically. However, innovations such as the spread of Hindu
numerals (5th to 15th centuries) and the codification of double-entry book-keeping (1494)
provided tools for mgt. assessment, planning and control.
With the changing workplaces of industrial revolutions in the 18th and 19th
centuries, military theory and practice contributed approaches to managing the newlypopularfactories.[12]
Given the scale of most commercial operations and the lack of mechanized record-keeping
and recording before the industrial revolution, it made sense for most owners of enterprises in
those times to carry out mgt. functions by and for themselves. But with growing size and
complexity of organizations, the split between owners (individuals, industrial dynasties or
groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and
control) gradually became more common.
Early writing[edit]
While mgt. (according to some definitions) has existed for millennia, several writers have
created a background of works that assisted in modern mgt. theories. [13] Some ancient military
texts have been cited for lessons that civilian managers can gather. For example, Chinese
general Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, The Art of War, recommends being aware of and
acting on strengths and weaknesses of both a manager's organization and a foe's.
Influential Chinese Legalist philosopher Shen Buhaimay be considered valuable as a rare
premodern example of abstract theory of administration.[14]
Various ancient and medieval civilizations have produced "mirrors for princes" books, which
aim to advise new monarchs on how to govern. Plato described job specialization in 350 B.C.,
and Alfarabi listed several leadership traits in A.D. 900. [15] Other examples include the
Indian Arthashastra by Chanakya (written around 300 BCE), and The Prince by Italian
author Niccol Machiavelli (c. 1515).[16]
Further information: Mirrors for princes
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Written in 1776 by Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher, The Wealth of

Nations discussed efficient organization of work through division of labour.[16] Smith
described how changes in processes could boost productivity in the manufacture of pins.
While individuals could produce 200 pins per day, Smith analyzed the steps involved in
manufacture and, with 10 specialists, enabled production of 48,000 pins per day.[16]
19th century[edit]
Classical economists such as Adam Smith (17231790) and John Stuart Mill (18061873)
provided a theoretical background to resource-allocation, production, and pricingissues.
About the same time, innovators like Eli Whitney (17651825), James Watt (17361819),
and Matthew Boulton (17281809) developed elements of technical production such
as standardization, quality-control procedures, cost-accounting, interchangeability of parts,
and work-planning. Many of these aspects of mgt. existed in the pre-1861 slave-based sector
of the US economy. That environment saw 4 million people, as the contemporary usages had
it, "managed" in profitable quasi-mass production.
Salaried managers as an identifiable group first became prominent in the late 19th century.[17]
20th century[edit]
By about 1900 one finds managers trying to place their theories on what they regarded as a
thoroughly scientific basis (see scientism for perceived limitations of this belief). Examples
include Henry R. Towne's Science of mgt. in the 1890s, Frederick Winslow Taylor's The
Principles of Scientific Mgt. (1911), Lillian Gilbreth'sPsychology of Mgt. (1914),
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth's Applied motion study (1917), and Henry L. Gantt's charts
(1910s). J. Duncan wrote the first collegemgt.-textbook in 1911. In 1912 Yoichi
Ueno introduced Taylorism to Japan and became the first mgt. consultant of the "Japanesemgt. style". His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese quality assurance.
The first comprehensive theories of mgt. appeared around 1920. The Harvard Business
School offered the first Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921. People
like Henri Fayol (18411925) and Alexander Church described the various branches of mgt.
and their inter-relationships. In the early 20th century, people like Ordway Tead (1891
1973), Walter Scott and J. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to mgt.. Other
writers, such as Elton Mayo (18801949), Mary Parker Follett (18681933), Chester
Barnard (18861961), Max Weber (18641920), who saw what he called the "administrator"
as bureaucrat[19]), Rensis Likert (19031981), andChris Argyris (* 1923) approached the
phenomenon of mgt. from a sociological perspective.
Peter Drucker (19092005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied mgt.: Concept of the
Corporation (published in 1946). It resulted from Alfred Sloan (chairman ofGeneral
Motors until 1956) commissioning a study of the organisation. Drucker went on to write 39
books, many in the same vein.

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H. Dodge, Ronald Fisher (18901962), and Thornton C. Fry introduced statistical techniques
into mgt.-studies. In the 1940s, Patrick Blackett worked in the development of the appliedmathematics science of operations research, initially for military operations. Operations
research, sometimes known as "mgt. science" (but distinct from Taylor's scientific mgt.),
attempts to take a scientific approach to solving decision-problems, and can apply directly to
multiple mgt. problems, particularly in the areas of logistics and operations.
Some of the more recent developments include the Theory of Constraints, mgt. by
objectives, reengineering, Six Sigma and various information-technology-driven theories such
as agile software development, as well as group-mgt. theories such as Cog's Ladder.
As the general recognition of managers as a class solidified during the 20th century and gave
perceived practitioners of the art/science of mgt. a certain amount of prestige, so the way
opened for popularised systems of mgt. ideas to peddle their wares. In this context many mgt.
fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of mgt..
Towards the end of the 20th century, business mgt. came to consist of six separate branches,
[citation needed]
19. financial mgt.
20. human resource mgt.
21. information technology
information systems)

mgt. (responsible

for mgt.

22. marketing mgt.

23. operations mgt. or production mgt.
24. strategic mgt.
21st century[edit]
In the 21st century observers find it increasingly difficult to subdivide mgt. into functional
categories in this way. More and more processes simultaneously involve several categories.
Instead, one tends to think in terms of the various processes, tasks, and objects subject to mgt..
[citation needed]

Branches of mgt. theory also exist relating to nonprofits and to government: such as public
administration, public mgt., and educational mgt.. Further, mgt. programs related to civilsociety organizations have also spawned programs in nonprofit mgt. and social
Note that many of the assumptions made by mgt. have come under attack from businessethics viewpoints, critical mgt. studies, and anti-corporate activism.
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As one consequence, workplace democracy (sometimes referred to as Workers' self-mgt.) has

become both more common and advocated to a greater extent, in some places distributing all
mgt. functions among workers, each of whom takes on a portion of the work. However, these
models predate any current political issue, and may occur more naturally than does
a command hierarchy. All mgt. embraces to some degree a democratic principlein that in
the long term, the majority of workers must support mgt.. Otherwise, they leave to find other
work or go on strike. Despite the move toward workplace democracy, command-and-control
organization structures remain commonplace as de facto organization structure. Indeed, the
entrenched nature of command-and-control is evident in the way that recent layoffs have been
conducted with mgt. ranks affected far less than employees at the lower levels. In some cases,
mgt. has even rewarded itself with bonuses after laying off lower-level workers.[20]
According to leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, a contemporary senior mgt.
team will almost inevitably have some personality disorders.[21]
Mgt. operates through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding,
and controlling.

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and

generating plans for action(deciding in advance).

Organizing: Making sure the human and nonhuman resources

are put into place

Coordinating (or staffing): Creating a structure through

which an organization's goals can be accomplished.

Commanding (or leading): Determining what must be done in

a situation and getting people to do it.

Controlling: Checking progress against plans.

Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction

with employees

Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and

analyzing information

Basic roles[edit]

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Decision: roles that require decision-making

establish connections

conceptual: used to analyze complex situations

and delegate

diagnostic: ability to visualize appropriate responses to a


leadership: ability to lead and to provide guidance to a specific


technical: expertise in one's particular functional area.

Mgt. skills include:




a power

base and

communicate, motivate,



Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]

[Type text]

All policies and strategies must be discussed with all

managerial personnel and staff.

Managers must understand where and how they can

implement their policies and strategies.

A plan of action must be devised for each department.

Policies and strategies must be reviewed regularly.

Contingency plans must be devised in case the environment


Top-level managers should carry out regular progress


The business requires team spirit and a good environment.

Page 23


The missions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of each

department must be analyzed to determine their roles in
achieving the business's mission.

The forecasting method develops a reliable picture of the

business's future environment.

A planning unit must be created to ensure that all plans are

consistent and that policies and strategies are aimed at
achieving the same mission and objectives.

Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]

They give mid and lower-level managers a good idea of the

future plans for each department in an organization.

A framework is created whereby plans and decisions are


Mid and lower-level mgt. may add their own plans to the
business's strategies.

Most organizations have three mgt. levels: first-level, middle-level, and top-level managers.
First-line managers are the lowest level of mgt. and manage the work of nonmanagerial
individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization's
products. First-line managers are often called supervisors, but may also be called line
managers, office managers, or even foremen. Middle managers include all levels of mgt.
between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the
work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant
manager, or division manager. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These
individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director,
chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.
These managers are classified in a hierarchy of authority, and perform different tasks. In many
organizations, the number of managers in every level resembles a pyramid. Each level is
explained below in specifications of their different responsibilities and likely job titles. [citation

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The top or senior layer of mgt. consists of the board of directors (including non-executive
directors and executive directors), president, vice-president, CEOs and other members of
the C-level executives. Different organizations have various members in their C-suite, which
may include a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and so on. They are
responsible for controlling and overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They set a
"tone at the top" and develop strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the
overall direction of the organization. In addition, top-level managers play a significant role in
the mobilization of outside resources. Senior managers are accountable to the shareholders,
the general public and to public bodies that oversee corporations and similar organizations.
Some members of the senior mgt. may serve as the public face of the organization, and they
may make speeches to introduce new strategies or appear in marketing.
The board of directors is typically primarily composed of non-executives who owe
a fiduciary duty to shareholders and are not closely involved in the day-to-day activities of the
organization, although this varies depending on the type (e.g., public versus private), size and
culture of the organization. These directors are theoretically liable for breaches of that duty
and typically insured under directors and officers liability insurance. Fortune 500 directors are
estimated to spend 4.4 hours per week on board duties, and median compensation was
$212,512 in 2010. The board sets corporate strategy, makes major decisions such as major
acquisitions,[22] and hires, evaluates, and fires the top-level manager (Chief Executive
Officer or CEO). The CEO typically hires other positions. However, board involvement in the
hiring of other positions such as the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) has increased.[23] In 2013, a
survey of over 160 CEOs and directors of public and private companies found that the top
weaknesses of CEOs were "mentoring skills" and "board engagement", and 10% of
companies never evaluated the CEO.[24] The board may also have certain employees
(e.g., internal auditors) report to them or directly hire independent contractors; for example,
the board (through the audit committee) typically selects the auditor.
Helpful skills of top mgt. vary by the type of organization but typically include [25] a broad
understanding of competition, world economies, and politics. In addition, the CEO is
responsible for implementing and determining (within the board's framework) the broad
policies of the organization. Executive mgt. accomplishes the day-to-day details, including:
instructions for preparation of department budgets, procedures, schedules; appointment of
middle level executives such as department managers; coordination of departments; media
and governmental relations; and shareholder communication.
Consist of general managers, branch managers and department managers. They are
accountable to the top mgt. for their department's function. They devote more time to
organizational and directional functions. Their roles can be emphasized as executing
organizational plans in conformance with the company's policies and the objectives of the top
mgt., they define and discuss information and policies from top mgt. to lower mgt., and most
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importantly they inspire and provide guidance to lower level managers towards better
Middle mgt. is the midway mgt. of a categorized organization, being secondary to the senior
mgt. but above the deepest levels of operational members. An operational manager may be
well-thought-out by middle mgt., or may be categorized as non-mgt. operate, liable to the
policy of the specific organization. Efficiency of the middle level is vital in any organization,
since they bridge the gap between top level and bottom level staffs.
Their functions include:

Design and implement effective group and inter-group work

and information systems.

Define and monitor group-level performance indicators.

Diagnose and resolve problems within and among work


Design and implement reward systems that support

cooperative behavior. They also make decision and share ideas
with top managers.

Lower managers include supervisors, section leaders, forepersons and team leaders. They
focus on controlling and directing regular employees. They are usually responsible for
assigning employees' tasks, guiding and supervising employees on day-to-day activities,
ensuring the quality and quantity of production and/or service, making recommendations and
suggestions to employees on their work, and channeling employee concerns that they cannot
resolve to mid-level managers or other administrators. First-level or "front line" managers
also act as role models for their employees. In some types of work, front line managers may
also do some of the same tasks that employees do, at least some of the time. For example, in
some restaurants, the front line managers will also serve customers during a very busy period
of the day.
Front-line managers typically provide:

[Type text]

Training for new employees

Basic supervision

Page 26


Performance feedback and guidance

Some front-line managers may also provide career planning for employees who aim to rise
within the organization.
Colleges and universities around the world offer bachelor's degrees, graduate degrees,
diplomas and certificates in mgt., generally within their colleges of business, business schools
or faculty of mgt. but also in other related departments. In the 2010s, there has been an
increase in online mgt. education and training in the form of electronic educational
technology ( also called e-learning). Online education has increased the accessibility of mgt.
training to people who do not live near a college or university, or who cannot afford to travel
to a city where such training is available.
While some professions require academic credentials in order to work in the profession (e.g.,
law, medicine, engineering, which require, respectively the Bachelor of Law, Doctor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Engineering degrees), mgt. and administration positions do not
necessarily require the completion of academic degrees. Some well-known senior executive in
the United States who did not complete a university degree include Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. However, many managers and executives have completed some
type of business or mgt. training, such as a Bachelor of Commerce or a Master of Business
Administration degree. Some major organizations, including companies, not-for-profit
organizations and governments, require applicants to managerial or executive positions to
hold at minimum Bachelor's degree in a field related to administration of mgt., or in the case
of business jobs, a Bachelor of Commerce or a similar degree.
United States[edit]
At the undergraduate level, the most common business program is the Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com.). A B.Com. is typically a four-year program that includes courses that
give students an overview of the role of managers in planning and directing within an
organization. Course topics include accounting, financial mgt., statistics, marketing, strategy,
and other related areas. There are many other undergraduate degrees that include the study of
mgt., such as Bachelor of Arts degrees with a major inbusiness administration or mgt. and
Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P.A), a degree designed for individuals aiming to work
as bureaucrats in the government jobs. Many colleges and universities also offer certificates
and diplomas in business administration or mgt., which typically require one to two years of
full-time study.
At the graduate level students aiming at careers as managers or executives may choose to
specialize in major subareas of mgt. or business administration such
[Type text]

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asentrepreneurship, human
resources, international
business, organizational
behavior, organizational
theory, strategic
mgt., accounting, corporate
entertainment, global mgt., healthcare mgt., investment mgt., sustainability and real estate.
A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most popular professional master's degree
and can be obtained from many universities in the United States. MBAs provide further
education in mgt. and leadership for graduate students. Other master's degrees in business and
mgt. include the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in business administration or mgt., which is
typically taken by students aiming to become researchers or professors. There are also
specialized master's degrees in administration for individuals aiming at careers outside of
business, such as the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree (also offered as a Master
of Arts in Public Administration in some universities), for students aiming to become
managers or executives in the public service and the Master of Health Administration, for
students aiming to become managers or executives in the health care and hospital sector.
Mgt. doctorates are the most advanced terminal degrees in the field of business and mgt..
Most individuals obtaining mgt. doctorates take the programs to obtain the training in
research methods, statistical analysis and writing academic papers that they will need to seek
careers as researchers, senior consultants and/or professors in business administration or mgt..
There are two main types of mgt. doctorates: the Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
and the PhD in business administration or mgt.. In the 2010s, doctorates in business
administration and mgt. are available with many specializations.
Good practices[edit]
While mgt. trends can change rapidly, the long term trend in mgt. has been defined by a
market embracing diversity and a rising service industry. Managers are currently being trained
to encourage greater equality for minorities and women in the workplace, by offering
increased flexibility in working hours, better retraining, and innovative (and usually industryspecific) performance markers. Managers destined for the service sector are being trained to
use unique measurement techniques, better worker support and more charismatic leadership
styles.[27] Human resources finds itself increasingly working with mgt. in a training capacity to
help collect mgt. data on the success (or failure) of mgt. actions with employees.[28]
See also[edit]
Main article: Outline of business mgt.

[Type text]

Academy of Mgt. Journal

Anthony triangle

Human relations movement

Indian Ethos in Mgt.

Page 28


Industrial and organizational psychology

Leadership (journal)

Mgt. styles

Project mgt.

Technology mgt.

Team effectiveness

Total quality mgt.


85. Jump
86. Jump
87. Jump up^ SS Gulshan. Mgt. Principles and Practices by
Lallan Prasad and SS Gulshan. Excel Books India.
pp. 6. ISBN 978-93-5062-099-1.
88. Jump up^ Deslandes G., (2014), Mgt. in Xenophon's
Philosophy : a Retrospective Analysis, 38th Annual
Research Conference, Philosophy of Mgt., 2014, July 14
16, Chicago, USA
89. Jump up^ Prabbal Frank attempts to make a subtle
distinction between mgt. and manipulation: Frank,
[Type text]

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Prabbal (2006). People Manipulation: A Positive

Approach (2 ed.). New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
pp. 37. ISBN 9788120743526.
Retrieved 2015-09-05. There is a difference between mgt.
and manipulation. The difference is thin [...] If mgt. is
handling, then manipulation is skilful handling. In short,
manipulation is skilful mgt.. [...] Manipulation is in
essence leveraged mgt.. [...] It is an alive thing while mgt.
is a dead concept. It requires a proactive approach rather
than a reactive approach. [...] People cannot be managed.
90. Jump up^ Administration industrielle et gnrale prvoyance organization - commandment, coordination
contrle, Paris : Dunod, 1966
91. Jump up^ Jones, Norman L. (2013). "Chapter Two: Of
Poetry and Politics: The Managerial Culture of SixteenthCentury England". In Kaufman, Peter Iver. Leadership
and Elizabethan Culture. Jepson Studies in Leadership.
p. 18. ISBN 9781137340290.
Retrieved 2015-08-29. Mary Parker Follett, the 'prophet
of mgt.' reputedly defined mgt. as the 'art of getting things
done through people.' [...] Whether or not she said it,
Follett describes the attributes of dynamic mgt. as being
coactive rather than coercive.
92. Jump up^ Vocational Business: Training, Developing
and Motivating People by Richard Barrett - Business &
Economics - 2003. - Page 51.
93. Jump up^ Compare: Holmes, Leonard (2012). The
Dominance of Mgt.: A Participatory Critique. Voices in
p. 20. ISBN 9781409488668.
Retrieved 2015-0829. Lupton's (1983: 17) notion that mgt. is 'what
managers do during their working hours', if valid, could
only apply to descriptive conceptualizations of mgt.,
where 'mgt.' is effectively synonymous with 'managing',
and where 'managing' refers to an activity, or set of
activities carried out by managers.

[Type text]

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94. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "mgt.". Online Etymology

Dictionary. Retrieved 2015-08-29. - "Meaning 'governing
body' (originally of a theater) is from 1739."
95. Jump up^ See for examples Melling, Joseph; McKinlay,
Alan, eds. (1996). Mgt., Labour, and Industrial Politics in
Modern Europe: The Quest for Productivity Growth
Elgar. ISBN 9781858980164. Retrieved 2015-08-29.
96. Jump up^ Giddens, Anthony (1981). A Contemporary
Critique of Historical Materialism. Social and Politic
Theory from Polity Press. 1. University of California
Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780520044906. Retrieved 2013-1229. In the army barracks, and in the mass co-ordination of
men on the battlefield (epitomised by the military
innovations of Prince Maurice of Orange and Nassau in
the sixteenth century) are to be found the prototype of the
regimentation of the factory - as both Marx and Weber
97. ^ Jump up to:a b Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
98. Jump up^ Creel, 1974 p.4-5 Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese
Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C.
99. Jump up^ Griffin, Ricky W. CUSTOM Mgt.: Principles
and Practices, International Edition, 11th Edition. Cengage
Learning UK, 08/2014
100. ^ Jump up to:a b c Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B.
Balkin; Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People,
Performance, Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York
USA: McGraw-Hill. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
101. Jump up^ Khurana, Rakesh (2010) [2007]. From
Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation
of American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise
[Type text]

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of Mgt. as a Profession. Princeton University Press.

p. 3. ISBN 9781400830862. Retrieved 2013-08-24. When
salaried managers first appeared in the large
corporations of the late nineteenth century, it was not
obvious who they were, what they did, or why they should
be entrusted with the task of running corporations.
102. Jump
103. Jump up^ Legge, David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth,
Anne (2006). "Learning mgt. (and managing your own
learning)". In Harris, Mary G. Managing Health
Services: Concepts and Practice. Marrickville, NSW:
p. 13. ISBN 9780729537599.
Retrieved 2014-07-11. The manager as bureaucrat is the
guardian of roles, rules and relationships; his or her style
of mgt. relies heavily on working according to the book. In
the Weberian tradition managers are necessary to
coordinate the different roles that contribute to the
production process and to mediate communication from
head office to the shop floor and back. This style of mgt.
assumes a world view in which bureaucratic role is seen
as separate from, and taking precedence over, other
constructions of self (including the obligations of
citizenship), at least for the duration if the working day.
104. Jump up^ Craig, S. (2009, January 29). Merrill Bonus
Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal. [1]
105. Jump up^ Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries The Dark Side
of Leadership - Business Strategy Review 14(3), Autumn
Page 26 (2003).
106. Jump up^ Board of Directors: Duties & Liabilities.
Stanford Graduate School of Business.
107. Jump up^ DeMars L. (2006). Heavy Vetting: Boards of
directors now want to talk to would-be CFOs and vice
versa. CFO Magazine.
[Type text]

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108. Jump up^ 2013 CEO Performance Evaluation Survey.

Stanford Graduate School of Business.
109. Jump up^ Kleiman, Lawrence S. " MGT. AND
Business:Encyclopedia of Business(2010): n. pag. Web. 25
Mar 2011. [2].
110. Jump up^
111. Jump up^ "Four Ways to Be A Better Boss". Randstad
USA. Randstad USA. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
112. Jump up^ "The Role of HR in Uncertain
Times" (PDF). Economist Intelligence Unit. Economist
Intelligence Unit. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
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Corporate law[show]
Theoretical scope[edit]
Nature of work[edit]
Historical development[edit]
Early writing[edit]
19th century[edit]
20th century[edit]
21st century[edit]
Basic roles[edit]
Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]
Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]
United States[edit]
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Good practices[edit]
See also[edit]
External links[edit]
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Manager" redirects here. For other uses, see Mgt. (disambiguation) and Manager

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An organization chart for the United States Coast Guard shows the hierarchy of
managerial roles in that organization.
Business administration

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Mgt. in businesses and other organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and

government bodies, refers to the individuals who set the strategy of the organization

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The Principle sir,
Subject: Application of leave for 10 days.
Dear sir,
I hereby inform you that I will unable to come for next 10 days. Because I will go for world
tour with my family .Kindly allow me to go for same.

Yours Sincerely,

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Page 6


and coordinate the efforts of employees (or volunteers, in the case of some voluntary
organizations) to accomplish objectives by using available human, financial and other
includesplanning, organizing, selecting
staff, leading or
and controlling an organization to accomplish various goals. Resourcingencompasses
of human
resources, financial resources, technological resources, natural resources and other
Mgt. is also an academic discipline, a social science whose objective is to study social
organization and organizational leadership. Mgt. is studied at colleges and universities;
some important degrees in mgt. are the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) andMaster of
Business Administration (M.B.A.) and, for the public sector, the Master of Public
Administration (MPA) degree. Individuals who aim at becoming mgt. researchers or
professors may complete the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the PhD in
business administration or mgt..

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11 1




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There are three levels of managers, which are typically organized in a hierarchical, pyramid
structure. Senior managers, such as the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
or President of an organization, set the strategic goals of the organization and make decisions
on how the overall organization will operate. Senior managers provide direction to the middle
managers who report to them. Middle managers, examples of which would include branch
managers, regional managers and section managers, provide direction to front-line managers.
Middle managers communicate the strategic goals of senior mgt. to the front-line

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Series 1

Series 2
Series 3

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

managers. Lower managers, such assupervisors and front-line team leaders, oversee the work
of regular employees (or volunteers, in some voluntary organizations) and provide direction
on their work.



o 2.1Theoretical scope

[Type text]

3Nature of work

4Historical development

Page 14


o 4.1Early writing
o 4.219th century
o 4.320th century
o 4.421st century

o 5.1Basics
o 5.2Basic roles
o 5.3Skills
o 5.4Implementation of policies and strategies

6Policies and strategies in the planning process

o 7.1Top
o 7.2Middle
o 7.3Lower

o 8.1United States



o 8.2Good practices

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9See also
Page 15



11External links


The English verb "manage" comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools or
a horse), which derives from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act). The
French word for housekeeping, mnagerie, derived from mnager ("to keep house";
compare mnage for "household"), also encompasses taking care of domestic
animals.Mnagerie is
of Xenophon's
book Oeconomicus[1] (Greek: ) on household matters and husbandry. The French
word mesnagement (ormnagement) influenced the semantic development of the English
word mgt. in the 17th and 18th centuries.[2]

Mark Zuckerberg is the Chief Executive Officer and Chair forFacebook, a major
American social networking company.
Views on the definition and scope of mgt. include:

[Type text]

According to Henri Fayol, "to manage is to forecast and to

plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to

Fredmund Malik defines it as "the transformation of resources

into utility."
Page 16


Mgt. included as one of the factors of production - along with

machines, materials and money.

Ghislain Deslandes defines it as a vulnerable force, under

pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power
of constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on
subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental

Peter Drucker (19092005) saw the basic task of mgt. as

twofold: marketing and innovation. Nevertheless, innovation
is also linked to marketing (product innovation is a central
strategic marketing issue). Peter Drucker identifies marketing
as a key essence for business success, but mgt. and marketing
are generally understood[by whom?] as two different branches of
business administration knowledge.

Theoretical scope[edit]
Mgt. involves identifying the mission, objective, procedures, rules and manipulation[5] of
the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise.[citation needed] This
implies effective communication: an enterprise environment (as opposed to a physical or
mechanical mechanism) implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful
progress or system outcome.[citation needed]As such, mgt. is not the manipulation of a mechanism
(machine or automated program), not the herding of animals, and can occur either in a legal or
in an illegal enterprise or environment. Mgt. does not need to be seen from enterprise point of
view alone, because mgt. is an essential function to improve one's life and relationships.[citation
Mgt. is therefore everywhere[citation needed] and it has a wider range of application. [clarification
Based on this, mgt. must have humans, communication, and a positive enterprise
endeavor.[citation needed] Plans, measurements, motivational psychological tools, goals, and
economic measures (profit, etc.) may or may not be necessary components for there to be
mgt.. At first, one views mgt. functionally, such as measuring quantity, adjusting plans,
meeting goals.[citation needed] This applies even in situations where planning does not take place.
From this perspective, Henri Fayol (18411925)[6][page needed] considers mgt. to consist of
six functions:
25. forecasting
26. planning
27. organizing

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28. commanding
29. coordinating
30. controlling
(Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of mgt.. [citation
In another way of thinking, Mary Parker Follett (18681933), allegedly defined mgt. as "the
art of getting things done through people". [7] She described mgt. as philosophy.[8][need quotation to

Critics[which?], however, find this definition useful but far too narrow. The phrase "mgt. is what
managers do" occurs widely,[9] suggesting the difficulty of defining mgt. without circularity,
the shifting nature of definitions[citation needed] and the connection of managerial practices with the
existence of a managerial cadre or of a class.
One habit of thought regards mgt. as equivalent to "business administration" and thus
excludes mgt. in places outside commerce, as for example in charitiesand in the public sector.
More broadly, every organization must "manage" its work, people, processes, technology, etc.
to maximize effectiveness.[citation needed] Nonetheless, many people refer to university
departments that teach mgt. as "business schools". Some such institutions (such as
the Harvard Business School) use that name, while others (such as the Yale School of Mgt.)
employ the broader term "mgt.".
English-speakers may also use the term "mgt." or "the mgt." as a collective word describing
the managers of an organization, for example of a corporation.[10]Historically this use of the
term often contrasted with the term "labor" - referring to those being managed.[11]
But in the present era[when?] the concept of mgt. is identified[by whom?] in the wide areas[which?] and
its frontiers have been pushed to a broader range.[citation needed] Apart from profitable
organizations even non-profitable organizations (NGOs) apply mgt. concepts. The concept
and its uses are not constrained[by whom?]. Mgt. on the whole is the process of planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
Nature of work[edit]
In profitable organizations, mgt.'s primary function is the satisfaction of a range
of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued
products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing great employment opportunities
for employees. In nonprofit mgt., add the importance of keeping the faith of donors. In most
models of mgt. and governance, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board
then hires senior mgt.. Some organizations have experimented with other methods (such as
employee-voting models) of selecting or reviewing managers, but this is rare.
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In the public sector of countries constituted as representative democracies, voters elect

politicians to public office. Such politicians hire many managers and administrators, and in
some countries like the United States political appointees lose their jobs on the election of a
new president/governor/mayor.
Historical development[edit]
Some see mgt. (by definition) as late-modern (in the sense of late modernity)
conceptualization. On those terms it cannot have a pre-modern history, only harbingers (such
as stewards). Others, however, detect mgt.-like-thought back to Sumerian traders and to the
builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Slave-owners through the centuries faced the
problems of exploiting/motivating a dependent but sometimes unenthusiastic or recalcitrant
workforce, but many pre-industrial enterprises, given their small scale, did not feel compelled
to face the issues of mgt. systematically. However, innovations such as the spread of Hindu
numerals (5th to 15th centuries) and the codification of double-entry book-keeping (1494)
provided tools for mgt. assessment, planning and control.
With the changing workplaces of industrial revolutions in the 18th and 19th
centuries, military theory and practice contributed approaches to managing the newlypopularfactories.[12]
Given the scale of most commercial operations and the lack of mechanized record-keeping
and recording before the industrial revolution, it made sense for most owners of enterprises in
those times to carry out mgt. functions by and for themselves. But with growing size and
complexity of organizations, the split between owners (individuals, industrial dynasties or
groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and
control) gradually became more common.
Early writing[edit]
While mgt. (according to some definitions) has existed for millennia, several writers have
created a background of works that assisted in modern mgt. theories. [13] Some ancient military
texts have been cited for lessons that civilian managers can gather. For example, Chinese
general Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, The Art of War, recommends being aware of and
acting on strengths and weaknesses of both a manager's organization and a foe's.
Influential Chinese Legalist philosopher Shen Buhaimay be considered valuable as a rare
premodern example of abstract theory of administration.[14]
Various ancient and medieval civilizations have produced "mirrors for princes" books, which
aim to advise new monarchs on how to govern. Plato described job specialization in 350 B.C.,
and Alfarabi listed several leadership traits in A.D. 900. [15] Other examples include the
Indian Arthashastra by Chanakya (written around 300 BCE), and The Prince by Italian
author Niccol Machiavelli (c. 1515).[16]
Further information: Mirrors for princes
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Written in 1776 by Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher, The Wealth of

Nations discussed efficient organization of work through division of labour.[16] Smith
described how changes in processes could boost productivity in the manufacture of pins.
While individuals could produce 200 pins per day, Smith analyzed the steps involved in
manufacture and, with 10 specialists, enabled production of 48,000 pins per day.[16]
19th century[edit]
Classical economists such as Adam Smith (17231790) and John Stuart Mill (18061873)
provided a theoretical background to resource-allocation, production, and pricingissues.
About the same time, innovators like Eli Whitney (17651825), James Watt (17361819),
and Matthew Boulton (17281809) developed elements of technical production such
as standardization, quality-control procedures, cost-accounting, interchangeability of parts,
and work-planning. Many of these aspects of mgt. existed in the pre-1861 slave-based sector
of the US economy. That environment saw 4 million people, as the contemporary usages had
it, "managed" in profitable quasi-mass production.
Salaried managers as an identifiable group first became prominent in the late 19th century.[17]
20th century[edit]
By about 1900 one finds managers trying to place their theories on what they regarded as a
thoroughly scientific basis (see scientism for perceived limitations of this belief). Examples
include Henry R. Towne's Science of mgt. in the 1890s, Frederick Winslow Taylor's The
Principles of Scientific Mgt. (1911), Lillian Gilbreth'sPsychology of Mgt. (1914),
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth's Applied motion study (1917), and Henry L. Gantt's charts
(1910s). J. Duncan wrote the first collegemgt.-textbook in 1911. In 1912 Yoichi
Ueno introduced Taylorism to Japan and became the first mgt. consultant of the "Japanesemgt. style". His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese quality assurance.
The first comprehensive theories of mgt. appeared around 1920. The Harvard Business
School offered the first Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921. People
like Henri Fayol (18411925) and Alexander Church described the various branches of mgt.
and their inter-relationships. In the early 20th century, people like Ordway Tead (1891
1973), Walter Scott and J. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to mgt.. Other
writers, such as Elton Mayo (18801949), Mary Parker Follett (18681933), Chester
Barnard (18861961), Max Weber (18641920), who saw what he called the "administrator"
as bureaucrat[19]), Rensis Likert (19031981), andChris Argyris (* 1923) approached the
phenomenon of mgt. from a sociological perspective.
Peter Drucker (19092005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied mgt.: Concept of the
Corporation (published in 1946). It resulted from Alfred Sloan (chairman ofGeneral
Motors until 1956) commissioning a study of the organisation. Drucker went on to write 39
books, many in the same vein.

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H. Dodge, Ronald Fisher (18901962), and Thornton C. Fry introduced statistical techniques
into mgt.-studies. In the 1940s, Patrick Blackett worked in the development of the appliedmathematics science of operations research, initially for military operations. Operations
research, sometimes known as "mgt. science" (but distinct from Taylor's scientific mgt.),
attempts to take a scientific approach to solving decision-problems, and can apply directly to
multiple mgt. problems, particularly in the areas of logistics and operations.
Some of the more recent developments include the Theory of Constraints, mgt. by
objectives, reengineering, Six Sigma and various information-technology-driven theories such
as agile software development, as well as group-mgt. theories such as Cog's Ladder.
As the general recognition of managers as a class solidified during the 20th century and gave
perceived practitioners of the art/science of mgt. a certain amount of prestige, so the way
opened for popularised systems of mgt. ideas to peddle their wares. In this context many mgt.
fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of mgt..
Towards the end of the 20th century, business mgt. came to consist of six separate branches,
[citation needed]
25. financial mgt.
26. human resource mgt.
27. information technology
information systems)

mgt. (responsible

for mgt.

28. marketing mgt.

29. operations mgt. or production mgt.
30. strategic mgt.
21st century[edit]
In the 21st century observers find it increasingly difficult to subdivide mgt. into functional
categories in this way. More and more processes simultaneously involve several categories.
Instead, one tends to think in terms of the various processes, tasks, and objects subject to mgt..
[citation needed]

Branches of mgt. theory also exist relating to nonprofits and to government: such as public
administration, public mgt., and educational mgt.. Further, mgt. programs related to civilsociety organizations have also spawned programs in nonprofit mgt. and social
Note that many of the assumptions made by mgt. have come under attack from businessethics viewpoints, critical mgt. studies, and anti-corporate activism.
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As one consequence, workplace democracy (sometimes referred to as Workers' self-mgt.) has

become both more common and advocated to a greater extent, in some places distributing all
mgt. functions among workers, each of whom takes on a portion of the work. However, these
models predate any current political issue, and may occur more naturally than does
a command hierarchy. All mgt. embraces to some degree a democratic principlein that in
the long term, the majority of workers must support mgt.. Otherwise, they leave to find other
work or go on strike. Despite the move toward workplace democracy, command-and-control
organization structures remain commonplace as de facto organization structure. Indeed, the
entrenched nature of command-and-control is evident in the way that recent layoffs have been
conducted with mgt. ranks affected far less than employees at the lower levels. In some cases,
mgt. has even rewarded itself with bonuses after laying off lower-level workers.[20]
According to leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, a contemporary senior mgt.
team will almost inevitably have some personality disorders.[21]
Mgt. operates through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding,
and controlling.

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and

generating plans for action(deciding in advance).

Organizing: Making sure the human and nonhuman resources

are put into place

Coordinating (or staffing): Creating a structure through

which an organization's goals can be accomplished.

Commanding (or leading): Determining what must be done in

a situation and getting people to do it.

Controlling: Checking progress against plans.

Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction

with employees

Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and

analyzing information

Basic roles[edit]

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Decision: roles that require decision-making

establish connections

conceptual: used to analyze complex situations

and delegate

diagnostic: ability to visualize appropriate responses to a


leadership: ability to lead and to provide guidance to a specific


technical: expertise in one's particular functional area.

Mgt. skills include:




a power

base and

communicate, motivate,



Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]

[Type text]

All policies and strategies must be discussed with all

managerial personnel and staff.

Managers must understand where and how they can

implement their policies and strategies.

A plan of action must be devised for each department.

Policies and strategies must be reviewed regularly.

Contingency plans must be devised in case the environment


Top-level managers should carry out regular progress


The business requires team spirit and a good environment.

Page 23


The missions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of each

department must be analyzed to determine their roles in
achieving the business's mission.

The forecasting method develops a reliable picture of the

business's future environment.

A planning unit must be created to ensure that all plans are

consistent and that policies and strategies are aimed at
achieving the same mission and objectives.

Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]

They give mid and lower-level managers a good idea of the

future plans for each department in an organization.

A framework is created whereby plans and decisions are


Mid and lower-level mgt. may add their own plans to the
business's strategies.

Most organizations have three mgt. levels: first-level, middle-level, and top-level managers.
First-line managers are the lowest level of mgt. and manage the work of nonmanagerial
individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization's
products. First-line managers are often called supervisors, but may also be called line
managers, office managers, or even foremen. Middle managers include all levels of mgt.
between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the
work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant
manager, or division manager. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These
individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director,
chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.
These managers are classified in a hierarchy of authority, and perform different tasks. In many
organizations, the number of managers in every level resembles a pyramid. Each level is
explained below in specifications of their different responsibilities and likely job titles. [citation

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The top or senior layer of mgt. consists of the board of directors (including non-executive
directors and executive directors), president, vice-president, CEOs and other members of
the C-level executives. Different organizations have various members in their C-suite, which
may include a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and so on. They are
responsible for controlling and overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They set a
"tone at the top" and develop strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the
overall direction of the organization. In addition, top-level managers play a significant role in
the mobilization of outside resources. Senior managers are accountable to the shareholders,
the general public and to public bodies that oversee corporations and similar organizations.
Some members of the senior mgt. may serve as the public face of the organization, and they
may make speeches to introduce new strategies or appear in marketing.
The board of directors is typically primarily composed of non-executives who owe
a fiduciary duty to shareholders and are not closely involved in the day-to-day activities of the
organization, although this varies depending on the type (e.g., public versus private), size and
culture of the organization. These directors are theoretically liable for breaches of that duty
and typically insured under directors and officers liability insurance. Fortune 500 directors are
estimated to spend 4.4 hours per week on board duties, and median compensation was
$212,512 in 2010. The board sets corporate strategy, makes major decisions such as major
acquisitions,[22] and hires, evaluates, and fires the top-level manager (Chief Executive
Officer or CEO). The CEO typically hires other positions. However, board involvement in the
hiring of other positions such as the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) has increased.[23] In 2013, a
survey of over 160 CEOs and directors of public and private companies found that the top
weaknesses of CEOs were "mentoring skills" and "board engagement", and 10% of
companies never evaluated the CEO.[24] The board may also have certain employees
(e.g., internal auditors) report to them or directly hire independent contractors; for example,
the board (through the audit committee) typically selects the auditor.
Helpful skills of top mgt. vary by the type of organization but typically include [25] a broad
understanding of competition, world economies, and politics. In addition, the CEO is
responsible for implementing and determining (within the board's framework) the broad
policies of the organization. Executive mgt. accomplishes the day-to-day details, including:
instructions for preparation of department budgets, procedures, schedules; appointment of
middle level executives such as department managers; coordination of departments; media
and governmental relations; and shareholder communication.
Consist of general managers, branch managers and department managers. They are
accountable to the top mgt. for their department's function. They devote more time to
organizational and directional functions. Their roles can be emphasized as executing
organizational plans in conformance with the company's policies and the objectives of the top
mgt., they define and discuss information and policies from top mgt. to lower mgt., and most
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importantly they inspire and provide guidance to lower level managers towards better
Middle mgt. is the midway mgt. of a categorized organization, being secondary to the senior
mgt. but above the deepest levels of operational members. An operational manager may be
well-thought-out by middle mgt., or may be categorized as non-mgt. operate, liable to the
policy of the specific organization. Efficiency of the middle level is vital in any organization,
since they bridge the gap between top level and bottom level staffs.
Their functions include:

Design and implement effective group and inter-group work

and information systems.

Define and monitor group-level performance indicators.

Diagnose and resolve problems within and among work


Design and implement reward systems that support

cooperative behavior. They also make decision and share ideas
with top managers.

Lower managers include supervisors, section leaders, forepersons and team leaders. They
focus on controlling and directing regular employees. They are usually responsible for
assigning employees' tasks, guiding and supervising employees on day-to-day activities,
ensuring the quality and quantity of production and/or service, making recommendations and
suggestions to employees on their work, and channeling employee concerns that they cannot
resolve to mid-level managers or other administrators. First-level or "front line" managers
also act as role models for their employees. In some types of work, front line managers may
also do some of the same tasks that employees do, at least some of the time. For example, in
some restaurants, the front line managers will also serve customers during a very busy period
of the day.
Front-line managers typically provide:

[Type text]

Training for new employees

Basic supervision

Page 26


Performance feedback and guidance

Some front-line managers may also provide career planning for employees who aim to rise
within the organization.
Colleges and universities around the world offer bachelor's degrees, graduate degrees,
diplomas and certificates in mgt., generally within their colleges of business, business schools
or faculty of mgt. but also in other related departments. In the 2010s, there has been an
increase in online mgt. education and training in the form of electronic educational
technology ( also called e-learning). Online education has increased the accessibility of mgt.
training to people who do not live near a college or university, or who cannot afford to travel
to a city where such training is available.
While some professions require academic credentials in order to work in the profession (e.g.,
law, medicine, engineering, which require, respectively the Bachelor of Law, Doctor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Engineering degrees), mgt. and administration positions do not
necessarily require the completion of academic degrees. Some well-known senior executive in
the United States who did not complete a university degree include Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. However, many managers and executives have completed some
type of business or mgt. training, such as a Bachelor of Commerce or a Master of Business
Administration degree. Some major organizations, including companies, not-for-profit
organizations and governments, require applicants to managerial or executive positions to
hold at minimum Bachelor's degree in a field related to administration of mgt., or in the case
of business jobs, a Bachelor of Commerce or a similar degree.
United States[edit]
At the undergraduate level, the most common business program is the Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com.). A B.Com. is typically a four-year program that includes courses that
give students an overview of the role of managers in planning and directing within an
organization. Course topics include accounting, financial mgt., statistics, marketing, strategy,
and other related areas. There are many other undergraduate degrees that include the study of
mgt., such as Bachelor of Arts degrees with a major inbusiness administration or mgt. and
Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P.A), a degree designed for individuals aiming to work
as bureaucrats in the government jobs. Many colleges and universities also offer certificates
and diplomas in business administration or mgt., which typically require one to two years of
full-time study.
At the graduate level students aiming at careers as managers or executives may choose to
specialize in major subareas of mgt. or business administration such
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asentrepreneurship, human
resources, international
business, organizational
behavior, organizational
theory, strategic
mgt., accounting, corporate
entertainment, global mgt., healthcare mgt., investment mgt., sustainability and real estate.
A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most popular professional master's degree
and can be obtained from many universities in the United States. MBAs provide further
education in mgt. and leadership for graduate students. Other master's degrees in business and
mgt. include the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in business administration or mgt., which is
typically taken by students aiming to become researchers or professors. There are also
specialized master's degrees in administration for individuals aiming at careers outside of
business, such as the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree (also offered as a Master
of Arts in Public Administration in some universities), for students aiming to become
managers or executives in the public service and the Master of Health Administration, for
students aiming to become managers or executives in the health care and hospital sector.
Mgt. doctorates are the most advanced terminal degrees in the field of business and mgt..
Most individuals obtaining mgt. doctorates take the programs to obtain the training in
research methods, statistical analysis and writing academic papers that they will need to seek
careers as researchers, senior consultants and/or professors in business administration or mgt..
There are two main types of mgt. doctorates: the Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
and the PhD in business administration or mgt.. In the 2010s, doctorates in business
administration and mgt. are available with many specializations.
Good practices[edit]
While mgt. trends can change rapidly, the long term trend in mgt. has been defined by a
market embracing diversity and a rising service industry. Managers are currently being trained
to encourage greater equality for minorities and women in the workplace, by offering
increased flexibility in working hours, better retraining, and innovative (and usually industryspecific) performance markers. Managers destined for the service sector are being trained to
use unique measurement techniques, better worker support and more charismatic leadership
styles.[27] Human resources finds itself increasingly working with mgt. in a training capacity to
help collect mgt. data on the success (or failure) of mgt. actions with employees.[28]
See also[edit]
Main article: Outline of business mgt.

[Type text]

Academy of Mgt. Journal

Anthony triangle

Human relations movement

Indian Ethos in Mgt.

Page 28


Industrial and organizational psychology

Leadership (journal)

Mgt. styles

Project mgt.

Technology mgt.

Team effectiveness

Total quality mgt.


113. Jump
114. Jump
115. Jump up^ SS Gulshan. Mgt. Principles and Practices
by Lallan Prasad and SS Gulshan. Excel Books India.
pp. 6. ISBN 978-93-5062-099-1.
116. Jump up^ Deslandes G., (2014), Mgt. in Xenophon's
Philosophy : a Retrospective Analysis, 38th Annual
Research Conference, Philosophy of Mgt., 2014, July 14
16, Chicago, USA
117. Jump up^ Prabbal Frank attempts to make a subtle
distinction between mgt. and manipulation: Frank,
[Type text]

Page 29


Prabbal (2006). People Manipulation: A Positive

Approach (2 ed.). New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
pp. 37. ISBN 9788120743526.
Retrieved 2015-09-05. There is a difference between mgt.
and manipulation. The difference is thin [...] If mgt. is
handling, then manipulation is skilful handling. In short,
manipulation is skilful mgt.. [...] Manipulation is in
essence leveraged mgt.. [...] It is an alive thing while mgt.
is a dead concept. It requires a proactive approach rather
than a reactive approach. [...] People cannot be managed.
118. Jump up^ Administration industrielle et gnrale prvoyance organization - commandment, coordination
contrle, Paris : Dunod, 1966
119. Jump up^ Jones, Norman L. (2013). "Chapter Two: Of
Poetry and Politics: The Managerial Culture of SixteenthCentury England". In Kaufman, Peter Iver. Leadership
and Elizabethan Culture. Jepson Studies in Leadership.
p. 18. ISBN 9781137340290.
Retrieved 2015-08-29. Mary Parker Follett, the 'prophet
of mgt.' reputedly defined mgt. as the 'art of getting things
done through people.' [...] Whether or not she said it,
Follett describes the attributes of dynamic mgt. as being
coactive rather than coercive.
120. Jump up^ Vocational Business: Training, Developing
and Motivating People by Richard Barrett - Business &
Economics - 2003. - Page 51.
121. Jump up^ Compare: Holmes, Leonard (2012). The
Dominance of Mgt.: A Participatory Critique. Voices in
p. 20. ISBN 9781409488668.
Retrieved 2015-0829. Lupton's (1983: 17) notion that mgt. is 'what
managers do during their working hours', if valid, could
only apply to descriptive conceptualizations of mgt.,
where 'mgt.' is effectively synonymous with 'managing',
and where 'managing' refers to an activity, or set of
activities carried out by managers.

[Type text]

Page 30


122. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "mgt.". Online Etymology

Dictionary. Retrieved 2015-08-29. - "Meaning 'governing
body' (originally of a theater) is from 1739."
123. Jump up^ See for examples Melling, Joseph;
McKinlay, Alan, eds. (1996). Mgt., Labour, and Industrial
Politics in Modern Europe: The Quest for Productivity
Growth During the Twentieth Century. Edward
Elgar. ISBN 9781858980164. Retrieved 2015-08-29.
124. Jump up^ Giddens, Anthony (1981). A Contemporary
Critique of Historical Materialism. Social and Politic
Theory from Polity Press. 1. University of California
Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780520044906. Retrieved 2013-1229. In the army barracks, and in the mass co-ordination of
men on the battlefield (epitomised by the military
innovations of Prince Maurice of Orange and Nassau in
the sixteenth century) are to be found the prototype of the
regimentation of the factory - as both Marx and Weber
125. ^ Jump up to:a b Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
126. Jump up^ Creel, 1974 p.4-5 Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese
Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C.
127. Jump up^ Griffin, Ricky W. CUSTOM Mgt.: Principles
and Practices, International Edition, 11th Edition. Cengage
Learning UK, 08/2014
128. ^ Jump up to:a b c Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B.
Balkin; Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People,
Performance, Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York
USA: McGraw-Hill. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
129. Jump up^ Khurana, Rakesh (2010) [2007]. From
Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation
of American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise
[Type text]

Page 31


of Mgt. as a Profession. Princeton University Press.

p. 3. ISBN 9781400830862. Retrieved 2013-08-24. When
salaried managers first appeared in the large
corporations of the late nineteenth century, it was not
obvious who they were, what they did, or why they should
be entrusted with the task of running corporations.
130. Jump
131. Jump up^ Legge, David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth,
Anne (2006). "Learning mgt. (and managing your own
learning)". In Harris, Mary G. Managing Health
Services: Concepts and Practice. Marrickville, NSW:
p. 13. ISBN 9780729537599.
Retrieved 2014-07-11. The manager as bureaucrat is the
guardian of roles, rules and relationships; his or her style
of mgt. relies heavily on working according to the book. In
the Weberian tradition managers are necessary to
coordinate the different roles that contribute to the
production process and to mediate communication from
head office to the shop floor and back. This style of mgt.
assumes a world view in which bureaucratic role is seen
as separate from, and taking precedence over, other
constructions of self (including the obligations of
citizenship), at least for the duration if the working day.
132. Jump up^ Craig, S. (2009, January 29). Merrill Bonus
Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal. [1]
133. Jump up^ Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries The Dark Side
of Leadership - Business Strategy Review 14(3), Autumn
Page 26 (2003).
134. Jump up^ Board of Directors: Duties & Liabilities.
Stanford Graduate School of Business.
135. Jump up^ DeMars L. (2006). Heavy Vetting: Boards of
directors now want to talk to would-be CFOs and vice
versa. CFO Magazine.
[Type text]

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136. Jump up^ 2013 CEO Performance Evaluation Survey.

Stanford Graduate School of Business.
137. Jump up^ Kleiman, Lawrence S. " MGT. AND
Business:Encyclopedia of Business(2010): n. pag. Web. 25
Mar 2011. [2].
138. Jump up^
139. Jump up^ "Four Ways to Be A Better Boss". Randstad
USA. Randstad USA. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
140. Jump up^ "The Role of HR in Uncertain
Times" (PDF). Economist Intelligence Unit. Economist
Intelligence Unit. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
External links[edit]

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Media related to Mgt. at Wikimedia Commons

Quotations related to Mgt. at Wikiquote



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Organizational theory


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Corporate law[show]
Theoretical scope[edit]
Nature of work[edit]
Historical development[edit]
Early writing[edit]
19th century[edit]
20th century[edit]
21st century[edit]
Basic roles[edit]
Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]
Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]
United States[edit]
[Type text]

Page 1


Good practices[edit]
See also[edit]
External links[edit]
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Manager" redirects here. For other uses, see Mgt. (disambiguation) and Manager

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Page 2


An organization chart for the United States Coast Guard shows the hierarchy of
managerial roles in that organization.
Business administration

[Type text]

Page 3


Mgt. in businesses and other organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and

government bodies, refers to the individuals who set the strategy of the organization

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Page 4


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Page 5


The Principle sir,
Subject: Application of leave for 10 days.
Dear sir,
I hereby inform you that I will unable to come for next 10 days. Because I will go for world
tour with my family .Kindly allow me to go for same.

Yours Sincerely,

[Type text]

Page 6


and coordinate the efforts of employees (or volunteers, in the case of some voluntary
organizations) to accomplish objectives by using available human, financial and other
includesplanning, organizing, selecting
staff, leading or
and controlling an organization to accomplish various goals. Resourcingencompasses
of human
resources, financial resources, technological resources, natural resources and other
Mgt. is also an academic discipline, a social science whose objective is to study social
organization and organizational leadership. Mgt. is studied at colleges and universities;
some important degrees in mgt. are the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) andMaster of
Business Administration (M.B.A.) and, for the public sector, the Master of Public
Administration (MPA) degree. Individuals who aim at becoming mgt. researchers or
professors may complete the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the PhD in
business administration or mgt..

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11 1




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There are three levels of managers, which are typically organized in a hierarchical, pyramid
structure. Senior managers, such as the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
or President of an organization, set the strategic goals of the organization and make decisions
on how the overall organization will operate. Senior managers provide direction to the middle
managers who report to them. Middle managers, examples of which would include branch
managers, regional managers and section managers, provide direction to front-line managers.
Middle managers communicate the strategic goals of senior mgt. to the front-line

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Page 13


Series 1

Series 2
Series 3

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

managers. Lower managers, such assupervisors and front-line team leaders, oversee the work
of regular employees (or volunteers, in some voluntary organizations) and provide direction
on their work.



o 2.1Theoretical scope

[Type text]

3Nature of work

4Historical development

Page 14


o 4.1Early writing
o 4.219th century
o 4.320th century
o 4.421st century

o 5.1Basics
o 5.2Basic roles
o 5.3Skills
o 5.4Implementation of policies and strategies

6Policies and strategies in the planning process

o 7.1Top
o 7.2Middle
o 7.3Lower

o 8.1United States



o 8.2Good practices

[Type text]

9See also
Page 15



11External links


The English verb "manage" comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools or
a horse), which derives from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act). The
French word for housekeeping, mnagerie, derived from mnager ("to keep house";
compare mnage for "household"), also encompasses taking care of domestic
animals.Mnagerie is
of Xenophon's
book Oeconomicus[1] (Greek: ) on household matters and husbandry. The French
word mesnagement (ormnagement) influenced the semantic development of the English
word mgt. in the 17th and 18th centuries.[2]

Mark Zuckerberg is the Chief Executive Officer and Chair forFacebook, a major
American social networking company.
Views on the definition and scope of mgt. include:

[Type text]

According to Henri Fayol, "to manage is to forecast and to

plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to

Fredmund Malik defines it as "the transformation of resources

into utility."
Page 16


Mgt. included as one of the factors of production - along with

machines, materials and money.

Ghislain Deslandes defines it as a vulnerable force, under

pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power
of constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on
subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental

Peter Drucker (19092005) saw the basic task of mgt. as

twofold: marketing and innovation. Nevertheless, innovation
is also linked to marketing (product innovation is a central
strategic marketing issue). Peter Drucker identifies marketing
as a key essence for business success, but mgt. and marketing
are generally understood[by whom?] as two different branches of
business administration knowledge.

Theoretical scope[edit]
Mgt. involves identifying the mission, objective, procedures, rules and manipulation[5] of
the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise.[citation needed] This
implies effective communication: an enterprise environment (as opposed to a physical or
mechanical mechanism) implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful
progress or system outcome.[citation needed]As such, mgt. is not the manipulation of a mechanism
(machine or automated program), not the herding of animals, and can occur either in a legal or
in an illegal enterprise or environment. Mgt. does not need to be seen from enterprise point of
view alone, because mgt. is an essential function to improve one's life and relationships.[citation
Mgt. is therefore everywhere[citation needed] and it has a wider range of application. [clarification
Based on this, mgt. must have humans, communication, and a positive enterprise
endeavor.[citation needed] Plans, measurements, motivational psychological tools, goals, and
economic measures (profit, etc.) may or may not be necessary components for there to be
mgt.. At first, one views mgt. functionally, such as measuring quantity, adjusting plans,
meeting goals.[citation needed] This applies even in situations where planning does not take place.
From this perspective, Henri Fayol (18411925)[6][page needed] considers mgt. to consist of
six functions:
31. forecasting
32. planning
33. organizing

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34. commanding
35. coordinating
36. controlling
(Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of mgt.. [citation
In another way of thinking, Mary Parker Follett (18681933), allegedly defined mgt. as "the
art of getting things done through people". [7] She described mgt. as philosophy.[8][need quotation to

Critics[which?], however, find this definition useful but far too narrow. The phrase "mgt. is what
managers do" occurs widely,[9] suggesting the difficulty of defining mgt. without circularity,
the shifting nature of definitions[citation needed] and the connection of managerial practices with the
existence of a managerial cadre or of a class.
One habit of thought regards mgt. as equivalent to "business administration" and thus
excludes mgt. in places outside commerce, as for example in charitiesand in the public sector.
More broadly, every organization must "manage" its work, people, processes, technology, etc.
to maximize effectiveness.[citation needed] Nonetheless, many people refer to university
departments that teach mgt. as "business schools". Some such institutions (such as
the Harvard Business School) use that name, while others (such as the Yale School of Mgt.)
employ the broader term "mgt.".
English-speakers may also use the term "mgt." or "the mgt." as a collective word describing
the managers of an organization, for example of a corporation.[10]Historically this use of the
term often contrasted with the term "labor" - referring to those being managed.[11]
But in the present era[when?] the concept of mgt. is identified[by whom?] in the wide areas[which?] and
its frontiers have been pushed to a broader range.[citation needed] Apart from profitable
organizations even non-profitable organizations (NGOs) apply mgt. concepts. The concept
and its uses are not constrained[by whom?]. Mgt. on the whole is the process of planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
Nature of work[edit]
In profitable organizations, mgt.'s primary function is the satisfaction of a range
of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued
products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing great employment opportunities
for employees. In nonprofit mgt., add the importance of keeping the faith of donors. In most
models of mgt. and governance, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board
then hires senior mgt.. Some organizations have experimented with other methods (such as
employee-voting models) of selecting or reviewing managers, but this is rare.
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In the public sector of countries constituted as representative democracies, voters elect

politicians to public office. Such politicians hire many managers and administrators, and in
some countries like the United States political appointees lose their jobs on the election of a
new president/governor/mayor.
Historical development[edit]
Some see mgt. (by definition) as late-modern (in the sense of late modernity)
conceptualization. On those terms it cannot have a pre-modern history, only harbingers (such
as stewards). Others, however, detect mgt.-like-thought back to Sumerian traders and to the
builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Slave-owners through the centuries faced the
problems of exploiting/motivating a dependent but sometimes unenthusiastic or recalcitrant
workforce, but many pre-industrial enterprises, given their small scale, did not feel compelled
to face the issues of mgt. systematically. However, innovations such as the spread of Hindu
numerals (5th to 15th centuries) and the codification of double-entry book-keeping (1494)
provided tools for mgt. assessment, planning and control.
With the changing workplaces of industrial revolutions in the 18th and 19th
centuries, military theory and practice contributed approaches to managing the newlypopularfactories.[12]
Given the scale of most commercial operations and the lack of mechanized record-keeping
and recording before the industrial revolution, it made sense for most owners of enterprises in
those times to carry out mgt. functions by and for themselves. But with growing size and
complexity of organizations, the split between owners (individuals, industrial dynasties or
groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and
control) gradually became more common.
Early writing[edit]
While mgt. (according to some definitions) has existed for millennia, several writers have
created a background of works that assisted in modern mgt. theories. [13] Some ancient military
texts have been cited for lessons that civilian managers can gather. For example, Chinese
general Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, The Art of War, recommends being aware of and
acting on strengths and weaknesses of both a manager's organization and a foe's.
Influential Chinese Legalist philosopher Shen Buhaimay be considered valuable as a rare
premodern example of abstract theory of administration.[14]
Various ancient and medieval civilizations have produced "mirrors for princes" books, which
aim to advise new monarchs on how to govern. Plato described job specialization in 350 B.C.,
and Alfarabi listed several leadership traits in A.D. 900. [15] Other examples include the
Indian Arthashastra by Chanakya (written around 300 BCE), and The Prince by Italian
author Niccol Machiavelli (c. 1515).[16]
Further information: Mirrors for princes
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Written in 1776 by Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher, The Wealth of

Nations discussed efficient organization of work through division of labour.[16] Smith
described how changes in processes could boost productivity in the manufacture of pins.
While individuals could produce 200 pins per day, Smith analyzed the steps involved in
manufacture and, with 10 specialists, enabled production of 48,000 pins per day.[16]
19th century[edit]
Classical economists such as Adam Smith (17231790) and John Stuart Mill (18061873)
provided a theoretical background to resource-allocation, production, and pricingissues.
About the same time, innovators like Eli Whitney (17651825), James Watt (17361819),
and Matthew Boulton (17281809) developed elements of technical production such
as standardization, quality-control procedures, cost-accounting, interchangeability of parts,
and work-planning. Many of these aspects of mgt. existed in the pre-1861 slave-based sector
of the US economy. That environment saw 4 million people, as the contemporary usages had
it, "managed" in profitable quasi-mass production.
Salaried managers as an identifiable group first became prominent in the late 19th century.[17]
20th century[edit]
By about 1900 one finds managers trying to place their theories on what they regarded as a
thoroughly scientific basis (see scientism for perceived limitations of this belief). Examples
include Henry R. Towne's Science of mgt. in the 1890s, Frederick Winslow Taylor's The
Principles of Scientific Mgt. (1911), Lillian Gilbreth'sPsychology of Mgt. (1914),
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth's Applied motion study (1917), and Henry L. Gantt's charts
(1910s). J. Duncan wrote the first collegemgt.-textbook in 1911. In 1912 Yoichi
Ueno introduced Taylorism to Japan and became the first mgt. consultant of the "Japanesemgt. style". His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese quality assurance.
The first comprehensive theories of mgt. appeared around 1920. The Harvard Business
School offered the first Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921. People
like Henri Fayol (18411925) and Alexander Church described the various branches of mgt.
and their inter-relationships. In the early 20th century, people like Ordway Tead (1891
1973), Walter Scott and J. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to mgt.. Other
writers, such as Elton Mayo (18801949), Mary Parker Follett (18681933), Chester
Barnard (18861961), Max Weber (18641920), who saw what he called the "administrator"
as bureaucrat[19]), Rensis Likert (19031981), andChris Argyris (* 1923) approached the
phenomenon of mgt. from a sociological perspective.
Peter Drucker (19092005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied mgt.: Concept of the
Corporation (published in 1946). It resulted from Alfred Sloan (chairman ofGeneral
Motors until 1956) commissioning a study of the organisation. Drucker went on to write 39
books, many in the same vein.

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H. Dodge, Ronald Fisher (18901962), and Thornton C. Fry introduced statistical techniques
into mgt.-studies. In the 1940s, Patrick Blackett worked in the development of the appliedmathematics science of operations research, initially for military operations. Operations
research, sometimes known as "mgt. science" (but distinct from Taylor's scientific mgt.),
attempts to take a scientific approach to solving decision-problems, and can apply directly to
multiple mgt. problems, particularly in the areas of logistics and operations.
Some of the more recent developments include the Theory of Constraints, mgt. by
objectives, reengineering, Six Sigma and various information-technology-driven theories such
as agile software development, as well as group-mgt. theories such as Cog's Ladder.
As the general recognition of managers as a class solidified during the 20th century and gave
perceived practitioners of the art/science of mgt. a certain amount of prestige, so the way
opened for popularised systems of mgt. ideas to peddle their wares. In this context many mgt.
fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of mgt..
Towards the end of the 20th century, business mgt. came to consist of six separate branches,
[citation needed]
31. financial mgt.
32. human resource mgt.
33. information technology
information systems)

mgt. (responsible

for mgt.

34. marketing mgt.

35. operations mgt. or production mgt.
36. strategic mgt.
21st century[edit]
In the 21st century observers find it increasingly difficult to subdivide mgt. into functional
categories in this way. More and more processes simultaneously involve several categories.
Instead, one tends to think in terms of the various processes, tasks, and objects subject to mgt..
[citation needed]

Branches of mgt. theory also exist relating to nonprofits and to government: such as public
administration, public mgt., and educational mgt.. Further, mgt. programs related to civilsociety organizations have also spawned programs in nonprofit mgt. and social
Note that many of the assumptions made by mgt. have come under attack from businessethics viewpoints, critical mgt. studies, and anti-corporate activism.
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As one consequence, workplace democracy (sometimes referred to as Workers' self-mgt.) has

become both more common and advocated to a greater extent, in some places distributing all
mgt. functions among workers, each of whom takes on a portion of the work. However, these
models predate any current political issue, and may occur more naturally than does
a command hierarchy. All mgt. embraces to some degree a democratic principlein that in
the long term, the majority of workers must support mgt.. Otherwise, they leave to find other
work or go on strike. Despite the move toward workplace democracy, command-and-control
organization structures remain commonplace as de facto organization structure. Indeed, the
entrenched nature of command-and-control is evident in the way that recent layoffs have been
conducted with mgt. ranks affected far less than employees at the lower levels. In some cases,
mgt. has even rewarded itself with bonuses after laying off lower-level workers.[20]
According to leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, a contemporary senior mgt.
team will almost inevitably have some personality disorders.[21]
Mgt. operates through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding,
and controlling.

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and

generating plans for action(deciding in advance).

Organizing: Making sure the human and nonhuman resources

are put into place

Coordinating (or staffing): Creating a structure through

which an organization's goals can be accomplished.

Commanding (or leading): Determining what must be done in

a situation and getting people to do it.

Controlling: Checking progress against plans.

Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction

with employees

Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and

analyzing information

Basic roles[edit]

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Decision: roles that require decision-making

establish connections

conceptual: used to analyze complex situations

and delegate

diagnostic: ability to visualize appropriate responses to a


leadership: ability to lead and to provide guidance to a specific


technical: expertise in one's particular functional area.

Mgt. skills include:




a power

base and

communicate, motivate,



Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]

[Type text]

All policies and strategies must be discussed with all

managerial personnel and staff.

Managers must understand where and how they can

implement their policies and strategies.

A plan of action must be devised for each department.

Policies and strategies must be reviewed regularly.

Contingency plans must be devised in case the environment


Top-level managers should carry out regular progress


The business requires team spirit and a good environment.

Page 23


The missions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of each

department must be analyzed to determine their roles in
achieving the business's mission.

The forecasting method develops a reliable picture of the

business's future environment.

A planning unit must be created to ensure that all plans are

consistent and that policies and strategies are aimed at
achieving the same mission and objectives.

Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]

They give mid and lower-level managers a good idea of the

future plans for each department in an organization.

A framework is created whereby plans and decisions are


Mid and lower-level mgt. may add their own plans to the
business's strategies.

Most organizations have three mgt. levels: first-level, middle-level, and top-level managers.
First-line managers are the lowest level of mgt. and manage the work of nonmanagerial
individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization's
products. First-line managers are often called supervisors, but may also be called line
managers, office managers, or even foremen. Middle managers include all levels of mgt.
between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the
work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant
manager, or division manager. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These
individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director,
chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.
These managers are classified in a hierarchy of authority, and perform different tasks. In many
organizations, the number of managers in every level resembles a pyramid. Each level is
explained below in specifications of their different responsibilities and likely job titles. [citation

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The top or senior layer of mgt. consists of the board of directors (including non-executive
directors and executive directors), president, vice-president, CEOs and other members of
the C-level executives. Different organizations have various members in their C-suite, which
may include a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and so on. They are
responsible for controlling and overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They set a
"tone at the top" and develop strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the
overall direction of the organization. In addition, top-level managers play a significant role in
the mobilization of outside resources. Senior managers are accountable to the shareholders,
the general public and to public bodies that oversee corporations and similar organizations.
Some members of the senior mgt. may serve as the public face of the organization, and they
may make speeches to introduce new strategies or appear in marketing.
The board of directors is typically primarily composed of non-executives who owe
a fiduciary duty to shareholders and are not closely involved in the day-to-day activities of the
organization, although this varies depending on the type (e.g., public versus private), size and
culture of the organization. These directors are theoretically liable for breaches of that duty
and typically insured under directors and officers liability insurance. Fortune 500 directors are
estimated to spend 4.4 hours per week on board duties, and median compensation was
$212,512 in 2010. The board sets corporate strategy, makes major decisions such as major
acquisitions,[22] and hires, evaluates, and fires the top-level manager (Chief Executive
Officer or CEO). The CEO typically hires other positions. However, board involvement in the
hiring of other positions such as the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) has increased.[23] In 2013, a
survey of over 160 CEOs and directors of public and private companies found that the top
weaknesses of CEOs were "mentoring skills" and "board engagement", and 10% of
companies never evaluated the CEO.[24] The board may also have certain employees
(e.g., internal auditors) report to them or directly hire independent contractors; for example,
the board (through the audit committee) typically selects the auditor.
Helpful skills of top mgt. vary by the type of organization but typically include [25] a broad
understanding of competition, world economies, and politics. In addition, the CEO is
responsible for implementing and determining (within the board's framework) the broad
policies of the organization. Executive mgt. accomplishes the day-to-day details, including:
instructions for preparation of department budgets, procedures, schedules; appointment of
middle level executives such as department managers; coordination of departments; media
and governmental relations; and shareholder communication.
Consist of general managers, branch managers and department managers. They are
accountable to the top mgt. for their department's function. They devote more time to
organizational and directional functions. Their roles can be emphasized as executing
organizational plans in conformance with the company's policies and the objectives of the top
mgt., they define and discuss information and policies from top mgt. to lower mgt., and most
[Type text]

Page 25


importantly they inspire and provide guidance to lower level managers towards better
Middle mgt. is the midway mgt. of a categorized organization, being secondary to the senior
mgt. but above the deepest levels of operational members. An operational manager may be
well-thought-out by middle mgt., or may be categorized as non-mgt. operate, liable to the
policy of the specific organization. Efficiency of the middle level is vital in any organization,
since they bridge the gap between top level and bottom level staffs.
Their functions include:

Design and implement effective group and inter-group work

and information systems.

Define and monitor group-level performance indicators.

Diagnose and resolve problems within and among work


Design and implement reward systems that support

cooperative behavior. They also make decision and share ideas
with top managers.

Lower managers include supervisors, section leaders, forepersons and team leaders. They
focus on controlling and directing regular employees. They are usually responsible for
assigning employees' tasks, guiding and supervising employees on day-to-day activities,
ensuring the quality and quantity of production and/or service, making recommendations and
suggestions to employees on their work, and channeling employee concerns that they cannot
resolve to mid-level managers or other administrators. First-level or "front line" managers
also act as role models for their employees. In some types of work, front line managers may
also do some of the same tasks that employees do, at least some of the time. For example, in
some restaurants, the front line managers will also serve customers during a very busy period
of the day.
Front-line managers typically provide:

[Type text]

Training for new employees

Basic supervision

Page 26


Performance feedback and guidance

Some front-line managers may also provide career planning for employees who aim to rise
within the organization.
Colleges and universities around the world offer bachelor's degrees, graduate degrees,
diplomas and certificates in mgt., generally within their colleges of business, business schools
or faculty of mgt. but also in other related departments. In the 2010s, there has been an
increase in online mgt. education and training in the form of electronic educational
technology ( also called e-learning). Online education has increased the accessibility of mgt.
training to people who do not live near a college or university, or who cannot afford to travel
to a city where such training is available.
While some professions require academic credentials in order to work in the profession (e.g.,
law, medicine, engineering, which require, respectively the Bachelor of Law, Doctor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Engineering degrees), mgt. and administration positions do not
necessarily require the completion of academic degrees. Some well-known senior executive in
the United States who did not complete a university degree include Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. However, many managers and executives have completed some
type of business or mgt. training, such as a Bachelor of Commerce or a Master of Business
Administration degree. Some major organizations, including companies, not-for-profit
organizations and governments, require applicants to managerial or executive positions to
hold at minimum Bachelor's degree in a field related to administration of mgt., or in the case
of business jobs, a Bachelor of Commerce or a similar degree.
United States[edit]
At the undergraduate level, the most common business program is the Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com.). A B.Com. is typically a four-year program that includes courses that
give students an overview of the role of managers in planning and directing within an
organization. Course topics include accounting, financial mgt., statistics, marketing, strategy,
and other related areas. There are many other undergraduate degrees that include the study of
mgt., such as Bachelor of Arts degrees with a major inbusiness administration or mgt. and
Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P.A), a degree designed for individuals aiming to work
as bureaucrats in the government jobs. Many colleges and universities also offer certificates
and diplomas in business administration or mgt., which typically require one to two years of
full-time study.
At the graduate level students aiming at careers as managers or executives may choose to
specialize in major subareas of mgt. or business administration such
[Type text]

Page 27


asentrepreneurship, human
resources, international
business, organizational
behavior, organizational
theory, strategic
mgt., accounting, corporate
entertainment, global mgt., healthcare mgt., investment mgt., sustainability and real estate.
A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most popular professional master's degree
and can be obtained from many universities in the United States. MBAs provide further
education in mgt. and leadership for graduate students. Other master's degrees in business and
mgt. include the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in business administration or mgt., which is
typically taken by students aiming to become researchers or professors. There are also
specialized master's degrees in administration for individuals aiming at careers outside of
business, such as the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree (also offered as a Master
of Arts in Public Administration in some universities), for students aiming to become
managers or executives in the public service and the Master of Health Administration, for
students aiming to become managers or executives in the health care and hospital sector.
Mgt. doctorates are the most advanced terminal degrees in the field of business and mgt..
Most individuals obtaining mgt. doctorates take the programs to obtain the training in
research methods, statistical analysis and writing academic papers that they will need to seek
careers as researchers, senior consultants and/or professors in business administration or mgt..
There are two main types of mgt. doctorates: the Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
and the PhD in business administration or mgt.. In the 2010s, doctorates in business
administration and mgt. are available with many specializations.
Good practices[edit]
While mgt. trends can change rapidly, the long term trend in mgt. has been defined by a
market embracing diversity and a rising service industry. Managers are currently being trained
to encourage greater equality for minorities and women in the workplace, by offering
increased flexibility in working hours, better retraining, and innovative (and usually industryspecific) performance markers. Managers destined for the service sector are being trained to
use unique measurement techniques, better worker support and more charismatic leadership
styles.[27] Human resources finds itself increasingly working with mgt. in a training capacity to
help collect mgt. data on the success (or failure) of mgt. actions with employees.[28]
See also[edit]
Main article: Outline of business mgt.

[Type text]

Academy of Mgt. Journal

Anthony triangle

Human relations movement

Indian Ethos in Mgt.

Page 28


Industrial and organizational psychology

Leadership (journal)

Mgt. styles

Project mgt.

Technology mgt.

Team effectiveness

Total quality mgt.


141. Jump
142. Jump
143. Jump up^ SS Gulshan. Mgt. Principles and Practices
by Lallan Prasad and SS Gulshan. Excel Books India.
pp. 6. ISBN 978-93-5062-099-1.
144. Jump up^ Deslandes G., (2014), Mgt. in Xenophon's
Philosophy : a Retrospective Analysis, 38th Annual
Research Conference, Philosophy of Mgt., 2014, July 14
16, Chicago, USA
145. Jump up^ Prabbal Frank attempts to make a subtle
distinction between mgt. and manipulation: Frank,
[Type text]

Page 29


Prabbal (2006). People Manipulation: A Positive

Approach (2 ed.). New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
pp. 37. ISBN 9788120743526.
Retrieved 2015-09-05. There is a difference between mgt.
and manipulation. The difference is thin [...] If mgt. is
handling, then manipulation is skilful handling. In short,
manipulation is skilful mgt.. [...] Manipulation is in
essence leveraged mgt.. [...] It is an alive thing while mgt.
is a dead concept. It requires a proactive approach rather
than a reactive approach. [...] People cannot be managed.
146. Jump up^ Administration industrielle et gnrale prvoyance organization - commandment, coordination
contrle, Paris : Dunod, 1966
147. Jump up^ Jones, Norman L. (2013). "Chapter Two: Of
Poetry and Politics: The Managerial Culture of SixteenthCentury England". In Kaufman, Peter Iver. Leadership
and Elizabethan Culture. Jepson Studies in Leadership.
p. 18. ISBN 9781137340290.
Retrieved 2015-08-29. Mary Parker Follett, the 'prophet
of mgt.' reputedly defined mgt. as the 'art of getting things
done through people.' [...] Whether or not she said it,
Follett describes the attributes of dynamic mgt. as being
coactive rather than coercive.
148. Jump up^ Vocational Business: Training, Developing
and Motivating People by Richard Barrett - Business &
Economics - 2003. - Page 51.
149. Jump up^ Compare: Holmes, Leonard (2012). The
Dominance of Mgt.: A Participatory Critique. Voices in
p. 20. ISBN 9781409488668.
Retrieved 2015-0829. Lupton's (1983: 17) notion that mgt. is 'what
managers do during their working hours', if valid, could
only apply to descriptive conceptualizations of mgt.,
where 'mgt.' is effectively synonymous with 'managing',
and where 'managing' refers to an activity, or set of
activities carried out by managers.

[Type text]

Page 30


150. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "mgt.". Online Etymology

Dictionary. Retrieved 2015-08-29. - "Meaning 'governing
body' (originally of a theater) is from 1739."
151. Jump up^ See for examples Melling, Joseph;
McKinlay, Alan, eds. (1996). Mgt., Labour, and Industrial
Politics in Modern Europe: The Quest for Productivity
Growth During the Twentieth Century. Edward
Elgar. ISBN 9781858980164. Retrieved 2015-08-29.
152. Jump up^ Giddens, Anthony (1981). A Contemporary
Critique of Historical Materialism. Social and Politic
Theory from Polity Press. 1. University of California
Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780520044906. Retrieved 2013-1229. In the army barracks, and in the mass co-ordination of
men on the battlefield (epitomised by the military
innovations of Prince Maurice of Orange and Nassau in
the sixteenth century) are to be found the prototype of the
regimentation of the factory - as both Marx and Weber
153. ^ Jump up to:a b Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
154. Jump up^ Creel, 1974 p.4-5 Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese
Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C.
155. Jump up^ Griffin, Ricky W. CUSTOM Mgt.: Principles
and Practices, International Edition, 11th Edition. Cengage
Learning UK, 08/2014
156. ^ Jump up to:a b c Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B.
Balkin; Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People,
Performance, Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York
USA: McGraw-Hill. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
157. Jump up^ Khurana, Rakesh (2010) [2007]. From
Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation
of American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise
[Type text]

Page 31


of Mgt. as a Profession. Princeton University Press.

p. 3. ISBN 9781400830862. Retrieved 2013-08-24. When
salaried managers first appeared in the large
corporations of the late nineteenth century, it was not
obvious who they were, what they did, or why they should
be entrusted with the task of running corporations.
158. Jump
159. Jump up^ Legge, David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth,
Anne (2006). "Learning mgt. (and managing your own
learning)". In Harris, Mary G. Managing Health
Services: Concepts and Practice. Marrickville, NSW:
p. 13. ISBN 9780729537599.
Retrieved 2014-07-11. The manager as bureaucrat is the
guardian of roles, rules and relationships; his or her style
of mgt. relies heavily on working according to the book. In
the Weberian tradition managers are necessary to
coordinate the different roles that contribute to the
production process and to mediate communication from
head office to the shop floor and back. This style of mgt.
assumes a world view in which bureaucratic role is seen
as separate from, and taking precedence over, other
constructions of self (including the obligations of
citizenship), at least for the duration if the working day.
160. Jump up^ Craig, S. (2009, January 29). Merrill Bonus
Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal. [1]
161. Jump up^ Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries The Dark Side
of Leadership - Business Strategy Review 14(3), Autumn
Page 26 (2003).
162. Jump up^ Board of Directors: Duties & Liabilities.
Stanford Graduate School of Business.
163. Jump up^ DeMars L. (2006). Heavy Vetting: Boards of
directors now want to talk to would-be CFOs and vice
versa. CFO Magazine.
[Type text]

Page 32


164. Jump up^ 2013 CEO Performance Evaluation Survey.

Stanford Graduate School of Business.
165. Jump up^ Kleiman, Lawrence S. " MGT. AND
Business:Encyclopedia of Business(2010): n. pag. Web. 25
Mar 2011. [2].
166. Jump up^
167. Jump up^ "Four Ways to Be A Better Boss". Randstad
USA. Randstad USA. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
168. Jump up^ "The Role of HR in Uncertain
Times" (PDF). Economist Intelligence Unit. Economist
Intelligence Unit. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
External links[edit]

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Media related to Mgt. at Wikimedia Commons

Quotations related to Mgt. at Wikiquote



Social sciences
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Mgt. occupations
Organizational theory


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Corporate law[show]
Theoretical scope[edit]
Nature of work[edit]
Historical development[edit]
Early writing[edit]
19th century[edit]
20th century[edit]
21st century[edit]
Basic roles[edit]
Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]
Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]
United States[edit]
[Type text]

Page 1


Good practices[edit]
See also[edit]
External links[edit]
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Manager" redirects here. For other uses, see Mgt. (disambiguation) and Manager

[Type text]

Page 2


An organization chart for the United States Coast Guard shows the hierarchy of
managerial roles in that organization.
Business administration

[Type text]

Page 3


Mgt. in businesses and other organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and

government bodies, refers to the individuals who set the strategy of the organization

[Type text]

Page 4


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Page 5


The Principle sir,
Subject: Application of leave for 10 days.
Dear sir,
I hereby inform you that I will unable to come for next 10 days. Because I will go for world
tour with my family .Kindly allow me to go for same.

Yours Sincerely,

[Type text]

Page 6


and coordinate the efforts of employees (or volunteers, in the case of some voluntary
organizations) to accomplish objectives by using available human, financial and other
includesplanning, organizing, selecting
staff, leading or
and controlling an organization to accomplish various goals. Resourcingencompasses
of human
resources, financial resources, technological resources, natural resources and other
Mgt. is also an academic discipline, a social science whose objective is to study social
organization and organizational leadership. Mgt. is studied at colleges and universities;
some important degrees in mgt. are the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) andMaster of
Business Administration (M.B.A.) and, for the public sector, the Master of Public
Administration (MPA) degree. Individuals who aim at becoming mgt. researchers or
professors may complete the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the PhD in
business administration or mgt..

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11 1




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Page 8










There are three levels of managers, which are typically organized in a hierarchical, pyramid
structure. Senior managers, such as the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
or President of an organization, set the strategic goals of the organization and make decisions
on how the overall organization will operate. Senior managers provide direction to the middle
managers who report to them. Middle managers, examples of which would include branch
managers, regional managers and section managers, provide direction to front-line managers.
Middle managers communicate the strategic goals of senior mgt. to the front-line

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Page 13


Series 1

Series 2
Series 3

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

managers. Lower managers, such assupervisors and front-line team leaders, oversee the work
of regular employees (or volunteers, in some voluntary organizations) and provide direction
on their work.



o 2.1Theoretical scope

[Type text]

3Nature of work

4Historical development

Page 14


o 4.1Early writing
o 4.219th century
o 4.320th century
o 4.421st century

o 5.1Basics
o 5.2Basic roles
o 5.3Skills
o 5.4Implementation of policies and strategies

6Policies and strategies in the planning process

o 7.1Top
o 7.2Middle
o 7.3Lower

o 8.1United States



o 8.2Good practices

[Type text]

9See also
Page 15



11External links


The English verb "manage" comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools or
a horse), which derives from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act). The
French word for housekeeping, mnagerie, derived from mnager ("to keep house";
compare mnage for "household"), also encompasses taking care of domestic
animals.Mnagerie is
of Xenophon's
book Oeconomicus[1] (Greek: ) on household matters and husbandry. The French
word mesnagement (ormnagement) influenced the semantic development of the English
word mgt. in the 17th and 18th centuries.[2]

Mark Zuckerberg is the Chief Executive Officer and Chair forFacebook, a major
American social networking company.
Views on the definition and scope of mgt. include:

[Type text]

According to Henri Fayol, "to manage is to forecast and to

plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to

Fredmund Malik defines it as "the transformation of resources

into utility."
Page 16


Mgt. included as one of the factors of production - along with

machines, materials and money.

Ghislain Deslandes defines it as a vulnerable force, under

pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power
of constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on
subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental

Peter Drucker (19092005) saw the basic task of mgt. as

twofold: marketing and innovation. Nevertheless, innovation
is also linked to marketing (product innovation is a central
strategic marketing issue). Peter Drucker identifies marketing
as a key essence for business success, but mgt. and marketing
are generally understood[by whom?] as two different branches of
business administration knowledge.

Theoretical scope[edit]
Mgt. involves identifying the mission, objective, procedures, rules and manipulation[5] of
the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise.[citation needed] This
implies effective communication: an enterprise environment (as opposed to a physical or
mechanical mechanism) implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful
progress or system outcome.[citation needed]As such, mgt. is not the manipulation of a mechanism
(machine or automated program), not the herding of animals, and can occur either in a legal or
in an illegal enterprise or environment. Mgt. does not need to be seen from enterprise point of
view alone, because mgt. is an essential function to improve one's life and relationships.[citation
Mgt. is therefore everywhere[citation needed] and it has a wider range of application. [clarification
Based on this, mgt. must have humans, communication, and a positive enterprise
endeavor.[citation needed] Plans, measurements, motivational psychological tools, goals, and
economic measures (profit, etc.) may or may not be necessary components for there to be
mgt.. At first, one views mgt. functionally, such as measuring quantity, adjusting plans,
meeting goals.[citation needed] This applies even in situations where planning does not take place.
From this perspective, Henri Fayol (18411925)[6][page needed] considers mgt. to consist of
six functions:
37. forecasting
38. planning
39. organizing

[Type text]

Page 17


40. commanding
41. coordinating
42. controlling
(Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of mgt.. [citation
In another way of thinking, Mary Parker Follett (18681933), allegedly defined mgt. as "the
art of getting things done through people". [7] She described mgt. as philosophy.[8][need quotation to

Critics[which?], however, find this definition useful but far too narrow. The phrase "mgt. is what
managers do" occurs widely,[9] suggesting the difficulty of defining mgt. without circularity,
the shifting nature of definitions[citation needed] and the connection of managerial practices with the
existence of a managerial cadre or of a class.
One habit of thought regards mgt. as equivalent to "business administration" and thus
excludes mgt. in places outside commerce, as for example in charitiesand in the public sector.
More broadly, every organization must "manage" its work, people, processes, technology, etc.
to maximize effectiveness.[citation needed] Nonetheless, many people refer to university
departments that teach mgt. as "business schools". Some such institutions (such as
the Harvard Business School) use that name, while others (such as the Yale School of Mgt.)
employ the broader term "mgt.".
English-speakers may also use the term "mgt." or "the mgt." as a collective word describing
the managers of an organization, for example of a corporation.[10]Historically this use of the
term often contrasted with the term "labor" - referring to those being managed.[11]
But in the present era[when?] the concept of mgt. is identified[by whom?] in the wide areas[which?] and
its frontiers have been pushed to a broader range.[citation needed] Apart from profitable
organizations even non-profitable organizations (NGOs) apply mgt. concepts. The concept
and its uses are not constrained[by whom?]. Mgt. on the whole is the process of planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
Nature of work[edit]
In profitable organizations, mgt.'s primary function is the satisfaction of a range
of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued
products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing great employment opportunities
for employees. In nonprofit mgt., add the importance of keeping the faith of donors. In most
models of mgt. and governance, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board
then hires senior mgt.. Some organizations have experimented with other methods (such as
employee-voting models) of selecting or reviewing managers, but this is rare.
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Page 18


In the public sector of countries constituted as representative democracies, voters elect

politicians to public office. Such politicians hire many managers and administrators, and in
some countries like the United States political appointees lose their jobs on the election of a
new president/governor/mayor.
Historical development[edit]
Some see mgt. (by definition) as late-modern (in the sense of late modernity)
conceptualization. On those terms it cannot have a pre-modern history, only harbingers (such
as stewards). Others, however, detect mgt.-like-thought back to Sumerian traders and to the
builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Slave-owners through the centuries faced the
problems of exploiting/motivating a dependent but sometimes unenthusiastic or recalcitrant
workforce, but many pre-industrial enterprises, given their small scale, did not feel compelled
to face the issues of mgt. systematically. However, innovations such as the spread of Hindu
numerals (5th to 15th centuries) and the codification of double-entry book-keeping (1494)
provided tools for mgt. assessment, planning and control.
With the changing workplaces of industrial revolutions in the 18th and 19th
centuries, military theory and practice contributed approaches to managing the newlypopularfactories.[12]
Given the scale of most commercial operations and the lack of mechanized record-keeping
and recording before the industrial revolution, it made sense for most owners of enterprises in
those times to carry out mgt. functions by and for themselves. But with growing size and
complexity of organizations, the split between owners (individuals, industrial dynasties or
groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and
control) gradually became more common.
Early writing[edit]
While mgt. (according to some definitions) has existed for millennia, several writers have
created a background of works that assisted in modern mgt. theories. [13] Some ancient military
texts have been cited for lessons that civilian managers can gather. For example, Chinese
general Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, The Art of War, recommends being aware of and
acting on strengths and weaknesses of both a manager's organization and a foe's.
Influential Chinese Legalist philosopher Shen Buhaimay be considered valuable as a rare
premodern example of abstract theory of administration.[14]
Various ancient and medieval civilizations have produced "mirrors for princes" books, which
aim to advise new monarchs on how to govern. Plato described job specialization in 350 B.C.,
and Alfarabi listed several leadership traits in A.D. 900. [15] Other examples include the
Indian Arthashastra by Chanakya (written around 300 BCE), and The Prince by Italian
author Niccol Machiavelli (c. 1515).[16]
Further information: Mirrors for princes
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Written in 1776 by Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher, The Wealth of

Nations discussed efficient organization of work through division of labour.[16] Smith
described how changes in processes could boost productivity in the manufacture of pins.
While individuals could produce 200 pins per day, Smith analyzed the steps involved in
manufacture and, with 10 specialists, enabled production of 48,000 pins per day.[16]
19th century[edit]
Classical economists such as Adam Smith (17231790) and John Stuart Mill (18061873)
provided a theoretical background to resource-allocation, production, and pricingissues.
About the same time, innovators like Eli Whitney (17651825), James Watt (17361819),
and Matthew Boulton (17281809) developed elements of technical production such
as standardization, quality-control procedures, cost-accounting, interchangeability of parts,
and work-planning. Many of these aspects of mgt. existed in the pre-1861 slave-based sector
of the US economy. That environment saw 4 million people, as the contemporary usages had
it, "managed" in profitable quasi-mass production.
Salaried managers as an identifiable group first became prominent in the late 19th century.[17]
20th century[edit]
By about 1900 one finds managers trying to place their theories on what they regarded as a
thoroughly scientific basis (see scientism for perceived limitations of this belief). Examples
include Henry R. Towne's Science of mgt. in the 1890s, Frederick Winslow Taylor's The
Principles of Scientific Mgt. (1911), Lillian Gilbreth'sPsychology of Mgt. (1914),
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth's Applied motion study (1917), and Henry L. Gantt's charts
(1910s). J. Duncan wrote the first collegemgt.-textbook in 1911. In 1912 Yoichi
Ueno introduced Taylorism to Japan and became the first mgt. consultant of the "Japanesemgt. style". His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese quality assurance.
The first comprehensive theories of mgt. appeared around 1920. The Harvard Business
School offered the first Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921. People
like Henri Fayol (18411925) and Alexander Church described the various branches of mgt.
and their inter-relationships. In the early 20th century, people like Ordway Tead (1891
1973), Walter Scott and J. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to mgt.. Other
writers, such as Elton Mayo (18801949), Mary Parker Follett (18681933), Chester
Barnard (18861961), Max Weber (18641920), who saw what he called the "administrator"
as bureaucrat[19]), Rensis Likert (19031981), andChris Argyris (* 1923) approached the
phenomenon of mgt. from a sociological perspective.
Peter Drucker (19092005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied mgt.: Concept of the
Corporation (published in 1946). It resulted from Alfred Sloan (chairman ofGeneral
Motors until 1956) commissioning a study of the organisation. Drucker went on to write 39
books, many in the same vein.

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H. Dodge, Ronald Fisher (18901962), and Thornton C. Fry introduced statistical techniques
into mgt.-studies. In the 1940s, Patrick Blackett worked in the development of the appliedmathematics science of operations research, initially for military operations. Operations
research, sometimes known as "mgt. science" (but distinct from Taylor's scientific mgt.),
attempts to take a scientific approach to solving decision-problems, and can apply directly to
multiple mgt. problems, particularly in the areas of logistics and operations.
Some of the more recent developments include the Theory of Constraints, mgt. by
objectives, reengineering, Six Sigma and various information-technology-driven theories such
as agile software development, as well as group-mgt. theories such as Cog's Ladder.
As the general recognition of managers as a class solidified during the 20th century and gave
perceived practitioners of the art/science of mgt. a certain amount of prestige, so the way
opened for popularised systems of mgt. ideas to peddle their wares. In this context many mgt.
fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of mgt..
Towards the end of the 20th century, business mgt. came to consist of six separate branches,
[citation needed]
37. financial mgt.
38. human resource mgt.
39. information technology
information systems)

mgt. (responsible

for mgt.

40. marketing mgt.

41. operations mgt. or production mgt.
42. strategic mgt.
21st century[edit]
In the 21st century observers find it increasingly difficult to subdivide mgt. into functional
categories in this way. More and more processes simultaneously involve several categories.
Instead, one tends to think in terms of the various processes, tasks, and objects subject to mgt..
[citation needed]

Branches of mgt. theory also exist relating to nonprofits and to government: such as public
administration, public mgt., and educational mgt.. Further, mgt. programs related to civilsociety organizations have also spawned programs in nonprofit mgt. and social
Note that many of the assumptions made by mgt. have come under attack from businessethics viewpoints, critical mgt. studies, and anti-corporate activism.
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As one consequence, workplace democracy (sometimes referred to as Workers' self-mgt.) has

become both more common and advocated to a greater extent, in some places distributing all
mgt. functions among workers, each of whom takes on a portion of the work. However, these
models predate any current political issue, and may occur more naturally than does
a command hierarchy. All mgt. embraces to some degree a democratic principlein that in
the long term, the majority of workers must support mgt.. Otherwise, they leave to find other
work or go on strike. Despite the move toward workplace democracy, command-and-control
organization structures remain commonplace as de facto organization structure. Indeed, the
entrenched nature of command-and-control is evident in the way that recent layoffs have been
conducted with mgt. ranks affected far less than employees at the lower levels. In some cases,
mgt. has even rewarded itself with bonuses after laying off lower-level workers.[20]
According to leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, a contemporary senior mgt.
team will almost inevitably have some personality disorders.[21]
Mgt. operates through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding,
and controlling.

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and

generating plans for action(deciding in advance).

Organizing: Making sure the human and nonhuman resources

are put into place

Coordinating (or staffing): Creating a structure through

which an organization's goals can be accomplished.

Commanding (or leading): Determining what must be done in

a situation and getting people to do it.

Controlling: Checking progress against plans.

Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction

with employees

Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and

analyzing information

Basic roles[edit]

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Page 22


Decision: roles that require decision-making

establish connections

conceptual: used to analyze complex situations

and delegate

diagnostic: ability to visualize appropriate responses to a


leadership: ability to lead and to provide guidance to a specific


technical: expertise in one's particular functional area.

Mgt. skills include:




a power

base and

communicate, motivate,



Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]

[Type text]

All policies and strategies must be discussed with all

managerial personnel and staff.

Managers must understand where and how they can

implement their policies and strategies.

A plan of action must be devised for each department.

Policies and strategies must be reviewed regularly.

Contingency plans must be devised in case the environment


Top-level managers should carry out regular progress


The business requires team spirit and a good environment.

Page 23


The missions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of each

department must be analyzed to determine their roles in
achieving the business's mission.

The forecasting method develops a reliable picture of the

business's future environment.

A planning unit must be created to ensure that all plans are

consistent and that policies and strategies are aimed at
achieving the same mission and objectives.

Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]

They give mid and lower-level managers a good idea of the

future plans for each department in an organization.

A framework is created whereby plans and decisions are


Mid and lower-level mgt. may add their own plans to the
business's strategies.

Most organizations have three mgt. levels: first-level, middle-level, and top-level managers.
First-line managers are the lowest level of mgt. and manage the work of nonmanagerial
individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization's
products. First-line managers are often called supervisors, but may also be called line
managers, office managers, or even foremen. Middle managers include all levels of mgt.
between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the
work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant
manager, or division manager. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These
individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director,
chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.
These managers are classified in a hierarchy of authority, and perform different tasks. In many
organizations, the number of managers in every level resembles a pyramid. Each level is
explained below in specifications of their different responsibilities and likely job titles. [citation

[Type text]

Page 24


The top or senior layer of mgt. consists of the board of directors (including non-executive
directors and executive directors), president, vice-president, CEOs and other members of
the C-level executives. Different organizations have various members in their C-suite, which
may include a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and so on. They are
responsible for controlling and overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They set a
"tone at the top" and develop strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the
overall direction of the organization. In addition, top-level managers play a significant role in
the mobilization of outside resources. Senior managers are accountable to the shareholders,
the general public and to public bodies that oversee corporations and similar organizations.
Some members of the senior mgt. may serve as the public face of the organization, and they
may make speeches to introduce new strategies or appear in marketing.
The board of directors is typically primarily composed of non-executives who owe
a fiduciary duty to shareholders and are not closely involved in the day-to-day activities of the
organization, although this varies depending on the type (e.g., public versus private), size and
culture of the organization. These directors are theoretically liable for breaches of that duty
and typically insured under directors and officers liability insurance. Fortune 500 directors are
estimated to spend 4.4 hours per week on board duties, and median compensation was
$212,512 in 2010. The board sets corporate strategy, makes major decisions such as major
acquisitions,[22] and hires, evaluates, and fires the top-level manager (Chief Executive
Officer or CEO). The CEO typically hires other positions. However, board involvement in the
hiring of other positions such as the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) has increased.[23] In 2013, a
survey of over 160 CEOs and directors of public and private companies found that the top
weaknesses of CEOs were "mentoring skills" and "board engagement", and 10% of
companies never evaluated the CEO.[24] The board may also have certain employees
(e.g., internal auditors) report to them or directly hire independent contractors; for example,
the board (through the audit committee) typically selects the auditor.
Helpful skills of top mgt. vary by the type of organization but typically include [25] a broad
understanding of competition, world economies, and politics. In addition, the CEO is
responsible for implementing and determining (within the board's framework) the broad
policies of the organization. Executive mgt. accomplishes the day-to-day details, including:
instructions for preparation of department budgets, procedures, schedules; appointment of
middle level executives such as department managers; coordination of departments; media
and governmental relations; and shareholder communication.
Consist of general managers, branch managers and department managers. They are
accountable to the top mgt. for their department's function. They devote more time to
organizational and directional functions. Their roles can be emphasized as executing
organizational plans in conformance with the company's policies and the objectives of the top
mgt., they define and discuss information and policies from top mgt. to lower mgt., and most
[Type text]

Page 25


importantly they inspire and provide guidance to lower level managers towards better
Middle mgt. is the midway mgt. of a categorized organization, being secondary to the senior
mgt. but above the deepest levels of operational members. An operational manager may be
well-thought-out by middle mgt., or may be categorized as non-mgt. operate, liable to the
policy of the specific organization. Efficiency of the middle level is vital in any organization,
since they bridge the gap between top level and bottom level staffs.
Their functions include:

Design and implement effective group and inter-group work

and information systems.

Define and monitor group-level performance indicators.

Diagnose and resolve problems within and among work


Design and implement reward systems that support

cooperative behavior. They also make decision and share ideas
with top managers.

Lower managers include supervisors, section leaders, forepersons and team leaders. They
focus on controlling and directing regular employees. They are usually responsible for
assigning employees' tasks, guiding and supervising employees on day-to-day activities,
ensuring the quality and quantity of production and/or service, making recommendations and
suggestions to employees on their work, and channeling employee concerns that they cannot
resolve to mid-level managers or other administrators. First-level or "front line" managers
also act as role models for their employees. In some types of work, front line managers may
also do some of the same tasks that employees do, at least some of the time. For example, in
some restaurants, the front line managers will also serve customers during a very busy period
of the day.
Front-line managers typically provide:

[Type text]

Training for new employees

Basic supervision

Page 26


Performance feedback and guidance

Some front-line managers may also provide career planning for employees who aim to rise
within the organization.
Colleges and universities around the world offer bachelor's degrees, graduate degrees,
diplomas and certificates in mgt., generally within their colleges of business, business schools
or faculty of mgt. but also in other related departments. In the 2010s, there has been an
increase in online mgt. education and training in the form of electronic educational
technology ( also called e-learning). Online education has increased the accessibility of mgt.
training to people who do not live near a college or university, or who cannot afford to travel
to a city where such training is available.
While some professions require academic credentials in order to work in the profession (e.g.,
law, medicine, engineering, which require, respectively the Bachelor of Law, Doctor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Engineering degrees), mgt. and administration positions do not
necessarily require the completion of academic degrees. Some well-known senior executive in
the United States who did not complete a university degree include Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. However, many managers and executives have completed some
type of business or mgt. training, such as a Bachelor of Commerce or a Master of Business
Administration degree. Some major organizations, including companies, not-for-profit
organizations and governments, require applicants to managerial or executive positions to
hold at minimum Bachelor's degree in a field related to administration of mgt., or in the case
of business jobs, a Bachelor of Commerce or a similar degree.
United States[edit]
At the undergraduate level, the most common business program is the Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com.). A B.Com. is typically a four-year program that includes courses that
give students an overview of the role of managers in planning and directing within an
organization. Course topics include accounting, financial mgt., statistics, marketing, strategy,
and other related areas. There are many other undergraduate degrees that include the study of
mgt., such as Bachelor of Arts degrees with a major inbusiness administration or mgt. and
Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P.A), a degree designed for individuals aiming to work
as bureaucrats in the government jobs. Many colleges and universities also offer certificates
and diplomas in business administration or mgt., which typically require one to two years of
full-time study.
At the graduate level students aiming at careers as managers or executives may choose to
specialize in major subareas of mgt. or business administration such
[Type text]

Page 27


asentrepreneurship, human
resources, international
business, organizational
behavior, organizational
theory, strategic
mgt., accounting, corporate
entertainment, global mgt., healthcare mgt., investment mgt., sustainability and real estate.
A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most popular professional master's degree
and can be obtained from many universities in the United States. MBAs provide further
education in mgt. and leadership for graduate students. Other master's degrees in business and
mgt. include the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in business administration or mgt., which is
typically taken by students aiming to become researchers or professors. There are also
specialized master's degrees in administration for individuals aiming at careers outside of
business, such as the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree (also offered as a Master
of Arts in Public Administration in some universities), for students aiming to become
managers or executives in the public service and the Master of Health Administration, for
students aiming to become managers or executives in the health care and hospital sector.
Mgt. doctorates are the most advanced terminal degrees in the field of business and mgt..
Most individuals obtaining mgt. doctorates take the programs to obtain the training in
research methods, statistical analysis and writing academic papers that they will need to seek
careers as researchers, senior consultants and/or professors in business administration or mgt..
There are two main types of mgt. doctorates: the Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
and the PhD in business administration or mgt.. In the 2010s, doctorates in business
administration and mgt. are available with many specializations.
Good practices[edit]
While mgt. trends can change rapidly, the long term trend in mgt. has been defined by a
market embracing diversity and a rising service industry. Managers are currently being trained
to encourage greater equality for minorities and women in the workplace, by offering
increased flexibility in working hours, better retraining, and innovative (and usually industryspecific) performance markers. Managers destined for the service sector are being trained to
use unique measurement techniques, better worker support and more charismatic leadership
styles.[27] Human resources finds itself increasingly working with mgt. in a training capacity to
help collect mgt. data on the success (or failure) of mgt. actions with employees.[28]
See also[edit]
Main article: Outline of business mgt.

[Type text]

Academy of Mgt. Journal

Anthony triangle

Human relations movement

Indian Ethos in Mgt.

Page 28


Industrial and organizational psychology

Leadership (journal)

Mgt. styles

Project mgt.

Technology mgt.

Team effectiveness

Total quality mgt.


169. Jump
170. Jump
171. Jump up^ SS Gulshan. Mgt. Principles and Practices
by Lallan Prasad and SS Gulshan. Excel Books India.
pp. 6. ISBN 978-93-5062-099-1.
172. Jump up^ Deslandes G., (2014), Mgt. in Xenophon's
Philosophy : a Retrospective Analysis, 38th Annual
Research Conference, Philosophy of Mgt., 2014, July 14
16, Chicago, USA
173. Jump up^ Prabbal Frank attempts to make a subtle
distinction between mgt. and manipulation: Frank,
[Type text]

Page 29


Prabbal (2006). People Manipulation: A Positive

Approach (2 ed.). New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
pp. 37. ISBN 9788120743526.
Retrieved 2015-09-05. There is a difference between mgt.
and manipulation. The difference is thin [...] If mgt. is
handling, then manipulation is skilful handling. In short,
manipulation is skilful mgt.. [...] Manipulation is in
essence leveraged mgt.. [...] It is an alive thing while mgt.
is a dead concept. It requires a proactive approach rather
than a reactive approach. [...] People cannot be managed.
174. Jump up^ Administration industrielle et gnrale prvoyance organization - commandment, coordination
contrle, Paris : Dunod, 1966
175. Jump up^ Jones, Norman L. (2013). "Chapter Two: Of
Poetry and Politics: The Managerial Culture of SixteenthCentury England". In Kaufman, Peter Iver. Leadership
and Elizabethan Culture. Jepson Studies in Leadership.
p. 18. ISBN 9781137340290.
Retrieved 2015-08-29. Mary Parker Follett, the 'prophet
of mgt.' reputedly defined mgt. as the 'art of getting things
done through people.' [...] Whether or not she said it,
Follett describes the attributes of dynamic mgt. as being
coactive rather than coercive.
176. Jump up^ Vocational Business: Training, Developing
and Motivating People by Richard Barrett - Business &
Economics - 2003. - Page 51.
177. Jump up^ Compare: Holmes, Leonard (2012). The
Dominance of Mgt.: A Participatory Critique. Voices in
p. 20. ISBN 9781409488668.
Retrieved 2015-0829. Lupton's (1983: 17) notion that mgt. is 'what
managers do during their working hours', if valid, could
only apply to descriptive conceptualizations of mgt.,
where 'mgt.' is effectively synonymous with 'managing',
and where 'managing' refers to an activity, or set of
activities carried out by managers.

[Type text]

Page 30


178. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "mgt.". Online Etymology

Dictionary. Retrieved 2015-08-29. - "Meaning 'governing
body' (originally of a theater) is from 1739."
179. Jump up^ See for examples Melling, Joseph;
McKinlay, Alan, eds. (1996). Mgt., Labour, and Industrial
Politics in Modern Europe: The Quest for Productivity
Growth During the Twentieth Century. Edward
Elgar. ISBN 9781858980164. Retrieved 2015-08-29.
180. Jump up^ Giddens, Anthony (1981). A Contemporary
Critique of Historical Materialism. Social and Politic
Theory from Polity Press. 1. University of California
Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780520044906. Retrieved 2013-1229. In the army barracks, and in the mass co-ordination of
men on the battlefield (epitomised by the military
innovations of Prince Maurice of Orange and Nassau in
the sixteenth century) are to be found the prototype of the
regimentation of the factory - as both Marx and Weber
181. ^ Jump up to:a b Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
182. Jump up^ Creel, 1974 p.4-5 Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese
Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C.
183. Jump up^ Griffin, Ricky W. CUSTOM Mgt.: Principles
and Practices, International Edition, 11th Edition. Cengage
Learning UK, 08/2014
184. ^ Jump up to:a b c Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B.
Balkin; Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People,
Performance, Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York
USA: McGraw-Hill. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
185. Jump up^ Khurana, Rakesh (2010) [2007]. From
Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation
of American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise
[Type text]

Page 31


of Mgt. as a Profession. Princeton University Press.

p. 3. ISBN 9781400830862. Retrieved 2013-08-24. When
salaried managers first appeared in the large
corporations of the late nineteenth century, it was not
obvious who they were, what they did, or why they should
be entrusted with the task of running corporations.
186. Jump
187. Jump up^ Legge, David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth,
Anne (2006). "Learning mgt. (and managing your own
learning)". In Harris, Mary G. Managing Health
Services: Concepts and Practice. Marrickville, NSW:
p. 13. ISBN 9780729537599.
Retrieved 2014-07-11. The manager as bureaucrat is the
guardian of roles, rules and relationships; his or her style
of mgt. relies heavily on working according to the book. In
the Weberian tradition managers are necessary to
coordinate the different roles that contribute to the
production process and to mediate communication from
head office to the shop floor and back. This style of mgt.
assumes a world view in which bureaucratic role is seen
as separate from, and taking precedence over, other
constructions of self (including the obligations of
citizenship), at least for the duration if the working day.
188. Jump up^ Craig, S. (2009, January 29). Merrill Bonus
Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal. [1]
189. Jump up^ Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries The Dark Side
of Leadership - Business Strategy Review 14(3), Autumn
Page 26 (2003).
190. Jump up^ Board of Directors: Duties & Liabilities.
Stanford Graduate School of Business.
191. Jump up^ DeMars L. (2006). Heavy Vetting: Boards of
directors now want to talk to would-be CFOs and vice
versa. CFO Magazine.
[Type text]

Page 32


192. Jump up^ 2013 CEO Performance Evaluation Survey.

Stanford Graduate School of Business.
193. Jump up^ Kleiman, Lawrence S. " MGT. AND
Business:Encyclopedia of Business(2010): n. pag. Web. 25
Mar 2011. [2].
194. Jump up^
195. Jump up^ "Four Ways to Be A Better Boss". Randstad
USA. Randstad USA. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
196. Jump up^ "The Role of HR in Uncertain
Times" (PDF). Economist Intelligence Unit. Economist
Intelligence Unit. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
External links[edit]

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Media related to Mgt. at Wikimedia Commons

Quotations related to Mgt. at Wikiquote



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Corporate law[show]
Theoretical scope[edit]
Nature of work[edit]
Historical development[edit]
Early writing[edit]
19th century[edit]
20th century[edit]
21st century[edit]
Basic roles[edit]
Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]
Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]
United States[edit]
[Type text]

Page 1


Good practices[edit]
See also[edit]
External links[edit]
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Manager" redirects here. For other uses, see Mgt. (disambiguation) and Manager

[Type text]

Page 2


An organization chart for the United States Coast Guard shows the hierarchy of
managerial roles in that organization.
Business administration

[Type text]

Page 3


Mgt. in businesses and other organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and

government bodies, refers to the individuals who set the strategy of the organization

[Type text]

Page 4


[Type text]

Page 5


The Principle sir,
Subject: Application of leave for 10 days.
Dear sir,
I hereby inform you that I will unable to come for next 10 days. Because I will go for world
tour with my family .Kindly allow me to go for same.

Yours Sincerely,

[Type text]

Page 6


and coordinate the efforts of employees (or volunteers, in the case of some voluntary
organizations) to accomplish objectives by using available human, financial and other
includesplanning, organizing, selecting
staff, leading or
and controlling an organization to accomplish various goals. Resourcingencompasses
of human
resources, financial resources, technological resources, natural resources and other
Mgt. is also an academic discipline, a social science whose objective is to study social
organization and organizational leadership. Mgt. is studied at colleges and universities;
some important degrees in mgt. are the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) andMaster of
Business Administration (M.B.A.) and, for the public sector, the Master of Public
Administration (MPA) degree. Individuals who aim at becoming mgt. researchers or
professors may complete the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the PhD in
business administration or mgt..

[Type text]

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11 1




[Type text]

Page 8










There are three levels of managers, which are typically organized in a hierarchical, pyramid
structure. Senior managers, such as the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
or President of an organization, set the strategic goals of the organization and make decisions
on how the overall organization will operate. Senior managers provide direction to the middle
managers who report to them. Middle managers, examples of which would include branch
managers, regional managers and section managers, provide direction to front-line managers.
Middle managers communicate the strategic goals of senior mgt. to the front-line

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[Type text]



Page 13


Series 1

Series 2
Series 3

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

managers. Lower managers, such assupervisors and front-line team leaders, oversee the work
of regular employees (or volunteers, in some voluntary organizations) and provide direction
on their work.



o 2.1Theoretical scope

[Type text]

3Nature of work

4Historical development

Page 14


o 4.1Early writing
o 4.219th century
o 4.320th century
o 4.421st century

o 5.1Basics
o 5.2Basic roles
o 5.3Skills
o 5.4Implementation of policies and strategies

6Policies and strategies in the planning process

o 7.1Top
o 7.2Middle
o 7.3Lower

o 8.1United States



o 8.2Good practices

[Type text]

9See also
Page 15



11External links


The English verb "manage" comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools or
a horse), which derives from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act). The
French word for housekeeping, mnagerie, derived from mnager ("to keep house";
compare mnage for "household"), also encompasses taking care of domestic
animals.Mnagerie is
of Xenophon's
book Oeconomicus[1] (Greek: ) on household matters and husbandry. The French
word mesnagement (ormnagement) influenced the semantic development of the English
word mgt. in the 17th and 18th centuries.[2]

Mark Zuckerberg is the Chief Executive Officer and Chair forFacebook, a major
American social networking company.
Views on the definition and scope of mgt. include:

[Type text]

According to Henri Fayol, "to manage is to forecast and to

plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to

Fredmund Malik defines it as "the transformation of resources

into utility."
Page 16


Mgt. included as one of the factors of production - along with

machines, materials and money.

Ghislain Deslandes defines it as a vulnerable force, under

pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power
of constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on
subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental

Peter Drucker (19092005) saw the basic task of mgt. as

twofold: marketing and innovation. Nevertheless, innovation
is also linked to marketing (product innovation is a central
strategic marketing issue). Peter Drucker identifies marketing
as a key essence for business success, but mgt. and marketing
are generally understood[by whom?] as two different branches of
business administration knowledge.

Theoretical scope[edit]
Mgt. involves identifying the mission, objective, procedures, rules and manipulation[5] of
the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise.[citation needed] This
implies effective communication: an enterprise environment (as opposed to a physical or
mechanical mechanism) implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful
progress or system outcome.[citation needed]As such, mgt. is not the manipulation of a mechanism
(machine or automated program), not the herding of animals, and can occur either in a legal or
in an illegal enterprise or environment. Mgt. does not need to be seen from enterprise point of
view alone, because mgt. is an essential function to improve one's life and relationships.[citation
Mgt. is therefore everywhere[citation needed] and it has a wider range of application. [clarification
Based on this, mgt. must have humans, communication, and a positive enterprise
endeavor.[citation needed] Plans, measurements, motivational psychological tools, goals, and
economic measures (profit, etc.) may or may not be necessary components for there to be
mgt.. At first, one views mgt. functionally, such as measuring quantity, adjusting plans,
meeting goals.[citation needed] This applies even in situations where planning does not take place.
From this perspective, Henri Fayol (18411925)[6][page needed] considers mgt. to consist of
six functions:
43. forecasting
44. planning
45. organizing

[Type text]

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46. commanding
47. coordinating
48. controlling
(Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of mgt.. [citation
In another way of thinking, Mary Parker Follett (18681933), allegedly defined mgt. as "the
art of getting things done through people". [7] She described mgt. as philosophy.[8][need quotation to

Critics[which?], however, find this definition useful but far too narrow. The phrase "mgt. is what
managers do" occurs widely,[9] suggesting the difficulty of defining mgt. without circularity,
the shifting nature of definitions[citation needed] and the connection of managerial practices with the
existence of a managerial cadre or of a class.
One habit of thought regards mgt. as equivalent to "business administration" and thus
excludes mgt. in places outside commerce, as for example in charitiesand in the public sector.
More broadly, every organization must "manage" its work, people, processes, technology, etc.
to maximize effectiveness.[citation needed] Nonetheless, many people refer to university
departments that teach mgt. as "business schools". Some such institutions (such as
the Harvard Business School) use that name, while others (such as the Yale School of Mgt.)
employ the broader term "mgt.".
English-speakers may also use the term "mgt." or "the mgt." as a collective word describing
the managers of an organization, for example of a corporation.[10]Historically this use of the
term often contrasted with the term "labor" - referring to those being managed.[11]
But in the present era[when?] the concept of mgt. is identified[by whom?] in the wide areas[which?] and
its frontiers have been pushed to a broader range.[citation needed] Apart from profitable
organizations even non-profitable organizations (NGOs) apply mgt. concepts. The concept
and its uses are not constrained[by whom?]. Mgt. on the whole is the process of planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
Nature of work[edit]
In profitable organizations, mgt.'s primary function is the satisfaction of a range
of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued
products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing great employment opportunities
for employees. In nonprofit mgt., add the importance of keeping the faith of donors. In most
models of mgt. and governance, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board
then hires senior mgt.. Some organizations have experimented with other methods (such as
employee-voting models) of selecting or reviewing managers, but this is rare.
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In the public sector of countries constituted as representative democracies, voters elect

politicians to public office. Such politicians hire many managers and administrators, and in
some countries like the United States political appointees lose their jobs on the election of a
new president/governor/mayor.
Historical development[edit]
Some see mgt. (by definition) as late-modern (in the sense of late modernity)
conceptualization. On those terms it cannot have a pre-modern history, only harbingers (such
as stewards). Others, however, detect mgt.-like-thought back to Sumerian traders and to the
builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Slave-owners through the centuries faced the
problems of exploiting/motivating a dependent but sometimes unenthusiastic or recalcitrant
workforce, but many pre-industrial enterprises, given their small scale, did not feel compelled
to face the issues of mgt. systematically. However, innovations such as the spread of Hindu
numerals (5th to 15th centuries) and the codification of double-entry book-keeping (1494)
provided tools for mgt. assessment, planning and control.
With the changing workplaces of industrial revolutions in the 18th and 19th
centuries, military theory and practice contributed approaches to managing the newlypopularfactories.[12]
Given the scale of most commercial operations and the lack of mechanized record-keeping
and recording before the industrial revolution, it made sense for most owners of enterprises in
those times to carry out mgt. functions by and for themselves. But with growing size and
complexity of organizations, the split between owners (individuals, industrial dynasties or
groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and
control) gradually became more common.
Early writing[edit]
While mgt. (according to some definitions) has existed for millennia, several writers have
created a background of works that assisted in modern mgt. theories. [13] Some ancient military
texts have been cited for lessons that civilian managers can gather. For example, Chinese
general Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, The Art of War, recommends being aware of and
acting on strengths and weaknesses of both a manager's organization and a foe's.
Influential Chinese Legalist philosopher Shen Buhaimay be considered valuable as a rare
premodern example of abstract theory of administration.[14]
Various ancient and medieval civilizations have produced "mirrors for princes" books, which
aim to advise new monarchs on how to govern. Plato described job specialization in 350 B.C.,
and Alfarabi listed several leadership traits in A.D. 900. [15] Other examples include the
Indian Arthashastra by Chanakya (written around 300 BCE), and The Prince by Italian
author Niccol Machiavelli (c. 1515).[16]
Further information: Mirrors for princes
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Written in 1776 by Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher, The Wealth of

Nations discussed efficient organization of work through division of labour.[16] Smith
described how changes in processes could boost productivity in the manufacture of pins.
While individuals could produce 200 pins per day, Smith analyzed the steps involved in
manufacture and, with 10 specialists, enabled production of 48,000 pins per day.[16]
19th century[edit]
Classical economists such as Adam Smith (17231790) and John Stuart Mill (18061873)
provided a theoretical background to resource-allocation, production, and pricingissues.
About the same time, innovators like Eli Whitney (17651825), James Watt (17361819),
and Matthew Boulton (17281809) developed elements of technical production such
as standardization, quality-control procedures, cost-accounting, interchangeability of parts,
and work-planning. Many of these aspects of mgt. existed in the pre-1861 slave-based sector
of the US economy. That environment saw 4 million people, as the contemporary usages had
it, "managed" in profitable quasi-mass production.
Salaried managers as an identifiable group first became prominent in the late 19th century.[17]
20th century[edit]
By about 1900 one finds managers trying to place their theories on what they regarded as a
thoroughly scientific basis (see scientism for perceived limitations of this belief). Examples
include Henry R. Towne's Science of mgt. in the 1890s, Frederick Winslow Taylor's The
Principles of Scientific Mgt. (1911), Lillian Gilbreth'sPsychology of Mgt. (1914),
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth's Applied motion study (1917), and Henry L. Gantt's charts
(1910s). J. Duncan wrote the first collegemgt.-textbook in 1911. In 1912 Yoichi
Ueno introduced Taylorism to Japan and became the first mgt. consultant of the "Japanesemgt. style". His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese quality assurance.
The first comprehensive theories of mgt. appeared around 1920. The Harvard Business
School offered the first Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921. People
like Henri Fayol (18411925) and Alexander Church described the various branches of mgt.
and their inter-relationships. In the early 20th century, people like Ordway Tead (1891
1973), Walter Scott and J. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to mgt.. Other
writers, such as Elton Mayo (18801949), Mary Parker Follett (18681933), Chester
Barnard (18861961), Max Weber (18641920), who saw what he called the "administrator"
as bureaucrat[19]), Rensis Likert (19031981), andChris Argyris (* 1923) approached the
phenomenon of mgt. from a sociological perspective.
Peter Drucker (19092005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied mgt.: Concept of the
Corporation (published in 1946). It resulted from Alfred Sloan (chairman ofGeneral
Motors until 1956) commissioning a study of the organisation. Drucker went on to write 39
books, many in the same vein.

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H. Dodge, Ronald Fisher (18901962), and Thornton C. Fry introduced statistical techniques
into mgt.-studies. In the 1940s, Patrick Blackett worked in the development of the appliedmathematics science of operations research, initially for military operations. Operations
research, sometimes known as "mgt. science" (but distinct from Taylor's scientific mgt.),
attempts to take a scientific approach to solving decision-problems, and can apply directly to
multiple mgt. problems, particularly in the areas of logistics and operations.
Some of the more recent developments include the Theory of Constraints, mgt. by
objectives, reengineering, Six Sigma and various information-technology-driven theories such
as agile software development, as well as group-mgt. theories such as Cog's Ladder.
As the general recognition of managers as a class solidified during the 20th century and gave
perceived practitioners of the art/science of mgt. a certain amount of prestige, so the way
opened for popularised systems of mgt. ideas to peddle their wares. In this context many mgt.
fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of mgt..
Towards the end of the 20th century, business mgt. came to consist of six separate branches,
[citation needed]
43. financial mgt.
44. human resource mgt.
45. information technology
information systems)

mgt. (responsible

for mgt.

46. marketing mgt.

47. operations mgt. or production mgt.
48. strategic mgt.
21st century[edit]
In the 21st century observers find it increasingly difficult to subdivide mgt. into functional
categories in this way. More and more processes simultaneously involve several categories.
Instead, one tends to think in terms of the various processes, tasks, and objects subject to mgt..
[citation needed]

Branches of mgt. theory also exist relating to nonprofits and to government: such as public
administration, public mgt., and educational mgt.. Further, mgt. programs related to civilsociety organizations have also spawned programs in nonprofit mgt. and social
Note that many of the assumptions made by mgt. have come under attack from businessethics viewpoints, critical mgt. studies, and anti-corporate activism.
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As one consequence, workplace democracy (sometimes referred to as Workers' self-mgt.) has

become both more common and advocated to a greater extent, in some places distributing all
mgt. functions among workers, each of whom takes on a portion of the work. However, these
models predate any current political issue, and may occur more naturally than does
a command hierarchy. All mgt. embraces to some degree a democratic principlein that in
the long term, the majority of workers must support mgt.. Otherwise, they leave to find other
work or go on strike. Despite the move toward workplace democracy, command-and-control
organization structures remain commonplace as de facto organization structure. Indeed, the
entrenched nature of command-and-control is evident in the way that recent layoffs have been
conducted with mgt. ranks affected far less than employees at the lower levels. In some cases,
mgt. has even rewarded itself with bonuses after laying off lower-level workers.[20]
According to leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, a contemporary senior mgt.
team will almost inevitably have some personality disorders.[21]
Mgt. operates through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding,
and controlling.

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and

generating plans for action(deciding in advance).

Organizing: Making sure the human and nonhuman resources

are put into place

Coordinating (or staffing): Creating a structure through

which an organization's goals can be accomplished.

Commanding (or leading): Determining what must be done in

a situation and getting people to do it.

Controlling: Checking progress against plans.

Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction

with employees

Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and

analyzing information

Basic roles[edit]

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Decision: roles that require decision-making

establish connections

conceptual: used to analyze complex situations

and delegate

diagnostic: ability to visualize appropriate responses to a


leadership: ability to lead and to provide guidance to a specific


technical: expertise in one's particular functional area.

Mgt. skills include:




a power

base and

communicate, motivate,



Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]

[Type text]

All policies and strategies must be discussed with all

managerial personnel and staff.

Managers must understand where and how they can

implement their policies and strategies.

A plan of action must be devised for each department.

Policies and strategies must be reviewed regularly.

Contingency plans must be devised in case the environment


Top-level managers should carry out regular progress


The business requires team spirit and a good environment.

Page 23


The missions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of each

department must be analyzed to determine their roles in
achieving the business's mission.

The forecasting method develops a reliable picture of the

business's future environment.

A planning unit must be created to ensure that all plans are

consistent and that policies and strategies are aimed at
achieving the same mission and objectives.

Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]

They give mid and lower-level managers a good idea of the

future plans for each department in an organization.

A framework is created whereby plans and decisions are


Mid and lower-level mgt. may add their own plans to the
business's strategies.

Most organizations have three mgt. levels: first-level, middle-level, and top-level managers.
First-line managers are the lowest level of mgt. and manage the work of nonmanagerial
individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization's
products. First-line managers are often called supervisors, but may also be called line
managers, office managers, or even foremen. Middle managers include all levels of mgt.
between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the
work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant
manager, or division manager. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These
individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director,
chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.
These managers are classified in a hierarchy of authority, and perform different tasks. In many
organizations, the number of managers in every level resembles a pyramid. Each level is
explained below in specifications of their different responsibilities and likely job titles. [citation

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The top or senior layer of mgt. consists of the board of directors (including non-executive
directors and executive directors), president, vice-president, CEOs and other members of
the C-level executives. Different organizations have various members in their C-suite, which
may include a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and so on. They are
responsible for controlling and overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They set a
"tone at the top" and develop strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the
overall direction of the organization. In addition, top-level managers play a significant role in
the mobilization of outside resources. Senior managers are accountable to the shareholders,
the general public and to public bodies that oversee corporations and similar organizations.
Some members of the senior mgt. may serve as the public face of the organization, and they
may make speeches to introduce new strategies or appear in marketing.
The board of directors is typically primarily composed of non-executives who owe
a fiduciary duty to shareholders and are not closely involved in the day-to-day activities of the
organization, although this varies depending on the type (e.g., public versus private), size and
culture of the organization. These directors are theoretically liable for breaches of that duty
and typically insured under directors and officers liability insurance. Fortune 500 directors are
estimated to spend 4.4 hours per week on board duties, and median compensation was
$212,512 in 2010. The board sets corporate strategy, makes major decisions such as major
acquisitions,[22] and hires, evaluates, and fires the top-level manager (Chief Executive
Officer or CEO). The CEO typically hires other positions. However, board involvement in the
hiring of other positions such as the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) has increased.[23] In 2013, a
survey of over 160 CEOs and directors of public and private companies found that the top
weaknesses of CEOs were "mentoring skills" and "board engagement", and 10% of
companies never evaluated the CEO.[24] The board may also have certain employees
(e.g., internal auditors) report to them or directly hire independent contractors; for example,
the board (through the audit committee) typically selects the auditor.
Helpful skills of top mgt. vary by the type of organization but typically include [25] a broad
understanding of competition, world economies, and politics. In addition, the CEO is
responsible for implementing and determining (within the board's framework) the broad
policies of the organization. Executive mgt. accomplishes the day-to-day details, including:
instructions for preparation of department budgets, procedures, schedules; appointment of
middle level executives such as department managers; coordination of departments; media
and governmental relations; and shareholder communication.
Consist of general managers, branch managers and department managers. They are
accountable to the top mgt. for their department's function. They devote more time to
organizational and directional functions. Their roles can be emphasized as executing
organizational plans in conformance with the company's policies and the objectives of the top
mgt., they define and discuss information and policies from top mgt. to lower mgt., and most
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importantly they inspire and provide guidance to lower level managers towards better
Middle mgt. is the midway mgt. of a categorized organization, being secondary to the senior
mgt. but above the deepest levels of operational members. An operational manager may be
well-thought-out by middle mgt., or may be categorized as non-mgt. operate, liable to the
policy of the specific organization. Efficiency of the middle level is vital in any organization,
since they bridge the gap between top level and bottom level staffs.
Their functions include:

Design and implement effective group and inter-group work

and information systems.

Define and monitor group-level performance indicators.

Diagnose and resolve problems within and among work


Design and implement reward systems that support

cooperative behavior. They also make decision and share ideas
with top managers.

Lower managers include supervisors, section leaders, forepersons and team leaders. They
focus on controlling and directing regular employees. They are usually responsible for
assigning employees' tasks, guiding and supervising employees on day-to-day activities,
ensuring the quality and quantity of production and/or service, making recommendations and
suggestions to employees on their work, and channeling employee concerns that they cannot
resolve to mid-level managers or other administrators. First-level or "front line" managers
also act as role models for their employees. In some types of work, front line managers may
also do some of the same tasks that employees do, at least some of the time. For example, in
some restaurants, the front line managers will also serve customers during a very busy period
of the day.
Front-line managers typically provide:

[Type text]

Training for new employees

Basic supervision

Page 26


Performance feedback and guidance

Some front-line managers may also provide career planning for employees who aim to rise
within the organization.
Colleges and universities around the world offer bachelor's degrees, graduate degrees,
diplomas and certificates in mgt., generally within their colleges of business, business schools
or faculty of mgt. but also in other related departments. In the 2010s, there has been an
increase in online mgt. education and training in the form of electronic educational
technology ( also called e-learning). Online education has increased the accessibility of mgt.
training to people who do not live near a college or university, or who cannot afford to travel
to a city where such training is available.
While some professions require academic credentials in order to work in the profession (e.g.,
law, medicine, engineering, which require, respectively the Bachelor of Law, Doctor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Engineering degrees), mgt. and administration positions do not
necessarily require the completion of academic degrees. Some well-known senior executive in
the United States who did not complete a university degree include Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. However, many managers and executives have completed some
type of business or mgt. training, such as a Bachelor of Commerce or a Master of Business
Administration degree. Some major organizations, including companies, not-for-profit
organizations and governments, require applicants to managerial or executive positions to
hold at minimum Bachelor's degree in a field related to administration of mgt., or in the case
of business jobs, a Bachelor of Commerce or a similar degree.
United States[edit]
At the undergraduate level, the most common business program is the Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com.). A B.Com. is typically a four-year program that includes courses that
give students an overview of the role of managers in planning and directing within an
organization. Course topics include accounting, financial mgt., statistics, marketing, strategy,
and other related areas. There are many other undergraduate degrees that include the study of
mgt., such as Bachelor of Arts degrees with a major inbusiness administration or mgt. and
Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P.A), a degree designed for individuals aiming to work
as bureaucrats in the government jobs. Many colleges and universities also offer certificates
and diplomas in business administration or mgt., which typically require one to two years of
full-time study.
At the graduate level students aiming at careers as managers or executives may choose to
specialize in major subareas of mgt. or business administration such
[Type text]

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asentrepreneurship, human
resources, international
business, organizational
behavior, organizational
theory, strategic
mgt., accounting, corporate
entertainment, global mgt., healthcare mgt., investment mgt., sustainability and real estate.
A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most popular professional master's degree
and can be obtained from many universities in the United States. MBAs provide further
education in mgt. and leadership for graduate students. Other master's degrees in business and
mgt. include the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in business administration or mgt., which is
typically taken by students aiming to become researchers or professors. There are also
specialized master's degrees in administration for individuals aiming at careers outside of
business, such as the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree (also offered as a Master
of Arts in Public Administration in some universities), for students aiming to become
managers or executives in the public service and the Master of Health Administration, for
students aiming to become managers or executives in the health care and hospital sector.
Mgt. doctorates are the most advanced terminal degrees in the field of business and mgt..
Most individuals obtaining mgt. doctorates take the programs to obtain the training in
research methods, statistical analysis and writing academic papers that they will need to seek
careers as researchers, senior consultants and/or professors in business administration or mgt..
There are two main types of mgt. doctorates: the Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
and the PhD in business administration or mgt.. In the 2010s, doctorates in business
administration and mgt. are available with many specializations.
Good practices[edit]
While mgt. trends can change rapidly, the long term trend in mgt. has been defined by a
market embracing diversity and a rising service industry. Managers are currently being trained
to encourage greater equality for minorities and women in the workplace, by offering
increased flexibility in working hours, better retraining, and innovative (and usually industryspecific) performance markers. Managers destined for the service sector are being trained to
use unique measurement techniques, better worker support and more charismatic leadership
styles.[27] Human resources finds itself increasingly working with mgt. in a training capacity to
help collect mgt. data on the success (or failure) of mgt. actions with employees.[28]
See also[edit]
Main article: Outline of business mgt.

[Type text]

Academy of Mgt. Journal

Anthony triangle

Human relations movement

Indian Ethos in Mgt.

Page 28


Industrial and organizational psychology

Leadership (journal)

Mgt. styles

Project mgt.

Technology mgt.

Team effectiveness

Total quality mgt.


197. Jump
198. Jump
199. Jump up^ SS Gulshan. Mgt. Principles and Practices
by Lallan Prasad and SS Gulshan. Excel Books India.
pp. 6. ISBN 978-93-5062-099-1.
200. Jump up^ Deslandes G., (2014), Mgt. in Xenophon's
Philosophy : a Retrospective Analysis, 38th Annual
Research Conference, Philosophy of Mgt., 2014, July 14
16, Chicago, USA
201. Jump up^ Prabbal Frank attempts to make a subtle
distinction between mgt. and manipulation: Frank,
[Type text]

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Prabbal (2006). People Manipulation: A Positive

Approach (2 ed.). New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
pp. 37. ISBN 9788120743526.
Retrieved 2015-09-05. There is a difference between mgt.
and manipulation. The difference is thin [...] If mgt. is
handling, then manipulation is skilful handling. In short,
manipulation is skilful mgt.. [...] Manipulation is in
essence leveraged mgt.. [...] It is an alive thing while mgt.
is a dead concept. It requires a proactive approach rather
than a reactive approach. [...] People cannot be managed.
202. Jump up^ Administration industrielle et gnrale prvoyance organization - commandment, coordination
contrle, Paris : Dunod, 1966
203. Jump up^ Jones, Norman L. (2013). "Chapter Two: Of
Poetry and Politics: The Managerial Culture of SixteenthCentury England". In Kaufman, Peter Iver. Leadership
and Elizabethan Culture. Jepson Studies in Leadership.
p. 18. ISBN 9781137340290.
Retrieved 2015-08-29. Mary Parker Follett, the 'prophet
of mgt.' reputedly defined mgt. as the 'art of getting things
done through people.' [...] Whether or not she said it,
Follett describes the attributes of dynamic mgt. as being
coactive rather than coercive.
204. Jump up^ Vocational Business: Training, Developing
and Motivating People by Richard Barrett - Business &
Economics - 2003. - Page 51.
205. Jump up^ Compare: Holmes, Leonard (2012). The
Dominance of Mgt.: A Participatory Critique. Voices in
p. 20. ISBN 9781409488668.
Retrieved 2015-0829. Lupton's (1983: 17) notion that mgt. is 'what
managers do during their working hours', if valid, could
only apply to descriptive conceptualizations of mgt.,
where 'mgt.' is effectively synonymous with 'managing',
and where 'managing' refers to an activity, or set of
activities carried out by managers.

[Type text]

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206. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "mgt.". Online Etymology

Dictionary. Retrieved 2015-08-29. - "Meaning 'governing
body' (originally of a theater) is from 1739."
207. Jump up^ See for examples Melling, Joseph;
McKinlay, Alan, eds. (1996). Mgt., Labour, and Industrial
Politics in Modern Europe: The Quest for Productivity
Growth During the Twentieth Century. Edward
Elgar. ISBN 9781858980164. Retrieved 2015-08-29.
208. Jump up^ Giddens, Anthony (1981). A Contemporary
Critique of Historical Materialism. Social and Politic
Theory from Polity Press. 1. University of California
Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780520044906. Retrieved 2013-1229. In the army barracks, and in the mass co-ordination of
men on the battlefield (epitomised by the military
innovations of Prince Maurice of Orange and Nassau in
the sixteenth century) are to be found the prototype of the
regimentation of the factory - as both Marx and Weber
209. ^ Jump up to:a b Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
210. Jump up^ Creel, 1974 p.4-5 Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese
Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C.
211. Jump up^ Griffin, Ricky W. CUSTOM Mgt.: Principles
and Practices, International Edition, 11th Edition. Cengage
Learning UK, 08/2014
212. ^ Jump up to:a b c Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B.
Balkin; Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People,
Performance, Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York
USA: McGraw-Hill. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
213. Jump up^ Khurana, Rakesh (2010) [2007]. From
Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation
of American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise
[Type text]

Page 31


of Mgt. as a Profession. Princeton University Press.

p. 3. ISBN 9781400830862. Retrieved 2013-08-24. When
salaried managers first appeared in the large
corporations of the late nineteenth century, it was not
obvious who they were, what they did, or why they should
be entrusted with the task of running corporations.
214. Jump
215. Jump up^ Legge, David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth,
Anne (2006). "Learning mgt. (and managing your own
learning)". In Harris, Mary G. Managing Health
Services: Concepts and Practice. Marrickville, NSW:
p. 13. ISBN 9780729537599.
Retrieved 2014-07-11. The manager as bureaucrat is the
guardian of roles, rules and relationships; his or her style
of mgt. relies heavily on working according to the book. In
the Weberian tradition managers are necessary to
coordinate the different roles that contribute to the
production process and to mediate communication from
head office to the shop floor and back. This style of mgt.
assumes a world view in which bureaucratic role is seen
as separate from, and taking precedence over, other
constructions of self (including the obligations of
citizenship), at least for the duration if the working day.
216. Jump up^ Craig, S. (2009, January 29). Merrill Bonus
Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal. [1]
217. Jump up^ Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries The Dark Side
of Leadership - Business Strategy Review 14(3), Autumn
Page 26 (2003).
218. Jump up^ Board of Directors: Duties & Liabilities.
Stanford Graduate School of Business.
219. Jump up^ DeMars L. (2006). Heavy Vetting: Boards of
directors now want to talk to would-be CFOs and vice
versa. CFO Magazine.
[Type text]

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220. Jump up^ 2013 CEO Performance Evaluation Survey.

Stanford Graduate School of Business.
221. Jump up^ Kleiman, Lawrence S. " MGT. AND
Business:Encyclopedia of Business(2010): n. pag. Web. 25
Mar 2011. [2].
222. Jump up^
223. Jump up^ "Four Ways to Be A Better Boss". Randstad
USA. Randstad USA. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
224. Jump up^ "The Role of HR in Uncertain
Times" (PDF). Economist Intelligence Unit. Economist
Intelligence Unit. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
External links[edit]

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Corporate law[show]
Theoretical scope[edit]
Nature of work[edit]
Historical development[edit]
Early writing[edit]
19th century[edit]
20th century[edit]
21st century[edit]
Basic roles[edit]
Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]
Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]
United States[edit]
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Page 1


Good practices[edit]
See also[edit]
External links[edit]
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Manager" redirects here. For other uses, see Mgt. (disambiguation) and Manager

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Page 2


An organization chart for the United States Coast Guard shows the hierarchy of
managerial roles in that organization.
Business administration

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Page 3


Mgt. in businesses and other organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and

government bodies, refers to the individuals who set the strategy of the organization

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Page 5


The Principle sir,
Subject: Application of leave for 10 days.
Dear sir,
I hereby inform you that I will unable to come for next 10 days. Because I will go for world
tour with my family .Kindly allow me to go for same.

Yours Sincerely,

[Type text]

Page 6


and coordinate the efforts of employees (or volunteers, in the case of some voluntary
organizations) to accomplish objectives by using available human, financial and other
includesplanning, organizing, selecting
staff, leading or
and controlling an organization to accomplish various goals. Resourcingencompasses
of human
resources, financial resources, technological resources, natural resources and other
Mgt. is also an academic discipline, a social science whose objective is to study social
organization and organizational leadership. Mgt. is studied at colleges and universities;
some important degrees in mgt. are the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) andMaster of
Business Administration (M.B.A.) and, for the public sector, the Master of Public
Administration (MPA) degree. Individuals who aim at becoming mgt. researchers or
professors may complete the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the PhD in
business administration or mgt..

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11 1




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There are three levels of managers, which are typically organized in a hierarchical, pyramid
structure. Senior managers, such as the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
or President of an organization, set the strategic goals of the organization and make decisions
on how the overall organization will operate. Senior managers provide direction to the middle
managers who report to them. Middle managers, examples of which would include branch
managers, regional managers and section managers, provide direction to front-line managers.
Middle managers communicate the strategic goals of senior mgt. to the front-line

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Page 13


Series 1

Series 2
Series 3

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

managers. Lower managers, such assupervisors and front-line team leaders, oversee the work
of regular employees (or volunteers, in some voluntary organizations) and provide direction
on their work.



o 2.1Theoretical scope

[Type text]

3Nature of work

4Historical development

Page 14


o 4.1Early writing
o 4.219th century
o 4.320th century
o 4.421st century

o 5.1Basics
o 5.2Basic roles
o 5.3Skills
o 5.4Implementation of policies and strategies

6Policies and strategies in the planning process

o 7.1Top
o 7.2Middle
o 7.3Lower

o 8.1United States



o 8.2Good practices

[Type text]

9See also
Page 15



11External links


The English verb "manage" comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools or
a horse), which derives from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act). The
French word for housekeeping, mnagerie, derived from mnager ("to keep house";
compare mnage for "household"), also encompasses taking care of domestic
animals.Mnagerie is
of Xenophon's
book Oeconomicus[1] (Greek: ) on household matters and husbandry. The French
word mesnagement (ormnagement) influenced the semantic development of the English
word mgt. in the 17th and 18th centuries.[2]

Mark Zuckerberg is the Chief Executive Officer and Chair forFacebook, a major
American social networking company.
Views on the definition and scope of mgt. include:

[Type text]

According to Henri Fayol, "to manage is to forecast and to

plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to

Fredmund Malik defines it as "the transformation of resources

into utility."
Page 16


Mgt. included as one of the factors of production - along with

machines, materials and money.

Ghislain Deslandes defines it as a vulnerable force, under

pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power
of constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on
subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental

Peter Drucker (19092005) saw the basic task of mgt. as

twofold: marketing and innovation. Nevertheless, innovation
is also linked to marketing (product innovation is a central
strategic marketing issue). Peter Drucker identifies marketing
as a key essence for business success, but mgt. and marketing
are generally understood[by whom?] as two different branches of
business administration knowledge.

Theoretical scope[edit]
Mgt. involves identifying the mission, objective, procedures, rules and manipulation[5] of
the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise.[citation needed] This
implies effective communication: an enterprise environment (as opposed to a physical or
mechanical mechanism) implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful
progress or system outcome.[citation needed]As such, mgt. is not the manipulation of a mechanism
(machine or automated program), not the herding of animals, and can occur either in a legal or
in an illegal enterprise or environment. Mgt. does not need to be seen from enterprise point of
view alone, because mgt. is an essential function to improve one's life and relationships.[citation
Mgt. is therefore everywhere[citation needed] and it has a wider range of application. [clarification
Based on this, mgt. must have humans, communication, and a positive enterprise
endeavor.[citation needed] Plans, measurements, motivational psychological tools, goals, and
economic measures (profit, etc.) may or may not be necessary components for there to be
mgt.. At first, one views mgt. functionally, such as measuring quantity, adjusting plans,
meeting goals.[citation needed] This applies even in situations where planning does not take place.
From this perspective, Henri Fayol (18411925)[6][page needed] considers mgt. to consist of
six functions:
49. forecasting
50. planning
51. organizing

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52. commanding
53. coordinating
54. controlling
(Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of mgt.. [citation
In another way of thinking, Mary Parker Follett (18681933), allegedly defined mgt. as "the
art of getting things done through people". [7] She described mgt. as philosophy.[8][need quotation to

Critics[which?], however, find this definition useful but far too narrow. The phrase "mgt. is what
managers do" occurs widely,[9] suggesting the difficulty of defining mgt. without circularity,
the shifting nature of definitions[citation needed] and the connection of managerial practices with the
existence of a managerial cadre or of a class.
One habit of thought regards mgt. as equivalent to "business administration" and thus
excludes mgt. in places outside commerce, as for example in charitiesand in the public sector.
More broadly, every organization must "manage" its work, people, processes, technology, etc.
to maximize effectiveness.[citation needed] Nonetheless, many people refer to university
departments that teach mgt. as "business schools". Some such institutions (such as
the Harvard Business School) use that name, while others (such as the Yale School of Mgt.)
employ the broader term "mgt.".
English-speakers may also use the term "mgt." or "the mgt." as a collective word describing
the managers of an organization, for example of a corporation.[10]Historically this use of the
term often contrasted with the term "labor" - referring to those being managed.[11]
But in the present era[when?] the concept of mgt. is identified[by whom?] in the wide areas[which?] and
its frontiers have been pushed to a broader range.[citation needed] Apart from profitable
organizations even non-profitable organizations (NGOs) apply mgt. concepts. The concept
and its uses are not constrained[by whom?]. Mgt. on the whole is the process of planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
Nature of work[edit]
In profitable organizations, mgt.'s primary function is the satisfaction of a range
of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued
products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing great employment opportunities
for employees. In nonprofit mgt., add the importance of keeping the faith of donors. In most
models of mgt. and governance, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board
then hires senior mgt.. Some organizations have experimented with other methods (such as
employee-voting models) of selecting or reviewing managers, but this is rare.
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In the public sector of countries constituted as representative democracies, voters elect

politicians to public office. Such politicians hire many managers and administrators, and in
some countries like the United States political appointees lose their jobs on the election of a
new president/governor/mayor.
Historical development[edit]
Some see mgt. (by definition) as late-modern (in the sense of late modernity)
conceptualization. On those terms it cannot have a pre-modern history, only harbingers (such
as stewards). Others, however, detect mgt.-like-thought back to Sumerian traders and to the
builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Slave-owners through the centuries faced the
problems of exploiting/motivating a dependent but sometimes unenthusiastic or recalcitrant
workforce, but many pre-industrial enterprises, given their small scale, did not feel compelled
to face the issues of mgt. systematically. However, innovations such as the spread of Hindu
numerals (5th to 15th centuries) and the codification of double-entry book-keeping (1494)
provided tools for mgt. assessment, planning and control.
With the changing workplaces of industrial revolutions in the 18th and 19th
centuries, military theory and practice contributed approaches to managing the newlypopularfactories.[12]
Given the scale of most commercial operations and the lack of mechanized record-keeping
and recording before the industrial revolution, it made sense for most owners of enterprises in
those times to carry out mgt. functions by and for themselves. But with growing size and
complexity of organizations, the split between owners (individuals, industrial dynasties or
groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and
control) gradually became more common.
Early writing[edit]
While mgt. (according to some definitions) has existed for millennia, several writers have
created a background of works that assisted in modern mgt. theories. [13] Some ancient military
texts have been cited for lessons that civilian managers can gather. For example, Chinese
general Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, The Art of War, recommends being aware of and
acting on strengths and weaknesses of both a manager's organization and a foe's.
Influential Chinese Legalist philosopher Shen Buhaimay be considered valuable as a rare
premodern example of abstract theory of administration.[14]
Various ancient and medieval civilizations have produced "mirrors for princes" books, which
aim to advise new monarchs on how to govern. Plato described job specialization in 350 B.C.,
and Alfarabi listed several leadership traits in A.D. 900. [15] Other examples include the
Indian Arthashastra by Chanakya (written around 300 BCE), and The Prince by Italian
author Niccol Machiavelli (c. 1515).[16]
Further information: Mirrors for princes
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Written in 1776 by Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher, The Wealth of

Nations discussed efficient organization of work through division of labour.[16] Smith
described how changes in processes could boost productivity in the manufacture of pins.
While individuals could produce 200 pins per day, Smith analyzed the steps involved in
manufacture and, with 10 specialists, enabled production of 48,000 pins per day.[16]
19th century[edit]
Classical economists such as Adam Smith (17231790) and John Stuart Mill (18061873)
provided a theoretical background to resource-allocation, production, and pricingissues.
About the same time, innovators like Eli Whitney (17651825), James Watt (17361819),
and Matthew Boulton (17281809) developed elements of technical production such
as standardization, quality-control procedures, cost-accounting, interchangeability of parts,
and work-planning. Many of these aspects of mgt. existed in the pre-1861 slave-based sector
of the US economy. That environment saw 4 million people, as the contemporary usages had
it, "managed" in profitable quasi-mass production.
Salaried managers as an identifiable group first became prominent in the late 19th century.[17]
20th century[edit]
By about 1900 one finds managers trying to place their theories on what they regarded as a
thoroughly scientific basis (see scientism for perceived limitations of this belief). Examples
include Henry R. Towne's Science of mgt. in the 1890s, Frederick Winslow Taylor's The
Principles of Scientific Mgt. (1911), Lillian Gilbreth'sPsychology of Mgt. (1914),
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth's Applied motion study (1917), and Henry L. Gantt's charts
(1910s). J. Duncan wrote the first collegemgt.-textbook in 1911. In 1912 Yoichi
Ueno introduced Taylorism to Japan and became the first mgt. consultant of the "Japanesemgt. style". His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese quality assurance.
The first comprehensive theories of mgt. appeared around 1920. The Harvard Business
School offered the first Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921. People
like Henri Fayol (18411925) and Alexander Church described the various branches of mgt.
and their inter-relationships. In the early 20th century, people like Ordway Tead (1891
1973), Walter Scott and J. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to mgt.. Other
writers, such as Elton Mayo (18801949), Mary Parker Follett (18681933), Chester
Barnard (18861961), Max Weber (18641920), who saw what he called the "administrator"
as bureaucrat[19]), Rensis Likert (19031981), andChris Argyris (* 1923) approached the
phenomenon of mgt. from a sociological perspective.
Peter Drucker (19092005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied mgt.: Concept of the
Corporation (published in 1946). It resulted from Alfred Sloan (chairman ofGeneral
Motors until 1956) commissioning a study of the organisation. Drucker went on to write 39
books, many in the same vein.

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H. Dodge, Ronald Fisher (18901962), and Thornton C. Fry introduced statistical techniques
into mgt.-studies. In the 1940s, Patrick Blackett worked in the development of the appliedmathematics science of operations research, initially for military operations. Operations
research, sometimes known as "mgt. science" (but distinct from Taylor's scientific mgt.),
attempts to take a scientific approach to solving decision-problems, and can apply directly to
multiple mgt. problems, particularly in the areas of logistics and operations.
Some of the more recent developments include the Theory of Constraints, mgt. by
objectives, reengineering, Six Sigma and various information-technology-driven theories such
as agile software development, as well as group-mgt. theories such as Cog's Ladder.
As the general recognition of managers as a class solidified during the 20th century and gave
perceived practitioners of the art/science of mgt. a certain amount of prestige, so the way
opened for popularised systems of mgt. ideas to peddle their wares. In this context many mgt.
fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of mgt..
Towards the end of the 20th century, business mgt. came to consist of six separate branches,
[citation needed]
49. financial mgt.
50. human resource mgt.
51. information technology
information systems)

mgt. (responsible

for mgt.

52. marketing mgt.

53. operations mgt. or production mgt.
54. strategic mgt.
21st century[edit]
In the 21st century observers find it increasingly difficult to subdivide mgt. into functional
categories in this way. More and more processes simultaneously involve several categories.
Instead, one tends to think in terms of the various processes, tasks, and objects subject to mgt..
[citation needed]

Branches of mgt. theory also exist relating to nonprofits and to government: such as public
administration, public mgt., and educational mgt.. Further, mgt. programs related to civilsociety organizations have also spawned programs in nonprofit mgt. and social
Note that many of the assumptions made by mgt. have come under attack from businessethics viewpoints, critical mgt. studies, and anti-corporate activism.
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As one consequence, workplace democracy (sometimes referred to as Workers' self-mgt.) has

become both more common and advocated to a greater extent, in some places distributing all
mgt. functions among workers, each of whom takes on a portion of the work. However, these
models predate any current political issue, and may occur more naturally than does
a command hierarchy. All mgt. embraces to some degree a democratic principlein that in
the long term, the majority of workers must support mgt.. Otherwise, they leave to find other
work or go on strike. Despite the move toward workplace democracy, command-and-control
organization structures remain commonplace as de facto organization structure. Indeed, the
entrenched nature of command-and-control is evident in the way that recent layoffs have been
conducted with mgt. ranks affected far less than employees at the lower levels. In some cases,
mgt. has even rewarded itself with bonuses after laying off lower-level workers.[20]
According to leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, a contemporary senior mgt.
team will almost inevitably have some personality disorders.[21]
Mgt. operates through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding,
and controlling.

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and

generating plans for action(deciding in advance).

Organizing: Making sure the human and nonhuman resources

are put into place

Coordinating (or staffing): Creating a structure through

which an organization's goals can be accomplished.

Commanding (or leading): Determining what must be done in

a situation and getting people to do it.

Controlling: Checking progress against plans.

Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction

with employees

Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and

analyzing information

Basic roles[edit]

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Decision: roles that require decision-making

establish connections

conceptual: used to analyze complex situations

and delegate

diagnostic: ability to visualize appropriate responses to a


leadership: ability to lead and to provide guidance to a specific


technical: expertise in one's particular functional area.

Mgt. skills include:




a power

base and

communicate, motivate,



Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]

[Type text]

All policies and strategies must be discussed with all

managerial personnel and staff.

Managers must understand where and how they can

implement their policies and strategies.

A plan of action must be devised for each department.

Policies and strategies must be reviewed regularly.

Contingency plans must be devised in case the environment


Top-level managers should carry out regular progress


The business requires team spirit and a good environment.

Page 23


The missions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of each

department must be analyzed to determine their roles in
achieving the business's mission.

The forecasting method develops a reliable picture of the

business's future environment.

A planning unit must be created to ensure that all plans are

consistent and that policies and strategies are aimed at
achieving the same mission and objectives.

Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]

They give mid and lower-level managers a good idea of the

future plans for each department in an organization.

A framework is created whereby plans and decisions are


Mid and lower-level mgt. may add their own plans to the
business's strategies.

Most organizations have three mgt. levels: first-level, middle-level, and top-level managers.
First-line managers are the lowest level of mgt. and manage the work of nonmanagerial
individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization's
products. First-line managers are often called supervisors, but may also be called line
managers, office managers, or even foremen. Middle managers include all levels of mgt.
between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the
work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant
manager, or division manager. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These
individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director,
chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.
These managers are classified in a hierarchy of authority, and perform different tasks. In many
organizations, the number of managers in every level resembles a pyramid. Each level is
explained below in specifications of their different responsibilities and likely job titles. [citation

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The top or senior layer of mgt. consists of the board of directors (including non-executive
directors and executive directors), president, vice-president, CEOs and other members of
the C-level executives. Different organizations have various members in their C-suite, which
may include a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and so on. They are
responsible for controlling and overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They set a
"tone at the top" and develop strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the
overall direction of the organization. In addition, top-level managers play a significant role in
the mobilization of outside resources. Senior managers are accountable to the shareholders,
the general public and to public bodies that oversee corporations and similar organizations.
Some members of the senior mgt. may serve as the public face of the organization, and they
may make speeches to introduce new strategies or appear in marketing.
The board of directors is typically primarily composed of non-executives who owe
a fiduciary duty to shareholders and are not closely involved in the day-to-day activities of the
organization, although this varies depending on the type (e.g., public versus private), size and
culture of the organization. These directors are theoretically liable for breaches of that duty
and typically insured under directors and officers liability insurance. Fortune 500 directors are
estimated to spend 4.4 hours per week on board duties, and median compensation was
$212,512 in 2010. The board sets corporate strategy, makes major decisions such as major
acquisitions,[22] and hires, evaluates, and fires the top-level manager (Chief Executive
Officer or CEO). The CEO typically hires other positions. However, board involvement in the
hiring of other positions such as the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) has increased.[23] In 2013, a
survey of over 160 CEOs and directors of public and private companies found that the top
weaknesses of CEOs were "mentoring skills" and "board engagement", and 10% of
companies never evaluated the CEO.[24] The board may also have certain employees
(e.g., internal auditors) report to them or directly hire independent contractors; for example,
the board (through the audit committee) typically selects the auditor.
Helpful skills of top mgt. vary by the type of organization but typically include [25] a broad
understanding of competition, world economies, and politics. In addition, the CEO is
responsible for implementing and determining (within the board's framework) the broad
policies of the organization. Executive mgt. accomplishes the day-to-day details, including:
instructions for preparation of department budgets, procedures, schedules; appointment of
middle level executives such as department managers; coordination of departments; media
and governmental relations; and shareholder communication.
Consist of general managers, branch managers and department managers. They are
accountable to the top mgt. for their department's function. They devote more time to
organizational and directional functions. Their roles can be emphasized as executing
organizational plans in conformance with the company's policies and the objectives of the top
mgt., they define and discuss information and policies from top mgt. to lower mgt., and most
[Type text]

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importantly they inspire and provide guidance to lower level managers towards better
Middle mgt. is the midway mgt. of a categorized organization, being secondary to the senior
mgt. but above the deepest levels of operational members. An operational manager may be
well-thought-out by middle mgt., or may be categorized as non-mgt. operate, liable to the
policy of the specific organization. Efficiency of the middle level is vital in any organization,
since they bridge the gap between top level and bottom level staffs.
Their functions include:

Design and implement effective group and inter-group work

and information systems.

Define and monitor group-level performance indicators.

Diagnose and resolve problems within and among work


Design and implement reward systems that support

cooperative behavior. They also make decision and share ideas
with top managers.

Lower managers include supervisors, section leaders, forepersons and team leaders. They
focus on controlling and directing regular employees. They are usually responsible for
assigning employees' tasks, guiding and supervising employees on day-to-day activities,
ensuring the quality and quantity of production and/or service, making recommendations and
suggestions to employees on their work, and channeling employee concerns that they cannot
resolve to mid-level managers or other administrators. First-level or "front line" managers
also act as role models for their employees. In some types of work, front line managers may
also do some of the same tasks that employees do, at least some of the time. For example, in
some restaurants, the front line managers will also serve customers during a very busy period
of the day.
Front-line managers typically provide:

[Type text]

Training for new employees

Basic supervision

Page 26


Performance feedback and guidance

Some front-line managers may also provide career planning for employees who aim to rise
within the organization.
Colleges and universities around the world offer bachelor's degrees, graduate degrees,
diplomas and certificates in mgt., generally within their colleges of business, business schools
or faculty of mgt. but also in other related departments. In the 2010s, there has been an
increase in online mgt. education and training in the form of electronic educational
technology ( also called e-learning). Online education has increased the accessibility of mgt.
training to people who do not live near a college or university, or who cannot afford to travel
to a city where such training is available.
While some professions require academic credentials in order to work in the profession (e.g.,
law, medicine, engineering, which require, respectively the Bachelor of Law, Doctor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Engineering degrees), mgt. and administration positions do not
necessarily require the completion of academic degrees. Some well-known senior executive in
the United States who did not complete a university degree include Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. However, many managers and executives have completed some
type of business or mgt. training, such as a Bachelor of Commerce or a Master of Business
Administration degree. Some major organizations, including companies, not-for-profit
organizations and governments, require applicants to managerial or executive positions to
hold at minimum Bachelor's degree in a field related to administration of mgt., or in the case
of business jobs, a Bachelor of Commerce or a similar degree.
United States[edit]
At the undergraduate level, the most common business program is the Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com.). A B.Com. is typically a four-year program that includes courses that
give students an overview of the role of managers in planning and directing within an
organization. Course topics include accounting, financial mgt., statistics, marketing, strategy,
and other related areas. There are many other undergraduate degrees that include the study of
mgt., such as Bachelor of Arts degrees with a major inbusiness administration or mgt. and
Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P.A), a degree designed for individuals aiming to work
as bureaucrats in the government jobs. Many colleges and universities also offer certificates
and diplomas in business administration or mgt., which typically require one to two years of
full-time study.
At the graduate level students aiming at careers as managers or executives may choose to
specialize in major subareas of mgt. or business administration such
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asentrepreneurship, human
resources, international
business, organizational
behavior, organizational
theory, strategic
mgt., accounting, corporate
entertainment, global mgt., healthcare mgt., investment mgt., sustainability and real estate.
A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most popular professional master's degree
and can be obtained from many universities in the United States. MBAs provide further
education in mgt. and leadership for graduate students. Other master's degrees in business and
mgt. include the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in business administration or mgt., which is
typically taken by students aiming to become researchers or professors. There are also
specialized master's degrees in administration for individuals aiming at careers outside of
business, such as the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree (also offered as a Master
of Arts in Public Administration in some universities), for students aiming to become
managers or executives in the public service and the Master of Health Administration, for
students aiming to become managers or executives in the health care and hospital sector.
Mgt. doctorates are the most advanced terminal degrees in the field of business and mgt..
Most individuals obtaining mgt. doctorates take the programs to obtain the training in
research methods, statistical analysis and writing academic papers that they will need to seek
careers as researchers, senior consultants and/or professors in business administration or mgt..
There are two main types of mgt. doctorates: the Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
and the PhD in business administration or mgt.. In the 2010s, doctorates in business
administration and mgt. are available with many specializations.
Good practices[edit]
While mgt. trends can change rapidly, the long term trend in mgt. has been defined by a
market embracing diversity and a rising service industry. Managers are currently being trained
to encourage greater equality for minorities and women in the workplace, by offering
increased flexibility in working hours, better retraining, and innovative (and usually industryspecific) performance markers. Managers destined for the service sector are being trained to
use unique measurement techniques, better worker support and more charismatic leadership
styles.[27] Human resources finds itself increasingly working with mgt. in a training capacity to
help collect mgt. data on the success (or failure) of mgt. actions with employees.[28]
See also[edit]
Main article: Outline of business mgt.

[Type text]

Academy of Mgt. Journal

Anthony triangle

Human relations movement

Indian Ethos in Mgt.

Page 28


Industrial and organizational psychology

Leadership (journal)

Mgt. styles

Project mgt.

Technology mgt.

Team effectiveness

Total quality mgt.


225. Jump
226. Jump
227. Jump up^ SS Gulshan. Mgt. Principles and Practices
by Lallan Prasad and SS Gulshan. Excel Books India.
pp. 6. ISBN 978-93-5062-099-1.
228. Jump up^ Deslandes G., (2014), Mgt. in Xenophon's
Philosophy : a Retrospective Analysis, 38th Annual
Research Conference, Philosophy of Mgt., 2014, July 14
16, Chicago, USA
229. Jump up^ Prabbal Frank attempts to make a subtle
distinction between mgt. and manipulation: Frank,
[Type text]

Page 29


Prabbal (2006). People Manipulation: A Positive

Approach (2 ed.). New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
pp. 37. ISBN 9788120743526.
Retrieved 2015-09-05. There is a difference between mgt.
and manipulation. The difference is thin [...] If mgt. is
handling, then manipulation is skilful handling. In short,
manipulation is skilful mgt.. [...] Manipulation is in
essence leveraged mgt.. [...] It is an alive thing while mgt.
is a dead concept. It requires a proactive approach rather
than a reactive approach. [...] People cannot be managed.
230. Jump up^ Administration industrielle et gnrale prvoyance organization - commandment, coordination
contrle, Paris : Dunod, 1966
231. Jump up^ Jones, Norman L. (2013). "Chapter Two: Of
Poetry and Politics: The Managerial Culture of SixteenthCentury England". In Kaufman, Peter Iver. Leadership
and Elizabethan Culture. Jepson Studies in Leadership.
p. 18. ISBN 9781137340290.
Retrieved 2015-08-29. Mary Parker Follett, the 'prophet
of mgt.' reputedly defined mgt. as the 'art of getting things
done through people.' [...] Whether or not she said it,
Follett describes the attributes of dynamic mgt. as being
coactive rather than coercive.
232. Jump up^ Vocational Business: Training, Developing
and Motivating People by Richard Barrett - Business &
Economics - 2003. - Page 51.
233. Jump up^ Compare: Holmes, Leonard (2012). The
Dominance of Mgt.: A Participatory Critique. Voices in
p. 20. ISBN 9781409488668.
Retrieved 2015-0829. Lupton's (1983: 17) notion that mgt. is 'what
managers do during their working hours', if valid, could
only apply to descriptive conceptualizations of mgt.,
where 'mgt.' is effectively synonymous with 'managing',
and where 'managing' refers to an activity, or set of
activities carried out by managers.

[Type text]

Page 30


234. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "mgt.". Online Etymology

Dictionary. Retrieved 2015-08-29. - "Meaning 'governing
body' (originally of a theater) is from 1739."
235. Jump up^ See for examples Melling, Joseph;
McKinlay, Alan, eds. (1996). Mgt., Labour, and Industrial
Politics in Modern Europe: The Quest for Productivity
Growth During the Twentieth Century. Edward
Elgar. ISBN 9781858980164. Retrieved 2015-08-29.
236. Jump up^ Giddens, Anthony (1981). A Contemporary
Critique of Historical Materialism. Social and Politic
Theory from Polity Press. 1. University of California
Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780520044906. Retrieved 2013-1229. In the army barracks, and in the mass co-ordination of
men on the battlefield (epitomised by the military
innovations of Prince Maurice of Orange and Nassau in
the sixteenth century) are to be found the prototype of the
regimentation of the factory - as both Marx and Weber
237. ^ Jump up to:a b Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
238. Jump up^ Creel, 1974 p.4-5 Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese
Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C.
239. Jump up^ Griffin, Ricky W. CUSTOM Mgt.: Principles
and Practices, International Edition, 11th Edition. Cengage
Learning UK, 08/2014
240. ^ Jump up to:a b c Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B.
Balkin; Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People,
Performance, Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York
USA: McGraw-Hill. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
241. Jump up^ Khurana, Rakesh (2010) [2007]. From
Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation
of American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise
[Type text]

Page 31


of Mgt. as a Profession. Princeton University Press.

p. 3. ISBN 9781400830862. Retrieved 2013-08-24. When
salaried managers first appeared in the large
corporations of the late nineteenth century, it was not
obvious who they were, what they did, or why they should
be entrusted with the task of running corporations.
242. Jump
243. Jump up^ Legge, David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth,
Anne (2006). "Learning mgt. (and managing your own
learning)". In Harris, Mary G. Managing Health
Services: Concepts and Practice. Marrickville, NSW:
p. 13. ISBN 9780729537599.
Retrieved 2014-07-11. The manager as bureaucrat is the
guardian of roles, rules and relationships; his or her style
of mgt. relies heavily on working according to the book. In
the Weberian tradition managers are necessary to
coordinate the different roles that contribute to the
production process and to mediate communication from
head office to the shop floor and back. This style of mgt.
assumes a world view in which bureaucratic role is seen
as separate from, and taking precedence over, other
constructions of self (including the obligations of
citizenship), at least for the duration if the working day.
244. Jump up^ Craig, S. (2009, January 29). Merrill Bonus
Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal. [1]
245. Jump up^ Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries The Dark Side
of Leadership - Business Strategy Review 14(3), Autumn
Page 26 (2003).
246. Jump up^ Board of Directors: Duties & Liabilities.
Stanford Graduate School of Business.
247. Jump up^ DeMars L. (2006). Heavy Vetting: Boards of
directors now want to talk to would-be CFOs and vice
versa. CFO Magazine.
[Type text]

Page 32


248. Jump up^ 2013 CEO Performance Evaluation Survey.

Stanford Graduate School of Business.
249. Jump up^ Kleiman, Lawrence S. " MGT. AND
Business:Encyclopedia of Business(2010): n. pag. Web. 25
Mar 2011. [2].
250. Jump up^
251. Jump up^ "Four Ways to Be A Better Boss". Randstad
USA. Randstad USA. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
252. Jump up^ "The Role of HR in Uncertain
Times" (PDF). Economist Intelligence Unit. Economist
Intelligence Unit. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
External links[edit]

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Media related to Mgt. at Wikimedia Commons

Quotations related to Mgt. at Wikiquote



Social sciences
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Organizational theory


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Corporate law[show]
Theoretical scope[edit]
Nature of work[edit]
Historical development[edit]
Early writing[edit]
19th century[edit]
20th century[edit]
21st century[edit]
Basic roles[edit]
Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]
Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]
United States[edit]
[Type text]

Page 1


Good practices[edit]
See also[edit]
External links[edit]
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In other projects



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Manager" redirects here. For other uses, see Mgt. (disambiguation) and Manager

[Type text]

Page 2


An organization chart for the United States Coast Guard shows the hierarchy of
managerial roles in that organization.
Business administration

[Type text]

Page 3


Mgt. in businesses and other organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and

government bodies, refers to the individuals who set the strategy of the organization

[Type text]

Page 4


[Type text]

Page 5


The Principle sir,
Subject: Application of leave for 10 days.
Dear sir,
I hereby inform you that I will unable to come for next 10 days. Because I will go for world
tour with my family .Kindly allow me to go for same.

Yours Sincerely,

[Type text]

Page 6


and coordinate the efforts of employees (or volunteers, in the case of some voluntary
organizations) to accomplish objectives by using available human, financial and other
includesplanning, organizing, selecting
staff, leading or
and controlling an organization to accomplish various goals. Resourcingencompasses
of human
resources, financial resources, technological resources, natural resources and other
Mgt. is also an academic discipline, a social science whose objective is to study social
organization and organizational leadership. Mgt. is studied at colleges and universities;
some important degrees in mgt. are the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) andMaster of
Business Administration (M.B.A.) and, for the public sector, the Master of Public
Administration (MPA) degree. Individuals who aim at becoming mgt. researchers or
professors may complete the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the PhD in
business administration or mgt..

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11 1




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Page 8










There are three levels of managers, which are typically organized in a hierarchical, pyramid
structure. Senior managers, such as the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
or President of an organization, set the strategic goals of the organization and make decisions
on how the overall organization will operate. Senior managers provide direction to the middle
managers who report to them. Middle managers, examples of which would include branch
managers, regional managers and section managers, provide direction to front-line managers.
Middle managers communicate the strategic goals of senior mgt. to the front-line

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[Type text]

Page 11



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[Type text]



Page 13


Series 1

Series 2
Series 3

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4

managers. Lower managers, such assupervisors and front-line team leaders, oversee the work
of regular employees (or volunteers, in some voluntary organizations) and provide direction
on their work.



o 2.1Theoretical scope

[Type text]

3Nature of work

4Historical development

Page 14


o 4.1Early writing
o 4.219th century
o 4.320th century
o 4.421st century

o 5.1Basics
o 5.2Basic roles
o 5.3Skills
o 5.4Implementation of policies and strategies

6Policies and strategies in the planning process

o 7.1Top
o 7.2Middle
o 7.3Lower

o 8.1United States



o 8.2Good practices

[Type text]

9See also
Page 15



11External links


The English verb "manage" comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools or
a horse), which derives from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act). The
French word for housekeeping, mnagerie, derived from mnager ("to keep house";
compare mnage for "household"), also encompasses taking care of domestic
animals.Mnagerie is
of Xenophon's
book Oeconomicus[1] (Greek: ) on household matters and husbandry. The French
word mesnagement (ormnagement) influenced the semantic development of the English
word mgt. in the 17th and 18th centuries.[2]

Mark Zuckerberg is the Chief Executive Officer and Chair forFacebook, a major
American social networking company.
Views on the definition and scope of mgt. include:

[Type text]

According to Henri Fayol, "to manage is to forecast and to

plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to

Fredmund Malik defines it as "the transformation of resources

into utility."
Page 16


Mgt. included as one of the factors of production - along with

machines, materials and money.

Ghislain Deslandes defines it as a vulnerable force, under

pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power
of constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on
subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental

Peter Drucker (19092005) saw the basic task of mgt. as

twofold: marketing and innovation. Nevertheless, innovation
is also linked to marketing (product innovation is a central
strategic marketing issue). Peter Drucker identifies marketing
as a key essence for business success, but mgt. and marketing
are generally understood[by whom?] as two different branches of
business administration knowledge.

Theoretical scope[edit]
Mgt. involves identifying the mission, objective, procedures, rules and manipulation[5] of
the human capital of an enterprise to contribute to the success of the enterprise.[citation needed] This
implies effective communication: an enterprise environment (as opposed to a physical or
mechanical mechanism) implies human motivation and implies some sort of successful
progress or system outcome.[citation needed]As such, mgt. is not the manipulation of a mechanism
(machine or automated program), not the herding of animals, and can occur either in a legal or
in an illegal enterprise or environment. Mgt. does not need to be seen from enterprise point of
view alone, because mgt. is an essential function to improve one's life and relationships.[citation
Mgt. is therefore everywhere[citation needed] and it has a wider range of application. [clarification
Based on this, mgt. must have humans, communication, and a positive enterprise
endeavor.[citation needed] Plans, measurements, motivational psychological tools, goals, and
economic measures (profit, etc.) may or may not be necessary components for there to be
mgt.. At first, one views mgt. functionally, such as measuring quantity, adjusting plans,
meeting goals.[citation needed] This applies even in situations where planning does not take place.
From this perspective, Henri Fayol (18411925)[6][page needed] considers mgt. to consist of
six functions:
55. forecasting
56. planning
57. organizing

[Type text]

Page 17


58. commanding
59. coordinating
60. controlling
(Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of mgt.. [citation
In another way of thinking, Mary Parker Follett (18681933), allegedly defined mgt. as "the
art of getting things done through people". [7] She described mgt. as philosophy.[8][need quotation to

Critics[which?], however, find this definition useful but far too narrow. The phrase "mgt. is what
managers do" occurs widely,[9] suggesting the difficulty of defining mgt. without circularity,
the shifting nature of definitions[citation needed] and the connection of managerial practices with the
existence of a managerial cadre or of a class.
One habit of thought regards mgt. as equivalent to "business administration" and thus
excludes mgt. in places outside commerce, as for example in charitiesand in the public sector.
More broadly, every organization must "manage" its work, people, processes, technology, etc.
to maximize effectiveness.[citation needed] Nonetheless, many people refer to university
departments that teach mgt. as "business schools". Some such institutions (such as
the Harvard Business School) use that name, while others (such as the Yale School of Mgt.)
employ the broader term "mgt.".
English-speakers may also use the term "mgt." or "the mgt." as a collective word describing
the managers of an organization, for example of a corporation.[10]Historically this use of the
term often contrasted with the term "labor" - referring to those being managed.[11]
But in the present era[when?] the concept of mgt. is identified[by whom?] in the wide areas[which?] and
its frontiers have been pushed to a broader range.[citation needed] Apart from profitable
organizations even non-profitable organizations (NGOs) apply mgt. concepts. The concept
and its uses are not constrained[by whom?]. Mgt. on the whole is the process of planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
Nature of work[edit]
In profitable organizations, mgt.'s primary function is the satisfaction of a range
of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued
products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing great employment opportunities
for employees. In nonprofit mgt., add the importance of keeping the faith of donors. In most
models of mgt. and governance, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board
then hires senior mgt.. Some organizations have experimented with other methods (such as
employee-voting models) of selecting or reviewing managers, but this is rare.
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Page 18


In the public sector of countries constituted as representative democracies, voters elect

politicians to public office. Such politicians hire many managers and administrators, and in
some countries like the United States political appointees lose their jobs on the election of a
new president/governor/mayor.
Historical development[edit]
Some see mgt. (by definition) as late-modern (in the sense of late modernity)
conceptualization. On those terms it cannot have a pre-modern history, only harbingers (such
as stewards). Others, however, detect mgt.-like-thought back to Sumerian traders and to the
builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Slave-owners through the centuries faced the
problems of exploiting/motivating a dependent but sometimes unenthusiastic or recalcitrant
workforce, but many pre-industrial enterprises, given their small scale, did not feel compelled
to face the issues of mgt. systematically. However, innovations such as the spread of Hindu
numerals (5th to 15th centuries) and the codification of double-entry book-keeping (1494)
provided tools for mgt. assessment, planning and control.
With the changing workplaces of industrial revolutions in the 18th and 19th
centuries, military theory and practice contributed approaches to managing the newlypopularfactories.[12]
Given the scale of most commercial operations and the lack of mechanized record-keeping
and recording before the industrial revolution, it made sense for most owners of enterprises in
those times to carry out mgt. functions by and for themselves. But with growing size and
complexity of organizations, the split between owners (individuals, industrial dynasties or
groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and
control) gradually became more common.
Early writing[edit]
While mgt. (according to some definitions) has existed for millennia, several writers have
created a background of works that assisted in modern mgt. theories. [13] Some ancient military
texts have been cited for lessons that civilian managers can gather. For example, Chinese
general Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, The Art of War, recommends being aware of and
acting on strengths and weaknesses of both a manager's organization and a foe's.
Influential Chinese Legalist philosopher Shen Buhaimay be considered valuable as a rare
premodern example of abstract theory of administration.[14]
Various ancient and medieval civilizations have produced "mirrors for princes" books, which
aim to advise new monarchs on how to govern. Plato described job specialization in 350 B.C.,
and Alfarabi listed several leadership traits in A.D. 900. [15] Other examples include the
Indian Arthashastra by Chanakya (written around 300 BCE), and The Prince by Italian
author Niccol Machiavelli (c. 1515).[16]
Further information: Mirrors for princes
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Written in 1776 by Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher, The Wealth of

Nations discussed efficient organization of work through division of labour.[16] Smith
described how changes in processes could boost productivity in the manufacture of pins.
While individuals could produce 200 pins per day, Smith analyzed the steps involved in
manufacture and, with 10 specialists, enabled production of 48,000 pins per day.[16]
19th century[edit]
Classical economists such as Adam Smith (17231790) and John Stuart Mill (18061873)
provided a theoretical background to resource-allocation, production, and pricingissues.
About the same time, innovators like Eli Whitney (17651825), James Watt (17361819),
and Matthew Boulton (17281809) developed elements of technical production such
as standardization, quality-control procedures, cost-accounting, interchangeability of parts,
and work-planning. Many of these aspects of mgt. existed in the pre-1861 slave-based sector
of the US economy. That environment saw 4 million people, as the contemporary usages had
it, "managed" in profitable quasi-mass production.
Salaried managers as an identifiable group first became prominent in the late 19th century.[17]
20th century[edit]
By about 1900 one finds managers trying to place their theories on what they regarded as a
thoroughly scientific basis (see scientism for perceived limitations of this belief). Examples
include Henry R. Towne's Science of mgt. in the 1890s, Frederick Winslow Taylor's The
Principles of Scientific Mgt. (1911), Lillian Gilbreth'sPsychology of Mgt. (1914),
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth's Applied motion study (1917), and Henry L. Gantt's charts
(1910s). J. Duncan wrote the first collegemgt.-textbook in 1911. In 1912 Yoichi
Ueno introduced Taylorism to Japan and became the first mgt. consultant of the "Japanesemgt. style". His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese quality assurance.
The first comprehensive theories of mgt. appeared around 1920. The Harvard Business
School offered the first Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921. People
like Henri Fayol (18411925) and Alexander Church described the various branches of mgt.
and their inter-relationships. In the early 20th century, people like Ordway Tead (1891
1973), Walter Scott and J. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to mgt.. Other
writers, such as Elton Mayo (18801949), Mary Parker Follett (18681933), Chester
Barnard (18861961), Max Weber (18641920), who saw what he called the "administrator"
as bureaucrat[19]), Rensis Likert (19031981), andChris Argyris (* 1923) approached the
phenomenon of mgt. from a sociological perspective.
Peter Drucker (19092005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied mgt.: Concept of the
Corporation (published in 1946). It resulted from Alfred Sloan (chairman ofGeneral
Motors until 1956) commissioning a study of the organisation. Drucker went on to write 39
books, many in the same vein.

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H. Dodge, Ronald Fisher (18901962), and Thornton C. Fry introduced statistical techniques
into mgt.-studies. In the 1940s, Patrick Blackett worked in the development of the appliedmathematics science of operations research, initially for military operations. Operations
research, sometimes known as "mgt. science" (but distinct from Taylor's scientific mgt.),
attempts to take a scientific approach to solving decision-problems, and can apply directly to
multiple mgt. problems, particularly in the areas of logistics and operations.
Some of the more recent developments include the Theory of Constraints, mgt. by
objectives, reengineering, Six Sigma and various information-technology-driven theories such
as agile software development, as well as group-mgt. theories such as Cog's Ladder.
As the general recognition of managers as a class solidified during the 20th century and gave
perceived practitioners of the art/science of mgt. a certain amount of prestige, so the way
opened for popularised systems of mgt. ideas to peddle their wares. In this context many mgt.
fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of mgt..
Towards the end of the 20th century, business mgt. came to consist of six separate branches,
[citation needed]
55. financial mgt.
56. human resource mgt.
57. information technology
information systems)

mgt. (responsible

for mgt.

58. marketing mgt.

59. operations mgt. or production mgt.
60. strategic mgt.
21st century[edit]
In the 21st century observers find it increasingly difficult to subdivide mgt. into functional
categories in this way. More and more processes simultaneously involve several categories.
Instead, one tends to think in terms of the various processes, tasks, and objects subject to mgt..
[citation needed]

Branches of mgt. theory also exist relating to nonprofits and to government: such as public
administration, public mgt., and educational mgt.. Further, mgt. programs related to civilsociety organizations have also spawned programs in nonprofit mgt. and social
Note that many of the assumptions made by mgt. have come under attack from businessethics viewpoints, critical mgt. studies, and anti-corporate activism.
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As one consequence, workplace democracy (sometimes referred to as Workers' self-mgt.) has

become both more common and advocated to a greater extent, in some places distributing all
mgt. functions among workers, each of whom takes on a portion of the work. However, these
models predate any current political issue, and may occur more naturally than does
a command hierarchy. All mgt. embraces to some degree a democratic principlein that in
the long term, the majority of workers must support mgt.. Otherwise, they leave to find other
work or go on strike. Despite the move toward workplace democracy, command-and-control
organization structures remain commonplace as de facto organization structure. Indeed, the
entrenched nature of command-and-control is evident in the way that recent layoffs have been
conducted with mgt. ranks affected far less than employees at the lower levels. In some cases,
mgt. has even rewarded itself with bonuses after laying off lower-level workers.[20]
According to leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, a contemporary senior mgt.
team will almost inevitably have some personality disorders.[21]
Mgt. operates through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding,
and controlling.

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and

generating plans for action(deciding in advance).

Organizing: Making sure the human and nonhuman resources

are put into place

Coordinating (or staffing): Creating a structure through

which an organization's goals can be accomplished.

Commanding (or leading): Determining what must be done in

a situation and getting people to do it.

Controlling: Checking progress against plans.

Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction

with employees

Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and

analyzing information

Basic roles[edit]

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Page 22


Decision: roles that require decision-making

establish connections

conceptual: used to analyze complex situations

and delegate

diagnostic: ability to visualize appropriate responses to a


leadership: ability to lead and to provide guidance to a specific


technical: expertise in one's particular functional area.

Mgt. skills include:




a power

base and

communicate, motivate,



Implementation of policies and strategies[edit]

[Type text]

All policies and strategies must be discussed with all

managerial personnel and staff.

Managers must understand where and how they can

implement their policies and strategies.

A plan of action must be devised for each department.

Policies and strategies must be reviewed regularly.

Contingency plans must be devised in case the environment


Top-level managers should carry out regular progress


The business requires team spirit and a good environment.

Page 23


The missions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of each

department must be analyzed to determine their roles in
achieving the business's mission.

The forecasting method develops a reliable picture of the

business's future environment.

A planning unit must be created to ensure that all plans are

consistent and that policies and strategies are aimed at
achieving the same mission and objectives.

Policies and strategies in the planning process[edit]

They give mid and lower-level managers a good idea of the

future plans for each department in an organization.

A framework is created whereby plans and decisions are


Mid and lower-level mgt. may add their own plans to the
business's strategies.

Most organizations have three mgt. levels: first-level, middle-level, and top-level managers.
First-line managers are the lowest level of mgt. and manage the work of nonmanagerial
individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization's
products. First-line managers are often called supervisors, but may also be called line
managers, office managers, or even foremen. Middle managers include all levels of mgt.
between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the
work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant
manager, or division manager. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These
individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director,
chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.
These managers are classified in a hierarchy of authority, and perform different tasks. In many
organizations, the number of managers in every level resembles a pyramid. Each level is
explained below in specifications of their different responsibilities and likely job titles. [citation

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The top or senior layer of mgt. consists of the board of directors (including non-executive
directors and executive directors), president, vice-president, CEOs and other members of
the C-level executives. Different organizations have various members in their C-suite, which
may include a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and so on. They are
responsible for controlling and overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They set a
"tone at the top" and develop strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the
overall direction of the organization. In addition, top-level managers play a significant role in
the mobilization of outside resources. Senior managers are accountable to the shareholders,
the general public and to public bodies that oversee corporations and similar organizations.
Some members of the senior mgt. may serve as the public face of the organization, and they
may make speeches to introduce new strategies or appear in marketing.
The board of directors is typically primarily composed of non-executives who owe
a fiduciary duty to shareholders and are not closely involved in the day-to-day activities of the
organization, although this varies depending on the type (e.g., public versus private), size and
culture of the organization. These directors are theoretically liable for breaches of that duty
and typically insured under directors and officers liability insurance. Fortune 500 directors are
estimated to spend 4.4 hours per week on board duties, and median compensation was
$212,512 in 2010. The board sets corporate strategy, makes major decisions such as major
acquisitions,[22] and hires, evaluates, and fires the top-level manager (Chief Executive
Officer or CEO). The CEO typically hires other positions. However, board involvement in the
hiring of other positions such as the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) has increased.[23] In 2013, a
survey of over 160 CEOs and directors of public and private companies found that the top
weaknesses of CEOs were "mentoring skills" and "board engagement", and 10% of
companies never evaluated the CEO.[24] The board may also have certain employees
(e.g., internal auditors) report to them or directly hire independent contractors; for example,
the board (through the audit committee) typically selects the auditor.
Helpful skills of top mgt. vary by the type of organization but typically include [25] a broad
understanding of competition, world economies, and politics. In addition, the CEO is
responsible for implementing and determining (within the board's framework) the broad
policies of the organization. Executive mgt. accomplishes the day-to-day details, including:
instructions for preparation of department budgets, procedures, schedules; appointment of
middle level executives such as department managers; coordination of departments; media
and governmental relations; and shareholder communication.
Consist of general managers, branch managers and department managers. They are
accountable to the top mgt. for their department's function. They devote more time to
organizational and directional functions. Their roles can be emphasized as executing
organizational plans in conformance with the company's policies and the objectives of the top
mgt., they define and discuss information and policies from top mgt. to lower mgt., and most
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importantly they inspire and provide guidance to lower level managers towards better
Middle mgt. is the midway mgt. of a categorized organization, being secondary to the senior
mgt. but above the deepest levels of operational members. An operational manager may be
well-thought-out by middle mgt., or may be categorized as non-mgt. operate, liable to the
policy of the specific organization. Efficiency of the middle level is vital in any organization,
since they bridge the gap between top level and bottom level staffs.
Their functions include:

Design and implement effective group and inter-group work

and information systems.

Define and monitor group-level performance indicators.

Diagnose and resolve problems within and among work


Design and implement reward systems that support

cooperative behavior. They also make decision and share ideas
with top managers.

Lower managers include supervisors, section leaders, forepersons and team leaders. They
focus on controlling and directing regular employees. They are usually responsible for
assigning employees' tasks, guiding and supervising employees on day-to-day activities,
ensuring the quality and quantity of production and/or service, making recommendations and
suggestions to employees on their work, and channeling employee concerns that they cannot
resolve to mid-level managers or other administrators. First-level or "front line" managers
also act as role models for their employees. In some types of work, front line managers may
also do some of the same tasks that employees do, at least some of the time. For example, in
some restaurants, the front line managers will also serve customers during a very busy period
of the day.
Front-line managers typically provide:

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Training for new employees

Basic supervision

Page 26


Performance feedback and guidance

Some front-line managers may also provide career planning for employees who aim to rise
within the organization.
Colleges and universities around the world offer bachelor's degrees, graduate degrees,
diplomas and certificates in mgt., generally within their colleges of business, business schools
or faculty of mgt. but also in other related departments. In the 2010s, there has been an
increase in online mgt. education and training in the form of electronic educational
technology ( also called e-learning). Online education has increased the accessibility of mgt.
training to people who do not live near a college or university, or who cannot afford to travel
to a city where such training is available.
While some professions require academic credentials in order to work in the profession (e.g.,
law, medicine, engineering, which require, respectively the Bachelor of Law, Doctor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Engineering degrees), mgt. and administration positions do not
necessarily require the completion of academic degrees. Some well-known senior executive in
the United States who did not complete a university degree include Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. However, many managers and executives have completed some
type of business or mgt. training, such as a Bachelor of Commerce or a Master of Business
Administration degree. Some major organizations, including companies, not-for-profit
organizations and governments, require applicants to managerial or executive positions to
hold at minimum Bachelor's degree in a field related to administration of mgt., or in the case
of business jobs, a Bachelor of Commerce or a similar degree.
United States[edit]
At the undergraduate level, the most common business program is the Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com.). A B.Com. is typically a four-year program that includes courses that
give students an overview of the role of managers in planning and directing within an
organization. Course topics include accounting, financial mgt., statistics, marketing, strategy,
and other related areas. There are many other undergraduate degrees that include the study of
mgt., such as Bachelor of Arts degrees with a major inbusiness administration or mgt. and
Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P.A), a degree designed for individuals aiming to work
as bureaucrats in the government jobs. Many colleges and universities also offer certificates
and diplomas in business administration or mgt., which typically require one to two years of
full-time study.
At the graduate level students aiming at careers as managers or executives may choose to
specialize in major subareas of mgt. or business administration such
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asentrepreneurship, human
resources, international
business, organizational
behavior, organizational
theory, strategic
mgt., accounting, corporate
entertainment, global mgt., healthcare mgt., investment mgt., sustainability and real estate.
A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most popular professional master's degree
and can be obtained from many universities in the United States. MBAs provide further
education in mgt. and leadership for graduate students. Other master's degrees in business and
mgt. include the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in business administration or mgt., which is
typically taken by students aiming to become researchers or professors. There are also
specialized master's degrees in administration for individuals aiming at careers outside of
business, such as the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree (also offered as a Master
of Arts in Public Administration in some universities), for students aiming to become
managers or executives in the public service and the Master of Health Administration, for
students aiming to become managers or executives in the health care and hospital sector.
Mgt. doctorates are the most advanced terminal degrees in the field of business and mgt..
Most individuals obtaining mgt. doctorates take the programs to obtain the training in
research methods, statistical analysis and writing academic papers that they will need to seek
careers as researchers, senior consultants and/or professors in business administration or mgt..
There are two main types of mgt. doctorates: the Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
and the PhD in business administration or mgt.. In the 2010s, doctorates in business
administration and mgt. are available with many specializations.
Good practices[edit]
While mgt. trends can change rapidly, the long term trend in mgt. has been defined by a
market embracing diversity and a rising service industry. Managers are currently being trained
to encourage greater equality for minorities and women in the workplace, by offering
increased flexibility in working hours, better retraining, and innovative (and usually industryspecific) performance markers. Managers destined for the service sector are being trained to
use unique measurement techniques, better worker support and more charismatic leadership
styles.[27] Human resources finds itself increasingly working with mgt. in a training capacity to
help collect mgt. data on the success (or failure) of mgt. actions with employees.[28]
See also[edit]
Main article: Outline of business mgt.

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Academy of Mgt. Journal

Anthony triangle

Human relations movement

Indian Ethos in Mgt.

Page 28


Industrial and organizational psychology

Leadership (journal)

Mgt. styles

Project mgt.

Technology mgt.

Team effectiveness

Total quality mgt.


253. Jump
254. Jump
255. Jump up^ SS Gulshan. Mgt. Principles and Practices
by Lallan Prasad and SS Gulshan. Excel Books India.
pp. 6. ISBN 978-93-5062-099-1.
256. Jump up^ Deslandes G., (2014), Mgt. in Xenophon's
Philosophy : a Retrospective Analysis, 38th Annual
Research Conference, Philosophy of Mgt., 2014, July 14
16, Chicago, USA
257. Jump up^ Prabbal Frank attempts to make a subtle
distinction between mgt. and manipulation: Frank,
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Prabbal (2006). People Manipulation: A Positive

Approach (2 ed.). New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
pp. 37. ISBN 9788120743526.
Retrieved 2015-09-05. There is a difference between mgt.
and manipulation. The difference is thin [...] If mgt. is
handling, then manipulation is skilful handling. In short,
manipulation is skilful mgt.. [...] Manipulation is in
essence leveraged mgt.. [...] It is an alive thing while mgt.
is a dead concept. It requires a proactive approach rather
than a reactive approach. [...] People cannot be managed.
258. Jump up^ Administration industrielle et gnrale prvoyance organization - commandment, coordination
contrle, Paris : Dunod, 1966
259. Jump up^ Jones, Norman L. (2013). "Chapter Two: Of
Poetry and Politics: The Managerial Culture of SixteenthCentury England". In Kaufman, Peter Iver. Leadership
and Elizabethan Culture. Jepson Studies in Leadership.
p. 18. ISBN 9781137340290.
Retrieved 2015-08-29. Mary Parker Follett, the 'prophet
of mgt.' reputedly defined mgt. as the 'art of getting things
done through people.' [...] Whether or not she said it,
Follett describes the attributes of dynamic mgt. as being
coactive rather than coercive.
260. Jump up^ Vocational Business: Training, Developing
and Motivating People by Richard Barrett - Business &
Economics - 2003. - Page 51.
261. Jump up^ Compare: Holmes, Leonard (2012). The
Dominance of Mgt.: A Participatory Critique. Voices in
p. 20. ISBN 9781409488668.
Retrieved 2015-0829. Lupton's (1983: 17) notion that mgt. is 'what
managers do during their working hours', if valid, could
only apply to descriptive conceptualizations of mgt.,
where 'mgt.' is effectively synonymous with 'managing',
and where 'managing' refers to an activity, or set of
activities carried out by managers.

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262. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "mgt.". Online Etymology

Dictionary. Retrieved 2015-08-29. - "Meaning 'governing
body' (originally of a theater) is from 1739."
263. Jump up^ See for examples Melling, Joseph;
McKinlay, Alan, eds. (1996). Mgt., Labour, and Industrial
Politics in Modern Europe: The Quest for Productivity
Growth During the Twentieth Century. Edward
Elgar. ISBN 9781858980164. Retrieved 2015-08-29.
264. Jump up^ Giddens, Anthony (1981). A Contemporary
Critique of Historical Materialism. Social and Politic
Theory from Polity Press. 1. University of California
Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780520044906. Retrieved 2013-1229. In the army barracks, and in the mass co-ordination of
men on the battlefield (epitomised by the military
innovations of Prince Maurice of Orange and Nassau in
the sixteenth century) are to be found the prototype of the
regimentation of the factory - as both Marx and Weber
265. ^ Jump up to:a b Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin;
Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People, Performance,
Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGrawHill. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
266. Jump up^ Creel, 1974 p.4-5 Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese
Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C.
267. Jump up^ Griffin, Ricky W. CUSTOM Mgt.: Principles
and Practices, International Edition, 11th Edition. Cengage
Learning UK, 08/2014
268. ^ Jump up to:a b c Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B.
Balkin; Robert L. Cardy (2008). Mgt.: People,
Performance, Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York
USA: McGraw-Hill. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-07-302743-2.
269. Jump up^ Khurana, Rakesh (2010) [2007]. From
Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation
of American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise
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of Mgt. as a Profession. Princeton University Press.

p. 3. ISBN 9781400830862. Retrieved 2013-08-24. When
salaried managers first appeared in the large
corporations of the late nineteenth century, it was not
obvious who they were, what they did, or why they should
be entrusted with the task of running corporations.
270. Jump
271. Jump up^ Legge, David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth,
Anne (2006). "Learning mgt. (and managing your own
learning)". In Harris, Mary G. Managing Health
Services: Concepts and Practice. Marrickville, NSW:
p. 13. ISBN 9780729537599.
Retrieved 2014-07-11. The manager as bureaucrat is the
guardian of roles, rules and relationships; his or her style
of mgt. relies heavily on working according to the book. In
the Weberian tradition managers are necessary to
coordinate the different roles that contribute to the
production process and to mediate communication from
head office to the shop floor and back. This style of mgt.
assumes a world view in which bureaucratic role is seen
as separate from, and taking precedence over, other
constructions of self (including the obligations of
citizenship), at least for the duration if the working day.
272. Jump up^ Craig, S. (2009, January 29). Merrill Bonus
Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal. [1]
273. Jump up^ Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries The Dark Side
of Leadership - Business Strategy Review 14(3), Autumn
Page 26 (2003).
274. Jump up^ Board of Directors: Duties & Liabilities.
Stanford Graduate School of Business.
275. Jump up^ DeMars L. (2006). Heavy Vetting: Boards of
directors now want to talk to would-be CFOs and vice
versa. CFO Magazine.
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276. Jump up^ 2013 CEO Performance Evaluation Survey.

Stanford Graduate School of Business.
277. Jump up^ Kleiman, Lawrence S. " MGT. AND
Business:Encyclopedia of Business(2010): n. pag. Web. 25
Mar 2011. [2].
278. Jump up^
279. Jump up^ "Four Ways to Be A Better Boss". Randstad
USA. Randstad USA. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
280. Jump up^ "The Role of HR in Uncertain
Times" (PDF). Economist Intelligence Unit. Economist
Intelligence Unit. Retrieved 18 January 2015.
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