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Top 10 inventions that changed our lives

We have experienced various technological inventions over the

years. While every invention has it own importance some of these
inventions have revolutionized our lives. Check out this list devoted
for betterment of your life.

10. Internet:
Whenever we think about the internet, we start feeling the joy of
our everyday life, how we stay in touch, share information,
complete tasks, and even make money. The popularity and
accessibility of the Internet has been the driving force behind the
process of how we communicate and adopts new ways to improve

9. Atom Bomb:
As soon as we recognize the long-term nature of nuclear power, we
can predict that this invention has both good and bad affects. The
bad side of it is that it damages our environment and atmosphere
and what is worse, its too destructive. But this ensures peace
between the super powers because they know that even a war with
conventional weapons could swiftly escalate into nuclear

8. Transistor:
Apparently, one of the greatest invention of 20th century. Heck,
without the transistor, what would the digital economy look like?
Would Microsoft Corp. and Google Inc. have become giants? Without
the transistor, some say our servers would be three stories high,
and laptops would be a prop on Star Trek. Our televisions would still
use vacuum tubes.

7. Wireless Telegraphy:
This up and coming method of communication has literally changed
the way we live. Many of us cannot imagine a day without using a
wireless device. In fact, we use them so much, that we barely
recognize them as wireless anymore. After all, who would think that
you could contact a person from across the globe while sitting in a
cafe across town, with no cost to either of you.

6. Flying Machine:

The invention of the flying machine changed the way we travel and
also made traveling very comfortable. Flying machines gave us the
opportunity to explore different parts of the world. Tackling
emergency situations like floods became much more easier. The
birth of the jet age in the 1950s, mans first steps on the moon,
even Richard Bransons just-announced commercial space tourist
plan, all have their salient contribution in touching sky.

5. Light bulb:
The light bulb, in particular, deeply changed human existence by
illuminating the night and making it friendly to a wide range of
human activity. The electric light, one of the everyday conveniences
that most affects our lives evolved as an opportunity to engage in
business and social activities at night. People became more
productive and the economy flourished with the extra business

4. Habers process for production of ammonia:

One the most important technological invention of this century, the
Haber-Bosch process enables the economical mass synthesis of
ammonia (NH3) from nitrogen and hydrogen. Today, the Haber-

Bosch process is used to produce more than 500 million tons (453
billion kilograms) of artificial fertilizer per year; roughly 1% of the
worlds energy is used for it, and it sustains about 40% of our
planetary population.

3. Steam Engine:
In the never-ending search for energy sources, the invention of the
steam engine changed the face of the earth. The steam engine can
easily be considered as one of the most important invention of the
entire industrial revolution. There is not one part of industry present
in todays society that can be examined without coming across some
type of reference or dependence upon the steam engine.

2. Gregorian Calendar:
The Gregorian calendar is a blessing in humans life. Invented in
1582, the system adopted a leap year cycle different than the one
employed by the Julian calendar. The new calendar was considered
an improvement on the earlier Julian model. In the Gregorian
calendar, four years make up a cycle, with an extra or leap day
added to the fourth year to keep the dates and months
synchronized with the solar cycle.

1. Wheel:
Well, this one is the oldest and most remarkable invention of man.
Without the wheel, the world simply wouldnt exist as we know it.
The invention of the wheel was at the root of the Industrial
Revolution, although it would take a long time to get there. This
invention helped in the progress of the worlds economy, industry,
and technology.

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