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Marketing and Communication Plan..
Operating Budget
Estimated Operating Budget Worksheet...
Risk and Opportunities
SWOT Analysis
Financial Records and Reports..
Officials and Members Performance Evaluation...

Risks and Opportunities

SWOT Analysis
(List here anything you can think of that
makes your organization amazing! What can
you rely on to deliver your services?)
The majority of the member of the
organization are positive in any
The members are working and
managing the organization in an
efficient manner.

(What isnt quite the way it should be yet?
What is missing?)
Not all of the members are working as
what the plan of the organization.
Negative emotion of other members
are carrying them that make the result

(List here any potential opportunities to really
push your organization forward that you have
not yet taken advantage of.)
There are several events that might be
the perfect time for the organization to
boost the organizational goal.
Numerous population that are possible
prospect for the organizational goal to
raise fund.

(List here anything that might get in your way
of achieving your goals such as funding you
arent sure of yet, relationships that might
break down, etc.)
Adults dont like much the product of
the organization.
Inactive of other members.

Officials and Members Performance Evaluation

The purpose of evaluation form is to conduct a formal review of the officials and members job performance and accomplishments, as
well as the working relationship between the employee and president of the organization.

Supervised by: _________________________________________________

Date of Performance Evaluation: ___________________________________
Performance Evaluation Period: ____________________________________


1. Exceeds Expectations - This rating requires an official and a member to have clearly and demonstrably exceeded most if not
all expectations for the position as defined in the job description, any goals, and any other guidance provided to the official or
member during the operational period. Officials and members have not fully addressed previously-communicated performance
concerns or issues should not expect to receive this rating. This rating is reserved for truly exceptional performance and will
not be graded on a curve. Most officials and members should not expect to receive this rating, but all should strive for it.
2. Meets Expectations This rating will be assigned to officials and members who have met most or all performance
expectations for the position as defined in the job description, any goals, and any other guidance provided to the official or
member during the operational period. This rating will be indicative of solid performance sufficient to maintain employment at
and to enjoy a successful career with the organization. Officials and members who receive this rating should be proud of their
performance and will be provided with clear guidance on what additional performance factors would have contributed to
receiving an Exceeds Expectations rating.
3. Needs Improvement This rating will be assigned to officials or members who have not met many of the performance
expectations for the position as defined in the job description, any goals, and other guidance provided to the official or member
during the operational period. This rating will indicative of poor performance that puts the officials or members continued
employment with the organization at risk.

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