Carbohydrates in Nutrition

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Are Carbohydrates Misunderstood?

Carbohydrates in
Vegetarian Food Instructors Course!
NAD Health Summit!
Orlando, FL!
January 30 - February 3, 2012

2003- World caught up with a
Carbohydrate phobia. It seemed
like all carbohydrates were bad.!
What is the problem?

Where do Carbohydrates Come From?

Carbohydrates are made in
the photosynthesis process."

The most simple

carbohydrate (sugar) is
glucose !
Main energy source of the

Glucose Molecule

Glucose is a simple sugar

or monosaccharide.!
We can think of glucose as
a simple building block and
source of energy.


Another disaccharide
Galactose ( milk sugar)

Double Sugars
Sucrose = fructose +
Maltose = glucose +
Lactose = galactose +

Other disaccharides

Sucrose Molecule


Polysaccharides: Complex sugars like:


Starch - Energy Storing !


!(< 1300 glucose molecules from plants)!

Glycogen Energy Storing!


!(Glucose storage in animals) !


Dietary Fiber
1. Insoluble!
Complex structure of glucose molecules constructed
in such a way as digestive enzymes cannot break
then down.!

3 glucose molecules

2. Soluble!
Starch that retard starch digestion, stabilizing
release of glucose in the blood stream.!

3. Resistant Starch!
Starch that escapes digestion in the small intestine
of healthy individuals

Why Use Complex Carbohydrates?

Why Use Complex Carbohydrates?

1. Sucrose alone is too concentrated.!
2. Vitamins and minerals are used in
metabolism of carbohydrates; refined
sugars have no vitamins and mineralscould result in depletion of nutrient stores in
the body

3. Fiber (complex carbohydrate) slows the

digestion of glucose.!
4. Complex carbohydrates slow digestion
resulting in better blood sugar control.!
5. Greater satiety

Dietary Guidelines Regarding

1. Choose fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and whole
grains often (consistently?)!
2. Choose and prepare foods and beverages with little
added sugar or caloric sweeteners.!
3. Reduce the incidence of dental caries by practicing
good oral hygiene and consuming sugar and starchcontaining foods less frequently. !

How Much Fiber Do I Need?

Recommendation: 14 grams (0.5 ounces) of dietary fiber
per 1000 calories.
Dietary Guidelines 2005!

!Others recommend 25 to 40 grams total dietary fiber per

day. !


Choose complex carbohydrates for their
health benefits.!
Know various names for sugar (evaporated
cane juice)!
Plan menus to include dietary fiber on a
daily basis. (What foods are high in fiber?)

Questions and

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